Bad heart fever what to do. How to keep your heart warm. How to help the heart

The scorching sun, high air humidity do not improve health. How can people with vascular and heart diseases save themselves in such weather? What to do in order not to provoke an attack? How can others take care of themselves?

Knocking and beating

When it is very hot, even in quite healthy people, the pulse may become more frequent, shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air, tightness in the chest may appear. All this is the result increased load on the heart. people with diseases of cardio-vascular system especially vulnerable. In the heat, hypertensive patients feel worse, patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) often experience angina attacks. Therefore, at the beginning of summer, they need to contact their doctor - to undergo a preventive examination.

The heat and the sun - a wonderful day?

Heat causes tachycardia - the heart works in marathon mode. This condition is the impetus for the development of an attack in people with coronary disease. Therefore, everyone who has a pathology of the cardiovascular system should not go out from 12:00 to 16:00. Can't this be avoided? Then you are only in the shadows. Look for relatively cool places. Direct sunlight is not your friend. Dress lightly and loosely. Let it be natural fabrics light shades. It is worth abandoning collars that squeeze the throat, tight shirts, tight belts.

"Garden Disease"

This is how doctors call heart attacks that occur in summer cottages. The mentality of the Belarusians is as follows: we go to the dacha not for rest and pleasure - to lie in a hammock, admire the flowers and the general landscape, the goal is different - a fanatical struggle for the harvest.
It often happens that an ambulance takes people with a severe heart attack when they were working in a greenhouse. Not everyone can be saved in such cases ...
Do not forget that you can not weed the beds, strongly bent over and lowering your head. This position disrupts the outflow of blood from the head - a sharp rise may occur. blood pressure up to loss of consciousness and stroke.
Remember about the mode of work: 30-40 minutes worked - 15-20 rest. If shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, weakness, dizziness, or, even worse, retrosternal pain, appear, immediately stop any physical activity.
And it is better to refuse to work in the heat altogether. Hearts first.
Summer residents should remember: in any unforeseen situation they will have to rely only on themselves, because summer cottages are far from the city, and the ambulance will not arrive soon.
Therefore, in a personal first-aid kit there should always be heart remedies. These are drugs to reduce pressure prescribed by the attending physician, valocordin, validol and nitroglycerin. And the last two medicines you should keep it in your pocket - just in case it suddenly becomes bad and you can’t get to the first-aid kit.
In your dacha-garden exploits, focus only on your own well-being, do not set super-tasks - weed so much, dig up from and to. Consider only your physical abilities.
Final emphasis: in the summer, don't try to lower your medicinal dose drugs or stop taking them altogether. Do not do this without the recommendation of a doctor in any case!

summer diet

On particularly hot days, it is worth reconsidering your diet. Eat less meat and animal fats, more vegetable and dairy foods. However, in any case, you should not overeat healthy foods. The basic principle - light food little by little. It is necessary to eat more greens: parsley, dill, vegetables, fruits, it is better to replace meat with fish, to refuse rich first courses. With a minimum of salt.

Always with you

People with a pathology of the cardiovascular system must have a tonometer with them. It happens that someone perceives the appearance of a headache as the beginning of a hypertensive crisis. Knowing about the serious consequences of this condition, but without measuring the pressure, in a panic, he begins to grab one, second, third tablet. But if it turns out that headache was not a sign of high blood pressure, but arose from overwork, stress, etc. uncontrolled medication will cause severe hypotension (lowering pressure) and can lead to fainting.

flaming motor

If a person becomes ill in the heat, help him move into the shade. Free chest, unbuttoning the shirt, loosening the pressure of the belt, collar, belt ... Spray your face and chest with water. If he complains of retrosternal pain, a feeling of constriction, a stone on his chest, give a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue. If the pain does not go away (!), you need to take aspirin - the whole pill, not half or a quarter. This remedy is an antiaggregant - it thins the blood. Therefore, in this situation, chewing aspirin is the prevention of myocardial infarction.
Call as soon as possible ambulance».
They themselves felt dizzy, quickened breathing and pulse, increased sweating? These are the first signs of heat stroke. Immediately go to a shade or a cool room, sit down, drink some chilled water.

Is water the only salvation?

In the heat, many people drink the wrong drinks and the wrong amount.
High air humidity leads to the retention of excess fluid in the body. It's unhealthy. If there is a pronounced ischemic disease hearts, the volume of juices drunk, mineral water etc. should be reduced to 800 ml per day (provided that the person is not in the sun). Excess fluid can lead to high blood pressure. People with heart problems may be advised not to drink whenever they are thirsty, but to simply rinse their mouth with water. room temperature.
If diuretics are prescribed, on especially hot days it is worth increasing their dosage, after consulting with your doctor. Healthy people you need to drink such a volume of liquid that would compensate for increased sweating. Otherwise, dehydration can lead to dizziness and fainting.
What is better to drink? Just not useless sugary soda. It does not quench thirst at all. And, of course, even low-alcohol drinks, such as beer, are categorically contraindicated for people with heart disease. Many consider it harmless, but drinking beer causes blood pressure spikes for two reasons: the effects of alcohol plus excess fluid. And if there is hypertension plus coronary artery disease, a foamy drink, like other alcohol, can cause unstable angina and even an attack of cardiac asthma.
The best option during the heat - green tea. It is good because it contains antioxidants - substances that regulate cholesterol metabolism, and, unlike black tea and coffee, does not have tannins that increase the heart rate.
During the day and at night, you can prepare a decoction of mint, linden, thyme, adding fresh or frozen berries to them. ... Do not look for salvation from the heat in too cool water. It is especially dangerous to go into the water heated with ischemia. This can lead to additional vasospasm. And here, only half a step before an attack of angina pectoris and even a heart attack.
During the day, you can spray yourself with a little warm water from a spray bottle. It is this that removes a thin lipid layer from the surface of the skin, opening the pores and forcing the skin to breathe. Cold water does not.
In the rooms, be sure to turn on air conditioners and fans, hang wet sheets on the windows.
We thank Irena Stanislavovna KARPOVA, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Chronic Coronary Heart Disease and Heart Failure of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Cardiology" for her help in preparing the material.

With the onset of hot days, hearts begin to beat faster. At the same time, tender feelings are not main reason heart flutter. In the summer, the "fiery motor" experiences acute deficiency"fuel": evaporation from asphalt, traffic fumes and smog force the body to work in a mode of chronic lack of oxygen. This means that the cardiovascular system receives additional load. For whom is the heat test unsafe? How to keep your heart healthy as long as possible? What kind of food does it like and what does it dislike? Can it hurt from mental trauma and experiences? We will consider these and other questions in this article.

1. How does heat affect the work of the heart?
We are genetically adapted to mild summer temperatures up to +25°C, so the record levels to which the mercury columns of our thermometers can rise today (the result of climate warming on Earth) are not in vain for the cardiovascular system. During extreme heat in people with weak heart heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, dilates peripheral vessels, legs swell, the likelihood of blood clots increases. Sharp temperature fluctuations are especially harmful to health. At first, the reserve forces of the body help the work of the heart, but they are not unlimited. Therefore, a prolonged heat attack can worsen the well-being of people with a weak heart and increased weather sensitivity.

2. It is believed that cardio diseases are the destiny strong half humanity.
Is it so? Indeed, coronary heart disease and hypertension are more common among men under the age of forty. For the time being, women have a powerful protective factor - the sex hormones estrogen, which maintain the tone of blood vessels and normal cholesterol levels. But menopause sets in, the estrogen content in the blood decreases, and in terms of the frequency of heart ailments, sensitive female hearts quickly catch up with men's. By the age of 59, the heart is naughty in both sexes about the same, and by the age of 60, women are breaking into the lead. However, there is one "if". If a woman smokes more than 20 cigarettes a day, no hormones will save her, and the risk of developing myocardial infarction in young age hers is exactly the same as the man's. In people with a pressure of 120/80 mm Hg. Art. there is every chance to join the ranks of centenarians.

3. What can cause heart failure in a woman?
For example, violation fat metabolism and elevated level cholesterol in the blood. Excesses of this substance, used by our body to build cells, eventually begin to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels in the form of plaques. Vessels lose their elasticity and strength, blood supply to organs and tissues worsens, and atherosclerosis develops. The allies of atherosclerosis are nicotine, alcohol, fatty foods, physical inactivity and menopause: with its onset, the disease begins to develop especially rapidly.

4. Is it true that coffee has a negative effect on the heart?
After a long study, American scientists have proven that 1-3 cups of an invigorating drink a day do not disturb the heart. However, it should be remembered that caffeine leaches potassium from the body, so coffee lovers should include baked potatoes, cottage cheese, dried apricots, and kiwi, which contains a daily dose of vitamins and minerals, in their menu.

5. What blood pressure is considered normal?
In people with a pressure of 120/80 mm Hg. Art. (they are called normotonics) there is every chance to join the ranks of centenarians. By the way, they get sick much less often. The upper limit of normal is 130/85 mm Hg. Art. High blood pressure is considered to be 140/90 mm Hg. Art.

6. How can low pressure be raised?
Most often, fragile miniature women are prone to hypotension. Their pressure is kept within 90/60 mm Hg. Art., but at the same time they feel great! If a normotonic person has a sharp drop in blood pressure due to a change in the weather, to increase it, you can eat a piece of chocolate, drink strong sweet tea or coffee, take any tablet containing caffeine (citramon or citrapak). Sometimes the pressure drops due to standing for a long time. In this case, the blood flow to the brain decreases, resulting in a semi-conscious state. In this case, the person must be planted and provided with air access. Improves light condition massage auricles, since active points of all organs and systems are projected onto them.

7. What kind of pressure is considered hazardous to health?
The World Health Organization lowered the border dangerous pressure to the level of 140/90 mm Hg. Art. This is a condition of the so-called mild hypertension, in which the vessels of the heart and brain suffer. High blood pressure is not safe: people with hypertension are 3-4 times more likely to develop coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction, and 7 times more likely to have a stroke.

8. Why did hypertension become younger?
First of all, due to healthy lifestyle the lives of our fellow citizens. Important factor risk - uncontrolled salt intake. Proven: her daily dose should not exceed five or six grams. Contribute to the rejuvenation of the disease malnutrition, sedentary image life, overweight, smoking and stress. In our country arterial hypertension annoys 20-25% of people Every fifth in Ukraine is hypertensive.

9. How much alcohol does not affect the work of the heart?
After examining absolute teetotalers and drinkers, doctors came to the conclusion that the percentage of cardiovascular complications in both groups is noticeably higher than in people who drink in moderation. In addition, it turned out that cores over 55 years old, who consume a glass of red wine or up to 50 ml of spirits daily, feel great, suffer less often. dementia and Parkinson's disease.

10. Violation of the heartbeat is a common working moment, but in what cases is it dangerous?
Your heart rate can be affected by changes in mood or weather, whether you are hungry or full, whether you have been drinking coffee or strong tea whether they were taking medication. Episodic violations heart rate after mental disturbances or a dose of caffeine will not create serious problems. But if the arrhythmia occurs without apparent reason, causes a feeling of discomfort, it is necessary to make an appointment with a cardiologist. Main danger arrhythmias - in violation of the delivery of blood and oxygen to all organs and systems.

11. How to reduce the load on the heart in the hot season?
It is advisable to limit the amount of food consumed, eat less meat, more fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to drink about 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day, and give preference to natural juices. Use ginger root - it thins the blood well, and therefore the transfer of oxygen by the blood improves.

12. Is it true that light cigarettes are less harmful than regular ones?
No, this is a delusion. The mouthpiece of light cigarettes is pierced with many small holes through which harmful resins must volatilize before being inhaled by the smoker. But while smoking, these holes are closed with your fingers, and a light cigarette turns into a regular one! In addition, a person who used to prefer strong cigarettes has become accustomed to a certain dose of nicotine. To make up for it, he will smoke more light cigarettes. However, it is not nicotine that causes real harm to the heart, but CO, carbon monoxide that binds hemoglobin. As a result, insufficient oxygen is supplied to the heart muscle.

13. A healthy lifestyle is now in fashion. Surely in connection with this, the number of non-smoking women in our country has not decreased?
Today it is fashionable not to smoke in developed countries, while in developing countries smoking is growing in popularity. Unfortunately, every fifth lady in Ukraine smokes, and almost every second woman between the ages of 20 and 29 smokes. At the same time, a whole pack “flies away” per day! So, in terms of the prevalence of this misfortune, we are more likely to belong to third world countries. There are other sad figures: if the father in the family is not indifferent to tobacco, in 50% of cases the child will also become addicted to nicotine. Smoking by both parents guarantees the introduction of children to cigarettes in almost 100% of cases!

14. Is it true that menthol cigarettes particularly damaging to the heart?
Truth. Menthol has the ability to reflexively expand the heart vessels, and it is not safe to irritate them for no reason.

15. What does the heart "think" about birth control pills?
Modern contraceptives contain a gentle dose of hormones. However, taking them for five years is believed to double the risk of developing heart disease. Birth control pills should be used with caution in women whose relatives suffered from cardiovascular diseases, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins.

16. How does it affect the work of the heart sedentary image life?
According to statistics, 70% of urban residents do not fulfill the minimum physical activity required for normal operation all organs and systems. As a result, excess calories are deposited under the skin in the form of fat and lead to lipid metabolism disorders. The consequences need no comment. It is necessary to make it a rule every other day (and even better - daily) to take 30-minute walks at a fast pace. To do this, you only need running shoes and any tracksuit. Jogging tone the heart, blood vessels and more effectively fight against overweight than running. Do not forget about aerobics, exercise equipment, swimming.

17. Is there a connection between gynecological and cardiovascular diseases?
The start of cardio disease is given not only by cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels, but also inflammatory processes. The presence of an infection in the body reduces immunity, which means that an already vulnerable heart becomes even more vulnerable. It is believed that women who have had chlamydia are more likely to suffer from coronary heart disease.

18. Can the heart hurt from emotional experiences?
Maybe. AT stressful situation adrenaline is released causing spasms heart vessels. In this case, pressure often jumps, the heart rate increases, and as a result, pain appears in the region of the heart. At chronic stress the sensations are somewhat different: periodically the chest seems to be squeezed, there is a lack of air and an arrhythmia occurs. In order to quickly bounce back, you need to actively move, do 20-30 push-ups or squats, run in place. Unpleasant feelings causes adrenaline, which is quickly destroyed by active muscular work.

19. What can cause pain in the region of the heart?
First, diseases of the spine and muscular system: osteochondrosis, scoliosis, neuralgia, myalgia. As a rule, such pains appear during bending, turning, coughing or sneezing. In this case, you can always take a position in which discomfort will be minimal. Secondly, a woman's heart often stabs, presses, shrinks due to chronic anxieties, fears, experiences. In this case, there is a lack of air, a person cannot take a deep breath, the heart stops or, conversely, beats faster. Usually the pain "from the nerves" does not subside even after taking nitroglycerin. Sometimes a burning sensation in the region of the heart occurs due to a hernia. esophageal opening diaphragm. It is easy to explain such imaginary heart pains: in the chest, all organs are in close proximity, and signals of trouble from one point quickly spread to others.

20. Can a heart hurt from a lack of love?
Often single or unmarried women suffer physically from the “disease of lack of love.” It is manifested by a feeling of pain in the region of the heart, palpitations, lack of air, anxiety. The best medicine in this case, dive headlong into some exciting business. If the mood can be lifted, 97% of heart complaints go away.

21. What character traits are inherent in cores?
Increased demands to oneself, emotionality, desire to dominate others. But at the same time, such people are dependent on the opinions of others. Potential cardiologist patients are anxious, unsure of themselves, have a hard time with setbacks, and often become depressed.

22. Does heredity influence the development of cardiovascular diseases?
If one of the parents is hypertensive, the risk of developing the disease in a child increases to 30%; if high blood pressure annoys both father and mother, unhealthy heredity can be passed on to children with a probability of up to 50%. Cardiac diseases are especially often transmitted through the maternal line. However, if a person does not smoke, active image life, eats properly and does not fall into depression over trifles, the hereditary factor may not be realized.

23. How they affect the heart sexual loads?
Energy expenditure during sex is equal to quickly overcoming several flights of stairs or walking for an hour at a speed of 7 km / h. At the same time, the pressure in a person at the peak of sensual pleasures soars to a record high - 200/130 mm Hg. Art.! For healthy people, exercising in bed is one type of heart muscle training. But if the "motor" is naughty, you need to be careful. Although, according to the survey, only 0.3% of the stronger sex aged 40 to 60 associate the onset of acute heart failure with sex. At the same time, the fatal meeting took place in an unusual setting: in a hotel or someone else's apartment, with a new young partner. As a rule, sex was preceded by a heavy meal or alcohol.

24. Is there a sex instruction for cores?
It is better for people with a weak heart to make love in the morning in a familiar interior with a familiar partner. (It turns out that energy consumption during sex with a regular lover is almost two times less than with a new one.) Sexual activity should be practiced no earlier than three hours after eating. Patients taking nitroglycerin should not combine this drug with Viagra. And one more thing: after a heart attack, having sex for six weeks is taboo.

25. What kind of food does the heart “love”?
First of all, foods rich in potassium: baked potatoes, cottage cheese, currants, nuts, dried apricots, and bananas (they contain a lot of magnesium, a proven anti-stress trace element). But the most optimal for the heart is the so-called mediterranean diet. It provides for the restriction of meat (especially red), the use of exclusively vegetable oil, best of all - unpeeled olive. Preference is given to a large number of fruits and vegetables, low-fat varieties of sea (!) Fish, seafood. Especially useful for the cardiovascular system fish fat. It contains megatripolyunsaturated fatty acid preventing the formation of blood clots in the vessels.

Valocardin - Heart pain on nervous ground, neurosis with increased irritability, a sense of fear, sleep disturbances.

Corvalol - Neuroses, spasms of the heart vessels, tachycardia, insomnia, early stages hypertension, intestinal spasms. Neurosis, insomnia, tachycardia, angina pectoris and vegetovascular dystonia.

Zelenin drops - Bradycardia, functional cardialgia and disorders of the heart.

Valerian tincture - Nervous excitement, insomnia, neurosis of the cardiovascular system, spasms gastrointestinal tract.
Validol - Angina pectoris, neurosis, hysteria, seasickness(as an antiemetic).
Barboval - Neuroses, irritability, insomnia, hysteria, mild angina attacks, hypertension, stomach cramps, flatulence.
Motherwort tincture - Increased nervous excitability, cardiovascular neuroses, hypertension of the initial stage.
Hawthorn tincture - Angioneurosis, atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal tachycardia, hypertension.

Haven't you read this yet?! You really are so...

Heart pain is the most common symptom with which general practitioners most often have to see older patients. Currently cardiovascular pathologies become more and more common due to malnutrition, low physical activity of people, frequent stress, overweight body.

At the same time, the symptom that people refer to as pain in the region of the heart may not be associated with the pathology of the heart itself at all. For example, it may be due pathological process from the side of the stomach spinal column, lungs, ribs and sternum.

Sometimes only at the doctor's appointment and after the examination, you can accurately determine what causes pain in the heart area.

What are the causes of heart pain?

There are many reasons why heart pain develops. They can be roughly divided into two large groups:
1. Directly related to the defeat of the very ...

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Pain in the chest - it means that the heart is not in order. If only it were that easy! Human body is complex, and very often pain in the same place can speak of completely different diseases. In order not to panic once again and at the same time not to miss the onset of a serious illness, we will try to learn how to distinguish the differences.

Heart or osteochondrosis?

Pain behind the sternum causes sacred horror - what if this is the beginning of a heart attack or a sign of a dangerous heart disease? However, this kind of pain is not always given by the heart. Statistics cheerfully report that more than 50% of people who went to the doctor about "heart" pain actually had quite healthy heart, but an unhealthy spine. For a number of people who were especially suspicious and far from medicine, therefore, the verdict of doctors caused rejection: they did not believe that the doctor was competent, and continued to take heart medications, despite the fact that they clearly did not work and did not relieve pain. On our article we often pay attention to...

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My heart hurts… Who among us has not uttered these words at least once? At the same time, our heart did not always really hurt - the cause of the pain could be intercostal neuralgia during hypothermia, the pain could be the result of a hypertensive crisis, when the vessels are compressed, or a consequence of a disease of the spine, nervous system, and even a consequence of a psychogenic disease. Pain in the heart and at the same time a headache can be a consequence vegetative dystonia. Even with peptic ulcer lung disease you can feel pain in the heart area. But, alas, sometimes pain in the left side of the chest or back is a genuine symptom. Be sure to visit a doctor, and if the pain is sharp, burning, call an ambulance!

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

With myocardial ischemia, a person experiences pressing sensation, extending to left hand, - this happens after ...

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AT different periods of life, every person felt pain in the heart. What to do if there are discomfort in the chest, accompanied by sharp tingling? What is the reason for their occurrence and is it as dangerous as it might seem at first glance?

Main symptoms of heart pain

Pain in the left side of the chest, palpitations, interruptions in the work of the heart, sudden loss of consciousness and fainting are the main symptoms that require immediate medical attention if pain occurs in the heart. What to do if negative factors are identified and how to determine the root cause of pain in order to proper treatment affected organ?

Preliminary diagnosis can be made by character description discomfort according to the patient. It has been noticed: if the latter describes the symptoms colorfully, in all details and even fixes them “on a pencil”, then the pain focus, most likely, may be the result of damage to other organs. If, moreover, a fickle one is noted ...

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Chest pain is a symptom of many diseases, and not necessarily heart disease. Thus, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory and digestive organs can manifest themselves, neurological disorders, injury. However, you need to know how to determine what hurts the heart, because it is in this case that you may need to immediate help. It is especially important not to miss dangerous state such as myocardial infarction.

Only a doctor will make a diagnosis, but some will help to understand what hurts the heart. specific features.

The nature of pain in cardiac diseases

An attack of angina pectoris

The pain occurs behind the sternum, it is compressive, squeezing, sometimes cutting, but never sharp, but always dull. It arises just where the heart is. A person cannot pinpoint exactly where it hurts, and puts his hands to the entire chest. The pain radiates to the area between the shoulder blades, to the left arm, jaw, neck. Usually appears with emotional overstrain, physical ...

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Causes of pain in the heart

The etiology of this unpleasant symptom is very diverse. Heart pain occurs, as a rule, in the presence of coronary disease, in which the coronary vessels. Also the cause of true cardialgia are inflammatory diseases hearts, birth defects, VSD. In addition, there is wide range pathologies that are accompanied by pain in the chest, which mimics heart damage. Some of them are described below.

Cardialgia with osteochondrosis

Clinical manifestations thoracic osteochondrosis very similar to the pathology of the respiratory or cardiovascular system. Patients complain about pain in the chest, which are aggravated by bending, changing the position of the body, as well as after dynamic or static loads. The pain often appears in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and spreads to the region of the heart, left arm and sternum. It can disturb when lying on the side or back, which makes patients occupy ...

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Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Pain in the heart area does not always correspond to the severity and severity of the disease.

With myocardial ischemia, a person experiences a pressing sensation, ...

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Back pain and fever common symptoms flu, inflammation internal organs(kidney, genitourinary system), injuries or colds of the muscles. Sometimes cause pathological condition are more rare diseases associated with damage to bone structures.

If, for example, such pain occurs after intensive training in the gym, severe physical work or stay in a draft, it is enough to limit the load and apply warming ointments.

In other cases, it is impossible to independently determine the exact cause, and self-medication is dangerous to health. So, with the flu, muscle pain occurs due to general toxicosis. But the flu is also fraught with complications, such as sciatica, pneumonia, abscesses in the lungs. Because of them, there is pain in the lower back, aggravated during coughing.

An important factor in the diagnosis of back pain with temperature is heredity.

People in whose family someone suffered from kidney pathologies should ...

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Temperature 38 without symptoms

Usually, an increase in temperature in an adult accompanies a cold or other inflammatory processes in the body. But in some cases, the temperature rises to 38 degrees without obvious symptoms diseases.

Most doctors consider fever favorable factor, indicating the resistance of the body to various negative influences. The fact is that fever contributes to death pathogenic microorganisms and acceleration of the synthesis of interferon, which strengthens the immune system. However, sometimes a temperature of 38 without symptoms lasts for several days.

Reasons for the rise in temperature

As already noted, an increase in temperature to 38 is caused by colds, the main symptom is a headache. Also, elevated temperature is observed in situations:

Physical overvoltage; strong stressful experiences; overheating, primarily as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun; disorders...

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One of the main symptoms in cardiology is pain in the heart. In some cases pain are caused by other systems and organs, for example, diseases of the muscular, nervous and skeletal systems, the gastrointestinal tract, and the lungs. How to determine which pains indicate exactly problems with the heart?

The first most important signs of a diseased heart

Increased fatigue and general fatigue

Often, the reason increased fatigue becomes excessive physical activity, unexpected stress and other external negative factors, but it must be remembered that such symptoms also occur with the appearance of heart failure. Most people blame the resulting lethargy on the difficulties in life and at work, believing that everyone gets tired sooner or later. Therefore, the first "bells" in most cases are ignored.

Often, if in fact there are disturbances in the work of the heart, then over time a person begins to feel ...

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Symptoms: extremely strong, sharp pain in the region of the heart, resembling a blow of a dagger; pressing constant pain in the heart

The pain in the heart sometimes intensifies, then weakens, but does not disappear completely, gives into the arm, brush, lower jaw, ear, teeth, under the shoulder blade. Usually, the larger the area of ​​myocardial damage, the more pronounced pain syndrome. Dizziness, pain in the heart and weakness cause the patient to develop a fear of death. He is extremely excited, often rushing around the room, screaming. The skin and mucous membranes become pale with a bluish tint. Acute period heart attack ends with a decrease in pain in the region of the heart, however, signs of heart failure persist, such as arrhythmia, pallor skin, shortness of breath. Somewhat later disappears and heart failure.

Analysis of the manifestations of the disease, ECG, echocardiography, biochemical blood test for the content of myocardial infarction marker enzymes (CPK, LDH), as well as cardiac troponins,...

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Signs and Causes of Heart Disease Other Causes of Heart Pain How Does Heart Pain Occur? What does the occurrence of shortness of breath indicate? Why do edema occur? Headaches and dizziness

Many people know how the heart hurts, the symptoms of the disease are experienced at least once in life by almost every person. According to statistics, one of the main causes of death is diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. The main factors of this phenomenon are non-compliance with a healthy lifestyle and heredity (congenital heart defects in children). There are over 80 heart diseases. They have a different origin and arise as a result of congenital pathologies, various inflammatory processes, a number of injuries, metabolic disorders.

Signs and causes of heart disease

It is necessary to highlight the following signs of heart disease:

Discomfort and pain in the chest. Severe pain in the chest. Pain that lasts a long time....

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An increase in human body temperature is a consequence of the production in the body of special substances called "pyrogens".

These are proteins that are in the body itself, and can come from outside, being parts of the microbial cell.

They are produced in response to a certain effect, and this does not have to be an inflammatory process: allergies, nervous breakdown, hormonal surge - everything can cause a temperature reaction.

Below we consider the most common causes of a high temperature (37, 38, 39 ° C), which appeared alone, without any symptoms of a cold in an adult.

Temperature reaction mechanism

With the development of the focus of the disease, microbial pyrogens (they will be called primary) activate immune system, which produces not only antibodies to incoming microbes, but also certain inflammatory substances- secondary pyrogens. The latter, communicating with the receptors of the main thermoregulatory center - the hypothalamus - turn it on.

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Why can the temperature rise with back pain

In the morning I felt great, but now my back hurts, and the temperature has risen, it hurts my bones.

This happens often: unexpected back pain, accompanied by fever and other unpleasant symptoms, can disrupt all plans.

But why is this happening? Why, in the background, it would seem full health suddenly appear unpleasant symptoms?

Causes of back pain and fever

Most people are convinced that they developed hyperthermic phenomena after their back ached. But in fact, it is the inflammatory processes of muscles or organs that provoked a pain syndrome, accompanied by hyperthermia.

According to the localization of the pain syndrome, it is customary to distinguish:

Spilled when all the bones of the spine hurt; cervical; chest; lumbar.

Diffuse pain syndrome, accompanied by hyperthermia, occurs with such pathologies:


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Symptoms of many diseases are associated with chest pain, and they do not have to be signs of heart pain. Very often, diseases of the digestive and respiratory organs, problems of the musculoskeletal system, injuries and neurological disorders manifest themselves in this way.

Therefore, it is very important to know how to identify pain in the heart, distinguishing it from the rest, since in this case immediate help is needed. This is especially true for signs of such dangerous exacerbations as the development of myocardial infarction. Although the final diagnosis is made only by a doctor, its specific signs will help to classify pain as a heart patient.

Signs of pain associated with cardiology

An attack of angina pectoris

It's always Blunt pain: squeezing, squeezing or cutting, but not sharp. Pain in angina pectoris occurs at the location of the heart. The patient does not know exactly how to determine the pain in the heart, and may point to any part of the chest. Often the pain radiates to the neck, jaw, left arm or between the shoulder blades....

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To assess the condition of a person with a high temperature, let's find out why this happens to the body.

normal body temperature

The temperature of a person is normally 36.6 C on average. This temperature is optimal for the biochemical processes occurring in the body, but each organism is individual, therefore it is possible to consider a temperature from 36 to 37.4 C normal for some individuals (we are talking about a long-term state and in if there are no symptoms of any disease). In order to make a diagnosis of habitually elevated temperature, you need to undergo an examination by a doctor.

Why does body temperature rise?

In all other situations, an increase in body temperature above normal indicates that the body is trying to fight something. In most cases, these are foreign agents in the body - bacteria, viruses, protozoa or a consequence of physical effects on the body (burn, frostbite, foreign body). At elevated temperatures, existence ...

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When an adult develops a high temperature without symptoms, it is always a concern, because temperature, as one of the body's reactions, does not arise from scratch. However, the absence of any symptoms is frightening, since it is impossible to immediately determine the cause of such a condition.

Optimal temperature indicator normal processes in the human body - 36.6°C. However, there are times when the temperature is elevated for no reason.

On the one hand, for some people this is the norm: there are people who always have it at 36, and there are those who have a normal temperature of 37.4 ° C. On the other hand, if a person usually normal temperature 36.6°C, then a high temperature without symptoms in an adult means some kind of disorder.

Why does the temperature rise?

In all other situations, an increase in body temperature above normal indicates that the body is trying to fight something. In most cases, these are foreign agents in ...

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There are several reasons for this:

- Our heart in the heat reacts with vasodilation and, therefore, blood pressure falls. To keep in such conditions normal blood flow, the heart has to work in an enhanced mode, almost at the limit of its capabilities.

- In the heat, we lose a lot of fluid, and with it mineral salts. For example, potassium and magnesium, which are needed to maintain heart rate. At serious violation water-salt balance in the body, the heart can simply stop.

- Dehydration can lead to thickening of the blood. Together with the expansion of blood vessels significantly
the risk of blood clots increases, which means that the risk of heart attacks, strokes, pulmonary embolism, etc. increases.

Who is in the main risk group and how to avoid cardiovascular diseases at the peak of the heat, we were told by the cardiologist of the Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery Irina Valerievna Tishina.

- Irina Valerievna, the hottest months of summer are ahead. Surely cardiologists will significantly increase the work ...

- Contrary to popular belief - will not increase. Hospitalization peaks in our clinic occur during the off-season: the transition from spring to summer, from summer to autumn, or from winter to spring. Abrupt change temperatures, atmospheric pressure and the level of humidity has a more negative effect on blood vessels and the heart than heat.

Our long-term practice shows that heart attacks in the heat are more likely to occur not in those who are already sick. The principle “forewarned is forearmed” applies here: those with a history of cardiac diseases accept all possible measures precautions. Often in the heat it becomes bad for those who have never complained about the heart before. Those who, despite the heat, continue to lead a normal life and do not care about protecting their health.

Reasons for concern

Meanwhile, there are a number of factors that, combined with the vagaries of summer weather, can easily provoke trouble:

Age. AT total number of patients who died from certain heart diseases, 83% are people over 65. However, in last years the same heart attack is pretty "younger". Increasingly, this disease takes the lives of men 35-40 years old. In women, the age “threshold” is slightly higher - 45-50 years.

Floor. In the structure of mortality from heart attacks, the representatives of the stronger sex make up the majority. Bad habits, reduced attention to one's health and numerous stresses make men's "motors" much more vulnerable. In women, the risk of a heart attack increases markedly only after the onset of menopause or serious hormonal changes.

Family history. If any of the relatives have cardiovascular diseases you are also at higher risk.

Smoking. This bad habit negatively affects the composition of the blood, prevents its saturation with oxygen, increases cholesterol and provokes thrombosis. As a result, the risk of any problems with the cardiovascular system increases by 2-4 times, depending on the duration of smoking and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Cholesterol level. The more cholesterol in your blood, the higher the risk of blockage of blood vessels and, accordingly, a heart attack. In addition to the already mentioned smoking, hypodynamia (lack of physical activity) and malnutrition with a large amount of animal fats contribute to an increase in cholesterol levels.

Blood pressure. All hypertensive patients know about potential danger their conditions, but not everyone knows that he is hypertensive. If you have never cared about your blood pressure level, now is the time to think about it, because hypertension increases the load on the heart, thins and weakens blood vessels and can cause heart attacks, strokes, and kidney failure.

Passive lifestyle. It increases the risk of coronary heart disease, and also provokes other diseases that affect the state of the cardiovascular system.

Excess weight. Excess fat deposits in the waist and abdomen are especially dangerous. People with such a "burden" are more prone to diseases with lethal outcome even in the absence of other risk factors. Moreover, weight loss has a therapeutic effect: each centimeter dropped from the waist reduces the chances of an early death by 6-7%.

High stress levels. Excessive mental stress is perhaps the main trigger mechanism in the appearance of heart disease.

NOT heart pain

Sometimes under the pain in the heart hide other diseases that have nothing to do with the cardiovascular system. For example, diseases of the spine and muscular system: osteochondrosis, scoliosis, neuralgia, myalgia. Pain occurs during bending, turning, coughing or sneezing. In this case, you can always take a position in which discomfort will be minimal. Women often have stabbing pains in the heart, a feeling of constriction in the chest due to constant anxiety, fears, experiences. There is a lack of air, it is impossible to take a deep breath, the heart seems to freeze or, conversely, beats faster. Usually the pain "from the nerves" does not subside even after taking nitroglycerin. Sometimes a burning sensation in the region of the heart occurs due to a hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm. It is easy to explain such imaginary heart pains: in the chest, all organs are in close proximity, and signals of trouble from one point quickly spread to others.

— I think that almost every second resident has cause for concern. And what measures should we take to protect our heart and blood vessels?

- If you find yourself in a risk group, follow a few simple rules heat safety:

Reduce physical activity. Do not carry heavy bags, do not take long walks in the heat and, of course, leave the country beds alone. The latter, by the way, are the most dangerous: when you bend in half, the already weakened outflow of blood from the head drops - and you can lose consciousness right in the garden.

Be afraid of cold water. This also applies to urban reservoirs, and ordinary showers, and fountains, and so on. At sharp drop temperatures dilated blood vessels narrow, in fact, they spasm, and this can cause an attack of angina pectoris and even a heart attack.

Do not stay in the sun for more than 15-20 minutes. If you feel shortness of breath and palpitations begin, immediately hide in a shade or cool room.

Drink mineral water without gas. It helps the body to cool effectively through increased sweating and at the same time maintains a normal water-salt balance in the body. Don't drink useless sugary soda. It does not quench thirst at all. Be aware that the popular foamy drink, like other alcohol, can cause unstable angina and even an attack of cardiac asthma. The best way to quench your thirst in the heat is green tea. It is good because it contains antioxidants - substances that regulate cholesterol metabolism, and unlike black tea and coffee, it does not have tannins that increase the heart rate. Also during the day and at night, you can prepare a decoction of mint, linden, thyme, adding fresh or frozen berries to it.

On particularly hot days, it is worth reviewing your diet. Eat less meat and animal fats and more vegetable and dairy foods. It is better to replace meat with fish, to refuse rich first courses. Lean on greens: parsley, dill, as well as vegetables, fruits. Limit your salt intake to a minimum. Pamper your heart more often with foods rich in potassium and magnesium: dried apricots, peaches, apricots, raisins, grapes, nuts. Try to eat oatmeal porridge regularly.

If you already have problems with the cardiovascular system, you should not go outside from 12:00 to 16:00. If hiking is unavoidable, stay in the shade only. Look for relatively cool places. Direct sunlight is not your friend. Dress lightly and loosely, in clothes made from natural fabrics in light colors. And give up tight collars, ties, tight shirts, tight belts.

If you are taking any medications, ask your doctor if it is worth changing the dosage in the summer. It may be necessary for hypertensive patients to increase the dose of drugs that lower blood pressure or, for example, reduce the number of pills that remove fluid from the body so that dehydration does not occur.

- Irina Valerievna, for example, a person has not previously suffered from any cardiovascular diseases. Can he somehow understand that he is starting to have heart problems?

- As a rule, manifestations of heart disease are either very specific - pain in the heart, rhythm disturbance, burning in the chest; or very general - a pronounced decrease in exercise tolerance, weakness, heaviness in the legs, fatigue, drowsiness. The heart can't do its job and the brain doesn't get enough blood. Hypoxia causes weakness. When the kidneys do not receive enough blood, they do not remove toxins from the body. It also makes you feel tired and overwhelmed. If you have appeared similar symptoms- without delay, contact the doctors. The earlier the diagnosis of the heart is carried out, the more likely it is that the development of heart failure, myocardial infarction will be prevented in time. After the diagnosis, in case of a negative result, the attending physician will give you necessary advice and recommendations for future lifestyle drug treatment, diet, sleep and exercise.

Not far off is the day when the thermometer will go off scale for 30 degrees. Young people, in general, calmly endure the heat. But what about the elderly or patients with cardiovascular diseases? Our regular author, our best friend and professional cardiologist Alexei Valeryevich Yakovlev will tell about this.

Extreme heat is, first of all, a load on the heart, and the longer the weather shows such "tropical" frills, the more your "fiery engine" will suffer. There are several reasons for this:

Any organism reacts to heat by dilating blood vessels and, consequently, blood pressure drops. In order to maintain normal blood flow at the same time, the heart has to work in an enhanced mode, almost at the limit of its capabilities.

In the heat, the body loses a lot of fluid and with it mineral salts. In the meantime, potassium and magnesium, for example, are necessary to maintain the heart rhythm, and if the water-salt balance in the body is seriously disturbed, the human heart can simply stop.

Dehydration also results in thickening of the blood. Together with the expansion of blood vessels, this significantly increases the risk of blood clots, and therefore all the problems associated with it. The risk of heart attacks, strokes, pulmonary embolism, etc. increases.

When it is very hot, even in quite healthy people, the pulse may become more frequent, shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air, tightness in the chest may appear. All this is the result of increased stress on the heart. People with diseases of the cardiovascular system are especially vulnerable. In the heat, hypertensive patients feel worse, patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) often experience angina attacks. High temperature causes tachycardia - the heart works in marathon mode. This condition is the impetus for the development of an attack in people with coronary disease. Therefore, everyone who has a pathology of the cardiovascular system should not go out from 12:00 to 16:00. Can't this be avoided? Then you are only in the shadows. Look for relatively cool places. Direct sunlight is not your friend. Dress lightly and loosely. Let it be natural fabrics of light shades. It is worth abandoning collars that squeeze the throat, tight shirts, tight belts.

« garden disease»

This is how doctors call heart attacks that occur in summer cottages. The mentality of our citizens is as follows - we go to the dacha not for rest and contentment - to lie in a hammock, admire the flowers and the general landscape, the goal is different - a fanatical struggle for the harvest. It often happens that an ambulance takes people with a severe heart attack when they were working in a greenhouse. Not everyone can be saved in such cases. Do not forget that you can not weed the beds, strongly bent over and lowering your head. This position disrupts the outflow of blood from the head - there may be a sharp rise in blood pressure, up to loss of consciousness and a stroke. Remember the mode of work: 30-40 minutes worked, 15-20 - rest. If shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, weakness, dizziness, or even worse chest pains appear, immediately stop any physical activity.

And it is better to refuse to work in the heat altogether. Hearts first. Summer residents should remember: in any unforeseen situation, they will have to rely only on themselves, because summer cottages are far from the city, and the ambulance will not arrive soon. Therefore, in a personal first-aid kit there should always be heart remedies. These are drugs to reduce pressure prescribed by the attending physician, valocordin, validol and nitroglycerin. Moreover, the last two medicines should be kept in your pocket - just in case, if it suddenly becomes bad, and you won’t be able to get to the first-aid kit. In your dacha and garden exploits, focus only on your own well-being, do not set super-tasks - weed so much, dig up from and to. Consider only your physical abilities. One last point: during the summer, do not try to reduce the dosage of drugs or stop taking them altogether. Do not do this without the recommendation of a doctor in any case! +

summer diet

On particularly hot days, it is worth reconsidering your diet. Eat less meat and animal fats, more vegetable and dairy foods. However, in any case, you should not overeat healthy foods. The basic principle is light food a little bit at a time. It is necessary to eat more greens: parsley, dill, vegetables, fruits, it is better to replace meat with fish, to refuse rich first courses. With a minimum of salt.

Always with you

People with a pathology of the cardiovascular system should definitely have a tonometer with them. It happens that someone perceives the appearance of a headache as the beginning of a hypertensive crisis. Knowing about the serious consequences of this condition, but without measuring the pressure, in a panic, he begins to grab one, second, third tablet. But if it turns out that the headache was not a sign of high blood pressure, but arose from overwork, stress, etc., uncontrolled medication will cause severe hypotension (lowering pressure) and can lead to fainting.

If a person becomes ill in the heat, help him move into the shade. Release the chest by unbuttoning the shirt, loosening the pressure of the belt, collar, belt. Spray your face and chest with water. If he complains of retrosternal pain, a feeling of constriction, a stone on his chest, give a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue. If the pain does not go away (!), you need to take aspirin - the whole pill - not half or a quarter. This remedy is an antiplatelet agent - it "thinns" the blood. Therefore, in this situation, chewing aspirin is the prevention of myocardial infarction. Call an ambulance as soon as possible! Have you yourself felt dizzy, quickened breathing and heart rate, increased sweating? These are the first signs of heat stroke. Immediately go to a shade or a cool room, sit down, drink some chilled water. +

To drink or not to drink?

In the heat, many people drink the wrong drinks and the wrong amount. High air humidity leads to the retention of excess fluid in the body. It's unhealthy. If there is severe coronary heart disease, the volume of juices, mineral water, etc. should be reduced to 800 ml per day (provided that the person is not in the sun). Excess fluid can lead to high blood pressure. People with heart problems may be advised not to drink whenever thirsty, but simply rinse their mouths with acidified lemon or sea buckthorn water at room temperature. If diuretics are prescribed, on especially hot days it is worth increasing their dosage, after consulting with your doctor. Healthy people need to drink a volume of fluid that would compensate for increased sweating. Otherwise, dehydration can lead to dizziness and fainting.

What is better to drink? Just not sugary sodas. They don't quench thirst at all. And, of course, even low-alcohol drinks, such as beer, are categorically contraindicated for people with heart disease. Many consider it harmless, but drinking beer causes blood pressure spikes for two reasons: the effects of alcohol plus excess fluid. And if there is hypertension plus coronary artery disease, a foamy drink, like other alcohol, can cause unstable angina and even an attack of cardiac asthma.

The best option in the heat is green or black tea. During the day and at night, you can prepare a decoction of mint, linden, thyme, adding fresh or frozen berries to them. +

Do not seek salvation from the heat in too cool water. It is especially dangerous to go into the water heated with ischemia. This can lead to additional vasospasm. And here, only half a step before an attack of angina pectoris and even a heart attack.

During the day, you can spray yourself with a little warm water from a spray bottle. Exactly warm water removes a thin lipid layer from the surface of the skin, opening the pores and forcing the skin to breathe. Cold water does not. In the rooms, be sure to turn on air conditioners and fans, hang wet sheets on the windows.

Be healthy!

manager cardiology department GB-1 Novotroitsk A.V. Yakovlev.

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