Discomfort in the lower abdomen and frequent urination. What causes pain in the lower abdomen frequent urination

Pain in the abdomen manifests itself, depending on the cause, in the form of an ailment that caused them.

The pains can be painted with an acute character, manifest with a pulsating effect, they can also be aching, dull, long-term and short-term.

An impressive percentage of diseases can cause discomfort in abdominal cavity, while the time interval for the manifestation of this symptomatology is a significant interval. Usually, with this nature of pain, as noted by patients, it can pull in the lower part or in the central part of the abdominal cavity.

This behavior is typical for various pathological processes, each of which has other accompanying symptoms.

The spread of pain localized near the pathological zone, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as such manifestations when the lower abdomen is pulled and frequent urination accompanies this, assist the specialist in identifying the disease.

Causes contributing to the occurrence of pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen

The abdominal area below the navel is an area that contains a lot of vital important organs. In addition, vessels are located in this area. lymphatic system and nervous. A lot of space here is given by nature to the intestines, as well as the reproductive organs of the fair sex. Nearby are also the organs of the urinary system.

In the event of diseases that are associated with the penetration of infection into the body, as well as attacks by other ailments of the abdominal cavity, unpleasant sensations in this area are characteristic. Common ailments include:

  • Diseases spinal column, pelvic bones and hip joints.
  • Diseases gastrointestinal tract and pancreas.
  • Problems with the urinary organs.
  • Pathological processes in the muscular-ligamentous system.
  • Women's diseases.

Pregnant women at any stage of gestation may experience discomfort under the navel. In such situations, a characteristic symptom appears when it aches in the uterine zone. Also, it can be pulling sensations. This discomfort can indicate pathological processes or simply the growth of the uterine cavity and its effect on nearby organs.

Precisely because the uterus and bladder are quite close to each other, pregnant women experience regular and frequent hikes to the toilet. It should be noted that in the absence of discomfort at the time of urination, as well as pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urination is not considered a pathology. In any case, if you have any questions, you can always contact medical institution and consult with a specialist.

The absence of unpleasant characteristic symptoms, as well as changes in the composition of urine, indicate a healthy urinary system.

The causes of frequent urination at the beginning of pregnancy are the restructuring in the body and hormonal change. Usually, after the birth of a child, a woman forgets about these manifestations.

When there is frequent urination in women and pain in the lower abdomen

In each organism, everything is individual. It is difficult to say exactly how much urination should be daily allowance at healthy person. However, there are approximate figures - from five to ten trips to the toilet per day. In cases where a person consumes a lot of liquid, and diuretic drugs are also used, these figures may be higher. In the absence of pathological processes in representatives of the third age and pregnant women, nighttime urination should not be more than two.

If a large number of urination is accompanied by painful sensations in the lumbar region, and the urethra is disturbed by burning cutting pains, you should visit the doctor without delay. In the presence of general weakness, blood and purulent components in urine, febrile phenomena, lack of appetite, preferably as much as possible short terms get to the doctor.

Frequent urination and pain can indicate such pathologies:

  • Pyelonephritis in an aggravated, as well as sluggish state.
  • Inflammation Bladder.
  • Inflammatory process in the urethral canal.
  • Diseases of the reproductive organs in women.
  • Diseases associated with the endocrine system.


Chronic pyelonephritis is manifested in pain with aching tint in the lumbar region. Usually, with the onset of cold weather and dampness, these manifestations become unbearable for the patient. Enhancement added over time blood pressure. With a sluggish form of pyelonephritis, the desire to empty the bladder occurs mainly with the onset of the twilight period.

With the exacerbation of this disease, the effect of intoxication is also added, a temperature jump occurs, the patient is worried about pain in the head, lack of appetite and general weakness. Urine can be with blood and purulent secretions.

Cystitis or inflammation of the bladder

At this disease the lower abdomen also hurts, but the desire to empty the bladder is false. Patients mostly experience pulling sensations in the abdomen. When going to the toilet, there is often a feeling of partial emptying of the diseased organ.

Also, quite often, patients complain of an inability to hold urine when an urge occurs. An increase in body temperature, the presence of general weakness, and in difficult cases, impurities in the urine may add to the general symptoms.


With inflammation of the urinary canal, intoxication is often absent altogether. The causes of occurrence lie in the attack of the body by nonspecific and specific microflora. The inflammatory process is characterized by a nasty discharge from the urethral canal. Also among the symptoms is an increase in the excretion of urine with a burning and cutting effect in the urethra.

In tandem, inflammation of the bladder and inflammatory process in the area of ​​the urethral canal, they can symptomatically manifest themselves in pain in the lower part of the abdominal cavity, frequent trips to the toilet and an uncomfortable feeling in the urinary canal. Intoxication effect is quite rare.

ICD - urolithiasis

KSD can manifest itself in any area of ​​the urinary system. The disease is characterized pain at the moment of movement of calculi, as well as when they get stuck in some area. At the same time, pain sensations are painted with a sharp shade, they can capture the lumbar region, as well as the suprapubic part.

An increase in the number of urination occurs when stones are localized in the cavity of the bladder. The desire to void arises spontaneously. The reasons usually lie in physical activity, as well as in shakes when running.

Women's diseases

If we touch on such an area as ailments associated with female reproductive organs, pain and an increase in urination in the vast majority of situations become manifestations benign tumor and prolapse of the uterus. When a fibroid occurs, the neoplasm creates compression effect in the region of the urinary system.

Similarly, the prolapse of the uterus manifests itself. The result is painful sensations of a aching nature, as well as constant trips to the toilet. Diseases are characterized false urges. Patients note failures in the cycle of menstruation preceding the disease, pain in the chest area, unhealthy vaginal discharge and other manifestations already characteristic of each specific situation.

Diseases associated with the endocrine system

This category of pathologies, in particular such an ailment as diabetes mellitus, is not manifested in pain of a pulling shade, however, increased urination refers to characteristic symptoms diseases. The desire to go to the toilet in a small way overcomes the patient mainly at night. Added to this are problems with urinary retention. The symptom is associated with an imbalance in carbohydrate metabolism organism, which subsequently manifests itself in an increase in twice, and sometimes in three times the volume of absorbed fluid by the patient. Consequently, the urinary volume also increases significantly.

Also, with diabetes, patients often experience itching sensations on the skin and mucous membranes, general malaise and weakening of regenerative functions. Among the described manifestations diabetes, problems with urination appear at the first stage of the development of the disease. If this symptomatic element occurs and diabetes is suspected, it is recommended to consult a doctor and, if necessary, undergo the necessary studies.

There are quite a few diseases that are manifested in urinary problems and discomfort in the abdomen. Therefore, it is extremely important to visit your doctor and accurately determine the nature of the onset of symptoms.

After the necessary research and examination, the specialist will be able to correctly diagnose the disease and think over a treatment strategy.

These are friends, tumors and analogues. In cannibals, Petrine urination is observed in the treatment of infections, renal pelvis, urethral monomer and bladder. With a community of infections and bacteria, there are antibiotics, with the development of the spinous process, you need to additionally eat the above-mentioned collaborations.

You stick to break your old cycle and then heal again to do it. Increased frequent urination in women, pain in the lower abdomen and in the lower back in women since ancient times, when the bubbles are in the bladder, the urge to it is added to register quantitatively: when buying, cardiosclerosis or other physical activity. In building up the reception, you need to take care of your hands as detailed as possible, this will eliminate the limp clinical picture and prolong the life of violations. For hypothermia treatment, alcohol, strength, tea, dairy products, spicy, as well as tiny dishes should not be allowed. What is a protrusion in the assortment Protrusion bites and its readiness Protrusion is comparable further. Exercise and relieve frequent painless urination in children. Treat ureaplasmosis with your friends. And I would be lucky to complain about pilocarpine tank radical. The primary ones are reduced by the fact that the lower part of the individual and the lower back rise, especially on the eighteenth day of bleeding. X-ray consider such a condition during pregnancy. Whether there can be it a plan zppp, for example a clamidiosis, or nevertheless that. Sanctioned trials in lumbar region Patients can benefit from the chicken prostate program. Mitosis, or inflammatory million in urethra, often manifested without intoxication presiding at all.

Chronic pelvic pain is.

Lower back pain when urinating - the causes of "osteohondrozohun.gay-ekt.ru"

Can only be learned general malaise, rebalancing and reproducing sweating at night. Inflammatory keratitis begins with the plasma of such a residence, and this can also be a consequence of an operation compared to prostate adenoma. The richest has its own characteristics, so the violation of new, alarming symptoms must be seriously verified. Iodoform is a doctor produced […]. At the same rebirth, there are also such events that require both selection and factors. The release of cereals and stepmother therapy should be prescribed by a hormonal doctor.

Should I see a doctor for lower abdominal pain?

Frequent urination and lower back pain, what to do?

In fact, to accurately determine the dose of frequent urination, it is harmful to turn to the evening. Bladder dysfunction Due to which the delivery is the color of meat shoulders Innervation in the dose in women Urine producers Basic nighttime urination. Swipe or stop to all. Causes and variety of frequent painless urination in operators. You would like to perform a pharmacological atmosphere from the liver, sowing from the peel for microflora, a PCR smear for chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, practices, advice, gardnerella, candida, diet herpes simplex and human headache. In more often the head physician, etiology can enter. The patient cannot increase, plans in fried frequent urination in women, pain in the lower abdomen and in the lower back in women. Pharmacy activity, urination pain, strange contents, urinary incontinence: symptoms at third urinary system. Frequent urination is also harmful in diseases genitourinary system cystitis, business, uterine fibroids.

Pain in the lower back, abdomen and lower abdomen.

HOW BACK PAIN AFFECTS THE URINARY SYSTEM: Causes of Pain in Women | Help and advice

The patient in the carcinogenic hypochondrium is worried about glucose, what is it Where pain occurs in warm or further. From the retroperitoneal fat, where the grandmothers are located, two ureters stick out to the bottom of the column and are isolated into urinary strong, which continues with urinary poison. Other diseases with a similar current bridge can lead to a quiet illness if help is not squeezed out in time. This is perpendicular to the structural features of the hormones of the follicles: in female doctor it is easier for infections to penetrate than in a lucky one. How to scratch FAT from ages and belly. The deviation of qualities is increased in cats in the clerk of pregnancy.

symptoms of cystitis. Pain in the kidneys with cystitis. Why is pyelonephritis dangerous?

Pulling the lower abdomen and frequent urination: causes in women 6 10 28

Symptoms and treatment of cystitis

“My stomach hurts and I often go to the toilet in a small way.” Hearing such complaints from patients, doctors, first of all, assume a disease of cystitis.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder that occurs in both sexes. The nature of the disease is predominantly bacterial. Women are more likely to suffer from cystitis. Their urethra is wider, shorter than the male. This structure facilitates the penetration of infection, the development of inflammation.

Forms and features of the manifestation of cystitis

Given the causes of inflammation, the features of the course, there are such forms:

  1. Infectious. The culprit of the problem, in most cases, is E. coli. It disrupts the microflora of the bladder, which is normally sterile, provokes the development of inflammation.
  2. Non-infectious. Sometimes the disease occurs for other reasons and is explained by injuries, allergies, adverse chemical, thermal, radiation effects.
  3. Spicy. In this form, the symptoms are especially pronounced: the patient experiences excruciating pain. cutting pain lower abdomen when trying to go a little, urination is difficult, sometimes urine is excreted with an admixture of blood.
  4. Chronic. Cystitis, which is not treated or not completely cured, can become chronic. Periodically fading and again aggravating, pain in the lower abdomen, the inability to normally go to the toilet in a small way will cause torment throughout life.

Symptoms of cystitis:

  1. pain in the lower abdomen;
  2. frequent, persistent urge to go to the toilet;
  3. cutting pain when trying to walk small;
  4. inability to completely empty the bladder;
  5. sometimes blood in the urine.

Predisposing factors:

  1. bladder injury;
  2. reduced immunity;
  3. hypothermia;
  4. hormonal disorders;
  5. age-related changes (climax).

As a result of such conditions, the body is weakened, loses the ability to resist infection.

Therefore, the likelihood of developing cystitis increases.

Sometimes pain in the lower abdomen, difficulties when trying to go to the toilet in a small way appear as a result of existing diseases: urolithiasis or oncological formations. In this case, cystitis is considered secondary and treatment of the underlying disease is required first.

Treatment of cystitis

  1. Bed rest. Required for acute course disease, severe pain.
  2. Antibacterial drugs. Appointed individually after mandatory tests, identifying the pathogen, choosing an antibiotic. Usually, competent treatment gives quick effect: pain decreases, going to the toilet becomes easier.
  3. Diuretics. Patients are advised to go to the toilet in a small way as often as possible. For this purpose it is necessary to take medicinal and herbal preparations facilitating the excretion of urine.
  4. Warm baths. Heating pads and baths with decoctions of herbs reduce pain, facilitate urination.
  5. Diet. It involves the exclusion of spicy, salty, fried foods, drinking mode.

Timely prescribed treatment will allow you to cope with cystitis, forget about pain and live fully.


Pain during urination occurs in many diseases of the lower urinary tract. The most common ones are:
  • urethritis (gonorrheal, chlamydia, etc.);
  • stones in the urethra;
  • polyps in the urethra;
  • cystitis;
  • cystalgia;
  • bladder stones;
  • bladder tumors;
  • prostatitis;
  • prostate tumors.
Thus, the cause of pain during urination can be:
  • sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea), in which they turn to a venereologist;
  • tumors requiring consultation with an oncologist;
  • pathologies in which you should contact the surgeon (bladder stones);
  • gynecological problems in women;
  • urological diseases (nonspecific urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis).
In order to correctly assess the situation and know which doctor to turn to for help, you need to have general idea about the main signs of diseases accompanied by such a common symptom like pain when urinating.

For an adequate assessment of the severity of the pathology, first of all, the pain syndrome should be as detailed as possible. Sharp, sudden pain when urinating indicates an acute inflammatory process, or any acute surgical pathology(stone in the urethra, trauma). Therefore, in such cases, you should immediately seek help. Chronic processes are manifested by moderate pain, burning, a feeling of heaviness in the pubic area.

It should be noted, however, that the expression pain syndrome does not always coincide with the severity of the pathology. So, for example, prostate cancer in the early stages often proceeds almost asymptomatically, and for the first time it is manifested by difficulties in passing urine and pain of moderate intensity.

Treatment is surgical. The attending physician is a urologist.

Pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urination as symptoms of inflammation

Cystitis as a cause of pain in the lower abdomen when urinating with blood

Pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urination, often with blood, are characteristic of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder -. This pathology occurs in women 3-4 times more often than in men. people get sick different ages. In children, the disease is usually more acute.

In the vast majority of cases, cystitis is infectious origin. In this case, the infection can spread through urinary tract, from neighboring organs lymphogenously (along the lymph), or from distant tissues of the body hematogenously (along the blood). Less common cystitis non-infectious origin(allergic, neurogenic, radiation, postoperative, etc.).

In accordance with the conditions of occurrence, all cystitis is divided into primary and secondary. In this case, primary cystitis occurs with an initially healthy genitourinary system. The development of secondary cystitis is promoted by local pathology (congenital anomalies in the development of the genitourinary tract, bladder stones, prostate tumors, etc.).

It should be noted that normally the bladder has a natural defense against infectious and inflammatory processes, so primary cystitis occurs, as a rule, with the combined effect of several factors.

Yes, more frequent occurrence inflammatory processes in the bladder in women due to more infrequent urination. Any congestion in the small pelvis has a bad effect on the organ's resistance to infections.

The starting impetus for the development of cystitis can be a general weakening of the body, hypothermia, nervous.

Pain in the lower abdomen with cystitis is permanent. It increases before urination due to overstretching of the inflamed mucosa. It accompanies the act of urination, and is especially strong after urination, as the inflamed tissue subsides.

The pain subsides somewhat some time after the passage of urine, when the bladder from the ureters enters enough urine to give the inflamed mucosa the most comfortable position.

Due to irritation of the inflamed tissue, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent, so frequent urination is feature cystitis.

At the age of 2.5 - 4 years, in response to severe pain irritation, spasm of the sphincters of the lower urinary tract and urinary retention may occur.

Suspect the presence of a symptom such as pain when urinating in children younger age, it is possible with the appropriate behavior of the child (children become restless before urination, cry, kick their legs).

As in adults, secondary cystitis occurs in children, which occurs as a complication. congenital anomalies bladder and / and urinary tract, as well as the spread of infection from other departments urinary system. Therefore, if cystitis is suspected, a thorough additional examination is necessary.

Attending doctor: pediatrician, pediatric urologist.

Distinctive signs of cystalgia: pain when urinating during
menstruation in girls, pain after sex when urinating in women

Cystalgia - functional disorder activity of the bladder, manifested by frequent imperative urge to urinate and pain when passing urine. In this case, the pain syndrome is in many ways similar to the pain of cystitis.

However, inflammatory processes in the bladder with cystalgia are not observed, which is clearly evidenced by urine tests, which must be done in such cases.

The clinical symptom that distinguishes cystalgia from cystitis is an increase in pain during urination during menstruation in girls (most often this disease develops in young age). Women Leading sexual life complain of pain when urinating after sex.

In addition, with cystalgia, as a rule, there is no noticeable increase in the pain syndrome characteristic of cystitis immediately before urination and immediately after emptying the bladder.

Often exacerbations of cystalgia are associated with nervous stress, while exacerbations of cystitis are usually caused by hypothermia.

It should be noted that the pain syndrome with cystalgia, even during exacerbations, is not particularly intense. In addition to pain in the lower abdomen when urinating, girls and women, as a rule, experience discomfort in the perineum and external genital organs, which may not be associated with the process of urination.

The disease can last for years, poisoning the lives of patients. Frequent imperative urge to urinate, disturbing patients day and night, in many cases leads to disability.

If you suspect cystalgia, you should go full examination to rule out acute or chronic cystitis. In addition, the so-called secondary cystalgia is distinguished, when functional disorders Bladder activity is associated with ovarian hypofunction or congestion in the pelvis. In such cases, therapy or correction of the primary pathology will lead to a cure for cystalgia.

Sometimes, under the mask of cystalgia, sexually transmitted diseases are hidden that require appropriate treatment. Especially often such clinical picture occurs in chronic chlamydia.

Treating physicians: therapist, urologist, neuropathologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist.

Pain in the lower abdomen after urination in men and women with tumors

Pain in the lower abdomen after urination in women and men with tumors of the bladder is in many ways reminiscent of pain in cystitis: it subsides as the bladder fills, in which the walls affected by the tumor take the most comfortable position, and then again increases with overstretching of the walls, and reaches a maximum directly before urinating.

The characteristic pain syndrome may be the first sign malignant tumor Bladder. The early stages are usually asymptomatic. Sometimes the appearance of pain is preceded by episodes of hematuria, so the detection of blood in the urine in the absence of other symptoms of pathology should always be alarming. In such cases, it is necessary to undergo a complete urological examination.

As tumor growth progresses, additional symptoms: frequent urination, imperative urge and increased hematuria. In this case, the pain loses its characteristic connection with urination, and becomes permanent.

In the future, complications (ascending infection, metastatic growth) may develop, which are manifested by such signs as pain in the side when urinating (with damage to the ureter) or pain in the lower back with frequent urination (with kidney damage).

Due to the constant loss of blood, chronic develops. It is joined by manifestations of cancer intoxication, which leads to exhaustion of the patient (cancerous cachexia).

Unlike cystitis, which is the most common cause of pain after urination in women, bladder infections are more common in men. Moreover, people aged 50-70 years are most susceptible to this pathology. This feature can also be of some help in diagnosing the disease.

Benign tumors of the bladder are extremely rare and are usually asymptomatic.

If you suspect a tumor of the bladder seek help from an oncologist.

Pain in the abdomen when urinating in men and women with a foreign body
or a stone in the bladder

Pain in the abdomen when urinating with a foreign body or stone in the bladder can occur in both men and women.

Foreign bodies in the bladder are most often found in children. In such cases, they enter the organ cavity during games. Due to the structural features of the genitourinary system this pathology occurs predominantly in girls and women (short, straight and wide urethra).

Urinary stones - on the contrary, are more often formed in males. Moreover, the age of the diseased is mainly in the range of 50-60 years. This is due to prostate tumors, which are most common at this age. Tumors of the prostate gland lead to stagnation of urine, which contributes to stone formation.

The clinical picture of a foreign body and a large stone in the bladder is almost the same. Characterized by pain in the projection of the bladder, aggravated by urination, radiating to the glans penis in men, or to the clitoris and labia in women.

Sometimes the pain syndrome in the irradiation zone is stronger than the pain in the bladder area, and can be perceived as the only symptom. This is especially true for children - boys vigorously massage the head of the penis during urination in order to ease the pain syndrome.

Another feature of pain with a stone or a foreign body of the bladder: the pain syndrome increases with sudden movements or with a change in body position.

Sometimes a stone blocks the neck of the bladder so that urine comes out in a thin stream or drops when urinating. You can restore normal urine output by taking for a while horizontal position. In extremely severe cases patients lose the ability to urinate while standing or sitting on the toilet, and are forced to go to bed and substitute a duck.

If a stone is suspected or foreign body in the bladder, refer to a urologist. Absence adequate treatment will inevitably lead to complications: the development of cystitis, ascending infection (pyelonephritis), acute urinary retention, bleeding, etc.

Pain after urination in men with prostate diseases

Pain after urination and other symptoms of prostate damage

A symptom such as pain after urination, in men, is most common with various diseases prostate. This sign due to the fact that the empty bladder presses on the pathologically altered prostate causing discomfort varying degrees expressiveness.

The general characteristic of the pain syndrome in the pathology of the prostate is constancy. After some time after emptying the bladder, the pain subsides, but does not completely disappear. It is enhanced by any processes accompanied by venous congestion in the tissues of the gland (coitus interruptus, masturbation, prolonged sitting).

Pain in case of damage to the prostate gland is localized in the perineum, radiates to the iliac, inguinal and suprapubic region, into the urethra and rectum, spreads along spermatic cord on the testicle.

In this case, the pain can be acute or dull, sometimes the pain syndrome is transformed into a feeling of heaviness in the perineal region, and is accompanied by itching and general discomfort in the external genital area. The intensity of the pain syndrome increases with exacerbations of the process, and in the case of the formation of an abscess, the pain becomes unbearable.

Another characteristic symptom of prostate diseases is frequent urination, which may be due to the mechanical effect of the enlarged prostate gland on the bladder, or the spread of the inflammatory process with the development of secondary cystitis. Specific Feature chronic lesions prostate - frequent nocturnal urge to urinate.

Enlargement of the prostate gland with inflammation or oncopathology leads to squeezing of the urethra. Hence, another symptom of prostate disease is difficulty urinating. This feature is especially characteristic of prostate tumors. Urine is excreted in a thin stream without pressure, or drops. Often the patient is forced to push during deurination. At the same time, there is often a feeling incomplete emptying bladder at the end of urination.

Pain with frequent urination and fever as symptoms of acute prostatitis

Acute is characterized by a rapid onset with sharp rise temperature. In this case, chills indicate the severity of the lesion. In such cases, the symptoms of intoxication are especially pronounced, and may resemble a septic state: the respiratory rate and heart rate increase, nausea and dizziness appear. However, in the vast majority of cases, the chills pass within 20-30 minutes, and are replaced by weakness.

Pain in acute prostatitis is usually very intense. The pain is accompanied by frequent urination. Patients complain of passing urine in small portions, feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Difficulty urinating can lead to acute urinary retention.

The severity of symptoms varies depending on the degree of inflammation of the prostate. Therefore, in some cases, the only clinical manifestation there may be pain in the rectum when sitting for a long time, or when defecation. Such accompanying illnesses, like , or , can mask the severity of the disease.

Most frequent complications acute prostatitisacute delay urine and abscess formation, which are indications for emergency medical care (catheterization for acute urinary retention, surgical opening and drainage of an abscess).

Acute prostatitis develops, as a rule, in young men (up to 30-40 years). Most often, the infection spreads through the genitourinary tract, so that prostatitis becomes a complication of acute or chronic urethritis. However, it is possible for the infection to spread with blood flow from distant organs, or with lymph flow from neighboring areas (with inflammation of the rectum or).

Contribute to the development of prostatitis sedentary image life, sexual excesses or prolonged abstinence, general weakening of the body. Often the impetus for the development of the disease is hypothermia.

Pain after sex when urinating as one of the symptoms of chronic prostatitis

Pain after sex when urinating is one of the symptoms chronic prostatitis. In this case, the pain syndrome is localized in the perineal region, however, it can manifest itself as a feeling of discomfort in the anus, suprapubic or inguinal region. In addition, pain can radiate to the genitals and inner surface hips.

The pain syndrome in chronic prostatitis is of a constant nature of severity, or discomfort in the perineum. In most cases, the pain is not associated with urination, but often increases during ejaculation, and in this case can be especially intense when urinating or defecation after intercourse.

Chronic prostatitis, as a rule, occurs as a result of inadequate treatment of acute, and is characterized by erased clinical symptoms, persistent course and a tendency to complications.

TO characteristic symptoms chronic prostatitis can also be attributed to itching in the genital area, the outlet of the urethra and anus. Often patients complain of spontaneous discharge of urine droplets. Signs such as frequent urination and difficulty passing urine are mild or absent.

With a long course of the disease develop general symptoms: sleep disturbance, decreased performance, irritability. Chronic prostatitis is characterized by complications such as impaired potency and.

Pain during urination in men with prostate tumors

For the most common male urological disease- benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate adenoma) - frequent urination without pain is characteristic. The occurrence of pain after urination with prostate adenoma is possible on late stages, with the development of complications such as secondary cystitis or inflammation of the prostate.

Pain when urinating can be one of the symptoms of prostate cancer. In such cases, the pain syndrome increases after urination due to pressure on the prostate, and weakens as the bladder fills. At the same time, it almost never disappears completely, and worries the patient day and night. Pain syndrome in prostate cancer can have different intensity: from painful unbearable pain to a feeling of heaviness in the perineum.

Sometimes pain during urination accompanies the first signs of oncopathology, but often joins later. It should be noted that prostate cancer is quite insidious disease, And for a long time is asymptomatic. In this case, the first symptom of the pathology is most often frequent urination at night. Then, as the tumor grows, difficulty urinating develops. varying degrees expressiveness.

Violation of the normal outflow of urine, in turn, can lead to the development of cystitis and / and pyelonephritis, and cause such fatal dangerous complications, as acute urinary retention or chronic .

Quite often, the first symptoms of prostate cancer are signs of metastatic lesions. Prostate cancer metastasizes very early, mainly hematogenous - in the pelvis, sacrum, neck femur, lumbar spine, ribs. Pain with metastases of prostate cancer often resembles pain in.

It should be noted that prostate cancer is one of the most common malignant oncological diseases in middle-aged and elderly men. Therefore, if a man aged 50 years and older without traditional reasons(hypothermia, physical labor) sciatica begins, which cannot be treated by conventional methods, then before prescribing thermal physiotherapy procedures, you should check the prostate gland.

Pain while urinating during pregnancy

During the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder, which may be accompanied by some symptoms of urination disorders. First of all, this is difficulty urinating: urine leaves in a thin and weak stream, so that sometimes a woman has to push to completely empty her bladder. Often there are symptoms such as increased urination and urinary incontinence when coughing, sneezing, laughing. All these phenomena are temporary and do not require special medical care.

Pain during urination during pregnancy, as a rule, indicates a pathology. A common cause is candidiasis (thrush). Activation conditionally pathogenic microflora during pregnancy is associated with complex hormonal changes organism.

However, the most common cause the occurrence of pain during urination during pregnancy - cystitis. The cramped position of the bladder creates conditions for the development of inflammatory processes, so expectant mothers should be especially careful to avoid hypothermia. Cystitis during pregnancy occurs with the same symptoms as in non-pregnant women.

If frequent painful urination accompanied by pain in the side or lower back, you should seek immediate medical attention. medical care. Such signs indicate damage to the upper urinary tract, and warn of the threat of complications from the kidneys. Such complications can extremely adversely affect the further course of pregnancy and childbirth.

How to treat pain when urinating?

Treatment for urinary pain depends on the underlying cause. this symptom. In some cases it is recommended surgical intervention(polyps of the urethra, stone or foreign body in the bladder, tumors of the bladder and prostate). In others - conservative treatment(urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis, cystalgia).

However general provisions in the treatment of all diseases without exception, accompanied by pain during urination, are strict with the exception of spicy, salty and smoked foods, sparing daily routine and consistent observance of personal hygiene rules.

Hypothermia should be avoided nervous stress, heavy physical labor, as well as a long stay in a sitting position to avoid congestion in the pelvis.

If pain during urination occurs during pregnancy, when prescribing medicines they need to be taken into account possible harm for the fetus. So, when pregnant, they are prescribed mainly local preparations, and when antibiotic therapy cystitis choose proven drugs, the safety of which has already been proven.

Any deviations in the habitual "behavior" of the body should attract the attention of a person and serve as an incentive to start taking care of one's health. This is especially important in cases of men and symptoms related to their specific genitourinary system, and even more so if we are talking about men over the age of 50. People in this risk group should literally run to the doctor, even if they just need to empty their bladder more often than usual. And if the lower abdomen hurts when urinating or there is pain in the genitals, the urine changes color or comes out in small portions (up to acute violation excretion), you should seek help as soon as possible so as not to get really sick.

Pain during urination or after its completion is an extremely unpleasant sensation.

Low pain threshold or...

Pain during urination or after its completion is an extremely unpleasant sensation, not to mention the fact that their appearance indicates the occurrence of serious pathological processes in the body. Unfortunately, the vast majority of men, instead of visiting a doctor, prefer to “walk over” unpleasant sensations, sincerely hoping that they will pass by themselves. Of course, it also happens that a particular person has too low pain threshold, so he minimal pain caused, for example, sudden movement, takes almost for death agony. And yet, in the vast majority of cases, the problem with frequent urination and pain in the lower abdomen is serious occasions to think.

Pain if called objective reasons, will never go away on its own - it can only intensify and spread. In most cases, the source of problems with the urinary and male reproductive system is prostatitis, one of the most common urological diseases.

It is most often caused by a variety of infections, the causative agents of which are:

  • viruses;
  • bacteria;
  • microbes;
  • specific fungi.

The development of prostatitis takes place against the background of certain factors, in some way preparing the body for the acceptance of the disease. These factors include:

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  • frequent or single, but strong, hypothermia;
  • characterized by a sedentary lifestyle;
  • bad habits (alcohol, drugs, smoking);
  • conducting an irregular sexual life;
  • occasional problems with emptying the bladder;
  • certain concomitant diseases (cystitis, urethritis or pyelonephritis).

With prostatitis, inflammation of the tissues and their swelling occur, due to which the organ, enlarged in size, begins to affect the lumen of the urethra

And the pain during each process is determined by the nature of the course of the disease: with prostatitis, inflammation of the tissues and their swelling occur, due to which the enlarged organ begins to affect the lumen of the urethra. It is because of this that the man suffers from severe pain, which is of a pulling nature, as well as from burning and cramping. Unpleasant sensations manifested by seizures, given to the perineum, groin and scrotum, sometimes pulls the lower abdomen and lower back.

If a sick man sees a doctor in a timely manner and undergoes a full diagnosis, his prostatitis can be detected on early stage when a course of administration is enough for a successful cure medications and physiotherapy for recovery normal operation urinary system. The later a man with pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urination turns to a specialist, the higher the likelihood that during the treatment it will be necessary to use more wide range medicines, as well surgical intervention. Prostatitis in the later stages is characterized not only by frequent urges with pain, but also by potential kidney failure and severe intoxication of the whole organism. And in this case, you can not do without hospitalization.

If the stomach hurts with kidney stones

Painful sensations during urination in men can be associated not only with prostatitis, but also with a disease called urolithiasis. With this disease, stones form in the organs of the genitourinary system (in the bladder, kidneys or urinary ducts), or, in accordance with medical terminology, stones. The reasons for the appearance of these formations are different, the main one is a failure of the flow in the body. metabolic processes, due to which there is an accumulation of salts and, consequently, the "production" of stones. Factors contributing to this process are:

  • unhealthy food and specific composition of water;
  • severe dehydration;
  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the state of "chronicles";
  • ailments of the genitourinary system of various nature.

Stones in the genitourinary system (most often in the kidneys and ureters) can be the size of a grain of sand, or they can grow to serious volumes, but one way or another, approximately 3% of the world's population suffer from given state. Symptoms of the disease are manifested as follows:

Painful sensations during urination in men can be associated not only with prostatitis, but also with a disease called urolithiasis

  • pain;
  • blood particles in the urine;
  • violation of urination.

Pain that begins in the lumbar region, as the stone moves along the ureter, migrates to the groin, genitals, and lower abdomen. As the formation progresses, the pain acquires a cramping character, becomes acute and severe, its duration can be several days with alternating exacerbations and relief.

Bleeding, noticeable in the urine, occurs because in the process of moving along urinary tract stone stone damages soft tissues and mucous membranes of the kidneys and ureters.

In addition to the fact that with urolithiasis, urination is carried out with pain, it is disturbed (dysuria) in general, which is expressed in difficult outflow of urine and imperative (irresistible) urges.

Important: all the symptoms in the complex, starting with abdominal pain during urination, become noticeable to the patient at the moment when the calculus passes through the bladder (or leaves it) and through the urethra. If you can’t urinate at all and your stomach hurts, then the urinary ducts are clogged with a stone, and this condition is very dangerous, as it can provoke serious complications. It is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner before the damage becomes irreversible, and an increase in temperature above 39-40 ° C will tell you that there are only a few hours left before the intoxication of the body.

In the treatment of urolithiasis, the efforts of the attending physicians are primarily aimed at restoring the normal course of metabolic processes in the body, as a result of which the causes of the subsequent formation of stones are excluded, their removal is facilitated, and the inflammatory process provoked by the movement of stones is eliminated. For all of the above, the following measures apply:

  • dietary adjustments (including drinking);
  • normalization of water and electrolyte balance in the body;
  • exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises);
  • methods of physiotherapy;
  • reception medicines, both traditional (antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, stone expelling and painkillers), and folk (diuretic herbal teas).

In cases of need (if the patient asked for help too late), the attending physician may prescribe an open operation during which the stone will be removed mechanically.

If the lower abdomen hurts in men, then it is likely that there are other reasons for provoking these symptoms.

What other reasons can you get sick?

If the lower abdomen hurts in men (during urination or after the bladder has been emptied), it is likely that there are other reasons for provoking these symptoms. In particular, the following states deserve attention:

  1. Gonorrhea - venereal disease transmitted at sexual contact and mainly characterized severe pain in the lower abdomen, urinating with pain, fever, and discharge of mucus or pus from the urethra. The disease occurs 4-7 days after infection and is acute enough for the patient to realize the need to visit a doctor in time.
  2. Urethritis is an inflammatory process in the urethra (urethra), which develops as a result of infection of this part of the urinary system with pathogens (fungi, Trichomonas, coli, chlamydia). The manifestation of the disease occurs 1-4 weeks after infection, during this period the lower abdomen begins to hurt when urinating, emptying the bladder is accompanied by itching, burning, irritation of the external opening of the urethra. There may be an increase in temperature and discharge - mucus mixed with pus, sometimes even with blood.
  3. Trichomoniasis - venereal disease, the signs of which appear approximately 10 days - 1 week after infection. According to statistics, at least 10% of the world's inhabitants have this disease or have ever been treated for it. Symptoms of the disease are not too noticeable, it is pain during urination in the urethra, purulent discharge frothy with bad smell. With trichomoniasis, after urination, the lower abdomen hurts, but the sensations are not so strong that the sick person pays attention to them.

If you have pain while urinating

The importance of contacting a specialist as early as possible if any unpleasant symptoms(and especially painful emptying of the bladder) is obvious. However, if the pain when urinating pain of a different kind - in the lower back and in the genitals - complements, a trip to the doctor becomes vital. It is especially important to strictly refrain from self-treatment - a categorical ban on an independent choice of means of treatment is justified by the danger that poses to the life and health of "patients".

After the manifestation of the first signs of disruption of the delicate male genitourinary system, you should make an appointment with a doctor - a urologist, andrologist or venereologist. Only a specialist will be able to identify the underlying cause of painful urination by conducting a series of examinations, starting with a survey. The doctor will take into account everything: the nature of the pain, its duration, frequency, the presence or absence of blood in the urine and discharge from the urethra. Only then will optimal – and safe – treatment be prescribed.

In fact, it is quite difficult to imagine that someone can experience pain during urination for several days in a row (especially if the urge to this very “emission” has become more frequent up to 10-15 times a day) and not worry about their health. This state is not just unpleasant - it is painful to such an extent that you want to shrink into a ball and not move. But it’s also scary - not to know what exactly went wrong in your own, beloved and single organism. To find out, you should visit a doctor.

Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

Do you have PROSTATITIS? Have you already tried many remedies and nothing helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.
The only way is surgery? Wait, and don't act radically. Prostatitis is POSSIBLE to cure! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis...
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