How to remove oily sheen from the face in Photoshop in a photo in several ways

I greet you as always, dear friends. In this article I will tell you how to remove shine from the face in Photoshop using a couple of simple methods. Recently I was looking through photos from one event, and looking at the faces I thought: “How all the same oily sheen spoils the photo.” Agree? But, thank God, this is all corrected very easily. Our favorite graphic editor will help us with this. Well, as Gagarin said: "Let's go!".

How to remove oily shine on the face with a repair brush

As you probably know, there are two types of Healing Brush - Spot and Normal. Both of them are needed in order to hide any defects. These two types differ only in that for a conventional instrument it is required to search for the donor area itself, while the point instrument does everything automatically. Therefore, let's start with the automatic method.

If you don't like how the Precision Healing Brush works, then try using the regular one by selecting it all in the same group on the toolbar.

Only now you have to first select the area from which you will take the area and structure of the skin. To do this, hold down the Alt key so that your cursor changes to a crosshair icon, and click on a patch of normal skin.

I am sure that after doing this procedure you will be satisfied.


Also, a pretty good way to remove shine from a face in Photoshop is to use the familiar Patch tool.

Gaussian blur

Here is another interesting way that will not take you much time, and the effect, I am sure, will please you. True, this method is unlikely to cope with a strong oily sheen.

The method, of course, is interesting, but in fact it is far from always suitable, and it will be much more efficient to use one of the above methods.

Stamp Tool

Also, in this difficult task, we can use the Stamp tool, which we used when we removed an extra object in Photoshop. If you already know how to use it, then you yourself will guess what to do, but for those who do not know, I give detailed instructions.

In my opinion, everything is nowhere easier. Don't you think so? And at the same time they put Angelina in order, otherwise she shines like no one knows who). And by the way, the question is immediately: And which method did you like more? Or maybe you know some other interesting method? I'll gladly have a look.

Well, in general, if you want to master Photoshop in the shortest possible time and be able to use it well (even if you didn’t use it at all), then I certainly recommend that you watch cool video course. This is by far the best Photoshop course for beginners in my opinion. Everything is told in detail, without water and in a language understandable to a person. Looks literally in one breath.

I hope that now you will not have questions about how to remove oily sheen from a face in a photo in Photoshop, so in any such delicate situation, you can fix everything yourself.

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

In general, Photoshop is less frequently used for makeup and cosmetic problems of the face than for correction and artistic “licking” of the most popular female forms, but many are interested in how to remove shine from the face in Photoshop.

If these are simply too light areas, they can be easily dealt with in a couple of clicks, using more or less destructive correction methods, and in "clinical" cases (bright highlights) you will have to tinker, because methods that destroy the pixel structure will not work here.

Painting bright spots

In some simple cases, you can paint over light (shiny) spots with a soft brush, picking up a suitable color with a pipette in close proximity to the spot. In such cases, the opacity of the brush is slightly reduced and the blending mode is changed to Darken. The result will be more natural if, instead of the standard brush, you choose a "Skin" brush with a suitable texture pattern.

Now we will look at how to remove shine from the face in Photoshop using the "surgical intervention" retouching tools. For example, you can remove oily sheen by applying a suitable "patch" to it (a tool in the Spot Healing Brush group) or by using the Stamp tool. In the latter case, select a sample to replace by clicking at this point with the Alt key pressed, and then paint over the light spot.

Blurring the shine

To combat shine, as well as to solve many other issues, how to edit a face in Photoshop, partial blur is often used.

This is done in the following way. Duplicate the image (let it still be a face with shiny spots on the protruding parts), close your eyes on it so as not to interfere, go to the original layer and blur the picture by applying Gaussian Blur (Filter>Blur) . The radius of the effect must be set in such a way as to only neutralize the illuminated spot in relation to the surrounding background.

Now we return to the duplicate, turn on its visibility, take the "Eraser", reduce its opacity (as appropriate) and "wipe" the light spots to a blurry layer on which they no longer stand out with brightness (shine).

This technique is also good for masking pimples that do not decorate moles, age spots, wrinkles and other ugliness.

Get the archival brush

This is another one that uses blur, a versatile way to solve various retouching tasks. So, how to remove shine from the face in Photoshop? Very simple - using the capabilities of the archive brush.

The photo is blurred according to Gauss, by setting the radius depending on the size, image resolution and features of the problem area. Then open the "History" tab in the "Window" menu, set the source for the archive brush by clicking on the square (in our case, this is a Gaussian blur). Further here, in the history, they switch to the original image, then turn on the "Archive brush" and, having selected its size, lowering the opacity and changing the "Overlay" mode to "Dark", they "paint over" the problems.

We muffle glare

All of the above methods are suitable for correction in "light" cases, but how to remove shine in Photoshop if it is a bright, white and seemingly hopeless glare that is difficult to cope with without undesirable consequences using the standard technique.

A completely non-destructive way to neutralize bright highlights involves the use of color channels.

Open the "Channels" tab ("Window" > "Channels") and select the channel with the maximum image contrast (for the skin, this is usually the blue channel).

Having selected, close the channels, go to the "Layers" panel and duplicate the image on a new layer (Ctrl + J).

Add a "Channel Mix" adjustment layer by clicking on the icon in the layers palette at the bottom, or by selecting this command from the "New Adjustment Layer" list in the "Layers" menu.

In the dialog box, mark "Monochrome", reset the red and green colors, and for the blue tone set the number "100". So the blue channel is on a separate (adjustment) layer.

Now add a new adjustment layer "Invert" (the image is converted to a negative) so that the highlights become dark.

Add a Curves adjustment layer and by moving the top node of the curve to the left, brighten everything except the highlights.

Now group all the layers (except the background) by selecting them together in the Layers Palette, holding down the Ctrl key and pressing Ctrl + G. Then change the blending mode for the group to Color Burn and note with satisfaction that the highlights are no longer "glow", and the texture is in place. If they are not dark enough, it is easy to open the group and adjust the settings on the "Curves" layer, darkening the highlights even more, but here we risk losing texture, which is not included in our plans, since removing the shine from the face in Photoshop is not just make it matte.

In this case, let's convert our layer group into a smart object by selecting this command from the group layer's layer context menu or from the Filter menu ("Convert for Smart Filters").

Now select the filter "Gaussian Blur" ("Filter" > "Blur") and, having set a suitable radius, we show the texture in the highlight area. An excessive effect, if the skin texture is too pronounced, can be muted by lowering the opacity.

If retouching such flaws and imperfections of the skin as highlights, spots, scars, wrinkles, etc., can lead to destructive consequences, then you can change the complexion in Photoshop in no time without fear for the texture of the skin, however, with provided that you are not going to outdo the Avatar.

Change the complexion

In "Photoshop" you can easily, in an instant, tan obscenely, enliven your face or add aristocratic pallor to it, or so "glamour" that all Hollywood stars will "rest".

All recolor tools work for this, including Color Balance, Hue/Saturation, Selective Color, Replace Color, and Photo Filter.

All these commands can be called from the "Adjustments" list in the "Image" menu, or use the appropriate adjustment layers ("Layers" > "New Adjustment Layer").

In the first case, the face must be selected before applying this or that correction, but the adjustment layers add their own mask, on which you can then make adjustments with a black brush, that is, remove the effect where it is useless (eyes, eyebrows, lips, etc.).

The "Hue/Saturation" correction also has a special "Toning" function, with which you can give the face any shade.

You can even use a Color Adjustment Layer, fill the face with the color you want, and then change the Blending Mode to Soft Light.

Some "gourmets" tint the face in the Lab color mode, since in this case it becomes possible to separately affect the color by the brightness and contrast of the image.

The cheat sheet shows the ratios of the a, b color channels and the luminance channel L in the Lab color space for different skin tones, taking into account tonal nuances in the penumbra and highlights.

During photography, there are situations when the light of the flash is reflected from the skin of a person, while giving the impression of a very shiny skin from fat. Of course, such a frame can be re-shot, it's a pity that this is not always possible.

In this case, a simple technique for removing glare from a flash will help using a simple image processing technique in Photoshop. To demonstrate this technique, I chose a photo fragment with the most clearly visible defect of this kind:

Flash flare removal technique

The technique that I will demonstrate in this tutorial is applicable to most images that have such defects. Its essence lies in choosing a color from a normal (not illuminated) area of ​​​​the skin and transferring this color to problem areas on the model's face.

To get started, open the image that you will be working with in the program. Use the button below to create a new one, we will use it to place the normal skin color.

Take the pipette tool to take a color sample, set the sample size to the average value as shown below.

Click "Pipette" on a non-exposed area of ​​​​skin near the problem area. The selected color will be set as the main one.

Use the key combination (Shift + F5) to call the “Fill” command dialog as the color source, specify the main one, press the OK button.

The layer is filled with the selected color, respectively, in the document we see nothing but it. We need to make sure that the selected color is applied only to the skin areas exposed to the flash.

Highlighted areas are lighter than the color we set, therefore, changing the blending mode of this layer to "darken" the color will remain visible only in those areas in the image that are lighter than it, in darker areas it will disappear. Let's do this operation:

Look at my result of removing the flash flare. The image looks quite decent, if necessary, you can reduce the opacity of the layer so that the work does not look like a “patch” on the face.

However, for example, I took only a part of the photo with a defect, in “real life” the effect of this technique will extend not only to the areas of the skin illuminated by the flash, but also to all areas that will be lighter than the selected color. In this case, you should not despair, the "trouble" can be helped by applying a mask to the layer with the color.

Invert the mask (Ctrl+I) so that the color is not visible. Now take a brush of the opposite color with soft edges and medium opacity.

Brush the problem areas in the photo with a brush. If you make a mistake while working with the brush, take a step back (Ctrl + Z), or change the color of the brush to the opposite and go over the mistaken area, restoring the layer mask. Change the size of the tool during operation ([) - decrease, (]) - increase.

So using a simple technique, it's easy to remove flash flare from a photo.

glare is a bright spot of reflected light on an illuminated surface, which appears as a specular reflection of powerful light sources. Such light sources can be, for example, the sun, flash or other lighting devices (Fig. 1).

Fig.1 Glare from the sun, which must be removed from the photo.

In many photographs, highlights look beautiful and are part of their composition, but sometimes highlights need to be removed. To do this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Difficulties arise due to the fact that the brightness of the highlight goes beyond the tonal range of the photo.

Often, when removing a highlight from a photo in Photoshop, it is simply made darker, simulating the uniformity of the surface. This approach is possible in cases where the glare has an insignificant size for the texture pattern or it is reflected from a plain surface.

If the surface has a texture or pattern, details are lost in the glare, becoming a uniform white spot. Such a spot looks ugly, regardless of its brightness. The flare is removed by masking it with the Stamp or Patch tools, but at the same time, the ability to adjust the boundaries of the restored area, its brightness, shape and location is lost.

The most difficult thing is to remove a large glare from a three-dimensional spherical surface, on which the pattern has curved lines, such as, for example, on. How to do this using simple Photoshop methods is described in this article.

How to remove glare and return details

If there is a highlight on the surface, then there is a part of the surface without it. This surface can be taken to restore the details lost in the overexposure area and in Photoshop, insert it exactly in place of the glare removed from the photo.

At the same time, it is possible to work with the replaced texture on a separate layer. This gives an advantage over the usual copying into the highlight area with Photoshop's Stamp or Patch tools.

As an example, in Photoshop, we will remove the glare from the photo on. So, in order.

Preparing a mask for a glare

In order to remove a glare from a photo, you need to localize it. It is convenient to do this with a mask. It will allow you to accurately highlight the glare and make a smooth transition from the surface of the material to the glare area.

We will create a mask of the glare removed from the photo in Photoshop from a copy of the background layer, which we will make using the buttons " Ctrl+J» (Fig. 2).

Fig.2 New layer for the mask of the glare to be removed.

To make a mask of a flare to be removed, you first need to select it. To do this, go to the Photoshop menu in the "Select" section and select the "Color Range" item. In the window of the same name below, you need to set the viewing mode "Black background" (Fig. 3).

Fig.3 Selection window for the glare to be removed.

In the “Black Underlay” mode, the photo looks like a layer mask, where the blurry area of ​​​​the highlight is clearly visible (Fig. 4).

Fig.4 Removed glare in the "Black background."

In the "Color Range" window, move the "Scatter" slider and observe the photo mask. We need to get the full outline of the highlight. In this case, other areas of the photo will appear, which we will then remove on the layer mask (Fig. 4).

After the area of ​​the glare to be removed is clearly visible on the mask, in the "Color Range" window, click the "OK" button. On the photo, the glare selection area will be loaded - the "ant track" (Fig. 5).

Fig.5 The selected area for the glare removed from the photo.

In this case, the selection line will be smaller than the highlight area on the mask, or it may not exist at all. Photoshop shows the selection area line only for its lightest part. The hidden part of the selection will be visible on the layer mask.

In order to create a layer mask, you need to go to the top layer in the Layers palette and, with active selection, press the third button from the left at the bottom of the palette. A layer mask thumbnail will appear in the layer (Fig. 6).

Fig.6 Layer mask for the area of ​​the glare to be removed.

Now, while holding down the alt”, click on the layer mask thumbnail. A layer mask similar to the Black Underlay view will open. Select the “Brush” tool and paint over with black on the layer mask all the light areas except for the glare being removed (Fig. 7).

Fig.7 Only the area of ​​the glare to be removed should remain on the layer mask.

Open the “Masks” palette and use the “Feather” slider to blur the highlight so as to remove its torn edges - about 35 pixels (Fig. 8).

Fig.8 Blur the mask of the glare layer to remove the jagged borders.

After that, click on the layer thumbnail to exit the mask. Holding down the " ctrl» Click on the layer mask thumbnail. A smooth selection will appear for the highlight being removed (Fig. 9).

Fig.9 Selected area of ​​the glare to be removed.

After the glare selection appears, on the Layers palette, click on the layer mask icon and hold down the left mouse button, transfer it to the trash can - the lower left corner of the palette, or turn it off by clicking with the button pressed Shift". For a possible correction, it is better to leave.

Button " Delete» delete the area of ​​the glare to be removed, and use the « ctrl+d» deselect. The mask for the glare texture is ready. Let's move on to the next step.

Adjusting the Texture

First we need to prepare a layer on which we will choose a texture to fill the area of ​​the glare to be removed. Go to the background layer and use the Lasso tool to select the object with the texture. You don't really need to separate. Only the texture should fall into the selection area (Fig. 10).

Fig.10 Selected object before copying to a new layer.

Buttons « Ctrl+J»Copy the selected object to a new layer. This will leave only the texture of the object with a glare on the layer (Fig. 11).

Fig.11 Layer with a texture for the glare to be removed.

You need to cut an object from the layer so that its borders are visible in the photo during the transformation. Otherwise, the photo area will need to be reduced, and this is work on a smaller scale.

Being on a new layer using the buttons " ctrl+t» Turn on the transformation mode. A rectangular frame will appear around the object on a new layer, with which you can transform it and see where it is under the mask (Fig. 12).

Fig.12 Texture layer in transform mode.

Button " V»select the move tool and start shifting the layer, adjusting the texture in the highlight to its borders. In our example, it is more convenient to shift the layer in the direction of the arrow. To fine-tune the texture, the layer can be rotated, shrunk, expanded, and its opacity changed.

In the case when the highlight has a large size, you do not need to try to fill it completely with a texture. It's better to do it piecemeal. To do this, we find the most successful option for filling the glare with a texture (Fig. 12) and stop there.

In the "Layers" palette, go to the top layer and click " E Select the Eraser tool. Adjust its opacity and pressure to 20 - 30% and pass it along the border of the pasted texture to make it less noticeable.

Go to the top layer and use the " Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E» Create a shared flattened layer. The result of the first texture adjustment for the removed highlight is fixed on it (Fig. 13).

Fig.13 The result of the texture fitting is fixed on the flattened layer.

After flattening the layers, a smaller highlight will remain on the photo. In order to remove it, you need to repeat the steps, starting with the creation. The flattened layer should be used as the background layer. Glare in our case is removed in three parts. For each mask, texture and flattened layer, create a separate layer group folder (Fig. 14).

Fig.14 The area of ​​the glare to be removed is filled with the texture three times.

In some photos, glare can be removed in one go, and more than three masks may be needed. It depends on the size of the highlight being removed and on the texture pattern. The more complex the drawing, the smaller the texture fill area.

This completes the texture adjustment. Let's move on to the next step.

We show the texture

After adjusting the texture in the area of ​​the highlight to be removed, you need to align the light pattern of the object in the area of ​​the highlight and around it in accordance with the lighting of the entire object.

In the "Layers" palette, go to the top layer and use the " Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E»Create a shared flattened layer over it. Select for it the blending mode "Multiplication" and create a layer mask (the third button in the lower part of the palette on the left) (Fig. 15).

Fig. 15 The overall flattened layer in the Multiply blending mode.

Button " B Select the Brush tool. Set its opacity to 15%. Buttons « D" and " X» Set its main color to white. Click on the layer mask and use the " Ctrl+I» invert it to black. We start painting on the layer mask, shading the highlight area (Fig. 16).

Fig.16 Align the brightness of the highlight area and around it.

After darkening the area of ​​the glare to be removed, select its texture. To do this, use the " Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E» Create a shared flattened layer. In the "Filters" menu of the program, select "Other" and "Color Contrast". In the filter settings, set the radius to 7 pixels. (fig.17).

Fig.17 Apply the "Color Contrast" filter to the flattened layer.

Set the blending mode for the layer to Overlay, add a mask to the layer and invert it with the buttons " Ctrl+I". Select "Brush" with opacity 20%. Being on the layer mask, paint with white color in the highlight area, showing the texture of the material (Fig. 18).

Fig.18 In the area of ​​the glare to be removed, we show the texture of the material.

This completes the process of removing the glare from the photo. For comparison, Fig. 19 shows a part of the photograph with a glare before and after its removal.

Fig.19 The area of ​​the glare to be removed before and after its removal.

The whole process of removing the glare from the photo took no more than 5 minutes. With a clear understanding of all the points of this method, you can remove glare from photos very quickly. The source file with all the layers described in this article can be taken.

What else to remove from photos in Photoshop besides glare is described in the following chapters of the article:

Hello, friends! We continue our acquaintance with the topic of face retouching. This topic is very popular and extensive, because each or each of us wants the face in the photo to look perfect. And today we will learn how to remove shine from the skin using Photoshop.

not perfect picture

The natural shine of the skin, which is usually not noticed in everyday life, when communicating, etc., can spoil the photo quite badly, because the camera sensitively captures every glare of light on your face! Agree, it changes your appearance not for the better. And if there is one, then why not remove these highlights from the photo so that people see only your natural beauty.

When I studied this topic, I discovered just a lot of ways to eliminate glare and oily sheen. I didn’t like the simplest of them, the face in the photo, or rather the skin, after such processing did not look very natural. Therefore, I chose one, quite professional, way to retouch highlights on the face, and now I will introduce you to it.

The path to excellence

Without further ado, let's get started!

Opening the photo:

In the window that appears, set the indicator to about 2.5 pixels and click OK:

Make another copy, turn on the "Filter", select "Blur", and in the drop-down list - "Gaussian Blur":

A window opens, in it, using the slider, we determine the blur to such an extent that the glare becomes almost invisible. Click OK:

Then take a white soft brush and set its opacity to about 20%. We pass with a brush in those places where there are glare.

Now turn on the skin texture layer, select it and set the Blending Mode to Overlay.

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