How to treat pulmonary fibrosis with folk remedies. Pneumofibrosis - features of the condition. Pneumofibrosis of the lungs consequences

Pneumofibrosis of the lungs is a chronic pathology in which the parenchyma is replaced by connective tissue.. In the affected organ, scarring occurs against the background of a sluggish inflammatory process. Gradually, the respiratory and gas exchange function is lost and pulmonary insufficiency develops. The degeneration of healthy tissue is irreversible, and the task of medicine is to stop the progression of the disease and maintain the health of the patient. It is impossible to cure pneumofibrosis and restore the lungs.

Causes and mechanism of development of pneumofibrosis

The causes of the disease are different:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases - mycoses, tuberculosis, syphilis;
  • prolonged exposure to allergens;
  • mechanical injury;
  • high doses of radiation;
  • impact chemical compounds;
  • hereditary disorders in which fibrillar protein is intensively produced - collagen, fibronectin;
  • severe liver damage with drug addiction;
  • long-term use of drugs that have a toxic effect on the lung parenchyma.

The risk group includes people with a history of COPD, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia. Men are more likely to get sick, whose professional activity is associated with risk negative impact production processes on the respiratory system - miners, miners, metallurgists.

In pneumofibrosis, chronic inflammation is accompanied by a violation of the outflow of lymph from the affected organ.. It accumulates in the interalveolar septa and vessels of the lung. The movement of blood along the capillary bed is disturbed, the vessels become sclerotic and hypoxia develops. This process activates the production of fibroblasts and collagen, which further aggravates the process of blood circulation in the small circle.

Against the backdrop of increased pulmonary pressure are happening dystrophic changes in the right half of the heart, it increases in size. The patient develops cor pulmonale syndrome. This is an extremely serious condition that leads to disability and eventually death.

With the rapid progression of pneumosclerosis (pneumofibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis), a healthy parenchyma is quickly rebuilt. The structure of the acinus itself, the structural unit of the lung, changes. Glandular pseudostructures are formed, capillaries weaken, decrease in volume, bronchioles become sclerosed. The growth of connective tissue in the lungs deforms the alveoli, they are destroyed, and fibrous and cystic neoplasms appear in their place.

Against the background of destruction of the lung, their main function- providing the body with oxygen through gas exchange during respiration.

Patients develop respiratory failure with hypoxia (oxygen starvation) and hypercapnia (excess carbon dioxide in blood).

due to impaired perfusion bandwidth) lung oxygen levels in the body are reduced. The ventilation-diffuse balance is disturbed. Due to hypoventilation, the level of carbon dioxide increases.


Depending on the location and extent of lung damage, pneumosclerosis can be of several types.

Diffuse pneumofibrosis lung is an overgrowth of connective tissue throughout the organ. With such a pathology, clear boundaries of the modified areas cannot be determined. Not only the lung is deformed, but also the bronchi, the vascular network.

Local pneumofibrosis of the lungs develops very slowly and is asymptomatic at the initial stages. It is characterized by damage to a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200btissues. On x-ray seals with clear contours are visible. This type does not affect the functionality of the organ and its mechanical properties.

Focal pneumofibrosis of the lungs also has a clear location, as well as local. But differs in that inflammatory foci, as a rule, are multiple. They can affect one lung or both. The focal form develops against the background of tuberculosis, purulent-inflammatory processes (abscess).

Clinical picture of the disease

The first sign that gives reason to think about the presence of pathology in the body is shortness of breath.
. But since it does not cause tangible discomfort at first, patients do not pay attention to it.

On initial stage disease, this symptom manifests itself in the form of mild shortness of breath during physical exertion, which was previously well tolerated by a person. Patients attribute this fact to fatigue, malaise, poor sleep. Gradually, shortness of breath increases when walking on the street, climbing stairs. It is not easy for a person to walk long distances, to talk for a long time. IN severe cases shortness of breath manifests itself in the form of breath holding, lack of air. This state is always accompanied by panic fear.

The nature of breathing in pneumosclerosis is determined by the degree of lung damage. It is superficial, frequent, sometimes intermittent. The patient cannot do deep inhale-exhale. This is how chronic respiratory failure develops. It is compensated for a long time, but inevitably leads to hypoxia.

Symptoms respiratory failure with pneumosclerosis:

  • cyanosis skin(pale skin with a blue tint);
  • tachycardia - rapid heartbeat;
  • dyspnea;
  • the act of breathing is possible with the participation of auxiliary muscle groups;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • sleep disturbance - insomnia at night, drowsiness during the day;
  • prostration, chronic fatigue, decreased performance;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • on later dates- heart failure, edema different parts body.

Against the background of airway obstruction, pneumosclerosis is always accompanied by a cough. It comes in different intensities. It intensifies in the morning after sleep, when a person begins to actively move, and calms down by the middle of the day. Cough brings temporary relief. At severe attacks it causes pain in chest, usually behind the sternum and from the back along the lower border of the shoulder blades.

"Pulmonary heart", which develops more intensively with pneumofibrosis of the middle lobe of the right lung, is manifested by such clinical signs:

  • severe shortness of breath in a horizontal position (lying down);
  • pulsation in the upper abdomen, in the region of the arch of the diaphragm;
  • heart pains provoked by increased pressure in the pulmonary circulation and stretching of the pulmonary arterial trunk;
  • swelling of the neck veins, which increases on inspiration;
  • blood pressure may be slightly reduced;
  • hypothermia;
  • swelling.

The consequences of such irreversible processes are unfavorable.

Diagnosis of the disease

The study of patients is complex. It includes data collection, laboratory and instrumental techniques.

In order to determine the step-by-step direction in the examination of the patient, an anamnesis is collected. The patient is asked about the place of work, all the symptoms, the duration of the course of the disease, the estimated time of the onset of the first signs.

According to the laboratory data of the general blood test, no obvious changes are observed. Slightly elevated ESR, increased leukocyte count and clotting.

On auscultation - dry scattered or fine bubbling rales, breathing hard. With percussion - the sounds are short, the mobility of the pulmonary edge is limited.

Instrumental examination methods

X-ray of the lungs is the key diagnostic method.
. It accurately allows you to determine the presence, localization and extent of lesions. The lung on the right is always slightly lower than the left. The drawing is rebuilt, looks like honeycombs or cells.

Interpretation of the results of x-rays:

  • Basal pneumofibrosis lungs is a fibrous lesion of segments of the lower lobe of the lung, a consequence of the transferred inflammatory processes. It is also called postpneumonic fibrosis. In the affected area on the X-ray, increased brightness and a clear pattern are visible.
  • Radical pneumofibrosis of the lungs - proliferation of connective tissue in the area lung root where it connects to the mediastinal organs (heart, aorta). The x-ray shows clear compacted areas.
  • Linear pulmonary fibrosis - the defeat of one or more lung segments, linear shadows are visible in the image.
  • Post-radiation pneumofibrosis is a complication after irradiation (during treatment or as a result of an accident). On the x-ray there are no clear boundaries of the affected tissue, the outlines are blurred.

For the diagnosis of structural changes in pneumofibrosis of the hilar and basal departments appoint computed tomography, since these areas are not sufficiently visible and the replacement dystrophic process can spread to nearby organs. TC of the lungs allows layer-by-layer and detailed assessment of the degree of tissue damage, revealing their nature and dynamics of development.

To evaluate functions external respiration patients are prescribed spirometry - a test that determines deviations in the respiratory function of the lungs. During the study, the following indicators are evaluated:

  • lung volume (the amount of air inhaled at one time);
  • breathing rate;
  • maximum ventilation rates;
  • vital capacity lungs;
  • forced breathing;
  • exhalation airflow rate.

Patients are also prescribed bronchoscopy. She assesses the condition of the bronchi in the affected lung. With diffuse pneumosclerosis, no changes are observed, and with local destructive transformations are possible bronchial tree.

During a bronchoscopy, a sample of lavage fluid is taken from the lung. Cytological examination biomaterial allows to determine the etiology of the disease.

Treatment of pneumofibrosis

Treatment of pulmonary fibrosis is palliative, aimed at maintaining general condition patient and stopping or slowing down dystrophic processes in the organ.

Drug treatment involves the fight against an infectious factor - fungi, bacteria, viruses:

  • To improve the drainage function of the bronchial tree appoint antispasmodic drugs- Norepinephrine, Teofedrin, Isadrin, Fenoterol.
  • In severe cases, pulmonary fibrosis can be treated hormonal means groups of corticosteroids - Cortisone, Prednisolone. They relieve the severity of inflammation, reduce the immune response.
  • To eliminate airway obstruction, relieve cough and sputum discharge, mucolytic drugs (expectorants) are shown - Lazolvan, Erespal, Ascoril.
  • For decreasing severe pain in the chest area, patients are recommended non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Nimesil, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen.
  • To maintain the work of the heart muscle and saturate it with oxygen, cardiac glycosides are shown - Adonizide, Strofantin, Digoxin. To nourish the myocardium, patients take potassium preparations - Panangin, Asparkam.
  • IN without fail prescribe angioprotectors - Actovegin, Cardioxipin, Vasonit, Bilobil. They improve microcirculation by relaxing smooth muscle blood vessels, increase permeability, relieve swelling.

Structural lesions of the lungs are accompanied by intoxication of the body. To eliminate it, I use a universal detoxifying agent - Penicillamine. The drug affects the immune system, inhibits the production of certain types of leukocytes, and also disrupts collagen synthesis, which is extremely important for pneumofibrosis. The medicine is available in capsules for oral administration.

Pneumofibrosis is a severe chronic pathology that weakens the body. Patients lose weight. Therefore, as part of a complex drug treatment, vitamin preparations of groups B and E are prescribed.

Treat pulmonary fibrosis folk remedies impractical. Medicinal herbs can be used as a general strengthening therapy to support the immune system.

Patients must be treated twice a year in a hospital.


To combat hypoxia of tissues and organs, oxygen therapy is indicated - blood oxygen saturation

The patient is connected to a special device through which the gas mixture is supplied in the required proportions. Thus, oxygen deficiency is temporarily eliminated.

O 2 supply methods:

  • through a mask if a person breathes on his own;
  • through a nasal catheter (if there is a need for a constant supply of oxygen);
  • through an endotracheal tube if the patient is unconscious;
  • by placing the patient in a pressure chamber.

Other physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF, electrophoresis, the use of currents) are ineffective for pneumofibrotic changes.

To combat shortness of breath, strengthen the respiratory muscles and improve the quality of life, patients undergo a rehabilitation course of physical therapy. Classes are held under the supervision of medical staff with clearly dosed physical activity.

Doing sports on your own is strictly contraindicated. Incorrect calculation of the loads on the heart and lungs can lead to fatal consequences.

Preventive actions

Prevention of pneumofibrosis includes measures that reduce the risk of developing the disease.

In production with increased risk the impact of chemical compounds on the body must be strictly observed the rules of safety, labor protection and rest. People whose professional activities are associated with risks are recommended to undergo annual treatment in a dispensary, in a mountainous area or near the sea.

Also it is important to exclude household factors - smoking, inhalation of vapors chemical liquids(chlorine). Once a year, you need to undergo fluorography and medical examination (prophylactic examination of doctors).

If a person leads a healthy and active image life, the risks of disease are reduced many times over.

Pneumofibrosis is a severe lung disease with a poor outcome. It is dangerous to human life, and it cannot be completely cured. If the pathology is not detected in time, then maximum duration life will not exceed 5 years. If the patient's condition is extremely serious, supportive therapy will delay death for 3-5 months.

Pneumofibrosis of the lungs is a pathological proliferation of connective tissue under the influence of inflammation or dystrophic process.
This condition leads to a threat of respiratory dysfunction and deterioration of the ventilation of the organ.

Pneumofibrosis of the lungs - causes of development

The process of proliferation of connective tissue is long, the disease develops over many years.
Diseases of the respiratory system lead to this pathological process:

  • infectious and invasive lesions of the lungs, especially tuberculosis, syphilis, mycotic infections of tissues;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • allergic and fibrosing alveolitis.

The disease develops in people who are constantly exposed to risk factors:

  • work in hazardous industries (coal, gas, chemical industry, as well as work in dusty conditions);
  • chest injury;
  • foreign body in the bronchi;
  • insufficiency of therapy aimed at eliminating infectious lesions lungs;
  • violation of hemodynamics in the pulmonary circulation;
  • genetic predisposition and genetic diseases respiratory organs.

The formation of pneumofibrosis is promoted by atelectasis - adhesion of lung tissue. They arise as a result of sluggish bronchopneumonia, when there is a violation of the excretory function in the bronchi.

Loss of elasticity, deformation and atrophy of the muscle layer occurs due to damage to the bronchial wall. As a result, stagnation of infectious contents occurs.

Mass accumulations pathogenic microorganisms lead to the development of intestinal pneumonia with subsequent sclerotization lung tissue and a decrease in the air content in the cavity of the affected organ.

Clinical picture of pneumofibrosis

Early diagnosis difficult due to unclear and poorly expressed symptoms on early stages pneumofibrosis. Usually the patient goes to the hospital with a pronounced and advanced form of the disease.
Hypertrophy of the right ventricle developing against the background of the disease is expressed:

  • in loss of consciousness;
  • puffiness;
  • fainting.

If the disease is accompanied by pneumonia, then the patient's condition is severe, the symptoms are similar to the flu.

Characterized by:
  • headaches;
  • high temperature;
  • weakness;
  • aching muscles;
  • sore throat;
  • dry cough;
  • shortness of breath.

IN advanced cases the patient's fingers acquire a specific shape - the phalanges thicken, the fingers resemble a club in shape.
Pneumofibrosis affects various parts of the lungs, therefore clinical picture depends on the location of the injury. For this reason, such forms of the disease as basal, radical pneumofibrosis are distinguished.

Focal, local and diffuse forms differ in the area of ​​the lung tissues involved in the process.

The course of the disease is also specific depending on the cause of the pathology. In this case, a linear, interstitial and stranded form is distinguished.

Various forms of diseases

Basal pneumofibrosis is characterized by damage to the base of the lungs (basal sections). Diagnosis is made after x-ray. Medicines are prescribed to stop the inflammatory process. In other cases, supportive manipulations are recommended: herbal treatment and breathing exercises.

Radical form - the disease covers the fate of the root of the lung, the transferred bronchitis or pneumonia can serve as an impetus to the onset of the pathological process. Characteristic of primary tuberculosis, leading to lung deformation.

Focal pneumofibrosis - affects certain parts of the tissue, leads to a decrease in its volume and compaction. Respiratory and ventilation function is practically not disturbed. Under the microscope, it is a reduction in the lung area and compaction of its parenchyma.

Local form - in this form, the lung tissue loses its functions and is replaced by the connective tissue of the only part of the organ.
Diffuse pulmonary fibrosis is one of the most severe forms a disease in which the tissue of almost the entire organ, and sometimes both lungs, is affected.

The volume of the affected surface is greatly reduced due to compaction and tissue deformation, ventilation is disturbed.

Linear form - appears as a result of complications after suffering tuberculosis, pneumonia.
Interstitial pneumofibrosis - with this form, the patient suffers from shortness of breath, the disease develops due to inflammation in the pulmonary blood vessels.

Severe form - the disease progresses as a result of chronic inflammatory lung diseases. Smoking is the cause of the development of the disease at a young age. Cigarette smoke causes stagnation of mucus in the bronchi.

Useful information on video

Different types of diagnostics

Radiography - the best way detection of the disease even in asymptomatic cases. The data obtained during the study show the severity of the lesion, its degree and nature.
To detail pathological changes is carried out:

  • computed tomography (CT)
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
  • bronchography.

Radiological signs of pneumofibrosis are diverse, since accompanying illnesses make their changes.

These are the following pathological processes in the lungs:
  • pulmonary emphysema,
  • bronchiectasis,
  • Chronical bronchitis.

With these pathologies are observed:

  • strengthening the looping and reticulation of the lung pattern,
  • infiltration in the peribronchial tissue,
  • deformation of the walls of the bronchi.

Sometimes lower divisions lungs look like a porous sponge.

Bronchoscopy reveals bronchiectasis, traces of chronic bronchitis. To establish the activity and etiology of pathological processes, the cellular composition of the lavage of the affected organ is analyzed.

In the study of VC (vital capacity of the lungs) and the Tiffno index ( bronchial patency) use spirometry and peak flowmetry. A complete blood count does not show significant abnormalities in pneumofibrosis.

Complex treatment of pathology

How to treat pulmonary fibrosis? It is impossible to completely get rid of the disease.
Therapy of the disease is aimed at:

  • to stop the process
  • asphyxia prevention,
  • preservation normal state healthy tissues.

Specific therapy is prescribed by a pulmonologist. At acute course diseases and the presence of inflammatory processes require inpatient treatment.

The main direction of medical action is to eliminate the cause of the appearance of pathology.

In the absence of obvious clinical manifestations specific therapy not required.

In inflammatory processes are assigned:

  • expectorants;
  • mucolytics;
  • antibiotics.

Episodes of heart failure require the use of:

  • potassium preparations;
  • cardiac glycosides.

For elimination allergic reactions glucocorticoids are needed.
With suppuration and destruction of lung tissue, it is required surgical intervention for the purpose of resection of the affected area.
Physical methods of conservative treatment:

  • chest massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • walks on fresh air.

The latest innovation in the field of pulmonology is the use of stem cells in fibrotic lung diseases. This method improves gas exchange and the structure of the respiratory system.

At advanced stages lung transplantation is indicated to save the patient's life.

In the complex of events, it is necessary to use diet food. The diet is aimed at accelerating repair in the lungs and reducing the loss of protein in sputum.
High content foods shown:
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • potassium salts;
  • vitamins A and B9.

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Prognosis and prevention in case of a disease

It depends on the area of ​​the surface involved in the process and the rate of replacement of lung tissue with connective tissue. In the presence of secondary infections and tuberculous processes, the probability of a fatal outcome sharply increases.
Preventive measures include:

  • treatment of all colds on time, using the right methodology;
  • compliance with precautionary measures in hazardous industries;
  • hardening;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle: quitting smoking;
  • physical exercise.

Pneumofibrosis occurs in both men and women, but is most common in men over 50 years of age.

The progression of the disease can lead to disability and death, which is why it is so important timely diagnosis and qualified treatment.

Physiotherapy of pulmonary fibrosis

During the treatment of pneumofibrosis, the most important task is to eliminate all its causes. If pneumonia is detected, then you need to start immediately antibiotic therapy. In this case, different medications are often prescribed along with physical therapy. physical therapy. Pneumofibrosis or pneumonia should be treated until complete clinical and radiographic recovery. And then complete cure people must be registered with a specialist for a whole year.

But in addition to drug treatment, patients with this disease are prescribed physiotherapy. Iontophoresis and ultrasound with medicinal ingredients can be used as physiotherapy. This treatment gives excellent results.

And also, sometimes, oxygen therapy is prescribed, in which oxygen enters the lungs through a special device. In this case, oxygen is supplied as much as it is contained in the surrounding space.

Breathing exercises for this disease

Excellent assistants for pulmonary fibrosis are breathing exercises that help improve the functioning of the respiratory system, as well as strengthen the whole body due to the supply of oxygen to the collapsed areas of the lungs.

To strengthen respiratory organs there are many good methodical exercises, for example, the methods of Buteyko, Strelnikova. But you do not need to stick to only such methods, you can do easier breathing exercises, for example, inflating balloons. And for greater effect from such exercises, it is better to carry them out in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area.

Here are some great exercises:

  • take a deep breath, hold your breath for a while and exhale slowly;
  • while inhaling, slowly raise your hands up, exhale sharply and slowly lower your hands with the sound “ha”;
  • inflate balloons several times a day for about 1-2 minutes;
  • also very good exercise- this is to blow through a tube dipped into the water for about 2-3 minutes;
  • standing, feet shoulder-width apart, slowly lean forward, at the same time spread your arms to the sides, while leaning, take a breath with your stomach drawn in;
  • the next exercise should be performed lying on your back (you can on the floor), exhale through your mouth, slightly pressing your hands on the diaphragm.

Along with the above breathing exercises, you can do other exercises that contribute to better ventilation of the lungs, for example, if pneumofibrosis is associated with bronchitis or pneumonia.

But remember one rule - you can not do too difficult gymnastics with acute form illness, first wait for the body to recover a little, and then, in case of improvement, start doing gymnastics.

Treatment with folk remedies

With pneumofibrosis of the lungs, excellent folk recipes, time-tested, which were used in ancient times by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, can come to the rescue. Folk remedies are in no way inferior medications, but in their composition are considered more useful.

Let's talk about some miracle cures:

  1. Grind oman roots and rose hips in separate cups. We take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of these drugs, pour into a metal container. Pour 600 ml of water. We put on a small fire, after boiling, boil for another 15 minutes. We filter the finished broth and pour it into a thermos, put it in a dark place to infuse for several hours. Then we drink the decoction, like tea, 150 ml 2-3 times a day, for 2 months (just do not skip the application!). At low acidity it is recommended to drink this medicine 15 minutes before meals, and in case hyperacidity- half an hour after eating. If desired, you can add a little honey to the broth and drink chilled. Such a decoction helps to increase energy, so it is very good to drink it before exercise. At the same time, oman and rosehip perfectly regenerate lung tissue, cleanse the lungs of sputum, and prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes and infections in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.
  2. For the next recipe, you will need 2 tbsp. spoons of anise seeds. Pour them into a metal bowl, pour 250 ml of water, put on a slow fire. From the moment of boiling, remove from the stove. The cooled broth is taken 0.5 cup 2 times a day. Anise seeds can also be added to milk along with cayenne pepper, and to sweeten the taste, you can add a little honey. Drink in small sips at night. Or you can make a liqueur with anise seeds: take 50 grams of seeds, pour them with 500 ml of strong white wine or low-quality cognac. Mix everything well and put in a dark place to infuse for 2 weeks. Then we drink 100 grams after meals.
  3. Excellent healing effect against pneumofibrosis of the lungs has rosemary, as well as essential oils based on it. This plant and its oils cleanse the lungs of toxins and excess phlegm well. Rosemary-based medicine is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the development of lung cancer, because when last stage pneumofibrosis can develop malignant tumor. In addition, rosemary promotes good air circulation in the lungs and relaxes all bronchial pathways, which improves the condition of the respiratory organs. To prepare such a wonderful medicine, you need to cut rosemary into small pieces, pour it with water and honey 1: 1. Put it all in the oven and simmer for about 120 minutes. After that, cool and refrigerate. Use this composition for 1 tbsp. spoon morning and evening. You can also make a liquor from rosemary, which has an amazing effect in the treatment of pneumofibrosis: we take 50 grams of a finely chopped plant, pour 500 ml of red wine into it, pour 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, put on a slow fire, immediately remove from heat after boiling. Next, put the composition in a dark place for 48 hours. Store the strained drink in the refrigerator. Use 1 tbsp. spoon, 60 minutes after eating.

After one course of treatment with some folk remedy, your breathing will improve, and you can easily do various breathing exercises.

And, of course, before using any folk remedy, it is advisable to consult with your doctor in order to avoid irreparable complications.

Consequences and complications of this disease

Pneumofibrosis of the lungs leaves behind irreversible changes in the tissues of the lungs.

It is for this reason that the advanced stage of this disease is not completely cured, it is only possible to stop the further development of the process by adhering to preventive measures, which include:

  • to give up smoking;
  • When working with toxic substances, a respirator should be worn.

According to the characteristic features, pneumofibrosis is divided into progressive and non-progressive. The most dangerous is the progressive stage of pneumofibrosis, since there can be dangerous complications, including abscesses.

All exacerbations can give a person discomfort all his life. And the non-progressive stage is less dangerous, it develops almost without any clinical indicators. And if the patient will lead healthy lifestyle life, then the disease will not give painful shocks and complications.

How to treat pulmonary fibrosis

4.4 (88%) 15 votes

I have pneumofibrosis. How can it be treated in Russia? One of its manifestations is my asthma. I read that injections of the drug LONGIDAZA help soften the connective tissue in the area of ​​​​the blood flow of the liver, since when the connective tissue becomes inflamed, it coarsens and it limits the blood flow to the liver, which purifies the blood. I spoke with one therapist and he wanted to send me to the district, they say, they will treat you with hormonal drugs. I don't like hormonal drugs. Maybe there is something else? Like the drug LONGIDAZA and oxygen therapy, for example. I have to work, and when I lift weights, I get muscle spasm and an asthma attack begins with a decent time to normalize breathing. I wrote to doctors in Israel - they seem to be cured there, but they still need money. What do you advise?

Yuriy, Lugansk

Hello! Pulmonary emphysema, pneumofibrosis, chronic bronchitis with an asthmatic component (or obstructive chronic bronchitis), and in modern "medical" language - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) - this is pathological condition lung tissue when it accumulates more air than it should be. With emphysema, bronchial expiratory resistance increases. Pulmonary emphysema, chronic obstructive bronchitis, as a rule, is accompanied by pneumosclerosis.

  • Mix viburnum broth with honey (if there is no allergy to honey!) - to thin sputum and alleviate cough. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. The course is 2.5-3 months. A break of 2 months and again a course of 2.5-3 months.
  • Decoction of turnip garden. Grind the root crop and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day.
  • Turnip juice with honey. Drink 1 dessert spoon 3-4 times a day.
  • Mumiyo ( pharmacy drug) 1 capsule or tablet (0.2 g) in the morning, on an empty stomach, drink 2-3 sips of warm milk or grape juice. Course 20 days. Break - 1 month and again the course - 20 days. Yes, six months.
  • . Pour 1 cup of washed oats with 1 liter of distilled water at room temperature; insist 10 hours. Put on low heat, boil for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, wrap and let it brew for 12 hours. Strain. Top up to the original volume, i.e. up to 1 liter with distilled water. Take 100 ml 3 times a day, before meals. The course is 1.5 months. Break 1 month and repeat the course - 1.5 months. So for 1.5 years.
  • To reduce the viscosity of mucus a good remedy is a mixture of horseradish and lemon juice. Grate horseradish, take 100-150 g in a bottle. Add the juice of 2 lemons to it - you get a thick sauce. Insist 1 day. Take 1 teaspoon in the morning and afternoon daily. Do not drink water or tea. In the first days of taking the medicine, it will cause watery eyes, but in the following days you will “cry” less and less. According to the healers, "The more tears, the less mucus left in the bronchi." Horseradish should be fresh, no more than a week old. The medicine (sauce) can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a month.
  • Iris. A decoction of dried and crushed iris roots acts as a blood-purifying, expectorant, sputum-thinning agent. With pneumosclerosis, emphysema, bronchial asthma, with bronchiectasis, with obstructive bronchitis, take a decoction of 1 dessert spoon every two to three hours. Preparation 1 tablespoon of crushed iris roots is boiled in 300 ml of water for 7-10 minutes. Leave for 1 hour. Strain. Add honey to taste.
  • Common thyme. Used as an expectorant and disinfectant with chronic (and obstructive) bronchitis, pneumosclerosis, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia. It helps to relieve cough with whooping cough and tracheitis. Pour 2 tablespoons of herbs into 300 ml of water and boil in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Cool, strain. Take 50 g 4-5 times a day.
  • Every day for 3 months, drink tea from the herb Origanum vulgaris. Course 3 months; a break of 1 month and again a course of 3 months.
  • Coltsfoot. Infusion of leaves is used for pneumosclerosis, bronchial asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, laryngitis. Brew 4 teaspoons of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 80 ml 3-4 times a day.

You should draw up a treatment plan for yourself, with alternating courses of treatment with drugs (2-3 drugs each), so that during breaks in taking some drugs, start treatment with others. You just need to show patience and perseverance, not giving up treatment halfway through.

And my advice to you ... In no case do not take this as an advertisement. Moscow has Doctor Buteyko Center. This wonderful specialist just specializes in lung diseases. I strongly advise you to call there and talk to the doctor of the Center. Phones (495) - 101-41-77 (Buteyko clinic); 304 - 18 - 89 and (495) - 176 - 00 - 63. Be sure to call and tell us about what is happening to you. It may turn out that in this Center or in its branches you will be helped to recover.

Health to you, health!

Pulmonary fibrosis is a severe pathology of the respiratory organs, in which fibrous tissue forms in the lungs, interfering with normal functioning organs. With the appearance of fibrous cords, the main characteristics of the lung tissue change significantly. It becomes less extensible, loses its elasticity. As a result, the function of filling the lungs with oxygen is impaired, due to which patients suffer from lung failure. Since the pathology is quite specific, it is important to know how to treat pulmonary fibrosis and whether there are prospects for the treatment of this disease.

The disease can occur in both acute and chronic stages. Acute pulmonary fibrosis occurs extremely rarely, mainly the disease occurs gradually and progresses for a long time, leading to respiratory failure. If such a complication is diagnosed in a patient, then the progression of the pathology in the future is rapid - in just a couple of months, patients are overtaken by a fatal outcome. Is it possible to cure patients from such a serious disease?

The danger of pulmonary fibrosis lies not only in the presence of the pathology itself, but also in the complications that the pulmonary disease causes. Severe consequences of fibrosis for patients are pleurisy, pneumothorax, chronic cor pulmonale and other diseases. Leading causes of death are respiratory and heart failure, thromboembolism, pneumonia and cancer.

Treatment of pulmonary fibrosis is extremely difficult due to the fact that to stop the progression of the appearance fibrous tissue in the body is almost impossible. Among the help to patients with pulmonary fibrosis are:

  • drug therapy;
  • surgical method of treatment - lung transplantation;
  • rehabilitation non-drug measures.

The main goal of all types of care is to provide the patient with an improvement in the quality of life and prevent further aggravation of the respiratory system.

Rehabilitation methods

Rehabilitation techniques are extremely important for patients because they minimize the manifestation of symptoms:

  • relieve shortness of breath;
  • improve the ability of patients to perform minimal physical activity, which becomes impossible with the development of respiratory failure.

As preventive measures doctors insist on annual vaccination of such patients against influenza, since patients are extremely difficult to tolerate colds viral diseases and then suffer complications. Every five years, for the same purpose, patients are vaccinated against pneumococcus. In especially severe cases, plasmapheresis and hemosorption are performed.

Taking into account the individual capabilities of the patient and in order to prevent pneumosclerosis, physical training, allowing to activate, as far as possible, the work of the lungs and improve the saturation of tissues with oxygen.

Medical treatment of the disease

The main categories of drugs that are preferred to treat pulmonary fibrosis are a group of cytostatics, glucocorticoids and antifibrotic agents. The most popular among glucocorticoids is Prednisolone. If the patient tolerates this medicine well, then it is prescribed for long courses up to three months. If therapy with Prednisolone is ineffective, cytostatic drugs are added to the treatment regimen and therapy is extended for another six months.

With the use of anti-fibrotic drugs, it is possible to stop the progression of the disease for a while.

Despite the fact that there are drugs that act against fibrosis of the lung tissue, side effects such drugs are very large. For example, glucocorticoid therapy leads to osteoporosis, myopathies, increased blood pressure, stomach ulcers, the appearance of mental disorders. Cytostatic drugs, in turn, disrupt the functioning of the gonads, promote baldness, inhibit hematopoiesis, reduce the protective properties of the body and can provoke gastrointestinal pathologies.

Azathioprine has much less side effects. It is an immunosuppressant drug that blocks cell division and degeneration of tissues into fibrous. The drug is well absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, the maximum in the blood is reached 1-2 hours after ingestion. All patients can take the drug, except for pregnant women. If problems with the liver and kidneys occur, the drug is taken by dividing the dose by four times.

Also, as an antifibrotic agent, doctors prescribe patients Colchicine, which inhibits the production of fibronectin. A certain positive effect was also observed when Veroshpiron was used in patients, which prevents the formation of fibrous tissue not only in the lungs, but also in the liver and heart tissue.

Surgical treatment of pathology

If conservative treatment fails positive results doctors are considering a lung transplant. There are clear indications for this:

  • the development of hypoxia if a person experiences physical stress;
  • a significant decrease in the vital capacity of the lungs;
  • a decrease in the diffuse capacity of the organ by half;
  • development of severe respiratory failure.

Sometimes a lung transplant is the only way to prolong the life of a patient with fibrosis. More than half of transplant patients have extended their lives by an average of five years. Every three months, such patients need to consult a general practitioner and a pulmonologist.

For many patients, it is lung transplantation that becomes the “lifeline”

Lung transplant for many patients is the only way cure fibrosis. Transplantation is carried out for those patients whose life expectancy, according to forecasts, will not exceed two years. The donor is selected from healthy people, his age should not be more than 55 years. If a single lung transplant is performed, then the age of the donor is up to 65 years. The donor should not smoke, he should have a normal radiograph, no aspiration discharge in the bronchi.

It is very important that the donor's lungs fit light size recipient.

Before transplantation, a visual control and a test for tissue compatibility are carried out. An interesting fact is that only every fourth lung is suitable for transplantation. Before taking a lung, a special solution is injected into the donor and washed pulmonary artery, and then the lung is removed and filled with one hundred percent oxygen. In this form, it is transported to the recipient, the temperature should be from 0 to -1 degrees.

The operation is performed using a thoracotomy. After removal of the affected lung, the bronchus is sutured, and then an anastomosis of the vessels is created. During the operation, the donor's lungs are under a gauze napkin, in which ice crumbs are wrapped. Once the operation is done, the recipient is scheduled for intensive care:

  • prescribe large doses antibacterial agents for the prevention of infections;
  • physiotherapy treatment;
  • perform bronchoscopy.

Usually, in case of an unfavorable operation, rejection can begin from 3 to 5 days, almost all recipients whose lungs were rejected experienced this process within the first month. If this does not happen, the operation can be considered successful.

Treatment with folk remedies

It is possible to alleviate the symptoms of the disease with folk remedies. For this purpose, you can use various infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs. As an example, we give several recipes for the treatment of pneumofibrosis.

For cooking medicinal product will be needed in equal parts take rose hips and elecampane root, grind the components and pour water in a saucepan at the rate of one tablespoon of the dry component one glass of water. This remedy it is necessary to bring to a boil and boil over low heat for 15 minutes, then place in a thermos for three hours to infuse.

Rosehip broth with elecampane should be drunk in half a glass for two months before meals. It is very important not to interrupt treatment, to have on hand finished product to always drink medicine. Elecampane in combination with wild rose helps to remove phlegm from the lungs, restores tissues and protects the lungs from inflammation.

Rosehip and elecampane will help to cope with the symptoms of the disease, but will not eliminate its cause.

Another recipe for treating fibrosis is the use of aniseed. To prepare the product, you will need one tablespoon of anise seeds, which is poured into a glass of water, brought to a boil and immediately removed from the stove. The broth should be allowed to cool, after which it is recommended to drink half a glass of liquid.

In the fight against pulmonary fibrosis Rosemary also performed well. It not only cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, but also improves blood circulation in the lungs and bronchi and helps restore lung tissue. Sprigs of finely chopped rosemary must be mixed in equal proportions with water and simmer for a couple of hours in the oven.

As soon as time will pass, turn off the oven, cool the rosemary and add exactly the same amount of liquid honey. The product is well mixed and put in the refrigerator. Use the medicine once a day in the morning.

Helps to cope with the symptoms of pathology and flax-seed. Cough and shortness of breath annoy patients with pneumofibrosis, so to eliminate these signs of the disease, you need to prepare an infusion of flaxseed - add a glass of boiling water to a tablespoon of the seed and keep it covered for twenty minutes. Every evening you need to drink one glass of the remedy.

Eliminate the manifestations of pneumofibrosis and alleviate the health of patients will help herbal infusion. For its preparation, it is recommended to take mistletoe, elecampane, hawthorn, cyanosis roots, ephedra and mix everything thoroughly. Then the agent is poured with a glass of boiling water (per 1 tablespoon) and infused for half an hour. You can boil the contents for five minutes on fire. Take half a glass twice a day.

When treating pulmonary fibrosis, it must be remembered that complete recovery cannot be achieved. Patients are only given symptomatic therapy, facilitating the course of the disease, but the disease can be completely cured only by a radical method.

pneumofibrosis is a disease characterized by the appearance and subsequent growth of connective tissue in the lungs. This state is not fully independent disease. Rather, it is the outcome (consequence) of certain lesions of the pulmonary system.

Pneumofibrosis refers to general group pneumosclerotic diseases. In addition to it, this group also includes pneumosclerosis and cirrhosis of the lung. These subspecies differ among themselves in the intensity of growth of connective tissue in the lungs. Among them, pneumofibrosis is distinguished by the slowest growth rate of connective tissue, and sclerosis and cirrhosis are faster.

Pneumofibrosis is usually divided into local pneumofibrosis and diffuse. Diffuse pneumofibrosis is characterized by the appearance of large areas of lung tissue replacement by connective tissue. In a local variant of pneumofibrosis (focal pneumofibrosis), all processes will be concentrated in any one focus (locus) and will rarely go beyond its borders.

Now pneumofibrosis began to appear much more often. This can be explained by the increased impact of harmful substances that enter the body through the respiratory route on the lung tissue. Also recently, the process of chronic lung diseases (such as pneumonia) has significantly increased, which very often turn into pneumofibrosis.

Pneumofibrosis causes

Pneumofibrosis is a disease consisting of various causes. As mentioned above, pneumofibrosis will never occur on its own. In order for it to appear, the presence of so-called primary diseases and conditions that will lead to the development of pneumofibrosis must be mandatory. The most basic of them are:

– Various infectious agents and pneumonia

— Exposure to toxic substances, dust

- Chest injuries affecting the lungs

– The results of the development of diseases affecting the connective tissue

- Consequences of insufficiency of the function of the left ventricle and subsequent stagnation of blood in the pulmonary vessels

As it has already become clear, the main pathological mechanism that will occur in the lungs with pneumofibrosis will be the replacement of lung tissue with connective tissue. The reasons for its appearance in pneumofibrosis are different and depend on the primary disease that caused pneumofibrosis. For example, connective tissue in the lungs may appear as a result of the organization of an inflammatory effusion (a striking example is pneumofibrosis as a result of inflammation of the pleura). Also, it can appear due to the direct toxic effect on the lung cells of inhaled substances. As a result, they will die and then be replaced by connective tissue.

But the most common cause of the appearance of connective tissue replacement in the lungs with pneumofibrosis is, of course, hypoxia of the lung tissue. The fact is that hypoxia of the lung tissue will cause the activation of cells, fibroblasts. These fibroblasts, reacting to hypoxia, will begin to produce collagen quickly and in large quantities. It is collagen that will become a subspecies of connective tissue, which will replace the lung tissue.

In addition to the main "connective tissue" mechanism of pneumofibrosis, there are also about three main "key" reasons for the development of this disease. This is a violation of lung ventilation, bronchial drainage and damage to adequate blood and lymph circulation.

Violation of lung ventilation directly follows from the main mechanism of pneumofibrosis, and it can be explained as follows. Normally, the lung tissue is quite elastic and it is its elasticity that plays important role in the process of breathing. The higher the elasticity of the lung tissue, the greater the body's efforts will be needed to stretch this tissue as much as possible. Therefore, high levels of intrapulmonary pressure are injected. In turn, a high level of intrapulmonary pressure presses the alveolar wall from the inside and, thus, straightens it on inspiration.

But with pneumofibrosis, many alveoli are already affected by connective tissue. Unlike lung tissue, this type of tissue has practically no elastic properties. The lower the elasticity of the alveolar tissue, the easier it will be possible to stretch it. This means that the body will not need to apply a lot of force to stretch. Therefore, the level of intrapulmonary pressure decreases. But such low level pressure will not be able to open the alveoli, and their walls will collapse. As a result, part of the lung tissue will simply turn off from common system enrichment of the body with oxygen: unopened alveoli will not be able to fill with oxygen and transfer it through their capillaries to the body.

Violation of the drainage function of the bronchi occurs due to inflammatory conditions of the bronchial wall as a result of its inflammatory swelling. As a result, the outflow of the secret is disturbed, and it accumulates. These deposits of bronchial secretions become favorable for the development of infection in them, which will cause secondary inflammatory outbreaks throughout the lung.

In turn, blockage of the bronchus will lead to the fact that the contact of a certain lobe of the lung with the inhaled air will be disturbed. This again will lead to the fact that the processes of intrapulmonary pressure will be disrupted and this lobe of the lung will simply subside.

In addition to the inflammatory disorder of the normal drainage of the bronchus, the cause of pneumofibrosis can be impaired motility of bronchial secretion. Usually, they occur when the neuromuscular component of the bronchi is disturbed.

Lymph circulation and blood circulation can be disturbed due to compression of the vessels in the lungs. Blood circulation can also be disturbed and cause pneumofibrosis if blood stagnation processes begin in the vessels surrounding the lung. Most often, these stagnations can appear due to vasospasm, or their inflammation, which will narrow the lumen. As a result of a long static stay in the vessels, the stagnant fluid gradually begins to pass through its wall (sweat), forming a protein exudate. This proteinaceous effusion gradually sprouts with connective tissue, which then gradually replaces individual alveoli (most often those that are located near the site of stagnation). Again, pneumofibrosis develops.

Thus, it is possible to distinguish a certain chain of basic changes in pneumofibrosis. First, the lung tissue is affected by the primary disease, the lung is affected by its main pathological factor. This factor is divided into the following types: impaired pulmonary ventilation, problems in the drainage function of the bronchi, or disorders in the lymphatic and circulatory network of the lungs. Each of these factors will be accompanied by the replacement of normal lung tissue with a pathological, connective one.

For each factor, the processes of the appearance of connective tissue develop in different ways: for someone they will become the root cause (as in a violation of pulmonary ventilation), for someone they will become a consequence. But all three reasons will have them. Further, separate loss of lung tissue from the mechanism of respiration will appear, and a certain subspecies of respiratory failure and disturbances in the exchange of gases between the alveoli, vessels and tissues will develop in the body.

Signs of pneumofibrosis

Pneumofibrosis has local and diffuse forms manifestations. Basically, most often, the clinic of pneumofibrosis manifests itself precisely in patients with the second form, since with focal pneumofibrosis, the clinic of the disease may not appear at all (due to less systemic damage).

by the most bright sign, indicating damage to the lung tissue, will be shortness of breath. At first, it will occur during physical overload, and then it will appear at rest. Often it will be accompanied strong cough and separation of viscous, purulent sputum. Visually, patients can find the presence of widespread cyanosis (it will occur due to severe hypoxia in the lungs).

Possible chest pain whining character, fast fatiguability, sudden weight loss, general weakness. At predominant lesion basal parts of the lungs, “Hippocratic fingers” (the so-called drumsticks) are often formed.

Patients may complain of rather strong pain in the chest on coughing. You can hear wheezing in the area of ​​the lower parts of the lungs, as well as the characteristic “cork friction sound”, which is a sign of the advanced stages of pneumofibrosis.

In the presence of complications, signs of insufficiency of the small blood circle may begin to appear: hemoptysis, sputum with streaks of blood, etc.

In addition to the above signs that are characteristic of pneumofibrosis, there will also be signs of primary diseases: for example, manifestations of pneumonia or.

Diagnosis of pneumofibrosis

The most important diagnostic criterion pneumofibrosis is, of course, an X-ray examination of the lungs. It allows you to find the first signs of the disease, as well as to identify the presence of concomitant pathologies. In addition, this study will help to distinguish pneumofibrosis with similar symptoms.

The main sign of pneumofibrosis will be an increase in the pulmonary pattern and its deformation. The shadows of the vessels expand, and in the affected area you can even see individual shadows of small branches of the vessels with their disturbed direction. You can also find the so-called "lung shadows" with uneven and sharp contours. These shadows are areas of the damaged lung.

At advanced stages, on an x-ray, you can find signs of a complete connective tissue structure of the lung: shadow lines in various, chaotic directions, dense and cavernous areas (like "honeycombs") and lung roots deformed by scars (radial pneumofibrosis).

The second important study will be studies on the function of external respiration. Estimate a special value - the Tiffno index. Its decrease (usually less than 70%) will be a sign of a violation of external respiration. To this index, indicators of lung volume are examined: VC (vital capacity of the lungs) and FVC (functional vital capacity). For pneumofibrosis, their decrease will be characteristic. Such a change in the above indicators is called restrictive and is characteristic of diseases with lesions of the lung tissue.

The third point of the research plan will be a bronchological examination. It usually helps to separate focal pneumofibrosis from diffuse. With a diffuse variant of the disease, there will be no changes in the bronchus cavity, with a focal one, you can find bronchial extensions ().

Pneumofibrosis treatment

In the treatment of pneumofibrosis, the main thing is to eliminate the cause or treat the primary disease.

In the presence of pneumonia, a good antibiotic therapy should be prescribed. The combination is often used drug therapy and therapeutic physical culture. With pneumofibrosis, pneumonia must be treated until complete clinical and radiological recovery. After treatment, such patients are put on an active record, which lasts about 1 year.

Also, patients with pneumofibrosis are prescribed expectorants (Bromhexine) and a special "drainage" position in bed, which will help sputum to drain.

If pneumofibrosis is complicated inflammatory processes, then, as with pneumonia, certain antibacterial regimens are prescribed: preparations from a number of macrolides and cephalosporins are best suited for them. It is important to know that with pneumofibrosis, the number of infectious agents in the lungs can exceed several tens, so it is advisable to use antibacterial drugs with a wide range of activities. Together with antibiotics, glucocorticoids are prescribed.

With a cardiological underlying cause of the disease or with insufficient heart function, which has already developed as a result of pneumofibrosis, preparations of cardiac glycosides are prescribed. Strofantin or Korglikon are most often used.

Also, do not forget about vitamin therapy and physiotherapy. In stages of pneumofibrosis without pulmonary insufficiency good effect have iontophoresis and ultrasound procedures with medicinal substances.

Even with pneumofibrosis, oxygen therapy is prescribed. It saturates the lungs with oxygen, which is not enough for the lungs affected by the disease. Typically, oxygen is supplied in the same amount as it is present in the surrounding atmosphere.

And you can not miss another important point of treatment - this is the appointment of special respiratory movements. They improve respiratory functions and support the body, as well as help supply oxygen to the collapsed areas of the lungs.

Prevention of pneumofibrosis is proper treatment primary diseases that cause pulmonary fibrosis. It is necessary to identify and cure diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia in time, before they go into the stage of complications. It is also important to give up bad habits, especially smoking.

In addition, it is necessary to strictly adhere to safety precautions when working with substances toxic to lung cells: if necessary, use masks and respirators. If a worker of such production is diagnosed with pneumofibrosis, then it is necessary to immediately transfer him to another job.

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