What can prick on the left in the chest. Stitching pain in the mammary gland causes. Chest hurts in the middle - causes

Chest pain on the left is a fairly common complaint with which thousands of men and women turn to doctors every day. Medical statistics states that such conditions most often cause malfunctions in the heart. However, not everything is so simple, these symptoms can provoke diseases of the respiratory or respiratory organs. digestive system.

Cardiovascular diseases

The absolute leaders in the number of deaths worldwide are diseases and pathologies of organs of cardio-vascular system. They are divided into two broad categories:
  • coronary;
  • non-coronary.
infarction and ischemia. Arteries, which are called coronary arteries, are designed to supply blood to the heart muscle. Failures caused by various factors, lead to the fact that the muscles of the main human organ cease to be fully enriched with oxygen.

Sometimes the vessels become clogged due to a strong accumulation of cholesterol in them, which leads to a violation of their patency. People at risk are:

  • suffering diabetes various forms;
  • suffering from arterial hypertension;
  • having problems with being overweight;
  • having congenital predispositions to diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as smokers.
A heart attack can provoke pain that radiates to the region of the left arm, left shoulder, back, and abdominal cavity. In addition, these conditions may be aggravated by the presence of:
  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • increased sweating;
  • shortness of breath;
  • heartburn;
  • apathy;
  • dizziness;
  • discomfort in the abdomen.
Often, women during menopause become victims of such conditions. Changes hormonal balance, and a decrease in hormones and provokes the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. Ladies over forty should regularly take special medications, which are prescribed by a specialist in each case.

Non-coronary diseases are more insidious and more difficult to diagnose, especially in early stages. This subgroup of diseases includes pericarditis, myocarditis, angina pectoris, neurocirculatory dystonia and etc.

Pericarditis. Very often it is he who causes a sharp, sharp pain in the chest on the left. By itself, the pericardium is designed to protect the heart from overexertion and promote natural filling with blood.

Painful conditions arise due to acute inflammatory processes in this organ. A sharp stabbing pain becomes stronger when inhaling, and against this background, a person may also experience:

  • labored breathing;
  • a sharp change in body temperature;
  • fainting states.
Acute attacks of pain subside somewhat with various inclinations of the body.

angina pectoris- Another serious illness in which the heart muscle does not receive enough oxygen. This disease is characterized by constant sharp pains against the background of a normal rhythm of the heart muscle. People very often notice that their chest is squeezed like a vise. An episodic outbreak of angina pectoris can occur during intense physical exertion. When the patient is at rest, the pain subsides.

At myocarditis the heart muscle is damaged. The chest aches and pulls, and patients complain of shortness of breath. Against this background, there are also pains in the joints, there is an increase in body temperature. People generally have a feeling that the heart stops.

aortic aneurysm considered a very serious and often fatal anomaly. In this case, there is an expansion of the walls in a certain part of the vessel. That is why they become so thin and vulnerable that even a slight blow, a strong emotional overstrain can provoke their rupture.

This gap is truly unbearable pain. People often interpret them as aching, boring and pulsating. It feels like a fire is burning inside. The pain may radiate to the back and abdomen. Against the background of a ruptured aortic aneurysm, people develop:

  • tachycardia;
  • weakness;
  • fainting states;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • dyspnea;
  • cough;
  • pain during swallowing.
The pressure also drops sharply, the person stops responding to questions.

Respiratory diseases

Chest pain on the left can provoke diseases of the respiratory organs, especially if the pleura or bronchi are affected.

The pleura is the membrane that covers the lungs large quantity nerve endings. When the pleura becomes inflamed, severe pain occurs abruptly and it is localized in the place where, in fact, the pleura is affected.

Pleurisy. Its main symptom is a strong increase in pain when inhaling. Patients note its strengthening if they try to cough or scream. If you stop breathing, the pain subsides. Also, the pains disappear if people instinctively bend their torso to healthy side. That is why patients suffering from such an ailment try to constantly be in a position in which the painful sensations recede. They also try to breathe often and shallowly. With this disease, there are often:

  • a sharp increase in temperature in the evening;
  • increased sweating;
  • dyspnea;
  • bluish skin;
  • swelling of the neck veins.
Spontaneous pneumothorax- this is a condition in which air moves from the lung to the pleural region. The shell is irritated, and this causes an attack of stabbing and cutting pain. If you try to take a deep breath, then this further strengthens pain syndrome. Very often, pain can radiate to the shoulder, neck or lower back.

In some cases, the pain is so severe that the person may lose consciousness. It becomes very difficult for people not only to move, but even to breathe. There is tachycardia. Painful sensations pass during the day, and breathing problems can occur only when trying to do some physical exertion.

embolism pulmonary artery call the state when a blockage occurs blood vessel in the lung. If this happened on the left side, then in this condition, patients complain of a sudden sharp pain, which increases with deep breath. People in this state begin to breathe shallowly and often. On the background similar states patients may develop a feeling of panic and anxiety, as well as dizziness and weakness up to fainting. Sometimes there are convulsions.

Emphysema can cause . This is a disease in which air bubbles begin to move into the chest area. Air begins to penetrate from the outside due to injuries of the esophagus or respiratory tract. In addition to stabbing pains, people have a feeling of squeezing the chest. Against the background of this state are noted:

  • dyspnea;
  • hoarse and nasal voice;
  • the appearance of a cough;
  • Pain may radiate to other areas.

Neurological ailments

Sharp cutting or, conversely, dull aching pain can provoke intercostal neuralgia. As the name implies, with this disease, the intercostal nerve endings. Sometimes this condition can be provoked by an uncomfortable posture during sleep or by careless movement during some kind of physical exertion.

The pain often occurs suddenly, aggravated by inhalation, gives under the ribs, but sometimes even with superficial frequent breathing, a person is haunted by unpleasant sensations. When attempting sudden movements pain are also intensified. This condition is aggravated:

  • uncontrolled muscle twitching;
  • strong sweating.
Cardioneurosis. It can be provoked by severe stress or a series of stressful conditions. With this disease, dull aching pains in the left upper chest are often noted. Sometimes they are replaced by quite strong, but short-lived painful sensations. People with this diagnosis complain of:
  • cardiopalmus;
  • high blood pressure;
  • causeless anxiety and worry.

Diseases and injuries of the spine

Osteochondrosis- one of the most common pathologies of the spine. With this disease, a degenerative process is observed, which leads to the destruction of the vertebral discs. Often the cause of this disease is sedentary image life - excessive sitting at the computer, driving a car, etc. Also, the start for the development of the disease can be incorrect posture or overweight.

As a result nerve roots vertebrae are irritated and squeezed, and blood circulation is disturbed. Pain can haunt a person constantly and intensify during movement.

At the beginning of the disease, chest pain does not appear, however, as it develops, people begin to complain of:

  • discomfort during inhalation or exhalation;
  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • discomfort in the left hypochondrium;
  • feeling of "cola" in the chest.
These pains or other discomforts can disturb people at night, causing signs of panic, as they sometimes resemble a myocardial infarction or angina pectoris. However, pain in osteochondrosis decreases dramatically if you do a little warm-up or change the position of the body.

In other cases, the cause of pain in the left side of the chest is trauma to the person. The danger of such a phenomenon lies in the fact that the very moment of impact can pass almost unnoticed, and only later manifest itself chest pain whining character. You can guess the presence of a hematoma if you touch the site of the bruise with your hand, in which case the discomfort will only intensify. Also, the pain may become more intense during movement or even during breathing.

Other reasons

In men and women, such pain can also occur due to various lesions of the digestive tract. Among the common reasons:
  • Gastritis when the gastric mucosa is irritated (see also -).
  • Pathologies of the pancreas such as pancreatitis. In this case, against the background aching pains nausea occurs.
  • Problems with the spleen especially after her injury.
  • stomach ulcer, in which pain extends to the left side of the chest, aggravated by nausea, vomiting or severe heartburn.
In addition, there are specific, so-called. "Female" causes of pain in the left side of the chest. These include:
  • Mastopathy or benign growth of the mammary glands.
  • Premenstrual syndrome, in which there is also excessive breast enlargement.
  • iodine deficiency in the body.

In women, chest pains may not be symmetrical, but only on one side, for example, on the left. This may be a sign of the development of certain pathologies. If this phenomenon is noted constantly, an urgent consultation of a specialist is necessary.

How to understand what hurts behind the sternum (video)

Three tests for chest pain. Elena Malysheva and her colleagues will talk about them in detail. How is a stress test performed - ECG at rest and during physical activity.

What to do and who to contact

First of all, with frequent or persistent pain in the left side of the chest, any self-diagnosis options should be completely excluded. These activities should be carried out only in a specialized medical institution.

To begin with, you should contact a general practitioner, and after examining and analyzing the patient's complaints, he can redirect him to other specialists - a cardiologist, neuropathologist, gastroenterologist, surgeon.

General diagnostic measures may include:

  • radiography;
  • electrocardiography;
  • dimension blood pressure;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • study of pulmonary vessels;
  • blood and urine tests with further research for the presence / absence of various inflammatory processes.
Only according to the results of a comprehensive study, the correct and adequate treatment can be prescribed.

In the future, after treatment, a person should follow the recommendations of his doctor. Must comply proper diet, which is assigned individually. In parallel, psychotherapy sessions can be prescribed if various mental disorders were the root cause of the ailments.

At various injuries or physical injuries in the future, various physiotherapy procedures may be indicated. Unconditional and necessary is the complete rejection of bad habits.

You should not postpone a visit to the doctor if you often have chest pains. modern medicine has enough a wide range diagnostic measures to correctly identify such pains.

Next article.

In most cases, people pay great attention to pain in the left side of the chest, associating them with possible diseases hearts.

Chest pain on the right is less worrisome, and sometimes simply ignored, because often people believe that it is caused by a pinched muscle, awkward position during sleep, etc. The pain can really go away after a while, but this does not mean at all that the cause that caused it has disappeared.

Development of pain

Such a differentiated approach to pain sensations based on the principle of their location is at least strange. Indeed, one might think that most people consider the heart to be the only important body in the chest area, and the rest are either absent or irrelevant. Meanwhile, pain always has a reason, which is very important to establish in a timely manner.

Possible reasons

Hurts rib cage on the right for several reasons, and here are just a few:

This is far from full list possible causes. Sometimes pain in the chest on the right can even occur as a result of diseases of organs located outside it, or, as they say in common parlance, “give” to the chest area.

Only a doctor can establish the real cause, after talking with the patient and evaluating the test results.

The specialist can make the first assumptions after interviewing the person who applied, since the nature of the pain, the area in which it is most acutely felt, the cyclicity and duration can tell a lot.

For example, with an aortic aneurysm, pain can be traced at the top of the chest, sometimes even affecting the neck and lower jaw. Gallbladder disease can cause pain predominantly in the lower third of the chest.

If the pain is prolonged or periodically subsides and reappears, you should definitely consult a doctor. Sometimes chest pain on the right is combined with a number of other symptoms, having assessed the totality of which, the doctor will be able to determine the presence in time. dangerous disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Association of pain with other symptoms

As already mentioned, in some cases, pain in the right side of the chest may not be the only symptom. Some diseases have characteristics and appear quite clearly.

For example, if, in addition to pain, there are:

  • general weakness, lethargy;
  • cough;
  • rejection of sputum;
  • fever body,

then with big share likely to have a lung abscess, or right-sided pneumonia. The presence of signs such as:

  • sharp pain in the chest on the right;
  • rejection of sputum with traces of blood;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • loss of consciousness

indicates that pulmonary embolism may be developing. It is especially necessary to closely monitor the occurrence of pain, including in the right half of the chest, if there have been any recent injuries, bruises, wounds, falls, etc.

Even if at first glance the chest was not affected, or there were no signs of damage to it, you should make sure that the pain is in no way connected with the above-mentioned incidents. This can only be done in a medical institution with the help of a doctor.

If pain occurs, the first thing to do is determine why. Often, various infections can become the reason for this, while it will hurt most in the part where the internal organs have suffered the most. In this case, discomfort is often aggravated by inhalation, coughing, sneezing. Treatment infectious diseases requires the use of antibiotics. Self-medication here is great danger because even a doctor without special diagnostic procedures cannot make an appointment.

Do not forget about the possible occurrence of malignant neoplasms. Cancer cells capable of affecting any organ without exception, gland, bone tissue etc. It is obvious that when a tumor forms in any organ located on the right side of the chest, the pain is localized here.

Confirm or refute the assumption should be as early as possible, since the success of treatment is directly related to the diagnosis at the earliest possible early dates. This disease is also dangerous because it is asymptomatic in the early stages, so pain may be its only obvious sign.

The dependence of pain on the work of various systems and organs

Partially located organs in the chest various systems. Accordingly, a malfunction of the system can respond with pain, including in its right side. In first place, in this case, stands the respiratory system.

For example, the lower respiratory tract includes organs located in the chest, namely: the trachea, bronchi and lungs. They may develop diseases such as focal character(striking certain body) and system properties (caused by the failure of the entire system as a whole).

Among the most common diseases in this area are:

  • oncological diseases;
  • pleurisy;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis, etc.

Left untreated, these diseases can lead to lethal outcome. Therefore, it is impossible to ignore such a signal of the body as pain.

The next most likely cause of pain is dysfunction of the digestive system, or diseases of its individual organs.

The esophagus passes through the chest, the stomach adjoins its lower border. Diseases of the digestive system are also very common. These include:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • esophageal injury, etc.

Of course, diseases of the cardiovascular system are not the least important in this case. In other words, it is impossible to independently determine the cause of the pain, and it is very important to establish it on time.

Sometimes, of course, pain occurs as a result of strong physical exertion. For the same reason, the legs and arms most often hurt. Such pain does not pose a danger to human health and passes either on its own or with repeated physical exertion.

However, it is worth noting that such pain does not have a clearly defined focus, but immediately covers the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe back, chest or limbs. In other words, in this case, it usually hurts not only in the right side of the chest, but also in the left side too.

Pain from minor bruises can also be considered safe. However, here it is necessary to assess the situation objectively. It is not always possible to determine the degree of significance of the bruise on your own. It is better to be overly vigilant and seek the advice of a doctor, because if the injury is still stronger than it seemed at first glance, the consequences can be very serious. From a blow, for example, a lung rupture can occur, and this leads to death.

Sleeping in an unsuccessful, uncomfortable position can also cause a rather sharp pain in the right side of the chest. This pain is aggravated by sudden movements or even a change in body position. In this case, it is recommended to carefully do kneading exercises, hang on the horizontal bar, etc.

After a while, the discomfort will pass. It is worth remembering that this is perhaps the only character of chest pain in which physical activity- in all other cases, complete rest and a static position are required.

Pain that occurs on the left side next to the heart is an extremely frightening symptom. It may mean that trouble has happened to your heart. For example, ischemic or hypertonic disease, heart disease, or cardiomyopathy. But the same sign can be a manifestation of pathologies of the spine, ribs on the left. Give to left side can pain from internal organs: stomach, spleen, large intestine.

Where is the heart actually located?

The most upper bone running horizontally on the chest wall is the clavicle. Behind it is the first rib, below you can feel a small soft muscle gap, and below it - the second rib. Further through the intervals follow 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 ribs. The following guidelines will help guide you:

  • nipple in a man: it is on the same level with the 5th rib;
  • the angle of the scapula directed downward corresponds to the 7th rib in persons of both sexes.

A man's heart is approximately the size of his fist, positioned so that the most protruding forefinger directed down and to the left. The heart lies as follows (point by point):

  • from the upper edge of the second rib, where it is attached to the sternum on the right side;
  • the next point the line goes to is upper edge 3 ribs, 1-1.5 cm to the right of the right edge of the sternum;
  • next point: an arc from 3 to 5 ribs on the right, 1-2 cm to the right from the right edge of the sternum.

It was the right border of the heart. Now let's describe the lower one: it runs from the last described point on the right side of the chest and goes obliquely to the gap between the 5th and 6th ribs on the left, to the point that lies 1-2 cm to the right of the left midclavicular line.

Left border of the heart: from the last point, the line goes in an arc to a point 2-2.5 cm to the left of the left edge of the sternum, at the level of the 3rd rib.

This position is occupied by the heart along with large vessels flowing in and out of it:

  1. superior vena cava: it is located at the right edge of the sternum, from 2 to 3 ribs; brings oxygen-poor blood from the upper half of the body;
  2. aorta: localized at the level of the manubrium of the sternum, from 2 to 3 ribs on the left. It carries oxygenated blood to the organs
  3. pulmonary trunk: it is located in front of the rest of the vessels, goes ahead of the aorta to the left and back. Such a vessel is needed to carry blood to the lungs, where it will be saturated with oxygen.

If it hurts in the region of the heart

Pain in the left half of the chest is caused by two types of causes:

  1. cardiological, caused by diseases of the heart and blood vessels that feed it;
  2. non-cardiological, initiated by many other pathologies. They have their own division depending on the organ system that caused the syndrome.

The following signs indicate that it is the heart that hurts:

  • localization of pain: behind the sternum and to the left, to the left edge of the collarbone;
  • the character can be different: aching, stabbing, pressing or dull;
  • not accompanied by pain in the intercostal spaces or in the vertebrae;
  • there is no connection with a certain type of movement (for example, turning the arm in shoulder joint or raising the arm), pain most often appears after physical exertion;
  • there may be a connection with food intake - heart pain in angina pectoris can be associated with taking copious amounts eating or walking immediately after eating, but then it is not accompanied by heartburn, belching or stool disorders;
  • can give to left hand(especially the little finger of the hand), the left half of the lower jaw, the area of ​​​​the left shoulder blade, but at the same time - there is no violation of the sensitivity of the hand, it does not freeze, does not weaken, the skin does not begin to turn pale on it and hair falls out.

Cardiac pain: what is heart pain?

Can be called the following reasons pain caused by diseases of the heart itself:

angina pectoris

This is one of the types coronary disease hearts. It is connected with the fact that, due to being in coronary artery atherosclerotic plaque, thrombus or spasm, its diameter decreases this vessel that nourishes the structures of the heart. The latter receives less oxygen and sends pain signals. Characteristics of the latter:

  • occur most often after physical or emotional stress: lifting weights, climbing stairs, brisk walking, walking against the wind (especially cold, especially in the morning), walking after eating;
  • may appear at night in the morning or after waking up, when a person has not yet got out of bed (this is Prinzmetal's angina);
  • after resting or stopping in the first case or taking "Corinfar", "Nifedipine" or "Fenigidin" - in the second, the pain disappears;
  • pain squeezing, baking;
  • localized either behind the sternum, or to the left of the sternum, its area can be indicated with a fingertip;
  • can give to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe left hand, shoulder blades; left half of the jaw;
  • removed by "Nitroglycerin" after 10-15 seconds.

myocardial infarction

This is the second and most severe form of coronary disease. It develops when those plaques or arteries that caused short-term, only during emotional or physical stress, oxygen starvation myocardium, grew and blocked the artery almost completely. This condition can happen when from somewhere (from some kind of vein, most often in the legs) a blood clot or piece of fat flew off, which clogged the artery. As a result, a section of the heart, if professional help is not provided within an hour by introducing drugs that dissolve the blood clot, will die.

Myocardial infarction can manifest itself in different ways. The classic version is:

  • violent, burning, tearing pain on left side in region of heart. It is so strong that a person can even lose consciousness;
  • not removed by "Nitroglycerin" and rest;
  • gives to the left arm, shoulder blade, neck and jaw - on the left side;
  • the pain grows in waves;
  • accompanied by shortness of breath, nausea, heart rhythm disturbance;
  • ubiquitous on the skin cold sweat.

Heart attack - insidious disease: if it manifests itself typically, it gives a person a chance for salvation. But also with this dangerous disease only the arm, jaw, or even one little finger on the left hand may hurt; there may be a violation of the heart rhythm or suddenly, for no apparent reason, the stomach starts to hurt or loosening of the stool occurs.


This is the name of the inflammation of the heart sac, caused by infectious cause. People describe such pain as:

  • chest pain (or they say: "Localized in the depths of the chest");
  • stabbing character;
  • aggravated in the supine position;
  • weakens if sitting or standing to lean forward a little;
  • long, in many cases passes from time to time;
  • does not give anywhere;
  • not removed by nitroglycerin;
  • occurs after acute respiratory infections, pneumonia, other diseases caused by microbes;
  • accompanied by weakness, fever.

Mitral valve prolapse

This “bending” of the valve into the left atrium (normally, its petals should open in systole and close tightly in diastole) has either congenital cause, or develops after suffering rheumatism, myocardial infarction or myocarditis, against the background of lupus, coronary artery disease or other heart diseases.

Characterized by:

  • not intense bursting heart pain;
  • bouts of rapid heartbeat;
  • interruptions in the work of the heart;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • nausea;
  • sensation of "coma" in the throat;
  • increased sweating;
  • due to insufficient blood supply brain man with prolapse mitral valve prone to depression, periods of bad mood.

Dissecting aortic aneurysm

This is the name of the state when in the aorta - the largest vessel in which the most high pressure, there is an expansion - an aneurysm. Then, against this background, between the layers that form the wall of the aneurysm, an accumulation of blood appears - a hematoma. It "creeps" down, peeling the layers of the aortic wall from each other. As a result, the vessel wall becomes weak and can be torn at any time, causing massive bleeding.

A dissecting aneurysm rarely occurs "by itself", most often it is preceded by a period when a person has constantly high blood pressure, or he suffers from atherosclerosis, when plaques form in the aorta, or syphilis or Marfan's syndrome becomes the cause of the condition.

Pain from a dissecting aortic aneurysm:

  • strong;
  • located behind top sternum;
  • can give to the neck, lower jaw;
  • can be felt throughout the chest;
  • lasts from several hours to several days;
  • not removed by nitroglycerin;
  • may be accompanied by a blue face and swelling of the jugular veins located on the lateral surfaces of the neck.


This is the name of the inflammation of all three (panaortitis) or parts (endoortitis, mesaortitis, peraortitis) of the membranes of the thoracic aorta. The cause of the disease can be:

  • infection (streptococcus, syphilis, tuberculosis, brucellosis);
  • autoimmune diseases (Takayasu's disease, collagenosis, Bechterew's disease, thromboangiitis obliterans);
  • inflammation can "pass" from inflamed organs located near the aorta: with pneumonia, lung abscess, infective endocarditis, mediastinitis.

The disease is manifested by a group of symptoms: some of them are signs of the underlying disease, others are manifestations of impaired blood supply to the internal organs or the brain, and others are symptoms of inflammation of the aorta itself. The latter include:

  • pressing and burning pains in the chest;
  • most often - behind the handle of the sternum, but the pain can give to the left;
  • give in the neck, between the shoulder blades, in the "pit of the stomach" area;
  • the pulse on the carotid and radial arteries is not symmetrical, may be completely absent on one side;
  • blood pressure may not be measured on one arm.


This is the name of the inflammation of the inner shell of the heart, from which the valves are made, the chords of the main "pump" of a person. Pain in this disease rarely occurs - only in its later stages, when the patient performs physical activity or experiences a strong emotion. It is aching, not intense, it can give into the arm and neck.

Other signs of endocarditis are:

  • rise in temperature, often to low numbers;
  • body temperature drops and rises for no apparent reason;
  • fever is accompanied by a feeling of cold or severe chills;
  • skin is pale, may be sallow;
  • nails thicken, becoming like glass in a watch;
  • if you pull back the lower eyelid, some people can find pinpoint hemorrhages on the conjunctiva;
  • are amazed small joints hands;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • periodically dizzy and headaches, but in a horizontal position, these symptoms disappear.


There are 3 types of this disease, but pain in the region of the heart is typical only for the hypertrophic variant. The pain syndrome does not differ from that of angina pectoris, and even appears after physical exertion.

In addition to pain hypertrophic cardiomyopathy manifests itself:

  • shortness of breath;
  • increased heart rate;
  • cough;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • swelling of the legs (see);
  • increased fatigue.

Heart defects

They are either congenital in nature, or develop against the background of rheumatism. Heart pain most often accompanies only aortic stenosis - a decrease in diameter in the place where the aorta leaves the heart.

The pain syndrome in this case is constant, its character is pinching, stabbing, pressing. In addition, blood pressure often rises, swelling appears on the legs. There are no other signs specific to aortic stenosis.


Inflammation of the heart muscle, which is most often a consequence of the flu or enterovirus infection, also in 75-90% of cases is manifested by pain in the heart. They have a stabbing or aching character, they arise both in connection with physical activity, and in a state of relative rest, after exercise. There are also increased fatigue, increased body temperature. Nitroglycerin does not help relieve pain.

Myocardial dystrophy

This is the name of a group of heart diseases in which the heart muscle is not inflamed and does not undergo degeneration, but the main functions of the heart associated with its contractility and rhythm suffer.

The disease may present with pain different nature. Most often, these are aching or aching pains that appear against the background of a feeling of heat or, conversely, increased chilliness of the limbs, sweating. In addition, weakness, fatigue, frequent headaches are noted.

Hypertonic disease

Constantly high blood pressure can be manifested not only by a headache, “flies” before the eyes, or a feeling of “tide”. In this case, pain may appear in the left half of the chest, which has an aching, pressing character or a feeling of "heaviness" in the chest.

These are, in principle, all heart diseases that may be accompanied by pain in the left side of the chest. There are much more non-cardiac pathologies that cause this symptom, and now we will analyze them.

Non-cardiac diseases

They are divided into several groups, depending on which organ system was the cause of this symptom.

Psychoneurological pathologies

Pain in the heart area may be due to cardioneurosis and cyclothymic states, which are identical in their manifestations. In these cases, despite the richness of symptoms, no pathology is detected during examination of the heart and internal organs. A person notes the following symptoms:

  • pain in the left side of the chest appear in the morning before waking up or during it;
  • attacks almost always occur when overheated, rather than on cold and windy days, as is the case with angina pectoris;
  • it can be provoked by depression or a conflict situation;
  • pain does not disappear if you stop or take nitroglycerin; it can last up to several days, or it can appear several times a day (up to 5), lasting for 1-2 hours. In this case, the nature of the pain can change each time;
  • if you do a few easy exercise, it can relieve pain;
  • the nature of the pain can be different: squeezing, heaviness, tingling, it can be described as an "emptiness" in the chest or, conversely, bursting. There may be a "pressing pain" or a syndrome of severe intensity, accompanied by a fear of death;
  • pain radiates to the neck, both shoulder blades, can capture the right half of the chest, the region of the spine;
  • you can accurately indicate the point at which maximum pain is noted;
  • increased sensitivity of the left nipple;
  • the condition worsens when experiencing any - positive or negative - emotions;
  • during an attack, a person begins to breathe often and superficially, as a result of which the content of carbon dioxide in the blood decreases, which is accompanied by dizziness, a feeling of fear, and can serve as the basis for the development of arrhythmia;
  • with all the frequency and intensity of seizures, drugs such as Nitroglycerin or Anaprilin do not affect them; lasting for years, nor do they lead to the development of heart failure phenomena: shortness of breath, swelling in the legs, changes in the chest x-ray or ultrasound picture of the liver.

Patients with cardioneurosis are talkative, fussy, change body position during an attack, seek local remedy to help relieve pain. When taking "Nitroglycerin", the effect does not occur after 1.5-3 minutes, as with angina pectoris, but almost immediately or after long time. Such people are more effectively helped by drugs such as Valocordin, Gidazepam or valerian tincture.

Cardiopsychoneurosis- the second main pathology, in which there are no changes in either the function or the structure of the internal organs, but at the same time the person suffers from "heart" pains. They may be of this nature:

  1. Localized in the area near the nipple, have a mild or moderate severity, last several minutes - several hours. Validol and nitroglycerin help relieve pain. This is the most frequent view cardialgia.
  2. To be aching or pressing, accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, fear, trembling, sweating, shortness of breath. You can remove such an attack with the help of Anaprilin (Atenolol, Metoprolol, Nebivolol) in combination with valerian or motherwort tincture.
  3. Have a burning character, be localized behind the sternum or to the left of it, accompanied by hypersensitivity intercostal spaces when they are probed. Nitroglycerin, validol or valocordin do not stop the attack. This is done by mustard plasters applied to the region of the heart.
  4. Have a pressing, squeezing, aching character, localized behind the sternum, aggravated by walking and physical exertion.

Pain in diseases of the musculoskeletal system and nerve endings

Pain syndrome can occur with irritation of the nerves innervating the intercostal muscles, with inflammation of the costal and cartilaginous parts of the ribs

Neuralgia of intercostal nerves

The pain is constant, aggravated by breathing (especially a deep breath), tilting the body in the same direction. One or more intercostal spaces are painful. If intercostal neuralgia is caused by the herpes zoster virus, then in one intercostal space you can find bubbles filled with a clear liquid.

Apart from these pains, there are no other symptoms. Only if neuralgia is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, the temperature can be raised. In the case of a weakened organism, complications from nervous system: meningitis, encephalitis.

Myositis of the intercostal muscles

In this case, there are pains in the muscles of the heart area. It intensifies with a deep breath and when the body tilts in a healthy direction. If you start to feel the affected muscle, pain is felt.

Shoulder-costal syndrome

In this case, the pain occurs under the scapula, radiates to the neck and shoulder girdle (what we used to call the “shoulder”), the anterior-lateral part of the chest wall. The diagnosis is made quite simply: if the patient puts his hand on the opposite shoulder, then at the upper corner of the scapula or at the spine in this place, you can feel the point of maximum pain.

Interscapular pain syndrome

This condition occurs when the complex of structures located between the shoulder blades is inflamed: muscles, ligaments and fascia. It begins with the appearance of heaviness in the interscapular zone. Then a pain syndrome develops, which has a breaking, boring, burning character. Its intensity increases with emotional stress, during a night's sleep, when breathing and turning the body, it gives to the neck, shoulder, forearm and arm. What distinguishes the syndrome from intercostal neuralgia and heart pain is that in the area of ​​​​the scapula can be found pain points and the intercostal muscles are painless.

Inflammation of the costal cartilage (chondritis) on the left side

It is manifested by the appearance of swelling of one of the cartilages; she is sick. After a while, the edematous area softens, it can open with the release of pus. In this case, the temperature may rise to subfebrile numbers. Even after opening the abscess in the area of ​​the inflamed rib, pain persists, which can disturb for 1-3 years.

Tietze syndrome

This is the name of a disease of unknown cause, in which one or more costal cartilages become inflamed at the point where they connect to the sternum. The syndrome is manifested by pain in the localization of inflammation, which is aggravated by pressing on this area, sneezing, movements, and also with deep breathing.

The disease proceeds with periods of exacerbation, when all symptoms appear, and remissions, when a person feels healthy.

Injuries, fractures, bruises of the ribs

If an injury was inflicted, and then pain is noted in the chest, it is impossible to differentiate by symptoms whether it is a bruise or a fracture. Both of these pathologies are manifested by severe pain that extends to the entire chest; it gets worse with breathing. Even if it was a fracture and it healed, chest pain will still be noted for some time.

Tumor of one of the ribs on the left - osteosarcoma

It can appear in people of any age. Oncopathology is manifested by a pain syndrome localized in the region of the ribs. It intensifies at night, is characterized by a pulling character. In the later stages, swelling is noted in the area of ​​the affected rib.


When squeezing beams spinal nerves on the left there is pain in the region of the ribs. She is:

  • aching;
  • constant;
  • changes intensity with a change in body position;
  • increases with physical exertion, overheating, drafts and hypothermia;

Additional symptoms are:

  • tingling and numbness in the left arm,
  • her muscle weakness
  • there may be pain in the left arm,
  • which has three distribution options:
    • along its outer surface to the thumb and forefinger;
    • on the inner, closest to the little finger, area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hand;
    • along the back-outer part, heading towards the middle finger - this will depend on which of the roots is pinched.


This is the name of the pathology in which the bones (including the ribs) are too low maintenance calcium. It occurs due to its insufficient intake, poor absorption or increased destruction.

The pathology is asymptomatic, you can find out about it if you perform an ultrasound densitometry of the ribs (find out their density). The first symptoms appear when small cracks or fractures appear on the ribs, which appear when bending or sharp turn body. During such movements, a strong, sharp pain in the region of the ribs, which is then preserved even when the position of the body changes.

Herniated disc

This pathology is akin to osteochondrosis, associated with malnutrition intervertebral disc followed by its destruction. Only in the case of a hernia, that part of the disk that cannot be destroyed begins to protrude beyond the vertebrae and compress the nerves passing there.

Hernia manifests itself as a pain syndrome:

  • growing gradually;
  • intensifying to the most pronounced degree, leading even to loss of consciousness;
  • gives to the neck or arm, where it has a shooting character.

Symptoms can be confused with myocardial infarction. The main difference is the fact that with a herniated disc, the general condition of a person does not suffer.


This is the name of chronic musculoskeletal pain that occurs for no apparent reason in symmetrical areas of the body. In this case, the pain syndrome appears after stress or emotional trauma. The ribs hurt not only on the left, but also on the right, the pain is aggravated by rain and a similar change in weather conditions.

A person notes a feeling of stiffness in the chest, complains of poor falling asleep, periodic headaches. Decreased coordination of his movements; quality of life suffers.

Musculoskeletal syndrome

This disease is not rare. Its cause is an injury to the soft tissues of the chest (in this case, on the left), in which blood enters the muscles, sweats it out liquid part and the protein fibrin is deposited, which the blood needs to ensure the clotting process. As a result of such impregnation of the muscles, their tone rises sharply, which causes pain syndrome, described as "in the muscles" or as "in the ribs", different intensity, which changes during movement.

All of the above diseases from the described group, there is pain in the ribs. This symptom will also be noted with pleurisy, tumors of the pleura and cardioneurosis. We will talk about diseases of the pleura a little lower.

When the cause is in the disease of one of the internal organs

Pain syndrome, localized near the heart, can be caused by pathology of the lungs and pleura, in which they are wrapped. It can occur due to diseases of the mediastinal organs - that complex of organs that is located between the two lungs, next to the heart. Diseases of the esophagus, stomach, gallbladder and liver can also cause pain resembling heart pain.

lung disease

  1. Pneumonia. Most often, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart will hurt if the whole lobe is inflamed ( lobar pneumonia) lung. Less often, "cardialgia" will be noted with pneumonia of a focal nature. The pain syndrome is stabbing in nature, aggravated by inhalation and coughing. In addition, there is fever, weakness, cough, nausea, lack of appetite.
  2. Lung abscess. In this case, fever, lack of appetite, nausea, muscle and bone pain come to the fore. The pain syndrome to the left of the sternum differs in intensity, especially it increases if the abscess is about to break through into the bronchus. If the abscess is located near the chest wall, pain will increase when you press on the rib or intercostal space.
  3. Pneumoconiosis is a chronic disease caused by the inhalation of industrial dust, which the lungs try to delimit from healthy areas with the help of connective tissue. As a result, the respiratory zones become smaller. The disease manifests itself as shortness of breath, cough, pain in the chest of a stabbing character, which radiates to the interscapular region and under the shoulder blade. The progression of the disease is characterized by fever up to 38 degrees, weakness, sweating, weight loss.
  4. Tuberculosis of the lung. Chest pain in this case appears only when specific inflammation, characteristic of the tuberculous process, extends to the pleura enveloping the lungs, or chest wall(rib-muscular frame). Prior to this, attention is paid to weight loss, sweating, lack of appetite, increased fatigue, subfebrile temperature, cough. The pain syndrome is aggravated by breathing, coughing, pressing on the chest.
  5. Tumor of the lung. noted constant pain of a different nature: aching, pressing, dull, burning or boring, aggravated by coughing and deep breathing. It can give to the shoulder, neck, head, stomach; may radiate to the right side or be encircling.
  6. Pleurisy is an inflammation of the pleura, that is, the membrane that covers the lungs. It is almost always a complication of pneumonia, lung tissue tumors or injuries. If left-sided pleurisy develops, the pain syndrome can be localized in the region of the heart. It is associated with breathing, and is also aggravated by coughing. In addition, there is an increase in temperature, shortness of breath.
  7. Pneumothorax. This is the name of the condition in which air enters between the pleura and the lung. It is incompressible, therefore, with an increase in its volume, it compresses the lung, and then the heart with blood vessels. Dangerous condition, requires urgent hospitalization. Pathology is manifested by stabbing pain on the side of the lesion. She gives in the arm, neck, behind the sternum. Increases with breathing, coughing, movements. May be accompanied by fear of death.

Mediastinal pathologies

There are not very many of them:

  • Pneumomediastinum (mediastinal emphysema)- air entering adipose tissue, which is located around the heart and blood vessels. It occurs as a result of injury, damage during surgery or purulent fusion of air-containing tissues - the esophagus, trachea, bronchi or lungs. Symptoms: a feeling of pressure behind the sternum, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath.
  • Pulmonary embolism. This is a life-threatening condition characterized by sudden, sharp pain behind the sternum, which is aggravated by taking a deep breath and coughing. Shortness of breath, palpitations, loss of consciousness are also noted.
  • Tracheitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea. It is manifested by cough, dry burning pain behind the sternum.
  • Spasm of the esophagus. Symptoms given state it is difficult to distinguish from an angina attack: the pain syndrome is localized behind the sternum, in the region of the heart and shoulder blades, and is relieved by nitroglycerin.

Diseases of the abdominal organs

The following pathologies can cause pain similar to heart:

  1. Esophagitis is inflammation of the lining of the esophagus. It is characterized by a burning sensation behind the sternum, which is aggravated by swallowing especially hard, hot or cold food.
  2. Achalasia cardia - expansion esophageal opening stomach. Retrosternal pain syndrome is associated with food intake. Heartburn and nausea are also noted.
  3. hiatal hernia. Pain syndrome appears or intensifies after eating, as well as in a horizontal position. The pain goes away with a change in body position.
  4. Peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum. The pain in this case either occurs on an empty stomach, or 1-2 hours after eating. Heartburn is also noted.
  5. Aggravation chronic cholecystitis most often accompanied by pain under the ribs on the right, but can also be given to the left half of the chest. In addition, there is bitterness in the mouth, loosening of the stool.
  6. Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis if the inflammation is localized in the tail of the pancreas, in addition to nausea, vomiting and loosening of the stool, it is accompanied by pain in the left side of the chest.

Diagnosis depending on the characteristics of pain

We examined pathologies that cause pain syndrome localized in the left half of the chest. Now let's look at what pain each of them gives.

It's a dull pain

Aching pain is typical for:

  • angina;
  • myocarditis;
  • cardioneurosis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • scoliosis;
  • osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine;
  • exacerbation of pancreatitis.

The stabbing nature of the pain syndrome

Stinging pain occurs when:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • pericarditis;
  • cardioneurosis;
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
  • neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • pneumonia;
  • pleurisy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • shingles;
  • cancer of the lung or bronchus.

Pressing character

Pressing pain can be a manifestation of:

  • angina;
  • myocarditis;
  • mitral valve prolapse;
  • pericarditis;
  • foreign body of the esophagus (in this case, the fact of swallowing some inedible object, for example, a fish bone is noted);
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • heart tumors (eg, myxoma);
  • poisoning with drugs, alcohol, drugs, phosphorus-organic compounds, poisons. In this case, there is the fact of taking drugs, alcohol, treating plants from pests, and so on;
  • ulcers in the stomach at the junction with the esophagus.

If the nature of the pain is sharp

The word "sharp pain" is usually used only to describe myocardial infarction. In addition to cardialgia of a similar nature, there is a general deterioration in the condition, cold sweat, fainting, heart rhythm disturbance. Irradiation of cardialgia - in left shoulder blade, hand.

If the pain feels like "severe"

Severe pain occurs when:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic regions;
  • intercostal neuralgia, especially caused by herpes zoster;
  • thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery;
  • rupture of a dissecting aortic aneurysm;
  • myocarditis.

Pain is felt all the time or most of the time

Constant pain is characteristic of osteochondrosis. At the same time, there is no deterioration in the condition, but “goosebumps” and numbness in the left hand, a decrease in its strength, may be noted. A similar complaint is described and pericarditis - inflammation of the outer shell of the heart - the heart bag. It is also characterized general malaise and an increase in body temperature. Pericarditis can also be a source frequent pain which passes from time to time. This is how you can describe the pain syndrome with menopause or anxiety disorders.

Pain syndrome of blunt character

If there is a feeling in the region of the heart Blunt pain, it could be:

  • anterior chest wall syndrome;
  • arterial hypertension (in this case, high blood pressure is recorded);
  • overload of the intercostal muscles, for example, with very active physical training or prolonged playing of wind instruments.

Sharp pain in the region of the heart

Acute pain is observed with pleurisy or pericarditis. Both diseases are characterized by fever and weakness.

Nagging pain

It is typical for:

  • thrombosis;
  • neuro-circulatory dystonia;
  • angina;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pain syndrome of a burning character

Such a symptom is noted with myocardial infarction, in which case there will be a sharp deterioration in the condition, there may be clouding of consciousness due to pain shock. Pain in neurosis is described in the same way, when psycho-emotional disorders come to the fore.

Diagnosis depending on the conditions for the occurrence of pain syndrome and associated symptoms

Consider additional characteristics of the pain syndrome:

  1. If the pain radiates to the shoulder blade, it can be: angina pectoris, spasm of the esophagus, myocardial infarction, cardioneurosis.
  2. When the pain increases with inspiration, this indicates: intercostal neuralgia, pleurisy or myositis of the intercostal muscles. When the intensity of the pain syndrome increases with a deep breath, it can be: pneumonia or pulmonary embolism. In both cases, there is a deterioration in the general condition, but with inflammation of the lungs this happens gradually, and with PE, the count goes on for minutes.
  3. If the pain syndrome increases with movement, this may be a sign of osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic region.
  4. When arm radiating pain appears, a person may have one of the following conditions:
    • osteochondrosis;
    • myositis of the intercostal muscles on the left side;
    • myocardial infarction;
    • angina;
    • interscapular pain syndrome;
    • endocarditis;
    • pneumothorax.
  5. When the pain syndrome is accompanied by shortness of breath:
    • myocardial infarction;
    • pneumothorax;
    • pulmonary embolism;
    • pneumonia;
    • ruptured aortic aneurysm.
  6. If both weakness and pain in the region of the heart appear, it may be tuberculosis, pleurisy, pericarditis, dissecting aortic aneurysm, pneumonia.
  7. The combination "pain + dizziness" is typical for:
    • mitral valve prolapse;
    • cardiomyopathy;
    • cardioneurosis;
    • osteochondrosis or hernia of the cervical region, accompanied by compression of the vertebral artery.

What to do with cardialgia

If you have pain in the heart area, what to do:

  • Stop performing any action, take a semi-lying position, put your legs just below the body (if there is dizziness - above the position of the body).
  • Unfasten all interfering clothes, ask to open the windows.
  • If the pain is similar to that described for angina pectoris, take "Nitroglycerin" under the tongue. If the syndrome is stopped by 1-2 tablets (they act within 1.5-3 minutes), on the same day or the next, contact a therapist to diagnose coronary heart disease and prescribe appropriate treatment. More pills you can’t drink - from them, among other things, the pressure decreases (P.S. headache after taking nitroglycerin normal phenomenon, is removed by "Validol" or "Korvalment", which contain menthol).
  • If nitroglycerin did not help, and at the same time there is difficulty in breathing, weakness, fainting, severe pallor - call " ambulance”, Be sure to indicate that there is pain in the heart. You can first drink an anesthetic tablet: Diclofenac, Analgin, Nimesil or another.
  • If the pain in the region of the heart disappeared after you stopped, this condition requires an early diagnosis using an ECG and ultrasound of the heart. Not paying attention threatens to aggravate the situation with the development of heart failure.

Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor - based on the results of the examination. Self-medication is unacceptable, since the diseases manifested by this symptom are radically different. Self-medicating, for example, osteochondrosis, which actually turns out to be myocarditis, can lead to the development of heart failure, when any wrong movement will be accompanied by shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air and swelling.

Thus, pain syndrome localized in the region of the heart can be caused not only by heart diseases. Much more often, its causes are pathologies of the ribs and intercostal muscles, spine, esophagus and stomach. In order to start moving towards a diagnosis, you need to state your complaints to the therapist. The doctor will either sort out the problem on his own, or refer you to the right specialist. This will best solution rather than undergoing examinations on your own, wasting time and money.

Women often turn to a mammologist with complaints of tingling in the mammary gland.

This sign does not always indicate the development serious illnesses: sometimes the cause of discomfort lies in natural processes and states.

Do not self-medicate, follow the advice of friends and relatives to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Using inappropriate methods folk therapy can be harmful!

Unpleasant sensations in the mammary gland often occur against the background of the action of natural factors. Often, discomfort in the chest area appears during the course of pathological processes.

Define exact reason possible only with instrumental research and analyses.

At a professional examination by a mammologist or at an unscheduled visit to the doctor, a woman should ask all questions related to the appearance of unusual sensations in the mammary glands.


Tingling in the chest area is not always dangerous: the symptomatology occurs against the background of special conditions of the female body.

Do not worry if there are no other negative signs.

If tingling occurs frequently, then you need to be examined to exclude the development of diseases of the mammary glands.

Physiological factors act during specific periods:

  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • natural feeding.


Tingling in the chest is often combined with other negative symptoms: pain of varying intensity, the appearance of seals, engorgement of the mammary glands before menstruation and during monthly bleeding, localization of rough areas.

It is not uncommon for women to complain of greenish-brown, yellowish, or milky-white discharge from the nipple.

The more negative manifestations, the higher the risk pathological changes in the breasts.

Possible diseases:

  • benign and malignant breast tumors;
  • mastopathy.

Projection pains and tingling in the mammary glands appear in diseases of other organs:

  • angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, ischemic disease;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • hormonal failure due to improper functioning thyroid gland;

Soreness, periodic sensation of "needles" in the left chest often indicates heart disease.

It is important to be examined not only by a mammologist, but also by a cardiologist. Delay in starting therapy can lead to dangerous consequences.


Character negative signs depends on the factors on the basis of which it appears: discomfort general well-being, presence or absence chronic diseases, hormonal status.

It is urgent to visit a mammologist if the following signs appear:

  • sharp or aching, intermittent chest pain;
  • seals of any size;
  • worried about swelling, soreness of the chest;
  • oval or round mobile formations are probed in the tissues of the gland;
  • tingling is combined with one or more negative symptoms;
  • liquid flows from the nipple when pressed, often with bad smell. especially dangerous bloody issues or brownish-green mass with an admixture of pus;
  • the chest becomes hot, dense, the temperature rises, health worsens;
  • the color of the skin of the affected gland changes: the tissues turn pale, become cyanotic, or the area of ​​​​inflammation turns red;
  • the chest swells, enlarges, the touch causes pain.

Sometimes a woman thinks that her chest hurts, but in fact we are talking about another disease. – Consider the features of the disease.

Let's talk about how often you need to do a mammogram of the mammary glands.

Since mammography became available to the public, the frequency of detecting breast tumors in the early stages has increased markedly. You can read about such a science as mammology of the mammary glands.


During the period of monthly bleeding, hormonal fluctuations occur.

Imbalance adversely affects the condition of the mammary glands.

If a woman suffers from polycystic ovaries, mastopathy, inflammation of the uterus and appendages, has problems with immune system, then the risk increases. discomfort in the chest.

In violation of the menstrual cycle, painful, copious secretions, pronounced swelling of the glands often causes pain and tingling.

Pregnancy period

Many women feel discomfort in swollen breasts, especially on later dates when the gland is enlarged.

Reorganization takes place in the tissues, milk lobules increase, conditions are created for the optimal process of natural feeding.

Changes in hormonal levels also negatively affect the condition of the breast.

If pain occurs, you need to contact a gynecologist and mammologist.

launched inflammatory process, the development of suppuration adversely affects general condition, the infection can enter the bloodstream, which is dangerous for the fetus.

During lactation

When breastfeeding, a slight tingling sensation may occur when the breast is filled with milk.

After feeding the child or emptying the gland (pumping), the discomfort disappears.

If symptoms appear frequently, then you need to consult a mammologist, do an ultrasound scan: it is possible that cysts develop in the milk ducts or an inflammatory process occurs.

The combination of painful tingling with swelling of the gland, fever, seals in the chest, purulent secretions indicates the development of mastitis.

Tingling in the mammary gland with menopause

A decrease in the synthesis of female sex hormones adversely affects the condition reproductive function and mammary glands.

In menopause, women often complain of tingling, soreness, and other discomfort.

Reasons for discomfort:

  • reception a large number medicines;
  • mastopathy;
  • tumor process;
  • inflammation against the background of chronic injuries and bruises of the chest;
  • pathologies of other organs, against the background of which there are reflected pains in the mammary glands;
  • frequent stress, depressive states, violation of psycho-emotional balance;
  • lack of sleep, overload at work, psychological fatigue.


If you experience discomfort in the chest, you need to visit a mammologist. Constant or recurring pain, tingling, swelling, discoloration of the skin of the mammary glands, thick discharge from the nipple - an occasion for examination.

It is necessary to find out what factors provoke tingling in the chest, even in the absence of other negative symptoms.

Mammography - nodes in the mammary glands

Diagnostic procedures:

  1. Inspection and palpation of the mammary glands, clarification of the clinical picture.
  2. Mammography.
  3. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and breast.
  4. Biopsy (if a tumor process is suspected).
  5. Blood test for hormones and to detect infectious agents.
  6. Thoracic radiography.
  7. ECG. Prescribed for suspected heart problems.

Breast cysts are often asymptomatic. Read about diagnosis, treatment and prevention.


In the absence of pathological changes in the mammary glands, the mammologist sends the woman for a consultation with an endocrinologist, neurologist and gynecologist.

Specialists select the optimal set of drugs to eliminate violations.

Sometimes it is enough to adjust the mode of work and rest, review the diet, stop smoking, coffee and alcohol, reduce the level stressful situations.

If problems with the functioning of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, menstrual irregularities are detected, hormonal preparations are prescribed. Tablets are taken strictly according to the scheme specified in the instructions. In some cases, the doctor adjusts the dosage and duration of the course, taking into account individual characteristics.

Additional drugs and therapies:

  • complex of vitamins A and E;
  • vitamin C;
  • neurotropic B vitamins;
  • enzymes to restore metabolism;
  • sedatives;
  • decoctions medicinal herbs to mitigate the effects of frequent stress, sleep normalization;
  • rejection" fast carbohydrates”, smoked meats, carbonated drinks, animal fats;
  • taking dietary supplements and herbal remedies.
When a benign or malignant tumor in the breast, surgery may be required.

Resection is performed after comprehensive survey, clarification of the nature of the neoplasm.

When oncopathology is detected, cytostatics, irradiation, and immunostimulating compounds are additionally prescribed.

The mammologist selects the method of treatment individually, taking into account the degree of damage to the gland, the type of tumor process.

Negative signs, including tingling, often appear against the background of stressful situations, overwork, and a poor psychological state.

To reduce the risk of breast diseases, you need to monitor the hormonal background and weight, eat right, be less nervous, allocate enough time for sleep and rest. It is not always easy to follow the recommendations, but constant physical and psychological overload inevitably leads to problems with the female genital area, disruption of the central nervous system and organs responsible for the synthesis of hormones.

If there is a tingling in the mammary glands, the menstrual cycle has become irregular, there are signs nervous disorders and overwork, then an urgent visit to a specialized specialist is needed.

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Tingling in the mammary gland a rare event with which a woman can consult a doctor. There can be many reasons for the appearance of such sensations, and the feeling can occur both in both glands, and only in the left or only in the right. Most often, when describing any sensations in the chest, women choose the word "tingling", and especially often similar symptom occurs in those of reproductive age.

All pain in the mammary gland can be divided into two large groups depending on what causes these feelings.

Non-dangerous tingling

Stitching chest pain can occur in women during the premenstrual period. Such pain is not considered dangerous and is not treated in any way. Sensations are formed due to the fact that the hormone-dependent tissue of the gland grows a little and compresses the nerve endings.

Pain associated with menstruation may occur in the left or right breast, or may affect both glands.

Stitching sensations in the chest can form during the period of bearing a child. The reasons are the same as in the premenstrual period: the hormone-dependent tissue of the gland grows, preparing to provide the child with milk, which compresses the nerve endings.

Feelings can also accompany the process breastfeeding. True, in this case, a woman should treat herself with the utmost attention, since not all stabbing pains in the left or right chest are normal during this period.

The fact is that during breastfeeding, pain can be not only harmless and natural, but also be evidence of the development of pathology. If the glands become edematous, and seals can be felt in them, then this indicates that mastitis is developing and an urgent need to consult a doctor.

If not one of the periods occurs in a woman's life in this moment, so pain is most likely caused by some kind of pathology. In this case, it is recommended to contact not only a mammologist, but also consult a therapist.

Dangerous tingle

Stitching pains in the left or right mammary gland are not a symptom of any one disease, therefore, if these sensations develop, you should not engage in self-diagnosis, it is better to contact a professional.

The most common causes of stabbing pain in the left or right chest may be the following:

Tingling under left breast

If it hurts only left breast, or rather, even under it, then the reasons are rarely safe and you should not worry about them.

Most often, pain on the left under the breast is formed due to:

Stitching pain in the gland is formed not only due to harmless cyclic changes. It can be a sign of a serious pathology. If a woman is not sure that everything is fine, then it is better to play it safe and once again seek help from a doctor.

It is necessary to be attentive to yourself and note whether the pain is associated with menstrual cycle or others physiological changes in the body. If the answer is yes, then there is no need to worry.

If not, then you should start looking for the reasons for this unpleasant pathology and treat them.

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