What type of liposuction is the most effective. Which liposuction is better - compare the types. Photos of the results of surgical liposuction

Liposuction is a widely used cosmetic procedure, the purpose of which is to reduce the volume and change the nature (shape) of fat deposits in various areas of the body.

Liposuction is also classified as a bariatric technique, i.e. procedures used to treat obesity. Strictly speaking, this is not entirely true, since liposuction does not affect the causes and pathogenesis of the disease. However, the cosmetic effect of it may be more significant than when trying to get rid of extra pounds in other more conservative ways.

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Liposuction Methods

Important:during the manipulation, it is possible to pump out up to 2 liters of body fat.

Women most often resort to liposuction of the thighs (to eliminate the so-called "riding breeches"), and also ask cosmetic surgeons to remove unwanted deposits in the buttocks, abdomen, waist and forearm. Chin liposuction is a very popular procedure among clinic patients.

Men, as a rule, want to eliminate excess fat in the neck, chest, as well as on the abdomen and buttocks.

Currently, several methods of fat removal are used in clinics.

The following types of liposuction are among the modern techniques:

  • ultrasonic liposuction (traditional and non-invasive);
  • laser liposuction;
  • radiofrequency liposuction (RF).

Indications for liposuction

The indications for the procedure are the presence of noticeable local deposits of lipid tissue, which cannot be removed by conservative methods such as regular exercise and restrictive diet.

It is desirable that the patient was in good general health and sufficiently elastic skin. Under such conditions, the cosmetic effect will be maximum, and the likelihood of complications will be reduced to zero.

If the skin is flabby, then after the cosmetic procedure it may sag; to eliminate such consequences, additional surgical intervention is often required.

Note:The best results of liposuction can be achieved in patients whose height is average or slightly above average.

Preparation for liposuction

An objective assessment of the volume of excess lipid tissue is carried out by a qualified plastic surgeon. The main task of the specialist in the preoperative period is the preliminary modeling of the patient's figure, the selection of the area with the greatest accumulation of fat.

Before liposuction, the patient must undergo a complete examination and pass a series of tests.

It is mandatory to get a consultation with a therapist, do an ECG and undergo a fluorography.

Tests that need to be taken in preparation for a cosmetic procedure:

  • and (B and C);

10 days before the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to take drugs that affect blood clotting, and it is not recommended to smoke. It is also advisable to carry out bowel cleansing in the clinic.

The duration of manipulations directly depends on the technique and volume of intervention. Liposuction lasts from 30 minutes to 2-3 hours.

Contraindications for liposuction

Liposuction, like most other medical manipulations, has a number of contraindications.

The procedure is not performed for patients diagnosed with:

  • serious chronic diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • other pathologies from the cardiovascular system,
  • blood clotting disorders (for invasive techniques);
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • active form;
  • acute infectious diseases (including SARS);
  • mental illness;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • decreased immunity against the background of hormonal therapy.

Liposuction is also contraindicated for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Until relatively recently, to pump out fat, surgeons had to perform rather large incisions, which increased the risk of bleeding. In addition, a rather traumatic operation was performed only under general anesthesia, and anesthesia not only lengthens the rehabilitation period, but can also cause complications in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Currently, the tumescent technique is widely used. During the operation, one or more small incisions are made through which microcannulas are inserted under the skin to pump out lipid deposits. The relatively small invasiveness of the manipulation made it possible to carry it out under local anesthesia, sometimes supplemented by intravenous administration of sedatives. This not only shortened the postoperative period, but also allowed patients to be conscious during the operation and, if necessary, to comply with the doctor's requests.

The widespread use of the technique was facilitated by the development of a special composition consisting of saline, lidocaine, an antibiotic and adrenaline. Before the operation, this pressure solution is injected into the subcutaneous adipose tissue directly in the area where the fat will be pumped out. In this case, the volume of fluid injected should be approximately equal to the volume of fat that is supposed to be pumped out.

The composition of the drug used makes it possible to achieve high-quality anesthesia, minimize the risk of bleeding and prevent the development of infectious complications. Moreover, interacting with fat, this mixture turns adipose tissue into an emulsion, which makes it easy to pump out unwanted deposits using a vacuum method. To pump out fat, low-traumatic thin cannulas are used, which ensure the accuracy of the procedure and the absence of bruises, seroma and large scars after it.

Note: an important point in carrying out tumescent liposuction is the complete removal of emulsified adipose tissue. Failure to comply with this condition entails the appearance of significant depressions on the patient's body.

In most cases, a few hours after the end of the procedure, the patient can leave the clinic. Full recovery usually takes only 3-4 days, after which the person returns to his usual active life.

The technique of ultrasonic liposuction involves the impact on lipid deposits with high-frequency sound vibrations. Under their influence, the cells of the fat layer (adipocytes) are destroyed, turning into an emulsion.

The undoubted advantage of the ultrasound technique is the ability to prevent blood loss, scarring, as well as the formation of irregularities in the form of pits and bumps. The most commonly performed ultrasound liposuction of the thighs, abdomen and facial area (chin). During the procedure, the effect of tightening the skin is achieved.

During traditional ultrasonic liposuction, the emulsified fat (lysate) is pumped out by means of a device that creates reduced pressure (vacuum suction). To do this, thin titanium cannulas are inserted into small incisions in the skin. Up to 1.5 liters of fat is removed in one session.

There is an innovative non-invasive technique that involves the removal of destroyed lipid tissue through the circulatory and lymphatic systems. It does not require incisions, which eliminates the possibility of complications such as inflammation, suppuration and the formation of postoperative scars.

Note:a non-invasive method is used to eliminate small deposits (for example, with liposuction of the chin). A large amount of fat requires its removal in several stages, since during one session when using this ultrasonic liposuction technique, no more than 500 ml is pumped out.

The best effect is achieved by combining non-invasive ultrasonic liposuction with massage procedures and lymphatic drainage regularly performed after the procedure. Positive changes are fully manifested after a month, when the lipids decomposed to simpler chemical compounds are finally removed from the patient's body.

Important:with a general increase in body weight (in particular, with a tendency to obesity), the positive effect quickly reduces to zero. In this regard, patients are advised to comply with a minimum intake of fatty foods and the so-called. "fast" carbohydrates.

A number of leading clinics currently practice non-invasive liposuction using the Ultrashape device. This device generates a powerful directional stream of ultrasonic vibrations. The unique scanning system optimally distributes energy, eliminating the negative impact on surrounding tissues. Impact zones (from 125 to 315 sq. cm) are determined by interchangeable devices included in the device. In the presence of significant fat deposits, cosmetologists advise the patient to undergo from 3 to 8 sessions, the interval between which should be 3-4 weeks. The procedure is absolutely painless, so even local anesthesia is not required in this case.

After non-invasive ultrasound liposuction, you should follow the drinking regime with the consumption of at least 2 liters of fluid during the day. This will allow the body to quickly get rid of the destroyed fat cells.

Important:ultrasonic liposuction is not performed if the patient has endoprostheses or a pacemaker is installed. Also contraindications are , skin diseases in the area of ​​intended exposureand decompensated form of diabetes mellitus.

Laser liposuction is the most innovative and promising method of getting rid of excess subcutaneous fat deposits. It is based on the ability of laser radiation to selectively and very delicately affect the cell membranes of adipocytes. The diameter of the tube for removing fat is only 1 mm, so during the procedure, not an incision is made, but a puncture.

Since the beam is able to instantly “solder” damaged blood vessels, complications in the form of postoperative hematomas also do not develop. The radiation stimulates the synthesis of collagen, therefore, a lifting effect (skin tightening) is achieved in parallel.

With non-surgical lipolysis, which is performed on small areas of the body, there is no need to pump out the lysate. The content of the destroyed adipocytes enters the bloodstream, undergoes splitting in the liver to simple compounds and is excreted naturally. Laser lipolysis leaves no traces in the form of scars

This technique allows you to eliminate deposits in such difficult areas for the doctor as the upper abdomen, neck and forearms. Provides an excellent cosmetic effect and laser liposuction of the chin.

Radiofrequency liposuction

This technique involves burning fat through radio waves. It warms up adipocytes, turning them into a homogeneous substance that is easily sucked off. The advantage of the technique is the parallel achievement of a lifting effect due to the stimulation of collagen synthesis.

  1. Within a month, avoid significant physical exertion and refrain from visiting baths, saunas and solariums.
  2. Get a massage and lymphatic drainage session.
  3. Organize a balanced diet, eliminating from the diet products that contribute to the set of extra pounds.
  4. For 1-2 months, wear special compression underwear, which will allow you to complete the process of forming new body contours.

Myths and truth about liposuction: experts talk about them in this video review:

Plisov Vladimir, medical commentator

More and more people pay more and more attention to their appearance. Ladies, as a rule, more than men care about the figure. But not every woman nature gave an ideal figure from birth. Even if you manage to keep the weight at a decent level, sooner or later the time for motherhood will come and the body will change. As a rule, fat accumulates on the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. Most often, women resort to a diet to lose weight, but dietary restrictions do not help everyone. Time spent in the gym can also be ineffective in removing stubborn fat deposits.

Liposuction is an operation that involves the destruction and removal of unnecessary resources of subcutaneous adipose tissue in order to correct the contours and shapes of the body.

There are several methods of liposuction, and each of them consists in the fact that during the operation, the destroyed fatty tissue is sucked out using a thin tube called a cannula. A cannula is inserted under the skin through the incisions, and a vacuum machine helps to remove unwanted fats. Traditional liposuction usually requires general anesthesia. The mechanical force of cannula movement used during surgery can often lead to excessive bruising and sometimes further complications.

Solving the problems of traditional liposuction has led to the development of new technologies and devices that can create better results with less pain and shorter downtime after surgery. Over the past few years, non-surgical alternatives to liposuction have become widely used. A number of fat removal techniques to create new body contours are being considered as alternatives to liposuction or non-surgical liposuction. Although these methods do not require surgery, they usually do not give the noticeable results that can be achieved with liposuction. Liposuction is still considered the most effective procedure for addressing fat problems in the abdomen, hips and waist.

Non-surgical liposuction is a set of advanced hardware procedures, a quantum leap in technology after liposuction. Unlike liposuction, non-surgical liposuction does not use invasive procedures to reduce fat.

Most of the new methods of targeted removal of body fat are based on the use of different types of energy in order to damage fat cells and reduce their volume and quantity.

The following are examples of non-surgical hardware methods for reducing body fat:

  • exposure to cold (cryolipolysis);
  • sound waves (focused radiation of high intensity ultrasound);
  • light waves (low level laser);
  • radio waves (radio frequency energy).

Liposuction without surgery is not intended for people who are obese. These methods are recommended for people who are near normal weight, but who have some specific areas of fat (on the abdomen, thighs, arms, etc.) that cannot be eliminated by diet and exercise.

Laser liposuction

Laser liposuction is not used as monotherapy. Laser liposuction procedures such as CoolLipo, Slimlipo, Smartlipo, and Prolipo are not really alternatives to surgery, but are often used to support and improve the results of surgical liposuction. Laser melting of fat before liposuction makes it easier for the doctor to remove unwanted fat deposits in the abdomen, hips, and waist.

How is the procedure performed?

Laser lipolysis is a non-surgical innovative method that allows you to get impressive results in body modeling and is often used as a treatment to correct the shortcomings of traditional liposuction. Laser lipolysis was invented at the end of the last century with the original name Smartlipo. Currently, there are many devices for non-surgical laser lipolysis.

Equipment designed to perform laser lipolysis is based on the use of selective interaction between the laser beam and adipose tissue.

Laser lipolysis can be performed in places that traditional liposuction cannot reach, especially in areas such as the face, neck, back and knees, where standard liposuction can only be performed on a limited basis or not possible at all. Laser lipolysis allows you to reduce excessive deposits of adipose tissue in the abdomen, waist, hips, buttocks, knees, pubis, chest (false gynecomastia in men). Laser lipolysis offers the possibility of non-surgical reshaping of the face, among other things, by eliminating the double chin. Laser treatment is used as part of combination therapy in the treatment of cellulite.

The best candidates for laser lipolysis are:

  • patients in good general health, physically active, slightly over ideal weight;
  • patients with one or more areas of stubborn excess body fat;
  • patients who want to improve skin elasticity to combat cellulite;
  • patients who have sagging and uneven skin after classical liposuction, especially in the abdomen.

The treatment time is from 20 to 60 minutes depending on the area of ​​the body. Laser treatments are considered minimally invasive, painless procedures that do not require general anesthesia. These procedures are performed under local anesthesia. The discomfort felt by the patient during the procedure is minimal. Most often, patients feel a slight tingling or stretching of the skin.

Laser lipolysis machines use very thin optical fibers (with a diameter of 300 microns and 600 microns) placed on a special cannula with a diameter of about 1 mm. The doctor makes a small incision (mainly in the folds of the skin, so as to hide tiny scars). The heat generated during the procedure by the interaction of the laser beam and the tissue can reduce excess fat in the body and improve the texture, firmness and elasticity of the skin. In this way, fat cells are converted into an emulsion, which is carefully removed from the body by suction, as well as naturally.

The laser beam penetrates the patient's skin, dissolves fat cells and causes heat shrinkage of the skin fibers, giving the effect of immediate skin tightening and cellulite removal. The laser destroys the cell membranes of the fat cells and results in the release of triglycerides. During the procedure, the heat of the laser acts on the tissues under the skin and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.

Immediately after the operation, slight bruising and swelling of the tissues, as well as slight numbness in the treated areas, may occur. They usually disappear within a few days of being treated. The swelling subsides in about a week. In the case of laser liposuction, slight swelling may persist for 6 to 12 weeks.

Laser lipolysis requires a shorter recovery time and reduces the potential for many of the side effects associated with traditional liposuction. Patients are usually able to resume normal activities within 1-2 days after surgery.

To improve the effectiveness of therapy, doctors recommend wearing a compression garment for about one week after surgery and a short course of antibiotics to prevent infection. For one month, you should refrain from heavy exercise.

Laser lipolysis provides:

  • permanent destruction of fat cells;
  • density and flexibility of the skin;
  • reduction of manifestations of cellulite;
  • quick recovery after surgery;
  • minimal risk of complications.

After laser lipolysis surgery, the body gradually improves day by day. Gradually, the skin becomes more elastic and dense. The final results obtained after laser lipolysis are permanent. These effects appear gradually after 1-2 months. In some cases, this process can take up to six months. In the event of a re-growth of body weight, fat will be deposited in other areas than those that were treated.

In most cases, a single procedure is sufficient to obtain the desired clinical effect. After the operation, gradually over several months, the skin becomes smooth, elastic and healthy. These effects persist for a long time with a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and general body care.

Modern laser liposuction machines have effective systems to ensure maximum patient safety and eliminate the risk of skin burns, which were sometimes a side effect of laser treatment in the past.

Contraindications for laser lipolysis

Contraindications to laser lipolysis are:

  • epilepsy, multiple sclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid disease;
  • liver disease, kidney failure;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • open wounds or skin diseases in the treatment area;
  • pregnancy;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • taking antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants, thrombolytics, certain anti-inflammatory drugs or photosensitizers.

Ultrasonic liposuction

The task of ultrasonic liposuction is to reduce fat deposits in the abdomen and cellulite. Ultrasonic tummy tuck allows you to remove fat in a much safer, more precise, less painful way than traditional liposuction. This significantly reduces the recovery time. Ultrasonic liposuction is a modern, non-surgical method for reducing fat deposits and cellulite located in aesthetically important places, namely: the abdomen, hips, waist, buttocks and arms. The method should not be considered as a form of overweight treatment!

The best candidates for therapy are:

women aged 25 to 55 years, with the accumulation of adipose tissue mainly in the abdomen and lower extremities, optionally with cellulite;

men aged 30 to 50 years, with obesity in the abdomen.

How is the treatment going?

Ultrasonic liposuction is a non-surgical instrumental method based on the use of ultrasonic energy to accurately separate fat from surrounding tissue. The method does not affect the surrounding tissues, so there is no risk of damage to the connective tissue, nerves or blood vessels.

The hardware method is based on selective damage to the membranes of fat cells with ultrasonic energy (without damage to the surrounding organs - blood vessels and nerves), with the result that fat is released into the intercellular spaces.

The use of ultrasonic waves of different lengths, penetrating deep into the skin and radiating energy, comes to the phenomenon of cavitation in fat cells. Countless small air bubbles are created with the help of vacuum, which causes the fat cells to vibrate and affects the membranes of adipocytes, leading to their complete destruction. In this case, triglycerides are converted into glycerol and free fatty acids. The released fats are transported through the lymphatic and vascular system to the liver, where they are metabolized and excreted from the body under normal physiological processes.

Ultrasound allows you to perform a gentle massage in the depths of the tissues, which stimulates blood circulation, lymph flow and local metabolism, and also improves cell metabolism, so that the body gets rid of waste products better. Toxins released from adipose tissue are removed from the body through the sweat glands and the lymphatic and vascular systems. The ultrasonic thermal effect acts as an anesthetic and relaxes the muscles.

Unfortunately, this treatment has a small disadvantage. In fact, the released fat is often not eliminated from the body once and for all. During one treatment, you should not eliminate more than 0.5 liters of fat, so as not to overload the liver.

During the hardware procedure, patients may experience discomfort, coldness, tingling, prickling, or burning. Patients describe the sensation of ultrasonic waves as a deep heating of adipose tissue. After treatment, patients complain of discomfort (pain), bruising, redness, and swelling. The reddening of the skin lasts for approximately 4-24 hours. The area may have some visible bruising for up to 1 week after treatment. After the procedure in the abdomen, patients should wear special underwear to achieve the best effect. Minor discomfort may occur when exercising or applying pressure to the treated area for up to a week after treatment.

The effect depends on the individual metabolic rate of the body. Estimated time for fat expulsion is about two months. In the case of ultrasonic liposuction, the recovery time depends on the amount of fat that is removed from the body and the area of ​​the treated areas of the body. During this period, the body naturally processes and removes the destroyed fatty tissue. It is extremely important during this period to facilitate the work of the liver.

To facilitate and speed up metabolic processes, proper nutrition is recommended, reducing the intake of protein and saturated fats. Dishes should not be overly salty. After ultrasonic liposuction, it is recommended to consume at least 2 liters of water per day. The use of dietary recommendations will help remove fat from the body and reduce the load on the liver. The best results can be seen after three to six months.

In order to achieve the expected results, you need to go through a number of procedures, usually ten. The first series of 3-5 treatments is performed every 5 days. The next two series are held at intervals of 2-5 days.

Contraindications for treatment

Contraindications to the operation of ultrasonic liposuction are:

  • pregnancy and lactation, menstruation;
  • diabetes;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • HIV status;
  • hernia;
  • tumor diseases (up to five years after treatment);
  • heart failure, arterial hypertension;
  • viral and bacterial skin diseases, damage to the epidermis;
  • fever, weakness and exhaustion of the body;
  • Non-surgical lpg liposuction is a safe method for correcting contour deformities of the body, which allows reducing body volume and weight, eliminating cellulite, and improving skin condition. lpg rev...

    What is cryolipolysis?

    Cryolipolysis is the fight against excess fat by freezing fat cells. Fat cells freeze before the surrounding tissues, die and are destroyed over time during the course of the inflammatory process.

Abdominoplasty this is a tummy tuck, i.e. its correction in case of stretching of the muscles and skin, which led to the formation of an "apron". This can happen after pregnancy due to a sharp weight loss, as well as as a result of a metabolic disorder, when an excess of fat is formed, to which the skin that has lost its elasticity is attached. "Apron" can also hang with age due to natural causes.

Indications: everyone who needs it, with the exception of women who are just planning a pregnancy, - in the process of bearing a child, the muscles can stretch again. Not very recommended for ladies trying to lose weight, as the result is almost guaranteed to go down the drain.

The operation is done as follows: an incision is made on the anterior abdominal wall, excess tissues below the navel are removed, and the muscles are pulled back to the normal position. A cosmetic suture is applied. The operation costs from $2000

Complications, side effects: depend on individual characteristics, as well as lifestyle.

Liposuction Methods

Liposuction(from Latin lipos - fat and English suction - suction) is not a way to reduce weight!, but - the procedure in most cases is effective only for local removal of fat in certain areas: "buns" on the knees, "popin ears", double chin, etc. .d.i.e. such fat deposits that are difficult or impossible to cope with conservative methods.

Modeling of body contours is indicated for owners of such deposits with normal weight and elastic skin. In young women, the result will be better than in middle-aged ladies. You should not count on liposuction for those who have recently undergone surgery in the same area.

All existing types of liposuction can be divided into two groups. The first includes techniques based on the mechanical crushing of adipose tissue. A classic example of this is vacuum liposuction. The second group is the methods in which adipose tissue is destroyed due to various chemical and physical factors, for example, special solutions or ultrasound.

There are standard, tumescent, ultrasonic, syringe liposuction and hydroliposculpture. A separate item is the method of electronic lipomodelling.

Standard (vacuum) liposuction- a pioneer among other types of fat removal. It is unlikely that there are those who have never heard of this procedure. It is performed as follows: a special hollow needle (cannula) is inserted through small incisions into the subcutaneous fat. With careful movements, the specialist moves the cannula under the skin, thus destroying fat cells, which are immediately removed through a vacuum apparatus. However, you will not feel any of this, as you will sleep soundly - the operation is most often performed under general anesthesia. A simple at first glance, the technique is quite traumatic, but with the help of vacuum liposuction, you can get rid of such a volume of adipose tissue that you will see an impressive result as soon as you remove the compression underwear.

Pros . You can get rid of the largest volumes of fat (up to 10 liters). Low cost compared to other types of liposuction.

Minuses . Typically, general anesthesia is used. The highest probability of bleeding and complications (hematomas, seromas, fat embolism, in rare cases leading to death).

Tumescent liposuction almost indistinguishable from the vacuum method. The only difference is that before starting the procedure, the surgeon injects a special drug (Klein's solution) into the problem area, consisting of saline, anesthetic and vasoconstrictors. As a result, blood vessels constrict, and fat cells, on the contrary, swell, which facilitates their further removal. If during the procedure not standard cannulas are used, but thin (up to 3 mm) hollow needles, this method is called hydroliposculpture. As a rule, it is used as a final procedure after other types of liposuction.

Pros . It is possible to remove large enough volumes, the blood loss is insignificant.

Minuses . Typically, general anesthesia is used. Complications of an aesthetic nature are not uncommon (violation of body contours, pigmentation, chronic swelling).

With the method ultrasonic liposuction fat deposits are first broken up using a special ultrasonic probe, which is inserted directly into the fat layer. The fat cells are then removed with cannulas.

Pros . Minimal blood loss, skin lifting effect.

Minuses . There is a high risk of complications (burns, seromas, skin necrosis in the area of ​​the operation).

Syringe liposuction used in cases where it is necessary to remove a small amount of fat (up to 0.3 l). The operation is carried out manually - instead of vacuum pumps, the surgeon uses syringes. The intervention itself lasts quite a long time, sometimes five to six hours, but thanks to the use of thin syringes, there are no hematomas and edema on the skin.

Pros . Only local anesthesia is used.

Minuses . It is impossible to remove a large amount of adipose tissue.

Electronic lipomodeling many experts call a sensation in liposuction. The method is based on the action of high frequency current, which melts adipose tissue. It happens in the following way. Thin needles are inserted into the tissues, connected to a generator that creates an electric field. Fat liquefied by the current is removed using very thin cannulas. An added bonus: the current speeds up the metabolism of adipocytes (fat cells), so you will lose excess weight for several months after the procedure. Note that no cuts will be made to you. Two or three thinnest punctures are enough, after which no traces will remain on the skin.

Minuses . The technique is not designed to remove large amounts of fat.

After liposuction

Complications, side effects: removing fat is not the same as pouring water out of a glass. According to the description, the operation is simple, but this simplicity is deceptive. If liposuction is unsuccessful, then the most harmless side effect is a slight unevenness of the skin. then there are "lumpy" and the "washboard" effect - after all, the removed fat cells will no longer be restored, but the remaining neighboring ones can easily increase in size if you gain weight, and make your skin play in pits and slides. Liposuction requires a very thorough subsequent rehabilitation with the connection of manual and hardware techniques. This operation has one of the longest and most painful recovery periods. Only elevated temperature can last more than a month. Plus bruises, swelling, pain and the resulting restrictions in movement and even at rest (try to sleep peacefully if the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe former "riding breeches" on the hips is a solid bruise).

In 1985, in California, a dermatologist named Dr. Jeffrey Klein improved this method of liposuction by injecting a tumescent fluid. When using this technique, the amount of solution is injected 3-4 times more than the amount of fat removed. Today, tumescent liposuction is the most popular and common type of liposuction. This, according to plastic surgeons, is a safer method for the patient than all the previous ones.

The rule for distinguishing liposuction methods is as follows:

  • If the surgeon injects less tumescent solution than the amount of fat to be removed, then this is a wet technique.
  • If the surgeon injects about the same amount of tumescent solution as the amount of fat removed, then this is a super-wet method.
  • If your surgeon injects a solution that is 3 or 4 times the amount of fat to be removed, then this is a tumescent technique.



Laser method of liposuction, also called laser liposculpture, was first discovered by a Colombian surgeon, Dr. Rodrigo Neira, in 1999. Dr. Neira was the first to attempt to alleviate discomfort and reduce recovery time after liposuction with a laser that was designed to relieve pain. He noticed that the emulsified fat is released from the fat cells, but the cell membranes are not affected. Laser liposuction is most often used in combination with tumescent liposuction, and is applied in small areas without fat absorption. The device does not generate heat and therefore does not cause a thermal injury. The technique is as follows: the laser is carried out over the treatment area for 12 minutes, then small incisions are made to drain the fluid and fat cells.


Currently, a modern method of liposuction - laser lipolysis - has been invented in Italy. This technique is rarely used in the USA, but is regularly performed in Italy, South America and other parts of Europe. The procedure is done with injections similar to the tumescent liposuction technique and involves inserting a fiber optic device through very small incisions.


Water jet liposuction (WAL) is performed using the Body-jet machine. This type of liposuction is also called - "Water liposuction". The essence of this type of liposuction is the simultaneous destruction and washing out of fat cells with a jet of water under high pressure. The amount of fluid introduced into the patient's body is equal to the amount removed. Due to this, softer fat cells are easily separated from the more elastic connective tissue without damaging the vessels and nerves. Low invasiveness of water-jet liposuction is its advantage: there is a decrease in edema and bruising after surgery, the absence of blood loss and pain in the postoperative period, as well as the possibility of using adipose tissue for liposculpture (lipofilling).

In conclusion, I would like to note that all techniques, methods and devices for liposuction are created primarily to facilitate work. plastic surgeon. But no matter how modern and expensive the device is, the result of the operation always depends on the skill of the specialist. Despite all the latest technology, liposuction remains a “blind method” and is performed almost by touch, the surgeon relies only on his tactile sensations. However, an experienced surgeon can achieve a flawless result with the traditional vacuum liposuction technique.

As such, the concept of non-surgical liposuction does not exist., since liposuction is characterized as an operation to artificially pump out fat. It cannot be carried out without punctures and incisions.

A non-surgical (non-surgical) method would be more correctly called lipolysis. Which in turn means the metabolic breakdown of fats into fatty acids under the action of lipase.

This type of procedure is resorted to by people who do not want or for some reason are not able to get rid of body fat on their own with the help of sports or dietary adjustments. Procedures can be applied by both women and men from the age of majority.

The younger the body, the more effective the result will be.. The variety of methods of non-surgical liposuction allows you to get rid of fat cells in almost any part of the body.

Types of liposuction without surgery

The choice of non-surgical methods of dealing with problem areas of our body is quite wide. In order to make the right choice, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the features, pros and cons of each of the procedures.

Correctly selected method of "liposuction" will help to get the maximum result from the procedure.


This method is the most popular and in demand. The removal of fat in this way occurs with the help of low atmospheric pressure. Under the action of ultrasound, fat cells burst, acquiring the consistency of an emulsion. Destroyed cells are removed through tubes inserted into the patient's body or through the venous / lymphatic system (with non-invasive liposuction).


  1. allows you to quickly model the contours of the body;
  2. does not require hospitalization;
  3. accessible to most people;
  4. reduces cellulite.


  • oncological diseases;
  • elevated temperature;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • herpes in active form;
  • colds;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

Possible negative consequences:

  1. blood clots in blood vessels;
  2. risk of damage to the peripheral nervous system;
  3. tissue dehydration;
  4. tissue destruction (burn).

The prices for the procedure are quite low. The number of procedures depends on the "initial data" of the patient. On average, 6-8 treatments may be needed.. The duration of the event is from 1 to 3 hours.

Learn more about ultrasonic liposuction in this video:

Shock wave (hardware)

It occurs with the help of a special apparatus that acts on the "problem" areas of the body with acoustic waves and promotes the breakdown of adipose tissue, as well as improving metabolism. Initially, the procedure was used to treat arthritis, arthrosis, varicose veins and other serious diseases. Today it is actively used for:

  • elimination of cellulite;
  • increasing skin turgor;
  • body contouring;
  • improve blood circulation.

It is worth noting that this technique is not suitable for correcting the oval of the face and getting rid of the second chin.


The disadvantages include only the fact that 5-6 procedures will be required to obtain a significant effect.

The use of shock wave therapy is contraindicated in:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • blood diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • skin damage in the area of ​​the necessary impact;
  • active viral infections;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

You can learn more about shock wave non-surgical liposuction from this video:

Non-surgical injection (chemical)

It is a type of plastic surgery in which special injectable preparations are introduced into the “problem areas” to combat fatty deposits. This technique is not suitable for weight loss.. Its main goal is body contouring.

The injected liquid destroys the fat cells and turns them into an emulsion. The resulting substance is excreted through the liver without any side effects. The average time for the procedure is 20 minutes. To obtain a positive effect, it is recommended to carry out 8-10 procedures with an interval of 10 days.

Benefits of injectable "liposuction":


  • age up to 18 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • infectious diseases;
  • HIV, hepatitis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • allergic reactions;
  • SARS, fever.

The procedure is suitable for the treatment of the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, shoulders and arms, face and neck.

Possible side effects include slight inflammation at the injection site. After a few days, it passes without a trace. If the inflammation progresses, this indicates an infectious complication resulting from a violation of sanitary and hygienic standards.

Cryolipolysis (cold)

The method consists in exposure to cold on "problem areas". Fat cells do not tolerate low temperatures and are forced to undergo splitting. The indication for this procedure is obesity resulting from a violation of food conduction.

Among contraindications:

The pluses include:

  1. high efficiency;
  2. the possibility of using the method for obesity.


  1. available only in major cities;
  2. discomfort during the procedure;
  3. for 1 session only 1 zone is processed;
  4. high price.

The duration of the first procedure is 30-40 minutes. Subsequent increases to an hour. The number of procedures depends on the initial data.

Learn more about cryolipolysis in this video:

Radiofrequency or electrolipolysis Body tite

This the procedure is carried out using special equipment Body tite (Body Tite) emitting radio frequency. On the nozzle of the device there is a needle that is inserted into the place of fatty deposits and, when heated, breaks and brings out the fat cells.

Electrolipolysis is great for the correction of the neck, decollete and face, because. does not leave scars and has a beneficial effect on the skin, tightening it and relieving the first signs of aging.

The procedure has practically no contraindications due to the absence of injury risk and excellent tolerability.

The advantages include the following features:

  1. skin tightening effect;
  2. high efficiency (for 1 session you can get rid of 5 liters of fat);
  3. minimal trauma.

The duration of radiofrequency non-surgical "liposuction" is about 1.5 hours and may vary depending on the characteristics of the area to be worked out.


The procedure is performed using an ozone-oxygen mixture.. In addition to the breakdown of body fat, it helps to eliminate toxins, and also improves skin elasticity.

Due to the simultaneous injection of several needles, the process takes a small amount of time, is evenly distributed over the required area of ​​influence and does not cause pain to the patient.

Contraindications include:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • presence of acute/chronic diseases.

The procedure is effective at any stage of cellulite.. In total, 10-12 sessions are prescribed with an interval of 5-7 days. The duration of the procedure is 40 minutes or more (depending on the amount of body fat).

The prices for a session of non-surgical "liposuction" in St. Petersburg and Moscow are approximately the same, but there is a rather large variation. So, cryolipolysis in one clinic can be done for 2.5 tr., while the other will take from 30 tr. and higher.

A photo

The photo shows how the figure looks, including in the abdomen, before and after liposuction.

Advantages and disadvantages of this method

The advantages of the non-surgical method are:

  • the absence of abdominal incisions and punctures on the patient's body for pumping fat;
  • anesthesia is not used;
  • fat breakdown occurs naturally;
  • the procedure can be performed in a beauty parlor;
  • a small percentage of complications;
  • high efficiency.

The main disadvantages are:

  • The load on the liver, as there is a neutralization of apocytes. It is recommended to stick to the diet during this period.
  • Problems from the lymphatic system. When removing the emulsion that breaks down fats, intoxication of the body is possible. To minimize the occurrence of such complications, lymphatic drainage massage should be performed.
  • The risk of allergic reactions to drugs used for non-surgical liposuction (lipolysis).


The main permanent contraindications to the "operation" are:

  1. oncology;
  2. blood diseases;
  3. diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  4. serious diseases of other internal organs.

Temporary ones include:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. lactation period;
  3. menstruation;
  4. menopause;
  5. colds.

Features of the operation for the abdominal area without surgical intervention

Non-surgical liposuction of the abdominal area is indicated in the presence of fatty deposits, lipomas and cellulite bumps in this area. The rehabilitation period will be 3 days.

The following methods are suitable for the procedure:

  • laser (you can find out more about how to deal with fat with laser liposuction);
  • multi-injector;
  • shock wave;
  • ultrasonic (for more information about what ultrasonic liposuction is, you can find out in);
  • radio frequency;
  • injection.

2-3 days before and after the non-surgical "liposuction" of the abdomen, you should refuse to visit the pool, avoid sunbathing and drinking alcohol, improve nutrition, eliminating fried, fatty and spicy foods. Drink 1-2 liters of clean drinking water.

The result of the procedure will be noticeable after the first session.. The amount of body fat will be noticeably reduced. However, the greatest result will appear after 3-4 procedures.

After the procedure, it is desirable to observe the daily regimen, lead an active lifestyle and adhere to proper nutrition. Otherwise, extra pounds can quickly return.

Of the side effects, small burns on the body are possible due to increased skin sensitivity or exceeding the session time. Also in some cases dehydration occurs. You can prevent such a complication by drinking at least 2 liters of still water on the day of the procedure.

The doctor of the clinic where the procedure is planned will help with the choice of the appropriate method of getting rid of excess fat deposits, as well as determine the possibility of non-surgical liposuction, based on the results of preliminary studies and analysis of the patient's health.

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