How scanty periods are treated: the causes of the violation. Lean periods are coming: what is the reason for this condition Long-term meager monthly causes after 40 years

The female body is a mystery that only nature can solve. Features of the changes that can occur after 40 years can be of a different nature. During this period, there is an active hormonal restructuring of the body and there may be problems with the regularity of menstrual flow. If you notice irregular periods, dizziness, hot flashes and unreasonable migraines - this may be a hint that the menopause is approaching and all these symptoms are nothing more than the onset of menopause.

However, in some cases, interruptions in menstruation may indicate pathological processes in the female body. Therefore, in one case or another, it is worth consulting with a doctor who will prescribe the necessary tests and examinations and subsequently decide on how to properly fix the problem.

The main causes of menstrual irregularities in women over 40 and how to eliminate them

Why there are changes in the cycle of the menstrual period in women after forty years, the answer may be the most unexpected - this is due to the restructuring of the hormonal background and a sharp decrease in estrogen production. In such a situation, the probability of fertilization of the egg is minimized, therefore, this indicates the extinction of menstrual functions.

However, after the menopause period begins, the female organs should function at the same level, but as practice shows, many of them give a temporary failure and stop their work for a certain period of time. There are also situations when it is possible to resume their functionality only after a preliminary targeted treatment. Menstruation in this case begins to fade, however, very rarely there are situations when it can recover for a while.

It is also worth noting that at the age of 40 years and above, other health problems may occur, during which monthly discharge is also suspended. These phenomena are not caused by hormonal changes and may be as follows:

  • psychogenic reason. Severe stress can cause a failure of the menstrual cycle and, as a result, a delay in menstruation. It is worth noting that even with age, a woman does not cease to react very sharply to the environment and worry about certain things and situations. Consequently, the menstrual cycle also reacts sharply to this and responds with monthly delays.

It is also worth considering the general indicators of physical health as much as possible. This is due to the fact that mental emotions most directly affect the overall health of a woman. Premenopausal age is always additional emotions and stresses, and it is better to endure them at a young age than after forty years.

  • Emotions. If menstruation does not go for a long time or is absent at all, this can be a consequence of very strong impressions or emotions. By the way, it is worth noting that this emotional overstrain can be both negative and positive.
  • neurogenic causes. It often happens that the menstrual cycle can go astray due to various psychological overstrains that may occur at work, at home or in other places. It also includes very important events in the lives of our children. The mother endures this experience so acutely that menstruation after 40 years may stop for a while.
  • Physical activity, especially unbearable for the weight category of a woman. Many women, after they have fulfilled the main function - the birth of children, stop paying attention to the weights that they lift. However, this should be controlled at any age, since forty years is a fairly old age and severity can be reflected in a decrease in menstrual function and, as a result, various female diseases.
  • A variety of pathologies of the genital organs in women is a cause that can occur latently at a young age and make itself felt only after forty years. Menstruation begins to go intermittently and at this age there is a significant risk of developing various pathologies that are dangerous not only for general health, but also for the life of a woman.

The most common diseases include the following:

  • ovarian cysts of multiple or single character;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • chronic adnexitis;
  • endometritis.

As for various gynecological interventions, abortion, removal of polyps or other manipulations can also cause menstruation to be absent for a month or more.

  • Chronic diseases of the body as a whole. It is worth noting that if there are such inflammatory processes in the woman's body that are chronic, then this can also cause a delay in menstruation. In order to exclude this condition as much as possible, it is necessary to visit a doctor on time, who will prescribe all the necessary tests and examinations in order to exclude the presence of pathological processes as much as possible.

As for the gynecologist, once a year it is worth undergoing an examination, and if any diseases are naive, this process should be repeated once every six months.

  • The reason for the delay may be problems with the functioning of the woman's endocrine system. The thyroid gland is most directly connected to the gynecological system, therefore, with its reduced functionality, interruptions in the menstrual cycle can also be observed.
  • Obesity or improper diet of a woman. This factor can directly affect interruptions in menstruation. The diet should include all the necessary nutrients and, as much as possible, exclude foods that contribute to the development of pathologies such as excess weight or the accumulation of cholesterol. The ovaries, like no other organ, react sharply to a deficiency of vitamins or a glut of harmful acids, therefore, the menstrual cycle also goes astray due to the malfunction of its main organ.
  • Medicines. There are some types of drugs that can slow down the process of menstruation. However, in order to avoid this, it is worth taking medicines only after consulting with your doctor. If you are taking medications of this direction and notice a temporary delay in menstruation, then after their cancellation, the cycle, as a rule, is restored.

If you notice a decrease in the volume of menstrual flow, you should definitely consult with your doctor, after which it will be possible to determine the exact cause of the delay or cessation of menstruation in a woman after forty years.

If you are approaching the age of forty, then you should take care in advance that this period passes with minimal discomfort for the woman. To do this, do not succumb to stressful situations and carry very heavy weights. However, if the field of activity is associated with such nervous projects, then it is worth thinking about changing the field of employment in order to maximize your women's health and longevity.

What changes can a woman face at the age of 45

To understand what happens to the female body after forty years, it is worthwhile to clearly understand that this age is characterized by the approach of menopause. Therefore, hot flashes, monthly interruptions and poor health should first of all be regarded as a normal physiological state at the onset of menopause.

At the age of forty-five, the interval between menstrual bleeding gradually increases, and the discharge itself becomes more scarce. It is at this age that this situation becomes the norm. However, there is an alarming signal, if at this age menstruation becomes more abundant or bleeding begins in the middle of the cycle and lasts more than seven days, you should urgently consult with a highly qualified specialist in order to minimize the occurrence of any pathologies.

As for the period of 40-45 years for a woman, it is worth noting that it is this stage of life that is the real premenopause. In this period, the activity of the ovaries begins to gradually decrease and estrogen, respectively, is not released in the required amount. There are delays in menstruation, there is a paucity of discharge, and you can also notice how menopause is gradually approaching. As a rule, during this period, chronic diseases may worsen or new pathologies may arise associated with intensive hormonal changes in the female body.

As for the individual tolerance of such a condition, it is worth noting that each woman tolerates it differently. Someone suffers from migraines and intense hot flashes, and someone just feels slight dizziness, which very quickly disappear without a trace. It all depends on the woman's immune system, as well as on the individual characteristics of her body.

If we talk about the external data of a woman over the age of forty, it is worth noting that hormonal changes are most directly reflected in the condition of a woman's skin. Due to the low production of estrogens, the regeneration processes slow down significantly and the skin can for the most part become wrinkled and appear flabby. However, hormone replacement therapy in the form of special injections or tablets helps to cope with all these shortcomings. It is strictly contraindicated to take these drugs on your own, the need for their use should be initially discussed with your doctor. This is due to the fact that the wrong dosage of hormonal drugs can cause a variety of diseases, up to the occurrence of tumor processes.

For some women, the period is fraught with problems in the intimate sphere. Due to the fact that the hormones are not stable, a symptom such as vaginal dryness may appear. It is also due to a lack of estrogen. A woman begins to experience some discomfort, which is not entirely compatible with the pleasant sensations during sex.

The mucous membranes practically do not perform the functions of protecting the genital area, therefore, a variety of genitourinary infections can occur.

The age of forty for a woman is the beginning of such a period as premenopause.

Menstrual flow is a good indicator of a woman's current health status. The causes of scanty periods can be both natural and indicate the occurrence of a violation. Only a doctor can accurately diagnose, but a woman can use the following article to make a primary diagnosis. Because not in all situations, a small amount of blood suggests pathology.

Definition of hypomenorrhea

Hypomenorrhea is one of the disorders of the menstrual cycle, manifested in an insufficient amount of secretions that do not correspond to the normal physiological norm of a woman.

Deviation can occur at any age: from the formation of the cycle to the extinction of the reproductive function. In most cases, the phenomenon is short-lived (one month), and should not cause concern.

Possible additional symptoms with scanty periods:

  • dizziness, migraine;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen and lower back;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • decrease in sexual desire;
  • nosebleeds;
  • apathy;
  • poor appetite;
  • general weakness.

But often menstrual flow is painless and not accompanied by additional discomfort. Therefore, women do not pay attention to the small amount of blood on the pad.

Sometimes under pressure. Read about the reasons for this violation in one of our articles.

How to understand if there is a problem

Each organism is individual, therefore, all women have their own rates of monthly bleeding. And this volume should be in the range of 50-150 ml, based on information from the Great Medical Encyclopedia.

But modern practice shows that individual variation must be taken into account, where in some women discharges of 40 ml or 250 ml are considered normal. This can be confirmed only with systematic observation by a doctor, when the patient has no complaints, and tests confirm her health.

It is also quite difficult to measure menstruation. Therefore, women constantly ask their gynecologists which periods are considered scanty. The minimum threshold is 50 ml, and anything less only suggests, but does not confirm, hypomenorrhea.

You can make calculations using tampons:

  • the number of drops of hygiene products;
  • duration of menstruation;
  • number of tampons per day.

It's best to look at an example. Monthly discharge goes on for 4 days, the girl uses mini tampons (6-9 ml). According to the advice of gynecologists, the remedy should not be in the vagina for more than 5 hours.

You need about 3 or 4 per day. If the tampon does not get wet in the specified time, then multiply 6 ml by 16, and if it is completely filled, then take 9 ml. As a result of the calculations, it can be seen that in this case, for the entire period of bleeding, the patient loses approximately from 96 to 144 ml.

Spacers can also be used for control. This is for daily use. If within an hour she practically did not get wet, then it is worth suspecting a deviation.

The influence of age

When there are very few periods, this can be considered a physiological norm. But only in the following situations:

  • puberty (approximately from 11 to 19 years);
  • premenopausal period, early menopause (30 years).

After menarche, the girl often has unstable discharge. The problem has several manifestations:

  • minor bleeding against the background of a normal cycle;
  • rare menstruation with an interval of more than 35 days;
  • short periods (less than three days);
  • painful beginning of the cycle;
  • frequent delays (bleeding only a few times a year).

This is not a deviation at the beginning of the formation of the cycle. In time, this can take from 12 months to three years. Persistence of the problem beyond this period requires examination. The doctor will help you understand what caused the scarcity of discharge, as well as prescribe the appropriate treatment.

After 40 years, the causes of scanty menstruation are associated with the premenopausal period. The first symptoms may appear at the age of 35-45, when the reproductive system gradually declines. The following signs will help to identify this period:

  • hot flashes of varying intensity;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • increased sweating;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • sleep problems;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • dryness of the genitals;
  • pain in the joints, abdomen.

It is a difficult time for the female body, so it is necessary to pay special attention to health. Under hypomenorrhea, a more serious disease may be hiding.

When the scarcity of menstruation is not dangerous

The cause of light periods may be due to the following factors:

postpartum recovery

After childbirth, the stabilization of the previous cycle depends on whether the woman is breastfeeding or not. With lactation, the hormonal background is restored more slowly, so normal periods may begin in a year or two. Usually the cycle is normalized 2-4 months after breastfeeding is stopped.


Some features of the body are inherited from the grandmother, mother, including scanty spotting. They are noted throughout the reproductive age and do not cause much discomfort.

The egg does not mature

Sometimes there are anovulatory cycles. Against their background, delays are often noted, after which scanty bleeding begins. It is completely harmless to health if it is celebrated only a couple of times a year.

Reception OK

Oral contraceptives can block ovulation or deplete the structure of the endometrium. Therefore, a small amount is the norm until your own hormonal balance is fully restored.

External factors

Answering the question why there are meager monthly discharges, doctors first evaluate the relatively benign causes of the failure. Violation of the menstrual cycle may be associated with the following external circumstances:

  • stress, emotional overstrain;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • excessive exercise;
  • work in hazardous production;
  • abrupt climate change;
  • bad habits;
  • consequence of surgery.

It is not necessary to treat such phenomena, it is enough to change the lifestyle, rest more, improve the diet. In rare cases, sedatives are required if the patient cannot cope with the psycho-emotional burden. Over time, menstrual flow becomes stable and corresponds to the norm in volume.

When meager periods indicate a pathology

It is important to explain the unusual nature of bleeding immediately after the first symptoms. Even a slight change in the cycle in the form of long, meager periods may indicate the development of the following pathologies:

  • excessive thinness or obesity;
  • anomalies of the genital organs;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • the presence of an infection;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • problems with the ovaries;
  • disturbances in the work of the pituitary gland;
  • pathology of the uterus and its parts;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • a consequence of abortion;
  • anemia, problems with the immune system;
  • infantilism of the genital organs;
  • disorders of the blood coagulation system;
  • intoxication of the body, the consequences of harmful radiation;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • diabetes.

Due to the large number of possible causes of the violation, it is impossible to select drugs on your own. The same rule applies to traditional medicine, which can only temporarily eliminate the problem.

Ectopic pregnancy

Very light and dark periods may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. And the girls note that it was not quite menstruation that went, but discharge, which can be confused with monthly bleeding against the background of hypomenorrhea:

  • a small amount of blood;
  • dark brown shade;
  • lengthy character.

It is extremely important to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy in time. If a woman does not go to the hospital for a long time, then the risk of rupture of the fallopian tubes, peritonitis and bleeding into the abdominal cavity increases.

Diagnosis and treatment

When menstruation is meager and, moreover, goes little, it is necessary to visit such specialists:

  • gynecologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • vascular surgeon;
  • neuropathologist;
  • psychiatrist.

A survey may include the following activities:

  • gynecological examination;
  • urine and blood analysis (general);
  • tests for hormones (selected by a doctor);
  • transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound;
  • smear on flora;
  • folliculometry;
  • bacterial culture;
  • endometrial biopsy.

Most often, it is enough to contact a gynecologist and donate blood, urine, smears. If no serious violations were found at this stage, the specialist will advise you to improve your lifestyle and diet. In the opposite situation, the doctor, based on the results of the examination, will make additional diagnostics for an accurate diagnosis and choice of therapy.

Discharge color

Scanty and prolonged brown menstruation can have several causes:

  • weak uterine tone;
  • prolonged depression;
  • severe stress;
  • trauma of the reproductive system;
  • consequences of abortion, surgery;
  • improper functioning of the pituitary gland, ovaries.

If the traces on the pad are lighter than usual (pink), then these discharges are not associated with menstruation and may occur against the background of a delay.

Medicines for poor menstruation

They are selected based on the examination and the established diagnosis. It must be understood that there is no specific remedy for the treatment of scanty periods, from which their volume increases. Therefore, the root causes are first eliminated, which is why the monthly bleeding has decreased.
This may be progesterone-based hormone maintenance therapy:

  • Utrozhestan;
  • Duphaston;

Follow the link to learn how to receive.
You can not drink hormones on your own. An incorrect scheme, an increase in the dose against the background of an inaccurate diagnosis exacerbates the situation. undergo changes - brown discharge of a smearing character or with clots appears.

It also helps with the scarcity of secretions.

For thyroid problems:

  • Endorm;
  • Iodomarin.

To eliminate inflammatory processes:

  • Metronidazole (not an antibiotic);
  • Ampicillin;
  • Cefatoxime;
  • Ceftriaxone.

As an additional treatment, when little blood is released and menstruation is bad, the gynecologist may prescribe homeopathic remedies:

  • Remens;
  • Dysmenorm;
  • Feminalgin.

This is just an indicative list. The drugs described above can be drunk only after the permission of the attending physician. If you do it at home on your own, then the risk of complications and the occurrence of additional failures almost always increases.


Sometimes you can do without drugs, but provided there is no inflammatory process or pathology of the pelvic organs, thyroid gland. They will help get rid of the problem of tincture and, if the cause is a minor failure or external factors (stress, physical activity).

The following recipes will help to strengthen menstruation:

  1. Parsley and rue. Mix herbs in a 2:1 ratio to get 1 tbsp. l. Add 200 ml of boiling water. We insist the broth for several hours. For treatment, it is sufficient to divide the resulting liquid into three times, drinking it all in one day.
  2. Sagebrush. After taking it, menstruation should increase, the pain should disappear. It is necessary to take 2.5 tablespoons of a dry plant in a glass of boiling water. The daily dose is 3 tbsp. l.
  3. Verbena. The decoction is prepared on the basis of 1st. l. herbs in a glass of boiling water. Can be consumed at any time during the day.

Without proper treatment, light periods develop into a delay or pass only for a while.

Medicinal herbs should be used sparingly. Many plants can cause severe bleeding, as they are used most often for delays.

All about menstruation

Menstruation(from Latin mensis - month), menstruation or regulation - part of the menstrual cycle of the female body, rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium (uterine mucosa), accompanied by bleeding. From the first day of menstruation begins the countdown of the menstrual cycle. Menstrual blood does not clot and is darker in color than the blood circulating in the vessels. This is due to the presence in the menstrual blood of a set of enzymes

Menstruation usually occurs every month, but there are also non-standard periods of menstruation. Before puberty, during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth, menstruation is absent in menopause. The discharge immediately after childbirth is called lochia and lasts for several weeks. Sometimes during breastfeeding, menstruation may be absent for some time, and on this absence of menstruation such a method of contraception is built as the method of lactational amenorrhea.

The first appearance of menstruation (menarche) in a woman occurs at the age of 12-14 years (normal; with a range of 9-11 to 19-20 years). After the first period, the next period may be 2 or 3 months later. Over time, the menstrual cycle sets in and lasts 28 days, but a cycle length of 21 to 35 days is normal. Only 13% of all women have a cycle of exactly 28 days. Menstruation lasts approximately 3-8 days. All discharge comes from the vagina.

Age of menopause (cessation of menstruation): the norm is 40-57 years, most likely 50-52 years.


At a certain moment (every girl has her own time), a small gland - the pituitary gland, located deep in the mass of the brain, sends its first hormonal signal. Blood carries pituitary hormones throughout the body, but the most sensitive to their action are the ovaries, which in turn also begin to produce special hormones.

Since birth, each girl has about 100-150 thousand immature eggs in each of the ovaries. When the ovary receives a hormonal signal, one of the eggs begins to mature. The egg is located inside a special sac (follicle), which, developing, increases in size and, as it were, protrudes to the surface of the ovary. Approximately from the 8th to the 15th day of the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs: the follicle bursts, and the mature egg safely enters the fallopian tube.

The time of ovulation (i.e., the full maturation of the follicle and the release of a mature egg) is individual for each woman. It can only be calculated approximately, since various factors influence this process. These include diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems, liver, kidneys, etc. Stress and emotional experiences can also cause accelerated or slow development of the egg.

The egg is the largest cell in the human body, although it is difficult to see with the naked eye. Its diameter is 0.2 mm. After ovulation, the mature egg, due to the movement of the fringes that cover the inner walls of the fallopian tube, moves to the uterine cavity.

While the follicle with the egg is maturing, under the influence of the hormones already mentioned, the preparation of the uterine mucosa is being read in parallel. Its thickness increases from 1 to 10 mm, a large number of new blood and lymphatic vessels form in it, it becomes juicy, soft and represents nothing more than a potential bed for a conceived being.

If, as a result of sexual contact, a mature egg in the fallopian tube meets with a male reproductive cell (sperm), the egg and sperm are combined, and fertilization (conception) occurs. The days after ovulation are the most favorable for conception. If fertilization does not occur, then the bed prepared in the uterine cavity turns out to be redundant, the juicy, thickened mucous membrane is rejected and menstrual bleeding occurs - menstruation. This cycle is repeated in a woman who has reached puberty every month. This is where the second name for this process came from among the people - menstruation. Monthly - in popular belief, a state in which a woman was considered "unclean" and dangerous, was isolated and was forced to limit her social ties and economic activities.

The beginning of a girl's menstruation indicates her puberty and her ability to reproduce a new life. This should not be forgotten, because. these days, the onset of menstruation sometimes coincides with the onset of sexual activity.

Menstruation is a rhythmically repeating process that occurs with the participation of the endocrine and central nervous systems.

If we kept this in mind, perhaps we would have fewer puzzled “why” questions.

Why does my mood deteriorate before menstruation, why do I become irritable, sometimes aggressive, and sometimes my eyes are wet before menstruation? Why is my period so painful? Why does the menstrual cycle "jump"?

These and similar questions we often ask ourselves. And it is especially difficult to understand the cause of such phenomena if a woman knows that she does not have inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Let's try to understand these problems step by step. And first, let's remember what menstruation is and what role the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus and pituitary gland play.

I will try not to overload you with unnecessary details and terminology. You try to treat menstruation not as something familiar, but as an exciting adventure that happens every month not somewhere far away, but in your own body.

Period. Action one.

It starts with the hypothalamus, which is part of the brain. It secretes special substances - neurohormones that stimulate the activity of the main endocrine gland - the pituitary gland. The latter, in turn, produces hormones that activate ovarian function. It turns out a kind of chain, where each link matters.

Under the influence of pituitary hormones in the ovary, the follicle containing the egg grows and matures. In the process of growth, the follicle secretes specific sex hormones - estrogens.

Period. Action two.

It develops as follows: the follicle ruptures, and a mature egg enters the abdominal cavity - ovulation occurs. In place of the bursting follicle, the so-called corpus luteum is formed, it secretes the hormone progesterone, and the second half of the menstrual cycle passes under its control.

Under the influence of estrogen and progesterone, the uterine mucosa thickens and becomes loose. The blood vessels located there dilate and overflow with blood. If fertilization does not occur, the egg dies, and the corpus luteum undergoes reverse development; if it happened... But that's another adventure.

Period. Climax.

Blood from the vessels of the mucous membrane of the uterus pours into the thickness of the swollen and loose membrane, which is then rejected, and this, of course, is accompanied by the release of blood from the uterus - menstruation. Then everything repeats again.

Period. Epilogue.

But this is not all events. The fact is that under the influence of ovarian hormones, periodic changes occur in other organs. The structure of the vaginal epithelium and the cellular composition of its contents are changing. As the follicle matures, the amount of mucus in the cervical canal increases and reaches a maximum at the time of ovulation. At the same time, its extensibility also increases. The basal temperature is changing - we can track this if we measure it rectally, in the rectum.

During the menstrual cycle, changes are observed in the central and autonomic nervous systems, mammary glands, which become slightly rough before menstruation, and sometimes become painful. There is fluid retention in the body, which is why some women gain a little weight before the onset of menstruation.

The duration of the cycle, that is, the time interval from the beginning of menstruation to the first day of subsequent periods, is 21-32 days, for most - 28 days. During menstruation, up to 150 milliliters of blood can come out. Some lose 30 milliliters of blood in three days, others - 100-150 milliliters in a week. All this is within the physiological norm. The first menstruation (menarche) begins at the age of 12-14, a later onset of the first menstruation can be caused by dysfunction of the endocrine glands - the ovaries, adrenal glands, thyroid gland or pituitary gland. And menstruation stops at 45-55 years old, and, as a rule, a year or two before that, menstruation becomes more scarce and rare. By the way, recently there has been a tendency towards a later onset of the menopause. And one more feature noticed by some doctors: the earlier the first menstruation comes, the later the menopause comes - the extinction of the function of the reproductive system.

That, perhaps, is all that can be said - very briefly, of course - about such a phenomenon familiar to all women as menstruation. But this is about the norm. In fact, how many women - so many different characters ... menstruation.

monthly Fig. 1 Scheme of the menstrual cycle and its regulation. a - the brain and pituitary gland; b - ovary (growth and maturation of the follicle, ovulation, development of the corpus luteum); c - uterine mucosa (change in thickness and structure); d - extensibility of mucus formed in the cervical canal (in centimeters); d - rectal temperature

And the nature of the cycle largely depends on the diseases suffered in childhood and during puberty. Neuropsychiatric disorders, infectious diseases, excessive physical and intellectual stress, and even unfavorable living conditions can cause menstrual disorders. But what is an adventure without obstacles and negative characters? Here are their sonorous names:

Amenorrhea - the absence of menstruation, not due to pregnancy;

Menorrhagia - heavy and prolonged periods;

Algomenorrhea - painful periods;

Oligomenorrhea, or hypomenstrual syndrome, is rare and meager periods.

In addition, women can also face such troubles as:

Frequent menstruation and uterine bleeding, not associated with the cycle;

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

What is the monthly (menstrual) cycle?

When menstruation occurs regularly at regular intervals, it is called a menstrual cycle. A normal monthly cycle is a sign that a woman's body is working normally. The monthly cycle is provided by the production of special chemicals called hormones. Hormones prepare a woman's body regularly every month for fertilization and pregnancy. The menstrual cycle is counted from the first day of the last period to the first day of the following months. The average length of the menstrual cycle is 28 days. It can range from 21 to 35 days in adult women and 21 to 45 days in adolescents. Cycle length is regulated by the rise and fall of hormone levels during the cycle.

What processes occur during the menstrual cycle

In the first half of the cycle, estrogen levels rise. Estorgens are female sex hormones that play an important role in a woman's health. First of all, under the influence of estrogen, bones become stronger. Estrogens keep bones strong until old age. Estrogens also cause the lining of the uterus, the endometrium, to grow and thicken. The endometrium is that part of the uterus that initially serves as a medium for the implantation of the embryo and provides nourishment to the embryo during pregnancy. At the same time, along with the growth of the endometrium, a follicle grows in the ovary - a bubble, inside which the egg is contained. Approximately in the middle of the cycle, on day 14, the egg leaves the follicle. This process is called ovulation. After the egg has left the ovary, it passes through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. High hormone levels at this time provide optimal conditions for embryo implantation. The highest chance of getting pregnant starts 3 days before ovulation and ends on the day of ovulation. If the egg meets the sperm during this period, pregnancy occurs. If the meeting with the sperm does not occur, the egg dies, the level of hormones drops, the inner layer of the uterus begins to be rejected. This is how new periods start.

What happens during menstruation

During menstruation, the inner layer of the uterus is shed through the canal of the cervix and vagina. This is accompanied by bleeding. With the help of blood flow, the remnants of the inner layer of the uterus are washed away and removed from the body. The amount of bloody discharge from the vagina can vary from period to period. The duration of vaginal bleeding may vary from cycle to cycle. On average, it is from 3 to 5 days, but the interval from 2 to 7 days is considered the norm. During the first few years from the onset of menstruation, periods are usually longer than in middle age. The usual cycle length is 21 to 35 days.
What problems can occur during menstruation

Many violations developing during menstruation are described. The most common are:

Delay of menstruation
Pain during menstruation
vaginal bleeding
Uterine bleeding

At what age should the first menstruation occur?

The average age of the onset of the first menstruation is 12 years. This does not mean that menstruation should begin during this period. The first menstruation can begin between the ages of 8 and 15. Before menstruation begins, the breasts grow. As a rule, the onset of the first menstruation occurs within 2 years after the onset of development of the mammary glands. If after 15 years menstruation does not appear or they do not occur 2-3 years after the start of breast growth, you should see a doctor.

early menstruation

If menstruation begins on time earlier than 21 from the beginning of the last menstruation, they are called early. The reason for early menstruation may be the insufficiency of the second phase. The insufficiency of the second phase occurs when the formation of the corpus luteum is disturbed or its premature extinction. During the second phase of the cycle, the corpus luteum produces progesterone. Progesterone is a female sex hormone, under the influence of which the endometrium that has grown in the first phase enters the secretion stage, which is the most favorable for embryo implantation. If progesterone is low, its falling level triggers early periods.
Menstruation in girls

If a girl's period occurs earlier than 8 years, this is a sign of precocious puberty. The reasons are in violation of the hormonal regulation of puberty. If such a situation arises, it is necessary to contact a pediatric endocrinologist, who will prescribe a set of necessary tests and select a treatment aimed at normal sexual development. Menstruation in girls is characterized by an unstable cycle. As a rule, this cycle can reach 45 days, which is considered completely normal for the period of establishment of menstruation in girls. Also, menstruation in girls often causes pain.

Scanty periods

Scanty periods last less than two days. Bloody discharge has a brown tint. Such brown periods appear due to the fact that the process of separating the remnants of the endometrium is very slow and the blood has time to clot, which causes such a color. Scanty periods are also characterized by slight discharge. Such periods may indicate a violation of the second phase of the cycle and insufficient thickness of the endometrium. In women with scanty periods, pregnancy is problematic, since most often the existing violation is associated with a deficiency of progesterone, which contributes to the implantation of the embryo.

Abundant periods

Abundant periods last more than 7 days and at the same time there is a need for frequent change of pads. Changing pads frequently means changing them every 2 hours or more. Abundant periods occur due to the fact that in the uterine cavity there is a thickened inner layer - the endometrium. At the onset of menstruation, the endometrium cannot exfoliate quickly. Partial exfoliation delays the process of menstruation and causes more profuse bleeding. Often the cause of heavy periods can be uterine fibroids or uterine polyps. Blood clotting disorders also increase the intensity of menstruation.

Menstruation after childbirth

Menstruation after childbirth in a woman who is breastfeeding, as a rule, does not go. This is due to the fact that the hormone prolactin, which is produced in the body of a nursing woman in large quantities, inhibits the production of hormones that trigger menstruation. However, with a lack of prolactin, for example, with irregular breastfeeding, menstruation can go.

How long does a woman's period of regular menstruation last?

Women have periods until menopause. Menopause occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. The average age of menopause is 50 years. Menopause characterizes the period when a woman loses the opportunity to become pregnant, her periods disappear and eggs do not mature. Menopause is not established immediately. For some women, it takes several years to establish. This is the so-called transient menopause. It can last from 2 to 8 years. For some women, menopause may occur at an earlier age due to illness, chemotherapy, or surgery. If a woman has not had her period for more than 90 days, see a doctor to rule out pregnancy, early menopause, and other conditions.

In what cases should you consult a doctor in case of violation of menstruation?

If menstruation did not start after 15 years
If there is no period 3 years after the start of breast growth, or if the breast has not begun to grow by the age of 13.
If there is no menstruation for more than 90 days
If, after a period of a stable cycle, menstruation began to occur irregularly
If you have periods more than once every 21 days or less than once every 35 days
If bleeding continues for more than 7 days
If the intensity of bleeding is higher than usual or you have to use 1 pad every 1-2 hours.
If there is vaginal bleeding during the intermenstrual period
If there is severe pain during menstruation
If you suddenly develop a high temperature after using pads

How often should you change your tampon or pad during your period?

It is necessary to change the tampon or pad at least once every 4-8 hours. Always use the least absorbent tampon or pad. Absorption is the ability to retain blood. The higher the degree of absorption, the more blood can accumulate in the pad or tampon. The use of highly absorbent tampons and pads can cause toxic shock syndrome. Toxic shock develops due to the absorption into the blood of the waste products of bacteria that colonize a pad or tampon soaked in menstrual flow. Although this syndrome is rare, it can be fatal. It is safer to use a pad rather than a tampon.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, remove your tampon or pad and visit your doctor:

Sudden increase in body temperature
Muscle pain
Rash on the body that looks like a sunburn
Eye redness
Throat discomfort

What to do if periods are missing

Missing periods could be a sign of pregnancy. To confirm, you need to do a pregnancy test. If the test is positive, you need to see a doctor for a uterine ultrasound to make sure that the embryo is in the uterine cavity. If menstruation is gone and the pregnancy test is negative, you should consult an obstetrician-gynecologist. There can be a lot of reasons and the doctor will help you choose exactly those tests and examination methods that will establish the cause.
Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation

Many people think that it is impossible to get pregnant during menstruation. However, it is not. The fact is that in order to become pregnant, ovulation is necessary. Ovulation (the release of the egg from the follicle) usually occurs in the middle of the cycle, but it can also be on the tenth day of the monthly cycle. Considering that the normal duration of menstruation can be up to 7 days, fertilization can occur if there was sexual intercourse on the seventh (last) day of menstruation. The lifespan of spermatozoa can reach 72 hours, that is, 3 days. That is, on day 10, the egg has a chance to be fertilized. Usually spermatozoa carrying X chromosomes live this long, that is, as a result of such fertilization, the child will have a female sex.

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation

You can get pregnant immediately after your period if your period lasts a long time and ovulation occurs within 72 hours by the end of your period. Early ovulation and prolonged periods can occasionally occur in completely healthy women. Of course, the probability of getting pregnant immediately after menstruation is small, but it should be taken into account for those couples who do not plan to have children and do not follow a certain lifestyle (drink alcohol, smoke, take medication).

Is it possible to have sex during menstruation

During menstruation, the cervical canal opens and torn fragments of the endometrium accumulate in the vaginal cavity, which serve as a breeding ground for conditionally pathogenic bacteria. The mucous plug of the cervical canal, which serves as a barrier to the penetration of infections into the uterine cavity, is absent during menstruation. If a woman has STDs that are in a latent, latent form, they can become active during menstruation. Thus, on the one hand, sex during menstruation can jeopardize the health of a man who is at risk of getting a non-specific infection or STD. On the other hand, for a woman, sex during menstruation is dangerous because at this time the natural defenses are reduced and there is a higher risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
Discharge after menstruation

Vaginal discharge after menstruation may be bloody. If vaginal bleeding occurs, then a piece of tissue that has not completely separated could remain in the uterine cavity. Such incomplete separation can occur in small portions over a long period. As a rule, discharge after menstruation occurs with endometrial polyps and other processes accompanied by nervous thickening of the endometrium. Sometimes discharge after menstruation can be due to hormonal disorders.
Discharge before menstruation

As a rule, discharge before menstruation can occur if a woman has an inflammatory disease that worsens before the onset of menstruation. Many chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, especially such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis, can worsen before menstruation. One of the signs of exacerbation is the presence of vaginal discharge.
How to induce menstruation if they are absent for a long time or the cycle is irregular?

The absence of menstruation or their irregularity can occur for many reasons. Often the cause of the lack of menstruation can be polycystic ovaries. In order to cause menstruation, you must first determine the reason for their absence. In some cases, it is enough to adjust the diet and apply rational physical activity so that menstruation resumes. In other cases, it is necessary to adjust the hormonal background or even resort to surgical treatment. This question is so complex and takes into account so many individual characteristics that it is necessary to consult a good specialist.

Length of the menstrual cycle

Some women are concerned about the irregularity of their menstrual cycle. First, let's be clear. The menstrual cycle is the time from the first day of one menstruation to the first day of the next. Only in 30% of girls menstruation becomes regular very quickly. Others take a year or more. But this does not mean that in a year menstruation will occur exactly after 28 days!

The 28-day (so-called lunar) cycle is considered ideal. You understand, our life can hardly be called ideal. Nervous overload, stress, illness, bad ecology, nothing goes unnoticed for our fragile health. All of the above factors can cause a delay in menstruation.

A normal menstrual cycle is not less than 21 days and not more than 35 days. Within these limits, a difference between cycles of no more than 10 days is acceptable. The remaining cases are deviations from the norm. In this situation, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, as ovarian dysfunction is possible.

I recommend that all girls and women keep a special menstruation control calendar. This calendar will make it possible to determine the duration and regularity of the menstrual cycle, how long menstrual flow lasts. Such information will be useful not only to you, but also to your gynecologist. By looking at this calendar, you can plan fertile days or, conversely, calculate “safe days”.

See also:

Period control calendar
Method for calculating "safe days"
Menstrual irregularities

duration of menstruation

Again, there is no exact figure for the duration of menstrual bleeding for all women. 3 to 7 days is considered normal. The first two days are more abundant discharge, the rest of the time, if I may say so, the remnants. If, for a week, you are “lashing like a bucket”, then you need to see a doctor.

I want to remind you that the use of such a contraceptive as an intrauterine device provokes more abundant and painful menstruation. In such a situation, this is normal. However, the spiral does not affect the duration of bleeding. It should not last more than 7 days.

The use of oral contraceptives (hormonal contraceptive pills), on the contrary, makes menstrual bleeding more scarce and less prolonged. Which in this situation is also a variant of the norm.

The quantity and quality of blood lost

During menstruation, blood loss is negligible. The body compensates for it very quickly. On average, a woman loses from 20 to 50 grams of blood per day, in total, during one menstruation, no more than 250 grams. Menstrual blood is usually bright scarlet, has a specific odor, and usually does not clot.

If you sometimes find blood clots in your menstrual flow, do not immediately panic. A similar phenomenon occurs due to the fact that the enzymes cannot cope with the abundance of secretions and let through the so-called "unprocessed" blood, which accumulates in the vagina and coagulates there. Clots are also characteristic of women using intrauterine devices. In this case, the clots are pieces of a fertilized egg that did not find a “refuge” in the uterus and was washed away by menstrual blood.

Bloody daub, the so-called "dirty" at the beginning and end of menstruation, is also quite normal, but it should not last more than two days. Too long blood smearing after menstruation may indicate various gynecological diseases (polyps, castes, etc.). In such a situation, you must definitely contact a gynecologist and undergo an appropriate examination.


Another equally important question. Should menstruation be painful? This natural process is accompanied by various, quite explainable phenomena. Hormonal changes that occur during menstruation affect the entire body of a woman. Therefore, the chest swells, becomes heavier, there is a feeling of some tension. Some women feel tired, irritable, weak; in others, the pulse and breathing quicken, they are chilly or feverish; the third has heaviness in the legs; in the fourth, the lower back aches or pulls the lower abdomen ... All these are signs of premenstrual syndrome, which each of you has experienced for yourself. From a physiological point of view, you should not pay serious attention to them. However, if these symptoms lead to disability, then you should consult a doctor.

Intimate life during menstruation

My patients all often ask me the question: is it possible to live sexually during menstruation? They believe that if it suits their sexual partners from an aesthetic point of view, then they can not limit themselves in sex these days. There is also an opinion that pregnancy cannot occur these days. I want to disappoint these thrill-seekers. First, during menstruation, the cervix is ​​ajar. This means that if sexual intercourse occurs without a condom, then there is a possibility of infection entering the uterus. Secondly, a healthy woman can conceive on any day of the menstrual cycle! Trust my experience and don't risk it! Even if you want intimacy during your period, be sure to maintain hygiene before intercourse, and use a condom.

When Your Period Indicates Problems

Heavy and painful periods, delays, missed periods, spotting, aperiodic bleeding - you should know in which case you should consult a doctor.

As you have known since high school, menstruation is the monthly shedding of the lining of the uterus, which is accompanied by a slight amount of bleeding. Although periods can be somewhat inconvenient, they signal that your reproductive system is working properly.

Just as every woman is unique, every woman's period also has its own personality. For some menstruation may be shorter, for others longer, for some it is easy, for others it is painful and accompanied by poor health.

After several years of regular menstrual bleeding, most women begin to feel their approach and are able to predict their severity and duration. When something out of the ordinary happens, like spotting between periods or exceptionally heavy bleeding, it's natural to wonder, what's going on?
Is there such a thing as "normal menstruation" at all?

In truth, the definition of "normal menstruation" is not entirely true, we can only talk about some average duration. On average, the menstrual cycle is 28 days, and menstruation on average lasts from three to five days. However, there should not be a serious difference in the duration of menstruation, both from cycle to cycle, and for each individual woman.

"Three days is the norm for some women, but for others, seven days is also the norm," says Franklin Loffer, MD, executive vice president and medical director of the AAGL (formerly known as the American Association of Gynecological Laparoscopists). Similarly, for some women, periods are heavier, longer, but in their case, this will be the norm.

Instead of worrying about the length or frequency of your periods, you need to ask yourself, has anything changed?

“A woman should keep track of her menstrual cycle as this can provide a lot of information, especially if there are any irregularities,” says Frances Ginsburg, MD, Director of Reproductive Endocrinology at Stamford Hospital, Stamford, Conn., and Associate Professor of Clinical Obstetrics. and gynecology at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Below are some of the most common menstrual irregularities and what they can mean.
Menstruation became rare, scarce or completely stopped.

If suddenly you have a delay, the first and main question is how old are you?

The reason for not having a period (amenorrhea) varies with age. The reason for the cessation of menstruation at age 25, says Loffer, is significantly different from that at the age of 50.

For a woman of twenty or thirty years old, leading an active sex life, pregnancy is always possible. Even if a woman is sure that she is protected, this is not an absolute guarantee.

On the other hand, a woman in her 40s and 50s may be in perimenopause, the period before menopause. As the ovaries reduce the release of estrogen, periods become less frequent. The duration of menstruation and the amount of blood loss in perimenopause can also be significantly reduced. The moment of menopause is considered to be the cessation of menstruation for a full 12 months, the average age of menopause is 51 years.

Another possible reason for missed periods could be excessive exercise. From 5 to 25% of female athletes in training are produced so strongly that they completely stop menstruating. Intensive exercise affects the formation and balance of sex hormones involved in the regulation of the menstrual cycle. The phenomenon is called "induced amenorrhea" and is most common among ballet dancers and runners.

For the same reasons, women with eating disorders, such as anorexia, may also stop menstruating. Strict calorie restriction suppresses the production of hormones that the body needs in preparation for ovulation.

Other possible causes of missed periods and amenorrhea include:

Dysfunction of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland;
Dysfunction of the hypothalamus (a region of the brain involved in regulating the production of sex hormones);
Taking oral contraceptives (although birth control pills, as a rule, do not stop menstruation at all, they just make them less pronounced and longer);
Polycystic ovary syndrome and other hormonal imbalances;
Ovarian failure (loss of normal ovarian function before the age of 40);
Diseases of the uterus;

Periods are heavier than usual.

Most women only lose about 2 to 3 tablespoons of blood each month. Those who have heavy periods (menorrhagia) may lose 5 or more tablespoons of blood per month.

When a woman bleeds excessively, it causes the body to lose iron, which is necessary for the production of hemoglobin, which makes up red blood cells, which provide oxygen delivery to all organs and tissues. Without a sufficient amount of iron, the content of red blood cells in the blood also decreases, which is expressed as anemia (anemia). Signs of anemia: shortness of breath, unusually pale skin, and loss of energy.

If heavy periods are normal for you, see your doctor for a blood test to make sure you don't have iron deficiency anemia, advises Ginsburg. You may need to drink supplements or special iron preparations.

A change in the means of hormonal contraception can lead to a change in the nature of menstrual bleeding.

In addition, excessive bleeding may be accompanied by a number of pathological conditions, including:

Fibromyomas of the uterus or polyps (benign neoplasm of the lining of the uterus);
miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy;
Use of certain medications (including blood thinners or steroids);
Blood clotting disorders such as von Willebrand's disease (angiohemophilia);
Uterine cancer;

You can estimate the amount of bleeding by the number of tampons or pads used. Replacing one or more tampons or pads within an hour over several hours is already indicative of abnormal bleeding.

Taking oral contraceptives can help regulate your menstrual cycle and reduce bleeding. When using an intrauterine device as a means of contraception, the doctor may choose to install a certain type of device - the hormone-releasing IUD "Mirena", which, in addition to the main task, allows you to fight bleeding. Another option is the tablet drug Lysteda, which allows you to stop bleeding by increasing blood clotting.

If bleeding continues, your obstetrician or gynecologist may recommend an ultrasound or other tests to determine the source of the problem.
Bleeding or smearing between periods.

Even once such a problem should not be ignored. "If you're bleeding between periods, it should be carefully investigated," insists Loffer.

Causes can range from quite benign, such as the presence of a sore or irritation of the vagina, or you simply forgot to take birth control pills, to very serious ones, such as an ectopic pregnancy or cancer. Be sure to check with your doctor.

Painful periods.

In fact, menstruation is far from the best time. Most women experience painful spasms as the uterus contracts to get rid of the old lining as soon as possible. Usually the discomfort is minor and subsides after a couple of days. But for some women, the pain is so intense that they can't get out of bed.

Painful periods are called dysmenorrhea and may be accompanied by other symptoms, including diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headaches, or discomfort in the lower back.

Sometimes the pain is due to the period itself, but it can also be caused by other conditions such as endometriosis and fibroids. To find the source of the problem, your doctor may do a pelvic exam and a Pap test, as well as other diagnostic tests, including an ultrasound or laparoscopy.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be helpful because they not only relieve pain but also prevent the body from producing prostaglandins, substances that stimulate the uterus during menstruation. Your doctor may recommend oral contraceptives or an IUD, which also often relieves painful periods. Fibromyomas and endometriosis may sometimes require surgical intervention.
When to see a doctor.

In any case, an unusual or unusual course of menstruation for you is already a reason to see a doctor, especially if it is accompanied by discomfort and interferes with normal daily duties. “If a woman feels that her period is interfering with her life, she needs to pay attention,” says Loffer.

You should definitely call your doctor if:

Your periods, once regular, have suddenly become irregular;
Your periods for multiple cycles are more frequent than 21 days or less than 35 days;
You bleed for more than 7 days in a row
You stopped having your period 12 months ago (menopause) and are now bleeding again
You change one or more pads or tampons every hour for hours on end
you experience bleeding between periods (aperiodic bleeding);
Your periods are very difficult, with a violation of well-being.

red calendar day

If we take into account that in modern women, the menstrual function turns on after 11 years and stops at the sixth decade, on average, about 8 years of continuous critical days “run over” in a lifetime. Let's try to live them with maximum comfort!


Do you consider your period a reason to cancel your fitness club or an intimate meeting?

In vain. Modern feminine hygiene products are not designed to keep you super active, swimming in the pool and even having sex with a tampon in your vagina, although some people find it very convenient.

Allow yourself to relax and “get sick”, if only for the sake of preventing such an unpleasant and very common disease as endometriosis.

Its connection with menstruation has been proven.

It turns out that during critical days, menstrual blood enters the abdominal cavity through the fallopian tubes. Together with her, pieces of the endometrium can also get there, take root and continue to lead the same “lifestyle” as in the uterus, going through all stages of the monthly cycle, up to the expected menstruation.

When the time comes to release blood, it accumulates in a closed space, tissue reaction begins, the formation of nodules. The uterus, tubes, ovaries, and even other organs can be affected. Although the latter is rare - the farther the organ is from the uterus, the more unlikely the "shot" of the endometrium.

True, this does not happen to everyone, but who among us has never been ill with anything, has not had a cold of the appendages, or has not been subjected to some kind of intrauterine procedure?

These are all risk factors. More than half of the ladies, alas, have endometriosis at one stage or another.

Its development provokes any overload during menstruation. Try to move less during this time. Eliminate sports, entrust household work like mopping to one of the relatives, do not run after the trolleybus and do not lift your legs unless absolutely necessary.

Even if on critical days you feel at five points, the body still continues to work, getting rid of the “used material”. For the same reasons, try not to use tampons at least on the days of your heaviest bleeding.

We also have big problems with this. Of course, most beautiful ladies know how to keep secluded parts of the body clean, but often they do this with soap, tap water and a douche.

The use of special means for intimate hygiene is somehow not accepted in our country. But soap and chlorinated water destroy the natural microflora of the vagina and completely deprive the protection against bacteria. It has been proven that a woman with a healthy vaginal mucosa even has a lower risk of contracting AIDS: one in 150 contacts!

The most common cause of acid-base imbalance in the vagina is getting into it while washing away soap suds. It's not scary if this happens once. But constant alkaline "blows" lead to serious violations of the microflora and, accordingly, to dysbacteriosis.

In about half of the cases, the first symptom of dysbacteriosis is an unpleasant "fishy" smell that cannot be eliminated by any home remedies. But dysbacteriosis for the time being may not smell, except that the usual daily discharge will become a little more abundant.

Gynecologists say that a simple washing procedure should always, and especially during menstruation, be carried out according to certain rules:

Rinse with warm water with cleanly washed hands at least 2 times a day in the direction from the pubis to the back, use only intimate gels with plant extracts for this purpose, which do not cause dryness and irritation, refresh and eliminate odor. Look for bitter almond oil gel. Even in ancient times, women knew that its aroma neutralizes unpleasant intimate odors. Soap can only wash the skin around
do not direct a strong jet of water into the vagina. It not only washes out the protective lubricant, but also allows harmful bacteria to enter the uterus, increasing the risk of inflammation.
sponges and washcloths you absolutely do not need. They can cause microscopic scratches on delicate and sensitive skin. For the same reason, do not wipe off the moisture after washing, but blot it with a soft towel.


If your period is too heavy and you're sure it's not abnormal uterine bleeding, try reducing blood loss with these remedies:

Take 2 tablets of calcium gluconate before meals and a tablet of ascorutin (a complex preparation containing vitamins C and P) after meals 3 times a day, brew herb shepherd's purse, knotweed or nettle or a mixture of raspberry leaves and peppermint (1: 1) as tea. Start taking these infusions 3 days before the expected start of your period and throughout your period: herbal drink - 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day, and raspberry and mint tea - as much as you like. Enhance the healing effect of herbal tea 1-2 tablespoons of "live" viburnum, mashed with an equal amount of sugar
corn stigmas have a good hemostatic property. Prepare an infusion from them (a tablespoon per glass of boiling water) and take a tablespoon 6 times a day every 3 hours
on the eve and during menstruation 60 times a day for 2-3 seconds, press intensively with the tip of your index finger on a point located in the middle of the hollow connecting the base of the nose with the upper lip.


Nothing annoys a woman more than an unstable menstrual cycle. How does it feel to shiver every time your period is late again?

Yes, and “extracurricular activities” promise little: just plan a trip to the beach or a date - like bam! - hello from the native nature. Do I need to put up with it?

Hardly. Under the guise of such whims, the first symptoms of female ailments can be hidden, which it would be nice to know about in advance. Yes, and purely psychological reasons also matter.

Try to adjust your clockwork yourself.

In the last 10 days before the start of the expected menstruation, take 0.4 g of vitamin E (tocopherol) an hour after breakfast, which stimulates ovarian function. If you can, stand on your head: this activates blood circulation in the pelvic organs and stimulates uterine bleeding due to postural (caused by body position) drainage. A similar effect is given by exercises like "birches"

In anticipation of menstruation, actively indulge in the joys of love and reach orgasm as often as possible: it causes a reflex contraction of the uterus and may well provoke the onset of another menstruation. This is useful in any case: a rich sex life relieves premenstrual tension and discomfort during menstruation

Specialists in biorhythms - chronotherapists advise calling on the moon for help. Always sleep in absolute darkness and only in the last 3 days of your menstrual cycle artificially create the effect of a full moon. Turn on a dim (15W) night light next to your bed or a dim (40W) light in the hallway, leaving your bedroom door open.

During a period of great mental stress, when you have to get enough sleep and sit at a computer for more than 6 hours a day, strengthen the nutrition for the brain (it, along with the ovaries and uterus, is also responsible for menstrual function). Take supplements that include B vitamins, lecithin, glutamic acid, ginkgo biloba extract, gotu kola extract, coenzyme Q10, trace elements - magnesium, copper, zinc, chromium.

Are you on a low-fat diet and trying to lose weight by any means? Expect delays. After all, the sex hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle are produced from cholesterol, which is simply not found in low-fat foods. And 15% of estrogen (the main female hormones) is formed in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. The desire to drastically reduce the body's fat reserves reduces their number and makes periods more rare, scarce and painful. With strict diets and intensive sports, it is necessary to take additional fish oil, vitamin E, linseed oil, phytoestrogens, brewer's yeast, trace elements - iron, calcium, selenium, iodine

Check your first aid kit: some medications can also disrupt the menstrual cycle. These are antidepressants, antiulcer drugs, Thai pills and all other "weight loss" drugs, as well as hormones.

7 alarms…

Profuse menses with clots.
increasing their duration up to 6-7 days or more.
the interval between them is less than 3 weeks (from the first day of the previous menstruation to the beginning of the current one).
the appearance of blood between periods.
measured and severe pain during menstruation, especially if it was not there before.
Resumption of bleeding after a year's break in menopause.
Any other changes in the nature of the discharge.

…and 6 of its sources

Pathological process in the uterus - fibroids, polyps, endometriosis, cancer.
Violation of the functions of the liver, endocrine glands, blood coagulation system (malfunctions in the mechanism that stops bleeding).
A diet with a predominance of fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese), which cause the liver to produce enzymes that prevent blood clotting.
Taking certain medications (aspirin and other substances that dissolve blood clots).
Deficiency of vitamins C, P, K, calcium and other biologically active substances and minerals that regulate the process of thrombosis.
Spontaneously interrupted pregnancy or condition after an abortion.

The main thing is not to delay the visit to the doctor, it is the early diagnosis of various menstrual irregularities that will allow timely elimination of the cause of the development of various complications of the female reproductive system.

Monthly can be:


Often, pain in the lower abdomen and severe spasms are provoked by prostaglandins, biologically active substances that cause the uterine muscle to contract to remove blood. It is believed that after childbirth the pain becomes weaker.

What can help: painkillers or antispasmodics - paracetamol, No-shpa, etc. Do not take aspirin - it increases bleeding.

Walking, cycling, swimming reduce uterine contractions. If this does not help, then see a doctor, he will prescribe you an antiprostaglandin for a critical period of 2-3 days. This helps a lot!

If menstruation becomes painful after 35 years, then you should be wary, as these pains may have an organic cause: endometriosis, polyps or uterine fibroids. See a gynecologist, he will more accurately determine the cause.

Copious when you change pads or tampons every two hours, blood comes out in large clots, or your period lasts more than a week.

In both young girls and women approaching menopause, such periods are the result of a hormonal imbalance and are easily corrected if you see a doctor.

If the periods become too heavy, then this may indicate gynecological inflammation.

The coil can also cause excessive bleeding. In this case, you need to tell your gynecologist about it. Now there are spirals, the use of which eliminates these problems.

Scanty, when the bleeding is very weak and lasts only two days. Basically, it's not scary. This happens when taking birth control, at the beginning of menopause, or due to a sharp change in weight (which provokes a slight hormonal disorder).

But if your period began to pass with light bleeding after an abortion, cleaning the uterus or cleaning the uterus after childbirth, then you need to see a doctor. Sometimes this is a consequence of gluing the walls of the uterus, in which case a small surgical intervention may be necessary.

NB! You can have light bleeding during pregnancy!


"Standard" periods come every 28 days, with a difference of 24-48 hours. A shorter cycle (25 days) or a longer cycle (30-32 days) is not abnormal.

Only if the cycle becomes either short or long, or lasts less than 25 days or more than 35 days, can we talk about irregular periods.

In young girls, the regularity of the cycle is most often established one or two years after the first menstruation. So don't worry.

In the premenopausal period, before the ovaries completely stop working, periods can also become very capricious. A doctor may prescribe progestative treatment.

In other cases, irregular periods most often indicate a lack of ovulation or its violation (which can lead to gynecological inflammation). If you want a child - this is a reason to see a gynecologist. A doctor may prescribe hormonal treatment.

Absence of menstruation.

Pregnancy, early menopause, hormonal or psychological problems. The absence of menstruation is by no means normal. Be sure to see a doctor who will determine the cause.

Which is better: tampons or pads?

It's a matter of habit. Pads are not healthier than tampons. The main thing is to change the "protection" every 4-5 hours. Since at the beginning of your period you change protection more often, it is better to use two options - both pads and tampons. Changing tampons frequently can ruin your vaginal flora! And therefore it is recommended to use tampons, depending on the abundance of bleeding. For example, don't use "super" tampons at the end of your period.

Medical terms for pathologies of the menstrual cycle.

Primary amenorrhea: the absence of the first menstruation in a girl of 16-17 years.
Secondary amenorrhea: the absence of menstruation in a woman for more than 3 months.

Anomalies of the menstrual rhythm:

Spaniomenorrhea: long cycle (more than 35 days).
Polymenorrhea (pollakymenorrhea): short cycle (less than 21 days).
Anisomenorrhea: not a regular cycle.

Menstrual bleeding problems:

Hypomenorrhea: low menstruation (less than 3 days).
Hypermenorrhea: very heavy periods (more than 80 ml).
Menorrhagia: menstruation is very profuse (more than 80 ml) and lasts more than 7 days.
Dysmenorrhea: Pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation.
Metrorrhagia: bleeding that does not occur during menstruation.

Pain in the lower abdomen during the cycle:

Intromenstrual syndrome: appears during ovulation and is manifested by pain in the lower abdomen, slight bleeding and bloating.
Premenstrual Syndrome: An ensemble of psychological and/or physical symptoms that appear before the period and disappear with the period. To start talking about premenstrual syndrome, you need these signs to appear regularly and be a significant inconvenience for you.

Disovulation problems:

Anovulatory cycle: no ovulation.
Short follicular phase: less than 12 days.
Extended follicular phase: more than 16 days.
Unruptured follicle syndrome (more details below): Lutenization of an unruptured follicle.
Unreleased Ovum Syndrome: An egg has not been released from a ruptured follicle.
Short luteal phase: less than 10 days.
Insufficient luteal phase: insufficient secretion of progesterone.
Extended luteal phase: more than 15 days.

Why are periods delayed if there is no pregnancy.

Any delay in menstruation may indicate the onset of pregnancy (even if the woman assumes that this is impossible - there was no sexual intercourse, reliable contraceptives were taken).

In some cases, a delay in menstruation can be triggered by other factors. The menstrual cycle may be lengthened due to an ovulatory anomaly. The reason for this may be:
acute inflammation,
severe emotional shock
no ovulation in this cycle
or late ovulation. The latter, as a rule, is a consequence of hormonal therapy (taking estrogens during the perdovulatory period: ovulation can be delayed by 10-15 days!), Taking a contraceptive - the “next day” pill, or suddenly stopping taking contraceptives during the cycle.

A cycle disorder can be caused by a functional ovarian cyst - a follicular cyst, a non-ovulated follicle (LUF syndrome) or a corpus luteum cyst (which can sometimes "live" longer than usual, thereby delaying the onset of menstruation).

The LUF syndrome is characterized by the normal maturation of the dominant follicle throughout the cycle, but without its rupture. What happens in 5-10% of normal cycles. But if this syndrome is repeated often, then it usually leads to the impossibility of becoming pregnant. Diagnosis is based on the data of hormonal analyzes and ultrasound monitoring: the follicle does not disappear, rapidly increasing in size. Can reach 4-5cm in diameter. The absence of a spill in the “cul de sac de douglas”, the appearance of symptoms of luteization (well, this is more likely for doctors than for us).

How to deal with such cases?

A simple basal temperature chart is enough to identify a cycle disorder. If a woman is not seen by a doctor, then it is very rare to get temperature data at the desired period of the cycle. However, the first step should be to detect the presence of chorionic hormone in the blood, which may indicate the onset of pregnancy.

Pregnancy and menstruation

How often can you hear: “I / my mother / girlfriend (underline as appropriate) had periods at the beginning of pregnancy and despite this, the pregnancy proceeded normally.” Gynecologists, on the other hand, say the opposite: menstruation during pregnancy is impossible, otherwise the pregnancy is abnormal and is at risk.

Pregnancy and Periods To dispel the myth of pregnancy and "normal" periods once and for all, you need to understand the physiology of the female body. What is monthly? This is a complete rejection of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium, see picture). This layer of the uterus grows in each female cycle and serves as the “soil” for the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall. If pregnancy does not occur, then at the end of the cycle, the endometrium leaves the uterus in the form of menstrual blood. If pregnancy occurs and the endometrium begins to be rejected, then the embryo is also rejected along with it. Already from this simple explanation, it becomes clear that pregnancy and "normal" monthly concepts are physiologically incompatible.

Periods during pregnancy

So, normal periods during pregnancy are excluded. If you replace the concept of "menstruation" with "bleeding" in the early stages of pregnancy, then everything immediately falls into place. It is possible that such bleeding coincidentally overlaps with the timing of normal menstruation. But most often, if a woman carefully monitors her cycle, she will notice that bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy differs from normal periods in nature and duration and in other symptoms. Often, the use of tampons makes it difficult to assess the amount of discharge and correctly compare with normal menstruation.

Such bleeding occurs only in the first three months of pregnancy (i.e., only in the first trimester of pregnancy) and occurs in about 20% of women. The simplest explanation for this bleeding is a miscalculation. That is, the woman mistakenly considered the “non-pregnant” cycle as the onset of pregnancy, but in fact the pregnancy occurred in the next cycle after this. This explanation is the most logical for the older generation, when there was no ultrasound in the early stages and our mothers or grandmothers guessed about pregnancy by other aggregate signs. At the same time, neither they nor the doctors could name the exact terms of pregnancy at that time.

Today, when pregnancy is confirmed by ultrasound at a very early date, "menstruation" at the beginning of pregnancy can be implantation bleeding or rejection of part of the endometrium (threat of miscarriage) or be caused by mechanical damage to the cervix during intercourse, as well as infections of the genital tract.

Let's sum up the conclusions:

Bleeding, comparable to menstruation, during pregnancy cannot be considered the norm. This is one of the most common modern myths, based on ignorance and misunderstanding of the basics of female physiology.
Any bleeding in the first trimester indicates problems with the pregnancy and should be examined by a doctor.
Bleeding, in quantity and duration corresponding to menstruation, unfortunately means loss of pregnancy if it occurs.

We advise you to carefully monitor your body, try to estimate the amount of discharge during normal menstruation, so that you have something to compare, and also study the basics of female physiology. Good luck to you!

How to induce menstruation?

The “softest” option for a quick menstruation is the situation when a woman regularly uses oral contraceptives. It is enough to stop drinking pills a few days before the moment when you would like to induce menstruation. But do not think that such experiments should be carried out with an enviable frequency. You must first consult with a gynecologist, not forgetting about regular examinations. Remember that hormone therapy is not the best answer to the question of how to induce periods. After all, taking drugs is a harsh intervention in the work of the female body. Even if your gynecologist has prescribed hormonal contraception for you, then you need to take pills strictly according to the doctor's instructions, without changing the rules of taking on a whim. By changing the rules of taking, you can reduce the contraceptive effect, which can not only lead to an unwanted pregnancy, but also harm your body.

We call menstruation at home

How to induce menstruation is known not only by official pharmacology, but also by traditional medicine. It is worth noting that folk methods are also often not safe for women's health. In addition, if official methods are guaranteed to work, then folk methods will work depending on the individual characteristics of the female body. For example, many women use a proven method - a single dose of ascorbic acid in a large dosage, reaching several sachets. If a guy's legs are added to this method, then the onset of menstruation will be accelerated. But remember that ascorbic acid in large quantities can harm the gastric mucosa, so we do not recommend using this method. Alternatively, you can try drinking a course of medicinal herbs. But, again, you can use this folk method only if you know for sure that you do not have an allergic predisposition, and you do not belong to a group of people who are subject to a medical ban on taking herbal preparations. Read in advance about the side effects and contraindications of the selected collection. This information can be found in the reference book of medicinal plants.
Take, for example, such a well-known method of quickly calling menstruation as taking nettle. This method, if used regularly, can lead to blood clotting, so if you use nettle for these purposes, do it as little as possible. If you ask villagers about how to induce menstruation, they may point you to the well-known herb, oregano. A strong infusion is made from this herb. In pharmacies, oregano is sold in special bags, from which the corresponding “tea” is brewed. An equally common way to induce menstruation is to use a collection of valerian root, mint leaves and chamomile. This method has been known since ancient times. To prepare a "monthly" infusion, it is necessary to add three parts of valerian to four parts of chamomile flowers and heel leaves, then pour the mixture with boiling water at the rate of a glass of boiling water per tablespoon of the collection. It is necessary to drink this infusion hot, twice a day for half a glass.

The most harmless folk method of quickly calling menstruation is to eat ordinary parsley in large quantities. To heighten the effect, it is necessary to eat not only parsley, but also dill. The more you eat these herbs, the faster your period will go. As a rule, menstruation begins the very next day after you eat parsley. If you want, you can not eat parsley, but drink a decoction from it, after cutting it and pouring it with boiling water. The decoction is drunk three to four days before the required period for the onset of menstruation, twice a day for half a cup. Another safe method is warming up the feet. It is best to completely immerse yourself in a warm bath, adding a decoction of chamomile to it. This will relax your entire body. The intake of carrot seeds is also popular in traditional medicine, although the effectiveness of this remedy has not been officially confirmed.
If you want to induce menstruation not on your own whim, but because of a long delay, we recommend that you first go to the doctor. If pregnancy was not detected, then the delay could be caused by ovarian dysfunction, endocrine or infectious diseases, adnexitis, or other health problems. An obstacle to the onset of menstruation can be constant stress, vitamin deficiency, metabolic disorders. If you regularly get excessive physical activity or try to lose weight using any rigid diets, then be prepared for monthly cycle failures. Don't try to solve the problem yourself. It is better to contact a professional gynecologist who will examine you and give competent recommendations. After all, it is quite possible that the reason for the delay in menstruation is a serious problem that requires emergency medical intervention. Even if this is not the case, it will not hurt to make sure of your own health.

Period calendar

Calculate your cycle using the monthly calendar

Menstruation CalendarThe menstrual calendar is a thing that every girl should definitely keep, regardless of whether she is sexually active or not. Depending on how regularly menstruation comes, one can judge the general state of health, not just the reproductive system. For example, irregular periods may be associated with malfunctions in the endocrine system or too low body weight. The exact cause of this phenomenon can only be determined by a doctor.

Any girl can calculate the monthly calendar. Ideally, the cycle lasts at least 25 and no more than 35 days, more often - 28-30. The rest of the options require a medical examination. An important point - the menstrual cycle is considered from the very first day of menstruation to the first day of the next. So, when your doctor asks the question, "When was your last period?", you need to name the first day of your last period. In a healthy woman, critical days come exactly after a certain period of time. Our menstrual calendar online will help you not to forget about the timing of the next critical days. You only need to correctly enter the first day of the last menstrual bleeding and the duration of the cycle.

For most women, the main role of the calendar is not to trace the possible onset of pregnancy (having noticed a delay in time). Allows the monthly calendar to calculate the days of ovulation - when the onset of pregnancy during unprotected intercourse is most likely. These days come in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The beginning of the cycle and its end are considered "barren". However, there are many cases when women became pregnant at a “safe” time, and therefore it is not worth using only the calendar method as contraception. It is better to keep a record of dangerous and safe days for planning pregnancy, and not for protecting against it.

Another interesting option for using the online menstrual calendar is planning the sex of the child. It is known that the conception that occurred exactly in the middle of the cycle usually gives a boy, and 1-2 days before ovulation - a girl. It is believed that this statistic is due to better sperm motility - carriers of the male chromosome. Future girls are not so nimble, but more enduring and patient, they can remain viable in the female genital tract for up to several days.

For expectant mothers, an online menstrual calendar will help you calculate the date of birth. The duration of pregnancy in women, on average, is 280 lunar days. You can add 280 to the probable date of conception (the day of ovulation, as a rule) and thus find out the expected date of birth. An easier way is to use the Negele formula - subtract 3 months from the first day of the last period and add 7 days. However, this formula may give erroneous results to ladies with irregular, as well as too long or vice versa short menstrual cycles. With a long cycle, ovulation occurs later, which means that the pregnancy lasts longer, so to speak. And with a short one, on the contrary, a woman can give birth a little earlier than the due date. Many factors influence the date of birth of a child. Even in the period confirmed by several methods, half of the babies are not born.

In a word, the monthly calendar is a universal thing. And it is much more convenient to keep track of your cycle online than to tick off the paper version, which can be lost, torn, wet at any time, in general, become unusable, and all the data entered in it will be lost. Here, the program will calculate everything for you and display the results on the monitor. What could be easier?

When a woman crosses the line of 45 years, then the nature of her menstruation should change: after 45 years, menstruation should gradually disappear, the irregularity of the cycle at this age is a normal phenomenon, which indicates a decrease in ovarian activity. If earlier menstruation went for 5 days, then at this age a three-day menstruation is the norm. Lengthening the cycle is also considered normal. If earlier the cycle was 28 days a day, now pauses of 35 or even 45 days should not be embarrassing. The amount of discharge can vary from abundant to meager, and this is also considered the norm (if the duration does not exceed 7 days).

If the breaks do not increase and the amount of blood released remains the same, then this is a reason to visit a gynecologist. If there is no menstruation at the age of 40-45, then this indicates the onset of an early menopause, since on average women in our country begin at 51-52 years.

Abundant periods after 45 years

Many women after 40-45 years of age are faced with such a phenomenon - before this age, menstruation was regular for 3-5 days and average in terms of blood volume, and as soon as they crossed this age line, they immediately began to “pour like a bucket”.

This phenomenon is a harbinger of the beginning, so it is advisable to visit a gynecologist as soon as this happens. In addition, it can be a symptom not only of menopause, but also of diseases such as:

  • uterine cancer;
  • (inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus).

The doctor should examine you for the above pathologies. If none of the diagnoses is confirmed, then he will prescribe hormone therapy that alleviates the symptoms of menopause.

Scanty periods after 45 years

For many women, menstruation stops completely by the age of 45. Some continue, but the discharge becomes very scarce and more like spotting (as at the end of normal menstruation). The cycle often becomes irregular and "jumps" from 21 to 45 days. This phenomenon directly indicates that the function of the ovaries is rapidly fading away and menopause will begin soon.

Typically, a scanty period is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • bad feeling;
  • hot flashes;
  • sleep disorders;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • sweating;
  • attacks of tachycardia;
  • dryness and burning in the vagina;
  • pain during urination and frequent manifestations of cystitis;
  • hair loss;
  • dryness and loss of skin elasticity.

If all or at least several of these are present, then these are manifestations of perimenopause.

If scanty, spotting discharge does not stop for more than 6-7 days, this is a reason to be wary. In addition, if symptoms such as fever, pain in the pubic region, pain in the ovarian region are added, immediately go to the doctor, because this may indicate that inflammatory processes have begun.

Long periods after 45 years

Elongation of menstruation is a bad sign, the appearance of which may indicate the following pathologies:

  • diseases of the genital organs (ovaries, uterus, vagina);
  • inflammatory process;
  • coagulation disorders;
  • side effects of OK or other drugs

Frequent periods after age 45

Some women experience the phenomenon of "menstruating twice a month" or bleeding between periods.

Menstruation more than once a month is called polymenorrhea. At this age, it occurs as a result of the gradual extinction of the function of the ovaries that produce estrogen (which regulates the duration and frequency of cycles).

If the “menstruation” is not on time and is not associated with the activity of the ovaries and is not polymenorrhea, then this may be one of the following phenomena:

  • endometriosis;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • fibroids, cysts, polyps;
  • reaction to birth control pills;
  • bleeding from the vessels of the uterus, which, due to insufficient estrogen content, become fragile, thin and burst easily;
  • cervical or endometrial cancer;
  • symptom of vaginal prolapse.

What does the delay in menstruation after 45 years mean?

  1. unlikely, but pregnancy. Yes, a woman with good reproductive health can get pregnant even at 45. If you decide to keep the child, then careful medical supervision is necessary;
  2. disturbances in the work of the endocrine system (special attention should be paid to the thyroid gland);
  3. side effects of antipsychotic or hormonal drugs;
  4. fibroids, polyps, endometritis, inflammation of the appendages and/or ovaries;
  5. diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis, cirrhosis, clotting disorder;
  6. consequences of a recent severe infectious disease.

Treatment of menstrual disorders after 45 years

Most often, the basis for the treatment of menstrual irregularities over the age of 45 is hormone replacement therapy. It helps to significantly improve a woman's well-being and alleviate the symptoms of menopause - the condition of the hair and skin improves, the cycle normalizes, the emotional background stabilizes, etc.

If a woman has cancer, then chemical hormonal agents are contraindicated for her. However, there are many homeopathic remedies that have the same effects. The only thing is that you need to start using them when the very first symptoms of a cycle disorder occur.

Alisa Edelberg, obstetrician-gynecologist, specially for the site

Useful video

In healthy women, the duration of menstruation is considered to be from 4-6 days. But sometimes, after 40 years, ladies notice that their periods have become longer. This is the reason for going to the gynecologist.

Causes of prolonged bleeding

  • Infection. Dysbacteriosis, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system - all this provokes the nature of menstruation for a long time.
  • Endometriosis. This is the growth of the mucous layer of the uterus into other organs nearby. During the cycle, the endometrium begins to bleed with its entire surface, hence the strong and long "critical days". Signs are acute pain, constant irregularity of the cycle.
  • Uterine cancer. May be painless for some time. In any case, with especially long periods, you should undergo a complete examination in order to exclude such a diagnosis.
  • Myoma of the uterus. Benign tumor. Not as scary as cancer, but also not pleasant enough. May be accompanied by weakness, dizziness, frequent urination.
  • Diseases of the adrenal and thyroid glands. A characteristic constant symptom, in addition to prolonged bleeding, is “spotting” discharge in the middle of the cycle.
  • Hormonal disbalance. Violation of the pituitary gland provokes heavy periods. The cerebral cortex is responsible for the hormone that causes excessively early maturation of the egg.
  • Pathology of the uterus. Any deviations from the normal shape of the uterus can contribute to the accumulation and stagnation of blood inside the cavity. Women take this blood coming out after a while for menstruation. Often, such an ailment is accompanied by a hormonal imbalance.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. It is usually manifested by weakness, nausea, prolonged discharge, cycle disturbance, severe pain in the lower abdomen.
  • genetic pathology. Hemophilia, von Willebrand's disease is a genetic disorder characterized by impaired blood clotting function. Therefore, the discharge can be very long - up to 15 days.
  • Arterial hypertension. High blood pressure contributes to very long and heavy periods due to increased blood flow.
  • Varicose veins of the vagina. Appears in genetically predisposed women, is inherited, occurs with severe exhausting physical activity during pregnancy, a sedentary lifestyle. Categorically not recommended during menstruation, intense sports activities, hard work.
  • Contraceptives. Prolonged periods may occur with the wrong selection or erroneous dosage of oral hormonal contraceptives. Or during the transition to other similar means. Illiterately calculated time of taking pills can bring down and stretch the cycle.

What symptoms are considered alarming?

  • blood flow became very intense; pads, tampons have to be changed after 1.5-2 hours; the menstrual cup fills up in less than an hour;
  • large blood clots, incomprehensible flakes or lumps appeared in the discharge;
  • menstruation lasts more than 7 days;
  • the cycle is very short (from 10 to 20 days);
  • abundant intermediate "daub";
  • weakness, loss of strength, nausea, dizziness (associated with iron deficiency in the body due to blood loss).

All these signs are a reason to urgently appear at your gynecologist.

The above diseases are treated quite easily with medicines without surgical intervention only in the initial stages. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, even after the final diagnosis. Still, it is the hormonal reproductive system that makes a woman a woman, so why spoil it and harm yourself?

If no pathologies are found?

It happens that the examination did not reveal any pathologies, diseases, disorders. In this case, long periods are just an individual feature of the body. It's okay, we'll fix it.

It is not at all necessary to lie motionless on “these” days, surrounded by pads. You just need to observe a special regimen without long-term loads and support your body with:

  • quitting smoking, alcohol (strengthening blood vessels);
  • phyto- and aromatherapy classes (calming the nervous system);
  • balanced nutrition (replenishment of minerals, trace elements, in particular - iron);
  • temporary restriction on excessive physical exertion (relieving muscle tension);
  • regular sexual life (well, this is in the interval between “critical days”, it strengthens the muscles of the pelvis and the entire reproductive system, and improves mood);
  • drinking enough clean drinking water (blood is lost, and with it the water leaves the body).

In general, the best treatment is prevention. Therefore, visiting a gynecologist once every 6 months is a very good prerequisite for recognizing troubles in time and a way to remain healthy, beautiful, feminine, real for many years.

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