What is the root of ginseng and its use. Useful properties of ginseng. Ginseng tincture on vodka for joint pain

Ginseng contains many useful substances which are good for the human body. Its healing properties have been studied almost in full, but some of its properties inexplicably affect the human body. So let's consider what is useful ginseng.

Useful properties of ginseng

Main active ingredients ginseng, found in its foliage, stem and small roots, are glucosides. In large quantities, ginseng roots contain biologically active polyacetylene, starch, alkaloids, pectin and tannins, vitamin C, resins, sulfur, phosphorus, micro and macro elements. And it's not yet full list all the elements contained in this plant. For example, metallic germanium, which was found in ginseng not so long ago, together with vitamin E, has a very good effect on the human body.

Not only in the roots of this plant, a lot of useful substances are collected, but also in all its other parts. Just them and use the Chinese, Koreans and residents of Primorsky Krai in Russia - these are leaves, flowers and even seeds. The pharmacological properties of ginseng root and leaf tinctures are almost identical, this has been proven empirically. Therefore, they are both used for the treatment diabetes, necrosis, trophic ulcers complicating diabetes, malnutrition and neuropsychiatric diseases. And also these tinctures restore the body after suffering severe stress and syndrome chronic fatigue.

Ginseng is an adaptogen, that is, it adapts the human body to stress and fatigue, as well as improves endurance, coordination and responsiveness.


Red ginseng takes its name from the appearance of its roots, after a special treatment is carried out to preserve it. Red ginseng grows in China and South Korea, where it is processed after harvest, like Asian ginseng.

It takes several years to prepare red ginseng. It needs to be collected, washed, inspected, cleaned, dried, and it is better to process it with steam. In order for the roots to become more fragile, they are soaked during the drying stage in various herbal infusions using secret technologies. From steam treatment, the roots become red-orange in color.

The benefits of ginseng for the human body

All medicines made from herbs and ginseng roots can be consumed for a long time, without interruption. halo impact on human body such drugs is huge. Ginseng improves the functioning of the central nervous system without any side effects. Preparations based on ginseng do not harm the body, but rather act quite easily and smoothly.

Ginseng root

Ginseng root affects the work of the cortex and the center of the subcortex of the brain, gas exchange, blood composition. It stimulates the respiration of brain cells, lowers heartbeat, and also increases the secretion of bile, suppresses certain microorganisms and affects the sensitivity of the eyes. According to certain experiments, ginseng has shown itself to be a drug that helps in the treatment radiation sickness. These experiments involved animals receiving both a dose of radiation and a drug based on ginseng. As a result of the experiments, the animals recovered.

Ginseng helps in the treatment of many diseases, only you need to use it in suitable form and dosage for a particular disease.

Now the most common means in the treatment of diseases are ginseng root tincture on alcohol, vodka or wine. Such a drug increases efficiency, improves the state of chronic fatigue, restores the body after serious illnesses and contributes to optimal performance of cardio-vascular system. Ginseng tincture is taken for neurosis, psychosis and neurasthenia. It also helps to treat gastritis and diabetes, eliminates problems in the lungs, gastrointestinal tract used to stimulate the genitals. Ginseng is used not only as remedy but also for prevention. And the Chinese generally believe that this plant prolongs life. It is called “The Root of Life”, perhaps because when it is taken, a person becomes vigorous.

Ginseng root tincture

To prepare ginseng tincture, its root must be ground into powder, and then poured with vodka in a proportion of 30 g. ginseng for 1 liter of vodka. This mixture is infused for 3-4 weeks, but it needs to be stirred occasionally. Then the resulting tincture must be filtered and can be consumed.

For prevention, the tincture is drunk 30 minutes before meals, 20 drops 1-2 times a day. The course of admission is 1.5 months. 1 month after the end, the course can be repeated if necessary. For treatment, tincture is taken 30-40 drops daily, but a doctor's consultation is required.

Ginseng. Contraindications

With all its beneficial properties, ginseng also has contraindications. It should not be used for inflammatory and infectious processes, bleeding, hyperexcitability and pregnancy.

Ginseng is an aphrodisiac, so it is taken only before lunch so that there are no problems with sleep. You can not use ginseng for hypertensive patients, especially in summer, in the heat. If a person has pathological diseases or sharp infectious diseases, then ginseng is not recommended. Drinking alcohol while taking medicines based on ginseng is unacceptable.

There are practically no side effects of ginseng-based drugs. They need to be taken in a certain amount. If upon reception appears headache, increased pressure, nausea or vomiting, then it is necessary to reduce the dose of admission, or completely eliminate this drug. Intoxication of the body may occur with a single application of 200 ml or more of ginseng tincture or the entire root. Intoxication is determined by the presence of a rash, dizziness, headache, as well as fever.

After an impressive list, let's move on to the most popular plant for traditional medicine. are amazing beneficial features one of the most famous medicinal plants, which has great fame as an all healing agent in literally breathing into people vitality. The plant has the ability to increase the body's resistance harmful effects- physical, chemical and biological origins. It is used as a general tonic. In the chemical composition of the plant, traces were found of: micro and macro elements (phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, silicon, strontium, manganese, zinc, cobalt, molybdenum, titanium), as well as essential oils, giving it a specific aroma, and triterpene glycosides. Contains vitamins (C, B1, B12); biotin, the presence of acids (nicotinic, folic and pantothenic).

Folk medicine has long practiced treatment with the root of life. It grows in northern China, in Korea, in Siberia in southern Alaska. Its growth conditions are not the same, it also has different names - Chinese, American, red, Korean and Siberian ginseng. In terms of composition and healing properties the root of a plant from different regions is almost the same; in shape - like a copy of a person. Therefore, the name was given to the "root man". It is saturated with saponins and various other substances needed especially for male body returning his sexual power.

Medicinal properties of ginseng

  • strengthen defensive forces the body, when recovering from serious illnesses (oncology);
  • get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and neuroses;
  • to stimulate an increase in mental performance, the removal of bile, to normalize gas exchange that occurs in the lungs;
  • increase vitality and longevity in old age;
  • normalize activities endocrine system;
  • stimulate tissue respiration;
  • regulate metabolism;
  • increase the amplitude of heart contractions;
  • lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

According to doctors, with regular use of ginseng preparations by elderly people, there are opportunities for a significant extension of life. The effectiveness of ginseng intake is determined by seasonal restrictions. In the summer, the doses of medication are reduced. It is recommended to start taking ginseng preparations from September. The admissibility of the largest doses of admission is February and March.

tense life periods, stress, fear and other negative emotions are indications for taking the root of life. Preparations made from the root of the plant correct the harm caused chemicals released in the body during stress. It is recommended to take ginseng tincture half an hour before breakfast and dinner. Application time - one month.

Oriental medicine uses: decoction, infusion, powder from the plant. Russian medicine prefers: alcoholic root tinctures, emulsions, aerosols, suppositories.

Contraindications for the use of ginseng root preparations

There are no side effects when using ginseng preparations. But, in a patient suffering from individual intolerance to the root of life, there may be: headache attacks, nausea, vomiting, increased pressure. At similar symptoms a visit to the doctor is necessary.

Folk recipes for treatment with ginseng root

Dry ginseng root (tincture):

vodka (1 l) is poured into root powder (30 g). Insist for four weeks, periodically shaken. After the time has elapsed, the tincture is filtered. The dose of admission is set by the doctor, and for prevention use 20 drops of tincture 1/2 hour before breakfast and dinner. The course is a month and a half. A break of 30 days and the course of treatment is repeated.

Fresh ginseng root (tincture):

rinse the root cold water. Place 100 g of dried and finely chopped root in a container, pour vodka (1 liter). Shake periodically. Infused for 4 weeks and filtered. The tincture is dripped onto the sugar and kept in the mouth until it dissolves. As a result of this procedure, the substances enter immediately into the vascular bed, bypassing the stomach. For prevention, it is taken 25 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Periodicity - use the drug for 1 month; after a ten-day break, repeat taking it again.


washed root (100 gr) pass through a meat grinder. Warm up honey (900 gr). Connect everything. Periodically stir, using a wooden spoon, give an exposure of 4 weeks. Reception is recommended half an hour before breakfast, 1/2 teaspoon. Take 3 months.

Ginseng Paste:

in 10 g of finely chopped root, pour 40 ml of boiling water. After 3 hours, heat up to 70 °C using water bath and cool down to 40C. The paste is intended for the treatment of skin diseases.

Ginseng with curdled milk:

this drug, very popular in China: red ginseng honey extract (1 tsp) is placed in boiled hot milk (1 liter), cooled to 40 ° C, fermented milk sourdough is added. The resulting mixture is shaken after souring; taking 250 ml twice a day half an hour before breakfast and lunch. Sourdough can serve: curdled milk, fermented baked milk, sour cream and other ready-made fermented milk products.


washed, chopped plant root (30 g) is placed in 500 ml of water. Boil over low heat for 4 minutes; strain and cool to 40°C.

Treat a cold:

in the radish, the top is cut off, which will be used as a cap, and a recess is made. Together with the ginseng root, put in a double boiler for 2 hours. After the time has elapsed, the components are removed from the steamer. The steamed root is placed in the deepening of the radish. Alcohol and honey are poured there in equal proportions and covered with a lid. After 24 hours, the healing potion is ready. Application: in the morning, at noon and in the evening, a teaspoon. Very effective for the treatment of runny nose and cough.

honey extract

1 kg of linden honey and 50 g of finely chopped ginseng root are taken. The components are mixed. Placed in a darker place and kept for three weeks. Then the honey-ginseng extract is released from the pieces of the root. Recommended use: for colds, fatigue and headaches - take one teaspoon daily.

Thrombosis treatment

cut the root of the plant (100 g) into pieces according to the size of the neck of the bottle. Pieces of the root are placed in a container and vodka (800 ml) is poured. After 2 weeks, the tincture is filtered. Take 10 drops 10 minutes before meals. Tincture is taken in winter for six weeks - three cycles (14 days cycle; 7 days rest). Effective treatment for thrombosis that occurs in the arms and legs.

Red ginseng with honey

Wash the root (200 g) with a brush, pass through a vegetable cutter or grate on a coarse grater. Place 1 liter of crystallized honey in an enamel saucepan; bring to a boil over low heat and add raw materials. Boil one hour. Since honey will foam, you need to be careful; stir occasionally. By the end of the cooking process, the color of the root will turn red, and the honey will turn caramel and the mass of the contents will boil down to the original volume of one honey. Pour the mixture into sterilized glass jars, mix so that the pieces of the root are evenly spaced. Stored at room temperature. It is taken before breakfast 2 teaspoons, for the purpose of prevention, from September to March. Elderly people can use the drug: October - March, 4 teaspoons; from April to September 2 teaspoons - daily. Used in oncology, this drug is recommended to take daily from 5 to 20 teaspoons, throughout the course of chemoradiotherapy.

it potent agent with a number of contraindications. Overdose may cause tachycardia, insomnia. Therefore, its use requires the advice of a doctor. Keep the drug away from children.

Ginseng extract is used in cosmetology. Based on it, face and hair care products with oils are produced. natural origin. One of them is a shampoo that is designed to: nourish skin cells, hair follicles, hair roots, improve blood circulation, stimulate hair growth.

Ginseng - useful properties and contraindications, the use of ginseng root tincture, the benefits of youth and longevity herbs for men and women, traditional medicine recipes using the legendary plant - all this and much more on the health and beauty site.

What is ginseng, photo, description

Ginseng(otherwise ginseng) is very valuable. medicinal plant widely used in traditional and folk medicine. Its height sometimes reaches 50 cm, and the thickness of the roots depends on age. This unpretentious grass lives for more than a hundred years and the older the sprout, the great value represents. The plant has long leaves and brownish-yellow roots.

It blooms in small whitish inflorescences, from which peculiar fruits grow, resembling red coffee beans. This perennial belongs to the Aralia genus of plants and lives mainly in coniferous forests.

Composition of ginseng

Has the greatest health benefits ginseng root. He is rich high content pectins, sucrose, essential oils, organic acids and fatty oils.

In addition, in its composition found a lot of biologically useful for the body. active substances, such as:

  • B vitamins;
  • Group C, D, A, F, E glycosides;
  • A nicotinic acid;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • Folic acid;
  • Micro and macro elements (magnesium, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, etc.)

Also, in the chemical composition of the ginseng root there are starch, resin, mucus and an incalculable mass of xatriols and enzymes.

Useful properties of ginseng

Due to such a rich chemical composition, ginseng herb has a number of useful medicinal properties. The people honor the benefits of ginseng, call it the herb of beauty, youth and longevity.

The use of ginseng preparations has a stimulating effect on nervous system, improves appetite and overall working capacity, relieves blues and fatigue, helps with.

The miraculous root is used for diseases of cardio-vascular system, fatigue and low blood pressure. Ginseng is especially effective for older people - it is able to prolong life and maintain a fading body in good physical condition.

Ginseng root is extremely useful for diabetics, as it has the ability to reduce other foods consumed, activates internal organs and enhances adrenal function. In addition to everything, it can become an assistant in the fight against and sexual dysfunction.

A tincture of ginseng leaves is widely used to combat ulcers, necrosis and chronic central nervous system depletion syndrome.

The use of ginseng in traditional medicine, recipes

it perennial actively used in folk medicine. For the preparation of medicines based on ginseng, both the leaves and the root of the herb are used. Of them get effective ointments, tinctures and decoctions.

Here are some recipes based on ginseng:

  • Ginseng root tincture for thrombosis of the extremities.

To prepare the tincture, you need about 100 g of root and 750 g of vodka. In a liter container, you need to place the crushed ginseng root and pour it with vodka. Insist at least two weeks.

Then the finished tincture should be carefully filtered through gauze and drink 10-15 drops before meals.

The course of treatment is two weeks followed by a week break. If necessary, it is possible to repeat the course up to 2-3 times.

  • Anti-cold remedy.

This extract from root ingredients helps to cope with all kinds of manifestations of seasonal colds. It fights well with, chills and.

So, you need to prepare a double boiler or a slow cooker with a steam function.

The composition of the emulsion includes radish, ginseng root, ethyl alcohol and honey (preferably flower). In a large radish, you will need to make a circular cutout of the upper part, and in this form, together with ginseng, send it to a double boiler for a couple of hours.

After the time has elapsed, remove the ingredients from the bowl and place the root in the round opening of the radish, pour everything mixed in equal parts alcohol and honey. And on top, cover with the top left over from the radish and leave to infuse for up to two days. In the radish, a specific liquid will gradually begin to stand out - it should be treated with it.

  • Dry ginseng root tea.

Ginseng teas and decoctions are usually used for nervous disorders Oh, and digestive problems. The recipe is very simple - you just need to pour 1 liter of boiled water into a container with 100 g of dry ginseng. Then, insist a quarter of an hour and strain.

For a single use, 10 ml is enough for half an hour before meals. And so on until three times per day, as needed. The duration of such a course is not more than a month.

For such a healing paste, you only need a couple of tablespoons of finely chopped dry root and 30 ml of boiling water. Combine the ingredients and leave for two hours in a tightly sealed container. After, slightly warm this gruel over low heat in a water bath. After cooling, you can use.

This ointment is widely known in the fight against skin diseases, rashes, irritation. Helps heal wounds, soothes the affected skin focus.

Ginseng tincture - instructions for use

Apart from folk remedies based on ginseng, there are many pharmaceutical available funds. One of the most famous - alcohol tincture on dry ginseng root.

Indications for the use of the drug: weakening of sexual function, high excitability, bad dream, neuroses, . Useful for arterial.

The action of the drug: alcohol tincture on ginseng stimulates metabolism, starts metabolic processes, activates the nervous system, fights general weakness and drowsiness, increases blood pressure and lowers total blood levels.

Side effects: in rare cases the medicine can cause insomnia, diarrhea, allergic reaction skin, hypoglycemia, nausea, increased nervous excitement, vomiting, high blood pressure, tachycardia.

Ginseng for men

This plant is simply indispensable for the stronger sex. The use of ginseng root helps men in restoring sexual function.

After all, when youth is already behind, many men feel all the charms on themselves. middle age- the percentage of androgens in the body decreases, decreases sexual attraction and erectile dysfunction occurs.
Due to the presence of saponins in the composition of ginseng, its root is called the "second Viagra".

Moreover, it is completely natural remedy containing no chemicals and harmful additives. And ginsenosides, which are included in chemical composition plants that can and prevent premature ejaculation. The stable use of ginseng tincture for several months will definitely give its results!

After a course of taking the drug in males, sperm motility, blood flow to the genitals, and production increase markedly.

But there are some cautions in using this substance. Namely, ginseng is not advised to be taken by men with increased blood pressure and tachycardia.

Ginseng for women

Everyone wants to be beautiful and healthy, especially women. With age, the former tone of the skin of the face, neck, hands is lost. efficient and inexpensive means in the fight against age-related changes appearance are masks and elixirs based on the rejuvenating ginseng plant.

There are a number of indications for the use of this rejuvenating herb for women:

  • Dryness, lethargy of the skin;
  • Decreased tone of collagen fibers;
  • Puffiness, inflammation of the skin;
  • Focal destruction of hair follicles.

In cosmetology, the root of this plant is widely used in shampoos, lotions, creams and masks. On the shelves of shops you can easily find something suitable for your age group and skin type.

And for lovers of folk remedies, it will not be difficult to prepare useful cosmetics at home. Here are a couple of simple recipes for homemade ginseng masks:

  • An anti-aging mask for all skin types.

Mix 75 g of ginseng powder with 100 ml of hot (but not boiling) water. Combine until a homogeneous mass is obtained and the resulting slurry is evenly distributed on the face, avoiding the area under the eyes and above upper lip. Leave to soak for half an hour. Then, wash away warm water and massage the skin well with a nourishing cream.

  • Mask for dry hair.

Combine ginseng powder and heavy cream in equal parts, add one yolk chicken egg. Mix well and rub into the roots of the hair, and then stretch along the entire length. You need to walk with such a mask for at least an hour, but the result will be simply amazing!

Ginseng Contraindications

The ginseng plant is an important and very effective remedy in folk and traditional medicine. It can be used in the fight against many ailments, for prevention and for general health organism.

But this medicine is not as harmless as it seems at first glance, so you need to take it following all the rules.

  • People who have hyperfunction of thyroid secretion;
  • Too young patients;
  • Hypertension patients;
  • Alcoholics;
  • Patients with poor clotting blood;
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding.

Ginseng is a truly unique centuries-old plant that has many beneficial and healing properties for the human body. But do not forget about precautions when taking a medicinal substance.

Ginseng- this is a perennial flower, of the "Aralia" type. It is not less than 50-60 cm high. The roots of the plant branch weakly. The stems of the plant are solitary and straight, have long leaves. The fruit of ginseng is a red drupe, which consists of several seeds (see photo). The plant blooms in July, and the fruits ripen by September. Ginseng is a long-liver average duration life for about 2 centuries.

AT wild environment the existence of ginseng can be seen on the territory of Russia, South Korea, China. The most comfortable conditions for its growth are forests with broad-leaved trees. The plant can grow both on dry soil and on fertile soil. The most important thing for ginseng is to have some moisture. The plant also cannot grow under the sun, so it can only be found in the shade of trees.

In total, this plant has eleven species. But the most used and common are:

  • creeping ginseng;
  • ordinary;
  • five leaf.

These species are often found in the territories of the Far East, as well as in cities, Korea and China. Ginseng has been in demand in these countries for over 500 years.

Ginseng storage

The root part of the plant can be stored both dry and raw. fresh roots collected and stacked in wooden boxes in rows, and covered with moss, which has an antibacterial effect and the amount of moisture needed for the roots. Therefore, in this form, the roots will be stored for up to 6 years.

In order to dry the roots, it is necessary to put them in the shade under a tree for a period of about 2 months. Thus, they need to be dried until they become completely dry. This species is called - red roots. They have an unlimited shelf life. The smell of such a root is faintly felt, and the taste is bittersweet.

Dry ginseng roots are put into cloth bags and sent to a dark, ventilated place. The shelf life of this type is up to 4 years.

The use of ginseng in food

The use of ginseng in food dates back to ancient times. In China, there special way ginseng root processing. First you need to boil all the starch from the root, which later becomes a paste. The people of China and Korea very often consume the root raw, biting off one small piece and chewing during the day, or used for cooking. unusual dishes. For example, the roots are boiled in clay pots for a long time, and then they drink the decoction, and eat pieces of the boiled, and then also the dried root.

In China, there is another extravagant variant of ginseng preparation. Inside the gutted chicken put the root and keep steamed for a long time until the bird with the root turns into a homogeneous porridge, which is then eaten one spoon a day.

A tea is prepared from the ginseng root, which, in terms of the number of useful properties, is on a par with drugs. Ginseng tea can be purchased at the store, but only before it is sold, it passes heat treatment. During which, ginseng loses up to 50% of its beneficial properties.

It is much easier to make your own tea at home. To make tea you will need:

  • 35 grams of ginseng root;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 100 grams of any dried fruit.

Next, the ginseng root must be poured with cold water, and boiled over a fire for about 2 hours, then add dried fruits, and boil everything together for 30 minutes. Drink tea 125 grams before meals, the course is 1 month. This tea will help with insomnia, apathy, and diabetes.

Beneficial features

Useful properties of ginseng root people began to learn from the past centuries. The root contains components such as vitamin C, sulfur and phosphorus, and some other minerals.

The root acts as an analgesic and tonic. When it is used, a person’s ability to work increases, bile is excreted and oxygen circulation in the lungs improves. Also, thanks to its beneficial properties, it restores the nervous system after nervous disorders and stress.

In ancient times, people, having learned the beneficial properties of ginseng, decided that its origin is connected with magic. The legend said that the plant appeared when lightning struck the stream. Because of the fire, the water in the stream disappeared, and a flower appeared in its place, which absorbed the power of the elements.

Ginseng for men (increased potency)

There is an opinion that the use of ginseng root by men increases their sexual activity, and indeed it is. The fact is that the composition of the root includes such an element as saponin. It is he who stimulates male potency.

Among men, not many can talk about their problem with potency, and as a result, they do not engage in treatment. Although it is very simple. In order to have an effect, it is necessary to consume ginseng root for 2 months, and this will restore sexual activity, as well as sperm speed. During treatment with ginseng, it is better to limit yourself to coffee, as increased excitability, in given period nothing.

The use of ginseng in medicine

Ginseng is used in the medical field as a medicines and all kinds of folk remedies. Often doctors prescribe the use of ginseng to improve blood circulation, stable heart function, and metabolic processes. Also, it can be used to heal wounds, use as an anesthetic.

Ginseng preserves youth and slows down the aging process. With regular use, it restores the immune system and life is extended. official medicine accepted medicinal benefit ginseng, so it can be purchased at any pharmacy.

There are many varieties of ginseng-based products for use in traditional medicine, such as decoctions, ointments, teas, and powders. In the table below, you can get to know some of these traditional medicines a little closer.





Nausea, headaches

2 tbsp root, 1/2 cup water, 0.2 ml alcohol

Chop up the root. Mix with water. Boil 10 minutes. Pour out the water, and pour the roots with alcohol. Let it brew for a month.

Take 30 drops 30 minutes before meals. Continue treatment until the condition improves. A maximum of 150 drops can be taken per day.

To improve immunity

50 g ginseng powder, 450 g alcohol

Let it brew for 14 days, in a warm place.

Use half a teaspoon before meals, drink a course of 9 days.

Cough, runny nose

1 radish, 1 root, 1 liter of water, honey

Place the water in a saucepan, send the radish in which you need to make a hole, and the root there. Boil for 20 minutes. Then we take out the radish and the root, smear the root with honey and send it to the hole in the radish. We insist at least one day.

Juice is taken 1 teaspoon per day. Continue treatment until complete recovery.

Vascular treatment

50 g of root, 0.5 liters of honey

Mix honey with root, and leave for a month. The root is then removed.

It is taken 1-2 teaspoons, regardless of the time of the meal.

To normalize sugar levels

1 root, 200 ml alcohol

Grind the root and pour alcohol. Insist 3 weeks.

Take 30 drops, 2 times a day. To achieve the effect, drink a course of 3 months.

Use in cosmetology

In cosmetology, recipes based on ginseng are often used. With the help of this plant, you can take care of sensitive as well as aging skin, and effectively fight wrinkles. Ginseng tones and regenerates the skin, and also keeps the skin from dehydration and nourishes it.

In many ready-made cosmetic products that you bought in the store, you can simply add ginseng extract. This will also give a positive effect!

To keep the skin always young and beautiful, a ginseng mask is suitable. To prepare, you need to take two tablespoons of ginseng powder, and mix with hot water before the formation of porridge. After the porridge has cooled, it must be applied to the face. Then wait 25 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Growing at home

If you grow ginseng at home, it will grow much faster than in the garden. In the house it is easier to create this plant comfortable conditions: the right humidity (30%), thanks to coniferous sawdust. The main thing to remember is that this plant does not like a large number of sun rays. It propagates by seeds. You can start collecting them by September.

Send the seeds that you have collected into a box and sprinkle with sand. Thus, the seeds can be stored for 21 months.

Planting ginseng begins in the month of April. First, you need to prepare the soil. We pour the prepared soil into a pot, and begin to sow the seeds into the ground, 6 cm deep. We put the pot of seeds on the window and cover with gauze (one layer will be enough).

The plant is easy to care for. Just water a little as needed, and periodically loosen the soil to a depth of 2 cm.

In autumn, the plant pot must be moved to a wooden box, sprinkled a small amount peat, and cover with foil. In the box, he should stand throughout the winter. In April, place the box on the window.

Growing at home is not much different from planting in the garden. The main thing to do suitable conditions for a plant, so that the sun's rays do not hit the plant, prepare the soil in advance (clear weeds, and loosen the ground). Ginseng needs to be watered once a week. It is better to transplant a plant when it is three years old, because it greatly depletes the soil. It is best to harvest fruits when the sprout is five years old.

Harm and contraindications

Ginseng also has contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use during pregnancy, increased nervousness, bleeding, and inflammation. To avoid problems with sleep, ginseng must be taken in the morning. In the presence of hereditary diseases or infectious, also do not use ginseng, so as not to apply more more harm body. It is strictly forbidden to combine the intake of herbal medicines with alcohol. Ginseng-based products have practically no side effects. If, nevertheless, a person has a headache or signs of nausea, you just need to reduce the dosage. More about ginseng in the video, which is also presented in the material.

The first to open valuable properties ginseng, have become the countries of the Far East, in particular, China. All medicines based on ginseng root activate the activity of the central nervous system, stimulate the acceleration of metabolic processes, and improve tissue respiration. Ginseng is undeniable for those who work hard - the root of this plant fights fatigue and increases efficiency. At the same time, there is an improvement in appetite.

Ginseng is useful for hypertensive patients and people suffering from problems with blood pressure, diseases of the endocrine and reproductive systems. It has an analgesic and restorative effect on the body, activates subcortical centers and oxidative processes. This plant is also characterized by immunostimulating, adaptogenic properties.

Application rules

One of the options for using ginseng root is a tincture, which is clear liquid, which has slightly yellowish color. It is manufactured on ethyl alcohol, 1:10. It is necessary to take such a tincture of 20-25 drops, exclusively before meals, three times a day. Ginseng root is also sold in powder and tablet forms. In this case, you should take, on average, 0.20-0.30 g three times a day before meals. It is important that the intake of tincture and powder is carried out in courses. One course - 30-35 days. You need to take a break between courses.

Ginseng tincture can be prepared independently. To do this, pour 50 g of sweetened root boiled water, which after a few hours drain. Next, cut the root into pieces and pour 40% alcohol (500 ml is enough). Insist 3 weeks. This tincture is very important. To achieve the effect, you should not drink it with water or juice. The course of treatment with tincture is 90 days, during which two ten-day breaks must be taken. Repeat the course after a year.
It should be noted that the ginseng root has some seasonality of action. It is best to take it in winter or autumn. At other times of the year, take in small, insignificant doses.

Contraindications, side effects

Ginseng root, whose beneficial properties are undeniable, is not shown in all cases. It should not be used during exacerbations hypertension, during the sultry summer heat, in diseases infectious nature. In order not to provoke negative side effects, you need to exclude alcohol while taking the medicine.

In some cases, the use of ginseng root can cause severe headaches or pressure surges, vomiting, and nausea. In such situations, it is recommended to stop taking the medication. In case of an overdose of tincture or powder, intoxication or poisoning may occur.

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