The child has a low temperature sore throat. What to do if you have a sore throat, cough, runny nose, and how to treat respiratory infections accompanied by fever? Effective folk remedies

Many parents are worried about the condition of their child. Very often, adults turn to a specialist with a problem when the temperature is 39 in a child. Why is this happening and what should be done?

The penetration of viruses and bacteria into the body occurs through the nasal and oral cavity. They may not start their activity immediately, but after a few days. In medicine, this period of time is called the incubation period. Basically, in colds, it ranges from one to ten days. It all depends on which microbes caused the disease.

Pain in the throat and heat don't just show up. These two indicators indicate that an infection has entered the mucous membranes, and the body is trying to actively fight the reproduction and growth of microbes.

The factors that cause such a pathological process are usually divided into two main types:


The first group includes various colds. These include influenza infection, SARS, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and laryngitis. Bacterial-type diseases often cause sore throat and fever up to 39 degrees.

Also, the throat can regularly hurt in those children who are infected with HIV. Often the cause of these symptoms are infections of the secondary type. This includes stomatitis or cytomegalovirus.

If so, then an allergic reaction may have been the cause. Irritants can be anything: pollen from flowering plants, house dust, medicines, pet hair, food. To all this, other signs are added in the form of a sore throat, redness of the eyes and tearing, a runny nose and nasal congestion.

Factors that are not related to disease

The second group of causes includes factors that are not related to diseases. This includes the penetration of a foreign object into the respiratory tract in the form of a fish bone, food, small parts or dust. They cause irritation and injury to the oral mucosa.

Also, children may complain of a sore throat that occurs due to dry air. Low humidity and high temperature in the room gives a strong load on the pharynx.

acute type tonsillitis

If the child is severe, then the cause may be a sore throat or acute tonsillitis.

The disease can occur due to the use of ice cream, hypothermia or sedimentation of bacteria. The disease affects only the pharyngeal region, where the tonsils are located. In the body, the tonsils perform a special function. They protect the respiratory tract from the penetration of various infections. When the immune function is weakened, the tissues in the oral cavity swell, the tonsils increase in size and become very red. As a result, the patient cannot swallow food or saliva normally due to severe pain.

Symptoms of tonsillitis

The main symptoms of tonsillitis include:

  1. Raising body temperature to 39-40 degrees.
  2. Pain in the throat.
  3. Hoarseness of voice.
  4. Redness and swelling of the throat.
  5. Enlarged lymph nodes in the submandibular and cervical region.
  6. The appearance of rashes and plaque on the tonsils.

When the first signs appear, treatment should begin immediately. The thing is that tonsillitis adversely affects the internal organs.

How to treat angina

In childhood? If this disease has arisen, then antibiotics cannot be dispensed with. According to statistics, in eighty percent of cases, tonsillitis is caused by bacteria in the form of staphylococci or streptococci. Children are prescribed antibacterial agents such as Augmentin or Amoxiclav. To all this, the treatment process includes gargling with various solutions and irrigation of the oral cavity with antiseptic agents in the form of Geksoral, Tantum Verde, Miramistin.

Scarlet fever in childhood

Another disease that causes discomfort in the throat and fever is scarlet fever. In fact, this disease is considered dangerous, as it can lead to complications in a matter of days.

Scarlet fever is hidden, and this period lasts from three to seven days. The onset is acute and is characterized by a sharp deterioration in the child's condition.

Signs of scarlet fever

The main features are considered to be:

  1. The temperature rises to 38-40 degrees.
  2. Severe swelling of the posterior pharyngeal wall, tonsils and palatine arches.
  3. The manifestation of severe pain in the head.
  4. The occurrence of tachycardia.
  5. Fever and aches in the muscles.
  6. Nausea and vomiting.
  7. Lethargy and drowsiness.
  8. Severe redness of the tongue.
  9. Pain in the throat.
  10. Enlarged lymph nodes.

After the first signs appear, a few hours later, the child develops a bright red rash all over the body.

What to do?

What to do with scarlet fever? The first step is to call a doctor at home. If the disease is severe, then the child is sent to the hospital.

  1. Compliance with bed rest for three to five days.
  2. Compliance with the drinking regime.
  3. Strict diet.
  4. Taking antibiotics in the form of Amoxiclav or Augmentin. The duration of the treatment course is from five to ten days.

Pharyngitis in childhood

Pharyngitis refers to an acute infectious disease that leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. In medicine, it is customary to single out several causes of the disease.

Causes of pharyngitis

These include:

  1. Hypothermia of the body.
  2. Weakened immune function.
  3. Lack of vitamins and minerals.
  4. Presence of caries.
  5. Enlargement of the adenoids.
  6. Sinusitis and sinusitis.

Symptoms of pharyngitis

The symptomatology of pharyngitis proceeds quite brightly and is characterized by:

  1. Severe dryness in the mouth.
  2. The occurrence of pain in the throat.
  3. Raising body temperature to 39 degrees.
  4. Having a dry cough.
  5. The appearance of a runny nose and nasal congestion.
  6. Sensation of a lump in the throat.

Complications with pharyngitis

Often, patients do not pay attention to the first symptoms and do not take any measures. But often harmless pharyngitis leads to complications in the form of:

  1. Abscess of peritonsillar character. It occurs as a result of pharyngitis, which is caused by streptococci.
  2. Laryngitis.
  3. Tracheitis.
  4. Chronic bronchitis.

What to do?

Treatment of pharyngitis includes following several important recommendations in the form of:

  1. Taking antiviral or antibacterial agents. It all depends on what pathogen caused the disease. The cause can only be determined by a doctor after an examination.
  2. The use of antipyretics. Since in childhood the temperature often rises to 39 degrees, the child should be allowed to bring down the temperature with Cefecon, paracetamol or Ibuprofen.
  3. Gargle with furatsilin, herbal or soda-salt solution.
  4. Washing the nasal passages with sea salt solutions.
  5. Inhalation use.
  6. Irrigation of the throat with antiseptic agents.
  7. Taking antihistamines. Often, children are prescribed these drugs to relieve severe swelling in the nasal and oral cavities. This includes the use of drops in the form of Fenistil and Zodak or tablets in the form of Tavegil and Suprastin. The dosage depends on the age and weight of the child.
  8. Sucking pills for sore throats. Children older than three years are prescribed Pharyngosept, Strepsils or Lizobakt.

Laryngitis in childhood

Laryngitis is considered a serious disease, especially if it occurs in childhood. The manifestation of laryngitis contributes to several factors in the form of:

Causes of laryngitis

  1. Hypothermia.
  2. Unfavorable situation in the city.
  3. Strong ligament tension.
  4. Launched pharyngitis or colds.

Laryngitis begins abruptly and is characterized by:

  1. Strong soreness in the throat.
  2. Loss of voice.
  3. The manifestation of a cough that is debilitating and dry.
  4. An increase in temperature to 39 degrees.

In medicine, the disease is usually divided into several types in the form of:

  • atrophic laryngitis.
  • Occupational laryngitis.
  • Hemorrhagic laryngitis.
  • Hypertrophic laryngitis.
  • diphtheria laryngitis.
  • catarrhal laryngitis.
  • Laryngotracheitis.
  • Tuberculous laryngitis.

What to do?

To eliminate the disease, you need to consult a doctor. The treatment process is:

  • In gargling with decoctions of medicinal herbs.
  • In abundant drinking. The child should be given as many liquids as possible in the form of fruit drinks, compotes, tea with lemon, honey and raspberries.
  • In lubricating the larynx with eucalyptus or sea buckthorn oil.
  • In resorption of mint, sage or lemon lozenges.

An excellent remedy from traditional medicine is warm milk, to which a spoonful of soda, mineral water and honey are added. The taste is not very pleasant. But after two or three doses, the patient's condition returns to normal.

Also, with laryngitis, it is recommended to put compresses and carry out inhalations. But it is worth resorting to such methods only if the child's temperature is not higher than 37.5 degrees. Also, doctors advise to speak less so that the ligaments and pharynx do not experience a double load.

Whatever disease is manifested in the child, it is necessary to show it to the doctor. Only an experienced specialist can correctly diagnose the disease after a thorough examination.

If a temperature of 38 ° is determined in an adult or a child, then we are talking about a cold. That is what people call such diseases. Doctors divide pathologies into viral, bacterial, allergic, fungal, and so on. In each case, an individual treatment is chosen that will not help in another situation. Today's article will tell you about the reasons why the temperature rises (38 °) and in each situation will be described below. Please note that the information presented does not encourage you to self-medicate. With fever and discomfort in the larynx, you should definitely see a doctor.

Temperature values

In a healthy person, the body temperature is in the range from 35.9 to 36.9 degrees. At the same time, people do not feel any ailments and unpleasant symptoms. Such values ​​are called normal. If for some reason the level of the thermometer rises, and you observe values ​​​​from 37 ° to 38 °, then we can talk about It often occurs with respiratory diseases and bacterial pathologies.

The next level of temperature can be called febrile temperature. Its values ​​are in the range of 38-39 degrees. For some patients, this condition can be dangerous. Therefore, it is at febrile temperature that antipyretics are most often used. If the level of the thermometer shows from 39 to 41 degrees, then this temperature is pyretic. It is dangerous and requires immediate attention. With such values, it is advisable to receive antipyretic compositions in the form of injections. Hyperpyretic temperature (more than 41 degrees) is rarely diagnosed. She requires immediate medical attention.

Temperature 38° and sore throat

What to do in such a situation? Do I need to see a doctor or can I self-medicate? It all depends on the patient's condition and additional clinical manifestations. Call an ambulance immediately in the following cases:

  • the throat hurts so much that you cannot swallow saliva and it flows from the mouth;
  • when breathing, a whistling sound is made, and the cough is more like a dog barking;
  • malaise occurs in a child who is not yet six months old.

In other situations, it is enough to consult a doctor. It is imperative to ask for professional help if:

  • the temperature is not brought down by conventional antipyretics;
  • started coughing;
  • fever lasts more than three days in a row;
  • the thermometer drops by less than 2-4 hours;
  • a white coating or gray dots is visible in the throat;
  • lymph nodes are enlarged (in the occipital region, on the neck, under the jaw or in the armpits).

As you already know, there are several reasons why a person has a temperature of 38 ° and a sore throat. What to do and why this happens, we will consider in more detail.

Viral infection

Respiratory disease most often causes the temperature to rise to 38 ° and this ailment hurts? Physicians usually abbreviate viral pathologies as ARI, ARI or SARS. This means that a virus has settled in your body. It affects the place of its penetration: nasal passages, tonsils, larynx. Less commonly, the disease spreads to the lower respiratory tract. An acute viral infection is characterized by a sharp onset of the disease: the temperature rises, general malaise appears, eyes and head hurt. Often a person's appetite is disturbed, drowsiness and weakness appear.

It is not advisable to treat such a disease with antibiotics. You need to use antiviral drugs. Now a great variety of such medicines are produced. Among them you can choose:

  • tablets "Anaferon", "Cycloferon", "Isoprinosine";
  • suppositories "Genferon", "Viferon", "Kipferon";
  • nasal drops "Derinat", "Grippferon", "IRS-19".

In more severe situations, formulations such as Tamiflu or Relenza are prescribed. They are sold by prescription only, unlike their predecessors. Antiviral drugs are effective for laryngitis, pharyngitis, nasopharyngitis, viral tonsillitis, infectious mononucleosis and other diseases. Note that with all these pathologies, hyperemia of the throat and high temperature are noted.

When are antibiotics needed?

If you find that the temperature is 38 ° and the child has a sore throat, then you must definitely show the child to the pediatrician. Remember that self-medication for children can be quite dangerous. Often, parents try to immediately give the baby an antibiotic, wanting to help in this way. But such drugs are needed only for a bacterial infection. Only a doctor can confirm its presence on the basis of clinical data and laboratory tests. Bacterial infections can be sore throat, pharyngitis, meningitis and so on. When sick, the temperature always rises. It has high values. Often the thermometer shows marks of 38-39 degrees and above. The patient's condition is deteriorating very quickly. If the correct treatment is not started in time, then the bacteria infect neighboring areas: the bronchi and lungs. This is fraught with complications such as bronchitis or pneumonia.

It is possible to determine which antibiotic is needed in this case by passing a culture for sensitivity. Doctors take and conduct research. It is worth noting that such a diagnosis often takes valuable time. That is why doctors prefer not to wait for the results and prescribe broad-spectrum drugs:

  • penicillins ("Augmentin", "Flemoxin", "Amoxiclav");
  • fluoroquinolones ("Ciprofloxacin", "Gatifloxacin");
  • cephalosporins ("Supraks", "Cefatoxime");
  • macrolides ("Azithromycin", "Sumamed") and so on.

It is worth noting that in recent years, Augmentin has been increasingly used for angina of bacterial origin. This drug has established itself as one of the most effective in the fight against such a disease.

Fungal infections

If the temperature rises (38 °) and the adult has a sore throat, what should I do? The cause of malaise can be It is usually visible to the naked eye. specialists will determine the presence of candidiasis without laboratory tests. Pathologies are manifested by the following clinical picture:

  • temperature 38 ° and sore throat;
  • with HS, thrush on the nipples may develop;
  • there are bubbles, cracks in the mouth;
  • the mucous membrane of the throat and tongue is covered with a white coating, which is removed with a spatula.

Treatment of such a disease involves the use of local and general antifungal agents. These are drugs such as Fluconazole, Nystatin, Miconazole. In severe cases, antibiotics are additionally used to inhibit the growth of pathogenic microflora. Such drugs should have a bacteriostatic effect.

Allergy and irritation

You suddenly discovered that the temperature is 38 and your throat hurts: how to treat the malaise? In some cases, external stimuli become the cause of the pathology. In this case, doctors can diagnose: laryngitis. The disease often occurs in people who are forced to talk a lot: teachers, lecturers, announcers, and so on. The cause of the temperature increase in this case is the irritated mucous membrane. The inflammatory process passes to the larynx and vocal cords. The disease manifests itself with a hoarse voice and a barking cough. To eliminate the malaise, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment. The following medications are prescribed:

  • antihistamines ("Suprastin", "Zodak", "Tavegil");
  • anti-inflammatory ("Nurofen", "Nimesulide");
  • local anesthetics, emollients and other medicines (as indicated).

Should the temperature be lowered? The benefits of fever and its harm

Doctors say: if a patient has a temperature of 38 ° and a sore throat, the causes of these symptoms must be eliminated. If you just take antipyretics, then the disease may well become chronic or give complications. Doctors do not recommend using drugs from a temperature up to the thermometer mark of 38.5 degrees. This is how pathogens die: viruses, bacteria and fungi. But in children of the first year of life and pregnant women, the temperature should be reduced after 37.6 degrees. If the patient has diseases of the nervous system or is prone to convulsions, then antipyretic drugs are used at 38 ° degrees. These are such means: "Paracetamol", "Ibuprofen", "Analgin", "Ibuklin". The medicine "Aspirin" should not be given to children under 15 years old, taken by pregnant and lactating women. The benefits are as follows:

  • harmful microorganisms and pathogens die;
  • a persistent immune response occurs;
  • interferon is produced that can protect the body from a viral infection;
  • a person intuitively remains at rest, allowing the body to throw all its forces into the fight against the pathogen.

The use of local drugs to relieve well-being

In addition to the drugs described above and the use of antipyretics, the patient can use medications that will relieve pain in the larynx. These are means such as Strepsils, Grammidin, Faringosept, Tantum Verde, Ingalipt and so on. Now on sale you can find a lot of natural medicines with the addition of various herbs. But be careful with this treatment: drugs can cause allergies. Expectant mothers and lactating women can take Lizobakt.

Compliance with the regime

If you have a temperature of 38 ° and a sore throat, the doctor will tell you what to do. But in each case, the patient is prescribed a special regimen. It includes complete rest. If possible, put everything aside and stay in bed. So the body will have more strength to fight the disease.

Be sure to observe the drinking regime: at least 2-3 liters of liquid should be consumed per day. Drink water, tea, fruit drinks, compotes - whatever you like. If you don't have an appetite, don't force yourself to eat. The main thing is to drink.

Folk remedies for treatment

In addition to the main treatment prescribed by a specialist, you can use proven grandmother's remedies:

  • gargle with a decoction of eucalyptus, sage, chamomile;
  • drink antibacterial cranberry juice;
  • brew and drink ginger tea;
  • warm milk and honey will help to cope with an obsessive cough;
  • treat the throat with antiseptics (for example, soda solution).


Do you have a fever of 38 ° and a sore throat? What is this sign and what does it report - you need to find out from the doctor. It will not be superfluous to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to treat diseases that cause such symptoms, but you do not need to carry out therapy yourself. Be aware of the danger of complications. Get well soon!

The article explains the occurrence of symptoms such as fever and sore throat. In what diseases can they occur, and what treatment is required?

The appearance of a sore throat, combined with a rise in body temperature, most likely indicates an infectious disease. Less commonly, it is a sign of other conditions.

What to think about if your child has a sore throat and the temperature starts to rise:

  1. Catarrhal, lacunar, purulent tonsillitis.
  2. Acute tonsillitis.
  3. Laryngitis.
  4. Scarlet fever.
  5. Diphtheria.
  6. Enteroviral infection.

Clinical picture

All diseases in which the child has a sore throat and the temperature rises have their own clinical picture. Knowledge of these manifestations is important for making the correct diagnosis.

Table. Clinical manifestations of sore throat in a child, depending on the disease:

Disease Manifestation
Angina With different types of angina, the manifestations will vary:
  • Catarrhal angina is characterized by a relatively small rise in body temperature. When examining the pharynx, one can see a bright hyperemia, the tonsils are enlarged, but without raids. Sore throat is mild.
  • With lacunar angina, the child's throat hurts more and the temperature is 38 * C. The pharynx is brightly hyperemic, the tonsils are edematous, and their lacunae are covered with purulent plugs.
  • - with this form, the child has a temperature of 39 * C and the throat hurts very much, swallowing is almost impossible. When examining the pharynx, one can see extensive hyperemia, the tonsils are practically in contact with each other and are abundantly covered with purulent plaque.
Herpangina This disease is caused by the herpes virus, so the clinical picture is different from that of the usual sore throat. The temperature can reach very high numbers.

The pharyngeal mucosa is hyperemic and covered with a blistering rash. Bubbles quickly open and form ulcers. The tonsils are enlarged, there are no raids. The pain is quite intense, the child cannot eat.

Acute tonsillitis This condition in the clinical picture resembles catarrhal sore throat. The temperature rises to 37.5*C. The pain is minor. On examination, enlarged and hyperemic tonsils are visible.

There is no flight on them. in a child without fever, this indicates chronic tonsillitis and a decrease in the body's immune defenses.

Laryngitis The temperature from the throat of a child may not rise or be small. Characterized by severe sore throat and hoarseness. When viewed in the pharynx diffuse hyperemia, tonsils are not enlarged.
Scarlet fever Currently, this disease is rare. It is characterized by the following symptoms:
  • Typical small-spotted red rash all over body;
  • Only the nasolabial triangle remains free from the rash, which stands out very much on hyperemic skin;
  • The temperature reaches 39*C;
  • In the pharynx, a bright hyperemia without raids is found.
Diphtheria Just like scarlet fever, it practically does not occur. It is characterized by intense sore throat, high fever.

On examination, gray films are found on the surface of the tonsils, which bleed when trying to remove them.

Enteroviral infection With this disease, the child has a fever, a stomach ache and a sore throat at the same time. There may be loose stools and vomiting.


When a child has a fever and a sore throat, the pediatrician should make the correct diagnosis. He examines the baby, conducts thermometry. If necessary, he can appoint an infectious disease specialist.

After establishing the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment. He offers drugs that can be purchased at a pharmacy, and in addition, he will recommend traditional medicine recipes.


When a baby has a fever and a sore throat, you need to be treated only with those drugs that the pediatrician will prescribe. It is impossible to buy medicines at a pharmacy on your own, since self-medication can only do harm.

The child needs to provide bed rest for as long as the temperature is kept. The room where the baby is located should be regularly ventilated. Food and drink should be at room temperature so as not to irritate the inflamed mucosa.

For infectious diseases, antibacterial drugs are prescribed - usually Suprax or Sumamed. For young children, they are available in the form of a suspension, for older children - in tablets.

If the disease is caused by a virus, antiviral agents are prescribed. Such treatment is called etiological - that is, aimed at the cause of the disease. Instructions for use will help you calculate the dosage for any age.

Most of these drugs also contain antimicrobial agents. In children, sprays and rinses such as Tantum Verde, Geksoral, Yoks, Anti-angin are used. You can learn more about these drugs from the video in this article.

At very high temperatures, antipyretics are prescribed. For children under one year old, you can use syrups and rectal suppositories - Nurofen, Efferalgan, Cefekon. From the age of six, you can prescribe tablet preparations - Ibuklin junior, Nurofen.

The price of drug treatment is quite high, since several drugs are required at once. But it is not recommended to use only traditional medicine, because diseases accompanied by sore throat and high fever can cause serious complications.

Do-it-yourself remedies can only be used as an addition to the main therapy.

From the recipes of traditional medicine, the following are used:

  • gargling with herbal decoctions - chamomile (see), mint, oak bark;
  • to lower the temperature, the child is given a decoction of lime blossom with honey;
  • strengthening immunity - rosehip syrup, fruit drinks from viburnum and lingonberries (photo);
  • dry warm compresses on the throat area.

Important - with purulent processes, warming compresses on the throat are not used.

If the child has a sore throat and the temperature rises above the permissible values, it is recommended to seek medical help. Such symptoms do not go away on their own, and if left untreated, they can lead to serious complications.

When a child has a sore throat and fever, many parents experience real stress: how to help the baby cope with the illness, does his poor health hide dangerous illnesses, what symptoms indicate that it is time to go to the doctor?

Each parent should know what the symptoms of various diseases are talking about in order to provide the necessary and useful assistance even before the doctor's visit.

And for this you need to figure out why the temperature rises, under what pathologies the throat becomes inflamed, what treatment the doctor is likely to prescribe, and what first aid measures for a sick baby will be useful, and which, on the contrary, are dangerous.

Why is the temperature rising

The rise in body temperature is a natural reaction of the immune system to the presence of pathogenic microflora in the body.

A sore throat is a consequence of the multiplication of microbes on the mucous membrane, and in order to get rid of them, the immune system provokes an increase in body temperature and an improvement in blood flow.

Thus, special immune cells arrive faster at the site of inflammation - antibodies that destroy bacteria and promote a quick recovery.

The rise in temperature has disadvantages, the main of which is a pronounced malaise of a person. As a rule, a child suffers a fever more severely than an adult.

However, one should not rush to bring down the temperature with the help of antipyretic drugs, it is important to give the body the opportunity to fight the infection on its own with the help of the immune system.

Another negative side of the increase in temperature is the occurrence of edema on the mucosa along with inflammation.

In medicine, this phenomenon is called effusion, that is, part of the fluid from the bloodstream enters the intervascular space as a result of increased vascular permeability. Usually, this phenomenon is not life-threatening for the child.

But if the swelling of the larynx that has arisen as a result of a fever interferes with the normal process of breathing, the temperature can and should be normalized by special means.

Possible diseases

High fever and sore throat when swallowing are symptoms that are common to a whole list of diseases. And it is important for every parent to know at least the main ones in order to understand how to properly provide first aid to a child.

  1. Angina is an inflammatory process of bacterial origin, localized in the region of the palatine tonsils. When examining the throat, you can see a dense white coating or white spots of pus on the tonsils. The temperature with angina often rises above 38 degrees, which results in a pronounced intoxication of the body: the child complains of nausea, headache, and in children under 3 years of age, abdominal pain may occur.

Angina can be called one of the most dangerous common diseases. With improper or untimely treatment, it can cause complications from the immune system, the work of the heart, kidneys and joints.

Therefore, if the child hurts proudly and the temperature is 38 degrees and above, you should immediately consult a doctor and start antibiotic therapy.

  1. Scarlet fever is a viral disease that is easy to diagnose due to a small red rash all over the body. On the cheeks of a sick child, as a rule, there is a pronounced blush.
  2. Pharyngitis is an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the back wall of the larynx, in most cases caused by a viral rather than a bacterial infection. Sore throat in a sick child is not very pronounced, more often he complains of perspiration and discomfort when swallowing. If the child has a sore throat and a temperature of 37 or a little higher, the throat is without white plaque, the lymph nodes are not enlarged, we can talk about the presence of pharyngitis.
  3. Laryngitis is an inflammatory process localized in the tissues of the vocal cords and adjacent mucous membranes. The provocateur of the disease in most cases are bacteria. You can recognize laryngitis by changing the voice or its complete absence, barking cough, sore throat. If the disease was not diagnosed in time, it can turn into laryngotracheitis, which is characterized by the above symptoms, plus breathing difficult due to swelling of the airways.

Painful sensations in the throat can occur as a result of the presence of a foreign body in the respiratory tract, with allergic reactions, or even dry indoor air. But these reasons will not entail an increase in body temperature.

Actions of parents

At the first complaints of the child about feeling unwell and sore throat, the parent should take the following actions:

  • examine the condition of the child's throat at a temperature, determine whether there is redness or plaque on the mucous membrane;
  • examine the patient's body for a rash;
  • measure the temperature of the child;

After that, it is necessary to contact a pediatrician as soon as possible, informing him of all the signs and symptoms identified. The presence of a high temperature in a small patient is a reason to call a doctor at home.

In the event that a child has the following symptoms, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance service.

  • Regardless of how much the child's throat hurts, the temperature is 39 degrees, which does not decrease after taking antipyretics;
  • swelling of the neck;
  • labored breathing;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • convulsions.

First aid

Before the arrival of the doctor, the parent must provide the child with first aid, which, as a rule, consists of the following.

  1. With a pathology accompanied by fever and sore throat, it is very important to provide the body with maximum rest. Therefore, the child must be put to bed. If he refuses to do this, it is necessary to captivate him with any non-fatiguing activities, for example, turn on a cartoon or read a fairy tale.
  2. Drinking regimen is the most important condition not only for a quick recovery, but also for alleviating the patient's condition, because water removes toxins that accumulate in the body as a result of the death of pathogenic microflora. It is these toxins that are the cause of most of the unpleasant symptoms experienced by the patient. The drink is given in a warm form; excessively hot or cold drinks should not be offered to a sick baby. You should also refuse those drinks that irritate the inflamed mucous membrane of the throat, for example: sour fruit juices or fruit drinks. It is better to give preference to warm tea with raspberries or honey, compotes, water with lemon, rosehip broth. You need to drink in small sips or through a straw if it hurts the child to swallow.
  3. The issue of nutrition during illness is rarely relevant, since the appetite of a sick child is often disturbed, especially if he has a very high temperature. You should not force-feed your baby, but it is important to understand that the body needs energy to fight pathogens and inflammation that has arisen. Therefore, any proposed dishes should be light and tasty. Suitable fruit or fruit puree, cereals, yogurt. It is important that nutrition during illness is as useful as possible, so it is better to leave chocolate, pastries, confectionery and other foods your child loves until the moment of recovery.
  4. If the child has a temperature of 39 and above, which causes severe discomfort, you can give him an antipyretic drug.

These measures help to improve both the physical and psychological condition of the child while waiting for the doctor.

Parents should not take any other actions, since self-medication is not only dangerous for the health of the child, but also negatively affects the accuracy of the diagnostic process.

Basic treatment

Treatment should be prescribed by the attending physician, after finding out why the child has a sore throat and a temperature above normal.

As a rule, diagnostic measures include examination, questioning the child and parent, taking a smear from the mucosa for bakposev and detecting sensitivity to antibiotics, and a clinical blood test.

Etiological treatment is prescribed depending on what kind of pathology has been identified.

A bacterial infection can be recognized not only by analyzing a smear from the larynx, but its presence can be assumed by severe intoxication and high temperature.

In this case, it is necessary to prescribe antibiotics to the child, for example, Amoxicillin. It will be possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the drug within 3 days after the start of treatment.

With a disease of viral origin, etiological treatment, as a rule, is not required.

Existing antiviral drugs aimed at combating only a few types of viruses, and their effectiveness is noted only if the medication was started on the first day from the onset of the disease.

The effectiveness of most antiviral drugs has not yet been proven, so a sick child is offered local and symptomatic treatment.

In the absence of pathology from the immune system, the viral disease resolves on its own after 5-7 days.

Local therapy is aimed at reducing the severity of discomfort in the throat. For this purpose:

  • rinsing the larynx with sea water, Miramistin and other rinsing solutions (rinsing is not prescribed for children under 4 years old);
  • anti-inflammatory and analgesic throat sprays: Ingalipt (children under 3 years old are sprayed on the inside of the cheeks);
  • lozenges for resorption: Lizobakt, Pharyngosept (children under 3 years of age are not prescribed);
  • lubrication of the larynx with antiseptic preparations (Lugol);
  • if necessary, antipyretics for children (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen) are prescribed.

It is possible to evaluate the correctness of the prescribed treatment within a few days after the start of therapy.

If the temperature has subsided, and the sore throat has passed, the child is considered recovering. And despite the fact that he can already go out for a walk, until the moment of complete recovery, you need to maintain a sparing regimen.

If the symptoms of the disease do not go away, the treatment is adjusted, antibiotics, physiotherapy are prescribed. Hospitalization may be required.

Almost every parent has practical methods of treatment in his arsenal, which he willingly uses if his child has the first symptoms of a cold.

But you need to know that many well-known tips and recommendations are not only obsolete, but also dangerous.

  1. Traditional medicine offers a range of different recipes in order to eliminate sore throat and reduce fever. However, the effectiveness of herbal medicine has not yet been scientifically proven, and decoctions of herbs and other plants can cause an allergic reaction. The child's immune system is not fully formed, so it is impossible to predict with absolute certainty the reaction of his body to the most harmless, at first glance, prescription of alternative medicine.
  2. The method of normalizing the temperature by rubbing the body with water or vodka has long been recognized as dangerous. The procedure entails a violation of the heat transfer process, as a result of which the child may lose consciousness.
  3. Hot compresses and mustard plasters, inhalations and foot baths are methods strictly prohibited at elevated body temperature. Even with low-grade fever (an increase in body temperature within 37-37.9 °), warming procedures can lead to heat stroke, and in case of a bacterial infection, accelerate the process of reproduction of pathogenic flora in the body.

A reasonable approach to therapy almost always provides a favorable outcome, as a result of which discomfort in the throat and fever quickly pass without any complications.

The common cold, or acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), is the most common illness in children. And despite the fact that summer is just around the corner, while the children continue to catch cold, so let's talk about it.

As for the terminology, it must be clarified that a cold and SARS are one and the same. That is, even if a child gets sick after getting his feet wet or going outside without a hat, it is still a viral infection. Just hypothermia sometimes contributes to the deterioration of the mechanisms of protection against infections, so the risk of infection increases.

ARVI usually resolves without complications. There is no cure for most SARS, but children with SARS can be helped to cope with the disease more easily.

  • On average, children get ARVI 6-8 times a year. Most of them are from September to April.
  • Most children suffer SARS 8-10 times during the first two years of life.
  • Usually, the main manifestations of SARS last about a week, less often up to 10 days.
  • In this case, a runny nose can persist for up to 2 weeks, and a cough - up to 4.
  • If you multiply the duration of SARS by the number of SARS per year, it turns out that almost half the time from September to April, a child may have symptoms of SARS! And in total, he can cough only because of SARS for 8 months a year.
  • A person becomes contagious even before the onset of symptoms of the disease. The infectious period usually lasts 2-5 days.

Peaks of incidence

During the life of every person there are periods when he gets ARVI more often than 8 times a year. The first such peak of incidence falls on the first 1-2 years of visiting a children's team (kindergarten or school). It is important to note here that there is no point in going to kindergarten later: it doesn’t matter if this peak is for 3 years or 7 years - the probability of complications is the same, but if you skip kindergarten, you won’t have to make up for lost material. Subsequent peaks are also associated with a sharp increase in contacts.

Those children who attend children's institutions have 2 peaks of morbidity every year: after the summer and winter holidays, children meet and exchange viruses.

Those who are in contact with a large number of people get sick more often: in large stores, the subway and other public places. If there is an opportunity to avoid visiting such places, it is worth using it.


SARS symptoms usually appear in the first two days after infection. A child with SARS may have nasal congestion, nasal discharge (snot), sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, sore throat and high fever, i.e. fever (usually below 38.9°C or 102°F). All this can lead to the fact that the child will be more capricious and his appetite will decrease.

Call an ambulance if

  • the child refuses to drink for a long time
  • the child's behavior has changed a lot, he has become very irritable or his mind is disturbed, he does not respond to you
  • the child has difficulty breathing (not because he has a stuffy nose) or is breathing very fast

The child should be seen by a doctor if

  • he is less than 3 months old
  • he is very lethargic or sleepy
  • there is yellow discharge from the eyes or they have turned red
  • there is pain in the ears or discharge from them
  • temperature above 38.4°C lasts more than 3 days
  • the symptoms of the disease do not decrease within a week, but worsen
  • child coughing for more than 10 days
  • runny nose persists for more than 2 weeks

It is necessary to show the child to the doctor, because in these situations he may not have ARVI, but another disease, a complication of ARVI (the most common is otitis media, less often sinusitis, pneumonia), swelling of the vocal cords (croup) or narrowing of the bronchi (bronchial obstruction) on against the backdrop of SARS.

Natural course of the disease

  • General symptoms (fever, weakness, loss of appetite) may last about a week, rarely up to 10 days. However, one acute respiratory viral infection may immediately be followed by another, then it may seem that the disease is dragging on (sometimes in the autumn-winter period it seems that the child has a cold for a very long time - most likely he simply suffers several acute respiratory viral infections in a row).
  • The temperature rises at the onset of the disease, may fluctuate, and then gradually normalizes. Temperatures above 38°C rarely last longer than 3 days.
  • Runny nose may persist up to 2 weeks; at first discharge from the nose is clear and liquid, after 3-4 days it becomes thick, yellow or green (which is not a sign of a bacterial infection); ends with dry crusts.
  • The cough is usually dry at first (due to irritation of the throat), then becomes wet (not because the infection "goes down", but because of the leakage of discharge from the nose from behind - along the back of the pharynx into the throat). There is nothing wrong with the fact that a child swallows snot - they will not cause any disease there, but will simply be digested. Often, a cough persists longer than a runny nose (UP TO 4 WEEKS), incl. due to an increase in the sensitivity of cough receptors during illness (i.e., for example, if before the illness the child did not cough to inhale cold air, then after SARS, etc.).

Antibiotics do not kill viruses, therefore, with ARVI (including viral bronchitis and viral pneumonia), they will not help the child.

Let your child drink a lot so that he does not develop dehydration, because during SARS, especially with a high temperature, children lose fluids more than usual. Encourage your child to drink what he wants often (juices should be diluted 1:1 with water).

What to do with a runny nose?

In fact, despite the fact that a runny nose greatly upsets the child (he can’t breathe) and his parents (they don’t like to constantly remove mucus from under his nose), there is nothing wrong with it, and it will pass, even if nothing is done at all .

You can help your child cope with a runny nose

  • if the snot is thick or there are dry crusts in the nose, then humidify the air in the bedroom and instill saline solutions (saline, etc.) into the nose,
  • if the mucus in the nose interferes with breathing, you can remove it: it is better to teach the child to blow his nose (so that there is no irritation of the skin under the nose, not into a handkerchief, but into the sink): close one nostril to him and ask him to exhale through his nose (it will not work right away, but do not quit attempts; sooner or later the child will exhale air through the nose, then praise him, pointing out that this is exactly what was expected of him; children at the age of 1 year can already blow their nose),
  • sucking the mucus out of the nose with a pear or nozzle can damage the nasal mucosa, so do this only if the child does not know how to blow his nose, and the snot greatly interferes with him,
  • if nasal congestion greatly interferes with eating and sleeping, the pediatrician may recommend you vasoconstrictor drops (narrowing of the vessels in the nose leads to a decrease in swelling of the mucous membrane); but remember that they should not be used more than 3 times a day (1 drop / spray in each nostril) and longer than 7 days, as they develop addiction. Overdose is dangerous!
  • Do not use other nasal drops unless advised by your doctor.

What to do about a cough

Just like with a runny nose, a cough with SARS can be left untreated. Significantly affect the condition of the child can only be a frequent dry cough associated with irritation of the throat. When the cough becomes wet, it is already much easier for the child to carry, even if it wakes him up from sleep. Frequent coughing frightens parents and prevents them from sleeping, but if the child does not have a respiratory disorder (drawing in of the skin and muscles between and under the ribs) or noisy breathing, he does not breathe very often and drinks, then you should not worry. A wet cough in ARVI is a manifestation of a cough reflex that is important for protecting the lower respiratory tract, so it cannot be inhibited.

You can help your child cope with a dry cough

  • humidify the air in the bedroom and give your child a WARM drink often,
  • a child older than 1 year old can be given honey at night,
  • in the event of a coughing fit, you can take the child to the bath, close the door and turn on a strong jet of hot water so that the bath is filled with steam

Children are not prescribed drugs just "for cough". Sometimes it is necessary to treat the cause of the cough (for example, in the case of croup or bronchial obstruction).

Never give your child, especially if he is under 6 years old, cough medicines sold in pharmacies. They have little effect on coughs, but can have serious side effects.

What you need to know about fever in children with SARS

  1. How high the temperature rises says almost nothing about the severity of the disease.
  2. By lowering the child's temperature, we only help him to endure the disease more easily, and that's all.
    • he won't get better from this sooner
    • the likelihood of fever related seizures (i.e. febrile seizures) will not decrease!
  3. The temperature helps the body fight infection, so if it is below 39 ° C, you should not lower it simply because it is elevated.
  4. Only a temperature above 41 ° C can be dangerous for a child.
  5. Bring down the temperature in 2 cases
    • if the child feels unwell because of her increase or
    • the temperature is above 39 ° C (even if the general well-being of the child does not particularly suffer), especially at bedtime, so as not to miss its higher rise at night
  6. It is not necessary to lower the temperature to normal - usually, to improve well-being, it is enough to reduce it by 10oC
  7. It is not necessary to give antipyretics prophylactically, i.e. before the temperature rises

How to reduce fever and reduce pain (in the throat, muscles, head)

  1. Before you give your child medicine to reduce the temperature, you can first try the so-called. physical cooling methods: wipe it with a towel moistened with slightly warm water, or even put it in a bath filled with water at a temperature of 36-37 ° C. Sometimes this is enough. Since the effectiveness of this method is far from 100%, if the child does not like these activities, do not insist.
  2. Of the drugs to reduce fever and reduce pain for up to 6 months, only acetaminophen is suitable (Paracetamol, Efferalgan, Panadol, Cefecon D, Tylenol, etc.). After 6 months, you can also use ibuprofen (Nurofen, Motrin, Advil, etc.). These drugs work in different ways.

Dose calculation: often on the packages of drugs the dose for children of different ages is indicated. However, it is correct to calculate the dose for the weight of the child - children of the same age can weigh fundamentally differently. It is better to give syrup, not candles. Syrup and suppositories may contain different amounts of medication, so ask your doctor to help you calculate the correct dose.

Reception frequency: each of the listed drugs can be given up to 4 times a day. Thus, if you give one of the medicines, then the minimum interval between doses is 6 hours. If you alternate two medicines, you can give either one or the other with a minimum interval of 3 hours.

Simultaneous administration of acetaminofer and ibuprofen. These drugs do not enhance the effect of each other. But they act differently, so if one does not help within half an hour, then you can give another. But it is important not to forget that the minimum interval between taking each of the drugs is 6 hours.

It is with the wrong dosing of acetaminophen and ibuprofen or with the wrong scheme for taking them that parents are often disappointed in them and begin to give the child something that can be harmful to him (analgin, nise, nimulide, nimesil and much more).

Acetaminophen and ibuprofen always enough if parents know

  • that temperatures below 41°C are not dangerous for the baby, and drugs other than acetaminophen and ibuprofen are dangerous
  • that it is enough to reduce the temperature by only 1 ° C
  • that there is nothing wrong with putting a child in a bath filled with water t-ry 36-37oC
  • that the effect of drugs usually becomes noticeable after at least 20 minutes
  • that if the temperature "wanted" to continue to rise, then after taking the medicine it may not decrease, but stabilize (which is already enough if it is below 41 ° C)
  • and what doses of medicines are right for their child and how often the medicines can be given

What not to do when the temperature is high

  • wipe the child with alcohol and vinegar, since they are unsafe for the child in some doses (and when wiping him, we cannot calculate how much will be absorbed and enter the blood),
  • give a child under 18 years of age no antipyretics, except for acetaminophen and ibuprofen, especially aspirin (this has already been written about).

What to do about other symptoms

  • Decreased appetite is temporary, do not force feed your baby.
  • With perspiration and sore throat, a warm drink will help. Special anesthetic lozenges and sprays, if they help, do not last long (until the medicine drains or is absorbed). Do not exceed the dosage indicated on the package. Disinfectant sprays and lozenges will not help: antiseptics only get into the throat, and viruses are far from only there; Antibiotics don't work on viruses. If the sore throat is very bothersome, you can give acetaminophen or ibuprofen (even if the temperature is not high).

When can I start attending kindergarten and school again

It is better for the child to stay at home while he is not feeling well. It is usually contagious for 2-5 days, but since it becomes contagious even before the first signs of the disease appear, there is no urgent need to isolate it from others (most likely, it has already infected everyone). An exception may be situations when the child falls ill on the weekend, although in this case it is not exactly clear how long the child should stay at home, because the contagious period can last longer than 5 days. So if the temperature and general well-being have returned to normal, the child is active, runs and plays, then he can go to kindergarten or school, even if he still has a runny nose and cough. The likelihood that he will develop complications will not increase, and his risk of catching a new SARS will be the same as in children who have not recently been ill.

How to avoid infection

There are no special ways to prevent SARS. But you can reduce the spread of viruses (and other pathogens) if you follow some rules:

  • wash your hands often (viruses usually live on hands for about 2 hours),
  • cough and sneeze into a handkerchief (if you don’t have one, cover yourself with your hand),
  • avoid contact with sick people (who have a fever, have a runny nose and other signs of SARS) or, if this is not possible, do not use common dishes with them (some viruses can live on objects for more than 24 hours),
  • wash dishes with warm water and soap,
  • don't be in a place where people smoke.

Teach this to children.

Hypothermia somewhat increases the risk of ARVI, but instead of protecting the child from any draft, it is better to ventilate the apartment often, walk in the fresh air and harden the child (when he is healthy) - then he will not be afraid of hypothermia.

Fever, cough, runny nose - all this is very unpleasant. But there are ways to deal with ailments and they are not as complicated as it seems. The answer to this question is ready to give two different branches of medicine.

Traditional medicine will tell us how to treat fever, cough, runny nose.

Nasal spray is one of the most effective remedies. It is good when it is based on sea water. For example, "Dolphin", "Aqua Maris", "Physiomer", etc. Just don't tilt your head back. Otherwise, the liquid can get into the middle ear and give you acute otitis media. Better tilt your head forward. So the tool will clear the sinuses without getting into the nasopharynx.

There are also special devices - aspirators. They suck the mucus out of the nose. Most often they are intended for children who cannot yet blow their nose on their own. But they can also be used by an adult at will, or used by an ENT doctor in severe cases.

The doctor will tell you about tablets, syrups and potions. Or a pharmacist. Vitamins, natural juices and biologically active substances can be used as additional measures. Just remember, please, that dietary supplements and vitamins are additional support, and not an independent medicine.

Traditional medicine will teach us to fight fever, cough, runny nose.

A fairly common remedy is drops from onion juice. But we strongly do not recommend burying them in the nose. Onion juice, even diluted with water, burns and damages the fragile nasal mucosa. It is better to mix onion juice with honey and drink a teaspoon three times a day. The result will be even better, but no harm.

Herbal decoctions also work well. Herbs against inflammation (linden, mint, sage), and antiseptic (chamomile, St. John's wort). It is good when these two effects are mixed in one herbal collection. Take 20 gr. herbs and pour 200 grams of boiling water. All this is infused, filtered and used in two ways. You can drink the resulting infusion or drip it into your nose.

You can also use the famous effect of affirmations.

Scientists call it the placebo effect (self-hypnosis), but it doesn't matter. As an additional method it works. Take a glass of clean water, wrap your arms around it. Imagine how warm rays of the sun come out of your hands and penetrate into the water. At the same time, say the phrase "I am healthy." Drink water. A glass of this water every day will give you strength to fight the disease.

As you can see, there are three types of treatment at your service: chemical, folk and psychotherapeutic. Choose any, but it is better to use them in a complex.

Cough, fever, runny nose in a child

Children often get colds. When there is a fever, runny nose and cough, measures must be taken in a timely manner so that there are no serious complications.

A runny nose or rhinitis occurs in response to the penetration of pathogenic viruses and bacteria through the nasal mucosa. A runny nose in a baby should be treated at the first sign, otherwise a cough and fever will join in two to three days. The first symptom is a sore throat. The child begins to behave restlessly, is naughty, coughs and often swallows saliva. If you close one nostril, and the other does not breathe, then you need to start treatment.

The nasal mucosa secretes a secret that neutralizes viruses, so do not let it dry out and moisten the nasal mucosa with saline. Oil solutions or olive oil can be instilled. Monitor the temperature in the room. It should be 19 ° C. Let your child drink a lot.

Toddlers who still do not know how to blow their nose need to clear their nose of mucus. It is better to do this with soft aspirators. Older babies use vasodilator drops for no more than five days.

When a child has a cough, the first thing to do is to call a doctor. It is categorically impossible to give medicines that suppress the cough reflex without a prescription. For a dry cough, use syrups that thin the sputum and help contract the bronchi.

With an elevated temperature, the body tries to fight the infection, so you should not immediately knock it down. Monitor the child carefully. If he does not tolerate the increase, convulsions appear, then give an antipyretic. You can use them three for and no more than three times a day.

Wiping with alcohol and water in a ratio of one to two effectively helps. Soak a cotton ball in the solution and wipe the baby's arms, legs, and body. Linger in the places of the main vessels - on the wrist, under the knees, in the groin and in the armpits. Then fan it with a towel and place a cabbage leaf on your forehead. It will take the heat off well.

Temperature, cough, runny nose in an adult

Probably, each of us has recently been wondering why people have become more likely to get colds. Scientists attribute this to global warming. This leads to the fact that the causative agents of infections are modified. It also contributes to the deterioration of the immune system. Respiratory viruses can be caused by more than two hundred different types of pathogens.

Cough is not a disease, but a symptom. When viruses attack the body, coughing is a defense mechanism. By raising the temperature, the body also fights infection. Therefore, do not immediately knock it down if your condition is satisfactory.

Bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids are the first steps to take when symptoms of a cold appear. Cough and runny nose are well treated with milk and goat fat. Dissolve the fat on the tip of a knife in a glass of milk and add honey to taste. An adult can be treated with milk with the addition of medicinal herbs - thyme, coltsfoot, chamomile, plantain, sage.

Symptoms: cough, fever, runny nose

These symptoms are experienced by thousands of people with colds every year. Most often they are associated not only with mass epidemics, but also with weak immunity. The lack of full-fledged immune protection suggests the development of an infectious disease in the body.

In order to reduce the risk of frequent diseases, you need to be outdoors more often, play sports, eat healthy food and do not forget about antiviral and vitamin preparations. Rinse your nose with saline solutions and drink plenty of fluids. Stress significantly reduces the level of protection of our body, so try to control your emotions.

Runny nose, fever, dry cough

When the cold has gained momentum on the second or third day, a cough, runny nose and fever appear. Dry cough is treated with expectorants or medicinal herbs, but you need to start doing this as soon as the cough appears. Drink plenty of warm drinks to help loosen phlegm. At night, if it is difficult to sleep, you can take an antitussive drug, but do not abuse the medicine.

Runny nose should be treated with regular sinus flushes. As a preventive measure, take an antiviral drug before going to crowded places. Add phytoncides to your food - garlic and onions.

If the temperature is not high, do not bring it down. You can drink hot tea with raspberries. Sweat removes toxins and toxins from the body.

Cough, fever, runny nose

High fever, cough and runny nose can be symptoms of the following diseases:

Look for additional symptoms: weakness, shortness of breath, chest pain. If they were not present at the beginning of the illness, then you may have come down with the flu. Otherwise, it indicates pneumonia.

Your body's temperature rises as a signal that it's fighting infection. If you have disorders of the cardiovascular and nervous system, then a high temperature is a reason to call a doctor. This is especially dangerous for the elderly. You will need to pass some tests and do a fluorography. Sometimes it is required to pass on the analysis of saliva to detect bacteria and viruses.

Fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat

Each of us has been in a situation where a sore throat, runny nose and fever. These are symptoms of a cold. Often they indicate the manifestation of chronic pharyngitis. To the listed symptoms, weakness, fatigue and general malaise are added.

A sore throat should be rinsed with antiseptic solutions. You can use a few drops of tea tree oil in a glass of water. Before rinsing, it will be useful to breathe in healing vapors.

According to the mucus secreted from the nose, one can tell about the nature of the disease. In a bacterial infection, it is yellow or green in color.

You can treat it with ginger root, honey and lemon. Take the components in equal proportions, grind in a blender and add to tea.

Hold your breath several times a day to stop coughing. It is especially useful to do this before bed.

Fever, cough, runny nose, vomiting

In adults, vomiting against the background of a runny nose and cough does not occur so often. Basically, this happens with the advanced form of a cold disease with inflammation of the respiratory tract. The gag reflex appears in response to irritation of receptors in the throat. This is typical for pneumonia or untreated bronchitis. Vomiting often occurs in the evenings and at night. This condition is accompanied by pain in the chest and throat.

In a child, this is dangerous because the baby can choke on vomit. In this case, while the baby is sick, it is better to be near him. If you see that the child begins to cough with vomiting, then raise his hands up. This will bring temporary relief. If the baby does not know how to blow his nose, rinse his nose or teach him to spit. Medicines are prescribed only by a doctor.

Diarrhea, fever, cough, runny nose

A combination of diarrhea, fever, cough, and runny nose may indicate an adenovirus infection. In the absence of proper treatment, serious complications are possible - croup, pneumonia, pneumonia. You can get infections at any time of the year. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as with food, on which the patient's discharge remains. The incubation period is five to twelve days.

Temperature runny nose cough, how to treat?

Cough, runny nose and fever can be treated with pharmaceutical products and traditional medicine recipes. Use drugs to relieve swelling and antihistamines. At the first signs of illness and to quickly remove toxins from the body, drink plenty of fluids. Treat wet cough with expectorants to clear the bronchi of accumulated mucus. Well helps licorice root and plantain.

For a better outflow of mucus from the nose, put a high pillow under your head at night. With a poor appetite, do not eat through force.

Vitamin C must be present in large quantities. There is a lot of it in rose hips, lemons, oranges and tangerines.

Mix in equal proportions chopped garlic and honey. Take a tablespoon at night with water.

In half a liter, dissolve a tablespoon of coarse salt, the juice of one lemon and one gram of ascorbic acid. Drink the solution throughout the day and feel great relief in the morning.

To relieve cough, take a tablespoon of radish juice every hour.

If you feel unwell, bring down a high temperature with antipyretic drugs no more than three times a day or with raspberry tea.

Vasoconstrictor drops for a cold are used for no more than five days.

Call the doctor to listen to you. You can miss the onset of bronchitis, and this leads to serious complications of the respiratory system.

A sore throat combined with a runny nose is considered a common ailment. Most often, it indicates viral pathologies. However, sometimes it becomes the result of allergies and other anomalies. To cope with the disease, you need to determine its causes.

Sore throat and runny nose

These symptoms are usually caused by a virus infection. Infection occurs when the pathogen comes into contact with mucosal epithelial cells.

The virus then spreads through the mucous membranes. As a result, the vessels dilate, the synthesis of mucus increases, and fluid accumulates in the tissues.

Initially, the nasopharynx and larynx suffer. Therefore, the first symptom is a sore throat.

Then there is a runny nose, cough. As the disease develops, the viruses adapt and infect larger areas.

causative agents of infection

Most often, infection is carried out by airborne droplets. Many viruses are also transmitted through skin-to-skin contact. There can be quite a few causative agents of pathology.

Influenza viruses

Upon contact with the mucous membranes, this virus gradually spreads. At the same time, it does not completely affect the nasopharynx, but creates islands of infected tissues.


This category of viruses mainly affects the larynx. Therefore, the main sign of pathology is considered a rough cough and hoarseness in the voice, perspiration. It is imperative to diagnose the disease in time, because it can lead to false croup.


The main sign of infection with this virus is an intense cough that occurs against a background of normal temperature. Also, the pathology is characterized by severe rhinitis, sneezing. In the absence of therapy, there is a risk of bronchitis and sinusitis.


When infected with such an infection, the first symptoms are severe rhinitis and conjunctivitis. If such manifestations occur, you should immediately contact a specialist, as there is a risk of complications. Against the background of a weakened immune system, not only the respiratory organs suffer, but also the intestines, spleen, and kidneys. There may also be damage to the liver and brain.


When ingested, these viruses cause an inflammatory lesion of the nasopharynx. A person has rhinitis and cough. Also, patients experience nausea, changes in the digestive process, pain in the tonsils.

Helps identify the causative agent

swelling of the lymph nodes

and loss of appetite. Despite the severity of the manifestations, the pathology completely disappears in a week. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor.

Types of viruses and symptoms of infection

The reasons

The appearance of these symptoms is associated with the influence of such factors:

  • hypothermia;
  • bad habits;
  • problems with blood circulation in the mucous membranes associated with vascular pathologies or hormonal changes;
  • bacterial pathologies;
  • allergic reactions;
  • viral infections;
  • irritation with harmful substances;
  • increased dryness of the air.

How to relieve the condition at home

To speed up the recovery process, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • eat right and balanced;
  • take vitamin preparations;
  • drink a lot;
  • ventilate the room;
  • gargle and rinse the nose with medicinal solutions;
  • rest fully.

How to quickly cure a sore throat and runny nose:


To determine the causes of symptoms, you should consult a doctor. The specialist must interview the patient and prescribe additional studies.

Required tests

The list of mandatory procedures includes:

  • inspection of the larynx;
  • throat swab;
  • general blood analysis.

Additional Research

Often there is a need to carry out such procedures:

  • listening to the respiratory organs;
  • radiography of the chest and neck;
  • assessment of the level of acid in the esophagus;
  • measurement of pressure in the esophagus;
  • tests for HIV infection;
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy.

About the causes of sore throat, see our video:


There is no specific therapy for viral pathologies. Therefore, doctors usually prescribe symptomatic medications. Under normal conditions, the body should cope with the disease on its own. For this, the patient should be provided with plenty of fluids, clean and cool air, and a normal level of humidity.

If there is severe nasal congestion, vasoconstrictor drugs can be used. If breathing remains normal, and the discharge from the nose has a very thick consistency, it is worth using moisturizers. Doctors advise rinsing the nose with saline, and injecting oil preparations at night.

Ibuprofen or paracetamol can be used to combat muscle and head pain. The same drugs can reduce the temperature. For sore throats, it is worth doing rinsing, inhalation, irrigation with antiseptic solutions. It is also useful to dissolve softening lozenges with analgesic effect.

If the cause of the pathology is an allergy, it is necessary to exclude contact with provoking factors. Drugs such as suprastin or claritin will help to cope with the symptoms. The doctor may also choose other antihistamine medications.

Often used to treat viral infections

folk remedies

So, it is very useful to drink tea with linden, honey, raspberries. Inhalations with ginger, geranium, chamomile are no less effective. For rinsing, you can use decoctions of medicinal plants - calendula, sage, thyme.

Drugs that help with sore throats

What is the dangerous condition

The most common complication of viral infections is the chronic process. Without adequate therapy, there is a risk of chronic tonsillitis, otitis, laryngitis. Sinusitis or frontal sinusitis may also develop. You can suspect these pathologies by the occurrence of pressure in the region of the nose and sinuses.

With the appearance of severe pain in the ears and hearing loss, we can talk about the development of otitis media. Tonsillitis is also a common complication of the disease. It is evidenced by severe pain when swallowing, enlarged lymph nodes. If you do not treat a sore throat, there is a risk of developing kidney disease and rheumatism.

With improper therapy, viral pathologies can provoke bronchitis. In this case, the temperature rises to 39 degrees and a strong cough appears.

A common consequence of such disorders is lymphadenitis, which is an inflammation of the lymph nodes. This condition may be accompanied by weakness, fever.

In the presence of chronic pathologies, there is a risk of their exacerbation. Yes, it can get worse


or bronchial asthma.

How to cure a viral infection, says the doctor:


Viral diseases usually have a favorable prognosis. As a rule, they pass quite quickly. If a person has chronic diseases or does not follow the doctor's instructions, there is a risk of dangerous complications.


To prevent infection with viruses, it is worth strengthening the body:

  1. Temper. Thanks to this, it will be possible to resist colds.
  2. Eat a variety of foods. This will enrich the body with vitamins. In winter, it is worth taking a rosehip infusion, which will provide the body with vitamin C.
  3. Humidify the air. Excessive dryness of the mucous membranes increases the risk of infection.

Sore throat and runny nose are considered common symptoms of viral pathologies. Quite often, these manifestations speak of allergies. In any case, it will be possible to cope with the disease only after diagnosing and identifying the cause of this condition. Therefore, it is so important to consult a doctor in time, especially if symptoms are observed in a child or during pregnancy.

A sore throat and cough, a runny nose, an increase in body temperature are signs of a developing infection. These symptoms appear together with SARS.

The general condition is weakened, increased fatigue, there is no appetite, and a headache may torment. When a sore throat and cough, what to do and how to defeat the disease quickly is an important question.

Many people get sick in this way throughout the spring and autumn season, at some intervals the symptoms only weaken, but do not recede, and subsequently develop with renewed vigor. To prevent complications, you should understand what to do if your throat and runny nose hurt.

Why does my throat hurt and cough?

Anyone can get infected. In this case, as a rule, a sore throat and a runny nose, and a temperature. The main task of these symptoms is to remove pathogenic mucus from the body and create conditions unfavorable for the development of microorganisms.

When a sore throat, a strong cough, the causes are not only viruses and bacteria, but also:

  • throat irritation and cough in hypersensitivity reactions;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane under the influence of chemicals or a strong odor, which also causes a cough;
  • drying of the throat due to prolonged exposure to dry air.

Sore throat, runny nose develops due to irritation and inflammation that injure the mucous membrane. To accurately diagnose a specific pathology, the doctor first identifies what causes a sore throat, a strong cough.

What causes a runny nose?

Sore throat and runny nose - what kind of disease, infection or something serious is this question often asked by patients to their doctors. The secretory cells of the nasal mucosa increase the volume of mucus produced in response to an infectious invasion. This is how a runny nose develops. It helps to neutralize the virus by removing microorganisms from the nasal cavity along with the mucus.

ARVI almost always has a sore throat, cough, runny nose. The latter, as a rule, begins with liquid transparent secretions, the intensity of which increases sharply in the first hours of the disease.

In some people, the discharge from the nose at the initial stage can be very plentiful - and this is good, because it allows you to mechanically wash out the viruses that have fallen on the mucous membrane.

After 3-5 days, against the background of the immune system suppressed by the virus, bacterial microorganisms are activated: the secretion secreted from the nose begins to thicken and the runny nose gradually passes into the stage of congestion. At the same time, the natural evacuation of pathological contents from the nasal cavity is difficult, which creates the preconditions for further progression of the inflammatory process, chronic bacterial infection and the development of such a rhinitis complication as sinusitis.

What does the presence of temperature mean?

Any cold will not go unnoticed by the body - in response to the penetration of the infection, a reaction of thermoregulation develops. In simple terms, the temperature rises, the throat hurts, and the runny nose, and cough. The reasons for this are as follows:

  • in the body thus creating unfavorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Immunity works more actively with an increase in body temperature.

An increase in temperature during a cold with a cough occurs due to the fact that the body creates uncomfortable conditions for bacteria to live. On the other hand, when pathogenic microbes enter the body, they produce special substances that act like pyrogens, causing an increase in temperature. When a sore throat, runny nose, temperature, treatment should not be postponed.

Principles of treatment of respiratory infections

Each person should understand what to do if a sore throat and runny nose - how to treat such a condition and what to do to prevent complications. This will allow you to recover quickly.

Without proper treatment, sore throat, runny nose, cough, fever provokes serious complications that can affect, including the heart.

When a sore throat develops, a runny nose develops, the treatment of these symptoms should begin immediately. Already at the first manifestations of the lesion, it is necessary to observe the important principles recommended by physicians:

  • bed rest, minimize contact with others and try to go out less often;
  • drink as much liquid as possible, but exclude soda and coffee, preference should be given to tea, herbal decoctions, fruit drinks, compotes, cranberry and rosehip syrup, diluted with water, has a positive effect on immunity;
  • often ventilate the room, moisten the air in it - this greatly facilitates well-being, prevents the mucous membranes from drying out when the throat hurts, runny nose, cough, fever;
  • measure body temperature - when they are more than 37, continue to increase, you need to call a specialist.

How to treat?

When a sore throat and cough, how to treat this pathological condition, everyone should understand so as not to harm their body. There are many varieties of drugs, the doctor selects the most effective individually.


Antiseptics can be found in large quantities in any pharmacy. They are suitable for people whose diagnosis is a respiratory disease, provoked by both bacterial and viral pathogens, when the throat and runny nose hurt.

It is antiseptics that kill all bacteria, preventing them from continuing to multiply and poison the human body.

Antiseptics are available in different forms:

  • sprays for irrigation of the mucous throat and nasal cavity: Tantum Verde, Geksoral, Miramistin, etc.;
  • lozenges: Septolete, Hexoral tabs, Teraflu lar, etc.;
  • rinse solutions, the most famous remedy of this type is Furacilin;
  • solutions for treating gums and tonsils with a special spatula with gauze - Lugol.

Antibacterial agents (antibiotics)

They are good for colds, accompanied by a bacterial infection, in which a runny nose and sore throat appear. How to treat the doctor decides after confirming the diagnosis.

Taking antibiotics for SARS, when a sore throat, runny nose, will prevent complications. However, with an adequate immune response, there is a chance that a bacterial infection will not join, and in this case, antibiotics will be unjustified.

Antibiotics must be prescribed in the following cases:

  • if during the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections relief does not occur after 3 days;
  • when there is an increase in lymph nodes;
  • when pus flows out of the nasal cavity, as well as the presence of purulent components in the sputum during coughing;
  • with unbearable migraine and pain in the maxillary sinuses;
  • with pain in the ears and the release of fluid from them.

The most common antibacterial drugs that can be used to treat ARI are:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Cefazolin;
  • Levofloxacin.

Do not allow uncontrolled use of antibiotics. These are toxic drugs that have a negative effect on the body.


This is a special group of drugs that help strengthen the immune response. The drugs are designed to activate the immune forces of the body. They are of synthetic or vegetable origin.

With the protracted nature of SARS or influenza, when the patient is tormented by severe sore throat and runny nose, the doctor prescribes systemic or local immunostimulants:

  • Immunal.
  • Anaferon.
  • IRS-19.
  • Bronchomunal.

They can take different forms: sprays, tablets, ointments, powders and rectal suppositories.


When an infection enters the body, the throat hurts, the secretion begins to increase when coughing, its volume can reach up to 1.5 liters per day. This sputum becomes an excellent place for further reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. The human body tries to push out such sputum, thereby provoking a strong cough. But thick mucus is difficult to separate and leave the respiratory system.

The main function of expectorants is to help remove phlegm from coughing by thinning it. Expectorant drugs are prescribed with a strong viscosity of sputum, when the body cannot cope with its separation. These include:

  • Ambroxol;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Acetylcysteine.

It is forbidden to combine the intake of expectorants and antitussives - so the accumulated mucus will not be separated due to the suppression of cough through the brain. Stagnation of the pathological secretion will lead to an increase in the inflammatory process.


When a sore throat and runny nose, what to do is the main question of patients. The throat, like the nose, needs to be rinsed, because this is also the main barrier between the body and the infection, which is important to constantly rinse. Gargling also greatly relieves the cough - it transforms it from dry to wet.

Suitable for rinsing:

  • salt solution - the simplest, but also the most useless option;
  • extract of calendula, chamomile and sage;
  • Furacilin.

What to do if the cough is "barking"?

If the immune function is impaired, a runny nose, sore throat, temperature are often complicated by infectious lesions of the lower part of the respiratory system.

The main symptom of laryngitis is a sore throat, a "barking" cough and fever. But at times, laryngitis manifests itself as hoarseness in the voice or complete aphonia, the disease can proceed without a rise in temperature, but with a cough.

The process of treating a barking cough involves identifying and treating the underlying disease. It will be necessary to create conditions under which coughing attacks will occur less frequently:

  • comfortable temperature in the room;
  • high humidity;
  • frequent ventilation.

For a person with the development of laryngitis and cough, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as drugs that help stop the attack. In severe cases, bronchodilators are prescribed. When bronchitis is attached, treatment with mucolytics and expectorants, antibiotics is prescribed.

When the temperature is normal - a runny nose, sore throat, cough, simple procedures will help to quickly alleviate - this is a light foot massage with cream, a warm foot bath, which will activate blood flow to the legs, reflexively reduce swelling in the nasopharynx.

Do not use warm compresses or back creams, especially those with essential oils. They often cause allergies and bronchospasm.

Useful video

For more information about the treatment of SARS, you can learn from this video:


  1. Sore throat and cough should be treated promptly. These symptoms are caused by the action of bacteria or viruses on the body.
  2. Treatment of the considered symptoms involves complex immunomodulatory and antibacterial therapy.
  3. You should not self-medicate, thereby increasing the time of illness.
  4. Following the recommendations of qualified specialists, maintaining rest helps to stop the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections quickly and prevent complications.
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