How long do guinea pigs live in captivity. How many years does a guinea pig live. The impact of disease on life expectancy

Guinea pigs have been domesticated for thousands of years. In the beginning, they were used for sacrifice and eating, so there was no question of life expectancy. Later, when these rodents turned from delicacies into pets, a logical question arose, but how many years do guinea pigs live at home and in the wild?

How many years guinea pigs live in the animal world depends on the availability of a favorable habitat, as well as a number of other factors, such as temperature, sufficient food and drinking water. Not unimportant factor is the chance to survive after the attack of predators. Therefore, the life expectancy of wild guinea pigs is small and only in the most rare cases can reach ten years, but often this figure is two or even three times less.

Guinea pigs next to a man

How many years do domestic guinea pigs live? With caring owners, most often the animals live to an advanced age of 8-10 years. Cases of "longevity" have been recorded - pets have pleased their owners for 13-15 years.

As with their wild counterparts, the lifespan of domesticated rodents depends on basic conditions. As such are:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • Individual characteristics of health;
  • Food quality;
  • Habitat and care

The first factor cannot be influenced. But to regulate the rest is quite within the power of even a busy owner.

Nuances of care

Guinea pigs are quite unpretentious. They will be able to please their owner for a long time if you follow simple rules of care.

  • The cage should be spacious, up to one and a half square meters per inhabitant. To maintain an active lifestyle, such a dwelling can be equipped with transitions, hammocks, bridges.
  • Pigs are clean animals. Their house has no smell. But in any case, regular cleaning is necessary at least once a week.
  • The place for the cage should be chosen taking into account the absence of direct sunlight, drafts and noise.
  • The temperature regime can vary from 17 to 21 C. However, short-haired and "bald" breeds (for example) are preferable to keep in a warmer environment. The minimum temperature for such individuals should be 5-10 degrees higher.
  • Representatives of long hair (for example guinea pigs) need to be combed and kept clean and dry.

Remember how many years guinea pigs live at home directly depends on the owner of the pet.

Nutrition Features

The diet of a rodent should be varied and balanced, rich in micro and macro elements, as well as vitamins.

In nutrition, a balance should be maintained between juicy and dry types of food. For example, the volume of hay should be approximately 60% of the daily diet. Whereas vegetables and fruits have the same proportion as solid food in the form of grains and seeds - approximately 20% each.

Guinea pigs are true vegetarians. It is necessary to exclude the consumption of eggs, meat and milk.

We wrote in more detail about what to feed a guinea pig in.

Guinea pigs have a peculiarity - they easily overeat, which directly affects their health. Some experts recommend x times a week to always be aware of the health of the animal.


Rodent incisors grow rapidly, which can cause malocclusion, which, in turn, can lead to malnutrition or refusal to eat.

Therefore, mineral stone, solid food, twigs and chocks are a necessary element to keep your pet's teeth in good condition.


Of course, in order for the animal to be healthy, the conditions for its maintenance and feeding must be met to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract, vitamin deficiency, muscle atrophy and other diseases.

However, there is one more point. Incorrect sizes of accessories in the cage can cause injuries that shorten the life of the guinea pig. For example, a rodent can get stuck in a tunnel or fall from the second floor and injure its paw. Therefore, it is necessary to choose additional goods and the cage itself, taking into account the size of the animal.

Also, animals can be prone to cardiovascular diseases, infections and other health problems. Therefore, it is important to seek help from a specialist in time.

Summing up what has been said and answering the question of how many years guinea pigs live, we can give indicative figures. Namely: the life expectancy of a rodent in the wild most often does not exceed 4-6 years, while pets, with proper care, easily live up to 8-10 years.

Pay more attention to your pet, play with it, take care of it and surround it with care and your pig will delight you and your loved ones for many years.

Guinea pigs are often kept in city apartments. These pets are distinguished by a cute appearance, unpretentiousness in food, unobtrusiveness. Animals get used to the owner and willingly make contact with him, but they can easily remain alone, doing their own business or relaxing. How long a guinea pig lives at home depends largely on caring for it. It will be useful to know the main points of their content.

Description and breeds

The guinea pig belongs to the order of rodents. In the process of selection, breeders bred about 50 breeds these animals, which have differences in hair, color, weight and other characteristics. There are even completely naked (hairless) guinea pigs.

Some breeds are bred as a result of domestic crossing, they are never officially recognized. There are breeding animals. Exhibitions of international format are regularly held, where the owners present both new and well-known breeds of guinea pigs. Among them:

As a result of crossing, many breeds have a hereditary predisposition to various diseases which greatly affects their lifespan. So, ordinary rosette pigs are longer-lived. Among them was the officially registered record holder who lived for 15 years.

Bald rodents live on average 5 years, but can live up to 8 years. The stronger of the hairless breeds is Skinny, which appeared as a result of selection. Hairless Baldwins are the result of a random gene mutation, and they are quite morbid.

The life expectancy of guinea pigs in captivity directly depends on several factors: heredity, health, nutrition, care and conditions of detention. At home, a pet needs an equipped cage or a small aviary. The minimum dimensions of the house for one animal must be 40 x 40 cm, the height of the cage must be 50 centimeters.

Set up a home for the pig better in the far corner of the room where direct sunlight does not fall and draft does not penetrate. The bottom of the cage is filled with sawdust or purchased filler. A domestic pig must constantly have access to clean water and the ability to actively move; for this, stairs and labyrinths are installed in the house.

The cage and all the accessories that are in it, needs to be washed regularly and replace the filler with a fresh one. If you do not carry out regular cleaning, there will be an ideal environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

The rodent itself also needs to be bathed periodically with a special detergent, and after washing, dry the hair with a hairdryer. Alternatively, dry shampoo can be used. It is rubbed into the coat with massage movements, after which it is carefully combed out. You will also need a nail cutter and a comb for care if the animal is long-haired.

Extend the life of a pig shared content with a relative, because it’s much more fun for them. Two females get along well, especially if they have grown up together since childhood. The female and male should be seated periodically. Guinea pigs are prolific, frequent pregnancies and childbirth will undermine her health and the pet will die before term.


In order for a domestic pig to live a long time, it needs balanced diet. The menu should include:

  • special food;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • hay;
  • branches;
  • crackers.

Purchased food must be intended especially for domestic guinea pigs, other grain mixtures may not be as useful, because the feed formulation takes into account the characteristics of a particular rodent. In percentage terms, the main share should be occupied by dry feed (hay) - 60%, the rest is equally divided by solid (grain, peas, corn) and succulent feed (vegetables, fruits, greens).

Many breeders are skeptical about purchased advertised feeds, attributing to them a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract of domestic guinea pigs. These animals love to eat and are prone to obesity, so do not overfeed them.

The impact of disease on life expectancy

Symptoms of diseases can be a decrease in activity, poor appetite, falling hair, itching and sores on the skin, tremors, diarrhea, increased thirst. Thus, colds and gastrointestinal diseases, pasteurellosis, rickets, helminthic invasion, conjunctivitis and other diseases can manifest themselves. If treatment is not started immediately, the domestic pig can easily die, or cause the host to become ill.

The influence on how many years guinea pigs live can have dental problems rodent. Their incisors grow throughout their lives, if the excess is not cut off in a timely manner, the animal will die of hunger, as it will not be able to eat normally. This procedure will be successfully carried out in any veterinary clinic.

It is good if there is an opportunity to let your pet go for a walk around the apartment. Living in immobility can hasten the death of a pet, and walking makes him more enduring and has a beneficial effect on heart function.

In general, summarizing the answer to the question of how many years guinea pigs live, we can state that:

  • In the presence of diseases, poor care and inadequate feeding, the mumps can live a maximum of three years.
  • The average life expectancy of these animals is 5-6 years.
  • Under good conditions and timely treatment, the rodent can live up to 8-9 years.
  • Very rare specimens survive this period and become real centenarians.

Now most people have Pets, from dogs and cats to snakes and spiders. And now the question arises before you: what kind of pet to get?

For a dog, the apartment may be small (and dwarf breeds are quite expensive), there may be an allergy to cat hair, but I want to have a little fluffy friend nearby, whose care will not take much time and it will be interesting to play and watch with the animal him (with fish, for example, you can’t play).

In this case, as a pet is ideal decorative guinea pig. After all, caring for them is quite simple, and they do not need a lot of space, a spacious cage is enough. The cost of food for a guinea pig will also not go much, because all of its food is plant-based.

This little pet will get along well with other household inhabitants, if any. Therefore, you need to monitor them more carefully, because, for example, a cat can seriously harm the health of a new pet.


On average, a decorative guinea pig can live 8-10 years old. But, of course, it all depends on you. From how you will care for her and what to feed. There were even cases when the pet lived up to 15 years.

These animals are quite active, so at least once a day they should be released for a walk around the house (of course, under your strict guidance).

It should be remembered that wild guinea pigs in their habitat quickly run away and burrow somewhere, noticing the danger. These instincts are also present in domestic pigs, so due to excessive noise or something else, it will take quite a long time to find them. Don't lose your pets and they will live happily ever after.

First of all, they need to provide place to live. The most comfortable option for them would be a spacious cage with good ventilation, approximately 30 * 40 cm in size.

At the bottom of this cage, you need to pour sawdust (about 2-3 cm), which are sold at any pet store. You need to change them about 2-3 times a week. Do not take newspapers as sawdust. These animals do not tolerate heat and sub-zero temperatures, so the room should always be warm enough, but in no case stuffy or hot.

Important is the presence house for the guinea pig. Any design you come up with or a purchased “shelter” will do. It is very important for guinea pigs to have a place where they can hide when needed. The absence of such a place can lead to severe fear, stress, which affects their life expectancy.

In the cage you need to install a special drinker for rodents with a ball, also sold at any pet store. It should be changed once a day, but the volume of such drinkers provides that you have the opportunity to go somewhere for a few days.

1-2 times a year, pigs need to cut their claws with special scissors or tongs, but do this very carefully, because with the wrong actions, a bleeding wound may appear. This is necessary because, unlike wild breeds, domestic guinea pigs have nowhere to sharpen their claws. For prevention, you can install a scratching post.

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To make the life of your little pets more interesting and varied, you can buy them various tunnels and labyrinths, but you should not use too difficult and high ones, as these animals have short legs.

Another tip for keeping such pets is keeping them in pairs. You can do without this, but then you should remember that the owner will have to give his animal enough a lot of attention because guinea pigs need to communicate. With its lack, the pigs begin to worry, which leads to a decrease in life expectancy.

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Don't take your guinea pig to the couch unless it's under constant supervision because it could fall and cause injury.


The life expectancy of your pet depends to a large extent on nutrition. Choosing a diet for a guinea pig is very simple, because they are herbivores. They eat various fruits, grass, hay(helps grind teeth and promotes good digestion) special food, etc. But at the same time, certain proportions must be observed:

  • 60% of the diet should be a special food for guinea pigs, because it already contains all the components that have useful substances necessary for the life of pets.
  • 20% hay, grass, crackers (not to be confused with store-bought crackers that are sold for people. It's best to dry them yourself, or again, a pet store will come to the rescue).
  • 20% vegetables and fruits.

Of course, there are things that guinea pigs should not eat:

  • any products of animal origin except milk and cottage cheese.
  • red cabbage (even though guinea pigs are big fans of cabbage in general).
  • sweets.
  • various fruits and berries that did not have time to ripen or, on the contrary, overripe.
  • spoiled and damp food (check them carefully before giving them to your pet).

Need to feed the pigs 2-3 times a day(depending on individual characteristics). Serving size is approximately 2-3 tablespoons. Guinea pigs need vitamin C, which they can only get from food. Vitamin C should be given to pigs at the rate of 1 mg per 1 ml of water. This solution must be changed every day.

If you keep all these rules in mind and follow them, your guinea pig can become a new long-lived record holder!


Here, too, there are no particular difficulties, because these pets very rarely get sick with viral diseases, they do not need vaccinations. However, they can pick up various intestinal infections.

To protect them from this, you need to let them out for a walk only on a clean surface, carefully monitor the health of animals (if any) that are in contact with them. For complete peace of mind, you can show your guinea pig every 3-4 months to the veterinarian.

Domestic guinea pigs are ideal pets for those who do not have time to devote much attention to dogs and cats, but still want to have a little furry friend.

This option is also suitable for quite busy people, because caring for pigs is very simple, which even a child can handle. Of course, you want your pet to live a long and happy life, but in many ways it depends on you! Simple rules that you will follow as you care for pigs promise your pets longevity.

Interesting fact: many people ask: why is the guinea pig so called? After all, it has nothing to do with either one or the other. This animal comes from America (from across the sea), which means it is marine. She was called a pig because sometimes she makes characteristic sounds of grunting, just like a real pig.

If you have any questions, leave them below - we will answer you!

Guinea pigs can be in the family at any stage of their lives. If the animal does not have documents confirming the date of its birth, the new owner will have to determine the lifespan by appearance and other signs.

It is important to do this at least approximately, since the physiological state of the animal, proper care for it very often depends on the date of its birth.

into the light sea ​​"pigs" appear with a weight of 45 to 90 g. It all depends on the age of the mother, the number of cubs in the offspring. Not the least important is the heredity and breed of the animal.

Animals born weighing less than 35 - 40 g have almost no chance of survival, even if the owner starts feeding them manually.

The body length of a newborn rodent is about 8 - 9 cm. The cubs actively feed, begin to immediately gain weight.

As soon as the weight of the female approaches 0.6 - 0.7 kg, and of the males to 0.8 kg, the growth of the animals slows down, but does not stop at all. The rate of growth and weight gain depends on individual characteristics.

Subject to the basic rules of keeping, feeding rodents, they stop growing by 14-15 months.

When do they become sexually mature?

Guinea pigs are fast maturing animals. The ability to reproduce in young pigs comes quite early.

Males can mate and give birth already at the age of 2.5 - 3 months, and females start hunting from 35 - 45 days.

It is contraindicated to create pairs on purpose, to let rodents into breeding so early.

A young female, weighing less than 500 g, rarely brings strong, viable offspring. In the process of childbirth, not only the offspring can die, but also the adult animal.

Physiologically, the pig, although it can mate, its body has not yet fully formed, the birth canal is too narrow. A guinea pig can become pregnant without health risk at 5-6 months, and the male reaches optimal readiness for breeding - by 10-12. From this age, pets can mate.

When deciding to breed their animals, the owner must be prepared for the fact that rodents for veterinarians are not the usual cats and dogs. They simply may not have the skill and experience to manage childbirth in such relatively small animals.

To avoid early and unwanted mating Animals are best kept in same-sex groups. And the male should be planted with the female only for planned and thoughtful reproduction. If the couple is of breeding interest, then it is advisable to plan the first birth before the female reaches 12 months.

Taking into account the fact that pregnancy lasts up to 62 - 68 days, then the best time for mating females comes from 6 - 8 months.

How can you find out how many days, months or years your pet is?

Newborn sea "piglets" are born fully formed animals. Their body is covered with fur, their eyes and ear canals are open, and there are already some teeth in their mouths. After drying, they begin to play and move actively.

If the pig gets to the owner without exact information about the age, then his can be determined indirectly. The average weight of newborn babies of this animal is 50 - 60 g, but it can be 40 and 90 g. If there is one cub in the litter, then it can weigh 100 g.

In some cases, the weight of a newborn may exceed 100 g, there are examples of the birth of pigs with a weight of 140 g.

Although almost immediately after birth, pigs are interested in adult food, they actively feed only on mother's milk. The rate of increase in body length and weight depends on individual and breed characteristics:

  • after two weeks, the weight doubles, if the newborn weighed 90 g, then by the 15th day its weight approaches 180 - 190 g, the body length is 10 - 12 cm;
  • by 16 - 18 days, the mass is 200 g, and the length is 14 cm;
  • at 5-6 weeks, the young animal weighs 0.4 kg, and its body length reaches 16 - 20 cm.

It can be concluded that by the 45th day the animal weighs 4–5 times more than at birth, and its body length increases by 1.8–2.0 times. From this period and up to 17 weeks, the mumps grows well, both weight and body length increase.

When the female gains 0.6 - 0.7 kg, and the male 0.7 - 0.8 kg, the growth rate slows down, usually the animals have such a mass at 10 - 12 months. The body length of such rodents is already 23 - 25 cm.

By 15 months, the animal stops growing. It weighs 0.8 - 1.2 kg, its body length is 27 - 35 cm. Males of large breeds can gain up to 1.5 - 1.8 kg.

Height and weight table

You can also make a comparative table of the age of guinea pigs and humans. It is completely correct to compare the development of a person with the development of a mumps of the same age. After all, a newborn baby does not walk yet, and young pigs run from the first day of life.

Puberty by human standards in pigs begins at 5-7 years, and in humans only at 12-15 years. Only an approximate comparison can be made.

Comparison table of age by human standards

At what age are babies given

Starting from day 21, sea pigs can quite successfully exist without a mother. However, you can buy an animal at this age as a last resort. If possible, then it is advisable to inspect the entire litter and choose the most well-fed and active animal. The weight of a properly grown rodent should be 200 - 250 g.

But even if the choice has been made, it is better not to rush and It is better to take the animal home at 45 days. By this time, the animal is gaining a body weight equal to 450 g.

If it is planned to breed pedigreed pigs, then it is advisable to buy an animal already at 60 - 75 days, when the animal already weighs 0.6 - 0.7 kg and breed signs are clearly visible.

A pig 2-4 years old is considered a young animal. It has a mass of an adult animal from 0.8 to 1.2 kg. Such individuals can be bought for breeding.

The weight of pigs over 6 years old begins to decrease. You can distinguish an old animal from a young one by a duller coat prone to falling out.

Guinea pigs live on average 6-8 years, therefore, such a rodent is considered very old, you should not buy it. To avoid unscrupulous sellers, it is advisable to choose a pet in trusted stores or specialized nurseries.

In contact with

It differs from wild counterparts in width and roundness of forms. The normal weight of a guinea pig varies by gender and breed. Males are larger than females, by about 20-25%.

The influence on the limits to which guinea pigs grow is exerted by genetics, the conditions in which the animal grew up and is kept. Monitoring the dynamics of parameters and comparing with the norm helps to monitor the health of the pet.

Conventionally, the life of a pig can be divided into 4 stages. The norms for weight and size may differ for different breeds, and for the dynamics of development they are common for all representatives of the species.

Life stages:

  • childhood - 0-3 months;
  • youth - 3 months - 1.5 years;
  • maturity - 1.5 - 5.5 years;
  • old age from 6 years.

The period of childhood is characterized by intensive growth. The average weight of a newborn cavia is 50-140 g. The parameters are influenced by the age of the mother, the conditions of detention during pregnancy, and the number of cubs in the litter. Usually, those animals that were born first from the litter are larger.

Baby guinea pigs are born quite large with hair and already with open eyes.

How much a certain pig should weigh at 2 weeks can be determined by doubling its weight on the first day.

By the fifth week, the growth of the guinea pig reaches 19 centimeters. The age is well suited for acquiring a pet. By this time, the animals are completely ready for weaning from their mother.

Girls reach puberty by about 30 days of age, boys by 70. . The body of rodents is still not fully formed, so mating at such an early age is not recommended.

In adolescence, the animal begins to show interest in the opposite sex. At 3 months, the difference in size between rodents of different sexes becomes clearly pronounced. The weight can exceed the figures by 10 times.

The formation of the body ends by the 6th month. The animal is ready to perform the reproductive function. The growth rate is decreasing.

The male is larger than the female in weight and size.

The rodent becomes an adult from 15 months. Until these years, cavia grow and gain mass. An adult guinea pig must weigh at least 700 g.

From the age of 4, age-related changes begin in the body. By the age of 6, a guinea pig may begin to lose weight. Reproductive function is disturbed, there are problems with the absorption of nutrients. Aging affects appearance, coat and mobility.

How big does a guinea pig grow?

The table below shows the approximate size of a healthy cavia, according to age. Comparing the parameters of a pet with the indicators of the norm, one should take into account the specifics of its breed and individual characteristics.

Average table of growth rates

Age body length
about weeks 8-9.5 cm
2 weeks 10-12 cm
3 weeks 14-15 cm
5 weeks 16-20 cm
7 weeks 21-23 cm
1 year 24-25 cm
15 months 27-35 cm

The record holders in size are the Kui breed rodents. These guinea pigs grow to sizes 1.5-2 times larger than average: body length up to 50 cm, weight about 4 kg.

The growth of an adult stops at 1.5 years of age. By this age, the guinea pig of most breeds weighs less than 2 kg. Females gain 700-1200 g, and males 1000 - 1800 g. Body length does not exceed 35 cm.

Monthly guinea pig weight chart

Age Body weight (grams)
about weeks 50-120
0.5 months 90-180
1 month 145-240
1.5 months 200-300
2 months 350-400
3 months 500-700
6 months 650-800
1 year 800-1000
15 months 900-1500

The weight of an adult guinea pig is stable. Sharp jumps in parameters are an alarming sign and require consultation with a veterinarian. Regular weighing and monitoring of growth dynamics can help identify pet health problems in time.

Guinea pigs grow up to 15 months, after this age, a significant weight gain may be a sign of obesity. The problem usually occurs against the background of a sedentary lifestyle and an imbalance in the diet.

Sudden weight loss can be caused by a lack of nutrients in the diet. The symptom is characteristic of a number of diseases. For some of them, weight loss is the only external sign. A thorough inspection is required to determine the cause.

Monitoring the weight of a guinea pig

Experienced breeders control the weight of the young to make sure that the development of the rodent is in accordance with the norms.

Information about the parameters of the pet is also useful when the guinea pig becomes an adult. Weighing should preferably be done weekly.

A kitchen scale is used to weigh pigs.

In order to find out the weight of a guinea pig, special devices are not needed. Floor scales for people are not accurate enough, it is better and more convenient to use a kitchen scale. Animals calmly tolerate the procedure.

The device will show accurate readings when the pet is motionless. During weighing, one should distract the kavia with treats or caresses.

Convenient weighing algorithm:

  1. Plant the pig in a container of a suitable size.
  2. Place the bowl with the pet on a kitchen scale, record the weight.
  3. Remove the animal and note the mass of the empty container.
  4. Subtract the smaller number from the larger number.

In order not to forget the exact indicators, you can start a special notebook - a diary. Measurement results should be entered together with dates. Data in case of illness will be useful to the veterinarian, so it is advisable to take a notebook to the appointment.

Video: guinea pig weight

Weight and size of guinea pigs

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