Cytomegalovirus igm positive what does it mean. Positive cytomegalovirus igg: what does it mean. Does CMV pose a threat to expectant mothers

Antibodies to cytomegalovirus IgG - the formulation of the results of the analysis for CMV, signaling that the body has already overcome the infection and even managed to develop stable immunity.

To make it clearer, such a decoding for patients who do not suffer from immunodeficiency is the most favorable of all possible.

The question of the IgG norm is quite common today. It worries not only women who are planning a pregnancy, but also those who are carrying a child and have already given birth. Elevated in recent times attention to this virus due to its spread, as well as pernicious influence on the course of pregnancy, the formation of the fetus during infection of the pregnant woman during childbearing. Moreover, the virus is often associated with the occurrence in children dangerous diseases, for example, SARS, developmental delays, and visual and auditory impairments.

Detection of the IgG level is considered to be the most common and informative method for detecting cytomegalovirus. It is also worth mentioning that class G antibodies to cytomegalovirus, or rather their concentration, is expressed in relative units, often varying depending on the location of the laboratory in which the serological test was performed, as well as on the equipment used.

In this regard, such a term as "the norm of IgG to CMV in the blood" does not exist. The norm is their presence. Carriers of CMV - about 80% of the population. Antibodies to cytomegalovirus IgG - evidence defensive reaction immunity. At the same time, the detection of antibodies to cytomegalovirus IgG is diagnostic value. The presence of antibodies is not evidence of any disease. This is just a sign that the body has immunity to CMV.

A positive result of the analysis for the presence of antibodies to cytomegalovirus IgG signals the presence of cytomegalovirus-specific immunoglobulins in the blood cells. Antibodies are large protein molecules. Immunoglobulins are able to quickly eliminate the virus and destroy its particles. Against anyone pathogen immunity produces specific immunoglobulins.

Detection of IgG in blood cells - the most reliable helpers and defenders human body from MCV, signals that these antibodies reliably protect the body from reactivation infectious process. This is the best result.

The concentration of antibodies to CMV is expressed in titers. Antibodies can be determined by PCR and ELISA examinations. During the ELISA, you can get detailed information, which displays data about the infection itself.

If the value of avidity of antibodies to CMV does not exceed 50%, this indicates the formation of Ig and the short presence of the virus in the body. The avidity value of 50-60% is ambiguous. To correctly interpret the result, the study is repeated after two weeks. An avidity value greater than 60% indicates a rather prolonged presence of infection.

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There are several classes of Ig:

  • IgG - antibodies that clone after the appearance and support the body constantly.
  • IgM are fast Ig. They are large in size and are produced to respond quickly to penetration. pathogenic microflora. But they, unlike IgG, do not form immunological memory. Together with their death, after about six months, the protection against CMV also disappears.

How to donate blood for CMV and IgG antibody norms in healthy people and people with HIV

It is possible to detect the presence of antibodies only through a blood test for CMV (serological methods).

The essence of the methods is to examine the blood and search for antibodies in it.

The most common and informative method- IFA.

When analyzing blood for CMV, a portion of the test material is processed by an already known enzyme.

Variants of IgG analyzes in blood serum and their interpretation

In addition to simply positive cytomegalovirus IgG, there may be other data in the results of a blood test for CMV.

A qualified specialist can decrypt it:

  1. Anti-CMV IgM+, Anti-CMV IgG- signals the presence of specific antibodies and that the course of the disease is acute. Perhaps the infection occurred relatively recently.
  2. Anti-CMV IgM-, Anti-CMV IgG+ indicates an inactive form of pathology. Infection occurred a long time ago, the body has already developed a stable immunity.
  3. Anti-CMV IgM-, Anti-CMV IgG- indicates the absence of immunity to CMV. The causative agent has never penetrated before.
  4. Anti-CMV IgM+, Anti-CMV IgG+ indicates the reactivation of the virus, exacerbation of the infectious process.
  5. An avidity value not exceeding 50% indicates a primary infection.
  6. An avidity value of more than 60% indicates immunity to the virus, carriage, latent form infections.
  7. Avidity 50-60 indicates the ambiguity of the result. That is why the blood for CMV is examined again.
  8. An avidity value of 0 indicates excellent health.

Norm of antibodies to CMV

As previously mentioned, the amount of antibodies to CMV is expressed in titers. There is no norm, as such, for the titer value, since the concentration of antibodies may vary. The variation in their concentration is due to the state of the immune system, metabolism, lifestyle, and the presence of ailments with a chronic course. To date, many laboratory methods for DNA testing have been developed that contribute to the detection of antibodies to CMV.

If you have strong the immune system and the CMV test is positive - relax. Completely healthy people, a positive result is in principle normal phenomenon. In whatever form the disease proceeds, with a strong immune system, it will be asymptomatic. The maximum that can occur is sore throat, weakness and a slight increase in temperature.

Norms of antibodies in patients with HIV

The most dangerous virus is for people suffering from immunodeficiency. In people with HIV, IgG+ may be indicative of damage to various organs and the development serious complications infections: jaundice, hepatitis, pneumonia, gastrointestinal pathologies (inflammation, exacerbations of ulcers, enteritis), encephalitis, retinitis. It is worth recalling that HIV infection can occur through any biological fluid: vaginal discharge, blood, urine, saliva. Often, infection occurs through sexual contact. It is also possible to become infected at the time of a blood transfusion.

Antibodies to cytomegalovirus IgG positive during pregnancy and in children

Antibodies to cytomegalovirus IgG positive in women carrying a fetus, found at the very beginning, signal that the fetus is not at risk of infection. In addition, the baby will be completely protected for some period.

But a similar result in the third trimester requires evaluation in combination with other antibodies. So, for example, antibodies to cytomegalovirus IgG positive and IgM + signal a running primary infection. The risk of infection of the fetus, as well as the appearance of violations in the formation of organs and systems in this case, is high. A positive result of antibodies to CMV IgG and IgM is negative, which indicates that CMV is overkill and the body has already developed immunity.

The child is not at risk for the development of the disease. You should know what to conduct research (PCR - polymerase chain reaction and ELISA - enzyme immunoassay) is necessary in the first weeks of gestation. Such diagnostics will be of high quality, you can find out the exact avidity index and infection markers. In addition, the doctor will have the opportunity to select treatment tactics and monitor the dynamics.

What about positive result antibodies to cytomegalovirus IgG in children, it indicates a strong persistent immunity to this virus. It is likely that some minor illness was the primary CMV infections. It is worth fearing only when the baby is in therapy associated with suppression defensive forces organism. In this case, it is possible to reactivate the infection with the development serious consequences. Doctors who prepare the baby for serious therapy take this into account.

Positive igG antibodies indicate a previous contact of the organism with cytomegalovirus - CMV. In the primary response, immunoglobulins M are produced. Activation of their synthesis is triggered after tissue damage by a pathogenic pathogen.

Cytomegalovirus infection in a woman means medium and severe stage nosology. Light degree cytomegaly is compensatory, does not lead to external pathological changes.

The danger is cytomegalovirus during pregnancy. If doctors find igM antibodies in a woman, this is possible problems for the fetus. Timely prevention prevents infection. In immunodeficiency, cytomegalovirus tissue damage is accompanied by clinical symptoms. A thorough diagnosis of the state of health will indicate the tactics of eradication of the pathogen. Negative test on igG or igM also requires setting the severity of the disease.

What does the detection of CMV igG antibodies mean?

Cytomegalovirus appears in the blood during primary or secondary infection. With the help of igM it is possible to identify acute inflammation, assign adequate treatment. Synthesis of immunoglobulins - marker of infection, staging pathological process.

If there is cytomegalovirus in the body, the igG test is positive, but in the absence of the pathogen, the result of the study is non-negative.

5 classes of immunoglobulins have been studied: A, D, E, M, G. Each is responsible for certain functions of the immune system. Some antibodies fight viruses, others destroy bacteria, and others activate inflammatory, antihistamine, detoxification reactions.

For the diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infection, the concentration of 2 classes of antibodies is detected - igG, igM. Differences between the content of various blood immunoglobulins are revealed, but reliable data are obtained after determining the concentration of immunoglobulins G.

Scientific studies have shown that when cytomegalovirus enters the body, get rid of it existing methods impossible. Pathogen long time persists intracellularly, multiplies by replication of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

The severity of the pathological process is determined by the concentration of the virus, the state of immunity. A positive igG indicates acute infection at elevated level blood antibodies.

Types of antibodies in cytomegalovirus

When pathology is found:

  • Immunoglobulins M are large-sized fast proteins for rapid response to viral infections. They do not form a “memory”, they are destroyed after 5 months.
  • Immunoglobulins G are created during life. Proteins have small size. Their production is activated by igM after suppression of the viral infection.

Polymerase chain reaction and enzyme immunoassay help to detect specific antibodies. The detection of immunoglobulins allows you to determine the stage of the course of the disease, the degree of chronicity of the infection.

You donated blood for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and found out that cytomegalovirus IgG antibodies were found in your bioliquid. Is it good or bad? What does this mean and what actions should be taken now? Let's understand the terminology.

What are IgG antibodies

Antibodies of the IgG class are a type of serum immunoglobulins involved in the body's immune response to a pathogen in infectious diseases. The Latin letters ig are an abbreviated version of the word "immunoglobulin", these are protective proteins that the body produces to resist the virus.

The body responds to the attack of infection by immune restructuring, forming specific antibodies of the IgM and IgG classes.

  • Rapid (primary) IgM antibodies are formed in large quantities immediately after infection and “pounce” on the virus in order to overcome and weaken it.
  • Slow (secondary) IgG antibodies gradually accumulate in the body to protect it from subsequent invasions of the infectious agent and maintain immunity.

If the ELISA test shows a positive cytomegalovirus IgG, then this virus is present in the body, and you have immunity to it. In other words, the body keeps the dormant infectious agent under control.

What is cytomegalovirus

In the middle of the 20th century, scientists discovered a virus that causes inflammatory swelling of cells, which is why the latter are significantly larger than the surrounding ones. healthy cells. Scientists called them "cytomegals", which means "giant cells". The disease was called "cytomegaly", and the infectious agent responsible for it acquired the name known to us - cytomegalovirus (CMV, in the Latin transcription CMV).

From the point of view of virology, CMV is almost no different from its relatives, the herpes viruses. It has the shape of a sphere, inside which DNA is stored. Entering the nucleus of a living cell, the macromolecule mixes with human DNA and begins to reproduce new viruses, using the reserves of its victim.

Once in the body, CMV remains in it forever. The periods of his "hibernation" are violated when a person's immunity is weakened.

Cytomegalovirus can spread throughout the body and infect several organs at once.

Interesting! CMV affects not only humans, but also animals. Each species is unique, so a person can only become infected with cytomegalovirus from a person.

"Gate" for the virus

Infection occurs through semen, saliva, mucus of the cervical canal, through blood, breast milk.

The virus replicates itself at the point of entry: on the epithelium respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract or genital tract. It also replicates in local lymph nodes. Then it penetrates into the blood and spreads with it to the organs, in which cells are now formed, 3-4 times larger than ordinary cells. They have nuclear inclusions inside. Under the microscope, the infected cells resemble the eyes of an owl. They actively develop inflammation.

The body immediately forms an immune response that binds the infection, but does not completely destroy it. If the virus has won, signs of the disease appear one and a half to two months after infection.

To whom and why is an analysis for antibodies to CMV prescribed?

Determining how the body is protected from the attack of cytomegalovirus is necessary under the following circumstances:

  • planning and preparation for pregnancy;
  • signs of intrauterine infection of the child;
  • complications during gestation;
  • intentional medical suppression of immunity in certain diseases;
  • an increase in body temperature for no apparent reason.

There may be other indications for immunoglobulin tests.

Ways to detect the virus

Recognize cytomegalovirus by laboratory testing biological fluids organism: blood, saliva, urine, separated genital tract.
  • A cytological study of the structure of the cell determines the virus.
  • The virological method allows you to assess how aggressive the agent is.
  • The molecular genetic method makes it possible to recognize the DNA of the infection.
  • The serological method, including ELISA, detects antibodies in the blood serum that neutralize the virus.

How can I interpret the results of the ELISA test?

In an average patient, the antibody test data will be as follows: IgG - positive, IgM - negative. But there are other configurations.
Positive Negative Deciphering the analysis
IgM ? The infection happened recently, the disease is in full swing.
? The body is infected, but the virus is not active.
? There is a virus, and right now it is being activated.
? There is no virus in the body and there is no immunity to it either.

It seems that a negative result in both cases is the best, but it turns out that not for everyone.

Attention! It is believed that the presence of cytomegalovirus in the modern human body is the norm; in an inactive form, it is found in more than 97% of the world's population.

At-risk groups

For some people, cytomegalovirus is very dangerous. It:
  • citizens with acquired or congenital immunodeficiency;
  • patients who have survived organ transplants and are being treated for cancer: they artificially suppress the body's immune responses to eliminate complications;
  • pregnant women: primary infection with CMV can cause miscarriage;
  • babies infected in the womb or at the time of passage through the birth canal.

These most vulnerable groups negative value IgM and IgG to cytomegalovirus in the body from infection there is no protection. Consequently, it, without encountering opposition, can cause serious illnesses.

What diseases can provoke cytomegalovirus

In immunocompromised individuals, CMV causes an inflammatory response in internal organs:

  • in the lungs;
  • in the liver;
  • in the pancreas;
  • in the kidneys;
  • in the spleen;
  • in the tissues of the CNS.

According to WHO, diseases caused by cytomegalovirus are the second leading cause of death.

Does CMV pose a threat to expectant mothers?

If before pregnancy a woman survived a meeting with cytomegalovirus, then nothing threatens either her or her baby: the immune system blocks the infection and protects the fetus. This is the norm. AT exceptional cases the child becomes infected with CMV through the placenta and is born with immunity to cytomegalovirus.

The situation becomes threatening if the expectant mother becomes infected with the virus for the first time. In her analysis, antibodies to cytomegalovirus IgG will show a negative result, since the body has not had time to acquire immunity against it.
Primary infection of a pregnant woman was recorded on average in 45% of cases.

If this happened at the time of conception or in the first trimester of pregnancy, the risk of stillbirth, spontaneous abortion, or fetal abnormalities is likely.

On the later dates gestation CMV infection entails the development of the baby congenital infection with typical symptoms:

  • jaundice with fever;
  • pneumonia;
  • gastritis;
  • leukopenia;
  • pinpoint hemorrhages on the baby's body;
  • enlarged liver and spleen;
  • retinitis (inflammation of the retina).
  • malformations: blindness, deafness, dropsy, microcephaly, epilepsy, paralysis.

According to statistics, only 5% of newborns are born with symptoms of the disease and serious disorders.

If a baby becomes infected with CMV while feeding the milk of an infected mother, the disease can proceed without visible signs or manifest lingering runny nose, swollen lymph nodes, fever, pneumonia.

Aggravation cytomegalovirus disease a woman preparing to become a mother also does not bode well for the emerging fetus. The baby is also sick, and his body still cannot fully defend itself, and therefore the development of mental and physical defects is quite possible.

Attention! If a woman is infected with cytomegalovirus during pregnancy, this does NOT mean that she will definitely infect the child. She needs to see a specialist in time and undergo immunotherapy.

Why can herpes disease worsen during the months of pregnancy?

During the bearing of the fetus, the mother's body experiences certain changes, including weakening of the immune system. This is the norm, because it prevents the rejection of the embryo, which female body perceives as a foreign body. This is why an inactive virus can suddenly manifest itself. Recurrent infections during pregnancy are 98% safe.

If antibodies to IgG in the test of a pregnant woman showed up as negative for cytomegalovirus, the doctor prescribes an individual emergency antiviral treatment for her.

So, the result of the analysis of a pregnant woman, in which cytomegalovirus IgG antibodies were detected, and IgM class immunoglobulins were not detected, indicates the most favorable for future mother and her baby situation. But what about the ELISA test of a newborn?

Tests for IgG antibodies in infants

Here reliable information give antibodies of the IgG class, rather than the titer of antibodies of the IgM class.

Positive IgG in infants is a sign of intrauterine infection. To confirm the hypothesis, an analysis is taken from an infant twice a month. An IgG titer exceeded by 4 times indicates neonatal (occurring in the first weeks of a newborn's life) CMV infection.

In this case, careful monitoring of the condition of the newborn is shown to prevent possible complications.

Virus detected. Whether it is necessary to be treated?

Strong immunity resists the virus that has entered the body for life and restrains its action. Weakening of the body requires medical supervision and therapy. It will not be possible to completely expel the virus, but it can be deactivated.

In the presence of generalized forms of infection (definition of a virus that has engulfed several organs at once), patients are prescribed drug therapy. It is usually carried out in stationary conditions. Drugs against the virus: ganciclovir, foxarnet, valganciclovir, cytotec, etc.

Therapy of infection, when antibodies to cytomegalovirus turned out to be secondary (IgG), is not only not required, but even contraindicated for a woman carrying a child, for two reasons:

  1. Antiviral drugs are toxic and cause a lot of complications, and means to maintain protective functions organisms contain interferon, which is undesirable during pregnancy.
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Whether a person is a carrier of cytomegalovirus can only be said with certainty based on the results of laboratory tests.

A disease, if we can talk like that about a condition when a person is practically healthy and at the same time quite infected dangerous virus, most often it is asymptomatic, without causing a person any inconvenience.

Unfortunately, the virus does not always behave correctly - for those who, for some reason, have problems with immune protection, he is preparing additional trouble, already "on his own behalf."

If a person is preparing for a major operation or a woman is expecting a baby, such a “time bomb” can be very dangerous for them.

We wrote about what a cytomegalovirus infection or just a cytomegalovirus is in this. You can learn about the symptoms and treatments for cytomegalovirus.

Laboratory studies provide an answer not only to the question of the presence of the virus in the body, but also about its activity. This helps the doctor to objectively assess the situation, predict it. possible development and, if necessary, start treatment for CMVI.

That's who tests for the presence of cytomegalovirus must be done:

  • pregnant women;
  • HIV-infected;
  • people who have undergone transplant operations;
  • cancer patients.

All representatives of these categories have weakened immunity. If the virus is activated, it will worsen the condition of patients, and in a pregnant woman, it will endanger not only her own health, but also the future of the baby.

Diagnosis of cytomegalovirus

The main thing in the diagnosis of CMVI is laboratory research: a blood test is done, the virus is looked for in the urine, in a smear, in a scraping. The referral for tests is usually given by a urologist and a gynecologist.

Patients are warned: a man who is going to pass urine should not go to the toilet for several hours before; a woman can donate blood for analysis on any days except "critical".

Diagnosis of cytomegalovirus is carried out using a number of methods, including immunological, virological and others.


This method is called ELISA which means − linked immunosorbent assay. Samples taken for research are examined under a microscope. With its help, traces of cytomegalovirus (if any) are detected visually.

For exact specifications virus in enzyme immunoassay, such an indicator as the "positivity coefficient" is used.

The method is considered sufficiently effective to determine which immunoglobulin is detected in the samples and how active it is.

Molecular biological

The purpose of studying the samples is to find the causative agent of the virus. As part of the study, the so-called PCR diagnostics is carried out (the term stands for "polymerase chain reaction").

The DNA contained inside the virus is studied in the samples taken for analysis. In this way, the researcher receives PCR of saliva, blood, urine, sputum.

Experts consider molecular biological methods to be as accurate as possible. Their result can be obtained a few days after sampling for analysis, even if the virus is not active at that moment.

The disadvantage of PCR is the inability to determine whether the infection is primary or if it is a relapse in the acute stage.

By the way, PCR diagnostics of cancer patients (or rather, cancer DNA analysis) revealed links with the Epstein-Barr virus (human herpes virus type 4). We wrote about what it is and how the Epstein-Barr virus is transmitted in the article.

Laboratory control over the dynamics of ongoing processes will help physicians to select the most effective treatment and for this dangerous disease.


This method is good if the result of the analysis needs to be obtained very quickly. He does not give explanations about any nuances, but only states: yes, there is a virus, or not, the body is not infected.

There are situations when even such information is enough for the doctor to help the patient. As a research material take saliva and urine.

Examine samples under a microscope in order to detect "giant cells" characteristic of CMVI.


Detecting a virus using this technique is a rather lengthy process. The biomaterial taken for analysis is placed in special environment in which microorganisms develop more actively than in vivo, after which they are identified - whether they are the desired virus or not.

Positive igg antibodies detected - what does it mean

Antibodies that may or may not be detected during laboratory research, - this is immunoglobulins, special kind proteins. They are commonly referred to with Latin letters Ig.

The abbreviation igg refers to antibodies that are regularly renewed (cloned) in the body, starting from the moment they appear (they are also called anti cmv ​​igg).

This provides protection against a particular virus throughout human life, provided that it is not weakened as a result of any external or internal circumstances.

A positive igg means that the person is a carrier of cytomegalovirus and he himself has normal immunity to this disease, a negative result indicates that there is no CMVI in the patient's body.

Varieties of immunoglobulins (IgA, IgM, IgG, IgD, IgE)

Immunoglobulins are represented by five classes. With CMVI, class g and class m are especially important. There are also classes a, e, d. They are distinguished by the structure, mass, method of binding to antigens.

By their presence in the human body, the researcher can draw conclusions about the stage of development of the disease, what are its dynamics and possible risks. How fuller picture, the easier it is to choose correct option treatment.

After infection of the body (after 1-2 weeks), protection against the virus begins to form. IgM appear first, they perform their function for 8-20 weeks.

Once again, they are able to appear during reactivation, after the virus has already for a long time was in the body. True, in this case they are quantitatively much less than in the case of primary infection.

IgG follow IgM, that is, they appear only 1 month after the infection with the virus has occurred, but they remain in the body all his life and help the human immune system to quickly cope with the virus as soon as it begins to “raise its head”.

Having found one or another class of immunoglobulin in the studied samples, the specialist can draw conclusions about whether the infection is primary, how long the infection has entered the body, and whether the protection built against it is reliable.

Laboratory examination reveals in the studied samples the presence of such a process as "antigen - antibody". Its essence is that, in contrast to the virus (specialists call it "antigen") protection is formed in the form of immunoglobulin ("antibody").

A certain bundle is formed in which ig tries to defeat the virus, deprive it of its activity.

In the course of research, it is important to establish how strong this link is, what, as experts say, is the "avidity index" (avidity in Latin means "assignment").

It helps answer important questions:

  • When did the infection occur?
  • whether the concentration of the virus in the body is high.

The researcher detects both high avid and low avid antibodies. Zero avidity index means that the body is not infected with CMVI.

If it is below 50 percent This means that the primary infection with the virus has occurred.

50 to 60 percent rate indicates the uncertainty of the result, which means that after 3-4 weeks the study needs to be repeated.

The number 60 indicates that the disease is chronic, but the body copes with it thanks to the developed immunity.

Indicators of the norm in the blood

How to identify an infection and understand how dangerous it is for the body? With the help of analyses. The virus can be detected in the urine, saliva, and blood of the patient.

The more data a doctor has, the easier it is for him to select the appropriate therapy.

General values

In a blood test importance has such an indicator as "titles"(this is the highest serum dilution at which positive reaction for the presence of immunoglobulin).

If the indicator is less than 0.5 lgM, then the patient's body is not infected with cytomegalovirus. Elevated titers (from 0.5 lgM or more) confirm the presence of the virus in the patient's blood.

In children

Deciphering a blood test for antibodies in each age category gives its results. In children, the IgM norm is 0.7 - 1.5 (for comparison: in men - from 0.5 to 2.5, in women - from 0.7 to 2.9).

The norm of IgG in young patients is from 7.0 to 13.0 (for comparison: in adults - from 7.0 to 16.0).

There are methods that, based on the results of a blood test, help to conclude that the child:

  • absolutely healthy, not infected;
  • received the virus while in the womb;
  • the virus is activated, the risk to the health of the baby is high;
  • the body is infected, the risk to health is minimal.

Laboratory blood tests for expectant mothers are required(by the way, not only about CMVI).

They help to determine the infection of the woman herself and her fetus. The first 12 weeks are especially important in this regard.

If the results of the tests cause anxiety in the doctor, he selects the safest for the woman, but effective treatment method.

In people with immunodeficiency

Determination of the presence of positive IgG in the analyzes of a patient with immunodeficiency requires the doctor to accept emergency measures otherwise, in addition to the underlying disease, the patient may develop pneumonia, hepatitis, various inflammations digestive and nervous system, eye diseases.

The presence or absence of two classes of Ig (IgM and IgG) in the body helps the specialist to draw a picture of the ongoing processes with great accuracy:

What to do?

Opponents and supporters of the treatment of CMVI, when the infection is in a "preserved" state, have their own arguments and arguments.

However, all experts agree on one thing: there are categories of people for whom treatment should be mandatory. It:

  • patients diagnosed with HIV;
  • patients who have received donor organ transplants;
  • patients receiving chemotherapy sessions.

This list sometimes includes pregnant women, but each case is considered individually.

At the Lab4U online laboratory, we want each of you to be able to take care of your health. To do this, we simply and clearly talk about the indicators of the body.

In the Lab4U online laboratory, serological studies for the detection of pathogen antigens and specific antibodies to them - this is the most exact method diagnostics infectious diseases. "Why do I need to take an antibody test to diagnose infections?". Such a question may arise after the doctor's referral to the laboratory. Let's try to answer it.


What are antibodies? And how to decipher the results of the analysis?

Antibodies are proteins that the immune system produces in response to an infection. AT laboratory diagnostics antibodies serve as a marker of infection. General rule preparing for an antibody test is to donate blood from a vein on an empty stomach (at least four hours must pass after eating). In a modern laboratory, blood serum is examined on an automatic analyzer using appropriate reagents. Sometimes serological testing for antibodies is the only way diagnosis of infectious diseases.

Tests for infections can be qualitative (give an answer if there is an infection in the blood) or quantitative (show the level of antibodies in the blood). The rate of antibodies for each infection is different (for some, they should not be at all). Reference values ​​​​(indicators of the norm) of antibodies can be obtained with the result of the analysis.
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Various classes of antibodies IgG, IgM, IgA

Linked immunosorbent assay determines antibodies of infections related to different classes of Ig (G, A, M). Antibodies to the virus, in the presence of infection, are determined at very early stage, which provides effective diagnostics and disease control. The most common methods for diagnosing infections are tests for antibodies of the IgM class (acute phase of the course of infection) and antibodies of the IgG class (resistant immunity to infection). These antibodies are determined for most infections.

However, one of the most common tests does not differentiate the type of antibodies, since the presence of antibodies to the viruses of these infections automatically suggests chronic course diseases and is a contraindication, for example, for serious surgical interventions. Therefore, it is important to refute or confirm the diagnosis.

A detailed diagnosis of the type and amount of antibodies in a diagnosed disease can be done by testing for each specific infection and type of antibody. Primary infection is detected when diagnostically detected significant level IgM antibodies in a blood sample or a significant increase in the number of IgA or IgG antibodies in paired sera taken at intervals of 1-4 weeks.

Reinfection, or re-infection, is detected by a rapid rise in the level of IgA or IgG antibodies. IgA antibodies have more high concentration in older patients and more accurately diagnose current infection in adults.

past infection in the blood is defined as elevated IgG antibodies without an increase in their concentration in paired samples taken with an interval of 2 weeks. At the same time, there are no antibodies of the IgM and A classes.

IgM antibodies

Their concentration rises shortly after the disease. IgM antibodies are detected as early as 5 days after its onset and reach a peak in the interval from one to four weeks, then decrease to diagnostically insignificant levels within several months even without treatment. However, for complete diagnosis it is not enough to determine only class M antibodies: the absence of this class of antibodies does not mean the absence of the disease. acute form no disease, but may be chronic.

IgM antibodies have great importance in the diagnosis and childhood infections (rubella, whooping cough, chickenpox), easily transmitted by airborne droplets, as it is important to identify the disease as early as possible and isolate the sick person.

IgG antibodies

The main role of IgG antibodies is the long-term protection of the body against most bacteria and viruses - although their production is slower, the response to an antigenic stimulus remains more stable than that of IgM class antibodies.

IgG antibody levels rise more slowly (15-20 days after the onset of the disease) than IgM, but remain elevated longer, so they may show a long-term infection in the absence of IgM antibodies. IgG levels may be low for many years, but with repeated exposure to the same antigen, IgG antibody levels rise rapidly.

For a complete diagnostic picture, it is necessary to determine IgA and IgG antibodies simultaneously. If the IgA result is unclear, confirmation is by IgM determination. In case of a positive result and for accurate diagnosis a second test, taken 8-14 days after the first, should be checked in parallel to determine the rise in IgG concentration. The results of the analysis should be interpreted in conjunction with information obtained in other diagnostic procedures.

IgG antibodies, in particular, are used for diagnosis - one of the causes of ulcers and gastritis.

IgA antibodies

They appear in serum 10-14 days after the onset of the disease, and at first they can even be found in seminal and vaginal fluids. The level of IgA antibodies usually decreases by 2-4 months after infection in the case of successful treatment. With re-infection, the level of IgA antibodies again increases. If the level of IgA does not fall after the treatment, then this is a sign chronic form infections.

Antibody testing in the diagnosis of TORCH infections

The abbreviation TORCH appeared in the 70s of the last century, and consists of capital letters Latin names groups of infections distinctive feature which is that, while relatively safe for children and adults, TORCH infections during pregnancy are extremely dangerous.

Often, infection of a woman with TORCH-complex infections during pregnancy (the presence of only IgM antibodies in the blood) is an indication for its termination.


Sometimes, having found IgG antibodies in the results of the analysis, for example, toxoplasmosis or herpes, patients panic, not looking at the fact that IgM antibodies, which indicate the presence of a current infection, may be completely absent. In this case, the analysis indicates a previous infection, to which immunity has developed.

In any case, it is better to entrust the interpretation of the results of the analysis to the doctor, and with him, if necessary, determine the tactics of treatment. And you can trust us to take tests.

Why is it faster, more convenient and more profitable to take tests in Lab4U?

You don't have to wait long at the register

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The path to the medical center will not take more than 20 minutes

Our network is the second largest in Moscow, and we are also present in 23 Russian cities.

The amount of the check does not shock you

Permanent discount 50% affects most of our analyses.

You do not have to come to the minute or wait in line

The analysis takes place by appointment at a convenient time, for example, from 19 to 20.

You do not have to wait long for results or go to the lab for them

We will email them. email when ready.

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