Skin diseases in cats. Skin diseases in cats and cats: types, symptoms, treatment

Cat has scabs on skin

Sore covered with a crust on the head.

To help your veterinarian make a diagnosis, observe your animal. Write down the main symptoms of his disease state.. Specialist does collection of dead skin cells and necessary analyses.

If it is not possible to contact a veterinarian, you will have to choose the treatment for your pet yourself. Until the diagnosis is determined, a therapeutic agent is used " Miramistin”, which has a wide spectrum of action and has no contraindications. It is purchased in an ordinary pharmacy. It has properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • wound healing;
  • immunostimulating;
  • soothing (relieves itching).

Diseases leading to the appearance of sores on the skin of a cat

Consider the main diseases that lead to the appearance of sores on the skin of a cat, covered with a crust.


The sore due to allergies was badly combed by the cat.


Follicle is a disease that occurs as a result of the body of the animal. It is treated with antibiotics and immunostimulating drugs.


Eczema is a skin disease that develops due to stress, after, diseases of the internal organs.

The exacerbation of this disease is manifested in the autumn and spring periods. The disease is treated in a complex way: therapeutic shampoos, protection from stress, immunostimulating drugs, vitamins, and a balanced diet.

Dermatological diseases of cats caused by microorganisms

Attention! It's important to know! Cat dermatological diseases can be contagious to humans and other pets.

Microscopic organisms get on the skin of a cat in various ways and cause it to various diseases of the dermis . The fur of the animal becomes contaminated with dust or an animal walking on the street comes into contact with its relatives.


Natoedrosis in a cat.

It is manifested by inflammation of the skin, first on the head. Sore spots in the animal itch. Cat, crusts appear. If treatment is not started on time, the disease will spread further through the body.


A cat suffering from demadecosis.

They reproduce strongly under favorable conditions for them. If the cat is weakened or the animal is young, this disease may develop. It is insidious by relapses .

Attention! It is important to ensure that the pet does not lick off the toxic drugs used for treatment!

In custody

If the pet is healthy, then the owner is happy. Cats are full members of our family. We love them and care about the health of a defenseless pet. After all, he can not talk about his problems.

The body of an animal, together with all internal organs, is protected from any external influence of harmful factors of the surrounding world by the skin. The skin can be called an indicator of the health of a four-legged pet, which reflects the state of the body and the work of all organs and systems as a whole. In this article, we will look at the most common skin conditions in cats.

Almost all clinical studies of the animal begin with palpation (feeling) and examination of the skin.

  • It is also important in this matter to determine the condition of the coat, which, in many diseases, loses its luster, elasticity, can easily be pulled out or, conversely, fall out on its own.
  • During the examination, hemorrhages, a rash can be detected.
  • Palpation determines the moisture or dryness of the skin, its elasticity, sensitivity and temperature.
  • For the diagnosis of many invasive and infectious diseases, microscopic examination of scrapings from the affected areas of the skin is of great importance.

Skin diseases can be of a different nature and have many causes: infection, invasion, metabolic disorders, exposure to physical and chemical factors, etc. Among the skin diseases of cats, five of the most common can be distinguished.

First place - ringworm

If the animal has areas of baldness on the body, it is necessary to exclude a fungal infection from it.

Ringworm is a fungal skin disease. Deprive manifests itself:

  • itching;
  • baldness;
  • redness of the skin;
  • the formation of scales and crusts.

According to the type of pathogen, trichophytosis and microsporia are distinguished. The only difference between these two types of disease is the extent of skin lesions:

  • With trichophytosis, hairless areas have an oval, almost regular shape.
  • Microsporia is characterized by damage to the entire surface of the skin.

For the treatment and prevention of lichen, therapeutic and prophylactic vaccines (Vakderm, Microderm, etc.) are used.

Second place - demodicosis

In second place in terms of prevalence is. It is called by microscopic mites.

  • Scabies is accompanied by severe itching.
  • Wool does not always fall out, but in places where the demodectic mite penetrates, the hair grows dull and becomes brittle.
  • The skin turns red, and red dots are visible on its surface - the moves of the tick and the places where it lays eggs.
  • As a rule, lesions are localized on the head, near the ears and on the skin.

As a treatment for scabies, injectable preparations of the ivermectin series (Baymek, Novomek), as well as external ointments (Stomazan, Butox) are used. Prevention of contact of sick animals with healthy ones plays a huge role in prevention.

Third place - dermatitis

Dermatitis is inflammation of the skin layers. There can be many reasons for the appearance of dermatitis: injuries, burns, exposure to chemical and irritating substances, frostbite, etc.

Dermatitis is characterized by:

  • skin redness;
  • the appearance of a slight swelling;
  • an increase in local temperature.

Sometimes dermatitis can be complicated by pathogenic bacteria. One of the varieties of dermatitis are allergic rashes on the skin in the form of acne, peeling or redness.


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Skin diseases that are diagnosed in cats of all age groups and breeds have different etiologies and symptoms. Consider the main diseases of the skin of cats, the causes of occurrence, we will give methods of treatment.

Skin diseases in cats (, dermatoses) are an extensive group of pathologies, each of which has a certain symptomatology, etiology, nature, speed and degree of flow. They occur acutely, subacutely, chronically. Some skin diseases have a long incubation period, unexpressed symptoms, causing severe discomfort and pain to your beloved pet.

Important! The chronic form of pathologies causes serious complications. The work of internal organs is disrupted, the barrier function of the dermis weakens, long-term treatment and possibly lifelong maintenance therapy is required.

Causes of skin diseases in cats:

Strong invasion, a sharp change in the usual diet, improper grooming, the presence of scratches, wounds, pustules, and other injuries on the body are common causes of dermatitis and dermatosis in animals. Skin problems occur not only in stray animals, but also in domestic cats that do not leave outside of a house or apartment.

Remember! Some types of skin diseases are zooanthroponoses (transmitted to humans) and pose a danger not only to the health of a beloved pet, but also to humans.

Therefore, in order to start timely treatment, it is necessary to have general information about the symptoms of dermatitis, which are most often diagnosed in cats.

Important! Some cats are born sensitive to dermatophytes. Such animals need special care and systematic supportive therapy aimed at strengthening the immune system.

Fungal spores are widely distributed in the environment. They can be on the surface of the soil, on plants, grass, as well as on shoes and our clothes. Favorable conditions for the development of fungi are high humidity, warm environments.

Ringworm: symptoms, treatment, folk remedies

(trichophytosis, microsporia) is one of the most dangerous fungal diseases of an infectious nature, which is characterized by a high transmission rate.

The disease, which is caused by microscopic moldy dermatophyte fungi from the genus Trichophyton and Microsporum (microsporia, trichophytes), is dangerous not only for cats, but also for humans.

Important! Regardless of which type of fungus provoked a skin ailment, the symptoms and external manifestations for all dermatophytosis are similar. The difference lies only in the localization, size and nature of the affected areas on the pet's body.

Microorganisms, localized on the surface of the skin of animals, feed on keratinized epithelial cells, dermal flakes, particles of wool, and nails.

How infection occurs

Dermatophytosis, ringworm is a dangerous, rapidly spreading infection that occurs with itching. Dermatophyte fungi form spores that are widely distributed in the environment and, under favorable conditions, remain active for up to 22-25 months.

Infection with ringworm occurs mainly through contact or household contact. A short contact of a healthy cat with a sick individual or the use of items, hygiene products, seeded with spores of a pathogenic fungus is enough. Even if your pet does not go out, dermatophyte spores are brought into the house on clothes, shoes, household items. Small kittens with unformed immunity, animals kept in groups in adverse conditions, weakened, exhausted by diseases, chronic infections pets are at risk.


Ringworm is a very insidious skin disease. The duration of the incubation period ranges from several weeks to two to three months and depends on age, individual characteristics of the organism, conditions of detention, and immune potential.

Read also: Seborrheic dermatitis in cats: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Important! If a pet is infected with spores of pathogenic fungi, but the disease is latent, it is a potential danger to healthy cats and humans..

Lichen occurs in cats in a superficial, deep, and also in a difficult to diagnose atypical form. The superficial shape is hard to see in long-haired cat breeds due to the thick fluffy coat. The deep form most often affects small kittens, weakened animals, stray cats. At the beginning of the development of the disease, small bald patches, rounded spots devoid of hair appear on the pet's body. If you do not start treatment, the foci increase, merge, forming large hairless areas.

The first symptoms of pathology are noticeable on the muzzle, back, near the tail, on the ears and paws. As the disease progresses, the skin loses its elasticity, coarsens, and becomes scaly.

Symptoms of lichen in a cat:

The affected areas are hyperemic, often flaky, look inflamed. Inflammation from superficial epithelial structures can go into the deep layers of the epidermis, which will provoke serious serious consequences. Pyoderma may develop. Fever, fever, weakness are noted.

Important! Due to severe itching, wounds appear on the body, deep scratches, which are the gates of infection, the optimal environment for the development of other pathogenic microorganisms.

Animals with lichen look very weakened, emaciated, constantly in a depressed state. Fungi affect not only the dermis, wool, but the claws, which leads to their fragility, deformation. With damage to the claws, it is difficult for the cat to move. Lameness, clubfoot, severe oppression are noted.

  • With trichophytosis the cat constantly licks the affected areas, which are oval in shape and are localized mainly on the sides, paws. The lesion is highly inflamed, acquires a bright scarlet hue.
  • For microsporia characterized by the appearance of extensive lesions on the body. With this pathology, itching rarely disturbs the cat, but at the same time, bald patches covered with small gray scabs and scales can be seen on the body. In the affected areas, if you gently pull the wool, it will remain in the hand. The disease requires long-term treatment, which should be under the supervision of a veterinarian.


Three main tests are used in diagnosis:

  • Wood's lamp irradiation. Under the influence of UV radiation, the affected areas acquire a light greenish glow.
  • Microscopic examination of wool, hair from lesions. With lichen, the hairs are covered with spores of pathogenic fungi, which can only be seen under a microscope.
  • Crops on nutrient media. The pathological substrate is placed in special nutrient substrates (Saburo's medium, ascites agar).

Take into account the data of anamnesis, clinical manifestations. If necessary, a differential diagnosis is carried out, which will allow the cat to exclude other skin diseases.

Treatment: drugs and folk remedies

Ringworm treatment should be comprehensive. The therapy prescribed by the veterinarian on an individual basis for a sick cat is aimed at stopping the main symptoms, normalizing the general condition, and strengthening the animal's immunity. It is very important to prevent the development of recurrence of dangerous mycoses.

Important! In addition to the main skin disease, concomitant minor diseases and pathologies are treated.

Medications, treatment methods, the duration of therapy are prescribed by a veterinarian, based on the results of the diagnosis, the root cause, the age of the animal, the stage, and the severity of the disease.

Cats are prescribed:

  • Intraconazole (Sporanox).
  • Griseosulfin.
  • 3 Terbinafine.
  • Fluconazole.

In the treatment, fungicidal ointments, gels, creams (Miconazole, Sanoderm, Yam ointment, Nizoral, Ecodax, Mikoseptin, Clotrimazole) are used for local treatment of lesions. Additionally, antifungal shampoos are used, which include Miconazole, Chlorhexidine.

Before applying ointments, gels, the affected areas are treated with antiseptic solutions, lotions, crusts, scabs are removed. In order for the drug to be better absorbed into the skin, wool is cut off in the area affected by the fungus. To activate the body's immune forces, cats are prescribed immunosuppressants in tablets, capsules, injections - Vetom-1, Imunofan, Ribotan, Phosphprenil, as well as vitamin-mineral complexes, supplements. If immunomodulators are used in injectable solutions, immunization is carried out twice, with an interval of 10-14 days.

Often the main therapy is combined with physiotherapy techniques. It is mandatory to carry out disinfection of cat houses, sunbeds, premises, hygiene products. The duration of therapy depends on the underlying cause, degree, and severity of the disease. The treatment course lasts from three weeks to two or more months. After treatment, tests are repeated.

Treatment with folk remedies

As an additional therapy, the veterinarian prescribes folk remedies that can be used at home. But they give a much lower result than specific drugs and are effective only at the very beginning of the development of the disease. From the means of alternative therapy, birch tar, pharmacy chatter, sulfuric ointment, preparations containing creolin are used. The lesions are lubricated with decoctions of medicinal herbs and plants that relieve itching, inflammation, and accelerate tissue regeneration.

Zelenka, iodine, and other improvised means do not give results in the treatment of lichen, so do not self-medicate so as not to harm the cat. Treatment with folk remedies should be carried out only as prescribed by the veterinarian.

Malassezia: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Malassezia in cats is provoked by the opportunistic yeast fungus Malassezia pachydermatis, which lives in the external auditory canal, in the interdigital folds, rectum, in the area of ​​the anal glands in males, and in the vagina in females. The disease can be caused by hormonal imbalance, neoplasia, trauma, mechanical damage to the skin, intoxication, chemical poisoning, helminths, intestinal infections. Postoperative complications, genetic abnormalities also lead to the development of this pathology.

Read also: Ear scabies in cats: causes and sequence of actions

Malassezia is diagnosed only in pets weakened by infections and diseases. If treatment is started immediately, the disease quickly recedes and does not relapse.


Symptoms, their intensity depends on the severity, age, underlying cause, condition of the animal.

Malasessia signs:

  • itching, redness, peeling of the skin on the ears, on the tail;
  • bad smell from the ears;
  • alopecia, small pimples on the body;
  • release of fetid serous exudate;
  • deterioration, hair loss.

The signs of malassezia are in many ways similar to the manifestations of otodectosis, but the distinguishing symptom is the release of a large amount of serous exudate, which has a sourish unpleasant odor. The skin in the affected areas loses elasticity. The upper layer of the dermis exfoliates along with the hair, bald patches appear. If you notice redness between the fingers, in the ears, on the stomach, paws, in the groin, near the anus, show the pet to the veterinarian. The disease, if the pet is weakened, progresses rapidly.


Treatment of malassezia in cats consists in the use of complex antifungal agents, the use of fungicidal shampoos, ointments, creams, antiseptic solutions, sprays. Symptomatic drugs are also prescribed (anti-inflammatory, antihistamines). Cats are prescribed drugs that suppress the activity of pathogenic flora. A course of antibiotic therapy may be required, after which, to normalize the intestinal flora, you need to give the pet probiotics, enzymes and vitamins to strengthen immunity.

Prevention of mycoses

Strengthen the immunity of the animal with vitamin and mineral complexes if the cat is kept on a natural cat. Do not neglect vaccinations, deworming. Antifungal vaccines prescribed by the veterinarian will help to avoid ringworm. Systematically examine the cat. If wounds, cuts are visible on the body, treat them with an antiseptic.

Allergic dermatitis develops in cats due to pedigree, genetic predisposition. Allergies are prone to sphinxes, Persians, exotics. Dermatitis can also occur due to metabolic disorders, digestive problems, due to low-quality shampoos, sprays.

Most often in cats, miliary dermatitis, food allergies are noted. Alimentary allergies occur in cats due to poor-quality ready-made feeds, a sharp change in diet, and may occur on certain types of products.

Symptoms of allergic dermatitis

The clinical picture, the duration of the incubation period depends on the underlying cause, the strength of the allergen-irritant, physiological and other adverse factors. Signs of allergic dermatitis are largely similar, regardless of etiopathogenesis. The lesions are located on the back, sides, paws, neck, tummy, near the auricles.


  • itching, small rash, red spots, bumps on the body;
  • lethargy, apathy, drowsiness;
  • loss of appetite, thirst;
  • bad coat;
  • redness of the skin in the ears;
  • discharge from the eyes;
  • hair loss;
  • dandruff, skin peeling, scratching;
  • sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath:
  • baldness.

Itching leads to scratching, scratches, pustules, which are the gateway for pathogenic flora. At the beginning of the disease, the cat is anxious, she is tormented by itching. Decreased activity. Possible fever, disruption of the digestive, respiratory tract.

With flea dermatitis, an allergic reaction is provoked by flea saliva, which contains an allergen protein. The cat scratches the bite site, which leads to the development of acute inflammation, which can affect the deep layers of the dermis, and if the disease is not treated, it will become chronic.

Treatment, prevention

It is very important to exclude exposure to the allergen that caused the disease. This will help normalize the cat's condition, avoid relapses. For prevention, treat the coat with insecticides, keep the cat clean and hygienic, and do not forget about deworming.

A balanced, well-chosen diet will help to avoid food allergies. Feed your cat professional premium food. If your pet is allergic to certain foods, remove them from the diet. Use products intended for animals for bathing. If the cat walks on the street, put on a flea collar.

Eczema in cats and cats

Often, eczema manifests itself against the background of systemic, viral, bacterial infections. Pathology may indicate systemic failures in the pet's body.


Eczema in cats is dry and wet. When dry, the skin becomes rough, flaky, reddens, cracks. Gray-white scales appear in the lesions.

Skin diseases in cats have recently become frequently diagnosed, large-scale. An increasing number of owners notice problems with the skin, consult a doctor. Skin diseases have a different nature, look different. Selected visual photos, a description of the symptoms, the basics of treatment described in our article will help you not to miss the first important signs of diseases.

There is a whole gamut of possible factors that cause cats to develop skin diseases. Hereditary, anthropogenic, infectious and many others. They lead to skin problems, which are sometimes so unexpressed that many of our pets suffer from the disease for a long time.

"Simple" skin diseases in cats


This is what pet acne is called. Occurs more often on the chin. Looks like a cluster of black dots. Often, in advanced cases, a bacterial infection develops. The course of the disease progresses, purulent inflammation appears. The causes of the development of the disease are varied - from malnutrition to a symptom of an infection.


Inflammation of the hair follicle. It develops as a complication of acne or other infectious skin diseases. It looks like a swelling around the hair, often filled with fluid, palpation causes pain in the cat.

Fungal otitis media

Inflammation of the external auditory canal. The first signs of the disease are manifested by shaking the head, the cat scratches the ear. Develops against the background of weakened immunity.

Ear mites

With improper care of the ears of a pet, mites begin to multiply in them at a frantic pace. The disease manifests itself with scratching, an unpleasant odor from the ears, dark gray discharge. The skin of the ears turns red, the local temperature rises.


Occur in response to any stimulus - food, natural, chemical. Food allergies are the most common - a cat combs its neck and head. Some breeds are predisposed to negative reactions to the flowering of certain plants. Many, especially young, animals react sharply to bathing, haircuts. Eliminating the allergen is often enough to treat an allergy.

Internal causes

Problems with various systems of the cat's vital activity also lead to the manifestation of skin diseases.

Tail gland hyperplasia

Increased secretion of this gland leads to excessive accumulation of sebaceous secretion. Standing out, it envelops the hairs at the point of growth, blocking their further development. As a result, the hair falls out, bare areas are formed. Treatment comes down to constant monitoring of the problem area, castration helps cats.


Some older cats eventually develop thickening under the skin - single tumors. They can be easily removed surgically. Cats with white ears often suffer from a more dangerous variety - skin cancer. It is manifested by a change in the appearance of a certain area of ​​the skin, often visible darkening, skin roughness.

Mental disorders

After a lot of stress - moving, the appearance of a child in the house, another animal - some cats fall into a state of constant grooming. Licking themselves again and again, they injure the skin, ulcers appear, and the hair falls out.

Dangerous skin diseases in cats


Symptoms: hair loss in certain areas of the skin, peeling, the appearance of strange scales, sometimes purulent wounds. The cat may itch, but lichen usually does not itch.


A serious disease caused by microscopic mites. Very contagious, rapidly developing. The main symptom is severe, persistent itching, the skin is covered with red spots. It starts with the head, ears. Without treatment, it quickly captures the rest of the body, appearing sequentially in the armpits, on the folds, at the base of the tail.

Factors predisposing to the appearance of demodicosis are improper feeding, maintenance, lack of a number of B vitamins, vitamin A, E, and worms.


The main symptom of eczema is a weeping surface of the skin. The cat combs the affected area, redness, nodules appear on the skin. The general condition changes: fever develops, the cat loses weight, kidney problems begin.

The veterinarian, based on skin scraping tests, will rule out other skin diseases and prescribe antihistamines. It is not recommended to treat the cat on its own, as any improper treatment can cause additional complications.


Dermatitis is dangerous with an unpredictable manifestation. Untreated in time, they can greatly undermine the animal's immune system.


Necrotic destruction of the cat's skin due to prolonged lying in one place. Manifested by tissue necrosis, death of skin cells. It is observed in sick animals that are forced to stay in one position for a long time. Symptoms: soreness when touched, lowering the temperature of the dying area, discoloration, the appearance of ulcers. Prevention of the development of bedsores is simple - turn your pet over more often in the postoperative period, do not let him sit on the injured limb for a long time. Treatment is reduced to the treatment of wounds, dressings, removal of dead tissue.

associated with viral infections

Some feline diseases lead to the development of skin problems. For example, when leukemia covers are affected especially strongly - abscesses, neoplasms, wounds appear. Immunodeficiency cats causes chronic otitis with damage to the skin of the ears, numerous pustules (bubbles with pus) appear on the body. causes damage to the skin of the paw pads, around the nose.

It is important to seek the help of a veterinarian in a timely manner to determine the cause of the appearance of a skin disease. The specialist will determine the main cause of the sore, prescribe adequate therapy.

The cat occasionally scratches, but it looks quite safe at the same time. However, once again stroking his pet, the owner notices the bodies that have appeared in different places sores in a cat. What are the reasons for which, it would seem, asymptomatically, cat gets sick?

Among the vast picture of feline skin diseases, a number of particularly common ailments can be distinguished, as a result of which the cat is in pain.

Causes of sores in domestic cats

The factors by which cats develop various dermatitis can be conditionally divided into genetic (hereditary), infectious, anthropogenic (exposure to external causes), and invasive. Before rushing to treat an animal, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease. How to treat sores in a cat the veterinarian will tell you after a certain series of tests and finding out the main cause of the disease.

Sores in a cat on the head and neck

The resulting cat has sore on chin, more often - a scattering of small black dots (acne) mixed with sores and sores, is called acne. It develops as a result of malnutrition, skin irritation from contact with inappropriate dishes (reaction to plastic), skin infections.

Sores with a smell in a cat

Sores with a smell in a cat localized in the ears and are a consequence of a neglected ear mite infection. When there is no proper care for the ears, there is a high risk of otitis media of various etiologies, the cat combs itchy ears to non-healing foul-smelling wounds.

Appeared cat has sore eyes may indicate the presence of a viral infection, trauma to the cornea of ​​the eye, a foreign body, or allergies. The irritating factor causes itching in the cat, the animal combs the skin until sores appear.

Cat head pain

Cat head pain may appear as a result of damage in fights or games with another animal. Discovered cat has a sore on his nose it can also be the result of trauma, an allergic reaction, polyposis, a viral infection. If with proper sanitation sore cat does not go away within three days, you need to show the animal to a specialist.

Discovered the cat has sores on the side of the tail with a high degree of probability, arise due to hyperplasia of the sebaceous tail glands. Increased secretion clogs the pores of the skin, causing irritation. Sores on the cat's tail are the reaction of the animal to itching, scratching and hair loss with the formation of crusts on the combed places.

Sores in a cat, cat, kitten. How to treat

Discovered cat fur sores should serve as a signal to contact the veterinarian as soon as possible to determine the causes of the occurrence. If desired, a specialist can be called to the house for the initial diagnosis of the disease and the collection of the necessary tests from the animal. Extra worries will not add health to a sick pet, and at home, both the cat and the owner are less stressed.

Skin diseases in cats are at the forefront of modern veterinary medicine. This is due to malnutrition - poorly selected feed, illiterate breeding work, and poor environmental conditions play an important role. Due to the above factors, local or widespread rashes, ulcers, etc. can be observed on the skin. Below are all lesions of the skin of cats, combined into groups according to clinical symptom-complexes.

Miliary dermatitis

Miliary dermatitis is characterized by the formation of dry or weeping cavitary elements on the skin. They are located on the surface in the form of small elevations, form crusts or peel off, fester or are presented in the form of small nodules. Miliary dermatitis covers most of all skin diseases and can be caused by the following reasons.

Allergy to food, hygiene products or medications.

Damage to the skin by a fungal or bacterial infection.

Atopic dermatitis.

On examination, blood-sucking mites, fleas and cheilites will be noticeable. Heilites are also called "crawling dandruff", as they look like small, gray, constantly moving scales.

With negative results of the above diagnostic measures, it is recommended to examine the feces for worm eggs. Helminths can cause allergic miliary dermatitis.

Fungal infection of the skin

It is characterized by the presence of alopecia (baldness). On hairless areas, hard-to-remove white or pale gray scales are formed, under which hyperemic thinned skin is found. The presence of itching and its intensity depend on the type of pathogen and the degree of damage.

Treatment of a fungal infection is also advisable to carry out on the recommendation of a veterinarian. Depending on the strain of the fungus and the degree of damage, only mild local treatment or long-term complex treatment, with additional vaccination, may be needed. It is not recommended to prescribe antifungal drugs or hygiene products with an antimycotic effect on your own. Many of them are toxic, and certain breeds of cats are especially susceptible to them.

Skin damage by a bacterial infection

Suppuration of already existing wound surfaces, scratches, folds occurs. Bubbles, crusts, pustules or scales form at the site of the lesion. As a rule, the process affects only the superficial layers of the skin, deeper lesions should suggest more serious conditions (decreased immunity, taking glucocorticoids, neoplasms, viral infection). It is best to prescribe antibiotic therapy after bacterial culture of the scraping of the affected skin area and determination of sensitivity to antibiotics.

Allergic dermatitis

Caused by food, certain plants, medicines, or the sun. Manifested by itching and rashes in the muzzle, on the tips of the ears, along the lower edge of the eyelid or in the area of ​​the nose and lips. Hairless areas appear on the sides and abdomen.

As a rule, the disease occurs annually, at the same time, gradually progressing. Without treatment for several years leads to squamous cell skin cancer.

Atopic dermatitis

Similar to allergic, but more severe and more acute. Appears as a pathological reaction to common products and products that are, in principle, not allergens.

Alopecia (baldness)

Alopecia can be both an independent disease and a symptom of other common diseases among cats. There is congenital and acquired. Congenital alopecia and hereditary hypotrichosis are manifested by an abnormally low number of hair follicles. This occurs only in certain breeds - sphinxes, devon rexes, etc.

Acquired alopecia includes seasonal molting, complications of miliary dermatitis, traumatic and psychogenic alopecia. With psychogenic alopecia, a cat, due to a violation of the behavioral response, plucks or licks its hair intensively. Traumatic alopecia occurs at the site of injections, collars, or other injuries.

Endocrine alopecia is also distinguished - it is symmetrical on both sides of the body, and can be caused by disorders in any of the endocrine organs.

Pigmentation disorders

Albinism- congenital defect. It is not subject to treatment, and the animal is not allowed for breeding.

Periocular leukotrichia. It develops as a result of a stressful situation in some breeds. Appears as lightening of the fur around the eyes. Treatment does not require, passes on its own.

Lentigo. These are dark spots that appear on the gums, nose, lips, or eyelids. There is no cure. The disease is not dangerous and is only a cosmetic problem.


Skin tumors can be either benign or malignant. Visually, this is difficult to determine even by a veterinarian, so any tumor in your cat requires additional examinations. The sooner this is done, the greater the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Diseases of the subcutaneous fat and sebaceous glands

Panniculitis - inflammation of the subcutaneous fat. It is characterized by the appearance of bubbles with liquid in the lower part of the chest or symmetrically on the sides. After some time, the bubbles open up and form ulcers with oily contents. Ulcers do not heal for a long time, deep scars remain in their place.

acne- comedones. Occur as a result of disruption of the sebaceous glands. Rashes appear on the cat's face. Acne can become inflamed due to an attached bacterial infection.

Seborrhea. It is dry and oily. Dry seborrhea is dry white scales that appear on dry, thin skin. It is most often the result of stress and can occur within a few hours. Oily seborrhea is the same scales only on oily skin and wool. It is the result of a violation of the activity of internal organs, most often the liver and pancreas.

Inflammation of the perianal glands. Occurs rarely. It can be suspected if the cat constantly licks and scratches the anus, and defecation gives her pain and discomfort.

Hyperplasia of the tail glands. The wax secretion of the sebaceous glands accumulates in the upper part of the tail, where there are especially many of them. The base of the tail thickens, an oily secretion of a gray-yellow color is released. The coat becomes thin and dull.

Any skin disease in a cat requires adequate diagnosis and treatment. After all, they can signal more serious violations. Abrasions and scratches do not need to be treated, cats themselves lick such damage. damage

Recently, skin diseases have become widespread in cats, from which, according to statistics, every third pet suffers. Often, problems with the skin are the result of some kind of internal pathology that requires immediate treatment. Many skin diseases are dangerous not only for the cat, but also for the owner, so it is extremely important to recognize the disorder in a timely manner and begin treatment.

List of skin diseases in cats

There is a whole range of skin diseases that are versatile and manifest themselves in completely different ways. Skin lesions can be triggered by a variety of reasons - hereditary, anthropogenic, infectious, even a simple change in diet can cause rashes on the body.

Attention. It should not be forgotten that fleas are carriers of helminths and are able to infect an animal through a normal bite. Therefore, along with treatment for flea, the animal should be dewormed in a timely manner.


Ringworm is an infectious fungal pathology that often affects young animals with reduced immunity, as well as cats that have had cancer or viral diseases.

The cause of the disease is the spores of the fungus, which can be brought on clothes or shoes. Infection occurs through contact with a sick animal, through shared toys, feeding and care items.

The clinical signs of ringworm are:

  • bald areas on the head, tail and limbs;
  • in the center of the affected area, the skin turns red and flakes, sometimes ulcers, white scales and crusts appear.

Treatment of the disease is carried out with the help of antifungal ointments and antiseptic solutions. In severe cases, antibiotics, vaccines, and oral antifungal medications are prescribed.


Acne is an acne disease characterized by the formation of closed and open comedones, most often on the chin.

The reasons for the development of acne can be improper care of the cat, stress, infectious pathologies, abnormalities in the development of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Visually, the disease is manifested by the presence of black or white dots, partial hair loss, and an increase in hard crusts. Acne can progress to painful ulcers and pustules, which can lead to inflammation and bacterial infection.

Acne treatment consists in treatment with antiseptic and antiseborrheic soaps and shampoos (for example, tar), applying antiseptic solutions (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, etc.). In advanced cases, antibiotics and corticosteroids are used.

Bacterial infections

Bacterial infections come in two forms: dry and wet. In the first case, dense formations and crusts appear on the skin. The second form is characterized by the presence of skin areas with severe hyperemia and moisture, which is accompanied by a rash, ulcers, itching and crusts.

To understand the form in which the disease occurs in a pet, it is necessary not only to familiarize yourself with the description of the disease, but also to carefully study the photo.

There can be a huge number of reasons for a bacterial infection:

  • allergy accompanied by itching;
  • heredity;
  • stress;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • the presence of shallow wounds;
  • diabetes mellitus, tumors, kidney damage, etc.

Treatment is based on the use of antibiotics and local preparations (Miramistin, Levomekol, aluminum and zinc-containing ointments).

They are classified as bacterial skin diseases.

Allergic skin diseases

Allergic reactions are the result of an inadequate response of the cat's immune system to foreign substances entering the body. Anything can be the cause of an allergy: a certain food component, household chemicals, plant pollen, synthetic fabrics, dust in the house, etc. When exposed to an allergen, skin hyperemia, the presence of inflamed areas, severe itching, hair loss and fever are observed.

Important. Prolonged exposure to the allergen is fraught with the development of atopic dermatitis, eosinophilic granuloma and asthmatic syndrome.

Therapy for allergic reactions includes taking antihistamines to relieve itching, hormonal agents, and antibiotics when urgently needed. To alleviate the condition of the pet, medicated shampoos and decoctions of medicinal herbs are used.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease caused by environmental allergens. The reason for the appearance of this disease is an increased reaction of the body to certain substances (mold, pollen, household chemicals, certain foods, dust, etc.).

Atopic dermatitis has the following clinical picture:

  • severe itching and, as a result, scratching;
  • skin rash;
  • hair loss;
  • when an infection enters the wound, pustules form;
  • the affected areas are in the head, ears, neck or chest, in the lower abdomen and between the thighs.

To prevent the development of infection, broad-spectrum antibiotics and antimicrobials are prescribed, and to eliminate signs of allergy, standard antihistamines (Chlorpheniramine, Clemastine) are prescribed.


The disease is manifested by such symptoms as:

  • severe itching and scratching;
  • the appearance of pustules, vesicles, nodules and crusts on the skin;
  • redness of the skin;
  • weight loss;
  • fever;
  • kidney disease;
  • weeping surface of the skin.

Treatment of eczema consists of taking antihistamines and sedatives supplemented with a vitamin complex.

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Symptoms of demodicosis include:

  • the formation of dense tubercles on the body of the pet, when pressed on which white clots are released;
  • constant scratching and rashes on the skin;
  • redness of the affected areas;
  • partial baldness;
  • the presence of red crusts;
  • the formation of pustules with the duration of the disease.

Attention. It is this skin ailment that most often leads to death.

ear mite

The progression of the disease is fraught with inflammation of the outer ear, which is able to move to the middle, which in turn is dangerous imbalance. In such a situation, the animal will constantly keep its head to one side. Sometimes the infection reaches the parotid space, provoking severe inflammation.

Treatment of ear mites includes the systematic cleansing of the ear canals and the use of acaricidal drops.

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Psychogenic alopecia

Alopecia is the rapid loss of hair. The cause of psychogenic alopecia in domestic cats is a neurosis that occurs as a result of environmental changes (change of residence, a new owner, the appearance of a new family member or pet in the house, etc.).

Most often, this disease occurs in emotional breeds: Siamese, Himalayan, Burmese, Abyssinian, but it also happens in outbred individuals. Externally, the disease manifests itself as alopecia in the groin, on the abdomen, sides and inner thighs, along the dorsal midline. On the bald areas there is neither redness nor crusts.

In the treatment of psychogenic alopecia, the main thing is to eliminate or minimize stress. Of the medicines, behavior-correcting drugs have proven themselves: Amitriptyline, Kot Bayun or Stop Stress.

Cushing's syndrome

Cushing's syndrome (or hyperadrenocorticism) is an extremely rare disease that develops as a result of an excessive amount of the hormone cortisol in the body. An excess of cortisol can occur with the use of large amounts of corticosteroids orally, topically or by injection, with tumors of the adrenal cortex, and also as a result of pituitary gland disease.

With Cushing's syndrome, the following phenomena are observed:

  • increased thirst and increased urination;
  • voracity;
  • enlarged belly;
  • amyotrophy;
  • lethargy;
  • hair loss;
  • skin thinning.

In the treatment of this serious disease, as a rule, the drug Trilostan is used, which suppresses the production of cortisol. In some cases, it may be necessary to remove the adrenal or pituitary gland, as well as radiation therapy for the pituitary tumor.

Sarcoptic mange

The clinical picture of sarcoptic mange is similar to other diseases: the affected areas dry out and cause itching, later the hair falls off in these places, and the scabs form unattractive ulcers.

In the fight against ticks, Sarcoptes have proven themselves well, which are applied to the withers of the animal.


Symptoms of this disease include:

  • severe itching;
  • bubbles are observed on the muzzle, ears, abdomen and inguinal region, which, after combing, become covered with crusts;
  • hair loss, often in places where crusts are concentrated;
  • as the disease progresses, the skin thickens, dries and cracks - as a result, wounds open the gates to infections (bacteria, fungi and viruses).

Notoedrosis therapy includes bathing with acaricidal and keratolytic shampoos, as well as topical application of drugs (Demos, aversectin ointment, neocidol aqueous emulsion, sulfuric ointment, Stronghold).

Various dermatological diseases are not uncommon in all domesticated felines. Most often, scabs in a cat appear against the background of a significant decrease in immunity and chronic diseases.

The development of flea dermatitis is accompanied by severe itching, so the cat can comb the damaged areas, exacerbating the situation. As part of the treatment, fleas should be eliminated first. For this purpose, you can use special drops that must be applied to the withers of the animal. To relieve an allergic reaction, Execan is administered ½ cube 1 time per day. In addition, you can use ointments and creams, which include antihistamines.

Another common disease that provokes the appearance of characteristic crusts on the skin of a cat is folliculitis. In this disease, inflammation develops against the background of skin lesions with staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcus aureus. Treatment should be antibiotics and immunostimulants.

Among other things, often the appearance of defects on the skin is associated with the development of such a dermatological disease as eczema. In this case, the skin undergoes an inflammatory process. The causes of this disease can be rooted in the stress experienced by the animal, infectious diseases, and in addition, diseases of the internal organs. In the vast majority of cases, exacerbations occur in the autumn and spring periods. Eczema in cats can be either wet or dry.

In addition to the characteristic redness and peeling of certain areas of the skin, additional symptoms may appear, for example, severe itching, scratching wounds and foci of hair loss. Therapy of this disease in animals is a significant challenge. First of all, it is necessary to use special therapeutic shampoos that reduce the risk of relapse. Among other things, it is necessary, if possible, to protect the cat from stress, feed only high-quality food and give it vitamin complexes.

Rarely, domestic felines can develop skin cancer. Most often, this problem is observed in cats that do not have wool, as the delicate skin is constantly exposed to harmful ultraviolet radiation. With the development of skin cancer, the cells of the upper layer of the epidermis begin malignant degeneration. Considering that the symptoms of this dangerous disease resemble furunculosis and dermatitis for a long time, some pet owners cannot determine the cause of the problem in a timely manner.

In this case, only a veterinarian can make a correct diagnosis, and only after a histological examination of the tissues of the damaged skin area. If the skin area affected by a malignant tumor is small, it is removed. If the cat has scabs on the body caused by skin cancer, treatment can give a good effect only in the early stages of the development of the pathology.

Irritations and redness of the skin are often the consequences of diet changes, stress, improper care and maintenance. Cats are very sensitive animals. Any change can negatively affect their appearance or health. Dermatitis is the most common health problem in pets.

Types, general symptoms, causes

Most often, dermatitis is a symptom that indicates another ailment. Therefore, contrary to popular belief, it is impossible to get it from a cat. Only the disease that provokes it is transmitted.

The disease manifests itself in a wide variety of forms, which depend on the individual characteristics of the pet. The only thing that unites all dermatitis is external manifestations on the skin, sometimes accompanied by a violation of the hairline.

The disease can be conditionally divided into two groups:

  1. simple form. It occurs due to contact of the pet's skin with irritating substances (herbs, cosmetics, household chemicals, etc.). Most animals are protected from their influence by thick hair and a dense undercoat. However, dermatitis sometimes appears in unprotected areas. For example, on the paw pads.
  2. Complex or allergic dermatitis. They arise due to the protective reaction of the body to an external irritating factor (bacteria, fungi, dyes, food, and others).

Dermatitis also differs in the nature of the manifestation. These can be dense red formations, flaky dry or, conversely, wet areas. A rash, sores (sometimes with abscesses) appear on the damaged areas. Due to severe itching, cats scratch the infected areas, which causes even more redness and the spread of infection.

The general symptoms are clear and well recognizable. It:

  • redness;
  • inflammation;
  • strong scratches;
  • blisters and blisters;
  • sores;
  • scales;
  • dry, cracked and hot skin.

Regardless of the form of manifestation, the cat constantly feels discomfort, behaves restlessly. The causes of occurrence can be completely different. Only a veterinarian can identify them and prescribe the correct course of treatment.

Bacterial dermatitis

Bacterial dermatitis often occurs in a latent form. This means that the symptoms remain invisible to a person for a long time. Because of this, the disease becomes chronic and manifests itself with full force already during the period of relapse.

Chronic dermatitis is difficult to cure. Therefore, the cat must be regularly and carefully examined.. At the slightest sign of any abnormalities, it is immediately recommended to consult a doctor. Then, perhaps, it will be possible to get rid of the disease with the least expenditure of time and money.

A distinctive feature of bacterial dermatitis is damage only to the skin, not accompanied by hair loss. The factor that provoked the development of the disease can be:

  • allergy;
  • bad heredity;
  • injuries and minor damage (wounds, cuts, microcracks);
  • metabolic disease;
  • certain diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus or a tumor).

There are two forms of the course of the disease:

  1. With dry dermatitis, crusts, scales and seals form on the damaged area.
  2. Wet is accompanied by bright redness, the appearance of a rash and pustules.

The first signs are changes in behavior. The pet often licks the fur, constantly itches.

As in most cases, only a veterinarian can choose the right treatment. First, the veterinarian conducts an examination and prescribes laboratory tests. The results of the tests allow you to identify the causative agent of the disease and prescribe suitable medications. Most often these are antibiotics, Miramistin and Levomekol.

Some cat owners decide on their own to give their pet hormones for treatment. This is not recommended for several serious reasons. Hormonal remedies quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms, but do not provide long-term action and complete relief from the disease. As a result, dermatitis reappears with greater force. Getting rid of it with the usual means is becoming increasingly difficult. In addition, hormone-based drugs are highly addictive.

Fungal dermatitis

Fungal dermatitis develops under the influence of a pathogenic yeast fungus. Normally, it is present on the skin of many pets. But when favorable conditions appear (for example, weakened immunity), it begins to actively multiply.

A favorable environment for the development and spread of the fungus is warm and humid places. This type appears:

  • near the eyes and ears;
  • on the nose (cats with flat faces are at risk);
  • between fingers;
  • in the inguinal zone;
  • under the tail;
  • armpits.

Obvious signs - baldness of the affected area, redness, scratching, scales. If you miss the moment and do not start treatment on time, the affected areas will gradually spread throughout the body. In the most advanced cases, the body of cats is covered with wounds by 50% or more.

The veterinarian prescribes medications depending on the type of fungus. These can be topical preparations (ointments), and means for oral administration. The latter are prescribed when it comes to yeast fungi. In this case, not only the skin, but also the internal organs are affected. With extensive lesions, the doctor may prescribe therapeutic baths. The treatment regimen is selected individually for each pet.

In addition to treating the pet with special means, the owner will have to disinfect his dishes, sleeping place, and the room where the cat lives. If there are other animals in the house, they will also have to be treated for preventive purposes.

Allergic dermatitis

Allergic dermatitis is one of the most dangerous forms of the disease. Its exact cause is difficult to identify immediately. The disease develops slowly. At the initial stage, it is accompanied by itching and redness. In advanced cases, it can provoke an asthma attack (due to swelling of the larynx). Therefore, if you suspect a pet allergy, you should immediately see a doctor.

Allergic dermatitis occurs for many reasons. This may be the body's response to:

  • malnutrition;
  • vitamins or mineral supplements;
  • cosmetics;
  • plants;
  • household chemicals;
  • medicines;
  • direct sunlight (typical for light-haired cats).

With the development of allergic dermatitis, scales appear on the skin. They itch slightly, so they do not cause discomfort. Gradually, the disease takes on a severe form. In advanced cases, swelling, severe scratching, bright redness appear.

Laboratory tests allow to identify irritating substances. According to their results, the allergen is determined, medications are prescribed. Preparations are chosen individually for each animal.

The treatment regimen includes taking antihistamines, using ointments that relieve itching and irritation. The doctor prescribes drugs that relieve inflammation. Unfortunately, allergic dermatitis is practically incurable. But if the allergen is identified and eliminated from the cat's life, the pet will be able to live long and comfortably.

Skin diseases associated with viral infections

Viral diseases or infection also cause the development of dermatitis. This species is rare. It is diagnosed well - not only the skin is affected, but also the mucous membranes with internal organs.

The most common reasons:

  • herpes;
  • leukemia;
  • immunodeficiency.

This form is hard to get rid of. An animal infected with the virus is prone to relapses with exacerbations in autumn and spring. Treatment will have to be done throughout the life of the pet.

Dermatitis accompanied by hair loss

Almost always, dermatitis is accompanied by a violation of the skin and the appearance of wounds, as well as hair loss. Moreover, not only on the affected area, but throughout the body.

In some cases, the pathology is inherited. It is impossible to get rid of a congenital ailment. Common types of illness:

  • complete absence of hair;
  • very sparse coat;
  • hypotrichosis - complete loss of hair in a kitten at the age of 6 months.

Cat owners should be aware that many shorthair breeds experience severe hair loss around the eyes or near the ears. Often this is not a pathology, but a feature of the breed.. But for safety reasons, you can take your pet to the veterinarian.

In addition to congenital abnormalities, there are also acquired ones. For example, a strong molt. During the period of coat shedding, so much hair falls out that the skin becomes visible. In the off-season, wool falls out in smaller quantities. But still more than required.

The reasons that lead to baldness are:

  • stress;
  • mental disorders;
  • a sharp change in conditions of detention;
  • systemic diseases.

In most cases, treatment is reduced to the appointment of tranquilizers and the creation of such conditions in which the cat feels comfortable.

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