Diarrhea and temperature 37 in an adult cause. What do the symptoms of weakness, diarrhea and fever indicate? Intestinal infection of bacterial origin

Vomiting and diarrhea (diarrhea) accompanied by high fever is a condition that signals the presence of a viral or bacterial infection in the body. Most often, this infection affects the organs gastrointestinal tract, causing indigestion, weakness and other severe symptoms.

Vomiting and diarrhea are caused by digestive process. In the first case, the stomach is unable to digest the incoming food, its muscles relax, and due to jerky contractions abdominals in humans, the contents of the stomach are ejected through the esophagus and oral cavity. With diarrhea, on the contrary, digestion is accelerated many times, as a result of which bowel emptying occurs with pathological speed.

If a high temperature has joined vomiting and diarrhea, this is a very formidable sign, indicating acute condition caused by infection or intoxication of the body. Such a state requires urgent appeal see a doctor, and in most cases inpatient treatment. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Can provoke acute indigestion various factors- from poisoning with stale food and chemicals to serious illness.

Food poisoning

Poisoning by toxins contained in food is a common phenomenon that every person has encountered at least once.


  • vomiting and/or diarrhea;
  • elevated body temperature: subfebrile (37-38°C), febrile (38-39°C), pyretic (39-40°C) or hyperpyretic (40°C and above);
  • weakness;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • cutting pains in the abdomen, behind the sternum;
  • belching.

Despite the widespread and high level medicine, food intoxication still represent real danger for human life. According to statistics, about 2 million people die from food poisoning every year.

In the first place among the callers food poisoning The reasons are non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules in the preparation and use of products. These are poorly washed hands before eating, and unsanitary conditions in the kitchen, especially during the preparation of animal products. Intoxication is seasonal, aggravated in the hot season. The reason for this is in poorly washed vegetables, fruits, leafy greens, and other products that are not subject to heat treatment. Also in summer more people they eat on the go, on the street, in the park, on the beach, etc., which also does not contribute to improving the quality of sanitation. Factors contributing to poisoning autumn period mushroom season added.

Other types of poisoning

In addition to food, there are several more types of intoxication: chemical (acid, alkaline), alcohol, drug, radiation, narcotic. Sometimes toxins enter the body not through the esophagus, but through the respiratory organs and skin. The symptoms are the same for everyone, but severe cases(especially in case of chemical and radiation poisoning, as well as intoxication poisonous mushrooms) loss of consciousness (orientation in time and space), violation of heart rate, respiratory depression.


Salmonella is a type of gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria. Under common name"salmonellosis" combines many diseases that are caused by these bacteria, including such serious ones as typhoid fever.

The danger of salmonella is in its extraordinary vitality. Living mainly in the intestines of humans, animals and birds, as well as in the products and waste of their life, they are able to for a long time survive on vegetables, fruits, as well as on dishes that have come into contact with meat, eggs, cottage cheese and other animal products. The bacterium survives even when food is frozen.

The onset and course of salmonellosis is acute, green diarrhea, often with an admixture of bile. In addition to diarrhea, vomiting and high temperature(38-41°C) the disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • acute pain in the navel and below;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • pain in muscles, joints;
  • chills;
  • convulsions;
  • enlargement of the liver, spleen.

Note! If salmonellosis is detected, the patient is isolated, diagnosis and treatment are carried out in the infectious diseases department of the hospital.

Since the incubation period of the disease can be up to two weeks, everyone who has been in contact with the patient during this period of time should be tested for the presence of salmonella.


Infectious intoxication of the colon due to infection with Shigella bacteria. More than half of the cases of dysentery occur in children, total about 10% of infections end lethal outcome. Dysentery is most common in countries with low level life and medical care, it also appears in rooms with a low level of hygiene.

The onset of the disease is characterized febrile temperature body, severe cramping pain in the abdomen, frequent bowel movements. The peak of dysentery occurs 2-3 days after the onset of the first symptoms - by this time the frequency of bowel movements can reach 20-50 times a day. Among the signs of the disease, plaque on the tongue is also noted. brown, lethargy, pallor, lack of appetite.

Rotavirus infection

Rotaviruses are microorganisms that live in the human intestine. Infection with them occurs by the fecal-oral route, as a rule, with several stages of transmission.

Rotavirus infection is often referred to as "stomach flu" despite the fact that rotavirus has nothing to do with the influenza virus. The disease acquired this name due to mixed symptoms:

  • febrile temperature;
  • runny nose;
  • headache;
  • cough;
  • redness in the throat;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • prostration.

Chair at company viral infection may be light, gray-yellow, clay-like, with an admixture of blood.

The first time the disease is acute form, in the future, the body begins to develop immunity and the disease proceeds much easier. Among adults, rotavirus is rare, it is a disease of children attending educational institutions.

Additional Information! The main danger in all types of viral intoxication is dehydration or dehydration of the body.

It arises due to frequent vomiting and defecation - together with feces and vomit, the body leaves a large percentage of water, as well as the nutrients necessary for normal life.


Hepatitis - acute or chronic diseases liver, in which its enlargement is diagnosed. Companions of the disease are also pain in the right hypochondrium, signs of intoxication of the body, muscle and joint pain. There are viral and toxic hepatitis.

  1. Viral hepatitis. This group includes a large number of diseases marked with the letters of the Latin alphabet A, B, C, D, E, F, G, as well as the abbreviations TTV and SEN. Among these, hepatitis B and hepatitis C are the most common - they infect more than 2 billion people worldwide. Diseases are caused, among other things, by herpes, rubella, Ebola, Coxsackie, Lassa and others.
  2. Toxic hepatitis is an acute liver injury due to food or other types of poisoning. The most common acute toxic hepatitis, which develops due to the ingestion of toxins into the liver in high concentration. As a result, the cells of the body become inflamed and begin to die. Chronic toxic hepatitis develops in workers of chemical enterprises and other hazardous industries, as well as in alcoholics.

Symptoms of hepatitis are nausea, vomiting subfebrile temperature body, decreased performance, diarrhea, bloating, yellowing of the whites of the eyes and skin, nose and gum bleeding, pruritus, liver enlargement, very light feces With oily sheen, dark urine. In severe cases, there may be loss of consciousness, convulsions, neuropsychiatric disorders.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)


Dystrophy (thinning) of the gastric mucosa caused by an increase in acidity gastric juice. Distinguish between acute and chronic form. The disease is completely untreatable, the affected mucosal foci are only partially restored, subject to the diet and other recommendations of the doctor. In addition to the above reasons, the hereditary factor also contributes to the development of gastritis, chronic stress, long uncontrolled intake medicines.

Symptoms of gastritis:

  • bowel disorder (diarrhea, constipation, irregular stools);
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach, heaviness, "bursting" of the abdomen;
  • heartburn;
  • belching with sour taste and smell;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • drowsiness, apathy;
  • pallor;
  • sweating.

Symptoms of gastritis are most acute in autumn and spring periods- at this time, patients should especially carefully monitor their menu and lifestyle.


Inflammation of the pancreas due to enzymatic failure. The enzymes produced by the pancreas are no longer secreted into the intestines, thereby causing the organ to self-digest. Aggressive intestinal microflora, causing the pancreas to become inflamed.

The causes of pancreatitis can be intoxication, fungal, viral and bacterial diseases, cholelithiasis, mechanical injury. Symptoms acute period includes severe paroxysmal pain in epigastric region, aggravated by palpation, vomiting with an admixture of bile, constant nausea. Sometimes there is a picture similar to the manifestation of hepatitis - the patient's skin and whites of the eyes turn yellow, the urine darkens, the feces become light. The skin can be covered with a small burgundy rash.


Inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane duodenum and lower divisions stomach. Depending on the type of disease, the patient has various manifestations. Constant symptoms include pain in and under the stomach, indigestion, and nausea. If the disease is chronic, as a result of poor digestibility nutrients there are signs of vitamin deficiency. His skin color and turgor worsens, appearance nails and hair also leaves much to be desired, there is a decrease vitality. In the acute phases, the disease is manifested by pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Factors contributing to the development of gastroduodenitis:

  • diseases of the liver, gallbladder, thyroid gland;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid;
  • chemical and food poisoning;
  • abuse of too cold or too hot food.

Most often, a combination of several factors contributes to the onset of the disease, as a result of which the duodenal mucosa loses its ability to regenerate and begins to thin.


A complex disease of the intestinal mucosa caused by a simultaneous inflammatory process in the large and small intestines. Manifestations of enterocolitis are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rumbling and bloating in the abdomen, flatulence, plaque on the tongue white color, pain in the middle of the abdomen. Sometimes the symptoms are accompanied by muscle and headache, weakness, decreased performance. For chronic course enterocolitis characterized by irregular stools, drawing pains in the abdomen, weight loss.

In addition to malnutrition, enterocolitis can cause long-term use antibacterial drugs and other medicines, intoxication of the body, intestinal infections, alcohol. Often, enterocolitis occurs as a complication of another disease of the digestive tract.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis

An imbalance between the pathogenic and positive intestinal microflora, resulting from the impact on the body of both external and internal factors. As a result of them, pathogenic microorganisms present in the digestive tract even healthy person in limited quantities, begin to multiply rapidly and suppress positive bacteria. As a result, a disorder of the digestive process occurs, which manifests itself in the form of bloating, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain.

To external factors, causing dysbacteriosis include taking antibiotics, eating disorders, chronic fatigue, stress, past intestinal infections. Internal factors are diseases of the digestive tract. Violation of the microflora is especially promoted inflammatory diseases intestines.

Note! In the normal course of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient's body temperature should be within the normal range.

If it rises, this indicates the addition of a viral infection, which requires comprehensive examination and treatment.

First aid

First aid for vomiting and diarrhea in an adult is an enema. It should consist of salt water at room temperature at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon per litre. Salted water acts as a sorbent and promotes the removal of toxins. Fresh water in an enema can cause the spread of infection throughout the body and the deterioration of the patient's condition. The volume of the enema should correspond to the age and weight of the patient, but not less than 500 ml. The procedure should be repeated until the water leaving the patient's intestines no longer contains impurities of feces, bile, mucus, residues undigested food. You can not add decoctions of herbs to the enema - this can provoke additional irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

At the same time, in order to avoid dehydration, it is necessary to begin to solder the patient - dilute the preparations Regidron, Atoxil, Humana electrolyte according to the instructions and give a teaspoon every five minutes. You can not give a lot of water - this will cause another bout of vomiting. The timely adoption of these two measures (enema, soldering) will significantly alleviate the course of the disease and speed up recovery.


Vomiting, diarrhea and fever in themselves are not a disease, but only its manifestation. Therefore, to get rid of them, you need to establish the cause. For this, the patient is sent for examinations (ultrasound internal organs, fibrogastroduodenoscopy, X-ray, MRI, CT) and tests (fecal analysis for worm eggs and dysbacteriosis, blood tests: general, biochemical, for the presence of viruses, bakposevy).

Symptomatic treatment consists primarily in maintaining a constant water regime, removing toxins from the body, washing the stomach and improving its motility, maintaining a diet, and lowering body temperature.

Medical therapy

A high temperature for an adult is considered to be a temperature exceeding 38.5 ° C. It is not recommended to reduce the temperature below this level, since only at 38 ° C the body turns on defense mechanisms, and he begins to fight the infection, developing his own immunity. If the thermometer exceeds allowable level, you can take Ibuprofen, Butadione, Paracetamol in the dosage prescribed by the instructions.

Table. Medicines for symptomatic treatment vomiting and diarrhea

Important! If the patient has diarrhea, you should choose the oral form of the drug, with vomiting it will be better to absorb the antipyretic in the form of rectal suppositories.

As for drugs aimed at treating intestinal infections and gastrointestinal diseases, they are prescribed by a doctor after identifying the cause of acute symptoms.

Folk remedies

Recognized folk remedies for diarrhea and vomiting are:

  1. Cooled rice water(100 gr. cereals per liter of salted water), drink 100 ml every 1.5-2 hours.
  2. Decoction of dill seeds (1 teaspoon per glass of water).
  3. Infusion peppermint(1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain).
  4. Infusion of lemon balm (4 teaspoons per glass of boiling water, leave for 4 hours, strain).
  5. Infusion of basil (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water).

All decoctions and infusions should be at room temperature.

But folk remedies at a temperature that arose against the background of vomiting and diarrhea (honey, raspberries, viburnum) it is better not to use - they can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa. Also, you can not do vinegar and vodka wraps to the patient - this will give additional intoxication.

When to call a doctor?

Vomiting and diarrhea are indicative of acute disorder digestion, in which oral medications may not be absorbed. In this case, it is better for the patient to administer medications intravenously, intramuscularly, through a dropper. If the symptoms occur once, then it is necessary to provide the patient with first aid and monitor the reaction of the body. If the attacks recur, the patient will experience pallor, dry skin, the smell of acetone from the mouth, lethargy (signs of dehydration), high fever - emergency care should be called.

Prevention and diet

The best prevention against any gastroenterological disease is diet and healthy lifestyle life. To maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract, it is important:

  1. Follow the rules of hygiene and sanitation: be sure to wash your hands with soap and water before each meal, before cooking, after each contact with animal products, after transport, gym and other public places and also after going to the toilet. It is important that there are several cutting boards in the kitchen - you cannot use the same board when cutting meat, cutting vegetables and bread. Eggs should be washed before boiling. soda solution, vegetables, fruits, berries, leafy greens, thoroughly rinse under running water.
  2. News active image life - to move more, to be on fresh air, do exercises.
  3. Be able to alternate the mode of work, rest and sleep.
  4. Watch your diet - avoid foods that contain harmful substances(fatty, overcooked, spicy food, mayonnaise and sauces based on it, canned food). In food, adhere to the measure - rigid diets also harm the body, like overeating. Preference to give simple meals- stewed, boiled, baked. Make sure your diet is rich fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products.
  5. Stick to a diet - do not skip breakfast, have a full lunch and dinner, do not eat on the go, forget about fast food. The optimal interval between meals is 3-3.5 hours. Snacks should be light - fruits, nuts, dairy products. The last meal is 3 hours before bedtime.

It is also important to be attentive to the signals of your body - when the first signs of a gastrointestinal disease appear (belching, heartburn, irregular stools, heaviness in the stomach, etc.), it is better to be examined by a gastroenterologist.

Published: January 18, 2016 at 10:46 am

When a child or an adult simultaneously develops a subfertile temperature (37-37.5), vomiting and diarrhea ( liquid stool), doctors may suspect gastroenteritis (colloquial flu). It occurs due to the entry of viruses into the intestines. different type. The products of their vital activity provoke the development inflammatory process affecting the intestinal mucosa. In a child, gastroenteritis is more severe than in an adult. If a the immune system the patient is strong, the temperature rises, only up to 37.5 degrees, the weakened body reacts more sharply. Both diarrhea and a temperature of 37.3 - 37.5 degrees at proper treatment completely pass. But during this period the patient is contagious.

Get an infection in the intestines and cause severe diarrhea and vomiting can be in different ways:

  1. Together with low-quality food, unwashed fruits, expired products.
  2. When drinking unboiled water or when swimming in a reservoir with contaminated water.
  3. When talking loudly with a sick infected person, standing next to a sneezing patient.
  4. A contact-household method of infection is also possible. It most often occurs in places large cluster of people.

Destroy the virus detergents it is impossible, it is very tenacious, not afraid of severe frosts, withstands heating up to 60 degrees. kill pathogenic bacteria only with solutions used for disinfection. Incubation period the child is small, getting into the body, the virus begins to act after 16 hours. First, the intestinal mucosa is destroyed, the production of enzymes stops. Substances that attract water begin to accumulate in the intestines, so diarrhea begins and fever appears.

Symptoms of temperature 37, weakness, diarrhea are quite obvious for intestinal flu In addition, there are other signs:

  • Diarrhea bothers the child no more than 10 times a day.
  • There may be vomiting.
  • Together with loose stools and temperature, the patient is worried mild cough and sore throat, which immediately disappear after taking special drugs.
  • The disease causes the child to have profuse bowel movements.
  • There is mucus in the stool.
  • The color of loose stools can be gray-yellow or clay-like.
  • An increase in temperature to 37 with diarrhea in a child may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  • There may also be pain in the epigastric region.

Similar signs are very characteristic of other diseases. And the temperature of 37.2, 37.3, 37.5, and diarrhea often accompany cholera or salmonellosis. low temperature and diarrhea can also indicate food poisoning. Each disease has its own characteristics clinical picture to eliminate them, it is necessary to apply different treatment, therefore, it is so important when the described signs appear to abandon the methods folk treatment and contact the representatives of official medicine.

How to treat diarrhea and a temperature of 37.5?

Since viruses can provoke gastroenteritis in a child different nature There is no single line of treatment. Therapy is symptomatic. It is important to prevent fluid loss from the body, reduce the level of toxicity, restore the intestinal microflora and return its work to normal. Effective treatment allows you to stop severe diarrhea in five days, eliminate vomiting and bring body temperature back to normal. The main focus of treatment is to eliminate painful symptoms and prevent relapse (the appearance of a secondary infection).

The general treatment regimen is as follows:

  1. Drinking with a solution prepared from Regidron powder.
  2. Following a strict diet.
  3. Reception of sorbents.
  4. Taking drugs that can eliminate diarrhea and fever 37.
  5. Enzyme intake.
  6. After the completion of the acute phase, the restoration of the intestinal microflora.

Such tactics can help get rid of diarrhea with a temperature of up to 37.5. Treatment of the disease can take place at home, but the appointment must be made by a doctor.

Pain in the gastrointestinal tract may occur due to different reasons. Pain is usually accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, chills, and diarrhea. Many people deal with similar symptoms. on your own, however, it is important to understand that quality treatment can only be obtained if reliable diagnosis, which can only be determined by a qualified doctor.

In order for the doctor to be able to determine the cause pathological condition, it is necessary to pay attention to the localization of pain, as well as accompanying symptoms.

Pain in the lower abdomen and diarrhea

Aching and cutting pain, combined with diarrhea and weakness, can indicate a number of diseases, including a peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach. If the cause of the symptoms is this pathology, pains are observed 30-40 minutes after eating. Basically, discomfort appears due to the use of sour, spicy products.

The cause of the pain may also be appendicitis. Inflammation of the appendix of the caecum (appendix) is accompanied by intense inflammation, which intensifies when pressed. At this disease required urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention. If you do not call an ambulance in a timely manner, the appendix may burst, resulting in peritonitis, inflammation of the entire abdominal cavity. Additional symptom appendicitis can beat and.

These symptoms can also occur with intestinal intoxication. Problems with the functioning of the intestines are accompanied cramping pains, diarrhea.

Diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever

Intestinal infection has the following manifestations: diarrhea,. The cause of such infection is a virus that enters the stomach with food. Associated symptoms Pathologies: nausea, headache, vomiting, severe weakness, fatigue, muscle soreness. At this time, it is advisable to refuse food. shown plentiful drink. A doctor's consultation and follow-up treatment is required.

Similar signs are also found in dysentery. Body temperature can rise up to 40 degrees. In addition to the main symptoms, vomiting and fever are observed. In this situation, urgent medical attention is needed.

Diarrhea, vomiting and pain

Painful sensations, diarrhea and vomiting are noted with enteritis. There is also tachycardia, severe dehydration of the whole organism. Basically, the cause of the disease is malnutrition, deficiency of vitamins, protein in the diet. Activity crashes small intestine. When enteritis is indicated: drinking plenty of water, cleansing enemas, regular and balanced diet, astringents.

Vomiting, diarrhea and soreness - frequent companions colitis and food poisoning. The cause of poisoning is usually poor quality food that has entered the stomach. Such products contain toxins that have negative impact on the digestive tract, the work of all organs and systems. There is malaise, dizziness, nausea and weakness. There are three types of poisoning: viral, chemical and bacterial. To solve the problem, they do washing and apply for medical assistance. Doctors recommended an enema, gastric lavage with a solution of manganese, as well as drinking plenty of water.

Colitis is accompanied by intense abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, general malaise. The cause of the disease is the penetration of pathogens into the stomach. During colitis, diarrhea with mucus and blood predominates. The disease may be chronic. Constipation, abdominal pain and vomiting can indicate ailments such as cystitis, hepatitis, gynecological pathologies.

First aid

All of the above clinical manifestations occur against the backdrop of various diseases. Before starting a course of treatment, you should visit a doctor, take tests and undergo full examination. After the diagnosis is made by the doctor, the prescribed treatment can begin. You should not self-medicate, as many diseases occur with similar symptoms. Self-administration of medications can aggravate the course of the disease.

To get rid of the signs of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, you can drink Activated carbon. The dosage is as follows: per 10 kilograms of weight - 1 tablet of coal. It has an absorbent property, thanks to which it easily absorbs pathogenic elements and removes them from the body.

It is also recommended to drink saline solutions. Thanks to these medicines recovering salt balance prevents dehydration of the body. Painful sensations can be eliminated with the help of antispasmodics such as No-Shpa, Spazmolgon.

In the presence of suspicious symptoms, it is advisable to call an ambulance. The doctor will be able to establish the cause of the pathology and prescribe a therapy that will be much more effective than self-treatment.

Diarrhea and a temperature of 38 degrees and above are quite common among adult patients. What are the causes and main symptoms of this phenomenon? What should be done to provide effective first aid if the patient has a very high temperature, and what treatment will be most effective for the patient?

Why does it arise?

Diarrhea and temperature in an adult can be triggered by a number of external and internal factors. After all, diarrhea (as well as an increase in body temperature over 37 degrees) is not independent disease, these are just symptoms that indicate what is happening in the body pathological processes. Experts identify the following most common causes, which may result in symptoms such as diarrhea and high fever (from 37 degrees and above):

  1. Food poisoning.
  2. Pancreatitis (intestinal disorder).
  3. The presence of a rotavirus infection in the body.
  4. Inflammatory processes localized in the pancreas.
  5. Hepatitis.

Install exact reasons for which an adult has a high temperature (over 38 degrees) and diarrhea, prescribe the appropriate effective treatment can only qualified specialist. In order to provide the patient with competent first aid, it is important to understand the etiology of the disease. Therefore, consider possible reasons, which can cause diarrhea in an adult, in more detail:

  • Food poisoning.

In 60% of cases, the causes of diarrhea and the accompanying fever are poisoning food products. In this case, the following symptoms are observed in an adult:

  1. Strong diarrhea.
  2. Increased body temperature (37-38 degrees).
  3. General weakness.
  4. Nausea.
  5. Attacks of vomiting.

If the above manifestations are observed, the first thing to do is to urgently seek medical help, because given state dangerously possible dehydration and severe intoxication of the body. First aid can be provided by competent drug treatment, giving the patient drugs such as Smecta, Enterosgel, activated charcoal or other sorbents. What to do with dehydration and high fever? If there are signs of dehydration, drink the patient clean water and herbal infusions. With an increase in body temperature to 39 degrees, antipyretic drugs (Paracetamol, Aspirin, etc.) can be used.

  • Pancreatitis.

Diarrhea with fever can occur in an adult as a result of intestinal disorder(pancreatitis). The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Increased body temperature (from 37 degrees).
  2. Strong diarrhea.
  3. Nausea.
  4. Increased fatigue, weakness.
  5. Dizziness.
  6. Lack of appetite.
  7. Bloating.
  8. The development of shortness of breath.
  9. Muscle weakness.
  10. Change in color of feces.

What to do if diarrhea and a high temperature line in an adult were provoked by pancreatitis? Treatment may help special diet, in which it is necessary to solder the patient with water in large quantities against the background of complete abstinence from food. If the condition of the victim improves somewhat, it is allowed to introduce broths, bread croutons, and various cereals into his diet. You can eliminate diarrhea with the help of such enzymatic medicines like Microzyme, Pancreatin, Creon, etc.

  • Viral hepatitis.

If the reasons why an adult patient develops diarrhea and a high fever lie in viral hepatitis The victim has the following symptoms:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Attacks of vomiting.
  3. General asthenia.
  4. Pain in the abdomen.
  5. Acquisition stool white color.
  6. Increase in body temperature.

If hepatitis is suspected, the first thing to do is to see a doctor, since treatment should take place in stationary conditions under the strict supervision of a specialist. To somewhat alleviate the patient's condition will help the use of antipyretic, antispasmodic drugs.

  • Rotavirus infection.

Considering the possible reasons why an adult can develop diarrhea, one cannot fail to mention rotavirus infections. The disease that causes negative impact for functioning digestive system, can be diagnosed if the patient has the following manifestations:

  1. Lack of appetite.
  2. High temperature (up to 39 degrees).
  3. Severe diarrhea (up to 20 bowel movements per day).
  4. Acquisition of yellowish hue by feces.
  5. Runny nose.

Treatment for rotavirus infection is simple and can be done at home. The most important thing to do is to prevent the onset possible dehydration organism. Therefore, the patient should be given plenty of water to drink ( daily rate high - 2.5–3 liters). Drugs such as Linex, Smecta, Enterofuril will help reduce diarrhea.

  • Bacterial infections.

The reasons why fever and diarrhea occur may be due to the presence in the body of bacterial infections. AT this case high activity leads to the development of the disease pathogenic microorganisms. Such a condition can be diagnosed when clinical manifestations are present:

  1. Very high temperature (39 and above).
  2. Severe, often repeated diarrhoea.
  3. Greenish tint of stool.
  4. The appearance of bloody impurities in the feces.

What to do in this case? Since intestinal infections of a bacterial nature are very contagious, the patient is treated in a hospital. The basis of therapy is treatment with antibiotic drugs.

Treatment of an adult suffering from diarrhea and elevated temperature body, largely depends on the cause that provoked this disease state. Therapy should contribute to the elimination of the underlying disease. For first aid, you can use the following recommendations:

  • Drink plenty of clean water to prevent dehydration.
  • If there is a high degree of intoxication, the patient should be given activated charcoal tablets.
  • Drug treatment with sorbent preparations (Smecta, Linex Enterosgel).
  • You can bring down the temperature with the help of berry juice, alkaline or salt water.
  • With strong painful sensations No-shpy tablet will help alleviate the condition.

Diarrhea and fever in an adult patient can be provoked various reasons, among which are dangerous diseases, threatening life and health. Therefore, the first thing to do in this case is to seek advice from a specialist who can deliver accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective competent treatment!

Published: 23 December 2015 at 12:54

Most often, weakness, diarrhea and fever, severe headache in a child and in an adult are symptoms of food poisoning. They appear suddenly, immediately after using a low-quality product. The incubation period is completely absent. Signs of poisoning appear immediately, 2 hours after the ingestion of the provocateur and develop acutely. All food poisoning can be divided into two large groups: infectious and non-infectious. The first are provoked by microbes and viruses. Second ( toxic poisoning) arise due to the ingestion of chemical toxins, poisons of grass plants or inedible mushrooms into the body.

Features of the clinical picture are that in each case the patient has different characteristic symptoms - loose stools, weakness, temperature 37-38 and others. It all depends on what provoked the development of malaise: toxins, viruses or microbes. But, of course, there are characteristic symptoms. Here are the main ones:

  1. The temperature can be different: rise slightly, up to 37 degrees, or high (up to 38 degrees and above). In this case, there is a severe headache, accompanied by weakness.
  2. Liquid stool has a cramping character.
  3. Loss of appetite gives rise to great weakness.
  4. Nausea and vomiting.
  5. Sudden drop in pressure
  6. Cold sweat.

If the cause is neurotoxic poisons, visual disturbances may occur, the absence muscle tone, hypersalivation, some disorders of the brain. Frequent severe diarrhea leads to dehydration. It is diarrhea that causes dryness of the mucous membranes, a decrease in the amount of urine excreted in a child and in an adult. Lethargy and weakness, as well as high fever, headache - a consequence of the development acute intoxication organism.

In the case when weakness, loose stools and temperature (38 and above), as well as a headache that appears at a temperature of 37 degrees, are the consequences of food poisoning in a child or in an adult, symptoms appear immediately, after 2 hours or after 6 hours after getting inside the provocateur. On the first day they progress strongly, without rendering the right help capable of causing dangerous complications and even lead to a legal outcome.

Treatment of diarrhea, fever, weakness and headache

When a patient develops weakness, a temperature of 37-38, headache and diarrhea at the same time, food poisoning can be suspected, but doctors must perform blood cultures, loose stools and vomit to confirm the diagnosis and develop a treatment strategy. Such an analysis helps to identify the causative agent of malaise. If there is a suspicion of a viral etiology, an express blood test is performed. He must reveal the nature of the infection.

In any case, the patient's relatives should immediately call an ambulance when fever, weakness and diarrhea appear, as well as symptoms of dehydration, and while she is going to take a number of urgent measures. What can be done:

  • Carry out gastric lavage. To do this, prepare a solution of potassium permanganate or soda. Drinking large amounts of water causes a person to vomit. It is necessary to carry out gastric lavage in case of food poisoning until the vomit becomes “clean” (without the admixture of food residues).
  • After gastric lavage, it is useful to give the patient any of the absorbents (Smecta, activated charcoal). In order for the absorbent to dissolve faster in the stomach, it is necessary to drink the medicine when taking it. large quantity water. This will quickly stop the diarrhea.
  • If loose stools are frequent and accompanied by vomiting, as well as severe weakness, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of signs of dehydration. For this, the patient is given a sip of a special solution every 10 minutes (one sachet of Regidron dissolved in a liter of water).
  • It is impossible to bring down the temperature, even if it does not rise above 37 degrees. You can't take medicine for diarrhea. The hidden clinic is the worst ally for diagnosis.
  • While driving Ambulance, you do not need to give the patient food, it is better to ensure his complete rest.

It is impossible to show initiative and self-medicate in such a situation. It is strictly forbidden to give any antibiotics in case of food poisoning to relieve high fever and headache, eliminate weakness and diarrhea, sulfa drugs, pills against diarrhea. It is impossible to treat the described symptoms with decoctions and tinctures prepared according to recipes. traditional medicine, you can not rub at a temperature (up to 38 degrees and above) the patient with alcohol.

As a rule, if food poisoning is suspected, the patient is taken to the hospital, where all diagnostic measures and measures are taken to eliminate toxins, or control of identified viruses is carried out. If the treatment is taken on time, if it is possible to identify the source of poisoning, after three days the patient will feel much better, weakness disappears, appetite returns, body temperature stabilizes, and diarrhea disappears. After seven days, the patient (in the absence of characteristic symptoms) will be released home with detailed recommendations on adherence to a therapeutic diet.

Prevention of diarrhea with weakness and fever

Subject to certain rules, you can minimize the risks of weakness and diarrhea, fever and vomiting. Important:

  1. Prepare food only in the kitchen, in a room where there are conditions for culinary processing of the products used.
  2. Choose for cooking quality products. Any foulbrood is sure to provoke diarrhea.
  3. Pay attention to their expiration dates.
  4. It is necessary to store the ingredients in the refrigerator, observing the commodity neighborhood (do not store meat and dairy products nearby, for example).
  5. In the catering system, you should not buy dishes that contain raw ingredients.
  6. Try to wash your hands more often.
  7. Fight any insects in the kitchen.
  8. Wash dishes well.
  9. Drink only boiled water. Poor quality drinking water becomes a frequent source of diarrhea.

Such preventive measures help prevent food poisoning and prevent the appearance of great weakness, diarrhea with fever and other dangerous symptoms.

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