Treatment of periarthritis. Treatment of periarthritis with conservative methods. Causes of the appearance of humeroscapular periarthritis

The owners of the patent RU 2366405:

The invention relates to medicine, namely to neurology, reflexology. The method includes a clinical, paraclinical examination of the patient, determination of the localization of pain, traditional oriental diagnostics and exposure to acupuncture points with acupuncture. With localization of pain in the upper outer region of the anterior chest wall, anterolateral surface of the shoulder joint and in the upper third of the anteroexternal surface of the shoulder, acupuncture points are performed: P7, C9, P2, P3, P4 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and points IG3, V62, V59, P2, P3 , P4 on days 2, 8. When pain is localized in the upper third of the posterior surface of the shoulder, the outer surface of the shoulder joint, acupuncture is performed at acupuncture points: GI6, VB44, GI14, GI15, GI16 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and points V62, V59, GI14, GI15 , GI16 at 2, 8 days. When pain is localized on the posterior medial surface of the joint, shoulder girdle and posterior cervical region, acupuncture points are performed: TR5, IG1, IG9, IG10, IG14 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and points IG3, V59, IG9, IG10, IG14 in 2, 8 days. EFFECT: method increases the efficiency of treatment and increases the period of remission due to the choice of acupuncture points, taking into account the localization of pain and the levels of damage in the canal-meridian system.

The invention relates to medicine, namely to neurology and reflexology, and can be used in the complex treatment of humeroscapular periarthrosis (PLP), in particular in the muscular form of PLP.

With all the variety of existing methods of treating PLP, this problem has not been finally resolved, the prevalence of PLP is not decreasing, and the disability of patients with PLP at working age is still significant.

A known method for the treatment of PLP, which consists in the use of electropuncture on the area of ​​the affected joint and its projection point of the corresponding auricle(I.Z. Samosyuk, V.P. Lysenyuk. Acupuncture, Kyiv, Moscow: "Ukrainian encyclopedia", "Ast-press", 1994, p. 430-431).

A known method for the treatment of PLP (E.S. Zaslavsky. Painful muscle syndromes in the shoulder girdle, arm and chest, Novokuznetsk, 1982, p. 58-60), which consists in acupuncture of the following acupuncture points: E36, TR5, MC6, RP9, P2, V15, P3, P4, GI4, GI5, GI6, C1, C2, IG9, IG10, IG13, IG14.

The disadvantage of these methods is the lack of efficiency, high relapse rate after treatment.

A known method for the treatment of PLP (Gawaa Luvsan, 76), which consists in pricking acupuncture points: TR5, TR9, IG3, IG5, GI4, GI10, GI11, P5, P7, VB38, TR14, TR15 and subsequent cauterization (Traditional and contemporary aspects reflexology, M .: Nauka, 1990, p. 374) local points.

The disadvantage of this method is that the points are not selected differentially, i.e. there is no choice of acupuncture points depending on the form of the PLP course and the levels of damage in the canal-meridian system of the body. Thus, a sufficiently effective treatment is not provided.

The closest is the method according to patent No. 2273467, IPC A61H 39/06, A61H 39/08, publ. 04/10/2006 "Method of treatment of humeroscapular periarthrosis". The method relates to the treatment of PLP in the localization of pain on the posterior medial surface of the joint, shoulder girdle and posterior cervical region. Thermal acupuncture of local points is carried out and needles are used in a harmonizing way on general strengthening points, symptomatic points, points of systemic action. On days 1, 2, 4 and 8 of treatment, acupuncture of points V64, IG4, IG6 is performed.

The disadvantage of this method is that the points are not selected differentially, i.e. there is no choice of acupuncture points depending on the form of the PLP flow and the exact localization of pain. Thus, a sufficiently effective treatment is not provided.

The objective of the invention is to create an effective method for the treatment of the muscular variant of PLP with prolonged remission due to the differentiated selection of points and the rapid relief of pain.

The task is achieved by the method of treatment muscular shape humeroscapular periarthrosis, including a clinical, paraclinical examination of the patient with the determination of the localization of pain and traditional oriental diagnostics with the determination of the state of the meridians, as well as the impact on acupuncture points with acupuncture.

Acupuncture is performed on points located on conjugated meridians, points that align the bioelectric parameters of the meridians, points of wonderful meridians and segmental-local points in a neutral harmonizing way.

When pain is localized in the upper outer region of the anterior chest wall, the anterior outer surface of the shoulder joint and in the upper third of the anterior outer surface of the shoulder, acupuncture points are performed: P7, C9, P2, P3, P4 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and points IG3, V62, V59, P2, P3, P4 on days 2, 8.

When pain is localized in the upper third of the posterior surface of the shoulder, the outer surface of the shoulder joint, acupuncture is performed at acupuncture points: GI6, VB44, GI14, GI15, GI16 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and points V62, V59, GI14, GI15 , GI16 at 2, 8 days.

When pain is localized on the posterior medial surface of the joint, shoulder girdle and posterior cervical region, acupuncture points are performed: TR5, IG1, IG9, IG10, IG14 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and points IG3, V59, IG9, IG10, IG14 in 2, 8 days.

The novelty of the method lies in the fact that:

Impact on the point P7 - Lo - the point of the channel of the lungs P, at the level of the conjugated channels of the lungs P and the large intestine GI - distributes energy between the channels of the lungs P and the large intestine GI.

Impact on the point GI6 - Lo - the point of the channel of the large intestine GI, at the level of the conjugated channels of the large intestine GI and lungs P - distributes energy between the channels of the large intestine GI and lungs P.

Impact on point TR5 - Lo - point of the channel of three TR heaters, at the level of conjugated channels of three TR heaters and the pericardial channel MS - distributes energy between the channels of the three TR heaters and the pericardium MS.

Impact on point C9 - the polarization point of the union of the top - bottom of the channel of the heart C and the channel of the kidneys R - activates the tendon-muscular meridian of the channel of the heart C.

Impact on point VB44 - the point of polarization of the union of the top - bottom of the gallbladder channel VB and the channel of three heaters TR - activates the tendon-muscular meridian of the gallbladder channel VB.

Impact on the IG1 point - the polarization point of the combination of the top-bottom of the IG channel of the small intestine and the channel Bladder V - activates the tendon-muscle meridian of the small intestine canal IG.

Impact on the IG3 point - the key point of the wonderful DU-MAI meridian, which is responsible for the state of nutritional energy, improves metabolic processes in the body.

Impact on point V62 - the key point of the wonderful meridian YANG-JIAO-MAI allows you to regulate the transport of nourishing energy.

Impact on point V59 - Ce-point of the wonderful meridians DU-MAI and YANG-JIAO-MAI - dissipates excess energy, which leads to a decrease in pain.

Impact on points: P2, P3, P4, GI14, GI15, GI16, IG9, IG10, IG14 - segmental-local points, improves innervation and tissue microcirculation in this segment.

The impact is carried out in a neutral-harmonizing way.

The set of essential features of the proposed method allows to increase the effectiveness of treatment due to the fact that:

The localization of pain in the muscular form of PLP was differentiated, taking into account the levels of damage in the canal-meridian system, which makes it possible to make a selection of acupuncture points that clearly corresponds to the selective lesion of certain muscle groups of the shoulder girdle;

Perform additional impact on segmental-local points, which improves innervation and tissue microcirculation in this segment and leads to an improvement in the condition of muscle fibers and normalizes muscle tone, which reduces the treatment time and increases the period of remission;

The order of impact on the points is optimal and provides an impact on most links of the pathological process, affecting local changes in tissues and organs, non-specific generalized positive reactions ("adaptation reactions"), normalizing nervous regulatory processes and eliminating pain.

The proposed method of treatment is as follows. After conducting a clinical and paraclinical examination, the patient is subjected to traditional oriental diagnostics, on the basis of the data obtained, acupuncture points are selected depending on the localization of pain and taking into account the levels of damage in the canal-meridian system of the body.

Simultaneously with the main acupuncture points: P7, C9, GI6, VB44, TR5, IG1, IG3, V62, V59, segmental-local points are affected: P2, P3, P4, GI14, GI15, GI16, IG9, IG10, IG14. Acupuncture is carried out in a neutral harmonizing way. The course of treatment is 8 sessions, carried out daily. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

Acupuncture was carried out by influencing the points in a neutral harmonizing way in the following sequence:

When pain is localized in the upper outer region of the anterior chest wall, the anterior outer surface of the shoulder joint and in the upper third of the anterior outer surface of the shoulder, acupuncture of acupuncture points is performed:

On days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - P7 - Lo - point of the lung channel P, C9 - point of polarization of the union of the top-bottom of the heart channel C and the kidney channel R, P2, P3, P4 - segmental-local points.

On days 2 and 8 - IG3 - key point of the wonderful meridian DU-MAI, V62 - key point of the wonderful meridian YANG-JIAO-MAI, V59 - Se-point of the wonderful meridians DU-MAI and YANG-JIAO-MAI, P2, P3, P4 - segmental-local points.

With the localization of pain in the upper third of the posterior surface of the shoulder, the outer surface of the shoulder joint, acupuncture of acupuncture points is performed:

On days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - GI6-Lo - point of the large intestine channel GI, VB44 - point of polarization of the top-bottom union of the gallbladder channel VB and the channel of three heaters TR, GI14, GI15, GI16 segmental-local points.

On days 2 and 8 - V62 - key point of the wonderful meridian YANG-JIAO-MAI, V59 - Xie - point of the wonderful meridians DU-MAI and YANG-JIAO-MAI, GI14, GI15, GI16 - segmental-local points.

With the localization of pain on the posteromedial surface of the joint, shoulder girdle and posterior cervical region, acupuncture of acupuncture points is performed:

On days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - TR5-Lo - point of the channel of three heaters TR, IG1 - point of polarization of the union of the top-bottom of the channel of the small intestine IG and the bladder channel V, IG9, IG10, IG14 - segmental local points.

On the 2nd, 8th day - IG3 - the key point of the wonderful meridian DU-MAI, V59-Xie - the point of the wonderful meridians DU-MAI and YANG-JIAO-MAI, IG9, IG10, IG14 - segmental-local points.

Patient L., 50 years old. He was admitted with complaints of acute pain in the upper outer region of the anterior chest wall, the anterior outer surface of the shoulder joint and the upper third of the anterior outer surface of the shoulder on the left. The mobility of the left shoulder joint is limited.

Vertebroneurological anamnesis - 10 years. This exacerbation for three months; due to this exacerbation, he was treated in a polyclinic for 12 days, where magnetic therapy, electrophoresis with novocaine and drug therapy were performed: anti-inflammatory drugs, medical drug blockades with vitamin B12. As a result of the treatment, a weakly positive effect was noted.

Objectively: the condition is satisfactory. Elevation of the left shoulder girdle, limitation of active and passive movements in the left shoulder joint when abducted back and up, severe pain along the anterolateral surface of the shoulder joint and the upper third of the anterolateral surface of the shoulder are noted. Tendon reflexes from the upper extremities are "live", D=S. Sensitivity is not broken, D=S. Eastern diagnostic data: palpation is determined by severe pain along the outer course of the meridian of the lungs P and moderate soreness along the outer course of the meridians of the heart C, small intestine IG, Bladder V; pulse diagnostics - increased strength and filling of the pulse at the points of the meridians of the lungs P, heart C, small intestine IG and bladder V. Electropuncture diagnostics using the Voll method revealed an increase in the threshold UEF (conventional Voll unit) above 60 UEF in channels P, C, IG, V. (norm 45-55 UEFA).

A course of acupuncture was carried out daily, 8 sessions on acupuncture points: P7, C9, P2, P3, P4 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and IG3, V62, V59, P2, P3, P4 on days 2, 8 , according to the proposed method. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

After the 3rd session of acupuncture, the pain syndrome decreased significantly. After the course of treatment, the pain syndrome was completely stopped. Pulse diagnostics: equalization of the strength and filling of the pulse wave at the diagnostic points of the P, C, IG, V meridians. For 1.5 years, PLP manifestations were noted once and briefly within one day after heavy physical exertion.

Patient P., 46 years old. Admitted with complaints of paroxysmal pain in the upper third of the posterior surface of the shoulder, the outer surface of the shoulder joint and shoulder girdle on the left, aggravated by movement. The mobility of the left shoulder joint is severely limited.

Vertebroneurological history - 8 years. This exacerbation for two months; due to this exacerbation, she was treated in the clinic for 14 days, where magnetotherapy, electrophoresis with novocaine and drug therapy were performed: anti-inflammatory drugs, drug blockades with vitamin B12. As a result of the treatment, a weakly positive short-term effect was noted.

Objectively: the condition is satisfactory. There is a limitation of active and passive movements in the left shoulder joint when abducted back and up, when spreading the arm to the side, severe pain along the outer surface. Tendon reflexes from the upper extremities are "live", D=S. Sensitivity is not broken, D=S.

Eastern diagnostic data: palpation is determined by severe pain along the outer course of the meridian of the large intestine GI and moderate pain along the outer course of the meridians of the gallbladder VB, bladder V; pulse diagnosis - increased strength and filling of the pulse at the points of the meridians of the large intestine GI, gallbladder VB and bladder V;

Electropuncture diagnostics according to the Voll method revealed an increase in the UEF threshold (Voll's conventional unit) above 58 UEF in channels GI, VB, V (norm 45-55 UEF).

X-ray revealed arthrosis of the shoulder joint.

DS: Shoulder-shoulder periarthrosis. Muscular form. Chronic relapsing non-progredient course. Irritative-deficient stage, 3rd degree of clinical manifestations.

A course of acupuncture was carried out daily, 8 sessions on acupuncture points: GI6, VB44, GI14, GI15, GI16 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and V62, V59, GI14, GI15, GI16 on days 2, 8, on in accordance with the proposed method. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

After the 3rd session of acupuncture, the pain syndrome decreased significantly. After the course of treatment, the pain syndrome was completely stopped. Pulse diagnostics: equalization of the strength and filling of the pulse wave at the diagnostic points of the GI, VB, V meridians. Electropuncture diagnostics according to the Voll method: the UEF threshold is within 45-55 UEF in the GI, VB, V meridians. During follow-up observation for 1.5 years PLP manifestations were observed once and briefly within one day after heavy physical exertion.

Thus, the proposed method allows exact definition localization of pain in the muscular variant of PLP, taking into account the levels of damage in the canal-meridian system, to make a reasonable and selective choice of acupuncture points that provide an impact on most links of the pathological process, which increases the effectiveness of treatment, increases the period of remission, and eliminates pain.

Patient G., 48 years old. He was admitted with complaints of paroxysmal pain in the right shoulder joint with localization of pain on the posteromedial surface of the joint, shoulder girdle and posterior cervical region. Joint mobility is limited.

From the anamnesis: ill for 2 years; due to this exacerbation, he was treated for 10 days in a polyclinic, where electrophoresis with novocaine, magnetotherapy and drug therapy were performed: anti-inflammatory drugs, drug blockades with vitamin B12. As a result of the treatment, no effect was observed.

Objectively: the condition is satisfactory. Elevation of the right shoulder girdle, limitation of active and passive movements in the right shoulder joint during abduction and induction of the arm behind the head, severe pain along the posterior medial surface of the joint, shoulder girdle and posterior cervical region on the right are noted. Tendon reflexes from the upper extremities are "live", D=S.

Sensitivity is not broken, D=S.

Eastern diagnostic data: palpation is determined by severe pain along the outer course of the meridian of the small intestine IG and moderate pain along the outer course of the meridians of the three heaters TR, bladder V; pulse diagnostics - increased strength and filling of the pulse at the points of the meridians of the small intestine IG, three heaters TR, bladder V. Electropuncture diagnostics using the Voll method revealed an increase in the threshold UEF (conventional Voll unit) above 65 UEF in channels IG-70 UEF, TR-65 UEFA, V-68 UEFA (norm 45-55 UEFA).

X-ray revealed arthrosis of the shoulder joint.

DS: Shoulder-shoulder periarthrosis. Muscular form. Chronic relapsing progressive course. Exacerbation period. Irritative-deficient stage, 3rd degree of clinical manifestations.

Conducted a course of acupuncture daily, 8 sessions on acupuncture points: TR5, IG1, IG9, IG10, IG14, on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and points IG3, V59, IG9, IG10, IG14 on days 2, 8 , according to the proposed method. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

After the 3rd session of acupuncture, the pain syndrome decreased significantly. After the course of treatment, the pain syndrome was completely stopped. Pulse diagnostics: alignment of the strength and filling of the pulse wave at the diagnostic points of the IG, TR, V meridians. Electropuncture diagnostics according to the Voll method: the threshold of the UEF is within 45-55 UEF in the meridians IG-54 UEF, TR-50 UEF, V-45 UEF. During the follow-up observation for 1.5 years, the manifestations of PLP were noted once and briefly within two days after hypothermia.

Thus, the proposed method allows, by accurately determining the localization of pain in the muscular variant of PLP, taking into account the levels of damage in the canal-meridian system, to make a reasonable and selective choice of acupuncture points that provide an impact on most parts of the pathological process, which increases the effectiveness of treatment, increases the period remission, eliminates pain.

A method for the treatment of the muscular form of humeroscapular periarthrosis (PLP), including a clinical, paraclinical examination of the patient with the determination of the localization of pain and traditional oriental diagnostics with the determination of the state of the meridians and the impact on acupuncture points with acupuncture, characterized in that acupuncture of points located on conjugated meridians, points, leveling bioelectrical parameters of the meridians, points of wonderful meridians and segmental-local points in a neutral harmonizing way, and when pain is localized in the upper outer region of the anterior chest wall, the anterior outer surface of the shoulder joint and in the upper third of the anterior outer surface of the shoulder, acupuncture points are performed: P7, C9, P2, P3, P4 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and points IG3, V62, V59, P2, P3, P4 on days 2, 8; in the localization of pain in the upper third of the posterior surface of the shoulder, the outer surface of the shoulder joint, acupuncture is performed at acupuncture points: GI6, VB44, GI14, GI15, GI16 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and points V62, V59, GI14, GI15 , GI16 on days 2, 8; in the localization of pain on the posterior-medial surface of the joint, shoulder girdle and posterior cervical region, acupuncture is performed at acupuncture points: TR5, IG1, IG9, IG10, IG14 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and points IG3, V59, IG9, IG10, IG14 in 2, 8 days.

Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis is a disease manifested by inflammation of the tendons of the shoulder and the capsule of the shoulder joint. Quite often, the first symptoms of the disease occur after an unusual and excessive load on the shoulder joint, as a result of an injury, a blow to the shoulder. Diseases internal organs, myocardial infarction, cervical osteochondrosis can also cause periarthritis of the shoulder joint, while treatment will be directed to the causative pathology.

It may be noted that the symptoms often lag several days after the injury or high physical activity. Symptoms such as pain when moving in the joint, limited mobility, swelling and redness of the tissues are sure signs that allow the doctor to diagnose shoulder periarthritis. Treatment must be competent and timely, otherwise such unpleasant consequences as constant pain during movement, long-term limitation of joint mobility up to complete immobility in advanced cases are possible.

Most often, the traditional treatment of periarthritis is to prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs orally and topically by a doctor. Their action is based on reducing inflammation in the ligaments and tendons and eliminating pain. However, such therapy only temporarily eliminates the symptoms and brings relief, but does not completely cure the scapular-humeral periarthritis.

Treatment at East Clinic leads to a significant improvement or even cure of the disease. In addition, the advantages of the methods of our clinic, such as manual therapy, hirudotherapy, physiotherapy, are the absence side effects, a lasting result that lasts for many years, efficiency from the first session.

Methods of treatment of periarthritis of the shoulder joint in East Clinic

  • Manual therapy

    If the cause of inflammation of the ligaments and tendons of the shoulder joint is the displacement of the vertebrae of the cervical spine, significant relief will come as a result of manual therapy treatment. East Clinic specialists have extensive experience in the treatment of this disease, many patients, thanks to them, have forgotten about pain and limited mobility. Competent actions of a chiropractor doctor allow you to safely move the vertebrae to the correct position, thereby restoring the blood supply to the inflamed tissues. In addition to the effect on the spine, manual therapy acts on the muscles and shoulder joint, relieving spasm and relaxing the muscles. The result is the restoration of the mobility of the scapula and shoulder. All these effects are noted by patients after the first session, because the pain goes away, mobility is gradually restored, and the person returns to his usual way of life.

  • Acupuncture

    East Clinic specialists in the treatment of periarthritis with acupuncture pay attention not only to therapy cervical osteochondrosis, but more on the shoulder joint itself. Several times more effective is the method of influencing biologically active points with the help of homeopathic preparations - homeosiniatry. In this case, you can get the desired predictable effect, which the doctor selects depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

  • Hirudotherapy

    Enzymes found in saliva medicinal leeches, have a beneficial effect on the affected tissues by restoring blood circulation, and hence the nutrition of cells. Forces are activated in the body aimed at restoring the affected tissues, and a natural recovery occurs. With scapular periarthritis, hirudotherapy treatment is especially effective.

  • Physiotherapy

    correct physical activity during and after treatment is essential component treatment success. Therapeutic exercises strengthen the muscles of the joint, stimulate blood circulation, and have a general strengthening effect on the entire body. In addition to these methods, an important place is occupied by correct image life, balanced diet what is taught to all patients by East Clinic specialists. Compliance simple rules will help to save the result of treatment for many years and forget about the disease.

The most complete answers to questions on the topic: "acupuncture for periarthritis of the shoulder joint."

Hello fellow sufferers.

First of all, thank you so much to everyone who has posted here. I read it, got scared, ran to the doctor, started the right treatment.

It hurt for a long time, not much, I could even work out in the gym. The only thing I had to do was to do a squat with a barbell, putting the bar in front of the deltoid muscles.

Due to changes in my life, I temporarily stopped going to the gym (in the summer of 2014) and then all the most unpleasant things began.

The pain in the left shoulder began to progress sharply. Decreased mobility in the joint. I couldn't even think about playing sports. The pain kept me awake at night. Just like everyone else here noted. I hoped - "it will pass by itself", it was similar but not much with the right shoulder about 4 years ago. I tried not to disturb my shoulder. Contracture intensified. Pain too. I took diclofenac in tablets - the effect lasted for 2 hours. I went to the chiropractor - his witchcraft did not help.

I toiled for six months, came across this forum and went to the clinic, to the therapist first.

Movalis and Milgamma were immediately prescribed there in injections and sent to a trauma surgeon.

The surgeon said that it was necessary to contact her as soon as she got sick. Two ampoules of DIPROSPAN injections into the joint removed the inflammation. Then they prescribed 10 sessions of physiotherapy with Bernard currents (electromyostimulation), 10 massages and exercise therapy forever. I also glued the NANOPLAST patch on pain points.

The set of exercises suggested in this thread by PHILLOM helped and continues to help a lot. Plus exercises with a stick from Dmitry Saraev

Half a month later, I was already thinking about the gym, my hand does not bother me, pain occurs only with sudden and awkward movements, but tolerable.

My advice: if you get sick - run to the doctor, do not hope, like me, that it will resolve itself.

I want to talk about one very common disease. This is my personal experience with it. It is more pleasant to learn from the mistakes of others and from the experience of others. Do not miss the opportunity, take this lesson and be attentive to your health.

At the very beginning of September of this year, I opened the window to ventilate the room. It was about zero outside and quite hot in the room. I did not attach any importance to this and did not leave the room for the time of airing. Never do that! Remember once and for all - if the room is ventilated, you must leave it.

30 minutes of sitting around open window ended with the fact that at night I woke up from very unpleasant sensations - all left-hand side: head, ear, neck, shoulder, shoulder blade, arm and wrist seemed to be filled with heaviness, buzzed, throbbed, hurt. By morning, the pain in the head and ear was gone. And here's everything else...

And everything else can be characterized by the word “twisted”. I didn’t turn my head, I walked around the house like a wolf - if I needed to look to the side, I turned in that direction with my whole body. Severe pain periodically shot from the neck through the scapula to the shoulder. But I, as an experienced person, was not at all embarrassed. Viprosal and Nise were taken out of the first-aid kit, they helped me more than once with myositis.

However, a day passed, the second, I took pills and smeared my neck with ointment, but I did not feel any relief. Finally, on the fifth day, finally convinced that something was wrong, I ran to the doctor.

I got four to start with. x-ray, in order to exclude intervertebral hernia. There is no hernia. There is osteochondrosis as much as the third and fourth degrees. But your pains are not from osteochondrosis. You have humeroscapular periarthritis.

Of course, when I got home, I went online for information.

Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis is a syndrome characterized by pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint, associated with diseases of various nature. Frequency - 80% of all cases of pain in the shoulder joint. The predominant age is over 40 years. The predominant gender is male.

Load on the shoulder joint, especially non-standard movements (for example, whitewashing the ceiling) Peripheral vascular disease CHD and MI Tendonitis of the supraspinatus muscle, long head of the biceps muscle, infraspinatus muscle Subacromial bursitis traumatic injury"rotator cuff" of the shoulder Acute calcifying periarthritis.

Symptoms (signs)

Clinical picture Pain in the shoulder, aggravated at night Asymmetry, typically right-sided lesion (in right-handed people) Soreness on palpation of the shoulder joint Features of movement in the shoulder joint supraspinatus muscle or subacromial bursa Pain during abduction in the shoulder joint against the background of resistance to abduction by a doctor - damage to the supraspinatus tendon Absence of pain during the above-described abduction against the background of resistance - subacromial bursitis Pain during external rotation of the shoulder, performed against the background of resistance to movement - tendon damage infraspinatus and / or small round muscles Pain during internal rotation of the shoulder, performed against the background of resistance, is a lesion of the tendon of the subscapularis muscle Pain when bending at the elbow against the background of resistance to movement is a sign of damage to the biceps of the shoulder.

If you translate this into Russian, then humeroscapular periarthritis is an inflammation of the shoulder joint. The most susceptible to it are people who make jerky efforts on one hand (for example, blacksmiths or loaders), or people who lead a stationary lifestyle (computer workers). But the disease can strike anyone: a teacher, a pharmacist, an athlete, etc.

As you can see, there is little pleasure in this disease. And if it were just a disease, millions of people get sick with something, but this does not affect their quality of life. They take pills, give injections, go for massages, but at the same time they lead an almost normal life. With humeroscapular periarthritis, things are much worse. It hurts, and it hurts a lot. Especially strong at night. “Strongly” is not the right word. This pain is exhausting, driving you crazy, it deprives you of sleep and peace. If with sciatica you can find some position in which the pain decreases or disappears altogether, and you can at least sleep, then with this disease there is no such position. Shoulder hurts no matter how you lie, stand, walk. This pain (women will understand) is comparable to generic pain, only it is not milked for 10-20 hours, but day and night for several weeks.

My hardest time was from one in the morning until five in the morning. I couldn't close my eyes because of the aching pain. If not for the sleeping children, I would have yelled out loud. Day after day - pain, insomnia, day after day - pills, injections, physiotherapy. At the end of the course of treatment, I could no longer hear the word “pill”, and I was shaking from the sight of the syringe. But I had to heal.

And now about the treatment. When I came to the doctor, on my first visit, he praised me: I applied on time. It turns out that with this disease, without proper treatment, inflammation eventually penetrates from the surrounding tissues into the joint and what is popularly called a “frozen joint” occurs: diseased tissues do not allow the hand to turn as a healthy limb does, the inner surface of the joint is deformed and the joint blocked. That is, it is not to raise a hand, not to take it aside. At this stage, atrophy of the muscles of the diseased arm begins. In fact, this is a disability, because at this stage the disease is almost impossible to treat, and the treatment itself becomes very painful, because. prescribed injections in the joint. In some severe cases, it is necessary to resort to joint prosthetics. “A lot of patients come to the doctor after trying to be treated at home themselves. They get sick for six months, a year, and come only after that. And it’s almost impossible to do anything, ”the doctor said.

What treatment is prescribed? Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (first in injections, then in tablets), B vitamins (also first in injections, then in tablets), chondoprotectors (drugs that restore the damaged surface of the joint), painkillers and ointments (which, by the way, do not help well) , warming ointments such as apizartron. Treatment with bee stings is welcome, if there are no contraindications, physiotherapy. In the acute period, massage is contraindicated! This is the first stage of treatment. The second stage of treatment is massage and supportive therapy: chondoprotective drugs in the form of tablets, physiotherapy exercises. And - no load on the sore hand. Motor movements are possible, but without physical activity.

The doctor immediately warned me: this disease is treated hard and for a long time, the recovery period is from six months. This, as we are used to: I drank pills for a week and everything went away - will not happen. Joints in humans are very difficult to heal. Be patient.

It's been almost two months since I've been sick. There are positive dynamics, but not so noticeable to say - yes, I'm on the mend. I didn't sleep a single night for a month because of the pain. Pain is the worst thing about this disease. Aching, breaking, shooting, “walking” from the neck to the wrist. Sore muscles tense up, become stone, swell up with tubercles, pinch nerves. This is very painful. Under the change of weather, the shoulder begins to ache. I still cannot hold a weight in this hand, heavier than 1 kilogram. But I am determined to be cured completely. To those who read this article, I want to say: take care of your health. These are not just words, health really needs to be protected, and the older you are, the more carefully.

As for the humeroscapular periarthritis, I can say the following:

If you have night pains in the shoulder joint, passing into the arm, limited mobility of the arm in the shoulder joint, immediately go to the surgeon. Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis is not treated at home, it is not possible to cure it with the most traditional “drink vodka, rub it, sleep it off”. This disease leads to disability! Do not treat on the Internet - only a doctor with the help x-rays and ultrasound of the shoulder joint can determine the extent and severity of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment. Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis is treated hard and for a long time. treatment should not be abandoned or interrupted, it does not “go away” on its own.

Pain in the shoulder and scapula are symptoms that occur quite often in our time. Unpleasant sensations in the shoulder area may be associated with a malfunction of the shoulder joint, in which case the joint becomes inflamed and destroyed. Today we will talk about what is periarthritis of the shoulder joint and how can it be treated?

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Shoulder periarthritis requires a mandatory visit to the doctor and timely treatment. With such a pathology, cartilage tissue is destroyed, and the joint gradually ceases to perform its function. Lack of treatment leads to complete immobilization of the joint, and the patient becomes disabled.

Periarthritis of the shoulder joint is a common pathology. The disease occurs mainly in humans young age: 25 to 40 years old. The risk group includes people whose professional activity associated with carrying weights and performing monotonous hand movements.

Causes of shoulder periarthritis:

  • heavy physical exertion that affects the joint for a long time, in which case the joint does not withstand and begins to collapse;
  • shoulder injury, such as blunt force, dislocation or subluxation;
  • joint overload, when a person does not put a load on the joint for a long time, and in one day sharply overloads it;
  • circulatory disorders, this condition is often a complication of myocardial infarction;
  • pathology of the liver;
  • endocrine diseases and immune system organism;
  • malnutrition, avitaminosis.

Diagnosis of the disease

In order to correctly diagnose the pathology, you must first figure out which doctor treats periarthritis of the shoulder joint. If pain in the shoulder occurs after an injury, then the patient is advised to contact a traumatologist. If discomfort in the shoulder and neck appeared on its own without apparent reason you need to visit a general practitioner.

Specialist general practice will be able to determine why the patient is bothered by pain. With osteochondrosis, the therapist will prescribe treatment on his own, and periarthritis will require a visit to narrow specialists, for example, an orthopedist and a rheumatologist. In complex treatment, you may also need to consult a neurologist.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor will first conduct a survey and examination of the patient. The specialist will listen to all complaints, take an anamnesis and examine the sore shoulder. An experienced specialist can make a diagnosis already during the initial examination, and to confirm the presence of a pathology, the patient will be sent for ultrasound, x-rays and other studies if necessary.

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Periarthritis of the left shoulder joint

Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pain that often worries at night and intensifies when you try to take your hand to the side;
  • violation motor activity joint;
  • slight swelling in the area of ​​the affected joint;
  • forced posture, in which the patient presses his hand to his chest;
  • body temperature may rise;
  • often there is a general deterioration in the condition, the patient feels weak, he is worried about insomnia due to constant pain in the shoulder.

The severity of symptoms depends on the type of shoulder periarthritis. With simple periarthritis, the symptoms are mild, this form of the disease is the most favorable for the patient and is successfully treated within a few weeks. As a rule, pain in this case only bothers during physical exertion, there is no disturbance in motor activity, or it is insignificant.

If simple periarthritis is not treated, soon the disease will begin to progress and turn into chronic form. In this case, the patient is disturbed by weak aching pains in the shoulder, which become pronounced with a sharp movement of the sore arm.

If a person does not see a doctor for a long time, the disease progresses even more, the joint is destroyed, in which case ankylosing periarthritis of the shoulder joint occurs. This form of the disease is the most severe, the symptoms are pronounced, there is a complete immobilization of the joint.

Post-traumatic periarthritis of the shoulder joint

The most common cause of periarthritis is trauma. Post-traumatic periarthritis can develop as a result of a fall on an outstretched arm, a blow with a blunt object, a sudden increased load on the joint. In this case, after the impact occurs sharp pain, a hematoma, swelling, redness of the skin around the injury site may appear. Periarthritis is a complication of injury, cartilage tissue is destroyed and inflammation occurs in the joint.

It is not uncommon for patients to experience periarthritis after increased loads. For example, one patient worked in an office for a long time and led a sedentary lifestyle. Once he decided to play tennis with friends, and active movements with a racket led to injury to the joint, as a result, periarthritis developed.

To prevent the development of periarthritis after an injury, you need to properly cure the shoulder immediately. To do this, it is recommended to go to the hospital, and not wait until the pain will pass on one's own. Doctors immobilize the affected joint, prescribe necessary medicines and complications can be avoided.

Cervical-shoulder periarthritis

Often, pain in the neck and shoulder is associated with cervico-shoulder syndrome, which occurs with osteochondrosis and periarthritis. In this case, the damage to the joint is associated with a violation of blood circulation in it due to displacement of the vertebrae.

If with periarthritis of the shoulder joint only the shoulder itself hurts, then the cervico-shoulder syndrome is characterized by aching pains in the neck, shoulder, and when moving, the discomfort intensifies, the pain radiates to the arm. Due to osteochondrosis of the cervical region, patients often complain that pain in the shoulder is accompanied by headaches, due to muscle spasm, shortness of breath may occur, especially when lying down.

Many are interested in how to treat periarthritis of the shoulder joint with pain that radiates to the neck. The treatment of cervico-shoulder syndrome is complex, it is slightly different from the treatment of conventional periarthritis, since it is necessary to cure not only the affected joint, but also the spine. During the period of exacerbation, the affected area is immobilized, medications are prescribed to relieve pain and spasm. And after removing the pain, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles, for this the patient is sent to the pool and to exercise therapy.

Treatment of shoulder periarthritis

How to treat shoulder periarthritis is a question that worries all patients who are faced with a similar diagnosis.

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Pathology therapy is long and complex, the patient is prescribed the following procedures:

  • taking medication;
  • medical gymnastics;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy treatment.

With an exacerbation of the disease, immobilization of the diseased joint is indicated, for this a fixing bandage or bandage is applied to the shoulder, sometimes more rigid fixators - orthoses. All these devices help to relieve pain, partially limit the movement in the joint, and prevent its further destruction.

During the period of acute pain, the patient is forbidden to perform jerky movements, wear weights, do not allow hypothermia of the joint. Charging with shoulder periarthritis is indicated only after the removal of acute pain in the shoulder.

For Get well soon patients are shown a diet for periarthritis of the shoulder joint. The doctor recommends the patient to eat right, to exclude from the diet fatty, spicy, salty and sweet. It is necessary to eat at least 5 times a day in small portions, and it is recommended to cook from fresh and natural products. Proper nutrition will help strengthen the body and speed up recovery.

Physiotherapy treatment involves visits to procedures such as magnetotherapy, laser treatment, electrophoresis, etc. Acupuncture is very effective for periarthritis of the shoulder joint, it helps to improve tissue nutrition and activate all body systems.

Many doctors recommend post-isometric relaxation for periarthritis - this is a type of manual therapy that is performed by a doctor. The procedure helps to get rid of pain, relieve muscle spasm and speed up joint recovery.

Treatment of shoulder periarthritis with medication

Drug therapy of shoulder periarthritis is mainly symptomatic, therefore, in the initial stages of the disease, when the pain is very mild, medications may not be prescribed. If there is severe inflammation and severe pain, then the patient is recommended to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

These drugs include Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, etc. They are produced in the form of tablets, ointments and solutions for intramuscular injections. With periarthritis of the shoulder joint, it is usually prescribed to take pills, and also rub the ointment into sore spot. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have a pronounced analgesic effect and relieve inflammation.

At advanced stages diseases, when the pain becomes unbearable, it may be necessary to use hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. Such injections from the shoulder periarthritis block pain and quickly stop the inflammatory process in the tissues, but corticosteroids have many side effects, so they are prescribed in severe cases.

If the above methods of treatment do not help get rid of pain, the doctor prescribes novocaine blockades. In this case, novocaine is injected into the area of ​​the affected joint, which helps to relieve the patient of pain for several hours. This method is especially relevant when it is necessary to perform exercise therapy through pain, but the patient cannot do this.

In case of cervico-shoulder syndrome, when there is a strong muscle spasm, it may be necessary to take muscle relaxants. One of the popular remedies is mydocalm, this drug helps relieve pain and muscle spasm. But it is necessary to use muscle relaxants only as directed by a doctor, as they have contraindications and serious side effects.

An excellent method of treating periarthritis is the use of various ointments, they help to quickly relieve pain and alleviate the patient's condition. The following external agents are usually prescribed:

  • Diclofenac is an ointment with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substance, it relieves pain well.
  • Ointment with snake venom helps relieve pain and warm up the diseased joint, improve blood circulation in it.
  • Menthol - has an irritating and analgesic effect.
  • Nise is a popular remedy that contains the active ingredient nimesulide, it helps relieve pain and inflammation.
  • To warm up and improve blood circulation, it may be recommended to use an extract from red pepper.

In the complex treatment of periarthritis, the intake of vitamins and minerals is indicated. They will help strengthen the immune system and provide the joints with normal nutrition. And to restore cartilage tissue, doctors recommend taking chondroprotectors, these drugs improve the regeneration of cartilage tissue.

Massage for periarthritis of the shoulder joint

An important part of the therapy of periatritis is massage, but it is carried out only during the remission of the disease. If the patient has a severe shoulder pain, then massage and physiotherapy exercises are completely contraindicated. Before relieving acute pain, it is necessary to provide the diseased joint with complete rest.

As soon as the pain subsides, it is recommended to start a massage course. It is best to contact a professional massage therapist who will conduct massotherapy not only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sore shoulder, but also massages the entire back, such a procedure will be more effective.

If it is not possible to visit a massage therapist, then you need to carry out self-massage at home. In order for the procedure to be safe and effective, the following recommendations must be observed when performing a massage:

  • before the procedure, you need to consult a doctor, you can not start doing massage until the doctor approves;
  • before the procedure, it is recommended to lie in a warm bath for 15 minutes, the skin and joints will warm up, the effect of the massage session will be more pronounced;
  • the session should be carried out in a warm room without drafts, it is better to ventilate the room in advance, and during the procedure it is recommended to cover all the windows;
  • it is necessary to perform a massage using a fatty cream or oil, if pain is still bothering you, you can use a healing ointment;
  • it is necessary to massage the neck and deltoid muscles, that is, the shoulder area, and if the procedure is performed by a relative or friend, you can ask him to massage the area of ​​​​the scapula for a better effect;
  • all movements must be performed smoothly, you can not press hard on the affected area or knead with effort, it is better to rub the skin, trying to warm it up.
  • In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to combine massage with exercises for the treatment of periatritis.

Therapeutic massage recommends a course of at least 10 sessions, and light self-massage should be performed every day during and after treatment. Massage will help improve blood circulation in the diseased joint and speed up its recovery, as well as prevent re-damage of the joint.

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Exercises for periarthritis of the shoulder joint: video instruction

The most important part of therapy is exercises for periarthritis of the shoulder joint. There are several different techniques that allow you to restore the function of the joint, improve blood circulation in it and reduce pain. Exercises help strengthen the muscles of the arms, back, and relieve stress from the sore joint.

General rules for exercise therapy:

  • can not be engaged in a period of acute pain;
  • during the exercise, the norm is the appearance of mild pain;
  • it is necessary to gradually increase the load, even for professional athletes;
  • during exercise therapy, you need to use not only the hand, but the whole body, especially the back area;
  • you need to start training from distant joints, gradually approaching the shoulder;
  • You need to train every day, otherwise there will be no effect from the treatment.

One of the effective exercise therapy complexes for periarthritis of the shoulder joint was Muslim Jamaldinov. This method of treatment allows you to effectively develop a diseased joint and improve its nutrition. Many doctors recommend undergoing treatment for shoulder periarthritis according to Popov. Such a complex of exercise therapy does not cause pain, movements are performed smoothly, stretching the affected area.

To choose the maximum effective complex exercise, it is better to consult a doctor. The specialist will be able to assess the patient's condition and prescribe physiotherapy exercises of the required intensity. This will help to achieve the fastest possible recovery, and prevent pain and injury due to improper training.

Treatment of periatritis of the shoulder joint with folk remedies

Many patients leave positive reviews on the treatment of shoulder periarthritis with folk remedies. Indeed, some recipes traditional medicine help relieve pain and reduce inflammation, but they need to be used in complex treatment under the supervision of specialists.

Next folk remedies effective for periarthritis:

  • for pain in the joint, warm baths with sea salt are effective;
  • compresses with white cabbage have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect;
  • massage with natural honey before going to bed will help relieve pain at night;
  • has excellent anti-inflammatory action pharmacy chamomile, with a decoction of chamomile, you can make lotions and baths, as well as take chamomile tea inside;
  • with periarthritis of the shoulder joint, warm compresses help.

Before you start using folk remedies, it is recommended to consult a doctor, and also make sure that there are no allergic reaction on the components of the tool.

Prevention of shoulder periarthritis

Shoulder periarthritis of the joint can be prevented by following these tips:

  • it is necessary to do exercises every day in order to strengthen the muscles of the back and arms, then a sudden increase in loads will not lead to injury and damage to the joint;
  • with monotonous work, you need to constantly undergo an examination by a specialist, as well as use fixing bandages, massage, therapeutic baths in the evenings;
  • it is very important to monitor nutrition, it must be balanced;
  • it is very important to treat infectious diseases and any pathologies of internal organs in a timely manner.

Prevention of most joint pathologies lies in a healthy lifestyle and a responsible attitude towards your body.

The term "periarthritis" refers to an inflammatory or dystrophic disease of the soft tissues surrounding the joint (tendons at the places of their attachment to the bones, periosteum, serous bags). Most often, the pathological process develops in the region of the shoulder joint and is described as humeroscapular periarthritis or periarthrosis. The difference in terminology is due to the fact that the disease proceeds in stages, sometimes with a predominance of aseptic inflammation, while in other cases degenerative-dystrophic changes in tissues dominate.

Causes of humeroscapular periarthritis

Regarding the etiology and pathogenesis of humeroscapular periarthritis, as well as other degenerative-dystrophic diseases of soft tissues upper limb(epicondylitis, styloiditis) there are two main points of view. Adherents of one of them consider the main cause of the disease to be changes in the intervertebral disc with an abnormal irritation reaction from the autonomic nervous system and neurodystrophic changes in the places of attachment of fibrous tissues to bone protrusions. Proponents of another theory attach primary importance to local processes and believe that as a result of muscle tension in the places of their attachment to bone protrusions, tissue microtraumatization (tears, hemorrhages) occurs, aseptic inflammation and tissue edema develop, which entails irritation of peripheral receptors.

According to the studies of many authors, humeroscapular periarthritis is a polyetiological clinical syndrome, developing against the background of degenerative-dystrophic processes in the cervical spine (osteochondrosis), in the paraarticular tissues of the shoulder joint, and is accompanied by a violation of local and peripheral circulation in the limb. In poorly vascularized tissues, foci of necrosis are formed, followed by scarring and calcification; against this background, reactive aseptic inflammation develops, which is confirmed by pathological anatomical examination.

It should be aimed at relieving pain and eliminating muscle contracture.

Clinically, humeroscapular periarthritis is manifested mainly by pain and impaired motor functions of the joint, for more late stages muscle atrophy is observed, radicular disorders are possible. On palpation, pain in the area of ​​​​the large tubercle is determined. humerus and supratubercular region, sometimes along the edge trapezius muscle. This disease in about 20% of cases is accompanied by the deposition of calcium salts, which is most often found under the tendons of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus and small round muscle(calculous bursitis). The shape and structure of calcifications can be very different: from single large to multiple small ones, from homogeneous dense to patchy-cellular. With a long course of the disease, osteoporosis of the proximal end of the humerus is observed to some extent, in more than half of the patients, osteochondrosis and spondylosis of the cervical spine are detected, more often at the level of Cv-Cvi.

A special form of humeroscapular periarthritis is the so-called shoulder-hand algodystrophic syndrome. It is characterized by sharp causal pains in the entire arm and pronounced vasotrophic changes in the hand ( cold swelling, cyanosis, hand muscle atrophy, osteoporosis). With an unfavorable course, persistent flexion contractures of the fingers develop.

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Treatment of humeroscapular periarthritis

Treatment of humeroscapular periarthritis should be aimed at relieving pain and eliminating muscle contracture. Taking into account the etiopathogenesis of the disease, treatment should be complex, including the impact on local tissues, as well as on the general degenerative-dystrophic process, in particular, of the spine.

It is recommended to reduce the load on the diseased limb, in the acute stage, immobilization is sometimes carried out in a plaster splint or soft bandage, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs (indomethacin, ortofen, reopirin, etc.) are prescribed, a course of injections vitreous body, vitamins of group B. To relieve pain, novocaine blockades are recommended, both para-articular and intra-articular (30-40 ml of a 1% solution) with the introduction of 1.5-2 ml of hydrocortisone into pain points. The blockade is repeated after 4-5 days 3-4 times. In the days between blockades - warm baths, therapeutic exercises. Some authors recommend making conduction blocks at the level of the brachial or cervical plexus.

In the subacute and chronic course of the process, oxygen therapy gives a good effect: 40-60 ml of oxygen is injected intra-articularly and up to 100 ml into the subdeltoid space, at the same time 1 ml of hydrocortisone is sometimes injected into the joint.

Recently, widespread good effect received laser therapy.

In cases of a chronic course with a tendency to exacerbations, spa treatment (sulfide or radon baths) is recommended. Surgery, as a rule, is recommended only for acute blockade of the joint.

The prognosis is favorable, but in a number of advanced cases the disease is difficult to cure, takes chronic course makes the patient unable to work.

Prevention is to create normal working conditions and rest. Timely and correct treatment is important.

In the treatment of humeroscapular periarthritis, the following conditions must be met:

Treatment of humeroscapular periarthritis by methods of oriental medicine

Acupuncture for humeroscapular periarthritis

Massage and manual therapy for humeroscapular periarthritis

Hirudotherapy for humeroscapular periarthritis

Traditional Tibetan herbal medicine for humeroscapular periarthritis

Seng.ldeng.nyer.gsum (Tsenden 23).

Stone therapy for humeroscapular periarthritis

The use of hot and cold stones has the effect of "gymnastics" for the vessels. Massage with the use of stones is easier for the massage therapist and therefore longer in time. The use of hot stones in the projection of acupuncture zones contributes to the toning of the Yang energy. And the stone therapy procedure, carried out with stones through the tissue, has a wonderful relaxing effect.

Vacuum therapy for humeroscapular periarthritis

Methods of active vacuum therapy ( cupping massage) allow you to further enhance the drainage of soft tissues, causes local vasodilation, positively affects the condition of the skin pores and the release of sebum.

Carrying out vacuum procedures in the projection of any part of the spine helps to reduce local fat deposits, which has a positive effect on the range of motion of the corresponding segment, which, in turn, improves metabolic processes and reduces local congestion.

The methods of passive vacuum therapy, in addition to all of the above, make it possible to painlessly form scattered subcutaneous hematomas, which effectively replaces the immunomodulating effect of the good old autohemotransfusion.

Su-Jok with humeroscapular periarthritis

Su-Jok therapy, using the principle of "similarity", allows you to influence a diseased organ, part of the body, a meridian, a point and even a chakra! It's kind of subspecies of reflexology, often allowing for a therapeutic effect without interrupting the patient from solving his own daily tasks.

We strongly recommend that you try to use some of the principles of Su-Jok therapy on your own (of course, it is better after consulting a specialist). Currently released great amount literature on the Su-Jok system for "non-medical people", where recommendations for the treatment of a number of pathological conditions are given in a simple and accessible form. Recommended

Almost everyone has experienced neck pain. Sometimes this can be the result of intense physical exertion, and sometimes it can be a serious illness that can even lead to damage to the spinal cord. Such a pathology is cervicothoracic osteochondrosis.

General description of the disease

So, osteochondrosis of the spine is characterized by the erasure of intervertebral cartilage tissues. However, the ability to restore them for some reason can be difficult. The progression of the disease contributes to the displacement intervertebral disc, and its shell is gradually destroyed.

This results in the manifestation disc herniation, and the nerve roots of the spinal cord are pinched and then inflamed, causing quite severe pain in the thoracic or cervical spine. In addition, there is a decrease in the lumen of the spinal canal with all the ensuing consequences.

The disease of the cervicothoracic region occurs more often in women, although it is often found in men. It manifests itself regardless of age: sometimes even in children. At the same time, their skeletal aging begins much earlier than it should.

Cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis is not considered an independent pathology. It represents a multitude pathological processes, which are characterized by a violation normal exchange substances in cartilage intervertebral discs and also lead to their partial or complete destruction. In this case, nearby tissues and organs are affected.

Reasons for the development of pathology

So, osteochondrosis of the spine of the cervicothoracic usually occurs under the influence of such factors:

  • A sedentary lifestyle, which involves a long stay of a person in one position, a low level of physical activity.
  • Weakened immunity, unable to resist the development of pathological processes. Note that cervical or thoracic osteochondrosis can be caused by infectious processes in spinal column or surrounding tissues.
  • Improper nutrition, the result of which is an increase in body weight.
  • Frequent colds or general hypothermia.
  • Systematic long-term violation of posture, for example: in schoolchildren, office workers.

  • thyroid disease, and endocrine system, disruption of the cardiovascular system.
  • Malignant formations in the thoracic or cervical spine, as well as oncological lesions of the tissues and organs surrounding it.
  • Consequences of surgery on the cervical part of the spinal column.
  • Injury.
  • genetic predisposition. The mechanism for the development of osteochondrosis is laid even during prenatal development fetus. However, whether it manifests itself or not depends on the influence of these factors.

Cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis: symptoms

Cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis may have the following symptoms:

  1. Quite severe pain in the neck, shoulders, back, upper limbs.
  2. Unpleasant sensations of burning, crawling "goosebumps", numbness in the chest or cervical region, as well as in the abdomen, neck.
  3. Pain and whirling in the head, in the region of the heart.
  4. The appearance of "flies" before the eyes.
  5. Pain in the teeth, abdomen, muscles.
  6. Sleep problems.
  7. Constant fluctuations in blood pressure.
  8. Disorders of the emotional sphere.
  9. Violation of the sensitivity of the hands, as well as a significant limitation in the movements of the upper body.
  10. Painful feeling in the chest, which enlarges during inhalation.
  11. Decreased performance.

Some symptoms occur in combination with other signs so often that they can already be distinguished into a separate disease:

  • Cervicalia. This is a neck shot. The pain in this case is felt in the back of the head and neck.
  • Syndrome vertebral artery. It's about circulatory problems.
  • Spinal myelopathy. Weakness in the upper and lower extremities, muscle twitching and a decrease in their volume.
  • cardiac syndrome. It is characterized by pain in the heart and its dysfunction.
  • Periarthrosis humeroscapular.

Features of the development of pathology

Regardless of whether this disease appeared in a woman or in a man, it must be treated. Otherwise, unpleasant and even dangerous consequences: partial or complete paralysis, which may be irreversible; heart attack; stroke; narrowing of the spinal canal.

So, osteochondrosis of the spine, namely the thoracic and cervical region, develops as follows:

  1. First, there is wrinkling and dehydration of the nucleus pulposus in the intervertebral cartilage. This leads to a decrease in the height of the cartilage and its elasticity. That is, the cervical region will no longer be so mobile, because the depreciation properties are deteriorating. At the same time, the thoracic region also cannot withstand the necessary physical exertion.
  2. Further, osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region is characterized by a decrease in the elasticity of the fibrous ring. It is it that does not make it possible to fix the cartilage in the required position. Cracks and ruptures appear on the fibrous ring.
  3. Exit of the nucleus pulposus into the rupture. It begins to protrude, which leads to the formation of a herniated disc.
  4. Compensation of some parameters of the vertebrae due to excessive growth of bone tissue and the appearance of osteophytes. They contribute to an even greater narrowing of the lumen of the spinal canal.

As you can see, osteochondrosis is a complex disease, the treatment of which must be started immediately. Pathology causes equally many problems for both women and men. Therefore, the first action to be taken as soon as the first signs appear is to consult a doctor for a thorough examination.

Diagnosis of cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis

Symptoms of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis are numerous. Therefore, in order for the diagnosis to be made correctly, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination, which includes:

  • External examination of the cervical and thoracic regions.
  • Laboratory tests of urine and blood. With their help, you can determine whether there is an inflammatory process in the body.
  • Ultrasound of internal organs chest cavity. Particular attention is drawn to the lungs and heart.
  • Cardiogram. It allows you to find out if there are abnormalities in the work of the heart, which may be associated with cervical osteochondrosis.
  • Radiography. It will allow you to carefully examine all the deformations of the spine, calculate how curved the thoracic or cervical region. In addition, the procedure makes it possible to find out whether the vertebrae have shifted and by how much.
  • CT and MRI. Thanks to the procedure, specialists can accurately determine the localization of the inflammatory process, the stage of development of the pathology, as well as the reasons that could provoke it. However, MRI is a rather harmful study, since a person receives a fairly strong exposure. This must be taken into account when identifying pathology in women who are in position.

Naturally, osteochondrosis is a disease that accompanies pain, so it must be treated.

Osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine: treatment

So, the treatment of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis is lengthy. First of all, drug therapy is performed, which includes taking the following drugs:

  1. If you feel severe pain in the cervical and thoracic region, then you will have to use various analgesic methods: taking pills, blockades, using special injections that help reduce the hernial protrusion.
  2. To eliminate the inflammatory process, you can use such drugs: "Indomethacin", "Ibuprofen".
  3. The pain leads to a disorder of the activity of the nervous system, for this patient sedatives, antispasmodics and tranquilizers are often required: "Novopassit".
  4. Normalizing tissue trophism and blood circulation in the spine.
  5. Medicines to relieve cardiac tension and improve functionality blood vessels. If there are problems with cerebral circulation, then the doctor may prescribe Actavegin, Piracetam.
  6. Chondroprotectors that allow you to restore cartilage tissue and protect it from destruction: Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Artra.
  7. Multivitamin preparations that will help tune the immune system.

All appointed medical preparations usually have different shape release: tablets, ointments injections. Despite the severe pain that the patient may experience, self-treatment should not be undertaken. This can be fraught with serious complications. All treatment must be agreed with the doctor.


If you have cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, you have already considered the symptoms of the pathology, drug treatment is not a panacea. To improve the effect, it can be combined with physiotherapy procedures, such as:

  • Phonophoresis and electrophoresis with medications;
  • Pressure chamber;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Mud baths and paraffin baths;
  • Dry carbonic baths;
  • Acupuncture in the cervical region.

Physiotherapeutic treatment can be performed only when the acute period of the disease is stopped.

exercise therapy and exercise therapy

Pain in the spine, especially in the cervical region, can be eliminated with the help of manual therapy and exercise therapy. Exercise therapy is carried out depending on the characteristics and severity of the development of the disease. The doctor must develop an individual set of exercises for the patient. Such treatment allows you to well strengthen the muscles and ligaments, increase the mobility of the spine.

It is better to perform the complex after sleep, as well as during the working day every 1.5 hours.

As for the massage, here treatment of cervical osteochondrosis has some features. Yes, manual therapy helps eliminate pain, improve blood circulation and metabolism in tissues, and improve mobility of the cervicothoracic spine. However, not everyone can be treated in this way. There are the following contraindications:

  • Oncological pathology.
  • Pregnancy in women.
  • Some blood diseases, angina pectoris and hypertension.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Dermatological lesions of the skin in the cervical region.

If a traditional therapy does not help, surgical operation of the cervicothoracic region can be performed. It makes it possible to remove hernias, osteophytes, squeezing spinal cord. It is done with a laser.

As you can see, osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region is complex disease, which can affect both the male part of the population and women, regardless of age. The success of treatment depends on correct diagnosis, correctly selected therapy and the responsibility of the patient himself. It is impossible to self-medicate the cervicothoracic region categorically. After all, you will hurt yourself more than help. Be healthy!

Marina PAVLOVA, expert of "Oriental Medicine"

What happens in the body during periarthritis

In medicine, inflammatory processes of periarticular tissues are called periarthritis: serous bags, ligaments and tendons. This degenerative lesion appears at the point where the tendons attach to the bone. As medical practice shows, mainly middle-aged and elderly people suffer from periarthritis.

In the fairer sex, this disease is much more common. Of all the varieties, the most common is periarthritis of the shoulder joint (according to statistics, 80% of all rheumatic lesions).

Oddly enough, diseases of the internal organs can lead to the development of periarthritis. There are cases when they turn to with left-sided humeroscapular periarthritis resulting from a heart attack.

The reason for this is a spasm or death of blood vessels, and as a result, blood circulation around the shoulder worsens. It is natural that tendon fibers from insufficient blood supply, they become brittle, tear and can become inflamed. As for periarthritis in the right shoulder, it is often provoked by liver disease.

Among patients with such a diagnosis, there are women who have undergone surgery to remove the breast. Due to the fact that during surgical intervention important vessels were affected, blood flow changed in areas adjacent to the chest.

This type of periarthritis as infectious, as a rule, occurs after infectious diseases, which include viral hepatitis, gonorrhea, dysentery, etc.

There is also metabolic periarthritis, or it is called crystalline, the cause of which is a metabolic disorder in the body. Systemic (rheumatoid) periarthritis is also diagnosed in rare cases, but exact reasons occurrence by doctors has not yet been established. Post-traumatic, as the name implies, appears as a result of either trauma or due to allergic reactions.

Symptoms of periarthritis of the knee

Manifested this species periarthritis with two symptoms - pain on the inner surface of the knee joint and possible swelling, albeit slight.

How to characterize pain during the development of the disease:

  • there is a feeling of pain at the first steps, but during a long walk it subsides;
  • pains appear near the knee joint, as with active movements, and with passive;
  • when a person goes up the stairs, the pains become stronger;
  • at rest, a person is not disturbed by pain, and when he sits “leg by foot”, unpleasant sensations reappear;
  • sharp pain on pressure inner surface joint;

As for puffiness, it may be present, but this is an optional symptom. Each patient who comes to the "Eastern Korean Medicine Center" with such complaints is necessarily diagnosed by experienced specialists.

How is the disease diagnosed? Along with X-ray examination, the doctor examines the patient, talks with him, and also applies the methods of Korean medicine. These include diagnostics by language, pulse, etc.

Pulse diagnosis is a unique ancient method of Oriental Korean medicine, which originated thousands of years ago. He accompanied all methods of treatment and is carried out by experienced masters of their craft.

Doctors in pulse diagnostics distinguish about 600 different types pulse, which is responsible not only for present diseases, but also for past ones.

This type of diagnosis is considered the most accurate. As shown latest research, errors are completely excluded, and you can check using modern tools.

Features of humeroscapular periarthritis (PLP)

A very common disease among all types of periarthritis is humeroscapular. AT medical terminology, this is the process of inflammation of the shoulder tendons, as well as the capsule of the shoulder joints.

The disease begins after an injury: a strong blow to the shoulder, a person falling on the shoulder or on the outstretched arm. What leads to the development of humeroscapular periarthritis - previous operations and, of course, diseases of the cervical spine.

In the initial stage of PLP, patients experience focal necrosis, and ruptures of tendon fibrils are possible without clinical manifestations.

At pronounced manifestation this disease inflammatory processes of the tendon itself develop, and then in the subacromial, as well as subdeltoid bags. In such cases, a person cannot move his shoulder to the side due to severe pain. But with a favorable course of periarthritis, this kind of phenomena disappear.

The prevalence of humeroscapular periarthritis is due to the fact that the tendons of our shoulder muscles are in a state of functional tension.

The movement of the arms in the shoulders is carried out through a complex physiological system where, in addition to the "true" shoulder joint, the second shoulder joint plays an important role. It is formed by capsular-tendon elements and musculoskeletal, and top layer is the acromion and the deltoid muscle.

How does pain in humeroscapular periarthritis manifest?

This disease progresses differently for each patient. Therefore, it is very important not to delay with the help of specialists.

Experienced and highly qualified doctors work in the "Oriental Korean Medicine Center" who, based on the use of methods of oriental traditional medicine, will be able to deliver accurate diagnosis and identify true reason periarthritis.

When a person is sick PLP, symptomatic picture expressed painful sensations in the shoulder joint for a long time, especially when moving the arms. In practice, doctors mostly encounter a mild form of the disease (simple periarthritis), which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • limited mobility in the joint, when it is difficult for a person to put a hand behind his back or raise it high up;
  • weak pain and in the shoulder with certain movements;
  • very severe pain is possible when rotating the arm around its axis;

Without the right complex treatment this form of PLP goes into sharp shape, mostly 60% of cases. Then the person begins to suffer from insomnia from severe pain, the temperature rises, swelling in the shoulder is noted and the general condition of the body worsens.

In acute humeroscapular periarthritis, the patient can confidently say that it is easiest to keep the arm bent at the elbow pressed to the chest. It is in this position that the pain can somehow dull.

How to recognize periarthritis of the hip joint

As for the symptoms of this disease, it is quite scarce. Most often, pain is felt in the outer part hip joint, giving to the thigh, and sometimes to the knee. Basically, a person suffers from pain when moving, when walking or after significant physical activity. Many patients who come to the "Korean Oriental Medicine Center" develop disorders such as abduction restriction, as well as external rotation of the hip.

Periarthritis of the hip joint can be independent disease, which is associated with degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the tendons or accompany arthrosis. The first variant develops in older people leading sedentary image life, as well as those who like to eat tightly and, accordingly, suffer from overweight.

For the onset of the disease, an injury that touched the joint area, prolonged cooling of the body due to being in a damp room or in a draft is enough.

With the diagnosis of periarthritis, attacks of acute pain occur gradually. Localization is mostly in place inguinal fold or in the region of the buttock, from which the pains radiate down the thigh.

When a person bends at the hip and knee, it becomes even more painful. In the case of palpation, the doctor may find a seal or tender points near the trochanter (the place where the tendon connects to the femur).

The effectiveness of the treatment of periarthritis with Korean medicine

Turning to the doctor of the Center for Oriental Korean Medicine, the patient, first of all, will undergo an examination and complete diagnostics. After identifying the causes of periarthritis, specialists prescribe treatment, which is individual for each patient.

All forms of the disease (periarthritis of the knee, cervico-scapular, hip and elbow) are treated with a complex of oriental techniques. This includes mask therapy and a course of taking herbal remedies.

AT modern medicine has long occupied one of the leading places in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This method was invented thousands of years ago and is still successfully used today.

Shows amazing results in the treatment of periarthritis. With centuries therapeutic method developed and improved. The treatment is based on the doctrine of the biologically active points of our body (it is called acupuncture).

With the help of the procedure, patients of the center quickly get rid of severe pain. Microcirculation in the organs noticeably improves, immunity increases and the functionality of the heart normalizes.

It is very important, according to experts, to resort to early stages diseases. And in combination with other methods of Korean medicine, needle therapy makes it possible to achieve even greater results.

Next important method treatment should be called pharmacopuncture - point administration of a drug in order to eliminate inflammatory processes.

The advantage of this unique technique is the fact that the homeopathic medicines used have complex impact to a particular problem in our body. When combined different methods oriental medicine doctors of the center achieve maximum results in the treatment of periarthritis.

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