Beware of scammers! Or how to choose high-quality amaranth oil. Oil treatment of diseases of the digestive system. What is amaranth oil made from?

Amaranth oil unrefined first cold pressed 100%. Contain: PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids), squalene 6%, phospholipids 9%, phytosterols 2%, vitamin E-300 mg, carotenoids 60 mg.

Beneficial features

Oil therapy has been actively used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases since ancient times. Vegetable oils are a mixture of fatty acids and various biologically active substances. Amaranth oil contains up to 77% fatty acids, of which the so-called polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are the most valuable. Three of them (linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic) are indispensable, that is, they are not synthesized in the body and must be supplied with food. According to the composition of fatty acids (triglycerides), amaranth oil belongs to the group of linoleic acid (up to 50% of the total fatty acids). The content of the most biologically active omega-3-linolenic acid reaches 1%.

Amaranth oil is unique, first of all, with a high content of squalene (6%), which is one of the most important biologically active compounds, normalizes cholesterol levels, acts as a regulator of lipid and steroid metabolism in the body, is a precursor of a number of steroid hormones, and is part of the lipid layer of the skin surface. person. Effectively protects the cells of the body and especially the liver from the harmful effects of toxins of endogenous and exogenous origin. Squalene is a powerful antioxidant and has a radioprotective effect. Squalene in the composition of amaranth oil has unique wound-healing properties due to a pronounced immunomodulatory effect, which promotes healing and restoration of both surface tissues and damage to internal organs.

In amaranth oil, vitamin E is present in its rare tocotrienol variety, which is much more effective than conventional tocopherol forms. Vitamin E is necessary for a person, especially in old age, to normalize the work of the heart, improve cholesterol balance and as an antioxidant for the prevention of cancer.

Vitamin E of amaranth oil, even in small quantities, reduces blood cholesterol levels, increases the elasticity of vascular walls, and significantly reduces the risk of thrombosis.

Amaranth oil is an effective means of healing and preventing cardiovascular, oncological, dermatological, immune diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, etc.

The complex of active ingredients makes amaranth oil a very effective natural remedy for the prevention and treatment of diseases, such as:

  • cardiovascular diseases; atherosclerosis
  • diseases and damage to the liver,
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes and metabolic disorders;
  • restoration and strengthening of the immune and hormonal systems;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • diseases of the oral mucosa;
  • dermatological diseases (herpes, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema), thermal and sunburn;
  • restoration and rejuvenation of the skin of the face and body;
  • elimination and leveling of fresh scars, including postoperative ones;
  • reducing the side effects of medications.


individual intolerance

Dosage and administration

Internal use: For medicinal purposes, amaranth oil is taken orally 1 teaspoon (5 ml) in the morning and afternoon with meals. Shake before use. Daily rate - 10 ml.

External use: for dermatological diseases, amaranth oil is applied to the affected areas 2 times a day (morning and evening). After 10 minutes, the remaining oil is removed with a cosmetic tissue. To protect against solar radiation in summer, when traveling on vacation, when visiting a solarium, as well as to increase and strengthen the tan, it is recommended to use 2 teaspoons a day and use moisturizing creams and balms with the addition of amaranth oil after sun exposure.

Duration of admission

Release form

Amaranth oil produced by LLC "Russian Oliva" is available in dark glass bottles of 100 ml.

Storage conditions

The oil should be stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. After opening the vial, store in a cool place (4°C), consume within a month.

Amaranth seed oil is a unique, natural remedy that helps to normalize the full respiration of cells.

Preventive and therapeutic qualities, which are manifested both when taken orally and used externally, distinguish this type of oil as the most active. It is an effective herbal “therapist”.

That is why it is worth talking a little more about what are the properties of amaranth oil, how to use a healing product, and to whom it is contraindicated.

What is amaranth oil?

Cold-pressed oil, which is extracted from amaranth seeds, is considered to be one of the most healing for the human body.

The product has a unique composition, and according to the spectrum of medicinal qualities, it acts both on metabolic processes in the body and on partial problems.

Amaranth remedy is the base of the source of squalene - a unique element that is as close as possible to natural cellular compounds and fully activates cell respiration

The healing product is practically the only base that is used in its natural, pure form without the addition of additional components.

Even as an external use at home, amaranth oil is applied by hand.

It is believed that the described product is the only base, the use of which is fully compatible with any kind of drug treatment.

The chemical composition of the drug

The calorie content of the healing agent is 736 kilocalories per 100 grams.

The composition and medicinal qualities are unique.

In addition to proteins and PUFAs, it includes: B-carotene and choline.

It also contains a lot of vitamins:

  1. Group B.

In addition, it contains a large number of mineral elements, such as:

A useful product is not deprived of squalene, the most powerful substance against a cancerous tumor and an immune stimulant, which easily penetrates the human body through the skin.

Vitamin E is also present in the composition of the product, it has the rarest tocotrienol figure, which significantly increases the healing qualities of this vitamin.

Rejuvenation comes faster if you systematically eat amaranth oil, which, it must be said, also excellently treats complex forms of eczema and psoriasis.

The product helps to carry out complex treatment of diabetes mellitus, cardiac disorders, female gynecological pathologies.

Amaranth oil - medicinal properties

The benefit of amaranth lies in its unique composition, which contains a huge number of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, antioxidant substances and steroid hormones.

Its richest biochemistry has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, normalizes metabolism, and strengthens vascular walls.

The oil base will benefit people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver and gallbladder.

Regular use is good for the face, hair, body. As a preventive measure, it is useful for the heart muscle, the brain.

The product renews cells, eliminates psoriasis plaques and has received a lot of accolades from people who use it in treatment.

How to use amaranth oil in cosmetology?

Amaranth oil is a natural product, which in our time is effectively used in cosmetology. Amaranth oil in cosmetology is a discovery!

It has a great effect on the skin, strengthens hair, rejuvenates, heals, the benefits after the course of application are obvious.

It is used as an additive in shampoos, as well as for rinsing (an excellent replacement for conditioner). In order to strengthen curls, it is recommended to rub the product into the scalp.

After the systematic use is carried out, the hair will shine, they will become stronger and healthier. On the basis of a healing product, it is good to prepare various kinds of moisturizing face masks.

How to use amaranth oil in cooking?

The oil can be added to pies, it can be fried or used to prepare liquid and solid dishes, added to tea drinks.

It will give the body all the missing elements in the spring.

Amaranth oil - how to choose the right one?

Seed oil should be the color of the grains from which it is cold-pressed. The aroma should not be bitter.

In favor of the excellent quality is evidenced by the absence of sediment. Also, the oil should not be cloudy.

Too low cost should alert. This suggests that you have a fake, or a product diluted with sunflower oil.

It is best to purchase goods made by reliable, reputable manufacturers.

Is it possible and how to make amaranth oil yourself?

At home, getting a good product will not work, it is better to purchase from trusted manufacturers.

How to store?

Store the product in a dark place, in a well-sealed container. After the bottle has been opened, it must be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of at least +2 ° C.

The product retains its useful qualities for 2-4 months. Then the concentration decreases.

Therefore, it is better to use it as soon as possible. In the pharmacy you can buy the drug in capsules.

Contraindications for use

Who should not use amaranth oil?

Do not use with individual intolerance to the product.

Sometimes people who have just started drinking a healing agent may experience slight nausea and dizziness, which are provoked by an oversaturation of the body with oxygen.

Do not use the remedy for people with a diagnosis:

  1. Pancreatitis of any form.
  2. Cholecystitis.
  3. Cholelithiasis.
  4. Urolithiasis disease.

Before including a healing oil remedy in your diet, you should consult with a practicing doctor. Despite the many useful qualities, the substance can harm the body.

That is why it is necessary to be examined for allergies or chronic pathologies.

Amaranth oil is obtained from the seeds of two species of the genus AmaranthusA. cruentus(red or purple amaranth) and A. hypochondriacus(grain amaranth). A quality product is expensive, as the production process is complex, so it is most often used for medicinal purposes.

The main feature of this oil can be considered an exceptionally high content of squalene - a powerful antioxidant with anti-cancer properties. Although it contains other useful substances.

Tocopherol, tocotrienols, essential fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins and minerals - this is what the wonderful properties of amaranth oil are based on.

Oleic fatty acid improves metabolism in diabetic patients and patients with high levels of fat and cholesterol in the blood. It also reduces cardiac risks, in particular in patients with diabetes mellitus and patients with disorders of fat metabolism.

Linoleic acid is a multiunsaturated fatty acid, meaning it cannot be produced by the human body. But it is necessary for almost all cellular processes in the body. Pure amaranth oil contains up to 50% linoleic acid, which will be useful in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • acne,
  • allergy,
  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • dehydration,
  • dry skin,
  • fatigue,
  • sensitivity to certain foods,
  • immunodeficiency,
  • liver disease,
  • mood swings,
  • osteoarthritis,
  • premenstrual syndrome,
  • obesity.

Fat-soluble vitamin E (tocopherol) is important for reproductive health. Doctors recommend it in the treatment of certain specific diseases, including neurological disorders associated with muscle weakness, trophic diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.

As for the antioxidant squalene (chemical formula C30H50), it easily passes through cell membranes and begins its healing work inside the cells. For many years, shark liver (1%) was considered the richest source of this active compound, but it is almost 8 times more in amaranth oil. The recommended daily dose is 250-500 mg.

Squalene lowers blood cholesterol levels, thereby protecting the body from atherosclerosis and heart attack. This substance has many other beneficial properties that make amaranth seed oil so valuable.

Beneficial features

Associated with improving circulation, increasing energy levels, reducing pain, stopping nosebleeds, removing mercury from the body, treating allergies and asthma, arthritis and Burns' disease, candidiasis, diabetes and stomach ulcers, leucorrhoea (vaginal discharge). But this is not all.


The high antioxidant activity of amaranth oil is no longer in doubt. And it is associated with the presence of vitamins E, A and C, squalene and other phenolic acids.

Increases immunity

This beneficial property of the product is associated with a high level of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, such as squalene, which is used as an immunological adjuvant (a substance that enhances the body's immune response) in vaccines.

Anti-inflammatory properties

Squalene, tocopherols and tocotrienols found in amaranth oil have an anti-inflammatory effect in psoriasis, dermatitis and diffuse neurodermatitis and some other skin diseases.

Protects against environmental stress

Antioxidants in amaranth oil protect the body from the effects of radioactive and X-ray exposure, reduce the harmful effects of toxic exhaust gases in an urban environment.

Prevention of lung cancer

Published in medical journals, research results from Russia, Japan, and France confirm that squalene, the active ingredient in amaranth oil, prevents the development of lung cancer in individuals who are constantly exposed to tar-laden smoke, including passive smokers.

Improves brain function

It has been proven that regular consumption of products containing squalene improves memory, increases mental performance.

Participates in detoxification

Amaranth oil can be considered as a detoxifying product. It protects against foreign substances that can weaken the immune system, and increases the body's resistance.


C30H50 in its chemical essence is an unsaturated hydrocarbon, which is able to supply the necessary amount of oxygen to living cells. Oxygenation has a beneficial effect on the body at the cellular level, improves metabolism and increases energy production.

Benefits of Amaranth Oil for Skin and Hair

This oil contains a unique spectrum of unsaturated fatty acids, as well as vitamins E and C, without which healthy skin is an unattainable dream. When applied externally, this wonderful product improves skin condition, protects against aggressive environments, ultraviolet rays, slows down cell aging, restores fat balance, and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Amaranth oil will also be useful for people suffering from dermatological problems, including herpes, eczema, mycosis or burns. It can also be used as a massage oil.

Use this oil along with amla oil to prevent graying of hair and alopecia (patchy baldness) and improve hair texture, preferably at a concentration of 3-10%.


When buying, look for 100% pure, first cold pressed oil without the addition of hexane (an organic solvent that is involved in the production process of refined vegetable oils).

Good amaranth oil has only one drawback - it is not stored for long, so before purchasing, find the date of manufacture on the label.


Only adults (over 18 years of age) are allowed to take this drug orally due to the lack of in-depth studies in the younger age group. One teaspoon 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. When applied topically, the oil is applied to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day.

As an antioxidant supplement, take 200-400 mg of squalene per day (you can calculate the amount of oil based on these recommendations yourself). To increase immunity, you can increase the dosage to 600 mg of squalene per day.

For cardiovascular diseases and their increased risk, taking 18 mg of amaranth oil for 3 weeks will be useful.


Next to a good, high-quality and, most importantly, useful and popular product, scammers appear sooner or later. They seek to cash in on people's trust by offering them low quality counterfeit goods.

This is especially dangerous when it comes to a product designed to fight various diseases or act as a prophylactic. After all, a person who purchases such goods hopes for recovery, and at best, no beneficial effect on the body occurs. In the worst case, we are talking about the negative impact of counterfeiting on the human condition.

Unfortunately, it must be admitted that today the number of fakes of amaranth oil has increased. Given that this product is relatively expensive, and many rely on it to be reliable in the fight against the disease, we decided to tell you how to choose amaranth oil and avoid fakes.

Why do you need amaranth oil?

First of all, you should decide on the purposes for which you are going to use amaranth oil.

There are several main areas:

  • prevention of various ailments, general strengthening of immunity, normalization of metabolic processes, including cholesterol, etc .;
  • as one of the elements of therapy in the treatment of skin diseases;
  • prevention and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • recovery after suffering dangerous diseases - stroke, etc.;
  • treatment of oncology and recovery of the body after chemotherapy, radiotherapy;
  • for cosmetic purposes;
  • in cooking.

Note. It is worth remembering that scammers often sell their fake products at low prices. If you see amaranth oil, the cost of which is too low - in no case do not buy it. You have a fake!

Types of amaranth oil

Conventionally, all high-quality, genuine amaranth oils presented on the profile market can be divided into three categories:

  • clean;
  • blended;
  • extracts.

The use of pure amaranth oil

Each type is recommended for use in a particular case. So, pure amaranth oil is produced only by cold pressing. The content of squalene in it is from 6 to 8%.

  • treatment of oncology and recovery of the body after chemotherapy;
  • prevention and treatment of diseases of the digestive, cardiovascular system;
  • recovery after a stroke.

The use of blended amaranth oil

Blended oil is perhaps more in demand, since it is recommended for use:

  • in the prevention of diseases, the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, etc.;
  • to strengthen immunity;
  • to increase the general tone of the body;
  • to optimize the activity of all systems and organs of the body as a whole.

note . When choosing blended varieties of amaranth oil, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the person who will use it. The greater the body weight, the greater the percentage of squalene in the oil should be. However, for older people who are over 75 years of age, mixtures with a minimal amount of squalene should be used.

Application of extracts of amaranth oil

Extracts are most often used in the treatment of skin diseases. They are also used in cosmetology - in skin care, hair care (we are talking about strengthening hair, combating hair loss).

Criteria for choosing high-quality amaranth oil

When choosing a really high-quality amaranth oil, a number of criteria should be considered. In particular, important indicators are organoleptic properties:

  • taste;
  • aroma;
  • color.

Naturally, attention should also be paid to the composition of the oil, or rather, to the totality of those present in it:

  • natural unsaturated fatty acids;
  • tocopherols;
  • phospholipids;
  • squalene.

All data on the content of basic substances must be indicated on the label - if there is no such data (except for the label, they can be placed on the package or leaflet), you may have a fake.

note . There are cases of labeling with false information. For example, the seller or manufacturer indicates that the bottle contains 100% amaranth oil, but in fact it is no more than 20%, and the rest is linseed (at best) or any other vegetable oil. If knowingly false information is revealed, you have the right to file a complaint with the relevant authorities and seek compensation.

By the way, let's add - if the sellers claim that the oil contains more than 12% squalene, then you are scammers. Since the maximum rate of this substance in pure oil does not exceed 8%! After all, even in grains - no more than 8%.

Naturally, when spinning, the indicator decreases. Although it is still possible to achieve the highest possible level of squalene.

Organoleptic properties of amaranth oil

Let us dwell separately on the organoleptic properties of amaranth oil - after all, virtually everyone can determine the quality of the product in this way.


The pure product has a unique aroma, similar to the smell of fresh beet tops. No other vegetable oil has a similar aroma.

If we are talking about an extract oil, then it is quite transparent, but it actually has no smell.

By the way ! However, if we are talking about the so-called oil extraction, then the product acquires the smell of base oil - for example, corn or sunflower. That is, what is used as a basis.

The blended product is practically devoid of aroma.


A pure product does not have the most pleasant taste, but you quickly get used to it with regular use.

The oil extract does not have any pronounced taste - you can even say that it is actually tasteless.

But blended oil has a taste of the main vegetable oil and is often quite tasty.

Color and transparency

The color of amaranth oil depends on how it was made and from what grain of the plant it was made. Most often, the product has the following shades:

  • light with shades of dark;
  • or too dark.

Bottle or bottle - only glass!

Also, when choosing amaranth oil, pay attention to which bottle it comes in. Quality, genuine oil comes strictly in glass jars or bottles.

This is due to the fact that when placed in a plastic container, the oil interacts with the surface of the plastic. As a result, oxidation processes are launched. Which neutralize all useful substances.

Therefore, if you see amaranth oil in a plastic bottle, it is most likely a fake. Or the manufacturer is dishonest. In any case, you should not buy such oil - it definitely does not contain useful substances, even if the oil was originally genuine.

note . Of particular importance is the volume of containers. Ideally, bottles should not hold more than 100 milliliters of oil. Since when the cap is opened frequently, oxygen enters. Which also leads to oxidation. And if the container is bulky, then while you use all the oil, the product will oxidize. However, exceptions are possible - in the event that the bottle has a reliable cap. The maximum allowable container volume is 250 milliliters.

Certificate as a confirmation of the quality of the product!

If you have any doubts about the quality of the product or you just want to once again verify its reliability, do not hesitate to ask the seller for a certificate of conformity.

You may have different attitudes towards the activities of regulatory authorities, not trust them, but, nevertheless, a certificate is a document, an actual confirmation of the quality of a product.

Note! It is not uncommon to find statements that 100% amaranth oil cannot be taken orally! Such words are not entirely correct and require clarification. So, you can not use 100% extraction of amaranth oil. But 100% oil obtained by cold pressing is the most effective in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.


Now you know how to choose high-quality amaranth oil. In addition to the tips listed above, we also recommend paying attention to the reputation of the seller - if it is a reputable, well-known supplier or a company that has a lot of positive reviews and has been operating for a long time in the core market, you can be sure of the quality of the goods offered.

This is exactly what the site "" is - it is a trusted seller who offers only proven products that meet all standards and norms.

From time immemorial, there have been legends about the miraculous power of amaranth: it was used in folk medicine, in rituals, and even as a currency. Today, the derivatives of this plant are among the biologically active additives due to the high concentration of useful substances in them. The most valuable product of amaranth is its oil. Being a plant source of oxygen, it allows the human body to “breathe” and has a whole range of other useful properties.

What kind of plant is amaranth

Amaranth is a grain that is traditionally grown in the Andean region of South America. It is also called African or Indian spinach. The number of plant varieties today reaches 90.

The healing properties of amaranth have been known in Central America for 8 thousand years.

For a long time, only one of them was known in Russia - the garden weed amaranth. However, today this culture is gaining popularity in our country due to the presence of valuable properties in it.

Chemical composition of natural oxygen cocktail

Amaranth oil is obtained by pressing the crushed seeds of the plant, while the content of valuable oil in them is about 10%.

The recognition of amaranth oil in cosmetology and traditional medicine is due to its exceptional composition. It contains the following medicinal components:

  • monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (about 70%):
    • linoleic (Omega-6);
    • oleic (Omega-9);
    • linolenic (Omega-3);
    • arachidonic;
  • saturated fatty acids (about 20%):
    • palmitoleic;
    • stearic;
  • phospholipids (about 9%);
  • squalene (between 8 and 10%);
  • vitamins B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, E, P;
  • amino acids:
    • arginine;
    • alanine;
    • valine;
    • glutamic acid;
    • histamine;
    • histidine;
    • isoleucine;
    • lecithin;
    • leucine;
    • lysine;
    • methionine;
    • proline;
    • series;
    • tryptophan;
    • threonine;
    • tyrosine;
    • phenylalanine;
  • phytosterols;
  • carotenoids;
  • vitamin D;
  • bile acids;
  • various macro- and microelements:
    • potassium;
    • iron;
    • phosphorus;
    • calcium;
    • magnesium;
    • copper, etc.

A variety of amaranth - common amaranth - is one of the most common weeds in the world.

Healing properties of the product

It is believed that the most valuable derivatives of the amaranth plant saturate the body with oxygen, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on all body systems as a whole. Consider the main components of the oil and their action in more detail:

  1. Polyunsaturated fatty acids help improve lipid metabolism, that is, the body's absorption of the fats it needs. They remove harmful substances from the digestive organs: toxins and toxins. In addition, linoleic acid, richly present in amaranth oil (about 50%), has an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates the immune system. By acting on the body in a complex way, fatty acids help to establish the work of the cardiovascular, nervous, reproductive and hormonal systems as a whole.
  2. Squalene, known as the strongest natural antioxidant, has a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic effect on the entire body. In addition, by saturating cells with oxygen, it helps a person in the fight against viruses and various infections (fungal, bacterial, etc.) and has a strong healing effect. Squalene prevents premature aging of the skin and is indicated to care for its elasticity and maintain the required level of hydration.
  3. Vitamin E, contained in amaranth oil in its rare, most active form, together with squalene, fights inflammation. In addition, it improves the functioning of the heart, preventing the formation of blood clots and strengthening the walls of blood vessels, and stabilizes blood pressure. Vitamin E is also known for its beneficial effect on the human endocrine system. Its presence in the body is especially important during pregnancy and lactation to maintain muscle mass and body tone as a whole.
  4. Phospholipids have a beneficial effect on metabolism and protect the digestive system from failure. They also regulate human blood sugar levels.
  5. Carotenoids, when released into the body, take the form of vitamin A. It supports the common line of action of squalene and vitamin E in the fight against inflammation and is necessary for the maintenance of the human reproductive system. Helping the functioning of the sebaceous glands, it normalizes their secretion. Vitamin A is also responsible for clear vision, and by stimulating the production of collagen and keratin, it has a positive effect on the beauty of hair and nails.
  6. Phytosterols help the body reduce low-density lipoproteins, known as "bad" cholesterol. Sterols are shown to people with great physical activity (it is not for nothing that athletes add them to their diet). The action of phytosterols is also aimed at fighting inflammation and infections, maintaining a high-quality synthesis of vitamin D and bile acids.

Benefits of amaranth oil for human health

The impressive list of ingredients of the product defines a wide range of its action in the fight against ailments, as well as for their prevention. Useful properties of amaranth oil:

  • antioxidant (saturation of the body with oxygen and the fight against inflammation);
  • anti-carcinogenic (resists the development of cancer cells);
  • antiviral;
  • bactericidal;
  • maintaining immunity (puts a protective barrier for an organism susceptible to irritations);
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • healing wounds and ulcers.

Table: beneficial effect of the product in various diseases

Group of diseases Therapeutic effect of amaranth oil
Diseases of the heart and blood vessels The oil counteracts inflammation of the blood vessels. By lowering the amount of cholesterol in the blood, it prevents the formation of blood clots and plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract Valuable elements of the oil protect the liver from the harmful effects of toxins, help with the healing of gastrointestinal ulcers. The oil cleanses the digestive organs of all kinds of impurities.
Gynecological and urological diseases Vitamins and fatty acids of amaranth oil improve the reproductive function of the body. The oil stabilizes the endocrine system of men and women and is recommended for use during the period of “jumps” of hormones.
Dermatological diseases A wide range of elements instantly relieves irritation and inflammation of the skin. Taking the oil internally and externally promotes the restoration of damaged skin cells.
Diseases nervous system Lecithin improves the work of nerve impulses in the brain and promotes the production of serotonin. The oil helps to function the brain as a whole, acting beneficially on memory, reaction and thinking.
Oncological diseases The main effect of the use of oil is antioxidant. So, the oil protects the body from the effects of free radicals that stimulate the growth of cancer cells. The product is indicated for patients with oncology during the period of active treatment.
Excess weight The combination of phospholipids and phytosterols improves fat metabolism, and amino acids help in the regulation of human blood sugar.
Lack of hemoglobin (anemia) Hemoglobin deficiency in the body can be replenished by using amaranth oil. It contains substances necessary for the production of hemoglobin: metals and amino acids.
Diseases of bones, spine and joints All elements for the full formation of bones and joints are present in the composition of the oil (phosphorus, calcium, amino acids). And vitamin E and phosphorus tone the muscles and strengthen the body.

Amaranth oil helps in the fight against excess weight

About the dangers of "liquid gold" and possible contraindications

Vegetable oils in general do not have a dangerous effect. But due to the peculiarities of the composition of amaranth seeds, the use of their derivatives is not shown to everyone: the biological activity of substances can cause an undesirable effect. The risk group includes:

  • suffering from chronic diseases of the pancreas;
  • patients with high cholesterol in the vessels;
  • patients with cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
  • suffering from chronic pancreatitis (any vegetable oil on the menu is contraindicated for them);
  • patients with duodenal ulcer;
  • having hypersensitivity to gluten;
  • prone to frequent indigestion, diarrhea, diarrhea (due to the possible laxative effect of the oil).

The calorie content of the oil is high and amounts to 899 kcal, therefore, if a person follows a special menu, a consultation with a nutritionist is necessary.

The product is recommended to be carefully included in the children's diet in order to avoid possible individual intolerance and allergies. Due to the rapid filling of the body with oxygen, some people may experience dizziness. In order to protect yourself and loved ones from the undesirable effects of amaranth oil, you need to consult with your doctor.

Wide range of beneficial weed uses

Due to the large number of valuable properties, the use of amaranth oil is popular at home. It is necessary to distinguish between types of oils according to their scope:

  • only externally (rubbing, compresses, massages);
  • only inside;
  • universal oil.

How to choose quality oil

In order to choose a high quality product, it is important to remember a few subtleties:

  • place of purchase. Natural amaranth oil can be purchased at pharmacies, at thematic exhibitions, in stores specializing in the sale of organic products and superfoods and on related websites;
  • oil composition. You should study the label of the bottle. The oil is 100% pure if it is obtained by cold pressing and does not contain the organic solvent hexane;
  • best before date. To preserve the beneficial properties, an open bottle of vegetable oil is not used for a long time. The shelf life of the amaranth product should not exceed 7 months;
  • the color of the bottle and oil. High-quality amaranth oil has a dark shade. It must be stored in an airtight container, otherwise there is a risk of oxidation. The recommended volume of a bottle - no more than 100 ml.

The acquisition of high-quality oil is the key to the success of medical procedures. It is important to be able to save it correctly: the bottle should be in a dark place. The storage temperature must not exceed 25 °C. After opening the bottle, you must put it in the refrigerator and use it for no more than 30 days.

Amaranth oil should be stored in a tightly closed dark glass bottle.

Production of amaranth oil at home

There is an alternative way to purchase magic oil - its independent production. For its manufacture, special devices are not needed - the conditions of home cooking are enough. The main thing is to follow the instructions step by step:

  1. Rinse 200 grams of mature amaranth seeds.
  2. Dry them by laying them out in a thin layer on a paper towel.
  3. Dry the seeds in the oven, spreading them delicately on a baking sheet previously covered with baking paper. The temperature for drying should be low - about 100°C.
  4. Grind the dried seeds in a mortar.
  5. Mix them thoroughly with 0.5 l of olive oil.
  6. Transfer the mixture to a glass jar and place in a place out of direct sunlight.
  7. Leave to infuse for one month.
  8. Strain the mixture.

Of course, the production presses that are used to cold-press amaranth seeds are more powerful than a kitchen mortar and allow you to squeeze the maximum of useful substances out of the seed. Therefore, homemade amaranth oil is more suitable for cosmetic and aesthetic purposes (and the combination with olive oil will add to its effectiveness). And for the treatment of internal organs, it is recommended to purchase a finished product of factory production.

Amaranth seeds are used to make homemade butter

How to use amaranth for weight loss

A special diet is recommended for weight loss. Only arrowroot oil is used as a fat for cooking products, while lipids of other origin (both vegetable and animal) should be avoided. Amaranth vegetable oil is ideal for home menus. It can be included in the diet in several ways at once:

  1. Adding oil to cereals will not affect their taste and will bring many benefits. It is especially useful to use it with the following cereals:
    • buckwheat;
    • oat;
    • millet;
    • rice.
  2. Use instead of dressing for vegetable salads is optimal. These ingredients pair perfectly with oil:
    • beet;
    • cabbage;
    • carrot;
    • legumes;
    • peas;
    • beans.
  3. You can directly pour butter on gray cereal bread. At the same time, it is important not to mix the use of "healing" food with another, satiating one.
  4. Contrary to the common misconception that vegetable oils should not be heated, amaranth oil is ideal for frying due to a number of its advantages:
    • does not bitter, unlike most oils of vegetable origin;
    • does not become carcinogenic when heated. This classic hazard for oils of other origins is avoided by the so-called high smoke point of the oil;
    • when the oil temperature rises, its vitamins and microelements are preserved. It can be added to baking dough (if the diet includes such dishes).

Oil treatment of diseases of the digestive system

  1. It is necessary to start using oil with 1 tsp. three times a day half an hour before meals.
  2. Every day, increase the dose by 0.5 tsp. for every appointment.
  3. The maximum dose is 2-3 tbsp. l. up to 3 times a day.
  4. The minimum course of admission is 1 liter, the maximum - 2-3 liters. That is, you can buy a one-liter bottle of oil and use it completely according to the scheme until it runs out.
  5. The treatment cycle can be restarted. It is allowed to conduct 2-3 courses per year if necessary.

When taking oil inside, it is necessary to strictly follow the dosage scheme.

Before drinking pure oil inside, it is important to shake the bottle. After half an hour, you can start eating. At the same time, it is necessary to refrain from eating cold and frozen foods: ice cream, dairy and other foods straight from the refrigerator. It's better if the food is room temperature or heated.

Using a Herbal Product to Treat Burns

Amaranth oil has shown its benefits in the fight against burn wounds of various origins. The fact is that most of the other remedies help relieve discomfort, but do not restore the skin. Thanks to squalene, which is part of amaranth oil, the skin is quickly regenerated, and there is no scar left at the site of the burn.

For sunburns and mild skin damage, it is recommended to apply a small amount of amaranth oil on clean skin and leave to act for half an hour. The procedure should be repeated as often as possible.

  1. Take 1 tsp. oils twice a day half an hour before meals on the first day of therapy.
  2. Then increase the dose gradually to 2 tbsp. l. twice a day.
  3. Stop taking the oil internally when you see the effect on the skin.

Simultaneously with ingestion, oil applications should be applied to the skin or a compress should be used. The second option is less preferable due to the high consumption of valuable oil (gauze or cotton compress itself “drinks” a large amount of a valuable substance). It is believed that 2-3 days of complex therapy is enough to combat the effects of burns.

The use of oil for children

Amaranth contains a rich set of amino acids. One of them, lysine, has a serious beneficial effect on the qualitative growth of cells in the human body. Lysine is important for stimulating the brain and strengthening nerve connections. Therefore, it is believed that amaranth oil is very useful for children, especially for babies with a delay in physical development.

The oil is indicated for children to stimulate physical development.

For children, it is recommended to use oil as part of other products (salad dressing, cereals) or to take pure oil inside. It is important to correctly calculate the amount of oil used. It is recommended to take it twice a day at the rate of four drops for every full year of life of a small patient. The course of admission is 4 weeks.

In addition, massages using magic oil are effective. Apply a small amount to warmed hands and rub the baby's skin in circular motions.

Since amaranth is a plant that traditionally grew far from our latitudes, its individual intolerance is possible. Before using amaranth oil to treat a child, apply a little on his wrist and watch for an allergic reaction.

Use of amaranth during pregnancy

Future mothers are in a delicate position, trying to ensure the flow of all the substances necessary for the development of the child, avoiding oversaturation. Among the many oils used for these purposes, it is amaranth that stands out. It is used to massage the skin, especially in areas prone to stretching (lower abdomen, thighs, buttocks). It can be used neat or mixed with your regular moisturizer.

During pregnancy, especially in the I and II trimesters, the woman's body needs folic acid. Gynecologists often prescribe appropriate oral tablets. Amaranth oil is a plant source of folic acid and is indicated for use by expectant mothers.

During pregnancy, you can use amaranth oil externally as a means to prevent stretch marks.

In addition, being a strong natural support for maintaining immunity, it is suitable for ingestion by pregnant women in normal dosages for adults. Women can improve their health from the inside without taking drugs. It is believed that amaranth oil strengthens bones, since it contains vitamin D and calcium.

Amaranth oil has a tangible effect when restoring the body after pregnancy:

  • in case of varicose veins occurring during pregnancy and the appearance of so-called stars on the legs, oil should be rubbed into problem areas daily before going to bed for 7 days;
  • adding a few drops of oil to a hair mask will help in the fight against postpartum hair loss;
  • with postpartum depression, it is recommended to take oil inside to strengthen nerve connections;
  • to regulate the general hormonal background in all special periods for women (premenstrual, pregnancy, lactation, menopause), it is recommended to take oil inside.

Use of the product for cosmetic purposes

The rich composition of amaranth, of course, could not but interest cosmetologists. It is widely used to maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. Plant oil helps:

  • for the regeneration of skin cells and the prevention of its premature aging (used for mature skin after 40 years);
  • as an SOS agent to combat dehydration, roughness and drying of the skin;
  • with acne, because it has a bactericidal effect;
  • with herpes on the lips.

The oil has a strong nutritional and bactericidal effect and is widely used in cosmetology.

Amaranth oil in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. added to ready-made or homemade face masks. You can also mix one to two drops of oil into your day and night cream (directly into the palm of your hand or onto your fingers before applying). The combination with other vegetable oils will also benefit the skin. The main thing is to choose funds that are designed to solve the same problems as amaranth. For example, a combination of burdock and amaranth oils is used to stimulate the head.

In its pure form, it is also possible to use oil: it is applied as a mask to a cleansed face. It is necessary to wash off the product with warm water after 30-40 minutes.

With painful herpes on the face, it is necessary to apply pure amaranth oil to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with a cotton swab. It needs to be repeated every 3-4 hours.

There are several proven recipes for homemade cosmetics based on amaranth oil:

  1. Tonic for problem skin. To narrow pores and prevent acne, use tonic with amaranth oil every morning after washing. Mix the juice of a freshly squeezed orange and the juice of half a lemon, add amaranth oil (1–2 tablespoons). Apply to the T-zone with a cotton ball, wait until absorbed. Repeat the application, but now on the entire face. The tool balances the production of fat on the skin and highlights the face from the inside, leveling its color.
  2. Mask for dry skin. It should be connected 2 tsp. essential oil of amaranth with 40 grams of liquid honey and the yolk of one egg. Apply the resulting mixture on your face. Wash off with warm water after a quarter of an hour. This tool is aimed at intensive moisturizing and nourishing the skin.
  3. Mask for sensitive skin. For 80 g of homemade cottage cheese, there are 1.5–2 tsp. amaranth oil. The resulting mixture must be applied to the face and washed off after 15 minutes with warm water. The mask helps with skin irritations.
  4. Clay mask against pigmentation. For a perfect face tone, a cosmetic clay mask is suitable. Mix 1-1.5 tbsp. l. essential oil of amaranth with an incomplete teaspoon of cosmetic clay. Apply to a pre-steamed face for a quarter of an hour. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.
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