It needs fiber in the body. Precautions when using fiber. What is fiber

Usually rules healthy eating maximum attention is paid to athletes whose diet quality is directly related to professional achievements. There are many adherents of a healthy diet among those who have health problems and with the help of balanced diet seek to remove extra load from his already unhealthy body. However, the principles of healthy eating should become the starting point for absolutely all people in order to balance their diet, saturate it with substances that are really necessary and important for health, and thereby prevent premature deterioration of the body. For anyone wanting to join the masses of properly nourished people, fiber will be the most important term. What it is? Why does the body need fiber? What products contain it?

Cellulose is complex carbohydrates, which are the hollow fibers of the cell walls of almost all plants. It is an insoluble but highly water-swelling polysaccharide that is only broken down in the large intestine.

The uniqueness of fiber lies in its ability to increase in size and not be digested by the action of food enzymes produced in the stomach and small intestine. The swollen plant mass, passing through the entire gastrointestinal tract, cleanses its walls from undigested residues food, stimulates intestinal peristalsis. An organism freed from toxins with clean intestinal villi quickly breaks down and assimilates food, absorbing vitamins and minerals as much as possible from them. Fiber is especially useful for those who want to lose weight, because it is non-caloric, and due to its swelling property, it quickly saturates the body, preventing hunger.

The benefits of fiber

What is the benefit of fiber for human health? She is:

  • Cleanses the digestive tract from toxins, regulates digestion.
  • It is nutrition for beneficial intestinal microflora.
  • It ensures the smooth functioning of the intestines, as well as the synthesis of certain vitamins and enzymes that occur in it.
  • Prevents the appearance of hunger, restricts from overeating.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels, cleansing blood vessels and prolonging their impeccable service life.
  • It binds carcinogenic substances, limiting their destructive activity in the body.
  • As a result of the complete breakdown of fiber, glucose is formed, which is a kind of fuel for the energy activity of the body.

Dietary fiber - what is it?

Often the concepts of "fiber" and "dietary fiber" are equated, but this is not true. Dietary fiber is those food residues that the stomach and small intestine cannot digest. Dietary fiber can be water soluble or insoluble. Valuable chemical compounds of the insoluble group dietary fiber are complex carbohydrates - polysaccharides, which represent fiber.

Since fiber is only part of the concept of dietary fiber, the effect of fiber on the body is wider than the functions performed by fiber. Alimentary fiber:

  • stimulate the process of salivation;
  • prepare the stomach for food intake;
  • regulate digestion;
  • remove toxins from the body, bile acids, heavy metal ions.

Fiber for colon cleansing

Most of the health benefits of fiber are aimed at cleansing. digestive system. Without sufficient intake of fiber in the body, bowel cleansing is ineffective. To prevent constipation, ensure proper peristalsis and maintain a healthy intestinal flora, you need to eat about 30–35 g of fiber daily. The average inhabitant of the Earth today eats about 15-20 g per day, which is not enough to ensure the health of the digestive, cardiovascular and immune systems.

What can be harmful fiber?

An excessive increase in fiber intake can lead to intestinal obstruction and dehydration. To avoid this:

  • introduce fiber-rich foods into the diet gradually;
  • do not exceed the recommended rate;
  • drink more water, less coffee, tea, carbonated and alcoholic drinks.


Buckwheat 17
Bran 6
Brown rice, oatmeal 4
Fruit Fiber (g) per medium fruit
Avocado 8
Papaya 5
Apple, kiwi, banana 4
Vegetables Fiber (g) Per Serving (200 g)
Potato 10
Spinach 6
Broccoli, green beans 5
Mushrooms, kale 4
Legumes Fiber (g) per glass of product
Lentils 16
Beans, peas 14
nuts Fiber (g) Per Serving (30 g)
Almond 5
Pistachios, walnut 3-4

You can also buy dry fiber from bran, oatmeal, wheat, Jerusalem artichoke in pure form or with the addition of pieces of fruit. The choice of such products today is huge, and the fiber in it is usually presented in the form of unrefined grains. The use of such a product will be an excellent satiating and healthy breakfast or a low-calorie snack.

Getting the right amount of fiber ensures the health of the body from the inside. Analyze your diet, if necessary, introduce the recommended fiber-rich foods. Be attentive to yourself!

Fiber is found in many foods that are tasty and loved by many, and not very, and even seemingly completely unsuitable for food. Nutritionists tirelessly insist that it is incredibly useful for humans and should always be present in the diet. Why fiber is so useful, as if it acts on the body and whether it can do harm - we'll talk in our article.

Fiber is present in greater or lesser amounts in every product that has a plant origin. It does not nourish our body with energy, it contains neither minerals, nor vitamins, nor any other nutrients. Chemical composition fiber can be varied because it is not defined chemical compound, which has a clear structure, but to a greater extent the generalized name of a group of carbohydrates, more precisely, plant fibers.

Fiber is the indigestible part of plants. At the same time, scientists divide it into soluble and insoluble. The first, in contact with a liquid, turns into jelly, the second remains unchanged, and when in contact with water, it swells like a sponge. Soluble fiber includes plant resins and pectins and can be found in seaweed, legumes, oats, barley, apples, oranges, and more. To insoluble - lignin, cellulose, they are found in seeds, vegetables, cereals, fruits, cereals. Often, plant foods contain both types of fiber at the same time, both of them must certainly be included in the diet.

Because the modern man consumes a lot of refined food that has been processed and contains a small amount of fiber, as a rule, the body lacks it. Now there are many special preparations with which you can make up for the lack of plant fibers. As a rule, they are processed plants. They can be eaten simply with plenty of liquid, or added to other foods, such as kefir or yogurt. Such products are produced by a lot of enterprises; they can be made in the form of powder or granules.

So, if you consider the composition of Siberian fiber, you can be sure that it is absolutely natural, it does not contain any chemistry. This weapon contains only rye and wheat shells, berry and fruit additives, nuts and another line natural ingredients. The same can be said about flax fiber, milk thistle, bran (which is also fiber), etc.

Fiber proc

Primarily, this product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and in fact the state of many organs and systems depends on its condition, as well as the appearance and general well-being. Soluble fiber is digested by the body for a very long time, thanks to which a person feels full for a long time. In addition, it slows down the absorption of sugar from the blood, helps lower cholesterol levels and remove toxins and metals.

Insoluble fiber improves the passage of food through the intestines and absorbs liquid in the process. This makes her excellent remedy treatment and prevention of constipation. It also gently cleanses the intestines from harmful accumulations.

To summarize, the benefits of fiber for the body are as follows:

Fiber for weight loss

There are many weight loss programs out there that include fiber. There is nothing surprising in this, because the ability to reduce the emotion of hunger, saturate, cleanse the intestines and reduce the calorie content of meals, makes it ideal remedy for weight loss.

That the consumption of vegetables and fruits is one of better ways getting rid of extra pounds and maintaining optimal weight, is now known to almost everyone and scientifically confirmed. Moreover, diets based on the use of these products can no doubt be ranked among the most popular. There are a great many of them, for example, vegetable diet, cabbage diet, grapefruit diet, fruit diet etc.

However, a fiber-based diet can, of course, and should include more than just vegetables and fruits. Legumes, seeds, whole grains, cereals, dried fruits, oatmeal, nuts are also excellent sources of fiber.

The main foods containing fiber, you can see in this table:

A person should consume 25 to 35 grams of fiber per day. If a main goal is weight loss, this figure should be increased to 60 grams. Those wishing to lose weight are advised to make a menu in such a way that about seventy percent daily ration occupied food rich in fiber. At the same time, it is better to eat vegetables with fish, poultry or meat. Fruits are best consumed separately, for example, as snacks, since it is desirable that the fiber in them pass through digestive tract without connecting to other components.

For achievement best results, in parallel with an increase in plant fibers in the diet, it is worth significantly reducing consumption or completely abandoning pickles, alcohol, sweet, fatty, fried and other foods that contribute to the formation of extra pounds.

Try to eat vegetables and fruits raw, because after heat treatment a large part of the fiber is destroyed. Don't replace them fresh juices because they almost do not contain plant fibers.

There is another option for losing weight with fiber - consumption pharmaceutical products. Flax fiber is useful for weight loss, Siberian and wheat fiber, as well as milk thistle fiber, give a good effect.

Like taking fiber for weight loss

Pharmaceutical fiber can be consumed on its own or added to yogurt, kefir, salads and other dishes. At the same time, you should certainly significantly increase your water intake, you need to drink about two and a half liters per day, otherwise the fibers can clog the stomach. In order to reduce weight more noticeably, it is worth reducing the consumption of fats, flour and sweets.

The easiest way to take fiber is to place a tablespoon of the product in a glass of liquid, stir well and drink. This should be done three or four times a day, thirty minutes before meals. Wheat fiber for weight loss can be taken directly at the time of meals. It goes very well with soups and broth. Maximum dose similar fiber is 6 tablespoons per day.

You can try a more strict diet. For its implementation, it is allowed to use any fiber of your choice. The essence of the diet is as follows: daily you should drink four glasses of kefir with a tablespoon of fiber diluted in it. Kefir must certainly be low-fat or low-fat, it can be replaced with yogurt, also low-fat. In addition to it, you should eat about 200 grams of vegetables or fruits. You can not eat anything other than the recommended products. Such a diet should last no more than two weeks.

Kefir and fiber can be used not only for diet, but also for unloading days. It is recommended to arrange them once or twice a week. During such days, it is allowed to drink only low-fat kefir with the addition of fiber. A liter of kefir must be divided by five equal parts and drink and during the day, pre-stirring in each tablespoon of fiber.

Whatever way you choose to lose weight with fiber, remember that it is recommended to start consuming it with small doses and gradually increase them to the required ones. This will help to avoid such unpleasant manifestations as bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, or, conversely, constipation.

The harm of fiber

Before taking on any form of fiber, you should consult a specialist, as each of them can have different impact on the body. For example, milk thistle fiber damage can show up when consumed in excess in the form of headaches and skin reactions. Caution should be taken by people with serious problems with cookies. The harm of fiber from flax seeds mainly lies in its laxative effect. Of course, for those who suffer from constipation, this property is useful inside out, but with diarrhea, it can really harm, exacerbating the problem.

Any kind of pharmacy fiber, especially when consumed in large quantities, impairs the absorption of certain minerals and vitamins. So, wheat bran interfere with the absorption of iron and zinc, pectin in large doses- beta-carotene, psyllium in excessive amounts - vitamin B2.

At the beginning of the use of pharmacy fiber, bloating, flatulence, stomach pain, and constipation may occur. It should not be taken by pregnant women, it is also not desirable for nursing and children. Contraindications to the use of these products are intolerance to the components that make up their composition, stomach or intestinal ulcers, colitis, sharp forms gastritis.

Prok and Harm.Ru

Dietary fiber has a lot useful properties; in addition, it is necessary for the proper functioning gastrointestinal tract.

Fiber or dietary fiber can be found in vegetables, legumes and whole grains - these foods are characterized by the highest fiber content.

The main benefit of fiber for the body is to prevent constipation and improve digestion in general. In addition, regular fiber intake helps reduce the risk of diabetes as well as heart disease.

Interestingly, inexperienced people sometimes believe that fiber-rich foods are often not very tasty. However, it is not. There is a ton of great food out there, both delicious and healthy. You just need to know three things:

  • How much fiber should you eat per day
  • What products contain it
  • How do you fit these products into your daily diet food

What is Dietary Fiber?

Fiber is the part herbal products food that is not absorbed by the body. Unlike other nutrients, such as fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, which are broken down and absorbed by the body, this is not the case with fiber. Instead, being practically "untouched", it passes through the stomach, small intestine, colon, and, in the end, completely on the way out, as they say. 🙂 It seems that what is the use of it? However, its transmigration through our body carries a lot of good points to maintain the health of the entire body.

Types of Fiber

There are two kinds regarding water solubility:

  • Soluble fiber
  • insoluble fiber

Soluble fiber

This type of fiber, when dissolved in water, forms a jelly-like mass that helps reduce blood levels. bad cholesterol and blood glucose levels. Soluble fiber is found in foods such as oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, barley and plantain (also a product :)).

insoluble fiber

This type of dietary fiber helps to move the contents of the intestine to the "exit". If you have a tendency to constipation, then you will be very useful insoluble fiber. It will not only reduce or completely prevent constipation (if used properly), but will also regulate the stool in general. This type of fiber can be found in whole wheat flour, wheat bran, nuts; in addition, you can consume vegetables containing fiber - fortunately, there are quite a few of them.

AT different products the amount of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber is different. To get the most out of both types, eat a varied diet (and, of course, as healthy and natural as possible).

Useful Properties of Fiber

Here is a list of the main benefits of fiber:

- Puts in order the excretory function. On the one hand, it increases the volume of the stool, on the other hand, it softens it. This in total greatly improves defecation, thereby preventing the formation of constipation, and internal poisoning of the body. If you have liquid stool, fiber, on the contrary, will make it more dense, because. it absorbs liquid. In some cases, it can even bring relief from irritable bowel syndrome.

- Regular consumption of dietary fiber (fiber) contributes to the maintenance of intestinal health. Diet with high content dietary fiber reduces the risk of developing hemorrhoids, as well as diverticulitis. Some of the fibers ferment in the intestines, which, according to some studies, can play a positive role in preventing colon diseases.

- Decreased blood cholesterol levels. Products with high content fiber (soluble) - these are legumes, oats, flax seeds and oat bran; if you consume them regularly, your general level cholesterol in the blood will be reduced by lowering low-density lipoprotein, or "bad" cholesterol. Epidemiological studies have shown that increasing dietary fiber can reduce blood pressure and inflammatory processes which ensures the health of your heart.

- Helps control blood sugar levels. Fiber, especially soluble fiber, can slow down the absorption of sugar, which for diabetics means improved blood sugar levels. A diet that includes insoluble dietary fiber can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

- You can lose weight with fiber. food, rich in fiber, you have to chew longer, which gives the body extra time to signal that hunger is eliminated. When we eat refined food, it is absorbed easily and quickly, and the body does not have time to signal that the hunger has passed, and we need to stop eating. Therefore, people often overeat, hence excess weight. There is another point: food with fiber gives a feeling of fullness with less eaten, and this feeling lasts longer than from ordinary food. Therefore, not only can you lose weight, but you also feel full or full for a longer period of time. Another plus is that there are fewer calories for the same amount of food compared to refined foods, which again means preventing obesity.

There is still an uncertain effect of dietary fiber on colorectal cancer. Evidence that dietary fiber reduces the development colorectal cancer, are mixed: according to some, this is true (there is a decrease in cancer); according to others, either there is no effect, or there is a risk of aggravation. One way or another, this issue still requires further research.

How Much Fiber Should You Eat Per Day?

What Foods Contain Fiber?

We have already mentioned foods with more fiber; let's repeat again:

  • Cereals and whole grains
  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Legumes
  • Nuts and seeds

It should be noted that processed (refined) products, such as canned vegetables and fruits, juices without pulp, White bread and pasta, as well as porridge not from whole grain, contain much less dietary fiber than fresh, unprocessed foods. When grains are milled, the skin (bran) is removed, which naturally reduces the fiber content. Similarly, cutting the skin off vegetables and fruits also reduces the amount of dietary fiber in them.

Therefore, in order to provide yourself with enough dietary fiber, it is better to eat natural and fresh foods. You can also use dietary fiber supplements, however, do not forget that such supplements will not give you all the gamut of nutrients that can be found in regular diets. natural products. But, they are better than nothing, of course, especially if we are talking about alleviating specific problems: constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome. You can consult your doctor about the best option food additives in your case.

How to Use Fiber?

The easiest option- there is fresh fruits and plenty of vegetables. Here are some more options:

- For breakfast, eat cereals, especially with bran and a high content of dietary fiber. If you already have your favorite cereal for breakfast, you can simply add a couple of tablespoons of wheat bran to it.

- Add more whole grains to your diet. You can use brown rice, wild rice, barley, whole wheat flour or other whole grains, whole wheat pasta, bulgur. Make sure the package says approximately 2 grams of fiber per serving.

- Add dietary fiber to baked goods. Whole grain flour is heavier than flour premium. In yeast breads, use a little more yeast or allow the dough more time to rise. If using baking powder, increase by 1 teaspoon for every three cups of whole wheat flour. Try adding ground grain bran or unprocessed wheat bran to muffins, cakes, and cookies.

- More fresh produce! Add more vegetables in soups and sauces.

- More beans! Eat more beans, peas and lentils. Beans are great in soups and salads. Lentils are good with many dishes, including as an independent breakfast dish (in my experience, they are digested easier than peas, but very nutritious). Peas also go well in soups, and as a side dish.

- Eat more fruits. Apples, bananas, oranges, pears and berries are good source dietary fiber.

- Healthy snacks. If you like to snack during the day, do it with benefit! Dried fruits, raw vegetables Whole grain cookies are great options. Nuts are also good for snacking, just do not get carried away with them when the main meal is approaching, because. ruin your appetite.

So, I think it's now obvious what fiber is good for; such a simple product that can seriously improve your health without requiring drastic changes in your diet (for the most part, these are supplements).

True, there is something else…

Side Effects of Dietary Fiber

If you start eating a lot of fiber at once, this can lead to flatulence (formation intestinal gases), bloating and cramps. To avoid similar troubles, add dietary fiber to your diet gradually, over several weeks, increasing the amount of fiber in food. This is how the bacteria in your esophagus gets used to the change in "environment". Also drink enough water, since dietary fiber interacts well with water, thereby improving the excretory functions of the body.

They began to talk about fiber quite recently, when we began to pay more and more attention to the quality, benefits and harms of the products we consume. Our topic today is what fiber is, what types it is, what is its use and why our body needs it.

Knowledge about the composition of food products, about vitamins and minerals, about fiber, was given to us by the development of science and medicine. As a result, a paradox has turned out, when everyone today expects only bad ecology and GMOs from science, it, with its research, helps us to be closer to the earth, and consume cleaner food, use natural cosmetics.

We get fiber exclusively from fruits and vegetables, while being absolutely indispensable for health, beauty and longevity. Another confirmation that plant foods should be in the first place in the diet of any person.

Cellulose - what is it. What are the benefits of dietary fiber

Fiber is plant fibers, parts of plants that our body is either difficult to digest or not able to break down at all. In fact, it is the building material of fruits, vegetables, legumes, complex carbohydrates that bring great benefit to our body.

To understand what the benefits of fiber actually are, let's first look at what types it comes in and what are the advantages of each of them.

In nature, there are 2 types of dietary fiber:

  • Soluble

Fiber that dissolves in water. Many are sure that the whole benefit of fiber is that it is insoluble, but soluble is no less useful.

Soluble fiber attracts water and turns it into a jelly-like mass. As a result, the process of digestion of food slows down, gives a feeling of satiety, which helps to control appetite, and hence body weight. Slower digestion of food has a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels, and also lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol.

Also, with sufficient consumption of foods rich in soluble fiber, an improvement in the intestinal microflora is noticed.

  • insoluble

Insoluble dietary fiber is considered essential for healthy intestines because they have a regulating effect, that is, they prevent both diarrhea and constipation.

This fiber does not dissolve, but only swells in the intestines, increasing the mass of feces, speeding up its passage. Thus, unnecessary waste products of the body are not retained, and coarse fibers also cleanse the intestines during their passage through the tract.

So, the main benefit of insoluble fibers lies in their ability to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, remove toxins and toxins, which is a lot, you see.

Each type of fiber has its own benefits, so everyone should have enough of both in their diet.

Fiber for weight loss

Many experts in the field proper nutrition and weight loss, they agree that a diet that will help you lose weight overweight, in addition to excluding unhealthy foods, should contain a lot of fiber, both soluble and insoluble.

Foods rich in soluble fibers, in addition to vitamins and minerals, keep the feeling of fullness longer, and thus it is possible to restrain the feeling of hunger.

Insoluble ones do not allow toxins and toxins to remain in the intestines for a long time, and help reduce fat around the waist.

Contraindications and harm to fiber

Controlling the amount and types of fiber is very important if a person suffers from certain diseases gastrointestinal tract.

For example, in irritable bowel syndrome, consumption a large number insoluble fiber can exacerbate the symptoms of the disease. Conversely, a diet rich in soluble dietary fiber can significantly improve well-being.

In any case, doctors usually prescribe strict diets in the presence of chronic diseases, so timely consultation with a specialist will help to avoid many problems.

Increased dietary fiber can lead to excessive gas production, so be sure to stay within limits.

Foods rich in fiber

Soluble fiber foods (per 100 grams):

  • Lentils - 31g
  • Flax seeds- 27.3g
  • Peas - 26g
  • Buckwheat porridge - 17g
  • Barley - 15.6g
  • Rice - 1.3g
  • Beans - 15g
  • Oatmeal - 10.6g
  • Soy - 9.3 g
  • Quinoa - 7g
  • Walnut - 6.7g
  • sweet potato yam – 3g
  • Carrot -2.8g
  • Bananas - 2.6g
  • Apple - 2.4g
  • Rutabaga - 2.3g
  • Potato - 2.2g
  • Corn porridge– 2g
  • Beetroot - 2g
  • Celery - 2g
  • Mango - 1.6g
  • Mushrooms - 1g

Some foods contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, such as nuts, celery, or carrots.

Products containing insoluble fiber (per 100 grams):

  • Bulgur - 18.3g
  • Barley - 15.6g
  • Wheat bran - 14g
  • Artichoke - 8.6g
  • Raisins -6g
  • Whole grain bread - 5g
  • Brown rice - 3.5g
  • Carrot - 2.8g
  • Cabbage (cauliflower, white, red, broccoli) - 2.5g
  • Green beans - 2g
  • Tomatoes - 1.2g
  • Onion - 1.7g
  • Peel of fruits and vegetables.

How much dietary fiber should be consumed daily?

Most people only get about 15-18 grams of fiber per day, when the recommended amount is a minimum of 25 grams for women and 30-38 grams for men.

Don't worry about what kind of fiber we're getting, unless you need to certain result– for example, getting more soluble fiber from food to reduce cholesterol levels. Just make sure that your diet contains a variety of foods, a little of everything - cereals, green and leafy vegetables, and seeds.

  • If you decide to increase your fiber intake, then you need to do it gradually and monitor the reaction of the body. Often sharp rise the amount of dietary fiber leads to bloating and flatulence.
  • To effortlessly add more fiber to your daily diet, simply replace the white barn with whole grains, eat cereal in the morning and snack on nuts, dried fruits and dry diet bread. This will be enough to get the amount of dietary fiber you need.

Video: About the benefits of fiber

Fiber is essential for normal digestion, a healthy gastrointestinal tract and maintenance normal weight body. However, do not worry too much and count grams of fiber the same way some people count the number of calories, just diversify your diet and you are guaranteed to get everything you need for a healthy body.

Many useful material enter the body with food. In the article, we will consider the topic: fiber benefits harm to the body.

For a long time, fiber was considered a useless product that does not bring any benefit. It was believed that it is not digested in the stomach, but simply transits its way through the digestive system.


She promotes normal digestion, has a positive effect on the functioning of the body. It also removes metals and toxins from the body, promotes slow absorption of sugar into the blood, and lowers cholesterol levels.

It also prevents the formation of stones in gallbladder. One of positive qualities also is that it gives a feeling of satiety and as a result a person does not feel hungry and does not overeat.

It is useful to use fiber for people with diabetes.

Its effect on the intestines is simply invaluable as the level of reproduction is reduced. harmful microorganisms, the intestines are cleared of toxins, carbohydrates are slowly absorbed, it is useful to include in the diet for those people who want to lose weight.

Fiber can be found in foods: apples, pears, plums, strawberries, bananas, oranges, apricots, peaches, raisins. Whole grains: whole wheat bread, oats, brown rice. It is also found in lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, pistachios. Vegetables also contain it: beets, carrots, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, greens, avocado.

A person should consume 30 g of fiber per day. Many people use the product as an additive to a dietary diet or use it during fasting days.

For weight loss, fiber is used, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is very important to introduce it into the diet, drink plenty of water so as not to clog the stomach with fibers. It can also be used alone or combined with other products. It is easy to take, diluted with water and consumed half an hour before the main meal.


In addition to benefits, in some cases it can be harmful, so it is important to consult a doctor or nutritionist before using it. Since it interferes with the absorption of some vitamins, if consumed excessively. It also acts as a laxative. In some cases, its excess causes flatulence. It is undesirable to use pharmacy fiber for pregnant or lactating mothers.

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