Strong cemetery conspiracies. Ritual for success and good luck in the cemetery. To meet your loved one

In the modern world, cemetery love spells are very popular. This is because they are very effective and have great power. There are many varieties of love spells in the cemetery, but the most popular are rituals that use cemetery land.

Features of the ritual

These are very dangerous rituals that require a large supply of mental strength and strong natural energy. If you are not confident in your abilities, then such rituals should be abandoned. Otherwise, you can harm yourself, first of all, by spending a lot of energy on magical effects. In this case, even a lethal outcome is possible.

Any cemetery love spell begins to act almost instantly. But at the same time, of course, its strength is largely influenced by the energy of the performer of the rite. A person who is going to conduct a love ritual in a cemetery must not only be self-confident, but also have sincere deep feelings.

Graveyard ground has great power. If it is used in a love ritual, then success is sure to be guaranteed. The main thing in this case is to carry out a love spell on the cemetery land in accordance with all prescribed rules.

The negative consequences of the rite, as a rule, are associated with violations that were made during the ritual. Most often, incorrectly performed impacts cause severe headaches, both for the victim and the performer of the rite. Moreover, it is impossible to get rid of them with any medications.

Further consequences include other problems, such as:

  • Alcoholism;
  • Bad luck in all areas of life;
  • Aggressiveness;
  • Illness with incurable diseases.

Black magic offers a very simple love spell on graveyard ground that has powerful powers.

It will require the following additional attributes:

  • Threads with a needle;
  • The item of clothing of the chosen one;
  • Buttons.

On the day of the ceremony, before visiting, which should be scheduled for the evening or night, you should go to three different temples. In each of the churches, it is necessary to discreetly place 9 candles upside down and leave three requests for the repose of the soul for the victim of the rite.

Having gone to the graveyard in the evening, you should find three graves, the deceased in which have names that match the name of the chosen one. From each grave it is necessary to take a handful of soil and be sure to leave a ransom. After that, you need to leave the cemetery without looking back. Arriving home, you need to immediately go to bed, and when you wake up early in the morning, go out to an open deserted place and scatter the cemetery ground around you.

At the same time, pronouncing the following magic words:

“On the boundless sea-ocean, there is an island Buyan, and on it is the magic stone Alatyr. Three unknown coffins are installed on it, each has three boards, and under them lie three longings. The melancholy was the first to be hard to kill - it connected with the body with pain. The second longing was hard to kill - it was connected with thought by pain. The third longing was hard to kill - it spread through the heart. The wind is light and fast from the coffins and evokes longing from those three coffins on the Servant of God (the name of the bewitched person). He reminds him of me, the Servant of God (proper name), every day and every night, I will constantly appear in his thoughts and I will become sweet and desirable to him. The Servant of God (the name of the bewitched person) will yearn and come to me, the Servant of God (proper name). And we will never part with him either in body, or soul, or heart. In his thoughts he will dream of me, he will not die, he will not dry up and will quickly come to me.

The part of the love spell associated with the scattering of the earth to enhance the effectiveness of the love spell should be carried out for three days in a row. That is, it is impossible to scatter all the soil at one time. It is also important not to bring it into the house, but to hide it in a secluded place on the street. In addition, you can pour a little cemetery land under the threshold of a bewitched person.

A strong love spell with cemetery land provides for a mandatory visit to the cemetery on one of the nights during the full moon. There you need to take the earth from forty graves, the names of the deceased in which coincide with the name of the beloved. To simplify the collection of cemetery land, you should first visit the cemetery during the day, and look after the required graves, it is desirable that they be located nearby.

The jar with the collected cemetery earth should be brought home, where the ritual actions should be continued. The ceremony should be carried out in complete seclusion in a separate room, while care must be taken that nothing interferes with the magical action. A jar of graveyard soil must be placed on the table, and a candle should be lit next to it.

After that, you should visualize the image of your loved one and say the following magic words:

“Like the cemetery land from forty graves collected by me, the Servant of God (proper name), so you will soon be the Servant of God (name of the beloved) only with me. From now on and forever. Amen".

The enchanted cemetery land must be stored in a secluded place. As a rule, such a rite begins to operate on the ninth day. After the beloved is next to you, you need to get rid of the cemetery land. It must be poured anywhere in the cemetery, and it is advisable to do this in the evening after sunset.

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The cemetery is a place of strong energy. Since ancient times, magicians have turned to burial places and asked for help from the deceased ancestors. It is no coincidence that many rituals are performed or filmed by masters there.

The cemetery love spell is traditionally considered one of the most powerful, but at the same time the most dangerous. It should be noted that it is dangerous for beginners and amateurs to perform any rituals in the cemetery. This threatens with serious consequences. Entities that can cause damage to health or cause changes in behavior can become attached to the fortune teller. In some cases, the object of love spell dies.

Usually for a cemetery rite, they turn to professionals. But even when making a love spell with an experienced magician, the client definitely needs to make sure that in addition to binding, the master made a tap.

Psychics may not warn about this and may not take into account the future of the customer. the consequences of love spells will overtake the client over time. It is difficult to predict possible "kickbacks" after such rituals, but among them: infertility, loss of loved ones, serious problems from different areas of life.

What are the types of cemetery love spells?

The binding is so ancient that it already has different variations. The fortuneteller should only choose only a more suitable method:

At the cemetery. The most common option. At the same time, both a separate grave (that is, the help of a specific deceased) and the entire land of burials (as places of power) can be involved in the ritual.

On attributes or things from the cemetery. In this case, the rituals are carried out directly with the items that were brought from the burial sites. It can be land, decoration or something from food. The object is spoken and hidden near or inside the victim's dwelling.

How long does the binding action last?

Many stereotypically believe that a love spell is done for life. Actually it is not. Like any other love spell, the cemetery one loses its power after a while (usually after a few years).

How to make a graveyard dryer yourself?

Binding with the help of a dead person with the name of the victim.

Before the ceremony, on Kupala night (from July 6 to 7), flowers and herbs are collected that grow near the house of a loved one and taken to the chosen grave. The following is a conspiracy:

“As I brought you, the deceased (name), the grass from the house where (name) lives, to your house, how it will lie with you, and how you will protect it, so the slave (name) will take care of me, and I will be valued. Amen".

After that, they leave the ransom and leave the cemetery without looking back.

"White Ritual"

The love spell is done during the day, preferably during a church holiday. You should choose the grave of a close friend or relative with whom the fortune teller had a good relationship during his lifetime.

For the ceremony you will need: a ransom (sweets, cigarettes, alcohol), a photograph of the love object, a photograph of the deceased, a white candle (preferably from wax).

A candle is placed next to the grave at the head and lit. Then they take a photo of the object of the love spell, look into the eyes and imagine a harmonious love relationship with him or her.

Then they take a photo of the deceased and mentally ask for help, no special spells need to be cast. It is important to address the deceased by name.

Then they pay off, thank and say goodbye.

At the end of the ceremony, the fortuneteller can feel a response from the photo of the deceased and loved one. The photographs should be placed face to face in a white envelope and kept at home. Usually the result of a love spell is noticeable after 41 days.

Ritual with photography.

You will need: a black candle, a photograph of a lover and a photograph of a bewitching one.

To begin with, they walk clockwise around the grave three times. After that, a candle is lit and placed at the head. They take both photographs and put them on the table or leave them in their hands (in no case on the grave). Read the spell:

“I feed the dead earth with blood, I direct this force for a good life. So that you, (name of the deceased), my dear assistant, make (your name) and (name of the object) a happy family. So be it".

Strong love spell

Go to the churchyard according to all the rules. Having found the necessary graves, walk between them with a candle in your hands (naturally lit) and pronounce the plot until the fire burns out. And it rains to burn out to the end. You can protect the fire by making a cap from the bottle.

Choose a place where they no longer bury, so that by chance, when you "shaman" the dead person is not brought to you.

During the ceremony, it is forbidden to meet with the object of love spell for 3 days. (after each of 3 visits)

The ceremony is done 3 times: on day 1, at 9 and at 40. Time is night.

Repeat after 9 days.

When the candle goes out, thank the dead man, leaving him a ransom. While doing this, say:

“Remember also you sleeping, not lying in the earth, but walking on the earth, the servants of God ... and .... For their everlasting love"

Leave the same way.

The ritual must begin on the rise of the moon. Church holidays should not be during this ceremony. Observe women's and men's days.

A simple rite with threads

This cemetery love spell is easy to use for beginners. It is not necessary to go to the sorcerer here, you can handle it yourself if you wish. Of course, its effectiveness will be less than that of powerful rites, although it all depends on your strength.

Choose a burial with the deceased, whose name is like that of your beloved (beloved)

To carry it out, it is important to buy threads and a needle. According to the rules. That is, without surrender. You also need to take a thing of your beloved or beloved, any shirt, blouse, etc.

Stage 1 of the ceremony: You go to the cemetery and bury a needle and thread at the grave you need for a period of three days.

Stage 2: You take out the buried things and in the apartment, after returning from the churchyard, take scissors and cut off the buttons from the thing of the "object". And when you cut everything off, re-sew them with your magic threads and a needle, which were buried for 3 days before.

“I sew the servant of God (NAME) to the servant of God (NAME) to the grave. Amen!".

The nuances of love spells in the cemetery.

Before you make a binding at the burial place of people, you should familiarize yourself with a number of rules. The cemetery is a special place with their own orders. If the guests behave inappropriately, then this can end badly for them. So, the most general rules for love spells in the cemetery:

  1. You should not eat or drink anything in the cemetery.
  2. Most of the rituals are performed at night on the growing moon.
  3. The deceased must be asked for forgiveness before the ceremony for disturbing the grave.
  4. You cannot enter the cemetery for the ritual through the gate where the coffins are carried, only through the guest gate.
  5. After the ritual, they leave without looking back, even if voices or noise are heard behind.
  6. After the rite, a ransom is left for the deceased at the grave, usually sweets, alcohol, money (it is better not to skimp, otherwise retribution will overtake the fortuneteller).
  7. The ransom is left not only at the chosen grave, but also at the first burial near the churchyard. This is a tribute to the owner of the cemetery.

The cemetery love spell is very serious. And in order to minimize the possible consequences, it is important to approach magic responsibly. It is recommended to consult a professional for such types of rituals.

If you still decide to conduct the ceremony on the graveyard yourself, then know that it is important to put protection on yourself before the ritual, follow the instructions exactly and be sure to pay off.

Rules for working at the cemetery

  • No jewelry, metal objects or cosmetics
  • Loose hair
  • Before the ceremony, go to the cemetery for reconnaissance, study everything.
  • Use matches and candles as a light source.
  • No fear.

On arrival and departure:

  • Say hello, leave gifts.
  • Turn to the black widow, say what they came for, ask for help.
  • At the grave, greet the deceased, put a ransom.
  • Carrying out the ceremony.
  • Thanks to the dead.
  • Return without looking back.
  • Throw a coin at 1 crossroad.
  • When leaving, say goodbye to everyone

About choosing a grave for work

  • Burial attracts animals.
  • Photo faded.
  • The grave should radiate energies.
  • Bad vegetation.
  • Headstone damage.


Here is one of the simple methods. This is universal protection. For its implementation, it is important to purchase a cotton towel. In the middle of the acquisition, tie a knot. Before you enter the graveyard, you need to wash your hands, and then dry them with a purchased towel (one-half). While saying the words:

“Which one (th) left (la), such (th) and I will come”

After returning to the house, dry your hands with the other side of the towel.

That's not all. now burn the towel or bury it.

The impact of the cemetery love spell

The love spell in the cemetery works quickly, the first successes will be visible already on the 9th day. In some cases earlier. A prerequisite for magic in the churchyard is a secret. Therefore, you should not tell anyone about your love spells. It is also worth warning that even with a clear implementation of the ceremony, certain consequences are possible.

At the object of influence and the customer, after the rites of illness, problems in life, all kinds of failures and even death are possible. Therefore, if you are not a professional and are not familiar with magic, first study all the subtleties, and then act. Or look for a magician. Remember also that it is necessary to start black rituals with clear confidence and awareness, without any fears and guilt. Otherwise, you will attract the opposite result.

Be sure to comply with all the conditions of both the ritual and behavior in the cemetery, make protections, do not forget about payoffs. Remember, magic is not a toy, be careful. And think 100 times more if you need a bewitched person who will not really love you for real, because a love spell is a suppression of the will, and not an attraction of love.

If you want a pure, fulfilling relationship, then let go of the person who is not worthy of you, and then attract a new relationship where there will be mutual love.

The choice is yours. You are the master of your life and you are responsible for it. But since you have decided to make a cemetery love spell, I repeat once again, do not do it haphazardly, everything should be clear and competent.


After a love spell, the following symptoms may appear on the graves, which, if the ritual is done correctly, cease to appear after some time.

  • Colds
  • Apathy
  • Pain
  • nightmares
  • vision of spirits

Magic surrounds a person from the day of his birth. She is in his inexplicable actions, in choosing a life partner, even in success in the labor field. Magical actions, whatever they may be, help in achieving certain, complex goals. Another question, how do you want to dispose of it? Skeptics say that random events are a coincidence, a believer will write off troubles for trials sent to his mortal soul before paradise, and only an experienced magician will recognize a strong magical influence at first sight.

Any magical effect entails reactions of the human body

Complex rituals for sickness and death

The death ritual is one of the strongest rites, requiring a special concentration of inner strength and morale. When using such powerful magic, you should know what price you will have to pay for it in the future. It just so happens that the people around you do not always respond to your actions with mutual kindness or sincerity, enemies put sticks in the wheel, and turntails take respectable husbands away from the family. Such is life in all its vile manifestations. A painful experience, for some - a reason to show humility, and for others, an impetus for decisive, reciprocal action. You are not obliged to endure the tricks of enemies, to wait until the universe returns the perfect atrocities like a boomerang. Stop watching fate as something weightless and abstract. You are your own master, your own friend and best companion. Don't let others influence you. The ritual for the death of a person at home is a responsible step, deciding on which you consciously agree to all the future consequences.

The principle of damage to health

Any magical effect entails the reactions of the human body, on which damage or a serious evil eye has been sent. Sometimes, negative tendencies appear from time to time, and sometimes diseases are taken by surprise in a matter of days. Factors affecting the strength and effectiveness of the rite are the qualifications of the magician, the period of the ritual, the use of special symbols and attributes. The more time you devote to preparing a magical action that leads to diseases of an enemy, the longer the ritual will work. The main feature of conspiracies for death or a severe illness is that their cause is very difficult to determine and recognize in a timely manner.

Rites for inducing ailments

Neither doctors, nor various tests, nor consecutive examinations can establish a correct diagnosis, while the enemy “dries up” before our eyes. Damage affects all important human functions - immunity, heart function, gastrointestinal tract. So, a person who is spoken to death loses his vitality, vigor and good mood. By nature, every living being has an energy background, in which so-called holes are formed due to external interference. Is it worth resorting to black magic to achieve the desired result? Evaluate situations from the outside, abstract from pressing problems, remain calm and weigh the pros and cons.

Is the enemy worthy of your attention, spending free time and internal energy? Will you get satisfaction from perfect rituals? Will it become easier on your soul or not? First of all, take care of yourself. Your peace of mind is more important than restoring justice or punishing a vile person. If, after careful consideration, you are nevertheless set to conduct a rite for death or a severe illness, then with trepidation, even perseverance, study all the important nuances of the future rite. A correct ritual guarantees not only a lasting effect, but also protection for the one who performs it.

Signs of induced damage to waning health

It is more difficult for an ordinary person to recognize the strongest evil eye, but nevertheless such a task is doable. Watch for changes in the behavior and character of the person. If one of your relatives has the following symptoms, there is a high probability of a strong evil eye on the disease:

  • sudden illnesses that arose out of nowhere;
  • the new disease progresses rapidly;
  • traditional methods of treatment do not help;
  • one disease accompanies another (or hides it);
  • deterioration of the general condition puts pressure on the psyche of a sick person;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • unjustified infertility;
  • a sharp decline in all forces;
  • lack of regular sound sleep.

If you decide to cause damage, then similar symptoms will be observed in the enemy. With the help of obvious signs of the evil eye, you will be able to trace the impact of the conspiracy on the deterioration of health and predict the imminent outcome of the secret ritual. Conspiracies that have a magical message are difficult to cancel, but such a possibility still exists.

Corruption is a kind of magical effect

Quick conspiracy on the disease of the enemy

The rite of death is carried out either with the help of an experienced sorcerer, or at home, but with the obligatory observance of all the instructions and recommendations of professionals. Revenge, which is guided by those who send strong damage, poisons your life every day. It corrodes from the inside and destroys all the good in you. Therefore, to get rid of a sense of injustice or resentment, the easiest way is with the help of a quick but effective conspiracy to worsen the health of the enemy. For the rite to work properly, you will need a thing saturated with the energy of a person or his full-length image. Thus, the action of magic through conspiracies will be purposeful and powerful.

Before proceeding with the main stages of the ritual, you should secure your own energy. To do this, it is recommended to visit a church or temple, confess or light candles for the health of loved ones and relatives. Seemingly harmless actions will provide you with the best results with minimal consequences for you. Then, pick up all the paraphernalia necessary for the ritual:

  • picture of the enemy;
  • a vessel with holy water;
  • transparent container.

Experienced magicians claim that a picture of a person (his old photograph) keeps echoes of his energy for up to 10 years. But for those new to magick, recent images will come in handy.

How to conduct a ritual

A powerful and fast plot for deteriorating health can be modified, so choose the option that is most suitable for you. Wait for the departing moon, and only then perform the ritual:

  1. Lock windows and doors, retire to a secluded place.
  2. Pour holy water into a container.
  3. Dip the image of the enemy into the liquid, saying spells:

    “The body of the slave (name) burns, the blood boils, then proceed, do not find peace. To be according to my word!

  4. Dry the photo and the next night, take the picture to the cemetery.
  5. Find the headstone of a person whose name matches the name of your enemy.
  6. Bury the image near the grave.
  7. Upon returning home, read "Our Father" and let go of past resentment.

Sometimes, to enhance the work, conspiracies are supported by mechanical influences on the photo (the help of a simple sewing needle). The ritual begins to work literally from the first minutes. Be patient, soon a slight indisposition of your enemy will develop into a serious illness.

Aspen conspiracy for a deadly disease

An alternative way to take revenge on the enemy is to plot a deadly disease using an aspen branch. The main active force is magic applied in several successive stages. Strong rituals are not performed in one day, because the objects involved in the ritual must be saturated with the necessary energy as much as possible. The image of a person (photo) is the most appropriate connecting element that can be obtained quickly and without attracting too much attention.

What is needed for the ritual

Find a picture of the enemy, thanks to modern technology and social networks, such a task will take a couple of seconds, and then prepare all the necessary “ingredients” for the future ritual. So, you will need:

  • photo of the ill-wisher;
  • silk scarf;
  • Holy water;
  • aspen branch;
  • church candle.

Preparation for the ritual begins exactly 13 days before its main action. An aspen branch must be plucked from a healthy tree; a selected dry shoot will not work for such purposes.

For an aspen plot for a deadly disease, a silk scarf is needed

How to conduct a ritual

The 12-day preparation for the ceremony includes the repetition of the same action - the torn branch is placed in holy water at night, and the next morning it is dried in direct sunlight. Then, proceed to the main ritual:

  1. Take a photo of an enemy that stores information about the owner.
  2. Wrap a silk scarf around the picture and throw it to the floor with a jerk.
  3. Take a dry rod prepared in advance and beat the bundle with it.
  4. Speak to yourself the basis of the spell:

    “Beyond the distant mountains there is an iron sea, on the sea there is a stone pillar from earth to heaven, a wooden man stands on the pillar, he says to the whole world: iron, stones, wood, fall to the slave (slave) (name), torment him (her ), prick him (her), flog him (her). As the bows of castles are strong, so are my words of molding. May it be so".

  5. Repeat the words of the spell 3 times.

Cross yourself and hide the handkerchief along with the photo in a secluded place so that no one will find it.

The power of such a ritual will not fade as long as you keep the charmed photo. The enemy will begin to feel unwell, then attacks of sharp illnesses will begin, and then the body of the ill-wisher will weaken to such an extent that a serious illness will arise. Death rituals according to the photo, today, are the most popular among both experienced magicians and beginners in such a multifaceted magical business.

A deadly disease, as a punishment for perfect meanness, as retribution and righteous revenge. To some people, such drastic measures will seem frightening, while others will understand what caused a strong pull in revenge. The modern world is arranged in such a way that the victory can be kept only under the condition of a quick reaction. Do you want a happy, carefree life? Then get it one way or another. Get rid of enemies, give yourself moral support and let go of past grievances. If you are still wondering how to damage the enemy, then do not waste time, perform a home ritual in a matter of days. The ritual rite (conspiracies for death, conspiracies for a severe illness or a simple evil eye) is performed only in strict secrecy. Neither your friends nor relatives can know about such manipulations.

Black magic to attract money will work quickly and accurately - you will receive the required amount or other material benefit in a few days. However, a money love spell has its price, and in the case of black witchcraft, it is not about money.

In the article:

What you need to know about black magic to attract money

The rituals of black magic to attract money are quite effective - you will get everything you want. Black magicians are rarely in need. Usually they can be called rich people. Their secret is simple - rituals and are able to enrich in a short time.

But to resort to dark witchcraft is not nearly as easy as to resort to white. The dark forces require the literal execution of rituals as a sign of respect for them. Mistakes in spellcasting can be costly. In addition, you will have to cultivate courage in yourself - night cemeteries should not scare you. On the graveyard, the black magician feels almost more protected than in his own home.

Rites with special power sacrifices. No, you do not need to sacrifice people and puppies. Usually these are black hens and roosters, sometimes wild rats - with the exception of the latter, these animals, even without black magic, are killed for food. But few people get dinner in such ways - for a modern person, even killing a chicken cannot be called a familiar and simple task.

According to the opinion of the church, the road to the temple for the black magician is ordered. This is not entirely true. If you decide to get rich with the help of dark forces, you cannot consider yourself a believer. However, you can go to the temple and repent of what you have done - however, after that you will very quickly lose everything that the forces of darkness have given you, they are rather touchy. Many dark sorcerers also use the parishioners of the temple. You can still see them in the church, but witches and sorcerers come there with their own dark goals.

If these conditions do not bother you, you can come to a dark craft in order to enrich yourself. Most likely, you will go further and learn other rituals - some of them will benefit you and your loved ones, some will harm your enemies. The life of a dark magician is capable of causing envy and admiration, and the purpose of interest in magic in the form of wealth is quite understandable to the dark forces.

Conspiracy for money with tarot cards

Tarot cards
- a sacred instrument, and not only fortunetellers use it. Such a deck can be used not only for divination. There are many rituals in which they serve as the main component. Most of them are directly related to black magic. So, one of the strong money spells from black magic requires the presence of both - the most cash cards of the deck, as well as the personification of the patron of dark magicians.

The ceremony is performed at three in the morning on the growing moon. You can’t spend it on Sunday and a church holiday, otherwise, at best, witchcraft will not work, and at worst, it will hit your biofield. Turn off the electricity in the whole house or go to your special place for magic - a forest, an abandoned house, an old cemetery. No one should disturb you, and no one should be present during the ritual. Loneliness is the best companion for a black magician when he needs to turn to black magic conspiracies for wealth.

Light six black candles. Choose from the deck three cards that are listed above. On an altar or a clean table, lay a green fabric triangle made in advance. Green is the color of money, not all attributes of dark witchcraft are black. Lay out the cards at the corners of the triangle, the Devil should be on top, at the top of the triangle.

After that, you should get some of your blood from your finger - you will need a medical scarifier, which can be bought at a pharmacy, as well as alcohol or other wound disinfectant. With blood, draw a pentagram on the green cloth, in the center of the triangle. At the same time, cast a spell:

Amidas prenas delas khramos tibieros Magnum treos!

In all words of this spell, the stress is on the first vowel sound. After reading it, wrap the cards in cloth and place them under your pillow. Now it's time to go to bed - before the morning comes you should definitely sleep at least a little.

In the morning, first of all, put the cards in a box specially prepared for this, where they will be stored permanently. You will no longer be able to use fortune telling cards, so if you don’t want to part with your favorite deck, get a new one in advance. Green fabric should be stored in a wallet without taking it out. Within a few days you will start receiving money from the most unexpected sources.

Black witchcraft for money - gypsy sacrifice

O gypsy witchcraft there are legends to this day. The people believe that most representatives of the nomadic people have a magical gift. It is extremely rare that this gift is bright, gypsies are very often accused of evil eye and damage, and they themselves rarely hide their involvement in black magic. So, how to attract money with black magic using gypsy methods?

The most important component of the gypsy ritual is the sacrifice.
Nomadic sorcerers sacrificed rats, in the old days there were many of them near people's dwellings. Now it is much more difficult to find a wild rat, but it is still real. You can’t replace it with anything, you can’t buy an animal either. Before the sacrifice, the rat must sit in a cage for three days without food. If the rat dies, this means that the forces do not accept your sacrifice, and it is better to look for another conspiracy for money from black magic.

If the Darkness has accepted your sacrifice, you can perform a ritual of black money magic. It is held in the light of six black candles. You will also need a metal bowl - ideally silver, as well as a knife with a black handle - atame. Take the rat in your left hand and the knife in your right. Read the prayer "Our Father" on the contrary and with her last words cut the rat's throat. Blood must be spilled into the bowl, not a drop must be spilled.

Place the corpse of the rat back in the cage, it will still come in handy. On the blood you need to say six times:

I dedicate blood to the King of Hell! I call him by his name! Satan! Satan! Satan! As this blood does not return to the veins, so wealth will not turn away from me! Gold will come and diamonds, from this moment and immediately! I'm shielding myself with a damn cross! As the rat does not rise, so no one will deceive my word!

With a bowl you need to go around the whole house. On each window and door, draw small crosses with it. Pour the rest of the blood down the drain. Fear should activate the process - many gypsy rituals are built on it. For this, the corpse of a rat is useful, which must be thrown to neighbors, enemies, rivals, or someone else who can be frightened by such a spectacle on their own doorstep.

Black magic spells for money - nodular magic

Creation nauzes Witches have been practicing since the Middle Ages. They have long been accused of creating special knots that seem to bind the crop, cause drought, and put pestilence on the district. But few people know that with help you can not only harm others. With the help of nauzes, you can get rich or help a loved one solve money problems.

Money nauzes

Despite the fact that the rituals of nodular magic seem simple and harmless, it is still dark witchcraft. You can’t do it on church holidays and Sundays, otherwise, instead of profit, you will get a blowback. Nodular magic for money is practiced on a growing moon or on a full moon. If you perform this ceremony during the waning of the moon, your income will decrease - but this way you can damage poverty.

For the ceremony, you will need a green ribbon about 30 cm long. Tie nine knots on it, slander each of them in the corresponding part of the spell:

The first knot of sorcery begins. With the second node, the work is done. With the third knot, the money goes to me. With the fourth node, new opportunities are knocking at my door. With the fifth node, my business is booming. The sixth knot fixes witchcraft. With the seventh node I am given success. With the eighth node, income is multiplied. With the ninth knot, it's all mine now!

The tape must be kept in a wallet, it will attract money from a wide variety of, sometimes unexpected sources. If you do not use the wallet or it does not belong to you personally, for example, you have a common wallet with your spouse, it is better to keep the charmed nauses in a secluded place. They should not catch the eye of strangers, and even more so fall into the wrong hands.

Attracting money with a magical rite with church candles

Black magic and witchcraft for money may require the presence of Christian symbols. Energy Christian egregor very often used by black magicians, do not underestimate its power. So, one of the rituals for money requires going to church. It is performed on the thirteenth of any month, preferably on a waxing or full moon. On this day there should not be a church holiday, you cannot be enriched with black witchcraft on Sundays.

In the church you need to buy 13 candles. After the purchase, you should get change, its amount does not matter. The change from the purchase of church candles must be exchanged so that only iron coins are obtained. After that, you can return home.

At home, immediately backhand throw coins on the floor. You can't pick them up until the next morning. It is important that outsiders do not come to you at this time. Ideally, if your family members leave somewhere for the duration of the ritual. In the morning after waking up, you should immediately collect money from the floor in a pre-prepared bag. It is supposed to be stored under the bed. It is desirable that no one finds a bag of coins.

Money ritual at the cemetery

Black magic will help you find money if you are brave enough for its rites. To conduct one of them, you should go to the cemetery at night. On the way there and back, you should not talk to anyone. Take with you a coin that is currently used in any of the countries of the world.

By midnight, you need to find a grave where a person with the same name as yours is buried. You need to put a coin on the grave and say:

Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Astaroth. Open the gates of Darkness, give me gold and wealth. Gold, pour at my feet, gold, stick to my hands! May it be so!

After casting the spell, leave the cemetery without looking back. Dark forces like to test those who turn to them. This is especially true for beginner magicians and witches. If you run, turn back, or show your fear, at best you will be considered unworthy of the gift of wealth. It is unlikely that you will be able to engage in black magic in the future. In the worst case, it is likely to lose your mind and even life.

There is a more complex ritual cemetery crossroads. To do this, in the evening you need to go to the churchyard with a live rooster in a bag. In addition, you will need seven five-kopeck coins, a red cloth, a bay leaf and a sharp knife. At the cemetery, you need to cut the rooster's throat so that its blood flows onto a red cloth, on which coins and bay leaves should lie. While the blood drains, cast the spell:

Bes Besovich! Satan Satanovich! Judas Jewish!
Here's a red bird and seven nickels for you,
Give me gold for seventy-seven years.
The century would not be translated, it would not shrink.
As the rooster died, so did poverty.
As a penny from blood is red, so I am sweet and beautiful with gold.
As the sun rises, so my libel will grow. Amen!

Wrap the rooster corpse, coins and bay leaf in red cloth. Bury the bundle at the cemetery crossroads with these words:

Here is a sacrifice and blood for you, give the slave (name) gold.

Leave the cemetery without looking back. As mentioned above, the evil spirit loves to arrange terrible tests that show whether the magician is worthy of their help. If the ceremony is successful, financial affairs go up very quickly. It can be carried out both for yourself and for a loved one. This is done only during the growing moon. Throw away the bag in which you brought the rooster somewhere within the churchyard. Do not forget to leave a ransom to the owner of the cemetery.

Spell for money

One of the most powerful means of black magic - . Like a person, wealth can be bewitched. Sometimes such love spells are called poverty shifts - all your financial problems go to another person, most often a stranger. Usually, poverty is reduced through coins of any denomination that are currently used in your area.

Poverty goes to poverty, wicked people go to wicked people, they leave me (their name) for you. Failures to you, unfortunate, I give. So be it, for so it is.

You need to transfer coins directly into your hands, not into a glass, a guitar case or a hat of the person asking. Otherwise, the money spell will not work. Nothing will work if you give the coins to a rich or middle-income person. In the life of a beggar, little will change, he suffered from financial problems even without you. But your business will quickly go uphill.

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