Erosion of the cervix photos. Erosion. After the postponed childbirth


A visit to the gynecologist should be periodic, and not on a case-by-case basis. A scheduled inspection should be carried out on average once a year (six months). An appointment with a gynecologist is recorded when complaints appear, before a planned pregnancy or when pregnancy occurs.

Often this happens due to the fact that a woman cannot find “her own” doctor, at whose appointment she experiences a minimum of discomfort and receives competent advice and treatment.

Periodic examinations by a gynecologist are very important. Many diseases occur without pronounced clinical manifestations, so only a specialist can identify them.

Diseases of the cervix are diseases that are hidden: there is no failure of the menstrual cycle, unpleasant heavy discharge, pain.

Important! Erosion of the cervix is ​​most often asymptomatic.

Every second woman hears such a diagnosis at an appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist, but it needs immediate clarification. Calling two types of erosion at once (true and background) with one phrase, the gynecologist usually means background erosion (ectopia).

True erosion of the cervix is ​​rare and does not last long, because, like a wound, it either heals quickly or turns into a background wound, which is a wound on the cervix that can be seen without difficulty when viewed with mirrors. Erosion looks like a bright red spot on the intact pink mucous membrane of the cervix. Such erosion of the cervix usually exists for no more than two weeks.

True erosion is a violation of the integrity of the integument of the epithelium of the cervix, which can bleed during and after sexual contact. With true erosion, a defect in the cervical epithelium is accompanied by rejection and desquamation of epithelial cells, which leads to damage to blood vessels.

In most cases, cervical erosion is asymptomatic and can only be reminded of itself by pathological secretion, spotting, and leucorrhoea after intercourse.

Background erosion of the cervix, ectopia, is caused by the growth of velvety epithelium lining the cavity of the cervical canal into the vaginal cavity. The velvety epithelium is not adapted to the acidic environment of the vagina, so it begins to self-heal and over time a protective squamous epithelium appears, which can lead to the development of tumors.

How to clarify the diagnosis

To find out what is actually hidden behind the change in the cover of the epithelium of the cervix, the specialist has various methods. The main one is colposcopy, which is used to diagnose the general condition of the cervix and is an examination of the mucous membrane with a colposcope under conditions of optical magnification with additional lighting.

The procedure is painless and allows you to detail the changes in the area of ​​the cervix, which seem the same when viewed with the naked eye.

During an extended colposcopy, the obstetrician-gynecologist stains the area of ​​the cervix, which makes it possible to highlight pathological changes in tissues against the background of healthy ones.

To determine the degree of change in the cover of the epithelium that lines the cervix, during colposcopy (before staining the cervical area), the doctor takes a smear to conduct a cytological examination (oncocytological smear) - the study of cells desquamated from the surface of the cervix.

The study is carried out in order to detect malignant diseases at an early stage. If necessary, the doctor may also do a biopsy (taking for analysis from suspicious areas).

The full range of examinations includes tests for sexually transmitted infections, the study of the condition of the ovaries, the work of the patient's immune system. Only an integrated approach to examination can ensure success in the treatment of cervical erosion.

Causes of cervical erosion

The main predisposing factors are:

  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Beginning sexual activity at an early age.
  • First pregnancy and early first birth (before 16 years).
  • Poor intimate hygiene, frequent change of sexual partners (leads to a change in the vaginal microflora).
  • Traumatization during abortion, difficult childbirth, medical manipulations or due to improper use of intravaginal contraceptives, due to inept douching.
  • Viral, bacterial, inflammatory diseases of the cervix.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Sexual infections (chlamydia, gonococci, trichomonas, candida), a special role belongs to the human papillomavirus.
  • Unfavorable heredity. Congenital erosions are the most common. It is important for such women to be regularly observed by a gynecologist.
  • Violation of the function of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries.

Cervical erosion: symptoms

The disease does not have pronounced symptoms, so women most often find out that they have cervical erosion at an appointment with a specialist.

Sometimes patients complain of white or yellowish discharge from the genital tract, which is accompanied by pain. Such symptoms are associated with an infection present in the body.

Other symptoms of ectopia include:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • bleeding during intercourse or after physical exertion;
  • discomfort during intercourse;
  • heaviness in the lower abdomen.

The appearance of obvious symptoms is late in relation to the development of the underlying disease, therefore, it is impossible to rely on the absence of complaints from the patient and refuse to treat cervical erosion. Changes occurring in the epithelium of the cervix are a favorable background for the development of malignant processes.

The results of numerous annual studies have shown that malignant neoplasms on the cervix rarely occur against the background of unchanged tissues, and timely, competent treatment of background processes reduces the risk of developing malignant diseases.

With pseudo-erosion (ectopia), there may not be any symptoms, so experts recommend doing a colposcopy twice a year to check. The procedure takes no more than 20 minutes.

If the process has been running for a long time, purulent or bloody discharge may begin, which is accompanied by pain. Particularly menacing symptoms are spotting during or after intercourse.

Treatment of cervical erosion

Treatment of cervical erosion is carried out by conservative and surgical methods.

Medical therapy is carried out with the help of:

  • nonspecific anti-inflammatory therapy;
  • antifungal and antiviral drugs;
  • physiotherapeutic methods - therapeutic mud, iontophoresis, microcurrent and ozone therapy.

According to the indications, cauterization of erosion by Solkovagin is carried out, which penetrates into damaged tissues by 2.5 mm and gives a positive effect after 1-2 repeated applications.

Surgical methods include:

  • Laser removal is an effective and modern method that provides high precision incision and allows you to save healthy tissue, which contributes to rapid healing without scarring. Gynecologists recommend this method to nulliparous women, although experts differ on this issue. Healing time is 4-6 weeks.
  • Diathermocoagulation - cauterization of cervical erosion by electric current. This is the most common method of treatment in antenatal clinics. Electric burning is a painful method that leaves scars, therefore it is recommended only for women who no longer plan to give birth. Healing time is 8-10 weeks.
  • Cryodestruction - freezing of the cervix with liquid nitrogen. When interacting, cold nitrogen crystallizes the water contained in the cells, and as a result destroys the cellular structure in the affected area of ​​the cervix. This method requires mandatory follow-up, as complications are possible due to the destruction of the surface layer of cells. Healing time is 8-10 weeks.
  • Chemical coagulation - cervical erosion is treated with drugs whose action is aimed at corroding atypical cells. This method does not leave scars and is therefore recommended for nulliparous women. Healing time is 6-10 weeks.
  • Electroexcision - cutting out the affected area on the cervix.
  • Radio wave treatment is the use of high energy radio waves. Without pressure on the tissue, the area with erosion is treated, which minimizes damage to the cervix. An electric burn is also completely excluded, due to the fact that the method is based not on thermal action, but on the process of “evaporation” of water molecules from damaged epithelial cells. The applied technique is non-traumatic, does not leave scabs (crusts covering the surface of the wound; burns; abrasions formed by clotted blood, pus and dead tissues) and scars, which allows to halve the healing time, and also saves, thanks to the shape of the conizer (a surgical instrument used in gynecology), the structure of the cervix). Patients do not experience discomfort, neighboring tissues are not damaged. Healing time is 3-5 weeks.

Treatment of cervical erosion is necessary. The lack of therapy will cause the development of neoplasms of not only benign, but also malignant nature, glandular cystic erosion of the cervix may develop.

It is necessary to be responsible for mandatory preventive visits to the gynecologist. Timely diagnosis and prescribed complex treatment will positively affect health and relieve problems.

Treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous

Background erosion of the cervix (ectopia) of small size can also be observed in young nulliparous women as a physiological norm. The disease requires observation and in most cases passes without additional intervention with hormonal changes in the body (taking oral contraceptives, pregnancy).

But the background erosion of the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bthe “entrance gate” and a place for infection to join, and can also serve, if not a direct, then an indirect cause of the development of diseases of the reproductive system. Sexually transmitted infections, inflammation of the cervical mucosa (cervicitis) and background erosion of the cervix (ectopia) act as concomitant diseases.

Previously existing treatments for ectopia led to cervical stiffness (the cervix became not so elastic in order to give birth on its own without a caesarean section in the future).

Now there are methods of treating cervical erosion in nulliparous women without serious consequences. Lack of timely treatment of erosion can lead to dangerous complications. First of all, this is a malignant degeneration of the cells of the damaged area of ​​the cervix.

Specialists periodically encounter patients who put off the examination for a long time due to the lack of complaints, and when they came, it turned out that time had already been lost. When signs of malignancy appear, more radical methods of treatment have to be applied, such patients are referred to oncologists.

Obviously, no one likes to be sick. However, when we are not completely healthy, in addition to experiences and the desire to recover, sometimes there is another feeling - a kind of academic interest. We always stare at a sudden pimple in front of the mirror or try to look down our throat when we feel flu-like symptoms.

With diseases of the internal organs, everything is a little more complicated, because we cannot personally observe our “enemy”, which, as they say, needs to be known in person. If you have cervical erosion, in principle, the diseased area can be seen, but this prerogative will not belong to you, but to your gynecologist. However, the Internet is full of photos of cervical erosion, so you may well form an opinion about the disease when viewing them. And if you are really interested in when the colposcopy will be performed, you can ask the doctor to take a picture.

As you can see from the photo, the pathological focus can occupy both a small area and almost the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe neck. In most photographs of cervical erosion, it is clearly visible that it almost always affects its central part, surrounding the exit from the cervical canal. Sometimes, seeing a small focus in the center, an inexperienced doctor may make a mistake in the diagnosis, mistaking for erosion the mucous membrane of the inner part of the canal, which also has a red color and may go slightly beyond its limits. However, errors are always detected during colposcopy: examining the cervix under high magnification makes it easy to distinguish the norm from the disease.

Just don't be scared, below is another selection of photos of cervical erosion.

Now you know what uterine erosion looks like in the photo, and we really hope that now you will undergo a routine examination by a gynecologist at least once every six months!


If the problem of cervical erosion is close to you, it will be useful for you to read at least these two pages!




A visit to the gynecologist should be periodic, and not on a case-by-case basis. A scheduled inspection should be carried out on average once a year (six months). An appointment with a gynecologist is recorded when complaints appear, before a planned pregnancy or when pregnancy occurs.

Often this happens due to the fact that a woman cannot find “her own” doctor, at whose appointment she experiences a minimum of discomfort and receives competent advice and treatment.

Periodic examinations by a gynecologist are very important. Many diseases occur without pronounced clinical manifestations, so only a specialist can identify them.

Diseases of the cervix are diseases that are hidden: there is no failure of the menstrual cycle, unpleasant heavy discharge, pain.

Important! Erosion of the cervix is ​​most often asymptomatic.

Every second woman hears such a diagnosis at an appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist, but it needs immediate clarification. Calling two types of erosion at once (true and background) with one phrase, the gynecologist usually means background erosion (ectopia).

True erosion of the cervix is ​​rare and does not last long, because, like a wound, it either heals quickly or turns into a background wound, which is a wound on the cervix that can be seen without difficulty when viewed with mirrors. Erosion looks like a bright red spot on the intact pink mucous membrane of the cervix. Such erosion of the cervix usually exists for no more than two weeks.

True erosion is a violation of the integrity of the integument of the epithelium of the cervix, which can bleed during and after sexual contact. With true erosion, a defect in the cervical epithelium is accompanied by rejection and desquamation of epithelial cells, which leads to damage to blood vessels.

In most cases, cervical erosion is asymptomatic and can only be reminded of itself by pathological secretion, spotting, and leucorrhoea after intercourse.

Background erosion of the cervix, ectopia, is caused by the growth of velvety epithelium lining the cavity of the cervical canal into the vaginal cavity. The velvety epithelium is not adapted to the acidic environment of the vagina, so it begins to self-heal and over time a protective squamous epithelium appears, which can lead to the development of tumors.

How to clarify the diagnosis

To find out what is actually hidden behind the change in the cover of the epithelium of the cervix, the specialist has various methods. The main one is colposcopy, which is used to diagnose the general condition of the cervix and is an examination of the mucous membrane with a colposcope under conditions of optical magnification with additional lighting.

The procedure is painless and allows you to detail the changes in the area of ​​the cervix, which seem the same when viewed with the naked eye.

During an extended colposcopy, the obstetrician-gynecologist stains the area of ​​the cervix, which makes it possible to highlight pathological changes in tissues against the background of healthy ones.

To determine the degree of change in the cover of the epithelium that lines the cervix, during colposcopy (before staining the cervical area), the doctor takes a smear to conduct a cytological examination (oncocytological smear) - the study of cells desquamated from the surface of the cervix.

The study is carried out in order to detect malignant diseases at an early stage. If necessary, the doctor may also do a biopsy (taking for analysis from suspicious areas).

The full range of examinations includes tests for sexually transmitted infections, the study of the condition of the ovaries, the work of the patient's immune system. Only an integrated approach to examination can ensure success in the treatment of cervical erosion.

Causes of cervical erosion

The main predisposing factors are:

  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Beginning sexual activity at an early age.
  • First pregnancy and early first birth (before 16 years).
  • Poor intimate hygiene, frequent change of sexual partners (leads to a change in the vaginal microflora).
  • Traumatization during abortion, difficult childbirth, medical manipulations or due to improper use of intravaginal contraceptives, due to inept douching.
  • Viral, bacterial, inflammatory diseases of the cervix.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Sexual infections (chlamydia, gonococci, trichomonas, candida), a special role belongs to the human papillomavirus.
  • Unfavorable heredity. Congenital erosions are the most common. It is important for such women to be regularly observed by a gynecologist.
  • Violation of the function of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries.

Cervical erosion: symptoms

The disease does not have pronounced symptoms, so women most often find out that they have cervical erosion at an appointment with a specialist.

Sometimes patients complain of white or yellowish discharge from the genital tract, which is accompanied by pain. Such symptoms are associated with an infection present in the body.

Other symptoms of ectopia include:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • bleeding during intercourse or after physical exertion;
  • discomfort during intercourse;
  • heaviness in the lower abdomen.

The appearance of obvious symptoms is late in relation to the development of the underlying disease, therefore, it is impossible to rely on the absence of complaints from the patient and refuse to treat cervical erosion. Changes occurring in the epithelium of the cervix are a favorable background for the development of malignant processes.

The results of numerous annual studies have shown that malignant neoplasms on the cervix rarely occur against the background of unchanged tissues, and timely, competent treatment of background processes reduces the risk of developing malignant diseases.

With pseudo-erosion (ectopia), there may not be any symptoms, so experts recommend doing a colposcopy twice a year to check. The procedure takes no more than 20 minutes.

If the process has been running for a long time, purulent or bloody discharge may begin, which is accompanied by pain. Particularly menacing symptoms are spotting during or after intercourse.

Treatment of cervical erosion

Treatment of cervical erosion is carried out by conservative and surgical methods.

Medical therapy is carried out with the help of:

  • nonspecific anti-inflammatory therapy;
  • antifungal and antiviral drugs;
  • physiotherapeutic methods - therapeutic mud, iontophoresis, microcurrent and ozone therapy.

According to the indications, cauterization of erosion by Solkovagin is carried out, which penetrates into damaged tissues by 2.5 mm and gives a positive effect after 1-2 repeated applications.

Surgical methods include:

  • Laser removal is an effective and modern method that provides high precision incision and allows you to save healthy tissue, which contributes to rapid healing without scarring. Gynecologists recommend this method to nulliparous women, although experts differ on this issue. Healing time is 4-6 weeks.
  • Diathermocoagulation - cauterization of cervical erosion by electric current. This is the most common method of treatment in antenatal clinics. Electric burning is a painful method that leaves scars, therefore it is recommended only for women who no longer plan to give birth. Healing time is 8-10 weeks.
  • Cryodestruction - freezing of the cervix with liquid nitrogen. When interacting, cold nitrogen crystallizes the water contained in the cells, and as a result destroys the cellular structure in the affected area of ​​the cervix. This method requires mandatory follow-up, as complications are possible due to the destruction of the surface layer of cells. Healing time is 8-10 weeks.
  • Chemical coagulation - cervical erosion is treated with drugs whose action is aimed at corroding atypical cells. This method does not leave scars and is therefore recommended for nulliparous women. Healing time is 6-10 weeks.
  • Electroexcision - cutting out the affected area on the cervix.
  • Radio wave treatment is the use of high energy radio waves. Without pressure on the tissue, the area with erosion is treated, which minimizes damage to the cervix. An electric burn is also completely excluded, due to the fact that the method is based not on thermal action, but on the process of “evaporation” of water molecules from damaged epithelial cells. The applied technique is non-traumatic, does not leave scabs (crusts covering the surface of the wound; burns; abrasions formed by clotted blood, pus and dead tissues) and scars, which allows to halve the healing time, and also saves, thanks to the shape of the conizer (a surgical instrument used in gynecology), the structure of the cervix). Patients do not experience discomfort, neighboring tissues are not damaged. Healing time is 3-5 weeks.

Treatment of cervical erosion is necessary. The lack of therapy will cause the development of neoplasms of not only benign, but also malignant nature, glandular cystic erosion of the cervix may develop.

It is necessary to be responsible for mandatory preventive visits to the gynecologist. Timely diagnosis and prescribed complex treatment will positively affect health and relieve problems.

Treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous

Background erosion of the cervix (ectopia) of small size can also be observed in young nulliparous women as a physiological norm. The disease requires observation and in most cases passes without additional intervention with hormonal changes in the body (taking oral contraceptives, pregnancy).

But the background erosion of the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bthe “entrance gate” and a place for infection to join, and can also serve, if not a direct, then an indirect cause of the development of diseases of the reproductive system. Sexually transmitted infections, inflammation of the cervical mucosa (cervicitis) and background erosion of the cervix (ectopia) act as concomitant diseases.

Previously existing treatments for ectopia led to cervical stiffness (the cervix became not so elastic in order to give birth on its own without a caesarean section in the future).

Now there are methods of treating cervical erosion in nulliparous women without serious consequences. Lack of timely treatment of erosion can lead to dangerous complications. First of all, this is a malignant degeneration of the cells of the damaged area of ​​the cervix.

Specialists periodically encounter patients who put off the examination for a long time due to the lack of complaints, and when they came, it turned out that time had already been lost. When signs of malignancy appear, more radical methods of treatment have to be applied, such patients are referred to oncologists.

Erosion, as a rule, is asymptomatic, and since nothing bothers a woman, she is in no hurry to consult a specialist.

At the same time, the initial stages of the disease are easier to treat than complicated ones, which is why it is so important, even in the absence of any symptoms, to regularly undergo preventive medical examinations.

Essence of pathology

Erosion is an ulcerative lesion of the cervical mucosa or epithelial tissue of the cervical canal. On examination, the erosive lesion looks like a bright red area.

Gynecologists call any damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix and uterus called erosion, and, in principle, this definition is correct, since the disease quite often goes beyond the cervical region, developing into other gynecological ailments.

Simply put, an erosive lesion is a wound on the mucous membrane that, until a certain time, does not cause any discomfort.

Erosion can be diagnosed both in girls in adolescence and in mature women. As a rule, the pathology is benign in nature, and in extremely rare cases it can . But, despite this, treatment should be carried out necessarily.

To more accurately understand what erosion is and where it is located, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​​​the anatomy of the reproductive organ. The uterus consists of the body, the bottom and its narrowest part - the neck. The cervix is ​​the link that connects the uterus to the vagina. There is a channel inside the neck.

The cervical walls have three layers:

  • outer epithelium. If you examine this layer under magnification, you can see cells that are tightly adjacent to each other, which are located in several layers. These cells are similar to the cells that make up the surface layer of the vagina;
  • the inner layer is made up of mouse fibers, which create an airtight space in the uterus;
  • the cervical canal is made up of columnar epithelium, which has one row. The purpose of these cells is to synthesize a mucous secretion.

If we consider erosion areas under magnification, we can see:

  • damage in the form of scratches and abrasions;
  • cylindrical epithelial cells, which should not be there, since they line the cervical canal;
  • red epithelial tissue.
  • pain with intimacy, as well as spotting after it. In addition, pain in the lower abdomen may appear with strong physical exertion;
  • if inflammation joins the pathological process, purulent yellow or green ones appear. Such secretions have an unpleasant odor;
  • in case the inflammation process has spread to the uterus and appendages, the clinical picture will be brighter- the menstrual cycle is disturbed, the temperature may rise;
  • in infectious processes that have arisen against the background of erosion, the discharge has pungent odor and foamy texture;
  • advanced stages of erosive damage are accompanied plentiful with a characteristic odour. In nulliparous women, signs of erosion are expressed in scanty discharge mixed with blood and in pain in the lower abdomen or in the vaginal region.


Currently, gynecologists identify a large number of reasons that can provoke the development of erosion, for example:

  • non-compliance with intimate hygiene;
  • low immunity;
  • early pregnancy;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitals;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • endometritis;
  • papillomavirus;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • traumatic childbirth;
  • improper use of hygienic tampons;
  • abortions;
  • inept douching;
  • intrauterine manipulations;
  • breaks after childbirth;
  • rough and traumatic sexual intercourse;
  • inaccurate use of intravaginal contraceptives.

Congenital erosion occurs due to a slowdown in the process of removal of the cylindrical epithelium inside the cervical canal.

Types and sizes

As mentioned above, erosion can be congenital and acquired.

Congenital is not always characterized by physicians as a pathology. This is a visible mucosal defect in which the transformation zone is displaced into the vaginal region. There are no signs in this case.


The difference between born and acquired erosion is that the former almost never leads to malignant processes, and is also very rarely the cause of inflammation. Moreover, it usually heals itself, which most often occurs at the age of 20-25 years.

Acquired erosion is divided into true and pseudo-erosion.

True - this is the very wound that occurs under the influence of various factors. Such erosion cannot pass on its own, except that in some cases self-healing is possible.

Pseudo-erosion is the complete or partial replacement of squamous epithelial cells with cylindrical ones. It never goes away on its own and must be treated with medication or cauterization.

Pseudo-erosion is a form of pathology that is diagnosed in every second woman.

Pseudo-erosion can be as follows:

  • follicular- the presence of cysts;
  • papillary- there are papillary growths;
  • mixed.

Acute and chronic forms of erosion can also occur. As for the size of the lesion, they can be different - the area of ​​​​the lesion can be both small and.

The size of erosion has nothing to do with oncology, that is, a large lesion does not mean that the risk of developing a malignant tumor is increased. The development of oncology is influenced by the presence of atypical cells, and not by the volume of pathology.

Diagnostic methods

In principle, a gynecological examination is sufficient to establish a diagnosis.

But to clarify the cause and nature of the pathology, it may be necessary:

  • smear for bacterial culture;
  • cystoscopy;
  • histology;
  • colposcopy.

Possible consequences

An open wound on the mucosa is a gateway for the penetration of pathogenic flora. That is, this means that pathogens can affect not only the vaginal and cervical region, but also penetrate into the uterus, causing serious pathologies provoked by the inflammatory process.

Bleeding erosions can cause anemia. In some cases, bleeding can be so profuse that it can only be stopped by taking hemostatic drugs.

Erosion in some cases can cause infertility. Adhesions that form on the cervical mucosa can prevent the normal passage of seminal fluid through the canal.

The most formidable consequence is the transformation of erosion into a malignant process.

What else is dangerous cervical erosion, read.

Is the disease transmitted

Is erosion transmitted by sexual contact to a partner?

It is clear that cervical erosion cannot be transmitted to men. If only because they do not have such an organ.

In addition, this disease is non-infectious. But when joining the pathology of infections, a woman can pass them on to her sexual partner, although these infections have nothing to do with erosion.

What are the possible complications

In the absence of atypical cells, erosion does not pose a clear threat to the life and health of a woman. However, complications may occur.

The most frequent of them are:

  • infertility;
  • miscarriages in the early stages;
  • premature birth;
  • colpitis;
  • cervicitis.

What is the difference between erosion and ectopia

Ectopia is the next stage that develops after untreated true erosion.

In the broad sense of the word, a mucosal defect that occurs under the influence of various provoking factors is true erosion. And ectopia (pseudo-erosion) is a condition in which the cylindrical epithelium from the cervical canal enters the vaginal region.

Cervical erosion is an ulceration of the mucous membrane of the cervix, located in the woman's vagina. Occurs as a result of inflammation. Is not cancer. Previously, this diagnosis included all pathologies accompanied by reddening of the mucosa. Currently, the classification has been normalized in accordance with WHO recommendations.

For doctors and students. ICD10 code: N86 - erosion of the cervix. N87 - cervical dysplasia.

Norm and pathology


Normally, the cervix is ​​lined from the inside with a single layer of cylindrical epithelium. The vagina is lined with stratified squamous epithelium. Accordingly, that part of the cervix that protrudes into the vagina is covered precisely with the vaginal (stratified squamous) epithelium (see photo).


1) If there is an inflammatory process on the part of the cervix protruding into the vagina, then a bleeding defect of the mucous membrane appears, and it looks red (see photo). This condition is called true erosion.

Remember: true erosion is always a pathology. And she always needs to be treated.

2) If a part of the single-layer cylindrical epithelium from the inside of the cervix protrudes outward - into the vagina, then when viewed, this part also looks red, since the single-layer epithelium is thinner than the multilayer one (see photo). But this place does not bleed, since there is no mucosal defect.

This condition is called ectopia of the cervical epithelium (that is, what I mentioned above). Another name is ectropion. Earlier in the USSR, this condition was also called pseudo-erosion, or false erosion.

Remember: ectopia is not a pathology, it is a variant of the norm. And most often it does not need to be treated at all.

The reasons

1) true erosion

  • inflammatory processes in the vagina or in the cervix, including those caused by various sexually transmitted diseases,
  • injuries during abortion, with the introduction of intrauterine contraceptives, cervical contraceptives, tampons into the vagina,
  • frequent sexual intercourse
  • exposure to chemicals (soaps, shampoos, alkalis or acids), such as in criminal abortions.

2) Ectopia (ectropion, pseudo-erosion of the cervix)

Caused by the following reasons:

  • hormonal changes in the body during puberty girls,
  • taking hormonal drugs and contraceptives,
  • pregnancy, during which the hormones in the woman's body also change, and the cervix prepares for childbirth.

Remember: human papillomavirus and cervical erosion are not the same thing.

Symptoms and signs

1) True erosion of the cervix

Bloody discharge from the vagina, especially often appearing after sexual intercourse, is the main symptom of this pathology.

2) Ectopia (pseudo-erosion) of the cervical epithelium

In 90% of cases, there are no symptoms, nothing bothers the woman, and only the gynecologist tells her about it.

What to do?

If cervical erosion is detected, what should I do?

1) Immediately ask the doctor - "what does it mean - erosion?". Let the doctor explain to you what he just said. What's this? Inflammation? Ectopic epithelium? Or something else. The tactics of further treatment also depend on this.

2) Be sure to take swabs for infections - both for ordinary infections and for sexually transmitted diseases. The doctor knows all this.

3) If necessary, the doctor can take a smear for cytology. This is necessary to exclude cervical dysplasia.

4) Also, if cancer is suspected, the doctor can take a biopsy of the cervix with a special tool. Attention: with true erosion, a biopsy should not be taken in any case. First you need to treat to reduce inflammation.


1) True erosion of the cervix

Treatment is mandatory and includes: anti-inflammatory drugs, douching, antibacterial drugs inside the vagina, and if necessary - parenterally (in injections), immune drugs, drugs to normalize the vaginal microflora.

2) ectopia

Treatment in 95% of cases is not carried out. Observation is underway. If the ectopia grows, if it starts to bleed, then treatment is mandatory and includes:

  • Solkovagin treatment (cauterizing drug) -
  • surgical treatment (laser -, radio wave -, electrocoagulation),
  • treatment aimed at eliminating the cause (hormonal therapy, the abolition of contraceptives).
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