From there may be erosion of the uterus. Cervical erosion: symptoms and treatment. External factors for the onset of the disease

Cervical erosion- a pathological process in which its ulceration is observed. This is one of the most common pathologies, which is detected during examination in a third of the patients.


Erosion or, in other words, cervical ectopia is a disease in which ulcers (erosion) are found on the cervical mucosa. What cervical erosion looks like, as well as the size and number of ulcers, depends on the degree to which the disease has developed. Women are susceptible to erosion, regardless of age. When ectopia is detected, a thorough examination is required, since its presence may indicate the development of an oncological process.

Cervical erosion is a pathology that is found in 30% of women upon examination.

Important! Usually, cervical erosion occurs in a latent form and there are no symptoms indicating it. This is the difficulty of its detection - as a rule, erosion can be detected only by chance, during the inspection.

Signs by which the disease can be suspected are:

  • discharge during cervical erosion, accompanied by an unpleasant odor;
  • pain in the lower part of the abdominal cavity;
  • disturbed;
  • an increase in whites. This is due to the fact that the section of the cylindrical epithelium increases and produces mucus in a larger volume.

At an advanced stage of discharge during cervical erosion, the cervix becomes thick, bloody inclusions or pus may be found in them.


Erosion can be different in etiology and pathogenesis:

  • true erosion. In appearance, it looks like an abrasion. The process of its development is accompanied by damage or inflammation of the epithelium. A couple of weeks after the onset, such erosion may disappear or transform into ectopia, in which the stratified squamous epithelium is replaced by a cylindrical one.
  • pseudo-erosion. With this form, the cylindrical epithelium is displaced to the area of ​​the neck, covered with stratified squamous epithelium. This form can be either congenital or acquired. The cause of the acquired form may be hormonal imbalance or female diseases.
  • congenital form. It is manifested by a shift in the border between the squamous stratified and cylindrical epithelium. As a rule, this form goes away by itself by a certain age and does not need treatment. It is common in nulliparous women, as well as in those taking oral contraceptives.

There is a separate classification of true erosion, which is based on the reason that caused its occurrence:

  • inflammatory form- occurs as a result of any infection of the genital tract;
  • traumatic- develops as a result of curettage, rough sexual intercourse, etc .;
  • chemical- appears after the use of aggressive chemicals, which are sometimes used in self-medication by douching;
  • burn- is formed due to cauterization of the neck area;
  • trophic- a consequence of a violation of the blood supply to the uterus;
  • specific- occurs due to infection or;
  • cancerous- one of the forms of malignant neoplasms.

A photo of the cervix with erosion can be seen below.

Photo of the cervix without pathologies, with pseudo-erosion and erosion

The reasons

The causes of erosion can be as follows:

  • Inflammatory processes of the female genital organs. The most significant role in this case is played by endocervicitis.
  • Discharge from the cervix, which is a consequence of pathology. It could be polyps. As a result of such secretions, desquamation and maceration of the epithelium occurs. Since this process takes a certain time, and does not appear immediately, many women develop true erosion, on the surface of which dangerous microorganisms (Trichomonas, gonococci, etc.) begin to multiply.
  • injury. Tissues can be damaged during childbirth, surgery, insertion or removal of the coil.
  • Hormonal disorders. They can be associated with early or late puberty, menstrual cycle failure, ovarian failure, inflammatory processes in the ovaries, late or early pregnancy.
  • Violation.

Erosion after childbirth can be caused by a large fetus, a rapid birth process. In women who have given birth, the occurrence of erosion can be triggered by surgery.

Cervical erosion in nulliparous women can be triggered by:

  • lack of regular sexual relations;
  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • bad;
  • promiscuous sex life.

Provoking factors that apply to all women are nicotine addiction and genetic predisposition.

The use of oral contraceptives is called as a possible factor, but this relationship has not been reliably established.

In the photo, erosion of the cervix


Symptoms and treatment are interrelated and treatment is prescribed based on the results of the diagnosis. There are several options for how to cure erosion. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the cause due to which the pathology has developed. For example, eliminate inflammation or cure sexually transmitted infections, if any. Experts note that in some cases, after the cause is eliminated, erosion goes away on its own.

Treatment methods are based on a direct effect on erosion:

Chemical coagulation- application to the cervix of a drug that affects the cylindrical epithelium. With this exposure, the squamous epithelium quickly covers the treated area. This treatment option is one of the most gentle and is usually used to eliminate small pseudo-erosions. In some cases, it may be necessary to repeat the procedure.

Diathermocoagulation- exposure to high-frequency current, in which tissue melting occurs. As a result of cauterization, the overgrown epithelium is removed, in place of which a normal multilayer then appears. As a rule, the procedure goes without complications, however, there is a risk of scar formation, which may make it difficult to open the cervix during childbirth.

diathermoconization- excision of overgrown tissues with a special loop. A scab forms on the surface of the cauterized erosion, which departs a week after the procedure. Overgrowing of the zone with stratified epithelium usually ends in a month and a half.

Cauterization by radio waves makes it possible to remove overgrown cells with the help of high-frequency current, without affecting the surrounding tissues. This method can be used to treat any disease of the cervix that is benign.

In the treatment of erosion, preference is given to the use of radio waves. It is necessary to understand how cervical erosion is cauterized by this method - this is a non-contact method, during which the cervix does not heat up, there is no risk of burns.

taking a swab from the uterus

Local anesthesia may be used during the procedure.

Radio wave treatment gives a 100% guarantee of erosion elimination in the absence of bleeding and the risk of scar formation.

Cervical erosion removal by cryotherapy is the use of low temperatures to eliminate erosion. The disadvantages of the procedure include an insignificant depth of exposure and a high frequency of relapses. However, the method has advantages: the absence of pain and blood, as well as a negative effect on the opening of the cervix during childbirth. This method cannot be used in oncological diseases.

Laser surgery refers to the most effective methods of removing cervical erosion. The most commonly used carbon dioxide laser. During the procedure, there is practically no effect on healthy cells. Healing takes less time than with diathermocoagulation. Treatment of cervical erosion with a laser can be used for any diseases of the cervix, suggesting the absence of oncological formations, as well as cicatricial deformities.

Prices for the treatment of cervical erosion vary greatly depending on the method chosen. Medical treatment is the cheapest option. The most expensive treatments will be laser and radio waves. In this case, the price for the treatment of cervical erosion will also depend on the size of the lesion.

Can it be treated with medication? Gentle methods of treatment include the use of candles. Candles for cervical erosion are prescribed in the following situations:

  • erosion is caused by a violation of the microflora of the vagina;
  • pain during menstruation, localized in the sacrum;
  • erosion resulting from sexually transmitted diseases;
  • erosion caused by hormonal disorders;
  • trauma as a result of an abortion or difficult childbirth.

Important! Treatment of cervical erosion with suppositories can only be used if small areas are affected. Such treatment is relevant as an additional after cauterization of erosion.

Treatment with folk methods

It should immediately be noted that the benefits of folk remedies for the treatment of cervical erosion have not been confirmed. In any case, you should not start treatment with folk remedies on your own, as this can lead to the growth of erosion.

Folk recipes provide treatment in the form of laying tampons or douching. A swab is moistened in sea buckthorn oil - this is what one of the folk recipes advises. However, sea buckthorn oil can lead to an increase in erosion in size and should only be used after cauterization. The attending physician can tell about such nuances and how to treat erosion with the help of folk remedies. As for the direct treatment with sea buckthorn oil, the tampon soaked in it is placed overnight. The course of treatment is 14 days.

For douching use a 2% solution of calendula. The tool is used for 10 days, after each visit to the toilet.

After examination, the doctor prescribes treatment for cervical erosion


Preventive measures recommended by experts include:

  • regular visits to the gynecologist and the delivery of a smear;
  • compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene and wearing high-quality underwear made from natural fabrics;
  • permanent sexual partner;
  • using a condom as a method of contraception;
  • strengthening immunity.

Impact on pregnancy

It is good if it turns out to identify and cure erosion before pregnancy. In cases where cervical erosion is detected during pregnancy, surgical methods are usually not resorted to. Conservative treatment is carried out in order to eliminate infections and strengthen immunity.


The lack of treatment of cervical erosion can lead to the following consequences:

  • inflammation of the endometrium;
  • inflammation of the muscular layer of the uterus;
  • inflammation of the fallopian tubes;
  • inflammation of the ovaries.

Cervical erosion during pregnancy is of particular danger to a woman, as it can lead to premature dilatation, creating a threat.

The appearance of cervical erosion is fraught with the fact that it creates a favorable background for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, its presence can become a factor preventing conception.

Another danger is that there is a risk of degeneration of erosion into a malignant formation.


The cervix with erosion can be prescribed if there is a suspicion of the development of an oncological process. When performing a biopsy under anesthesia, local anesthesia is used. After the procedure, a woman needs a sparing regimen: sexual activity is not allowed for 2 weeks, weight lifting, it is forbidden to bathe in the bath.

Damage to the epithelium of the cervix is ​​diagnosed by a gynecologist in every second patient, but no one explains why erosion appears to a woman.

The reaction of a woman who heard the diagnosis of "erosion" ranges from obvious fear and fear of complications, to frankly dismissive and the belief that everything will go away on its own. These are extremes of perception, but the fact of damage to the epithelium alarmingly indicates negative changes in the woman's body.

How erosion manifests itself

In order to more fully and clearly consider the causes of cervical erosion, it is necessary to recall the anatomy of the organ. The uterus is hidden inside the small pelvis and is the end of the genital tract, and consists of the bottom, body and neck, the narrowest part of the organ. It connects the vagina and the uterus, inside there is a channel. The walls of the neck consist of three layers:

  • external epithelial (when viewed under magnification, dense rows of densely closed cells are visible, normally located in several layers, similar to the cells of the vaginal mucosa, colored pink);
  • an inner layer of circular muscle fibers that seal the uterus;
  • cylindrical epithelium of the cervical canal, located in one row and consisting of red cylindrical cells. The purpose of the cells is to produce mucus, which is lined inside the neck.

When a doctor makes a diagnosis of cervical erosion, it means that he sees damaged red zones on it in the gynecological mirror. Sometimes doctors under the diagnosis of "erosion" mean some gynecological pathologies (cervicitis and others), which leads to incorrect information of the patient.

What is cervical erosion and what does it look like? On closer examination (under magnification) you can see:

  • scratch-like damage;
  • zones covered with a cylindrical "velvet" epithelium of red color;
  • scarring;
  • red ring of epithelium.

Accordingly, mucosal lesions are distinguished:

  • true erosion, manifested by thinning, scratches and wounds on the mucosa, which bleed when pressed;
  • pseudo-erosion or ectopia, in which zones overgrown with "velvet" epithelium are visible on the mucosa;
  • ectropion, which is formed due to displacement (eversion) of the neck outward.

The defeat occurs due to various reasons, so erosion is divided into:

  • acquired;
  • congenital;
  • complicated;
  • not complicated.

The doctor, determining the erosion of the cervix in women, does not specify what form of erosion, why it appeared.

What happens when you get sick

Thinning and trauma on the mucous membranes of the neck may be superficial and not penetrate to the lower, base layer of the epithelium. This condition occurs with true erosion of the uterus and is rarely diagnosed. If the condition is not complicated by infection, the epithelium will recover within 14-15 days. This is the ideal flow.

In some cases, damage can disrupt the underlying layer of cells and the lesion is not covered by the “correct” epithelium, consisting of several layers of flat cells, but is covered with red cylindrical cells that are characteristic of the cervical canal. They are located in one layer and have a different function - to produce mucus. The lesion can overgrow, scars form in its place, which reduce the elasticity of the neck. This violates its natural properties to stretch as much as possible during childbirth and can complicate their course. The processes of destruction of the cervical epithelium have one feature - in most cases they are accompanied by inflammation of the internal genital organs.

Why does she need to be treated?

Appearing defects on the mucous membranes of the cervix are evidence of violations in the woman's body, which must be looked for. If inflammatory diseases are the background of erosion, they should be treated, especially if these are sexually transmitted infections or sexually transmitted diseases of a systemic nature. The correct determination of why cervical erosion appears in a particular woman is the key to her successful treatment. By itself, such a violation is not a provocateur of the development of cancer, but it can be a background for their occurrence, as it weakens the body.

Causes of erosion

Physicians have learned

  • determine the violation in the functioning of the epithelium of the mucous membranes of the cervix;
  • know how to treat this condition;
  • can name the causes of some destruction of the epithelium;
  • know what will happen if the disease is not treated.

But they cannot accurately explain the mechanism that triggers the destruction of the epithelium, and its subsequent restoration, the processes that occur during this.

The massiveness with which doctors establish erosion and its diversity suggest that this is a complex disease caused by many reasons. This means that it is not the disease that needs to be treated, but the patient, since in each case the causes of erosion are strictly individual.

All the causes that provoke the state are divided into internal and external. In some cases, the division can be considered conditional, since the external environment changes the internal abilities and properties of the organism.

Internal causes of erosion

One form of erosion is congenital. Visually, the doctor observes the displacement of the natural border between the pink epithelium of the cervix and the red "velvet" epithelium of its internal canal. The defect is not felt by a woman, does not entail any pathologies in the development of the genital organs, and by the time the woman’s body is fully mature (by the age of 25), it passes without a trace.

The exact reason for just such a scenario for the formation of mucous membranes is unknown, but it is generally accepted that the culprit for this is the shift in the hormonal background of the fetus during its formation. There is also a congenital form of ectopia (pseudo-erosion), when the red epithelium "creeps" on the pink areas of the vaginal part of the cervix.

The main causes of an internal nature that cause the destruction of the mucous layer of the epithelium of the cervix are as follows:

  • decrease in the immune defense of the body;
  • lesions of the cervical mucosa (injury) with direct exposure;
  • violations of the hormonal background of the body;
  • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • discharge from the uterus;
  • psychosomatic factors.

Hormonal changes

Jumps in the hormonal background accompany a woman at all the main stages of formation - from the formation of the genital organs in the embryo to her exit from the reproductive state. Very often, erosion of the cervix occurs precisely during such periods - during pregnancy, in those giving birth, while feeding a child, when entering menopause.

But, it is obvious that the factor itself is not the leading one, but acts in combination with others - hormonal surges weaken the body and drastically reduce the level of the body's immune defenses.

Hormonal disorders are caused by inflammatory diseases of the ovaries, a tumor that appears on them, too early or, conversely, a late pregnancy.

Hormonal factors include dysfunction of the thyroid gland and a decrease in estrogen production, which causes erosion. Manifestations of such hormonal disorders is a violation of menstrual function. In some cases, the cause of the "hormonal storm" is a specific treatment - in the treatment of infertility, during the maintenance of pregnancy, in the treatment of hypothyroidism.

The hormonal factor is considered the leading one in the occurrence of pseudo-erosions.

If hormonal changes have become the leading cause of the disorder, then with the normalization of the hormonal background, one can expect the restoration of mucous membranes without surgical treatment.

Inflammatory diseases

Clinical observations show that cervical erosion can appear against the background of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, especially endocervicitis. With this disease, the activity of the glands located in the mucous membranes of the neck increases, which leads to its vulnerability and inevitable damage.

The appearance of inflammation is closely related to external causes - violations in sexual life and personal hygiene and internal - a decrease in the protective function of the body, for various reasons, is not able to stop the reproduction of its own pathogenic opportunistic flora and the partner's pathogenic flora introduced during sexual contacts.

There are the following types of erosion according to the fact of occurrence:

  • inflammatory, which is caused by rejection of the epithelium, which is provoked by diseases of the cervix - colpitis and cervicitis;
  • malignant, caused by cancer;
  • specific, provoked by pathogens of syphilis or tuberculosis.

Discharge from the uterus

With the development of pathologies inside the uterus - myoma growths, polyps and endometrial defects, a process of constant tissue destruction occurs, which is provoked by discharge from the uterus. The long-term influence of these secretions provokes true erosion. The affected area is populated by pathogenic microorganisms that provoke the inflammatory process. The development of pathogenic flora (Trichomonas, Chlamydia, HPV) cannot be suppressed by a woman's body due to a decrease in immune defense caused by a constantly ongoing process in the uterus.

Violation of the body's immune defense

Reducing the body's protective barrier is one of the key causes of the violation. It is influenced by many external and internal causes - ranging from living in adverse conditions, ending with the presence in the body of systemic diseases that have an inflammatory nature. In a weakened state, the body cannot control and suppress the conditionally pathogenic flora and reflect the aggression of the environment, which causes erosion of the uterus (cervix).

Strengthening the body's immune defense is one of the components in the complex treatment of erosion.

Neck injury

Damage to the cervix, which provoke erosion, can appear during medical procedures - during curettage of the uterus, during abortions.

The neck can be injured when installing an intrauterine device, during a difficult birth with cervical ruptures. Violation of the functioning of the epithelium occurs when the stitching of such lesions is incorrect. One possible reason would be rough sex or the woman's use of sex toys.

There are the following types of erosion due to the occurrence:

  • traumatic, which is formed regardless of the type of injury;
  • trophic - arising after exposure to the mucosa of radiation during the treatment of malignant neoplasms;
  • burn - provoked by exposure to drugs, chemicals or medical devices during treatment.


According to clinical observations, a tendency to disturbances in the functioning of the mucous membranes of the cervix is ​​observed in nulliparous women, whose close relatives have a similar disease.

Psychosomatic factor

Such a factor in the development of erosion is not fully proven, but many practitioners share the theory of a psychosomatic factor as a "trigger" of pathology. The study of the causes of pathologies of the body's activity as a result of a violation of the psychological state is engaged in a special branch of medicine - psychosomatics. It is believed that the negative psychological state of a woman, provoked by an emotional background, trauma, living conditions provoke a number of serious gynecological pathologies:

  • tumors and ovarian cysts;
  • growths in the uterus;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle and PMS;
  • sexual disorders;
  • cervical erosion;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • inability to conceive.

Doctors S. Konovalova, V. Sinelnikov, O. Torsunova studied the influence of the psychological state of a woman on erosion. Their works noted that the state of the main reproductive organ - the uterus, is closely related to the woman's thoughts about her place in the world. A woman's rejection of her behavior, appearance, lack of warm, emotional relationships with a partner provokes the suppression of femininity and affects the hormonal background of the body, which causes erosion.

It also appears as a result of a woman’s rejection of her relationship with her partner, disbelief in her attractiveness and value. Problems with wounded, due to negative relationships with men, self-esteem, the impossibility and inability to become a wife, a mother provokes disturbances in the functioning of the body and erosion that has appeared. The starting factor in a negative emotional state is a quarrel, strong resentment (which she cannot forgive), anger and aggression towards men.

It is this condition that can explain the occurrence of the disease in women and girls who did not know sexual contacts at all or very rarely have them.

Treatment of cervical erosion is impossible without resolving the psychological state of the woman. She needs to part with the burden of insults and forget the insults inflicted by men. If abortions are the cause of a depressed state, then a woman should reconsider her attitude towards people and the world.

To eliminate the disease, a woman needs to reconsider her attitude to erosion as a warning condition that prompts a change in lifestyle.

External factors for the onset of the disease

External factors that provoke the condition include:

  • too rare sexual intercourse;
  • early initiation of intimate relationships;
  • promiscuity and frequent change of partners, which leads to a violation of the microflora of the vagina and infection with sexual infections;
  • living in an ecologically unfavorable environment;
  • smoking;
  • eating disorders - fasting, overeating, eating foods that contain preservatives;
  • the use of hormonal contraceptives, which can cause cervical erosion (there is no exact clinical confirmation yet).

When erosion appears against the background of absolute health and for no apparent reason, doctors associate the process with unmanifested physiological processes in the body, not recognizing at this stage the role of the psychological factor.

Causes of recurrence of erosion

Repeatedly, the condition of the violation on the cervix occurs under the same conditions as with the primary lesion:

  • violations of the immune and hormonal status;
  • infections and inflammation;
  • promiscuity.

Relapse may be associated with incorrect diagnosis and treatment of the disease, premature termination of the course of treatment. Infection with venereal diseases or sexually transmitted infections provokes the return of the disease. Such re-infections often occur against the background of non-synchronous treatment of sexual partners, which, according to the rules, should be carried out simultaneously in a man and a woman.

For the treatment of the condition, in addition to the use of conservative therapy, it is necessary to change the lifestyle, eliminate the causes that provoke nervous breakdowns, review the diet and diet, regulate intimate life, and bring the body into good shape through physical education and sports. Erosion must and can be treated.

Erosion of the cervix - damage to the epithelial cover, or violation of the integrity of the vaginal region of the cervix.

Erosion is determined with the help of special mirrors and is a bright red areas, located mainly in the area of ​​​​the external pharynx of the cervix.

This is one of the most common diagnoses that is made today to the fairer sex. According to medical statistics, 50% of women in the world face this pathology. But often it is impossible to guess about its development without a gynecological examination.

What is true and false erosion?

Why does cervical erosion occur, and what is it? Gynecologists distinguish between true and false erosion.

  1. true erosion. This is a pathology that is acquired as a result of exposure to any adverse factors. The cause is various damaging factors (damage by bullet forceps, inflammatory exudate). As a result, desquamation of the epithelium of the vaginal region of the cervix occurs, and inflammation begins at the site of damage. True erosion often occurs on the lower lip of the cervix. When diseased, it takes an irregular shape and has a bright red color. Also, erosion is characterized by bleeding from the eroded area.
  2. False erosion. Epithelial cells are replaced by columnar epithelium. It would be more accurate to say that with pseudo-erosion of the uterus, the boundaries of the cylindrical epithelium (that is, the cells lining the internal canal of the cervix) are displaced beyond the external pharynx. Pseudo-erosion is detected in certain periods of life in 35-40% of girls. A woman, as a rule, does not care about anything. When an infection is attached, complaints of leucorrhoea from the genital tract, the appearance of contact spotting after intercourse may appear.
    Congenital. The formation of congenital erosions of the cervix occurs as a result of the displacement of the boundaries of the cylindrical epithelium lining the cervical canal beyond its limits. The displacement (ectopia) of the epithelium occurs even in the prenatal period of fetal development, therefore such erosions are considered congenital.

Causes of cervical erosion

Erosion of the cervix, as well as the reasons for its appearance, have been discussed by doctors for quite a long time. There are several theories currently in use:

  1. Theory comes first inflammation of the female genital organs, especially endocervicitis, which is accompanied by increased secretion of the glands of the cervical epithelium.
  2. Mechanical injury. Such injuries can occur due to rough sexual intercourse or during childbirth. Inflammation develops at the site of a strong physical impact on the stratified squamous epithelium.
  3. STIs: candida, chlamydia, trichomonas, gonococci.
  4. Early onset of sexual activity. The mucous membrane of the female genital organs finally matures by the age of 20-23. If an infection interferes with this delicate process, pseudo-erosion cannot be avoided.
  5. Menstrual irregularities due to hormonal problems.

Perhaps the occurrence of erosion and other pathology of the cervix and with a decrease in the protective functions of immunity.

Cancer provocateur

What is cervical erosion and as a result of which there are practically no symptoms with it? Gynecologists have awarded this disease with the term "cancer provocateur". The reason is that the cervix is ​​devoid of nerve endings.

Because of this, such pathological processes as erosion, dysplasia, and often cancer, may not make themselves known for a long time, and often only preventive examinations by a gynecologist contribute to their accidental detection. Sometimes you can suspect something is wrong by spotting or bleeding provoked by sexual intercourse.

Other underlying diseases of the cervix

  1. Polyps are outgrowths of the mucous membrane. They can be located both on the outer surface of the cervix, and inside the cervical canal. The occurrence of polyps is most often associated with chronic inflammation or viral infection (papillomavirus infection, herpes, CMVI). They must be removed.
  2. Leukoplakia is an area of ​​keratinization. As a result of a viral infection (herpes simplex virus, HPV) or chronic inflammation, the cells begin to divide intensively, a “crust” appears on the surface of the mucous membrane.
  3. Ectropion is very similar to erosion, but has a slightly different cause. It appears due to eversion of the cervix into the lumen of the vagina, more often after childbirth.

Symptoms of cervical erosion

When a woman has erosion, she does not experience any changes in her condition and well-being, and she cannot notice the characteristic symptoms of cervical erosion.

The fact is that the cervix is ​​devoid of sensitivity, and even during sexual intercourse, a woman does not experience a feeling of discomfort. However, after intimacy, some women experience slight bloody or bloody discharge, which is a good reason to visit a doctor.

As you can see, cervical erosion does not have pronounced symptoms, so women most often find out about this problem at a gynecologist's appointment.

Cervical erosion: photo

What this ailment looks like, we offer detailed photos for viewing.


For early detection and timely treatment of erosion, even a healthy woman should visit a gynecologist at least twice a year. If the doctor sees that there are any defects on the cervix, a colposcopy is mandatory - an examination using a special device with an optical system. This procedure is painless and does not require special preparation.

If during the examination the gynecologist sees an area that requires more careful study, he will take a small piece from it with special tweezers. This is called a biopsy. It is necessary to then examine in detail the cells of the cervix under a microscope.

How to treat cervical erosion?

The therapeutic approach is primarily determined by the type, size of ectopia, the age of the patient, the presence or absence of concomitant diseases. That is, the treatment of cervical erosion is individual for each individual patient.

First of all, before starting the main treatment - accurate timely diagnosis and rational treatment of STIs (if detected), otherwise all efforts may be in vain. In addition, a mandatory clinical and laboratory examination of the sexual partner is necessary. Initially, it is necessary to eliminate the inflammatory process in the cervix and vagina. In violation of ovarian function, appropriate treatment must also be carried out.

In the treatment of cervical erosion, practical gynecology adheres to the following rules:

  1. True erosion and pseudo-erosion are treated simultaneously with the underlying diseases that caused or supported them.
  2. Watching congenital erosions without the need for their treatment.
  3. Erosion in the active stage inflammations are treated with sparing methods (vaginal tampons with sea buckthorn oil, fish oil, solcoseryl ointment, synthomycin emulsion, aerosols containing antibiotics - levovinizole, olazol, etc.).
  4. At signs of inflammation ongoing therapy should be directed to infectious agents (trichoionads, chlamydia, gonococci, etc.).

Modern approaches to the treatment of cervical erosion are based on the use of the mechanism of destruction of cells of the cylindrical epithelium, their rejection and subsequent restoration of the squamous epithelium on the surface of pseudo-erosion. For this purpose, the methods of diathermocoagulation, laser vaporization, cryodestruction, and the radio wave method are used - we will consider them below.

Cauterization of cervical erosion

In order to remove the affected tissue, that is, to renew the cells of the cervix, doctors advise performing a procedure such as cauterization.

According to the reviews of women, the most effective methods of treatment today are:

  1. Cryodestruction - the area of ​​erosion is treated with liquid nitrogen (ultra-low temperature), the damaged area is “frozen out” to a healthy tissue with a thin and very cold manipulator.
  2. Laser coagulation- the area of ​​erosion is exposed to a targeted surgical laser beam (powerful beam of light). A positive point is the ability to change the depth of exposure, which allows you to treat both superficial and deep erosion.
  3. Radio wave moxibustion erosion of the cervix by the Surgitron apparatus is recognized by most gynecologists as the "gold standard of treatment". Such a procedure does not require complex preparation of a woman, it is carried out in a few minutes, and the healing process is minimally short - up to 14 days.
  4. Chemical coagulation. This method of removing cervical ectopia consists in treating the pathological area with chemical solutions, for example, Solkovagin. Its constituent components are organic acids (oxalic and acetic) and zinc nitrate with nitric acid. Chemical destruction is used only when processing small areas of ectopia.

The choice of the method of cauterization of erosion should be carried out exclusively by a specialist who takes into account not only the effectiveness of the method, but also the state of health of the patient with possible contraindications.

Erosion of the cervix after cauterization

After the procedure is completed, women may experience pain, bleeding, and discharge. In the event that after cauterization there was profuse bleeding, then this is to say that a large vessel was affected. In this situation, you should immediately contact your doctor. Only he can stop this dangerous bleeding.

With the help of antispasmodics, such as no-shpy and spasmalgon, you can relieve weak pulling pains in the lower abdomen. It is better not to use them without the permission of a doctor.

Impact on pregnancy

The presence of erosion does not mean that a woman will not become a mother. Naturally, like any damage to the organs that make up the genitourinary system, erosion is an object of close observation by a gynecologist. Depending on the type of erosion, its size and location, treatment can be prescribed both before and after pregnancy.

Doctors warn that a planned pregnancy with a preliminary examination for all kinds of problems and their cure before conception increases the likelihood of a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

One of the most common diseases in gynecology is cervical erosion. The pathological process is asymptomatic for a long time. Women learn about the existence of a health problem during a routine examination by a gynecologist. According to statistics, 50% of the fairer sex face this disease, so it is important to know what are the causes of the disease.

What is cervical erosion

This is a pathological process, which is accompanied by the formation of small ulcers on the mucous membrane. Such a defect in the squamous epithelium of the vaginal zone, noticeable during an instrumental examination by a gynecologist, requires medical supervision. Among the risk factors, doctors distinguish the course of the inflammatory process of the reproductive system, the formation of polyps, cystic neoplasms. With proper treatment of erosion, scarring does not remain.

Causes of cervical erosion

The etiology of the pathological process remains unclear to the end. Gynecologists distinguish several theories why every second woman of reproductive age is diagnosed with cervical erosion. Below are a number of potential causes:

  1. Inflammatory process in the reproductive system. This pathology is accompanied by increased secretion of the glands of the cervical epithelium, inflammation of the ovaries or appendages, cystitis progresses.
  2. Early sexual life. There is a high probability of attaching a secondary infection against the background of the not yet fully formed mucous membrane of the female genital organs (the formation process ends by the age of 20–23).
  3. Mechanical damage. In this case, we are talking about previous abortions, curettage, childbirth with ruptures, rough sexual contact, frequent change of sexual partners (vaginal dysbiosis).
  4. Sexual infections. Erosion develops against the background of increased activity of trichomonas, gonococci, HPV, ureaplasma, chlamydia, toxoplasma, candida, genital herpes.
  5. endocrine disorders. A woman has a hormonal failure, the menstrual cycle is disrupted due to the use of steroids, acute estrogen deficiency, age-related changes in the body, dishormonal disorders.
  6. Decreased immune response of the female body. Weakened immunity is associated with age-related characteristics or becomes a consequence of a disease.
  7. Anatomical features of the reproductive system. A woman may be diagnosed with an abnormal inversion of the mucous membrane of the lower part of the cervix (ectropion).

Gynecologists identify a number of provoking factors that precede the onset of the disease. Among those:

  • frequent douching that violates the microflora of the vagina;
  • incorrect implantation of the contraceptive coil;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • previous surgery, such as removal of polyps;
  • the use of additional devices ("toys") during sexual contact;
  • chronic diseases of the reproductive system, sluggish inflammatory processes.

Types of cervical erosion

Depending on the degree of damage to the epithelium, doctors distinguish mild, moderate, severe disease. Given the stage and state of the pathological process, the following classification is given:

  1. congenital erosion. More often it progresses in adolescence, disappears on its own without additional medical participation. It rarely develops into a malignant tumor. The causes of the disease remain unclear, it is possible that they are laid in the period of intrauterine development of the fetus (girl).
  2. true erosion. Under the influence of physiological and pathological factors, the epithelium is exfoliated, the site of inflammation is rapidly progressing. When diagnosed, erosion has a rich red color, bleeds, causes discomfort and an attack of pain during sexual contact.
  3. Pseudo-erosion. The epithelium is replaced by a cylindrical epithelium, the boundaries of which are displaced beyond the external pharynx. Symptoms of pathology in most clinical cases are absent, but doctors do not exclude pain during intercourse, sanious discharge from the vagina.


It is important for each patient to know the causes of cervical erosion in women who have not given birth and have given birth in order to eliminate the risk of developing potential complications. It is important to study the symptoms of the disease in order to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis and start treatment at the first manifestations:

  • purulent bloody discharge that may appear after intercourse;
  • drawing pains in the lower abdomen;
  • blood secretions;
  • burning, pain, itching when urinating;
  • vaginal dryness and discomfort during intercourse.


If cervical erosion is suspected, doctors prescribe a comprehensive examination in a hospital. It is very important to correctly differentiate the disease, to determine the cause of the occurrence. First of all, the gynecologist conducts an instrumental examination, assesses the condition of the epithelium, and visualizes the presence of ulcers. Based on the results, the doctor prescribes laboratory tests:

  • colposcopy;
  • biopsies to exclude progressive oncology (cancer);
  • studying a smear from the vagina for the detection of pathogenic flora;
  • laboratory blood tests;
  • PCR tests for infections;
  • cytological research;
  • seeding for bacterial flora.

Treatment of cervical erosion

The approach to health problems is complex. To eliminate the causes and treatment, the patient's age, the stage of the pathological process, the presence of secondary infections and inflammatory processes, chronic diseases, and children born are taken into account. The scheme of complex therapy is determined based on the type of erosion:

  1. Congenital erosions are not treated. The patient is at risk, so she should be regularly observed by a gynecologist. It is possible that such a problem will soon disappear on its own.
  2. True erosion and pseudo-erosion are treated simultaneously with diseases that provoked the appearance of bleeding ulcers on the epithelium. Otherwise, there is no positive dynamics.

Conservative therapy

At the initial stage, the disease can be cured by medical methods based on the use of antiseptic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory drugs, systemic antibiotics. The main thing is to identify and eliminate the cause of erosion. Schemes of conservative treatment:

  1. In the presence of an inflammatory process, complex therapy should be aimed at exterminating the pathogenic agent (candida, chlamydia, papillomas, gonococci, etc.). Otherwise, there is no positive dynamics for a long time, and the health problem is only getting worse.
  2. Erosion in acute inflammation is treated with alternative methods at home. For example, an improvement is provided by the course setting of tampons with fish oil, sea buckthorn oil, synthomycin emulsion, Solcoseryl ointment. It is not excluded the local use of antibiotics in the form of an aerosol, for example, Levovinizol, Olazol.
  3. To strengthen the immune system, it is necessary to take immunostimulants, vitamin and mineral complexes. Doctors additionally prescribe suppositories with probiotics, which restore the vaginal microflora.
  4. If the cause of erosion is fungal in nature, the patient needs to use Metronidazole, Seknidazole, Azithromycin, Fluconazole and other antifungal drugs orally and vaginally.
  5. Dishormonal disorders can be eliminated with the help of oral contraceptives, individually selected by the attending physician. To restore hormonal balance, analogues of natural progesterone and estrogen are recommended.
  6. A secondary role is played by physiotherapeutic procedures, among which iontophoresis with drugs, microcurrent and ozone therapy, ultraviolet and short-wave ultraviolet therapy, helium-neon laser are especially popular.


Drug treatment after identifying the underlying cause of the disease is not always highly effective. Doctors recommend surgical intervention, the main goals of which are to destroy the cylindrical epithelium, ensure a quick discharge and accelerate the regeneration of the injured epithelium. Types of invasive techniques:

  1. Diathermocoagulation. In fact, this is cauterization of erosion by electric current. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes, additional use of anesthesia is not required.
  2. Cryotherapy. This is the impact on the focus of pathology of low temperatures (liquid nitrogen), as a result of which the affected area is frozen out.
  3. Laser coagulation. Cauterization of the affected areas with a laser. The rehabilitation period lasts 4-6 weeks, the risk of repeated relapses is minimal.
  4. Chemical coagulation. This is the use of special drugs, which, when they hit the cylindrical epithelium, contribute to the speedy death.
  5. Diathermoconization. The use of a special loop to remove the overgrown cylindrical epithelium. Rehabilitation takes up to 2 months.


If the cause of the pathology is not identified and eliminated in a timely manner, erosion increases in size, captures healthy tissues, and leads to irreversible consequences in the woman's reproductive system. Potential complications:

  • deformation with further formation of scars;
  • diagnosed infertility;
  • accession of a secondary infection;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • the occurrence of cancer (development of cancer cells);
  • inflammatory processes of appendages, ovaries.


Such a pathology as is one of the ten most common female diseases. In fact, it is a small violation in the mucosa. The reasons for the appearance are not fully understood. The most common causes include inflammation of the genital area and damage to the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ of a mechanical nature. With the advent of erosion, there are obstacles to the healthy fertilization of the egg, and, consequently, there is a risk of infertility.

An erosive condition can be congenital, or it can be acquired in the process of life. The cause of cervical erosion lies in the penetration of infections into the body: urogenital chlamydia, trichomoniasis, microplasmosis, gonorrhea, herpes virus. Pathology can always appear with characteristic signs: edema, purulent plaque, spotting. If the inflammatory processes are quickly cured, the uterus does not have time to be damaged. An erosive condition in women occurs if the treatment is not applied for too long.

The causative agent of chlamydia is chlamydia. It can be acquired sexually from an infected partner. Since chlamydia multiply precisely on the mucous membrane, the frequency of erosion increases many times over.

Characteristic features of chlamydia are severe leucorrhoea, pain during urination, redness, itching and burning in the genitals. If you do not treat the infection for a long time, it will penetrate deep into the body. This will lead to the appearance of inflammation on the appendages, and in the future to infertility.

Urogenital trichomoniasis occurs in the body due to the penetration of Trichomonas into it. Infection also occurs due to sexual intercourse with a sick partner.

Genital herpes can live inside a woman for a long time without showing itself. In some cases, it can provoke inflammation, which will lead to erosion.

Treatment of the erosive process is simply necessary. Pathology is not terrible in itself, the consequences that occur if it is not treated for a long time are terrible. A neglected disease can develop into oncology, this is already worse than any other complication that can be.

The causes of cervical erosion also lie in bacterial inflammations that cannot be caught sexually. They can be thrush and bacterial vaginosis.

Burn erosion

What does it come from? There is erosion of the neck from therapeutic procedures. Treatment of this pathology occurs in several ways. The most common at present: electrocoagulation, cryodestruction, chemical and laser treatment. Under the influence of all these procedures, the wrong cells die, thereby forming a crust. Under it there is a gradual restoration of tissues. When this process ends, the crust is rejected.

If something goes wrong, the crust will fall off ahead of time, the ulcer will remain open, the pathology will grow into its true form.

The causes of cervical erosion of trophic content lie in the fact that nutrition and blood circulation are disturbed in cells and tissues. Most often, this pathology can appear during the menopause of a woman. It was during this period that atrophic processes begin in the genitals.

In girls and women with diseases such as tuberculosis or syphilis, specific erosion may occur.

Other causes of uterine erosion encountered in medicine:

  • The action of chemicals such as lubricants or detergents;
  • The onset of sexual activity too early also sometimes leads to erosion. After all, the mucous membrane finishes to mature only by the age of 20-23, an earlier sexual intercourse can easily injure it;
  • The disease is due to vaginal dysbacteriosis;
  • Abortions causing mucosal injury;
  • Changes in the hormonal background, because the sexual spheres completely depend on the quantity and quality of hormones;
  • Uncontrolled change of partners;
  • Inflammation of a bacterial nature;
  • Inflammation of the urinary organs;
  • Congenital erosions may be due to poor heredity.

Erosion on the cervix due to a decrease in immunity as a result of any diseases can also easily occur.

congenital erosion

This form of the disease occurs in girls due to anatomical features. When a girl is just born, her inner uterine epithelium is outside. And only then, gradually moves to its place. If suddenly this does not happen, an erosive state occurs. It does not affect a woman's life in any way, and does not affect the ability to become pregnant and give birth to a baby.

This type of erosion usually occurs due to heredity, congenital malformations or hormonal disorders. This condition is not considered a disease, but is a natural process. However, sometimes even after childbirth, the pathology does not go away, but, on the contrary, becomes the cause of various infections and inflammations. In this case, the defect of the uterus becomes dangerous for the woman and requires immediate treatment.

Psychological reasons

The pathology of the cervix also has a psychological cause. These include a woman's rejection of her appearance, not faith in her individuality and originality. A woman cannot believe that she can be beautiful, desired and loved. All this negatively affects general health, and, in particular, can cause a violation of the monthly cycle, infertility, ovarian cysts, erosion, uterine fibroids.

Erosion can be provoked by a bad relationship with a man for a long time, hatred of men, their rejection, a feeling of anger. For such reasons, a woman needs to forget about all the insults inflicted by the second half of humanity, to believe in her strength and her individuality. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to defeat diseases of the genital area.

In addition, in order for women's health to be always strong, it is necessary to completely revise your lifestyle, protect yourself from constant stress, and revise your diet. And include physical activity in your life.

repeated erosion

Once cured even with great difficulty, the pathology can recur again. Why does it reappear? The reasons for this are the same as when it first appeared:

  • Infections, inflammations;
  • Promiscuous sexual relations;
  • Failure in the correct ratio of hormones;
  • Disorders in the immune system.

Repeatedly the disease can also be caused by inadequate treatment for the first time, an incorrectly established cause of the disease, an incomplete course of therapy. The development of repeated erosion is often accompanied by infectious diseases: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia.

Treatment of pathologies of this background only in women is also not effective, since their partners are still infected. With further cohabitation, the disease will again return to the lady.

The presence of the human papilloma virus HPV also leads to inflammation and irritation of the uterine mucosa.

Erosion after childbirth

The causes of true erosion that occur after childbirth are always injuries. The cervix is ​​very elastic and during childbirth it stretches to the desired size. However, there are cases of an incorrect birth process, in which the cervix can be injured or even torn.

Of course, all tears or incisions are carefully sewn up by doctors, but it is precisely these places that are the places of erosion in the future. A few days after childbirth, an inflammatory process appears at the rupture site.

The erosion itself is a rounded ulcer, red in color with a purulent coating. Damaged blood vessels cover the bottom of the ulcer, so it bleeds when touched.

After about five days, the bottom of the wound starts the processes of self-purification from negative elements. After the final cleansing, the wound begins to gradually heal.

Doctors treat the wound with disinfectant wipes, and then make gauze antibacterial applications. The mucosa is fully restored only on the 12th day.

After the postpartum illness is completely cured, a repeated pathology may occur. What causes erosion? This happens due to the fact that the wound is closed not by a multilayer epithelium, but by a cylindrical one. Ectopia occurs.

If the causes of cervical erosion, even after all the diagnostic procedures, cannot be identified, they are considered physiological. Such ectopia eventually passes without any medical intervention on its own. If such erosions are accompanied by inflammation, treatment is required.


The emerging diagnosis of "cervical erosion" must be treated. Pathology is diagnosed only when examined by a doctor, as it proceeds without visible and tangible symptoms. Therefore, an examination by a gynecologist twice a year should become a law for any woman.

Timely diagnosis and elimination of inflammatory processes and infectious diseases will also be the basis for preventing the erosive state of the uterus.

A healthy lifestyle, the correct use of the necessary contraception, and compliance with the laws of personal hygiene will protect against unwanted diseases and their complications.

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