We treat obstructive bronchitis with folk remedies. What to do if a child has obstructive bronchitis? How to treat? Contraindications and potential danger

When the patient was diagnosed with obstructive bronchitis, along with the main drug treatment practiced folk methods.

With such a thorough approach, one can count on fast recovery and no complications.

Recipes alternative medicine will be a real lifesaver medicines from a pharmacy do not help or provoke adverse reactions of the body.

Manifestations of the disease

Obstructive bronchitis- This is the stage of bronchitis, in which there is a narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi. There is an active accumulation of viscous sputum that does not want to go outside.

Symptoms of the disease should be called:

  • persistent cough (hacking, dry, weak);
  • difficulty breathing between coughing fits and after them;
  • whistling, wheezing on inhalation and exhalation;
  • pain in the throat, back, chest;
  • general weakness, fatigue.

Also, with the disease, the body temperature rises. Highly for a long time it stays between 37 and 38 degrees. The patient notes a runny nose, nasal congestion, redness of the throat.

Such bronchitis is a chronic diffuse allergic inflammatory process. It occurs against the background of a sore throat, flu or acute bronchitis, turning into a chronic form.

Allergy can be safely called a supporting factor. it pathological condition in the bronchi seriously complicates recovery.

Other prerequisites for the disease include passive smoking, adverse environmental and social conditions.

Obstructive bronchitis treatment with folk remedies

To recover from this form of bronchitis, it is necessary to eliminate bronchospasms, inflammation. Treatment is also aimed at combating pathogenic microorganisms, allergies, stimulation of sputum discharge.

There are many popular prescriptions for treatment. Consider the most popular and effective. So, treatment can be carried out with the help of onions. To do this, 2 onions are cleaned, boiled for 2 hours. Then:

  • the vegetable is chopped;
  • season 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar and honey;
  • add 2 tbsp. spoons of apple cider vinegar

Mass for 5 days is taken in a teaspoon every hour. Thus, it is possible to achieve expectoration of sputum.

You can be treated with tangerines. It is required to make an infusion from 50 g of dry citrus peels. The zest is crushed, poured with 1 liter of boiling water and simmered over low heat for at least an hour. Another 50 g of dry zest is added to the hot liquid, insisted in a warm place for 2 hours.

The finished product is filtered through gauze, consumed according to the scheme. The first part of the scheme provides for a gradual reduction in portions. In the morning, on an empty stomach, take 5 tablespoons of infusion, then, every 60 minutes, use a portion reduced by 1 spoon.

According to the second part of the scheme, the portion increases. After the patient takes the last spoonful of the remedy, take a break for 2 hours. Then every hour take 1 more spoonful of infusion. Then everything starts from the beginning. Course - 5 days.

You can try taking honey with viburnum. The mixture helps to cope with a barking, hacking cough. To prepare, take:

  • 200 g of viburnum berries;
  • 100 g of water;
  • 200 g of natural honey.

The components are cooked over low heat. Do this until the liquid has completely evaporated. As it cools down, the product is consumed in a teaspoon every 3 hours.

With a wet cough with a difficult outflow of sputum, herbal treatment is practiced. Components medicinal mixture will become the following:

  1. marshmallow;
  2. sage;
  3. Dill seeds;
  4. fennel;
  5. coltsfoot.

Half a teaspoon of each plant should be placed in a thermos, pour a liter of boiling water. The resulting liquid is infused for an hour. When it cools down, pour 3 tablespoons of honey, take 3 times a day for a week.

The treatment of obstructive bronchitis will be accelerated if you drink tea from buckwheat flowers. It is necessary to pour 40 g of the plant with a liter of boiling water, insist and drink instead of ordinary black tea. Such a drink will soften the throat and improve expectoration.

For the same purpose, milk is taken with carrot juice. The ingredients are diluted with water in equal proportions. You need to take the solution 5-6 times a day.

Obstructive bronchitis treatment folk remedies can be done with lingonberry syrup. If you use syrup with bee honey, it helps to expectorate accumulated mucus.

They also prepare an infusion of spring primrose:

  • 1 st. a spoonful of dry plant roots;
  • a glass of boiling water.

To receive all possible benefits the infusion is kept in a water bath for half an hour. The cooled broth is filtered through a sieve, take 2 tablespoons three times a day after meals.

You can make a decoction of turnips. Such a drink:

  1. characterized by bactericidal properties;

The recipe is simple: 2 tablespoons of grated vegetable pour a glass of boiling water. The container with the product is wrapped with a towel and left to infuse for 2 hours. It is necessary to take the infusion in a tablespoon 4 times a day.

Well, the last option for the treatment of obstructive bronchitis - herbal collection licorice. Many pharmaceutical cough medicines are based on this sweet plant. You need 15 g of fennel fruit, 25 g of licorice root, 40 g of marshmallow root and 25 g of coltsfoot leaf, chop, pour half a liter of boiling water.

Take a decoction at least 5 times a day, 1-2 tablespoons.

Treatment with external means

In addition to alternative medicines that are taken orally, external warming agents will become. Apply such methods of treatment of bronchitis only if acute period the disease has already passed, and the body temperature for several days does not rise above 37 degrees.

The use of warming procedures at a temperature is categorically not recommended. There is high risk overheating. The patient, instead of a beneficial therapeutic effect, will get a heat stroke.

In this case, it is advisable to use non-warming procedures. These include, for example, iodine grid. Iodine perfectly absorbs and relieves inflammation. The procedure is carried out like this:

  1. on cotton or cotton swab drip iodine;
  2. transverse and longitudinal stripes in the form of a lattice are drawn on the patient's chest.

The mesh can be drawn on the back. However, it is impossible to treat the back and chest at the same time. This will become too much of a burden on the body. During treatment, care should be taken, as iodine can provoke a chemical burn.

It is allowed to rub with irritating ointments. They quickly relieve tension in the chest. For these purposes, Asterisk balm is ideal. Thanks to unique composition to the region of the bronchi rushes blood. The spasm is eliminated, the intensity of the cough decreases. The essential oils that are in the balm are characterized by a bactericidal effect.

At night, you can make a compress from the internal bear, pork or lamb fat. Salo is heated in a water bath, mixed with mustard, black pepper and honey. Such a tool:

  • relieves shortness of breath, cough;
  • does not irritate the skin.

The mixture in the form of heat is applied to the back or chest of the patient, covered with cling film, and on top with a woolen scarf. It's good if a patient with bronchitis hides warm blanket and lie in bed for at least an hour. Ideally, a compress should be done at night.

To enhance the effect of rubbing will help the use badger fat. You can buy it at a pharmacy.

Some alternative medicine doctors for obstructive bronchitis advise rubbing with garlic. The vegetable is chopped in a blender or chopped very finely. Then grind to a state of slurry. The patient's feet are rubbed with garlic, and warm socks are put on top. If a person tolerates similar treatment, socks can not be removed until the morning.

You can also rub with onions, if you mix it with goose fat. The recipe does not provide for financial and time costs:

  • 1 onion is crushed;
  • mixed with fat in equal proportions.

The mixture is rubbed into the skin of the chest and back with circular massage movements. It is best to do this at night, because after rubbing you need to stay warm for a long time.

It does not make much difference which particular treatment prescription the patient chooses. Each of the proposed means is completely natural, not addictive, adverse reactions. However, before use, it does not hurt to consult a general practitioner or family doctor.

Learn more about how to treat bronchitis in the video in this article.

Together with drug therapy folk remedies for obstructive bronchitis show excellent results and speed up the healing process.

Available components and the abundance of formulations allows each person to choose the right auxiliary medicine from this nasty disease.

Application of benefits traditional medicine justified in diagnosed mild and moderate accompanied by:

  1. Slight rise in body temperature.
  2. Dry or wet cough with difficult expectoration.
  3. Mild shortness of breath with any load.
  4. The appearance of dry or wet rales.

Choosing unconventional ways treatment, it should be understood that, as a rule, they are aimed at removing unpleasant symptoms. They do not affect the root cause of the disease.

Therefore, you can quickly achieve recovery by combining full complex curative measures: medicines, physical procedures, alternative therapy modification of lifestyle and dietary habits.

Multiple Recipes

Among the abundance folk remedies, helping to get rid of inflammatory processes in the bronchi, consider the most affordable and effective recipes.

Spring primrose root decoction

Primrose roots (primrose) - great medicine From cough. It has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties, which is indispensable for pathologies of the lungs and bronchi.

Besides, This plant has a general strengthening effect. and positively affects the protective properties of the body.

The decoction is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. chopped roots and 1 cup boiling water.

The mixture is boiled over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then cool and filter through cheesecloth.

Adults take a decoction of 1 tbsp. l., children over 3 years old - 1 tsp. Multiplicity of reception - 3-4 times a day.

Important! Not observing the proportions for the preparation of a medicinal drug, there is a high risk of developing adverse reactions in the form of nausea and vomiting.

Decoction of elecampane

Elecampane due to its rich composition is used in many areas of medicine. In pulmonology, its use is justified due to the content of saponins and mucus.- substances, and contributing to the facilitation of its withdrawal.

The plant also contains essential oils, effective in the fight against inflammatory processes.

To prepare a decoction, you need 20 grams of dry raw materials. It is poured with a glass of water, brought to a boil and boiled over low heat for 20 minutes.

The strained broth is cooled to a temperature of 40 degrees and taken orally three times a day.

Black radish with honey

Judging by the reviews on the network, it is radish juice that is the most effective medicine from bronchitis and cough caused by the common cold.

Bitter radish juice reduces intensity cough reflexes eliminates inflammation.

Preparing the medicine is quite simple - a third of the root crop is removed from below.

In the remaining part, the middle is cut out with a knife. Pour a tablespoon of honey into the formed recess.

After 2-3 hours, when the radish releases juice, the medicine can be consumed. Adults 1 tbsp. l., children 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day immediately after meals without drinking.

Note! highest concentration useful substances noted in mature, large root crops. They are the best choice for therapeutic use.

Onions on honey

The antibacterial properties of onions have been used in the treatment of obstructive bronchitis.

This method of therapy is suitable for all patients, including for pregnant women, in the absence allergic reactions to the ingredients in the recipe.

One large onion is chopped finely or chopped in a blender, seasoned with 4 tbsp. liquid honey.

The mixture is infused overnight in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Take the honey-onion mixture 30 minutes before meals (up to 5 times).

Infusion of tangerine peel

tangerine peel contains big number antioxidantsindispensable assistants in the fight against bronchopulmonary diseases.

To prepare the infusion, dry crushed zest is used in the amount of 100 grams. 50 grams of crusts are poured with a liter of water and boiled for 50 minutes.

The rest of the tangerine peel is added to the hot broth and infused for at least 2 hours.

Aromatic liquid is taken on an empty stomach every hour, starting with 5 tbsp. l., reducing the amount by 1 spoon.

After 5 hours of use, take a break in the reception - 2 hours. Such treatment is carried out for 5 days.

Kalina on honey

Kalinovo-honey the drug strengthens the immune system and helps to thin thick sputum, due to which it is often used as part of complex therapy colds and bronchitis of various etiologies.

The easiest way to prepare a natural medicine is to grind the berries with honey in a ratio of 1: 2 and insist overnight in the refrigerator.

The resulting product should be consumed in a dessert spoon 3 times a day.

Infusion of buckwheat flowers

Buckwheat - extremely useful product for people suffering from bronchial obstruction.

She is rightfully considered one of the most powerful natural antibiotics.

Prepare a useful product from inflorescences. They are boiled in water for 15 minutes and infused for 2-3 hours.

Also, buckwheat flowers are infused with vodka (in a ratio of 1:5) for 14 days in a glass container in a place protected from light.

For treatment, it is enough to take 30 drops of the product three times a day until complete recovery occurs.

Carrots or lingonberries on honey

The juice of each of these fruits is equally promotes the removal of sputum from the bronchi or lungs.

And in combination with a sweet bee product, they effectively treat acute and chronic inflammatory processes affecting the respiratory tract.

In addition, it is advisable to take a syrup that tastes good as a preventive measure.

Freshly squeezed carrot or lingonberry juice is mixed with honey in equal amounts. Take daily for 1 tsp. every hour, gradually increasing the interval between doses up to 3 hours by the 3-4th day of therapy.

Sage in milk

Sage is proven effective against dry paroxysmal cough characteristic of vasospasm.

Therefore, it is often used for the manufacture of pharmaceutical products.

At home, an effective medicine is prepared from dry grass and milk.

Pour 3 tbsp into a heavy bottomed saucepan. l. vegetable raw materials and 1 liter of milk is poured.

Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for half an hour. Cool by covering the container with a lid.

If desired, milk is sweetened and taken 150 ml 5 times a day.

Collection of expectorant herbs

They are popular with patients and are often recommended by doctors as an adjunct to treatment.

So-called breast collection You can make your own at home using:

  • coltsfoot;
  • plantain;
  • liquorice root.

Others no less an effective recipe is herbal collection from:

  1. Peppermint.
  2. Licorice root.
  3. Chamomile officinalis.
  4. Ledum.
  5. Violets.

These herbs in the complex have a bronchodilator, expectorant effect, relieve inflammation.

For cooking, all components are taken in equal proportions. 3 art. l. dry mixture is sent to a thermos, pouring it with a liter of boiling water.

The collection is insisted for at least 4 hours. Drink this drink 3 times a day after meals.

Miracle herb coltsfoot

Phytotherapists called coltsfoot the best remedy from diseases of the nasopharynx, lungs and bronchi.

In addition to the targeted relief of infectious and inflammatory processes and the improvement of mucus expectoration, it is used to correct the general condition of the body weakened by the disease.

An infusion of flowers and herbs is prepared at the rate of 1.5 tablespoons of raw materials per 2 cups of boiling water. The product is brought to readiness, holding for 20 minutes in a water bath, and left to cool under the lid.

After that, the infusion is filtered and taken in a third of a glass in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Onion, ginger and turmeric

Each of the products included in the following recipe, has a pronounced therapeutic effect in relation to acute and chronic forms of bronchitis.

To prepare a healing vitamin drink you will need:

Ginger and onion are finely chopped, then added to water mixed with sugar and boiled until the volume of liquid is halved.

Before readiness, turmeric is added to the container with the decoction.

The drink is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. To obtain the desired effect, it is enough to take 2 tablespoons of the decoction in the morning and at bedtime.

Ginger tea

Ginger tea is beneficial for general state person during the period of illness: activates the work of the body's defenses, helps fight high temperatures which often accompanies inflammation of the bronchi.

The drink is prepared as follows:

  1. A small piece of the root (1.5 cm) is peeled, chopped with a knife or tinder on a grater.
  2. Pour the product 0.5 l hot water. Boiling water in this case is not suitable, because it destroys the lion's share of valuable vitamins.
  3. Sweeten and add 2-3 rings of lemon.

Use ginger tea stands after eating.

Note! This method of treatment is not suitable for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since ginger aggressively affects the mucous membranes.

overseas turmeric

Golden spice is used not only in cooking, but also in the treatment of organ diseases. respiratory system at the expense high number biologically active substances.

During the period of illness, the first and second courses should be regularly seasoned with a pinch of turmeric.

Almonds and chicory

Pharmacy almond oil(for oral administration) has anti-inflammatory, mucus thinning properties.

AT pure form the product is taken 15 drops per day, dividing the use into 3 doses. Almond therapy can be supplemented by the use of chicory.

The drink is prepared at the rate of 2 tsp. for 0.5 liters of water. To get the maximum of useful substances from this plant, it is necessary to cook the composition for at least 15-20 minutes.

Important! Chicory is contraindicated in chronic form course of bronchitis.

Herbs for babies

Alternative medicine knows herbs that, in the absence of allergic reactions, are allowed to be used even by the smallest patients. These are:

For cooking medicinal drink you will need 1 tsp. any of the above plants and a glass of boiling water.

A single dose directly depends on the age of the child.

Important! Before using herbs and herbal preparations for the treatment of infants, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician.


Due to its fatty consistency, butter is used for bronchitis. as a warm compress.

A small piece of butter is melted in a water bath along with a similar amount of honey, stirring constantly until smooth.

Oil-honey rubbing is applied gently on the chest and between the shoulder blades at night, covering the treated areas with a cotton cloth.

Pig fat

Inner fat is used in the treatment of bronchitis both externally and internally.

Based on it warming rubs are being prepared that promote productive expectoration.

To do this, add 20 grams of vodka or 50 grams of turpentine to 50 grams of fat.

The resulting composition is applied to the chest, back and body, additionally insulated with a woolen cloth.

Ghee is also taken inside, diluting 1 tsp. warm milk.

Despite the specific taste of such a medicine, it copes well with a dry cough, envelops the mucous throats, relieving irritation.

Video recipe: Compress for chronic cough and bronchitis.

Lyubov Kryuk tells how to make a compress for cough and bronchitis.

Contraindications to the use of folk remedies

Non-traditional methods treatments are valued by people for lack of negative impact on the body as a whole and minimal amount side effects.

However, despite this, it is forbidden to use any of the recipes if the components in its composition are intolerant.

Self-medication with the use of folk remedies is unacceptable during pregnancy, since some herbs and rhizomes can provoke a miscarriage.

Most of the recipes presented are of limited use in childhood, during the period breastfeeding and if available chronic diseases internal organs and vascular system.

Therefore, choosing the benefits of alternative medicine as a therapy, you need to get approval for their use from your doctor.

Take an Asthma Control Test -

How to treat obstructive bronchitis in children with folk remedies

When diagnosing obstructive bronchitis in children, many parents ask themselves: is this disease acceptable? However, before using any folk recipe, you need to deal with the symptoms of obstructive bronchitis and consult a doctor.

In a child, the disease develops suddenly, and progresses quite rapidly. The baby becomes very ill literally in a matter of hours.

by the most known symptoms obstructive bronchitis are:

The last two symptoms of obstructive bronchitis have their own characteristics. With shortness of breath rib cage the child is constantly in an elevated state, and the breath requires additional. Moreover, in a dream, it is easier for a child to breathe if he lies on his stomach, or even lowers his head below the body.

If we talk about the respiratory rate in obstructive bronchitis, then this indicator has its own norms: children under six months should carry out no more than 60 breaths per minute, children from six months to a year - 50 breaths and from one to five - 40 breaths. The baby's breathing rate is best measured when the baby is sleeping. If the calculated number of breaths is more than the norm by 10%, then this is enough warning sign. Rapid breathing can lead to oxygen deficiency, which is evidenced by the blueness of the nasolabial zone.

Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children with drugs

Use medications for it is possible only after their appointment by a doctor. The main principle of treatment is complexity, which implies taking into account the manifestation of the disease, its symptoms and individual indicators child's body. The primary task in the treatment of bronchitis in a child is the removal of bronchial obstruction and the restoration of bronchial patency. First, the child must be reassured, because the feeling of anxiety only exacerbates respiratory failure.

IMPORTANT! With a strong nervous excitement doctors recommend giving children sedatives using adult dosages.

One of best practices elimination of obstruction are considered. For procedures, use pocket devices or. Inhalations are most often carried out with glucocorticosteroid hormones and Salbutamol. Result inhalation treatment noticeable almost immediately, which is associated with the rapid entry of the therapeutic substance directly into the bronchi.

In addition, with obstructive bronchitis in children, medications of the following groups are prescribed:

  1. Bronchodilators. These medicines stop bronchospasm. For toddlers, they are available in liquid state: syrups Clenbuterol, Ascoril and others. There are also bronchodilators for inhalation with a nebulizer, but they need to be diluted with saline. Bronchodilators in tablet form with theophylline component are not prescribed for children, because they are quite toxic.
  2. Antispasmodics. This group of drugs is also designed to eliminate bronchospasm (No-shpa, Papaverine) and can be used in the form of tablets, inhalation solutions or intravenously.
  3. Mucolytics aimed at thinning and removing sputum (Ambroxol, Carbocysteine, etc.).
  4. . Similar drugs are used in cases where it is found that the disease has infectious nature, the child keeps more than 4 days heat or symptoms of intoxication are visible.

Honey is an excellent folk remedy for obstructive bronchial disease

Our ancestors used many folk recipes using honey to treat obstructive bronchitis. However, they must be used with caution, because honey, as you know, is a strong allergen.

An excellent remedy from the people is radish with honey. A small hole is made in the radish, which is filled with honey. Then the vegetable is set aside until the juice is released. The resulting juice should be drunk 4 times a day for 1 tsp, and the last dose should be before bedtime.

Healers from the people very much praise the mixture of viburnum and honey, which is suitable for treating not only children, but also adults. Honey and viburnum in this mixture are taken 200 g each, but 100 g of water is added to them. The components are placed in a saucepan and simmer until the water is completely boiled. According to the scheme of admission on the 1st day, use 1 tsp. mixture every hour, and the next day, 1 tsp. 1 time every 3 hours.

IMPORTANT! When diagnosing obstructive bronchitis, parents should immediately begin drug treatment and only then use prescriptions from the people with caution.

Mixtures of honey and onions, as well as honey and butter, are excellent for the symptoms of obstructive bronchitis. The latter mixture is used as a warm compress at night.

Folk remedies and obstructive bronchitis in a child

An experienced doctor will always recommend parents to use people's councils in the treatment of obstructive bronchitis in a child, because there is a mass effective recipes, which will calm the cough, help get rid of sputum, eliminate pathogenic organisms and strengthen protective functions.
However, it is worth remembering that the intake of any folk remedies must be agreed with the doctor. Even well-known herbs and plants can cause a strong reaction in a child or provoke other ailments when used.

Here are some well-known folk remedies for treating obstructive bronchitis in babies:

  1. When raspberry tincture helps a lot, lime flowers, elderberries and sweatshops. It is necessary to drink up to 2 liters of infusion per day.
  2. An excellent folk remedy that causes sweating of medium volumes is a tincture of linden flowers and chamomile, mint and elderberry. All components must be taken in equal portions (1 tbsp each), pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. Babies need to drink 2-3 glasses of this tincture daily.
  3. To eliminate bronchial obstruction and improve sputum excretion, tincture of licorice, plantain and coltsfoot is used. The first 2 components take 3 volumes, and the third - 4 volumes. The resulting herbal collection is poured with 2 cups of boiling water, insisted and given to the baby 0.25 cups 5 times a day.
  4. If the cough is very strong, then use thyme tincture, which has soothing, expectorant and anti-infective characteristics. This tincture should be consumed in 0.5 tsp. per day.
  5. If, with obstructive sputum, it is very difficult or not excreted at all, then doctors will recommend plants containing saponins. These substances thin the mucus, which contributes to its easy separation. These plants include the well-known elecampane, a decoction from which you need to drink 5 tbsp. l. per day.
  6. A well-known folk remedy that relieves a strong cough is a decoction of sage in milk. Sage grass (3 tablespoons) is poured with 1 glass of milk and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes in an enameled container, after which it is infused for an hour. The broth can be slightly sweetened and given to the child 0.5 cup 4 times a day.

Contact your doctor in time, consult with him on the subject of combining medication and folk remedies and follow his recommendations. All this will quickly put your baby on his feet.

When a child is sick Special attention focuses on efficacy and safety in treatment. Alternative methods of treatment often combine these two requirements, therefore they are widely used for children.

How to quickly cure bronchitis in a child at home? What drugs can be used, and can similar products be used to treat pneumonia?

The inside of the bronchi is lined with a mucous membrane, which is extremely important for normal functioning respiratory tract. If the mucosa becomes inflamed, bronchitis occurs. This can be facilitated by the ingress of various particles with air:

  1. Dust.
  2. Allergens.
  3. Viruses.
  4. bacteria.
  5. Toxins.

Normally, trapped particles accumulate on the mucous membrane and are excreted from the body with a cough. When the concentration of infectious agents exceeds the norm, the following occurs in the bronchi:

  1. Edema.
  2. Inflammation.
  3. Excess mucus production.

By the nature of the course, the following types of bronchitis are distinguished:

  1. Spicy. Symptoms of the disease increase rapidly and subside within a week. In acute bronchitis, the immune system copes well with infection and inflammation, and complications are rare.
  2. Chronic. Symptoms last long enough, but are less pronounced than in acute bronchitis. This form is rarely diagnosed in children.
  3. obstructive. Often occurs in children under 7 years of age. Severe swelling mucosa and sputum difficult to separate narrow the lumen of the bronchi, leading to respiratory failure. The drug is prescribed in cases where a coughing fit causes suffocation.

Treatment of bronchitis in children with folk remedies is most effective at the first symptoms acute form. To get rid of obstructive cough, as a rule, folk remedies are not enough. The same applies to the treatment of pneumonia. Acute bronchitis, on the contrary, is the state when the body can cope without drugs, and help according to folk recipes will be very helpful.

The first symptoms of bronchitis

More often bronchitis is a consequence of SARS., which could not linger in the nasopharynx. The first symptoms may include:

  1. Irritability or tiredness of the child.
  2. Dry cough, which later becomes loose.
  3. Temperature rise is possible.
  4. Sore throat, runny nose.
  5. Increased sputum production, expectoration in the morning.

At the first symptoms, it is not recommended to immediately run to the pharmacy for medicines. It is better to use one of the folk recipes below. Similar procedures will help to quickly eliminate the symptoms and will be absolutely safe for the child.

If pneumonia is suspected, on the contrary, it is necessary to consult a doctor for an appointment. the right remedy . As a rule, this complex therapy, which includes an antibiotic (Azithromycin, Amoxicillin, Sumamed, Amoxiclav) and drugs that help cleanse the respiratory tract (Erespal, Lazolvan).

Rules for Parents

Parents need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. That's right (a virus and a runny nose or a child is cold).
  2. Even with good general well-being the child should be reduced in his physical and emotional stress. Recommended bed rest or quiet walks on the street.
  3. Maintaining optimal climatic conditions- air temperature is about 20 degrees, humidity is 60%.
  4. At a temperature, you can not do warming procedures.
  5. Antitussive drugs are more dangerous than expectorants. Cough should not be stopped, but its cause should be eliminated.
  6. You can reduce the temperature without drugs with the help of recipes from diaphoretics - linden, raspberries, elderberries, raisins.

If you cannot identify the cause yourself or are in doubt, do not risk your child's health - call a doctor! A competent specialist will tell you how to cure bronchitis as quickly and safely as possible.


Very often, folk remedies help get rid of the infection at the very beginning of the disease. Complex composition useful substances that are found in products of plant and animal origin, contribute to recovery in several ways:

  1. Raise their own defensive forces organism.
  2. Reduce the inflammatory process.
  3. Detrimental effect on the cause.

Regardless of whether the child is 12 years old or 2 years old, most folk recipes have only positive action on the body, unlike tablets. The most effective folk remedies are:

When treating infants, it should be borne in mind that the sensitivity of the skin is much higher. Massage should be done with minimal effort, and external agents should be smeared with a thin layer.


with propolis. Frozen propolis should be grated and heated in a water bath with butter. The mixture is filtered and taken three times a day, adding to warm milk 1 teaspoon.

Coniferous. The crushed needles are poured with boiling water, insisted, sugar is added and boiled until thickened. It turns out a very tasty syrup, which is taken several times a day in a tablespoon.

With chocolate. A very effective and tasty mixture for the treatment of bronchitis consists of: aloe, badger fat, chocolate, honey. The ingredients are heated and mixed until smooth. Take 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.

Onion syrup. 100 g of onion is covered with sugar and insisted overnight. In the morning, the mixture is mashed and filtered. Take several times a day in small portions.

Onion and honey. A mixture of onion juice and honey has a good bactericidal effect. Children under 8 years old are mixed 1 teaspoon of each ingredient, over 8 years old - a dessert spoon. The mixture can be further diluted with 50 ml of water.

honey cake. Prepare a mixture of flour, honey and mustard, form two cakes. Then they put them on the chest and back, wrapping them with something warm. The compress warms up the bronchi well and effectively fights infection.

Potato patty. You need to boil and crush 4 potatoes, add soda and form 2 cakes. One is placed on the chest, the second on the back. You need to keep it until the cakes have cooled, and then wipe the skin dry and put the child to sleep.

Honey-vodka compress. The child's chest is smeared with honey, covered with a cloth soaked in vodka and water, cellophane is placed on top and dressed warmly. Leave to keep overnight.

Mustard plaster with oil. Vegetable oil heated in a pan to 50 degrees, mustard plasters are dipped in it and applied to the chest and back area. From above, the child is warmed and a compress is left until the morning.

Castor oil. Prepare a mixture of 2 tbsp. spoons castor oil and 1 tbsp. spoons of turpentine. The mixture is heated and rubbed on the child's feet, chest and back.


Bronchitis can be easily avoided by maintaining a high level of local and general immunity.

The optimal climate and air humidity will help to avoid drying out of the mucosa and accumulation of sputum. Cool and humid air helps with spasm of the respiratory tract, eliminating the need to take berodual for bronchitis

Traditional medicine methods have always enjoyed considerable popularity among the majority of the population. Already in ancient world people get rid of sickness different herbs, tinctures and even shamanism. Now these methods of therapy have been replaced by modern medicine, but folk therapy remains especially popular in the treatment of respiratory diseases. It is necessary to approach with extreme caution the treatment of obstructive bronchitis with folk remedies, because such a method can bring both benefit and harm.

Obstructive bronchitis is an inflammatory disease in which the normal patency of the bronchi is disturbed. This ailment occurs at any age, as the reasons are quite commonplace:

  • infection;
  • other inflammatory diseases respiratory tract (tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections, influenza, SARS);
  • weakened immunity (especially important in winter);
  • pathology of the bronchi (when their paths are long and the lumen is narrow);
  • previous lung diseases in severe form;
  • unfavorable ecological situation;
  • smoking;
  • work with harmful conditions labor;
  • hereditary pathology, when the patient has a lack of α1-antitrypsin;
  • having a history allergic diseases(diathesis, atopic dermatitis, food allergy).

The above causes develop into weakness, chills, fever, cough and purulent or light mucous sputum. in running or severe cases there is shortness of breath or suffocation.

When symptoms of the disease are detected, do not hesitate. You need to contact your doctor or pediatrician as soon as possible. The course of obstructive bronchitis can be complicated by other symptoms. Therefore, they are used as standard methods to eliminate the cause, and traditional medicine to reduce the severity of symptoms.

Conservative therapy

After the diagnosis is made, the doctor prescribes bronchodilator and antispasmodic therapy. Bronchodilators are needed to relieve spasms of small bronchi. Most often, Atrovent, Berodual, Salbutamol or Berotek are prescribed in the form of aerosols. Antispasmodics are designed to prevent muscle spasms larger bronchi. The drugs here are Drotaverin, No-Shpa, Papaverin, etc.

When sputum is secreted, expectorants, mucolytics (for example, Acetylcysteine ​​or Lazolvan) are prescribed. In addition, daily inhalation procedures are prescribed and hypoallergenic diet. To prevent bronchitis from developing into pneumonia, the patient is prescribed antibiotics. In advanced or severe cases, the patient is placed in a hospital under special supervision.

It must be said that it is absolutely not worth buying medicines on your own to get rid of obstructive bronchitis. The disease is quite severe, so you can aggravate your situation even more. Medications should be prescribed by a doctor and only after the examination.

Folk remedies

As mentioned above, when symptoms of obstructive bronchitis are detected, there is no need to hesitate to visit a doctor or self-treat. Only qualified specialist can diagnose and prescribe appropriate therapy. Also, you should not resort to traditional medicine methods without consulting your doctor. Otherwise, complications can be caused, which will lead to a more severe course of the disease.

Folk remedies are aimed at the complete or partial elimination of symptoms, and not at the causes of the disease. Therefore, they should be used in conjunction with conservative treatment and under medical supervision. That is, traditional medicine acts as additional therapy. After all, such a complex disease cannot be cured without modern medicines.

The main combinations for therapy ( conservative treatment and folk methods) look like this:

  • antibiotics + sputum thinners;
  • bronchodilators with antibiotics + antipyretics;
  • antispasmodics and antibiotics + means to increase immunity;
  • antibiotics + fortifying agents;
  • antibiotics + antitussives.

To help get rid of mucus:

  • decoction of spring primrose root (sold in any pharmacy);
  • decoction of elecampane;
  • black radish with honey (preferably not to drink);
  • onions with honey (an excellent expectorant);
  • carrots on honey good helper with difficult sputum discharge);
  • cranberries with honey.

Many herbs have expectorant properties. For example, fragrant dill, coltsfoot, sage, marshmallow, etc. Therefore, they can be prepared in advance, and used only after consulting a doctor.

Less popular cough remedies:

  • infusion of tangerine zest (greatly helps with a strong or paroxysmal cough);
  • viburnum with honey (should be treated carefully due to the high tendency to allergies);
  • infusion of buckwheat flowers (against unobtrusive cough);
  • sage in milk (relieves severe cough and lower the temperature).

Contraindications and potential danger

As has been said more than once, it is necessary to apply traditional medicine methods only after appropriate consultation with a doctor. main reason fear lies in intolerance folk medicine. In other words, there may be an allergy or anaphylactic shock. At severe development it can lead to death. Therefore, the main contraindication to traditional medicine is an allergy. In addition, each herb has a list of contraindications in accordance with the available comorbidities(same as conventional medicines).

The potential danger lies in getting rid of the symptoms of the disease, and not in eliminating the causes. Thus, if a patient with obstructive bronchitis is treated with expectorants, antipyretics, tonics and other folk remedies, he will not recover, but will aggravate his situation. Without taking antibiotics and bronchodilators, it is impossible to get rid of the pathology or get out of the exacerbation. If you do not use bronchodilators, antispasmodics and expectorants, the bronchial lumen may completely clog. The situation will become much worse.

Therefore, one should approach the methods of traditional medicine with considerable caution. First of all, you need to consult a doctor, and only then, after consultation, use folk remedies. They can be treated, but only together with conservative therapy.

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