What is more harmful hookah or alcohol. Are there harmful tars in tobacco smoke? What is the difference between hookah and cigarettes

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AT last years hookah smoking has become fashionable, but the harm caused by hookah may scare away from this fun those who did not know about it before. Now you will learn something about the dangers of hookah for your health.

Go. Hookah, if someone does not know, this is not complex instrument for smoking, which consists of a reservoir filled with water, a tube with a designated place for the smoking mixture and another tube, at the end of which there is a mouthpiece. Through the second tube, the process of smoking tobacco takes place.

The fact that the hookah is harmful is terrible truth, or duck tobacco corporations? If there is still harm from smoking a hookah, then how dangerous is it? On the topic of the harm of a hookah, disputes have been going on for more than a year. Both supporters and opponents of this newfangled entertainment for Russia are more than enough, both on the Internet and in real life. Opponents of smoking, in principle, are annoyed by the propaganda of hookah smoking as an alternative to cigarette smoking, they are also worried that hookah smoking in in public places, such as cafes and bars, can negatively affect the health of non-smoking visitors to these establishments, who unwittingly become hostages of hookah smoke.

Passive hookah smokers can also be friends, relatives, and, worst of all, children who are close to the smoker. And the harm from smoking hookah on human health, as studies have shown, is quite serious.

What do we know about smoke?

The smoke that is generated during the incomplete combustion of a substance, whether it is tobacco, grass or wood, contains substances that are quite harmful to health, such as: various tars, nicotine, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and much more. Inhalation of such substances by a person naturally leads to the fact that a large number of they are deposited in the lungs.

This is about smoke in a broad sense, but tobacco smoke, it doesn’t matter if it’s in a hookah, in a cigarette or a cigar, not only does it spoil the lungs, it also affects human body at the gene level. This impact has not been fully studied (or maybe the results of the research are classified?), and smokers may, of course, not see the result of these changes, but their children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren will definitely feel them.

Where does the hookah come from

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Hookah came to the Middle East, North Africa, and later to Europe and the USA from India. In the East, hookah has always been smoked both during leisure and during business conversations and negotiations. In the countries of the East and Asia, hookah smoking has long been a part of the culture of many peoples, and there it is not customary to discuss the fact that a hookah can be harmful. This fashionable innovation came to us quite recently, thanks to our compatriots who have chosen the hotels and beaches of Turkey and Egypt in the last decade.

The first hookahs began to be brought to Russia as an exotic souvenir smoking friends and relatives, and managed to gain some popularity among young people and all those who, through touching the exotic, want to feel like some special person. Our tourists brought this curiosity, of course, not suspecting that the harm of a hookah in many respects is much stronger than the harm from cigarettes. It is noteworthy that even some people who lead a healthy lifestyle consider this exotic fun harmless and from time to time "dabble" with a hookah.

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Proponents of hookah believe that smoking tobacco through a hookah makes it minimally harmful (and some with saliva at the mouth, prove that it is completely harmless) to the health of the smoker. That supposedly the smoke, while it reaches the lungs of a person, is filtered and comes out of the mouthpiece completely cleaned. But that doesn't happen.

Not a single filter, be it a cleaning filter tap water, or to clean industrial emissions, does not clean 100%.

Despite the fact that in such places very complex cleaning systems are used. And here they say that the harm from smoking a hookah is neutralized when the smoke passes through a primitive flask with water and a pipe. Surely there is something in there. But only a small part.

Someone considers a hookah an alternative to cigarettes, but this alternative, unlike cigarettes, you can’t put in your pocket, and you won’t smoke anywhere. As a result, people who decide to quit smoking cigarettes with the help of a hookah do not quit cigarettes, and besides, they get addicted to hookah smoking with all the ensuing harmful consequences.

Among hookah lovers, it is believed that it is not addictive, but researchers from Canada have proven that the oriental smoking device is no less addictive than cigarettes.

It is also believed that the state of euphoria that hookah smoking leads to is absolutely harmless, that it is just relaxation. However, the use of alcohol or drugs has never been considered harmless, and it also leads to a relaxed state. Such parallels suggest that the danger of hookah is not such a mythical thing.

What dangers are fraught with a hookah

Temperature and resin

As I wrote above, there is an opinion that the smoke passing through the water cools in it and leaves in it harmful substances, tobacco smoldering products. In fact, the smoke in a hookah has a temperature of about 450 degrees. How well do you think he will have time to cool down after passing through a couple of liters of water and a tube? To a temperature that is safe for respiratory system smoker, the smoke does not have time to cool down, oddly enough, Egyptian researchers came to this conclusion, in whose country the tradition of smoking hookah has more than one hundred years. This is the first thing the Egyptians learned.

Egyptian researchers were concerned that the number of cancers and the spread infectious diseases have increased in the country in recent decades. Although, this figure in Egypt was previously high according to the statistics of the World Health Organization. It is worth noting that Egypt, with its hot and dry climate, does not contribute to the spread of tuberculosis in any way, however, despite the climate, the "disease of the poor", as tuberculosis is often called, is quite widespread in Egypt. Specialists of the World Health Organization believe that the hookah is to blame. But we'll get to that later.

The next conclusion they came to is that most of the solid constituents of smoke particles resulting from the smoldering process of hookah tobacco, which occurs at a temperature of about 450 degrees, are in principle insoluble in water, and whether the smoker wants it or not, they get to into his lungs while smoking a hookah. Studies conducted back in 2003 showed that in the body of hookah lovers there is always an increased (several times) content of silver, beryllium, cottonine, arsenic, nickel, chromium, cobalt and lead, which leads to slow and irreversible poisoning of the smoker's body.

The content of all these substances also leads experienced hookah smokers to heart disease. vascular system and cancer respiratory organs. Plus, smoking a hookah in the future threatens an avid smoker with impotence or infertility. The longer you smoke a hookah, the more all this muck accumulates in you, the more it poisons you, the higher the risk.

The hookah smoking ceremony lasts about an hour. During this time, smoke, tar and other smoldering products of tobacco enter the lungs of a smoker in an amount comparable to the amount of the same substances that enter the lungs when smoking 60 ordinary cigarettes. But in this case, the harm from the hookah is not only total smoke and tar, but in a massive attack on the human respiratory system. The body experiences a real shock and directs its energy and resources to eliminate the negative effects of hookah smoke, which causes relaxation.

state of euphoria

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The state of relaxation and euphoria appears in everyone who smoked a hookah. At first, there was a suspicion that, in addition to tobacco itself, others were added to the hookah smoking mixture. narcotic substances. However, this assumption has not been proven.

For this, it has been proven that in the smoke that has passed through the water, the concentration of carbon monoxide increases, which contributes to the expansion of blood vessels. This would seem to be an argument in favor of smoking a hookah, but after the expansion of the vessels, their narrowing occurs, to sizes much smaller than in normal condition. This effect, similar to the effect of drinking alcohol, causes a state of euphoria. In addition, carbon monoxide also contributes to a decrease in the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

By the way, if we compare the harm from smoking a hookah and cigarettes in terms of the content of carbon monoxide in comparable amounts of a smoking substance, it turns out that a harmless oriental toy causes harm at least twice as much as cigarettes.

Cancer diseases

To date, hookah smoking mixtures are produced all over the world, from the USA and Russia to the United United Arab Emirates, Iran, India and China. Competition in this market is quite serious, and therefore, manufacturers are trying as much as possible to reduce the cost of producing mixtures due to artificial flavors, adding low-quality tobacco and attracting unskilled labor, without observing the necessary sanitary standards. Naturally, these factors further increase the danger of hookah to human health. Most of smoking mixtures for hookah are produced without observing the necessary standards, you can not even doubt this. Corruption contributes to this, both in Russia and in the countries of the East.

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Speaking about the quality of tobacco for hookah, we can add that the most common types of tobacco in the East are not represented here, and only export versions of smoking mixtures are supplied to Russia.

The danger of a hookah is manifested, as I already mentioned, in the fact that the dosage of nicotine, smoke and tar while smoking a hookah is much higher than when smoking cigarettes. Tobacco for hookahs "tumbak", for example, contains twice as much nicotine as tobacco, which is used in the manufacture of cigarettes. Due to the high concentration, harmful substances affect not only the bronchi, but also the pharynx with the trachea. And this can subsequently lead to cancer of the larynx and lungs.

I can assume that thousands of hookah lovers will now rush to explain that none of them have fallen ill yet, but they don’t die immediately from cigarettes either. A cigarette kills in small doses several times a day, and a hookah alone powerful dose once a week. The harm from smoking a hookah, like the harm of a cigarette, will make itself felt much later, when it will not be possible to correct the situation.

Transmission of infections

According to tradition, even if a hookah is smoked by a company of several people, the mouthpiece and smoking pipe are used one at all. This method of passing the mouthpiece around has always contributed to the transmission and spread of diseases such as tuberculosis, hepatitis A or herpes. True, as far as I know, today the harm from group smoking of a hookah, in terms of the transmission of infections, can be neutralized using disposable nozzles on the hookah mouthpiece, or using a special hookah with separate and independent pipes and mouthpieces. However, this point is also worth considering. Moreover, the plastic nozzles that I personally have seen are very short, and if a person suffering from tuberculosis exhales through the nozzle into the hookah tube, he can easily send a portion of saliva with pathogens into it. And you, in turn, with the next puff, will inhale these bacteria along with the smoke. This is about hygiene. I touched on this issue a little in the Rules article. healthy lifestyle life, although in the future I expect to devote several separate articles to this issue.

Combined with alcohol

Quite a few daredevils manage to exacerbate the harm caused by smoking a hookah, drinking alcohol, in order to allegedly enhance the pleasant sensations or the state of high. However, what is called "pleasant sensations" is nothing more than symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, initial stage poisoning, of course. But sometimes the combination of hookah smoking with drinking alcohol leads to fainting spells and even fainting. For everybody individual person predict the consequences of dangerous combination impossible.

There is also a way to combine hookah with alcohol. It consists in the fact that instead of water, they pour into a vessel alcoholic drinks or even pure alcohol through which the smoke passes, getting into the lungs of a person. Along with such smoke, alcohol vapors also enter them. And through the lungs, alcohol enters the bloodstream much faster than through digestive system. With this combination, by the way, a person runs the risk of becoming an alcoholic very quickly, although he does not drink alcohol directly.

It may be objected to me that with such a combination, much less alcohol enters the bloodstream. But the thing is that when smoking a hookah through alcohol, alcohol enters the human blood through the lungs, at the same time when nicotine and other decay products of tobacco negatively affect the heart, the body as a whole. When drinking alcohol while smoking, the effect of alcohol is slightly delayed in time and the harm of alcohol, although greater, is not superimposed on the harm of the hookah, but follows it in turn. From this we can conclude that both ways of drinking alcohol at the same time as smoking a hookah are approximately equally harmful.

Is hookah addictive?

Hookah addiction can be viewed from two perspectives. On the one hand, it is nicotine, physiological dependence, the same as from cigarettes. On the other hand, addiction is psychological.

Dependence on nicotine does not appear immediately, but gradually. With a gradual intake through the lungs, as well as through the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, nicotine into the body is irritated nerve cells. These cells send internal organs human body impulses through which they influence the work of these organs. With the periodic intake of nicotine into the body, the number of cells irritated during smoking begins to increase accordingly, their sensitivity increases. As a result, the body, through nerve cells that are already irritated and “sharpened” for nicotine, gets used to the smoking process as a source of nicotine.

Psychological dependence lies in the smoker's subconscious attempt to assert himself through a ritual for "accomplished people", and this is exactly how hookah smoking is positioned by the entire hookah industry. Hookah bars and hookah lounges are positioned as places of elite pastime. In the cinema, not yet as often as cigarettes, but hookahs began to appear. Moreover, they smoke hookah in movies, as a rule, successful and rich people of the East. Of course, they will not tell you a word about the dangers of a hookah. All this creates a certain halo of success and freedom around the hookah smoker, in his own eyes. After all, it's nice for a moment to feel like some kind of Arab sheikh, the owner of a harem. 🙂

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Many, if not all, hookah lovers will unanimously say that this is not so, but I will not argue, since I am not talking about the conscious actions of people, but about the unconscious, which they usually cannot control. Get rid of psychological dependence, and thereby eliminate this dangerous entertainment from your life, will help either independent work over their complexes, a kind of introspection, debriefing, if you like. Or self-realization in life. Not imaginary self-realization like “buy a car, build a career and fly to the Maldives, or at worst to Egypt”, but self-realization according to your inner worldview. For some, it means learning to play the violin or the piano, for others, to ride a bicycle around the Earth, for others, to write a book, not for money, but for themselves, for the soul. Have you thought about this? This is the realization of the inclinations and talents inherent in you by nature.

True, in order to force yourself to give up this "fun", you must first realize the harm to your body from smoking hookah. This task is no less difficult for most.

Much more dangerous for young people

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="http://zdoru.ru/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/vred-kalyana.jpg" alt="(!LANG: girl with hookah" width="300" height="300" srcset="" data-srcset="http://zdoru.ru/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/vred-kalyana..jpg 150w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px">!} I want to emphasize that the hookah is especially dangerous, in terms of addiction for teenagers and young people, due to the fact that bad smell tobacco smoke is masked in it by various aromatic additives, ranging from apple smell to the smell of exotic fruits and incense, a mild aftertaste, unlike cigarette smoke. This is the main hookah trap for all ages. Dependence can arise absolutely not noticeably, gradually and not intrusively. A person is all the more in danger if he is sure that hookah addiction does not exist in nature. But you need to understand that regardless of the taste and smell of tobacco smoke, nicotine is present in it, and sooner or later the body will require more hookah, then it will demand again, and this is already an addiction.

Through a hookah, young people are much more likely to join smoking cigarettes, through them to soft drugs like cannabis, and there it’s not far from hard ones. Of course, this does not apply to all teenagers, and depends on many other factors, but nevertheless, everyone who tries is at risk.

And in conclusion of this article about the dangers of a hookah, I want to appeal to all, without exception, readers.

Our future, the future of our children and grandchildren, the future of our country and the Russian language depends on how much we can lay in future generations an understanding of the meaning of life. Understanding that life is given to us alone, and that is why it should not be aimlessly burned in imaginary pleasures, chasing images of wealth and beautiful life, and with intelligence and wisdom to approach any activity that they will be engaged in, for which their time will be spent - the most precious thing given to man by nature.

With bad habits, we voluntarily shorten this time, bring closer the moment of our departure from life. But why, because life gives us an infinite number of opportunities for self-realization? I agree, very often the routine does not allow you to raise your head and see these opportunities. Routine is the flow of events that we allow to run our lives. Among these events, there are many that we could refuse. This also applies to bad habits. I include not only feasts, such as New Year's or May holidays, where beer and vodka flow like water and hookah gatherings. TV and computer games- this is also a bad habit that takes away from us 30-40 hours a week, as well as the opportunity to lead an active life.

Someone will object that he cannot but devote time to his relatives or friends, to whom he is invited to the next booze, the next feast. But it’s unlikely that something will change significantly for you if you become at least twice as likely to attend such events. The question is, what will you do with your free time? These are the things to seriously think about.

And think about whether you are satisfied with your life. Answer this question only to yourself, secretly from everyone. And if it turns out not, then why are you going to teach your children the same way of life that led your life to a dead end? Set an example of the kind of life you would like to lead. Or, if this is difficult for you, do at least a minimum, limit them from the influence of their own bad habits, give them a choice, and they will figure out what is bad for them and what is good.

A hookah is a special vessel for smoking, where liquid acts as a filter. It could be ordinary water, juice, milk and even alcohol. The product itself consists of a transparent flask, shaft, saucer and mouthpiece. There are also additional, small elements.

Smoking hookah is most popular among young people. Not a single noisy party is complete without it.

Often, in this way, cigarettes are replaced, because teenagers believe that the harm of a hookah on the body is much less than the harm caused by conventional tobacco products.

In fact, this is far from the case. Studies have shown that a hookah causes many times more harm than a cigarette, provided that it is systematically smoked. This habit leads to many serious diseases.

What is the harm of a hookah on the body

To understand how huge the harm from smoking a hookah is, let's look at the content of nicotine. In one pack of tobacco, its share is 0.05%. This is approximately 25 mg.

Considering that one such pack is enough for 4 refills, it can be understood that one serving will contain 6.25 mg of this substance. The cigarette contains 0.5-0.8 mg of nicotine.

This way you can easily assess the harm from hookah smoking, because we are well aware that nicotine has a strong neurotoxic effect, promotes addiction.

Hookah smoke contains no less harmful substances than cigarette smoke. Many mistakenly believe that water, acting as a filter, will trap all impurities.

In fact, it is not able to retain cotinine, lead, chromium, carboxyhemoglobin, arsenic and other harmful substances contained in tobacco smoke.

So one can only guess what harm a person who smokes it systematically receives from a hookah. At times, the likelihood of developing the following serious diseases increases:

  • coronary heart disease;
  • violations of pulmonary functions;
  • oncological diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • heart failure;
  • various kinds of arrhythmias;
  • Chronical bronchitis.

Do you think that the harm of hookah for health is limited to this? But no.

At the time of smoldering tobacco on coals heated to very high temperature, such dangerous substances like benzopyrene and carbon monoxide.

The first refers to carcinogens of the first hazard class, provokes the development oncological diseases, DNA mutation. So the future offspring will also feel the harm from smoking a hookah. And this is the worst.

Carbon monoxide is also dangerous. Considering that hookah is smoked mainly in enclosed spaces and for 1-1.5 hours, 200 times more smoke enters the lungs of a person than when smoking one cigarette.

Carbon monoxide reacts with hemoglobin to cause oxygen starvation. So the effect of a hookah on the body is manifested by a violation of the work of all organs and their systems, leads to malfunctions in the heart, increases the development of myocardial infarction.

Continuing the theme, let's remember about diseases transmitted through saliva, because often a hookah has only one mouthpiece, which is transmitted in a circle.

This is fraught with infection with herpes, hepatitis, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, diphtheria and many other serious ailments.

Interested in whether there is harm from a hookah for a passive smoker?

Undoubtedly! A person who is in a room where a hookah is smoked inhales no less amount of smoke than smokers themselves.

There is a myth that if milk is poured into a flask instead of water, it will retain more harmful substances, reducing the harm of smoking to the body.

In fact, the type of liquid only affects taste qualities without affecting its filtering capacity in any way.

Hookah smoking is a popular fashion of recent years, common even among teenagers. How harmful is hookah, and what are the health consequences of smoking it?

Hookah fashion - where did it come from?

Smoking - bad habit which affects more than a third of the world's population. Since smoking does not pose a visible danger to society, in most countries tobacco is not prohibited at the legislative level. However, inhalation harmful smoke extremely harmful to the health of the smoker and those around him in the long term.

Perfectly aware of the harm of tobacco, smokers themselves are trying to find an alternative to their addiction. One of these alternatives has become a hookah - over the past few years, its popularity has greatly increased.

At first glance, this smoking device really looks quite attractive. First of all, hookah mixes have pleasant aroma not at all like the bitter smell of cigarettes. Inhaling fragrant fumes, smokers get real pleasure from the process. In addition, a hookah is associated with relaxation - you can’t smoke it “on the run”, but it just happens to be in friendly company who wants to unhurriedly relax after a hearty meal.

Hookah can be found in many restaurants and cafes, more and more often small devices are purchased for home use. Both adults and teenagers use such devices - the last smoking device seems to be an opportunity to touch the "adult" world without harm to health.

Thus, the vast majority of smokers do believe that hookah is safe - or, according to at least much less harmful than cigarettes. But is it true or is it for real? To understand this issue, first consider the principle of operation of the hookah device.

The principle of the hookah

What does any hookah consist of? Its main elements are a flask, a metal shaft, a cup for tobacco and a saucer for coals, as well as a flexible hose that extends from the bottom of the flask - smoke is inhaled through it.

Before using the device, pour into the flask a small amount of water, then moist fragrant tobacco is placed in a cup, and coals are kindled on a special saucer. Since the saucer and cup are located close to each other, under the influence of high temperature, the tobacco begins to smolder - and emits a thick fragrant smoke. Through the shaft, this smoke descends into a flask filled with water, passes through a kind of water filter - and then enters the smoker's lungs through a hose.

Proving the safety of a hookah, smokers use exactly two main arguments. fundamental differences this device from a cigarette. They argue that not burning, but quietly smoldering tobacco emits much less harmful substances - and moreover, half of them settle on the walls of the mine and are filtered out by water. In the human body, an already purified mixture of essential oils and water vapor.

Is smoking hookah harmful?

Who is right in this dispute - smokers or doctors who claim that the use of the device is harmful to health? As much as smokers would like to believe otherwise, studies show conclusively that hookah is indeed harmful. And besides - much more than ordinary tobacco smoking.

  • The composition of the tobacco mixture for a smoking device is no different from ordinary tobacco. Nicotine, harmful tar, formaldehyde and benzene - hookah mixtures also contain all these substances.
  • When smoking a hookah mixture, a person inhales much more smoke than with several cigarette puffs. After all, if a cigarette takes only a few minutes, then you can smoke a hookah for an hour or longer - getting a hundred to two hundred times more nicotine and other harmful substances.
  • When using a smoking device, tobacco smoke is saturated huge amount carbon dioxide. In fact, for a long time, smokers voluntarily inhale carbon monoxide - which immediately affects their well-being and is harmful to health. To understand the scale, it is enough to say that in an hour a smoking device produces the same amount carbon monoxide how much is released when you smoke a whole pack of cigarettes.
  • When puffing on a cigarette, most people inhale the smoke shallowly. With a hookah, the situation is different - in order to feel the taste and aroma of smoke, you need to make a significant effort to inhale. Because of this, smoke and all harmful substances fall not only into the upper, but also into lower divisions respiratory tract.

And finally, there is another danger - at first glance, not obvious. If the hookah is used not individually, but in big company, then between the participants of exotic smoking there is an exchange of saliva. This can lead to infection with colds, infectious and even sexually transmitted diseases- You can hardly say with certainty that all your friends are absolutely healthy.

Even using your own mouthpiece does not eliminate the problem - after all, microparticles of saliva, when smoking, also fall on the walls of the hose, mixing with steam at the next puff.

What are the consequences of frequent hookah smoking?

We have established that hookah is unequivocally harmful and cannot be considered a "harmless" substitute for cigarettes. But what exactly are the consequences for the body frequent use smoking device?

  • Primarily, high concentration carbon monoxide in the smoking mixture is harmful to the heart and vascular system of the body. Many smokers, especially inexperienced ones, complain about headache, dizziness and nausea after inhaling fragrant smoke - this is how an overdose of carbon dioxide manifests itself. At constant use smoking device leads to increased blood pressure and contributes to the development of heart disease.
  • The smoke inhaled from smoking wet tobacco blends adversely affects the health of the respiratory system. As we remember, in its composition, hookah tobacco is no different from ordinary tobacco - but the dosage of harmful substances is much higher. Resins and carcinogens settle on the walls of the larynx and lungs, provoking persistent cough and increasing the risk of developing cancer. Hookah smokers are much more prone to seasonal colds because their immunity is reduced.
  • By negatively affecting blood vessels, hookah mixtures impair brain function. Concentration of attention is disturbed, the ability to intense intellectual work is lost. That is why the hookah is especially dangerous for young people - it affects the quality of education.

Separately, it should be noted that passive inhalation of hookah fumes is just as harmful as the active use of a smoking device. By analogy with cigarette smoke, the smoke from a hookah does not completely enter the smoker's lungs - some of it dissipates in the air. Accordingly, everyone who is nearby is also forced to inhale the harmful fumes from smoldering tobacco.

What is more dangerous - hookah or cigarettes?

We studied the principle of the hookah and found that it is definitely unhealthy. It remains to be seen how. Is this harm comparable to the negative effect of cigarettes - or is hookah even more dangerous than the usual way of smoking?

Physicians unanimously argue that in the short and long term negative effect hookah is definitely more harmful than the usual cigarettes. The danger is primarily the duration of smoking - it is customary to sip fragrant smoke from a hose for 30 - 60 minutes. Thus, a person does much more deep breaths- and, accordingly, receives huge dosages of harmful substances and carbon monoxide.

Another danger of hookah is the rapid formation of a bad habit. Dependence on regular cigarettes develops more slowly, and it is a little easier to control it - because a person feels when he begins to lack nicotine. In the case of hookah, the situation is more complicated - most smokers justify the resulting cravings by saying that they just want to try. new tobacco or indulge in your favorite scent. Quitting a bad habit turns out to be very difficult - a strong addiction has time to form.

We can draw the following conclusion - it is best not to acquire such a habit as smoking at all. However, if the choice is between cigarettes and a hookah, it must be remembered that the smoking device is much more harmful, and cannot be an “easy” replacement for ordinary cigarettes.

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About the dangers of smoking tobacco products everyone knows, but no one even thinks about how much.
Most hookah fans are confident in the absolute safety of hookah smoke, but experts believe that it brings tangible, no less than ordinary cigarettes.

Damage done

How is smoking a hookah mixture different from regular tobacco? structure, in cigarettes the filler is dry and in pure form, in hookah gas stations, tobacco is moistened, and saturated with flavored additives. When smoking a cigarette, the tobacco burns rather than slowly smolders.

Hookah smoke contains fewer substances that adversely affect health than cigarette smoke. But, given the much larger volume of smoke inhaled, it negates the above advantage.

Scientifically proven harm:

  1. Effect on the heart. Influence on the cardiovascular system. Instant, which occurs directly in the process of smoking. Long-term, which is formed as a result of the accumulation of harmful substances. This leads to a violation of vascular tone and heart rhythm. To minimize potential harm, frequent smoking should be avoided.
  2. Effect on the lungs. Almost half of the harmful substances settle on the walls of the shaft and in the hookah vessel, half of the toxins enter the lungs. This can lead to the development of chronic. Negatively affect the overall immunity of the body.
  3. Impact on vision. Smoke affects eye shell direct contact with it, it can lead to inflammation choroid dry eye development. These consequences can be avoided by controlling the direction of exhalation of smoke and smoking in a ventilated room.
  4. Impact on the central nervous system. The main influence on the nervous system can be considered addiction, which is largely associated not with the use of tobacco, but with the process of its preparation and subsequent state of relaxation. Negative impact on mental capacity for the first time after smoking, which is associated with the flow of carbon monoxide with blood into the brain. This leads to headaches.

Test for smokers

Choose your age!

What is harmful hookah for girls

The effect of smoking for girls is almost the same as for men, but you need to consider some features. The first thing you should pay attention to is addiction, which girls are more prone to than men. This should be taken into account by girls who want to try it for the first time, or notice that they are often attached to this ritual.

The accumulation of resins negatively affects the cardiovascular system, promotes the development of cancer. If a girl has a predisposition to this type of disease, then the hookah must be strictly abandoned.

Particularly influenced reproductive system girls. During menstruation possible profuse bleeding due to vascular weakness caused by the accumulation of resins in the body.

The consequences may not be revealed in the girl herself, but in her descendants. Even if the girl feels good.

Categorically from a hookah it is necessary to refuse pregnant girls. So the development of the fetus requires minimizing the influence of factors that can complicate the period of pregnancy and the development of the child. At the same time, a pregnant woman should exclude being in a room where someone smokes, passive smoking causes significant harm to health.

Take the smoking test

Necessarily, before passing the test, refresh the page (F5 key).

Do you smoke at home?

Main consequences of abuse

Factors are divided into several subspecies, depending on the type of influence and consequences:

  1. Carbon monoxide. Affects in the process of inhalation of smoke. He carries greatest danger. It has no color, smell and taste, so the oversaturation with it occurs imperceptibly, it is felt only negative consequence. Poisoning with this gas, even in small doses, leads to the death of brain cells. This is what leads to headaches and nausea.
  2. Hygiene. Most prefer to enjoy this business in the company of friends. Most people trust each other, so they use the same mouthpiece. Neglect of hygiene rules can lead to infection viral infections such as influenza virus, herpes.
  3. Chronic diseases. The development of chronic diseases is possible with frequent and systematic use of hookah, which, as mentioned above, can lead to diseases:

At the first sign of violation normal functioning organism, it is worth strictly abandoning the hookah. Symptoms of disorders may appear after a while. If nothing bothers you, you should not assume that the smoke does not affect you.

  1. Addictive. It carries not only a direct danger, but also an indirect one. Some may start smoking both legal and illegal smoking blends.

The health risks of this habit

Switching to an electronic hookah will not allow you to protect yourself from the negative effects of conventional cigarettes, it will not. The World Health Organization did not conduct an investigation, and found that electronic devices are no less harmful than traditional ways smoking.

The negative impact of electronic cigarettes:

  • the steam that is produced by the steam generator contains nicotine and ammonium, like a regular cigarette, ammonium accelerates the absorption of nicotine by the body;
  • the main chemical element that is needed to produce steam is propylene glycol, which, when ingested, changes the structure of DNA;
  • the production of electronic devices is not certified, so manufacturers can use harmful substances and materials that adversely affect health;
  • steam that is produced electronic hookah contains aldehydes, which can cause cancer.

Steam generation, unlike tobacco combustion and smoke emission, does not contain carbon monoxide and tar, which practically minimizes the negative impact on the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system. Smoking an electronic hookah avoids bad smell from the mouth and yellowness of the teeth. It is possible to purchase gas stations that do not contain nicotine.


Comparison of hookah and cigarettes for men

Many studies have shown that hookah use carries much greater risks compared to cigarettes.

The amount of substances in both types of smoke is almost identical. At the same time, the design of the hookah and the liquid used allow filtering out no more than half of the toxins.

Given the duration of hookah use - more than an hour, the amount of toxins that enter the lungs is simply immeasurable with the influence of cigarettes.

Advantages of cigarette smoke over hookah smoke:

  1. Cigarette smokers are less exposed to smoke compared to hookah smokers and inhale significantly less smoke. This allows you to reduce the amount of carbon monoxide, resins, heavy metals and other chemicals.
  2. If we compare potential opportunity the development of oncological diseases, such as cancer oral cavity, then the risk of developing the disease depends on the frequency bad habit. Smoking a hookah less than once a month reduces the risk to almost zero, while constant cigarette smoking significantly increases the likelihood of these diseases.
  3. Smoking mixtures that contain nicotine saturates the blood with nicotine to a much greater extent than cigarettes.
  4. Much more harm smoke brings passive smoker, they prefer to smoke hookah indoors, unlike regular cigarettes. This smoke is much thicker, which greatly increases the load on the breathing system of a passive smoker.
  5. Unlike conventional cigarettes, hookah consumption leads to infectious diseases. This situation occurs in large companies. Therefore, it is recommended to use an individual mouthpiece.
  6. In hookah lounges, equipment cleaning is not always treated properly. This leads to the development of fungal and bacterial organisms.

Impact of nicotine-free tobacco

Exists misconception that nicotine-free blends are practically harmless and safe to consume. The difference between nicotine-free mixtures and conventional ones is that nicotine does not enter the body. But given the amount of smoke that a smoker consumes in one sitting, the absence of nicotine does little to reduce the dangers of smoking.

Smoke from a nicotine-free mixture contains the following substances:

  • resins that fall and accumulate in the bronchi, which may be the cause of chronic bronchitis;
  • carbon monoxide, the amount of which does not change depending on the type of smoking mixture;
  • nicotine-free mixtures are more pleasant to smoke, which leads to an increase in the frequency of smoking, and this in turn leads to an increase in the content in the body of elements such as pigs, chromium, carboxyhemoglobin and arsenic;
  • the use of a nicotine-free mixture does not in any way reduce the risk of developing cancer and heart disease;

Comparison of electronic and hookah devices

  1. What is inhaled while smoking. Electronic version The hookah does not produce smoke, but steam. Steam is safer, it does not saturate the body with carbon monoxide and tar.
  2. Refueling for electronic cigarette contains much fewer components than smoking mixtures, the base is water and glycerin. The liquid changes during heating chemical structure, which leads to the release of harmful elements. But despite this fact, the amount of harmful substances in the produced steam is much lower than when the smoking mixture is smoldering.
  3. As in a regular hookah, there are no filters in the electronic hookah. Ordinary hookahs do not contain any filters, as in cigarettes, and the liquid used only cools the smoke and does not trap heavy chemicals.
  4. If we take into account the hygienic side of smoking, then, as in the case of conventional and electronic hookahs, you must adhere to the basic rules of hygiene. Only taking care of your own health can protect you from diseases.

Getting rid of the effects of smoking

The consequences of smoking can be varied, from the slightest infectious diseases and eye irritation, to severe oncological diseases. First of all, in order to get rid of the consequences, you need to stop using hookah, and turn it not into a habit, but a pleasant pastime with friends no more than once a month.

Getting rid of the consequences of smoking depends on the complexity of such consequences. If you are experiencing illnesses, you should contact your primary care physician, who can assess the severity of the problem and develop a treatment plan.

If you decide to just give up a bad habit and cleanse the body, you need to develop a specific plan for exercising and a plan proper nutrition. Going in for sports is suitable for getting rid of the consequences, the chosen sport should be maximally aimed at strengthening the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system. Swimming is a great option. Although the harm of a hookah on the human body

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Hi all. Today I want to talk about an interesting smoking, or maybe not smoking at all ...

We will talk about hookah - what makes it so attractive, why it has become so popular in our time. We will also try to figure out whether it harms the human body.

Unlike cigarette smoking, the harm of which is always and everywhere told, the effect of hookah smoking on the human body is not so well known.

What is a hookah?

In recent years, there has been a widespread increase in the use of hookah around the world, especially among young people and students. This is facilitated by the "fashion" of hookah smoking as relaxation, rest, pastime.

A lot of cafes, hookah bars are opening - where it is offered to smoke a hookah in a quiet, cozy atmosphere, in the company of your friends.

Hookah- This is a kind of elongated vessel (the longer the better) for smoking.
The water in the vessel allows the smoke to be filtered and cooled. On top is a smoking bowl, in which the smoking mixture is placed, then it is “wrapped” with foil with holes and burning coal is placed on top.
The smoke that the smoker draws goes this way - the air from the heat of the coal "ignites" the smoking mixture, then smoke is formed, which is cooled and "filtered" through the water, and then enters the hookah lover's lungs.

The secret of hookah attractiveness

The well-known cigarette smoke is a bitter, unpleasant and pungent suffocating smell.

Compared to it, hookah smoke has such advantages that even girls smoke it, and with great pleasure. Despite the fact that they are opponents of smoking, as such.

What is it that attracts them so much?

Attracts them, what repels in cigarettes - taste!

Hookah boasts such natural fruit flavors - apple, lemon, kiwi, orange and melon and many other "goodies". Which we need, not to smoke ...

Now, at the time of this writing, I do not smoke - neither one nor the other for 3 years (cigarettes and hookah). For the article, I took out my (for "immersion" in the environment) hookah and tobacco blends.
Guys, how attractive this smell! It actually smells really good. It's understandable why he attracts so many. After all, there is even such an expression - "smoke a delicious hookah."

That is why so many people like it and many associate it with a "fruity-healthy" pastime. Some even see it as a safe alternative to cigarettes.

The harm of hookah on the human body

Most hookah smokers are not aware of the dangers of hookah.
Some people don't even know that there is tobacco in the smoking mixture, just like in cigarettes.

These mixtures often contain substances that are carcinogenic or can cause cancer.

Regular hookah smoking can lead to cancer of the lungs, mouth, stomach and esophagus. The beginning of this may be - impaired lung function, heart disease and declining fertility.

According to recent studies by the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that a smoker inhales half a liter of smoke while smoking one cigarette, and a hookah - from 1/6 to 1 liter.

Meanwhile, experts from the London Department of Health and Tobacco Control found that the level of carbon monoxide from one hookah smoking session is equal to at least four cigarettes smoked.

This is due to the fact that coal is used to set fire to the mixture, ( this is for those who amuse themselves with the thought that he smokes a non-tobacco - harmless mixture) which adds carbon monoxide and other toxins that are not so filtered through water that their "harmfulness" is reduced.

Also in the hookah mixture there are all the same harmful substances as in cigarettes.

For example, after "relaxing" with a hookah, the level of nicotine rises more than 70 times, cotinine - 4 times, other substances that cause cancer - more than 2 times.

Another problem is also added, due to the method of smoking - they usually smoke in a circle, that is, the pipe is passed to each other. There is a danger of transmission of diseases such as herpes, hepatitis, etc.

Yes, there are disposable mouthpieces, but they are neglected when they are conceived ...

Maybe there is no harm from a hookah on the human body?

Although many health professionals constantly talk about harmful effect smoking hookah, there are those who disagree with them.
They say that the long-term effects of hookah smoking are not yet fully understood, and it is too early to argue about its harm to the human body.

Adherents of "harm" hookahs say that a person breathes 200 times more smoke in an hour of hookah smoking than when smoking one cigarette.

Adherents of "no harm" hookah argue that the amount of smoke is not an indicator of harmfulness.
Since the smoke from a hookah is essentially steam, and there is much less toxic substances- 142 components, against 4000.
Also, the temperature of the smoke is much lower, which contributes to better filtration from resins and other harmful substances.

Here, you can see who-whom? Cigarette or hookah?

As for me, then the rule “of two evils to choose better” does not work for health. We don't need either one or the other.

There are lovers of strong (bitter) coffee, tea (chifir), there are lovers of meat with a smell, some love blue cheese ( I tried twice - the taste is unforgettable:)) - all this is a “perverted” taste imposed by society, a tribute to fashion, etc.

It's easy to check - let the child try ( not everything!) and you will immediately understand whether this product has a natural appeal of taste.

That's all I wanted to say. Be healthy and do not succumb to the “washing” of your consciousness.
Waiting for your comments.

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