Conspiracies in the cemetery for desire. Conspiracy on the cemetery land. A love spell for the return of a loved one, which is held in a cemetery

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, decided to devote this material to the behavior of rituals in the cemetery. Everything about the inhabitants of the cemetery, about grave rites, and about preparing for them in this article. The cemetery is mystical, magical, a place of Power with heavy necrotic energy. Here intensively goes its own life, invisible to the average man in the street, frightening and unreal, almost fabulous. But, the fact is that everything that the old books of Russian witchcraft traditions tell about, everything that modern magicians talk about and warn about - all this is real!

Restlessness - what it is, and how this phenomenon manifests itself on the physical level

Scanning the graves, a real magician sees the dead lying in them with a special vision, just like classic mummies are shown in the movies: the torso, arms and legs are a single inseparable system. This state of the grave is considered normal. If the body, when scanned, is perceived as a butterfly chrysalis or a spindle-shaped cocoon, this is much worse. It means that the dead is worried about something. And when in a cocoon, the cocoon vibrates, as if breathing, so it is no longer a dead person. The essence does not want to remain in the grave, in this state of restlessness it breaks out.

No, of course, he won’t be outside, and he won’t break out into the white light, but this is an alarm signal. The state of such a grave can autonomously change within one to two weeks. And if at the same time the state of several burials is transformed, then the bill can go for a day.

The next stage of such a non-standard evolution is the grave begins to breathe. It looks like this: at the head of the grave, usually at the very base of the slab or cross, a hole appears, perhaps not of a rounded shape, but without any mound of earth along the edges of the hole, as is the case with a hole in a hole.

Usually the appearance of such a hole is accompanied by a stench. This is especially acute in relatively recent burials, and reveals convulsive contractions and bends of the cocoon. In city cemeteries, the usual restlessness at this stage ends, and the formation of the Bone Dragon begins - an accumulation of negative, gloomy heavy necrotic energy dangerous to living people.

But the Bone Dragon is not the worst thing that can happen to a graveyard.

In rural cemeteries, the situation can develop according to a much more serious scenario. It can go as far as self-opening of the grave. There were cases of restoration of physical activity of still undecomposed bodies. Such cases have been recorded in:

  • Czech Republic,
  • Ukraine
  • and Russia.

And the culprits of such unnatural and terrifying phenomena were necromages, or as in the Slavic tradition they called magicians working with necrotic energies, walking and self-knowledge - Navi Volkhari. In such complex cases of anomalous activity of magic, one has to work with each grave separately or perform acts of purification in the literal sense, i.e. physically, digging up the bodies during the day and burning them in one fire.

The rules for the behavior of sorcerers in the cemetery are special

A real magician does not go to graves without work. And, having come, he shows respect for the place of Power. Which, unfortunately, can not be said about the townsfolk. They do not know much, but they should know.

Real magician refers to the cemetery respectfully. When entering, he bows from the right hand, when leaving, he bows from the left - this is how it is done among practitioners of the black craft. Entering, you need to greet the Master of the Cemetery, name yourself, say why you came. When leaving, you can not look back; the first time to turn around is allowed only after crossing the boundary of the cemetery. Then you should bow, thank the Host and say goodbye. If there are no special instructions for a specific black rite, then a professional magician conjures on a grave with his head uncovered.

If the magician takes something from the cemetery, he will definitely leave something in return, the classic version is silver or copper coins. Items taken from the cemetery, you can not make and store in the house. For this purpose, the magician must have a special room - a barn, garage or some non-residential utility room.

  • In no case should you take things that were previously the personal property of the dead! Neither ransoms of silver, nor sacrificial blood will help. This rule is immutable. For those who have been initiated through death, this rule does not apply to bones, but it also works for personal items.
  • Do not leave your personal belongings in the cemetery. If the magician, leaving, forgot something there, he must return, pay for the thing with silver coins, and take the object out and burn it.
  • You can’t spit on the graves, blow your nose, you can’t spill your blood on the cemetery ground. If this nevertheless happened, then you need to rub it with the heel of your left foot - such a sign.
  • You can't scream or run in the cemetery.

Real magicians know these rules well and observe them.

Is it true that a cemetery is one huge anomalous zone and an accumulation of negativity?

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, have this opinion on this matter - there are anomalous zones in almost any cemetery. But this, of course, is not the whole territory, but only some of its parts. According to my personal observations, the magician Sergei Artgrom, such areas appear either in the old, abandoned parts of the cemetery, not visited by people, or where the restless one lies. In fact, there are few such graves, and for the dead to become restless, special conditions are needed.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Is it true that a cemetery is a concentration of negativity?

So categorically, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, would definitely not speak! A cemetery is rather a place where negativity is assimilated and neutralized. True, there is one point - the accumulation of restless graves and the formation of the Bone Dragon. But, this is a separate issue. Tracking anomalous zones in the cemetery- a difficult task even for practicing magicians. You need to have a flair for such things. Most sorcerers find an accumulation of negativity being processed and take these temporary changes as anomalous zones.

Of great importance for the success and final result of the cemetery ritual is the correct choice of the grave. Any cemetery rite has its own characteristics when choosing a grave. Either you need a grave up to nine days, then up to forty, active graves. To find an active grave, you need to conduct diagnostics. The work of novice magicians often happens, and all because the adept chooses the wrong ones, he works on empty, extinct ones, where there is no one else.

Often magical rituals are done on nominal graves, but sometimes nameless ones are also needed. Much less often they conjure on children's and infant graves. On such graves, they induce very strong damage to the death of the enemy. There is a special category of damage, which, according to the conditions of the rite, must be done on restless graves, where the ghoul spins and breaks out. It is the most dangerous to work with such graves, and only the most experienced necromages are allowed to perform the rites of black witchcraft. Why is that? This is where a special mechanism and principles of magic come into play.

How can a magician start conjuring in a graveyard

Here are more rules for working in cemeteries for beginners, known and observed by experienced magicians.

When they go to the cemetery for a magical ritual, they take with them:

  • clean running water from a spring or river,
  • crossroad stone,
  • oak branch, alder, birch or mountain ash.

This will come in handy when the sorcerer leaves the cemetery land. Having left the gate, you need to stop and put a stone between yourself and the cemetery, saying:

“In the place where the sky closes, there is a stone, this stone is a rock in the middle of the sea, it stands still and does not move. The first barrier, the first feature.

“In the place where the sky closes, there is a sacred, mighty tree. The second barrier, the second feature.

Stepping back a little, the sorcerer pours water on the road and says:

“In the place where the sky closes, there is a river, the river flows into the sea-ocian, you can’t dry it, you can’t swim across it, you can’t drink it. The third barrier, the third feature.

Before you go to conjure at the grave, you need to make a search, reconnoiter the situation. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, think that every sorcerer, before choosing a cemetery for rituals, went around a lot of graves. A novice necromage should not be under the illusion that he will be welcome. Magical rites go well if one of the blood relatives of the sorcerer is buried in that cemetery, or communication with the Masters of the cemetery is well established. Otherwise, they won’t let you conjure, they will confuse you, they will bring trouble, and even some undead can get along.

If the necromagician is a beginner, does not know the rules, the cemetery inhabitants will immediately understand this, and therefore they can bury them in the cemetery for fun. A beginner will beat around the bush, and the right grave will be right in front of him! He will look and not see, he will pass by. Therefore, if a necromagician wants to start conjuring in that cemetery, where he has never performed rituals, and where there are no relatives, then you need to make sure that the spirits get used to him, and that the cemetery egregor - the Master, gives permission to work.

Preparation is carried out ritually. There are several magical rituals, and here is one of them. When the sun rose above the horizon, but did not cross its border, at the dawn of a new day, the magician comes to the cemetery and scatters grain collected from 3 types on abandoned graves. So the magician must do 7 sunrises in a row. Then 7 visits at sunset, when the sun has already touched the horizon with its edge, but the disk is still good to see. You need to have time to do a magic ritual, and leave before the sun sets. Now you need to choose the vending burials. It is necessary to bring memorial gifts to the spirits of the graves, to put things in order. So you need to choose at least five graves. Passing through the cemetery, occasionally you can throw grain - it will come in handy for the future. On the 14th day, one should stay after sunset and wander a little between the graves.

You can enter the well-groomed graves only if the gate is open.

But, if the gate is closed, it is better not to meddle. The exception is abandoned graves. Leaving the cemetery, you need to choose one gate for yourself. A real sorcerer, working on cemetery land, must use the same gate. Do not enter or exit through the gate to the cemetery. Through the gates the dead are taken to the place. Going to the gate, and standing with your back to the graves, mentally say goodbye, and leave without looking back, without twisting your head, no matter what you dream about. It is good if a river or a stream flows between the black sorcerer's house and the cemetery. Water washes away any negativity, takes everything upon itself, cleanses it. After the barrier between the magician and the graveyard entities is established, you can go freely, look around, talk if someone you know meets along the way.

From this night, the magician can begin to work in that cemetery. Local residents will accept it, and will help. But, the most important thing that a beginner needs to learn forever is that a cemetery is a unique ecosystem, a huge house, and, heading there, a living person, first of all, comes to visit. Every house has its owners, and the cemetery is no exception. Any, even the most powerful sorcerer, is not at home on the cemetery grounds, but at a party, and they do not go to visit empty-handed.

Appeasing grave spirits during a cemetery ritual

An obligatory greeting before a magical ritual, which must be performed at any grave chosen for witchcraft purposes. Having found a grave suitable for the ceremony, the necromagician must pay respect to her. It is necessary to stomp the left foot on the ground, a pinch of grated dry bread (payoff, the original sacrifice) and read the words of the cemetery conspiracy:

“As the people of Yarylka’s kingdom welcome, so I welcome you, the grave, you are the door, you are the passage that is now open. Amen".

This is a greeting. It should be before every ceremony on the cemetery land, regardless of the purpose for which the work will be carried out. In black magic there is such a belief:

“It was believed that the sound of a left foot strike on the ground reaches the depths of the realm of the dead, awakening spirits from sleep. At the call of the sorcerer, they will appear to fulfill the request, while the grave will serve as a gateway to the world of the living.

And only after the greeting, you can proceed to the rite itself. It is not recommended to deviate from how it is prescribed to do the ceremony. It is better to follow everything that is said in the job description.

Amazing things sometimes happen to people who have experienced tragedy. Without knowing it, they perform a ritual during the funeral of a loved one to attract wealth. Subsequently, they cannot understand what happened. Wealth is on the heels:

  • a highly paid job is offered all of a sudden;
  • business begins to grow like yeast dough;
  • an inheritance falls on your head or a lottery win.

And when the magicians tell them about the ritual performed, they refuse. They goggle in surprise: “Who did the ceremony for money in the cemetery? I? Can't be". Naturally, after all, these people did not put any thought of wealth into the funeral procession. Let's see how they got real magic.

How they did it in the old days

In ancient times, it was believed that a dead person could take all the hardships and failures of his kind to that world. An ancient rite for wealth through a cemetery is built on this. Its technology is simple:

  • so that failures left the family with the deceased, it was supposed to place in the coffin (on the right) a twig from the old broom (broom), which swept the yard;
  • the oldest woman in the family did it;
  • a twig was imperceptibly thrown into the coffin when the ropes on the legs were untied.

The woman had to say these words:

The road is dark - the ground is cold. Rest in peace, rest in peace. Take away all misfortunes, pains and misfortunes. Sweep with a broom, do not open your eyes!

Vorozhe was forbidden to go to the wake. She had to sit alone until the morning after the funeral. And at dawn she swept the whole yard, and carried the broom along with breakfast to the grave. She buried it there, breaking it into small pieces and tying them with a rope that she removed from the deceased yesterday.

Attention: the rope, which is used to tie the legs of a corpse, has great black power. It is not recommended to experiment with it. It is better to conduct the ceremony according to the modern system.

How can a person "accidentally" spell during a funeral

Let's analyze how money rituals spontaneously come out at the cemetery. We started with the fact that some unfortunate people do magic by accident. And it turns out they are much better than those who did the ritual intentionally and purposefully. The logic of the process is as follows:

  1. The unfortunate man goes behind the coffin, sorting through the memories of the deceased in his head, analyzing what was done wrong, where he offended in vain, and the like.
  2. His grief is sincere. Often a person blames himself for something, tries to realize how it was necessary to act.
  3. Repentance is one of the ways to get rid of corruption (especially for well-being). While the funeral is going on, this unfortunate man cleanses himself.
  4. The spirit of the deceased sees all this and takes the negative energies with it.

Attention: this process does not depend on the degree of relationship. People are all interconnected. If you follow the coffin of a stranger and repent, admitting your guilt, then his spirit will take the negative with it.

  1. And after a certain time (it is different for everyone), the life situation changes for the better. Money begins to appear by itself in large quantities. And the bottom line is that the negative, bad energies left along with the deceased.

Ritual on the churchyard with a castle

Conspiracies for money are quite diverse. It must be remembered that they have the same basis - the transfer of negativity to the spirit leaving for another world. He will gladly accept it and take it away. And to fix the result and create a money amulet, an ordinary lock with a shackle will help.

The following is to be done:

  1. On Friday, on the waxing moon before noon, you should purchase a castle. Delivery is not recommended.
  2. You will also need:
    • a piece of yellow fabric (it would be nice to buy brocade);
    • an old broom that was used at home (natural);
    • a pinch of salt (you can take the one that is at home).
  3. Divination is held on Thursday on the waning moon.
  4. It is necessary at midnight to spread the fabric in front of the window into which the moon looks.
  5. Put an open lock on the material.
  6. The key (the only one, the rest should be drowned in advance) is held in the left hand.
  7. Read the conspiracy:

“In the dark side, hell is on fire. Cold fierce on the world sends. I unlock the gates of hell with a key, I release the black forces from myself. Burn in an icy flame, leave forever the souls of the Lord servant (name) house. I lock the gate with the key (close the lock at this moment), I let wealth into life. As long as the key lies in the grave, no one will take away the gold from me. Amen!"

  1. Immediately wrap the lock in a cloth and hide it securely.
  2. The key is sprinkled with salt, a small twig from a broom is placed next to it.
  3. In the morning you need to take it all to the churchyard.
  4. Wait for the funeral procession and go along with the people behind the coffin.
  5. While moving, think about mistakes, repent and the like.
  6. The key with salt and a twig must be thrown into the grave with earth.

When will it work

The duration of the effect of magic is determined personally. As a rule, if the ritual was performed on Thursday at the cemetery, then in a week the first result will appear. For some, the magic appears earlier. Here it is important to work well during the procession. The more sincere repentance, the more negativity the spirit will take with it. The field will be cleared, life will become much happier.

You can perform the ceremony more than once. There are no prohibitions. It is advisable to go to church in three days and put a funeral candle for the buried person. This should not be done right away. And the castle must be kept away so that no one sees or touches it.

The rituals in the cemetery are among the strongest. However, do not forget that such actions are black magic, and you are making a deal with otherworldly dark forces.

Some rituals associated with visiting the cemetery require that you come there at night or at least after sunset. But not all women feel comfortable being alone among the graves at night. Rites performed at night are more effective. If this is too difficult for you, try a daily ritual.

Buy wedding rings without trying them on. One must be male and the other must be female. Bring the rings to the graveyard and place them in different graves. In one, a woman with the same name as yours should be buried, and in the other, a man with the name of your lover. Rings should be left there overnight. If you're worried about someone taking them, cover them with some earth.

Rings must be picked up the next day. You can't take them home. Find a deserted place where no one walks, dig a hole, put the rings in it.

Then read the spell:

“(The name of the deceased) and (the name of the deceased) lie in the graves, they do not see the white light. (Name of the beloved man) and (your name) are alive and well, they love each other, respect and revere. How many of these rings lie here, so much (name of the deceased) and (name of the deceased) lie in the graves, do not see the white light, but (name of the beloved man) and (your name) be alive and healthy, love each other, respect and honor.

Dig a hole and leave without looking back. It is very important to choose a place where no one will dig up your rings, much less take them for themselves. If this happens before the right man loves you, the ritual will not work. If you are already in a relationship or get married, your loved one will leave you.

Rituals with graveyard soil

To cast a love spell on cemetery land, choose a suitable day that would not be a church holiday or Sunday. Ritual arrangements may vary.

Option 1

Bring a few handfuls of earth from the cemetery. You need to take it not on the graves. Any other land that is within the cemetery fence is suitable for you. To bewitch a man, you need to invite him home under any pretext. Then, also under any pretext, you need to leave him at home alone. Say, for example, that you urgently need to go to a neighbor, buy something in a store, etc. Walk around your house, casting a spell and throwing small handfuls of earth from the cemetery. The amount of land taken in the cemetery will depend on which house you live in. The larger and longer it is in length, the more material for work you should have in stock.

Read a love spell for a loved one:

“Just as they cannot leave the dead cemeteries, so you, (the name of the man), now you cannot leave my house. I fill you with cemetery earth, I close you with cemetery gates.

The plot should be read throughout the ritual. The number of spells cast does not matter. Leave some earth, bring it home and put it in the man's shoes without him noticing. As a result, your loved one will constantly be drawn to your home, as if he really cannot leave your house.

Option 2

This black love spell is done directly in the cemetery. Buy a candle in the church beforehand and visit the grave of a person with the same name as your lover. Remember that this cannot be done on church holidays and on Sundays. The best time for the ceremony is after sunset, but before midnight.

Insert a candle into the grave mound, light it and read the spell:

“(Name of the deceased), you live in a dead city,
You don’t recognize your relatives, you don’t call your loved ones.
I come to you without an invitation, without your knowledge and decision.
Understand (name of a loved one). Let him leave his life unmarried
He will choose me as his wife, and not another woman.
Come to him in a dream, tell him about me."

Leave the candle to burn out and leave without looking back. You can't talk to anyone along the way. Soon the right man will begin to show interest in you. When a relationship begins with your loved one, go to church and light a candle for the repose of the person whose spirit you have disturbed in order to achieve the desired goal.

This ritual is suitable if one of the parents of your loved one has already died, and you have access to his burial place. You can work with the mother's grave, but the father's grave is much more suitable.

Before the ritual, fast for at least seven days. You can do more, but a week is the minimum. During the fast, you should not eat not only meat. Avoid any hearty delicious food: sweets, pastries, etc. You can simply replace your meal with a piece of black bread and a glass of water. Before visiting the cemetery, it is advisable to go to the bathhouse. However, if this is not possible, a regular bathroom is also suitable. Buy a thick candle in the temple and visit the grave of the beloved's parent.

Insert a candle into the mound, light it and read the spell:

“(Name of the deceased parent), son (or daughter, if you are working with the mother’s grave) (name the father of the deceased), enlighten your son (name of the beloved), set him on the right path, give him your parental advice. Tell him that there is no better wife for him than (your name). Just as a child cannot disobey his parent, just as a righteous person cannot disobey his Heavenly Father, so (name of the man) will not be able to disobey the covenant (name of the deceased parent).

After casting the spell, ask the deceased for forgiveness in your own words and promise that his (or her) son will really be better with you than with any other woman. After returning from the cemetery, wash yourself in the bathroom. You should also clean or wash the clothes and shoes in which you visited the grave. The ritual can be repeated periodically if you do not notice that the beloved man has changed his behavior towards you. When the love spell works, put a candle in the temple for the repose of the parent of your loved one.

With full body shot

You need a photo in which your loved one will be depicted in full growth. There should not be other people in the picture, not a single living being, not even a pet. To make a love spell in a cemetery, go there with a photo on an odd day. The picture must be hidden so that no one can take it. Take care to protect it from rain. You need to return for a photo the next day. Bring the picture home, retire and read the plot by placing a photograph on the table in front of you:

“I bring into the house not the deceased, but the living, the servant of God (the name of the man). The whole world to you is a dead kingdom, an inhospitable state. My home to you is heavenly dens, bright mansions. All the women in this world are cold dead to you. Only I am the only one for you - dear and beloved, beautiful and irresistible. It will be according to my word. It will be according to my word. It will be according to my word.”

Hide the photo under the mattress of your bed at the feet. A man will not only love you, but will be obedient and complaisant in everything.

With a portrait photo

To perform the ritual, you will need a portrait photo of your beloved man. The picture should show his chest. The most useful photo for you will be the one in which the beloved is depicted with a bare chest.

Bring some earth from the cemetery. A handful will suffice. Land must be taken from the grave of a woman who bore the same name as you. The handful must be carried in the right hand. On the way from the cemetery, do not engage in conversations with anyone. When you get home, keep holding the earth in your hand. It can't be dumped anywhere. You need to undress and perform all other actions without unclenching your hands. Sit at the table, light a candle (you can already used it before) and put a photo in front of you. While reading the plot, you need to slowly pour the earth brought from the cemetery onto the chest of the beloved man in the picture. Spell:

“As this earth presses on your chest, so will my love press on your soul. You will not find rest either day or night, just as the dead do not find rest among the living, and the living among the dead.

A love spell on a cemetery in a photo, rings or any other object acts very quickly. Usually, after 2-3 weeks, the beloved man confesses his love to the woman who has bewitched him. But so that the cemetery magic does not harm you, be extremely careful. Wash your hands thoroughly after rituals. You are in contact with the world of the dead, traces of which should not remain on your body.

It turns out that in order for witchcraft to work quickly, many magicians perform the ceremony where people are buried. Surely, someone saw that a person walks around the cemetery on weekdays and this is not a watchman at all.

As you know, there is white and black magic. Sometimes people don't feel the difference at all. The main thing for them is to have a result. Usually love spells, conspiracies to eliminate an opponent and to attract love are done in a cemetery. Of course, there are other methods, but this one is the most reliable.

Witchcraft in a cemetery can be done by an ordinary person. You just need to know what words to say and what actions to perform. It is strongly recommended not to do love spells and damage. It will still come back in a few years. If failures are bypassed, then the curse will pass to the children.

Therefore, magic can only be used for good purposes. For example, if a husband drinks and it is impossible to encode, then there is an opportunity to try to read the conspiracy. Of course, if you do not really believe in it, then the effect will be invalid. Therefore, this matter should be taken consciously and seriously.

So, first you need to buy a white towel without a single pattern and read the following words 33 times:

How the servant of God (the name of the drunkard) will wipe himself with a white towel,

So the need for a drink will end.

Addiction goes away forever, but it turns into a towel.

As seven days pass, so drunkenness will go away,

The servant of God (the name of the drunkard) will become pure and strong.

This word is true, as it is said, and in the future it will come true, Amen.

After reading, you need to give the towel to the one on whom the conspiracy was read. An alcoholic must use a towel for 7 days. It is advisable to follow. Next, you need to take a towel and bury it in the cemetery near the grave of a relative. Thus, the deceased, as it were, takes "alcoholism" with him to the grave.

Rites in the cemetery can be held for a month. Most often they are committed by gypsies. They love to cast spells for love and wealth. But this is a very big risk for a person. If something is not done correctly, then someone close to you may get sick.

Many make conspiracies from diseases also in the cemetery. The effect is also quite fast. Most often, someone has already done damage to a person’s illness. Therefore, do not be surprised if someone is constantly sick and cannot be cured. So, you need to exchange 100 rubles. But it is necessary to make sure that they give a penny. Before parental day, you should go to the cemetery and find a grave on which exactly the same name is written as that of a sick person. Next, you need to leave the money at the grave and say the words-spells: “I pay off from dryness, but from maeta, but also from tears and illness. You, deceased, lie here, and we have our own road, but a long one. Amen". Now all that's left is to get home. But it is highly recommended not to talk to anyone. Otherwise, the conspiracy will be invalid.

And a very strong ceremony at the cemetery for money. You need to go to the cemetery on a full moon. But before that, you should put a patch under the left heel. Before entering the territory of the deceased, you should stamp your foot and say:

The dead, your place is holy,

May my place always be rich.

To you, the departed, peace and sound sleep,

And to me, (my name), gold, platinum and silver.

Dead people, your place is calm,

And in my house - silver, platinum and gold.

After these words, you need to turn over your right shoulder and leave. It is advisable not to eat meat for three days.

Rituals in the cemetery can be carried out, however, if there is no fear. However, it is worth remembering that this process is quite dangerous. Therefore, you need to think many times before performing rituals.

The cemetery is a place of strong energy. Since ancient times, magicians have turned to burial places and asked for help from the deceased ancestors. It is no coincidence that many rituals are performed or filmed by masters there.

The cemetery love spell is traditionally considered one of the most powerful, but at the same time the most dangerous. It should be noted that it is dangerous for beginners and amateurs to perform any rituals in the cemetery. This threatens with serious consequences. Entities that can cause damage to health or cause changes in behavior can become attached to the fortune teller. In some cases, the object of love spell dies.

Usually for a cemetery rite, they turn to professionals. But even when making a love spell with an experienced magician, the client definitely needs to make sure that in addition to binding, the master made a tap.

Psychics may not warn about this and may not take into account the future of the customer. the consequences of love spells will overtake the client over time. It is difficult to predict possible "kickbacks" after such rituals, but among them: infertility, loss of loved ones, serious problems from different areas of life.

What are the types of cemetery love spells?

The binding is so ancient that it already has different variations. The fortuneteller should only choose only a more suitable method:

At the cemetery. The most common option. At the same time, both a separate grave (that is, the help of a specific deceased) and the entire land of burials (as places of power) can be involved in the ritual.

On attributes or things from the cemetery. In this case, the rituals are carried out directly with the items that were brought from the burial sites. It can be land, decoration or something from food. The object is spoken and hidden near or inside the victim's dwelling.

How long does the binding action last?

Many stereotypically believe that a love spell is done for life. Actually it is not. Like any other love spell, the cemetery one loses its power after a while (usually after a few years).

How to make a graveyard dryer yourself?

Binding with the help of a dead person with the name of the victim.

Before the ceremony, on Kupala night (from July 6 to 7), flowers and herbs are collected that grow near the house of a loved one and taken to the chosen grave. The following is a conspiracy:

“As I brought you, the deceased (name), the grass from the house where (name) lives, to your house, how it will lie with you, and how you will protect it, so the slave (name) will take care of me, and I will be valued. Amen".

After that, they leave the ransom and leave the cemetery without looking back.

"White Ritual"

The love spell is done during the day, preferably during a church holiday. You should choose the grave of a close friend or relative with whom the fortune teller had a good relationship during his lifetime.

For the ceremony you will need: a ransom (sweets, cigarettes, alcohol), a photograph of the love object, a photograph of the deceased, a white candle (preferably from wax).

A candle is placed next to the grave at the head and lit. Then they take a photo of the object of the love spell, look into the eyes and imagine a harmonious love relationship with him or her.

Then they take a photo of the deceased and mentally ask for help, no special spells need to be cast. It is important to address the deceased by name.

Then they pay off, thank and say goodbye.

At the end of the ceremony, the fortuneteller can feel a response from the photo of the deceased and loved one. The photographs should be placed face to face in a white envelope and kept at home. Usually the result of a love spell is noticeable after 41 days.

Ritual with photography.

You will need: a black candle, a photograph of a lover and a photograph of a bewitching one.

To begin with, they walk clockwise around the grave three times. After that, a candle is lit and placed at the head. They take both photographs and put them on the table or leave them in their hands (in no case on the grave). Read the spell:

“I feed the dead earth with blood, I direct this force for a good life. So that you, (name of the deceased), my dear assistant, make (your name) and (name of the object) a happy family. So be it".

Strong love spell

Go to the churchyard according to all the rules. Having found the necessary graves, walk between them with a candle in your hands (naturally lit) and pronounce the plot until the fire burns out. And it rains to burn out to the end. You can protect the fire by making a cap from the bottle.

Choose a place where they no longer bury, so that by chance, when you "shaman" the dead person is not brought to you.

During the ceremony, it is forbidden to meet with the object of love spell for 3 days. (after each of 3 visits)

The ceremony is done 3 times: on day 1, at 9 and at 40. Time is night.

Repeat after 9 days.

When the candle goes out, thank the dead man, leaving him a ransom. While doing this, say:

“Remember also you sleeping, not lying in the earth, but walking on the earth, the servants of God ... and .... For their everlasting love"

Leave the same way.

The ritual must begin on the rise of the moon. Church holidays should not be during this ceremony. Observe women's and men's days.

A simple rite with threads

This cemetery love spell is easy to use for beginners. It is not necessary to go to the sorcerer here, you can handle it yourself if you wish. Of course, its effectiveness will be less than that of powerful rites, although it all depends on your strength.

Choose a burial with the deceased, whose name is like that of your beloved (beloved)

To carry it out, it is important to buy threads and a needle. According to the rules. That is, without surrender. You also need to take a thing of your beloved or beloved, any shirt, blouse, etc.

Stage 1 of the ceremony: You go to the cemetery and bury a needle and thread at the grave you need for a period of three days.

Stage 2: You take out the buried things and in the apartment, after returning from the churchyard, take scissors and cut off the buttons from the thing of the "object". And when you cut everything off, re-sew them with your magic threads and a needle, which were buried for 3 days before.

“I sew the servant of God (NAME) to the servant of God (NAME) to the grave. Amen!".

The nuances of love spells in the cemetery.

Before you make a binding at the burial place of people, you should familiarize yourself with a number of rules. The cemetery is a special place with their own orders. If the guests behave inappropriately, then this can end badly for them. So, the most general rules for love spells in the cemetery:

  1. You should not eat or drink anything in the cemetery.
  2. Most of the rituals are performed at night on the growing moon.
  3. The deceased must be asked for forgiveness before the ceremony for disturbing the grave.
  4. You cannot enter the cemetery for the ritual through the gate where the coffins are carried, only through the guest gate.
  5. After the ritual, they leave without looking back, even if voices or noise are heard behind.
  6. After the rite, a ransom is left for the deceased at the grave, usually sweets, alcohol, money (it is better not to skimp, otherwise retribution will overtake the fortuneteller).
  7. The ransom is left not only at the chosen grave, but also at the first burial near the churchyard. This is a tribute to the owner of the cemetery.

The cemetery love spell is very serious. And in order to minimize the possible consequences, it is important to approach magic responsibly. It is recommended to consult a professional for such types of rituals.

If you still decide to conduct the ceremony on the graveyard yourself, then know that it is important to put protection on yourself before the ritual, follow the instructions exactly and be sure to pay off.

Rules for working at the cemetery

  • No jewelry, metal objects or cosmetics
  • Loose hair
  • Before the ceremony, go to the cemetery for reconnaissance, study everything.
  • Use matches and candles as a light source.
  • No fear.

On arrival and departure:

  • Say hello, leave gifts.
  • Turn to the black widow, say what they came for, ask for help.
  • At the grave, greet the deceased, put a ransom.
  • Carrying out the ceremony.
  • Thanks to the dead.
  • Return without looking back.
  • Throw a coin at 1 crossroad.
  • When leaving, say goodbye to everyone

About choosing a grave for work

  • Burial attracts animals.
  • Photo faded.
  • The grave should radiate energies.
  • Bad vegetation.
  • Headstone damage.


Here is one of the simple methods. This is universal protection. For its implementation, it is important to purchase a cotton towel. In the middle of the acquisition, tie a knot. Before you enter the graveyard, you need to wash your hands, and then dry them with a purchased towel (one-half). While saying the words:

“Which one (th) left (la), such (th) and I will come”

After returning to the house, dry your hands with the other side of the towel.

That's not all. now burn the towel or bury it.

The impact of the cemetery love spell

The love spell in the cemetery works quickly, the first successes will be visible already on the 9th day. In some cases earlier. A prerequisite for magic in the churchyard is a secret. Therefore, you should not tell anyone about your love spells. It is also worth warning that even with a clear implementation of the ceremony, certain consequences are possible.

At the object of influence and the customer, after the rites of illness, problems in life, all kinds of failures and even death are possible. Therefore, if you are not a professional and are not familiar with magic, first study all the subtleties, and then act. Or look for a magician. Remember also that it is necessary to start black rituals with clear confidence and awareness, without any fears and guilt. Otherwise, you will attract the opposite result.

Be sure to comply with all the conditions of both the ritual and behavior in the cemetery, make protections, do not forget about payoffs. Remember, magic is not a toy, be careful. And think 100 times more if you need a bewitched person who will not really love you for real, because a love spell is a suppression of the will, and not an attraction of love.

If you want a pure, fulfilling relationship, then let go of the person who is not worthy of you, and then attract a new relationship where there will be mutual love.

The choice is yours. You are the master of your life and you are responsible for it. But since you have decided to make a cemetery love spell, I repeat once again, do not do it haphazardly, everything should be clear and competent.


After a love spell, the following symptoms may appear on the graves, which, if the ritual is done correctly, cease to appear after some time.

  • Colds
  • Apathy
  • Pain
  • nightmares
  • vision of spirits
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