What to do to avoid constipation. Constipation: home treatment - folk remedies. Immediate and competent assistance in the development of pathology

Constipation can have various causes - some of them are harmless and easily eliminated at home, others are quite dangerous and require additional examination of the intestines and medical attention.

Constipation is a disorder in the functioning of the intestines, during which the movement of feces stops or it becomes impossible to release them. Fecal masses can become rough, hard.

With constipation, there is a strong pain in the abdomen, may be accompanied by nausea, transient short-term. With constipation, the intestinal walls are stretched by fecal masses, which also causes pain. Prolonged retention of feces leads to intoxication of the body and inflammation of the abdominal cavity.


The causes of constipation can be independent, or they can act as chronic diseases with a complication in the form of constipation. Independent reasons:

  • Violation of the usual daily routine;
  • depression, stress;
  • Shocks, disruption of the central nervous system;
  • Heavy food;
  • Lack of fiber
  • Low physical activity.

Unfamiliar foods for the diet can also cause constipation. Of the chronic diseases, constipation accompanies disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system and ureters.


The first symptom is the inability to empty the bowels for two days. Defecation can occur every day, but causes difficulty, pain. It takes effort to empty the bowels. Severe constipation is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, mainly in the large intestine.

The stool has a dense texture, dry, and even after emptying, there is an overflow of the intestines, heaviness in the stomach. If the violation is caused by a spasm in the intestines, additional symptoms are bloating, flatulence, and sharp cramps in the lower abdomen.

Constipation associated with spasm can become chronic, in which case patients suffer from constipation, accompanied by lack of appetite, insomnia, and pain.

What Not to Do

The first thing to do with constipation is not to eat coarse food. It will only aggravate the patient's condition, and constipation can develop up to rectal bleeding. Avoid the following:

  • Active massages of the abdominal area;
  • heating of the abdomen;
  • Eating fatty, rough, heavy foods;
  • Alcohol use.

To simplify the movement of feces, there are special physical exercises that are associated with minimal impact on the intestinal area.

First aid

A drug solution that helps with constipation is laxatives. Among these are:

  • Duphalac;
  • Gutalax;
  • Lactulose;
  • Phytomycil;

They help soften feces and activate intestinal motility, but their use can cause colic, swelling and pain during bowel movements, so this is a recommendation on what to do with severe constipation, when help is needed immediately.

Help with constipation that lasts for several days, but does not cause a critical condition of the patient:

  • Taking a tablespoon of vegetable oil on an empty stomach;
  • Colon douching - enema;
  • mild laxatives;
  • Dissolving two teaspoons of honey in water - a glass of such water should be drunk in one gulp.

Physical exercises

Special exercises that activate the work of the intestines can become the first aid for constipation. To do this, you need to lean forward, rest your hands on your hips and inhale deeply with your stomach, and not with your diaphragm, so that your stomach inflates when you inhale and deflates when you exhale. Then gradually you need to bend down, resting your palms on your shins and continue to breathe with your stomach.

Performing these exercises for 15-20 minutes can cause the urge to defecate in the near future. It is worth noting that such exercises should be done only when there is no acute pain syndrome, no nausea, and no urge to vomit.

Therapeutic exercises are also useful for chronic constipation. Doing exercises daily allows you to normalize the stool and solve the problem of constipation for a long time.

When to ask for help

Very severe constipation can provoke serious mechanical damage to the intestines with excess feces, and end with volvulus and other dangerous consequences.

Constipation is dangerous, which is accompanied by:

  • Sharp pains;
  • Bloody streaks in the feces;
  • rectal bleeding;
  • Strong gas formation;

With such constipation, what to do urgently:

  • Ensure the position of the body in which the pressure on the intestines will be minimal - recumbent or standing
  • Seek immediate medical attention
  • You can take an anesthetic, but not an antispasmodic, for example, Ketorol.

Help should be provided as soon as possible, while laxatives and enemas in this case are contraindicated, as they will prevent the doctor from making an accurate diagnosis, they can cause complications and exhaust the patient. It is also worth consulting a doctor in those cases when only gases and come out instead of feces.


Help with constipation at home are cleansing enemas. They are prescribed in cases of intoxication, stone belly syndrome, when the peritoneum feels hard, swollen.

An enema can be:

  • Saline;
  • Oily;
  • Water.

Instantly induces bowel movements, softens feces and helps in cases where emergency emptying is required. Magnesia or saline solutions are used only when there are no bloody streaks in the feces and intestinal tissues are not disturbed. Otherwise, such solutions will cause burning pain and severe inflammation of the damaged areas of the intestines.

Oil enemas are put using vegetable or sea buckthorn oil. They gently cleanse the intestines and soften the stool. The use of olive oil will not only cleanse the intestines, but also alleviate pain.

Small children and pregnant women are given microclysters with sorbitol and medicinal salts. To treat constipation in an adult, a water enema with warm water is given. Correctly put an enema like this:

  • Lie on your left side, put your left hand under your head;
  • Bend your legs a little at the knees;
  • Lubricate the edge of the syringe with oil or petroleum jelly to prevent pain;
  • Slowly inject the solution.

After administration, slight nausea may be felt. The patient should stand up and walk slowly, stroking his stomach counterclockwise with his hand.


Constipation (constipation) in pregnant women, children and is often treated with rectal suppositories. These are soft laxative suppositories, divided into three types:

  • Suppositories based on glycerin - improve intestinal motility and soften feces. You can even put glycerin suppositories on newborns.
  • Bisacodylic - cause irritation of the nerve endings of the intestine, thus stimulating peristalsis. The action may be accompanied by itching and pain.
  • Based on papaverine - restore intestinal motility and stool regulation.


The prescription of medications should be carried out by a doctor after examination and identification of additional symptoms, since douching and a suppository are sufficient at home. There are 4 groups of drugs:

  • Irritating - take them only if there is no damage to the intestines. They act on the nerve endings of the intestinal lining, activating peristalsis. Self-administration of such drugs is not recommended. The group includes Phytomycil and Gutalax.
  • Osmotic - soften the stool and can make defecation painless. The group includes Duphalac, Portalac and Lactulose. The drug must be taken in accordance with the instructions and, without taking a horizontal position, walk around, stroking the intestinal area.

  • Vegetable - contain figs, plums, and other plants with a laxative effect. The drug taken will be safe for pregnant women, the elderly and infants. Can be taken on its own.
  • Lubricants - soften feces and facilitate their passage. The group includes Flit, Zimenol. Adults can take it on their own.

Over-the-counter medications should work within a few hours. Otherwise, specialist assistance is required.


The treatment of constipation is accompanied by a diet rich in fiber and easily digestible food. To improve the condition, you need to eat several types of fresh fruits and vegetables daily. In winter, it can be ordinary white cabbage, carrots. Plums, mountain ash, zucchini, vinaigrettes and fruit salads help to soften the stool.

For better absorption and emptying, you can drink a tablespoon of vegetable oil on an empty stomach and drink freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice. The diet should contain fermented milk and dairy products - sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, mild cheese. Biokefirs help soften feces and improve the state of microflora.

For lunch, you can eat soup on low-fat or secondary broth, as well as viscous mucous porridges - oatmeal, buckwheat or wheat. Bread should be made from rye flour, as eating wheat bread will immediately lead to fermentation processes.


Drinking regimen is an important component in the treatment of chronic constipation and softening of feces. The following rules will help cleanse the intestines and improve its motor function:

  • With the manifestation of constipation, the volume of liquid drunk daily should be doubled;
  • First courses and coffee do not count in this volume, but juices, purified water and teas will benefit;
  • Half an hour before a meal, you need to drink a glass of warm water;
  • Tea or juice can be drunk at least one hour after a meal.

To understand how to get rid of constipation, it is necessary to find out the cause of the appearance of such a pathology, as well as decide which method of treatment will be used, what to take from medications, which helps with constipation at home.

This material is very easy to understand, take some time to read this article.

Getting rid of the problem

People who say I'm constipated often try to manage the problem on their own before getting checked out by a doctor.

Everyone wants to normalize their stool and do it quickly in order to restore the quality of life.

You can quickly get rid of constipation in the following ways:

  1. Use castor oil. Enough to drink 1 tbsp. oil and constipation should go away.
  2. Take magnesium sulfate as a solution. You can make it yourself at home, using a powder that is sold in any pharmacy. It is recommended to obtain permission from a doctor before use, as the drug can change the effectiveness and properties of other drugs.

You can remove constipation with a decoction based on dandelion root, as well as use other remedies from traditional medicine.

If you need to get a positive result very quickly, then an enema is used. To do this, use Esmarch's mug and water with Vaseline oil.

The enema is carried out lying on the left side, and after the introduction of the solution, it is necessary to delay it in the body as much as possible.

The effect appears very quickly, just a few minutes. Helps and a candle that was created to combat constipation.

It should be noted that the described methods allow you to get rid of the symptom, while the cause itself remains without treatment and it is necessary to treat the pathology that causes constipation.

Constipation during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women experience not only a joyful event, but also a lot of inconvenience, in the form of toxicosis, edema, sleep disturbances, and constipation.

Expectant mothers are interested in what to do with constipation, because the use of medications is not recommended, and in some cases it is completely prohibited.

Doctors advise for constipation to use rectal suppositories that contain glycerin.

If other medicines are used, especially based on sena, then they can only be used under the strict guidance of a doctor. Senu is not recommended for spastic constipation.

Herbal medicine can help pregnant women, and with spastic manifestations, the following methods are used:

  1. 30 minutes before the start of the meal, you must drink potato juice diluted in water in equal parts. Such a remedy should be taken twice a day, and the volume for each dose is not more than 50 ml.
  2. Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink warm milk with 1 tbsp. honey. The dosage is ½ cup.

If constipation is atonic, then other methods are used during pregnancy:

  1. From the very morning after waking up, you should drink 1 glass of cold water.
  2. Every day in the morning and evening drink ½ cup of fresh carrot juice.
  3. Before going to bed at home, prepare a decoction of flax seeds. To create 1 tsp. seeds are steamed in a cup of boiling water and left for 4 hours.

Such remedies allow you to deal with constipation in pregnant women without harming the mother and fetus.

chronic constipation

In the presence of chronic constipation, a person not only has delays with bowel movements, but also other symptoms:

  1. The state of health is deteriorating.
  2. There are pains in the stomach and intestines.
  3. Strong gas formation begins in the abdomen.

All these symptoms do not allow a normal life, everyone wants to know how to treat constipation at home. In chronic course in adults, you can use the following remedies:

  1. Increase your daily water intake, and for a greater effect, you need to add lemon juice to it.
  2. Change your lifestyle and eat at the same time, try to go to bed at the same time and go to the toilet at the same time. After a certain period, the stool returns to normal.
  3. It is necessary to reduce stress to a minimum, especially if the problem occurs in older people.
  4. During a bowel movement, you can try to change your position so that there is relaxation of the muscles in the intestines, and the feces come out better.
  5. Add more activity to your lifestyle and play sports or do some yoga elements at home. All this normalizes the work of the intestines and constipation will disappear.
  6. Be sure to adjust the diet, because a lot depends on it.

In fact, for chronic constipation, it is necessary to completely change the daily routine and lifestyle, as well as use several folk remedies for the fastest correction.

postpartum constipation

After childbirth, women may remain constipated and you need to know how to get rid of constipation at home. For this you need:

  1. Eliminate food that causes difficult bowel movements. Such products include muffins, rice, pears, cheeses, semolina.
  2. Helps with constipation massage of the abdomen.
  3. You can drink water on an empty stomach and only then sit down at the table.
  4. Conduct physical exercise.
  5. Drink laxatives that are prescribed by a doctor and that are allowed while breastfeeding.

You can still use traditional medicine, but about them a little later.

Constipation in children

Infants also have constipation, as in adults, in order to save babies from torment, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

Recipes that are used for an adult are not suitable for young organisms, especially for infants.

If severe flatulence and colic appear during constipation, then you can use a folk remedy in the form of dill water or prepare fennel tea.

All you can do at home yourself is to massage the abdomen. It is not recommended to give the child any of the medicines and traditional medicine, except for dill water.

Quick help to the body

With constipation, the symptom can be easily and quickly removed only in a complex way. The method described below cannot be used for more than six months, with the exception of taking vitamins:

  1. It is necessary to use probiotics for 1-2 months to provide the intestines with the necessary microflora, which improves digestion.
  2. Vitamin C should be drunk. For adults, the dosage is 500 mg - 2 g. in a day.
  3. Before going to bed, you need to drink a remedy based on magnesium. No more than 300 mg is allowed per day.
  4. Every morning you should drink 200 ml of water and eat 1 tbsp. chia seeds, aka white sage. This ingredient includes omega-3, and also perfectly cleanses the intestines.

Such prophylaxis, which will quickly relieve constipation, should be used periodically when the stool is disturbed.

Use of oils

You can get rid of constipation at home with the help of different oils.

They help because they are a natural laxative, lubricate the intestines, and also improve the flow of bile, which often causes constipation.

Vaseline oil helps thanks to paraffin. Although such a remedy is not of plant origin, it is natural and harmless.

In rare cases, the oil is used to cure constipation in babies.

It is necessary to take it according to this technology:

  1. A couple of hours before or after a meal.
  2. The dosage of oil is different, depending on age. Infants are treated with ½ tsp, for adolescence, 1-2 tsp is enough, for an adult - up to 2.5 tsp.

Such rules must be taken into account so as not to have the opposite effect.

If you do not follow the technology of application, then you can easily get atonic constipation in a chronic form, weak immunity, as a result of a lack of vitamins.

The tool is not used for prevention, and they are treated for no more than 5 days.

It is forbidden to use vaseline oil for constipation:

  1. With an ulcer or intestinal obstruction.
  2. During pregnancy.
  3. With infectious diseases.

Castor oil can also be used internally. It contains many useful acids, due to which the excretion of feces from the body appears.

Prolonged use without the advice of doctors is prohibited, possibly addiction, diarrhea. In some cases, there may be dehydration or a salt level failure.

It is necessary to take oil for no longer than 3 days at a dosage of 10 grams for a child and 30 grams for an adult. You need to drink it once a day. Since such a remedy is unpleasant in taste and smell, it can be washed down or added to drinks.

Do not use castor oil:

  1. During pregnancy.
  2. With typhoid fever.
  3. Cannot be used by hypertensive patients.
  4. Do not take in case of poisoning and exacerbation of the appendix.

Flax oil is considered a very gentle remedy for constipation. It can relieve constipation, normalize stools, and also strengthen the immune system. Recommended for use in chronic constipation.

Various methods can be used to apply:

  1. Drink every morning after waking up 1 tbsp. drinking cold water. The oil should be used one hour before a meal.
  2. Mix 1st.l. oil with 150 ml of milk and drink before bedtime.
  3. Before going to bed, put 1 tbsp in yogurt. honey and butter and mix. Eat this mixture and go to bed.

Flaxseed oil is great for dressing salads and other dishes. The main thing to remember is that the oil is not heated.

It is forbidden to use oil for pathologies of the pancreas, malfunctions of the gallbladder, during pregnancy and lactation.

If sunflower oil is used for constipation, then it can be used not only for treatment, it can be used at home for prevention.

You can also use olive oil for constipation. It is used to carry out treatment, as well as for prevention. As a preventive measure, you can take it on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. washed down with warm water with lemon juice.

If constipation aggravates, then olive oil is used as an enema. To prepare the solution, mix 5 tbsp. oil with the yolk of one egg and a glass of warm water.

The enema is put before going to bed and left until the morning. After that, there will be a noticeable improvement and a person can say that everything worked out for me.

Healing herbs

With constipation, treatment at home can be carried out with the help of herbs. Many who have used such remedies say that it was herbal decoctions that saved me.

A very effective decoction for constipation is the use of one of the herbs: rhubarb, hay or buckthorn. Such a remedy improves the motor function of the intestine, therefore it works like laxative tablets.

For cooking you need:

  1. Take any herb in an amount of 20 grams and add a glass of boiling water.
  2. Leave to cook for 20 minutes.
  3. At the end, water is added to make a full glass.
  4. Take the medicine should be 50 ml twice a day.

For a more gentle result, you must use other means:

  1. Put in a saucepan 1 tbsp. elderberries, josters and add 1 glass of water, boil the medicine for constipation for 15 minutes and after filtering drink a glass every morning and evening.
  2. It is necessary to mix chamomile and oregano. The finished collection is placed in the amount of 1 tbsp. in a thermos, after which boiling water is poured. The infusion will be ready after 8 hours. It must be filtered and drunk a day in a glass. Used when spastic constipation occurs.

Any use of herbs must be discussed with a doctor before use, so as not to get side effects of drugs.

The use of cereals

People who do not know what to do with constipation at home can try porridge. Since constipation is most often caused by malnutrition.

Porridge will help with constipation, but it is important to know which ones can be used and how to cook them correctly.

Barley, buckwheat or oatmeal can be used to fight. After cooking, you can season them with oil and add some vegetables.

Such techniques will only improve the chair. During cooking, it is not allowed to use semi-finished products, you need to cook only full-fledged grains.

It is necessary to cook porridge for 10 minutes, then remove it from the stove and wrap it in a blanket so that the dish comes with the help of steam. Only in this way is the treatment with cereals.

tea use

You can eliminate constipation if you cook and drink teas. They have a good effect on the work of the intestines and other organs of the digestive tract. Used to prepare herbs that contain chrysophanthic acid.

The substance can irritate the receptors, thereby improving secretion and motility. Tea helps with persistent and prolonged constipation.

It is forbidden to use teas for a month, the course of treatment consists of 3 weeks of therapy. After that, you need to pause so that the body does not get used to it. To have the maximum effect, it is better to alternate the use of herbs.

For cooking, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Dill and flax seeds. Seeds should be mixed in equal parts and add 4 parts of buckthorn. The finished mixture in the amount of 1 tbsp. pour a cup of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. After filtering, you can drink tea before bedtime.
  2. Sweet clover and nettle. The collection is mixed in equal parts and 3 parts of buckthorn are added. After that, 1 tbsp. collection, add a cup of boiling water, let stand and take 100 ml before bedtime.

If there are no herbs at hand, they are over in the pharmacy, then it is recommended to use fresh juices for constipation. They can cure and fix the problem.

It is allowed to use juice from:

  1. Beets.
  2. carrots.
  3. Pumpkins.
  4. Tomato.
  5. Aloe.
  6. Potatoes.

If you don’t want to do anything yourself at all, but you urgently need to get rid of constipation, then milk or kefir is used. In this case, it is very effective to cope with the task of daily kefir.

Making it easy:

  1. Add 2 tablespoons per liter of milk. kefir, you can sour cream.
  2. Stir the contents and leave for a day.
  3. After the specified time, you can take kefir to eliminate constipation.

Purchased kefir will also help, in which 1 tbsp is added. vegetable oil. It is better to drink the remedy before going to bed in small sips.

It will not be possible to urgently get rid of constipation, but after a couple of days the effect will be noticeable.

As mentioned earlier, dill water will help with constipation. Use this remedy effectively for atonic constipation.

You can make a drink if you pour 1 tbsp. seeds with a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. It is necessary to drink the remedy 100 ml 3 times a day half an hour before a meal.

If dill water is made for children, then ½ tsp is needed for 150 ml of water. seeds. It is necessary to prepare a new water each time so that it is fresh.

constipation honey

Honey itself is considered a mild laxative, in addition, the product will moisturize and soften the feces, due to which defecation will be timely and painless. To enhance the effectiveness, you can add various ingredients.

Here are some good recipes for constipation:

  1. Honey is melted over low heat, 50 grams of crushed viburnum is added. After that, the remedy is left for 8 hours and taken 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before a meal. A single rate is 2 tsp.
  2. It is necessary to bake a piece of pumpkin in the oven, about 200 grams. After that, add 2 tsp. honey and grind to a puree. The finished dish is eaten at a time to feel the result.
  3. With frequent constipation, it is necessary to mix pharmaceutical sulfur 20 grams and 5 tbsp. honey. Use 1 tsp. per day. Send the rest to a refrigerator for storage.

If you urgently need to get rid of constipation, then enemas are prepared from honey. To do this, 1 tablespoon is added to a glass of milk. white and honeydew honey.

A similar rate is used for enemas for children, adults can do a larger dosage. You can use such an enema if there is no personal intolerance to honey.

Other traditional medicine

Garlic will help with constipation, for this you need to eat a tooth in the evening. It can be used as an independent product, and with lard or bread.

In the morning, the result will not keep you waiting. In addition, lard is a good choleretic agent.

Some people use the old tried and tested method for constipation - soap. Treatment is carried out only with pure laundry soap.

With it, make candles or an enema. Candles must be inserted into the anus, and if the result does not appear, then you need to dilute the soap in water and use an enema solution.

This method is not suitable for children, but adults should use it with caution and only in critical situations.

Under certain conditions, soap can harm the patient, so it is better to discuss everything with a doctor before using it.

Those who say that I am constipated must follow certain rules and advice in order not to treat constipation. Recommended:

  1. Change food. Reducing or removing coffee, cocoa, jelly, milk and alcohol from the diet will help with constipation. Reduce the use of herbs and spices, as well as some plants that can cause a problem. Eat less protein products, as well as fatty meat and fish.
  2. Use the right products. Certain foods that are high in fiber can help relieve constipation. Such an element refers to a natural stimulant of intestinal activity. It is necessary to drink more fresh juices and dairy products.
  3. Drink liquid. To prevent constipation, you will need to drink a lot of water a day, tea from medicinal herbs, you can cook compotes, with a minimum amount of sugar. An adult needs to drink about 2-3 liters of fluid per day.
  4. Use dried fruits. Dried fruits will always come to the rescue in the fight against constipation. They well weaken the intestines. You can take them raw or cook uzvara. An effective remedy is a decoction of prunes and dried apricots.
  5. Carry out charging. Physical exercises should always be with constipation, as they keep the body in good shape and have a positive effect on the digestive tract. You can run, swim, do yoga and other sports.
  6. Massage. At home, with constipation, you should massage the stomach. It is carried out with the help of the palm of your hand, the movement along the stomach must be made circular, while pressing down a little. Every day, 100 movements are carried out from constipation.

You can fight constipation, and if you find the cause, then the methods will be very effective. Quickly get rid of the problem is obtained by combining folk and medications.

The selection of treatment should be carried out with a doctor, taking into account personal intolerance to certain substances, as well as contraindications.

Useful video

The condition when there is no bowel movement at all or does not bring a feeling of relief is called constipation. It is better to entrust the treatment of chronic emptying disorder to a doctor, but sometimes there are situations when help is urgently needed, for example, if the absence of a stool happens episodically. What should be done with severe constipation? This article discusses various emergency colon cleansing methods used at home.

How to cope without drugs

Even severe constipation can be tried to eliminate without resorting to the use of chemical herbal remedies. It will help to normalize the drinking regimen, increase physical activity, as well as the use of certain foods that have a mild laxative effect. Also, if the intestines do not work well, you need to do special exercises.

  • If constipation in an adult is observed for 2 days, it is urgent to increase the amount of fluid you drink to 2.5 liters. It is important to remember that drinking enough water at all times will help prevent acute stool problems.
  • Constipation in adults can be caused by weakness or lack of peristalsis in the intestinal wall. Elementary physical exercises will naturally help to correct the situation: squats, jumping in place, swinging the press, bending over. You need to do gymnastics daily, for 20 minutes.
  • A technique that allows you to cause emergency bowel cleansing is breathing with your stomach. In a standing position, the patient takes a deep breath, strongly drawing in the stomach, while exhaling, it is necessary to push the stomach forward as much as possible. Then the patient gradually bends over, continuing to breathe with the stomach. You need to allocate 15 minutes for the exercise.
  • A mechanical effect that activates peristalsis and helps to eliminate constipation in adults is massage. With light circular movements, it is necessary to massage the left and right sides of the abdomen alternately, ending each cycle with a downward stroke. Manipulation is prohibited with constipation lasting longer than 3 days, or if obstruction is suspected, since an improvement in the blood supply to the intestinal walls can activate the process of reabsorption and intoxication of the body.
  • Urgently cause a bowel movement in an adult can be consumed on an empty stomach 2 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil. If swallowing is difficult, it can be mixed with water or lemon juice. Oil drunk at night, mixed with a glass of kefir, also helps. This technique has a particularly positive effect on the work of the intestines if constipation occurs after diarrhea.
  • A safe way to stimulate peristalsis in a duodenal ulcer is to consume a glass of steep vegetable broth on an empty stomach. Cook beets, carrots, cabbage. Vegetables are taken out, and the broth is consumed inside after cooling.

The listed non-drug methods of stool correction are safe and effective, so they can be safely used for persistent constipation. In the absence of the expected result, it is advisable to use pharmaceuticals.

anxiety symptoms

If a person, even when trying to facilitate bowel movements, cannot go to the toilet for more than 3 days, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Since persistent constipation may indicate the presence of a serious internal problem. Other warning signs include the following:

  • Laxative suppositories do not help.
  • Pain in the anorectal region, aggravated by defecation.
  • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
  • Severe pain around the navel.
  • Bloating of the abdomen, not accompanied by the discharge of gases.
  • Bloody discharge from the anus.
  • Fever, dizziness.

The doctor will conduct a general examination of the patient, as well as prescribe certain diagnostic tests. After eliminating the likelihood of a surgical problem, measures will be prescribed to clean the intestines (taking antispasmodics, cleansing enemas, prescribing drugs that normalize stools).

The use of enemas for acute constipation

An enema is considered an effective method of dealing with the lack of bowel movements, if all else fails. Home enema can be performed for constipation in adults, if there are no contraindications (exacerbation of hemorrhoids, anal bleeding, intestinal obstruction, inflammation of the colon or rectum). Permanent constipation is undesirable to eliminate with an enema, as this leads to a loss of sensitivity by intestinal receptors and the development of atony. There are the following types of enemas:

  • Hypertensive. An infusion of a hypertonic saline solution of magnesium sulfate or ordinary table salt is carried out, which causes an influx of water to the lower sections of the intestine and actively irritates its walls, which starts peristalsis and helps to cope even with very dense fecal masses.
  • Oil. A pear containing up to 50 g of vegetable or vaseline oil is inserted into the anus. Thus, the walls of the rectum are lubricated, after which defecation is easier and more painless.
  • Cleansing. A cleansing enema is most often performed with acute and severe constipation, in a hospital setting. For home washing out of the contents of the intestine, you need to have an Esmarch mug. An infusion of ordinary water, which has body temperature, or a cooled herbal infusion of 1.5-2 liters is carried out, which will not only wash the contents of the lower intestines, but also have a calming effect on its walls.
  • Microclysters are small volume laxative enemas produced by the pharmaceutical industry. They may act differently, depending on the contents of the tube. So, if it contains liquid glycerin (Glycelax), then the action develops like glycerin suppositories, only faster. Solid fecal masses, the intestinal lumen are lubricated, there is a mild irritation of the sphincter and receptors, which triggers the act of defecation. Small saline enemas (Microlax, Norgalax, Fleet-phospho-soda) work like saline laxatives, drawing water into the lumen of the large intestine and rectum.

Before using any type of enema in a woman who is in position, or in a child, it is necessary to consult a specialist. An exception is the use of microclysters containing glycerin.

Medical approach

A laxative for constipation is often purchased by people on their own, without a prescription from a specialist. This is acceptable because many drugs that facilitate bowel movements are available without a prescription. A key role for self-treatment is also played by the willingness of pharmacists to always help the patient in the issue of removing constipation, without prior consultation with a doctor. But even the use of over-the-counter drugs to combat constipation has some nuances.

Tablets and solutions:

  • Senadexin.
  • Gutalax.
  • Picolax.
  • Picosen.
  • Senade.
  • Bisacodyl.

The action of these drugs is based on chemical irritation of the receptors of the large intestine, which stimulates peristalsis. The effect develops quickly - within 7-8 hours. The use of these funds is appropriate if there is episodic constipation. Side effects in the form of severe spasms and swelling accompany the use of these drugs in many people. The drugs of this group can cause addiction and atony of the intestinal walls, so they are not suitable for patients who are constantly suffering from constipation. The use of chemical laxatives may be needed once if you plan to use the constipation medicines listed below.

  • Duphalac.
  • Normaz.
  • Portalak.
  • Normolact.

Lactulose solutions act on the principle of an osmotic laxative, and also normalize stools by regulating the microflora in the intestine. They are suitable for relieving frequent constipation. The first effect of the application appears after 24-48 hours. Safety allows such remedies to treat constipation in a teenager or a young child. To achieve a sustainable effect, drugs are used for a long time - up to three months. With the help of lactulose, constipation with an ulcer can be treated, since the substance is not absorbed into the systemic circulation and does not irritate the mucous membranes.

  • Forlax.
  • Mukofalk.
  • Endofalk.

These drugs have a laxative effect due to the ability of methylcellulose, as well as psyllium husks, to attract water, which helps to thicken and thin the feces in the rectum, making them easier to remove.

A feature of the use of these funds is the need to drink enough water, otherwise the problem of constipation may worsen. The laxative effect is manifested after 1-2 days of regular use.

Laxative suppositories

Glycerin suppositories are the safest way to urgently eliminate episodic constipation, acting only in the lower intestine. The mild irritating effect of the receptors is combined with the softening of the feces, which allows them to be removed quickly and painlessly. Suppositories with glycerin are suitable for pregnant and lactating women, for children and adults.

Dulcolax and Bisacodyl. The active substance is absorbed into the systemic circulation and causes peristalsis by chemical action. The rapid effect of the application is combined with side effects (spasm, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, diarrhea), so cleaning with these drugs should be done with caution.

Evakyu, Ferrolaks - candles with a gas-forming action that develops in just 5 minutes. This makes them a reliable way to deal with constipation in no time.

Effective folk recipes

Emergency actions for constipation can be based on folk recipes that act gently and safely:

  • Two tablespoons of castor oil are taken orally on an empty stomach. After taking it, it is advisable to squat down and breathe with your stomach.
  • Crush and mix 200 g of dried apricots, raisins, 400 g of prunes, 100 g of dried hay grass. The mixture is seasoned with honey, consumed 1 tbsp. l. in the morning. This method helps both with episodic stool retention, and if you suffer from constant constipation.
  • Cabbage pickle will help get rid of constipation. It should be consumed 1/3 cup three times a day, and not only when you have acute constipation, but also with chronic stool retention.
  • If you have very severe constipation, you can take a honey-oil mixture of 1 tbsp twice a day. l. Honey and vegetable oil are mixed in equal proportions.

The state of constipation in both women and men delivers great discomfort. Sitting in the toilet for hours is not an option, because today there are many safe folk methods for dealing with constipation, safe medications, as well as radical methods in the form of enemas and washes, if other methods do not help. What to do if a person does not have a bowel movement, a specialist will always tell you. But even self-medication can be safe if you make the right choice of an emergency method.

From a person who considered himself quite healthy, just like from a person who had some health problems, one can rarely hear. After all, not everyone knows what can be considered constipation. And maybe the absence of a chair for two days is a normal physiological phenomenon, and not a cause for concern. But what to do if you are still sure that you have constipation and this gives you some discomfort? How to be treated, how to resume the normal functioning of the intestines and forget about this problem forever? There are many questions, but for each of them you can find the right answer and, as a result, help yourself. So, let's figure it out.

First, you need to determine if you are indeed constipated. Medicine gives us several criteria by which constipation can be distinguished from normal physiological stool retention:

  • the number of acts of defecation is no more than 3 times a day and at least 3 times a week;
  • no discomfort, pain in the abdomen;
  • general condition of the body and well-being;
  • defecation occurs easily, without effort, after there is no feeling of an empty bowel.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the absence of daily stools, but the presence of all the criteria, indicates the normal functioning of the intestine. If one of these criteria is missing in your situation, then you still have constipation. In this case, you should evaluate the tone of your intestines. This should be done in order to find the right treatment for your situation. It may be necessary to relieve spasm or stimulate the bowels, because constipation is of two types: atonic or spastic. There are also cases of combined constipation, when a spasm of one part of the intestine is combined with atony of the other.

To assess the tone of your intestines, you need to determine the shape of the feces. Atonic constipation is characterized by bulky feces, the first portion of which has a large diameter and density and hardly passes through the sphincter. The stools that follow it, on the contrary, are soft, sometimes mushy.

With spastic constipation, the feces are formed, but with constrictions, or look like sheep feces. They usually come out effortlessly, but have a dense texture.

Often there is a combination of atony and spasm, which is characteristic of chronic constipation. In this case, the stools look dense, consist of separate lumps stuck together. The symptoms accompanying constipation also help to assess intestinal tone. Atonic constipation, as a rule, is accompanied by heaviness in the abdomen, a feeling of intestinal fullness, and discomfort. Spastic type constipation is characterized by bloating, sharp, sharp pains in the abdomen.

Having determined the shape of the feces and evaluating the accompanying symptoms, one should think about the likely cause of the stool retention.

Causes of constipation

And the reasons, most likely, lie in the lifestyle, habits and nature of the diet. Most often, difficulty in defecation is the result of poor nutrition. Irregular meals, lack of diet, low water intake, and eating unhealthy foods often lead to problems with bowel movements.

Improper nutrition often causes constipation in breastfeeding mothers who, after giving birth, are afraid to eat the right foods that may be allergenic to the baby. To normalize the work of the intestines, every day it is necessary to consume fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits (about 1.5 kg).

You should eat fractionally, in small portions, at least 5-6 times a day, preferably in a relaxed atmosphere. You should also observe the drinking regime: the volume of water consumed per day should be at least 1.5-2 liters. Similar rules apply to children. If you have problems with bowel movements in a child over the age of one, analyze his diet, and if he has a breastfeed, look at what you eat yourself. Perhaps among your favorite foods and drinks will be those that cause constipation in a child.

The next possible cause of constipation is a decrease in motor activity. To avoid constipation of the atonic type, be physically active, go in for sports, run, walk more. Often the cause of impaired defecation is an unsatisfactory emotional state. Avoid stressful situations, overstrain, do not get angry and do not get upset over trifles and your chair will recover.

Pay attention to how much you listen to the urges of your body. You should not tolerate if you want to have a bowel movement, but you are too busy or there is no toilet nearby. Otherwise, your crowded intestines will one day react to your unwillingness to listen to your own body with neurogenic constipation.

Consider also how often you use . In addition to pathogenic bacteria, these drugs also destroy the normal intestinal microflora, which reduces its peristalsis and certainly causes constipation. Having established the cause of constipation, you can begin to treat it.

Ways and methods of treatment

In the treatment of constipation, the main thing is not the speed of the result, but the correctness of the treatment, which directly depends on the cause. After all, swallowing a laxative pill is not difficult and the effect will come quickly, but if the reason lies in the wrong diet, then soon you will encounter constipation again. So, firstly, adjust your diet and drink enough water.

Secondly, be active physically, walk every day. If you do not like or do not want to walk, do gymnastics regularly, preferably every morning. There are special exercises that help strengthen the muscles of the abdominal cavity, improve the blood supply to the intestines. The exercises are very simple and accessible to everyone. These are tilts back and forth and to the sides, turns of the torso, squats, exercise "bike". Relief brings and massage of the abdominal wall. With spasms, it should be light, relaxing, and with atony, more energetic, deep.

If all of the above methods do not help, you can resort to laxatives. There are a large number of them, and in order not to harm your body even more, you should understand them at least a little.

Preparations containing senna and bisacodyl in their composition bring relief in the shortest possible time, but the more often they are used, the worse the effect. They are addictive, and each time you have to increase the dose. They can only be used for atonic constipation, and are not recommended for spasms. Drops bring a similar effect - regulax, laxative,

Therefore, with regular constipation, it is better to use softer, gentle remedies. These include preparations containing lactulose (normaze syrups,), powders mucofalk, exported, forlax. They retain the required amount of fluid in the intestines, contribute to an increase in the volume of feces and their softening, stimulate bowel movements. The effect of the use of such drugs does not occur instantly, but it lasts longer. They are not addictive, they are absolutely harmless and can be prescribed even to nursing mothers and babies. With them, the intestine learns to work on its own and after stopping the course of treatment, the problem does not reappear.

For the most impatient, there are also ways to quickly get rid of constipation. These methods include the use of glycerin suppositories. The effect of suppositories comes quickly, they are usually used to provide first aid for delayed bowel movements. The action is also mild, it can be used by pregnant women, lactating women and even newborn children.

If constipation occurs, what to do urgently and how to get rid of this problem as quickly as possible, it will be useful for every person to know. There are many methods not only to eliminate such an unpleasant phenomenon, but also to prevent it. This list also includes safe folk remedies.

Most often, the problem under discussion arises as a result of an improperly formulated diet. For example, with insufficient use of coarse fiber and liquid throughout the day. Irregular meals can also lead to trouble. For example, the lack of a full breakfast and lunch, but a dense plentiful dinner after a working day.

There are other causes of constipation:

  • any ailments of the rectum (including hemorrhoids);
  • insufficiently developed muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, pelvic floor and others involved in the act of defecation;
  • diseases of the adrenal glands and kidneys;
  • therapy with antidepressants, antibiotics, frequent use of laxatives;
  • insufficient physical activity during the day;
  • any diseases of the intestine (especially - a violation of its patency due to tumors, adhesions, polyps).

Enema for constipation

Currently, there is still an active debate between doctors about whether an enema is useful or harmful. Definitely, you can not perform it too often, so as not to bring yourself to dysbacteriosis or weakening of the muscles as a result of frequent artificial stretching of the intestinal walls. But, if for some reason laxatives are contraindicated for the patient, then this is one of the most effective ways to cope with constipation.

It is best to choose an oil enema for home use. For example, from pre-refined olive or sunflower oil. Pharmaceutical vaseline is also suitable. The liquid is heated to 38 degrees, after which it is introduced into the intestinal cavity using a special design. The procedure relaxes the walls of the organ, facilitates the promotion and removal of feces, and generally stimulates self-emptying.

If you need to get a quick effect, you should choose a hypertonic enema. To do this, instead of oil, a strong saline solution is used. It is prepared from 1 dessert spoon of salt and 1.5 liters of warm boiled water. With chronic constipation, the amount of the bulk component can be increased to 1.5-2 dessert spoons. The resulting solution increases the flow of fluid into the intestines and irritates its mucosa, as a result of which the feces become looser and are independently excreted.

The most effective laxatives

In the group of the most active drugs that allow you to get rid of constipation, there are drugs that stimulate intestinal motility. After them, emptying occurs once in about 7-8 hours.


Liquefies feces, allows the intestines to naturally empty. It can be used both orally and rectally.


In the intestine, the fibers of the drug turn into a gel, while increasing several times at once. They attract fluid. As a result, the stool softens and comes out painlessly.

Osmotic agents retain water in the intestines and increase its inflow from blood plasma and fat cells. True, such effective drugs are not recommended for use in old age.


The product is only suitable for patients over 18 years of age. Helps to cope with constipation in an acute condition.

Quickly and easily eliminate the problem of prebiotics. After taking them unchanged, they enter the large intestine, where they activate the growth of beneficial microflora. Also, such drugs attract additional volume of fluid into the intestines.


As a result of taking the drug, not only the intestines are naturally emptied, but the natural microflora is also restored. Suitable for children too.

Medicines for the elderly

If constipation occurs in the elderly, then the treatment of the disease in this case should be approached with extreme caution. This is especially true for choosing the right drug. Today on sale you can find several drugs that are approved for elderly patients.


Even with prolonged use, such a remedy does not wash out important trace elements from the patient's body. When addictive, it can be alternated with other similar drugs.


This drug is suitable even for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as patients of any age. It should be taken with caution in people with diabetes.


This is a natural laxative exclusively with natural ingredients in the composition. Used for two weeks before bed. Affects the body very gently and delicately.

Folk laxatives for constipation

From various herbs and roots, you can independently prepare effective remedies to facilitate bowel movements.

One of the best and fastest options is a decoction of buckthorn bark. For its preparation, 1 tbsp is taken. raw materials and 1 tbsp. water. Together, the components are boiled at the slowest heating of the stove for about 20 minutes. Over time, the broth remains warm for the same period.

The remedy is taken on an empty stomach shortly before breakfast, 1 glass. And then another 1/3 of the norm twice during the day.

Peppermint is an excellent pain reliever and muscle relaxant. It is enough to add it to tea when brewing to achieve a slight laxative effect.

Used as a medicinal decoction and a variant of senna. For its preparation, a full spoon of grass is taken. It is filled with 1 tbsp. water. The mixture is heated on a steam bath for a little less than half an hour. Next, the product is infused in heat for another 20-25 minutes. A glass of medicine is taken at night. A laxative effect can be expected after 9-10 hours.

Very gently relieves constipation and dandelion root. It is a choleretic agent that stimulates intestinal motility. For a healing infusion, you can use the crushed root and leaves. 2 tbsp raw materials are poured 400 ml of boiling water. In a thermos, the mixture will infuse all night. It is used half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Diet for sickness

A special nutrition system for constipation will improve the patient's condition, as well as prevent problems in the future. Such a diet involves eliminating viscous cereals (especially from semolina and rice), strong coffee or teas, natural red wine, dried blueberries, pears, pomegranates, fast food, any products based on wheat flour. From vegetables it is worth giving up onions, garlic, radishes. Even chocolate in any form will have to be removed from your menu. Red fatty meat, smoked meats, any canned food, strong meat broths can aggravate the problem.

But it is useful to use apricots, prunes, beets, Jerusalem artichoke, apples, cereals from brown or gray grains on the water, salted fish, fresh kefir, white wine, vegetable and fruit juices.

Diet for constipation in women has its own characteristics. The fair sex, whose body is prone to constipation, should also adhere to a fourfold nutrition system. The maximum servings are consumed for breakfast. Only 20% of the total daily diet is left for dinner. In the evening, salads of cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, beets and greens are useful. Lean meat and fish are best boiled. And from fats - use only vegetable oils.

Exercise and massage at home

To establish intestinal motility at home, special exercises and massage can also help.

It is better to start therapeutic exercises in the morning without getting out of bed. Lying on your back, you need to stroke your stomach for a couple of minutes clockwise. The hand should move strictly clockwise.

Then you will need to get out of bed, put your feet shoulder-width apart and squat down for 10-12 minutes. In this case, deep breaths are taken with the stomach.

Self-massage of the intestine is also included in the complex of morning exercises. It is done after all the exercises described above. In a standing position, with your left hand, you need to draw along the stomach from its lower edge (on the right) up to the right hypochondrium. Further movements are carried out through the solar plexus to the left and, finally, down. In the process, the movement of digested masses through the intestines is repeated, as it were. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 10 minutes.

Preventive measures

In addition to regular massage and special morning exercises, the complex of preventive measures against constipation also includes proper nutrition and regular physical activity.

In your diet, be sure to include dishes from whole grains and legumes, as well as a large number of vegetable and fruit salads. Bread is another source of fiber that prevents stool retention. It is recommended to eat slowly, chewing each product thoroughly.

It is also important to monitor the amount of water you drink. If you can’t use it in its pure form, you can add lemon juice, natural bee honey to a glass. It is believed that half a liter of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach is the surest way to prevent constipation. In the evening, before going to bed, it is useful to drink a glass of warm liquid.

The best solution would be to visit the toilet every day at the same time. It is advisable to go there about 20 minutes after eating. It is the aroma of food that makes the digestive tract work actively.

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