Vitamin B6: pyridoxine. Causes and risk factors. Upper acceptable level

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine performs many important functions to maintain the normal functioning of the human body. Vitamin B6 deficiency is serious pathological condition, which requires timely diagnosis and proper treatment. Deficiency of this biologically active substance can clinically manifest itself in the form of the most variety of symptoms, the expression of which depends on general condition body and duration of vitamin deficiency. Prolonged lack of pyridoxine can lead to severe damage nervous system and development of other serious complications.

Significance for the human body

B vitamins play an important role in maintaining human health and are involved in all types of metabolism. Vitamin B6 is part of the enzyme system of the body, being a coenzyme of protein compounds. It also performs the following functions:
  • participates in the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin;
  • improves the absorption of glucose by the cells of the nervous system;
  • plays an important role in the metabolism of proteins and fats;
  • normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • actively involved in the metabolism of liver cells;
  • increases mental activity;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect in such nosological forms as arthritis, arthrosis.
Avitaminosis B6 leads to a violation of all of the above functions and the development of a characteristic symptom complex. With mild hypovitaminosis, there may be no symptoms of a clear lack of pyridoxine, however, if the deficiency of pyridoxine is not replenished in time, then the patient will develop serious violations in the work of the nervous, digestive and other systems.

Causes of vitamin deficiency

Avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis of vitamin B6 can develop due to exposure to negative factors internal and external environment. The main causes of hypo and avitaminosis of vitamin B6 are:
  • Improper nutrition. A healthy person receives the necessary daily dose vitamin B6 from food. Lack in the diet of foods rich in this biologically active substance, leads to a deficiency of pyridoxine and the appearance of symptoms of beriberi.
  • Organ pathologies digestive system . Availability inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines significantly impairs the absorption and absorption of vitamin B6. Also, the intestinal microflora can synthesize a small amount of pyridoxine, and with dysbacteriosis, the synthesis is disturbed.
  • Liver disease.
  • Severe endocrine and metabolic disorders.
With vitamin B6 vitamin deficiency, first of all, it is necessary to find the cause of the development of this pathology, as this will affect the tactics of treating the patient. In some cases positive results can only be achieved proper diet, while in others it is necessary complex treatment concomitant disease and the appointment of additional vitamin preparations.

The clinical picture of beriberi

The first symptoms of beriberi are fatigue and psycho-emotional lability. Patients tend to sharp drops moods often develop depressive states.

The lack of vitamin B6 adversely affects the activity of the nervous system, polyneuritis, paresthesia, and sensitivity disorders occur.

Most patients develop problems with sleep and appetite. Other manifestations of beriberi include:

  • pathological changes skin(seborrheic dermatitis occurs);
  • lesions of the mucous membranes (glossitis, stomatitis, conjunctivitis);
  • decrease in the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin;
  • damage to the organs of the digestive system (gastritis, intestinal dysbacteriosis);
  • muscle weakness and numbness with and without physical exertion;
  • arthritis.
Highly important symptom avitaminosis of vitamin B6 is a depression of mood against the background of a decrease in mental performance. B vitamins are responsible for the functioning of the nervous system, so it is these signs that should suggest a lack of pyridoxine or any other representative of this group.

Treatment and prevention of beriberi

Treatment of beriberi depends on the severity of the deficiency and the duration of the pyridoxine deficiency in the body. It is imperative to adjust the patient's diet and include foods rich in this biologically active substance in the diet. Vitamin B6 is found in cereals, nuts, dairy products. Contains vitamin B6 spinach, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes and other vegetables. Eggs are also recommended lean varieties fish and meat.

In case of severe vitamin deficiency, the doctor may prescribe vitamin complexes or preparations based on pyridoxine. The dosage, the route of administration and the duration of the course of treatment for beriberi are determined for the patient on an individual basis after a thorough examination. They also treat concomitant diseases that affect the metabolism of pyridoxine.

For the prevention of beriberi healthy person it is enough to fully eat and consult a doctor in a timely manner if symptoms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs appear. During a period of increased mental or mental stress, you can preventive purposes accept vitamin preparations after consultation with a doctor.

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Vitamin B 6 consists of three substances - pyridoxol, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine.

In the body, vitamin B 6 in the form of pyridoxal phosphate is a coenzyme of enzymes involved in protein metabolism. These enzymes provide for the biosynthesis of amino acids, their transamination, decarboxylation, deamination and, in part, methylation. Thus, vitamin B 6 prepares a fund of amino acids necessary for the synthesis of various proteins (enzymes, hemoglobin). Vitamin B 6 decarboxylates, in particular, glutamic acid(an excitatory mediator), turning it into gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) - an inhibitory mediator in the central nervous system. Using these properties, vitamin B 6 is trying to treat epilepsy, as well as some convulsive conditions in children.

Vitamin B 6 increases the absorption of unsaturated fatty acids. It ensures the transition of linoleic acid to biologically active arachidonic acid, which reduces the level of cholesterol and lipids in the blood and prevents their deposition in the vascular wall. Based on these properties, vitamin B 6, together with nicotinic acid, which also inhibits the synthesis of cholesterol, is used to prevent and treat atherosclerosis. Vitamin B 6 is necessary for the synthesis of acetyl coenzyme A. Vitamin B 6 is involved in the process of converting tryptophan into nicotinic acid and serotonin. The latter is necessary for the functions of the central nervous system and other body systems. Vitamin B 6 is involved in the synthesis of adrenaline, norepinephrine, providing decarboxylation of their precursor dioxyphenylalanine (DOPA). Vitamin B 6 promotes the formation of hemoglobin. This influence is carried out through its participation in the synthesis of histidine and proline, as well as globin from amino acids.

Since vitamin B 6 prepares the building material for proteins, its deficiency significantly affects the functions of many organs. With vitamin B 6 deficiency, liver functions suffer, in particular, the synthesis of albumins in it, transferrin, a protein that transports iron, and the synthesis of enzymes that neutralize medicinal substances.

With vitamin B6 deficiency, myocardial dystrophy, disorders of erythropoiesis, the structure and functions of the skin (dermatitis) and mucous membranes (glossitis, cheilosis) are observed. May develop depression, polyneuritis.

Isoniazid anti-tuberculosis drugs (which are used for a long time) can cause vitamin B 6 deficiency and related disorders. The daily requirement of vitamin B 6 is approximately 2-4 mg.

Vitamin B 6 is used in the following cases:

    Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    Diseases accompanied by a disorder of protein metabolism (severe infections).


    Violation of the functions of the nervous system (paresis, paralysis, brain injury).

    hypochromic anemia.

    In the treatment and poisoning of anti-tuberculosis drugs of the isoniazid group.

    During treatment peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

Hypo- and avitaminosis of vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a compound synthesized from glucose in the body of most animals. In humans, it is not synthesized and therefore must constantly enter the body with food. The need for ascorbic acid is especially high in tissues and organs with intensive metabolism, for example, in the glands. internal secretion. Its largest amount is found in the adrenal glands (100-300 mg%). In the experiment, the functional activity of this gland is determined by the decrease in the content of ascorbic acid. In the liver, the amount of ascorbic acid ranges from 18-40 mg%, in the kidneys 4-25 mg%, in blood plasma - 1-2 mg%. A significant amount of ascorbic acid (more than in plasma) is found in leukocytes, which is one of the proofs of the importance of this vitamin in their functions.

Ascorbic acid is involved in many redox reactions, reversibly turning into dehydroascorbic acid.

Ascorbic acid plays an important role in proline hydroxylation, collagen formation, i.e. in the synthesis of intercellular adhesives. It supports the normal function of the connective tissue, provides resistance to capillaries. Vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones, norepinephrine and adrenaline, and also protects the latter from oxidation. Ascorbic acid is necessary for the implementation of the functions of the endoplasmic reticulum of cells - it ensures the oxidation of glucose, the synthesis of glycogen, albumin, prothrombin, and the neutralization of toxic substances (including drugs). Ascorbic acid enhances gastric secretion, it is necessary for the absorption of iron in the intestine and its absorption. Vitamin C, together with vitamin B 12, is involved in the conversion of folic acid to tetrahydrofolic, the active form necessary for the synthesis of nucleic acids. Participating in synthetic processes, ascorbic acid ensures the active flow of tissue regeneration processes. The implementation of this effect is also associated with the direct stimulating effect of ascorbic acid on DNA synthesis. Vitamin C has an adaptogenic effect. Ascorbic acid increases mental and physical performance in humans.

Lack of vitamin C in food for 3-5 months leads to scurvy. Initially, fatigue and drowsiness appear. irritability, pain in the legs. The skin is pale and dry, the mucous membranes are cyanotic. The gums swell and bleed. In the future, loosening and loss of teeth may occur. Then, due to a violation of the strength of the walls of the capillaries, point hemorrhages develop. Diapedetic hemorrhages occur in the skin, mucous membranes, muscles, and internal organs. Violated mineral metabolism in the bones (osteoporosis). If vitamin C does not enter the body for a long time, other phenomena join the indicated symptoms: hypochromic anemia, leukopenia. AT connective tissue the number of fibroblasts decreases. The synthesis of collagen fibers, the main intercellular substance, decreases. The structure of the connective tissue is broken. Dystrophic changes are growing in the body. cachexia develops.

Hypovitaminosis of vitamin C occurs in healthy people with a decrease in the consumption of fruits and vegetables, their improper storage, and unreasonable cooking. The need for vitamin C increases (average rate is 70-100 mg per day) during heavy physical work, during pregnancy, lactation, and infectious diseases.

Vitamin C is widely used:

    Food ascorbic acid fortifies food for a complete vitamin supply of the population. It is especially important to carry out this in the winter-spring period.

    As an anti-inflammatory and capillary strengthening agent for infectious diseases, allergic reactions.

    With diseases of the heart, liver, lungs.

    In diseases associated with impaired trophism and regenerative processes (ulcers, wounds, rickets).

    With violations of hematopoiesis.

    In shock, collapse.

    In case of poisoning (including medicinal substances).

    With metabolic acidosis.

Hypovitaminosis(from Greek hypo - reduction) - a disease characterized by a decrease in the amount of a certain vitamin in the body. vitamins(from lat. vita - life) - these are low molecular weight bioorganic substances that are contained in the body in a small amount and are essential for sustaining life. Vitamins can be water-soluble and fat-soluble. Vitamin deficiency (hypovitaminosis) leads to many disorders in the human body, as a result of which serious illness. Vitamin B6 hypovitaminosis- a disease characterized by a lack of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) in the body. Vitamin B6- this is water soluble vitamin, which takes part in the metabolism and synthesis of serotonin. Pyridoxine is a combination of three substances:

  • pyridoxol,
  • pyridoxal,
  • pyridoxamine.

A large amount of vitamin B6 is found in yeast, cereals, beans, bananas, meat, and fish. Minor amount this vitamin synthesized in the intestine. Hypovitaminosis of vitamin B6 is divided into:

  • primary (occurs in newborns receiving artificial feeding deficient in this vitamin)
  • secondary (occurs when the intestinal microflora is suppressed and with an increased need for this vitamin during physical activity and pregnancy).

Diagnosis of hypovitaminosis of vitamin B6 is carried out using laboratory research blood and determining the amount of pyridoxine. With this pathology, it should be below 50 mcg / l.


Treatment of vitamin B6 hypovitaminosis consists in prescribing a diet that includes foods rich in vitamin B6. Assign the introduction of vitamin intramuscularly. You should also cure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Hypovitaminosis of vitamin B6 is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • weakness,
  • irritability,
  • fatigue,
  • lethargy,
  • insomnia,
  • skin peeling,
  • inflammation of the tongue
  • redness of the tongue
  • swollen lips,
  • nausea,
  • skin redness,
  • the appearance of blisters on the skin,
  • decreased reflexes,
  • convulsions,
  • anemia,
  • decrease in the number of lymphocytes in the blood.


To avoid hypovitaminosis of vitamin B6, you should consume enough foods containing this vitamin. You should also take pyridoxine during:

  • antibiotic treatment,
  • tuberculosis,
  • pregnancy,
  • breastfeeding.

Vitamin B6 is also known as pyridoxine - a water-soluble vitamin, is an assistant to amino acids in the structure of body cells. Also helps in the formation of red blood cells, antibodies and insulin. Therefore, it can be argued that vitamin B6 prevents infectious diseases and diabetes.

Why is vitamin B6 important?

Pyridoxine is involved in many processes in the body. Without this vitamin, the origin of life and its preservation is impossible. Vitamin B6 contains a lot of enzymes. He is given a lot important role in the metabolism of proteins and fats. The more saturated a person's diet is with proteins and fats, the more vitamin He needs B6. Prevents the formation of sand and kidney stones.

Vitamin B6 increases the absorption of unsaturated fatty acids. Provides, in conjunction with calcium, the normal functionality of the muscles and heart, their complete relaxation. Lack of the same vitamin can even cause inflammation of the middle ear.

Vitamin B6 avitaminosis

If you begin to feel that your sleep has worsened, leg cramps have become more frequent, you have become distracted, inattentive, headaches have become more frequent, you have become irritable and quickly tired, eat Great chance the existence of vitamin B6 deficiency in the body.

Definitely, without testing, it is very difficult to determine the lack of a vitamin. The symptoms are very similar to the lack of other vitamins, so you need to be extremely careful. For example, at night appears sharp pain in the back of the ankle, but in addition to a lack of vitamin B6, this can be a sign of a lack of vitamin E or magnesium. If your memory is deteriorating, your eyelids and hands are twitching, your sleep is worse, all this can be a sign of a lack of vitamin B6 and magnesium. And so we highlight the signs that may indicate vitamin deficiency B6:

  • violation of attention, sleep, memory, disorientation appears;
  • development of anemia;
  • the work of blood vessels worsens;
  • various skin diseases, the skin acquires a yellowish-lemon shade;
  • headaches, irritability, fatigue;
  • appetite worsens.

What foods contain vitamin B6



Sea ​​buckthorn


Sprouted grains of wheat

beef liver

Barley groats

Millet groats

Beef kidneys

Sweet red pepper

Rabbit meat





Rye flour

Sweet green pepper

Pork fat


Wheat grain bread

Canned fish in oil

Skimmed milk powder


Hercules groats

Cod liver

red cabbage

Dry cream

Hearth table bread

Whole milk powder


Rice groats

Rye bread


Green peas

Butter bun

Pasta of the highest grade

Roquefort cheese

Cheddar cheese

Cookies, crackers

White cabbage

Remember that any heat treatment product reduces the content of vitamin B6 in it.

Freezing vegetables, fruits, juices, meat products lose the vast majority of pyridoxine. Bread baked from white flour contains only 20% of the amount that is present in wheat grains. Together with the water in which we cook buckwheat, rice, we drain about 93% of the vitamin B6 contained in them. The same is true when boiling potatoes. If you think that you can preserve vitamins in vegetables during conservation, then you are mistaken. During preservation, from 57% to 77% of the vitamin contained in the raw product is lost.

The biggest source of pyridoxine from vegetables and fruits can be considered a banana, but for those countries where the climate allows them to grow in nature. For our latitudes best product should have been called potatoes, but proper preparation. Do not drain the water after boiling potatoes, but it is best to bake them in the oven in foil. In addition, wonderful sources of B6 are walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds, chicken meat, fish, buckwheat grain and bran. Therefore, it is worth replacing at least 10% of flour with bran when baking, buckwheat porridge do not boil, steam, chicken meat is best baked in foil.

Vitamin B6 tablets

If you are unable to take vitamin B6 in the required amounts with natural products, it is worth taking vitamin in the form of tablets. They can be purchased at pharmacies. The most common name is pyridoxine. It can also be paired with magnesium.

Upper acceptable level

The Tolerable Upper Intake Limit is the maximum daily intake nutrient, which should not lead to the development side effects. Unless otherwise noted, this level indicates the total intake of vitamin B6 from food, water and nutritional supplements.

For adults

Dose up to 100 mg.

For kids

For children under one year is not defined, due to insufficient data on this age group and inability to consume excess only with food. 1-3 years - 30 mg. 4-8 years - 40 mg.

Daily dose of vitamin b6

For kids

0-6 months - 0.1 mg; 7-12 months - 0.3 mg; 1-3 years - 0.5; 4-8 years - 0.6.

For adults

Men - 1.0-1.7 mg, women - 1.0-1.5.

For nursing mothers

Lactating and pregnant - 1.9-2.0 mg.

For the elderly

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