Do menthol cigarettes affect the heart. Why are menthol cigarettes more harmful than regular cigarettes?

We have all come across or heard of menthol cigarettes. Together with a pleasant coolness, they cause great harm to the body. This article will discuss the history, purpose, harm caused by menthol cigarettes to the health of a smoker.

Production of menthol cigarettes

Menthol is a substance derived from peppermint essential oil or synthetically produced. One of the first companies to add menthol to cigarettes was Brown & Williamson; in 1927 they launched the Kool brand, which is still very popular among menthol cigarettes to this day. The production uses tobacco containing special synthetic additives that give the menthol flavor to the cigarette. However, in most brands of current cigarettes, only paper is impregnated with menthol. Recently, on the Russian market, you can find cigarettes with menthol in the filter. Packs almost always contain green inserts and signature Menthol.

Purpose of menthol cigarettes

Instill tobacco addiction in as many people as possible. It is known that menthol can affect the neurons of the human nervous system, which are responsible for the feeling of cold. It is because of this that when smoking menthol cigarettes, the smoker does not feel the full weight of tobacco smoke. And even the first cigarette will be completely pleasant for a novice smoker.

It is also a well-known fact that flavored cigarettes are highly addictive. Among people who smoked regular cigarettes for 15 years, 47% were able to quit smoking, but among people who smoked flavored cigarettes, this figure was only 30%. The main consumers of menthol cigarettes are teenagers and women. In Russia, menthol cigarettes are not very common, only 5% of smokers smoke them, while in the US, 32.3% of the population prefers them, and, surprisingly, 80% of them are African Americans.

Menthol cigarettes are more harmful than regular cigarettes. True or myth?

By itself, menthol is not dangerous to humans and does not adversely affect the functioning of the heart and other organs. However, when mixed with nicotine, it forms a very bad combination that can harm human health. When it enters the body, menthol dilates the vessels of the heart through reflex mechanisms, increasing the flow of blood, and, accordingly, nicotine to the heart, from where it spreads throughout the body. Nicotine acts quite the opposite, it narrows blood vessels. However, the whole problem lies in the fact that the effects of menthol are short-lived, unlike nicotine ones. There is a more long-term spasm of the coronary vessels, which ultimately does not have a positive effect on the health of the smoker. Quite often, smokers of menthol cigarettes complain about pain in the heart.

Menthol cigarettes for men are very dangerous, smoking such cigarettes causes a double blow, the thing is that potency, first of all, depends on the processes of blood flow and the state of blood vessels. As mentioned earlier, menthol in combination with nicotine has a detrimental effect on all vessels, including the vessels of the penis. Another negative point of smoking a menthol cigarette instead of a regular one is that during smoking a person does not feel discomfort and therefore smokes more often, while taking deeper puffs. All this entails more consumption of harmful substances contained in the cigarette. Accordingly, the risk of diseases of the larynx, oral cavity, the occurrence of malignant tumors is much higher.

Many people consider menthol cigarettes less harmful than regular "smoking sticks", in fact, everything is exactly the opposite. The harm from menthol cigarettes for our body can be very significant.

Cigarettes with menthol: harm

Menthol is a substance that is isolated from peppermint essential oil or obtained synthetically. One of the first manufacturers of tobacco products to try to add menthol to tobacco in cigarettes was the well-known company Brown & Williamson.

This happened in 1927, when the company launched the Kool brand cigarettes. By the way, it still remains very popular among lovers of menthol cigarettes. In the manufacture of such cigarettes, a number of special synthetically produced additives are used, which give such cigarettes a specific menthol flavor and aroma.

Or rather, it used to be so, because now cigarette manufacturers impregnate only cigarette paper with menthol. And not too long ago, cigarettes containing menthol directly in the filter appeared on the domestic tobacco market. In the vast majority of cases, they are packed with green inserts and the inscription “Menthol” is applied to the packs.

It would seem that we are dealing with concern for the health of smokers. In fact, the purpose of the production of menthol cigarettes is to instill tobacco addiction in as many people as possible.

It has been well established that menthol can affect areas of the brain that make us feel cold. As a result, when smoking menthol cigarettes, the severity of the puff of tobacco smoke is not felt and the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is not irritated.

Even the first cigarette in life, if it is menthol, seems to be pleasant entertainment for a novice smoker. It has also been reliably established by studies that smoking flavored cigarettes causes tobacco addiction much faster and more strongly than smoking regular cigarettes.

Can you quit smoking menthol cigarettes?

Among regular-type cigarette smokers with fifteen years of experience, nearly half, 47 percent, were able to quit. But of those who smoked flavored cigarettes, those who were able to quit were less than a third - 30 percent.

By the way, the main smokers of flavored cigarettes are women and teenagers.

Fortunately, in our country, menthol cigarettes have not become particularly widespread; in Russia, no more than 5 percent of the total number of smokers tend to use them. But in the US, about a third of the population prefers menthol cigarettes, and 80 percent of them are African Americans.

The point is not that menthol itself is dangerous to health. The point is its combination with nicotine, without receiving a dose of which, not a single smoker can do. And this combination is especially dangerous. So smokers of menthol cigarettes should quit immediately. Or quit smoking completely, or at least switch to weak regular cigarettes.

Menthol cigarettes increase dependence on nicotine and increase the likelihood of developing cancer. The presence of this substance leads to the fact that a person smokes more cigarettes per day.

Button Tobacco Products

Such cigarettes are equipped with an aromatic capsule, which is installed inside the filter. By pressing the filter, the capsule bursts and the taste changes. Often the flavoring is menthol.

There are quite a few offers with such a button. However, more and more countries are trying to ban such products.

Why is it dangerous

Smoking becomes more pleasant if there is menthol in the cigarette. Vapors are a kind of anesthetic for the respiratory system. A peculiar coolness makes you inhale deeper when smoking.

Menthol makes nicotine absorb more slowly. A smoker who needs to get his nicotine volume inhales longer. This means that the lungs suffer much more.

The likelihood of developing oncology

Smoke enters the respiratory tract, increasing the likelihood of cancer formation. In addition, a person smokes more often.

It became known that people who smoke more than a pack of menthol cigarettes per day have a 12 times greater risk of developing cancer.

However, manufacturers ignore such statistics, doubting the correctness of the research.

Production of menthol cigarettes

The product first appeared in the 1920s in America. For the first 20 years, they were successfully advertised, attracting benevolent doctors who claimed that smoking was good for health.

Mint is not present in tobacco, but in the filter or paper. Peppermint oil is used only in the most expensive brands. Most often, companies use a low quality flavor.

Prohibition problem

50 years ago in America, tobacco companies were banned from inviting doctors to advertise. In the 1990s, regulatory authorities in many countries introduced restrictions and began to regularly remind the public about the dangers of smoking.

Brazil five years ago for the first time in the world banned the sale of products with a button and menthol. The European Union is going to ban such products by 2022.

Why are menthol cigarettes banned?

It is believed that these products cause oncology, but manufacturers constantly doubt this. However, these companies could not refute the fact of strong dependence on cigarettes if they contain menthol. They are especially popular among teenagers. We are talking primarily about products with a button. The longer the smoking experience, the greater the harm to health.

In America, flavored cigarettes (except menthol ones) have been banned from sale for eight years. Menthol cigarettes should be off the shelves by 2020. The Russian Ministry of Health is also trying to fight tobacco. The cost of the product is increasing, the deputies want to allow the sale to persons who have not reached 18, but 21 years.

MPs are exploring the Board of Public Health's idea that menthol flavored cigarettes should be banned entirely. So far there is no exact date. Menthol cigarette lovers can enjoy their habit for at least another 5 years.

Active discussion of the issue of the harm of menthol cigarettes began about one decade ago. It was at this time that the adoption of a ban in the United States on the production of cigarettes with such an aromatic additive falls. This was due to the fact that menthol was equated with products that adversely affect the human body.

This was the determining factor in the fact that menthol cigarettes were recognized as more harmful than regular cigarettes. Although today there is a lot of talk about the dangers of smoking, few people think about the harmful effects of this habit on health. To many, menthol smoking seems light and attractive, but the harm from them is obvious.

Is the menthol in tobacco really bad?

Menthol is a clear substance with a pronounced mint odor. Its natural source is peppermint. But basically it is obtained synthetically from thymol using nickel, platinum and other metals. No natural plant is used in the production of cigarettes. A concentrate is inserted there in the form of colorless crystals with a specific odor and a burning taste.

But in most cases, cigarette paper is impregnated with menthol, and only a few manufacturers add menthol to the filter. Mint leaves are not added directly to the filling of cigarettes. Otherwise, the composition of menthol cigarettes is not much different from ordinary cigarettes. The popularity of mint cigarettes lies in their specific taste. They are softer and do not irritate the throat.

Heavy users claim they are easier to smoke. Instead of bitter and burning smoke in the mouth after these cigarettes, only mint flavor remains. In most cases, menthol flavor is present in many women's cigarettes. It is known that this aromatic substance effectively masks the unpleasant smell of tobacco.

Ongoing research has determined how harmful menthol cigarettes are. It turns out that smoking with mint flavor increases the susceptibility of the cells of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract to nicotine and other toxic substances contained in cigarettes. And also on the basis of these studies, it was concluded that menthol in combination with tobacco several times increases the risk of developing cancer.

Their negative impact on the functioning of the cardiovascular and reproductive systems is also noted. Passion for cigarettes with a "chill" leads to an exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other severe pathologies of the respiratory system. However, there is an opinion that the ban on such products is due to the desire to reduce the number of young people who smoke, since they have an attractive taste and it is with them that many begin their smoking experience.

Due to the fact that menthol has a mild analgesic effect, smokers do not notice signs of deterioration in lung function. So, the feeling of pain in the chest that occurs when coughing is masked. In addition, menthol has a pronounced expectorant effect. This, in turn, creates a sense of well-being by making coughing easier.

And it has also been proven that those who smoke mint cigarettes for a long time cannot quit this addiction, and if they try, breakdowns often occur. And also in favor of the statement that menthol cigarettes are more harmful than ordinary ones, the fact that they are smoked in greater quantities than ordinary cigarettes indicates. For the same time, aromatic cigarettes are smoked 2 times more than regular cigarettes, and the smoke from them penetrates the lungs more deeply.

The combination of nicotine and menthol adversely affects the vessels of the heart

Impact on the human body

Health advocates have come to the conclusion that the production and production of menthol cigarettes is intended to instill addiction in more people. Menthol is able to influence the neurons responsible for the sensation of cold. It is this feature that leads to the fact that during smoking a person does not feel the heaviness and unpleasant smell of tobacco smoke.

And if a menthol cigarette is the first in a person's life, then smoking is perceived as quite a pleasant process. All this confirms the fact that flavored tobacco is highly addictive. Their main consumers are women and teenagers. Directly menthol does not pose a danger to humans. But the combination of the mixture with nicotine does not form the best combination and has a bad effect on human health.

The harm of menthol cigarettes is as follows: after the penetration of menthol into the body, under the influence of certain mechanisms, the vessels of the heart expand, and blood flow to it increases. It would seem that this is a positive effect, but do not forget that nicotine, which has a different effect from menthol, also spreads along with it.

Namely, it constricts blood vessels. All this leads to the development of spasm of the coronary vessels. Therefore, one should not be surprised when smokers complain of pain in the heart. Drinkers of minty cigarettes have an increased risk of myocardial infarction and stroke. But the harm from them is not limited to some cardiovascular pathologies.

There are other negative consequences as well:

  • the risk of developing a cancerous tumor;
  • diseases of the digestive system and lungs;
  • sexual dysfunction in men;
  • violation of the production of female genital organs.

How does sexual function in men and women suffer?

It is believed that menthol cigarettes have a negative effect on male strength. With regular and prolonged use of such tobacco products, potency suffers. This effect is due to the combination of synthetic peppermint oil with nicotine.

The harm done is as follows:

  • due to a sharp vasospasm, blood flow to the genital organ is disrupted and, consequently, erection worsens, penis lethargy is observed;
  • metabolic disorders lead to insufficient absorption of vitamins, proteins and trace elements, which is why the libido is weakened;
  • Menthol in cigarettes provokes a decrease in the production of testosterone, the main male hormone.

Having smoked only one cigarette with menthol, its negative influence remains for the whole day. Nicotine leads to the fact that sperm becomes excessively thick, its quality deteriorates, and sperm motility decreases. All these are the most frequent and obvious signs of infertility. A dangerous misconception is the opinion that menthol cigarettes are created specifically for women as an alternative to conventional ones, that they are light and do not harm the body.

In fact, this is not true at all, since they also contain nicotine and all the other carcinogens present in regular cigarettes. In women, the passion for such a smoking product leads to the fact that they age faster. Nicotine in combination with menthol and other toxic substances provokes the early formation of wrinkles, deterioration of skin quality, brittle hair and nails.

The harm from smoking menthol cigarettes is more felt by the female half of smokers

Constant oxygen starvation as a result of prolonged vasospasm is manifested in increased fatigue. In addition, they negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the ability to conceive a child. According to statistics, more than 40% of these women suffer from infertility, more than 90% still have the risk of miscarriage, and 30% of them give birth to premature babies.

In any case, smoking is dangerous, but if there is an aromatic additive of menthol in cigarettes, then the harmful effect increases. Smokers are unable to control the number of cigarettes they smoke. The pleasant taste of menthol encourages a person to smoke much more often. It becomes much more difficult to get rid of a bad habit.

For a long time, menthol, which is an organic compound isolated from peppermint essential oil, has been little studied. However, not so long ago, scientists found out what properties menthol has, so recently menthol has been actively (and quite effectively) used in medicine, using it in the form of tablets, powders, oily or alcohol solutions.

Menthol has an irritating, antiseptic, analgesic, sedative effect. In addition, menthol excites the trigeminal nerve, dilates the coronary vessels, has a cooling effect at high temperatures, and warms at lower temperatures. Menthol is the main component in Validol. It is used (as part of medicines) for diseases of the housing and communal services, spasms, nausea, muscle and joint pain. Especially often used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract - tonsillitis, bronchitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis. Dissolved metol (only on the recommendation of a doctor) gargle, lubricate the gums with inflammation, stomatitis.

The effect of menthol on potency

There is no unequivocal opinion on this issue. Someone believes that the use of menthol can lead to impotence, while others are sure that menthol even increases the activity of the male genital organs and can only harm when consumed in large quantities. But, although there is no evidence that menthol can reduce potency, it is still better to refuse to use it in order to increase erectile function.

The effect of menthol on the skin

The effect on the skin is due to its calming effect. It cools the skin receptors, which can reduce skin irritation during allergic reactions. That is why menthol is often included in cigarettes - in this case, the smoke irritates the lungs less.

The effect of menthol on the heart

Menthol can help with an attack of angina, and therefore is part of such drugs as Validol and Corvalol. Menthol is also taken along with sedatives - valerian, for example. After dripping a few drops of an alcoholic solution of a mint derivative on sugar in combination with bread (a small piece), put this medicine under the tongue and the pain will go away, as menthol will expand the coronary vessels.

In combination with other medications, menthol treats eczema, dermatitis, and is used to create cosmetics.

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