What pains at sick kidneys. Diseases that cause spasms. Heather infusion

Often there is pain in the lumbar region. This can happen for a variety of reasons. But what if the problem is in the kidneys and how to determine this?

The kidneys themselves, although they have an increased circulatory system, but they do not have nerve endings, therefore most diseases do not have symptoms, and sometimes they are so lubricated that it is impossible to say for sure what really worries.

What are kidneys and what functions do they perform

Before dealing with kidney problems, you need to understand what they are.

This organ is paired, one part is on the left, the other on the right. Outwardly, they resemble beans, weighing about 150 grams.

Due to the fact that next to the right kidney is the liver, which constantly oppresses him, its size is slightly smaller and the location is slightly lower than the left.

There are organs in the retroperitoneal space, where the peritoneum is the border between the kidneys and other organs located in the abdomen.

The outer layer of the organ is a capsule, under which there is a parenchyma. In turn, the parenchyma consists of a cortical and medulla layer. Inside the kidney is a pelvis, which is a reservoir for the accumulation of urine.

The nephrons perform the filtering function. They are also involved in the formation of urine. They are found in the cortex and medulla.

The final part is the ureters and bladder. It is from there that urine, along with all unnecessary substances, comes out in a natural way.

The parenchyma is the outer part of the kidneys, it cannot give pain syndromes. If a person feels unwell, then they can only be associated with the pelvis.

So what is the job of the kidneys in the body? It:

  1. Filtration.
  2. Liquid formation and its withdrawal.
  3. Involved in blood clotting
  4. Maintenance of osmotic pressure in the blood.
  5. Circulation of the required blood volume.
  6. Normalization of acid-base balance.
  7. Removal of all incoming negative components from the body. These are medicines, and slags, and toxins, and other substances.
  8. Participation in exchange processes.
  9. Maintain normal blood pressure.

How to determine that the kidneys hurt

Back pain can appear not only due to kidney pathologies. The organs are located on opposite sides of the spine.

The kidneys are supported behind by the dorsal muscles. They are also responsible for keeping the spine in balance.

If the tension of these same muscles is carried out, the person feels quite intense pain. This can happen with osteochondrosis, scoliosis and intervertebral hernia.

In front of the peritoneum are such organs as the pancreas, stomach, intestines. With problems in these organs, pain also appears, which gives it to the back.

The gallbladder is on the right and the lungs are on the left. Pathologies associated with these organs can also cause pain in the lumbar region.

In connection with such an anatomical structure, it is very difficult to say for sure about any pathology without a hardware examination and without the help of a specialist.

Back pain is an indicator that you really need to seek help from a doctor, but it is not at all an indicator that it is the kidneys that hurt.

Pain in the kidneys is characterized by the following indicators:

  • If you rise on your toes, and then drop sharply on your heels, then the discomfort in the lower back will only intensify.
  • Most often, with pain associated with the back and spine, the central part hurts. With pathologies of the kidneys, it will hurt from the side on which the affected organ is located. If this is the left kidney, then the left side will hurt accordingly.
  • In renal pathologies, the pain syndrome manifests itself where the costal arch is attached to the spine.

In most cases, renal diseases are characterized by an asymptomatic course. The more serious and severe the pathology, the stronger the symptoms appear.

When the problem is related specifically to the kidneys, the following symptoms will appear in the complex:

  1. Violation of urination. They can be both frequent and, conversely, rare. At the same time, the amount of urine excreted also changes.
  2. Swelling of limbs and face.
  3. Rapid fatigue and general malaise.
  4. Appetite disturbance.
  5. The smell of urine changes.
  6. There may be pain during urination.
  7. The lumbar region is constantly freezing.
  8. Ammonia breath.
  9. Decreased vision.
  10. A red rash appears on the skin. At the same time, the skin itself becomes dry.
  11. With a load on the kidneys, the pain syndrome intensifies. It can be physical activity or elementary, a large amount of fluid drunk.
  12. Change in color of urine.
  13. Jumps in blood pressure.

What causes kidney pain

In fact, there are a lot of problems that can cause kidney pain. If there is an inflammatory process, then along with discomfort in the back, a person observes a number of other problems.

In addition to renal colic, there will necessarily be urination disorders, a change in the color and smell of urine, as well as fever.

Most often, these symptoms appear when:

  1. Hydronephrosis.
  2. Pyelonephritis.
  3. Nephroptosis.
  4. cystic formations.
  5. Strong hypothermia.
  6. Pregnancy, during which there is a strong load on the kidneys and their performance is impaired.
  7. Glomerulonephritis.
  8. Renal failure.

So why do kidneys hurt? This question covers a wide range of issues. An accurate answer can be obtained after going through special diagnostic methods and consulting an experienced doctor.

It should be understood that it is impossible to find out the etiology of symptoms on your own. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Without adequate therapy, the pathology will only worsen, and the symptoms will expand. In this case, the consequences and complications are dangerous, which will then be much more difficult to cure.


In this disease, nephrons, which play an important role, suffer. It is with the help of their participation that the filtration function is formed and urine is formed.

Pathology can be acute and even chronic. Pain appears at the moment when there is a period of exacerbation.

It is also characterized by:

  • Formation of protein in the urine.
  • arterial hypertension.
  • Puffiness.


Most often, the disease occurs without any visible symptoms. It is characterized only by periodic pulling and quiet pain manifestations.

They acquire a permanent character after a long course of pathology and its serious development.

Long and intense pain affects the emotional state of the patient, depression and neurasthenia appear.

As it progresses:

  • Deterioration of blood supply.
  • Stagnation of urine.
  • High amount of protein and red blood cells in the urine.


This pathology refers to infectious diseases of the kidneys that affect the calyx and pelvis. In this case, a serious inflammation occurs, in which a person begins to experience discomfort in the back.

Pyelonephritis can be caused by a variety of pathogens. Almost always the disease is bacterial in nature.

Depending on which kidney is affected, pain will also appear. There may also be a bilateral lesion.

With pyelonephritis, the pain becomes constant, aching. It is dangerous when the patient simply begins to suppress the symptom with the help of painkillers.

Constant pain in the lumbar region should definitely alert a person.

Urolithiasis disease

Why can organs hurt? This is a very common disease with serious consequences that can occur without proper treatment.

In this case, pain is a common symptom. It occurs most often after intense movements and physical exertion.

Kidney pain is a sign of stone movement. They touch the nerve endings and the person experiences renal colic.

The pain syndrome is characterized by strong and sharp sensations. At the same time, any position and anesthesia does not give results.

Along with pain, a person experiences frequent urge to urinate. The volume of urine is small and blood impurities are possible.

kidney cancer

The disease is characterized by pain in the later stages, when the process of destruction and necrosis of cells has already begun. At the very beginning, the disease does not manifest itself in any way, which is very dangerous.

Along with the pain, the patient noted the appearance of blood in the urine. In this case, urgent medical care and serious treatment measures are needed. You may need a nephrectomy if that makes sense.

kidney failure

Most often, this is a consequence of kidney diseases that were not properly treated and subsequently the functions of the organ were seriously impaired.

Accompanied by symptoms such as:

  1. Edema.
  2. Arterial hypertension.
  3. Pain in the lumbar region. They can be so strong that a person may experience pain shock or loss of consciousness.

Thrombosis of the renal artery

Serious disease that requires immediate surgical intervention. In this case, there are signs:

  • Constipation.
  • Nausea.
  • Violent and cutting pain. The place of localization is the right or left side. There may also be discomfort in the abdomen.
  • Moderate urination.
  • Severe increase in blood pressure.

cystic formation

Regardless of gender, it most often occurs in people over 40 years of age. The cyst may be congenital or acquired. Often occurs in pregnant women.

As a rule, at the initial stage, it does not manifest itself in any way. The larger the cyst grows, the more pronounced the symptoms become.

Pain occurs when the cyst grows and begins to put pressure on the capsule. Urination disorders are also possible. The urges are frequent, and the volume is small.

Polycystic kidney disease

This disease is characterized by the formation of several cysts at once. Symptoms of the pathology are similar to kidney failure:

  1. Pain in the abdomen, appearing simultaneously on different sides of the navel.
  2. Decreased volume of urine.
  3. High blood pressure.
  4. Edema.
  5. Dryness of the skin.

Renal tuberculosis

This disease is characterized by symptoms:

  • Urine change. There may be purulent or bloody discharge.
  • Pain syndrome of stabbing and cutting nature in the lumbar region.
  • General signs of malaise.

If a person notes all these symptoms in himself, then he urgently needs to seek help from a specialist.

Alcohol and kidney pain

These two things are very interconnected with each other. A lot of diseases appear precisely due to alcoholic beverages.

It can also be only a secondary factor in existing pathologies.

Kidneys after beer hurt for a number of reasons:

  1. When drinking this drink, an increased load on the body is carried out. Beer attracts water. Thus, the kidneys perform a double job, they must remove both the excessive amount of urine and the fluid that has been received.
  2. Beer causes the loss of electrolytes and proteins in tissues. As a result, all these substances precipitate in the kidneys and calculi are formed.
  3. After a while after drinking the drink, the blood begins to thicken, which is subsequently harder to filter.

When the kidneys start to hurt after drinking alcohol, this is an alarming bell. This means that the basis of the drink, ethyl alcohol, caused a violation in the functionality of the organ.

This can happen if the feast involved a large amount of alcohol. Often, however, this is typical for people who systematically consume alcohol.

You should not drink alcoholic beverages if you have kidney disease, such as:

  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Chronic pyelonephritis.
  • Abnormal congenital structure of the kidneys and other parts of the urinary system.

Morning back pain

The problem of why the kidneys hurt in the morning is very serious, which only a qualified specialist should deal with.

This is a dangerous sign, indicating that the accumulated urine during the night puts pressure on the walls of the kidney.

Morning pain in the lumbar region is a consequence of damage to the structure of the organ. This is possible with various kidney diseases. For example, when:

  1. Pyelonephritis.
  2. Hydronephrosis.
  3. Glomerulonephritis.

Differences in causes by location

At the first appointment, the specialist necessarily conducts a survey and draws up a clinical picture.

This is an important point that may indicate a particular problem. Depending on where the pain is concentrated, the initial (trial) diagnosis will be made.

If the left kidney hurts, then the reasons are:

  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Hydronephrosis.
  • Stones in the kidneys.
  • Omission.
  • Tumors.
  • Abscess.

An inflamed pancreas can also be the cause. Therefore, only a detailed examination can determine the exact diagnosis.

If the right kidney hurts, then the problem is:

  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Recent trauma.
  • Benign neoplasm.
  • Stones formed in the pelvis.
  • Cancer tumor.

It is not uncommon for both parts to hurt. Most likely, the reason for this was pathologies such as polycystic or glomerulonephritis.

What to do if the kidneys hurt

Treatment is carried out only after a complete examination and consultation of a specialist.

It is impossible to self-medicate at random for possible reasons. To identify the problem, a person is prescribed:

  1. Computed tomography and MRI.
  2. Analysis of blood and urine.

It must be understood that not all kidney diseases can be cured by taking medication.

Very often, symptoms appear when the pathology passes into a more severe stage and only surgery may be required.

So, for example, nephrolithiasis involves the removal of stones.

Other pathologies that are treated with surgery:

  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Kidney injury.
  • benign tumors.
  • Thromboembolism.
  • Purulent pyelonephritis in severe form.
  • Cystic neoplasm.
  • Large abscess.

Only after the diagnosis, the doctor will probably make prescriptions for taking medications or recommend an operation.

If problems can be cured with medication, then these are antibiotics, immunostimulants, painkillers.

You can use folk remedies, but only if they have been approved by your doctor.

It should be understood that not all herbal products have a positive effect on the body.

Other problems

Some diseases are not related to the kidneys, but they are manifested by back pain. These issues include:

  • Stretching of the back muscles. As a rule, it appears after a strong blow, heavy physical exertion or a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, the pain is acute, limiting any motor processes. The stretch site is covered with edema. When the muscles are torn, a hematoma appears.
  • Radiculopathy of the lumbosacral region. This disease is characterized by pinching of the spinal root. The main symptom is a shooting pain that radiates to the leg. The reasons that cause a similar problem: age-related changes, osteochondrosis, spinal hernia, trauma.

First aid at home

When the kidneys are sharply and severely ill, you do not need to self-medicate. There are recommendations that you need to follow so as not to harm your body even more.

First aid:

  1. First of all, you need to call an ambulance.
  2. Be sure to lie down comfortably and cover yourself with a blanket. Heat improves blood circulation and helps reduce pain.
  3. If the pain is excessively strong, then it is allowed to take an antispasmodic. This must be told to the doctor at the time of his arrival.
  4. Also, additional heat can be obtained if you take a shower or put a heating pad.

You can not stop the pain yourself if:

  • Excessively high temperature, more than 40 degrees.
  • Severe nausea and vomiting.
  • Renal colic in both parts.
  • There is no urine.
  • A person has only one kidney.
  • There is a wandering kidney.
  • Pain is on the right side.
  • The syndrome lasts more than 2 days.

It is very important to follow a diet. If chronic diseases have become the cause of pain, then without proper nutrition it will be difficult to cope with the problem.

The following are subject to the restriction:

  1. Canned food.
  2. Fast food fast food.
  3. Fried and fatty foods.
  4. Spices.
  5. Meat and fish fatty varieties.
  6. Legumes.
  7. Various snacks and sweets.
  8. Salt.
  9. Margarine.
  10. Mushrooms.
  11. Salo and cooking oil.
  12. Mayonnaise.
  13. Alcohol.
  14. Strong tea.
  15. Coffee.
  16. Sour vegetables and berries.
  17. Smoked dishes.
  18. Carbonated drinks.
  19. Marinated products.
  20. Semi-finished products.
  21. Sausages.

Useful video

The kidneys are a kind of filter for a person that removes harmful metabolic products from the body. According to statistics, every second person has experienced pain in their anatomical locations throughout their lives.

Approximately half of them use various painkillers to relieve pain, postponing the trip to a specialist indefinitely. Such actions are the most common mistake and lead to serious complications.

This article reveals questions about where the aching pain in the kidneys comes from, what to do when it occurs, and how to avoid relapse in the future.

The kidneys are the most important organ in the human body after the heart. If the main task of the heart is to supply oxygen, useful substances, hormones of the body, then the task of the kidneys is to cleanse it of waste harmful substances, as well as their excretion through urine.

As in the case of the heart, impaired functioning of the kidneys can, in a chain reaction, affect the organs that depend on its normal functioning. Unfortunately, unlike the liver, the kidneys do not have regeneration mechanisms, which means they cannot recover from any structural changes caused by various pathologies. This is the main danger of diseases associated with the kidneys.

Most often, during the period of treatment to medical specialists, after a long relief of pain, unsuccessful attempts at self-treatment, the kidney undergoes irreversible changes. Progressing, they reduce the functionality of the organ to one degree or another. Subsequently, weak filtration, excretory abilities of the kidney affect the work of other systems in the human body.

The structure of the kidneys is a rather complex mechanism that ensures the gradual purification of the blood, the removal of fluid and metabolic products from the body. Each of the stages can be fully implemented only with the preservation, integrity of the anatomical structure of the kidney, as well as coordinated communication with the vessels of the human body.

Doctors distinguish the following stages of urine excretion:

  1. Primary (ultrafiltration). The pressure inside the blood capillaries is so strong that the smallest molecules (colloidal particles) seep through them into the kidney (renal glomerulus), while larger ones remain in the vessel (most proteins, leukocytes, platelets, erythrocytes).
  2. Secondary (reabsorption). After formation, the ultrafiltrate enters the tubules of the nephron, which are dotted with capillaries over the entire surface. Substances that are necessary for the body during the primary phase of urine formation are absorbed into the blood in a reverse motion. The remaining substances with fluid enter the ureter and are excreted from the body.

Note. Of the 160 liters of primary urine produced per day by the body, only 1.5 liters remain for subsequent excretion. The remaining 95% is returned to the blood flow of the cardiovascular system.

A feature of the structure, in addition to the above mechanism for excreting urine, is the absence of pain receptors in the tissues of the organ itself. However, as you know, when patients often indicate pain.

The anatomy of the organ is such that each of the kidneys is covered with a special dense capsule (fibrous structure), which is equipped with nerves that provide its sensitivity. Various pathologies of the kidneys cause pain according to the mechanisms described in the table.

Table No. 1. Description of changes that cause discomfort, mechanisms for signaling to a person:

Change name Short description

It occurs due to a decrease in the filtering ability of the organ caused to a greater extent by renal failure or the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms. Infection is fraught with the development of purulent inflammation throughout the tissue of the organ. Pain during edema occurs when the kidney capsule is stretched.

The loss of the anatomical structure and shape can occur due to many different pathologies, the most dangerous are inflammatory processes, the growth of benign /. Deformation leads to tension of the fibrous tissue of the capsule, causing pain in the area where the organs are located.

The narrowing of the lumen of the ureter, its blockage with stones, a number of other pathologies can lead to stagnation of urine in the kidney. With an increase in the amount of urine inside the pelvis, it increases, the tissues swell, when the size of the kidney reaches a critical point, the fibrous membrane stretches.

As a result of the changes described above, the organ transmits signals to the brain by influencing the nerve receptors of the membrane. The body, receiving the signals of the capsule, transforms them into pain sensations, indicating malfunctions in the urinary system.

Due to the absence of painful nerve endings in the organ, many diseases are asymptomatic. Stretching the capsule to a size that provokes painful symptoms takes time. The appearance of a pain syndrome, unfortunately, as a rule, indicates the progression of the disease, the achievement of a severe form of development, the occurrence of complications.

An exception is pain, most often acute with. The mechanism of discomfort is associated with the mechanical effect of the calculus on the nerve endings of the walls of the ureter.

Causes of pain in the kidneys of a aching nature

Changes in the structure, size, shape of the kidney, causing such a symptom as aching pain, are not independent diseases. All these changes are also symptoms of a number of pathological conditions.

The development and progression of diseases of the urinary system cause irreversible damage not only to the kidneys, but also to the body as a whole.

The list of diseases accompanied by pain in the anatomical location of the kidneys:

  • urolithiasis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • stenosis, thrombosis of arteries;
  • benign / malignant tumor;
  • malformations, trauma;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • nephrotuberculosis.

All the pathologies mentioned above with different rates of development affect the structure and functionality of kidney tissues.

In addition to the main symptom of the pain itself, the following symptoms may indicate problems with the functioning of the urinary organ:

  • the presence of blood in the urine;
  • intoxication of the body (nausea, vomiting);
  • weight loss and appetite;
  • fever (subfebrile, fever);
  • swelling of the body;
  • hypertensive episodes.

The presence of the described symptoms depends on the type of disease, but the development of one chain reaction can provoke the development of another, or even a combination of them. That is why, by the time the pain syndrome manifests itself, the patient may experience most of the common symptoms inherent in the disruption of the genitourinary system.

Note. To confirm the diagnosis, in addition to examining a doctor, laboratory and other methods of studying the state of the genitourinary system are necessary. Only their results can see the full picture of the disease.

Structural changes in the kidneys of an infectious nature

Infectious diseases include inflammatory processes caused by the entry of pathogenic organisms into the kidney, their active reproduction inside its cavities and tissues. It can be streptococci, enterococci, staphylococci, mycoplasmas, E. coli, Klebsiella, Proteus.

  1. Pyelonephritis. The disease manifests itself due to infection by bacteria of the pelvis, calyx, parenchyma of the organ.
  2. Glomerulonephritis. It differs from the previous localization of the pathogen in the glomeruli of the kidneys, as a result of the development of inflammation.
  3. Interstitial nephritis. A characteristic feature is the defeat of the interstitial tissue, as well as the renal tubules. This type of jade does not apply to the pelvis itself, calyces, parenchyma.

The listed diseases are the most rapidly developing pathology among all described by this edition, however, the most treatable. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that a scar forms at the site of infection, and this will certainly affect the ability to filter the blood. Frequent or untreated inflammation threatens complete organ dysfunction.

Timely access to the doctor, compliance with all his instructions, appointments guarantees the patient a full recovery. Otherwise, the disease becomes chronic, with frequent relapses, exacerbations, complications.

Given the etiology of the disease, the question arises of how pathogens get inside the organ.

There are three main ways that bacteria enter the urinary tract:

  • lymphogenous - along the lymphatic vessels from the source of infection;
  • hematogenous - through blood vessels from another infected organ;
  • ascending - from the lower urinary system infected with the pathogen;

Important. The ascending mode of transmission of bacteria is also due to pathological processes. This occurs due to vesicoureteral reflux associated with bladder overflow, its hypertonicity caused by developmental anomalies, the presence of stones, prostate pathologies.

In addition to pulling pains, the characteristic features of the symptoms are an increase in the volume of night urine, the presence of impurities unusual for it, including purulent, bloody, and a change in smell.

A separate type of disease that has an infectious nature is nephrotuberculosis. The bacterium enters the tissues of the kidney with the bloodstream, which, with a weakened protective function of the body, allows it to quietly multiply.

By infecting the parenchyma, the bacterium changes its structure irreversibly. In a healthy person, such a disease is rare, in most cases it is transmitted from an already infected organ in the human body.

Structural neoplasms in the kidneys of various nature

In addition to infection, pulling pains in the kidneys can occur due to neoplasms of a different nature. Depending on the density, structure, size, they have different indicators of echogenicity in ultrasound. It is precisely due to the ability to reflect or absorb the waves of the apparatus by formations that it is possible to confirm or disprove their presence inside the homogeneous structure of the parenchyma.

Nephrologists distinguish three main types of neoplasms:

  1. Stones. The formation of dense mineral stones in the urinary system is called urolithiasis by specialists. The occurrence of stones is a rather long process, these hyperechoic inclusions are formed due to metabolic disorders, nutritional habits, place of residence, nutrition, heredity.
  2. cysts. Such formations are a cavity surrounded by a shell filled with a liquid component. When a multiple number of cysts of the urinary organ is detected, multicystosis is diagnosed. The reason for the growth of this benign neoplasm is urine stagnant in the renal canals. Accumulating under the condition of a closed space, it acquires a capsule forming a cyst. The hypoechogenicity of the inclusions is provided by the absorption of rays by the liquid contents of the capsule.
  3. Cancer tumor. This isoechoic neoplasm is the most dangerous. This is due to the speed of its development, the ability to spread throughout the body. Cancer changes pass with virtually no symptoms, but until they disrupt the functionality of the organ, and after detection, based on statistics, they are rather poorly treatable. This process occurs due to a peculiar mutation of cells, followed by their activation, rapid reproduction and replacement of the tissues of the organ in which it is located.

Doctors do not give an unambiguous answer about the cause of formations of a different nature in the urinary system. However, long-term studies of various cases of the presence of tumors, stones, and other inclusions make it possible to identify the main risk factors indicated in the table.

Table No. 2. Risk factors for formations in the kidneys:

Name Short description
Food Unbalanced diet with a predominance of fatty, carcinogenic, food enriched with chemical additives
Lifestyle Drinking alcohol, smoking, other bad habits
living conditions Constant exposure to toxic substances (due to working conditions, living in an unfavorable area, other features of life)
Impacts (direct) Traumatism (sports, surgery, etc.)
Impacts (indirect) Infections, chronic kidney disease, hemodialysis, uncontrolled use of drugs (including painkillers, hormonal)

Important. Reaching a critical size, the formation is subject to surgical removal, as it can lead to suppuration, hemorrhage, in the most difficult cases, rupture of the renal capsule, and organ dysfunction.

The larger, more developed the formation, the more seriously the anatomy of the kidney is changed. In the early stages, a person may not experience pain at all, but over time, the situation may change. Severe pulling pains signal the need for consultation with a specialist.

Sometimes formed small calculi under the pressure of urine can move along the ureter, delivering a sharp sharp pain to the patient. The first thing to do is call an ambulance. Specialists in a medical institution will be able to exclude the possibility of rupture of the capsule.

Renal colic is a painful phenomenon, so it is most likely that you will need to take analgesics. To alleviate the condition while waiting for doctors, Nimesil is allowed. According to the results of the research, the nephrologist will offer the most gentle and effective way out of the situation.

Kidney blood flow disorders

The main source of nutrition for any organ is blood, saturated with oxygen, flowing through the arteries, a network of capillaries. Atherosclerosis is a disease, the presence of which can disrupt blood flow, and therefore affect the functioning of the kidneys. A change in the structure of the renal artery can be caused by a violation in the body of protein-lipid metabolism.

Cholesterol compounds formed in the vessels in the form of plaques stick to the muscular walls of the arteries. Over time, cholesterol and lipids accumulate, forming atheromatous plaques, narrowing the lumen of the vessel. The growth of connective tissue in them only exacerbates the situation, making the artery less elastic.

In the case of manifestation of atherosclerosis in the renal artery, its stenosis develops, that is, the narrowing of the internal lumen through which the plasma enters the organ. It is important to understand that it is not the formation of a kind of growth inside the artery that leads to the manifestation of a pain symptom, but a deterioration in blood supply.

Gradually, from a lack of oxygen and nutrients, the needy parenchyma cells cease to fully perform their functions and die. The progression of the narrowing of the lumen can lead to aneurysm, increases the risk of thromboembolism, complete blockage of the vessel, as a result of organ death.

Excessive ability of blood to clot together with stenosis threatens to completely stop the supply of vital nutrition to the kidney. Embolism requires urgent medical intervention, delay is fraught with necrotic tissue processes and death.

The main symptom of thromboembolism is sudden onset or increased pain in the lumbar region. In addition to the main symptoms of renal failure, vomiting, stool retention, and urine may occur. At the first suspicion of blockage of the vessel, a person needs medical help.

In a hospital setting, doctors urgently use analgesics to alleviate the condition and prevent shock. After confirming the diagnosis, therapeutic measures are aimed at the introduction of organ-preserving drugs, the removal of a blood clot from the vessel.

Note. Studies have shown that 90% of patients with the development of atherosclerosis, stenosis, thrombosis have elevated blood pressure. In the presence of hypertension, the first signs of development must undergo a study to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Kidney pain and nephroptosis

This term implies a pathological condition of an organ in which its anatomical position relative to the human body is disturbed. Under the influence of various factors, the kidney can shift into the abdominal cavity (stage 2) or even the pelvic cavity (stage 3). Aching pains can occur already at the second stage of prolapse, then they will only intensify.

Despite the fact that nephroptosis itself does not change the structure of the kidney tissues, its functionality, other indicators, its progression indirectly causes many pathologies:

  • leads to stretching, thinning, renal artery worsening the blood circulation of the organ;
  • the urethra is bent, causing stagnation of urine;
  • puts pressure on other organs inside the pelvic region.

The importance of a full-fledged blood supply is described in the editorial office enough to draw appropriate conclusions about the consequences of the violation. Stagnation of urine due to a violation of the correct position of the ureter can be a good help for the development of bacteria leading to the previously described nephritis, as well as cystitis, urethritis.

The causes of nephroptosis are physiological in nature, not associated with infectious and other diseases, namely:

  • sudden weight gain or loss;
  • physical impact (trauma, bruises);
  • development of the fetus in the uterus;
  • congenital anomalies;

When conducting an ultrasound examination, it is quite difficult to detect nephroptosis. During the procedure, the person is in a horizontal position, in which the kidney returns to its anatomical location. Therefore, the specialist may prescribe additional studies using a contrast agent.

Trauma malformations

Pathologically dangerous for the kidney can be not only infections, formations, circulatory disorders. Anomalies of development, trauma can become a provocateur of various processes that can disrupt its functioning, structure and work, in general.

Abnormal development of the kidneys, as a rule, is transmitted genetically from close relatives, however, sometimes there are failures in the physiological processes of embryo formation at the cellular level.

Table No. 3. List of anomalies in the development of the kidneys encountered in medicine:

The diagnosis, as a rule, occurs according to the results of routine examinations in the womb or in childhood. Sometimes the pathology may not manifest itself until the onset of symptoms, including pain of a pulling nature. Less commonly, if the primary signs of problems with the urinary system are ignored for a long time, acute pain may occur with the need for urgent hospitalization.

Emergency medical care may be required not only to correct developmental anomalies. Injuries, especially severe ones, can pose a danger not only to the organ itself, but also to human life. The causes of injury can be varied, from a blow to the lumbar region to wounds, doctors classify them only by severity.

Table No. 4. Classification of injuries of the urinary organ according to severity:

Degree Meaning Type of

It implies bruising of an organ, with the possibility of developing a hematoma that does not extend beyond the capsular membrane. Closed

Rupture of the capsule, parenchyma tissue, not exceeding 1 cm deep. The medulla, calyces, pelvis are not damaged. Perhaps the formation of a retroperitoneal hematoma. Open

Rupture of the medulla by more than 1 cm, while maintaining the integrity of the pelvicalyceal system. Open

Damage to the brain tissue, with the involvement of PCS. Possible rupture of the vessels of the body, intra-abdominal bleeding. Open

Crushing of the kidney (multiple ruptures with damage to all structural components), separation of blood vessels. Severe intra-abdominal bleeding. Open

Important. Open-type kidney injuries require urgent specialized surgical intervention, as there is a threat of peritonitis. With closed (blunt) injuries, the treatment method is more gentle.

Confirmation of the diagnosis, further actions of the patient

Establishing a final diagnosis is a multi-stage, sequential process, of course, if we are not talking about emergency care. Data collection begins with the simplest procedures, and if necessary, the specialist prescribes additional studies. With the appearance of pain in the kidney area, other associated symptoms, a consultation with a nephrologist is recommended.

Diagnosis steps:

  1. Questioning the patient. It consists in collecting data on well-being, sensations, the nature of pain, the duration of occurrence, habits, lifestyle, nutrition, and other general information.
  2. Palpation. Palpation of the abdominal cavity to determine the location of the kidney, the nature of the patient's sensations when exposed to it.
  3. Laboratory research. Indicators of the content of various substances, bacteria, and other indicators complement the existing picture of the disease, which is formed according to the results of the first two stages.
  4. ultrasound. The most accessible non-invasive method for studying the internal structure of the kidneys. Thanks to echogenic signs, it is possible to detect a pathology that cannot be diagnosed by palpation.
  5. Additional diagnostic measures. Carried out according to the appointment of a nephrologist in case of impossibility of making a diagnosis in the first four ways. Includes x-ray with contrast, MRI, CT, endoscopy, radionuclide, radioisotope study.

Based on the results of a complete examination, the attending physician can prescribe the appropriate treatment. The treatment regimen directly depends on the etiology of the disease. It is a set of measures aimed not only at eliminating the root cause, but also minimizing the consequences for the body.

Table No. 5. Treatment of kidney pathologies depending on its etiology:

Name Treatment
  • Drugs: groups of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, diuretics, analgesics, antispasmodics, antipyretics (if necessary).
  • Additionally: drinking regime, diet, if necessary, being in a hospital of a medical institution.

In acute, chronic forms, surgery may be necessary to remove purulent lesions.

  • Preparations: litholic, diuretics, antispasmodic, for the regulation of metabolism in the body.
  • Additionally: drinking regimen, active lifestyle, shock wave lithotripsy (used in case of unsuccessful drug treatment), instrumental crushing through the urinary canal or puncture in the lower back.

To remove large calculi, strip, laparoscopic operations are used.

  • Medications: Painkillers.
  • Additionally: under the condition of minimal impact on the functioning of the organ, the absence of symptoms, discomfort, the condition of the cyst is subject to observation.

When growth is activated, it is subject to surgical removal.

Neoplasms They are removed surgically along with the affected organ.
  • Drugs: cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins), vasodilators.
  • Additionally: diet, rejection of bad habits.

With complete narrowing or thrombosis, stenting is performed, a surgical replacement of the vessel.

  • Drugs: analgesics.
  • Additionally: the use of a bandage, the performance of therapeutic strengthening exercises, the refusal to lift weights.

When the kidney is lowered into the pelvis, with the manifestation of complications, nephropexy is performed.

Congenital anomalies, trauma
  • Preparations: are selected individually for each case.
  • Additionally: follow the recommendations of the attending physician.

With a weak effect of drug treatment, surgical intervention cannot be avoided.

The most important factor for effective treatment is time. Any disease at an early stage of development is easier to treat. Progressing pathology reduces the protective mechanisms of the body, irreversibly changes kidney cells, eventually leading to complications.

Note. A large percentage of pathologies of the urinary system is detected during scheduled annual examinations. This allows the patient to immediately begin to fix the problem.

Pain of a different nature is a signal of the body about any violation in it. By means of symptoms, our body itself suggests where to look for the cause. This edition describes the possible causes of pain in the kidneys of a different nature, methods of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of complications. Photo, video materials presented in the article to visualize the described will be an addition.

Acute and chronic pathologies in the organs of the urinary system cause discomfort, disrupt the outflow of fluid, and worsen the general condition. A frequent complaint of patients of different ages is kidney pain.

What to do at home? What medicines and herbs are effective in treating diseases that cause pathological processes and pain in the kidneys? How to prevent new seizures? Answers in the article.

Possible causes of pain in the kidney area

Negative symptoms in the kidney area are a consequence of infectious and inflammatory diseases. Often, discomfort develops against the background of malfunctions in the body, pathologies of neighboring organs.

The main causes of pain syndrome:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • renal colic;
  • gynecological and urological diseases;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • renal failure (acute and chronic);
  • kidney cyst;
  • improper functioning of the urinary system during pregnancy;
  • high load on the kidneys due to malnutrition, the use of poor quality water;
  • hypothermia.

Learn how to provide first aid for renal colic and further treatment of the disease.

Read about the causes of urolithiasis in men and the treatment of pathology at this address.

How to understand that the kidneys hurt

How to understand that the kidneys hurt? The following symptoms of a sore kidney indicate the malfunction of important organs of the urinary system:

  • pain in the lower back;
  • in the acute stage of many diseases, discomfort is felt in the groin area, legs, upper abdomen;
  • often the pain radiates to the bladder, the genital area;
  • indicators worsen in the analysis of urine. Often, it is during a medical examination that doctors identify pathologies that a person does not pay attention to in a chronic course, mild negative symptoms;
  • dark circles appear under the eyes, legs and face swell;
  • arterial hypertension often develops (pressure rises);
  • blood clots appear in the urine;
  • often thirsty, appetite decreases;
  • the color of urine often changes: the liquid darkens, becomes cloudy, “flakes” appear;
  • with urolithiasis, sand, small irregularly shaped stones are visible in the urine;
  • weakness appears, drowsiness develops;
  • the volume of secretions during emptying of the bladder is markedly reduced;
  • urination is difficult, often there is a burning sensation, discomfort;
  • when the inflammatory process is activated, the temperature rises, in some cases - up to +39 degrees;
  • sometimes vision deteriorates, rashes appear on the body.

What to do at home

Many people believe that the best remedy for pain in the kidney area is herbal decoctions. Regular intake of properly selected herbal remedies really improves the patient's condition, but kidney pathologies can be completely cured only after a comprehensive examination, consultation with a nephrologist or urologist.

Common mistakes:

  • Selection of herbs and medicines on the advice of friends suffering from kidney disease. It is important to remember: what works for one person is contraindicated for another. With urolithiasis, it is important to take into account the chemical composition of stones (stones), otherwise the therapy will not benefit, but harm. If phosphates are detected, one type of diet and drugs is required, if oxalates and urates are detected, another.
  • Uncontrolled intake of analgesics. To anesthetize does not mean to cure. After taking Paracetamol, Baralgin, Ibuprofen, No-shpa, Drotaverin, the condition improves for a while, the kidneys hurt less, but the problem does not disappear anywhere. Gradually, the inflammatory process is activated, strong painkillers are required, which also do not eliminate the cause of discomfort, but only briefly stop the pain syndrome.

Conclusion! With discomfort in the kidneys, lumbar region, bladder, you need to rush to an appointment with a urologist or nephrologist, and not to a pharmacy for an anesthetic. Advanced cases of urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, and other pathologies are difficult to treat, and a dangerous condition often develops - renal failure. In the fourth and fifth stages of CRF (chronic form of the disease), regular hemodialysis and kidney transplantation are required to replace the affected organ, which cannot perform an excretory and cleansing function.


If the back hurts in the kidney area, then you can not experiment, replace drug therapy with herbal medicine. The use of dubious methods sometimes ends tragically.

Tablets for stopping the inflammatory process:

  • Ciprofloxacin.
  • Verapamil.
  • Norfloxacin.
  • Cyclophosphamide.

With low efficiency, these drugs are replaced by stronger antibiotics: Cefalexime, Amoxicillin.

To dissolve and remove sand, stones, tablets are prescribed:

  • Blemarin.
  • Allopurinol.
  • Ugly.

The action of drugs for urolithiasis: lower the concentration of uric acid, dissolve urates. Effective formulations reduce the level of acidity in the urine, making it easier to remove stones naturally.

Herbal medicines:

  • Nephroleptin.
  • Kanefron N.
  • Cyston.
  • Urolesan.
  • Cystenal.
  • Olimetin.

On a note! The effectiveness of tablets containing a complex of herbal extracts has been proven by studies, confirmed by positive feedback from doctors and patients with kidney pathologies. Active diuretic action accelerates the leaching of harmful salts from the kidneys. Herbal remedies are used during therapy and for prophylactic purposes.

Folk remedies and recipes

Herbalists recommend a lot of fees based on medicinal plants to dissolve and remove salts. All herbal remedies can be used only with the permission of the attending physician. The use of unsuitable plants often worsens the condition of the urinary system. In no case should you replace pills with traditional medicines.

Proven funds:

  • decoction of flaxseed. Take a teaspoon of healthy raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 2 minutes, insist forty minutes;
  • decoction of rosehip root. Boil 2 tbsp. l. raw materials, (water - 350 ml) for 10 minutes, let the liquid brew for half an hour;
  • Birch juice. Take the healing liquid daily for two weeks, a third of a glass twice a day;
  • infusion of carrot seeds. Proportions and method of preparation, as for a healthy flaxseed drink;
  • bearberry infusion. To make tea, you need 20 g of vegetable raw materials and 300 ml of boiling water;
  • lingonberry leaf tea. It is easy to prepare a healing drink: steam a tablespoon of leaves in a thermos, take 250 ml of boiling water;
  • pumpkin in any form daily. The highest percentage of nutrients is stored in baked pumpkin. With this method of preparation, the body easily absorbs the product;
  • chamomile decoction. For half a liter of boiling water, take a couple of tablespoons of useful flowers;
  • infusion of horsetail. Boiling water - 250 ml, vegetable raw materials - 1 tsp;
  • kidney collection. Nettle - 40 g, shepherd's purse, juniper berries, rosehip flowers and bearberry - 20 g each, sweet clover flowers and grass - 6 g each. Also add 120 g dried rose hips. For 2 st. l. the mixture is enough 1 liter of boiling water. In a thermos, the infusion is ready in 3 hours;
  • herbal decoction with fir oil. Components: lemon balm, oregano, knotweed, sage - 20 g each, the same amount of fir oil;
  • decoction of St. John's wort and centaury. For 300 ml of boiling water - a teaspoon of herbs;
  • cucumber fasting days do it a couple of times a week. Eat 1.5 kg of juicy vegetables per day.
  • liquid - 2.5 l, not less;
  • refusal of spicy, fried, peppered dishes;
  • minimum salt;
  • you should not eat a lot of offal, protein foods, meat, fish;
  • useful light soups on vegetable broth;
  • a good option is a dairy-vegetarian diet;
  • for each patient, the doctor develops an individual nutrition plan, taking into account the chemical composition of kidney stones, if solid formations are detected;
  • you can not drink alcohol, soda, juices from packages;
  • ready-made sauces, ketchups, canned food, sausages do not benefit;
  • it is harmful to drink coffee, strong black tea: drinks increase pressure.

When conservative treatment fails

Some diseases cannot be treated at home due to the low effectiveness of many methods. The use of herbal decoctions, the daily use of painkillers interferes with the proper treatment of purulent inflammation in the kidneys and bladder.

In severe forms of diseases, exacerbation of urolithiasis, abscesses, surgical treatment is required, including urgent. The choice of the type of surgical intervention is carried out by the urologist after a thorough examination of the patient, examination of tests, and ultrasound.

Learn about the causes of urolithiasis in women, as well as how to prevent the disease.

Effective treatments for acute renal failure in men are written at this address.

On the page, read about the treatment of chronic pyelonephritis in women at home.

The help of a surgeon is needed in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of purulent pyelonephritis, urolithiasis when the ducts are blocked;
  • proliferation of a purulent cyst of the kidney of a large size;
  • detection of fibroma, adenoma, malignant neoplasm;
  • development of an extensive abscess of the right kidney;
  • thromboembolism.

Kidney pain during pregnancy

Discomfort develops with exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis, severe form of urolithiasis, renal colic. Among the reasons: hypothermia, inflammatory processes, infections, malnutrition, impaired blood circulation in the kidneys.

Sharp pain affects the right side, lower back, reaches the genitals. In a severe form of the pathological process, complications, a violation of the course of pregnancy, and a negative effect on the fetus are possible.

With the development of pain syndrome, it is important to contact a gynecologist and a nephrologist in time. Uncontrolled intake of painkillers and anti-inflammatory compounds is prohibited. It is important to treat the disease, against which there is pain in the kidneys. One of the dangerous complications in advanced cases is a purulent abscess.

With renal colic, premature birth is possible. In case of acute pain, it is important to call an ambulance in order to preserve the health of the mother and fetus.

To prevent kidney pathologies, you need to eat right, avoid large amounts of protein foods, and drink alcoholic beverages less often. A prerequisite is the timely treatment of diseases, against which negative signs develop in the organs of the urinary system. With kidney pain, you can not self-medicate, it is important to seek help from a urologist or nephrologist. Only if you follow a diet, take medications, you can eliminate discomfort, prevent kidney failure and purulent tissue damage.

Why do kidneys hurt? How to recognize the symptoms of kidney disease? How to get rid of pain syndrome? Find out the answers after watching the following video:

Often a person does not know where the paired organ is located until back pain occurs and fatigue and general weakness join it. In this case, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

The main symptoms of kidney disease are:

  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • decrease in the daily volume of urine;
  • change in the color of urine;
  • pain during urination;
  • frequent calls;
  • temperature rise;
  • vision problems;
  • the appearance of various edema.

If the kidney hurts, what to do at home? First you need to determine which of the diseases can cause pain.


To determine that it is the kidneys that hurt, it is necessary to conduct the following experiment. Ask someone to hit with the edge of the palm in the area of ​​​​pain concentration. If the pain intensifies, then it is a kidney disease.

Often in women and men the question arises, what to do if the right or left kidney hurts at home? Unilateral pain often indicates two conditions:

  • hypothermia, which can lead to inflammation. Inflammation can be determined with the help of tests. An increase in the number of leukocytes can be observed with pyelonephritis;
  • the presence of stones or sand in the organ.

Pain on both sides should alert, as this may indicate a prolapse of the paired organ. This happens for various reasons. Most often, due to a lack of subcutaneous fat in the body. Therefore, you can not allow a sharp weight loss, monitor nutrition. Another reason may be a sedentary lifestyle - a long stay in an uncomfortable position.

It is difficult to diagnose this condition, since ultrasound is performed in the supine position, when the kidneys return to their normal position. This condition is dangerous development: in the third stage, disability occurs.

This disease is treated in the following ways:

  • wearing a corset in combination with a replenishing diet;
  • surgery (this method is used extremely rarely).

Before deciding what to do with kidney pain at home, you need to deal with the pain. By the nature of the pain, you can determine the disease:

  1. Persistent pain may indicate pyelonephritis, which is an inflammatory process.
  2. Aching pain may indicate cystitis (urinary inflammation).
  3. The periodic nature of acute pain may indicate the presence of stones in the organ. They become especially strong at the time of urination.
  4. If the pains appear more during the daytime, this may be a sign of some kind of disease not only of the kidneys, but also of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Morning aching sensations indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the kidneys.
  6. Renal colic is manifested by unilateral pain. Therefore, if it hurts in the kidney area on the one hand, you need to urgently contact a urologist.

First aid

Kidneys hurt - what to do at home? If the attack came unexpectedly, it is necessary to provide first aid. First, call an ambulance. Then the patient needs to take a comfortable position: lying or sitting. At the same time, breathe calmly, without taking sharp breaths. It is recommended to apply heat to the lower back. If the pain is not strong, you can try to take a warm shower. The key is to keep it warm, not hot.

diet for kidney disease

Many panic, what to do when the kidneys hurt at home? First you need to adjust the power supply. To eliminate symptoms, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • reduce protein intake;
  • increase the calorie content of the diet;
  • reduce the amount of salt consumed;
  • periodically spend unloading days.

It is worth avoiding the consumption of cheeses, smoked meats, sausages, pickles, chocolate, mushrooms and meat broths. You need to reduce a little cocoa, sea fish, nuts and cottage cheese.

Pay attention to the following products:

  • vegetable soups;
  • jelly, juice;
  • fruits and berries;
  • kefir;
  • cereals;
  • vegetable oil.

On unloading days, it is better to use either one product or a combination of several.

Folk methods of treatment

If kidney pains appear, symptoms, causes and home treatment are difficult to determine. But traditional medicine can be used as a treatment for most kidney diseases.

As the main method of treatment, herbalists offer herbs. They have a diuretic effect, contribute to the treatment of chronic ailments and are used as preventive measures.

For infusions and decoctions, special fees are used:

  • parsley, bearberry and immortelle;
  • sunflower roots, goose cinquefoil, juniper fruits;
  • chamomile, horsetail and cornflowers;
  • cumin, calendula, knotweed;
  • St. John's wort, mint and other herbs.

However, before taking herbal infusions, the body must be cleansed of toxins. For this, the following recipe is recommended: a teaspoon of dandelion roots is crushed and poured with boiling water. The liquid is infused until completely cooled. The medicine is taken in 3 doses.

If kidney pain periodically appears, home treatment will help maintain the functionality of the organ. For this, traditional medicine recommends the following recipes:

  1. To restore kidney function will help the collection of horsetail, lingonberry leaves and bearberry. Herbs need to be crushed and pour 1.5 tablespoons of the mixture with 300 ml of boiling water. After the infusion should stand for about 2 hours. It should be taken 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of admission is 3 weeks. This recipe not only eliminates inflammation, but also helps to remove the stone.
  2. Treatment can be carried out with millet. To do this, a glass of cereal is poured with three liters of water and infused for a day. The sediment that formed at the bottom is taken inside.
  3. Ordinary soda can improve the condition in case of illness. It is added to water or milk and taken 2 hours before meals. This mixture relieves swelling and forms an alkaline environment in the body.

When deciding what to do if your kidneys hurt at home, you need to know what not to do.

In diseases of the kidneys, it is impossible to warm the lower back.

Stones in the kidneys

An excellent treatment is to crush the stone into sand. For this, watermelons and infusions with sunflower roots are used.

Black peppercorns and pitted raisins are used to remove stones. The raisin is divided in half and pepper is put into it. You need to start the course with 1 raisin per day, increasing the dose taken daily by 1 piece until it reaches 10 raisins.

From day 11, the amount is reduced by the same amount. Such a medicine must be thoroughly chewed and washed down with water. After 20 days of this intake, you need to take diuretics or drugs for 3 days. For these purposes, an infusion of birch branches is well suited. This course must be completed 3 times.

How to treat kidneys in men if they hurt after alcohol? Especially often the body can suffer from beer. Colic in the lumbar part of the body may intensify.

If the exacerbation has made itself felt in this way, you need to use a diet, giving up alcohol. In this case, kidney herbal teas will help. It usually includes bearberry, lingonberry leaves and cat's whisker. It has a number of contraindications, so you need to consult a doctor before taking it.

With colic, drugs such as Tramolin, Veralgan, Metamizol, Mabron, Toradol are usually prescribed.

In the presence of an inflammatory process, Aminoglycosides, Macropen, Erythromycin, Fluoroquinolones will help.

You can help cope with the cyst with the help of herbal antiseptics Fitolizin and Kanefron.

Knowing how to treat kidney pain can not only alleviate the condition, but also reduce the likelihood of further spread of the disease.

Drugs and folk remedies


  • Aminoglycosides;
  • Macrofoam;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Fluoroquinolones;
  • Tramolin;
  • Veralgan;
  • Metamizole;
  • Mabron;
  • Toradol;
  • Phytolysin;
  • Kanefron.

Folk remedies:

  • herbal tea;
  • raisin;
  • soda;
  • peppercorns;
  • millet;
  • horsetail;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • bearberry;
  • herbal collections.

Pain in the region of the kidneys or in the kidneys themselves is one of the most unpleasant, persistent and strong, but do not despair. If you wondered if the kidneys hurt what to do at home, then you will definitely find the answer later in the article. The kidneys can get sick for a variety of reasons, and the pain will vary. Pain in the kidneys should not be ignored, and if they appear, you should immediately seek advice and prescribe specialized treatment from a doctor.

What causes pain in the kidneys

There are no pain receptors directly in the renal tissue itself, however, the renal capsule is rich in pain or baroreceptors, which are excited when the pressure changes and the capsule stretches. Pain occurs with swelling of the renal tissue, it begins to stretch the capsule and there is a so-called visceral pain, which is difficult to clearly localize. Most often, a sick person complains of pulling pain in the lumbar region and cannot accurately indicate the localization of pain. In other cases, pain occurs due to urolithiasis, such pain is called renal colic.

When moving a stone from the renal pelvis system into the lumen of the ureter, severe pain often occurs. Renal colic is characterized by acute and extremely severe pain in the area of ​​the affected ureter, because. the stone injures the inner surface of the ureter and reflexively causes its spasm, which only exacerbates pain.

When the kidneys hurt, in no case should these symptoms be ignored. Otherwise, you can allow a significant progression of the disease and the development of serious complications.

How to treat kidney pain

If you are wondering how to treat kidney pain, then try not to rush. It is not the pain that needs to be treated, but the disease itself that caused it. Depending on the pathological process that caused pain in the kidneys, treatment tactics will be determined. To accurately determine the disease that caused the pain syndrome, it is necessary to undergo a full examination. To do this, you will need to pass a general urine test and undergo an ultrasound diagnosis of the retroperitoneal organs, i.e. kidneys and ureters.

Before treating kidney disease with folk remedies, you need to consult your doctor and get his approval for the method you like. When the kidneys hurt due to the inflammatory process, drug treatment with antibiotic therapy will be necessary, but if the pain syndrome is caused by urolithiasis, then a wide variety of traditional medicine recipes can be used. Decoctions and infusions from the foliage of birch, mint, and lingonberries have proven themselves well. The decoction is prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons of dry leaves per 1.5 liters of boiling water. After pouring the leaves with boiling water, the decoction is infused for 3-4 hours, after which it is ready for use.

For the treatment of urolithiasis and pain relief, you can also use decoctions of wheatgrass rhizomes, a preparation of oak bark. Most decoctions from plant substances allow you to fight pain well and make it possible to relieve pain in a short time. Decoctions also have anti-inflammatory activity, which in turn reduces swelling of the renal parenchyma and helps to eliminate pain.

Herbal diuretic teas should only be taken on the advice of a doctor.

Renal colic

An attack of renal colic most often begins with acute unbearable pain in the lumbar region, however, in some cases, renal colic may be preceded by increasing discomfort in this area. Renal colic develops with urolithiasis, and even a slight physical activity in the form of walking or running can provoke an attack.

A characteristic sign of renal colic is pain descending from the upper parts of the lower back down, which corresponds to the movement of the urate stone through the ureter. A urate stone can completely close the lumen of the ureter, thereby causing severe pain.

First aid for developed renal colic is the use of antispasmodic drugs, which help well to anesthetize the injured person. The first step is to get rid of muscle spasm, for this you can use antispasmodics and herbal decoctions. Along with a decoction and antispasmodic drugs, it is necessary to take painkillers. In addition to drug therapy, it is necessary to apply a heating pad with a warm or even hot solution to the lumbar region. Rest, warmth in place of pain and antispasmodics will help solve the problem of pain. Only an integrated approach can help in the fight against renal colic.

This is what urate stones look like in the kidneys that cause renal colic

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies in the treatment of pain syndrome. Treatment at home is no different from treatment in a hospital, if you follow all the instructions of the attending physician and his recommendations. In addition, additional measures for the treatment of kidney diseases can be applied at home. With a wide variety of diseases of the urinary system, decoctions, infusions and tinctures help. It is much easier at home than in the hospital to prepare lotions that can be applied to the lumbar region in the projection of the kidneys. Treatment at home contributes to the speedy removal of pain and recovery.

For several generations of traditional medicine, many effective recipes have been developed for the treatment of urolithiasis. A decoction of Ivan-tea gently affects the renal system. The impact on the renin-angiotensive system resolves pain, stimulates moderate drainage of the urinary tract. There are a number of variations of taking a decoction of Ivan-tea herb. Usually, since yesterday, a little finely chopped young grass sprouts have been bred in warm water. On an empty stomach drink 100 milliliters of infusion. The course continues for 2 weeks.

In the practice of traditional healers, kidney collection is used - the most proven folk remedy. It consists of sprouts of lovage, St. John's wort, tricolor violet, bearberry, wild strawberry castings, succession, sage. This collection is actively indicated in pregnancy complicated by urolithiasis. Obstetrician-gynecologists are allowed to take even in the second trimester of pregnancy. In the second trimester, most loop diuretics are contraindicated for a woman. At the same time, renal preparations have a reduced hypotensive effect. In everyday practice, patients may not be as careful to monitor the level of blood pressure. The main effect that comes to the fore is the expulsion of urates from the urinary tract.

The diuretic action is based on the beneficial biological properties of herbs. As a result, chlorides, uric acid and a large amount of urea are evacuated from the body.

Experts recommend taking into account the mild action of the renal collection with extreme caution to use the drug in the daily diet. Do not abuse and drink this collection in large volumes. It is worth consulting with your doctor and familiarizing yourself with contraindications.

Most medicinal herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy

Diuretic effects are characteristic of sprouts of succession, dill, burdock, hernia, birch. To achieve the greatest effect in advanced cases, shepherd's purse grass is added to the main collection. In order to prepare the collection, brew 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. After that, pour boiling water and insist 6 hours. The patient takes every 7-8 hours. In inflammatory processes that complicate the course of the underlying pathology, a decoction is made from the bear's ear. This decoction is excellent for helping the kidney to cope with inflammation. Usually prepare tea with this grass and drink after meal. The course is 21 days.

However, do not forget that any collection cannot replace a full-fledged therapy in a specialized department, where specialists select a balanced optimal dosage of drugs aimed at achieving recovery. You should not treat yourself on your own, but it is better to spend a little time and consult a doctor.

We are used to the fact that any disease requires the appointment of pills, injections and regular visits to the doctor. Is it possible to carry out kidney treatment at home? In our detailed review, we will analyze popular ways to help a diseased organ, starting with diet and drinking regimen, ending with medicinal herbs, massage and therapeutic exercises.

Before starting to treat the kidneys at home, be sure to consult a doctor. The specialist must assess the state of your health, prescribe the necessary drugs and "give the go-ahead" to the use of any folk remedies.

Correction of nutrition and water regime - the main rules for self-treatment of the kidneys

Diet is the first thing you should pay attention to if your kidneys hurt. By following simple rules, you can save the urinary organs from unnecessary work, and achieve recovery faster. The main principles of the kidney diet include:

  1. Prohibition of drinking alcohol in any form.
  2. A sharp restriction of spicy, fried and too salty dishes, sausages, smoked meats, marinades.
  3. Fatty meat and lard can be replaced with lean beef and chicken breast.
  4. Dairy and vegetable food becomes the basis of the diet - vegetables, fruits, milk and dairy products should be on the table every day.

Helps with kidney disease and compliance with the drinking regimen. Inflammatory changes in the pyelocaliceal system without disturbing the functional activity of the organ - an indication for the use of 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day. It is better to give preference to clean water, compote, rosehip broth. In chronic renal failure, the volume of fluid entering the body is reduced to 1-1.2 liters per day.

A simple way to restore normal kidney function in infectious and inflammatory diseases is to drink liquid at a certain time. The main tasks of the drinking regime are:

  • urinary stimulation;
  • cleansing the internal structure of the kidneys from microorganisms, toxins, excess salts and stones.

To this end, kidney patients are advised to drink a glass of vegetable juice (cucumber, carrot or tomato) before going to bed and be sure to empty the bladder at the first urge, including at night. In order to cleanse the urinary tract, you can also drink 1-2 glasses of clean water immediately after waking up.

herbal kidney treatment

And how to treat kidneys at home with the help of medicinal plants? The main goal of such therapy remains:

  • increase in daily diuresis (diuretic effect);
  • cleansing of the urinary organs (uroseptic effect).

Decoctions and infusions of herbs, as well as medicinal preparations act quickly, and the kidneys usually stop hurting already on the 3rd-4th day of their intake. The best traditional medicine recipes are presented in the table below.

Chronic pyelonephritis, CRF (after consulting a doctor)
  • seeds and chopped parsley roots (dried) - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • boiling water - 500 ml
Pour vegetable raw materials with water and infuse in a thermos (or a jar wrapped in a warm cloth) for 1-2 hours. Strain the resulting solution and take 120 ml (half a glass) × 2 r / d. 10-14 days
Pyelonephritis, pyelitis, glomerulonephritis
  • raisins (dark) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 250 ml
Pour raisins with boiling water, leave for a day. Take on an empty stomach in the morning. You can prepare a fresh solution daily. 2-3 weeks
Pyelonephritis, ICD
  • dried rosehip - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp.
Pour the rose hips with water and simmer over low heat for 12-15 minutes. Strain and take 1/3 cup before main meals. Without Borders

Note! Treatment with herbs and medicinal plants has its own contraindications, such as individual intolerance, allergic reactions, acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Is it possible to treat kidneys at home with the help of sports? Yes, if these are physical therapy exercises. They are aimed at:

  • improvement of blood circulation in the retroperitoneal space and the kidney area;
  • restoration of disturbed outflow of urine;
  • strengthening the muscular frame that supports the kidneys, preventing nephroptosis.

Basic rules to follow when doing exercises if your kidneys hurt:

  1. The best place to practice is a clean, bright, spacious and well-ventilated room.
  2. Wear loose clothing that will not restrict your movements.
  3. If you experience back pain while doing an exercise, rest and move on to the next one. If discomfort persists, stop exercising and consult a doctor.
  4. High fever, renal colic, intense back pain and bleeding from the urinary tract are strict contraindications for exercise therapy.

Charging with kidney pathology consists of the following exercises:

  • diaphragmatic breathing;
  • rotation of the body from side to side;
  • squats;
  • body twisting;
  • back arching - "cat";
  • stand on the shoulder blades - "birch";
  • rotation of the hoop (without weighting);
  • elements of dance movements;
  • jogging, walking - after consulting specialists (nephrologist, therapist, if necessary - a cardiologist).


Massage of the kidneys at home can be considered as a preventive measure for the exacerbation of chronic diseases, but not as a means of first aid. Some patients begin to actively knead and rub the kidney area with an acute infection or renal colic, which is not recommended.

With the subsidence of acute phenomena and the disappearance of pain in the lower back, you can proceed to the procedure. It can be done both in the clinic and at home. The purpose of massage is:

  • elimination of muscle spasm;
  • reduction of pain syndrome;
  • stimulation of the functional activity of the kidneys.

Since the kidneys are located in the retroperitoneal space, it is not easy to get "access" to them. Massage is carried out both through the anterior abdominal wall and through the muscles of the back. When performing the procedure, remember that all movements should be smooth, light and not cause you discomfort.

Above, we tried to figure out how to cure kidneys at home. Everything is important in this difficult task: from lifestyle changes and nutrition to regular exercise. Do not neglect the possibilities of official medicine: only an experienced doctor will be able to give you a correct diagnosis and determine a plan for further action.

The kidneys are one of the body's main filters. It is specially made in the form of a paired organ - so that if one of them is damaged, the second one can take its function without any problems. But many causes - infections, injuries, the intake of toxic substances and medicines - act immediately on both "wonderful networks" (namely, this is what the internal structure of the organ is called), significantly reducing their chances of normal recovery.

Before looking for the cause of pain, you need to figure out what exactly hurts

Therefore, if there are any symptoms from the urinary system, you need to urgently contact a nephrologist. We will tell you why the kidneys hurt, how it manifests itself and what to do about it.

Do they really hurt?

The kidneys are localized on both sides of the spine, at the level of the lower thoracic - upper lumbar vertebrae; part of them is covered by the costal arch. Behind them are the muscles that keep the spine in balance, which can strain and hurt with scoliosis, intervertebral hernia, and osteochondrosis. In front are the stomach, pancreas, intestines, pain from which can radiate to the lower back. Above the left kidney are the lungs, and on the right is the liver with the gallbladder; with their diseases, discomfort in the lumbar region can also be felt.

Before analyzing why a person’s kidneys hurt, it is necessary to determine that the pain syndrome is caused precisely by renal pathology. It can be described like this:

  1. back pain - in the place where the costal arch is attached to the spine (not the lower back on the other side of the navel);
  2. can give to the area to the right or left of the navel;
  3. if you stand on your feet, rise on your toes, and then sharply fall on your heels, the pain in the lower back increases.

In addition, the following symptoms speak of renal pathology:

  • pain when urinating;
  • foul-smelling urine;
  • the lower back is cold all the time;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • frequent or rare urges in a small way;
  • increased fatigue, fatigue, lack of appetite;
  • smell of ammonia from the mouth;
  • change in the color of urine;
  • small red "pimples" on dry skin;
  • lower back pain when lifting weights;
  • dry skin;
  • "powder" of white crystals on dry skin;
  • high blood pressure;
  • decrease in visual acuity.

Why does the kidney hurt

There are many causes of kidney disease. These are inflammatory and neoplastic diseases, and injuries of this area, and anomalies in the development of the urinary system, which “raise their heads” under the influence of provoking factors. Let's consider everything in order.



This is the name of the condition in which the renal pelvis expands under the influence of urine accumulating in it. It can be caused by urolithiasis, tumors that compress the ureters, and anomalies in the development of the latter.

With hydronephrosis, pain is felt in the last stages of the disease.

It manifests itself in the form of pain, which can be localized in the lower back, but can also be felt in the abdomen. There may be other symptoms: decreased urine volume, nausea, fatigue.

Renal tuberculosis

With this disease, back pain will have a stabbing, cutting character; a person will also be disturbed by severe weakness and fatigue. There is also a change in the nature of urine: it becomes cloudy, bloody, pus can be clearly seen.

Kidney prolapse

It does not manifest itself for a long time, but in the last stages of the disease, pain in the kidney appears, which increases in an upright position and reaches its peak in the evening. Over time, it becomes unbearable, leading to personality disorders. A person loses weight, practically ceases to feel hunger; Nausea and heartburn are intermittent.

Warning! The risk of kidney prolapse increases with sudden weight loss, intense physical exertion, and injuries to the lumbar region.

Causes of pain in the kidneys according to the characteristics of pain

Consider the most common diseases with renal pain syndrome, which people describe in a certain way.

Pain associated with alcoholism

Consider why the kidneys hurt after beer:

  1. this drink "pulls" water from the tissues, which leads to an increased load on the kidneys: first, you need to remove the increased volume of urine, and then another - the liquid that the person took because of the thirst caused by beer;
  2. after a while, the blood becomes thicker (the main part of the liquid has already left), and it is more difficult for the kidneys to filter it;
  3. as a result of such a “dehydration storm”, the tissues lose the necessary electrolytes (potassium, calcium, phosphorus) and proteins, which are gradually deposited in the kidneys and form stones.

If the kidneys hurt after alcohol, this means that ethyl alcohol - the main component of alcohol - has led to a violation of their ability to concentrate and filter blood plasma, forming urine. This happens either after taking a large number of strong drinks, or if a person takes them systematically. The risk of pain syndrome increases in people suffering from either chronic pyelonephritis, or nephrolithiasis, or those whose kidneys and ureters have structural abnormalities.

morning pain

But to understand why the kidneys hurt in the morning, it is the urologist or nephrologist who should do it, since this is a dangerous symptom. He says that the urine that has accumulated overnight in the kidney presses on its walls.

Warning! This can cause pain only if there is damage to the structure of the kidney, which happens with glomerulonephritis, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis and other diseases.

Kidney hurts on the left

The reasons why the left kidney hurts are:

  • nephrolithiasis;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • organ prolapse;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • kidney tumors;
  • abscess.

In the left lumbar region, pain can be given during inflammation of the pancreas, which requires a diagnosis.

Both kidneys hurt

Pain syndrome that develops on both sides of the spine is characteristic of glomerulonephritis and polycystic kidney disease.

Lower back pain on the right

The reasons why the right kidney hurts may be slightly more than for the left organ, due to its lower localization (because of the liver, the right kidney is ? -1 vertebra lower than the left one). It:

  • post-traumatic pain;
  • calculus in the renal pelvis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • benign neoplasms;
  • cancer tumor.

Pain with osteochondrosis,

Surely each of us is well aware that the kidneys in our body play a very important role. This body is responsible for the processing of toxins and toxins. How to understand that the kidneys hurt? Doctors say that the nature of the pain can be different, while the sensations in men and women may differ.

In some cases, the pain can be very severe, but at the same time they have nothing to do with the kidneys. Consider the symptoms of kidney disease and other important factors that everyone should know about.


The reasons for the problems are many. But, judging by the studies, most often the kidneys make themselves felt if a person has a protein or water-salt balance disorder. Also, the kidneys can hurt if the patient has problems with the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

With pronounced pain, a person must definitely consult a doctor. He will be able to establish the cause of acute pain, and then eliminate the unpleasant symptoms caused by the disease. For example, both kidney problems and inflammation of appendicitis, or pyelonephritis, can cause discomfort.

If a person has problems directly with the organs of the urinary system, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • pronounced swelling in the morning;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • chills;
  • migraine;
  • blanching of the skin.

With regard to local symptoms, in this case, the most common symptom is pain in the lumbar region. In this case, discomfort may increase during urination or with certain body movements (for example, if the patient abruptly stands on his toes, and just as abruptly returns to his original position).

How to understand if your back or kidneys hurt?

With kidney pathologies, the following symptoms will be observed:

  • from the mouth often there is an ammonia smell;
  • small pimples appear on the skin, similar to a rash;
  • discomfort during urination;
  • urine acquires a red tint, or a pronounced bright yellow.

If the patient notes at least a few of the above symptoms, he needs to contact a specialist as soon as possible. The doctor will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis after he receives and deciphers urine and blood tests.


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Symptoms of kidney pain in women

Symptoms in men and women may vary, so consider how kidney disease manifests itself in females:

To distinguish whether the kidneys or lower back hurt, you need to contact a specialist and undergo laboratory tests. As a rule, this is enough to determine the pathology.

Signs of kidney pain in men

According to statistics, doctors are much less likely to visit doctors than women. In this regard, kidney problems are detected already in the chronic stages, when the disease is much more difficult to cure. Some doctors associate this factor with a negligent attitude towards their health, some with the fact that in men the symptoms are not so pronounced.

As a rule, if a man complains of pain, tests show diseases:

  • nephroptosis;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • pyelonephritis, etc.

With kidney pathology, most often a man feels constant or paroxysmal pain that appears in the lumbar region.

There are other signs that may indicate problems with this vital organ:

  • intense thirst accompanied by dry mouth;
  • lethargy, apathy;
  • hanging AD;
  • edema may appear on the face and in the abdomen;
  • polyuria or anuria;
  • cloudy urine, it may contain traces of blood.

The symptoms described above can be a sign of serious pathologies that require immediate attention. Therefore, it is imperative to make an appointment with a specialist, especially.

How the place of pain depends on the disease

Different diseases manifest themselves in different ways. For example, if a person has pyelonephritis, then the pain will occur mainly in the lumbar region. Consider how pain is distributed in various pathologies.

Pain in the kidney on the left, as practice shows, indicates that a person may have:

If a person has a pain in the right kidney, then this may indicate a pathology near the excretory organs. The most common reasons:

A doctor should be consulted if a person has pain in the kidneys or lower back on the right, while the following symptoms are noted:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • sudden onset of a rash and itching on the skin;
  • blood is found in the urine;
  • during urination, a person feels severe discomfort - burning, pain;
  • vision worsens;
  • Ammonia odor comes from the mouth.

How to determine the cause of pain without visiting a doctor?

First of all, the patient should note the localization of pain. Sick kidneys can give to the lower back, groin, and even to the genitals.

The kidneys will hurt with any disease of the urinary system. At the same time, doctors emphasize that the nature of pain varies:

  • pulling;
  • pricking;
  • aching;
  • spicy;
  • paroxysmal pain, etc.

In order to accurately understand that it is the kidneys that hurt, and not sciatica, you need to use the following lights.

Other signs:

  1. If the problem is in the kidneys, the pain will be present all the time. Simply put, a person will not feel more comfortable with a change in body position.
  2. Basically, the kidneys hurt at night, while diseases of the musculoskeletal system can be accompanied by discomfort at any time of the day or night. At the same time, they appear periodically and are not permanent.
  3. Kidney pathologies are almost always accompanied by migraines, thirst, poor appetite and fever.

Doctors use a fairly effective method of diagnosis. So, in order to determine whether a person’s kidneys hurt, you need to lightly tap on the lower rib from behind. If there is a problem, the pain will radiate to the lower back, and this already indicates that the patient will have to pass all the tests prescribed by the doctor and undergo a course of treatment.

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