Whether it is necessary to drink hormonal. How to take birth control pills? The best birth control pills. How long can the tablets be taken

This group medicines used for hormone therapy. The effect of such drugs on the body has been studied well enough so that it does not cause concern.

Such a broad group as hormonal drugs includes the following categories of drugs:

  • Contraceptives.
  • Therapeutic (drugs whose action is aimed at curing a disease caused by a lack of a hormone).
  • Regulatory (for example, to normalize menstrual cycle).
  • Maintenance (insulin for diabetics).

All drugs affect the body and women in different ways. It all depends on the general condition of the body, the presence of serious diseases and the state of the immune system.


This group is used for hormone therapy and is available in the form of tablets and ointments. Pills treat serious illness caused by deviations in the hormonal sphere, and ointments have a local effect.

In girls who lack hormone production, the skin suffers from cracks and wounds in winter period because the synthesis of new cells is disrupted. To deal with such an annoyance. The doctor prescribes creams, ointments and lotions containing hormones. Usually corticosteroids are included in the ointment, which are absorbed into the blood after a few hours.

Such drugs can seriously affect the body. Therefore, it is important to maintain the dosage and, when prescribing, immediately determine the duration of the course, since one wrong step can lead to complications of existing problems.

Regulatory drugs

Due to lifestyle modern woman, deteriorating nutrition and polluted ecology, many of the fair sex are faced with menstrual irregularities. This can affect not only the genital area of ​​the body, but also general condition organism. Hormonal imbalances can lead to the development oncological diseases breasts, as well as infertility. Action hormonal drugs can help solve problems.

However, before admission, it is necessary to conduct examinations and tests. First, a blood test is performed for certain substances. He will be able to identify either their excess. Such tests are quite expensive, but in order to solve problems, it is necessary to start treatment in a timely manner. After detecting a deficiency or excess of hormones, regulation of their content begins. For this, courses of injections or tablets are prescribed. Properly selected oral contraceptives will help normalize the cycle without harm to health.

Any remedy containing hormones requires scrupulousness in determining the dosage, since it is quite simple to cross the line of the required dose. For example, exceeding the norm can lead to hair loss, swelling and pain in the mammary glands.

Hormonal preparations can be made on the basis of hormones natural origin or it is a synthetically produced substance. With a course of hormonal therapy, it is aimed at normalizing the hormonal background and normalizing metabolic processes. Depending on the functional state of one or another gland, hormone therapy is conditionally divided into replacement, stimulating and blocking.

Negative effects of hormones

For the body of both men and women, the use of hormonal drugs can cause such backfire, how:

  • osteoporosis and mucosal ulcers duodenum and the stomach itself when taking glucocorticoids;
  • weight loss and cardiac arrhythmia when taking hormonal drugs thyroid gland;
  • too much a sharp decline blood sugar while taking insulin.

The effect of hormonal ointments on the body

Preparations containing hormones for external use can vary greatly in the degree of impact on the body. Ointments and creams are considered the most powerful, gels and lotions contain lower concentrations. Hormonal ointments used to treat skin diseases and allergic manifestations. Their action is aimed at eliminating the causes of inflammation and irritation on the skin.

However, if we compare ointments with tablets or injections, then their harm is minimal, since absorption into the blood occurs in small doses. In some cases, the use of ointments can lead to a decrease in the productivity of the adrenal glands, but after the end of the course of treatment, their functionality is restored on their own.

The effect of hormonal contraceptives on the body of a woman

Features of the influence of hormonal drugs on the human body are that many factors are perceived purely individually. The use of such drugs is not only an interference with natural physiological processes, but also the impact on the functioning of body systems during the day. Therefore, the decision to prescribe hormonal drugs can only be taken by experienced doctor based on results comprehensive examination and analyses.

Hormonal contraceptives can be made in various forms and dosages:

  • combined;
  • mini-drank;
  • injections;
  • plasters;
  • subcutaneous implants;
  • postcoidal drugs;
  • hormone rings.

Combination preparations contain substances similar to female hormones produced by the ovaries. To be able to choose the optimal medicine, all groups of drugs can be monophasic, biphasic and triphasic. They differ in the proportions of hormones.

Knowing about the properties of gestagens and estrogens, certain mechanisms of action can be distinguished oral contraceptives:

  • decrease in the secretion of gonadotropic hormones due to the effects of progestogen;
  • increased acidity of the vagina due to the influence of estrogens;
  • increased viscosity of cervical mucus;
  • in each instruction there is the phrase "implantation of the egg", which is a veiled abortive effect of drugs.

In the time that has passed since the appearance of the first oral contraceptives, the debate about the safety of the use of drugs does not subside, and research in this area continues.

What hormones are in contraceptives

Typically, hormonal contraceptives use progestogens, which are also called progestins and progestogens. These are hormones that are produced corpus luteum ovaries, in small amounts by the adrenal cortex and during pregnancy by the placenta. The main gestagen is progesterone, which helps prepare the uterus in a state favorable for the development of a fertilized egg.

Another component of oral contraceptives is. Estrogens are produced by the ovarian follicles and the adrenal cortex. Estrogens include three main hormones: estriol and estrogen. These hormones are needed in contraceptives to normalize the menstrual cycle, but not to protect against unwanted conception.

Side effects of hormonal drugs

Each drug has a number of side effects that can occur when a decision is made to immediately stop the drug.

The most frequently recorded cases of side effects of hormonal drugs:

  • Hemolytic-uremic syndrome. It is manifested by such disorders as anemia, thrombocytopenia and acute renal failure.
  • Porphyria, which is a violation of the synthesis of hemoglobin.
  • Hearing loss due to otosclerosis.

All manufacturers of hormonal drugs indicate thromboembolism as a side effect, which is extremely rare. This condition is a blockage of the vessel by a thrombus. If the side effects outweigh the benefits of the medication, it should be discontinued.

Side effects of oral contraceptives are:

  • (lack of menstrual flow);
  • headache;
  • blurred vision;
  • change in blood pressure;
  • depression;
  • weight gain;
  • soreness in the mammary glands.

Studies on the side effects of oral contraceptives

AT foreign countries Studies are constantly being conducted on the side effects of hormonal drugs on a woman's body, which revealed the following facts:

  • Hormonal contraceptives are used by more than 100 million women in different countries.
  • The number of deaths from venous and arterial diseases fixed from 2 to 6 per year per million.
  • Risk venous thrombosis important for young women
  • Arterial thrombosis is relevant for older women.
  • Among smoking women accepting OK, number deaths is about 100 per million per year.

The effect of hormones on the male body

The male body is also seriously dependent on hormones. The male body also contains female hormones. Violation of the optimal balance of hormones leads to various diseases.

Either estrogen leads to decreased testosterone production. This can cause problems:

  • in the cardiovascular system;
  • with memory;
  • age;
  • decrease in immunity.

If the balance of hormones is disturbed, a course of hormone therapy is necessary, which will help to avoid further deterioration in health.

Progesterone has a male nervous system calming effect and helps men suffering from premature ejaculation, solve sexual problems.

Normal levels of estrogen in male body has a number of useful properties:

  • preservation optimal level"good cholesterol";
  • pronounced muscle growth;
  • regulation of the nervous system;
  • libido improvement.

When noted:

  • inhibition of testosterone production;
  • body fat according to the female type;
  • gynecomastia.
  • Erectile dysfunction;
  • decreased libido;
  • depression.

Any of the symptoms is extremely unpleasant, so do not hesitate to visit the doctor. A competent specialist will be able to full examination and prescribe a course of drugs that will significantly improve the condition of the body.


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It should be taken on the first day of the cycle, that is, on the day of the onset of menstruation. If you feel nauseous after starting, then try taking them in the morning before meals or at night. If the moment is missed, it's okay, start taking them during the first five days of the cycle. Just use the first week additional funds contraception (condoms). One missed pill or a missed progestogen-only pill, also the need to use condoms. If you have an upset stomach or vomiting, the effect of the pills also weakens. Regardless of the number of calls per day. For each medicine, the instructions indicate the rules of conduct in such situations. It is also important to consider the interaction of contraceptives with some. For example, antibiotics or anticonvulsants can interact with the combined ones. In this case, it is better to consult a gynecologist. For women who smoke, there is also a risk with pills. The older you are, the lower the effectiveness of taking them. There are tablets, which can be taken within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse, but this is a serious hormonal stress for the body. Therefore, it is important not to be afraid to visit a gynecologist, and it is advisable to do this before starting sexual activity. He will pick up contraceptives tablets that suit you the best way. Taking care of your health is the responsibility of every woman and expectant mother.

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Contraceptive tablets not only protect against attack unwanted pregnancy, but also, if necessary, are used to adjust the hormonal levels in women. But before you start taking them, you need to go to the hospital.


Go see a gynecologist. You will be given tests to determine if you can take hormones or not. The doctor will also examine the mammary glands. In the presence of neoplasms in the breast, or you can not drink, as estrogen-dependent tumors will begin to progress. After all the examinations, you will be prescribed a certain drug.

Start taking the tablets 1-2 days after the onset of menstruation, in which case additional protection against the onset is not required. If you did not take the first pill on time, then you can do it on the 5th day, but not later, otherwise the effectiveness will decrease. If you started drinking on day 5, then use additional contraception for the first two weeks, as there is still a risk.

After you drink tablets from the first blister, take a seven-day break, at which time you should start. Reception hormonal drugs resume on day 8, but no later. If you were assigned tablets in order to adjust the hormonal background, the doctor will tell the treatment regimen, in some cases

Hormonal preparations have become firmly established in life modern man. With the help of these drugs, people not only control fertility and treat infertility, but also many other diseases, including those associated with the thyroid gland.

Effect on weight

Hormonal pills for weight gain, more precisely, muscle mass, exist. Probably all athletes know about it. And many people believe that any hormonal remedy will have a similar effect. Meanwhile, this is not so. Moreover, there are even hormonal diet pills, these are drugs for the treatment of hypothyroidism - a pathology of the thyroid gland, when it produces an insufficient amount of hormones. This disease is very reflected in the appearance of a person and leads to weight gain, even if nutrition and physical activity remained the same.

Well, hormonal birth control pills sometimes lead to a set of several extra pounds. True, in the case of new generation drugs, this side effect occurs less and less. exit - change hormonal contraceptives, at least a drug, or even find another way to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Impact on appearance

It is known that modern oral contraceptives may or may not have an antiandrogenic effect. In simple terms, to reduce or not to reduce the level of "male" hormones in a woman's body. At great content testosterone, a woman begins to grow facial hair, acne appears, the skin becomes oily. Hormonal acne pills can be used. But not everyone. AT medicinal purposes are assigned to "Diana-35" (it should be noted that the estrogen content in it is the highest), "Yarina" and "Zhanin". The same drugs are recommended for PCOS to normalize the cycle.

Are there hormonal preparations for breast enlargement or is it a myth? What woman does not dream of an attractive bust? Indeed, there is evidence that contraceptives can cause visual magnification mammary glands. True, this happens due to a slight swelling of the tissues and is temporary. Not observed in all women taking pills.

Impact on women's health and pregnancy

Often birth control hormonal pills for women, they are also prescribed to improve the quality of life of a woman, prevent iron deficiency anemia. This is necessary when heavy menstruation. For the same reason, hormonal pills for endometriosis are very often recommended. After all, it is this disease that most often causes large blood loss. You can take any low-dose combined oral contraceptives for endometriosis. But usually they appoint "Janine", since the manufacturer of this tool assures about its effectiveness in this particular direction. If "Janine" does not work for some reason, the price, or simply provokes side effects for more than three cycles of administration, then you can ask the doctor for the name of hormonal pills that may suit you better than him.

Often prescribe drugs for the treatment of infertility. If it has an unexplained cause, then doctors suggest trying the so-called rebound effect. This is when hormonal drugs are taken for 3-6 months, and after the drug is discontinued, the woman is actively trying to get pregnant, leads an unprotected sexual life. Indeed, after the abolition of contraceptives, the ovaries almost always begin to work actively, and full ovulation occurs.

Usually, menstruation becomes regular when taking hormonal pills, but taking them for a long time can lead to negative phenomenon in the ovaries, they stop working fully. After stopping the intake, ovulation does not occur. Due to very low level there is no monthly progesterone after hormonal pills, however, this phenomenon is temporary in most cases and does not require treatment. But nevertheless, if there are no real problems, and there is a desire to conceive a child, there is no point in taking contraceptives. The time period when you can get pregnant after taking birth control pills varies greatly, and it is impossible to predict how your body will react to taking and stopping the drug.

With infertility, not oral contraceptives are often used, but progesterone preparations. Especially if laboratory research the lack of progesterone in the second phase of the menstrual cycle has been repeatedly proven. What hormonal pills to drink in this case, the doctor will say. Usually appoint "Dufaston" or "Utrozhestan". Moreover, it is advisable to start taking them only after ovulation, so that they do not interfere with its onset. And take it within 10 days. If pregnancy has not occurred, which is proved by a pregnancy test, and better analysis blood for hCG, then the drug is canceled, and menstruation begins. If pregnancy occurs, then progesterone should be continued.

And what hormonal pills can bring harm? Everything is described in the instructions. But from the common - the growth of uterine fibroids, if it is progesterone-dependent. Modern doctors women who have it gynecological disease advised to be very careful with similar drugs and do not take them for prophylactic purposes.

Only one question remained open - these are hormonal pills for menopause for women after 45 years. The so-called replacement hormone therapy when a woman enters menopause, it is a means to preserve beauty and health for a long time. But unfortunately, HRT has a lot of contraindications and side effects.

Such delicate topic, as taking oral contraceptives, must be discussed with a gynecologist. But if you have questions, and there is absolutely no one to ask, then we will try to answer them.

There are many rumors and myths around hormonal contraception that are so terrible that they quickly begin to be discussed by girls and women in a narrow friendly circle. But their validity remains doubtful, since they are invented by the same women who do not have knowledge in gynecology. So that you no longer have doubts, let's dispel these fears and concerns.

Indications for use

Oral contraceptives were invented in the 1950s, and 10 years later, after numerous studies, they were approved for use by women. These were the first pills that became an alternative to other contraceptives, but soon women began to experience other side effects.

Today, contraceptives not only protect against pregnancy, but also cure some gynecological and dermatological diseases.

Indications for receiving OK include:

  • restoration of hormonal levels after childbirth or abortion;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • women suffering from anemia;
  • endometriosis;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • with painful periods;
  • with PMS;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • acne;
  • alopecia.

Depending on the composition, hormonal contraceptives can lower testosterone in the blood, as a result of which acne and acne disappear, hair loss stops, and the figure becomes more feminine.

What are oral contraceptives

All birth control pills are divided into 3 groups, each of which is suitable for its age and health status. They are divided into microdosed (20-25 micrograms of estradiol), low-dose (30-35 micrograms of estradiol) and high-dosed (40-50 micrograms of estradiol).

Types of OK and their purpose:

  1. Microdosed. Suitable for young girls, women who have not yet given birth, and persons over 35 years old.
  2. Low-dose. They are prescribed to women who have given birth, as well as to girls in whom microdosed OK caused bleeding.
  3. Highly dosed. Appointed for serious hormonal disorders and only in extreme cases.

Estradiol or its derivatives are active ingredient each type birth control pills. And it depends on what the auxiliary hormone will be. therapeutic effect drug. Drospirenone, dienogest, chlormadinone acetate, cyproterone acetate and levomefolate have antiandrogenic properties, that is, they suppress the production of male hormones.

Side effects

Because birth control pills are drug, then they have not only the desired effect, but also cause some side effects. In most cases, they appear extremely rarely, but women with a sensitive body should be careful.

Side effects OK:

  • feeling of nausea and dizziness;
  • frequent mood swings, the appearance of capriciousness and irritability;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • migraine;
  • prostration;
  • swelling and pain in the chest;
  • bloody issues.

Usually, these symptoms appear in the first three months of taking OK, and after the body gets used to the new state, they disappear. In the event that for a long time you experience discomfort, you do not get a daub, your head often hurts and feels dizzy, then OK does not suit you and you will have to change them.


Also, hormonal contraceptives have a number of contraindications, without taking into account which, you will only aggravate your health. Be sure to tell your doctor your medical history and problems that bother you. this moment so that he adequately assesses the situation and assigns the correct OK.

Contraindications for admission:

  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • disruption of the liver and kidneys;
  • vascular diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • frequent headaches;
  • bleeding with an unknown cause;
  • thrombosis;
  • the period before and one month after the operation;
  • prolonged immobility;
  • period of breastfeeding.

If you decide to take birth control pills, then, in order to avoid complications, get rid of the habit of smoking, as there is a risk of vegetative-vascular dystonia. It is also worth consulting with your doctor if you have excess weight or diabetes.

How to choose the right oral contraceptives

Many girls, when choosing OK, are guided by two principles: price and reviews of girlfriends. It's at the root wrong decision. Since all organisms are different and do not have the same level of certain hormones. To choose the right drug, it is necessary to pass tests and identify big picture state of the body and hormonal background. Based on this, the doctor will prescribe the best option.

It is also worth considering your wishes and complaints. Acne, hair growing in unwanted places, baldness on the head and other cosmetic problems can be solved with birth control pills, if they are chosen correctly. Many hormonal drugs are prescribed in extreme cases of these problems.

But the tests and an experienced doctor will not give you a guarantee that the body will accept the interference in its hormonal background. If you are watching strong manifestation side effects, then it is better to change the drug. For example, with incessant bleeding, the level of estradiol should be increased. persistent headaches and high blood pressure, on the contrary, says that the remedy is too “strong” for you.

Today, all birth control pills are available in convenient packages, on which a calendar is printed and the days of the week are indicated. Therefore, it is difficult to confuse anything. On the first day of your period, you start with a pill that says start, and then work your way around until you've taken all 21 pills. Drink them at the same time, it is best to set yourself a reminder on your phone so as not to miss the next dose. This is followed by a seven-day break.

Some manufacturers for the convenience of women, along with active pills, also release a placebo. There are 7 of them in a pack and they are designed to be taken during a break. That is, when the package contains not 21, but 28 tablets, then the next pack should be started at the end of the previous one, without making a week pass.

On the second and third day of the cycle, you can also start taking pills, but they will not give quick effect, and some time will have to be additionally protected. Some time before menstruation, you can not start taking, you must definitely wait for their arrival. This can only be done if you have already drunk at least 2 packs of OK.

Menstruation during the period of taking hormonal contraceptives comes on the same day, that is, the cycle is exactly 28 days. If you have been drinking them long enough, you can push back critical days. When you don't want them to start, just don't take a break. But it shouldn't be abused.

When is the effect of OK

If you started taking pills on the first day of your period, then use protection additional methods can be stopped the next day. In the event that this happened later, you need to wait another week.

Many girls, especially those who are not yet familiar with this method of protection against unwanted pregnancy, are afraid that it will not be effective. To date, this is the most reliable way, which gives a guarantee in 99 percent of cases, but only on the condition that you have taken the pills correctly.

What happens if you forget to take a pill

Some girls are inattentive and forget to take another dose of hormones, but remember this only after a few hours. If this happens, then follow the instructions that come with the tablets. In the case when more than 12 hours have passed, you need to urgently drink a contraceptive and use additional methods of protection for a week.

If this time has not yet expired, then the pill should be taken as soon as possible, but you should not worry about reducing the effectiveness of the drug. Diarrhea or vomiting a few hours after swallowing a tablet can affect the effectiveness of OK, so it is better to take the next pill out of turn.

Is it true that birth control pills make you fat?

The myth that hormonal contraception leads to rapid weight gain, is based on real facts. The first released tablets contained large dose estradiol and could cause this side effect. They also led to accelerated body hair growth and other unpleasant manifestations.

Modern drugs contain hormones ten times less than it was half a century ago, so they cannot affect metabolic processes in the body and are absolutely safe for your figure.

Separately, it is worth talking about such a property of OK as getting rid of acne. Today, many doctors consider hormonal contraceptives effective way fight against them, especially adolescence when appearance is very important. This method is safe if you choose the right drug. These should be microdosed OK with an antiandrogenic effect.

Do not be afraid if the problem only worsens in the first month of taking it, as the body gets used to the intervention of synthetic hormones. This side effect should soon pass, and the skin will clear up, become smooth and beautiful.

Does hormonal contraception cause infertility?

Many believe that if you interfere with the work of the body, then it will fail and will not be able to independently perform its functions. But, in the case of birth control pills, this will not happen.

While we are taking them, the ovaries "rest", and after the end of the course, they fully restore their functions in 1-2 months. During this period, they become very active, which, on the contrary, contributes to rapid conception.

Is it possible to stop drinking OK

If something does not suit you or you have found an alternative to this method, you can stop drinking the drug after the end of 21 active tablets. In the middle of the pack, this is categorically not recommended and is possible only under strict indications.

When you are not drinking full course, then there is hormonal disbalance, That is severe stress for the body. You will not only worsen your health, but provoke some diseases.

The decision to start accepting OK is a responsible step. Therefore, remember that hormonal drugs cannot be prescribed to yourself on your own, but only after consulting a gynecologist. Also pay attention to contraindications, in order to avoid health problems. If there are no obstacles to starting the reception, then you can safely try this safe and reliable method of contraception.

Video: 4 important questions about the choice and duration of admission

AT modern society all more girls and women prefer to take birth control pills, as this method of contraception has significant advantages over other methods of preventing unwanted pregnancies.

In the vastness of our country, taking contraceptives in pills is not yet as popular as in the West. BUT in developed European countries, women have been practicing this for a long time.

All more women starts using birth control pills

For example, according to recent surveys of women living in France, about 75-80% of them have tried or regularly take birth control pills.

At the beginning of the article we will list the most common birth control pills(names) and their approximate cost in Russia, and in the future you will be able to learn more about the features of drugs, their composition, use, contraindications and other useful information on this topic.

List of birth control pills (names and approximate price)

Tool name Release form Approximate price (rub.)
BELARA N21X3Tablets1990
GINEPRISTONE 0.01 N1Tablets580
LOGEST N21Tablets820
MARVELON N21Tablets1540
MERCILON N21Tablets1570
MIDIANA 0.003+0.00003 N21Tablets730
REGULON N21Tablets470
RIGEVIDON 21+7 N28Tablets360
THREE-REGOL N21X3Tablets810
SILUETE 0.002+0.00003 N21Tablets800
THREE-MERCY N21Tablets1010
FEMODEN N21Tablets824
CHLOE N28Tablets770
CHAROSETTA 75MKG N28X3Tablets4000
EXLUTON 0.0005 N28Tablets4000
YARINA N21Tablets1160

Types and effects on the body of contraceptives

In the female body a large number of hormones that influence and control the activity of the reproductive system. That's why in different periods life hormone ratio is different.

The tablets act on hormonal level, and for each category of women should take their own drugs.

Combined oral preparations (COCs)

The basis of the drugs are 2 synthetic hormones: estrogen and progesterone. Any of the groups COC works on the principle of blocking ovulation. Reliability is extremely high due to progesterone. Estrogen controls menstruation and does not affect pregnancy.

Tablets "Klayra"

COC is divided into several groups. The classification is based on the characteristics of women: age, having a child, problems with the balance of hormones.

microdosed tablets. This group of contraceptives is intended for women who have not given birth, but are sexually active. Side effects drugs are minimal. These birth control pills contain in their list such drugs as (abbreviated names): Qlaira, Jace, Dimia.

Klayra's blisters contain several types of tablets, which must be taken strictly according to the instructions. With pills 2 hormones enter the body - estradiol valerate and dienogest. They suppress ovulation. Dienogest has a positive effect on the appearance of a woman. The price of the drug is from 700 rubles.

James is a remedy with main and additional tablets. Main 24, and additional 4. The drug suppresses ovulation. The cost is about 1 thousand rubles.

Dimia is an analogue of James for the same cost. The active substances of the drug are different.

Low dose birth control pills. Used by women who did not fit microdose tablets:

  • the presence of discharge with blood;
  • after the birth of a child;
  • late reproductive period.

The drugs of the group include: Yarina, Janine, Silhouette.

Yarina is taken for 21 days in the order indicated in the instructions. Tablets "Yarina" can not be combined with other drugs, because it reduces reliability and causes bleeding. It costs from 950 rubles.

Jeanine is an expensive drug, the price starts from 1650 rubles, depending on the place of purchase. Produced in Germany.

tablets contain substances that have beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa and the woman's body as a whole.

High dosage tablets. As a contraceptive during periods of violations hormonal balance it is recommended to take such contraceptive pills (list of abbreviated names): Tri-regol, Triquilar, Triziston.
Tri-Regol costs 200 rubles. There are cheap alternatives.

Triziston is produced in Germany. The action of the drug is aimed at inhibiting the production of gonadotropic hormones.. Price - from 500 rubles. Active substances begin to act on the body after 2 hours.

Note! High-dose drugs should be taken only as directed by a doctor!

Contraceptives with gestagen

Signs for use:

  • lactation period;
  • recent childbirth or the period of late reproductive age;
  • regular sex life;
  • estrogen is contraindicated;
  • smoking and age over 35 years.

Preparations with a progestogen are called "mil-drank." The list of popular names for these contraceptive pills is: Desogestrel, Desogestrel.

Tablets without hormones

In the preparations of this group there are no hormones, they are injected directly into the vagina. Non-hormonal pills are sometimes referred to as spermicides.- candles, gels, creams.

Tablets "Escapel"

Active substance non-hormonal drugs- benzalkonium chloride or nonoxynol. Their goal is to destroy the sperm membrane, which prevents pregnancy.

A list of such contraceptives (names in abbreviated form): Gynekotex, Pharmatex, Postinor, Escapel.

The latest generation of contraceptives

Modern contraceptives of a new generation not only have a hormonal effect on reproductive system, but also create an aggressive environment for spermatozoa.

The drug "Jess"

The scheme of action also has an abortive component, at which spermatozoa are affected active substance drug and die.

The less synthetic hormones in the preparation that affect the implantation of the embryo, the higher the abortive effect in the preparation.

Doses of the active substance fluctuate - if the drug contains a small amount of a substance that kills spermatozoa, then a large amount of the hormone to affect the embryo.

Unwanted pregnancy is prevented stepwise - in 2 stages.

The new generation of contraceptive pills is represented by such drugs as (abbreviated list of names): Jess and Jess plus, Marvelon, Novaring, Depo-Prover.

Correct use of contraceptives with hormones

The main rules for taking most drugs:

  • daily intake;
  • it is desirable to take the drug at the same time;
  • reception lasts 21 or 28 days (depending on the specific drug);
  • on the foil of the package there is a pointer, according to which the pills are taken;
  • after 7 or 21 days, a reaction will follow that resembles menstruation.

Features of taking drugs 21 days

Some contraceptives take 21 days. They begin to drink after the first day of menstruation.. After the end of the reception, a break of 7 days is made. Protection during this period is not required.

Contraceptive pills for 21 days are represented by the following list of names: Novinet, Yarina, Lindinet 20, Midiana, Rigevidon.

Contraceptive 28 days

Birth control pills that take 28 days are a popular remedy for Jess.

Before you start taking contraceptive hormonal drugs, you should consult a gynecologist. It's connected with different amount synthetic hormones in preparations and how they will affect a woman's body both when taken and subsequently.

Not all pills are suitable for all women. In addition, there are certain risks that should be discussed with a qualified doctor.

Undesirable effects of drugs on the body and the prohibition of their use

You should carefully consider the possible side effects of taking a particular drug in order to avoid health complications.

Not all drugs can be taken by smokers

Most of the side effects include:

  • lack of menstruation;
  • depression, including loss of attraction to men as sexual partners;
  • vaginal discharge not during menstruation;
  • pain in the head and blurred vision;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • change in body weight.

If the above symptoms are observed, then you should immediately consult a doctor who prescribed the drug. He will conduct an examination and, if necessary, replace the drug.

Should know! Some side effects are observed only during the first 4 months of admission.

You should immediately consult a doctor if:

  • poisoning;
  • breathing problems;
  • pain in the body;
  • problems with speech or vision.

All drugs have contraindications to varying degrees:

  • current pregnancy;
  • liver problems;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • smoking;
  • age over 35 years;
  • diabetes;
  • breast cancer;
  • liver disease.

Emergency contraception and hormone-free products

Emergency contraception differs from interruption in that the first is carried out at ovulation. That is at the time of the meeting of the sperm and the egg, they are affected by special preparations.

Sometimes required emergency contraception

Their goal is to prevent the meeting or prevent the fixation of the encountered zygote in the uterus. For the action of such drugs, only 6 days: 3 days the egg moves to the uterus and 3 days the fixation.

If time is lost, then come resort to abortion at an early stage.

Arguments for and against birth control pills

Every issue has its positives and negative sides. With protection from unwanted pregnancy is similar. The arguments for the use of birth control pills are as follows:

  • almost one hundred percent efficiency;
  • the possibility of application in any age category;
  • comfort during intercourse;
  • stabilization of hormonal balance in a woman's body.

However, there is also Arguments AGAINST using birth control pills:

  • in the presence of contraindications or the manifestation of side effects, taking pills is prohibited;
  • possible complications after taking, up to the occurrence of oncological diseases;
  • pills remove some vitamins from the body;
  • the risk of glaucoma;
  • the risk of developing diseases of the genital organs;
  • risk of hormonal failure, weight and mood changes.

If we weigh the pros and cons, the advice of experts and the opinions of women, it is worth noting that taking birth control pills on a regular basis is recommended only after childbirth. Since this excludes the possibility negative impact on the female body and future pregnancy.

According to doctors and psychotherapists, abortion is a serious step that a woman should take only in extreme circumstances.

It is easier to prevent unwanted egg fertilization by creating unacceptable conditions for sperm inside the vagina than to regularly take birth control pills with possible risk deterioration in women's health.

And of course, regardless of age and state of health, every representative of the beautiful half of humanity, be sure to consult a doctor before taking any medications, even if they are claimed to be safe.

This video will tell you about the dangers of birth control pills:

The next video will talk about oral tablets and the rules for their admission:

You can learn about the effect of birth control pills from this video:

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