How not to get sick in autumn and winter. ... and after the thermometer. Why do people get sick in winter

Greetings blog site readers. Alexander Bely is with you. The summer period has already ended, autumn dampness has begun, and frosty, winter months will soon come with winds, snow and general respiratory diseases- ORZ. How not to get sick in autumn and winter about this and will be discussed in today's article.

At this time, there are more and more people who are sneezing and coughing, on the street, in the subway, in stores. People who have weak immunity, hard to resist ORZ, and eat Great chance get sick from colds. But they don't get sick at the same time. Some do not have a runny nose and cough all winter, while others do not get sick at all. Why is this happening?

Everything happens because immunity human body may resist CHWs and some colds. And for others, immunity is so weakened that ARI pursues the whole year.

Changes in the body

What happens to our immunity, and how can we fight the flu and colds? Every day we face negativity, at work and in the family. In addition to just one of actual problems this is the wrong regimen of the day, nutrition, unfavorable ecology, our internal experiences and, most importantly, an indifferent attitude towards ourselves can also influence.

Many times everyone said to himself: “I'm fine, and I don't have to worry. When I get sick, I'll take pills and everything will pass. Prevention is currently one of the main treatments that affect your health in the future.

From all of the above, you can draw conclusions and strengthen your immunity in advance. So there are a few steps that need to be followed.

Methods of warnings

1. Exercise every day. For example, in summer period or swimming, and in the winter months ice skating. After daily exercise your body becomes stronger and more resilient. In addition, winter sports will give you time in the fresh air, and this is also important for the body.

2. Carry out procedures for hardening. For example, you can wipe yourself with snow on the street after a steam room. It is also recommended to douche in ice water. But such bathing is not recommended for everyone, this should be done under supervision. knowledgeable people and most importantly gradually.

3. Especially during this period, watch your diet. The Right Process nutrition is your health. Try to keep your food varied as much as possible. Your diet should include fresh vegetables and fruits. But it is especially good if they are local, and not from abroad. After all, in them great content substances harmful to the body, we are switching to canned food because they contain a small amount of vitamins. Also keep protein and dairy products food, meat products, onion, garlic, .

It will be very effective, thanks to which you can reduce the energy costs of digesting heavy food by directing your strength to strengthen immunity and improve health.

There is one more product that has received little attention. This is grandma's sauerkraut, It has a high content of vitamin D, magnesium and iodine, giving the right protection body during the winter months

4. Vitamin C is needed to combat acute respiratory infections. If you consume at least 3 tangerines a day, you can provide daily allowance vitamin C. Also in winter period need more meat products and bread from whole grain They contain large amounts of zinc. The main list of foods rich in vitamin C is tangerines, oranges, lemon. If you go to the pharmacy, you can buy a vitamin complex that helps to increase the body's defense system.

5. Try to always have good mood. Rest assured that a pessimistic attitude, unwillingness to rejoice, and lowers your immune system, so you have only one solution - always smile. Change clothes, call your close friends and spend it together. If your kids are growing, then go to the skating rink with them.

On this I will complete today's article, it remains only to advise, not to get sick and enjoy the autumn and winter days, which are beautiful in their own way and can be good for health. For a better understanding of phenomena such as colds and acute respiratory infections, I suggest watching the video. See you later.

It is much more effective to strengthen your immunity before you get sick than to restore it after an illness. These few simple rules will help you protect yourself from colds and maintain health during cold weather:

Dream. Good good sleep- it's always helpful. And especially in winter, when the body needs more time to recuperate. You need to sleep at least eight hours to feel good.

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

Food. It must be varied and complete. Eat foods that boost your immune system. Vitamin teas will also help boost immunity and prevent colds. Alternatively, if you are in doubt that you are getting enough vitamins, contact a pharmacy and select the appropriate vitamin complex.

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

The temperature in the apartment should not be tropical. If it is too hot at home, this will not help you protect yourself from a cold, but will only make you more vulnerable to the cold. Moreover, at high temperature germs spread better.

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

Ventilate the apartment and do wet cleaning. A clean room and fresh air will also only strengthen your immunity. By the way, about fresh air - do not sit at home! Take a walk outside from time to time. If you constantly hide in the apartment, then you will weaken your immunity and get sick the first time you go outside.

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

Keep your feet warm. The fact that my mother taught me to wear a hat from childhood is, of course, good. But don't forget your legs. Warm and waterproof shoes are excellent protection against illness.

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

Relax. Constant tension, stress, fatigue - make you the target of the disease. After all, you are almost ready to go down with a temperature for a few days and at least have a rest. It is better to rest all the same before it is forced to do the disease.

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

And if you still feel the first signs of the disease - be treated immediately and bring the treatment to a full recovery. Otherwise, this whole story with temperature and other symptoms will be delayed in long history for the whole winter. It is better to spend a couple of days, but to strengthen your health for the whole winter.

Home photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

Victoria Demidyuk

How to protect the baby from diseases in the cold season?

We hope the tips given in this article will help you keep your baby healthy and protect him from colds in winter.

Avoiding infections

In the cold season, the most common viral infections, disease-causing respiratory tract. They are easily transmitted from person to person. by airborne droplets, spreading when breathing, coughing, sneezing for several meters around a sick person. These microbes are well preserved in the warm, dry air of poorly ventilated rooms - in shops, in transport, etc. But they quickly die in the cool fresh air.

Therefore, to avoid meeting with an infection, adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not visit crowded places with your baby - shopping centers, children's Christmas trees, etc.
  • During the cold season, limit visits. Ask relatives and friends to visit the baby only when they are absolutely healthy.
  • Visit the pediatrician and other doctors in the clinic only on the day healthy child when healthy children under one year old are admitted.
  • Avoid traveling with a child in public transport. It is best to travel in your own car or call a taxi.

We are going for a walk

In the cold season, pediatricians advise walking with the child on the street for about 1 hour if the thermometer drops below -10˚С.

How to dress your baby for a walk?

If your baby is less than a year old and usually sleeps in the stroller during the walk, dress him warmer than you. First, put on clothes made from natural fabrics for the baby - a knitted "man" and which fits well to the head. Depending on the weather, put on several layers of clothing for the baby - this can be a flannelette "man", a fleece or wool suit. Put on top and.

To keep the baby warm and comfortable to sleep in the stroller during a walk, you can use it on a sheepskin. It can be used both in the carrycot and in the stroller.

If your child no longer sits in a stroller during a walk, but runs, dress him lighter than yourself. For an active baby, wear thermal underwear that will absorb sweat and keep heat near the body.

How to choose outerwear for winter walks mobile child? To make it easy for the baby to move, put on a light down jacket or thermal overalls. Choose your clothes upper layer which does not let water through so that your baby does not get wet when playing in the snow and waterproof boots or boots with a membrane.

We go to the clinic

Visit the clinic only on the day of a healthy child, when they bring healthy babies up to a year.

Try to make an appointment with the doctor in advance at a convenient time for you. This will save you from a long wait in the stuffy corridor of the clinic and will not disturb your baby's daily routine.

If you would like your child to be seen in private clinic, choose the one where there is a separate department for healthy children.

Climate in the house

In order not to get sick in winter, the air in the children's room should be humid and cool. This can be achieved like this:

  • Buy a humidifier.
  • Put a faucet on the radiator so that you can regulate the heat supply to the children's room (it's best to take care of this in the summer).
  • It is better to ventilate the room like this: take the child out of the room and open the window wide for 5-10 minutes. Then close the window and return the baby to his room. This method of ventilation is much more efficient than a narrow slit in a constantly open window.

If a sick relative is at home

If mom has a cold, she needs to wear a disposable mask in the presence of the child, which must be changed regularly. And wash your hands before handling the baby.

Infections that cause colds are not transmitted by breast milk. Therefore, a mother can breastfeed her baby. Tell your doctor that you are breastfeeding so he can prescribe medications that are compatible with breastfeeding.

It is very important that a sick mother has helpers - those who can take a walk with the child or take on some of her duties at home and caring for the baby.

If dad is sick(or someone else from relatives living with the baby), isolate him from the child in another room. Frequently ventilate the room, carry out wet cleaning. Separate the meal times and cutlery of the sick dad and all other family members.

Let our tips help you raise your baby strong and healthy!

Anna Sheveleva, pediatrician

. Fresh air

It is necessary to walk in the fresh air, even for a short time and even if it is cold outside. Hiking temper immunity and reduce the chances of catching the virus (unlike closed crowded rooms).

. Relax

Do not fuss over trifles and allow yourself to relax. Stress increases susceptibility to colds and weakens the immune system.

. Keep your hands clean

Various viruses (including the flu) easily enter our body through touch. Keep hands away from nose, eyes and mouth. Wash them often with soap and water, especially before eating. You can use antibacterial agents.

. get enough sleep

Constant lack of sleep undermines health. Fatigue and insomnia keep you from immune system function fully. It is better to sleep in a ventilated room under a warm blanket.

. Drink your vitamins

To maintain immunity, beauty of hair, skin and nails, vitamins can be consumed in winter. After all, in the cold our body does not get enough beneficial vitamins. Check with your doctor before taking vitamins.

. Dress warmly

Up to 30% of the heat leaves our body due to the lack of warm clothes. Wear clothes made from natural materials that create optimal heat transfer. Keep your head, arms and neck warm.

. Complete nutrition

In winter, you should not go on diets, food should be rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, antioxidants. Eat dietary meat, fruits, vegetables, herbs, cereals. You shouldn't overeat.

. Drink herbal teas with honey

It is both tasty and healthy. ginger good cold remedy. Make warm drinks from raspberry jam or frozen berries. A few tablespoons of honey will help support the immune system.

. Limit alcohol

Alcohol has a bad effect on our body as a whole, and especially in the cold season. Alcohol weakens the immune system and it becomes easier to catch the virus. Also, don't smoke outside.

. Prevention

To prevent colds, buy appropriate remedies at the pharmacy. At the first symptoms of a cold, take the medicines prescribed by your doctor.

. Avoid crowded places

If possible, try to avoid crowded places. AT in public places largest cluster germs and viruses, especially if it is a closed room.

. Ventilate the apartment

Do not clog windows in winter, do regular airing, especially if someone in the household is sick. 1-2 minutes every 2 hours will be enough.

. Perform self-massage

To increase the overall tone of the body, you can perform a simple self-massage. Rub your palms together, then pat your cheeks, massage your scalp and ears for a few minutes. Walk with your fingertips along the line of the eyebrows and nose.

. Keep your feet warm

Coming home from a cold street, take off your shoes and rub your feet, fill the toe warm water, add a couple of drops of aromatic oil and keep your feet warm. Then dry them off and put on warm socks.

. Wear a mask

If you are afraid of catching an infection in public transport wear a face mask. You need to change it every 3-4 hours.

. Add spices to your food

Spices help fight infections and have a good effect on the body. For those who are already sick - they help to recover, for the rest they will be a good prevention. Add curry (cough and runny nose), ginger, cinnamon, cloves, mint, cardamom, fennel and cloves.

. More water

Water rids the body of toxins. Drink plenty of fluids, and eat fruits and foods that are free of toxins (flavors, colors, preservatives, and stabilizers).

. Cold and hot shower

Nice kind of hardening. When taking a shower, change the temperature of the water from warm, hot to cool, and back to warm again.

. Onion and garlic

These products are known for their antimicrobial properties. Add them to food or eat them separately. Before eating garlic, mash or chop it.

. Wash your clothes more often

As often as possible, wash the clothes in which you go to work, and your children to school or kindergarten. Viruses and bacteria can settle on surfaces and be active for a while.

At the first symptoms of malaise, consult a doctor!

Everyone has a different attitude towards winter. Some people love and some don't. When we were kids, it was always a joy, but as you get older, you start thinking about ice, bad roads, cold outside and other things. important things for adult aunts and uncles.

But the question “How not to get sick or get sick in winter” remains important for everyone.

Winter is not the time to get sick if you know some secrets.

1. More positive emotions and relaxation.

Any depression worsens our physical state. Watch comedies, listen to humor or read funny stories.

Less negative news. Or find at least some time for your favorite thing or activity to cheer yourself up and relax.

Introduce winter rituals into your life. For example, a cup of green tea in front of a window that shows how snowing. Or punch in the kitchen in the evening in the arms of a loved one. In general, everything that will be a joy only to you!

2. More lighting.

In winter, the days are short and the nights are long. When it's dark for a long time, the body is also stressed. Turn on colored lights or bright lights in the evening and get positive emotions from it.

Scandinavians have the most high percent suicide in winter. When they began to use light therapy for 30-45 minutes a day, this figure dropped sharply.

3. Fresh air.

Daily walks. If you are unable to do so due to different reasons, then obligatory airing or walks on the balcony.

4. Drink should be warm or hot.

Cold drinks or room temperature, in winter time will introduce imbalance and accumulate mucus in the body. Therefore, everything needs to be warmed up. This also applies to dairy and dairy products.

5. Drink water.

Strange winter advice? But our body always needs water. Drink it hot or warm. It is clear that the cold will not work.

If drinking water is not tasty, add a slice of any citrus fruit (lemon, lime, orange or any other) to it. Mint, at least fresh, at least dry, not a big pinch. A piece fresh ginger. You can throw a couple of slices of an apple or pear.

6. Use spices.

Use them in food and drinks.

Add red pepper, turmeric, cinnamon to milk or kefir in a very in large numbers and get not only healthy, tasty, but also a completely new taste. This will add variety and color to the winter menu.

7. Berries instead of soda.

Rosehip, black elderberry, viburnum, mountain ash or any berries brewed in a thermos will excellent means to boost immunity.

8. Herbs to help.

Make herbal teas from linden flowers, birch buds and leaves, calendula, chamomile, Ivan tea, currant leaves, raspberries, strawberries. There are many such herbs. Change them often so that there is no addiction.

9. Go in for sports.

If you have time and opportunity, go to the pool, to group programs or gym. Choose what you like.

People doing hard work physical activity according to statistics, I get sick less than homebodies.

10. Sleep well.

Sleep influences great amount processes that it is difficult to overestimate it.

Immunity, weight, mood, performance and a lot of everything depends on whether you get enough sleep or not.

11. Clean hands

The expression "diseases of dirty hands" refers to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But in winter dirty hands become a source of viral infections.

Therefore, wash your hands immediately after coming home or to work. Do not touch your face, nose, lips. If this is not possible, wipe with any damp cloth, but not an antibacterial one. Do not use the wrong soap or wipes, they destroy the top protective layer on our skin and kill our immunity.

12. Do not forget about vitamins and minerals.

Drink water-soluble vitamins before meals, after meals, or with meals.

Vitamin C (water-soluble) is especially needed. And in order for the skin and other organs and systems to please us, it is better to have the whole bunch fat soluble vitamins: Div one meal, and in another.

And trace elements in the evening after dinner after 45-60 minutes on an empty stomach and do not eat anything else.

Do not forget about magnesium, iodine, selenium.

13. Sufficient quantity macronutrients.

This is especially proteins and fats. The Right Fats in the form of omega 3, linseed or olive oil, nuts. Do not abuse.

Carbohydrates are better from cereals, vegetables and fruits.

14. Wash and oil your nose.

Prevention viral diseases will smear the nose with ointments such as oxolinic. And after coming home, especially wash your nose with a weak solution of salt, and even better, sea salt.

15. Dress for the weather.

It means warm. Shoes should be warm, not wet. Be sure to wear a hat. Wear mittens or gloves. All this will prevent your body from getting cold, which means getting sick.

16. Outerwear in the hall.

All your clothes in which you were in public are in a large number of intruders, bacteria and viruses. So don't put her on the bed. Leave it in the hallway. And the one in which you go to work, at school in kindergarten, wash more often.

17. Onion and garlic.

For dinner, we can eat such smelly things. Be sure to eat and teach your children to eat these vegetables. They will be of great use.

18. Get alkalized.

We eat a lot of foods that acidify our internal environments(blood, lymph). These are meat, fish, bread, all refined foods, coffee, tea and much more. But in acidic environment heaven for bacteria and viruses. Your body becomes like a swamp.

Therefore, you become alkaline so that the aliens in your body are uncomfortable and deadly. Eat more raw and stewed vegetables, leafy greens, microgreens, green juices, chlorophyll, spirulina, chlorella, or mineral alkaline water.

19. Contrast shower

Get into the habit of ending each bath or shower with a cooler or colder douche. This is a training not only for vessels, but also for the whole of cardio-vascular system but also immunity.

20. Steam your legs.

If you are cold or your feet are wet. Don't waste time. Immediately into a bowl with hot water, soar legs. There you can pour mustard powder, red pepper or anything else that you consider warming up.

This will give you big chance not only not to get sick with a cold, but also not to let your kidneys get sick, bladder and genitals.

21. Give up alcohol and smoking.

Both lower the immune system, hit the antioxidant system of the body and, therefore, give freedom to viruses in our body.

22. Avoid crowded places

If possible, of course. Especially if it's closed to fresh air premises.

23. Visit the sauna or bath

Increased blood circulation. Pleasant emotions, relaxation. They will add health to you, and viruses will be swept away under a fast bloodstream.

24. Aromatherapy

Use real aromatic oils. If you have such an opportunity. Keep in mind that there are practically no real oils in pharmacies, there are bare chemicals that are harmful to us.

Aroma treatment is very ancient tradition, which can put a sick person on his feet, and not just work as a prevention.

25. Humidify the air.

If you are a lucky owner of a humidifier, you are lucky, we envy you. Who does not have it, you can hang wet sheets on radiators or hang them around the rooms. Another option is to put a large container of water, from which the water will evaporate, moistening the air.

Moisturizing will not only have a good effect on the skin and the functioning of the broncho-pulmonary system, but will also moisturize the nasal mucosa, which means protective function won't stop working.


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