2 sided sinusitis. What is bilateral sinusitis and how is it treated? Possible complications and preventive measures

With an inflammatory process in the nasal paranasal sinuses, sinusitis is diagnosed. This disease can be localized in one of the sinuses or in several on one side. If the inflammation has spread to the area on both sides of the nose, we are talking about bilateral sinusitis.

Causes of the disease

Bilateral sinusitis can develop as a complication of the unilateral form of the disease.

Causes of sinusitis also include:

  • advanced types of respiratory diseases;
  • chronic or acute rhinitis;
  • the presence of adenoids;
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • infection with various pathogens of a fungal, bacterial or viral type;
  • problems with maxillary teeth.

Symptoms of the disease

The bilateral type of sinusitis is much less common, but it differs in quite pronounced symptoms, as well as in the severity and duration of the course of the disease.

The main signs of bilateral sinusitis include:

  • constant headaches, aggravated in the evening and when tilting the head;
  • acute pain syndrome in the paranasal sinuses and in the frontal temporal part;
  • nasal congestion in both halves, leading to difficulty breathing;
  • coryza with characteristic exudative discharge from the nose;
  • pain when pressing on the maxillary sinuses;
  • nasality of voice.

Types of bilateral sinusitis

The disease can occur both in acute form and in chronic.

For the acute stage, in addition to the listed symptoms, a significant increase in temperature to 39 ° and a deterioration in the general condition of the patient are characteristic.

The chronic course is also characterized by the presence of copious purulent discharge and problems with smell.

Depending on the location of the inflammation, sinusitis can be of the following types:

  • frontitis, covering the frontal paranasal sinuses;
  • sphenoiditis, involving both parts of the sphenoid bone in the disease;
  • sinusitis, characteristic of the maxillary sinuses;
  • ethmoiditis, with pathology in the ethmoid labyrinth.

Features of diagnostics

The differences between maxillary sinusitis and ethmoiditis, a bilateral type of disease from a unilateral disease, can be determined using the correct diagnosis, which consists of the following measures:

  • examination of the clinical picture of the disease;
  • analysis of severe symptoms;
  • additional studies in the form of computed tomography of the nasal sinuses, radiography of the maxillary teeth, nuclear magnetic resonance and ultrasound examination of the paranasal sinuses;
  • laboratory analyzes of the puncture of the contents of the sinuses.

Treatment rules

Treatment of bilateral sinusitis may require the use of different methods, depending on the complexity of the disease:

  • drug therapy;
  • sinus evacuation techniques;
  • surgical intervention;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • folk medicine;
  • preventive measures.

The traditional treatment for bacterial-type sinusitis consists of taking antibiotics to help fight the infection effectively. Eliminate swelling of the mucosa will help treatment with drops of vasoconstrictive action. The acute form of the disease may require the appointment of absorbable and antihistamines.

Treatment with a sinus evacuation procedure consists in the introduction of small-diameter catheters into both nasal passages, through which an antiseptic is supplied. In the same way, purulent exudate is removed from the sinuses.

Surgical treatment involves punctures for the outflow of pus and the introduction of the necessary anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs directly into the area of ​​​​the disease localization. Doctors come to this decision in the absence of the effect of drug treatment, as well as in case of deterioration of the general condition in the form of severe headaches, fever and a large amount of purulent discharge.

Physiotherapy is a fairly effective way to treat a disease, including UHF procedures, diadynamic currents, inhalations, etc.

Special attention deserves the treatment of sinusitis by washing the nose. This procedure can be carried out at home using a saline solution, or in a clinic using special equipment and preparations.

Mild forms of bilateral sinusitis, along with drug treatment, can be healed with the help of folk remedies.

The most popular methods are:

  • inhalations over a pot with boiled potatoes or boiling water with the addition of Asterisk balm, menthol or garlic;
  • warm compresses from boiled eggs, heated salt or river sand wrapped in a bag or scarf, cakes made from honey and rye flour;
  • drops made from aloe juice with the addition of honey and juice of boiled beets or garlic juice with olive oil;
  • washing the nose with self-prepared solutions from mineral water, green tea, herbal preparations (sage, chamomile, blackcurrant, succession, St. John's wort), water with the addition of sea salt and iodine (in a small amount), potassium permanganate, propolis.

Like any other disease, the treatment of bilateral sinusitis is better to prevent than to eliminate its symptoms. An excellent prevention of the disease is taking care of the immune system, within which due attention should be paid to saturating the body with essential vitamins.

With reduced immunity and a tendency to respiratory diseases, contact with carriers of infection should be avoided, the body should be protected from hypothermia, drafts, and feet should be kept warm.

Proper dental care is essential to prevent maxillary sinusitis.

In any case, the effectiveness of the treatment of the disease will depend on the timely appeal to the ENT doctor, the correct diagnosis and strict adherence to the doctor's instructions.

Sinusitis is a diagnosis that is made with inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. In cases where it develops in several sinuses and both sides of the nose are involved, bilateral sinusitis is present.

The appearance of this type of disease is much less common than unilateral, more often the disease occurs in children.

Treatment of this type of sinusitis should take place under the constant supervision of a specialist, in some cases, hospitalization and surgical intervention may be required.

Features and causes of the disease

Bilateral sinusitis is divided into two degrees, which are determined depending on the duration of the disease. In addition, the disease is usually divided according to the zone of inflammation. The degrees of sinusitis are as follows:

The development of such a disease, most often, occurs as a complication of a viral infection. The chronic form occurs when untimely measures are taken or improperly treated sinusitis. The following types of sinusitis are divided according to the zone of inflammation:

  • maxillary, in which inflammation of the maxillary sinuses occurs. This species is more common than others;
  • ethmoidal occurs when inflammation of the ethmoid labyrinth;
  • frontal involves infection of the frontal sinuses;
  • sphenoidal occurs when the cells of the sphenoid sinuses are damaged.

Development is rare. Usually, treatment begins immediately after the first signs of the disease appear, which disappear after a couple of weeks of proper therapy.

The main reason for the development of sinusitis is a violation of the cleansing of the sinuses.

When there are causes that contribute to stagnation in their secretion, a disease occurs. Bilateral sinusitis is usually a continuation of unilateral sinusitis, when treatment is not started in a timely manner or is not effective enough. The causes of the disease include the following:

A person's predisposition to such a disease also plays a big role. Physiologically narrow nasal passages increase the likelihood of bilateral sinusitis.

Symptoms and methods of diagnosing the disease

Suspecting bilateral sinusitis is quite simple, its symptoms are difficult to ignore. The development of the disease is evidenced by the following:

In the chronic stage of bilateral sinusitis, a person has a violation in the sense of smell, up to its complete disappearance.

To diagnose such a disease, in addition to examination by a specialist, the following examination methods are carried out:

  1. Radiography of the paranasal sinuses.
  2. CT scan of the paranasal sinuses.
  3. Ultrasound examination.

If complications are suspected, the patient is referred for an MRI of the brain.

Methods of treatment of bilateral sinusitis

At the first symptoms of bilateral sinusitis, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to receive a full and timely treatment. With any delay, the disease threatens to flow into a chronic form, the treatment of which is much more difficult and lengthy. After a complete examination and examination, the specialist prescribes the appropriate treatment, which can be the most diverse, depending on the situation.

In most cases, bilateral sinusitis can be managed with medication and physiotherapy. First of all, the doctor prescribes the use of vasoconstrictor drugs that help get rid of mucosal edema. One of the following drugs is usually used:

In rare cases, when other drugs are not effective, doctors prescribe Naphthyzinum. It should be used with caution, as addiction occurs very quickly.

Without fail, it recommends washing the nasal passages with a saline solution, which you can prepare yourself or buy it ready-made at a pharmacy, for example Aquamaris. Often, treatment involves the use of more serious drugs. To get rid of bilateral sinusitis, the following remedies can be used, which should be used only as directed by a doctor:

With a timely appeal to a specialist and the implementation of all his recommendations, it is possible to cope with the disease within two weeks and prevent its reappearance.

You should not prescribe medications on your own, as this can cause complications and aggravate the situation.

In cases where the prescribed treatment does not bring a positive result, the doctor may recommend surgery. When, which creates a threat of complications, the maxillary sinus is punctured. With the help of it, it is possible to quickly and completely clear the sinuses and alleviate the patient's condition instantly.

The chronic form of bilateral sinusitis is quite amenable to medical treatment with the use of antibacterial drugs, but sometimes requires surgical intervention during exacerbations. Such a procedure, most often, is necessary in an acute form.

Thanks to modern drugs and examination methods, a timely visit to a doctor allows you to do without surgery and cure the disease with medication.

Measures to prevent bilateral sinusitis

It is possible to prevent the development of bilateral sinusitis by conducting ongoing prophylaxis. It is especially important to follow measures to prevent the disease in childhood, since a fragile body is more susceptible to the development of complications. Prevention measures include:

Attentive attitude to your health and contacting a doctor at the first symptoms of sinusitis will avoid the development of a bilateral form and quickly cure the disease.

Bilateral sinusitis is a serious disease that causes discomfort to a person. In advanced situations, surgical intervention is required, in order to avoid it, it is necessary to start treatment in a timely manner and not stop it even if it improves, until the doctor allows it. The further development of the disease depends on the correctness of the therapy: the complete elimination of it or the flow into a chronic form, which requires constant monitoring and periodically worsens.

Bilateral sinusitis is a disease that is localized in two paranasal sinuses at once. This type of sinusitis is characterized by the presence of more vivid and unpleasant symptoms. In our article, we will analyze the causes of this disease and how to treat it.

Reasons for the appearance

In most cases, bilateral rhinosinusitis is a complication after a unilateral disease. Both adults and children are affected by the disease. Doctors identify a number of factors that serve as the root causes of the appearance of this type of disease:

  • presence of adenoids.
  • Acute rhinitis.
  • Chronic rhinitis.
  • Diseases of ENT organs that were not treated in a timely manner.
  • Deformation of the nasal septum (congenital or with trauma to the nose).
  • Infection with various viruses.
  • Diseases of a dental nature.


Bilateral sinusitis is rarely diagnosed. It is characterized by bright and severe symptoms, which worries for a long time. In some cases, the illness can last up to two months. What symptoms will help you understand that the disease has acquired bilateral localization?

The first step is to pay attention to the constant pain in the head, which acquire special strength with the onset of the evening or when turning the head. Severe pain is located in the region of the sinuses of the appendages and at the temples. Each nostril is blocked, so there is a problem with breathing through the nose.

In addition, the patient may complain of discharge from the nose. They are colorless and rather liquid. The amount of discharge is very plentiful. The voice may change, it becomes more nasal. During the probing of the sinuses located above the upper jaw, acute pain may be felt.

Diagnosis of the disease

Treatment and diagnosis of the disease should take place in the office of a qualified specialist, regardless of what form of the disease is suspected in the patient.

Based on this, do not forget that as soon as you feel the first symptoms of the disease, contact the clinic.

Before prescribing the correct treatment, the doctor conducts diagnostic procedures that will help establish an accurate diagnosis.

Diagnosis consists of standard stages and does not differ much from the diagnosis of other diseases in the nasopharynx. First, an oral questioning of the patient and a visual examination of the problem area are carried out. Then, additional procedures may be needed: X-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography.


Based on the data obtained as a result of diagnostic procedures, a plan is drawn up for the most optimal and effective therapy.

In most cases, treatment consists of prescribing medications in combination with some physiotherapy procedures.

Drug therapy most often consists of the use of drugs such as:

  1. Means for vasoconstriction. They have a local effect and allow you to quickly remove swelling in the mucous membranes. The most popular are Otrivin, Sanorin and Vibrocil.
  2. Antipyretics. Such medicines not only normalize the patient's body temperature, but also relieve painful symptoms.

Physiotherapy treatments include:

  • Electrophoresis.
  • warming up.

If traditional therapy does not give positive results, then the question arises of performing a surgical operation.


Doctors may prescribe antibacterial agents if other medicines do not have the desired effect: they do not relieve symptoms and do not eliminate the causative agent of the disease.

We remind you that you cannot prescribe antibiotics on your own - this should be done by your doctor. If the selection of medicines is carried out incorrectly, there is a risk of developing dangerous complications.

The selection of antimicrobial agents occurs after a complete and thorough diagnosis, which helps to determine the root cause of the disease. The main goal of such treatment is to eliminate the focus of the disease. In most cases, the following medications are prescribed:

  • Aksetil;
  • Trimethoprim;
  • clavulanate and others.

Do not forget that it is important to monitor the timing of antibiotics. The duration of exposure to such drugs on the body should not exceed two weeks from the moment you start taking them.

In a different situation, problems with the gastrointestinal tract may appear, since antibiotics adversely affect the intestinal microflora. Experienced specialists immediately prescribe drugs that allow you to save the microflora.

If therapy with antibacterial drugs could not be completed effectively, it is necessary to use more stringent and radical methods of therapy - surgical operations.

Surgical interventions

If the patient does not seek medical help in a timely manner and rhinosinusitis enters a severe advanced stage, or in situations where medications do not help to improve the situation, they resort to the sinus puncture procedure.

During such a puncture, interaction with the frontal and maxillary sinuses occurs. This technique allows you to reduce the excessive pressure that falls on the sinuses of this type. The puncture can eliminate problems with the functioning of the outflow of mucus and eliminate purulent deposits.

However, there are situations when the puncture does not lead to any positive results. Then prescribe procedures for washing the nasal passages using solutions that contain antibiotics.

Such activities are carried out in a hospital setting. Self-medication in such situations can only aggravate the situation, therefore it is absolutely contraindicated.


If you do not consult a doctor in time or do not follow the rules of treatment that he prescribes for you, the disease can flow into more complex and acute ailments:

  • Meningitis.
  • Encephalitis.
  • Inflammation of the eyes with pus.
  • Otitis media is purulent.
  • Thrombosis.

You need to be careful about your own health and listen to your body. If you feel frequent headaches or your body temperature rises suddenly and high, then consult a doctor. There is a chance that you will be diagnosed with acute rhinosinusitis.

Folk methods

The use of traditional medicine methods will be appropriate only in the early stages of the development of the disease. Only then, such simple recipes can bring any effect.

In addition, do not forget that such techniques are not alternative and can only be ancillary measures that are added to typical therapy. Therefore, be sure to visit a doctor. If you are, then you should not self-medicate at all.

Among the most effective recipes that can be used at home are the following:

  1. Steam inhalation from potatoes. Boil potatoes and drain all water. Cover yourself with a towel and breathe in the steam that comes out of the freshly boiled tubers. The duration of this procedure is about 20 minutes.
  2. Warming up with eggs. Hard boil an egg and wrap it in a cloth. Such a compress is applied to the inflamed sinuses.
  3. Compresses are used to reduce painful symptoms. They can serve as cakes made from honey and flour.
  4. You can make nasal drops on your own, they, of course, will not work as effectively as pharmacy ones, but they can help if the latter were not at hand. Drops can be made from aloe or onion juice. To enhance the effect of such a remedy, you can add honey or fresh beet juice to it.
  5. You can make drops of garlic. Such a recipe will be in the spirit of only those people who are not embarrassed by their specific smell. To make the drug, squeeze a couple of drops of garlic and mix them with olive or vegetable oil. If the solution is too thick, then apply it to the nose with a cotton swab. If the product is quite liquid, then drip with a pipette.
  6. Washing at home can be done with Dead Sea salt or decoctions of various medicinal herbs. However, you should be extremely careful, as there is a risk of carrying out the procedure incorrectly, which will entail many troubles, including complications.

Preventive measures

It is almost impossible to completely protect yourself and your child from the appearance of sinusitis, which will manifest itself in each of the sinuses. However, you can reduce the chances that rhinosinusitis will begin to develop. To do this, you must adhere to a number of simple rules. It is worth remembering that the outcome of the whole situation depends on the quality of their compliance.

It is important to monitor your own health and control the state of the protective functions of the body. Do not overcool or be in drafts. Always dress for the weather and don't rush to take off your clothes in the spring.

It is very useful to start hardening with a contrast shower. This makes it possible to extremely quickly and efficiently increase the resistance of your body to environmental factors.

If you notice that rhinosinusitis appears very often, then there is a possibility that the reason for its formation lies in the anatomical problems of your body. This may be a curvature of the nasal septum and other problems of this nature.

In such a situation, treatment will take place in the surgeon's office. In other cases, you need to contact the ENT, who will conduct a thorough diagnosis and draw up an effective treatment plan. If you strictly adhere to all the rules and carefully treat the disease, then it will recede quickly and will not visit you again. Be healthy.

If a person has inflammation in the area of ​​the paranasal sinuses, this indicates the presence of sinusitis. This disease is localized on one or both sides. It is caused by an allergic reaction, a virus, fungus or bacteria. Bilateral sinusitis has a more complex clinical picture, as well as a severe character.

Reasons for the development of pathology

By itself, the disease does not appear. It can be independent or be a complication of some pathological process. The causes of bilateral sinusitis are as follows:

  • SARS or other acute respiratory infections;
  • fungal or bacterial infection;
  • allergy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • acquired or congenital changes in the nasal passages;
  • constant runny nose;
  • head or face trauma;
  • diseases of the upper teeth (caries);
  • weakened immunity;
  • prolonged stay in a room that is poorly ventilated (production workshop);
  • constant inhalation of chemicals;
  • prolonged therapy with antibiotics.

Bilateral sinusitis is a serious disease that can significantly reduce a person's performance. It can also lead to various complications.

Varieties of pathology

Sinusitis bilateral is acute and chronic. In the first case, it is characterized by a strong severity of symptoms, as well as a significant increase in temperature. The pathological condition lasts 2-3 weeks. Chronic rhinosinusitis is characterized by impaired sense of smell, strong purulent discharge from the nasal passages. We can talk about this form of the disease if the symptoms are present for more than 2 months.

Sinusitis can also be classified by location:

  1. Frontitis (covers the frontal sinuses).
  2. Sphenoiditis (affects the entire sphenoid bone).
  3. Ethnoiditis (inflammation is localized in the ethmoid labyrinth).
  4. Sinusitis (affects the maxillary sinuses).

Depending on the type of sinusitis, the patient is prescribed the appropriate treatment. But the patient must first be examined.

Symptoms of the disease

Inflammation that affects both paranasal sinuses is very pronounced. However, bilateral sinusitis is less common than unilateral sinusitis. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • constant pain in the head, the intensity of which increases in the evening or when bending over;
  • bilateral nasal congestion, which leads to difficulty breathing;
  • acute pain in the frontal-temporal part of the skull, as well as in the region of the paranasal sinuses;
  • runny nose, which is characterized by purulent discharge;
  • swelling of the face and redness of the skin around the affected area;
  • sleep disturbance due to difficulty breathing and constant coughing;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • constant fatigue, decreased performance, lethargy;
  • intoxication of the body, which is accompanied by a strong increase in temperature (up to 39 degrees);
  • heaviness in the head;
  • increased tearing and salivation;
  • frequent nosebleeds.

The symptoms of bilateral sinusitis are severe and require prompt treatment. It is necessary to consult a doctor if the patient has at least a few of the listed symptoms.

Features of the diagnosis of the disease

In order to start effective therapy for bilateral sinusitis, you need to carefully examine the patient. To begin with, the exact causes of the development of the disease are determined, since without this it is impossible to cure it. Diagnostics involves the implementation of the following procedures:

  • Ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses;
  • radiography of the affected area;
  • fixing the patient's symptoms;
  • rhinoscopy;
  • laboratory analysis of the puncture of the contents of the sinuses.

Only a thorough diagnosis will allow you to choose the right treatment. If a person develops 2-sided sinusitis, then you should not hesitate to visit a doctor.

Features of conservative treatment

A disease such as sinusitis must be treated, as it can provoke various complications. The patient first of all requires drug therapy. He is prescribed the following drugs:

  1. Local vasoconstrictors: Otrivin, Rinazolin, Naphthyzin. They help reduce swelling and make breathing easier.
  2. Antibiotics and antimicrobial drugs: Ceftriaxone, Clarithromycin. They are prescribed in case of a severe course of the disease. Antibiotics are also needed if sinusitis is caused by a bacterial infection.
  3. A solution of sea salt for washing the nose: "Aquamaris". You can also cook it yourself. The solution helps to moisturize the mucous membranes.
  4. Painkillers and antipyretics: Ibuprofen, Paracetamol.

Additionally, with bilateral sinusitis, the sinus evacuation method is used. It involves the introduction of antiseptic solutions through catheters inserted into the nasal passages. Physiotherapeutic procedures are considered no less useful: UHF, as well as diadynamic currents.

In especially difficult cases, if conservative therapy of sinusitis does not work, a puncture of the nasal sinuses is performed. Additionally, an antiseptic solution is introduced inside. In this case, the doctor should choose medications in each case. Self-medication will only aggravate the patient's condition.

In most cases, the patient can carry out all therapeutic measures at home, but from time to time it is necessary to come for an examination to the doctor. Nasal lavage is best done every few hours.

It is also important to learn how to blow your nose properly. You need to do this for each nostril in turn. If you do it wrong, then the inflammatory process can spread to the auricles.

Alternative treatment of sinusitis

To increase the effect, conservative therapy is supplemented with folk remedies. It is not recommended to do this on your own. All used folk recipes must be agreed with the doctor. If the specialist has allowed their use, then the following remedies will be useful for the treatment of sinusitis:

  1. Boiled potatoes in uniform. It is used for inhalation. After cooking the vegetable, almost all the liquid is drained. The pot with the rest of the water should be put on a slow fire. You need to breathe the resulting vapor. To do this, the patient should bend low over the container, and cover his head with a towel. The duration of inhalation is 20 minutes. Next, you need to thoroughly clean the nasal passages (blow your nose) and lie down in a warm bed. It is better to cover your head with a dry terry towel so that it cools down gradually.
  2. Vietnamese balm "Asterisk". It is also used for inhalation. A little money should be added to hot water and breathe the resulting steam for no more than 7 minutes. You can additionally throw garlic or menthol into the water.
  3. Compresses from sea salt heated in a frying pan, hard-boiled chicken eggs, roasted sand.
  4. To wash the nose, mineral water, decoctions or infusions of chamomile, succession and St. John's wort are used. They have excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. A solution based on sea salt and a few drops of iodine is very effective in combating bilateral sinusitis. A weak solution of potassium permanganate, green tea, and an aqueous infusion of propolis have a good antiseptic effect.
  5. Aloe juice should be used for instillation. To maximize the effect, you can add a little honey to it. No less effective are drops made from garlic. It is mixed with olive oil. Next, you need to moisten a cotton swab with the product and carefully treat the inner surface of the nasal passages.

The complex use of folk decoctions and medications will help to quickly get rid of the pathology. But you need to choose only those recipes that will not cause allergies.

Possible complications and preventive measures

Sinusitis, which is already known, can leave undesirable consequences. It is possible to distinguish such complications of the presented disease:

  • inflammation of the meninges - meningitis;
  • purulent otitis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • blockage of blood vessels;
  • encephalitis;
  • purulent lesions of the eyes.

These complications are not easy and getting rid of them is not so easy. In order for them not to appear, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease in a timely manner. It should not be allowed to become chronic. Some preventive measures should be observed, then the risk of sinusitis will significantly decrease. For example, the following guidelines should be followed:

  1. Avoid local or general hypothermia of the body.
  2. Timely conduct therapy for colds, runny nose, rhinitis.
  3. Strengthen the immune system by hardening the body, the use of mineral-vitamin complexes.
  4. Regularly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning (especially during an increase in the incidence of colds).
  5. It is necessary to fight allergies, as well as eliminate those factors that can provoke sinusitis: give up antibiotics after consulting a doctor, give up work in which a person is forced to inhale toxic fumes of chemicals.

Sinusitis, especially bilateral sinusitis, is an unpleasant and dangerous disease that should not be left to chance.

Only complex therapy using medications, folk remedies and physiotherapy procedures will help the patient quickly cope with the pathology.

When a person begins to have a headache and there is a pressing sensation in the area of ​​​​the nose, then most likely this is a bilateral sinusitis. It is characterized by prolonged inflammatory processes occurring on both sides of the nose, lasting approximately 1 month.

It is worth noting that 2-sided sinusitis can be of several types, which is why it must be correctly diagnosed in order to select the appropriate methods of therapy.

Bilateral sinusitis can occur as a complication of the unilateral form of this disease. There can be a variety of causes of this disease, in particular such as:

  • advanced respiratory diseases;
  • rhinitis;
  • adenoids;
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • teeth problems.

In addition, infection can occur due to the penetration of various kinds of viruses and bacteria into the body. Regardless of the cause of bilateral sinusitis, timely diagnosis and subsequent complex therapy are required.


Bilateral maxillary sinusitis is quite rare, however, it is characterized by significantly more pronounced symptoms than unilateral sinusitis, severity and duration of the course. The main symptoms of this disease are:

  • regular headaches;
  • significant pain in the sinuses;
  • nasal congestion;
  • runny nose with purulent discharge;
  • nasality of voice.

If complications arise, there may be a release of purulent exudate, and this pathological process can flow into other diseases, for example, brain damage occurs.

Types of disease

Bilateral maxillary sinusitis can occur in acute and chronic forms. The acute course of the pathological process is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature and a significant deterioration in well-being. The chronic form is characterized by the fact that purulent discharge appears, and serious problems with smell also begin.

Depending on the area of ​​localization of the inflammatory process, sinusitis can be of various types, in particular such as:

  • frontitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • sphenoiditis;
  • ethmoiditis.

Each of these pathological processes requires the choice of a specific method of therapy.

Important! It is necessary to recognize the presence of a pathological process in the body in a timely manner and conduct a comprehensive timely treatment.


You can determine the presence of the disease with the help of a correctly performed diagnosis, which implies:

  • inspection;
  • laboratory research;
  • CT scan;
  • ultrasonography;
  • radiography.

Acute odontogenic sinusitis often develops as a result of dental problems. Odontogenic sinusitis requires more thorough diagnosis and treatment, as this disease can lead to quite serious and dangerous complications.

To find out which viruses and bacteria provoked the onset of the disease, you need to additionally analyze the contents of the sinuses.


Qualified treatment can only be determined by an experienced otolaryngologist. The duration of the course of therapy, as well as the appointment of medications, largely depends on the age of the patient, the complexity of the course of the pathological process, and many other factors.

Drug therapy implies the use of local vasoconstrictor drugs, in particular, such as Naphthyzinum or Sanorin. At elevated temperatures, antipyretic drugs are used. If two nasal sinuses are affected by pathogens, then antibiotic therapy is prescribed. In acute sinusitis, antiallergic drugs are additionally prescribed.

Very good results in the treatment are provided by the sinus evacuation technique. When it is carried out, special catheters are inserted into the nasal passages, and an antiseptic agent is pumped through them. After that, the existing purulent discharge and accumulated mucus are removed in exactly the same way.

If conservative methods of therapy have not brought the desired result, then treatment is carried out by surgical intervention. Surgical intervention is carried out by puncture in a hospital.

If the acute phase of the disease has passed, then the patient is additionally prescribed methods of physiotherapy. Also, a very good effect is provided by washing the nasal passages. To prepare a treatment solution, you need enough warm water and a small amount of salt. Solutions based on sea water give a good effect.

In most cases, with an uncomplicated course of the pathological process, patients can be treated at home and periodically visit a doctor for examinations. You can additionally carry out steam inhalations, gradually adding various healing aromatic oils to a saucepan with hot water. Very well helps to cope with the pathological process and facilitate breathing menthol, which additionally moisturizes the overdried nasal mucosa.

At night, it is advisable to do warm foot baths. To prepare such baths, you can gradually add dry mustard powder to warm water. Steaming the legs helps to qualitatively eliminate the swelling of the nasal mucosa and alleviate the course of the disease.

Treatment with folk methods

It is quite possible to treat uncomplicated forms of sinusitis quite effectively with the help of folk methods. Steam inhalations with a decoction of medicinal herbs are well suited for carrying out. The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes. After that, you need to stay warm for an hour.

You can make heat compresses using well-heated sea salt or river sand, which must be poured into a linen bag.

Important! It is worth remembering that warming up and inhalation can be done only in the absence of temperature.

A rather good effect is provided by washing with mineral water, as well as decoctions of medicinal herbs. It is quite possible to replace drops and sprays for washing the nose with diluted aloe juice. To enhance the therapeutic effect in this remedy, it is desirable to add a little honey. You can additionally use garlic drops to help improve the general condition.


To prevent the formation of sinusitis and prevent the occurrence of complications, you need to carefully monitor your health. It is especially important to increase your immunity. If the immune system is in good condition, the body is quite able to quickly and easily cope with the resulting infection on its own.

If sinusitis or other diseases of the sinuses worsen periodically, then you need to consult a doctor for surgical intervention.

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