Passive smokers. The main dangers of passive smoking. Passive smoking and lungs

Tobacco addiction is a conscious choice of a smoker who has every right to do with the body at his own discretion. However, most addicts poison not only themselves, but also the people around them, who are forced to breathe carbon monoxide, ammonia, cyanide and other cigarette combustion products. What is the danger of passive smoking and ways to limit yourself from dangerous impact tobacco smoke discussed in this article.

What is passive smoking

Passive smoking is an intoxication of the body due to involuntary inhalation of air saturated with tobacco smoke. The lungs of a smoker absorb no more than 20% of the harmful substances released during the smoldering of a cigarette, the rest spreads directly around the source. Carbon monoxide is one of the most dangerous elements released during smoldering cigarettes, but tobacco smoke includes a number of other equally hazardous components, such as:

  • nitric oxide;
  • various phenol compounds;
  • hydrogen cyanide;
  • acetone and ammonia.

Nicotine and carbon monoxide similarly distributed in the air around a cigarette smoker, so people in the same room with him will be forced to receive no less portion toxic substances. Hookah or cigar produces smoke in large quantities, therefore, the harm from them for a non-smoker is higher.

"Side" stream that occurs during the combustion of tobacco, in contrast to the main:

  • contains 5-7 times more nicotine;
  • 6-7 times more carbon monoxide;
  • 3-4 times more resins.

After the cigarette has been smoked, for a certain time (depending on ventilation), not only the smoker himself, but also all the people present in the room continue to breathe poisoned air. Even in the case of smoking in the immediate vicinity of a window or an open window, a lack of oxygen is formed inside, an excess of carbon monoxide and other highly toxic substances and compounds.

A passive smoker suffers serious damage to his own health, so he has the right to demand that an active smoker continue to poison himself away from random passers-by

It is important! If a non-smoker smells tobacco smoke at a bus stop or any other public place, he has every reason to ask the smoker to stop poisoning the environment and move to a place where his habit will not interfere with outsiders.

What is harmful passive smoking

Harm passive smoking underestimated by many, and has a very destructive effect on people free from tobacco addiction. Scientists have long established a close relationship between passive smoking and the occurrence of diseases of the following organs:

Data from one authoritative English edition, dedicated to medical issues, report the following information: a person who is forced to spend a lot of time in a room where they constantly smoke loses visual acuity and is at high risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Resins and a number of compounds present in tobacco smoke have the ability to accumulate in tissues, and a long period of time is required for their complete removal from the body.

The consequences of a passive smoker look very depressing. A person who is regularly in the same room with tobacco smokers may develop the following diseases:

  • stroke;
  • heart attack;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • ear and lung infections.

If a woman is in a room with a smoker in any of the trimesters of pregnancy, she is significantly more likely to have a miscarriage, premature birth, and various violations in fetal development. Systematic intoxication of the expectant mother with tobacco smoke in the most negative way affects the health of the child, who has high risks hyperactivity, anxiety, depressive states and numerous health problems.

The dangers of passive smoking are underestimated by many, and absolutely in vain.

It is interesting! A person who is in the same room with a smoker consumes about a third of cigarettes through passive smoking. Statistics claim that 10% of patients who died from diseases caused by systematic tobacco smoke poisoning were not among the people suffering from addiction.

Important information

Passive smoking and its impact on health are currently not fully understood by scientists, but the danger of a non-smoking person being in a smoky room is undeniable. The following facts will be of interest to both smokers and people forced to spend time in their company:

  • If the driver smokes in the car, tar and toxic substances accumulate in the upholstery of the seats and other interior elements. Staying inside such a car is unsafe.
  • Even if the room is ventilated from tobacco smoke, an impressive part of the harmful substances and compounds has time to soak into furniture, carpets and clothes, harming all the inhabitants of the room for a long time.

Smoke remains for a long time not only in clothes, but also in hair, while tobacco tar and poisons degrade their structure and have a poisonous effect on the entire body. Despite the fact that being in a room where a fragrant tobacco mixture is used through a hookah is more pleasant than in an ordinary smoking room, the harm from such passive smoking does not become less.

Harm to children, men and women

Children living in families of smokers are different reduced immunity and increased susceptibility to colds and allergic diseases. Regular intoxication of a child with nicotine and tobacco combustion products leads to problems with the respiratory and nervous systems.

Passive smoking is addictive, so you can big share the likelihood of stating that a teenager living in an environment of smokers will reach for a cigarette very early. In women who are forced to spend time surrounded by cigarette smoke, the state of the reproductive system worsens, and the tissues of the ovaries become critically thinner.

Men who do not suffer from nicotine addiction should also not be in the same room with smokers, since carbon monoxide and tar not only cause instant poisoning, but also negatively affect the functioning prostate and organs of the genitourinary system. Pregnancy and any kind of smoking (including passive) are absolutely incompatible concepts.

Tobacco smoke surrounding the expectant mother leads to a decrease in head circumference and chest in the fetus and row dangerous violations in the further development of the child. Most cases congenital disease atypical dermatitis is associated precisely with passive smoking of the mother. If a woman breastfeeds in a smoky room, a significant part of the neurotoxic substances penetrate into digestive tract baby.

Smokers who do not want to part with their own addiction, it is necessary to completely protect children from tobacco smoke

Children who grow up in families where one or both parents are smokers get sick several times more often than their peers who are brought up in families that adhere to healthy lifestyle life. In addition, the child learns early what a cigarette is, and in the future this may push him to imitate his parents and the onset of a strong nicotine addiction.

Adolescents who are destined to become secondhand smokers are significantly more likely to suffer from cavities, vision problems, underweight and various disorders nervous system, such as deterioration in memory function and learning abilities.

The impact of passive smoking on different organs and systems

Why is passive smoking more harmful than active smoking? Many scientists believe that being in a society of smokers can have the most negative consequences for state various organs, namely:

  • Any smoke is irritating to respiratory system and promotes vasomotor and allergic rhinitis, sore throat and dryness in the nose. Chronic passive poisoning by combustion products leads to obstructive bronchitis and other diseases.
  • Nicotine is a dangerous alkaloid that irritates the receptors of the nervous system. That's why passive smoker becomes embittered, loses his appetite and often feels nauseous, weak and lethargic. Similar effects are provided by the neurotoxic psychostimulating effect of nicotine.

According to medical statistics, every year tens of thousands of children who are forced to be in the company of smoking adults develop asthma.

Each cigarette contains several thousand various substances and compounds, the vast majority of which are among the most dangerous poisons and toxins. They provoke hearing and memory impairment, decrease visual apparatus, as well as critical damage to the central nervous system and nerve cells.

A person who is in a society of smokers absorbs poison both through the respiratory tract and through skin covering which affects his condition. The skin of passive smokers looks dry and wrinkled, and characteristic circles appear under the eyes.

Good day, dear friends!

In 2016 we are giving Special attention health to spend 366 days in good mood forgetting about pain.

We devoted a whole range of articles to the dangers of smoking and effective ways to combat nicotine addiction. I believe that the topic is not fully disclosed, because we did not mention the environment of people who are in captivity of tobacco smoke. I propose that the situation be corrected immediately.

Why is passive smoking dangerous? What health effects do nicotine vapors exhaled by a weak-willed person have? How to deal with cigarette smoke? What could be the consequences?

Friends, I invite you to participate in an educational study, the results of which should affect the minds of heavy smokers.

The scale of the negative impact of tobacco smoke

To date, medical workers studying the effect of tobacco smoke on the body share three types of such vaporization:

  • inhaled by a smoker.
  • Exhaled by an addict.
  • Settling on interior items, furniture, clothes, hair and skin.

Particularly harmful is tobacco smoke, which belongs to the second category, to which passive smokers are exposed. This conclusion is due to the concentration of toxic substances present in the "processed" resins:

  • Nitrosamine. The presence of such an element in exhaled vapors negatively affects the structure of the fibers that protect the brain from exposure. external factors. The content of harmful substances in the air causes dementia and atherosclerosis, leads to memory loss and malignant tumors.
  • Formaldehyde. On the surface of the bronchi there are special villi that ensure the timely removal of toxic elements from the body. Inhaling tobacco smoke, the structure of the respiratory organs is damaged, therefore protective function suddenly reduced to "no". Over time, the absence of villi on the lining of the nasal and bronchial sinuses becomes the main cause of cancer.
  • Carbon monoxide. Nicotine vapors entering the respiratory tract of a passive smoker interact with hemoglobin, displacing circulatory system oxygen. The result of such an "inhalation" is regular malaise and weakened immunity, migraines and insomnia.

Friends, the main reason for the danger lurking in passive smoking is the ratio of toxic vapors contained in tobacco smoke. The concentration of harmful substances present in toxic formations during exhalation is 4 times higher than in the consistency that a directly dependent person inhales during the tightening process.

Thus, the probability of a smoker developing an oncological disease in a neighbor is 4 times greater than in a "prisoner" of nicotine! Unbelievable, but it is a fact!

Terrible statistics: "In the 21st century, more than 60% of the children inhabiting planet Earth are passive smokers, whose relatives are addicted to nicotine."

Consequences of passive smoking

Cigarettes and fatal outcome are synonymous terms. Is my statement true? To understand the extent of the impact of tobacco smoke exhaled by nicotine addicted people, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of diseases characteristic of passive smokers:

  • Decreased immunity.
  • Deterioration of well-being and general malaise.
  • Slow down thought processes.
  • Diseases of the urinary organs.
  • Delayed mental and physical development.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Neurobiological abnormalities in the body.
  • Damage to the structure of nerve fibers.
  • Slow, imperceptible destruction of bone tissue.
  • Oncological diseases (especially susceptible to cancerous tumors mammary glands, lungs and brain).
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Heart failure.
  • Dementia.
  • Adenoids.
  • Tonsillitis.
  • Colitis.
  • Inflammation of the ears.
  • Otitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Blockage of arteries and rupture of blood plaques.
  • Somatic diseases.
  • Development allergic reactions.
  • Bronchitis (severe forms).
  • Asthma.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Crohn's disease.
  • Destruction of hair structures, nail plates and teeth.
  • Possibility of having a premature baby.
  • Syndrome sudden death children (stop breathing during sleep).
  • Underweight newborn baby.
  • Miscarriage.
  • Birth of a dead child.
  • Pathologies of the fetus that appear in the womb (deformities and malformations).
  • Profuse bleeding with clots during pregnancy.
  • Detachment of the placenta.

I think that we successfully answered the question of why passive smoking is harmful - the list of diseases allows us to imagine the extent of the risk. The worst thing is that children growing up in "nicotine" families are not even aware of the conditions in which they have to grow up.

Guys, do not forget - problems with the heart muscle and malfunctions of the respiratory tract can appear in a few years. Do not think that such consequences will not affect you.

The impact of cigarette smoke: “About 3,000 people die every year from lung disease, cardiovascular disease, or cancer. The cause of death is the passive inhalation of toxic fumes emitted by smokers.

Ways to protect yourself from tobacco smoke

Having become acquainted with the consequences of passive smoking, a correct statement is formed that a bad habit is not only a personal choice of an addicted person, but also a decision that has social significance.

To protect yourself from exposure to tobacco smoke as much as possible, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

  • Use the technical capabilities of modern equipment to humidify the air around the smoker (air conditioning and ventilation systems, steam engines, sprinklers, hair dryer).
  • Wear on the face, while covering all respiratory organs, a sterile protective mask that reduces the amount of toxic substances entering the body of a smoker's neighbor.
  • Buy an ashtray that can be filled with water, and put cigarettes inside the tank while smoking, so that the smoke settles on the surface of a special container, and does not spread throughout the room.
  • Carry out regular wet cleaning of the space, getting rid of dust and toxic deposits that settle on the surface of the furniture.
  • Allocate a special place for the smoker, where only he will be exposed to tobacco smoke.
  • Ventilate the room during long period time, improving air circulation in space.

Naturally, the best way to solve the problem is to give up smoking, taking care of the health of relatives and friends in advance. However, it is predominantly to convince the addicted person to get rid of bad habit- a waste of time.

In order for the process of lifestyle change to "pass" painlessly, you need to follow a number of rules that make it easier for the "captive" of nicotine. You can read more about how to quit smoking quickly and without harm to the body in this article posted on the Start-health web pages.

Social security: "In accordance with the law Russian Federation smoking in in public places counts administrative violation, therefore, should be monitored and suppressed by the authorities.

"Succumb" to the influence of a bad habit dependent people have the right exclusively on the territory of their own apartment, in a country house or car. Unfortunately, the results of such a “gesture” on the part of the government are not tangible at all today.”

Friends, do not forget that because of a bad habit, you can not only harm your health, but also lose loved one. I think a similar argument good reason give up cigarettes, saving the lives of relatives and friends.

If you have personally experienced the consequences of passive smoking, then be sure to share your experience with the visitors of Start-health.

Opinion medical workers and qualified dietitians, professional narcologists' diagnoses and results scientific research These are important pieces of information.

However, it is a plausible case from life that can “push” readers to commit a volitional act!

Take care of the state of your body and the health of loved ones in a timely manner! Until then, guys!

Even if you do not smoke, you will be surrounded by tobacco smoke anyway, because there is always someone who smokes nearby: a neighbor, partner, colleague, relative or friend.

Who is a passive smoker? When someone smokes or uses an e-cigarette (or vape), not all of the smoke or vapor enters the lungs. Most of the smoke remains in the air, which is inhaled by the one who is nearby, and affects the body of this person, who is a passive smoker.

Of course, smoking in public places is prohibited, but many non-smokers are exposed to passive smoking, especially children whose parents smoke. Even if an active smoker cares about their loved ones and chooses their smoking area carefully, sometimes this does not protect against the harms and risks of secondhand smoke.

What is more harmful - active or passive smoking? In short, passive smoking is not only inhalation of air, which contains the products of decay of cigarettes, cigars, hookah or electronic cigarettes. It's not just tobacco smoke or steam that you can feel or see.

Tobacco smoke contains thousands of toxic and carcinogenic chemical compounds, including more than 300, including cyanide, DDT (an insecticide banned in many countries due to the fact that it can accumulate in the body of animals and humans), ammonia, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, arsenic, benzene, vinyl chloride, acetone, sulfur, nitrate, carbon monoxide and many others that cause diseases, including lung cancer and other types of cancer, as well as diseases of the heart, blood vessels, nervous system.

Tobacco smoke contains hazardous chemical compounds, which are so microscopic that they are absorbed not only into the skin, but also into fabric, clothes, walls, furniture. And they accumulate and stay there for a long time. It is for this reason that smokers are not recommended to smoke indoors, inside their own apartment or car. All these chemicals can cause irritation of the respiratory tract, allergic reactions and lead to poor health, especially affecting children.

Passive smoking from hookah and electronic cigarettes

The vapor of electronic cigarettes, even though it contains less hazardous chemicals, is also dangerous, since most of the electronic nicotine delivery systems (disposable electronic cigarettes, vapes, electronic inhalers) contain nicotine, which is a drug and at the same time very poisonous. It primarily affects the nervous system and immunity. Lethal dose for an adult is less than 0.5 mg. Of course, its toxic substance is dangerous in any quantities and immediately harms the human body.

Artificial flavors pose a considerable danger. They contain chemicals that may pose a risk to electronic gadget lovers and the people around them. These are diacetyl, acetoin and 2,3-pentanedione.

Diacetyl is used as an oil flavor substitute in foods. It was he who became the reason for the development of bronchiolitis obliterans. This disease was previously discovered in employees of a company that produces popcorn, after which this disease was called "popcorn".

Studies show that in Russia more than 400,000 people die every year from cigarette smoking, including about a third of non-smokers who were exposed to passive smoking. How harmful is passive smoking?

Smoke makes your blood more viscous, raises your "bad" cholesterol and damages your blood vessels and tiny capillaries. This in turn increases the risk of having a stroke or heart attack. The lungs of a passive smoker are also polluted with harmful substances.

The danger of passive smoking for children and pregnant women

  • Children are the most vulnerable to secondhand smoke because their bodies are only growing and developing, their breathing rate is higher compared to adults.
  • Diseases of children associated with passive smoking:

Passive smoking, like active smoking, is dangerous for the unborn baby during pregnancy. These risks are primarily related to premature birth, low weight, sudden infant death syndrome, impaired mental abilities and learning problems.

Smoking is social problem!

Alexander Fomin, former smoker with 18 years of experience, the first licensed specialist and chief consultant of the Allen Carr Center in the Russian Federation. Helped more than 10,000 compatriots to quit smoking once and for all. Has 9 summer practice work on the Allen Carr method and successfully trained several new therapists in this method. He took part in editing and voicing books of the series " Easy Way Publishing House "Kind Book".

Passive smoking has become one of the reasons for the tightening of anti-tobacco policies in a number of countries around the world. At the beginning of the 20th century, numerous data were obtained about the dangers of this process. Scientists have found that cigarette smoke contains nearly 4,000 chemical substances, about 70 of which increase the risk of malignant tumors. In addition, there is a stereotype that involuntary inhalation of tobacco products causes more harm to a person than active smoking. Is it true or not, and what Negative consequences carries with it this process, we will consider further.

In contact with

The phenomenon is the penetration of tobacco products from the environment into the body during breathing. In this case, a person receives a dose of the so-called side smoke.

Table 1. Some components of side smoke

Polyaromatic hydrocarbonsOrganic compounds formed during the combustion of cellulose. Substances are potent carcinogens, can lead to gene mutations
NitrosaminesThe danger of passive smoking is due, among other things, to the presence of nitrosamines. These are highly toxic compounds that adversely affect the liver, hematopoietic system. In large quantities causes the development of seizures. Increases the risk of developing cancerous tumors
PolyestersToxic macromolecular compounds

It should be noted that with passive and active smoking, almost the same substances enter the body, which, it would seem, means that the consequences of these phenomena are equivalent. In practice, things are different. The concentration of a number of substances in the side smoke is lower than in the smoke consumed by the smoker himself. Many of them are strong carcinogens. Side-smoke inhalation is statistically the third most common cause of death in adults and childhood.

Hazardous components of tobacco smoke

Can inhaling tobacco smoke be more harmful than active smoking?

In spite of increased amount a number of carcinogens in side smoke, active smoking is more dangerous to humans. When inhaling smoke from a lit cigarette, substances enter the body in more high concentration. Exhaled smoke is already "filtered" and less polluted.

Considering the topic of why active smoking is more harmful than passive smoking, it should be noted that involuntary inhalation of gaseous substances for 60 minutes is equivalent to smoking ½ part of a cigarette. The intake of solid particles is slightly lower, equivalent to 1/10 of the part. These substances settle in the body of a non-smoker for an average of 60-65 days. When particles are inhaled in enclosed spaces, the harm from passive smoking can be significantly higher.

In general, both active and passive smoking are quite dangerous. To preserve your own health, you should avoid the habit itself, people who smoke and smoky rooms.

Impact on the health and body of non-smokers

According to recent data, inhalation of side smoke can significantly increase the likelihood of malignant tumors. In addition, the impact of passive smoking on health can lead to the development bronchial asthma.

Inhalation causes pathologies of blood vessels and the heart. French scientists have found that about 3,000 people die every year in their country from the effects of side-smoke consumption.

Table 2. What harm does passive smoking cause to a non-smoker

Lung cancerA malignant tumor located in epithelial tissue bronchi. It is the most common cause of death from cancer. It has been proven that the effect of passive smoking on the body significantly increases the likelihood of the onset of the disease.
ENT pathologiesOften involves inflammation of the middle ear. Leads to rhinitis
Heart and blood vesselsThe harm of passive smoking for the human body is manifested in negative influence to the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It leads to heart failure
AtherosclerosisIs a factor stimulating the development of pathology
Bronchial asthmaChronic inflammatory process, caused by a specific immunological reaction of the body

This is not all that passive smoking is dangerous. Inhalation of smoke leads to the development and aggravation of allergies, complicates the course of bronchitis, leads to a violation mental activity. The last point is especially relevant for people 50 and older.

What harm does it cause during pregnancy?

A group particularly affected by involuntary smoke consumption is women who are expecting a baby. A number of tobacco smoking products have mutagenic and teratogenic activity. This means that their entry into the body of a woman can lead to the development of mutations and impaired embryonic development in the baby. Also passive smoking during pregnancy leads to:

  • the birth of babies with low weight;
  • the birth of a child prematurely;
  • gene mutations, malformations;
  • delayed mental and physical development;
  • sudden infant death syndrome.

Let's take a closer look at the last point. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is an unexplained cessation of breathing in a baby under 12 months of age, leading to death. Cause of death is not able to determine even the autopsy. Premature babies have been shown to be at a higher risk of developing SIDS. To negative factors also include cigarette addiction. For a long time There have been debates about whether passive smoking is harmful. However, in 2006, scientists from the United States of America confirmed that passive form of tobacco smoke consumption should also be attributed to the causes of sudden infant death.

The answer to the question of whether passive smoking is dangerous for pregnant women is obvious. Side smoke also negatively affects the mother's body, increasing the risk of cancer, bronchial asthma, lung pathologies, etc.

What is dangerous for children?

Children are often unwitting victims of side smoke. Adults who are addicted to cigarettes are not always able to fully assess the risks of smoking in a child. What harm does passive smoking do to children:

  • side smoke can cause lung infections;
  • exacerbates respiratory diseases, increases the likelihood of complications;
  • leads to the appearance or intensification of allergies;
  • causes difficulties in teaching the child;
  • increases the risk of ENT pathologies, etc.

The harm of passive smoking for children is quite large. In particular, regular exposure to tobacco products on small organism can increase the risk of tuberculosis by 2 or more times. it infectious pathology, usually affecting the respiratory system, but in rare cases and other systems. Approximately 10 percent of TB cases are found in children. Previously, the pathology was not amenable to treatment, but now it is possible to get rid of the disease in its early stages.

Passive smoking can cause other harm to a non-smoker children's body. For example, lead to the development of granulomatous enteritis. This is a pathology, which is a pronounced inflammatory process, affecting organs GIT. Often affects all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. In childhood, the symptoms of pathology are blurred, which usually complicates the diagnosis. Other name this disease- Crohn's disease. Given in honor of the doctor who first described the pathology in the middle of the last century.

Useful video

Social educator Fakhreev Vladimir Anvarovich about what is actually more harmful - active smoking or passive smoking:


  1. Everyone knows, . However, do not underestimate the involuntary inhalation of side smoke. Despite the fact that only 20 percent of harmful substances settle in the body of a passive smoker, regular exposure to gaseous and particulate cigarettes can adversely affect health.
  2. Among the likely risks are not only the likelihood of malignant tumors, but also severe damage to the lungs, heart, and blood vessels.
  3. Inhalation of side smoke is extremely dangerous for pregnant women, due to possible mutations and developmental disorders in the unborn baby.
  4. It is important to protect from tobacco smoke and children.

Good afternoon! Everyone knows that smoking is bad. But when people talk about passive smoking, many people chuckle: what nonsense! So, passive smoker - what does it mean? Consider passive smoking and its impact on health.

Not all of us are addicted to smoking, and many simply cannot stand tobacco smoke. But in a number of cases they are forced to either be in the same room with smoking person or breathe tobacco smoke in various public places. After the adoption of laws prohibiting smoking in places where a large number of people, the risk of passive smoking has somewhat decreased, however, there are still many smokers who neglect not only their health, but also the well-being of their loved ones. First of all, this applies to smoking at home and in the workplace. Since in these situations the absorption of harmful substances becomes constant, then the risk of developing unpleasant consequences for passive smokers increases tenfold. Let's understand the problem.

Passive smoking refers to the inhalation of tobacco smoke, regardless of what type of product emits it. It can be cigarettes, cigarettes, cigars, pipes and hookahs, the question is only in the amount and intensity of harmful substances entering the atmosphere. The greatest harm cigars, pipe tobacco and cigarettes are applied, since in this case a lot of toxic substances and various resins are released.

The issue of harm is also related to the intensity of smoke inhalation. If a person walked past a smoker on the street and coughed from an unpleasant, irritating cough, harm can be considered caused, but minimally possible. If a person breathes thick fetid fumes from day to day, it is not surprising that the harm will be maximum, since toxic and carcinogenic substances tend to accumulate in the body and gradually carry out their destructive action.

Scientists estimate that only 20% of all allocated tobacco products smoke enters directly into the lungs of the smoker. The remaining 80% is allocated to environment. It turns out that most of harmful substances contained in tobacco smoke enters the lungs, and from there into the blood of people who are not involved in the act of smoking.

Naturally, the presence of a smoker on outdoors somewhat smoothes the harm of inhalation of smoke by other people, since the concentration is minimal due to the dispersion of the flow of tobacco smoke. But if it happens in indoors, Negative influence on the health of all people becomes colossal.

Smoke contains great amount a variety of chemicals and compounds, the vast majority of which are toxic and / or carcinogenic. When they enter the body, they begin their destructive action. The more and more often a person is in a smoky room, the more harmful substances accumulate in his body. In the end, the concentration of harmful substances becomes so large that it begins to have a devastating effect on human health. The trouble is that these substances not only “clog” the lungs, but are also absorbed into the blood and tissues, which means they poison the entire body as a whole.

The respiratory organs are primarily affected by smoking in any form. The thing is that the stream of smoke is divided into two “portions” and the one that is released into the air and enters the lungs of a passive smoker causes much more harm than that inhaled by an active tobacco user.

Tobacco smoke contains a lot of harmful toxic substances:

  • Nitric oxide.
  • Carbon monoxide.
  • Nicotine.
  • Phenol.
  • Hydrogen cyanide.
  • Acetone.
  • Ammonia.
  • resins.
  • Aromatic additives, polyesters, which are added to any kind of tobacco.

All these elements play an extremely negative role for lung health. Resins are deposited on their walls, "glue" the alveoli and clog the blood vessels, cause the development of enphysema, frequent colds and pneumonia different type cause benign and malignant tumors.

Very often passive smoking leads to weakening of the lungs and sharp decline immunity. A person becomes especially susceptible to various infectious and colds, which further weakens the lungs and leads to the development of many of their pathologies. In addition, volatile substances in smoke contribute to the development of allergic reactions and bronchial asthma.

What diseases can develop in a passive smoker? The worst thing that passive inhalation of tobacco smoke can lead to is oncological diseases. The thing is that carcinogens, tar and other toxic compounds contained in tobacco products cause mutations at the cellular level.

It primarily affects the respiratory system, so cancer of the throat, lips and lungs in heavy smokers is much more common than in other population groups.

Another object of targeted action of tobacco is the cardiovascular system. Vessels do not just become fragile, they become thinner and tear at the most unexpected moment for a person. This is how heart attacks and strokes occur, in a significant number of cases becoming the cause of disability or death of the patient.

Another serious harm, which causes both smoking itself and smoke inhalation. This is a negative impact on reproductive system person. Both active and passive smokers are much more likely to have various pathologies preventing conception and bearing offspring. In men, these are mainly violations of the formation and motility of spermatozoa and weakness of potency, in women - difficulties with conceiving and bearing a fetus, a tendency to bleeding and spontaneous abortions, impaired functioning of the placenta, fetal hypoxia and congenital pathologies.

How does the passive smoker's sense of smell suffer?

Smoking and inhalation of smoke from tobacco products causes irritation of the olfactory receptors. The more often they are exposed to aggressive influences, the greater the risk of weakening their sensitivity up to complete atrophy. In addition, acrid smoke causes severe dryness mucous membranes of the nose, which also negatively affects the sense of smell. Prolonged or regular exposure to a smoky room can lead to the appearance of vasomotor rhinitis, accompanied by constant swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. This condition also has an extremely negative effect on the state of the olfactory system.

Passive smoking is especially dangerous for people whose work is directly related to a high-quality sense of smell. For them passive smoking is one of the main enemies.

Is it dangerous if the child is a passive smoker

The greatest risk is passive smoking for young children. The main problem is that nicotine and other harmful substances destructive effect on the growing organism, accumulating in it and poisoning it. The baby is very weak immunity especially if it is on artificial feeding, did not receive colostrum immediately after birth or had a serious illness in infancy, was exposed to surgical intervention. Any chemical poisoning, which is exactly what happens to a child when inhaling smoke from burning tobacco products, can lead to serious violations work of internal organs.

First of all, it affects the state of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems. Vessels react with increased fragility, sharp narrowing, which leads to spasms and the risk of ruptures with bleeding, and this can cause strokes or heart attacks in the future. Under the influence of passive smoking, the child becomes nervous, irritable, sleeps poorly, poor appetite He's gaining a lot of weight. Accumulation of toxic compounds and resins in the lungs and respiratory tract leads to more frequent and severe colds, which further weaken the child's body.

Mothers who smoke, breastfeed, or refuse to do so because of their unwillingness to quit smoking are especially harmful to their child. Nicotine and other toxic components easily cross the placental barrier and into breast milk therefore adversely affect the development of the fetus and the health of the baby. In pregnant women who smoke, the level of miscarriages and fetal pathologies is much higher than in those women who do not have bad habits.

If the mother also smokes in the house where the child is, then this significantly aggravates the already difficult situation. The child may be mentally and physical development, often get sick, lack weight and height.

Passive smoker of electronic cigarettes - is it possible?

Since neither combustion nor oxidation of substances occurs in electronic cigarettes, it means that there is no release of carcinogens into the air, tar, formaldehyde and other dangerous compounds. However, if there is nicotine in the e-liquid, a tiny fraction of it with the vapor still enters the air. However, compared to smoking conventional cigarettes the number of harmful elements is significantly, tens and even hundreds of times lower than in the case of "classic" tobacco products.

Since detailed studies on this topic have been carried out in insufficient volume, it can be unequivocally stated that e-Sigs completely harmless to passive smokers, it is impossible. But the comparison with conventional tobacco products is clearly in favor of electronic cigarettes.

Smoking, in whatever form it may be, active or passive, causes unconditional harm to human health. If smoking is the free choice of every person, then his duty to society and loved ones is to minimize the damage to the health of others. Care must be taken to ensure that no non-smoker becomes a passive smoker against their will, and even better, to protect their own health by giving up tobacco use. Now you understand what it means - a passive smoker? Help your loved ones quit smoking! I think you will find the information you need. Don't forget about the dangers of passive smoking! And at the end, as usual, the video

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