Stargazer fish. Goldfish - Stargazer. Appearance and gender differences

Stargazer is a selective form of goldfish.

The fish has an egg-shaped body. Telescopic eyes. The tail and anal fin are bipartite, and the dorsal fin is absent altogether. All fins are small. Veil forms of these fish have been obtained by breeding, which have a very beautiful appearance. The color of the fish is golden-orange. The size of fish in aquarium conditions reaches 15 cm.

Water parameters should be as follows: temperature 18-25°C, hardness 9-22°, acidity pH 6.0-8.0. Fish easily tolerate fluctuations in water temperature in the range of 18-30 ° C. It is advisable to keep the water temperature within 18-23°C in the summer months, and 16-18°C in the winter months. For the prevention of various skin diseases, it is advisable to add table salt to the water in a proportion of 5-6 grams. for 1 liter of water. This concentration of salt is not at all dangerous for fish, because. they normally tolerate 12% salinity of water. Need a weekly change? parts of fresh aquarium water, as well as its filtration and aeration.

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The aquarium around the perimeter must be planted with large-leaved plants with hard leaves and a powerful root system. Plants with soft stargazer leaves will quickly fray. The most suitable plants for an aquarium with these fish are the following: sagittaria, elodea, vallisneria and egg-pod.

The celestial eye, however, like all types of goldfish, constantly digs in the ground. Therefore, so that they do not injure their mouths, the soil should not have sharp edges. It is best to use coarse river sand or fine polished gravel as soil.

Lighting should be moderate, preferably natural.

Fish do not have special requirements for their menu. They eat with great pleasure all the food that they are given, and they eat a lot, so the food given out must be strictly dosed. Vegetable feeding is required, which should be at least 40% of the total diet of fish. You can feed the fish with specialized food in the form of flakes and granules, which, thanks to special additives, help to improve the color of the fish. Fish need to be fed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Uneaten food should be removed after 20 minutes. With a properly balanced diet, adult fish are able to endure a week-long hunger strike without any problems.


Stargazers reach their sexual maturity at the age of about 2 years.

As a spawning aquarium, an aquarium with a volume of 80 liters or more is suitable. In it, coarse river sand should be placed as soil and several bushes of small-leaved plants should be planted. The temperature in the spawning room is maintained within 24 - 26°C.

Before spawning, the producers are kept separately for 15-20 days and fed with a variety of feeds.

Spawners are placed in the spawning area in the ratio of 1 female to 2-3 males. Spawning is stimulated by a gradual increase in water temperature by 3-4°C. At this time, the males begin to pursue the female, which begins to spawn in small portions. Part of the caviar remains among the leaves of plants, and part sinks to the bottom. In total, for the entire spawning process, the female spawns 2,000-10,000 eggs. Immediately after spawning, producers are planted.

Caviar is incubated for 3-4 days, during which larvae appear, which, after another 3-4 days, turn into tiny fry, which are fed live dust in the first days of life. With good nutrition and acceptable conditions, 2-month-old fry take on a rounded shape and become very similar to their parents.

The life span of stargazer goldfish in aquarium conditions is about 15 years.

Among the outlandish inhabitants of the Mediterranean and Black Seas there is an amazing fish - the stargazer. It owes its name to its appearance. Her eyes are directed upwards, as if a fish is looking at the sky and counting the stars on it. This representative of the sea element also has other names: a cow. Stargazer fish belongs to the class of ray-finned perciformes. Prefers muddy and sandy shores, burrows there, leaving only convex eyes on the surface.

Description of predatory fish

In length, the body of the astrologer reaches 30 cm and has the shape of a spindle. The upper part of the fish is painted brown, which allows it to go unnoticed during the hunt. The stargazer is a predator, therefore it prefers to eat small fish, mollusks. Also, the fish will not refuse worms, which, through negligence, approached the place of its hunting. Small scales cover the body, its shade merges with the sand. All this makes the predator invisible and contributes to a successful hunt.

If anyone had to see this representative of the marine fauna, then we assure you that he remembered the acquaintance for a long time. After all, the astrologer fish has a very awesome look:

  • Convergent, convex eyes, looking up.
  • Open mouth with a number of small sharp teeth.
  • Protruding lower jaw.
  • Black dorsal fin with four spines.
  • The presence of long poisonous spines on the gills.
  • Above each pectoral fin there are poisonous needles.

The stargazer fish, the photo of which can be seen below, is capable of harming a person who accidentally stepped on it with poisonous spikes. Therefore, you need to be careful while relaxing at sea.

Lifestyle and habitat

The prey does not even suspect that the astrologer (fish) is waiting for it. The Black Sea has become a good habitat for a predator. In the winter season, it descends into its depths and waits out the cold period here. In summer, it rises to the upper layers of the sea reservoir. Almost without moving during the hunt, the fish is able to sit in ambush for up to 14 days, patiently waiting for its prey. A mollusk passing by will immediately become dinner for her.

Mating season for fish

The mating season of the stargazer fish begins in the summer in the coastal zone with a depth of up to 800 meters. The female during the season lays eggs 2-3 times, which reaches a number of 120 thousand eggs. New offspring swim in coastal areas, where the water warms up especially well and food is available.

It is during the spawning period that the predator's fins become poisonous, their injections can cause swelling with severe pain.

Avid fishermen often catch a sea cow with bottom gear. But the fish can get off the hook.

At the moment of danger, the predator, pushing off with spade-shaped fins, digs into the sand, merging with the natural background.

stargazer speckled

Another predator from the stargazer family lives in the waters of the Atlantic. the speckled stargazer is found off the North American coast. She has a terrifying appearance. The fish lives shallow, on average from 7 to 40 meters.

The spotted stargazer is very often referred to as the North American stargazer because of its habitat. The fish knows how to camouflage and hide. These qualities help to hunt successfully. The fish almost completely burrows into the sand and becomes invisible to others. Spotted astrologer was discovered not so long ago. It was studied and described in 1860 by the American naturalist Charles Conrad Abbott.

The main feature of the speckled stargazer is that it can strike its prey with an electrical discharge. The organs that produce current are located behind the eyes. The discharge power is low, about 50 watts.

The body of the fish is dark in color, on which there are small spots of white. The size of the stargazer can be up to 50 centimeters, and the weight is about 9 kg. The eyes are far apart, and the head has a powerful bone plate.

The sea dragon outside the natural element can be seen in the Aquarium of Alushta. Stargazer aquarium fish differs from its counterparts in size, having smaller shapes. In a 50-liter container, up to 8 individuals get along well. But in a 10-liter aquarium you can put only one, maximum a couple of adult fish. Knowing the need to burrow into the sea soil, small pebbles and sand are placed on the bottom of the tank.

Stargazer fish get along well with peace-loving

For a comfortable existence, the water temperature is 15-20 degrees for the stargazer. The bottom of its habitat is covered with silt mixed with fine gravel and planted with sagittaria, vallisneria and elodea. The main diet is shrimp, small fish, shellfish. As soon as the water temperature drops by a few degrees, the males swim after the females, and they, in turn, begin to throw eggs that settle on the grassy vegetation of the aquarium.

Stargazer fish prefers high-quality water filtration and natural light. You will need to change part of the water every day.

  1. The presence of electric organs behind the eyes of a predator makes this fish unique. Adult individuals generate current up to 40-50 watts. So they scare off potential enemies, and during the mating period they signal their readiness to choose a partner for themselves.
  2. Many include a predator in their diet, after removing the poisonous spikes. Connoisseurs say that the taste of the fish is very pleasant.
  3. This species has no commercial value.
  4. When luring prey, the sea cow releases a tongue resembling a moving worm. This organ, working as a bait, provokes the victim to grab onto it. Thus the cunning creature secures its livelihood.
  5. The main features of the predator are patience, cunning and the ability to adapt, merging with the bottom topography.

Goldfish without an upper fin appeared in the early 18th century. Among the drawings sent from China to Paris in 1772 are several fish with a rounded body and no upper fin; with eyes turned upward. There is a legend about the origin of this breed: they were kept in Buddhist monasteries in Korea and upturned eyes allowed the fish to look at God Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] [ ] .

A peculiar movement of the eyes with their increased size was difficult to achieve by selection, the secret of such a change was kept in the strictest confidence. Probably, several copies were stolen, and it turned out that the peculiarities of the shape of the fish's eyes were achieved by keeping the "stargazers - celestial eye" in opaque porcelain vessels, into which very weak light penetrated only from above.

This breed of fish has always been very popular among Buddhist monks, who breed it in the park ponds of old and new monasteries. [[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] .


Length - up to 15 cm. The head and nose of this goldfish are short. The dorsal fin is absent. The caudal fins are lush and bifurcated - dissected in the middle. Huge, bordered by skin and connective tissue of the corneas of the eye, the pupils are directed upwards.

see also

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  • N. F. Zolotnitsky (1851-1920) "Amateur's Aquarium"
  • Ilyin M. N. “Aquarium fish farming”, Moscow University Publishing House 1977, 400 pages.
  • Andrews, Chris. An Interpet Guide to Fancy Goldfish, Interpet Publishing, 2002. - ISBN 1-902389-64-6
  • Johnson, Dr. Erik L., D.V.M. and Richard E. Hess. Fancy Goldfish: A Complete Guide to Care and Collecting, Weatherhill, Shambala Publications, Inc., 2006. - ISBN 0-8348-0448-4
  • "Fishes in Nature and in the Aquarium" from Nutrafin News Aquatic magazine, Rolf C. Hagen (U.S.A.) Inc. and Rolf C. Hagen Corp. (Montreal, Canada), Issue #4, 2004
  • Innes, Dr William T. "The Sacred Fish of Korea," AQUARIUM HIGHLIGHTS, Innes Publishing Co. Philadelphia, 1951.
  • Innes, Dr. William T. GOLDFISH VARIETIES AND TROPICAL AQUARIUM FISHES, 9th Edition, Innes Publishing Co, Philadelphia, 1926.
  • Matsui, Dr. Yoshiichi, GOLDFISH GUIDE, 2nd Edition, TFH Publications, Inc, Neptune, N.J. 1981
  • Hervey, G.F. & Hems, J. THE GOLDFISH, 1st Edition, Batchworth Press, London, 1948.
  • Janusz Pysiak, Złote rybki o teleskopowych oczach, Aquarium Magazine No. 5 1982

Notes and footnotes


  • (English)

An excerpt characterizing the Heavenly Eye

They were game, for the capture of which great rewards were given.

And yet, the Cathars did not give up yet ... Having moved to the caves, they felt at home there. They knew every turn, every crevice there, so it was almost impossible to track them down. Although the servants of the king and the church tried with might and main, hoping for the promised rewards. They snooped around in the caves, not knowing exactly where they should look. They got lost and died... And some lost ones went crazy, unable to find their way back to the open and familiar sunny world...
The pursuers were especially afraid of the Sakani cave - it ended with six separate passages, zigzags leading straight down. No one knew the real depth of these moves. There were legends that one of those passages led straight to the underground city of the Gods, into which not a single person dared to descend.
After waiting a little, the Pope became furious. The Cathars did not want to disappear in any way!.. This small group of exhausted and incomprehensible people did not give up!.. Despite the losses, despite the hardships, in spite of everything - they still LIVED. And Papa was afraid of them... He didn't understand them. What motivated these strange, proud, impregnable people?! Why did they not give up, seeing that they had no chance of salvation? .. Dad wanted them to disappear. So that not a single damned Cathar remains on earth! .. Unable to think of anything better, he ordered hordes of dogs to be sent into the caves ...
The knights are alive. Now everything seemed simple and easy - they did not have to come up with plans to capture the "infidels". They went into the caves "armed" with dozens of trained hunting dogs, who were supposed to lead them to the very heart of the refuge of the Qatari fugitives. Everything was simple. It only remained to wait a little. Compared to the siege of Montsegur, it was a trifle ...
The caves accepted Cathars, opening their dark, wet embraces for them... The life of the fugitives became difficult and lonely. Rather, it was like survival ... Although there were still very, very many who wanted to help the fugitives. In the small towns of Occitania, such as the principality de Foix (de Foix), Castellum de Verdunum (Castellum de Verdunum) and others, the Cathars still lived under the cover of local seniors. Only now they were no longer gathering openly, trying to be more careful, because the Pope's bloodhounds did not agree to calm down, wanting to exterminate this Occitan "heresy" hiding all over the country at all costs ...
“Be diligent in exterminating heresy by any means! God will inspire you!” - the call of the Pope to the crusaders sounded. And the messengers of the church really tried...
- Tell me, Sever, of those who went into the caves, did anyone live to see the day when it was possible, without fear, to go to the surface? Has anyone managed to save their lives?
– Unfortunately, no, Isidora. The Montsegur Cathars did not survive... Although, as I just told you, there were other Cathars that existed in Occitania for quite a long time. Only a century later the last Qatar was destroyed there. But their life was already completely different, much more secretive and dangerous. Frightened by the Inquisition, people betrayed them, wanting to save their lives. Therefore, some of the remaining Cathars moved to the caves. Someone settled in the woods. But it was already later, and they were much more prepared for such a life. Those whose relatives and friends died in Montsegur did not want to live long with their pain ... Deeply grieving for the dead, tired of hatred and persecution, they finally decided to reunite with them in that other, much kinder and purer life . There were about five hundred of them, including several old people and children. And there were four Perfect Ones with them, who came to the rescue from a neighboring town.

Goldfish Stargazer or celestial eye - aquarium fish Carp family (Cyprinidae).

The goldfish comes from Japan, China, Korea. Stargazer breeding form.

Appearance and gender differences

The back of the fish is low, the body is rounded, ovoid. The Stargazer's head smoothly passes into the back. The eyes are like telescopes, convex, look up and slightly forward. The nickname "heavenly eye" fish received precisely because of this arrangement of the eyes. There is no fin on the back, the tail is forked. The anal fin is also double. The fins of the fish are short. The common coloration of stargazers is orange-gold. Through selection, the veiled forms of the celestial eye were brought out. The body length of the astrologer reaches 15 cm.

The differences are barely noticeable. The male stargazer, like other types of goldfish, is distinguished by the presence of notches located on the pectoral fins. In addition, during the mating season, white spots appear on its snout, namely the gill covers.

Conditions of detention

Reluctant fish. They live only in packs of 4-6 individuals. They swim around the entire perimeter of the aquarium, in different layers. A stargazer goldfish can make friends only with calm fish. The little thing quickly eats with its huge mouth. Fish that show aggression and are able to bite their fins should not be planted with stargazers. The celestial eye will not be able to make friends with barbs, neons, male roosters and mollies.

On average, one fish requires a volume of 50 liters. A couple are kept in a 100-liter aquarium. It is better not to plant neighbors at all, use a species aquarium. It is desirable that the container is long, the height is not so important for the fish. Put glass or a lid on top of the aquarium. The temperature suitable for an astrologer is 21-23 degrees. Not sharp fluctuations in temperature are allowed, which are well tolerated by fish. It is advisable to additionally blow the water with a compressor and get a filter to clean the turbidity. Hardness - 8-25 degrees. Stargazer tolerates salt water within 12-15%. In case of poor health of the fish, 5 grams of salt can be added to the container at the rate of 1 liter. Acidity - 6-8. Carry out weekly water changes, of the total volume of approximately 30%. When the ends of the fins turn white on the fish, it looks disheveled, which means it's time to change the water.

Stargazer goldfish quickly spoil plants with delicate leaves. Try to plant algae in pots, fish are able to dig them out of the soil. Choose strong plants with hard leaves and strong roots: arrowhead, vallisneria, elodea, egg capsule, sagittaria. A rounded soil that does not contain sharp edges spreads to the bottom. Decorations in the form of snags and grottoes are not needed. They will only interfere with the swimming of the fish.

The nutrition of stargazers should be diversified, including all types of feed. Flakes and granules with natural additives will enhance the color of the fish. Dry food should be given in portions. If it lies in the water for a long time, and then is eaten, it can swell in the stomach of the fish and lead to health problems.


Stargazers can be bred when they are 2 years old. A small spawning ground of 30 liters is selected. One female is launched into the container and 2-3 males are selected for her. Initially, before mating games, the fish are seated for 14-21 days. Sand should be placed in the spawning ground and plants with small leaves should be planted in it.

The temperature suitable for breeding the heavenly eye is 24-26 degrees. These figures are increased by 5-10 degrees in order to speed up spawning. Under this temperature regime, males are active and pursue females, who in turn begin to spawn. The female stargazer lays up to 10,000 eggs. Parents do not protect the fry; after spawning, the producers are transplanted. The eggs are incubated for a week. As soon as you can see fry swimming in the aquarium, then you can start giving them food in the form of live dust.


The stargazer, or her name is also the celestial eye, is one of the fish included in the so-called "Goldfish" family. The stargazer has a round, ovoid body. A feature of the fish is its telescopic eyes directed slightly forward and upward. Although this is considered a departure from the ideal, these fish are very beautiful. The color of the stargazers is orange-gold. The fish reaches a length of up to 15 cm.

Stargazers must be kept in an aquarium of at least 100 liters per pair. In a 200 liter aquarium, 5-6 individuals can be kept.

Comfortable water parameters for maintenance are: 18 - 23 ° C, hardness 8 - 25 °, with acidity 6-8. Aeration filtration is MANDATORY.

Stargazers are compatible with all peaceful fish. You should not keep them with fish capable of aggression against them (barbs, especially cichlids), because. this will lead to the fact that only tattered feathers will remain from beautiful fins.

A feature of the fish is that it loves to dig in the ground. As a soil, it is better to use coarse sand or pebbles, which are not so easily scattered by fish. The aquarium itself should be spacious and specific, with large-leaved plants. Therefore, it is better to plant plants with hard leaves and a good root system in an aquarium with goldfish.

Fish are unpretentious in terms of food . They eat quite a lot and willingly, so remember that it is better to underfeed the fish than to overfeed them. The amount of food given daily should not exceed 3% of the weight of the fish. Adult fish are fed twice a day - early in the morning and in the evening. Food is given as much as they can eat in ten to twenty minutes, and the remains of uneaten food should be removed. Their diet must include both live and plant foods.

Properly fed adult fish can survive a week-long fast without harm. It must be remembered that when feeding with dry food, they should be given in small portions several times a day, since when it enters a humid environment, in the esophagus of a fish, it swells, significantly increases in size and can cause constipation and disruption of the normal functioning of the digestive organs of the fish, resulting in the death of the fish. To do this, you can first hold dry food for some time (10 seconds - flakes, 20-30 seconds - granules) in water and only then give them to the fish.


Reproduction of the Heavenly Eye is simple. However, it is very difficult to obtain specimens of this fish that would meet all breed standards. Such fish grow only two per hundred. Others have many flaws that devalue them to varying degrees. Therefore, the Heavenly Eye, which fully meets all the requirements of the breed, is a rarity in our time and is very expensive. Another difficulty of breeding is that it is possible to determine the compliance of the fish with all the requirements only when the Celestial Eye reaches one year of age.

Conditions of keeping and behavior of golden fish "heavenly eye" in the aquarium

It is worth noting that the “heavenly eye” is a fish of the carp family, and its content is not much different in content from other goldfish. In an aquarium of 50 liters with constant aeration, 1-2 individuals can be kept. It is better to put coarse soil or sand on the bottom of the aquarium, because the fish are very fond of digging in it. Plants must be planted with a well-developed root system and tough leaves, as they spoil tender plants, and the leaves become soiled due to sedimentation of garbage on them. The following plants are suitable: vallisneria, sagittaria, egg-pod, or elodea (the hardiest).

How to feed a goldfish "heavenly eye" in an aquarium

In food, these fish are not picky, they eat any food. The diet should include both animal and plant foods. Since they need more carbohydrates and less protein than other fish, many companies produce specialized feeds for these fish. These feeds are balanced supplements to the basic diet and have a beneficial effect on the overall health and color of the fish.

It is advisable to pre-moisten dry food in water and then only give it to the fish, otherwise they will swell in their stomach, you should not overfeed them, adults eat once a day, in the morning and in the evening. After 20 minutes of feeding, the remains must be removed from the aquarium. They can live up to 15 years.

Joint keeping of golden fish of the "heavenly eye" or "stargazer" breeding form with other fish in the aquarium

Stargazers (heavenly eye) can be kept with exceptionally peaceful fish species. And it is better only with goldfish, it is advisable to choose fish by size. Catfish and sucker catfish will make them a good company. The aquarium should be provided with natural light and good filtration. These fish are not particularly sensitive to direct water parameters.

Permissible temperature range is 15-30 °C, average - 18-23 °C, water hardness 8-25. Part of the water must be periodically replaced with fresh water, if you get sick, throw them 5-10 grams of salt, they tolerate water saturation with salt up to 10-12% very well.

How to feed fry of goldfish "heavenly eye" or "stargazer"

The female can produce about 10,000 eggs. Fry should first be fed with “live dust”, and then with specialized feeds that are in abundance on the shelves of pet stores. Later, you can feed with a tubifex, boiled fish meat is also suitable.

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