What to do if uterine fibroids grow. Treatment of large uterine fibroids

July 31, 2018 2716 0

Uterine fibroids - the reaction of a woman's body to the impact of damaging factors, which is manifested by the rapid growth of cells of the muscle layer of the female reproductive organ. In most cases, doctors detect a mass formation in the wall of the uterus during ultrasound examination when a patient presents with symptoms gynecological diseases. The diagnosis of "uterine fibroids" leads women into a state of stress. They have heard that with the rapid growth of fibroids, doctors remove the uterus.

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If you are faced with the problem of uterine fibroids, do not be too worried. Please contact us and arrange treatment in the best. Online expert advice. Our doctors, with the rapid growth of fibroids, offer patients innovative method treatment of fibroids, which allows you to save the uterus and get rid of the symptoms of the disease - embolization of the uterine arteries.

Reasons for the rapid growth of uterine fibroids

Most gynecologists believe that the rapid growth of uterine fibroids begins with a violation of hormonal balance. For this reason, the neoplasm is formed mainly in women. reproductive age. The tumor undergoes regression with a significant decrease in the level of estrogens in the menopause.

According to modern views origin of fibroids, the beginnings of myomatous nodes are laid or in the period prenatal development female fetus, or under the influence of traumatic factors. During menstruation, myometrial cells undergo changes that lead to the formation of fibroids. Uterine fibroids develop from a single clone of a cluster of cells. It is sensitive to the action of hormones. The neoplasm consists mainly of altered outwardly smooth muscle cells.

The formation of myoma nodes and the rapid growth of fibroids occurs under the influence of the following factors:

  • early onset of sexual activity by girls;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted;
  • malnutrition;
  • excess body weight;
  • disharmony of intimate relationships.

The risk of getting uterine fibroids increases in women who suffer from arterial diabetes, arterial hypertension, mental imbalance.

With the rapid growth of fibroids, the potential for malignancy is the same as that of the normal muscular layer of the uterus. This has been proven by numerous studies. The gynecologists of our clinics have abandoned the overstated attitude to oncological alertness in relation to uterine fibroids that has existed for many years. With the rapid growth of fibroids, the doctor excludes the presence of a malignant tumor using modern methods diagnosis and perform uterine artery embolization.

Symptoms of uterine fibroids

Depending on the location of the myoma nodes, gynecologists distinguish the following types of uterine fibroids:

  • subserous fibroids grow from the outer muscular layer of the uterus towards the abdominal cavity;
  • submucosal nodes are located under the mucous membrane of the uterus, with the rapid growth of fibroids, they increase towards the cavity of the organ, deform it;
  • interstitial or interligamentous formation develops from the middle muscular layer of the uterus, increasing its size.

Small myoma nodes long time do not show themselves clinical symptoms. With the rapid growth of uterine fibroids in women, the menstrual cycle, menstruation becomes abundant and prolonged, uterine bleeding occurs in the middle of the cycle. If the fibroid is accompanied by a large blood loss, the patient develops Iron-deficiency anemia. There is shortness of breath, weakness, the pulse quickens, the rhythm of cardiac activity is disturbed. The skin becomes dry and pale, the nails brittle.

With the rapid growth of submucosal fibroids, the formation large sizes deforms the uterine cavity. This leads to infertility or miscarriage. If a subserous node pressing on the rectum or bladder, the act of defecation or urination is disturbed. With the rapid growth of subserous fibroids, the volume of the abdomen increases. After uterine artery embolization performed in our fibroids clinics, all symptoms of the disease disappear.

Diagnosis of rapidly growing fibroids

In the early stages of fibroid formation, clinical diagnostics not always possible. In order to establish a diagnosis for initial stage diseases, when the treatment is most effective, the gynecologists of the clinics with which we cooperate conduct a bimanual manual examination during the gynecological examination. The rapid growth of fibroids is determined using endoscopic, ultrasound, x-ray examination. The following endoscopic diagnostic procedures are used:

  • hysteroscopy;
  • cervicoscopy;
  • colposcopy;
  • culdoscopy;
  • laparoscopy.

In order to effectively detect the rapid growth of fibroids, a vaginal probe is used during ultrasound. At the same time assess the condition of the endometrium and ovaries. With the rapid growth of fibroids, differential diagnosis formations with tumors of the uterine appendages, produce material for histological and cytological examination.

If there are signs of fibroids, the following algorithm for examining patients is used:

  • allocate risk groups for the development of fibroids;
  • carry out early diagnosis according to ultrasound;
  • determine pathogenetic factors rapid growth fibroids based on detection of infections urinary tract, oncocytological studies, assessment of the neuroendocrine-metabolic status and the state of the immune system;
  • determine the level of tumor markers.

With the aim of early detection fast-growing fibroids, women under 30 years of age at risk and all patients over 30 years of age undergo an ultrasound scan once a year.

Fibroids treatment

With the rapid growth of fibroids, most gynecologists prefer to remove the uterus. The doctors of the clinics with which we cooperate have radically revised the tactics of managing patients with rapidly growing fibroids. If a fibroid is not a tumor, then there is no need to remove the woman's reproductive organ. It is enough to influence the cause of the disease, deprive the nodes of oxygen supply and nutrients, and the growth of education will stop. This occurs after uterine artery embolization. The procedure is performed by the endovascular surgeons of our fibroids clinics.

If the myomatous node is small, gynecologists actively observe the patient:

  • Regularly conduct a gynecological examination;
  • Do the necessary tests;
  • Spend ultrasound procedure using a vaginal probe.

In the case when the fibroid nodes do not grow rapidly, the patient's menstrual cycle does not change, reproductive function and intimate life, she is prescribed monophasic hormonal drugs. The gynecologists of our clinics consider this practice to be vicious and perform uterine artery embolization in the presence of nodes, regardless of their size.

With the rapid growth of fibroids, they decide on further method treatment: conservative, surgical or combined. Conservative therapy is aimed at reducing the size of the nodes. Its gynecologists use it in the case when the size of the fibroids does not exceed 12 weeks of pregnancy, there are subserous or interstitial formations, there is no bleeding, pain, and or there are contraindications for performing surgery.

Combined hormonal contraceptives (Logest, Novinet, Ovidon, Mercilon) effectively eliminate the cause of the disease. Gynecologists prescribe them when the size of myoma nodes is not more than 1.5 cm. This group of medicines includes:

With prolonged use of oral combined contraceptives patients experience malaise and general weakness, the menstrual cycle changes and body weight increases. Hormonal drugs prevent conception even several months after the end of the course of treatment. After uterine artery embolization, gynecologists of our clinics do not observe such side effects. Due to the cessation of blood flow through the vessels that feed the myomatous node, the blood supply to only the fibroids is disturbed. Pathologically unchanged uterine tissue receives enough nutrients and oxygen. After embolization of the uterine arteries in patients, the menstrual cycle is restored, reproductive function resumes.

For the reason that the formation and growth of fibroids, according to many gynecologists, occurs in the pathology of the pituitary gland, to restore its function and reduce myomatous formations, patients are prescribed gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists; Zoladex, Decapeptyl, Buserelin. These drugs cause abdominal pain, decreased sex drive, and impaired menstrual function, emotional lability. They are not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. In the presence of two or more nodes, the effectiveness of drugs is reduced. After embolization of the uterine arteries, all nodes with the rapid growth of fibroids undergo reverse development.

If there is no effect from other drugs, gynecologists resort to the treatment of uterine fibroids with antigonadotropin drugs. They reduce the severity of the symptoms of the disease, but do not affect the size of the fibroids. For this reason, with the rapid growth of fibroids, these drugs are not effective. Embolization of the uterine arteries helps stop the growth of the neoplasm and prevents the formation of new nodes.

Many gynecologists use a fairly effective and safe method of treating rapidly growing uterine fibroids - FUS - ablation. During the procedure, the doctor is under control computed tomography sends ultrasonic beams to the lesions. Under their influence, the tissues of the node are evaporated, the fibroids are reduced in size. This procedure allows you to remove only visible tumors. Over time, new myomatous nodes can form from the rudiments.

If the rapid growth of fibroids begins, most gynecologists suggest that women perform surgical intervention:

  • Myomectomy - removal of nodes by laparoscopic or laparotomy access;
  • Hysteroresectoscopy - removal of subserous fibroids using an endoscopic device through the vagina;
  • Hysterectomy - surgical removal organ.

After myomectomy and hysteroresectoscopy, the risk of rapid growth of fibroids remains in 30% of cases. Removal of the uterus deprives the patient of the opportunity to give birth to children and makes the woman disabled. Doctors of our clinics are of the opinion that the only surgical intervention that affects the mechanism of formation of myomatous nodes is uterine artery embolization. Gynecologists recommend performing the procedure with the rapid growth of fibroids.

After insertion into the arteries of the uterus through a catheter placed under local anesthesia into the femoral artery, the Ebol drug stops blood flow through the arteries that feed the fibroids. The rapid growth of fibroids stops, the nodes decrease in size, undergo reverse development and disappear. New myomatous neoplasms in the uterus are not formed. Thanks to this procedure, the woman retains childbearing function, her quality of intimate life improves.

If there are signs of rapid growth of fibroids, please contact us. In the clinics with which we cooperate, they work qualified specialists. Experienced gynecologists examine the patient, establish indications and contraindications for uterine artery embolization. The procedure is performed by endovascular surgeons. After it, the patients are under the supervision of doctors for no more than one day. After some time, they completely forget about the presence of fibroids.

Our expert - gynecologist-endocrinologist, surgeon-endoscopist of the CELT clinic, candidate of medical sciences Larisa Ulyatovskaya.

Two important information

Myoma is benign tumor in the muscular layer of the uterus, a ball of fibers in the form of a knot. It may be located on outer surface uterus, grow and put pressure on the surrounding organs - the bladder, rectum ... Or it can be inside the uterus or grow in its wall.

For ladies who have been diagnosed with such a diagnosis, we will immediately say two important things. Let's start with the good: fibroids do not develop into malignant tumor. And now the bad one - if one node appears, wait for the second and third ... No wonder doctors call myoma a multiple tumor.

Myoma has rejuvenated. It was once considered a disease mature women, now doctors are increasingly discovering large nodes even in 20-year-old virgins.

Unexpected guest

The disease often occurs without symptoms. Myoma is discovered by a doctor when a woman comes to see him. But the problem is that we criminally rarely go to the doctor if nothing hurts us. Once every 5-7 years. And then it turns out that our fibroids are already of such a size that we need to do something right now. And this is in Moscow, where medical institutions, one might say, on every corner.

Sometimes the disease manifests itself as painful, profuse, with clots, menstruation on the first or second day of menstruation. Ask yourself: Are periods interfering with your plans? Do you try to guess the dates of your vacation or business trip, important meetings so they don't match yours. critical days? If yes, the intensity of your periods may be a symptom of fibroids. Any changes in the timing of menstruation, its abundance should alert you and force you to go to the doctor.

It is also worth doing a blood test for hemoglobin levels. Even if you only have one day heavy bleeding during menstruation, after five to six months, changes in the blood will be visible.

Change your lifestyle

In what? The longer doctors look for an answer to this question, the more difficult it is for them to answer it. It is assumed that the myoma responds to excess amount female sex hormones - estrogens, relative to another sex hormone - progesterone. She only appears in reproductive period when the ovaries produce estrogen. While the ovaries are functioning, the fibroid does nothing else as soon as it grows. AT best case- resides in stable condition. In postmenopause, fibroids no longer occur, and those small nodes that a woman has by this time begin to decrease in size.

But why did fibroids begin to occur more often? Obviously, this is due to our lifestyle - with a high pace, heavy loads. The body, as it were, warns that it cannot cope, and therefore gets sick. Proof of the correctness of this view are examples when women had their uterus removed because of large nodes, they did not change their lifestyle after the operation, and fibromas subsequently appeared in their mammary glands.

Fibroids can occur after stress. Doctors say that if you have experienced unpleasant changes in your life - you divorced your husband, lost your job, quarrel with a child who has entered a difficult age - go to the gynecologist in a month or two. Alas, at this time you will definitely have something aggravated or appear.

The heat and smog of this summer also brought us unpleasant surprises. Gynecologists have recorded cases of ultra-rapid growth of fibroids in one month.

There is also a theory that fibroids are the consequences of dissatisfaction with personal life. They arise in unhappy women.

How to find out?

The main method for diagnosing fibroids is ultrasound, the study is safe and painless. Although the doctor can detect large nodes with his hands. Ultrasound will allow you to find out the cause of bleeding: in fact, it is caused by fibroids or it is in the endometrium - the lining of the uterus. Ultrasound will show the nature of the location of the nodes - they are located outside the uterus, in its walls or inside the reproductive organ.

Nodes can be different sizes- from a few millimeters in diameter to giant tumors of several kilograms. Our expert Larisa Nikolaevna Ulyatovskaya had to remove fibroids weighing up to 8 kg! Usually, the less often a woman goes to the gynecologist, the larger fibroids she finds.

Without make-up

What treatments can your doctor suggest? It depends on your age, the size and location of the knots. If you came to the doctor in the initial stage of the disease, the node is small, does not bleed, the doctor will offer to observe its development, do an ultrasound every six months. But a knot larger than 5 cm already requires surgical intervention.

For a young woman who wants to have another baby, but is burdened with large knots, doctors will try to save the uterus. The node will be removed either openly or endoscopically. But we must understand that this is not a deliverance from the diagnosis of "myoma", but from a specific node. After a certain period of time after the operation, a woman needs to become pregnant and give birth, otherwise the nodes will begin to grow again.

If the size of the node is so large that the uterus looks like a pregnancy of 20 weeks or more, if the tumor has deformed the organ, it will have to be removed along with the uterus. Removal of the uterus is not a tragedy! The uterus is just a container for the fetus, its hormonal function is negligible. If the ovaries are preserved, and only the uterus is removed, this does not interfere with sexual life, does not change female status does not make a woman unwoman. Doctors believe that the more often they explain this to us, the more often we will take right decisions, when we are talking about such transactions.

A new method for removing nodes is uterine artery embolization. The nodes are excluded from the bloodstream, neither hormones nor nutrition are supplied to them, and they gradually decrease. This method gives very good result in properly selected patients. It turns knots of 3-5 cm in size into eight-millimeter ones. But if the knot is 15 cm, of course, you cannot make it eight-millimeter.

For ladies aged 45-50 years, even large nodes - 10 cm - can be treated (reduce size and stop bleeding) using embolization. After two or three years, they have a natural shutdown of the ovaries, and without replenishment of hormones, the fibroids shrink. Now you don't have to think about it.

Hormones and herbs

Is there any benefit from conservative treatment or can fibroids be dealt with only by surgical methods?

Some Doctors Try to Treat Small Nodules hormonal contraceptives. But this method of treatment has so many exceptions that it must be approached with caution. There are frequent cases when fibroids on these drugs, on the contrary, increase.

They offer to treat fibroids with dietary supplements, diets, vitamins, herbs ... Maybe in some cases this gives a result if vitamins and diets are part of a lifestyle change.

Some positive effect and in homeopathic treatment. Bleeding may stop, the knot may stabilize, however, it still will not disappear.

How used to be a woman consults a doctor, the smaller her knot, the more she has the opportunity to choose, together with the doctor, a sparing, organ-preserving treatment. That's why you need to go to gynecologists every year, even if nothing bothers you and it doesn't hurt anywhere.

Uterine fibroids are tumors that develop from connective tissue and muscle fibers of the uterus. Another name for this disease is fibroma.

It is an elastic rather large seal. The shape of fibroids is usually spherical. According to the results contemporary research, the appearance of fibroids is due to the state of the hormonal and immune system of a woman. Myoma (fibroma) is a benign tumor, it does not contain cancer cells and successfully treated. As a rule, with appropriate treatment, fibroids do not lead to any negative consequences.

Fibroids can vary in size, ranging from a very small lump, which is only visible on a uterine x-ray, to a one-pound tumor that is easily palpable during examination. Myomas can form in different places uterus. They also develop differently. Depending on location, allocate Three types of fibroids are submucosal, interstitial, and subserous fibroids.
With submucous fibroma (myoma) of the uterus, the tumor appears in the uterus under the mucous membrane towards the uterine cavity.
Interstitial fibroids or intermuscular fibroids is a seal in the wall of the uterus. If the fibroid is small, the woman usually does not feel it, but as the fibroid grows, the uterine cavity may be deformed. The tumor can press on the fallopian tube, compressing it and causing pain.
Subserous myoma develops on the surface of the uterus, in the abdominal cavity, it may have a long stem or wide base.

Very often, fibroids are multiple. Their development is very slow. According to unknown modern medical science For some reason, one of the muscle cells begins the process of division, as a result of which tumor muscle cells are created, which form a knot in the uterus - myoma.

Uterine fibroids are hormone-dependent tumors. It means that the growth of fibroids is influenced by sex hormones (progesterone and estrogen). This explains the decrease in size or even the complete disappearance of uterine fibroids in a number of women after menopause, when the level of female sex hormones is significantly reduced. Most often, fibroids occur in women from 35 to 40 years old. In children and adolescents who have not entered puberty, fibroids never form.

Causes of uterine fibroids

Disturbances in the production of sex hormones caused by diseases of the ovaries
heavy physical labor, prolonged stress
Chronic infectious diseases, for example, chronic tonsillitis, chronic pyelonephritis, etc.
Diseases endocrine glands: adrenal, thyroid gland etc.
Obesity is a violation fat metabolism in a woman's body

Genetics is also a risk factor.

If a myoma (fibroma) has already formed, The following factors directly influence its further growth:
chronic inflammatory diseases female genital area (inflammation fallopian tubes and ovaries - salpingoophoritis, inflammation of the fallopian tubes - chronic salpingitis)
ovarian cysts
long-term use hormonal birth control pills(combined oral contraceptives)
prolonged exposure to sunlight
cases when by the age of 30 a woman did not give birth and did not breastfeed

Signs and symptoms of uterine fibroids

Every woman should keep in mind that when the disease is just beginning and it is very easy to cure it quickly, uterine fibroids almost do not manifest themselves. It is found only during periodic examination by a gynecologist. If the fibroid began to develop, the uterus becomes denser and enlarged.

Usually, fibroids begin to grow around the age of thirty, but their manifestations may be absent until for a long time. The signs and symptoms of fibroids vary depending on where the fibroids formed, the size of the tumor, and how fast it grows. The first manifestations of fibroids in most patients appear by the age of 35-40. This is due to a decrease in the level of sex hormones that are produced by the ovaries. There are the following main signs and symptoms of uterine fibroids:
menorrhagia - increased profusion and duration menstrual bleeding
metrorrhagia - uterine bleeding that occurs in the middle of the cycle
pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes radiating to the legs or lower back. The pain, as a rule, is weak, aching, although the appearance of severe acute pain is also possible. Pain can also occur during intercourse.
frequent urination occurs when the fibroid grows towards the bladder, squeezing it
constipation may indicate a node of uterine fibroids growing towards the rectum, it squeezes it and makes it difficult to defecate.
symptoms from other organs are also possible: headaches, pains in the region of the heart, a feeling of hot flashes, etc.
a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood caused by prolonged uterine bleeding (). Manifestations of anemia: frequent dizziness, constant headaches, pallor, weakness, etc.

Pregnancy and uterine fibroids

If the fibroid is small in size, it usually does not interfere with getting pregnant and bearing a child. When a fibroid has formed in the area of ​​​​the cervix or the area of ​​\u200b\u200bopening the fallopian tubes, an obstacle arises on the way of the sperm to the egg. In this case, the woman cannot become pregnant. During pregnancy, uterine fibroids can also create difficulties. Submucosal (submucosal) uterine fibroids, growing into the lumen of the uterus and occupying space there, will impede the growth of the embryo. It is this type of uterine fibroids that often causes miscarriage on later dates pregnancy, after about 11 weeks. The presence of fibroids in the cervical area creates an obstacle to the movement of the fetus during childbirth and makes childbirth through natural birth canal impossible. In such cases, the woman is made C-section. Moreover, that special hormonal background, which is created in a woman's body during pregnancy, can contribute to the growth of the myomatous node. In such cases, the pregnant woman should be under the constant supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Diagnosis of uterine fibroids

When the disease has entered a certain stage, it is quite simple to identify fibroids, as a rule, this happens already with a simple gynecological examination: the uterus of a woman in such cases is enlarged and has a dense texture, tuberosity of its surface is often noted. In some cases, especially if the patient has complaints of heavy and prolonged menstruation, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound scan (ultrasound examination) to establish accurate diagnosis. Ultrasound also reveals the location of myomatous nodes, their size and density.

Another technique (the most effective and modern for the diagnosis of uterine fibroids) is hysteroscopy. This is a surgical diagnostic method. His important feature lies in the fact that simultaneously with the detection of the disease, the myoma node of a certain localization is simultaneously eliminated.

Also, among the methods for diagnosing fibroids (fibromas) of the uterus, salpingography, probing of the uterus should be noted, there are other methods. However, their use was popular several years ago, until the emergence of new, more effective and safe methods did not make their use much rarer.

Treatment of uterine fibroids

The nature of the treatment of uterine fibroids (fibroids) is influenced by various factors, such as: the size of the fibroids, the severity of the symptoms, the age of the woman, her desire to become pregnant in the future. The two main treatments for uterine fibroids are conservative treatment, in which they use hormonal agents, and surgical intervention (operation).

Therapeutic method The treatment of uterine fibroids is based on taking medications that inhibit the growth and development of myomatous nodes. The main direction of therapeutic action is the reception hormonal drugs that slow down tumor growth. Usually progesterone derivatives are used for these purposes. AT modern medicine As a rule, long-acting GnRH agonists are used. The use of drugs containing these substances can reduce the size of the tumor by 55%. Young women are not recommended to conduct long-term therapy with GnRH agonists, as with long-term use containing them, there is a possibility of developing osteoporosis. But, despite the effective slowdown in the growth of fibroids and even a decrease in its size as a result of the use medical methods, they are not yet able to eliminate the tumor completely. However, therapies are able to inhibit the growth of myomatous nodes and maintain them in a state that does not cause pain before menopause, during which the tumor usually resolves on its own. It is for this reason that the therapeutic method of treating uterine fibroids is recommended for women who have reached older reproductive and postmenopausal age. In the treatment of younger patients, this method is used much less often and only in cases where there are any contraindications for surgical intervention to remove myomatous nodes or it needs to be delayed.

Use surgical methods treatment of uterine fibroids is not always required. The need for surgery depends on the woman's age, the size of the fibroid, the time that has passed since it appeared, and the symptoms of the disease, if any. We list the main indications for an operation to remove myomatous nodes:
myomatous nodes have reached a large size (with a gestation period of more than 12 weeks)
myoma quickly increased in size for a short time
the course of the disease is accompanied by pain syndrome, which threatens a woman in the future with loss of ability to work
uterine fibroids are accompanied by an ovarian tumor or endometriosis. With this combination of diseases, one of them creates favorable conditions for the progression of the other, for example, success in the treatment of endometriosis can only be achieved if preliminary removal fibroids
necrosis of the myomatous node, caused by a violation of its nutrition. In this state, there is characteristic symptom, as soreness of the uterus on palpation, are present and general symptoms: feeling general weakness, fatigue, fever, sharp pains that can force the patient to comply bed rest
pressure of fibroids on the rectum or bladder, leading to the appearance of functional disorders in a woman's body
the presence of a submucosal node, which in itself serves serious reason for surgical intervention without previous attempts at the treatment of uterine fibroids therapeutic method
transformation of a tumor into a malignant
combination of a true ovarian tumor with myoma

With myoma, several types of operations can be used:
Laparoscopic myomectomy - uterine fibroids are removed using a laparoscope (a special instrument that is inserted into abdominal cavity through small incisions in the anterior abdominal wall). The method has advantages - the uterus is preserved, the woman can become pregnant and bear a child in the future, after the operation it is not required long recovery. However, there are also disadvantages: after the operation, there is a possibility that myomatous nodes will reappear, the scars formed after the removal of fibroids necessitate especially close attention to the woman during a subsequent pregnancy.

Laparotomy myomectomy - fibroids are removed from the uterus through an incision in the anterior abdominal wall. Laparotomy myomectomy is rarely used, since after its implementation a long recovery of the patient is required.

Hysteroscopic myomectomy - fibroids are removed through the vagina using a hysteroscope instrument. This type of surgical intervention is indicated for submucosal uterine myoma, that is, fibroids growing in the lumen of the uterine cavity).

Hysterectomy implies complete removal uterus. Such operations are performed for those women who do not want to have children in the future, and when the fibroid has reached a large size, or is growing rapidly, or there are several large myomatous nodes.

Embolization uterine artery- is the introduction of a special substance into the uterine artery. The drug interrupts blood flow to the fibroid, stopping its nutrition. This leads to the death of the fibroids. Among the disadvantages of this technique is the possibility of complications infectious nature, severe pain in the first few days after uterine artery embolization.

FUS ablation (FUS ablation) of uterine fibroids is a relatively new method treatment based on the use of ultrasound waves focused on the myomatous node. The method helps to reduce the size of the tumor without surgery. But FUS-ablation has contraindications. It is not used when a woman plans to become pregnant in the future and if there are more than five malignant nodes in the uterus.

Fibroids can be diagnosed during a routine gynecological examination, but ultrasound helps to most accurately confirm its presence, size and location. If she doesn't show herself, then this moment treatment as such is not required. In order not to provoke the growth of fibroids, experts recommend limiting the intake of carbohydrates. If possible, animal fats should be replaced with vegetable ones. Try your diet fruit and berry juices. Twice a year, undergo gynecological and ultrasound examinations.

If you notice that menstruation has become more painful, bleeding has increased, strong pain in the lower abdomen, urination has become more frequent - it is worth alerting. Perhaps the fibroid began to grow. Contact your gynecologist immediately, who will full examination and according to the results of tests and ultrasound will prescribe a course of treatment.

In most cases, physicians prescribe conservative therapy but sometimes surgery is required. Non-surgical is designed to or at least slow down the growth of fibroids. For this purpose, specialists prescribe products containing progesterone. As a supplement, iron-containing, folic and ascorbic acid, group B. Also, experts recommend using some methods of traditional medicine.

Anticancer drugs are used to treat fibroids. medicinal plants, which, in most cases, are able to destroy the tumor, regardless of its location. These include Baikal and Dzungarian wrestlers, speckled hemlock, white mistletoe, marsh cinquefoil, red fly agaric, and common. Tinctures are prepared from these plants and taken by drip according to a certain scheme. This should be done strictly following the instructions of the attending physician, because. these plants are poisonous (except cinquefoil).

Another type of antitumor plants used for fibroids is called mother liquors: upland uterus, common chandra, lemon balm, St. John's wort, cornflower, etc. They directly affect the tumor of the uterus, slowing down its growth and, in some cases, reducing it in size.

To stop or slow growth uterine tumor phytotherapy should be carried out in a complex manner. Along with taking herbal tinctures, experts recommend using local treatment: tampons, douching, poultices, etc. For example, a good antitumor effect is given by poultices on the lower abdomen with tincture of sweet clover or black root, as well as douching with a decoction of the root horse sorrel or a tenacious bedstraw.

If fibroids are found in a pregnant woman, doctors recommend carefully monitoring the level of hemoglobin, because. anemia can cause tumor growth. In cases where the growth of fibroids cannot be prevented, in order to slow it down, they are prescribed iron-containing preparations, vitamins A, E and group B. Preparations with progesterone, as well as folk remedies are assigned with great care. AT severe cases surgical intervention is used.

A benign tumor worries 30% of women aged 20-45 years. The tumor is called uterine fibroids and is located in the muscular layer of the uterus. The causes of the development of the disease are different character. A common pathogen is myomatous nodes.

The woman herself decides whether she needs treatment or not, but it is necessary to show the neoplasms to the doctor. Usually education does not acquire malignant appearance but do not rule out bad consequences.

Fibroids. Schematic photo

Smooth muscle cells, due to improper division, turn into a knot that forms on reproductive organ women. Nodal shape tumors are most common in female patients. The types and sizes of each patient appear individually. The disease is not limited to the presence of only one node.

Attention! The development of the disease is recorded by weeks of pregnancy.

Types of fibroids

There are three types of fibroids: interstitial, subserous, and submucosal. The names explain the location of the tumor. You can understand what kind of education worries a woman by the following criteria:

  • Interstitial or intramural. Nodules in the presence of this type of fibroids are formed deep in the muscle layer of the female organ.
  • An increase in the intramural node either increases externally or deepens inward. Signs appear individually, but important ones should be noted: sharp pains in the area of ​​the uterus, failure or absence of menstruation, development of anemia;
  • Submucosal. Fibroids are located under the mucosa inside the uterine compartment. Signs of pathology are characterized by high profusion of menstruation, uterine bleeding, severe pain and anemia. Blood discharge in abundant form pass systematically and lead to anemia. Because of this, the patient experiences headaches, drowsiness, impaired performance. Acute attacks pain observed throughout menstruation;
  • Subserous. The location of the fibroids is under the outer serous layer of the uterus. The leg on which the nodules “hang” can be thick and thin. The thin long leg of the knot is a dangerous disaster for the female organ, since the knot can twist freely. Twisting will lead to peritonitis. The wide leg has the ability to increase in size, which causes compression of adjacent organs.

Determination of centripetal growth of fibroids

A centripetally growing fibroid is defined as a tumor that grows on internal cavity female organ. The reproductive system completely loses its function. Pathology develops slowly and painlessly. But medicine is increasingly recording cases rapid development. The maximum volume of education at the same time reached a value that usually occurs at 20 weeks of pregnancy. The presence of a myomatous nodule with centripetal growth explains the causes copious discharge during menstruation.

The centripetal growth of the node ends on the operating table, but only if the tumor has reached its volume. A small formation is removed with the help of medicines. Young girls who are interested in childbearing prefer to follow the advice of doctors and take the tumor with medication. The case with deep germination of the malignant node also requires intervention.

The difference between medical and surgical intervention is explained by the following characteristics:

  • Method of drug treatment. Medicines issued by the attending physician. Since the disease is hormonal appearance, then hormonal medications are prescribed. Medicines that regulate the actions of hormones: antiprogestogens, antigonadotropins, GnRH agonists. Independence during treatment is dangerous, since the drugs are selected individually for each patient;
  • Operation. The patient is sent to the operating table if the node has deformed into the intermuscular tissues of the uterus, or many nodes have formed in one place. Modern clinical conditions trying to preserve the true purpose of women. However, a neglected myoma with centripetal node growth is operated on with a partial one. In especially severe cases, the organ is removed completely. Early diagnosis helps to cure the disease or prevent its occurrence.

Submucosal growth of fibroids

Women's concerns about long periods and their excessive abundance are not groundless. Often the culprit is submucous myoma, which by its growth causes bleeding of the uterus.

If a woman does not go to the doctor in time, then the fibroids continue to grow and cause a number of complications:

  • Lack of oxygen for internal organs which is caused by anemia;
  • Inflammation and infection of the myomatous nodule, which is detected when pus is released along with blood;
  • Reduced immunity that causes septic disorders;
  • premature birth or miscarriage;
  • The appearance of a mechanical obstacle during childbirth;

How does pregnancy proceed with myoma with centripetal growth of the node

A difficult task of obstetrics is the combination. Many opinions of patients converge on the normal state during the period of illness and pregnancy. But this does not exclude severe risks both during pregnancy and during childbirth. Complications can be of two types:

  • At the site of tumor formation;
  • On the factors that influenced the formation.

Pregnancy with a disease is possible, but this is affected by the location of the focus of the disease, the number of nodules and size. The normal course of pregnancy is guaranteed with a small accumulation of tumor cells that occurs deep in the uterus. Large nodes, which especially occur at the isthmus and at the mouths of the fallopian tubes, cause difficulty in trying to become pregnant. If the fetus has managed to develop, then there is a risk of complications.

Risk factors

The growth of a fibroid node indicates the following risk factors during pregnancy:

A small likelihood of risk is observed in young girls, whose tumor is only at a developing stage. Early stage characterized the minimum amount nodes that do not exceed 8 cm. At the same time, the girl does not suffer from another disease of this organ. Pregnancy will be normal if the placenta is fixed away from the node. Uterine fibroids during pregnancy, which is characterized by its size as small, does not progress. The fetus develops normally, and at birth the baby will be completely healthy.

If at least one of the risk factors is observed during pregnancy, then a complication may appear. In such cases, you need to consult a doctor. It is possible that a woman will be given an abortion.

When 3 knots with myoma?

In women's forums, you can often find such a special question: what does fibroids with 3 nodes mean? Myoma with 3 nodes is designated as multiple. With multiple nodular formations on the internal or outer layer the uterus should not be worried if they are small and are only 3 cm. Otherwise, the risk of all kinds of complications rises.

The causes of nodular tumors are different:

  • External and internal obesity;
  • Diabetes;
  • Lack of intimate contacts;
  • abortion operations;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Increasing the level of estrogen;

Uterine fibroids are called profuse untimely bleeding. When blood is coming and does not stop, then you need to urgently apply for medical care because anemia may develop. This happens with prolonged menstruation.

The place and sharpness of pain is also an irreversible symptom in fibroids. A woman is often worried about pain in the pelvic area. Many girls describe pain defects as bursting, incomprehensible and sharp heaviness in the zone. This happens with a constant increase in the volume of fibroids. The tumor exerts heaviness on adjacent organs.

The pain may feel like contractions. This happens when the uterine muscles contract.

Blood supply may be impaired due to acute pain attacks.

A woman can independently detect fibroids if there are no sharp pains, and the nodes have grown sufficiently.

An indirect cause of the growth of nodules may be impaired work of cardio-vascular system. Developed anemia, which is expressed in a decrease in hemoglobin levels, provokes the formation tumor nodes. Other symptoms are also present: chronic fatigue, depressed mood and decreased performance.

A woman should notice changes in her body in time, which indicates uterine fibroids, because a benign tumor can turn into a huge problem in an instant. For any uterine bleeding you need to contact the experts.

Video: Uterine fibroids. Submucosal, subserous, interamural fibroids

Video: Intramural fibroids. centripetal node growth

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