Indications and contraindications for the Charcot shower procedure: getting rid of excess weight and “orange peel. To improve health. Indications for the use of Charcot's shower

Now Charcot's shower began to be practiced not only in clinics and sanatoriums. Wellness procedures have been adopted by spas. This is due to the ability of such a soul to resist excess weight and reduce the severity of cellulite.

Some people have doubts - water procedures for 10-15 minutes are not able to help lose weight. Does Charcot's shower help you lose weight or is its effectiveness exaggerated? The answer to this question is ambiguous - it helps some, others practically do not lose weight, others cannot endure this water therapy at all.

Description of the procedure

The basic principle is simple - a stream of water of different temperature and pressure is supplied to a person from a distance of 3-4 meters. Massage is carried out by longitudinal, transverse and circular movements. The procedure is performed by a specialist and cannot be carried out at home - the dimensions of the equipment are large.

Ascending massage with a compact jet of water is recognized as the most correct. After preliminary moistening of the whole body with a weak fan flow, they pass to the legs, gradually rising up. Depending on the pressure and personal sensitivity of the skin, the procedure can be painful. It is best to trust its conduct to a professional - an illiterate massage can be harmful to health.

Be carefull! With proper massage, there should not be large pronounced bruises on the body. Most often they arise due to incorrectly selected pressure. Also, the formation of hematomas contributes to the increased fragility of blood vessels in undiagnosed diseases or due to a lack of vitamins in the body, in particular ascorbic acid.

For men and women, massage is carried out from all sides of the body with one or two jets of water. The only exceptions are 3 zones.

It is forbidden to massage:

  1. head.
  2. Sex organs.
  3. Milk glands.

The first procedure usually does not exceed 5 minutes. With each session, the time gradually increases, bringing the total duration to 10-15 minutes.

It is interesting! This therapy was originally developed for the treatment of mental illness and neurological disorders. It was invented in the 19th century by the Frenchman Jean-Martin Charcot. He worked as a psychiatrist and was an indirect teacher of Sigmund Freud.

Charcot's shower demonstrates various positive effects, combining a wellness direction with an aesthetic impact.

In cosmetology, it is used in such cases:

  • obesity;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • cellulite and decreased skin tone;
  • stress, chronic fatigue, depression, neurosis.

The function of such a shower to reduce weight was not immediately noticed. After the discovery of such a "side" effect achieved in the treatment of hysteria and other nervous disorders, the procedure began to be used in the fight against obesity.

Over time, a certain methodology has been developed that explains how often to do Charcot's shower when losing weight and the approximate effectiveness after a full course.

Application for weight loss

The benefits of Charcot's shower for weight loss and health in general have been proven by many years of experience. As a means of combating obesity, it has been practiced for a long time, but was not so popular before. This is associated with pain and some discomfort.

As a means to reduce weight, Charcot's shower becomes interesting after the recommendation of girlfriends or cosmetologists. Many girls are concerned about some issues.

  1. Is Charcot's shower effective for weight loss?

When losing weight, Charcot's shower is effective in itself, but to a small extent. The maximum result can be obtained with a combination of shower, diet (for example) and physical education. For general skin toning after weight loss or to reduce the appearance of cellulite, it is one of the best remedies.

  1. Does the jet of water hurt the skin?

Pain can be quite tolerable or very strong. It depends on the personal sensitivity of the skin and the pressure of the water. In girls, the menstrual cycle also affects the strength of pain - just before the “ladies' days”, the sensations become sharper. After several sessions, the body gets used to it, the procedure is easier to tolerate, and some people no longer experience any discomfort.

  1. How many pounds can you lose weight?

The number of kilograms thrown off directly depends on the initial weight. Girls who want to lose 2-3 kg should not expect good results. After a full course, they will be able to notice an extremely small weight loss, but by increasing skin tone, Charcot's shower helps to gain a more slender silhouette.

  1. How often to do for maximum effect?

Doctors do not recommend water therapy daily for cosmetic purposes. The best option would be a course of 10-15 sessions performed every other day. 2 courses are recommended per year, with regular use, the number of procedures can reach 20.

Save! Some have a very low pain threshold - they cannot tolerate the sensations caused by the Charcot shower at all. Before the full course, it is worth paying for only 1 session in order to assess the readiness of your body for subsequent procedures.

A few initial sessions will not help you lose weight. To lose weight, you must complete the full course. Then the results will become noticeable in the form of a more toned figure and an improvement in overall well-being.


Already after 3-4 sessions, a tactile and visual change in the skin is noted. It becomes firmer and smoother. By increasing blood circulation, the severity of cellulite decreases, and muscle strengthening leads to the formation of a correct posture, which visually makes the silhouette slimmer.

Important! Reducing the level of stress and the appearance of a surge of strength after a full course allows you to continue to lose weight outside of Charcot's shower sessions. Cheerfulness makes it possible to imperceptibly move more, and calmness eliminates the habit of eating sweets in a bad mood.

Perceptible weight loss occurs only in very obese people. This is due to the lymphatic drainage effect and the acceleration of metabolism. Most people lose less than 5 kg per course, when combined with diet and exercise, weight loss can be more noticeable.

How does Charcot's shower affect the body

Girls who have only a few extra pounds, without a simultaneous reduction in calorie intake, may not lose weight at all. They will look much slimmer, but will not lose weight.

Even if Charcot's shower was used exclusively for weight loss and getting rid of cellulite, there will be an additional positive effect. Together with the acquisition of a slender figure, resistance to colds will increase, sleep will normalize and susceptibility to stress will decrease.

At the same time, doctors pay attention to a certain category of people who have a strict ban on the use of Charcot's soul.


The procedure should be exclusively recreational in nature and is carried out after consultation with a doctor, even if the goal is to lose weight. There are temporary and permanent contraindications.


  • menstruation;
  • unhealed skin lesions;
  • breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • cold, fever;
  • increased fragility of blood vessels against the background of beriberi;
  • hypo- and hypertension due to taking medications.


  • kidney disease;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • any neoplasms;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • severe hypo- and hypertension stage 2-3;
  • heart disease and strokes, heart attacks.

Close attention should be paid to blood pressure - people react to the procedure in different ways. During the session, blood pressure indicators can behave unpredictably - both decrease and increase. Therefore, with a slight hypotension, this water therapy is permissible, and with excessively low pressure indicators, it is fraught with fainting. With high blood pressure, the consequences can be much more serious, do not neglect health for the sake of harmony.

Sharko's shower for weight loss is a highly effective tool that has been tested by many people. Sessions are a little painful, but they are highly effective in the fight against kilograms and "orange peel". Along with this, the shower is distinguished by a host of other beneficial actions, allowing you to improve your health at the same time as acquiring a slender figure.

Sharko shower or Sharko shower is a water treatment that has its own indications and contraindications. It bears the name of its creator, the famous physician Jean Martin Charcot. This unique invention is more than 100 years old, initially the shower was intended for the treatment of nervous disorders, vegetovascular dystonia, depression, and neuroses. At present, the range of application of this hydrotherapy has greatly expanded, it includes not only the treatment of certain diseases, but is widely used in the beauty industry (weight loss, cellulite control, the formation of a beautiful slim figure).

What is a Charcot shower

The procedure is a strong jet of hot or cold water directed to a specific area of ​​the body, depending on the disease or problem. The contrasting alternation of the water jet, point or fan, promotes an active flow of blood to all organs and tissues, the vessels contract and expand, which gives an excellent therapeutic effect. Slags, toxins, harmful compounds are removed from the body. The processes of rejuvenation and regeneration are launched. The metabolism is normalized, which contributes to weight loss.


An excellent effective water massage is indicated for everyone who has problems with blood circulation, constantly experiences stress and weakness, with chronic fatigue syndrome, and is overweight. A point-fan jet of hot or cold water massages the problem area of ​​the body, improves blood circulation, hardens the body. The procedure gives a quick effect on colds, relaxes muscles, has a good effect on the spinal column and the human endocrine system, relieves nervous tension, strengthens the immune system, and promotes tissue regeneration. The muscles of the body relax.

Mechanism of action

Charcot's shower in the clinic is carried out according to the classical scheme: a powerful jet of hot and cold water is alternately directed at the patient, who stands against the wall and holds the rails with both hands, from a distance of 3-3.5 m. There is an intensive water massage of problem areas of the body, the nervous system relaxes, the skin becomes elastic. Fat, slag deposits are broken down into smaller particles and excreted from the body. The alternation of hot and cold water tones the whole body, improves well-being, adds vigor and energy.

Indications for use

The list of indications is extensive and affects almost all disorders in the human body. Shown to be effective:

  • in the fight against cellulite;
  • when losing weight;
  • in the treatment of obesity;
  • copes well with the problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • with diseases of the nervous system, arthritis;
  • with muscle weakness, complete or partial muscle atrophy;
  • with arthrosis, osteochondrosis;
  • in improving lymphatic drainage, blood circulation in the body;
  • in a beneficial effect on the spine;
  • in the resorption of some benign tumors;

From cellulite

What is Charcot's shower useful for cellulite? The procedure gives a useful, positive effect in the treatment of skin affected by cellulite. A powerful jet of water breaks the uneven surface of the skin, removes flabbiness, relieves muscle tension, destroys bumps and evens out the skin. The main emphasis is on the stomach, buttocks, hips, waist, legs. It is necessary to start anti-cellulite massage from 10 minutes, gradually increasing the time of exposure of the water jet to problem areas of the body.

For weight loss

The benefits of Charcot's soul in the matter of losing weight and getting rid of extra pounds are obvious. The procedure has a certain mechanism of action on the body:

  • cold water throughout the procedure causes the body to expend a large amount of energy to warm up;
  • the mechanical effect of water on the skin intensively massages the problem areas of the body, which gives a drainage effect, the sebaceous glands and muscle tone improve, the removal of body fat accelerates;
  • the procedure imitates the physical load on the body, which contributes to weight loss.

Problems of the musculoskeletal system

Doctors recommend using a shower to restore the musculoskeletal system after injuries, complete or partial muscle atrophy, mobility in osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis. The positive effect of the shower on the human musculoskeletal system contributes to rapid healing and recovery. To prevent the development of diseases, souls are best taken as preventive measures.

Nervous system

In diseases of the central nervous system, shower treatment is considered a mandatory indication. Water massage with a jet of hot water has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the body and on the whole organism as a whole. The high temperature of the water relieves nervous exacerbation, copes well with stress and depression, and soothes with neurosis and obsessive-compulsive disorders. It is indicated for any pathologies of the nervous system. The strong point pressure of the water jet tones the human nervous system, calms it down, and brings it back to normal.

Contraindications for Charcot's shower

This procedure has its own contraindications, it can not be carried out with:

  • hypertension;
  • stroke and heart attack;
  • tuberculosis;
  • breastfeeding (temporarily excludes the use of the shower);
  • hernia;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • chronic pyelonephritis;
  • myoma;
  • damage to the skin with weeping eczema;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach;
  • problems in the field of gynecology and menstruation;
  • pregnancy;
  • varicose veins;
  • some chronic diseases.
  • if there is a predisposition to thrombosis.

Charcot is able to bring healing of souls from many diseases. Together with the adoption of other procedures, you can achieve a greater effect in improving well-being and overcoming pain. In addition to the therapeutic direction, the use of Charcot's shower is justified as a preventive measure and hardening of the body, it is recommended for athletes and people employed in sedentary work places to relax muscles.

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Is it necessary?

Often, such a water shower is resorted to to raise immunity and increase the overall tone of the body. This procedure is also preferred by many of the fair sex, the purpose of which is to get rid of cellulite, tighten the skin, make it smooth and elastic.

However, you should know and remember that Charcot's douche is not a panacea for all diseases, and in some cases it can bring the opposite effect to healing.

Before choosing a decision to take a “charcot shower”, carefully study the indications and contraindications. It is important in each case to get recommendations and the appointment of specialists, otherwise "a sharko shower will bring not only benefits, but also harm."

Barriers to hydromassage

Under what conditions should you refrain:

  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, for example, angina pectoris, heart attack;
  • hypertensive diseases in the period of exacerbation;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • skin diseases such as eczema, as well as fever and inflammation of organs in the body.

Forbidden get up under the shower for pregnant women, persons, suffering from psychosis and other types of depression. "Sharko shower" is contraindicated for people who are under stress.

  • Joint diseases;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The rehabilitation period after suffering heart attacks and strokes;
  • Women during menstruation, when sensitivity to pain is exacerbated.

Restrictions on the use of the water procedure

You will not be allowed to the procedure if:

  • Low body weight and signs of dystrophy. In such cases, the effect of water can cause microtrauma, hematomas.
  • Sensitive body skin. There is a danger the appearance of redness, bruises on the skin areas of the bodies under the influence of the impact force of water.
  • Varicose veins. Avoid directing the water jet to problem areas of the body.

Reviews about Charcot's soul

Taking a Charcot shower is marked by an initial feeling of discomfort during the procedure, which smoothly flows into positive emotions.

Particularly enthusiastic about hydromassage are those who became the owner of a perfect figure, perfect skin, to whom the shower gave a feeling of amazing lightness, an increase in strength, vitality, and a great mood.

I am 40 years old, I recently completed a full course of hydromassage. I never thought that a strong jet of water passing through the body would give impetus to my weight loss. After all, my original goal was to calm the shattered nerves, however, along with calmness, I also received a slender figure, became attractive to myself and to others. Marina.

At 38, I no longer hoped to lose weight, I tried different ways to get rid of cellulite. She put cans, administered various injections, took baths to improve blood circulation. I spent kilograms of cosmetics with an anti-cellulite effect, the most difficult thing for me was dieting. But all these measures did not bring the desired result, sometimes they required inhuman efforts to lose only a couple of kilograms of weight. I am grateful to the inventor of this type of hydromassage, because Charcot's shower definitely helped me lose weight, although at the same time I did not starve at all, I only slightly limited myself in food. Anastasia Melnikova.

I rested in a sanatorium, where I had the opportunity to visit Charcot's shower. The doctor wrote me a referral for this procedure in order to improve the metabolism in my body and bring my skin back to a healthy state. At first, I did not like the hydromassage session, in some places the skin even turned red. However, for the third time, I felt that I was pleased with such a strong touch of water on my body, I began to experience a feeling of cosmic relaxation, complete relaxation of the muscles. In the end, I was sorry to part with the adoption of such a wonderful water procedure. Oksana, 43 years old.

I have to constantly work at the computer, sometimes my head starts to hurt from the tension of the muscles of the neck and back, and there are strong pains in the neck and back shoulder blades. My doctor, whom I saw, advised me to undergo a course of treatment by taking a Charcot shower. Following this recommendation, I subsequently did not regret what I had done. Unpleasant sensations and headaches have sunk into the past, it has become surprisingly easy for me to work. The hydromassage helped me cope with circulatory disorders and gave me back the pleasure of living. Veronica, 31 years old.

I advise everyone who suffers from a violation of the body's immune defenses to take a full course of hydromassage at least once a year. Personally, he brought me a long-awaited healing from frequent colds, cleansed my body of toxins. I physically feel much better than before taking a Charcot shower. Elizabeth, 36 years old.

Video about Sharko's soul:

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Back in Soviet times, vacationers returning from numerous sanatoriums trumpeted with a strange term: “Sharko shower”.

Reviews about him went very different: they hit with water, massage with pressure, with a strong jet from a hose heal a variety of diseases.

Much has changed since then, and the soul of Charcot, deservedly loved by many generations continues to help people.

Charcot shower is water pressure treatment supplied from a pressurized hose.

It was invented in the 19th century in France by the psychiatrist Jean-Martin Charcot and was first used to treat hysteria.

Clinical studies have shown that after the use of hydrotherapy, patients experienced bouts of hysteria and irritability, and regular procedures were successful. dealt with depression.

At present, medical significantly expanded. It is prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism;
  • with muscle atrophy;
  • as part of rehabilitation after injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • for nervous disorders and depression;
  • as a means to strengthen the immune system and improve metabolism;
  • for weight loss and fight against cellulite;
  • to improve the general condition of the body and for cosmetic purposes: skin tightening, alignment of its structure and color.

Attention! The Charcot shower procedure has contraindications, so it is better to consult a doctor first.

Therapeutic properties of the procedure

Consider main medicinal properties Charcot shower procedures:

  1. Due to the mechanical action of water, osteophytes are broken and thinned - organic compounds that grow on the bone tissues of the body ("salt deposition"), preventing the normal functioning of the joints. Already after 5-8 procedures the patient feels relief - the blood supply to the affected areas is normalized, flexibility increases, pain decreases or disappears.
  2. Water pressure causes the muscles to resist pressure, due to which increased muscle tone, blood circulation increases, the symptoms of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) go away. Reddening of the skin and light, transient dizziness after the procedure is a vivid proof of this (an experienced nurse will definitely ask about your well-being after the procedure).
  3. Water well relieves tension in the joints, spine, has a relaxing and calming effect, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Signs of overwork, physical inactivity, chronic fatigue, depression disappear. Within 5-10 minutes after the massage, the patient feels relaxed and somewhat drowsy. At this time, it is advisable to drink a soothing herbal tea and sit for a while in a calm environment (ideally in a relaxation room).

Useful cosmetic properties of the procedure

This type of hydromassage very good effect on the general condition of the body, as well as on the color and structure of the skin.

The methods used for massage (we will discuss them below) make skin is more elastic and toned, because the specialist pays special attention to working out the arms, hips and buttocks and for a longer time (if this did not happen, be sure to point out to the employee the flaw in his work).

In addition, reflected jets of water actively affect the décolleté, neck and face oval, actively leveling and tightening flabbiness, concealing “flews”, fighting chin sagging. Many women note smoothness and elasticity of the skin of the face and neck after regular treatment.

And absolutely all patients of any age report firmness and a sharp decrease in the volume of the abdomen, buttocks and hips, solving the problem of sagging skin on the hands. Increased muscle tone upon contact with pressurized water, it provokes their increased contraction, thereby accelerating metabolism and metabolism.

It is the quality of these processes that negatively or positively affects weight, and their activation allows you to actively burn excess calories, which leads to overall weight loss. Mechanical effect of directed water pressure successfully copes with cellulite. All clients, when taking the procedures and after the end of the course, note active weight loss, a decrease or disappearance of the “orange peel”.

Where is the best place to have the procedure?


A lot of Charcot's offers can be seen from spa and beauty salons, massage rooms and swimming pools, boarding houses and sanatoriums, but no matter what choice you make, remember the main thing. It is very important! Massage should be done only by an exclusively professionally trained and experienced specialist, preferably with a medical education!

Otherwise, you will not be provided with a healing procedure, but bruising and pain throughout the body. Demand a certificate, diploma, reviews of real patients, and only then buy the procedure.

The quality and temperature of the water used for the shower

Water saturated with organic compounds is especially good for showering - mineral or mixed with brine or sea salt. Saturated with useful minerals, it more active and beneficial affects for all the processes described above. But when using even ordinary tap water, the result will not be long in coming, since the basic principle of the functioning of the shower is mechanical pressure.

Water temperature may vary 15 to 45 degrees Celsius. You can, in the absence of contraindications, order a contrast shower from a specialist - and a sharp change in hot and cold water will help your body much faster, for example, strengthen your immune system and keep your skin fresh. In case of contraindications to a contrast shower, the temperature of the supplied water should be no more than 30-33 degrees.

Price and number of Charcot shower procedures

Minimum exchange rate- these are ten procedures, it is after them that the desired effect is achieved. But consolidation and lasting results occur after the 15th session. More than 22 massages in one course is not recommended.

Advice! Expensive doesn't have to be great. The main thing in the massage business is the qualification of a specialist who will give you the Charcot shower procedure, and not the cost of tiles on the walls of the booth.

Use the power shower preferably in a day, alternating it with other methods, such as underwater or hydromassage. They complement each other perfectly in helping your health.

Prices for procedures completely different, and any, even the most demanding, or, conversely, not very wealthy client will be able to find the right price category for himself. The highest cost, as a rule, is in spas - from 500 to 3000 rubles per session. The most inexpensive ones are in specialized sanatoriums or clinics (budget or with state investments): 150-300 rubles.

How to do the Charcot shower procedure

We remind
, it is important! Massage is carried out only by a professionally trained medical professional in specially equipped rooms.

Most often, this is a small cabin or room with handrails installed (sometimes they are found without them, but this not really comfortable), rubber foot mat and floor drain.

The patient becomes deeper into the cabin, holding on to the handrails, and the nurse from a distance of 4.5-5 meters with a shock jet of water from a hose supplied under a pressure of 3-5 bar, massages the patient's body.

First, as a rule, applied "fan": the specialist releasing the procedure slightly blocks the opening of the hose and shakes it from side to side - water is sprayed on the body with a sweeping fan stream in repeated movements from left to right and from bottom to top.

After the “fan”, the skin gets used to the pressure and temperature of the water, and the nurse applies "circles": this is no longer splashing, but a pressure of water directed in a circular motion, which massages the entire body. This is the most effective and lengthy part: first, the front is worked out starting from the feet and ending with the shoulders, and then the rear - from the heels to the back of the head.

Between the “fan” and the “circles”, the specialist can use a “whip”: the hose is swayed sharply from left to right, creating a whipping effect. Ends massage relaxing stargazing: a nurse directs water to the walls of the cabin, and the drops, bouncing off, create the effect of a large full-flowing rain. The duration of the procedure can vary from 5 to 12 minutes, on average - 7-8 minutes.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure at home?

Unfortunately, a full-fledged Charcot shower at home can't reproduce.

Even if you have the opportunity to install a booth and move the hose away from it at a distance of 4-5 meters, then the water pressure, which in water pipes is usually no more than 2 bar, won't give you achieve the desired effect, because the minimum water pressure supplied to Charcot is 3 bar, the maximum is 5.

However, a replacement for a real special soul may well be hydromassage box(shower) with side and front nozzles for adjustable water supply. You can adjust the pressure and temperature of the water so that it matches the above parameters as closely as possible.

The jets will mechanically affect the skin, the water will relaxing effect- this is the main healing properties of Charcot's soul. Just do not forget to regularly change the position of the body so that there are no bruises.

Water is life. It's hard to argue with this statement. Water is vital for our body. In addition to the fact that we drink it, cook food with it, with its help we are able to observe the rules of hygiene. After all, as you know, cleanliness is the key to health! But this is not the whole list of "merits" of water in our lives. It turns out that it has medicinal properties. Humanity has known about them since ancient times. Even in ancient Egypt and India, it was used for medicinal purposes. The well-known Roman baths were not only a kind of public baths, but also a place for wellness procedures. Nowadays, water is also widely used in many healing sessions. In this article I want to talk about everything known to Charcot's soul. You will find out how it appeared, for whom it is intended, for whom it is contraindicated, and whether Charcot can be used with it - a shower, which is a popular medical procedure in many sanatoriums and clinics.

A bit of history

Research in the field of neuropsychiatric diseases prompted the neuropathologist and psychiatrist Jean Martin Charcot, who taught Sigmund Freud himself, to create a special installation with which it was possible to influence the human body by means of water supplied under high pressure. Charcot is a shower that was originally intended to treat neuropsychiatric disorders in people and to boost immunity. Later, the range of evidence expanded significantly.


This procedure is indicated for use to get rid of the following ailments:

Increased immunity against colds;

Metabolic disorders, obesity;

Depression, stress;

Nervous breakdowns;

Inflammation of the uterine appendages is not in the period of exacerbation;

Arthritis, arthrosis;

Muscle weakness, muscle pain after physical exertion;

Overweight, cellulite.

Charcot's shower is often used for weight loss. A photo of women before and after the course speaks of its high efficiency.


Do not forget that Charcot is a shower, which is a medical procedure, and not a universal method of relaxation. It has several contraindications:

Some deviations in the work of the musculoskeletal system;

Pregnancy and lactation;

Certain diseases of the circulatory system;

ARI, influenza, high fever;

skin diseases;

Tumors of various etiologies.

Charcot shower from cellulite

Charcot's shower can be successfully used for weight loss. After all, this procedure is a kind of massage of various parts of the body. The result of several such sessions is a persistent loss of excess weight, a decrease in the appearance of cellulite, and a reduction in edema. As a rule, water of various temperatures is used for this purpose, that is, cold and hot. improves blood circulation, "breaks" fatty deposits, thereby contributing to the compaction and smoothing of the skin with cellulite.

Charcot - a shower that helps to get rid of excess weight. But do not forget that before using it, you need to consult a doctor.

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