Increased tone in a child: causes, symptoms and treatment. Massage for children with hypertension. Increased muscle tone: causes, symptoms and treatment

Even in healthy newborns, the nervous system does not work properly at first, the arms and legs are enslaved and unable to make free movements. The position of the body is similar to the one in which the baby was in the womb. If during pregnancy any negative factors influenced the brain of the child, muscle tension may be excessive, which adversely affects its development. Muscle hypertonicity is the most common neurological diagnosis in children under one year of age. Let's figure out why increased tone is dangerous, in which cases this condition requires treatment, and what methods are used to relax the muscles of the newborn.

What is muscle hypertonicity

Hypertonicity in infants occurs due to insufficient development of nerve endings. Because of this, impulses do not come from the brain that cause the muscles to contract and relax. Hypertonicity is expressed in constant excessive muscle tension, often asymmetrical - one of the sides of the body is more constrained. A healthy child keeps his legs bent, fingers are connected into a fist. At the same time, the legs can be straightened without effort, and the cams can be unclenched. Hypertonicity leads to the fact that the legs can only be extended halfway. Because of this, the child is poorly mobile, constantly takes the fetal position, holds the head not due to its own efforts, but only because it cannot relax the muscles.

The state of some muscle hypertonicity is normal for infants, it goes away on its own as the nervous system develops. If intrauterine development turned out to be pathological, it will not be possible to do without medical procedures and extensive treatment.

To determine to what extent the muscles are in hypertonicity, to what extent the development of the baby’s nervous system is normal, only a competent neurologist is able to prescribe treatment.

Why does muscle tone occur?

Normal, physiological hypertonicity occurs due to the fact that in the last months of pregnancy the baby is in a certain position - with limbs drawn to the body, chin pressed to the chest. After birth, this position persists for some time. Muscles begin to function correctly by the age of six months, sometimes by the age of one.

Any factors that can influence the intrauterine development of the infant's nervous system can lead to pathological muscle tone.

The main causes of hypertension:

  • infectious diseases suffered by a woman during gestation;
  • insufficient supply of oxygen;
  • intoxication due to smoking, drug use or;
  • damage to the spine in the cervical region as a result of childbirth;
  • Rh-conflict of mother and child.

Signs of hypertonicity

The reason for contacting a neurologist are the following signs of hypertonicity:

  • the child tends to throw his head back;
  • head most of the time lowered to one shoulder or turned in the same direction;
  • a baby who is not even a month old holds his head himself;
  • , he flinches at the sounds;
  • attempts to unclench the limbs and fingers meet with resistance, often painful for the baby.

As the child grows, the development of his body is asymmetrical - he better manipulates only with one hand, in one direction, while tending to push off with one foot. A baby with hypertonicity purses his toes and cannot fully stand on his foot, remaining on his toes.

If these symptoms of hypertonicity of the baby are found, it is necessary to show the pediatrician, who will determine the need to visit a neurologist.

Diagnostic measures

The initial diagnosis is based on observations of the infant's posture and movements. If the baby is pulled by the handles, they should easily unbend. When the muscles are excessively enslaved and hypertonicity is observed, the child's body will begin to rise, and the arms will remain bent at the elbows. If the baby is placed vertically, holding the head so that it touches the surface with its feet, it will rest with a full foot, the fingers will be straightened.

To diagnose hypertonicity, the presence of the following congenital reflexes is checked:

  1. Automatic walking. If the baby is put on its legs and tilted forward a little, it reflexively takes a step.
  2. When positioned on the back, it straightens the spine and stretches the limbs, on the stomach, on the contrary, it bends the arms and legs.
  3. asymmetrical reflex. When the head of the baby is turned, the tone of the extensor muscles on this side increases, the limbs straighten, on the opposite side of the body the tone of the flexor muscles is better, the leg and handle are bent.

Normally, these reflexes disappear by the age of three months. If they remain longer, this indicates hypertonicity.

To differentiate whether hypertonicity is normal or dangerous, many neurologists insist on neurosonography. This ultrasound examination detects birth defects in the development of the brain. It can be carried out only for children under one year old when they still have it open. Electromyography can also be prescribed, which allows you to assess the condition of the muscles and nerve endings in them.

How can you treat

The goal of treating hypertonicity is to eliminate excessive muscle tension, normalize nervous processes, and general strengthening. Usually, a relaxing massage, gymnastics, physiotherapy, swimming pool exercises are prescribed, in some cases the baby has to be treated with medication. The volume of treatment for hypertonicity is determined by a neurologist, exercises and massage should be carried out only by specialists.

Self-study with a child is possible only after detailed instruction, as incorrect movements will only exacerbate the problem.

Physical exercises

Physical exercise is necessary to stimulate motor activity and reduce hypertonicity. An exercise therapy doctor can acquaint you with a set of exercises, subsequently they are allowed to be carried out at home. You need to do gymnastics with a baby when he is calm and full. When crying and anxiety, it is advisable to interrupt the exercises.

The complex begins with movements that promote relaxation. Take the baby in your arms horizontally, give him the fetal position. In this position, you need to shake the baby away from you - towards you 10-15 times. Then take it vertically and shake it left and right. Well reduce the tone of the muscles of motion sickness. You need to put the baby on the ball with his tummy and evenly swing it in different directions. At this time, you can gradually straighten the limbs in which hypertonicity is found.

Then shake hands and feet. To do this, they alternately take the limbs of the baby (hands - by the forearm, legs - in the calf area) and make several gentle shaking movements. If the baby is relaxed enough, this exercise is easy, the fingers move well.

In conclusion, extensions are performed - from a position on the back, the arms are first bent at the elbows, and then straight, lift them up together and alternately, draw circles and eights with fists. The same movements are performed with the legs.

The extension amplitude is small so that the gymnastics does not cause discomfort to the child. Gradually, the movements of the limbs become freer, then they can be unbent more. The best effect of gymnastics is achieved when it is performed daily.

Water procedures

Muscle hypertonicity is weakened in infants in warm water, so relaxing baths are used to treat it. To improve the effect, motherwort, valerian, sage, eucalyptus, conifers are added to the water. The course of treatment is usually 10 procedures and may include both collections of plants and the alternation of different herbs. They are selected by the attending physician depending on the condition of the child.

Swimming will also be useful for hypertonicity. At first, the child is placed in a regular bath, then you can visit the baby pool with him. To keep mom's hands free, it is convenient to use a special inflatable ring. Swimming can be combined with gymnastics, movements are easier in warm water. Diving for children with hypertonicity is prohibited, they contribute to an increase in muscle tension.


Of the physiotherapeutic procedures, electrophoresis with relaxing drugs is most often prescribed. Medicines with the help of an electric field are injected directly into the muscles, removing their tone. Electrophoresis is performed in the physiotherapist's office, the procedure takes no more than 15 minutes. Despite the formidable name, this treatment is painless, the child will feel only slight tingling sensations.

It is possible to prescribe paraffin wraps, they are usually used for hypertonicity of the legs. The effect of the use of paraffin is achieved due to the deep and prolonged heating of the muscles, which contributes to their relaxation.

Medical treatment

Medicines are prescribed only when the above methods are ineffective, and hypertonicity persists for up to 6 months. As a rule, these are B vitamins, muscle relaxants and nootropics, which have a calming effect.

Muscle relaxants affect those parts of the brain that are responsible for motor activity, weaken hypertonicity and relieve spasms. Baclofen and Mydocalm are most often prescribed.

Of the nootropics, Cortexin, Hopantenic acid, Semax are used. They affect the functions of the brain, improve the transmission of impulses, eliminate excessive excitement.

The need for a massage

The task of massage is to relax the baby's muscles and relieve spasms. Massage for babies with hypertonicity needs gentle, it is done with light rubbing movements, without effort. You can entrust your child only to a professional massage therapist with a medical education. It is also obligatory for him to have a certificate in the specialty "Children's massage". The course with hypertonicity usually lasts from 10 to 15 days, by the middle of it the first results should be visible.

Parents can also perform the simplest massage movements, but the effect of them is not comparable to when a professional massages a baby.

Home massage:

  1. Stroking the fingers and toes with movements from the bases of the fingers to the nails.
  2. Stroking the arms from the shoulders to the palms, thighs and shins towards the feet.
  3. Gentle rubbing of the limbs and back in a circular motion.
  4. Stroking the soles from the heel to the toes.
  5. Easy kneading of each finger separately.

Elements of such a relaxing massage can also be used in everyday communication between mother and baby, to improve their tactile contact.

What is the danger for the baby

Hypertonicity is dangerous with a number of consequences that persist into adulthood. A child with overstressed muscles physically develops worse than his peers, as he is forced to constantly overcome the resistance of the muscles.

Insufficient development of fine motor skills negatively affects his speech and mental abilities. Hypertonicity during the period of growth leads to incorrect posture, impairs gait, and bends the spine. In adulthood, the lack of treatment turns into pain in the back and neck.

Timely diagnosis and treatment of hypertonicity can completely restore the nervous system of the baby and relax its muscles.

be careful: if development is not noticed in time, in the future it will turn into serious pathologies.

I. Hypotension

II. Hypertension

  1. Spasticity.
  2. Extrapyramidal rigidity.
  3. The phenomenon of opposition (gegenhalten).
  4. catatonic rigidity.
  5. Decortication and decerebration rigidity. Hormetonia.
  6. Myotonia.
  7. Muscle tension (Stiffness).
  8. Reflex hypertension: muscular-tonic syndromes in diseases of the joints, muscles and spine; stiffness of the neck muscles with meningitis; increased muscle tone in peripheral injury.
  9. Other types of muscle hypertension.
  10. Psychogenic muscular hypertension.

I. Hypotension

Hypotension is manifested by a decrease in muscle tone below the normal physiological level and is most characteristic of damage at the spinal muscular level, but can also be observed in diseases of the cerebellum and some extrapyramidal disorders, especially chorea. The range of motion in the joints (their overextension) and the amplitude of passive excursions (especially in children) increase. With atony, the predetermined posture of the limb is not maintained.

Diseases that affect the segmental level of the nervous system include poliomyelitis, progressive spinal amyotrophy, syringomyelia, neuropathies and polyneuropathy, and other diseases that involve the anterior horns, posterior columns, roots, and peripheral nerves. In the acute phase of a transverse spinal cord lesion, spinal shock develops, in which the activity of the cells of the anterior horns of the spinal cord and spinal reflexes is temporarily inhibited below the level of the lesion. The upper level of the spinal axis, the dysfunction of which can lead to atony, is the caudal parts of the brainstem, the involvement of which in deep coma is accompanied by complete atony and portends a poor outcome of the coma.

Muscle tone can be reduced in various types of cerebellar damage, chorea, akinetic epileptic seizures, deep sleep, during syncope, states of disturbed consciousness (fainting, metabolic coma) and immediately after death.

With cataplexy attacks, usually associated with narcolepsy, muscle atony develops in addition to weakness. Seizures are more often provoked by emotional stimuli and are usually accompanied by other manifestations of polysymptomatic narcolepsy. Rarely, cataplexy is a manifestation of a midbrain tumor. In the most acute (“shock”) phase of a stroke, a paralyzed limb sometimes reveals hypotension.

A separate problem is hypotension in infants(“flaccid child”), the causes of which are very diverse (stroke, Down syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, birth trauma, spinal muscular atrophy, congenital neuropathy with hypomyelination, congenital myasthenic syndromes, infant botulism, congenital myopathy, benign congenital hypotension).

Rarely, post-stroke hemiparesis (with an isolated lesion of the lentiform nucleus) is accompanied by a decrease in muscle tone.

II. Hypertension


Spasticity develops with any lesions of the cortical (upper) motor neuron and (mainly) the cortico-spinal (pyramidal) tract. In the genesis of spasticity, an imbalance of inhibitory and facilitating influences from the reticular formation of the midbrain and brain stem is important, followed by an imbalance of alpha and gamma motor neurons of the spinal cord. Often the phenomenon of "jackknife" is revealed. The degree of hypertonicity can vary from mild to extremely pronounced, when the doctor is unable to overcome spasticity. Spasticity is accompanied by tendon hyperreflexia and pathological reflexes, clonuses and, sometimes, protective reflexes and pathological synkinesis, as well as a decrease in superficial reflexes.

With hemiparesis or hemiplegia of cerebral origin, spasticity is most pronounced in the flexor muscles on the arms and extensor muscles on the legs. In bilateral cerebral (and some spinal) injuries, spasticity in the adductor muscles of the thigh leads to characteristic dysbasia. With relatively severe spinal injuries in the legs, flexor muscle spasm, reflexes of spinal automatism and flexor paraplegia are more often formed.

Extrapyramidal rigidity

Extrapyramidal rigidity is observed in diseases and injuries affecting the basal ganglia or their connections with the midbrain and the reticular formation of the brain stem. An increase in tone applies to both flexors and extensors (increased muscle tone according to the plastic type); resistance to passive movements is noted during movements of the limbs in all directions. The severity of rigidity may be different in the proximal and distal limbs, in the upper or lower body, as well as on the right or left half of it. At the same time, the phenomenon of "gear wheel" is often observed.

The main causes of extrapyramidal rigidity: rigidity of this type is most often observed in Parkinson's disease and other parkinsonian syndromes (vascular, toxic, hypoxic, postencephalitic, post-traumatic, and others). In this case, there is a tendency to gradually involve all muscles, but the muscles of the neck, trunk and flexors are affected more coarsely. Muscle rigidity is combined here with symptoms of hypokinesia and (or) low-frequency rest tremor (4-6 Hz). Postural disorders of varying severity are also characteristic. Rigidity on one side of the body increases with active movements of the contralateral limbs.

Less commonly, plastic hypertonicity is observed in tonic forms of dystonic syndromes (debut of generalized dystonia, tonic form of spastic torticollis, dystonia of the foot, etc.). This type of hypertonicity sometimes causes serious difficulties in making a syndromic differential diagnosis (parkinson's syndrome, dystonic syndrome, pyramidal syndrome). The most reliable way to recognize dystonia is to analyze its dynamics.

Dystonia (a term not intended to refer to muscle tone, but to a specific type of hyperkinesis) is manifested by muscle contractions that lead to characteristic postural (dystonic) phenomena.

The phenomenon of opposition

The phenomenon of opposition or gegenhalten is manifested by increasing resistance to any passive movements in all directions. The doctor at the same time makes increasing efforts to overcome resistance.

Main reasons: the phenomenon is observed with damage to the corticospinal or mixed (corticospinal and extrapyramidal) pathways in the anterior (frontal) parts of the brain. The predominance of this symptom (as well as the grasping reflex) on one hand indicates a bilateral lesion of the frontal lobes with a predominance of damage in the contralateral hemisphere (metabolic, vascular, degenerative and other pathological processes).

Catatonic rigidity

There is no generally accepted definition of catatonia. This form of increased muscle tone is similar in many respects to extrapyramidal rigidity and probably has overlapping pathophysiological mechanisms with it. The phenomenon of "wax flexibility", given "freezing postures" (catalepsy), "strange motor skills" against the background of gross mental disorders in the picture of schizophrenia are characteristic. Catatonia is a syndrome that has not yet received a clear conceptual design. It is unusual in that it blurs the line between psychiatric and neurological disorders.

Main reasons: catatonia syndrome has been described in non-convulsive forms of status epilepticus, as well as in some gross organic brain lesions (brain tumor, diabetic ketoacidosis, hepatic encephalopathy), which, however, needs further clarification. Usually it is characteristic of schizophrenia. Within schizophrenia, catatonia presents with a complex of symptoms including mutism, psychosis, and unusual motor activity ranging from agitated outbursts to stupor. Concomitant manifestations: negativism, echolalia, echopraxia, stereotypes, mannerisms, automatic obedience.

Decortication and decerebration rigidity

Decerebrate rigidity is manifested by constant rigidity in all extensors (anti-gravity muscles), which can sometimes intensify (spontaneously or with painful stimulation in a patient in a coma), manifested by forced extension of the arms and legs, their adduction, slight pronation and trismus. Decortication rigidity is manifested by flexion of the elbow and wrist joints with extension of the legs and feet. Decerebrate rigidity in patients in a coma ("extensor pathological postures", "extensor postural reactions") has a worse prognosis compared with decortication rigidity ("flexor pathological postures").

Similar generalized rigidity or spasticity with retraction (extension) of the neck and sometimes the trunk (opisthotonus) can be observed in meningitis or meningism, the tonic phase of an epileptic seizure, and in processes in the posterior cranial fossa that occur with intracranial hypertension.

A variant of extensor and flexor spasms in a patient in a coma is a rapidly changing muscle tone in the limbs (hormetonia) in patients in the acute phase of hemorrhagic stroke.


Congenital and acquired types of myotonia, myotonic dystrophy, paramyotonia and, sometimes, myxedema are manifested by increased muscle tone, which, as a rule, is detected not during passive movements, but after active voluntary contraction. With paramyotonia, a pronounced increase in muscle tone is provoked by cold. Myotonia is detected in the test of clenching the fingers into a fist, manifested by delayed relaxation of spasmodic muscles; repeated movements lead to the gradual restoration of normal movements. Electrical stimulation of the muscles causes increased contraction and delayed relaxation (the so-called myotonic response). Percussion (hit with a hammer) of the tongue or thenar reveals a characteristic myotonic phenomenon - a “dimple” at the site of impact and adduction of the thumb with delayed muscle relaxation. Muscles may be hypertrophied.

Muscle tension (stiffness)

Muscle tension is a special group of syndromes, associated by its pathogenesis mainly with spinal (interneurons) or peripheral damage (syndromes of "hyperactivity of motor units").

Isaacs syndrome (neuromyotonia, pseudomyotonia) is manifested by rigidity, which first appears in the distal extremities and gradually spreads to the proximal, axial and other muscles (face, bulbar muscles) with difficulty in movements, dysbasia and constant myokymia in the affected muscles.

Stiff-person syndrome, on the contrary, begins with rigidity of the axial and proximal muscles (mainly the muscles of the pelvic girdle and trunk) and is accompanied by characteristic spasms of great intensity in response to external stimuli of various modalities (enhanced startle response) .

Close to this group of muscular-tonic disorders are McArdle's disease, paroxysmal myoglobulinemia, tetanus (tetanus).

Tetanus is an infectious disease that is manifested by generalized muscle rigidity, although the muscles of the face and lower jaw are involved earlier than others. Against this background, muscle spasms that occur spontaneously or in response to tactile, auditory, visual and other stimuli are characteristic. There is usually severe generalized rigidity between spasms.

"Reflex" rigidity

"Reflex" rigidity combines syndromes of muscle-tonic tension in response to pain irritation in diseases of the joints, spine and muscles (for example, protective muscle tension in appendicitis; myofascial syndromes; cervicogenic headaches; other vertebrogenic syndromes; increased muscle tone in peripheral injury).

Other types of muscle hypertension include muscle stiffness during an epileptic seizure, tetany, and some other conditions.

High muscle tone is observed during the tonic phase of generalized seizures. Sometimes there are purely tonic epileptic seizures without a clonic phase. The pathophysiology of this hypertonicity is not completely clear.

Tetany is manifested by a syndrome of increased neuromuscular excitability (symptoms of Khvostek, Trousseau, Erb, etc.), carpo-pedal spasms, paresthesias. More common variants of latent tetany against the background of hyperventilation and other psychovegetative disorders. A rarer cause is endocrinopathy (hypoparathyroidism).

Psychogenic hypertension

Psychogenic hypertension is most clearly manifested in the classic picture of a psychogenic (hysterical) seizure (pseudo-seizure) with the formation of a "hysterical arc", with a pseudodystonic variant of psychogenic hyperkinesis, and also (less often) in the picture of lower pseudoparaparesis with pseudohypertonia in the feet.

Muscle tone in modern people is a fairly common phenomenon. Therefore, the question is very popular. The tone is manifested in the form of dense muscles with a distinct relief. Thanks to this, a person is able to move, maintain balance, hold a pose, and in fact he is vital to us. But only in a certain amount.

An excessive increase in muscle tone is called muscle hypertension and is more likely to cause discomfort to its carrier than vice versa. And in the case of a long stay in this state, prerequisites may be created for more serious problems than just discomfort. For example, insufficient blood supply to a certain part of the body, or back pain. Therefore, it is worth paying attention and understanding the question of how to remove the increased muscle tone. Next, we will analyze several ways that will help you get rid of this problem.

Stretching and flexibility exercises.

Such exercises develop flexibility, reduce muscle and ligament tension, and make the body relaxed. First, do an active warm-up to warm up the muscles. Then do the following exercises:

1. Tilts to the side.

The arms are extended high above the head and joined. Alternately, you need to bend at the waist, pull your hands to the floor.

2. Bending the body.

You should stand up and straighten your shoulders. Then begin to slowly bend at the waist: you should feel a stretch in the calves and hips. Sharp movements should be avoided. To perform the "hands to toes" exercise, you need to sit on the floor. Then you should clasp your hands and pull them to your socks. You need to get at least to the ankle.

3. Stretching the back of the thigh.

You need to lie on the floor, bend one leg at the knee, put the foot on the floor. Raise the other leg and straighten as much as possible. After that, slowly straighten both legs, and pull the raised leg to the nose.


If you experience spasms of the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, then these are alarming symptoms that indicate muscle tension. Most often this is the cause of headaches, pain in the neck, stiffness of movements. Prolonged stress can lead to cervical osteochondrosis. To prevent this disease, self-massage of the collar zone will help you. website.

How is self-massage performed?

  1. The neck is rubbed with fingertips.
  2. The palms are pressed tightly against the back of the neck and strokes are performed.
  3. The muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle are kneaded with pinches.
  4. In conclusion, the neck is slammed with the fingertips and strokes are performed.

How to remove muscle tone using other methods?

All types of baths and saunas help relieve tension. Steam affects the nervous system, helps to relax the whole body. Visiting the bath, do not rush, and even more so occupy the mind with disturbing thoughts. Just give yourself a couple of hours of carefree rest. In the steam room, you can sit quietly or lie on a shelf, absorbing hot steam with every cell of your body. After a while, you can clearly feel how the tension leaves the muscles, and the skin seems to straighten out. It is indeed true that the body and spirit at this time get rid of everything negative. After the bath, an unusual lightness appears in the body, the worries and hardships of life fade into the background. At the end of all procedures, be sure to rinse with cold water. Some people prefer to do rubbing with snow. In order for the body to be filled with liquid again, you should drink tea with herbs. Massage and self-massage are the most popular procedures in the bath, but they should not be intense. The bath is also a good stress therapy. Therefore, if you feel that the muscles are too tense, then first of all go to the bath.

Increased muscle tone can be relieved with massage. Any massage is a kind of soothing and relaxing therapy that counteracts the effects of tension. After a professional massage session in a massage therapy clinic, clients are always relaxed. Massage helps to get rid of pain in the spine and back. It is very important that the tactile effect is carried out by the master. Then muscle relaxation is guaranteed. After all, only a professional knows what techniques to use for different parts of the body.

A massage chair is another sure way to relieve muscle tone and improve the overall condition of the body. The advantage of this medication is that it massages all the muscles at once. The massage chair uses all the techniques of classical massage: rubbing, vibration, stroking and smoothing, kneading. And also it can affect the body with the help of air flow and infrared radiation.

However, before getting on the massage chair, you need to consult your doctor. After all, a massage chair cannot be identical to sensitive human hands. During the massage, there is an active flow of blood to the tissues, so you need to accurately select the program. The specifics of the sessions and their number should be prescribed by the doctor.

Muscle hypertonicity is a huge problem in the field of neurology. It is accompanied by pain, secondary changes in muscles and joints, certain restrictions in movement, but most importantly, it is a consequence of diseases of the nervous system.

Muscular hypertonicity is considered the most common syndrome in diseases of the nervous system. This sign can become a key in the diagnosis and detection of the disease.

There are spastic and rigid types of increased muscle tone. Spastic appearance is distributed unevenly, selectively. Rigid (plastic) - spasms all muscles at once. The causes of spasticity are affected nerve centers and motor pathways, and rigidity is the affected brain or spinal cord.

The state of spasticity is characterized by increased tone. As a result, there are speech difficulties, difficulties in normal movement. This state can be caused by:

  • stroke;
  • brain injury;
  • sclerosis;
  • disorders of nerve impulses.

The cause may be damage to the cortical motor neuron and pyramidal tract, hypoxia, encephalitis, meningitis, phenylketonuria.

Patients with cerebral palsy do not always have increased muscle tone, since all functions are taken over by the spinal cord. Deformation of the limbs in this syndrome occurs only after time has elapsed.

Multiple sclerosis may be accompanied by flexion and extensor spasticity. At the same time, the legs are too straightened or, on the contrary, pressed to the body.

Muscle hypertonicity on the background of head injuries develops through the damaged brain stem, cerebellum and midbrain. The affected centers of activity of reflexes lead to stiffness, compression of the arms and legs.

Very often, high muscle activity is accompanied by pain in the back and legs. During movement, there is an increase in muscle tone, which increases pain. Discomfort in the back develops due to ischemia of the spinal root and due to other reasons. But the tension in the legs occurs after heavy loads. The pain is localized in the muscle itself.

It is not so difficult to define this syndrome. Symptoms of hypertension in adults are as follows:

  • voltage;
  • immobility;
  • discomfort during movement;
  • muscle stiffness;
  • muscle spasms;
  • spontaneous motor activity;
  • increased tendon reflexes;
  • delayed relaxation of spasmodic muscles.

Characteristic signs in children are sleep disturbances, unstable emotional state, loss of appetite. People suffering from increased muscle tone walk on their toes, which indicates the neglect of the disease in childhood.

Temporary cramps in an adult can occur after tensing a specific muscle. The process is accompanied by pulling pain. This effect is often observed after exercise and stress. This also applies to back pain. At the same time, the person is stiff and shackled. The presence of such symptoms may indicate the presence of serious diseases, and not just muscle tone.

In advanced cases of muscle spasticity, the affected muscle becomes too tight and cannot be felt. Any mechanical impact, even massage, causes severe pain.

When the symptoms become quite pronounced, it is urgent to carry out diagnostics to accurately determine the diagnosis.

To do this, you need to take a blood test, do an MRI and EMG. Expert advice is required.

Treatment of muscle syndrome includes two stages. The first is overcoming the underlying disease, against the background of which an increased tone in the muscle arose. The second is the correction of an already existing problem to facilitate therapy and normal recovery.

Only complex treatment, which includes pharmacotherapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises, and psychotherapy, can finally remove the symptoms.

Drug treatment is aimed at minimizing the pain syndrome, normalizing the functioning of the nervous system. The method of therapy depends on the goals:

  • relief of any symptom;
  • reduction of spasms;
  • increasing activity and maintaining a normal gait;
  • ease of movement.

As the main drugs, muscle relaxants and neuroleptics are used. Treatment may be based on a single drug or a combination of them.

The electrophoresis method is very often used to treat spasticity. It promotes muscle relaxation and pain relief. Effective electrophoresis based on anticholinergics, relaxants.

Kinesitherapy occupies almost the main place among the methods of treatment of spasticity. Movement therapy is based on therapeutic exercises and postural exercises.

Through physical exercise, there is an opportunity for independent movement. You should alternate relaxation and tension and do this from the very beginning of the disease. Supplementing gymnastics with massage is the right decision. Classical techniques must be performed slowly and with pauses. Separately massage different muscle groups.

Popularity is gaining and massage on certain biological points. So it becomes possible to cure local hypertonicity. Points are selected depending on the task and functional purpose.

The last resort is surgery. The operation is performed on the brain or spinal cord, peripheral nerves, muscles.

Psychotherapy can help speed up recovery. The psychological impact on the patient will give confidence in the future, and increase the chances of recovery.

Conclusion on the topic

Therapy for muscle hypertonicity is complex and lengthy. It requires a lot of effort and patience, complex treatment and good care. For maximum results, it is better to go to a sanatorium and already there to be treated and healed at the same time. Thus, there is an opportunity to spend time with benefit and pleasure.

Musculature is one of the important components of the ODA, which is responsible for the motor activity of the body along with the ligamentous apparatus and the nervous system. If there is a violation of its functioning, then this is fraught with various uncomfortable sensations. Therefore, we will further consider how to remove the hypertonicity of the muscles of the back or another area of ​​the body.

- a pathological condition in which there is a persistent and reversible increase in the tone of muscle tissue.

The trigger mechanism for the development of the condition lies either in the defeat of the muscles, or in the violation of the process of transmission of the nerve impulse.

Reference. The phenomenon is considered a symptom of many diseases, and most often occurs against the background of ailments of the nervous system.

The state of muscle tissue in the normal state and during spasm

In neurology, there are several main varieties of this disorder:

  • spastic;
  • plastic;
  • mixed.

spastic view develops when elements of the pyramidal system are damaged (neurons that transmit nerve impulses from the center of the brain to skeletal muscles).

It spreads unevenly, that is, some muscle group may be affected. A good example of this type is observed in stroke with damage to the motor centers of the brain.

plastic look occurs with dysfunction of the extrapyramidal system, represented by brain structures that are involved in the control of movements, maintaining muscle tone, body position in space.

It is characterized by a constant character, due to which a spasm of all muscle groups is observed. A striking example of this type can be observed in the course of Parkinson's disease.

Characteristics of the types of muscle hypertonicity

mixed variety develops with the defeat of both systems (pyramidal and extrapyramidal). It has symptoms of the two previous forms of the pathological phenomenon. It can occur against the background of tumor formations of the brain.

The reasons

Raise muscle tone can develop under the influence of various negative factors and diseases.

Reference. Conventionally, all the causes of a pathological phenomenon can be divided into 2 groups: physiological and pathological.

Physiological factors that may contribute to the development of this disorder include:

  1. Prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position.
  2. Bruises, various kinds of injuries.
  3. Frequent stressful situations.
  4. Posture disorder.
  5. Overwork.

The phenomenon can act as a protective reaction to pain, for example, tension in the back muscles with damage to the vertebrae, bruise.

As pathological causes are various diseases that are accompanied by an increase in muscle tone:

Stroke is one of the causes of muscle hypertonicity.

  1. Stroke.
  2. brain and spinal cord.
  3. Bruxism is the grinding of the teeth, which is manifested by various symptoms, among them - hypertonicity of the facial muscles, or rather chewing.
  4. Vascular pathologies.
  5. dystonic syndrome.
  6. Spastic form (hypertonicity of the sternocleidomastoid muscle).
  7. Infectious diseases of the CNS.
  8. Epilepsy.
  9. Parkinson's disease.
  10. Myopathy.
  11. Multiple sclerosis.
  12. Head injury.
  13. Tetanus.

Since this condition can be a symptom of a serious pathology, therapy requires a thorough diagnosis and an individual approach to the choice of treatment methods.

In adults, hypertonicity of the neck muscles or muscles of another area of ​​the body is manifested by such characteristic symptoms:

  • increased tendon reflexes;
  • feeling of stiffness;
  • muscle spasm;
  • slow relaxation of spasmodic muscles;
  • uncontrolled motor activity;
  • discomfort when moving;
  • tension, limited mobility.

Hypertonicity has a characteristic clinical picture

When moving, the muscle tone increases, which leads to the appearance of soreness, temporary convulsions.

Prolonged muscle tension can provoke a violation of the circulatory process and the formation of painful seals.

When contacting the hospital, the patient undergoes a thorough examination, which allows you to identify the causes that provoked an increase in muscle tone, the condition of muscle tissue and the nature of spasm.

Reference. During the examination, laboratory and hardware diagnostic techniques are used.

After a conversation and examination of the patient, the specialist selects the necessary diagnostic methods, which include:

  1. General and biochemical blood test- many indicators are examined, the main of which is the level of electrolytes.
  2. MRI, CT for examination of the brain and cerebrospinal fluid.
  3. EMG(electromyography) - finding out the speed of the nerve impulse.

EMG is one of the main diagnostic methods

Also in some cases, a muscle biopsy may be needed, consultation with specialists from another field of medicine(endocrinologist, psychiatrist, etc.).

The choice of methods for treating increased muscle tone depends on the factor of its occurrence, the severity of the lesion and the patient's well-being. Postural exercises - aimed at preventing contractures and pathological body position.

  • Psychotherapy- necessary during the rehabilitation period.
  • Massotherapy- is prescribed to relax muscle tissue, improve metabolic processes and blood circulation.
  • Acupressure- impact on biologically active points, which helps to reduce muscle tension, pain, improve metabolism.
  • Methods of conservative treatment

    Implementation in such cases is rarely resorted to.


    To prevent the development of muscle hypertonicity, you should regularly visit a specialist to monitor the state of the body and the course of the existing disease, moderately load the body, periodically undergo massage courses.

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