Rectal temperature during ovulation. Study of the menstrual cycle, temperature curve. Basal temperature during pregnancy: what do temperature indicators mean

Basal body temperature is the lowest body temperature in a relaxed state. There are three ways to measure it: vaginal, oral and rectal. With the help of indicators of basal temperature, you can calculate not only the day of ovulation, but also determine the onset of pregnancy.

How to measure basal temperature correctly?

Regardless of when and how you measure your basal temperature, certain rules must be followed to achieve an accurate result. Temperature should be measured at the same time, preferably immediately after waking up. If this is not possible, then you can measure it an hour after waking up every day, in time you can do this a little earlier, but not later.

It is necessary to measure the temperature strictly in the supine position, using the same thermometer. When choosing a thermometer, remember that mercury gives the most accurate results. Of the three existing methods for measuring basal temperature, you should choose only one and use it constantly.

Basal temperature during menstruation

For basal temperature measurement to be useful, you should record its daily readings. They will help to identify the deviation in the female body during menstruation.

Throughout the cycle, approaching the beginning of menstruation, the basal temperature decreases. A few days before their arrival, it is 36.9 ºС. If it is 37ºС - 37.5ºС, this is an alarming sign. This value indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the female body or the onset of pregnancy. In any case, noticing an increase in basal temperature, you should consult a doctor.

During ovulation, basal temperature can reach 37ºС and higher. It is this temperature that is comfortable for the maturation of the egg.

The indicators of basal temperature of each woman are individual. To find out what temperature is normal and comfortable for your body, you need to measure it for at least three menstrual cycles.

Reasons for an increase in basal temperature

If not all the rules are followed when measuring temperature, then the indicators may be false. But what factors affect the increase in basal temperature?

If the body received a small dose of alcohol in the evening of the previous day, then the basal temperature can be increased by as much as 0.5 degrees. Lack of sleep can also be the cause of fever. If you keep a schedule, then you need to sleep more than six hours a night to get accurate information.

Taking contraceptives, antibiotics or hormonal drugs can lead to an increase in basal body temperature. In order not to worry once again about this, before you decide to schedule a basal temperature, you need to consult a gynecologist.

In the body of a woman, there is a regular change in the hormonal background, which is directly related to the processes of the menstrual cycle. In a healthy young woman, these changes are clearly repeated from month to month. It is noticed that the hormonal effect also affects the basal body temperature. Moreover, if you measure the temperature every day at the same time, you can see a clear pattern of changes and reflect them on the graph. In this case, it will be seen on which day of the cycle ovulation occurs, when pregnancy can occur. You can notice whether conception has occurred, recognize pathologies.


What is basal temperature, the purpose of its measurement

A basal body temperature of 36°-37.5° is considered normal. In women, on different days of the menstrual cycle and before menstruation, characteristic temperature deviations within these limits are observed, associated with a change in the ratio of estrogens and progesterone. To notice the pattern of these deviations, it is necessary to painstakingly, at the same time every day, measure the basal temperature, and then compare the readings for several cycles.

Since we are talking about deviations of the basal temperature in tenths of a degree, it is desirable to exclude the influence of external conditions, therefore it is measured not in the armpit, as with a cold, but constantly in one of 3 places: in the mouth, in the vagina or in the rectum (most an accurate result is obtained by rectal measurement). It is this temperature that is called basal.

When measuring temperature, the following conditions must be met:

  • the same thermometer is used all the time;
  • temperature measurements are taken in the supine position only in the morning, immediately after sleep, strictly at the same time;
  • the duration of sleep at the same time should not be less than 3 hours, so that the state of the body is stable, the temperature is not affected by changes in blood circulation during movement and other types of vigorous activity;
  • the thermometer must be held for 5-7 minutes, the readings are noted immediately after the measurement;
  • if there are possible reasons for deviations from normal basal temperature (illness, stress), then it is necessary to make a note.

It is convenient to reflect the measured readings in the form of a graph, marking the days of the menstrual cycle on the horizontal axis, and the basal temperature on the vertical axis.

Note: Temperature measurements will be effective only if the woman has a regular cycle, no matter if it is 21-24, 27-30 or 32-35 days.

What can be learned from the temperature change graph

Comparing temperature charts for several months (preferably at least 12), a woman will be able to determine on which day of the cycle she ovulates, and therefore, set the time of possible conception. For some, this helps to approximate "dangerous days" in order to be especially careful to protect themselves before their onset. However, the probability of error is quite high. Even perfectly healthy women can have unexplained failures before menstruation, at least occasionally. Therefore, you should not trust this method 100%.

According to the type of the curve line obtained, it is determined whether ovulation occurs in each particular cycle, it is concluded whether the ovaries function effectively enough, whether the production of female sex hormones corresponds to the norm.

According to the location of the temperature points on the eve of menstruation, it is assumed that fertilization has occurred and the onset of pregnancy is established at the earliest possible date. The doctor will be able to confirm or refute this assumption after palpation of the uterus and ultrasound examination.

Video: What is the importance of measuring basal temperature

How does the basal temperature change during the cycle (ovulation, before menstruation)

If a woman is healthy, her cycle is regular, then immediately after the end of menstruation (the phase of maturation of the follicle with the egg), the temperature rises slightly (up to 36.5 ° -36.8 °). Then, in the middle of the cycle (before ovulation), it decreases to 36°-36.2°, reaching a minimum at the moment of rupture of the follicle and the release of a mature egg from it.

After that, its sharp rise is observed (the phase of maturation of the corpus luteum and increased production of progesterone in it) to 37 ° -37.5 °, and before menstruation, the basal temperature again gradually decreases until the last day of the cycle to approximately 36.5 °.

The specific values ​​​​of basal temperature for each woman are different, as they are influenced by many factors: individual physiology, climatic conditions, lifestyle, and much more. But the general pattern remains: a drop in temperature at the time of ovulation, a subsequent sharp increase over several days and a gradual drop before menstruation.

As an example, we can imagine the following schedule (cycle duration 23 days, ovulation occurs on day 9, conception is possible from 5 to 12 days).

Warning: Fertilization is possible only after ovulation, but if the sperm got into the uterine tubes several days before that, it is likely that the meeting of sperm and egg will take place. On all other “non-dangerous days” of the cycle, due to the action of hormones, such an environment is created in the vagina that the spermatozoa die before reaching the uterine cavity.

The measurement results may deviate if the day before the woman was overworked or ill, and also if she did not get enough sleep, took any medications (for example, paracetamol for headaches), and drank alcohol. The result will be inaccurate even if sexual contact has taken place within the last 6 hours before measuring the basal temperature.

What do deviations of the temperature curve from the norm indicate?

The basal temperature before menstruation should normally fall by 0.5 ° -0.7 ° compared to the maximum value at the beginning of the second phase of the cycle. There are several deviation options:

  • the temperature reading before menstruation does not fall;
  • it grows before menstruation;
  • the temperature variation during the cycle is very small;
  • changes in basal temperature are chaotic, it is impossible to catch a pattern.

The cause of such deviations may be the onset of pregnancy, as well as pathologies associated with hormonal imbalance and the functioning of the ovaries.

Basal temperature during pregnancy

After ovulation, in the second half of the cycle, progesterone plays a major role in the ratio of hormones. Its increased production begins at the moment the corpus luteum forms at the site of the egg that has left the ovary. It is with this that the sharp spike in temperature on the graph is associated. If the basal temperature before menstruation remains elevated, its value is approximately constant (about 37.0 ° -37.5 °), this may indicate the onset of pregnancy.

For example, in this graph of the 28-day cycle, you can see that on the 20th day of the cycle, the temperature dropped. But it immediately began to grow, and during the last days before menstruation it remained at an elevated level of 37 ° -37.2 °. The drop in temperature for 20-21 days occurred at the time of implantation of the embryo in the uterus.

With the help of the graph, you can only make an assumption about the conception that has occurred. The difficulty is that there may be other reasons for an increase in basal temperature before menstruation, for example:

  • the occurrence of gynecological inflammatory or infectious diseases, deterioration in general well-being;
  • receiving a large dose of ultraviolet radiation after a long stay on the beach;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages or strong coffee the night before.

However, such a tendency to change in temperature indicators can be considered one of the first signs of pregnancy.

Video: How indicators change during the cycle, causes of deviations

Deviations of temperature readings in pathologies

According to the schedule, one can make an assumption about the occurrence of pathological conditions that are the cause of infertility or miscarriage.

Insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle

There are cases when, before the onset of menstruation, the basal temperature not only does not fall, but also grows by 0.1 ° -0.2 °. If it is also seen that the duration of the phase from ovulation to the next menstruation is less than 10 days, it can be assumed that in this case there is an insufficiency of the luteal phase. This means that progesterone is not enough to ensure the normal implantation of the embryo in the uterus, the woman has a high probability of miscarriage. In this case, she needs treatment with progesterone-based drugs (dufaston, for example).

Deficiency of estrogen and progesterone

A situation is possible in which, as a result of any endocrine disorders or ovarian diseases, the body lacks female sex hormones. The graph will show that ovulation occurs, the cycle is two-phase, but the change in indicators, starting from day 1 and ending with the temperature before menstruation, is only 0.2 ° -0.3 °. This pathology is often encountered in the treatment of infertility.

If there is not enough estrogen in the body, the schedule will be an alternation of chaotic bursts and drops in temperature. At the same time, there is no way to notice when ovulation occurs and whether it happens at all. However, if a graph of just this type is obtained, this does not necessarily mean that a woman has this pathology. Temperature fluctuations could also occur for another reason: due to stress associated, for example, with moving to a new apartment, the occurrence of any disease.

Anovulatory cycles

Cycles without ovulation are the cause of infertility. They occasionally can be observed in every woman. Pathology is their appearance for several months in a row. At the same time, a broken line will turn out on the graph, almost even, on which, before the most monthly, the basal temperature practically does not differ from the indicators on other days. There is, as they say, a "single-phase" (anovulatory) cycle.

When to See a Doctor

If the temperature value before menstruation rises above 37.5°, there is no pronounced drop in the middle of the cycle followed by a sharp surge on the graph, the temperature variation throughout the month is not more than 0.3°, a woman is recommended to visit a gynecologist. You may have to do an ultrasound and take a blood test for hormone levels.

Women who have been planning a pregnancy for a long time know that the basal temperature before ovulation should be lower than that recorded in the second phase of the monthly cycle. The measurement of this value allows you to control the course of many physiological processes of the reproductive sphere. Temperature fluctuations on the graph and their deviations from the norm indicate problems with the female genital area and even help to suggest the causes of these disorders.

Basal body temperature (BT) is a temperature indicator of a woman's body, which is determined rectally. For diagnosis, it is necessary that the body be in a state of complete inactivity for a long time (at least 3 hours). That is why BT is considered reliable, measured in the morning immediately after sleep, when the woman has not yet had time to get up.

Measurement of basal temperature is carried out by inserting a thermometer into the rectum. Most often, women practice a similar technique during pregnancy planning to determine ovulation (an important process when an egg leaves a burst follicle). If you conduct a study regularly and display the results on a graph, you can keep reproductive processes under control, thereby increasing the chances of a productive conception. Such records should be kept from the first day of the cycle (the first day of menstruation) until the beginning of the next menstruation.

There are many subtleties and rules for maintaining and compiling a temperature curve (read the detailed article on how to lead).

What will BT tell in the follicular phase

As you know, the monthly cycle of every woman consists of two phases, separated by ovulation, that is, the moment of rupture of the follicle, from which the egg is ready for fertilization.

The first (or follicular) phase is characterized by a period of maturation in one of the ovaries of the sex gamete. This process does not need high temperature indicators, therefore it proceeds against the background of a lower basal temperature. Its optimal values ​​​​in the first phase are considered to be marks on the thermometer at 36.3 - 36.7 degrees Celsius.

Measurement of basal temperature in the first phase of the cycle allows you to:

  • to control reproductive function;
  • determine the approach of probable ovulation;
  • to diagnose the duration of the follicular phase;
  • detect hormonal fluctuations.

BBT before ovulation indicates the level of hormonal activity in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. Normal indicators of basal temperature in the follicular period indicate fairly high titers of estrogen and low levels of progesterone in a woman's body.

It is estrogens that affect the maturation of a normal egg and the adequacy of the preparation of the endometrium of the uterus for the probable implantation (implementation) of the fetal egg. Decreased levels of these hormones are a sign of serious violations of neurohumoral regulation and require careful examination.

ovulation retraction

Approximately 2-3 days before the release of a mature gamete from the ovary, the so-called ovulation retraction is recorded on the graph - a decrease in basal temperature by 0.1 - 0.3 degrees. This is approximately day 11-13 of the cycle, when the follicle reaches its maximum size and is preparing to burst. The decline lasts only a day (sometimes several hours), after which the indicators return to the previous level.

Women are not always able to fix the fall on the chart. It happens that it is too short in time, and does not coincide with the moment of temperature measurement. It happens that it is not due to individual characteristics. So the schedule without ovulation retraction can also be considered normal, unless, of course, the other parameters do not go beyond the normal range.

Ovulation itself is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature in the rectum by 0.4-0.6 degrees, after which it is customary to talk about the onset of the second luteal phase. Throughout its length, BT is kept in the range from 36.8 to 37.3 degrees, which averages 37.0 degrees Celsius.

Only in the case of productive fertilization of the woman's egg by the sperm of her partner on the 7-12th day after conception, there is a decrease in temperature, followed by its rise, which in time corresponds to the attachment of the fetal egg to the endometrium and is called implantation retraction.

Norm and pathology

Changes in the normal schedule of basal temperature indicate the development in the body of a woman of violations of the functioning of her sexual sphere.

Increased BT after menstruation is a sure sign of the development of an inflammatory process in the uterine cavity or on the ovary. Also, a high basal temperature in the first phase may indicate a decrease in estrogen production, which inhibits ovulation and leads to secondary infertility.

According to experts, ideal BT schedules practically do not exist. Normally, every woman encounters anovulatory cycles 1-2 times a year, when a steadily elevated basal temperature is recorded in the first phase without ovulation retraction with a smooth transition to the second period of the monthly cycle.

In this case, there is no cause for concern. You should contact a gynecologist if a high basal temperature after menstruation is diagnosed for 3 or more months in a row and is accompanied by infertility, pain in the pelvic area, menstrual disorders, and the like.

Not always the cause of "bad" schedules are diseases of the genital organs and hormonal dysfunction. Measurement of basal temperature is a process that requires strict adherence to all instructions, and any violation of them leads to a violation of the reliability of the results obtained. The growth of BT indicators is influenced by both external and internal factors, including:

  • psycho-emotional upheavals and stress;
  • increase in general body temperature;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • drinking on the eve of measuring BBT alcoholic beverages;
  • poor sleep and frequent trips to the toilet at night;
  • sexual intercourse less than 6 hours before the results were measured.

If the listed reasons for increasing BBT in the first phase of the cycle are absent, the situation is cause for concern. With this scenario, the patient is recommended to seek advice from a specialist and exclude the presence of an inflammatory process in the pelvic cavity using ultrasound diagnostics.

Do you trust this method?

Despite the fact that measurement is one of the most accessible and popular methods, many specialists are not inclined to trust its results. The reliability of such a diagnosis can be influenced by a number of factors that are not related to the state of the patient's reproductive system.

It is important to remember that doctors always make the final diagnosis based on the results of more reliable studies:

  • analysis of the level of sex hormones in different phases of the cycle;
  • ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs, in particular folliculometry.

Rectal basal temperature measurement is used by many women to determine their likely ovulation day, allowing them to plan their pregnancy. But you should not trust this technique 100%, since not its results can be negatively affected by a huge number of factors.

Charting a basal temperature is one of the methods for assessing the work of the reproductive system, which is available to almost every woman.

Maintaining a schedule and deciphering it requires compliance with certain rules and subtleties, otherwise there is a high probability of obtaining distorted results.

Keeping a graph of basal temperature allows you to determine the correct functioning of the female ovaries and identify a number of problems that affect the ability to conceive a child.

The chart can be used to determine:

  • egg maturation time;
  • in a particular cycle or its absence;
  • favorable and unfavorable days for conception;
  • the presence of hormonal problems;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • the reason for the delay of the next menstruation.

The measurement results will be informative only if the graphs were kept for at least three menstrual cycles.

Some gynecologists observe for at least six months to make an accurate diagnosis. For a correct interpretation it is necessary. Otherwise, the graph data will not be representative.

Building a BT schedule during pregnancy

The method of basal temperature charting is becoming more common due to its availability. All you need is a thermometer, a checkered notebook and a pencil.

Basal temperature is measured in the anus daily, immediately after waking up. The obtained value is entered into the table and marked on the graph.

The graph reflects the daily results of measurements during the menstrual cycle (not a month). A normal cycle is 21 to 35 days. The beginning of the cycle is considered the first day of menstruation (and not its completion, as some people think).

Each menstrual cycle should have its own basal temperature curve.

On the vertical axis of the graph, degrees are marked (1 cell = 0.1 ° C), on the horizontal axis - the days of the cycle and the date corresponding to this day. The obtained temperature value is marked on the graph with the corresponding point, after which the neighboring points are connected to each other. Thus, a curve of basal temperature changes during the cycle is built.

Factors that may affect the reliability of the measurement should be noted against the corresponding day of the cycle.

These include ailments, alcohol intake, sex shortly before measurement, insomnia, stress, moving. Unusual temperature jumps caused by these factors can be eliminated from the curve.

Deciphering the different types of graphs with examples: high, low and normal temperature

The graph reflects the dependence of basal temperature on the phases of the menstrual cycle. In the first phase, which is called the follicular, the maturation of several follicles occurs. This period passes under the influence of estrogen, the temperature value varies between 36.4-36.8 ° C.

The first phase takes about half of the cycle. At this time, one of the several follicles remains, the maturation of the egg occurs in it.

Then the follicle bursts and the egg is released from the ovary, that is, ovulation occurs.

Before ovulation, basal temperature drops to its minimum.

The second phase of the cycle begins, in which a corpus luteum appears in place of the bursting follicle. Its cells synthesize a hormone, under the influence of which there is a jump in basal temperature by 0.4-0.8 ° C. This phase is called the luteal phase.

If conception does not occur during the cycle, the level of progesterone drops, and the basal temperature decreases slightly 2-3 days before the upcoming menstruation.

Normal biphasic schedule

The graph of basal temperature in a healthy woman has clearly demarcated phases of the menstrual cycle: follicular with a low basal temperature and luteal, which is distinguished by an increase in temperature. Before ovulation and the onset of menstruation, there is a drop in temperature.

The graph is divided into phases by the ovulation line. The follicular phase is a curve segment from the first day of the cycle to ovulation, the luteal phase is from ovulation to the end of the cycle. The duration of the first phase of the cycle is an individual feature of each woman and there are no clear requirements for it. The second phase should normally last 12-16 days.

If for several months of observation the length of the luteal phase does not fit into this range, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary. This may indicate the insufficiency of the second phase.

In a healthy woman, the duration of each phase should not vary significantly with different menstrual cycles.

Normally, the average temperature difference between cycle phases should be 0.4 °C or more.

To determine it, it is necessary to add up all the values ​​​​of the basal temperature in the first phase and divide by the number of days of the phase. Similarly, the average value of the basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle is calculated.

Then the first one is subtracted from the second received indicator; the result obtained characterizes the difference in average temperatures. If it is below 0.4 ° C, this may be a sign of the presence of a hormonal imbalance in the body.

Basal body temperature chart at conception

If conception occurred in the menstrual cycle, then the basal temperature in the second phase behaves somewhat differently. It is known that after ovulation, BBT normally stays above 37 ° C. However, in a cycle when pregnancy occurs 7-10 days after ovulation, the temperature drops below 37 ° C. There is a so-called implantation retraction.

estrogen deficiency

In the case of estrogen deficiency, there is no division of the cycle into clear phases on the graph, since low estrogen levels provoke an increase in temperature in the follicular phase of the cycle. The curve is chaotic, it is impossible to determine the date of ovulation.

Conception in this case is unlikely, it is necessary to seek the advice of a gynecologist. If estrogen deficiency is confirmed after additional examinations, the patient will be prescribed hormonal treatment.

Anovulatory cycle

In the absence of ovulation, the graph looks like a monotonic curve without division into phases. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature remains low and does not exceed 37 ° C. In such a cycle, the formation that synthesizes progesterone does not occur, so the basal temperature does not increase in the second half of the cycle.

A couple of anovulatory cycles per year is a variant of the norm, but if the situation repeats for several months in a row, you should consult a doctor. Pregnancy without ovulation is impossible, so you need to find the root of the problem together with a gynecologist.

The average temperature difference between cycle phases is 0.2-0.3 °C. If such graphs are built for several cycles in a row, this may be a sign of infertility due to hormonal disorders.

If the corpus luteum does not function effectively and does not produce the required amount of progesterone, the temperature in the second phase of the cycle rises slightly. At the same time, the duration of the second phase is reduced to 10 days and there is no drop in basal temperature before the onset of menstruation.

In case of insufficiency of the corpus luteum, fertilization of the egg is possible, but the risk of its rejection in the same cycle is high.

To confirm the diagnosis, a woman needs to take a blood test for progesterone.

The diagnosed insufficiency of the corpus luteum is corrected by taking artificial analogues of progesterone ("" or "") in the luteal phase of the cycle.

Prolactin is the hormone responsible for pregnancy and breastfeeding. Normally, in a non-pregnant woman, it is absent or its level is extremely low.

If for certain reasons it rises, the basal temperature graph becomes identical. In this case, there may be a lack of menstruation.

Inflammation of the appendages

The presence of an inflammatory process can be suspected by a jump in temperature in the first segment of the graph. There is a high basal temperature in the first phase of the cycle.

It rises sharply to 37 ° C and drops sharply after a few days. Such a jump can be mistaken for an ovulatory rise in temperature, so it can be difficult to determine the onset of ovulation with this type of schedule.


Normally, with the advent of critical days, the basal temperature should decrease. With endometritis (inflammation of the uterine mucosa), there is a drop in temperature before the onset of menstruation and its rise to 37 ° C in the first phase of the menstrual cycle.

Keeping charts of basal temperature is an affordable and safe method for determining favorable and unfavorable days for conception. But due to its high sensitivity, it requires a responsible and competent approach, otherwise keeping a schedule loses its practical meaning.

Even if the graph is plotted correctly, it must be remembered that the final diagnosis is never made only on the basis of the analysis of the curve data. Any diagnosis must be confirmed by tests and additional studies.

A characteristic feature of basal body temperature is its independence from external influences. This method was first used by the English doctor Marshall, who thought about the dependence of hormonal effects on thermoregulatory processes.

What is the purpose of measuring basal body temperature?

The basal temperature chart is an important indicator of ovarian function activity. The norm of basal temperature in a certain period of the menstrual cycle can serve as an indicator of women's health, and deviations from it in the plotted graph will help to find out the diagnosis and cause of the pathology.

Knowing the norms of basal temperature, it is possible to determine with confidence:

  • the onset of ovulation
  • infertility,
  • days when conception is impossible,
  • early pregnancy,
  • hormone imbalance.
A correctly built chart of basal temperature will give confidence to accurately name the day of ovulation and find out at what stage the process of egg maturation is on a given day. The graph will allow the doctor to understand whether the endocrine system is functioning correctly, as well as when the next menstruation day comes, the functioning of the ovaries, etc.

How to measure BT correctly?

To obtain reliable information, basal temperature is measured daily for at least three monthly cycles. When measuring, the data is immediately recorded, and the factors that affect its change on a certain day are recorded: alcohol intake, drugs, sexual relations, time deviations, etc.

Measurement of BT is carried out daily at the same hour with a difference of no more than half an hour - this is the only way to build the correct schedule that will help analyze the functioning of the reproductive system and predict conception.

Is there a normal basal temperature?

The first, follicular phase of the monthly cycle is characterized by the development of the follicle, when the temperature on the graph is below 37. And then, when the egg is released from the mature follicle, this is the period of ovulation, the temperature rises, its indicators can increase up to five tenths of a degree. This indicates that ovulation has taken place. The second phase lasts for about two weeks and ends with menstruation, from which a new cycle is counted. Before menstruation, you can record a decrease in basal temperature by three tenths of a degree on average. And again, the whole process starts all over again.

The temperature norm for a single woman is different, it depends on the characteristics of the body, but the schedule must certainly be two-phase, separated by ovulation. If there are no peaks on the graph, this may be due to infertility.

What can cause deviations from the norm?

  1. Endometritis is an inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus.
    If on the temperature chart from the very beginning of menstruation there is an increase in temperature, and after the temperature curve does not go down, then this may indicate that there is a possibility of endometritis. However, high temperatures over 18 days can also indicate a probable pregnancy.

  2. Insufficient production of estrogen.
    Estrogen, available in the right amount in the first phase of the monthly cycle, keeps the basal temperature at 36.3-36.5 degrees. If the BT data is higher than indicated, then insufficient estrogen production can be assumed. A gynecologist will be able to regulate the imbalance of hormones by prescribing special hormone-containing drugs. In the second phase, the lack of estrogen increases the temperature readings over 37, the increase lasts for several days.

  3. Inflammation of the appendages.
    If in the period of the second phase the temperature index is above 37, this may signal an inflammatory process.

  4. Pathology of the corpus luteum.
    The second phase is characterized by the production of progesterone. The increase in basal temperature is due to the influence of progesterone. If there is a deficiency of progesterone in the body, then a gradual temperature increase occurs, and in the future there is no decrease. A blood test for the quantitative composition of progesterone can confirm the diagnosis of a lack of hormones. The doctor prescribes hormonal drugs for regulation, which must be taken after ovulation.

  5. Hyperprolactinemia.
    The pituitary gland produces prolactin, which supports the body during pregnancy and lactation. The high level of this hormone is reflected in the graph, which becomes similar to the graph during pregnancy.
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