Treatment of cancer with tincture of dead bees. A compress from a dead bee. The use of subpestilence in oncological ailments

Tincture of bee

Podmore neutralizes toxic compounds different nature, used: for the treatment of cancer, slowing down the aging process of the body.
Active substances subpestilence have a regenerative ability: activated healing of ulcers, burns and wounds without scarring . When applied to a wound
has a hemostatic and analgesic effect.
Podmor bee is able to suppress inflammatory processes, stabilize blood pressure healing action on blood, vessels, useful, in the treatment varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis and cerebral vessels a. Chitosan-melanin complex derived from bee
subpestilence, able to bind and remove from the body excess amount fat
and cholesterol. He prevents atherosclerosis, strengthens walls
blood vessels relieves discomfort in the region of the heart. Podmor cleanses the body, removing radionuclides, especially effective after chemotherapy and radiation
, cleanses the intestines,
normalizes its microflora and function, regulates acidity gastric juice, has an anti-ulcer effect, reduces the absorption of toxins, which makes possible prevention diseases gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, acts as prophylactic at risk of developing diabetes.

bee subpestilence reduces the load on the liver, is proven
remedy for giardia.

Dead bee is used in the treatment of mastitis and felons, with joint pain and adenoma prostate, impotence and frigidity.

Bee deadly treatment various diseases, but his main
property - increased immunity, and with good immunity the body copes better with any disease. Speaking in the language of traditional medicine, preparations of dead bees have a blood-purifying property. "Cleansing" and "rejuvenating" the blood, they cleanse the whole body

Properties of chitosan produced from dead bees.

Chitosan is a biopolymer of the 21st century, synthesized using advanced technologies from the chitinous cover of bees.
Chitin is not only the oldest defense of primitive organisms against adverse factors environment, but also a biological filter, which ensures the binding and excretion from the body harmful products vital activity.
Chitosan was first synthesized in the second half of the XX century from the chitinous shell of crustaceans.
Almost immediately, this project became completely closed all over the world through the defense departments.
Chitosan has been given a strategic status due to its high radioprotective properties. It turned out that it is almost generally able to bind free radicals in the body, which are created under the influence of radiation. In the army, soldiers received special chitosan tablets in their first-aid kits in case of an enemy nuclear strike. However, the most wide application chitosan was obtained during the disposal of nuclear fuel in both the defense and civilian industries. nuclear reactors, uranium waste and rocket fuel that have worked out their resource are reliably sealed in special capsules filled with chitosan gel.
The world-famous operation was the disposal of nuclear fuel from the nuclear submarine "Komsomolets", which died in the 80s of the XX century in the Barents Sea, off the coast of Norway. Then, dozens of tons of chitosan gel were poured into the concrete sarcophagus, which reliably provided protection from radiation for hundreds of years to come.
Approximately since the 90s of the last century, chitosan began to be widely used in medicine and Food Industry, mainly as a means for weight loss, cholesterol lowering and detoxification. The first cosmetic products for skin rejuvenation appeared, in which chitosan was used.
Today, the raw material for obtaining chitosan is dead bees, that is, dead bees.
Chitosan produced from dead bees has higher efficiency
use in comparison with chitosan from the chitin shell of crustaceans.
How does this biotechnology product affect the body, getting
inside? How does it work? In the human body, under the influence of enzymes, chitosan decomposes into low molecular weight substances and is easily absorbed by the body. It interacts well with cells, and its main component- hyaluronic acid - is a necessary component for a human body.
But what about the widespread opinion about chitisan as an adsorbent?
It turns out that the preparation of chitosan includes chitin, which, after dissolution, acquires the properties of a gel and has a strong adsorption capacity. It is effective in absorbing and removing any toxic substances from the body. Inside the body, chitin breaks down
to six low molecular weight glucose substitutes, which is why it can inhibit cancer cells.

Chitosan, which is a type of dietary
cellulose, has all its properties. When absorbing moisture, it expands and receives adsorption properties. It is insoluble and promotes peristalsis of the digestive canal, increases the volume of emptying, reduces the time of passage of substances through the intestines, reduces pressure in the intestines, as well as the absorption of harmful food components by the body, preventing the occurrence of colon cancer.
Its effect on cancer cells is as follows:
Firstly, chitosan regulates the pH of organism tissues towards
slightly alkaline - approximately 7.35. It is at this pH level that lymphocytes (which normally destroy malignant cells) is the most active.

Secondly, the components of chitosan, which are absorbed into the blood, suppress cancer
intoxication, restore appetite and prevent cancer cachexia- sudden weight loss in patients with malignant tumors.

Thirdly, chitosan prevents metastasis by closely adhering to inner surface vessels.
Chitosan blocks the so-called conjugation molecules, through which the movement occurs cancer cells to other organs.

Its next property is the reduction of cholesterol in the blood.
prevents the absorption of cholesterol; promotes the conversion of cholesterol; interferes with the absorption of fats.
The properties of chitosan do not end there, it also lowers blood pressure; is an effective means of prevention
diabetes able to treat burns, injuries, speed up the healing process of wounds,
prevent hemorrhage.

Here interesting case regarding this property of a given substance.
One boy had a burn, area which reached 80% of the skin. During the treatment of this boy, Japanese doctors used artificial skin made with chitosan. After a few months of treatment, his skin reappeared and became the same as it was,
there was no trace of the burn. For a beautiful effect, the following reasons:
- artificial skin made with chitosan does not cause a reaction
rejection by the human body and a number of other problems;
- chitosan activates cells and forms in large quantities
collagen tissues, which can quickly turn into thin skin, therefore, after the burn has healed, there are no
-applied to the area affected by the burn, it easily fuses with the body, because in its composition it is very close to human body. There is no need to remove glued artificial leather, because it fuses easily with human body. Preparing bee podmor:

It is known that the chitin present in the body of a bee, the so-called chitosan-maleic complex, is extremely poorly soluble in alcohol,
therefore, the preparation and use of dead bee tinctures, infused for 10-14 days, contains negligible amounts
chitosan-maleic complex. Where is the way out how to get the maximum allowable concentration of chitosan in the tincture?

I use this method - I insist on dead bees (dead death) for 6 months, after that I filter the solution and fill in a new number of bees and leave it for half a year. It turns out highly concentrated
subprime double enrichment infused year. Sometimes I also use the triple enrichment method, falling asleep the bees for the 3rd time and insisting for another year. Considering that I have been doing beekeeping for more than 50 years (I started with my father), that is, tinctures of dead bees that are infused over 3-5 and even over years. It turns out a dark brown liquid that is extremely effective as an onco-protector, radio-protector, blood purifier, the strongest immunomodulator, etc. In addition, I add propolis to this tincture. It turns out a tincture of bee deadness with propolis, where the properties expand medicinal product, because it is known that propolis has strong regenerating properties - heals damaged tissues, has provivomicrobial and antiviral properties, works as a carcinostatic, immunomodulator, onco-protector.

I insist on hemlock, aconite on the bee podmor, tinctures with a well-pronounced antitumor effect are obtained.
There is a tincture of bee deadness along with wax moth, it is effective for: lung cancer, tuberculosis, abscesses of various etiologies, before and after infarction and stroke conditions. Tincture of bee
Podmora together with mummy, leuzea and ginseng is effective
with impotence, frigidity, weakness, fatigue, loss of strength, after previous diseases, chronic diseases various etiologies, loss of strength, low immunity, etc.

Podmor bee is able to suppress inflammatory processes, stabilize blood pressure, has a healing effect on the blood, blood vessels, is useful in the treatment of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and cerebral vessels. Chitosan-melanin complex, obtained from dead bees, is able to bind and remove excess fat and cholesterol from the body. It prevents atherosclerosis, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, relieves discomfort in the heart area. Podmore cleanses the body by removing radionuclides, is especially effective after chemotherapy and radiation, cleanses the intestines, normalizes its microflora and function, regulates the acidity of gastric juice, has an antiulcer effect, reduces the absorption of toxins, which makes it possible to prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, acts as prophylactic for the risk of developing diabetes. Reduces the load on the liver, is a proven remedy against Giardia. It is used in the treatment of mastitis and felons, with joint pain and prostate adenoma, impotence and frigidity.

Various diseases are treated with dead bees, but its main property is an increase in immunity, and with good immunity, the body copes better with any disease. Speaking in the language of traditional medicine, preparations of dead bees have a blood-purifying property. "Cleansing" and "rejuvenating" the blood, they cleanse the whole body

Application: prophylactic daily dose corresponds to the age of the person, i.e. at the age of 40, take 40 drops divided into 2-3 doses per day with a small amount water, in medical for the first week, drink as a prophylactic dose, each subsequent week increase the daily dose by 5 drops, i.e. for 2 weeks drink 45 drops every day, for 3 weeks drink 50 drops, etc., an increase from a prophylactic dose to 3-5 times, i.e. reach the maximum therapeutic dose and drink at this level for 6 months, in our example, a patient is 40 years old. The maximum therapeutic dose can be 200 drops per day. i.e. 65-67 drops at the reception. The period of treatment depends on the diagnosis and severity of the disease and is: for prevention 2 months in a row with a break of 2 weeks, then another 2 months, with therapeutic purpose Approximately 2-4 months of admission, a break of 2-4 weeks, then another 2-4 months of admission, and so on until a complete cure.

The instruction was compiled by api- and phyto-therapist Vladimir Logosha

In 2016 was analyzed chemical composition dead bees. It turned out that dead bees contain a lot of chitosan. This substance helps to fight any cancerous tumors. The text contains three different recipes and tips for choosing raw materials.

When examining the question of which bee product is useful in oncology, honey, perga and propolis should be excluded from the list. The search should be carried out among complex preparations, such as royal jelly, as well as homogenate and subpestilence. Milk mixed with the embryos of queen bees is called a homogenate. Back in 1957, at an international congress in France, a message was made about the benefits of royal jelly - it was recommended as a remedy that restores and protects DNA. Royal jelly has been prescribed for oncology since 2004, but it is used for recovery after therapy. Well, it remains to find a remedy that will replace and radiation therapy, and "chemistry".

Universal medicine from bees

The body of a bee is 20% chitin. And it contains chitosan. It is this substance that is important in the treatment oncological diseases.

The main source of chitosan

Any " folk remedy”, except for royal jelly, can only be used as additional drug! Do not delay examination and treatment.

Difficulties always arise when cooking podmor:

  • Having bought the death in bulk, you will have to separate the bodies of the bees from the wax and from the litter. If the wax is left, it will not be possible to dry in the oven.
  • Dead bees contain feces. You can use the body without the abdomen, but it is better to rinse after grinding.

Pharmacy preparations

By the way, alcohol tincture is also sold in pharmacies. A suitable concentration of alcohol is 40% or 70%.

As the reader understands, medicines from crayfish and from subpestilence have little difference. However, in the second case there will be many advantages:

  • Living individuals are not used;
  • The concentration of alcohol can be any - from 40% to 96%;
  • The bee, in addition to chitosan, contains many other substances - the mixture will turn out to be balanced.

Alcoholic infusion prepared from crayfish is taken in a tablespoon before meals. The same is carried out with a tincture of subpestilence, but the dosage will be different.

Three different recipes

If the bees look swollen, it will be necessary to get rid of the feces, for which the raw material is dried, crushed and washed on a sieve.

Ideal Raw Material

Podmore good quality you can not grind, but pour it with 96 percent alcohol. Drying in the oven is carried out in each case. Details are below.

Alcohol tincture 96%

We need high-quality deadwood without swollen bees. First, wax and excess rubbish are removed, then the raw material is placed on a baking sheet and dried at T = 45 ° C. finished product should not crumble in the fingers, but let the humidity tend to zero.

The maximum volume of alcohol is poured into the bottle, corked and left in a dark place for 15 days. Then the tincture is stored in the refrigerator, adding to the water and filtering as needed:

  • Reception schedule - 2 or 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals;
  • Daily dosage - the number of drops first corresponds to age, then the volume is increased by one drop per day;
  • Course duration - 20-30 days (no more).

The proportion of water and tincture is "2 to 1". The break between courses should be two weeks.

Vodka tincture

Vodka should be without glycerin. First, processing is carried out, as in recipe 1. At the same time, the oven door should be ajar, and if the smell does not differ from the smell of seeds, it means that the raw materials are of high quality. In this case, you can prepare a tincture of alcohol. The recipe with vodka looks more complicated:

  1. Dried subpestilence, in which there is no wax, is crushed in a meat grinder;
  2. Dry minced meat is washed on a sieve;
  3. To a tablespoon of raw materials add 200 ml of vodka;
  4. The mixture is kept in a dark sealed container, shaking it for the first 7 days and then every 3 days.

You need to insist the mixture for 21 days.

When the medicine is ready, it is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. The tincture should be diluted with water in the proportion of "1 to 0.8".

Bottling process

Features of reception are specified in the previous chapter. After cooking, there is a residue that can also be used. The sediment should be squeezed out through 2 layers of gauze.

bee broth

First, the dead meat is prepared as indicated in recipe 2. It is dried and crushed, and if necessary, then washed. Then measure out two tablespoons of minced meat and add boiled water. At the beginning, the volume of the mixture is 0.5 liters. Then boil:

  1. The temperature is gradually raised to 100 C;
  2. After the water boils, cooking over low heat should continue for 2 hours;
  3. What happens will need to be removed from the heat and strained through 2-3 layers of gauze. When the mixture has cooled, the dishes are corked and placed in the refrigerator.

It can be seen that straining is carried out before cooling. That is the nature of the recipe.

The daily dosage is determined simply. For a weight of 50 kg, it is 10 drops, for 100 kg - already 20. Every two days, one drop is added, conducting a course of treatment for one month. The medicine should be taken before meals, and the number of doses can be 1 or 2 per day.

Keep the water mixture in the refrigerator, but the duration of storage cannot exceed three days!


Any bee product other than royal jelly, will be contraindicated in hay fever. And if we talk about the dead sea, it is known that eating it causes blood thinning.

pollen in honey

There will be three strict contraindications:

  • The presence of blood clots;
  • Late pregnancy;
  • Pollinosis is an allergy to pollen. However, from alcohol with a strength of 96%, the pollen is destroyed.

Any alcohol tinctures are not consumed from the first weeks of pregnancy, as well as at the age of 12 years. This prohibition also applies to the case of an allergy to alcohol.

Attempts to self-medicate without periodic examinations are the most fast track to an oncology hospital.

About the benefits - officially

Beekeeping magazine in 2006 recommended the use of dead bees to feed live bees. It was necessary to prepare a decoction, to which syrup was then added. The benefits for a person were told 10 years later - you need to look at the sixth issue for 2016. However, it talks about the properties of chitosan and subpestilence, which are not directly related to oncology.

It is believed that some bee products are suitable for industry and for the manufacture of feed, but not for eating. From empty combs, an excellent wax separator is obtained, but dead death is a top dressing for poultry. So say those who do not seek to understand in detail the varieties of products. For example, the magazine reports that the best dead weather is autumn and summer. But it must also be taken into account that dead death should not be collected after the treatment of bees with antibiotics.

If we talk about the benefits of death, experts report a lot of new things.

It was found that bee chitin contains a complex of useful substances:

  • Heparin;
  • Glucose amines;
  • Melanin;
  • Bee venom, indestructible even at 110 C.

Also, 27 trace elements were found in the organisms of bees. Among them are calcium, chromium and aluminum, as well as copper, silver, molybdenum, iron, magnesium, silicon, phosphorus and zinc. Vitamins are also contained, and quite rare. This includes vitamin D, K, E, P and C. And yet, for the most part, the body of insects consists of proteins ...

The main thing is not to confuse anything

There are different recipes with dead death, and they all relate to the treatment of certain diseases. Sometimes Podmore is dried at a high temperature or even fried in oil. Nothing is mixed with bee deadness in oncology - neither vegetable oil, nor bee bread or honey.

The schedule for taking the medication is also important.

Sometimes water decoction is mixed with propolis tincture and honey. But this remedy only helps with prostate adenoma. Pollen is considered to be a means of preventing the development of cancerous tumors. And traditional medicine has not yet invented recipes containing subpestilence and pollen.

Podnozhka bee

The number of courses of treatment with dead death should not be too large. The standard recommendation is two courses per year.

Treatment will be useless if the diet is not followed. Spicy, salty and smoked dishes are excluded from the diet. The crust formed during frying, as well as any canned food, is a carcinogen. Here is the usage meat products does not affect the development of tumors. Only nitrites added to semi-finished meat products can cause concern.

A few words about the quality of the dead

Summer and spring bees live 2-3 months, and autumn - 8-9. This means that the subprime is formed natural way, and it should form closer to autumn. In winter, bees also die, but winter death is not suitable.

swollen individuals

If an individual died in winter, then, as a rule, it will be swollen. In summer, the same effect will be caused by pollen poisoning, and such a death for cooking is quite suitable.

bee diseases

The bodies of bees in the sea swell from the fact that the goiter is full of honey. This happens when an individual dies of thirst or poisoning. The first case is typical for winter, but this does not mean that there is an easy way to distinguish "spring deadness" from others. If the poisoning was caused by pollen, dead bees will be harmless. The same cannot be said about poisonous nectars ...

Sometimes the bees are sprayed with antibiotics. And the death, formed within a month after this, will be unsuitable.

Varroa mite

If ticks can be seen in the sea, the bees could die during treatment. But a subpestilence with ticks could have formed in a natural way, and then in some individuals the wings would be bent back.

Only a specialist can understand the causes of death. The main rule: death is harmless to a person if pesticides are not used.

Incorrectly collected and stored

Even high-quality dead bees can be affected by mold. The smell will tell about its presence. The point is that medicines can be prepared from mold with mold, but they are not stored for long. Mold easily affects alcohol tincture on herbs, but this applies to a greater extent to subpestilence.

Signs of high quality:

  • When peeled dead wood is boiled, it smells like fish soup;
  • When frying, there should be a smell of seeds. The same applies to drying podmor in the oven.

The presence of drones in the sea will not be an obstacle to its use. On the contrary, if there are no drones, there is reason to think about the time of collection: perhaps the death was collected in the spring. For wintering, drones fly away from their queen to hives with an infertile queen bee.

The presence of foreign inclusions

Podmore should not contain biological inclusions. The varroa mite on bees is the only acceptable option if the death has not been treated with chemicals.

Larvae of unknown species

Small mites that cause nosematosis are usually viewed under a microscope. And the pupae of the wax moth can be seen immediately - they are larger than bees in size, and they are simply removed from the subpestilence.

If a subpestilence contains inclusions other than those indicated here, then there can be no talk of using such a subpestilence.

All operations with dead death can be carried out without gloves. If the bees died from an infection, it is not dangerous for humans. Poisonous subpestilence becomes after the treatment of bees with chemistry. And the action of chemicals is manifested after eating.

Vestnik HLS 2004 15 (267)
healer from the outback
An amazing woman Zinaida Kireeva lives in the Cossack village of Nizhny Chir. The village is located on the shores of the Tsimlyansk Sea. The seats here are spacious, “airy places,” as Vysotsky wrote. The people here appreciate them. Especially when you return from cold Siberia, where Zinaida Viktorovna and her husband have been earning money for 20 years to build a house in their native village.
The family is engaged in a noble business - beekeeping.
Zinaida Kireeva's material about healing properties podmora was published in the HLS bulletin (No. 14 (242) for 2003) and aroused great interest among readers. It ended with a quote we found in explanatory dictionary V. Dahl, explaining what a death is: “Death of bees, pestilence, extinction - then, after extinction, wax foundation.”
We cited this quote in the hope of Dahl's high authority, but it turns out that even the great ones can be wrong: apparently, Dahl was not engaged in beekeeping after all. Our correspondent Alexander Sklyarenko met with Zinaida KIREEVA, and she gave her definition of death.
But first, two words about Zinaida Viktorovna. I guess it was life itself that made this woman become a healer. It turned out that at first she healed herself from the most serious diseases: there was oncology, and a bunch of other diseases ... Then she had to treat some relatives who, to put it mildly, did not differ in good health - and also successfully. Now Kireeva treats those who turn to her for help from different parts of the country. Can't refuse. Sometimes he sits at the table until 3 o'clock in the morning, answers letters.
The interlocutor Zinaida Viktorovna is unusually interesting. On the themes of folk and official medicine we talked with the hostess until 2 am, but is it worth retelling this conversation? Moreover, Kireeva handed me a letter specially prepared for publication in our newsletter, handed it to me with relief, since such an opportunity came out.
“Dear employees of the editorial office of ZOZH!
I am writing for the second time. My first article was called “And again about the seaside”. Well, I thought, 10 letters will come - I will answer. But so many! .. And most of all, letters from beekeepers are surprising: they hold the elixir of health in their hands and do not know how to use it (except for tea with honey and donuts!). Entire families are ill with severe diseases, from old people to grandchildren.
About 200 letters came in, where the same questions are often repeated. With your permission, I will answer through our newspaper.
What is submora?
Dahl is not very clear. Voshchina there at all to do with it. Podmor is the bodies of dead bees, to put it simply. The age of bees is short - only 26-30-35 days, in winter - more. Podmore happens all year round. In summer, it can be seen near the evidence or on the landing board. But most die in nature.
What are the requirements for a submersion?
It should be odorless and mold free. Podmore rots very quickly, and then they can be poisoned. You can save it like this: put it in an oven or a Russian oven with a temperature of 45-50 degrees - it smells good roasted sunflower seeds; and if he is bad, you will understand too! Or put in the freezer.
What is better - decoction or tincture?
Efficiency is the same. It's just that not all patients, especially "kidney" or children, tolerate alcohol-containing drugs well. That's when the decoction is used.
Tincture is more convenient to use - not so troublesome, that's all.
How many days can the decoction be stored in the refrigerator?
As much as you would store a decoction of herbs - no more than 3 days.
For some, the broth does not work - it all boils away. Pour 1-2 tablespoons of podmore 0.5 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil and cook for 2 hours on a very low heat - as if languishing. And everything will work out!
The dosage depends on the weight of the patient (one weighs 130 kg, the other 48). Start with 10 drops and, listening to your body, bring the intake to 1 tablespoon.
Is it possible to make a tincture with vodka?
Can. Both vodka and alcohol. The longer it is infused, the better, but not less than 15 days.
Strain vodka tincture and dilute 1:1 clean water, alcohol - dilute 1: 2, also with water.
And this question is in almost every letter: where did I get the recipe?
A long time ago, at the beginning of our formation as beekeepers, a very elderly man came to our village. He traveled from one beekeeper to another and asked: “Do you have a dead skin?”.
I say: "No, we bury it or burn it ...". And I ask: "Why do you need this?" And he says: “You don’t know what a priceless gift of nature you are throwing away. The medicine from it raises the dying! And then he says: “My grandfather raised me - he was a beekeeper. Under our roof, purses with dead death were constantly hanging in the breeze, and my grandfather treated almost all diseases with them, especially the male population "...
After this conversation in the spring, when the evidence was being cleared, I took this subpestilence in my hands, felt it, sniffed it and remembered the words of that old man.
But I read not only “Healthy Lifestyle” (I have been prescribing it for the 5th year), but a lot of other literature on recovery and treatment. I bought the "Encyclopedia on the treatment of diseases with bee products." The author is A.F. Sinyakov, scientist, doctor, healer. I found this recipe from him. I immediately remembered the words of that old man: “He will raise the dying!” I had enough material, and I quickly made a decoction and tincture. There was no shortage of patients either.
At first, she treated only what was indicated in the book: prostatitis, kidneys, adenoma, but patients came with "bouquets" of other diseases - they were also successfully treated.
Then, already in other literature, I read that scientists from many countries highly value the method of treatment with dead bees. In each bee there is a "pouch" with poison; healing substances are in the chitinous cover of bees - heparin and heparoids, capable of suppressing inflammatory processes, stabilizing blood pressure, healing circulatory system improve the condition of blood vessels. Podmore tincture has a detrimental effect on streptococci (causative agents of rheumatism), kills pale spirochete(the causative agent of syphilis). In France, Lothal successfully treated psoriasis, lupus, eczema, and epilepsy.
Do I need to follow a diet during treatment?
Necessary! First of all, exclude from the diet: meat broths, dairy products, animal fats, alcohol, smoking, sugar, spicy and salty. Include more juices in your food - carrot (up to 1 liter per day), pumpkin, beetroot, cabbage, potato; decoctions of herbs; cereals boiled only in water, seasoned with nettle, parsley, dill; onion, parsnip carrot. For nutrition, use all cereals, except for rice and semolina. In order for food to be digested well, it is necessary to switch to separate meals.
To traditional medicine rarely contacted healthy people, the majority is already desperate to be cured. This happened to me too. At 39, I became a wreck. Two tumors, severe osteochondrosis, kidney stones, chronic cholecystitis, constipation, terrible headaches ... and so, on trifles ...
My mother died at the age of 50 from cancer, the same fate awaited me. But I can't die - I have three children. By nature, I am an optimist, experimenter and very inquisitive.
I studied my illnesses - what science thinks about it, what traditional medicine recommends. Now there is so much literature on health improvement that your eyes run wide, but then - nothing! They gave me two days to read Paul Bragg's book Therapeutic fasting”- from it I understood the main thing - HUNGER HEALS! And since experiments are to my taste, I immediately went on a hunger strike for 10 days. I was just amazed healing powers hunger! I won’t bore you for a long time with a story about my search for ways to health, I’ll say one thing: in 2 years I got rid of the entire “bouquet” of diseases. Now I already have information on how to get rid of diseases without hunger, but I can’t change it! I love hunger, or rather, the time after it. For all 16 years, for prevention in fasting, I fast for 30 days on water alone and 4-5 times a year for 3-4 days - on “dry”, that is, without food and water.
Also, for prevention, I use "Todikamp-ideal" of Volgograd production - this is an extract from green walnuts, infused with kerosene. The drug is excellent, but if it is not available, I use ordinary household kerosene in small doses. Even for children with illnesses, I drip kerosene on a piece of sugar; they got used to it, and the benefits are great.
Now I’m well over 50, but it seems that I’m not even 40 yet. I don’t press or rub anywhere, I bend like a vine. And the point is not at all that they give me 10-15 years less. The main thing in the soul is interest in life, in all living things, peace and quiet joy ... It is difficult to convey in words ...
Address: Kireeva Zinaida Viktorovna, 404446 Volgograd region, Surovikinsky district, Nizhny Chir settlement, st. Lenina, 108.

"ZOZH": The letter does not end there. Further, Zinaida Viktorovna speaks of the need for purification. “Without cleansing, there is no cure” is her principled position. But the topic is stated in a tongue twister: “Everything that is about cleansing in the“ healthy lifestyle ”is for you!” And in the "healthy lifestyle" there was so much about cleansing.
However, let's stop at one fragment. Kireeva writes:
“Very dirty intestines. By the age of 40-45, and for many earlier, the intestines are overgrown with toxins. With many years of blockages, food rots, decomposes, dehydrates, bricks the walls of the intestines and sticks to them to death. Then these slags become a source of a mass of polluted substances entering the blood. By the age of 45-50, up to 23 kg of such “good” accumulates. The intestines stretch, squeeze neighboring organs, infect them and even force them out of their rightful places - as a result of urinary incontinence, uterine prolapse, bending, hemorrhoids, and so on. And if the intestines are not cleaned out, then only the pathologist will know about your “social savings”.
It is necessary to start with bowel cleansing: daily for two months, make 2-liter klisters using Esmarch's mug - per 1 liter of warm (22-25 °) water
1 tablespoon of salt without top + 1 tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar. Salt must be added!
But do not try to pour all two liters into yourself for the first time, be careful and attentive to yourself. At first, more than one cup (250-300 ml) of the solution may not be passed through the intestines. Stock up on patience. I know from experience that sometimes long-term blockages begin to move only on the 20-22nd day.
After 3-4 weeks from the beginning of the cleansing, we introduce into the treatment a tincture or decoction of the subpestilence. It will be required for the entire course of 1-1.5 liters ... ".
Alas. The following is the same phrase. We contacted Zinaida Viktorovna and asked to clarify all positions. In a word, another meeting with her will definitely take place. In the meantime, stock up on the dead, prepare the tincture.

From the comments:
Anonymous call by name
Tuesday, April 17, 2012 02:34 AM (link) Edit DeleteReport spam
Hello! My mother is very sick, she has pleural cancer, she is a beekeeper!!! Tell me how to prepare and take the medicine correctly! All the doctors turned away after the tenth chemo, there is no hope for anyone else!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012 8:38 pmlinkRasima_S
Recipes of traditional medicine. From the world according to the recipe. Oncology. -
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Saturday, April 21, 2012 2:01 AMlinkAnonymous
Please tell me in what quantity and regimen to take a decoction of subpestilence in oncology! After reading several times from beginning to end, I did not find this answer !!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012 10:37 AM link Rasima_S
In the second link, it was generally about oncology, and not about the treatment of death. Here is what I found on the website of the professional beekeeper Sergey Pavlovich Chernenko about the treatment of dead death. Maybe you should ask him a question?
bee subpestilence
In many medical books they point to dead bees as an effective remedy. Let's look at what the term "podmor" means in beekeeping. When in the spring, after a long winter, after the first cleansing flight, the beekeeper opens the hive, he sees dead bees at the bottom that did not live until spring. This is the underdog. What does he represent? These are bees that have lived for 6-7 months, completely exhausted, the intestines are filled with feces and often this is all covered with mold. All this stopped me from trying to use dead death as a remedy. In 2006, I did the following: a swarm bee, full of strength and energy, which cleansed its intestines, after swarming, I stuffed it into a milk flask with 70% alcohol. The result was a mixture in the ratio of alcohol and bees 2:3 (concentrate). Before use, the concentrate must be diluted with good vodka 5-6 times, we get approximately a 10% solution and take it at the rate of one drop per year of life after meals once a day. There are already first reviews from customers: prostatitis is successfully treated on initial stages, the entire male economy is being restored. Starting next year, I will be preparing an alcohol tincture of a swarm bee in large volumes, now there is still a little concentrate left, which I can sell to you at a price of 1 ml - 1 ruble or 0.18 UAH. In 2007, due to the drought, I harvested very little dry dead wood. Starting somewhere in August 2007, I regularly take an alcohol tincture of a summer swarm of bees, about 0.5 liters per month. Gradually increased the concentration and came to the conclusion that personally it is more useful for me every day 20 g of 20% (and not 10%) tincture. What gave me the reception of the tincture of the dead? Since the beekeeper is always half, or even more, a loader, I had good problems with the spine. Already after 2-3 doses of tinctures, the pain in the spine goes away, but it’s worth not drinking for 3-4 days, as the pain returns, based on this, I concluded about the benefits of subpestilence.

Bee death is a remedy that has become known to the general public relatively recently. If earlier the benefits and harms of dead bees were known only to a part of enthusiastic beekeepers, now more and more more people discover knowledge about this by-product of beekeeping. So far, doctors' reviews of bee deadness cannot be called too encouraging, however, as statistics accumulate, a picture of the beneficial properties of bee deadness and possible negative consequences its application becomes clearer.

What is a dead bee

The life cycle of a honey bee is about 35-40 days in summer and about nine months in winter. Since bees, unlike ants, do not reduce the dead members of the family, the bodies of dead bees accumulate at the bottom of the hive. This, in fact, is the dead bee.

There are several types of death depending on when the bees die - winter, spring-summer, autumn. High performance natural loss of bees occurs in the first month after the end of wintering and on approximate time death of the first generation of bees this season. In the future, the population levels out, and mass death practically not observed in bees.

The mass of winter dead in rare cases is less than 500 g, spring-summer is usually up to 1 kg. In total, a bee colony is completely renewed several times a year, and the total weight of dead bees can reach several kilograms.

The most useful is considered the last subpestilence - autumn. The benefits of dead bees born in the second half of summer are much higher - they did not experience a lack of nutrition and were filled with vitamins as much as possible. The spring and winter subpestilences consist mainly of "hungry" bees; they also have a lot stool after a long winter. It is undesirable to take such a death inside, it is preferable to make various means for external use from it - tinctures, ointments, etc.

Beekeepers several times a year free the hive from deadness, which is used in many ways. various means folk medicine. Along with honey, wax and propolis, Podmor is one of the important products beekeeping.

Chemical composition of dead bees

Speaking about the chemical composition of the subpestilence, one can only give approximate quantitative estimates of the concentration of certain substances. Sometimes it is difficult to determine not only quantitative, but also qualitative composition subpestilence. A lot of it depends on factors that are quite difficult to take into account: here are the growing plants in the apiary area, and the health of the bee colony, its size and other circumstances.

In any case, a certain set of substances will be present in the sea, the content of which will be more or less constant:

  • protein compounds - from 50% to 60%;
  • melanins - from 20% to 25%;
  • chitin - from 10% to 12%;
  • various trace elements and other substances - from 3% to 10%;
  • water - up to 10%.

The composition of proteins includes the following components:

  • various amino acids and enzymes;
  • undigested vegetable proteins;
  • apitoxin;
  • heparin.

In addition to these substances, the composition of the subpestilence includes antioxidants, hepatoprotectors, natural antibiotics (which are part of bee venom). It contains about 27 trace elements in forms that are easily digestible by humans: from phosphorus and potassium to iron, magnesium and zinc.

What is useful bee subpestilence

Since the chemical composition of dead bees is extremely diverse, the benefits of dead bees for the body have many manifestations.

The main active substances of the product are melanin and chitosan. The latter has the ability to cleanse the intestines and liver, has an anti-radiation effect and has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland. In addition, chitosan is used as a maintenance therapy in the fight against giardiasis.

The chemical tandem of melanin and chitosan is able to break down fats of almost any origin. This useful property is used to combat obesity and atherosclerosis, as well as to prevent many concomitant diseases.

Apitoxin, which is the main component of bee venom, has been used by mankind since ancient times. This remedy helps with a number of ailments that have very different origins. In particular, it is an anti-allergic agent, local anesthetic, an anti-inflammatory agent. Since apitoxin is able to be stored for a long time and withstand high temperatures, its safety in the bee subpestilence can be said to be guaranteed.

Attention! The bee venom, which is part of the subpestilence, although it is used to treat allergies, is itself a strong allergen. AT pure form its contact with the surface of any mucous membranes is not allowed: from the iris of the eyes to the cavities of the nose and mouth.

The bee oil found in dead bees has properties similar to Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids ( fish fat). All the properties of bee fat have not yet been fully studied, however, the already available information suggests that its complex effect almost completely repeats the effect of Omega-3 on the body. This makes it possible to use dead bees for the treatment of many diseases that develop against the background of diabetes mellitus. In particular, thanks to this component, blood sugar levels are normalized.

Beneficial features dead bees are used in the treatment of diseases:

  • cardiovascular system (violation of pressure, vascular conductivity, prevention of blood clots);
  • Gastrointestinal tract (diseases of the stomach, pancreas and liver);
  • excretory system (diseases of the kidneys and bladder);
  • reproductive system;
  • covers ( skin diseases and inflammation of the mucous membranes);
  • organs of vision;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • respiratory system.

Also, due to its composition, Podmore is a natural antibiotic and antiviral agent.

The antioxidants and immune stimulants included in the product can not only restore the body's defense systems and prevent its aging, but are also recommended for use as adjuvant therapy in oncological diseases.

For women

Podmor bee is popular in solving many problems. women's issues because it prevents gynecological diseases. Its effectiveness has been clinically proven in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • chlamydia;
  • thrush;
  • vaginosis.

The use of the drug during menstruation can significantly reduce the pain of menstrual pain. In addition, it allows you to normalize the microflora of the vagina, which will favorably affect the effectiveness of conception and reduce the risk of tumors.

Attention! Podmor is often used to prevent uterine fibroids.

For men

The most widespread solution male problems useful death received in the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

  • prostatitis;
  • BPH;
  • impotence.

In spite of different character, the origin and course of these diseases, all of them have common feature, which consists in a violation of the blood supply to the small pelvis. prostatitis has infectious origin, adenoma and impotence are caused by a whole range of problems, however, all these diseases always develop against the background of circulatory disorders in the male reproductive system. As a rule, in men leading active image life, risk similar diseases substantially lower.

That is why in the treatment of such diseases one of the main beneficial properties of dead bees is used - cleansing and strengthening blood vessels. Treatment of prostate adenoma with bee deadness can be carried out with the help of alcohol tincture or decoction.

What treats dead bees

Bee death in folk medicine is used to treat many diseases. Almost all body systems respond positively to treatment with the help of beneficial dead bees. Although the effectiveness of such treatment is still not fully understood traditional medicine, we can say with confidence that the remedy has proven itself in the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. Cardiovascular system: hypertension, hypotension, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.
  2. Digestive system: gastritis, gastric ulcer, cholecystitis.
  3. Excretory system: cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.
  4. Reproductive system: prostatitis, adenoma, uterine fibroids, venereal diseases.
  5. Skin and mucous membranes: healing of wounds and scars, ulcers, psoriasis, neurodermatitis.
  6. Organs of vision: conjunctivitis, myopia, cataract, glaucoma.
  7. Musculoskeletal system: arthritis, diseases of the spine, hernias.
  8. Respiratory system: tonsillitis, bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma.

The treatment of these diseases, as a rule, is carried out not by any one component that is part of a useful subpestilence, but immediately by a whole complex of effects of its various components.

Important! Often bee subpestilence is given to children for treatment. colds and strengthening their immunity. However, this should be done with caution, since the substances included in its composition for child's body are strong allergens and can cause harm.

For joints

For the joints, this tool is a real salvation. His useful action is not only pain relief problem areas. The use of podmore improves their mobility and contributes to the partial restoration of cartilage tissue.

Main active ingredients in the treatment of joints are apitoxin and chitosan. Their anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties can help even in case of chronic joint problems.

Most often, in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, and others), the remedy is applied locally in the form of lotions or ointments.

With diabetes

Helpful tool to help diabetes put in order the work of most organs and significantly improve the patient's condition. The active substances in this case chitosan, melanin and bee fat act.

Due to their complex effect, there is a decrease in blood glucose levels, a decrease in cholesterol levels. This also reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. In addition, during therapy with the use of a useful podmor, the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract is normalized.

For diabetics, winter deadness will be more useful. If the collection of dead bees was carried out at the end of summer, they should be kept in the freezer for 2 months beforehand. Ointments and lotions are made from the winter podmor, summer podmor is universal - it is used for the preparation of both external and internal treatments.

In addition to the above effects, the following properties of the drug will be useful for diabetics:

  • powerful antiviral effect;
  • general strengthening of immunity;
  • the effect of antioxidants, which slows down the aging process and binds free radicals in the body.

Attention! In any case, in diabetes, the use of such a remedy should always be preceded by a consultation with the attending physician and his regular monitoring of the patient's condition.

With oncology

In oncology, the following beneficial properties of subpestilence are used: antioxidant and immunostimulating. Antioxidants cleanse the body of free radicals and carcinogens, and a healthy immune system is better able to resist cancer cells.

Actually, any therapy for cancer primarily comes down not to the destruction of the tumors themselves, but to the activation immune system. After all, only she can cope with cells that have the wrong DNA.

The main useful components that fight against oncology are bee venom and chitosan. Exposure to bee venom destroys the tumor from the inside, and chitosan creates conditions under which its growth slows down significantly. In addition, the beneficial property of chitosan to purify the blood helps in reducing the spread of free radicals throughout the body.

Also, for the prevention of cancer, it is recommended after 40 years to regularly use tincture of dead bees.

Methods for preparing bee deadness at home

There are several ways to prepare healthy bee podmor. Below are the features of the preparation of funds based on it, the scope and methods of their application.

A decoction of bee dead

A decoction or dead bee on the water is done as follows: 2 tablespoons of raw materials are ground in a coffee grinder (or pounded in a mortar) and poured with half a liter of water. The resulting composition is brought to a boil and aged for two hours over low heat. Then it is filtered and cooled. stored useful decoction in the refrigerator no more than 15 days, but it is better to use it in the first 2-3 days.

A similar decoction is used for prostatitis, adenoma or sexual disorders. In this case, the decoction is taken in a warm form, 10 ml half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day. The general course of treatment is 30 days. The number of courses is from 2 to 3. The break between them is 15 days.

For pain in the joints, lumbar or spinal pain such a concentration of decoction is not needed. In this case, a different recipe applies. One tablespoon of raw materials is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes. Useful liquid is impregnated with cotton wool or soft fabric, after which it is applied to the focus of pain and is there from 5 to 15 minutes.

Tincture of bee deadness on alcohol

The benefits of infusion of dead bees on alcohol are best manifested in the cleansing of various body systems. Alcohol tincture is done as follows: 1 tablespoon of crushed subpestilence is placed in an opaque glass container and 100 ml of alcohol is poured. The container with the composition is tightly closed and kept for 3 weeks in a dark place. At the same time, during the first week it must be shaken daily, and the remaining 2 weeks, shaking is done every 2 days.

A useful tincture is applied as follows:

  1. Comprehensive cleansing of the body. In a glass of water, the tincture is diluted according to the following rule: the number of drops is equal to the total number of years of the patient. Half a glass is drunk immediately after breakfast, the second half - immediately after dinner. The duration of treatment is 1 month, the frequency is six months.
  2. Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract, the fight against giardiasis. In a glass of water, no more than 30 drops are diluted useful tincture. Take 1/3 cup three times a day after meals. Course - 1 month, single. Reapply not earlier than a year later.
  3. Blood purification. Similar to the previous method, but at the preparation stage, a third of a teaspoon of eucalyptus should be added to the tincture. In addition, a similar remedy is used externally to accelerate the healing of wounds and cuts.
  4. Normalization blood pressure, prevention of blood vessels, cleansing the liver, combating the increase thyroid gland. Dissolve 20 drops of tincture in a glass and use it once a day after meals. Duration 30-60 days. Re-application - after a year.

Tincture of bee deadness on vodka

The benefits of dying bees on vodka are similar to alcohol tincture, with the only difference being that it is not used in its preparation. pure alcohol, and vodka, that is, the amount of reagent containing ethanol should be 2.5 times more (1 tablespoon of crushed dead bees per 250 ml of vodka).

In addition, it is desirable to use bees that died in the summer when preparing vodka tincture, while the "alcohol" recipe can use bees that died at any time of the year as raw materials. The use of useful vodka tincture is similar to the use of alcohol.

Roasted dead bees

An effective remedy against diseases of the organs of vision. Most often used for myopia and glaucoma. Prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of crushed bees is mixed with 50 ml vegetable oil and roast for 5 minutes over medium heat.

After frying useful composition dried and applied 1 pinch twice a day. Duration of admission is about 2 weeks. You can repeat the course after 3 months.

Oil solution from dead bees and propolis

To prepare this remedy, you will need the following components:

  • butter - 100 g;
  • propolis - 20 g;
  • bees - 10g.

Preliminarily useful deadwood should be finely crushed or ground. Cooking is carried out as follows: podmore is added to the melted butter, and then propolis. Everything is thoroughly mixed and infused for 2-3 days.

A similar composition is used to treat prostatitis, inflammation of the mucous membranes and respiratory tract. Use 1 teaspoon three times a day after meals.

Means from the dead bee for external use

For external use, bee subpestilence is used in the form of compresses and ointments. As a rule, such recipes use bees that died in winter and in early spring, or such material that for some reason (malnutrition of bees, their unsatisfactory appearance, dead bees in hives for too long, etc.) cannot be used for internal use.

Podmore compress

It is used externally to treat joint pain or wound healing. Sometimes it is used to eliminate inflammation with bruises.

Cooking useful liquid for a compress, it is similar to preparing a decoction, but you can use the bees in their “natural” form, that is, do not grind. The proportion in the preparation should be no less than that discussed earlier (2 tablespoons of raw materials per half liter of water). However, large concentrations are often used, for example, 3-10 tablespoons for the same volume. In this case, you can not boil the resulting mixture for several hours, but simply pour boiling water over it and leave it to cool completely. Then useful mixture filtered and put in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for about two weeks.

The application is similar to that discussed earlier. Cotton wool or fabric is impregnated with the mixture and applied to the treated area for 15-20 minutes.

Ointment from the dead bee

It is also used in cases of joint treatment or wound healing, but has an important advantage over compresses. Useful properties of the ointment allow it to more long time be at the point of overlap.

The ointment is made as follows: 1 tablespoon of crushed bees is mixed with 100 g of butter or olive oil.

The ointment is applied to trouble spot, after which the surface is covered with cling film and additional insulation, for example, in the form of cotton wool or woolen fabric. On the body, the entire structure is fixed with a bandage. Such a compress can be on the body for up to three days.

Dead bee extract with vodka or alcohol

The method of preparation is similar to the previously discussed alcohol-based product for internal use (with eucalyptus). It is used externally for the treatment of joint pain and wound healing, but a number of rules should be observed:

  • alcohol tincture should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1 in order to avoid burns to the skin;
  • vodka tincture can be used without dissolving in water;
  • the compress is kept on the body for no more than 15 minutes;
  • additional warming of the compress is not applied.

How to take bee dead weight for weight loss

Mainly used for weight loss water infusion Podmor, which is prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons of crushed bees are poured into a thermos with 500-1000 ml of boiling water and infused for 12 hours.

A useful remedy is taken as follows: 100 ml once a day 30 minutes before breakfast. Duration of admission - 1 month.

The use of dead bees in cosmetology

Directly for application to the skin of the face or hair, funds from the dead bee are not used. From beekeeping products, honey and propolis are used for these purposes. The cleansing effect of dead bees is produced exclusively when it is taken orally.

This does not mean that dead bee products are not used in cosmetology at all. Many substances from it are part of various creams and masks, however, to obtain an effective cosmetic product, technologies are needed that cannot be repeated at home.

The harm of dead bees

The main negative property and harm of subpestilence lies in its increased allergenicity. Its composition includes a large number of components, so the range of allergies that it can potentially cause is quite wide.

It's not just an allergy to honey and pollen. Allergens can also be bee venom, chitin and dust contained in the bodies of bees.

Contraindications to the use of dead bees

You should not use the tool in the following cases:

  • with blood diseases;
  • when acute form thrombosis;
  • with severe tachycardia and bradycardia;
  • with leukemia;
  • with low blood clotting;
  • if you are allergic to any component that is contained in the product.

You should also limit the use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The active substances in the sea can not only cause allergies in the mother and child, but the reaction of the organism suffering from anemia to this remedy is also poorly understood. And anemia in pregnant and lactating women is very common.

Collection and storage of dead bees

The collection of useful material is carried out during the mass death of bees. This usually happens during the following time periods:

  • the first month after wintering;
  • within 1-1.5 months after the first collection;
  • at the end of summer.

The collected material should be dried before storage. It is best to do this in an oven preheated to a temperature of about +50 ° C. Drying is carried out within half an hour with the door open.

You can store the material in a cloth bag in a well-ventilated area with low level humidity. Storage in plastic bags in the freezer is allowed. The shelf life depends on the storage conditions.


The benefits and harms of dead bees still cause controversy among doctors. However, the centuries-old experience of its use in folk medicine suggests that this remedy has proven itself in the treatment of many ailments. In any case, given the high activity of the agent, it should be used with caution, avoiding manifestations of allergies and observing contraindications.

Treatment of prostate cancer with dead bees is quite common. Although official medicine has not fully recognized the effectiveness this tool, but folk methods largely justified in practice.

Dead bees are the bodies of dead honey plant insects. The shell of the bee is based on chitin. Chitosan is extracted from it, which acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and accelerates the regenerative abilities of the body at the cellular level.

In practice, it has been proven that regular intake of this organic substance in the complex therapy of prostate cancer can partially eliminate urinary dysfunction, remove pain syndrome and reduce the size of the inflamed gland. Treatment of prostate adenoma with dead bees minimizes the risk of developing oncological processes in the structure of the glandular organ.

Origin of dead bees

The average lifespan of a typical worker bee is about a month. Bees die near the arrival board or at the bottom of the hive. Before death, the insect releases the intestines. So specific feature in the behavior of bees, it allows you to absolutely calmly collect dead bees all year round, without resorting to any specific processing of the bee mass.

The bodies of honey plants are simply sieved through a sieve, and then sent to the oven for delicate drying. The oven is heated no more than 25 degrees. After uncomplicated processing Podmor is collected in cardboard boxes or transferred to a bag made of natural fabric. The storage location must be dry and dark. sunlight detrimental to this organic product.

Key aspects of honey plant death therapy

The treatment of prostate cancer is quite easy to carry out with dead bees at home on your own. However, do not self-medicate. It is important to notify your doctor, as well as get advice from a specialist who understands such techniques.

There are two types of this medicinal product:

  1. Decoction.
  2. Infusion with bee deadness.
Decoction preparation The standard scheme for preparing a decoction from dead honey plants is as follows:
  • 5 spoons of subpestilence are poured with 0.5 liters of water;
  • the resulting mixture should be marinated for 2 hours over very low heat;
  • the prepared product is filtered;
  • the broth is covered with a lid as tightly as possible;
  • stored in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

Within 30 days, a decoction of honey plants can be consumed, all valuable substances are stored during this time. The composition can be "complicated" by adding a couple of teaspoons of bee propolis to the broth. The infusion will become even more effective for treating prostate cancer. The course of therapy is 1.5 months. Then you should pause for 3 months. A total of 3 courses are required. Although some data and ratios may change depending on individual characteristics patient suffering from prostate cancer.

Important condition treatment: it is necessary to take only a warm decoction orally. The optimal dose is 1 tablespoon twice a day half an hour before the main meal.

Preparation of tincture To prepare a tincture on the bodies of insects of honey plants, you should place dry dead wood in a jar and pour 200 - 250 ml of alcohol or strong vodka into it. The ratio of dry substance and liquid should be such that the alcohol level is 3 cm higher than the weight of the subpestilence. The medicinal substance is infused for 14 days. An important condition: the lid on the container must be very tight. From time to time, the container with the alcohol suspension is actively shaken. The tincture, like the decoction, must be carefully filtered.

Means with bee deadness is taken three times a day. One tablespoon pure alcohol infusion diluted with 40 ml of plain water. Oral intake should be 20 to 40 minutes before a meal. The course of treatment is 30 days. Six months later all medical measures repeat again, already in order to prevent the development of cancer.


This technique is not suitable for people with the following pathologies:

  • allergic to honey or any bee products;
  • heat;
  • swelling of the body;
  • sharp infectious processes occurring in the body;
  • kidney failure;
  • heart failure;
  • bleeding;
  • post-infarction condition;
  • blood diseases.

Before taking the remedy based on dead bees, you should pass a sensitivity test. The elbow bend is treated with infusion or a fragment of subpestilence is rubbed on the skin. If itching began on the site after 15 minutes or earlier, the dermis turned red or swollen, the medicine is not suitable for this patient.

The effectiveness of dead bees in the treatment of oncological pathologies

Talk about direct impact bee product on the development of oncological diseases account for indirectly. The main mission of this tool is to purify human blood from toxins, harmful metabolites, and other unwanted components found in the human body.

Podmor will definitely help to globally cleanse the body. This is an excellent prophylactic, an indispensable element for improving tone and performance. We can say that the use of this biological substance will give a person the strength to fight the disease, which is important in the treatment of cancer patients.

However, do not rely solely on healing power subpestilence. Prostate cancer is extremely insidious disease and requires the use of the best methods of official medicine, as well as right approach and systematic treatment.

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