Symptoms and signs of mushroom poisoning. The first signs of poisoning with poisonous mushrooms and emergency care

Edible mushrooms are a healthy protein product rich in vitamins, minerals, acids. Due to their high protein content, mushrooms can replace meat. They have excellent taste and smell. Many different dishes can be prepared from them, and mushroom pickers themselves like the process of picking mushrooms. But very often, poisonous and conditionally edible species come across along with edible species, which can be fatal, so knowing the signs and symptoms of mushroom poisoning is extremely important.

You can detect the initial stage in a few hours. The duration of the asymptomatic period depends on the type of fungus that was eaten, the weight of the person and age, the method of heat treatment and the fact of taking alcoholic beverages. Poisoned with a pale toadstool, you will feel initial ailments after 6-7 hours, and after eating a lepiot or cobweb, signs of poisoning will appear after 2-3 weeks.

When poisoning with mushrooms, there are main signs of general intoxication:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Pain in the stomach;
  • Frequent diarrhea;
  • Weak pulse;
  • Low pressure;
  • Cold extremities.

In addition, when poisoning, some specific signs appear:

  • Gas formation;
  • Belching with a bitter taste;
  • Clouding of consciousness;
  • Cardiopalmus;
  • Decreased amount of urine;
  • Paleness of the skin;
  • Visual impairment.

Intoxication of the body after the use of fly agaric, false mushrooms or a satanic mushroom leads to hallucinations, delirium and clouding of the mind.

In a patient who has eaten a pale toadstool, characteristic symptoms are distinguished: intense vomiting, with a frequency of up to 40 times in 24 hours. Blood is found in the feces, and it thickens, due to a violation of hemostasis. The patient begins convulsions and failure of the heart. The liver and kidneys cease to function in a normal state, which causes renal failure, which flows into a coma, leading to the death of the patient.

Poisonous are divided into several types:

Help with poisonous mushroom poisoning

It is extremely important to know how long. The first symptoms in some cases occur after 1.5−2 hours. Seek medical attention as soon as possible. It is necessary to help the patient before the arrival of doctors, and in case of their delay. This requires several steps:

  1. Induce vomiting to stop the poisoning of the body.
  2. When vomiting stops, wash out the stomach. It is mandatory to drink 2 liters of warm water, and then re-induce vomiting. Rinse the stomach until it is completely cleansed.
  3. Drink a laxative or any vegetable oil. Take pills, not folk remedies, because the effect from them takes a long time to wait.
  4. Drink sorbents: coal or enterosgel.
  5. Drink up to 3.5 liters of water per day.
  6. Put on a drip. This will help remove toxins and poisons from the body.

In any condition, a visit to the hospital is necessary. The doctor will be able to check the degree of intoxication of the body and prescribe treatment. It is also necessary to pass blood and urine tests, to do an ultrasound of the liver and digestive tract. In some cases, the patient is admitted to the hospital.

Edible mushroom poisoning

Such cases can also be detected when eating edible mushrooms. Having eaten a poisonous species, a person suffers from the entry of harmful toxic substances into the body. And in edible species, bacteria that have not evaporated during cooking are dangerous. Mushrooms, due to their porous structure, have the ability to accumulate harmful substances from the soil. The place of collection plays an important role. It is not recommended to collect them in contaminated areas.

Types of edible mushrooms that can be poisoned:

When picking mushrooms in the forest, remember the danger they pose. Never take a mushroom you don't know. - a complex and lengthy process, so try to avoid this and collect only being sure of the edibility of mushrooms.

About 4% of all poisonings are due to the use of poisonous mushrooms. The causes of these poisonings are ignorance of these mushrooms and their improper preparation. Exist mushroom classification according to edibility:

1. Unconditionally edible mushrooms are cooked without additional processing (porcini mushrooms, boletus, boletus, mushrooms, champignons, etc.)

2. Conditionally edible mushrooms are mushrooms that, before cooking, must be pre-boiled or soaked in running water (before salting). These include all mushrooms, in which, when broken, a milky juice flows out of the pulp, which has a burning taste (pigs, volnushki, nigella, etc.), as well as mushrooms containing poisonous acids (lines). As a result of pre-treatment, poisonous and burning substances contained in conditionally edible mushrooms are removed. If toxic substances are not removed, these mushrooms, like poisonous ones, can cause mild and severe poisoning. For lines, drying for 3-4 weeks is also a reliable method of neutralization. Drying other mushrooms containing a poisonous substance does not eliminate their toxicity.

3. The group of inedible mushrooms includes both poisonous and non-poisonous, but having an extremely unpleasant taste or smell that prevents their use (gall fungus, pepper fungus, etc.). The number of poisonous mushrooms is relatively small. These include pale grebe and fly agaric, the poison of which is not destroyed and not removed during heat treatment or salting.

After harvesting, mushrooms should be immediately processed, and the shelf life of fresh mushrooms should not exceed 18-24 hours at a temperature not exceeding 10 ° C. It should be remembered that even the best and, of course, edible mushroom, if it is overripe, began to rot on the vine or lay untreated for a long time, can become poisonous.

Of particular importance is the prevention of poisoning of children in the forest. In mushroom poisoning, the gastrointestinal tract is primarily affected, which is clinically manifested by symptoms of acute gastroenterocolitis and leads to more or less acute dehydration.

Symptoms indicating mushroom poisoning

Damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Cramping pains in the abdomen, nausea, indomitable vomiting, frequent loose stools, sometimes 20-25 times a day. Toadstool poisoning is characterized by an admixture of blood in the feces and vomiting of the color of coffee grounds.

Damage to the central nervous system. It manifests itself in different ways, depending on the type of mushroom. For example, fly agaric gives hallucinations and motor excitation. At first there is anxiety, and then lethargy and indifference. It is possible to go into an unconscious state.

Damage to the cardiovascular system. Expressed as a decrease in blood pressure, increased heart rate.

Liver and kidney damage depends on the type and amount of mushrooms eaten. In the early stages, oliguria develops, that is, a decrease in the amount of urine. Then comes liver failure, which is characterized by brain damage and jaundice. Severe intoxication leads to hepatic coma. Kidney damage can lead to acute kidney failure.

Four types of mushroom poisoning

To I type include poisoning with pale toadstool. This is the most poisonous mushroom. In case of poisoning, they are noted from 35 to 95% of deaths. It is often confused with champignon, sometimes with russula. The poisons contained in the pale toadstool are not destroyed by high temperature and acids, therefore, boiling, pickling and other types of culinary processing do not release mushrooms from toxic properties. Enough 30 mg of poison to kill an adult.

The first signs of pale toadstool poisoning appear rather late - after 8-18 hours, which is typical for this type of poisoning. There is a headache, dizziness, impaired normal vision; at the same time, rapidly flowing cholera-like gastroenterocolitis develops with indomitable vomiting and severe pain in the abdomen. Dehydration sets in: the patient feels intense thirst, weakness increases, loss of voice is observed, convulsions occur, especially in the calf muscles. There is a thickening of the blood and a decrease in excreted urine up to the complete cessation of urination. There is profuse sweat, the limbs become cold, their skin becomes cyanotic, the pulse becomes weak, the temperature drops to 36-35? After a while, the attacks disappear (for two hours), but then they resume again; the patient weakens, falls into oblivion. On the 2-3rd day, diarrhea and vomiting become less frequent. At this time, symptoms of hepatic and renal insufficiency appear. The liver enlarges and becomes painful, and jaundice may occur. A coma develops, which is characterized by the maximum expansion of the pupils, yellowness of the sclera, and a drop in blood pressure.

REMEMBER! In case of poisoning with a pale toadstool, treatment started later than 2-3 days later is USELESS!

Co. type II include fly agaric poisoning. The fly agaric is known to everyone for its white-speckled hat, but sometimes the hat has a different color, and, in accordance with the color, the fly agaric is called porphyry, panther, yellow and white. The poisonous substances of fly agaric are muscarine, mycoatropine, fly poison.

The picture of fly agaric poisoning develops in half an hour or 2-6 hours after its use. The victim is worried about nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, but not to the same extent as with poisoning with a pale toadstool. Appears profuse sweating, sometimes salivation, constriction of the pupils. In more severe cases of poisoning (due to damage to the central nervous system), severe shortness of breath appears, the separation of bronchial secretions increases, the pulse slows down, and blood pressure drops. Excitation is replaced by a state of depression, dizziness, confusion, delirium, hallucinations and a coma develop. With a late manifestation, poisoning is violent and sudden, it is expressed by a feeling of constriction of the pharynx, an attack of fear, thirst, abdominal pain, and other gastrointestinal phenomena that seem to recede into the background, giving way to a state similar to intoxication in the clinical picture. . There is delirium, fits of rabies. There are clonic convulsions, and other symptoms resembling belladonna poisoning.

Mortality is noted in 2-3% of cases and occurs after 6-12 hours with large quantities of the mushroom eaten. Most often, the elderly and children die, as well as those suffering from heart and kidney diseases.

To type III applies poisoning lines. Lines appear in the forest in April-May, as soon as the snow melts. These mushrooms look like morels, only the lines have a wavy-lobed surface, resembling a walnut or convolutions of the brain, with deep sinuses, light or dark brown. The flesh is brittle, with a pleasant mushroom smell. Leg raspberry or brown. Morels also have a reticulate-cellular surface. The toxic beginning of the lines is gelvellic acid, which is found in mushrooms in an amount of 0.2-0.4%. However, the content of poison in mushrooms, depending on the weather, the time of collection may vary; sometimes it is not enough to cause poisoning.

Helvellic acid has hemolytic properties. In addition, the lines contain another toxic substance with neurotropic properties.

The first signs of poisoning with lines appear after 6-10 hours. The main symptoms of poisoning are poor health, abdominal pain, nausea, turning into indomitable vomiting. Sometimes there is a liquid rapid stool, at the same time there is a severe headache. In some cases, it is limited to these phenomena and the person recovers.

In severe cases, jaundice develops to varying degrees from the next day. The liver enlarges and becomes painful. The phenomena of hemolysis (jaundice) can develop, and, with the destruction of at least 20% of all red blood cells, anemia, hemoglobinuria occurs in the poisoned person, the urine becomes red-brown. Death occurs with symptoms of cardiovascular insufficiency on the 3rd-4th day of the disease. The death rate reaches 30%, children are especially sensitive to the poison.

In order to prevent poisoning, a preliminary 15-minute boiling of the lines is recommended, which causes the transition of gelvellic acid into a decoction. The broth is removed, the mushrooms are squeezed, washed again, and then fried. It is not recommended to use them more than 200 g.

To IV type include poisoning with false mushrooms and other mushrooms containing burning milky juice (waves, russula, pigs, nigella, etc.). The picture of poisoning is about the same. False honey agaric differs from the real one in a bright orange-yellow hat and thinner stumps. After their use, poisoning occurs after 1-6 hours and is expressed in weakness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, i.e. a picture of a strong gastrointestinal disorder develops, which lasts 1-2 days, and then recovery occurs.

Acute mushroom poisoning requires emergency care. At the same time, holding common events is of great importance.

First aid for mushroom poisoning

The removal of poison from the body is achieved by inducing vomiting, which is necessary if there are large pieces of poisonous mushrooms in the stomach, since they cannot pass through the gastric tube during gastric lavage. At home, you can induce vomiting by taking table salt (1 tablespoon per glass of warm water) or mustard powder (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water). Another way to induce vomiting is to drink plenty of cool water, followed by finger pressure on the root of the tongue.

When the victim is semi-conscious or unconscious, vomiting cannot be induced, as vomit may enter the respiratory tract.

Gastric lavage should be mandatory, even 3-4 and 10-12 hours after poisoning. At the end of gastric lavage, give activated charcoal at the rate of 1-2 tablets per 1 kg of weight.

Can chanterelles poison you?

Lord, what an idiocy with an onion))) Do you know what concentration of a poisonous substance from mushrooms is needed to make it turn blue?)) stupid people ...

I don't know much about mushrooms myself, so I never pick them. I only eat frozen champignons from supermarkets or those that my mother collects. I will never eat at another person's house. A very dangerous product, its taste of such risks, I think it's not worth it.

In order not to be poisoned by mushrooms, you should follow only two main rules. First, collect mushrooms only those that you know. Secondly, do not be lazy, be sure to cook them correctly. Yes, and do not give them to small children.

I didn’t even think that you could get poisoned by mushrooms bought in a supermarket. It seemed that there should be reliable quality control. How do you know that the mushrooms were stored incorrectly and they are slightly spoiled?
Probably, it is better not to give mushrooms to children at all.

In addition to edible mushrooms, there are also so-called conditionally edible ones. If these mushrooms are cooked incorrectly and in a hurry, without adhering to the heat treatment necessary to neutralize mushroom toxins, an attempt to enjoy a new dish can result in poisoning.

We are talking, of course, about poisoning with inedible mushrooms. However, I want to remind you that edible mushrooms are capable of accumulating huge doses of various filth (chemicals, radiation).
Therefore - collect carefully, carefully, in proven places.
After collecting to check the level of radiation.

NORA, there have been many poisonings with edible mushrooms in recent years. This is due to environmental degradation, because fungi accumulate dangerous substances. Even experienced mushroom pickers can sometimes get poisoned. And in stores, mushrooms can simply stale and deteriorate. You can even get poisoned by mushrooms that are considered safe.

But what is there to hide, I have been picking mushrooms for more than a season, I seem to understand quite well which of them are edible. Nevertheless, last year I was poisoned by honey mushrooms, and it's not about false mushrooms, but about the conditions for their storage of real ones. As described here, the poisoning was accompanied by severe diarrhea, charcoal tablets did not help, and a doctor had to be called.

It is because of the likelihood of severe poisoning that I basically do not eat any mushrooms. And I don't give it to kids either. Yes, and I doubt their exceptional nutritional value and usefulness for the body. It's better to eat something safer.

My family and I, mushroom pickers, have been picking mushrooms for many years, and as we wrote above, we take only what we know, but now there are so many mutant mushrooms that even I brought poisonous mushrooms. It’s good that I process them by grade, and these were the last ones from the category of “russula”, and I try them, with my tongue, for bitterness, if bitter, then bad. I didn’t have time to get poisoned, since I didn’t eat them, but my tongue and lips were numb.

I love mushrooms. This is my childhood nostalgia. Dad was an avid mushroom picker. Closer than 100 m to the road mushrooms were not taken. I remember that my mother always put a silver spoon in the pot with boiled mushrooms. And cooked mushrooms at least 2 times. I don’t know what helped more, but (pah-pah) they never got poisoned.

My husband once got poisoned by mushrooms, then I barely persuaded him to call an ambulance, because I myself did not know what to do. As a result, the doctors did everything right and my husband got better. So it is better not to suffer from pain at home with mushroom poisoning, but to seek qualified help.

The most important thing in case of suspected poisoning is not to hesitate, not to wait for it to go away on its own, but to call an ambulance. Better to be safe than to end up in the emergency room. And in order not to come to this, you need to be very careful with mushrooms. In the forest, okay, but at home, in the process of cooking, carefully check them all.

When picking mushrooms, you do not need to be self-confident and it is better to once again check all the collected mushrooms with someone, because one eye is good, but two are better. He himself somehow scored some false mushrooms along with the real ones, although he is a mushroom picker with great experience. If after eating the mushrooms it became unwell, then immediately call an ambulance and the doctors themselves will decide what to do, self-treatment in such a matter can be very dangerous.

Autumn is the golden time for mushroom picking, everyone loves this wonderful activity. Personally, I go for mushrooms, but I don’t eat trophies, because I’m afraid for my health, because a mushroom is an insidious thing. Therefore, if hunting eats mushrooms, it is better to buy them in a trusted place.

My dad is a mushroom picker with 20 years of experience. I went around all the mushroom places in the district. It turns out that it is important to know where this or that mushroom can grow: for example, butterflies - in a pine forest, mushrooms - on stumps, porcini - mainly in coniferous forests. False ones can be found anywhere. Therefore, it should alert you if you suddenly see a beautiful growing boletus on a stump (it happened to us - the mushroom turned out to be poisonous, it’s good that they prompted it in time). And yet - pay attention to the presence of worms - they, too, will not eat false mushrooms.

Not only are there poisonous mushrooms, but even edible mushrooms can cause significant harm. This is especially true for children, so it is not recommended for children under 3 years old to eat mushrooms. Since even an edible mushroom, but not well cooked, can provoke poisoning.

I always collected only those mushrooms in the forest that I know and never thought about you, that you can get poisoned by edible ones if cooked incorrectly, or those bought in a store may no longer be suitable.

Oh, we once got poisoned by chanterelles)) Who would have thought that? It turned out that we somehow cooked them incorrectly. Cooked with sour cream and potatoes. There should be clear proportions and cooking times. In general, the result is as follows - you can get poisoned by anything, not only poisonous mushrooms, but quite edible and completely harmless, at first glance.

In fact, there are not so many poisonous mushrooms, a large number of mushrooms that are not consumed by the population and this does not mean that they are poisonous. And about the onion, I’ll say all this is nonsense, I’m talking like a chemist, there are no such poisons in mushrooms so that when interacting with onions, it turns black.

When the mushroom season is in full swing, there are a lot of people who like to pick and then cook delicious mushrooms, but it is important to remember that mushrooms are first of all poisonous, and then tasty, and therefore the approach to them must be very serious. In addition to not picking mushrooms you do not know, you should always follow the correct order when cooking. Mushrooms are tasty and healthy, but if wisely!

the choice of mushrooms must be taken with all responsibility, as this is a rather dangerous food. Mushroom poisoning can even be fatal, so buy only those mushrooms that inspire confidence in you, they must be fresh without a pungent odor.

Vova, I don't really trust an onion thrown into a pot of mushrooms. My opinion is this: if there is even the slightest doubt about the edibility of the mushroom, throw it away ruthlessly, no matter how beautiful it is. I take only those mushrooms that I know, and only young ones, I will never take old ones. I carefully sort them out at home, sort them, be sure to cook them twice. I think I'd rather throw something away than be tormented by doubts.

Sergey, it was correctly said about the bulb, I also use this advice, at one time my grandmother suggested it. And there were cases when the onion turned black, then they no longer took risks and did not eat.

Anna, even an experienced mushroom picker cannot give a 100% guarantee that the mushroom is edible, and even more so if he is also selling them. Edible mushrooms or not can be checked by adding an onion during cooking. If the bulb does not turn blue, then the mushrooms are edible.

Dina, I don't think you should have eaten mushrooms from the supermarket that looked and smelled suspicious. Life is more expensive, and it is quite easy to get into a medical bed after such a "treat".

I found another way. Our neighbor is a professional mushroom picker, to whom the whole entrance goes for advice. Every autumn I buy from him freshly picked larvae and white ones. Here I am sure that there will be poison for her! But I still don’t give it to the younger child, even though I’m cowardly behind them. The eldest was allowed to eat them only after 10 years ...

It is clear that when poisoning comes from fresh self-picked mushrooms, here you can appeal to the ignorance and inexperience of the mushroom picker. But how to determine the freshness and suitability of frozen mushrooms? I recently had a case when suspicious mushrooms were bought in a supermarket. They have a yeasty smell and taste, not killed by onions and seasonings. Symptoms after consumption are similar to mild poisoning. Has anyone had a similar experience? How to check the suitability of frozen and dried mushrooms?

Someone can tell you in an accessible and professional way at what age you can give canned mushrooms to children. If at all possible, then what? This refers, of course, to canned mushrooms of industrial production, and not homemade. Thanks in advance.

I live in an area where mushrooms grow with terrible force, and although I love them, I prefer to avoid eating them, nevertheless, the article is useful for me, I will know how to behave if, God forbid, this happens.

Not all people who decide to collect mushrooms are well versed in their varieties. This leads to the accidental consumption of poisonous mushrooms. The resulting poisoning is one of the most severe food intoxications that can lead to death.

Let's find out in this article which types of mushrooms are poisonous, how their poisoning manifests itself, what first aid to provide to an injured person, and also learn about preventive measures that prevent intoxication.

Types of poisonous mushrooms

Mushroom poisoning according to ICD-10 has the code T62.0.

Only 400 species of the existing more than 3 thousand varieties of cap mushrooms are edible. The rest are dangerous. Several types of them are permanently poisonous, others become poisonous under certain conditions: eating raw, sharing with alcohol, and so on.

The worst enemies of people are the pale grebe and its "relatives" - spring and white. They are deadly poisonous: even a quarter of a hat can cause the death of an adult. The poison of the pale toadstool (amanitin) is not destroyed either by temperature or by drying.

Among the lepiotes, which can be confused with umbrella mushrooms, there are deadly poisonous varieties. All 100 varieties of fibers are poisonous. Even more than in the fly agaric, muscarine poison contains a whitish talker.

The cobweb is plush and beautiful - deadly poisonous, dangerous also because the manifestations of intoxication appear 2-3 weeks after their use.

The most severe poisoning, in addition to pale grebe and fly agaric, is caused by the following fungi:

  • Satanic;
  • parterre;
  • false mushrooms;
  • pig;
  • smelly mushroom.

With improper processing of milk mushrooms, lines, morels, waves, intoxication may also occur.

Symptoms of mushroom poisoning

Signs of mushroom poisoning after how long do they occur? On average, symptoms appear 1-2 hours after consumption. This period of well-being, depending on the type of mushrooms eaten, the type of processing, alcohol consumption, body weight, age, dose of the resulting toxin, can be reduced to 30 minutes or extended to 6–7 hours (pale toadstool) or even up to 2–3 weeks (cobweb and lepiot).

Symptoms of mushroom poisoning are similar to signs of other food intoxications: they are all characterized by:

  • diarrhea;
  • stomach ache.

But there are also differences in the clinic of poisoning, depending on the type and dose of poisonous mushrooms. Let's analyze the most common poisoning.

  1. Pale grebe will cause pain in the muscles, abdomen, nausea, vomiting, profuse liquid cholera-like (often bloody) stools up to 25 times a day. The vomit resembles coffee grounds. Convulsions, respiratory and cardiovascular insufficiency, jaundice, renal failure, coma quickly appear.
  2. Poisoning with red fly agaric and talkers develops quickly - after 0.5–2 hours. In addition to the signs common to all poisonings, additional signs appear: increased salivation, lacrimation, increased sweating, constriction of the pupil, pronounced bronchospasm and shortness of breath, slowing of the heartbeat and decrease in pressure, convulsions, impaired consciousness (hallucinations, delirium, coma).
  3. For panther fly agaric poisoning, on the contrary, dryness of the mucous membranes and skin, increased heart rate, pupil dilation are characteristic.
  4. Morels and lines, in addition to general symptoms, cause convulsions, destruction of red blood cells (hemolysis), toxic liver damage (enlargement, icterus), enlargement of the spleen, kidney damage and loss of consciousness.

The children's body is more sensitive to the action of toxins, so the symptoms of mushroom poisoning in children appear faster, the poisoning is more severe.

Mushroom poisoning is of particular danger, since poisons can penetrate the placenta and have an effect on the child. There is a threat of miscarriage. A woman is worried about headaches, lack of appetite, nausea, dizziness, vomiting and diarrhea. Loss of fluid with stool and vomiting can lead to dehydration, loss of minerals and vitamins, so necessary for the mother and fetus. There may be increased heart rate, decreased pressure, fainting.

First aid for mushroom poisoning

When the first signs of poisoning appear, an ambulance should be called without delay. The remains of the product should be set aside for later research, which will help determine the type of poison and prescribe the correct treatment. Before the arrival of the doctor, it is necessary to begin providing assistance to the victim.

First aid for mushroom poisoning consists of the following measures.

Treatment in a hospital

In case of mushroom poisoning, treatment is carried out in a hospital - in the toxicology department.

  1. The stomach is washed through a tube.
  2. Assign: saline laxative, intravenous administration of solutions and forced diuresis (urination).
  3. On the first day, hemosorption is carried out - the removal of toxins from the blood by passing it through sorbents.

Assign treatment for cardiovascular and renal failure.

In case of poisoning with fly agaric red and talkers, an antidote is introduced - "Atropine" in individually selected doses.

When mushroom poisoning is strictly prohibited: drink alcohol, take painkillers, antiemetics and diarrhea medicines.

Prevention of mushroom poisoning

How not to get poisoned by mushrooms? This requires strict adherence to certain rules.

The consequences of mushroom poisoning

The consequences of mushroom poisoning, especially without treatment, are very serious.

  1. When poisoned with pale toadstool, death occurs in 40-90% of cases.
  2. In case of poisoning with fly agaric and talkers with belated help, mortality is up to 50%.
  3. In severe poisoning, the liver and kidneys are destroyed and cease to function, which requires transplantation of these organs or leads to death.

The main reason for mushroom poisoning is ignorance of their distinguishing features, neglect of the rules of prevention and carelessness. Mushroom poisons, affecting all organ systems, can lead to death in 2-3 days.

Inability to provide first aid in case of poisoning, delaying only 1–2 days with an appeal to a doctor - often cause the death of the victim.

The body itself is not able to neutralize mushroom poisons. Only timely full treatment gives a chance to save the patient.

People who are poorly versed in forest mushrooms risk poisoning themselves, their loved ones, and children with poisonous trophies. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately understand what the symptoms and signs of mushroom poisoning are, and to know how to provide first aid. To collect them, you need knowledge, experience in this matter.

Citizens attacking the forest with baskets by the thousands are potential suicides. Mushroom poisoning is the most dangerous among food intoxications. It may end in the death of the victim.

Mushrooms have the ability to accumulate harmful substances from soil and water. Sometimes, a completely edible specimen can harm the body. But there are certain species that are poisonous. And, before going into the forest with a basket, you need to know them "by sight". But, if poisoning has occurred, it is necessary to understand how to help the victim, what measures to take before the ambulance arrives. After all, poisoning manifests itself after a while, not immediately.

Varieties of poisonous mushrooms

More than 3 thousand mushrooms are known in the world, but only 12-13% of them are edible. Other species have a different degree of danger when they enter the human body. There are constantly poisonous ones, which are strictly forbidden to take in the forest.

Other varieties acquire properties unsuitable for human consumption under certain conditions - a raw food diet, incompatibility with alcohol, non-compliance with cooking technology, and so on. Each mushroom picker should know well what mushrooms can be poisoned.

The most dangerous mushrooms:

  1. Toadstool pale (varieties - spring and white). This mushroom is similar in some cases to champignon or russula. But he has a distinctive external feature - a white frill under the hat. It does not have a characteristic mushroom smell. It is difficult to save a person who has tasted a small piece of toadstool. The poison amanitin, which causes severe damage, is not destroyed by heat treatment, it is stored dry and frozen.
  2. All types of fibers, white talker, fly agaric contain muscarine, which causes damage to the central nervous system up to hallucinations. The well-known fly agaric has varieties. Not all fly agarics are red. And they have specks in the form of peas, plaques. The color of some specimens is gray, brick.
  3. The cobweb is dangerous because the symptoms of poisoning appear 15-20 days after consumption.
  4. No less dangerous representatives of the poisonous ones are pigs, false mushrooms, satanic and stinky mushrooms. False mushrooms, unlike edible namesakes, are more fragile and almost transparent.

Tips for mushroom pickers:

  • Do not take forest gifts near highways and industrial enterprises.
  • Mushrooms from a burnt forest must be soaked in water for a long time so that the combustion products leave the mushroom tissues.
  • Do not collect in forests affected by chemical damage or agricultural pollination.
  • Store forest trophies without processing - no more than 2 hours.
  • Do not try raw.
  • Processed milk mushrooms or champignons should be stored at a temperature not exceeding +3 °C.
  • Do not salt in metal containers.
  • The fungus must be twisted out of the mycelium without leaving a hemp.
  • Do not take unfamiliar or old.
  • For collection, use birch bark or willow baskets.
  • The best collection time is August-September.

The most valuable in terms of taste and nutritional qualities are:

  1. 1st place - white, milk mushrooms, mushrooms.
  2. 2nd - boletus, butterdish, champignon.
  3. 3rd - morel, chanterelle, honey agaric, oyster mushrooms, valui.

Many edible mushrooms grow in deciduous and coniferous forests. Some of them are better known to mushroom pickers, others are found only in certain regions.

Signs of defeat by mushroom poisons

The first signs of mushroom poisoning may not be felt immediately. The time of their manifestation varies depending on the variety of hatters, quantity, type of preparation, combination with certain products, on the state of health and immunity of a person, his age and size.

The most toxic poison of the pale toadstool makes itself felt in the time interval from 30 minutes to 6 hours. It is impossible to immediately determine that mushroom soup or salad became the culprit of the ailment. The initial symptoms and signs of mushroom poisoning are similar to common food poisoning:

  • diarrhea;
  • urge to vomit;
  • severe throbbing pain in the head;
  • loss of appetite;
  • stomach and intestinal cramps.

But there are special features that make it impossible to confuse simple poisoning with stale food from dangerous intoxication with mushroom poisons:

  1. Pale grebe - incessant loose stools with blood, muscle pain and spasms, vomiting of a dark, almost black color, suffocation. The heart experiences malfunctions, the kidneys and liver fail, the person falls into a coma.
  2. Fly agaric - profuse salivation, tearing, sweating, shortness of breath, pressure drops, heartbeat stops, delirium, visions. Another type of fly agaric causes peeling of the skin, dryness in the nose and mouth, rapid heartbeat, dilated pupil. A lethal outcome is possible in 3% of cases when a large amount of poison enters the body.
  3. Lines - the liver and spleen increase, red blood cells die, convulsions, unconsciousness.

In children, the reaction to toxins manifests itself more sharply and quickly. Poisoning often ends tragically. Such conditions are dangerous for pregnant women. Poisons cross the placenta and poison the fetus. A miscarriage may occur. Even if serious consequences can be avoided, dehydration of the expectant mother's body will have a dangerous effect on the child - there will be a loss of minerals, trace elements and vitamins.

The danger of severe consequences increases if poisoning occurs with several poisons at the same time. It becomes almost impossible to save such a victim. Moreover, with the collective use of inedible dishes, everyone reacts to the action of toxins in different ways. How long does mushroom poisoning take? In some people, the symptoms appear immediately, in others - with a delay of several days.

First aid for intoxication

What to do in case of mushroom poisoning in the presence of the symptoms described above? The life of the victim depends on the correct primary actions of others. Therefore, you need to know exactly what to do urgently in such a case, while emergency doctors are on their way.

It is necessary to leave for presentation to doctors and to the laboratory the type of product due to which the poisoning occurred. This will determine the type of toxin and prescribe the correct treatment.

In the meantime, the following assistance should be provided:

  • Make gastric lavage as soon as possible. For this patient, it is necessary to drink plenty of water and induce vomiting. This procedure must be repeated several times. To vomit, press down on the root of the person's tongue with the back of a spoon. During pregnancy, do not induce vomiting.
  • You can speed up bowel cleansing with laxatives or taking 1 tbsp. or 1 teaspoon of castor oil or vegetable oil.
  • After washing the stomach, the victim should take pharmacy coal or any sorbent. It will begin to collect the poisonous substance in the stomach and intestines.
  • Drink a lot of mineral water or strong tea.
  • Put the patient to bed, warm and wrap the legs. This is necessary to activate blood circulation.

These measures will be sufficient until the arrival of medical workers. Providing first aid for mushroom poisoning plays a decisive role in saving the victim. A person's life depends on how timely and qualified it is provided.

When treatment is carried out at home, fixing drugs, antiemetic drugs, analgesics, drinks containing alcohol should not be used.

Treatment in the hospital

Patients in serious condition are admitted to the toxicology department. Inpatient treatment for mushroom poisoning is carried out in 2 stages:

  1. Removal of poison.
  2. Eliminate the consequences of his actions.

Initial stage. In the first hours, the stomach is intensively cleansed with a stream of water through a probe, the intestines are released with laxative solutions and enemas. Prescribe a diuretic. The blood is cleansed of toxic toxins by being filtered through sorbents. After some time, antidotes should be taken after poisoning with individual poisons.

The second stage is the maintenance of the cardiovascular system, the treatment of kidneys and liver, the appointment of rehabilitation therapy.

Precautionary measures

Mushroom dishes are traditional for Russian cuisine. Always in Russia they salted milk mushrooms in barrels, pickled mushrooms, dried and fried champignons and whites. How not to get poisoned by mushrooms? Knowledge of species and adherence to the technology of harvesting delicacies will save you from trouble.

Here are a few rules of prevention that must be strictly observed:

  • Take only known species. Do not be greedy, throw away old overgrown or wormy hats and legs. An unknown specimen should not even be near edible mushrooms for a short time.
  • Thoroughly clean and wash the forest trophy. Do not try raw even russula!
  • When collecting, carefully examine each specimen - all its tissues must be healthy and fresh.
  • It is necessary to put the crop in a basket of twigs, and not in a plastic bag or bucket.
  • Collect mushrooms in ecologically clean areas, away from industrial areas.
  • Process immediately, any mushrooms should be boiled for 40 minutes, and pour the broth.
  • Follow the child in the forest so that he does not try a beautiful mushroom or unfamiliar berries. The order and prohibition of an adult in the forest is the law.

Video: mushroom poisoning - symptoms and first aid.

Why are mushroom poisoning dangerous?

Strong poisons can take the life of a person. How to prevent poisonous mushroom poisoning? If in the first hours and minutes you do not start to fight them, then in 50% of cases, poisoning with a govorushka or a pale toadstool causes death. If a large amount of a poisonous substance enters the body, the work of the liver and kidneys will atrophy. Death is coming.

How to avoid mushroom poisoning? The main reason is ignorance about the types of edible mushrooms, ignorance of what they look like. The collected hatters, even if they are all edible, the housewives cook incorrectly, skip the boiling stage.

But during the primary heat treatment, toxins from the dirty external environment die. Do not neglect safety precautions, carelessness can lead to death. In 2-3 days, irreversible changes occur in the body, incompatible with life.

The gall fungus has a dangerous poison. Symptoms of poisoning them are similar to the action of pale grebe. These are severe pains in the intestines and stomach, indomitable diarrhea and vomiting, muscle cramps, dizziness.

The difficulty of diagnosing is associated with a long period of calm. Only on the third day there is a strong heartbeat, the temperature rises, the head hurts a lot. Late diagnosis often leads to the irreversibility of pathological processes.

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