The endometrium is growing poorly what to do. Treatment by surgical methods. Diagnosis and treatment

The question - how to build up the endometrium for conception - is of interest to many of the fair sex who have thin endometrium preventing a successful pregnancy. Normalization and thickening of the mucous uterine layer - milestone preparation for pregnancy. After all, it is the endometrium that is responsible for the successful attachment of a fertilized egg and the onset of conception. How can you build up the endometrium - quickly and effectively? For these purposes, you can use medications and folk recipes.

How exactly does the endometrium grow? Endometrial growth is a natural physiological process developing under the influence of hormonal changes. Stimulation of the growth of this layer of the uterus takes place at a certain stage of the menstrual cycle.

The female sex hormone estrogen affects the growth of the layer.

In case of violations this process uterine slime layer may not build up, and become pregnant in similar situation- problematic. Why is the endometrium not growing? According to gynecologists, factors that negatively affect the mucous membrane of the uterine layer:

  • transferred surgical interventions;
  • incorrect insertion of the intrauterine device;
  • abortions;
  • gynecological diseases, inflammatory, infectious processes.

The endometrium after scraping can also become thinner, and some effort will be required in order to improve the quality of the mucosa.

Medical therapy

If the endometrium does not grow, the woman needs to undergo medical examination, allowing to identify the causes that provoke low values ​​of the layer thickness. In the treatment of identified pathologies, physiotherapeutic procedures and medicines are used to eliminate the underlying disease.

Direct preparation for conception involves a course of drug therapy. For these purposes, drugs are prescribed to increase the thickness of the endometrial layer:

  1. Means that contribute to normal hormonal balance. good effect gives the use of Divigel for the growth of the endometrium. This drug includes estradiol in its composition, under the influence of which the progesterone index increases, which builds up the mucous uterine layer.
  2. Utrozhestan - natural preparation containing the hormone progesterone. Utrozhestan contributes to the optimal maturation of the uterine mucosa, improves its structural and functional state. Utrozhestan deserved numerous positive reviews from patients and doctors.
  3. Drops Gormel- a hormonal agent. Drops increase the levels of the hormone estrogen and help grow the mucous uterine layer. The use of drops can be recommended for hormonal disorders, if there is no ovulation.
  4. Curantyl - effective drug, increases the processes of microcirculation and blood circulation, increases the size of the endometrial layer. Curantil is a very effective drug, but it has wide range possible contraindications adverse reactions. Before taking Curantil, you should consult with your doctor.
  5. Proginova for endometrial growth- improves uterine blood supply. This tool includes in its composition estrogens and estradiol, which increase the density and quality of the mucous layer.

Which drug to choose to accelerate the growth of the uterine inner layer, the doctor decides on an individual basis. Among the most safe drugs with a minimum range of contraindications and possible adverse reactions include Utrozhestan, Dufaston, Curantil.

How to quickly build up the endometrium without the use of medicines? good decision can become traditional medicine, in the arsenal of which there are many safe recipes.

Folk recipes

How to build up the endometrium with folk remedies? For these purposes, it is recommended to use healing herbs, normalizing the hormonal background, contributing to the production of certain hormones, allowing to achieve an improvement in the condition of the uterine mucosa. Sage, hops, clover, lovage, mistletoe have a positive effect on the endometrium.

The most simple and effective folk remedies for a poor, thinned mucous layer:

  • Sage decoction for endometrial growth. Plant hormones stimulate the processes of follicular activity and contribute to an increase in estrogen levels. Sage for building up the endometrium is prepared simply. It is necessary to fill in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped herbs with a glass of boiling water, boil and let it brew for about 15 minutes. How to drink sage correctly? The filtered broth is recommended to be used 4 times a day. Treatment course start immediately after completion critical days and continue until the ovulatory period.

  • Spore decoction- improves the processes of blood circulation, microcirculation, promotes the restoration of the mucosa. Art. a spoonful of grass should be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 3 hours. Drink the finished broth in small sips, 3 times a day, a quarter cup.
  • Infusion of raspberry leaves. Raspberry leaves for the endometrium are useful in that they include estrogen, which stimulates ovarian functions. Boil the leaves in boiling water and drink instead of tea. Most women who build up the mucous layer with this tool were satisfied with the results.

Enlargement of the endometrium with folk recipes it is recommended to coordinate with the doctor. Although medicinal plants have fewer contraindications and side effects, but have some effect on hormonal system, which does not always give a positive effect.

diet therapy

How to increase endometrial thickness with diet therapy? For this in daily menu must include the following products:

  • blueberry;
  • raisin;
  • Strawberry;
  • Bell pepper;
  • prunes;
  • ginger.

Pineapple is very useful for the growth of the endometrium. Not only the hormonal background is normalized, the processes of blood circulation, if there is pineapple, and the endometrium also increases in size. The product can be eaten in its natural form or use pineapple juice. It is recommended to start diet therapy a few days before the onset of the ovulatory period.

It is generally accepted that the restoration of the endometrial layer is facilitated by procedures aimed at activating the processes of blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Gymnastics, aerobic exercises, swimming, fitness classes and dancing give excellent results.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are recommended to be carried out in the first half of the menstrual cycle. Women are interested in: does the endometrium grow after ovulation? The mucous uterine layer increases as much as possible, after which the process of its reverse development, rejection, begins. Therefore, doing acupuncture, massages, taking medicines and healing decoctions is most effective before ovulation.

How to increase the endometrium when planning a pregnancy? For this purpose, a complex set of tools is used - from drug therapy and physiotherapy to folk recipes.

The endometrium is the mucous membrane that lines inner surface uterus. Its main function is to create necessary conditions for attaching a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus and developing an embryo in it. Sometimes it happens that the endometrium is not ready to perform its functions due to its immaturity. About how it can be supported and brought to the desired condition, and will be discussed in the article.

When conception occurred, the number of glands and blood vessels in the endometrium begins to increase. After all, they are responsible for providing oxygen and nutrients developing fetus. But in order for the endometrium to be able to successfully perform the tasks assigned to it, it must mature and have a certain thickness.

If for any reason the endometrium has not reached the desired threshold of maturity, pregnancy cannot occur. First of all, the doctor determines the cause, which was an obstacle to the development and maturation of the endometrium, then prescribes necessary drugs to eliminate it. ethnoscience offers his own ways that help to successfully cope with this problem.

Raspberry leaves for endometrium

O medicinal properties everyone knows raspberries against colds. But not everyone knows that it is widely used to solve many women's issues, in particular:

  • stops uterine bleeding
  • makes periods less painful
  • reduces their abundance.

It improves the functioning of the ovaries, contributes to the normalization hormonal background helps fight infertility. Since raspberry leaves contain phytoestrogens with hormone-like properties, a decoction of them is also recommended for building up the endometrium.

Pineapple for endometrial growth

The fact that some products can affect the possibility of conception is not only popular rumor. This issue has long been discussed in scientific medical circles. Scientists from the UK were able to figure out the role of pineapple in the maturation and growth of the endometrium. The fertile component of this fruit is the bromelain contained in its juice.

It reduces the level of androgens, which not only create a barrier to the connection of the sperm and the egg, but also prevent the normal bearing of the fetus. In addition, bromelain is a good stimulant for the production of progesterone, which is involved in preparing the uterus to receive a fertilized egg.

"Red brush" and endometrium

"Rhodiola cold", popularly known as the "Red Brush", is quite rare in nature. medicinal plant. It comes to our pharmacies from Altai. This is a truly unique herb that can save a person from many ailments, including:

  • infertility,
  • cyst,
  • fibroma,
  • erosion,
  • myomas, etc.

A decoction of the "Red Brush" promotes the growth of the endometrium. It is also recommended to drink it with an insufficient level of estrogen, with problems with the maturation of follicles.

Excellent results are obtained by taking “Cold Radiola” together with the “Upland uterus”, if they are taken according to the following scheme: after the end of menstruation and until the middle of the menstrual cycle - a decoction from the “Red Brush”, from the middle of the cycle until the arrival of menstruation - from the “Upland uterus ".

Vitamins for the endometrium

In addition to natural "medicines", various vitamins are taken to accelerate the growth of the endometrium. Special place upon occurrence gynecological problems is assigned to vitamin E. It is positioned as the most important biological component that helps not only conception, but also the bearing of the fetus.


The problem of "immaturity" or hypoplasia of the endometrium is especially acute when planning a pregnancy. Insufficient thickness of the endometrium may be a consequence, on the one hand, general violations: insufficient production of estrogen, low level blood supply in the branches of the uterine arteries, pathologies of blood clotting, on the other hand, local changes in the inner uterine layer - receptor, immunological. In order to increase the thickness of the endometrium, a thorough diagnosis and search for the causes of hypoplasia is required to select the right treatment tactics.

The main manifestations of the "thin" endometrium in women are irregular menstruation, infertility, miscarriages on early dates. At the heart of the pathogenesis of insufficient thickness of the inner layer of the uterus are various violations blood circulation, hormonal imbalance with a pronounced lack of estrogen, immunological disorders. In addition, a history of curettage is also common cause growth disorders of the endometrial layer. When cleaning, damage to the germ layer of the uterus is not excluded, in such situations absolute infertility develops, since it is this layer that is the source of growth functional department endometrium.

The process of increasing the thickness of the endometrial layer is aimed at normalizing blood flow, hormonal regulation and suppression of infectious and inflammatory processes.

The minimum thickness of the endometrium, necessary for successful implantation embryo is 8 mm. The onset of pregnancy with indicators of 6-7 mm is possible, but occurs rarely and may end spontaneous miscarriage due to the defective structure of the layer and insufficient levels of estradiol.


Diagnostic measures for insufficient thickness of the endometrium are reduced to the determination of the following indicators:

  • thickness of the inner uterine layer on ultrasound;
  • dopplerometry of the pelvic organs, in particular, the uterine arteries;
  • blood test for sex hormones;
  • determination of the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • assessment of blood coagulation parameters (extended hemostasiogram);
  • thrombophilia testing, antiphospholipid syndrome, hemostasis mutations;
  • determination of the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood;
  • detection of antibodies to hCG in the blood;
  • ) for the purpose of immunohistochemical research, determination of the presence of endometritis;
  • hysteroscopy.

Equally important is the examination of the patient for STIs, vaginal dysbiosis. Often, washings of the uterine cavity are taken for examination to exclude infections.

Examination of a woman with suspected endometrial hypoplasia should begin with ultrasound in various days menstrual cycle. Physiological cycle under normal hormonal regulation, it consists of two phases, the sizes of the uterine inner layer in which are different. To determine the thickness of the endometrium, ultrasound is performed 2-3 times a month. During the first days of the cycle normal sizes vary from 5 to 9 mm, and closer to the day of the expected ovulation, the thickness of the inner uterine layer reaches 10-13 mm. The final ultrasound is performed a week after ovulation to verify the chances of embryo implantation.

The thickness of the endometrium in the first phase of the cycle, equal to less than 6 mm, gives reason to suspect hypoplasia. Typically, women with undersized of the inner uterine layer, there are deviations in indicators throughout the entire menstrual cycle.

Important in the diagnosis of insufficient thickness of the endometrium is the assessment of blood flow in the uterus. With hypoplasia of the inner layer, insufficient blood flow indicators are often determined, which can be caused by pathology of blood clotting, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, congenital or acquired vascular anomalies, mechanical factors (compression by a cyst, tumor).

After performing an ultrasound examination, the patient must take a blood test for the content of sex hormones. In the first days of the cycle (on days 2-5), the level of estradiol, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing, is determined. free testosterone, DEA sulfate, 17-OH-progesterone, cortisol. 7 days after ovulation, the level of progesterone should be determined. Women with insufficient endometrial thickness have low progesterone levels.

Often the culprit low rate the thickness of the endometrium in a woman is a pathology of the blood coagulation system. The group of diseases that initiate hypercoagulability - increased blood clotting - is extensive. Often, patients are found to have PAI mutations, thrombophilia, elevated homocysteine ​​levels, and a number of other pathologies.

After the aspiration, specialists determine a number of its possible pathologies at histological examination which could lead to insufficient thickness. The resulting material is treated with reagents to determine the amount of estrogen receptors (immunohistochemistry). With hypoplasia, they are found to be insufficient. Histology reveals the presence of endometritis according to a number of characteristic features.

In order to increase the chances of pregnancy, experts also resort to invasive diagnostic methods. Hysteroscopy allows the doctor to visually assess the condition of the endometrium, exclude neoplasms, adhesive process, endometriosis, polyps, fibroids. In addition, when performing this procedure, it is possible to check the patency fallopian tubes, which also makes it possible to increase the spectrum diagnostic capabilities. In the process of hysteroscopy, the doctor selects a piece of tissue for further research (aimed biopsy). separate diagnostic curettage applied in exceptional cases.

Methods of treatment

Complex medical measures aimed at increasing the thickness of the inner layer of the uterus, should cover all links in the pathogenesis of the disease. The main directions of therapeutic methods are distinguished:

  • appointment medicines allowing to increase blood flow in the endometrial layer;
  • elimination of infectious and inflammatory processes in the endometrium;
  • taking hormonal drugs to increase estrogen levels.

When trying to increase the size of the endometrium, it is important to improve its condition in order to create an "implantation window" - short span the time it takes for a fertilized egg to implant. That is why the treatment of hypoplasia of the inner uterine layer should be multidirectional and complex.

hormone therapy

To increase the chances of conception, it is necessary to restore the proper level of the female sex hormone estrogen. The thickness of the endometrium can be increased due to the artificial replenishment of estradiol. The chances of success are largely determined by the response of endometrial growth to hormone intake, which in turn depends on the number of estrogen receptors.

Effective and popular means, allowing to increase the thickness of the endometrium, are transdermal estrogens, produced in the form of a gel.

Hormonal gels containing estrogen to increase estradiol levels are convenient to use and are characterized by high level security. The gels are identical in structure to the natural hormonal substance and allow you to increase the level of your own short time. In addition, such medications significantly reduce the risk of blood clotting, which is unacceptable with an increase in the thickness of the endometrium. A topical agent applied to the skin does not go through the first step of metabolism in the liver, leading to permanent retention required amount estradiol in a woman's blood. This fact significantly increases the chances of increasing the size of the inner uterine layer, since estrogen fluctuations do not occur.

Most often, gynecologists prescribe Divigel, starting therapeutic dose which is 1 mg per day. The gel is applied to the skin of the abdomen from the 5th day of the cycle until the first day of the subsequent menstruation. In the event that menstruation does not occur, the application of the remedy is continued under the supervision of a physician. If the indicators have been increased and there are assumptions about the onset of pregnancy, Divigel continues to be used until it is confirmed by ultrasound.

In the process of treating hypoplasia of the inner uterine layer, the reaction of the endometrium to the effect of the drug is evaluated. If it is not possible to increase the thickness, the dosage of the gel is increased. Maximum dose is 2 mg per day. It should be borne in mind that it is possible to increase the dose of the agent only at the end of the 1st phase of the cycle - before ovulation. Otherwise, the growth of follicles may be slowed down. This fact should be taken into account when planning pregnancy. An increase in the dose of hormonal agents with estrogen, which allows to increase the thickness of the endometrium, is carried out with a follicle size of at least 14-15 mm.

When planning a pregnancy and trying to increase the size of the inner uterine layer with the help of hormones, ultrasound monitoring or folliculometry is necessary. Estrogens can inhibit growth dominant follicle, which can lead to anovulatory cycle. An ultrasound examination is performed on the 5th, 9th, 13-14th day of the menstrual cycle. If necessary, perform additional ultrasound to confirm ovulation.

Treatment of endometrial hypoplasia should be comprehensive. The dose of hormones that increase the endometrium is selected individually. Timing hormonal treatment for the onset of pregnancy are approximately 2-4 menstrual cycles. With a properly selected therapy regimen, it is possible to increase the thickness of the inner uterine layer within the specified time frame.

In addition to Divigel, estrogen tablets are also used, for example, Proginova. As a rule, to increase the thickness of the endometrium, the drug is taken for 21 days of the cycle for several months. To improve the condition of the endometrial layer in the second phase, gestagens are used (Norkolut, Dufaston, Utrozhestan). Gestagens are not included in all schemes for increasing the thickness of the uterine layer.

In addition to estrogen-based products, in order to increase the thickness of the endometrium, complexes containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin D, E are used. These substances play a role in the synthesis of hormones, and are also necessary for growth and maturation, normal process cell division.

Upon detection advanced level male sex hormones and their metabolites are prescribed means to reduce them. To increase the production of female sex hormones and, androgens are reduced by hormonal agents. use oral contraceptives with antiandrogenic effect (Yarina, Belara and others), as well as corticosteroids (Dexamethasone and its preparations).

Normalization of blood circulation in the uterus

When a patient is diagnosed with pathologies of hemostasis, blood thinners are included in the treatment regimen. Also used to strengthen vascular wall, vitamins, medicines that improve venous outflow.

Process drug treatment endometrial hypoplasia is accompanied by the appointment of drugs that increase blood flow in the uterus. In addition, estrogen therapy has such side effect, as a thickening of the blood, which can also adversely affect attempts to increase the thickness of the endometrial layer.

The main group of drugs for the treatment of circulatory disorders with insufficient thickness of the endometrium are low molecular weight heparins.

Among the most popular drugs are Fraxiparine, Clexane, which are used both at the stage of pregnancy planning and at its onset to prevent miscarriage. In addition to low molecular weight heparins, Curantil, Thromboass, and low doses of Aspirin are prescribed. Means thin the blood and contribute to the normalization of blood flow in the inner uterine layer.

In order to increase blood flow in the uterus, diosmins are used - Venarus, Detralex, Phlebodia - means that help strengthen the walls of the veins, normalize the condition venous blood, lymph drainage. Especially often they are prescribed in the presence of varicose veins. Actovegin is used to activate endometrial trophism and improve regeneration processes.


The impact on the immune response in thin endometrium is relevant in combination with such pathologies as chronic endometritis, the presence of antibodies to hCG, and in autoimmune diseases.

In order to increase the chances of successful pregnancy, all infectious and inflammatory diseases of the endometrium must be eliminated. Treatment chronic endometritis represents difficult task. Chronic inflammation is often accompanied by insufficient thickness of the endometrium. After a thorough diagnosis and confirmation of the pathology, antibiotic therapy and immunomodulation. To increase the immune response, drugs such as interferons, interleukins are used. Stimulants Polyoxidonium, Likopid, Echinacea-based products are also used. With immune infertility, immunoglobulins are used.

Immunocorrection allows not only to increase the thickness of the endometrium, but also to increase its receptivity - to normalize the number of receptors for estrogen and progesterone.

In addition to immunomodulators high efficiency in the aspect of normalizing the immune response, B vitamins, antioxidants (A, E, C) have.

herbal remedies

Hormonal treatment of thin endometrium is supplemented by the introduction into the diet herbal ingredients, which contain necessary substances to accelerate the growth and maturation of the cells of the inner uterine layer. These foods and plants include:

  • pineapples;
  • raspberries;
  • mint;
  • seeds and nuts;
  • pumpkin;
  • sage.

To increase the thickness of the endometrium, these foods and herbs can be consumed daily throughout the course of treatment.

Against the background of the main therapy, courses of leeches, acupuncture, electrophoresis with zinc, and mud therapy are used. Moderate physical exercise also have a positive effect on increasing the thickness of the endometrium by improving blood circulation in the pelvis.

The lining of the uterus, or endometrium, is responsible for the regularity of menstruation and the ability to get pregnant. Women with thin endometrium often have difficulty conceiving. Fortunately, the endometrium can grow with certain lifestyle changes combined with specific therapies. Save positive attitude- many women can build up endometrium and increase their chances of getting pregnant!

Attention: The information in this article is for informational purposes only. Before using any drugs and biologically active additives consult your doctor.


natural methods

    Do it every day physical exercises. Daily physical activity improves blood circulation, while increasing blood flow to the uterus. Good blood circulation helps to strengthen the endometrium. Try to be physically active for at least thirty minutes a day - this can be any type of physical activity, including swimming, running, cycling, yoga, or simply walking.

    • If you have to sit for a long time at work, try to get up and move around periodically, at least two minutes every hour.
  1. Get at least 7 hours of sleep at night. Get plenty of rest to keep hormone levels stable - estrogen and other hormones come into balance during sleep. Try to keep a sleep schedule and sleep 7-9 hours at night. To improve your daily routine, follow these rules:

    • You need to go to bed and get up at the same time of the day. Try to go to bed at 10-11 pm.
    • Try not to sleep during the day.
    • Make sure that the bedroom is only for sleeping, for example, do not watch TV in bed.
    • Develop a specific set of habits before bed - this could be a warm shower or a massage.
    • Make sure the room is cool and dark.
  2. Get rid of stress. stress and chemical substances produced by the body as a result of stress, negatively affect the body, including hormonal balance. Try to get more rest and relaxation. Practice yoga, meditation, art (such as painting), try aromatherapy, or other activities that relax you. If there is a lot of stress in your life, at home or at work, then try practicing mindfulness.

    Take herbal supplements. To date, there are no reliable scientific evidence, what herbal preparations effectively build up the endometrium. However, taking certain herbs stimulates circulation and increases blood flow to the uterus, and some herbs promote estrogen production. Many of these products can be purchased at pharmacies, drugstores, healthy eating or on the Internet. Choose only products from reputable brands. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking any dietary supplements as they may interact with others. medicines. Next herbal remedies stimulate estrogen production or improve blood circulation:

    Go for an acupuncture session. Acupuncture helps with irregular periods because it improves blood circulation in the uterine area. Talk to experienced specialist on acupuncture. The specialist will insert needles into certain points of the body to improve blood circulation, balance hormone levels and generally have a beneficial effect on your body.

    Avoid anything that negatively affects circulation. In addition to practicing everything that favorably affects blood circulation, you need to avoid everything that affects it negatively. Reduce blood circulation:

    • Smoking. Quit smoking! Smoking adversely affects health and reduces blood flow.
    • The use of caffeine. Limit the amount of caffeine you consume. One glass a day is enough. Reduce your caffeine intake gradually to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
    • Taking anticongestants (anticongestants). Allergy and runny nose medicines containing phenylephrine or other vasoconstrictors constrict blood vessels, impairing blood circulation, so try to take other drugs that do not contain such ingredients.

    Standard medical preparations

    1. Contact your doctor. If you have irregular periods or are unable to conceive, make an appointment with your gynecologist. There are many reasons why this can happen, and your doctor will need to examine you and do some tests to rule out other conditions. If the reason is the thinning of the endometrium, then the doctor will definitely tell you best method treatment.

      • It is important to determine why you have a thin endometrium, as this will help you get rid of the problem more efficiently and quickly.
    2. Try hormone therapy. The first step in treating thin endometrium is usually hormone therapy using estrogen. In such cases, doctors usually prescribe contraceptives. hormonal preparations containing estrogen, or estrogen in the form of tablets, patches, gel, cream or spray.

      Take vasodilators. The endometrium needs a good supply of blood, so clogged arteries can thin it out. Ask your doctor if you should take medicines that dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow to the uterus.

    3. Increase your vitamin E intake. Vitamin E improves blood flow to the endometrium, thereby increasing its thickness. Eat foods rich in vitamin E and ask your doctor if you need to take a vitamin E supplement, sometimes called tocopherol. Recommended daily dose vitamin E for women is 15 mg. Check with your doctor in what doses you need to consume this vitamin in order to build up the endometrium. Some studies have used doses of 600 mg. Vitamin E is rich in foods such as:

      • almond, Pine nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts and peanut butter;
      • raw pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds;
      • chard, kale and spinach;
      • leaf mustard, turnip greens and parsley;
      • avocado, broccoli, tomatoes and olives;
      • mango, papaya and kiwi;
      • wheat germ oil, safflower oil and corn oil.
    4. Check your hemoglobin level. Iron deficiency can lead to thinning of the endometrium. Ask your doctor to do a blood test and check your iron levels. If it is low, then you may need to eat more iron-rich foods or even take supplements.

      • The best sources of iron are meat and fish.
      • The risk of iron deficiency increases if you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. Eat whole grains and iron-rich vegetables such as quinoa, lentils, spinach, and tofu.

Article outline

For a woman who decides to get pregnant important issue is the state of the endometrium of the uterus in her body. Therefore, for many it becomes hot topic how to grow endometrium.

For conception, it is necessary that this layer be of sufficient thickness and correspond to a healthy position. The reasons for the deterioration can be many factors that life is full of. modern woman. Improving the condition of the uterine lining can be achieved by using folk remedies or traditional medications.

What are the functions of the endometrium

A healthy endometrium in women is an integumentary glandular epithelium. It consists of a capillary network that supplies the rest of the endometrium, such as:

  • cover cells;
  • sector cells;
  • basal cells;
  • tubular glands;
  • fibroblasts, histiocytes, lymphocytes and other stromal elements;
  • prismatic epithelium.

All these parts depend on vascular network, which supplies them with the necessary trace elements. It is she who is further responsible for the development of the fetus and the onset of pregnancy. With the help of this system, the body is also cleansed of metabolic products.

The number of fibers and glands increases immediately with the onset of pregnancy. This is necessary in order to create building material for the placenta and provide the developing fetus with oxygen and nutrients.

The mucosal layer in an exhausted state cannot serve as a place for the attachment of a fertilized egg and will not allow the body to provide conditions for the growth of the fetal egg. For the onset of pregnancy, it is necessary that all quality indicators of the endometrium be normal. Such as:

  • thickness;
  • structure;
  • overall volume;

Throughout the menstrual cycle, the uterine mucosa in women undergoes major changes under the action of hormones. Therefore, all indicators should be evaluated taking into account the phase of the menstrual cycle. The number of glands increases at the time of ovulation and decreases, being rejected in the absence of fertilization. Dead cells come out menstrual flow. And after the entire mucous layer is restored under the action of estrogens in female body.

The endometrium plays a key role in all fertilization processes. It is possible to conceive a child only with a healthy and mature mucosal layer of the uterine cavity. The emaciated mucosa cannot accept fertilized egg and give it a base of substances for further development placental barrier.

Causes of emaciation

Most favorable period for conception is the middle of the menstrual cycle. At this time, the thickness of the endometrium should not be less than 1.1 cm. If the mucous layer is thickened, fertilization does not occur.

Maybe due to:

  • hormonal failure (the most common cause);
  • circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs;
  • pathologies in the structure of the uterus;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • inflammation in the uterine cavity;
  • muscular underdevelopment of the organ;
  • pathologies of a genetic nature;
  • scrapings and abortions.

It is treated with medication and folk remedies. Before treatment, you need to contact your doctor, undergo an examination and clarify the exact diagnosis.

It is worth contacting a specialist for a consultation at the first signs of the disease.

Signs of shrinking endometrium

The underlying reason why the mucous layer does not reach the required thickness is the lack of the hormone estrogen in the woman's body. The most important factor that makes you turn to a specialist is the absence of pregnancy. long time or recurring miscarriages.

The endometrium of the uterus becomes thinner, but straight external manifestation is not observed. According to your well-being, you can note the following signs of pathology:

  • Disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • Headache;
  • increased sweating;
  • Stopping the growth of hair on the body;
  • Sudden drops in blood pressure;
  • Scanty discharge during menstruation;
  • Flushes of heat;
  • Tremor;
  • Increased nervous excitability, insomnia and unreasonable feeling fear;
  • Pain during intercourse;
  • Lack of orgasms;
  • Joint pain and muscle spasms.

The absence of conception does not always accompany the pathology of the mucosal layer. In some cases, pregnancy is possible. But this state will be extremely difficult to proceed. A woman during the entire period is at risk of miscarriage, suffers from severe toxicosis and often does not bear the fetus for the entire period.

An effective way to build up a layer of the endometrium can only be chosen after a thorough examination and diagnosis.

To do this, you need to contact a specialist for an initial examination, in which he can question the presence of such a pathology. If there are signs of thinning, the specialist prescribes:

  • Biopsy of the uterus. The sampling of biological material from the surface of the uterus can be carried out in several ways, at the discretion of the treating specialist. Pain relief depends on the chosen method of analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. The study allows you to evaluate not only the thickness of the endometrium, but also its structure;
  • Determination of the level of hormones in the blood. Detects failures and possible cause disturbances in the mucous layer of the uterus.

Diagnostic methods are prescribed during the diagnosis and for the purpose of control after the first course of treatment.

Why do women want to build up the mucous layer

The main reason for the desire to increase the uterine mucosa to the standard values ​​is the desire to become pregnant. But this is not the only reason.

Many patients decide to take treatment for a reason. general malaise and concerns about personal health.

An increase is required in order to:

  • get pregnant;
  • reestablish normal layer after scraping;
  • an increase in the volume of the endometrium so that the fetus takes root;
  • to establish all the functions of the body and ensure the normal attachment of the fetus before IVF;

You can increase the endometrium when planning pregnancy with the help of certain drug therapies and public funds.

How to enlarge the endometrium with drugs

After staging accurate diagnosis, the doctor determines the reason why the uterine lining is not restored properly during the menstrual cycle.

Before correcting the condition, the following medications are prescribed:

  • medicines that affect the production of hormones, in particular estrogens;
  • hormonal drugs based on progesterone, which build up the endometrium;
  • salicylic drugs.

The form of release depends on certain factors and is prescribed at the discretion of the attending physician. It can be tablets, drops or medication. local funds(candles, gels, decoctions for douching).

The list of drugs can not be prescribed to yourself. Therapy must be approached comprehensively and only a highly qualified doctor can prescribe it. Most medications are hormonal and should be taken with strict control of the patient's condition.

Proginova tablets are included in anti-inflammatory therapy and are hormonal. The tool should not be taken on the recommendation of friends or at personal discretion. To establish a course of treatment, there must be clear indicators and a diagnostic conclusion.

During Proginov's therapy, it is possible to build up the endometrial layer due to the inclusion of estrogens and estradiol in the medication. The drug is used in the following ways:

  • Cyclic scheme;
  • Continuous circuit;
  • Combined scheme.

Direct contraindications to taking the drug are the period of pregnancy, lactation, pathology of the kidneys and liver, a tendency to thrombosis, lactose intolerance and childhood up to 18 years old.

Divigel has an estrogenic effect on the mucous layer and this allows you to quickly build up the endometrium. Anticancer drug allows you to eliminate the deficiency of hormones in the female body and get rid of the pathology.

The standard dosage of Divigel is equivalent to 1 g of gel per day. However, the optimal course and dosage is determined individually, at the discretion of the doctor. The drug is used externally and applied to the buttocks, thighs, lower back and lower abdomen. The procedure is done once a day.

Do not apply the gel to mucous membranes or breasts. Direct contraindications are:

  • Elevated blood sugar;
  • Diseases urinary system and liver;
  • The tendency of the body to form plaques in the vessels;
  • bleeding;
  • Tumor diseases;
  • The period of gestation and lactation.

Drops Gormel is an alcohol preparation that helps restore the mucosal layer. it homeopathic remedy used as an addition to complex treatment and premenstrual syndrome.

Oral drops include a number of components, which, thanks to biological activity normalize the functions of the female reproductive system.

Many women give them preference to this drug in view of its naturalness and naturalness.

Take the medicine should be diluted 10 drops in 100g of water. You need to drink this solution half an hour before meals three times a day.

Other drugs

To increase the size of the endometrium and its successful maturation, drugs with progesterone in the composition are used. In the second half of the therapeutic course, drugs such as Duphaston and Utrozhestan are prescribed. These drugs do not have a negative effect on the woman's body and are completely harmless to pregnant women.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies can also effectively normalize the endometrium and its renewal during the menstrual cycle. Can be cooked at any home necessary components and start therapy.

Grass is popularly considered a natural hormone that helps not only for the growth of the mucous layer, but also activates ovulation processes. Therefore, this plant is widely used for pathologies of the reproductive systems in women.

Sage for building up the endometrium is taken orally in the form of a decoction. For this, 2 tsp. pour 0.5 l. boiling water. After cooling, the solution must be filtered and consumed 100-130 g three times a day.

For therapy, you need to know your menstrual cycle, since you need to drink sage strictly with last day menstruation before ovulation. Though sage and folk remedy, it is impossible to use it for prevention without a doctor's prescription. The phytohormone has a strong effect on improper treatment can seriously harm.

pumpkin juice

Pumpkin juice is best consumed freshly squeezed. Due to lack heat treatment and storage, it saves everything beneficial features helping to thicken the mucosal layer of the uterus.

To achieve the effect, you need to drink 200 g of the product every day. You need to do this constantly during the period of cell growth after menstruation. However, in another period, pumpkin juice will be useful for normalizing reproductive functions.

Many women are already using pineapples for endometrial growth. It helps well and is pleasant, tasty to use.

Pineapple can be eaten without restriction if not allergic manifestations. This must be done daily. It is also useful to include pineapple juice in the diet.

Blue clay

Blue clay is used to treat the problem and has a pleasant procedure. The product will help with wrapping on the lower abdomen. To do this, the clay must be soaked warm water and make a flat cake. It is applied to the lower abdomen and covered with a film. After that, it is warmed terry towel. With such a compress, a woman lies under the covers for two hours. After the body should be washed with warm water and again lie down in the heat.

During therapy, it is better not to fall asleep, since the time is clearly defined by two hours. After this period, blue clay begins to act on the contrary and give back harmful substances.

Raspberry leaves for endometrium

Raspberry leaves are also considered a natural phytohormone. However, it does not have such a strong effect as sage. Raspberry is active and quite safe.

How to take: for the endometrium, you just need to steam raspberry leaves and drink throughout the day instead of the usual tea.

Boron uterus is included in herbs that are popular in the treatment of female pathologies. It helps to normalize the hormonal background and carries a lot of useful trace elements. Decoctions are prepared from dried and crushed raw materials, alcohol tinctures and solutions for douching.

To prepare a decoction, you need to take 15 g of raw materials and pour 150 ml of boiling water. You need to insist the solution for about an hour and take 1 tbsp. every 6 hours.

Red brush is one of the widely used plants that is used to eliminate gynecological diseases provoked by a violation of the hormonal background of a woman. In its composition, the red brush has special components - phytohormones, which are an alternative to female sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone). With the use of decoctions created on the basis of this plant, the fair sex will be able to stabilize normal level hormones, build up the mucous membrane (endometrium) in reproductive organ and prevent the development of various diseases of the genitourinary system.

To build up the endometrium, one tablespoon of a dry and crushed red brush should be poured with a glass of boiling water and this mixture should be infused for four hours. After that, drink the entire contents of the glass, repeating this procedure every 6 hours during the entire treatment course.

Other ways to help with building

The people have long been the most popular methods in the treatment of infertility due to the depletion of the uterus. The most favorite were known as belly dancing, the use of leeches and various diets. With the complex use of all these tools, you can quickly achieve a positive result.

Leeches activate many processes in the body, purify the blood, inject useful trace elements and help increase the thickness of the endometrium. The method operates on the principle of improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs and activating all processes.

Massages and acupuncture

Traditional Chinese medicine, based on acupuncture and massages, helps to activate all functions reproductive system and helps to increase the thickness of the mucosa. Needles are inserted into specific points on the body. These same points are also affected by massage.

Any failures often occur due to a lack of useful trace elements in the body. Therefore, any course of therapy must be supplemented with vitamins.

The most important substances are vitamin E and C. These substances are responsible for tissue regeneration and therefore help to accelerate the growth of mucosa.

The best physical exercise to improve the condition of the uterus is belly dancing. But there is also physical complexes, which improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs and help strengthen muscles.

Such gymnastics include:

  • Exercise scissors lying on your back, with straightened legs. Repeat 8 to 15 times;
  • Sitting on your heels, grab your hands behind your back. First right hand goes over the shoulder, and the left behind the back. Then change hands;
  • Tilts. Legs shoulder width apart. Hands in front of you. To carry out tilts to the socks about 8-15 times;
  • In the pose of the Turkish Sultan, put your hands on your feet and pull your stomach in. In this position, strain and relax the muscles of the vagina. Repeat about 15 times;
  • Boat exercise. Lying on your stomach, raise your arms and legs as high as possible. Stay in this position for 3-5 seconds.

It is especially important to perform small physical activity for women with in a sedentary manner work and life.

No therapy is complete without a recommended diet. This allows you to adjust the general background of the body and build all systems with a direction towards building up the endometrium. To do this, you need to eat foods that contain salicylates. These are active biological substances that help restore the genital organs and functions in the female body.

They are present in the following products:

  • Beekeeping products;
  • Dry red wine;
  • Dried apricots, raisins, prunes and other dried fruits;
  • Nuts and legumes;
  • Vegetable fiber;
  • Fruits, domestic and forest berries.

It is also important to include foods that are saturated in the diet. fatty acids Omega. These substances are found in fatty varieties fish and in vegetable oils(olive, linseed, wheat germ).

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