How to get rid of prostatitis once and for all. Medicinal and surgical methods of getting rid of prostatitis in men. Honey sbiten from prostatitis, recipe

Prostatitis is a disease that all men are afraid of. It is a condition in which inflammation of the prostate gland develops, easily leading to severe complications. Every year the disease affects everything more men and getting younger. So, according to the statistics of doctors, 30% of men aged 30 to 35 years are diagnosed with an inflammatory process in the prostate gland. In the group older than 50 years, inflammation is already present in 50% of men. Among people over 65 years old, prostatitis is diagnosed in 70%. In the event that there is no therapy, the disease begins to slowly but surely progress, eventually leading to the development of oncology. If, however, we begin to fight the disease immediately, as soon as it has made itself felt, using a combination of medication and folk remedies for therapy, then we can count on a quick and complete recovery. You should not be afraid of the diagnosis of "prostatitis", since this disease is not oncological and, with proper treatment, can be successfully cured. At the slightest suspicion of it, you should consult a doctor and, together with him, choose the optimal treatment.

What can cause prostatitis

There are a lot of reasons for the development of inflammation of the prostate gland, and very often they are combined with each other. As the main provocateurs of the disease, doctors today call:

  • Sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted infections - there are frequent cases when, having entered the body, diseases develop imperceptibly for a long time and capture all the urine reproductive system. In such a situation, prostatitis is usually diagnosed at the moment when the underlying disease becomes apparent, and it is because of him that they go to the doctor.
  • Urine entering the ducts of the prostate gland - this occurs if there is a violation of the process of urination, in which the circular muscles of the urethra gradually relax.
  • Circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs - they are observed when a sedentary lifestyle, wearing very tight, tight trousers and shorts lead to the fact that the blood circulation in the pelvic organs fails. As a result, the prostate gland overflows with blood, which leads to its chronic injury, after which disturbances occur in its work and supply of nutrients. It is because of this that an inflammatory process develops in the prostate gland.
  • Interruption of sexual intercourse, artificial prolongation of sexual intercourse or prolonged abstinence- all this leads to the fact that the secret of the prostate gland does not leave the body and its stagnation occurs, which becomes the cause of inflammation.
  • Hormonal disorders in the body - if there is a failure in the production of sex hormones, a significant increase or decrease in the activity of gland cells occurs, which causes inflammation. Most often in this way there is prostatitis in old age.
  • A sharp decrease in immunity - when the body's natural protective barrier weakens, pathogenic bacteria, which are usually present in the urethra in small quantities and do no harm, begin to multiply, provoking an inflammatory process.
  • Severe hypothermia - it provokes the onset of the disease, since cold leads to a drop in local immunity and impaired blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Regardless of what caused the disease, it should be treated immediately and in compliance with all the doctor's recommendations.

Symptoms of prostatitis

The following symptoms indicate that the inflammatory process in the prostate gland has begun to develop:

  • difficult urination;
  • pain during urination;
  • sensation foreign body when urinating;
  • a weak stream of urine (sometimes urine can be excreted not even in a stream, but in drops);
  • urinary incontinence;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • burning sensation when urinating;
  • secretion of prostate secretion after defecation;
  • feeling of pain in the perineum during prolonged sitting;
  • aching pain in the sacrum;
  • aching pain in the rectum;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • a drop in sexual desire;
  • disappearance of spontaneous erection;
  • infertility;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • neurasthenia;
  • sleep disorders;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • slight increase in body temperature.

Depending on how severe the inflammation is, the symptoms of the disease may be brighter or weaker, but in any case, for successful treatment they require immediate medical attention. Restraint in this situation is unreasonable, since we are talking about health, and also because most patients come to the urologist with just such a problem. Any delay threatens that the patient will experience severe complications, such as cancer and infertility.

Folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis

It must be remembered that folk therapy should only be applied as an addition to the main treatment.

  • pumpkin seeds and honey great medicine from inflammation of the prostate. For cooking remedy you need to take 500 g of dried pumpkin seeds, peel, and then grind in a mortar or grind with a blender. Next, 200 g of honey must be added to the resulting mass. Mix the composition well until a homogeneous mass is obtained. This amount of the drug is designed for 1 course of administration. Use this medicine 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals. 2 courses of this therapy should be carried out per year: the first time - for treatment, the second - for prevention.
  • Candles prepared on the basis of honey will be useful for prostatitis. For treatment, you need to take 1 teaspoon of any quality honey and mix with 1/2 raw egg yolk(it is better that the egg is from a domestic chicken). After both ingredients can be mixed until smooth, add 3 tablespoons to them rye flour. Next, the composition is once again thoroughly mixed and candles are formed from it with a thickness of about 1 centimeter. Store candles in freezer refrigerator. Insert suppositories after cleansing enema morning and evening for 4 weeks. After that, taking a break of 7 days, the course is repeated to consolidate the effect.
  • Hazel can significantly speed up recovery and quickly remove the inflammatory process. To prepare a healing composition, you need to take 10 branches of hazel along with the leaves and pour water in such a way that it only covers them. Next, the composition is placed on fire and boiled after boiling for 20 minutes. After that, the pan with the medicine is insulated with a blanket and the broth is left to brew for 10 hours. Next, the composition is filtered. For the treatment procedure, the prepared medicine is heated and warmed up, located above it so that the main amount of steam falls on the perineum. Warming up is carried out for 10 minutes. Do the procedure daily for 1 week. You can use the same decoction for no more than 3 days.
  • Ussuri pear will be able to cope with prostatitis and prevent its recurrence. For treatment, collect ripe fruits and make a compote out of them. To keep pears until the next harvest, the fruits are frozen. To prepare a medicinal drink, 6 glasses of water are taken for 1 glass of pears and boiled like an ordinary compote. In the event that the patient does not have problems with sugar, honey is added to the pear broth to taste. Drink this drink throughout the day. In order for prostatitis to completely disappear and not resume, pear compote should be drunk all year round. It is also useful for women, as it perfectly strengthens the immune system and fights various inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Mixture of vegetable juices effective medicine from male problems. For medicinal purposes, it is necessary to mix 120 ml of asparagus, beetroot, cucumber and carrot juice. The resulting drink is divided in half and drunk 1 part in the morning and evening. The full course of treatment is 1 month.
  • Parsley will be quite useful for prostatitis. For treatment, it is necessary to stock up on dry seeds of the plant. First, 2 small (tea) spoons of seeds are poured into 250 ml of freshly boiled water and, put on fire, boil for 15 minutes. Then the drug is left to infuse until completely cooled. Having filtered the medicine well, it is drunk 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals 6 times during the day. Take the drug for 30 days. Such a medicine not only fights prostatitis, but also relieves impotence, allowing you to return male power even in old age.
  • Chestnut shells are powerful natural remedy against prostatitis. In order to eliminate the disease with their help, you should prepare a medicine according to this recipe: 3 tablespoons with a slide of well-crushed shells are poured into 600 ml of freshly boiled water and insisted for all night. After the composition is filtered and, put in a water bath, evaporated to a volume of 200 ml. Drink this medicine 30 drops before meals 3 times a day. The course is designed for 1 portion of the decoction. After a break of 60 days, the treatment should be repeated to consolidate the result.
  • It is also useful to carry out garlic therapy. To do this, 5 cloves of garlic are crushed with a fine grater and poured with 2 cups of boiling water. Further, the drug is insisted for the whole night. In the morning, the composition is strained and taken 60 ml in the morning and evening before meals. Well given treatment is 1 month. This drug allows you to clean the vessels and restore normal blood supply to the prostate tissue. You can also use the remedy for the prevention of prostatitis, conducting a course of vascular cleansing in spring and autumn.
  • Rhodiola rosea root is also recommended to combat prostatitis. For medicinal purposes, 1 tablespoon of the root cut into small pieces is required, pour 200 ml of freshly boiled water and place in a water bath. It is necessary to boil the composition in this way for 15 minutes. Then the medicine is infused for 60 minutes. Take it in strained form, 100 ml in the morning and afternoon. The course of treatment takes 3 weeks.
  • Massage of the perineum with honey will have a noticeable medicinal action. To do this, you need to take a little dark honey and apply to the perineum. Next, it should be rubbed in a circular motion for 15 minutes. The massage should be intense, but not painful. Repeat this procedure every morning for 1 month.
  • Therapeutic baths with fir oil also great for prostatitis. For treatment, it is necessary to take 20-minute sitz baths every evening with the addition of 20 drops of fir essential oil. The water temperature should be as high as can be tolerated. The duration of treatment is 20 days.

Exercises for prostatitis

Since very often the disease occurs due to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, special physical exercises. They are simple and don't take much time.

  • Squats - excellent tool to normalize blood circulation in the tissues of the prostate gland. They should be performed 3 times a day. Do not chase the quantity and wear yourself out when doing them. Just 30 squats per 1 approach is enough to prevent congestion.
  • Another and also very effective exercise is swinging the legs. It is necessary to raise alternately straightened legs in such a way that an angle of 90 degrees forms between the thigh and the body. Each leg should do 30 swings.
  • Can be used as an exercise and walking up the stairs. To eliminate stagnation, it is enough in the morning and in the evening to climb the stairs to the 5th floor and go down. Such daily walks will produce a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Exercise should also be performed after the prostatitis has been cured to prevent its recurrence.

Prevention of prostatitis

In order to prevent the occurrence of prostatitis, which all men are so afraid of, you should know about the rules of prevention and strictly monitor their implementation. Only in this case it will be possible to maintain health. The following will prevent the occurrence of the disease:

  • active lifestyle - sedentary work daily hiking at least 30 minutes and going to the gym at least 3 times a week;
  • maintaining a harmonious sexual life;
  • using a condom during sex with a partner whose health is in doubt;
  • proper nutrition - the body must certainly receive all the necessary substances; It is also required to exclude the use of fast food, which contains great amount substances harmful to the body;
  • complete rest;
  • daily intake contrast shower- this is necessary in order to strengthen the immune system and ensure proper blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • daily exercise against prostatitis.

All these actions allow you to protect yourself from prostatitis and related problems. Only with a careful attitude to your body can you count on the fact that this disease bypass and man's health persist into old age.


Today I will answer one question that interests many: how to get rid of prostatitis for a man at home once and for all, so as not to return to the disease later.

Home treatment is one of the important steps in getting rid of this male disease. It's no secret that many official medicine could not cure completely, and they still suffer from prostatitis. Disappointed in doctors, men begin to look for unconventional methods trying to cure the disease with traditional medicine, buy some miracle patches on the Internet, but the result is still zero. What's the matter? Soon you will know everything. In this article, I will open real recipes for getting rid of prostatitis, tell you how you can cure insidious chronic prostatitis at home almost quickly, and show you why the methods that are usually used are not effective.

How to understand that a man has prostatitis

Let's recall the main signs of prostatitis. Indeed, many men suffer from pain or discomfort, but do nothing, because they do not know that they have prostatitis.

Signs of acute prostatitis:

  • severe pain and burning in the perineum;
  • pain and pain during urination;
  • increased body temperature;
  • possible purulent discharge from urethra.

Signs of chronic prostatitis:

  • also burning, pain, discomfort in the perineum;
  • irradiation of pain to neighboring tissues and organs, for example, to the testicles;
  • frequent or difficult urination;
  • sexual weakness;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • deterioration in general well-being.

But often chronic prostatitis is almost asymptomatic, with minor discomfort. This is often the reason for not going to the doctor. But untreated and neglected prostatitis can lead to impotence, prostate adenoma and even cancer.

Therefore, you need to fight it, but how, you will learn today.

Causes of prostatitis

To understand how to cope with prostatitis, cure it, you first need to know the causes of its occurrence.

Everything is simple, because there are only two main reasons:

getting an infection;

as well as impaired blood circulation, congestion in tissues.

There are other causes of prostatitis, but they are special cases of the two above or are a consequence of them.

That is, in other words, the prostate becomes inflamed if it is hit or activated. harmful microorganisms, and also if, due to stagnation, normal blood circulation is not ensured. That's all. Also, these two reasons are closely related. After all, the infection just multiplies in the prostate due to poor blood circulation, which must fight foreign enemies.

Let's look at what to do if you have prostatitis, how to cure it. And you just need to eliminate the above triggers for the onset of the disease.

Treatment will be to eliminate the two main causes of prostatitis. And you can, even must, do most of the treatment yourself, since official medicine will only help you halfway. Only you yourself, on your own, can cure the disease completely, so that later again after a while you do not run to the doctor.
Here's what the doctors say:

Cure by eliminating the infection

Infection can enter the prostate through different reasons. These are sexual infections, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia. Urethritis, complications of angina, influenza. Ways of getting - blood, lymph, during sexual intercourse.

That is why at the first signs of prostatitis immediately run to the doctor. Here home treatment powerlessly. Only he can determine which infection caused the inflammation and prescribe a course of treatment. Antibiotics or other medicines may be needed.

But often, due to a decrease in immunity, as well as congestion in the prostate, microorganisms that are always inside us are activated and lead to inflammation. Therefore, this must not be allowed. Prevention of stagnation in the prostate, as well as an increase in immunity and will be further self-treatment prostatitis and its prevention.

After all, by eliminating the stagnation of blood in the body, as well as increasing your overall health, you can forever forget about prostatitis, cure the disease. And no microorganisms can start the inflammatory process (not counting, of course, highly pathogenic ones). And this is the only way to treat and prevent prostatitis on your own. What are we going to do now.

Do not get cold

Frequent hypothermia or sitting in the cold can cause a male illness.

This is due to improper heat transfer in the tissues of the prostate, as well as the activation of harmful microorganisms.

Therefore, be sure to exclude this factor, otherwise the disease cannot be cured. If you are treating prostatitis, you can’t sit in the cold at all, otherwise there will be no sense from the treatment. If the seats in public transport are cold, it is better to drive the route while standing or wear thermal underwear. For those who work outside, I also recommend thermal underwear. If you eat in the car in winter, turn on the heated seats. If it is not provided by the car, build it yourself, buy a cap heater or, at worst, take a warm pillow from home. But do not overdo it with heating, excessive heat is also harmful.

Permanent sitting

Many professional activity due to the fact that you have to sit a lot. As a result, congestion occurs in the pelvic region, leading to a decrease in the arterial blood supply to the prostate gland. This means that a lot cannot get into the organ. new blood, rich in oxygen. Prostate cells do not receive nutrients, resistance to infections decreases. The pelvic region is already prone to stagnation in the blood, and constant sitting exacerbates this.

That is why, all men should remember that it is impossible to sit for a long time without a break, otherwise Great chance inflammation of the prostate gland. We need breaks in sedentary work, a warm-up, and even better exercises for the pelvis. If you are already sick with prostatitis, you need to exclude constant sitting, otherwise prostatitis simply cannot be cured. Take breaks, get up, stretch, walk, find a way out of the situation. And what about those whose work is specifically related to constant sitting and there is no way to get up.

Of course, getting rid of blood stasis will be more difficult, but there is still a way out. In this case, try to change the position of the pelvis and spine more often, transfer the weight to different sides of the pelvis so that the load does not fall on one point. If possible, place your leg, bent at the knee, under the pelvis. And also put a pillow so that the main weight falls on the legs, and there is less pressure on the prostate. And also while sitting, use a great exercise called moola bandha, which will save you from prostatitis, but I will talk about it a little later.

Cure by motion

If you not only sit for a long time, but also lead a sedentary lifestyle, then this will also lead to stagnation in the pelvic region, which means prostatitis in the future. Therefore, to prevent illness, you need not only to rest, but also to move. If possible, engage in light sports, that is, lead a healthy lifestyle.

If you are already sick, then you just need movement to disperse the blood in the pelvic region. Regular walking is fine if you don't have time to exercise, but you need to walk daily. It's great if you do exercises in the morning, with obligatory exercises for the pelvis and legs. Better yet, practice hatha yoga asanas, especially inverted ones. They help well with prostatitis, but more on that later.

You should not get involved in heavy sports if you have prostatitis or you have a predisposition to it, such as weightlifting. They have been shown to have a negative effect on prostate.

Cure by eliminating problems in other organs

Our organs are closely interconnected. If there is a problem in one place, it will definitely be reflected in another. Inflammation in the rectum or urethra, stool disorders, constipation, and hemorrhoids can provoke inflammation in the prostate gland due to poor blood supply as well as infection. If you are treating prostatitis, you need to look at where there are other problems in your body and also eliminate them. Therefore, many cannot be cured, as they treat only prostatitis, forgetting about the relationship in the whole body. cure male disease You can, for this, get on the path of a healthy lifestyle.

How to cure prostatitis in men with the help of a healthy lifestyle and increased immunity

If you lead an unhealthy lifestyle, move little, consume harmful products, are obese, drink alcohol and smoke, forget about getting rid of prostatitis. The treatment that the doctor prescribes for you will be ineffective. First of all, you need to disperse the blood in the prostate gland and maintain the body in healthy condition, improve immunity. After all weak immunity it is an open gate for infections, including those that cause prostatitis.

During treatment, you need to embark on the path of a healthy lifestyle, try to use healthy food, improve immunity. To increase immunity, I recommend that it will be useful for prostatitis, as it trains the vessels of the whole body and promotes blood acceleration even in stagnant zones.

Alcohol and smoking

During the treatment of prostatitis, you need to give up alcohol, and it is also better to quit smoking. Much has already been written about. But people still smoke. If you treat any disease, not just prostatitis, while poisoning the body with alcohol and nicotine, the effect of the treatment will simply be insignificant. Why waste time on such treatment and still suffer from the disease. So get over yourself and get rid of bad habits at least for the duration of the treatment. It is difficult to cure anything if you drink alcohol.

Cure male disease with massage

Prostate massage is used to eliminate congestion and improve blood supply.

It is effective in all forms of prostatitis.

The massage is carried out rectally, through the anus, as well as massaging through the tissues of the perineum.

Although you yourself can do a massage according to the first method, it is better to entrust it to a specialist.

But outdoor massage perineum can and should be done periodically by yourself if you want to cure the prostate as soon as possible. If blood stagnates there, it will negatively affect not only the prostate, but also the entire reproductive system, as well as other organs. For example, external perineal massage is also a prevention of hemorrhoids.

In circular motions, as well as gently pressing, massage the perineum between anus and scrotum.

This massage has always been used in Taoist practices improvement sexual energy, and practitioners have never had problems with male diseases, including prostatitis.

You can use a tennis ball for this purpose. Sit on it and massage the perineum with all kinds of movements. About prostate massage, be sure to watch this video, which also tells how to cure our sore in general.

Cure with a healthy sex life

And now let's talk about one of the main causes of prostatitis and what you need to do so that you do not have prostate problems. Without eliminating this cause, it is generally impossible to cure other male diseases.

We can safely say that the largest percentage of patients have prostatitis precisely because of this main reason. To cure prostatitis, you need to establish a healthy sex life. What does it mean?

It is very harmful to the prostate when there is sexual arousal without subsequent unloading in the form of ejaculation.

The lower part of the body is filled with energy: the reproductive system is filled arterial blood venous outflow decreases. During natural sexual intercourse with ejaculation, the energy leaves (given to the woman or simply dissipates), and blood circulation is restored. Without ejaculation, blood stasis occurs, which has a very negative effect on the prostate. Those who finish sexual intercourse without the desired ending will definitely get sick with prostatitis, and will never be able to cure it.

If you think you're not at risk because you always end up intimacy ejaculation, then I will upset you. The fact is that in today's sexually liberated society, we too often receive signals that excite the male reproductive system. This includes the accessible display of naked women on the Internet and on television, indecent behavior modern women in everyday life.

Although it seems that all these signals are insignificant and have no effect on the body. But the brain still sends small nerve impulses, leading in total to frequent energy fullness of the genital organs, without satisfaction of sexual desires. After all, we cannot produce ejaculation every time with any slight everyday excitement.

That is why you do not need to often view pornography, watch adult content on the Internet. But if you really like this activity, then do it as little as possible. And if you have committed such a sin, then finish the final in the way that is characteristic of nature. If there is no partner, then do it yourself. Of course it's not the best option, and I would not advise to engage in self-satisfaction. But for the health of the prostate and to cure it, it will be better than dreaming about sex, looking at naked women on the Internet, without the subsequent ejaculation. And best of all, if you don’t want to earn prostatitis, or worsen your condition, you need to find healthy sex and stop watching naked girls online and in magazines.

Healthy means intimacy with permanent partner and correct frequency. Frequent sex is also harmful. They lead to overstrain in the prostate, it weakens and suffers worse from the onslaught of infection. But if we rarely have sex, even if we are not aroused, that is, we don’t think about it at all, then this is also bad. The prostate gland is an organ that must work and perform its function. It periodically produces secretory fluid. The ducts are filled with fluid, the person does not dump it, as a result of congestion and prostatitis, and after impotence.

That is why the frequency of having sex is very important if you want to cure prostatitis. And how to define it? Coming to healthy sex, you will stop worrying about it. You will periodically make love exactly when the body wants, and not a perverted mind, watching obscene films or magazines. Your body will tell you when to do it. The frequency of having sex is different for everyone, depending on age, health, energy. Therefore, listen to your body, if it strongly wants, do not interfere with the natural call. Have sex as soon as possible and be sure to end it with ejaculation. But after that, in between, stop thinking about him, don't browse adult sites on the Internet. After all, there are much more interesting things. Only in this way will you keep your prostate in a healthy state, you can cure it.

How can a man quickly cure prostatitis at home with the help of moola bandha

There is a very wonderful technique that not only prevents the development of inflammation in the prostate, but actually helps to cure prostatitis. I have seen this from my own experience. If you are desperate and nothing helps, try this simple technique, I assure you, you will forever forget about the painful symptoms.

It's about pulling in the lower abdomen, internal muscles genital area, perineum, as well as compression of the anus. That is, to maximize the use of all the muscles of the genital area, as well as the muscles surrounding the prostate. If you speak correctly, then there are three different techniques:

  1. retraction of the lower abdomen, muscles of the genital organs;
  2. retraction of the muscles of the perineum between the anus and the genitals, the mula bandha itself;
  3. ashvini mudra, constriction of the anus.

To effectively cure the disease, it is necessary to combine these three techniques, and for convenience, many simply call it mula bandha.

This is very good exercise, eliminating congestion in the prostate. To improve well-being, cure prostatitis, you need to perform it several times a day for 5-10 minutes. You can practice lying down, sitting at the workplace, unnoticed by others, at any time. free time. The main thing is to perform it smoothly, consciously, effortlessly and sudden movements. First try with a small amount repetitions, watch your well-being. Mula bandha cannot be performed in acute prostatitis and its exacerbation. First you need to eliminate the cause of inflammation, expel the infection, cure the acute stage of the disease, following the doctor's recommendations.

Heal with inverted asanas

To cure a male disease, you will also need to perform inverted asanas from hatha yoga daily. Sarvangasana (the well-known birch), viparita karani and halasana (plow pose). It is enough to choose one and perform it every day during the treatment of prostatitis. With the help of such asanas, when the legs are higher than the body, we facilitate the outflow of venous blood, get rid of congestion.

Contraindications: headaches, high pressure. Also, do these asanas carefully when cervical osteochondrosis. Without fanaticism, the main thing here is not the perfect execution of the exercise, but that the pelvis is above the heart, for a better return of blood from the genitals to the heart.

How can chronic prostatitis be cured forever by walking on the buttocks

There is an excellent exercise that will disperse the blood in the pelvic organs well and, in combination with other methods, will help cure prostatitis. This is the so-called walking on the buttocks. It will be useful not only for men, but also for women, as it heals many organs of the small pelvis.

We just sit on the floor, legs forward and slightly apart, we also stretch our arms forward at chest level.

We start walking on the buttocks. moving forward right side body, leg, buttock, shoulder, and outstretched arms in the other direction, to the left. Then go ahead left side body and arms to the right. Thus, there is movement. The more repetitions, the better. But it is not recommended to perform the exercise when acute form prostatitis. Wait for the end of painful attacks, try to cure the acute stage of the disease first.
Watch the video exercise technique:

How to cure insidious chronic prostatitis with folk remedies

There are also recipes and ways to treat prostatitis with the help of traditional medicine. How can you help cure prostatitis at home?

Apply pumpkin seeds, birch leaves, golden root, celandine, Kalanchoe, aspen bark and other gifts of nature.

But these methods will only be useful in complex treatment and only if you follow the recommendations that I gave above.

Remember, it is impossible to get rid of prostatitis with folk remedies if you have not eliminated the inflammation using traditional medicine methods. If you also continue to sit a lot, move little, sit in the cold, drink alcohol. If you lead the wrong sex life.

To be honest, I have not tried to treat prostatitis with these traditional medicine methods. The advice I gave so far was enough for me.

Therefore, let's summarize the article, where I will briefly say how to effectively cure prostatitis.

Summary of the article

Prostatitis, like many diseases, cannot be, simply impossible, cured in one way. Only A complex approach will help you. It is necessary to combine both the treatment of traditional medicine and follow my advice from this article. Only in this way you will forever forget what prostatitis is. I guarantee you this, because I went through it myself and was able to defeat prostatitis once and for all, to cure the disease. The main thing is to take it, not to be lazy, to believe in your success. Is it possible to cure chronic prostatitis forever and completely at home, otherwise many do not believe that this is possible? I firmly affirm that yes, it is possible to cure it yourself, because I myself cured prostatitis, I shouted “hurray” when I defeated him, and how, I told you today.

Why do so many people fail to heal? They just do not treat comprehensively and continue to mock the prostate. For example, they go to the doctor, undergo treatment, and then continue to lead a lifestyle that led them to the disease. Or they rush into traditional medicine without eliminating the cause of inflammation. Or they neglect such wonderful methods that treat prostatitis well: mula bandha, walking on the buttocks.

Therefore, first consult a doctor, undergo a course of treatment, try to cure the acute stage of the disease. Then follow my instructions.

Reduce or better yet stop drinking alcohol.

Do not get cold or sit on a cold surface.

Establish a healthy sex life.

Move more and do not sit for a long time, and if the work is connected with constant sitting, then take breaks, change the position of the body, put your foot under the buttock, periodically squeeze the anus.

Perform a perineal massage.

Do daily exercises for the prostate: moola bandha, walking on the buttocks, inverted asanas.

After some time, a miracle will happen, prostatitis will leave you forever. But it was not a miracle, but your effort. you can cure it unpleasant disease, everything is in your hands, victory is inevitable, this is the law of nature. I repeat, it is possible to cure, this is a fact.

Good luck with getting rid of prostatitis.

I suggest at the end to watch another video about the treatment of prostatitis:

Every man wants to feel like a leader and excel in different areas vital activity. Big influence self-esteem and self-confidence has a personal, including sex life men. A disease such as prostatitis, which must be completely eliminated, can prevent him from doing this.

Our regular reader got rid of PROSTATITIS by an effective method. He tested it on himself - the result is 100% - complete elimination of prostatitis. it natural remedy based on honey. We tested the method and decided to recommend it to you. The result is fast. ACTIVE METHOD.

What is prostatitis

What is prostatitis and how to get rid of it? Inflammation of the prostate gland is called prostatitis. AT male organs responsible for reproductive function, the prostate plays a secondary role. It is located in the region of the bladder, around its neck. Since the prostate glands are located next to the urinary tube, the urinary canal is compressed as a result. This prevents urine from moving in its usual mode.


At the age of 40 years and older in men, prostate enlargement can be called a typical phenomenon. When blocked a large number of urine, then poisoned more large quantity organism, which may not lead to good consequences.

Causes of prostatitis

There are many reasons that can lead to the occurrence of prostatitis, such as:

  1. Excess weight, which occurs due to a violation of proper blood circulation.
  2. Penetration into the body of an infection, this can happen after the onset of inflammation of the urethra or gonorrhea.
  3. Unprotected intercourse may well cause prostatitis.
  4. A sedentary lifestyle is detrimental to our health. When a person sits a lot, the load on the muscles of the perineum becomes many times greater.
  5. If you often supercool your body, retain urine, or have chronic illness urogenital areas, this contributes to the development of the disease.
  6. constipation that have chronic, can also affect the appearance of prostatitis;
  7. One of the reasons is urological infectious diseases, even an inaccurately extracted tooth.

Consequences of untreated prostatitis

There are many consequences that a negligent attitude to one’s health entails, we are talking about untreated prostatitis. Chronic inflammation of the prostate can develop sclerosis of the gland and disrupt the processes of urination. If the carrier of the disease in an acute form, decides not to go to a professional for help, then most likely, he will develop a focal purulent inflammation, in which there is an increase in body temperature, difficulty urinating and a sharp chill.

In order to understand how to get rid of chronic prostatitis forever, you need to know what it is. With chronic prostatitis, the situation is completely different. A person may begin inflammation of this kind, but he will not guess about it, because chronic prostatitis is characterized by temporary remissions of a long nature. And instead of seeking help, people believe that the disease is in the past and continue to live at their usual pace while the inflammatory process is gaining momentum.

When the process aggravates, the infection goes further, causing cystitis and pyelonephritis, this can cause infertility in men, which will be very difficult to cure.

Prostatitis can be:

  • acute form and bacterial chronic;
  • non-bacterial chronic, which may or may not be inflammatory;
  • inflammatory but affecting the body without symptoms.

Acute bacterial prostatitis is most common in males under 37 years of age. It occurs after infections enter the body, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, since they are transmitted sexually. The main accompanying this type of prostatitis is cystitis.

There are many satellites of bacterial prostatitis. The main ones are:

Painful urination

  • increasing pain in the perineum;
  • urination accompanied by pain;
  • discomfort in the abdominal cavity;
  • testicular inflammation.

To effective options treatments include prostate massage, but not with this form, because the infection will spread faster and affect large areas.

Bacterial chronic prostatitis occurs due to the fact that the infection begins to progress rapidly and this is accompanied by inflammation of the prostate gland and urinary tract. Often this type of inflammation of the prostate occurs for the reason that the man did not finish the treatment of acute prostatitis.

Symptoms are similar to the bacterial acute form, but differ in that human body it is easier to bear. Accompanied by chronic prostatitis aching pain in the back, tingling of the testicles and unpleasant sensations in the perineum or genitals. It is likely that cystitis will appear along with inflammation, but it will be completely asymptomatic.

It is the most common form of prostatitis, which develops only if the number of leukocytes in the seed increases, without getting any infections. This form can appear in a man of any age category.


It is inflammatory in the absence of infection and only due to an increase in leukocytes, and not inflammatory in the absence of infections and inflammation.

So, forever? The attending physician will be able to help the patient, and you can get the result if you make every effort.

Inflammatory asymptomatic prostatitis, this form does not entail constant pain and discomfort, this is due to the fact that the acceptable number of leukocytes in the male seed increases.

Sometimes the patient begins to suspect that something is wrong with his body. Most often this happens during infertility testing, it is during this examination that it becomes clear what such consequences entail.

Prevention of prostatitis

People who have admitted this disease should know how to get rid of prostatitis forever. After all, it is much better to take measures to protect your body than to look for treatment options.

  • With hypothermia, the likelihood of getting prostatitis increases several times. Because during a cold or flu, a person's immune system is very weakened. It is at such moments that the infection is activated and strikes at the body.
  • During unprotected intercourse, you can get diseases that are the causes of prostatitis.
  • When a man leads inactive image life, stagnation is formed in the prostate gland. They are considered one of the causes of this disease.

The best remedies for fighting inflammation

Many people think that you can easily get rid of this disease, but it is not so easy. There are many options on how to get rid of prostatitis forever. For example, with the help of antibiotic therapy, traditional medicine, massages and many other ways.

Treatment #1


Penetration is considered to be the main cause of inflammation of the prostate. pathogenic microflora into it, so this method of treatment is the most popular. It occupies a leading position in the treatment options for inflammatory prostatitis.

In order to cure inflammation that occurs in the prostate gland, you should pay attention to antibiotics of such groups as:

  • Cephalosporins: Ceftriaxone and Cefotaximi others.
  • Macrolides: Azithromycin, Erythromycin, Oleandomycin and others.
  • Tetracyclines: Metacycline, Doxycycline and others.
  • Penicillins: Flekomoklav, Augmentin, Amoxiclav and others.

You can get rid of prostatitis forever with drugs of different classes, for example: painkillers that will help reduce severe pain; antispasmodics, which help relax the striated muscles, and alpha-blockers, which relax the muscles in the urinary tract, which will greatly facilitate the process of urination.

Treatment #2


Do not forget that in addition to medicines, there are also herbal medicines, the possibilities of which become underestimated and rejected, without any reason.

These drugs provide positive influence not only on the prostate gland, but also on the whole body, and if you still take a course of antibiotics in parallel, the result will not be long in coming.
Decoctions from certain types of plants will help not only reduce, but completely rid a man of inflammatory processes, as well as improve blood circulation.

most popular and effective tinctures herbs are: tincture of aloe, decoctions of chamomile, nettle, calendula flowers, burdock root, sage, common hazel, St. John's wort and ginseng.

It is worth giving preference to the drug Tykveol. Its main ingredient is pumpkin seeds, which are processed into oil. This drug is produced in different forms, if it is more convenient for the patient to mix the drug into food, then it can be purchased in the form of oil; if a man is a supporter of pills, then this drug is in capsules, and it is also available in the form rectal suppositories. Tykveol renders positive impact on iron, it is also good as an oxidant and rids the body of bacteria.

The use of these decoctions is different, but the most widespread and effective is the bath. If you do baths every day, then within a month you can see the long-awaited result, small enemas from these tinctures will also be good.
The biggest advantage of herbal medicine is its ease and accessibility. This type of treatment is not side effects. It just takes a little effort to make a full recovery.

Treatment #3


Regardless of the chosen method of treatment, it is necessary to put in order daily ration nutrition and choose the right diet for the body. A miracle can happen, but why rely only on this, it is better to take all possible measures in order to eliminate this problem forever.

This is not an easy process, most likely, you will have to abandon the foods that the man considered his favorite and replace them with more useful ones.

As soon as a person puts his diet in order, not only inflammation will decrease, but the body will also be provided with useful minerals, vitamins, amino acids and carbohydrates. Products to avoid:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • cigarettes;
  • smoked and fried foods;
  • fast food;
  • strong tea;
  • coffee;
  • sweet waters;
  • confectionery in large quantities.

Foods to include in your diet:

It is necessary to include dairy products in the diet

  • fermented milk products such as milk, sour cream and cottage cheese;
  • fruits: apple, grapes, orange, banana;
  • vegetables: peppers, herbs, carrots, cucumbers and beets;
  • berries: blueberries, currants and strawberries.

For the male reproductive system to function necessary, without any abnormalities, the body needs zinc, which will be concentrated in the semen. This contributes to the cessation of inflammatory processes and increased recovery. Zinc preparations guarantee an increase in the activity of spermatozoa and the effectiveness of the recovery of male patients chronic prostatitis.

Treatment #4


You can cure this ailment with the help of massage. There are some prejudices about this. Most of of the population imagines a massage with aromatic oils, which contributes to their relaxation, satisfaction, but not healing.

This cliche can be easily dispelled if we recall that since the beginning of the 20th century, prostate massage has been one of the main options for treating this disease. Thanks to this action, the body begins to circulate better blood, including increased blood supply to the inflamed gland. Therefore, you should not be so dismissive of massage as a form of treatment for this disease. After all, it will serve as an effective addition to the chosen method of treatment.

The most common type of massage is transrectal, the effect of this type of massage will not be long in coming and will not cause any doubt. When using this method with an antibiotic, there is a 100% guarantee that the drug will be better concentrated in the tissue of the organ, which will only lead to a speedy recovery.

If a man feels uncomfortable during this procedure, then in our time of technology there are a huge number of massagers that have such an effect.

Treatment #5


Physiotherapy is also a very effective way to get rid of this ailment. The following methods are used:

diadynamic therapy

  • laser therapy;
  • high frequency amplifier;
  • microwaves above high frequencies;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • diadynamic therapy;
  • amlipuls.

These procedures have a positive effect on inflammatory processes and reduce pain. They are able to improve blood circulation, increase immunity and rid the body of microbes that adversely affect it.

Treatment of different types of prostatitis:

  • In order to get rid of acute prostatitis, a special course of antibiotics is prescribed. If the infection in the body is very severe, then, most likely, the doctor will suggest hospitalization. With a timely diagnosis, doctors give positive forecasts.
  • The fight against infectious prostatitis includes a course of drugs with antibacterial value to get rid of the source of infection.
  • Bacterial prostatitis is considered the most severe of all cases. Recommended constant control on the part of the doctor, because sometimes repeated courses of antibacterial exposure may not be enough.

Suitable lifestyle for prostatitis

Lifestyle must be unambiguously active. It contributes better circulation blood in the gland, due to which the body will be more susceptible to a speedy recovery.

It is enough to do simple gymnastic exercises a few days.

An example of several types of exercises:

Exercise "bike"

  1. Everyone knows the bicycle exercise (performed on the floor, lying on your back, with your legs raised up, you need to turn invisible pedals, as when riding a bicycle).
  2. Scissors (the starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, only do not pedal with your feet, but with imaginary opening and closing scissors).
  3. Squats (feet shoulder-width apart, you need to sit down to an angle of 90 degrees).

Hardening works very well, which helps to improve blood circulation not only in the gland, but throughout the body as a whole.

The main role in recovery is played by the attending physician, who controls the disease. Given his advice and recommendations, getting rid of prostatitis will be much easier.

Many doctors also recommend starting to take Prostodin, which has a very effective and efficient effect on the male reproductive system. This drug increases potency and returns a high desire to sexual activity due to rejuvenation and restoration of the reproductive system, which fell under pernicious influence prostatitis. In addition to the advantages of this drug can be attributed to the fact that it cleanses blood vessels, which has a positive effect on sexual life and promotes an increase in passion and desire.

Summed up

It is possible and necessary to recover from prostatitis forever, because it can lead to the appearance of the most dangerous diseases that are seriously dangerous.

One of them is impotence, which occurs in almost 99.9% of cases. For some, it may appear on the most early stages, someone is in the midst of an illness, and she will overtake someone when she is not expected at all, but this process is inevitable.

The second disease is called BPH, during which prostatitis can develop into something worse.

The last, most unpleasant illness is prostate cancer. It arises due to negligent and neglectful attitude to one's health. When there is a desire to wait a little with the doctor, and uncomfortable sensations, accompanied by pain, do not subside, it is worth driving this thought to hell.

If all men turned to qualified specialists for help in time, then the chance to avoid surgical intervention would be great.

It is necessary to regulate nutrition and fill life with energy and cheerfulness. It is worth remembering that sometimes you need to give up something for the good of your own health. It is always better to take into account the advice of the attending physicians, try to listen to them and follow them unquestioningly.

Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

Do you have PROSTATITIS? Have you already tried many remedies and nothing helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and don't act radically. Prostatitis is POSSIBLE to cure! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis...

Often prostatitis becomes chronic, especially if during the acute period of the disease the man did not pay attention to threatening symptoms or delayed a visit to the urologist.

Many believe that it is almost impossible to get rid of sluggish inflammation of the prostate gland and the disease will return again and again.

Is there a cure for prostatitis? Seeing a doctor when the first minor signs of prostatitis appear and adequate therapy is the key to practically complete cure and restore all functions genitourinary system in full.

Reference! The only type of prostatitis that modern medicine unable to overcome, is a disease caused by the herpes virus. However, in this case, the correct treatment regimen will help to forget about the return of the disease for many years.

Thus, to the question of whether prostatitis is curable, we can say with confidence: “Yes!”. But, complete healing from chronic prostatitis is possible only with an integrated approach.

Drug therapy should be combined with physiotherapy (prostate massage, the use of special devices) and in a healthy way life.

The use of only one of the above methods of treatment will not achieve a stable remission. Before starting therapy, it is also advisable to take a prostate secretion for analysis, as well as general analyzes blood and urine, and pass ultrasound examination prostate.

How to get rid of prostatitis once and for all?

If the urologist has diagnosed "prostatitis", do not panic.

It is very important to carefully follow the treatment regimen, the basic principles of which are as follows:

  1. Reception antibacterial drugs . To select the most effective of them, they usually analyze the secret of the prostate for the sensitivity of the flora to antibiotics.

    In acute bacterial prostatitis, such drugs are often prescribed medicines like cephalosporins, trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole, quinolone and tetracycline.

    And when chronic form diseases - lipophilic antibiotics (clindamycin and erythromycin), fluoroquinolones, erythromycin, carbenicillin, nitrofurantoin, ciprofloxacin.

  2. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs. They reduce the intensity of inflammation in the tissues of the prostate and reduce pain. The most common of them are diclofenac, meloxicam, nimesulide.
  3. Taking alpha-blockers. They help to relax the muscles of the urethra and normalize difficult urination. These include terazosin, tamsulosin, doxazosin, alfuzosin.
  4. Taking antispasmodics. They eliminate discomfort and pain in the prostate area. The most popular of them are no-shpa and baralgin.
  5. Reception hormonal drugs . They are prescribed only if anti-inflammatory drugs do not help. The most commonly prescribed drugs are prednisolone or dexamethasone.
  6. Immunomodulating therapy. Exacerbations of prostatitis are often associated with sharp decline immunity. Help immune system You can fully perform your functions with the help of drugs such as polyoxidonium, immunofan, galavit. They must be taken strictly after a doctor's prescription.

Reference! Bioregulatory peptides derived from substances extracted from the large prostate cattle, stimulate the regeneration of the prostate gland in men and normalize metabolic processes. The drugs of this group are prostatilen, vitaprost, uroprost, samprost.

Get rid of prostatitis allow drugs that activate blood circulation in the pelvic organs in men. In addition, they improve urination and help reduce the inflamed prostate in size.

These drugs suppress the production of male sex hormones and reduce the production of juice by the prostate. This group includes magnesium, carbamazepine, ketoconazole, digoxin and other drugs.

In the following video, the doctor talks about some of the drugs used in the treatment of prostatitis:


It is recommended to combine physiotherapy with antibiotic therapy, as they enhance its effect on the body and stimulate blood circulation in the prostate and pelvic area. These include laser and ultrasound therapy, iontophoresis and exposure to electromagnetic waves.

Good results in terms of normalizing the bacterial flora, fighting edema and restoring the functions of epithelial cells are obtained by treatment with mud and essential oils, as well as diathermy, darsonvalization and inductothermy.

REFERENCE! In the treatment of prostatitis, the effectiveness of prostate massage has been proven. It can be manual and hardware. Manual massage usually carried out by a specialist in medical institution, and the use of devices helps to quickly minimize the manifestations of the disease at home.

Many of the prostatitis treatment devices work on the principle of magnetotherapy, creating a magnetic field over the focus of inflammation and significantly reducing tissue swelling.

These include:

  1. Almag.
  2. Prostam.
  3. Rennet.
  4. Mavit.

The Uzormed device has a positive effect on the state of the prostate with the help of induced infrared radiation, Soyuz-Apollo has a vacuum effect and creates pulsating electromagnetic radiation with varying frequencies of exposure.

Akutest produces low-energy bioresonance wave radiation, and Termex produces thermal radio frequency waves.


In order not to treat prostatitis, it is easier to prevent its occurrence. This will require some effort from the man, but the result is good health and complete intimate life- speak for themselves.

Measures to prevent the disease are as follows:

  1. The complete exclusion of alcoholic beverages and coffee, which can provoke frequent urination.
  2. A strict diet in which spices, spicy, smoked, salted, fried and spicy dishes. Such food often causes swelling of the prostate gland and relapses of prostatitis. It is very useful to eat as much as possible more vegetables and fruits.
  3. The ban on visiting baths and saunas, because thermal treatments cause a sharp rush of blood to the pelvic organs.
  4. Regular sex life, which prevents stagnation of secretion in the prostate gland and prostatitis.

Important! It must be understood that too promiscuous sexual intercourse increases the risk of infection from any of the partners. harmful bacteria or pathogens sexually transmitted diseases are quite capable of causing an exacerbation of prostatitis.

  1. Physical activity. If a man has been diagnosed with prostatitis, he should abandon a completely sedentary lifestyle and regularly walk on fresh air for at least a few hours.

    An even better option is sports: jogging at the stadium, swimming, gymnastics, athletics.

  2. Refusal of too tight underwear, for example, tight swimming trunks, which can lead to local overheating of the genitals.
  3. Minimizing hypothermia: Men should always dress for the weather to avoid prostatitis.

In the next video, exercises for healthy prostate and disease prevention:

Chronic prostatitis is not a sentence for life. Even if such a diagnosis is already present in the anamnesis, it is necessary to find a good specialist, pass the full course treatment and change your lifestyle to an active one - and the disease will no longer bother you. Now you know how to get rid of prostatitis forever and how to keep your health in good condition.

Statistics show that chronic prostatitis affects more than 30% of the stronger sex. Moreover, their age is usually more than 25 years. 40% of men are worried about this disease, perhaps in the most active and efficient age period(20-40 years).

Of course, prostatitis is not fatal, but as far as a man's personal life is concerned, he is able to leave his indelible mark there.

That is why many men are concerned about the question: ?.

Causes and symptoms of prostatitis

Basically, this disease is caused by an infection that enters the prostate gland from the urethra. Often, young guys who have an active sex life and often change partners suffer from prostatitis.
Usually, a disease such as prostatitis develops without any symptoms. But sometimes certain symptoms are still present. At first, for example, health may simply worsen and general state. Then nervousness, irritability and depression appear.

Even with this disease, it hurts in the perineum or above the pubic bone. Despite all of the above, the very first and surest is the pain in the lower abdomen immediately after ejaculation. The reason for this is inflammation of the prostate. Also, a man experiences discomfort when he goes to the toilet, by the way, this can become quite common.
It happens that the only thing is problems in personal life. Pain may be absent, but libido is reduced.

Recipes for the treatment of prostatitis at home

Tincture of garlic

  1. Mash the garlic to make a pulp.
  2. Pour 1 tbsp. l. this slurry 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  3. Wrap and let the solution brew for about 6-8 hours.
  4. Strain.
  5. Take 50 ml half an hour before meals. daily.

These tinctures in any case will save you from prostatitis. To eliminate bad smell, chew coffee beans or parsley.

Here are a few more recipes that will save you from prostatitis once and for all:


  • 1 st. l. parsley root;
  • ½ cup boiling water.

Pour boiling water over parsley, leave overnight (about 10 hours). Strain in the morning, take 1 tbsp. l. 4 times daily half an hour before meals.


  • ½ tsp fireweed herbs;
  • 2 cups boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the grass, let it brew for 10 minutes, strain. Drink all day.


  • 8 g of peony root and walnut fruit;
  • 4 g horsetail.
  • 100 g of vodka.

Insist collection. Drink 10-15 drops 3-5 times daily between meals (previously dilute the tincture in water).


  • 2 onions;
  • 0.6 liters of boiling water.

Chop the onion, pour boiling water over it, wrap it up and let it brew for 2 hours. Strain and take 50 g every hour.


  • 1 st. l. flowers of an ordinary pear;
  • 1 liter of boiling water.

Fill the flowers with water. Wrap and let it brew for 10 minutes. Drink 5 glasses daily.


  • 30 g of thuja needles;
  • 1 liter of water.

Fill the needles with water. Cook over low heat in a sealed container for 10 minutes. Cool and strain. Drink 5 glasses daily.

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. burdock roots;
  • 0.5 l of water.

Brew burdock, boil for 10 minutes, let it brew for 1 hour. Drink 3 times every day 15-20 minutes before meals (100 g warm).

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. licorice roots;
  • 0.5 l of water.

Pour licorice with water, boil for 10 minutes. Let it brew for 1 hour. Drink 3 times every day 15-20 minutes before meals (100 g warm).

Such tinctures will definitely save you from prostatitis.

How to deal with prostatitis at home?

A plant such as the holly Kalanchoe with “teeth” will help you with this.

  1. Finely chop the plant.
  2. Pour into a glass bottle (about 1/4 volume).
  3. Fill the plant in a bottle with vodka. It is necessary to pour so that the bottle is completely filled.
  4. Let's insist.
  5. If you can not cope with for quite a long time, use an infusion of 1 tbsp. l. every day for 15-20 minutes. before breakfast. You can also use it in the evening, preferably before going to bed.
  6. Remember to keep track of the amount of tincture you take. It depends on your condition. If you have already almost got rid of prostatitis at home, the amount should be reduced.
  7. Store the tincture in any place convenient for you.

You will need:

  • 1 tsp elderberry roots and medicinal soapwort;
  • 1 tsp hernia herbs;
  • 1 tsp meadowsweet flowers;
  • 0.8 l of water.


  1. Mix all the roots, herbs and flowers.
  2. Boil the mixture in water for 10 minutes.
  3. Cool down.
  4. Drink 1/2 cup after meals 3 times every day for a month, and then you will definitely get rid of prostatitis at home.

You will need:

  • 1 tsp horsetail herbs;
  • 1 tsp chamomile flowers;
  • 1 glass of water.

What needs to be done:

  1. Mix grass and flowers.
  2. Fill with water.
  3. Drink hot 3 times every day for 1/2 cup for 15-20 minutes. before meals for a month, and then you will no longer worry about how to get rid of the disease.

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers and marigolds;
  • 2 tbsp. l. harrow root and common hazel;
  • 2 tbsp. l. stigmas of corn;
  • 2 cups boiling water.

What do we have to do:

  1. Mix and grind ingredients.
  2. 1 st. l. the resulting mixture pour boiling water.
  3. Boil 3 min.
  4. Let it brew for 20 min.
  5. Drink 1/4 cup 6 times every day 15 minutes before meals and 30 minutes after.
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