Female oncology symptoms. Symptoms of uterine cancer in women. Rectal cancer

After the age of 45, women are at risk of getting uterine cancer due to hormonal changes Therefore, you should know the first signs and symptoms of the disease in order to prevent it. The initial stages of the disease are asymptomatic, but it is possible to suspect the development of oncology with regular examination by a gynecologist. The sooner a pathology is detected, the sooner it can be treated in order to do without severe consequences.

What is uterine cancer

AT medical terminology uterine carcinoma is the development of a malignant tumor in the female genital organ. It is the main one for bearing a child and is responsible for the reproduction of a woman. By appearance the uterus resembles a hollow flattened bag with an angle, consisting of a body and a neck. Inside, it is lined with endometrium, which is rejected and released outside with each menstruation. Oncology of this organ is extremely dangerous, can lead to death.

The reasons

Doctors have established a number of causes that affect the occurrence of cancer inside the uterine cavity and cause fast growth cancer cells:


According to oncological data, several types of classifications are distinguished. malignant neoplasms:

  1. By morphological form- adenocarcinoma, sarcoma, clear cell (mesonephroid) adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, glandular squamous cell oncology, serous, mucinous, undifferentiated cancer.
  2. According to the form of growth - with predominantly exo- or endophytic, mixed autonomous growth.
  3. By localization - in the area of ​​the bottom, body, lower segment.
  4. According to the degree of differentiation (the lower, the worse) - highly differentiated, moderately differentiated, low-differentiated cancer.
  5. According to the ICD code, according to the FIGO classification, there are their own types with a digital and alphabetic code.


In 90%, oncology of the cervix and ovaries is cured completely due to surgical intervention and subsequent radiotherapy. If cancer is detected in time, it is possible to prevent the development of metastases and improve the prognosis of survival. Depending on the stage, the forecast will be as follows:

  • in the first, 78% of patients survive the first five years;
  • on the second - 57%;
  • third - 31%;
  • fourth - 7.8%.

Stages of uterine cancer

Oncology develops gradually, starting from the zero stage, when only the first rudiments of cancer cells can be detected. The main stages of development are:

  • the first - the tumor affects the endometrium or grows into the muscle layer (myometrium);
  • the second is the development of a tumor on the neck (collus of the uterus);
  • third - exit cancer education outside the uterus, spread to the vagina, pelvic or lumbar lymph nodes;
  • fourth - germination in bladder, rectum;
  • metastasis - the appearance of metastases in the liver, lungs, inguinal lymph nodes.

endometrial cancer

A malignant tumor of the mucous membrane lining the cavity from the inside is initial cancer uterine endometrium. It occurs after menopause, 72% of the detection falls on the first stage. The cause of development is estrogenization - due to an excess of the female sex hormone, endometrial hyperplasia begins. Types of endometrial cancer:

  • simple hyperplasia without atypia;
  • complex adenomatous without atypia;
  • simple atypical - a precancerous condition of a malignant neoplasm (MN);
  • complex atypical - degenerates into cancer with a probability of 80%.

Cancer of the body of the uterus

The next stage after the defeat of the endometrium is a tumor of the body of the uterus. Oncology of the uterus develops from the tissues of the mucous membrane (adenocarcinoma) or muscular (leiomyosarcoma) membrane. The growth of a malignant tumor falls on the bottom, isthmus, uterine cavity. Cells metastasize to adjacent tissues, to the cervix, fallopian tubes, ovaries, lymph nodes, and blood vessels.

Cervical cancer

A malignant tumor often found in women is cervical cancer. 85% of its cases are due to the occurrence of a neoplasm from flat cells epithelium, the remaining 15% is adenocarcinoma arising from cells that produce mucus. Allocate exo-, endophytic form, which affect the vagina or the body of the uterus. The papillary type is characterized by the growth of small papillae (looks like cauliflower), and crater-shaped - covering the tumor with ulcers and gray coating. The cause of tumor growth is often the human papillomavirus (HPV).

Uterine and ovarian cancer

After the defeat of the cervix and in the absence of treatment, oncology gets to the ovaries, which serve to produce hormones. The disease is asymptomatic, but can be manifested in pain, constipation, squeezing of the bladder. Types of ovarian cancer:

  • mucinous;
  • serous;
  • endometrioid;
  • Brener's tumor;
  • clear cell;
  • mixed epithelial;
  • carcinoma;
  • stroma of the sex cord;
  • lipoid-cellular;
  • soft tissue damage;
  • germinogenic;
  • secondary;
  • gonadoblastoma;
  • cysts.

An ovarian tumor develops in one organ, quickly passes into the second, affects one of them completely. Education affects the fallopian tubes, body, abdominal cavity. The third stage is manifested by infection lymph nodes, inguinal, ends with metastases in the liver, lungs. 80% of patients in the first stage can be successfully cured of oncology, in the later stages this figure is only 10%.


Metastases are understood as secondary foci of growth of malignant tumors. An endometrial tumor manifests itself in three types of metastasis:

  • implantation - the path of decay, involving the visceral peritoneum;
  • lymphogenous - damage to the lymph nodes of the pelvis;
  • hematogenous - damage to the lymph nodes and infection of the bones, liver, lungs.

Symptoms of uterine cancer

The first stages of oncology of the uterus are asymptomatic, only in postmenopausal women can be noted acyclic uterine bleeding or abundant prolonged menstruation. Signs of uterine cancer early stages is a watery discharge from the vagina with streaks of blood. A less common symptom is pain in the pelvis, abdomen, accompanied by a short duration. Older women may experience stenosis (infection) and accumulation of pus in the uterine cavity.

First signs

Doctors identify the following first signs of uterine cancer that characterize cancer, and in the presence of which you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • bleeding from the genitals, reminiscent of menstruation, but occurring suddenly;
  • pain.


Depending on the stage of tumor development, the type, format and volume of secretions differ, both during menstruation and pathological:

  • with oncology of the body of the uterus - serous leucorrhoea, pain, bleeding without reference to the cycle;
  • at the first stage - light disposable uterine bleeding, watery discharge, odorless mucous membranes;
  • on the final stages- fetid discharge, stained with blood, pus, fever.

Diagnosis and treatment of uterine cancer

If symptoms of oncology are detected, an urgent need to contact a gynecologist for examination and diagnosis. The doctor makes an examination, palpation of the uterus, scraping from the cervix. The smear is examined for the presence of cancer cells, with a positive result, the inner layer of the uterus is cleaned under general anesthesia and a mucosal test is performed. To confirm a cervical tumor, a CT scan is done to determine exactly where the mass is. Biopsy, hysteroscopy, immunohistochemical study, cytological method, MRI help to establish the etiology.

Cancer treatment is carried out in several ways, depending on the stage of development and severity of the course:

  1. Operation - complete removal uterus and ovaries, if the tumor has also affected them. The fallopian tubes are removed. Surgical method leads to early menopause strikes at the woman's psyche.
  2. Radiation therapy - is prescribed for signs of illness after the removal of the uterus. The procedure reduces the risk of cervical lesions, metastases. Radiotherapy can be carried out remotely (irradiation of all organs of the small pelvis in several series) or internally (the introduction of radioactive emitters at the site of the pathology).
  3. Hormone therapy - to exclude the recurrence of oncology. Progesterone, hormonal drugs that reduce estrogen production, is prescribed.
  4. Chemotherapy - to reduce the volume of the tumor and in severe advanced cases.

Prevention of uterine cancer

To reduce the risk of oncology, the elimination of hyperestrogenism and therapy are used. hormonal drugs. In addition, prevention includes:

  • regular examination at the gynecologist, delivery of smears;
  • conducting an ultrasound;
  • taking combined oral contraceptives;
  • decline overweight;
  • HPV vaccination in the absence of contraindications.


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Everyone knows the words "oncology" or "cancer". However, if you ask: do you know initial manifestations typical female cancerous tumors what signs would you name? You probably won't be able to name them.

Oncological diseases occupy one of the leading places in the structure of mortality.

Women have many features in comparison with men in the development of oncological diseases: most often they suffer from cancer of the appendages, cervix and breast.

Although there may be other localizations of tumors. If a woman sees a doctor early, a cure for cancer is quite possible - modern medicine this has been proven time and time again.

However, our women are afraid or embarrassed to go to the doctor with seemingly trifling complaints and make a serious mistake, wasting precious time.

We will talk about the main symptoms of cancer in the weak half of humanity.


One of the most alarming symptoms for women should be bleeding after menopause - that is, a year after the cessation of menstruation. Periods cannot return if they have already stopped.

Do not think that this is normal - consult a doctor to clarify the circumstances.

Other serious symptom should become spotting after intercourse, intermenstrual bleeding or too heavy menstruation for 10-12 days, the appearance of pain during menstruation - this may be a sign of hormonal changes or cancer of the cervix or appendages.

The initial stages of cervical cancer are not difficult to diagnose, a smear is taken with cervical canal for the study of special cells (cytology) and cancer markers. To determine ovarian cancer, the volume of studies is more, ultrasound and blood tests for special markers specific to ovarian cancer are necessary.


One of the signs of some types of endometrial cancer ( inner wall uterus), along with bleeding, is the appearance of unusual watery discharge with or without ichor from the genital tract.

This symptom should be given Special attention- sometimes, starting as a sign of infection, chronic inflammation passes into the oncogenic stage.

This type of cancer is timely diagnosis treated surgically and can be completely cured of the disease.

Breast changes

Every woman from 25-30 years old needs to know about self-examination of the breast. It's perfect painless procedure, which is recommended to be carried out once a month at home in front of a mirror.

With regular carrying out of this procedure on the same day of the cycle, you will thoroughly examine the tissue of the gland, which will allow you to notice a change in the breast or nipple in time.

Any signs of concern should be external differences compared to previous visits:

  • the appearance of a network of blood vessels on the skin, age spots or plots orange peel»,
  • change in the shape of the breast or nipple,
  • the appearance of seals in the chest, which are not painful.
  • discoloration of the areola of the nipple (if you are not pregnant and not lactating) and its peeling,
  • discharge from the nipple, in the absence of lactation, especially if they are bloody or whitish.
  • the appearance of dimples on the skin,
  • an increase in the temperature of the chest or its separate area.

These symptoms are a reason to see a doctor immediately.


One of the first symptoms of genital cancer in women is itching and discomfort in the labia, irritation or skin changes that are not associated with infections or allergies. These changes are usually long and progressive - therefore, at the slightest discomfort, go to the doctor for an examination.

Stomach ache

Ovarian cancer is considered very difficult to diagnose, it practically does not give specific symptoms. Therefore, a woman should carefully monitor her health. There are a set of signs that allow you to suspect something is wrong and consult a doctor - pain in lower section belly or in the middle of the belly, frequent disorders urination or leakage of urine, and these symptoms should progress and intensify.

Of course, these symptoms are non-specific, but in combination with other signs, they can push a woman to see a doctor.


If you do not have signs of a cold or other infection, there are no chronic diseases that could worsen, and the temperature lasts for more than a week or even two, you need to see a doctor, one of the signs of cancerous tumors is a persistent increase in temperature for a long time, insensitive to antipyretics.

Digestive problems

One of the symptoms of cancerous tumors are long-term and persistent disorders in the digestive system - this is persistent nausea and loss of appetite, constipation or diarrhea, blood in the stool varying degrees intensity, up to bleeding from the rectum.

Such digestive disorders can, of course, be signs of other intestinal problems. But they can be symptoms of rectal cancer.

Weight violation

sign oncological disease may be considered abrupt change weight.

It is rarely seen sharp set, usually oncology is accompanied by a sharp weight loss up to cachexia - this symptom appears in late stages when the tumor seriously undermines the strength of the body and does not allow the body to eat, taking everything for itself.

Changing the size of the abdomen

One of the symptoms of uterine or ovarian cancer is a sharp increase in the circumference of the abdomen, almost like during pregnancy.

Often women do not attach any importance to this fact, believing that they just gained weight, but this is often either a tumor growth or an accumulation of inflammatory fluid in the abdomen.

In addition, abdominal growth may occur due to permanent bloating in the intestines and stretching of the loops of the intestine. If you do not have a drastic change in lifestyle and diet, this alarm signal and a reason to go to the doctor.

Fatigue and lethargy

Often signs cancer is weakness, lethargy, or sharp rise fatigue. They arise due to the progression of the tumor, the release of it toxic substances and "eating" the owner.

Due to this, a person experiences a deficiency of vitamins, minerals, this also gives weakness and loss of strength. If fatigue interferes with your usual life, this is a reason to go to the doctor.

Of course, these symptoms are not only signs of oncology, they may indicate other diseases, but if you find at least 3-5 out of 10 symptoms in yourself, consult a doctor to check your health.

Most people have a strong belief that a doctor should be consulted only when symptoms of the disease appear, and regular medical examinations are a waste of time, accompanied, moreover, by queues and hassle. Unfortunately, this approach often leads to serious complications and even deaths.

This is especially true of oncological diseases, from which millions of people die every year. Moreover, a significant part of them could have lived for a long time - it was only necessary to undergo an examination in time and start appropriate treatment.

Cancers that occur in women

There are several types of malignant neoplasms that develop in women. different ages. Some of them pose a threat to older ladies, others may well appear in young age. These are the female organs most susceptible to tumors.

  • Cervix. Cancer usually develops after the age of 45 and is detected by contact bleeding, for example, after intercourse. Causes of development - transferred earlier female diseases, as well as scars formed after abortions and even childbirth.
  • ovaries. Although the onset of the tumor is more common after the age of 40, it can affect a woman of almost any age. Symptoms - severe fatigue and weakness, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. The reasons are different - from complications transferred earlier gynecological diseases to irregular sexual life (or its complete absence). Ovarian cancer is very common in nulliparous women.
  • The body of the uterus. Initially, the tumor is determined by spotting that occurs during menopause (this is a cancer of 50-60 years of age) or between cycles. In the future, leucorrhea and pain appear.
  • The fallopian tubes. Tumors of this kind can be called rarer, in comparison with those listed above, and characteristic of the elderly. The reason to consult a gynecologist is pain and liquid purulent bloody issues.
  • Vagina. In addition to pain and characteristic spotting or whiteness, bleeding can occur - they are the result of pressure on the tumor during, for example, sexual intercourse or the use of a cap.
  • external organs. In such a case, the tumor rarely occurs on its own - usually it is accompanied by skin diseases. Signs are nodes that appear and grow on the skin.

Thus, oncology can occur in almost all female organs. The difficulty of recognizing it is that obvious symptoms appear rather late, moreover, an inexperienced woman is not always able to distinguish menstruation from bleeding, and inflammatory processes from a progressive tumor. Therefore, the main rule for female representatives at any age should be regular: ideally, at least 2 times a year. This is the only way a specialist will be able to notice the changes taking place in the body in time, identify their cause and take all measures to prevent them - and this is quite possible! - a malignant tumour.

Precancerous diseases - what are they?

Most women who are diagnosed with cancer are preventable. This is precisely what helps to make regular examinations and consultations with specialists. Moreover, the majority of precancerous diseases are successfully treated. Here is a partial list.

  • Thin or scaly leukoplakia of the epithelium (uterine mucosa), less often of the cervix, vagina. Caused by problems in the ovaries, herpes or papillomaviruses, first manifests itself in the form of dry plaques, then - sclerosis and tissue wrinkling. May cause genital itching. Successfully cauterized with a laser.
  • Erythroplakia is damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix and epithelium, often accompanied by cervicitis and colpitis. At early detection completely cured by laser therapy.
  • Fibromyoma - benign neoplasm in the uterus, which early stages revealed only when examined by a doctor. In a neglected state, fibromyoma can reach quite large sizes, and over time can develop into malignant tumor. It offers several methods of treatment: from drug therapy before surgical intervention(depending on detection time).
  • . Appears due to hormonal disorders in the body, the presence of chronic infections of various kinds (viral, bacterial, fungal), vaginal dysbacteriosis, as well as promiscuity and bad habits. If the time for complex treatment dysplasia missed, damaged tissues are simply removed.
  • A cyst is another initially benign neoplasm that occurs mainly in the ovaries or in the vagina in women of any age. The cyst easily develops into cancer, therefore, it requires immediate treatment: some of its types, for example, follicular, are amenable to drug therapy, others, serous or paraovarian, are removed.
  • Polyps are caused by changes in endocrine system in older women. May be the result inflammatory processes. They rarely turn into cancer, but they also require the study of a specialist and timely treatment.
  • . It is perceived by many as an annoying "abrasion" on the cervix, resulting from inflammatory processes or hormonal changes. However, if incorrect or untimely treatment it may well be a harbinger of cancer.

How to detect female cancer

All these diseases, as already noted, are often diagnosed only when visiting a gynecologist, and this is a real trap for a woman who does not pay due attention to her own health. Although it costs nothing to make an appointment with a doctor in advance, undergo a colposcopy (examination reproductive organs using optical system), to pass tests for cytology.

These are quite simple and effective methods examinations can detect any precancerous or cancerous disease at the stage when there is time to prescribe drug treatment or other types of therapy, up to surgery. And this gives a woman the opportunity not only to warn terrible diagnosis, but also to lead full image life, including planning and having children.

Almost every fifth woman can suffer from malignant pathologies of the genital organs. Moreover, most of these cases can be detected, unfortunately, only at the second or third stage.

Cancers in women are divided into two types: malignant and benign. A benign tumor is a neoplasm that grows in breadth and does not metastasize. Myoma is benign tumor, occurs due to hormonal imbalance, leads to an increase in estrogen. Growing, the cells of the uterus form nodular deposits, in the context of which they are a red-gray muscular formation, clearly delimited from neighboring organs. With this disease, heavy and prolonged bleeding begins. Treatment is carried out conservative method prescribe drugs that reduce the uterus.

The reasons

The female organs of the reproductive system are mainly:

Causes of cancer this moment not defined, but there are exogenous and endogenous factors, which provoke the appearance of cancer of the genital organs. Squamous cell carcinoma usually develops in a precancerous condition, clear cell adenocarcinoma in women occurs after taking diethylstilbestrol during pregnancy.


Main signs and symptoms of cancer female organs quite varied:

  1. Copious discharge from the vagina, which have bad smell, and most often they are purulent. They mostly appear after defecation or heavy exertion.
  2. Abundant discharge with blood is also a sign of female cancer. And most of the time they don't stop.
  3. There are also irregularities in the menstrual cycle. And the woman notices changes in menstruation. Either they become scarce, or, conversely, quite long and plentiful.
  4. Frequent pain in the lower abdomen, which are not stopped by various painkillers.
  5. Women during menopause should not regularly experience spotting. If they are present, you should be wary, most often doctors suspect it is oncology.
  6. At various appearances when urinating, you can also suspect oncology of the bladder.


The main symptoms of a female tumor:

  1. Bloating. This symptom is most common in ovarian cancer. In this case, a thorough examination is required; it is not recommended to leave these symptoms of cancer of the female organs unattended.
  2. Abdominal pain (sharp or aching), which disturbs a woman at any time of the day, also requires careful examination and treatment.
  3. Increase in body temperature. It's pretty danger sign to which physicians pay close attention.
  4. Weight loss of more than 5 kg per month is considered a rather alarming symptom.

Oncology in our time is a fairly common phenomenon. Therefore, doctors urge to monitor their health and at least once a year undergo medical checkup. Every person must understand that initial stages easier to prevent disease.

1st stage

The formation is small and mostly distributed only within one tissue. Symptoms of cancer of the female organs at this stage do not manifest themselves. It is usually detected by ultrasound, the treatment is quite effective. The main thing is not to start the process and follow the recommendations of the attending physician.

2nd stage

The most vulnerable to treatment, since the process has already spread to other tissues. At this stage, the patient feels pain, most often in the lower back and lower abdomen. The body temperature remains stable at about 37 degrees. These signals require immediate medical attention.

3rd stage

At this stage, education has already reached a fairly large size. The main sign and symptom of oncology in a feminine way is that due to this, swelling occurs in the area where it is located.

4th stage

The main symptom of cancer of the female genital organs is the appearance of metastases in neighboring organs. It can be the intestines, liver, kidneys, bladder. The patient has severe pain, which are not stopped by painkillers, the body temperature rises and significant weight loss occurs. In the practice of oncologists, the 4th stage is quite common, as a person does not seek medical help in a timely manner.

At advanced stages the disease is difficult to treat and is practically unaffected by chemotherapy. But doctors strongly recommend fighting it. unpleasant illness and comply with all their instructions. At whatever stage this disease is detected, it is simply necessary to treat it. Oncologists warn that the right approach to the treatment will give its positive results. Therefore, it is worthwhile to regularly undergo a medical examination in the clinic and conduct healthy lifestyle life. Indeed, at the initial stage, cancer is better treatable, and recovery is observed only with a competent approach to this disease.


The treatment of signs of oncology of the female organs includes chemotherapy, treatment with hormones (used only for severe stages) and radiotherapy. Since it is possible to detect at the very initial stages, it is possible to save the uterus itself. Often used in disease control surgical method and radiation therapy. The duration of treatment and the risk most often depend on the stage of the disease. possible complications. It is very important to prescribe medication that will help get rid of the symptoms of cancer of the female organs.

The most common methods

In the earliest stages, they resort to surgical treatment, that is, the removal of the uterus. In some cases, one removal of the uterus is not enough. If the ovaries were affected by cancer cells, then they are cut off along with the fallopian tubes. The question of removal of the ovaries before the operation is discussed between the patient and the doctor.

  • Radiation treatment. This method helps no less, the two types of treatment can be combined in order to obtain best result treatment. In the early stages, you can use one or the other method of treatment, in any case, at this stage, the results from different types treatments will be exactly the same.
  • Chemotherapy. This type of treatment is used to manage stage 4 disease, as a palliative approach is required to treat metastatic cervical cancer. But chemotherapy has limited opportunities in the fight against cancer of the reproductive organs.


ovarian cystoma often occurs locally an existing cyst, is formed in the cavities of the glandular tissue. The disease is divided into several types:

  1. Serous.
  2. Vegetative.
  3. Endometrial.
  4. Mucinous.

Such cystomas are dangerous, as they can develop into a malignant tumor. If symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, the symptoms of a cyst do not go away after the end of the menstrual cycle. In the early stages, it is likely that any type of cancer in women can be cured.

Fibroma- can occur on the uterus, ovaries, connective muscles. It manifests itself in the form of pain in the uterus, often interferes with normal stools.

Ovarian cystomas are a cavity, often arising from a cavity from a previous cyst. Cystomas in most cases are an indicator of an impending cancer. In most cases, surgery is recommended.

Polyps of the cervix and body of the uterus. Against the background of some sluggish inflammatory processes, an overgrowth of the mucous membrane of the genital organs occurs, leading to the appearance of cervical polyps, and the main cause is also considered hormonal disbalance. A sign of the presence of polyps is profuse bleeding during menstruation. On examination, growths are observed round shape which can be felt on palpation. For more accurate diagnosis ultrasound examination and x-rays are required. During treatment, all hormonal imbalances are restored. An increase in the growth of neoplasms is a signal for urgent surgical intervention.

Alternative treatment

One of the popular methods is also considered treatment with folk remedies. Many people resort to more gentle methods, and oncology has its own challenges. positive effects. It has long been known, herbs various plants possess healing properties They have anti-inflammatory and analgesic action.

For example, Avran. It serves to heal cancerous wounds. With cancer, women often use this remedy. It can be used up to 0.2 gr. per day, no more, since it is considered poisonous and, by increasing the dose, you can apply great harm body.

Next useful property It is considered a paste made from the roots of watermelon. This paste is indicated for people with tumors in mammary glands. And indeed the effect of taking this mixture has its own positive action. Reviews of people with breast cancer about this folk remedy are only positive.

Belladonna leaves are used as an anesthetic, they are used as a compress. The leaves themselves are considered safe and non-poisonous, and due to this, they can be used regularly without fear of side effects.

Lingonberries are also in demand for cancer, decoctions are prepared from it. A decoction of lingonberries acts sparingly on the stomach and practically does not cause serious side effects.

Velvet roots are also in demand in the treatment of cervical cancer. A special decoction is prepared from velvet in a water bath. Use it after meals, 1 tablespoon three times a day. side effects this herb has not been identified and is well tolerated by many patients.

Treatment of oncology with the help of funds traditional medicine mostly positive results. In combination with drugs, decoctions and infusions give only positive dynamics. And also a gentle effect on gastrointestinal tract. Do not forget that all infusions and herbs should be prescribed only by the attending physician. Self-medication at home is not worth doing, since all oncological diseases should be observed by competent and qualified specialists.

The clinic has accumulated extensive experience in the treatment similar ailments. We first carry out the primary detection of the disease, then we apply the methods of in-depth diagnostics, if there are grounds to suspect a cancerous disease of the female genital area.

If you visit the clinic specialists at least twice a year, early diagnosis cancerous diseases will allow to take in time necessary measures and stop the disease.

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Gynecologist's consultation

Types of cancers of the female genital organs

  • Cervical cancer observed most often in women over 45 years of age. The disease often occurs due to various past ailments (dysplasia,), an important role is also played by the formation of scars due to postponed childbirth and abortions. In the initial stages, the disease has practically no symptoms, for the first time it can be detected by contact bleeding (after douching, intercourse, or with constipation). Such bleeding is an immediate reason for contacting a specialist.
  • Cancer of the body of the uterus more characteristic of women 50-60 years old. It is characterized by bloody discharge from the vagina, either between periods or after menopause. If the process has gone too far, there are late signs cancer: pain, leucorrhoea.
  • ovarian cancer It is typical for any age, but still occurs more often after 40 years. This is the most frequent oncological disease female genital organs after the leading among similar pathologies cervical cancer. Risk factors: past gynecological diseases, ovarian dysfunction, chronic inflammation, lack of sexual life or pregnancy. Symptoms can be different, the earliest ones are pain in the lower abdomen, general fatigue, malaise, weakness.
  • Crayfish fallopian tube is a fairly rare disease characteristic of older women. Main symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, liquid discharge with impurities of blood and pus.
  • Vaginal cancer is also quite rare. Its symptoms are leucorrhoea, pain, spotting. If you press on the tumor, bleeding occurs.
  • Cancer of external organs also occurs rarely and is often combined with other long-term skin diseases genitals. Its symptoms are the formation of a dense knot and growths.

Treatment of the disease

Diagnosis of cervical cancer, which occurs most often, is done by colposcopy, cytology, and gynecological examination and histological examination uterus. To minimize the possibility of getting advanced cervical cancer, you need to visit a gynecologist regularly, as well as take appropriate tests for oncology. This can be done in the clinic without any problems.

If, after research, a disease that precedes the onset of cancer is detected, special therapy or surgery is used.

Today, the clinic uses the most advanced methods of treating the cervix:

  • electrocoagulation,
  • freezing of the painful area of ​​the cervix (cryolysis),
  • laser radiation, excision of the cervix with a scalpel or a special electrode.

When these methods are not suitable, or cancer begins to develop not on the cervix, our doctors successfully apply:

  • surgical intervention,
  • radiation therapy,
  • chemotherapy,
  • radiotherapy,
  • radiotherapy,
  • hormone therapy.

Methods of fighting tumors

Operation. Especially nice results it gives when the tumor is localized in one place.

Chemotherapy- the use of drugs for targeted suppression of pathology. Chemotherapy works on cancer cells that have penetrated other organs. The clinic uses modern effective medications, which cause the least adverse reactions. Usually treatment is carried out in cycles with periods for recovery. The duration of treatment is 2-9 months.

hormone therapy involves the use of both hormonal and antihormonal drugs. The essence of the method: action on hormone receptors malignant neoplasm.

Immunotherapy. Today there is a lot of evidence that strong immunity prevents the occurrence of many forms of cancer. Application of targeted activation methods immune system helps in many cases to stop the development of the tumor. At certain types Cancer immunotherapy is used alone or in combination with surgical treatment, chemotherapy, radiation. Immunotherapy is also used to prevent side effects that may occur in the treatment of cancer.

Radiation therapy affects only tumor cells at the site of irradiation. The method is usually used in the early stages of tumor formation, and is also often used before surgery to reduce the size of the tumor.

In our clinic, you will undergo a surgical examination, an accurate diagnosis will be made. Our doctors will treat you according to the latest American and European standards using the latest effective medicines with a minimum of side effects. But it is even better to come to us periodically for examination, because early detection oncological pathologies is the main condition for the effectiveness of treatment. You will save yourself from many troubles if you regularly visit gynecologists and oncologists of our clinic.

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