Which moon is better for caesarean. How to choose the time of birth of a child with a caesarean section? Astrologer's advice. Gather everything you need

The day of birth, the place of birth determine the character, and, consequently, the fate of a person. If the mother of a child seeks consultation astrologer with a request to choose a day and time for a caesarean section, the child is born not by chance. It happens that, according to indications, it is worth the birth of a child only through a caesarean section, then it is important to choose a good day and hour of the operation according to the plan, so that the mother can easily undergo the operation and the child is born without complications, so that the day and hour in the mother’s birth chart do not harm her health. Also, a planned caesarean is also a good time to choose a fate for the baby, more favorable according to the stars.

I have many such star children. Children who were born at the  chosen time are different from  their peers —they are alive, beautiful, smart, maybe more fortunate because the most opportune time for their  birth was chosen. It is possible to choose the day and even the hour of the operation so that the child has good health and less negative influences on the fate. Every day gives different fates to any person born on this day. Plannedly, we have more opportunities to choose the date of birth of the child also in terms of its compatibility with the character and temperaments of both mom and dad, brother or sister. Avoid dangerous days of conflict between stars and lunar days. Dangers for mother during operation. Try to get around the serious difficulties of fate in the birth chart of the baby.

But an astrologer, if he did not specifically calculate the date of birth of a child for compatibility with mom and dad in advance, like a planned birth, is not as free as it might seem. In the case of planning a cesarean section, he is given a small interval —a week or maybe ten days —in which he must choose the appropriate time. A v these ten days there is a certain arrangement of the planets which cannot change. For example, retrograde planets, or the fall of a planet in a certain sign of the zodiac.

When future parents come or apply, more often they are mothers and asking to choose the best time for the birth of a child, I usually give a choice of several options and say what the character of the unborn child will be in each case.

Let's say the birth of a boy is planned, he can be tough and warlike, or you can choose more harmonious character traits and even fate for him. I give parents options. There are boys who are very family, they can be tougher and even leaders. In any case, there are options to choose from.

Is the time of the child's birth predetermined from above?

It is permissible for an astrologer to discuss the time of birth, only if the baby's mother cannot give birth in the usual way, if medical intervention is necessary. We never interfere if the mother can give birth herself. Sometimes, they think from above that a child needs to be born through the help of an astrologer. Then the meeting of mother and astrologer is never accidental.

In recent years, the popularity of astrology has been growing, and more and more people entrust their fate to an astrologer in order to receive qualified help and advice. Astrology is a very ancient science and has a lot of practice, experience and knowledge in its arsenal. Let them serve and help people and expectant mothers.

You can contact me to calculate the date of the operation, caesarean section and choose the date of birth of the baby. Write to mail [email protected] Whats app and viber +79056703676

You can also apply for calculations on conception, planning the birth of a child and its compatibility in the family with the date of birth of mom, dad and brother, sister. If you are planning IVF, I will help you in consultation on the choice of country, hospital, doctor, etc.

Astrologer Arina Yurchenko Website

Feng Shui Articles

There are many caesarean sections in the world, and recently there has been a trend towards an increase in the percentage of deliveries by surgery.

There are many indications for caesarean section. This is the health of the child, and the problems that arose during pregnancy, and the initial health of the expectant mother. The position of medicine is that the optimal number of caesarean sections is 10-15% of all births in any country. But there are countries, and there are many of them, where this figure is greatly increased. For example, in Brazil, about 56% of all births are performed surgically, Egypt - 51%, Italy - 38%, etc.

And such a large percentage of caesarean sections is not always due to medical indications. On the one hand, this is beneficial for doctors who can plan the birth of a child in advance through the appointment of a date, and not on an emergency basis. The second point is big business. But there are also moments when women are afraid of pain and consider the operation less traumatic, for others the beauty of the female body plays a big role (many women who give birth naturally have to resort to surgical dissection of the perineum).

Discounts for a consultation on choosing a favorable date for a caesarean section for good fortune future child. Promo code: "Caesarean 2019"

Date of caesarean and baby's horoscope

Now let's look at China with respect to cesarean delivery. He is not in the first positions in this indicator - only 25% in the country are associated with surgical intervention. But they are in first place in terms of the number of optional procedures. And this is due to the fact that parents want to choose the date of birth of the child. This is influenced by local cultural traditions, and specifically, it is chinese horoscope ba zi(4 Pillars of Fate and Luck). This is the potential that is given to a person from birth and cannot be changed. Therefore, the correct date of birth is very important. After all, the date of birth of a person determines whether a person will be successful, rich, happy, healthy, or there will be problems in certain areas of life. To select a caesarean section date they turn to a consultant on the natal chart of ba zi and feng shui (here, of course, we mean a planned operation).

In addition to Chinese astrology, other methods can also be used to calculate the date of caesarean section - Western astrology, numerology, zodiac horoscope, tarot cards, natal chart, lunar calendar, moon phase dates and others. Also parsed as the month of the caesarean date (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, November, December) interacts with the year of birth and what it will affect.

How is the choice of the date of caesarean section for good fortune and good luck?

  1. It is always better to plan for the birth of a child from conception. This will allow you to choose a good year for pregnancy, a favorable year and month for the birth process itself for a woman, and avoid conflicting signs of the year and month in the child’s chart. It is also possible with a certain probability to plan the sex of the child.
    If the pregnancy was not originally planned with the help of a ba zi consultant, then of course there may be moments that cannot always be influenced even by choosing the date of the caesarean section.
  2. This is of course the period of time that is set by the doctor when a surgical procedure is possible. And you have to adapt to it, which also limits the actions of the consultant when choosing the date of the caesarean section.
  3. The date of the caesarean section should be favorable according to the woman's fate map so that the birth is successful (the most important thing is that the date is not conflicting).
  4. From the available date range, the consultant should choose the best for the fate of the unborn child. If we can choose a specific day and time of birth (a time span of 2 hours), then we can fully see the map of the fate of the unborn child and his intended fate and life path. Ba Zi Fate and Fortune Card- these are 8 hieroglyphs, which are determined by the date and place of birth of a person.
    Usually the first thing you look at is the child's health area in the fate chart. Further, so that there is the least number of conflicts in the map, as well as in 10-year cycles of luck(it happens that a person has a good initial map of fate, but 10-year cycles can be harmful). But the ideal map of fate is still difficult to draw even choosing a caesarean section date. 8 hieroglyphs represent different areas of human life and it is difficult for all of them to win.
    But still, if the original card of fate is successful, then even unfavorable periods a person will pass more easily, and luck in life will be more conducive to him.
All these activities will help you choose the best fate for your unborn child.
Book a consultation on choosing a caesarean section date for the best fate of your child.

You have to C-section, and you do not know how to prepare for this and what to expect? Then this article is especially for you.

1. Preparation at home.

A few days before the scheduled operations you need to start preparing. Be sure to remove nail polish, as the anesthetist can tell by the color of the nails whether the operation is proceeding correctly. In addition, you should shave off the hair in the bikini area, as the doctor will make an incision there. You should also remove all jewelry, since during the operation it is forbidden to have rings, earrings, bracelets, chains and other jewelry on the woman’s body.

2. We collect the bag.

After the operation, the woman stays in the hospital for about 5-7 days. Therefore, it is necessary to collect bag, which should contain the following:

  • the documents;
  • hygiene products;
  • clothes that will come in handy in the hospital;
  • clothing required upon discharge from the hospital;
  • clothing and care products for the baby;
  • phone and books.

3. The day before the operation.

In most cases, for a caesarean section, the woman in labor comes to the clinic on the same day in the morning. However, it may also happen that you have to go there one day earlier. This is necessary in order for the doctor to carry out all the necessary surveys. On this day, you can walk around the hospital, find out who will take part in the operation, and where it will take place. The main thing is to stay calm and tune in to a positive wave so that everything goes quickly and easily.

4. Food before caesarean section.

Last meal must take place 8 hours before the operation. The best option is light, low-fat food without salt and seasonings. Do not forget that immediately before the operation, a woman should not take any liquid.

5. Day of caesarean section and medical procedures.

Before the operation, the woman is given anesthesia. What it will be - it's up to you. There are 2 types of anesthesia: anesthesia only at the site of the operation, then you can observe the actions of the doctors, or it will be general anesthesia, and you will sleep. Be sure to consult a doctor and sign the necessary documents.

6. The first 24 hours after the operation.

For the first eight hours after the operation, the woman must remain in bed and rest. If the operation was performed under general anesthesia, it is better not to make sudden movements, as headache and nausea may occur.

After 8 hours, you can try to get up. It is desirable to be near nurse which will help you. It is quite difficult to do this on your own. In addition, you will be given painkillers. Despite this, you can breastfeed your baby without any problems.

7. Go to the toilet.

If you feel pressure on your bladder or heat in your lower abdomen, go to toilet. Of course, ask the nurse to accompany you. After surgery, it is very important that urination occurs naturally.

8. Movement.

A woman should not forget that the more she moves, the faster she will be able to recover from the operation. The most important aspect is the beginning of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Upright intestines works much easier. You can understand that the recovery process has begun by gases. The more of them, the faster the body will return to normal.

9. The second day after the operation.

On the second day after the operation, you can eat. You can eat thick soup, crackers and quench your thirst.

They will also make you dressing. If your dressing gets wet, ask your nurse to change it sooner.

For better bowel function, you need fiber. Therefore, ask your relatives to bring you dried plums and apricots, as well as cereals. However, be sure to check with your doctor before doing so. food.

10. What then?

After you are discharged from the hospital, you need to monitor wound wash it with alcohol. The main condition is that the incision made during the operation must always be clean. If you notice redness or discharge of any fluid, call your doctor immediately.

Article from the net. Tell us how it really happened and what you need!

Are you preparing for a caesarean section and don't know what to do or how to react? Whatever reasons forced you to have an operation (fear of pain, inability to give birth naturally, and others), you should know everything about it. Our advice will help you clarify the situation and be ready for the operation.

1. Preparing for a caesarean section at home

Two days before the procedure, start preparing. Wipe off nail polish at home! Why? By the color of the nails, the doctor, usually the anesthetist, sees whether the operation runs correctly. Remove hair from the bikini line, where an incision will be made. Forget the jewelry too. In the hospital, you can only lose her. During a caesarean section, since during other serious operations you can’t wear rings, earrings, let alone watches or bracelets.

2. Pack everything you need

After the caesarean section, you will stay in the hospital for about 4-5 days. Therefore, collect everything that you may need during this period. Here is a list of required items:

  • The documents
  • Hygiene and cosmetics
  • Telephone
  • Nightgown, underwear, socks, slippers
  • Comfortable bra
  • Absorption Belt
  • Snacks, fruits, crackers, nuts
  • Advice book on newborn care
  • Clothes to wear when you come home
  • Clothes and essentials for the child

3. Day before caesarean section

Usually, for such an operation, a pregnant woman comes to the hospital on the same day in the morning. But be prepared for the fact that you will have to arrive there a day earlier to do all the necessary tests. Although it's one day longer - try to keep a positive attitude. On this day, you must meet with the specialists who will participate in the operation and see the venue. Try to make friends with nurses and midwives. Thanks to this, you will get used to the environment, and it will become easier for you. Spend the day reading or walking down the hospital corridor. The more you set yourself up for positive, the easier everything will go the next day.

4. Food before surgery

You must eat at least 8 hours before the operation for the last time. It should be light food, not greasy, without spices, not salty. Remember that during the last 8 hours before the procedure, you cannot even drink non-carbonated water!

5. Clothes

Although you'll probably take your nightgown or two to the hospital, it's better to ask for a hospital one. Thanks to this, you will not leave blood stains on your own outfit. Hospital gowns, although they may be a little elegant, are washed, fresh and, most importantly, you can smudge them to your heart's content. Remember that on this day you can not wear a bra under the shirt.

6. Medical procedures on the day of surgery

During the operation, you will definitely be under anesthesia. And here's how it's up to you to decide. There are two options: either you will be anesthetized only at the site of the operation and covered with a screen up to your shoulders, then you will be able to follow the progress of the operation, or you will fall asleep under general anesthesia. Before this, be sure to consult a doctor and sign the necessary papers.

7. The first day after the operation

It is better that the first 8 hours you just lie and rest. Even if at this time you will not feed the baby - it's okay. If the operation was performed under general anesthesia, it is better to lie still and do not turn your head, otherwise it may cause a headache.

Well, if after 8 hours you try to get up. Ask a midwife for help, it will be difficult for you yourself. You will receive additional pain medication. Despite this, you will be able to breastfeed your baby.

8. First trip to the toilet

If you feel pressure on the bubble or heat in the lower abdomen, then go to the toilet without hesitation. You can ask the nurse for help. It is important that you start passing urine naturally. You can gently spray your urethra with cool water or turn on the faucet. The sound of the water can be very helpful as it has a relaxing effect.

9. Move

Remember that the more you walk, the faster you will get back in shape. The most important thing at this time is the activation of your gastrointestinal tract. In a standing position, the intestines work easier. You will feel your “return” to the form in the gases. If there are more of them, this will be a signal that the body is coping with the situation.

10. Second day after caesarean section

Only now you can eat. Water and crackers or thick soup. After 24 hours from the operation, you will be bandaged. If you have previously wet the dressing while washing, tell the nurse about it. Then it will be replaced sooner.

In order for the intestines to work better, you need to eat fiber. Take natural cereal flakes, dried plums or apricots with you to the hospital. Before eating all this, it is better to ask permission from a doctor.

The wound after the operation must be washed. Better to do it with alcohol. Inspect the incision well daily and keep it clean. Any redness, fluid or pus should be the reason for an immediate visit to the doctor.

I start with information for expectant mothers who are shown a caesarean section. It is they who have the opportunity to choose the date of the birth of the child. And, therefore, to give him this or that fate. Is it worth neglecting this possibility? It's up to you, and I'll tell you more today about astrological consultation on caesarean section.

A caesarean section can be viewed from two perspectives.

First, this the birth of a baby.

Secondly, this surgery for mom.

And with both of these events, an astrologer can work, choosing the best time.

Planned caesarean section = birth of a child = choice of fate

If you have the option to choose a caesarean date, that means you can choose the best possible birthday for your child.When choosing days (and hours, by the way), I first of all focus on health future baby. This is especially true if there are hereditary diseases in the family.
You can also take into account gender of the child if it is known. There are typical boy cards (fiery, dynamic) - which are better to choose if you are expecting a son. There are Yin, soft and gentle cards, the energy of which is more suitable for girls.

I must say that by choosing the “right” date, make a child happy in all areas of life is impossible. So that he is always happy and fulfilled in everything, so that the house is a full bowl, and the second half is loving and the only one, so that the children please, and the professional implementation is excellent, so that health is a mountain, and relations with parents are magnificent - it will not work . The world is conceived in such a way that at every moment of time there is both positive and negative. And if a lot is given in one area, something is usually missing in another. I think you've seen it more than once. That's why need to prioritize. For me, the topic of children's health is the most important, so I pay special attention to it in consultations on choosing the time for the birth of a baby. You can target something else. Focusing on everything at once does not make sense.

Planned caesarean section = surgery for mom

When choosing a favorable day for the birth of a baby, I additionally take into account the horoscope of his mother. After all, a cesarean is a complex surgical intervention, which is also carried out according to certain medical indications. And in most cases, these indications are already existing serious health problems for the mother. My task is to choose a day for cesarean so that the operation was successful, there was a minimal possibility of complications, recovery was faster and easier.It must be said that, unfortunately, it is not always possible to choose a day so that the baby's natal chart is good and in the mother's chart there are only favorable indications for the same day. These nuances are discussed during the consultation process, I explain to you the features of a particular day. And you already make your own choice. As, however, and always :)

Caesarean section - what does an astrologer need?

For an astrological consultation on a planned caesarean section, I will need the following information:
1. When is a caesarean planned?: from such and such to such and such a date (for example, from October 22 to October 29, or PDR - December 15 + -3 days). This is the period of time that I will analyze, so it is necessary to designate it as accurately as possible. Usually this is the 39th week of pregnancy, but depending on your individual indications, on the decision of your doctor (which, of course, you trust), the period may be a little earlier or later.
2. Operating days and hours in the clinic where you will have a caesarean. This item is closely related to the previous one, but it is written separately so that you do not forget about it :) I need this information so as not to analyze and not recommend you obviously useless days.
3. Information about your - mother's - birth (date, time, city), as well as the city where the operation will take place. Usually it coincides with the city of residence, if it is not, then indicate both cities. I use this information to select the optimal time for surgery.
4. Date of conception(of course, exemplary). This information is needed to verify your card.
5. Your medical indications for caesarean section. It's one thing when you have a narrow pelvis, quite another - placenta previa, the third - diabetes, etc. These are all different astrological indicators that are important to consider when choosing a date for a cesarean.
6. That what would you like to absolutely want to avoid in the fate of your child. If the topic of health is a priority for you, then indicate which diseases and whose “line” you are afraid of. If there are topics in the life of the baby that are more important in your opinion, then write your wish in this paragraph. I draw your attention to the need to choose only one area.

This is the basic information I need for my work. You can send it to me in free form at or download the Application Form for a consultation on caesarean section and send it to me.

The cost of this consultation is 1500 rubles/400 hryvnias.

The preparation time depends on the current workload, usually 3-5 working days. Information is provided in writing.

© Ekaterina Lugovaya, astrologer (Krivoy Rog)

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