Pre-Trip Nurse Needed. Nurses for pre-trip medical examinations. Job responsibilities of an employee

Updated: 12/12/2019 14:47

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Job description
pre-trip medical check-up nurses
vehicle drivers

1. General Provisions

1.1. A person with a secondary medical education who has undergone special training and has an appropriate certificate is appointed to the position of a nurse for conducting pre-trip medical examinations of motor vehicle drivers.

1.2. Reports to the head of the medical office and ........................................., and when combined positions of the head of the medical office and the nurse - ..................................

1.3. In practical work, he is guided by the Methodological recommendations "Organization and procedure for conducting pre-trip medical examinations of motor vehicle drivers", approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on January 29, 2002.

2. Job responsibilities

2.1. The main task of pre-trip medical examinations is to identify signs of various diseases in motor vehicle drivers, signs of alcohol, drugs, illegal drugs, residual effects of alcohol intoxication (hangover syndrome), and fatigue. If these signs are detected, drivers are not allowed to drive vehicles.

2.2. To accept drivers of vehicles for a pre-trip medical examination individually for each, with a waybill.

2.3. Start the inspection with a questioning of the driver, finding out his subjective state of health, the presence or absence of complaints about the state of health. When the driver expresses any complaints, the medical worker is obliged, upon examination, to identify and confirm (or refute) their objectivity.

2.4. The following deviations in the state of health are grounds for suspension from work of drivers of motor vehicles:

  • the presence of symptoms of an acute disease or an exacerbation of a chronic disease (fever over 370 C, complaints of poor health, general weakness, headache and toothache, acute eye diseases, pain in the ear, chest or abdominal cavity, etc.).
  • increase or decrease in heart rate and changes in blood pressure above or below levels characteristic of the driver being examined.
  • being under the influence of alcoholic beverages or other means (narcotic and psychotropic drugs or toxicants) that violate the functional state. In this case, the medical officer conducting the pre-trip medical examination is required to control the sobriety of the driver.

2.5. The results of the pre-trip medical examination must be recorded in the journal of the established form.

2.6. In the absence of complaints and objective grounds for dismissal from work (clause 2.4.), allow the driver to work with a mark on the waybill (stamping) indicating the date, exact time of the medical examination, last name, initials and signature of the medical worker who conducted survey.

2.7. If signs of alcohol, narcotic and other psychoactive substances are detected by the driver during the pre-trip medical examination, control the sobriety of the driver. When determining the control of sobriety to determine the state of health, the examined driver must be subjected to a clinical examination and laboratory diagnostics of the driver's biological media (exhaled air and urine) must be carried out. Blood sampling is strictly prohibited. When conducting sobriety control, it is mandatory to draw up a sobriety control protocol of the established form in two copies, clearly and specifically filling out each item of the document. One copy of the protocol remains with the health worker, the second is issued to the head of the organization.

2.8. Each case of sobriety control must be registered in a special numbered, laced journal, sealed with the seal of the organization. The journal records the surname, name, patronymic, age, place of work and position, the reason for the referral for examination, by whom, the date and time of the sobriety control, the conclusion, the measures taken, the surname and initials of the medical worker.

2.9. If there are pronounced signs of intoxication, as well as the refusal of the person being examined from the examination, hardware or test research, the administration of the organization draws up an act on the appearance of the employee at the workplace in a state of intoxication.

2.10. Drivers suspended from work for health reasons should be sent to a doctor during working hours at a polyclinic at their place of residence or to a polyclinic serving him under medical insurance, outside of working hours - to recommend to come to the polyclinic the next day to resolve the issue of recognizing the driver suspended from work temporarily disabled and issuing him a sick leave in the prescribed manner. At the same time, issue a certificate to the driver with his signature, in any form, indicating the hour of release from work and brief data on the nature of the disease or injury.

2.11. Admission to work of persons suffering from hypertension or obvious hypotension should be carried out strictly individually according to the doctor's recommendations. These recommendations are recorded in the health status card. The card is filled in by a medical worker for drivers with chronic diseases.

2.12. Once a year, as well as during the initial detection of patients, draw up lists of persons registered with the dispensary, indicating the diagnosis and brief recommendations for admission to work.

2.13. Monthly summarize the results of pre-trip medical examinations with an analysis of the reasons for the removal of drivers from work, bring the results to the attention of the head of the organization.

2.14. Provide accounting and storage of medicines in a special medicine cabinet.

2.15. Ensure strict observance of all the rules of asepsis and antisepsis in the office during the procedures. Sterilize instruments and material in accordance with current instructions.

2.16. Ensure the sanitary and hygienic maintenance of the medical room.

2.17. Keep the necessary accounting documentation of the office in the prescribed form, draw up applications for tools, equipment, medicines and dressings in a timely manner.

2.18. Systematically improve their professional qualifications by participating in conferences for nursing staff in medical institutions upon request through the head of the organization.

3. Rights

3.1. In the absence of a doctor, provide emergency first aid to patients in the medical room.

3.2. Improve professional qualifications in special courses in the prescribed manner.

3.3. Require employees of the company to comply with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics when working in the medical room.

3.4. Receive information necessary for the performance of their duties.

3.5. Make proposals to the management of the company aimed at improving the work of conducting pre-trip medical examinations of drivers of vehicles.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The medical worker bears disciplinary, and in cases stipulated by law, and other responsibility for the quality of the pre-trip medical examination and the issuance of a conclusion on the admission of drivers to drive a vehicle.

4.2. Responsible for non-fulfillment, unclear or untimely fulfillment of duties stipulated by this Instruction and the Internal Labor Regulations of the company.

(immediate supervisor)

Familiar with the job description:
(date, signature, last name):



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Job description of a medical worker for pre-trip medical examinations of drivers [name of organization, enterprise]

This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the "Instructions on conducting pre-trip medical examinations of drivers of motor vehicles", approved by Order of the USSR Ministry of Health of September 29, 1989 N 555, Methodological recommendations "Medical support for road safety. Organization and procedure for conducting pre-trip medical examinations of vehicle drivers”, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on January 29, 2002 and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Pre-trip medical examinations of drivers of vehicles are carried out by a medical officer of the organization in order to identify persons who, for medical reasons, cannot be allowed to drive a car, both from the standpoint of ensuring road safety and protecting the health of the driver and passengers.

1.2. The medical worker for pre-trip medical examinations reports directly to [title of the head].

1.3. Pre-trip medical examinations are carried out only by a medical professional who has the appropriate certificate.

1.4. A medical worker for pre-trip medical examinations is accepted and dismissed from work by order of [the position of the head of the organization].

1.5. The medical worker for pre-trip medical examinations should know:

Decrees, orders, orders and other guiding, methodological and regulatory documents for conducting pre-trip medical examinations of drivers;

The procedure and rules for handling instruments designed to measure blood pressure, pulse, body temperature, determine the reaction to the presence of alcohol in the exhaled air;

Methods for conducting pre-trip inspections of drivers;

Internal labor regulations of the organization;

Fundamentals of labor organization;

Rules for labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety.

1.6. Professionally important qualities: [list qualities].

2. Job responsibilities of the employee

The following job responsibilities are assigned to the medical worker for pre-trip medical examinations:

2.1. Monitoring the health of drivers.

2.2. Conducting pre-trip medical examinations before the start of the work shift, including:

Collection of anamnesis;

Determination of blood pressure and pulse;

Determination of the presence of alcohol and other psychotropic substances in exhaled air or biological substrates by one of the officially recognized methods;

If indicated, any other authorized medical examinations necessary to resolve the issue of admission to work.

2.3. Recording the results of the pre-trip medical examination in the journal.

2.4. Deciding on the admission of drivers to work.

2.5. Upon admission to the flight, a medical worker puts a stamp on the waybill "passed a pre-trip medical examination" and a signature.

2.6. If necessary, first aid.

2.7. Registration in the prescribed manner of referral to medical institutions of drivers.

2.8. Based on the results of the pre-trip medical examination, maintaining police records of drivers suspended from work, for which outpatient card forms (form 25) are used. Recording the results of the examination in the card (history, objective data of the examination, the reason for the removal).

2.9. Analysis of the reasons for the dismissal of drivers from work.

2.10. Taking part in the investigation of traffic accidents in order to identify the causes depending on the state of health of the driver who committed the traffic accident.

2.11. Analysis of the effectiveness of pre-trip medical examinations of drivers.

2.12. Once a year, compiling a list of persons registered at the dispensary, as well as at the initial detection of patients, indicating the diagnosis and brief recommendations for admission to work.

2.13. Informing the head of the organization about the results of the inspection.

3. Worker's rights

A medical worker for pre-trip medical examinations has the right to:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.2. Require the head of the organization to assist in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights.

3.3. For advanced training on the organization of pre-trip medical examinations.

3.4. Make proposals to the manager on issues related to the performance of official duties provided for in this job description.

3.5. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor documents, materials, tools, etc., necessary for the performance of their duties.

3.6. Other rights provided by labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the employee

The medical worker for pre-trip medical examinations is responsible for:

4.1. Disciplinary, and in cases provided for by law, and other responsibility for the quality of the pre-trip medical examination and the issuance of a conclusion on the admission of drivers to drive a vehicle.

Head of structural unit [initials, surname]


[day month Year]


Head of Legal Department [initials, last name]


[day month Year]

Acquainted with the instruction: [initials, surname]


[day month Year]

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