Tests to check the heart at home. What examinations will help detect problems? Do you have a healthy heart: tests and symptoms

The full functioning of the heart is the key to a healthy and long life. However, this body is various diseases which may adversely affect its performance. The effectiveness of any treatment is maximum only if it was started in the early stages of the disease. The same goes for heart problems. If the organ is healthy, the person does not feel its work, but if burning, pain and pressure regularly appear in the heart area, this indicates that the organ needs to be checked. There are several informative ways by which you can check the condition of the heart.


One of the performance indicators of cardio-vascular system is arterial pressure. At home, a person can find out the pressure indicators, but for this you need to have a working tonometer: mechanical or automatic. Mechanical models are used mainly in medical institutions, while automatic models are more suitable for home use.

An hour before measuring pressure, a person must give up coffee, cigarettes and alcohol, otherwise the test result will be unreliable. When measuring pressure, you need to be relaxed and calm. The tonometer hoses should not be squeezed, otherwise you can get incorrect pressure readings.

The normal pressure of an adult is 91-139 / 61-89 mm Hg. Art. If the figures obtained as a result of measuring pressure are outside the normal range, this may in some cases indicate the presence cardiovascular diseases. You can measure the pressure at the appointment with the therapist. If the indicators indicate hypotension (hypertension), the doctor will refer the patient for further research.

Informative research is biochemical analysis blood. To carry it out, you need to take a sample venous blood patient. Special attention will be given to the level:

  • alanine aminotransferase: this enzyme is concentrated in the myocardium, its increase indicates damage to the heart muscle;
  • aspartate aminotransferase: found in the myocardium, an increase in the level of this enzyme indicates damage to myocardial cells, as well as its ischemia;
  • creatine phosphokinase: present in the blood during myocardial infarction;
  • sialic acids: their level increases with endocarditis;
  • electrolytes: high level may indicate various types arrhythmias.

To obtain reliable result analysis, you need to take it at least 12 hours after eating.

Instrumental diagnostic methods

You can check your heart with following methods diagnostics:

    Electrocardiography: a method of graphic recording of the electrical activity of the myocardium throughout its cycle. The advantage of the procedure lies in its ease of implementation and accessibility. Thanks to the ECG, it is possible to assess the work of the rhythm source and track the regularity of the heart rate. With the help of electrocardiography, it is possible to determine the onset of development and metabolic disorders in the myocardium. Regular examinations are indicated for people over 40 years old, pregnant women and people with increased level cholesterol, as well as hypertension.

    Bicycle ergometry: a type of ECG, which is carried out with suspected cardiac ischemia. To conduct bicycle ergometry, a person must pass a functional load test on an exercise bike. During the load, the electrocardiograph built into the simulator will register electrical activity myocardium. During the study, blood pressure indicators are also recorded.

    Electrocardiography according to the Holter method: the method is indicated for the elderly and those who are contraindicated in physical activity. The essence of the procedure is the daily monitoring of the heart rhythm. Monitoring is provided by a mini-electrocardiograph attached to the chest of the subject.

    Echocardiography (): method ultrasound diagnostics, which allows you to evaluate functional and organic changes in the heart and its valvular apparatus. The procedure takes no more than 30 minutes. In order to better visualize the heart, a person is recommended to lie on his left side. There are such types of echocardiography:

    • Transthoracic: allows you to evaluate the size of the heart, the thickness of its walls and the work of the ventricles along with the valves.
    • Dopplerography: performed to assess blood flow in the myocardium and vessels supplying blood to the heart.
    • Stress echocardiography: performed during physical exertion.
    • Transesophageal: carried out in last resort if dysfunction is suspected artificial valve, aneurysms of the heart, inflammation of the aortic root, etc.
  • Radionuclide diagnostic methods: complex and expensive procedures that are carried out in case of suspected serious illnesses hearts. They allow you to see not only the structures of the heart and blood vessels, but also the parameters of blood flow.

    Coronary computed angiography: allows you to explore the coronary bed in the process computed tomography With intravenous administration contrast agent. With the help of computed angiography, it is possible to diagnose stenosis of the coronary arteries, as well as anomalies in their development. A few hours before the procedure, you should not eat. Before the diagnosis, a person must take nitroglycerin, which promotes vasodilation. This method diagnostics is not suitable for people who are allergic to iodine, since this substance is the basis of the radiopaque preparation.

    Magnetic resonance imaging: allows you to display a three-dimensional image of the structures of the heart, as well as the vessels and soft tissues that are near it. Magnetic resonance imaging can be done with contrast agent, and without it. This diagnostic method allows obtaining information about the patient's cardiomyopathy, neoplasms in the heart, congenital and acquired defects of the organ and its valvular apparatus. This technique not suitable for patients with claustrophobia and weighing over 150 kilograms. Magnetic resonance imaging is not performed in the presence of metal implants in the patient's body.

The results of all must be deciphered by the doctor who examines the patient.

> How to test your heart at home: 3 simple tests

Heart disease is quite insidious. Sometimes, they do not bring us any concern, but when they "shoot" - without an ambulance, often it is simply impossible to do. So, you need to be vigilant and know the first signs by which it will be possible to determine that there are some problems with the heart. Beyond knowledge similar signs, you can still check your heart for health without the help of a doctor, as they say, at home. At the same time, no complicated (and, therefore, expensive) medical devices we won't need it. We will manage with just a watch with a second hand, or a stopwatch, which today is in every, even the simplest, mobile phone.

Checking your heart health. How can I do that?

Of course, all these tests cannot replace a full-fledged examination in medical institution. But, they can give you enough information to judge if you have heart problems or not. So, you have a clock with a second hand or a stopwatch at your fingertips, so you can start.

Initial heart rate measurement

In order for you to have a reason to start when analyzing the state of your heart, you will first need to measure the pulse. This can be done on the radial artery (you will find it on the wrist), or on the carotid artery (located on the neck). You need to measure the pulse for 10 seconds, and at the same time, be sure to be at rest. Further, the received number of strokes is multiplied by 6, that is, in this way we get the result in a minute. Don't forget to write down all these numbers.

Test number 1. Martinet test

We squat 20 times in 30 seconds, measure the pulse again, and record the results. Then we rest for a minute or two. During this time, the work of the heart will recover, and the pulse will need to be measured again. The figure that you get, compare with the initial pulse, that is, when you were still at rest.

If it does not differ much from this initial indicator, then your heart is working well. Well, if, during this time, the heart did not have time to recover, then its work is disrupted. Why? The reasons may be different. This is an arrhythmia, and atherosclerosis, and circulatory disorders. Only a cardiologist can figure it out.

The next two tests will help you understand how well your cardiovascular and respiratory systems are working.

Test number 2. Stange test

First we do 2-3 enough deep breaths, respectively, the same number of exhalations. Next, inhale deeply, and hold your breath, tightly covering your mouth and nose at the same time. If you can manage not to breathe for more than 50 seconds, your result is simply excellent. You can give yourself a satisfactory grade if you fit within the interval of 40-50 seconds. And "failed" if less than 40.

Test number 3. Gencha test

It's also a breath test. We hold it on the exhale and do not breathe. Excellent - more than 40 seconds, satisfactory - 35-40 seconds, and poor - less than 35 seconds. Here there is already a need to do a heart check not at home, but with a specialist.

And two useful videos from Vitaly Ostrovsky, in which he will tell you and show you a lot more useful for testing the work of our heart. Watch video #1.

11:07 -- 14.09.2017

Amosov's method. How to quickly check the health of your heart and blood vessels with squats and jumps. Published on the web portal

Squat test.

Stand up and the main stance, put your legs together (closing your heels and spreading your socks), count the pulse. At a slow pace, do 20 squats, raising your arms forward, keeping your body straight and spreading your knees wide apart. the elderly and weak people When crouching, you can hold your hands on the back of a chair or the edge of a table. After squats, count the pulse again. Exceeding the number of heartbeats after exercise by 25% or less is considered excellent. From 25 to 50% - good, 50-75% - satisfactory and over 75% - poor. An increase in the number of pulse beats by a factor of two or more indicates excessive detraining of the heart, its very high excitability, or a disease.

Jump test.

After counting the pulse, stand in the main stance, placing your hands on your belt. Within 30 seconds, make 60 small jumps, bouncing 5 cm above the floor. Then count the pulse again. The results are evaluated in the same way as in the squat test.

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Heart disease is quite insidious. Sometimes, they do not bring us any concern, but when they "shoot" - without an ambulance, often it is simply impossible to do. So, you need to be vigilant and by which it will be possible to determine that there are some problems with the heart. In addition to knowing such signs, you can also check your heart for health without the help of a doctor, as they say, at home. At the same time, we will not need any complex (and, therefore, expensive) medical devices. We will manage with just a watch with a second hand, or a stopwatch, which today is in every, even the simplest, mobile phone.

Checking your heart health. How can I do that?

Of course, all these tests cannot replace a full-fledged examination in a medical institution. But, they can give you enough information to judge if you have heart problems or not. So, you have a clock with a second hand or a stopwatch at your fingertips, so you can start.

Initial heart rate measurement

In order for you to have a reason to start when analyzing the state of your heart, you will first need to do this on the radial artery (you will find it on the wrist), or on the carotid artery (located on the neck). You need to measure the pulse for 10 seconds, and at the same time, be sure to be at rest. Further, the received number of strokes is multiplied by 6, that is, in this way we get the result in a minute. Don't forget to write down all these numbers.

Test number 1. Martinet test

We squat 20 times in 30 seconds, measure the pulse again, and record the results. Then we rest for a minute or two. During this time, the work of the heart will recover, and the pulse will need to be measured again. The figure that you get, compare with the initial pulse, that is, when you were still at rest.

If it does not differ much from this initial indicator, then your heart is working well. Well, if, during this time, the heart did not have time to recover, then its work is disrupted. Why? The reasons may be different. This is an arrhythmia, and atherosclerosis, and only a cardiologist can figure it out.

The next two tests will help you understand how well your cardiovascular and respiratory systems are working.

Test number 2. Stange test

First, we take 2-3 deep enough breaths, respectively, the same number of exhalations. Next, inhale deeply, and hold your breath, tightly covering your mouth and nose at the same time. If you can manage not to breathe for more than 50 seconds, your result is simply excellent. You can give yourself a satisfactory grade if you fit within the interval of 40-50 seconds. And "failed" if less than 40.

Test number 3. Gencha test

It's also a breath test. We hold it on the exhale and do not breathe. Excellent - more than 40 seconds, satisfactory - 35-40 seconds, and poor - less than 35 seconds. Here there is already a need to do a heart check not at home, but with a specialist.

Over one year old

If she...

The number of heart beats per minute should not exceed the difference between the number 180 and your age.

Is your heart working and coping well? physical activity? To answer these questions, take this quiz.

1. Do a 5-minute warm-up at a fast pace and measure your heart rate.

The number of heart beats per minute should not exceed the difference between the number 180 and your age.

The greater the excess, the higher the degree of risk that threatens the heart and blood vessels. In this case, you need to pay a visit to the therapist and cardiologist, make an ECG.

2. After measuring your heart rate, run on the treadmill for 3 minutes (or run in place) at a moderate pace.

Then rest for 4 minutes and count your heart rate again.

If she...

  • ...equal to the original - everything is in order;
  • ... exceeds it by 10-15 beats - the heart suffers from a lack of physical activity, overweight or simply from general asthenia after flu or cold;
  • ... exceeds by 20 beats or more - your heart muscle is not in best form: run to the doctor!

3. For 30 seconds, bend forward, touching the floor with your fingers, at a fast pace (do not bend your knees, fully straighten each time).

The norm for women under 40 is 15 times, from 40 to 50 - 12, after 50 years - 19 times.

  • Made required amount slopes? Everything is fine!
  • Didn't fit in? Your heart is weakening due to lack of muscle activity. Regular fitness and proper nutrition help protect it from disease.

4. 2 minutes after the previous exercise, measure the pulse for 15 seconds and multiply the resulting number by 4 - get the number of heart beats per minute.

  • Less than 100 hits? You are in excellent physical shape.
  • Pulse more than 100 bpm? Your heart does not cope well with the load - you need to consult a cardiologist and a sports doctor.

5. Do 60 low toe jumps in 30 seconds.

The less the pulse at rest differs from heart rate after you have completed the test, the better. An increase in heart rate by 75% of the original indicates a noticeable violation of the adaptive capabilities of your cardiovascular system. In this case, you should see a specialist.

6. Go up 2 flights of stairs.

The number of heart beats per minute should not exceed the difference between the number 180 and your age.

7. Climb to the 4th floor at an average pace without stopping.

  • If you breathe easily after getting up, do not feel discomfort, and the pulse is below 100-120 beats / min. - you healthy heart.
  • Shortness of breath appeared, and the pulse jumped to 120-140 beats / min? The result is unsatisfactory. Do not skip classes in the fitness club (1-2 times a week is not enough for the heart), devote more time to aerobics, start the morning with dancing to rhythmic music, walk at least 3-5 km daily. After 1-1.5 months, your heart will get stronger, and you will feel much better.
  • Started to suffocate and feel weak before reaching the 4th floor, and your pulse exceeded 140 bpm? You have a weak, untrained and very likely diseased heart. Undergo an examination by a cardiologist and a rehabilitation course according to an individual program.

Cardio aerobics

Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart muscle. The most common of these is jogging. Also suitable race walking, cycling, tennis, jumping rope, skiing, treadmill and exercise bike, regular and water aerobics.


Aerobic exercise becomes anaerobic if it is performed more slowly than necessary. How to choose the right rhythm? By pulse. For each age, there is a limiting heart rate that should not be exceeded. Based on it, the basic training pulse is calculated - 65-80% of the maximum. Keeping it at this level, you get the necessary aerobic exercise.

If the heart rate is below normal, your option is an easy run or just a walk on fresh air and nothing else. Having reached the set level of load, train for only 12 minutes. Research by Dutch scientists shows that 12-15 minutes of daily aerobic exercise is enough to have a healthy heart.

Tape measure instead of ECG

To pump blood through microscopic vessels penetrating a vast adipose tissue at fat people, the heart has to work hard. Meanwhile, experiments conducted by British experts showed that if a person with a body weight of 90 kg, without changing his usual diet, walks only 2.5 km daily at a fast pace, he will lose about 6 kg in a year.

How to measure your heart rate while exercising

Get a special wristband or cardio belt, or do a control workout. Remember the pace at which you do the exercises and stop after 5 minutes. Count the beats in 6 seconds, multiply this number by 10 - you get the pulse in 1 minute.

We count the pulse

The pulse is a kind of biological Morse code, with the help of which the heart reports to us about its own state. It is usually determined on the wrist, and with spasm peripheral vessels- on the neck. So, take a watch with a second hand and start counting.

Method 1. Embrace right hand left wrist. On the back of the forearm, in the recess at the outer base of the hand, with the tips of the index and middle fingers, feel for the pulsating radial artery.

Method 2. Put left hand on the table with the palm up, and the index, middle and ring fingers place the right one in the groove that runs from the base of the hand along the outer edge of the forearm to the elbow bend.

Method 3. To determine the pulse carotid artery, turn your head and feel the oblique muscle cord that goes from behind the ear to the inner end of the collarbone. This is the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Mentally divide it into 3 parts. At the inner edge of the muscle on the border of the upper and middle thirds, find the point of the carotid artery and attach the index and middle fingers here.

Tobacco angina

If you want to have a healthy heart, forget about cigarettes. With each puff, the arteries narrow, the pulse increases by 8-10 beats per minute, the body loses 10 mg of vitamin C, which is vital for strengthening the walls blood vessels. Nicotine increases the need for oxygen in tissues and sharply reduces its delivery, increases blood clotting and promotes the formation of blood clots, including in coronary arteries. Carbon monoxide present in tobacco smoke, accelerates the development of atherosclerosis by 2-3 times and causes the heart muscle to experience a constant lack of oxygen - in fact, suffer from suffocation! Back in 1899, it was revealed special form diseases - tobacco angina, when pain in the heart appears exclusively when smoking.

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