Yellow, liquid, odorless discharge in women. Yellow discharge within the normal range. Seek medical attention in such cases

It is not in vain that it is recommended to pay attention to the state of the internal microflora of the genital organs. The first thing that yellow-green discharge that appears in women before menstruation or at other periods of the cycle speaks about is the presence of pathology in the body. But this is not always the case. Oddly enough, the greenish color of the discharge can be physiological. It is impossible to determine the origin of a strange substance by appearance alone; you should contact a medical institution for this.

Causes of green discharge

Normally, outside the period of menstruation, a small amount of mucous secretion is secreted from the vagina daily. Thus, the genital organs are self-purified from dead epithelial cells, accumulations of microorganisms or penetrating foreign particles. In addition, the walls need a protective lubricant. The volume of mucus per day is about 1 teaspoon, it is completely transparent or has a slightly whitish color, which is given to it by lactobacilli. Her scent is neutral. On linen, traces of secretions appear in the form of small colorless spots. In the last week before menstruation, much more mucus is produced, the body is preparing for the start of a new cycle. Any sudden change in sight and smell invariably causes great anxiety, especially if this picture is accompanied by painful symptoms.

Green discharge in women has several causes. Among them:

  1. Hormonal changes. Abrupt changes in climatic zones, stressful situations, systemic diseases can contribute to failure. During pregnancy, the background also changes.
  2. Wrong attitude to the hygiene of the genitals. Complete neglect or excessive addiction violate the internal microflora.
  3. Infectious or inflammatory gynecological diseases. The green color of the secretions is given by dead leukocytes.

What diseases cause green menstruation

Pathologies are among the most common causes of odorless or odorous green discharge in women. In acute conditions, even menstrual blood can turn into an unusual greenish-brown color. Massive excretion of leukocytes - leukorrhea, most often accompanies a fungal or bacterial infection.

  1. Dysbacteriosis of the vagina. It is also called bacterial vaginosis or gardnerellosis, after the name of a conditionally pathogenic bacterium. The disease is not inflammatory in nature and does not have an external pathogen. The condition develops due to a sharp decrease in local immunity - colonies of lactic acid bacteria, as a result of which pathogens begin to multiply rapidly. Sometimes the development of dysbacteriosis is provoked by prolonged antibiotic treatment or excessive washing or douching of the vagina. Allocations are noted moderate or abundant,. May be accompanied by itching. Irritation of the mucous membranes and pathogenic microflora are a favorable condition for the attachment of a secondary infection. Often vaginosis is adjacent to colpitis. Some confuse this condition with thrush. Dysbacteriosis differs from candidiasis by the specific aroma of rotten herring.
  2. Trichomoniasis. This infection is sexually transmitted, with strong immunity has a long incubation period - up to 2 months or more. A characteristic vivid manifestation of the disease is green curdled discharge, liquid, frothy and abundant, accompanied by burning, severe itching, swelling and redness of the external genital organs. Sometimes inflammation captures the urethra, leading to the penetration of the pathogen into the bladder. In such cases, signs of cystitis join the pathological process. Before menstruation, the symptoms of the disease intensify. In the absence of adequate treatment, trichomoniasis flows into a chronic form or carriage. The discharge stops, but the sick woman becomes a source of infection for her sexual partner.
  3. Inflammation of the appendages. Adnexitis, oophoritis, salpingitis - lesions of the ovaries and fallopian tubes can develop due to the penetration of infections, due to imbalance of hormones, frequent hypothermia. During exacerbations, cheesy can appear from the genital tract. The condition may be accompanied by a periodic increase in body temperature, aching pain in the abdominal cavity.
  4. Colpitis. Leukorrhea is often a symptom of bacterial inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. It appears along with other signs of the disease: hyperemia, pain and discomfort inside. Behind a banal colpitis, a chlamydial infection or gonorrhea can be hidden, which can only be detected in a laboratory study.

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Greenish discharge during pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, hormonal levels begin to change. Simultaneously with the delay in menstruation, the chest begins to swell, edema appears, and body weight may increase. The internal microflora of the vagina also changes. One of the signs of this may be greenish or pink discharge in women. Their appearance is likely in any trimester and is usually a normal variant. When such features appear, it is necessary to do a pregnancy test and not delay a visit to the antenatal clinic. Severe leukorrhea may indicate an exacerbation of the latent inflammatory process in the body. In addition, the presence of pregnancy cannot be a guarantee that a woman is not sick with a sexually transmitted infection.

After childbirth, discharge with a greenish tinge comes out at the end of the cleansing of the uterus from the remnants of the placenta and mucous membranes.

Diagnosis and treatment

Green discharge in women is often a sign of pathology, so do not neglect the timely visit to the doctor. In the gynecological department, you will need to undergo a number of examinations:

  • visual inspection in the chair;
  • taking and examining scrapings from the walls of the vagina and cervix for microflora and oncological markers;
  • bacterial inoculation of biomaterial;
  • PCR - diagnostics with the reproduction of a DNA sample of the pathogen by the polymerase chain reaction method;
  • serological and biochemical blood tests;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Modern medical technologies make it possible to detect almost any existing disease, even in the latent stage, with a small amount of the pathogen in the test samples.

Treatment of mucous secretions depends on the cause that caused them. If the source is gardnerellosis, antibiotic therapy is used very rarely. Basically, immunomodulatory drugs, complexes with lactobacilli, bifidumbactirin, vitamins are prescribed. In addition, it is necessary to use symptomatic, antihistamines that eliminate itching, discomfort and other manifestations of the disease. Some women require an additional intake of sedative drugs to help get rid of the stress caused by dysbacteriosis.

Smelling liquid curdled light green or yellow-green discharge in most cases is a sign of a sexually transmitted disease and requires appropriate therapy. Treatment is with antibiotics, administered orally and by injection. If a woman has a sexual partner, he must also undergo therapy. In the process of treatment, abstinence from sexual contact is mandatory. After the end of the course, control tests are carried out several times.

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Discharge with a sour smell, thick mucous, like snot, can be a sign of colpitis, candidiasis, vaginitis. Depending on the type of pathogen, the use of antibacterial or antifungal drugs is prescribed with a simultaneous course of immunomodulatory therapy. Treatment can also be given to a sexual partner, as the infection can "walk" from one to another.

In addition to medicines, for most diseases, herbal medicine is welcome: the use of therapeutic baths, douching with infusions of yarrow, celandine, St. John's wort, oak bark.

Hospitalization in the treatment of infectious and uncomplicated inflammatory processes is not required. All drugs prescribed by a doctor are used at home. During drug therapy, it is necessary to give up alcohol, smoking, do not drink strong coffee and tea. You can not do hard physical work or hypothermia.

Prevention measures

The health of the genitourinary system depends on many factors: from existing daily habits to the state of the central nervous system. Green discharge before menstruation or at another period of the menstrual cycle may be the first symptoms of serious illness.

Pathologies that can become the root cause of an imbalance in the vaginal microflora, at first glance, are not related to the reproductive system: inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, increased glucose levels, diabetes mellitus, neuroses, autoimmune diseases. Occurring in acute or chronic form, these diseases invariably affect the condition of the mucous membranes of the vagina and can cause bacterial vaginosis. To prevent its development, it is necessary to carefully undergo a course of treatment of somatic diseases in a timely manner.

A long course of potent antibiotics is also one of the possible reasons that provoke a violation of the microflora of the genital organs. Beneficial lactobacilli quickly die, being replaced by disease-causing microbes. As a result, gardnerellosis or candidiasis develops. Often, curdled, slightly greenish leucorrhoea appears as a reaction of the body to the use of tetracyclines or macrolides. To avoid the negative effects of antibacterial treatment, Nystatin can be used additionally. The drug must be taken simultaneously with antibiotics or immediately after the end of the course. This tool regulates the ratio of beneficial and conditionally pathogenic microflora, helps maintain local immunity.

To prevent a strange type of discharge, you should pay attention to the quality of underwear. Popular thongs and underpants made of synthetic fabrics and lace imitating silk do not perform the main function - hygienic. Instead of absorbing excess secretions and providing the necessary air exchange, such underwear creates the effect of a thermos and accumulates harmful microorganisms. As a result, the risk of irritation, dysbacteriosis and penetration of infections increases. For the prevention of diseases, preference should be given to shorts made of cotton or having a cotton gusset. In this case, there is no need to use panty liners, which further disturb the balance of microflora.

Vaginal discharge, which is different from the norm, their smell and the presence or absence of pain are the main primary symptoms of certain diseases in women. Each of the diseases has its own symptoms and according to it, as well as additional tests, the doctor makes a final diagnosis and prescribes treatment. In this article, we will talk about what yellow discharge can mean and why it appears. At the same time, we note right away that it is dangerous to make a diagnosis and be treated on your own without consulting a doctor. This can only aggravate the state of health and lead to disastrous consequences.

Normal vaginal discharge

Normal vaginal discharge is scanty, creamy or egg white-like, clear or white in color. They do not have an unpleasant odor and do not irritate the skin around the labia. At certain periods of the cycle and at the time of sexual arousal, the amount of discharge increases.

Abundant white discharge, sometimes with a yellow tint after unprotected intercourse, is also considered the norm.

Yellow vaginal discharge

Yellow discharge is most often a sign of a bacterial infection in a woman's vagina or uterus. The yellow color of the secretions is given by leukocytes, the number of which increases sharply in the presence of purulent diseases, for example, with purulent cervicitis.

If, between periods, a woman has profuse yellow discharge, sometimes with a greenish tinge, this may be a sign of an inflammatory process. For example, inflammation of the ovaries, inflammation in the fallopian tubes, or a bacterial infection in the acute stage in the woman's vagina. Inflammation, in addition to discharge, is usually accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

With sexually transmitted diseases, for example, trichomoniasis, the discharge, in addition to yellow, acquires a foamy structure. Also accompanying diseases of this type is itching and the presence of a sharp, unpleasant odor.

Candidiasis, or thrush, may be accompanied by yellow discharge, while they are cheesy in structure, cause itching and have an unpleasant sour smell.

If yellow discharge appears a few days after unprotected intercourse, you should consult a doctor, a bacterial infection or a sexually transmitted disease may develop.

Yellow discharge before and after period

A few days before the start of menstruation, vaginal discharge may change color. An increase in discharge and the presence of a yellow tint is considered normal if the discharge itself does not cause discomfort and has a normal smell.

Also, before menstruation, the discharge may be yellow-brown. Which indicates the presence of blood impurities in them, oxidized and destroyed about the vagina.

Yellow-pink discharge is normal in the period a day or two before and after menstruation. They also contain blood in a small quantity.

In cases where the discharge is uncomfortable, causing itching, redness, irritation, and has an unpleasant odor, you should consult a specialist. If the discharge appears more than two days before menstruation or go more than two days after it ends, you also need to see a gynecologist.


When observing the above symptoms that are not normal for 4 to 5 days, you need to see a doctor for examination and testing for a bacterial infection. A mandatory procedure is the delivery of a smear. Additionally, the gynecologist may prescribe calposcopy, ultrasound, blood tests, and more.

Mucus secretion is a method of self-cleaning of the vagina. The secretion of the glands helps flush out bacteria to keep the vaginal environment clean. During the menstrual cycle, the amount of secretion can change, as well as its consistency, under the influence of hormonal factors. Therefore, odorless yellow discharge can be a signal of a disease when accompanied by other symptoms.

The vagina serves as a corridor between the internal reproductive organs and the external environment. The glands secrete mucus to cleanse, regulate acid-base balance, and flush out dead cells and bacteria. The slightly acidic pH prevents infections.

Mucus is produced by the glands of the mucous membrane and cervix. Vaginal discharge is usually clear, whitish, and odorless. Consistency varies with the menstrual cycle. The vagina secretes thick and whitish mucus after bleeding, clear and watery in the middle of the cycle, and when approaching the next menstruation, the discharge becomes thicker and whiter.

Some women are characterized by increased stimulation of the nerves that pass to the genitals. Anatomical features affect the need for the vagina to self-cleanse, respectively, the amount of mucus will be different.

Yellow vaginal discharge of mucus can be caused by an STD such as chlamydia or trichomoniasis, but there are other potential causes:

  1. Trichomoniasis is a disease caused by Trichomonas vaginalis. Manifested by yellow discharge with greenery, frothy and fetid. Accompanied by redness, itching and burning of the vulva, genital lips of the urethra. Symptoms occur 5-20 days after infection during sexual intercourse.
  2. Gonorrhea is sexually transmitted. The bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae produces yellow-brown vaginal discharge with an odor when it reproduces. The infection is accompanied by pain in the pelvis, burning during urination, swelling of the vulva, and bleeding in the middle of the cycle. Gonorrhea can occur without symptoms, so it is necessary to check regularly with a gynecologist. An infection that is not cured in time leads to infertility and ectopic pregnancy.
  3. Chlamydia is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis, and approximately 75% of women have an asymptomatic infection. Pathology is characterized by light yellow discharge. Chlamydia is recognized by symptoms of burning and itching in the vagina and on the labia, painful menstruation and sexual intercourse, bleeding in the middle of the cycle. Sometimes women experience abdominal pain with fever. Chlamydia causes pelvic inflammatory disease and is dangerous if detected during pregnancy.
  4. Thrush is a whitish-yellow discharge that is associated with vaginitis due to the reproduction of Candida albicans. It is rarely sexually transmitted, provoked by antibiotics, steroid drugs, douching, diabetes, hormonal disorders, lack of sleep, stress and weakened immunity. The consistency of the discharge is thick, with an unpleasant sour smell. Fungi provoke pain and burning of the vulva, pain when urinating.
  5. Bacterial vaginosis causes a light brown discharge and is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria, particularly gardnerella. Pathology is associated with a change in the pH level of the vagina. Douching, soaps or body deodorants, baths lead to irritation of the mucous membrane and the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. Fishy smell, itching, burning when urinating, and pain during intercourse are signs of bacterial vaginosis.

The appearance of "strange" vaginal discharge may indicate infection, a change in the microflora and a decrease in local immunity. A number of common infections are associated with a change in the color of mucus to yellow.

Yellow discharge, odorless

An increase in estrogen levels in the middle of the menstrual cycle increases the thickness and profusion of vaginal discharge. Some drugs, such as birth control and antibiotics, can affect hormones and change the composition of mucus.

There are several harmless causes for yellow discharge:

  1. Before menstrual bleeding. Normal vaginal discharge is usually white, clear, and watery, resembling egg white. When exposed to air on linen or sanitary napkins, the mucus may turn yellow. The reason is the increase in estrogen levels. If itching, pain appears, then it is worth visiting a gynecologist.
  2. During pregnancy, yellow mucus is due to changes in hormonal balance. Estrogen is produced by fat cells, ovaries and adrenal glands, and pregnancy affects its production.
  3. During and after sexual intercourse, the production of vaginal secretions increases. When excited, blood flow to the pelvic region increases, the mucous membranes are filled with blood, more thick yellow secretions are produced. Women may notice them in the morning after a stormy night.

Yellow discharge after menstrual bleeding for 2-3 days is the norm, since the usual secret is mixed with the remnants of blood cells. After cytology, hysteroscopy, colposcopy, the color of the mucus may also change.

An increase in mucus secretion is typical for girls who are approaching puberty, and for women who have entered the menopause. Normal physiological secretions are usually clear, light, creamy or yellowish.

Before ovulation, mucus is produced moderately, and after - up to 30 times more. The discharge becomes more watery and sticky. The norm of the produced mucus is a teaspoon or 4 ml per day. It is formed by good bacteria, glands inside the mucous membrane. Disturbance should be caused by discharge yellow with an unpleasant odor, curdled, accompanied by itching.

Cervical discharge continues into the perimenopausal stage. Similarly, during ovulation, the mucus becomes more slippery, transparent. Its amount may decrease during menopause from time to time, as estrogen levels decrease unevenly. The mucus that is needed to clear the vagina is needed to protect against infection. Therefore, in women at the menopause stage, the risk of infections and itching increases. You may need hormone replacement therapy.

Many menopausal women experience vaginal discharge, pain, or irritation of the vulva and vagina. The most common cause that changes the nature of discharge in postmenopausal women is atrophic vaginitis. The disease is associated with drying of the tissues of the vagina, exhaustion and inflammation of the mucosa due to estrogen deficiency. Hormonal creams are usually used for 2-3 months to restore mucus production. Douching is not recommended.

Sometimes there is a sensitivity or allergic reaction to intimate hygiene gels. The vulva and vagina are very sensitive to external influences, including new underwear and even tight clothing.

Dystrophic processes in women after menopause can change the environment, the state of the mucous membranes of the genital organs:

  1. Desquamative inflammatory vaginitis is a condition characterized by yellow or greenish discharge and pain.
  2. Lichen sclerosus, a condition associated with mucosal degeneration, increases the risk of ulcers and infection.
  3. In rare cases, discharge is associated with the development of a fistula between the vagina and the rectum.

Chronic discharge, accompanied by pain, requires diagnosis and treatment.

Leukorrhea is a white discharge with a slight odor, but does not cause itching and redness. Sometimes abundant mucus is a manifestation of an infection - candidiasis. Leukorrhea is simply the medical name for normal vaginal discharge. The mucus can be white or yellow, so it's sometimes difficult to tell the difference between a discharge caused by an STI yeast infection or a normal one. Any changes in the color, volume and smell of mucus should be a reason to check with a gynecologist.

Usually, an increase in the secretion of vaginal mucus occurs during ovulation or early pregnancy. During the menstrual cycle, levels of the hormone estradiol change. It is believed that abundant leucorrhoea can be considered as an early sign of pregnancy. However, the secret is released when the gestation period is longer - at the end of the first and at the beginning of the second trimester.

The researchers assessed the relationship between microscopic detection of leukorrhea, bacterial vaginosis and the risk of cervical infection with chlamydia, Trichomonas, or Neisseria.

Leukorrhea is defined as the presence of 10 or more white blood cells in a microscopic field of view.

Bacterial vaginosis is diagnosed when more than 20% of epitheliocytes or "false cells" are detected. Among 194 women, pregnancy was established in 118. At the same time, positive cultures for chlamydia and gonorrhea were detected in 11% of the examined women.

Leukorrhea, with or without bacterial vaginosis, has been associated with infections of the cervix with Trichomonas or gonococci in both pregnant and non-pregnant patients. Therefore, an unreasonable increase in the density and volume of vaginal mucus requires a study by a gynecologist.

Stagnation in the pelvis affects the trophism of tissues, causing inflammation. The prolapse of the abdominal organs affects the condition of the ovaries, uterus and cervix, affects the discharge. Women who have given birth often have adhesive processes in the fold of the peritoneum between the rectum and the posterior wall of the uterus, which leads to painful periods.

With dysbacteriosis caused by dysfunction of the colon, the pelvic organs suffer. Yellow discharge may appear after food poisoning, dehydration, vomiting - conditions that are associated with intoxication.

Tight pants can disrupt the normal blood supply to the pelvic organs, pinch the inguinal ligament, the nerves passing under it. The pudendal or pudendal nerve is pinched with trauma during childbirth, spasm of the piriformis muscle and obturator muscle when wearing tight clothing and a sedentary lifestyle, with a herpes infection and frequent cycling. The nerve innervates the skin of the labia, the clitoris, the muscles of the perineum, therefore its pinching increases the risk of disease due to the increased load on the ligaments of the pelvic organs.

Similar symptoms lead to pain in the sacrum, in addition to bacterial vaginosis, profuse discharge and pain in the lower abdomen. Treatment is carried out by visceral therapists together with gynecologists.

For the prevention of women's health, it is necessary:

  1. Use products with a neutral pH, do not douche, as they inhibit the acidic environment of the vagina. Avoid scented bubble baths and antibacterial wipes. After the pool, baths, be sure to take a shower and wash the genitals with clean water.
  2. Refuse tight underwear and thong panties, which contribute to the transmission of infection from the rectal area to the vaginal area. If necessary, you can change underwear twice a day, especially in the hot season.
  3. Avoid moisture in the genital area so as not to maintain a breeding ground for bacteria. Be sure to change your underwear after training.

For reproductive health, a balanced diet and water intake are important. Cranberry juice and yogurt prevent the growth of Candida albicans. Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet, and avoid foods that are rich in sugars.

In women, discharge from the genital organs are normal physiological processes, but often their presence or change in characteristics should be an alarm.

Yellow discharge in women can be both the norm and evidence of a developing infection.

If you notice such discharge in yourself, you are alarmed by the color, smell and abundance, do not waste time, contact a gynecologist to either exclude possible diseases as soon as possible or begin adequate treatment.

Norm Options

The discharge rate varies from transparent whitish to slightly yellow. Therefore, do not worry if they suddenly decide to change the color.

Let's study when the nature of the discharge is considered the norm:

  1. The amount of discharge per day does not exceed one teaspoon. During menstruation, intercourse or before them, the amount of discharge increases slightly.
  2. As a rule, they should not be thick and plentiful, but during menstruation or ovulation, some changes may occur, for example, the appearance of mucous secretions.
  3. Allocations should not leave bright marks on bedding or underwear. If the color of the discharge is slightly yellowish, but does not leave noticeable marks, then this is the norm.
  4. Discharge from a healthy woman should not be accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Sometimes vaginal discharge has a slightly sour smell, which is due to the predominance of lactic acid bacteria in the vagina, which create an acidic environment.

In addition, normal yellow discharge is not accompanied by subjective symptoms such as itching, burning, or discomfort in the vulva.

Causes of yellow discharge in women

Any changes in the color and smell of the vaginal fluid can serve as a signal for the development of an infectious disease or inflammation.

The most popular diseases cause yellow discharge:

  • salpingitis;
  • STIs (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis);
  • allergic reaction;
  • after artificial abortion;
  • discharge at various gestational ages.

If yellowish leucorrhoea becomes too plentiful, causes increased itching, hyperemia of the external genital organs, has a pronounced putrid odor, is combined with pain symptoms, impaired urination, you should consult a gynecologist.

Yellow discharge with smell in women

A foul-smelling vaginal discharge most often indicates the presence of an STD.

  1. : when examining the vagina, yellow discharge is visible, appearing from the cervical canal and flowing down the walls of the vagina.
  2. : leucorrhea is abundant, frothy, greenish or yellowish, with a sharp putrid odor.
  3. : Moderate discharge volume, yellowish-white color. May be accompanied by bleeding without matching the cycle, pain of the "lowered belt" type - lower back, lower abdomen, inner thighs.

It can also be:

  1. . There are curdled discharge, white or yellow, with an sour odor that intensifies upon contact with air.
  2. Manifestations and more are erased. These can be characteristic vaginal discharge, itching in the genital area, redness of the vaginal mucosa, etc.
  3. Bacterial vaginitis- leucorrhoea plentiful, grayish-white, with the smell of rotting fish.

Such diseases require mandatory treatment, so you need to see a specialist.

yellow-green discharge in women

If there are additional symptoms: burning, pain, itching and an unpleasant odor, we can talk about certain pathologies.

Yellow-green discharge in women occurs in such situations:

  1. Thrush - caused by the reproduction of fungal microorganisms;
  2. Gonorrhea - inflammatory processes of the urinary tract;
  3. Chlamydia is a venereal pathology, one of the few that can be transmitted through household items;
  4. Bacterial vaginosis - it is characterized by the smell of rotten fish;
  5. Inflammation of a nonspecific nature.

Most of these diseases are sexually transmitted and quickly spread to many organs of the genitourinary system. Any inflammatory processes without adequate treatment become chronic, often recurrent, and can lead to infertility.

During pregnancy

Against the background of hormonal changes, vaginal discharge can become abundant and acquire a yellowish tint. If they are not accompanied by pain and other unpleasant sensations in the genitals, do not have an unpleasant odor and without purulent impurities, then there is no particular reason for concern.

In this case, you need to visit a gynecologist to rule out the possibility of an infectious disease.


The acute form of the disease is accompanied by profuse yellow purulent discharge. In the chronic form of the disease, the discharge is scanty, there is a strong irritation of the external genital organs. There may also be pain in the back and during intercourse, painful periods and a constant urge to urinate.


May be caused by yeast infection, trichomoniasis, or bacterial vaginosis. This infection is very common and shows up as heavy white or yellow vaginal discharge after a period. Vaginitis caused by trichomoniasis infection is often manifested in yellow, green and gray foamy discharge. Bacterial vaginosis is manifested by thick white and yellow discharge.


In an acute course, yellow discharge is abundant, in a chronic course, it is scarce. Sexual intercourse can cause soreness and spotting. Against the background, there is bloating, painful menstruation, poor appetite, difficult or painful urination.


With the development of venereal diseases, the discharge also acquires a yellow color, abundant impurities of pus appear in them and a sharp unpleasant odor arises. The external genitalia swell, severe itching and burning develop, aggravated after urination, pain appears during sexual intercourse.


Sometimes the appearance of yellow whites can cause allergic reactions caused by aggressive external factors. These factors include women's tampons or pads, as well as condoms and synthetic underwear.


If you notice that you have "abnormal" discharge, and they are tinged with yellow, but there are no negative symptoms, do not start to worry.

In such a case, you must do the following:

  • use linen exclusively from natural fabrics;
  • carefully monitor your personal hygiene;
  • use only high-quality, good products for personal hygiene;
  • always observe maximum caution during sexual contact, protect yourself.

If the discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant smell, difficulty urinating, itching and pain, you should immediately go to a highly qualified women's doctor for help.

The discharge of healthy women is called leucorrhea. Normally, leucorrhoea should not have a pronounced odor, cause itching, burning. Any changes can serve as a signal of the development of the disease.

Vaginal discharge is a natural occurrence in the reproductive system of women. The abundance and density of the mucous secretion can periodically change during pregnancy and breastfeeding, taking hormonal contraceptives, at various phases of the menstrual cycle, and with certain diseases. Yellow discharge and. Distinguish between normal and pathological discharge.

What is considered normal

The discharge of healthy women is called leucorrhea. They are usually transparent or whitish, sometimes turning yellow. Normally, leucorrhoea should not have a pronounced odor, cause a feeling of severe itching, burning. Yellow discharge with clots may be observed after ejaculation. Hormonal changes in the body of women (ovulation, pregnancy, etc.) are often one of the reasons for changes in color and viscosity. If such phenomena do not create discomfort, are not accompanied by other symptoms, then there is no reason for excessive concern.

Pathological discharge

Any changes in the color and smell of the vaginal fluid can serve as a signal for the development of an infectious disease or inflammation. If yellowish leucorrhoea becomes too abundant, causes increased itching, hyperemia of the external genital organs, has a pronounced putrid odor, is combined with pain symptoms, impaired urination, you should consult a gynecologist.

The appearance of yellow pathological whites is often provoked by pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammatory diseases, for example, vaginitis and colpitis of various etiologies. During the active development of the disease, itching occurs, which may increase or decrease depending on the stage of development of the pathology. The composition of such vaginal discharge is distinguished by the presence of dead leukocytes and microbes in the smear.


For the onset of adnexitis, the appearance of yellow discharge in large quantities is characteristic. Treatment must begin immediately.


Pathological discharge has a yellowish color, can cause. Women are concerned about abdominal pain that worsens during sexual intercourse.

Bacterial vaginitis

Pathological leucorrhea during the development of bacterial vaginitis is very abundant, has an unpleasant odor, is yellow, and causes burning.


For the acute form of the course of salpingitis, abundant yellowish discharge from the vagina is characteristic, and for the chronic form, it is scarce. There are severe pain during menstruation and urination, flatulence and poor appetite. Treatment is carried out under medical supervision.

The amount of secreted vaginal fluid is quite small, of a characteristic yellow color. You may need serious treatment.


A green-yellow color of purulent discharge is characteristic, a pungent odor is very pronounced. Perhaps burning.


Characterized by yellow vaginal discharge, which accompanies an unpleasant odor and burning sensation.


Allergic reaction

Wearing underwear made from non-natural fabrics, using hygiene products and condoms sometimes lead to severe itching of the external genitalia and the appearance of yellow discharge. Identifying and eliminating the allergen will help get rid of such symptoms.

Allocations at various gestational ages

The nature of the discharge in women during pregnancy varies depending on the gestational age. In the first trimester, an increase in progesterone levels leads to a thick yellow discharge without a strong odor. In the second trimester, abundant and transparent whites are considered the norm. , may indicate a possible disease. Vaginal discharge of a bright yellow color in pregnant women is often one of the symptoms of inflammation of the fallopian tubes and appendages (ovaries) resulting from the development of a bacterial infection.

After induced abortion

During the first decade after the artificial termination of pregnancy, brownish discharge is considered normal. This is because there is not heavy bleeding in the internal reproductive organs. Some blood seeps into the external genitalia and clots in the process.

In some situations, the occurrence of yellow-brown vaginal discharge after an abortion also indicates the possible presence of benign polyps in the internal cavity of the uterus. Such local hyperplasia, as a rule, does not entail serious consequences in women, however, it can provoke periodic pain sensations, especially during sexual intimacy.

Pathological discharge can occur as a result of the development of a severe inflammatory disease of an infectious origin. The causative agents of such diseases are most often staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli and Enterobacterium Proteus. The body of a woman after an abortion is weakened, immunity is reduced, which contributes to the easy penetration and rapid activation of such pathogenic microorganisms.

A change in the usual color of vaginal discharge to yellowish is not always an alarming symptom. If at the same time they are not accompanied by pain, do not create additional inconvenience, do not have a foreign smell, then most likely there are no serious reasons for concern. It is enough to pay increased attention to the hygienic care of the genitals, replace synthetic underwear with natural ones, use hypoallergenic cosmetics and perfumes and proven quality barrier contraception during sexual intimacy.

Yellow leucorrhoea, with an unpleasant odor, causing pain and itching in the genitals, frequent urge to urinate should not be ignored by women. You should immediately consult a specialist. Based on the results of the examination and the tests obtained, the doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. Do not self-medicate. Improper drug therapy can lead to the emergence of intractable resistant pathogenic groups of microorganisms.

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