Can cats be given activated charcoal? Activated charcoal for a kitten with diarrhea: application, dosage Can cats vomit activated charcoal

When a pet feels bad, the owner tries to help him in every way. And if the emergency call of the veterinarian to the house is far from affordable for everyone, then there is always a first-aid kit in the house. Among the medicines that are intended for people, there are those that can be given to animals. The difference is only in the dosage, because a cat is much smaller than a person. One of the drugs that are suitable for the treatment of four-legged friends is activated charcoal.

Poisoning and activated charcoal

It is not in vain that a saying has been invented about feline curiosity. Kittens are interested in everything they see around, they want to try everything on the tooth. With age, animals gain experience and learn to avoid dangers, but even an adult pet can decide that a tasty or unusually smelling object is quite edible. Therefore, almost any cat can get poisoned. Poisons in the form of liquid or powder can get on the coat, and the cat will lick them off while washing. A cat can eat a rodent that has been poisoned with a special compound. It is important to immediately take action and give a safe and affordable drug.

Coal adsorbs well, absorbs toxic substances. It is not absorbed by the body and exits the digestive tract, taking toxic components with it. It has the same effect on the human and feline body. You can give it to cats of all ages, as well as pregnant and lactating.

Signs of poisoning

There are several symptoms that are characteristic of poisoning:

  • weakness;
  • profuse salivation;
  • frequent liquid and watery stools;
  • trembling of the limbs and the whole body;
  • cough;
  • vomit;
  • shortness of breath or heavy breathing;
  • spotting in the stool;
  • convulsions;
  • disorientation in space;
  • pain in the abdomen (with palpation);
  • loss of consciousness.

If several symptoms are present at once, you can give the medicine without hesitation. Some signs are found in other diseases, such as intestinal infections and digestive disorders, but activated charcoal, even in this case, will not cause harm, since it also adsorbs pathogenic bacteria and food components.

Diseases in which it is important to give activated charcoal to a cat
Black tablets will help with food allergies, increased gas formation in the intestines, diarrhea after taking anthelmintic drugs and reduce the high acidity of gastric juice.

The amount of the drug

One gram of coal is required for one kilogram of animal weight. Half or one whole tablet is enough for a kitten up to six months, and an adult should be given a few. It is better to give medicine without water, because coal also absorbs water, which reduces its effect directly in the body. In case of poisoning, plenty of fluids are required, so after taking activated charcoal, the cat must be given clean water to drink, preferably boiled.

How to give a pill

A pet can choke on a whole pill, so it should be divided into smaller pieces. It is better to give a kitten a quarter, and an adult pet - a half or a third. It is better to carry out all procedures with someone's help, so that one person holds the animal and the other treats it. You need to open the cat's mouth and put the medicine closer to the root of the tongue, then close the mouth and lift the muzzle. Then wait until the pet swallows the pill, it will be noticeable by the movement of the muscles in the neck. You can look into the cat's mouth to make sure that the medicine is swallowed: it happens that animals move the pill by the cheek or closer to the tip of the tongue, then the procedure must be repeated.

How to water a cat

During poisoning, animals can drink water in large quantities, because instinct tells them so. But sometimes sick cats lose interest even in water, and even after taking the medicine, they may begin to be suspicious of any offer of a person. Then you need to drink the patient by force, using a syringe. Half a milliliter is enough for a kitten, and an adult needs to pour 1-2.

You should close the animal's mouth and pull the lip with your finger, insert a syringe with water without a needle into the resulting gap and gently inject a small amount of drink over the cheek. The trickle should not be too strong or too weak. Then you need to slightly raise the head of the animal up and wait until it swallows the water. Then repeat so that the cat drank in several doses.

How to avoid an overdose

Too much activated charcoal can be as harmful to a pet's health as food poisoning. The adsorbent acts indiscriminately, it absorbs everything, including water and mucus inside the stomach and intestines. This can lead to dehydration, which can lead to constipation. Toxins do not leave the body, and this only aggravates the situation.

How to understand that an overdose has occurred:

  1. Feces are difficult to pass, in small quantities, it is too dry.
  2. Feces do not come out at all, although the cat diligently pushes.
  3. The cat does not allow touching the stomach, because it hurts.
  4. Hard lumps are felt in the area of ​​​​the intestines.
  5. The skin loses its elasticity. This is the result of dehydration, and is especially noticeable when, after pulling back the skin at the withers, the fold is smoothed out more slowly than usual.

To avoid this, you need to give the animal water to drink, not milk or kefir. After poisoning, the cat should drink at least a glass of clean water (250 ml) per day, and at least 10 ml should fall on each tablet of activated charcoal. You can remove the coal that has lingered in the intestines by taking enveloping drugs and laxatives. Only a doctor should prescribe additional treatment.

When Coal Fails

Tablets enter only the digestive tract and act exclusively in it. If the symptoms are correctly recognized, and the toxic substances have not yet entered the bloodstream, coal will alleviate the condition of the animal and reduce its suffering while the owner is taking the patient to the veterinary clinic. When too much time is lost, the coal has nothing to absorb in the stomach and intestines: poisons are already in the blood, the help of a specialist is needed. The adsorbent may also be useless when bitten by poisonous insects.

Cat self-medication

Animals that roam freely on the street can be treated on the go. As soon as they feel unwell, they begin to eat grass, and then burp what is in their stomach. For a domestic cat, you can grow grass in a pot, because instincts work not only outside the home. It should be borne in mind that there are more dangers outside, the probability of stumbling upon poison is much higher, so it is better to carefully observe your pet, even if it is quite independent.

What else do you need to know

  1. It is necessary to find out what exactly poisoned the cat: it depends on how exactly it will be treated.
  2. Coal absorbs everything, even medicines. Therefore, it should be given separately from other prescribed drugs.
  3. You can not delay the visit to the clinic. The improvement in well-being can be temporary, because not only the intestines suffer from poisoning. The biggest hit is on the liver, which removes toxins from the blood. It requires an individually selected treatment regimen and a diet that only a veterinarian will prescribe.
  4. If the doctor has warned about the dangers of taking activated charcoal, it is better not to treat the animal yourself.
  5. If the poisoning is severe, coal may be useless. The veterinarian can prescribe injections and droppers with special solutions that will do the job perfectly.

When not to give charcoal

Even such a harmless drug has contraindications:

  1. Ulcers of the stomach and intestines.
  2. Internal bleeding.
  3. Chronic kidney disease.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. The need to take other medications. Coal reduces their concentration and the effectiveness of treatment in general.

Activated charcoal is not a panacea, it only removes poisons from the intestines and stomach, eliminates one symptom - diarrhea, and its causes may be different. This medicine cannot cure the underlying disease. It also cannot be given as a preventive measure.

The medicine is produced in different forms, in the form of powder, suspension, capsules and paste, so do not be upset if the cat spits out the pill over and over again. The main thing is to observe the dosage, give the cat water to drink and not neglect the visit to the doctor.

Video: how to give a cat a pill?

Activated charcoal is charcoal of animal or vegetable origin that has undergone special treatment. It belongs to the group of medicines used for various kinds of poisoning. It acts as a powerful absorbent that absorbs alkaloids, gases, toxins, poisons, salts of heavy metals and removes it from the body. If its use by a person does not cause any controversy, then many owners of four-legged pets are concerned about questions: how to give activated charcoal to a cat, is it possible to do this at all, will it harm the health of the animal?

Why do cats get poisoned?

If there is a pet in the house, especially a small one, then each owner must understand that his pet is not immune from various unpleasant incidents, in particular, from poisoning. Cats are very inquisitive but cautious animals. They can rarely get poisoned by accident, as they have a very highly developed sense of smell. But a kitten like force majeure may be more likely to threaten, since in babies, the sense of smell is either completely absent or weakened. Sometimes they like to eat some food that is not at all intended for a fragile stomach, the result of this curiosity can be food poisoning, indigestion with diarrhea.

Many owners are confident that if the cat does not leave the home, then poisoning does not threaten her. This is a typical misconception. According to statistics cited by veterinarians, 10% of all cases of visits to animal clinics are for poisoning. The reason for this may be the natural curiosity and hunting instinct of cats (they love to try new substances, plants), spoiled food, expired food, or even their habit of constantly licking their hair (it is on the fluffy “fur coat” that dangerous substances can get - poorly washed flea shampoo, chemicals).

An adult animal, with its poisoning, in most cases, is “obliged” to its owners, who, with their carelessness, careless actions, endangered the life and health of the pet. This includes improper treatment of a cat with potent drugs or intexicides - preparations for the control of rodents in the house. These products contain pesticides that are unsafe for the body of fluffy pets. The cat is not able to digest them on its own.

The owner of the animal must be aware symptoms that will help determine that his pet has food poisoning:

  • shortness of breath;
  • diarrhea;
  • manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • behavior change;
  • refusal to eat;
  • strong salivation;
  • trembling all over;
  • violation of coordination of movement;
  • pupil dilation;
  • convulsions;
  • loss of consciousness.

The surest and safest way to help a cat with poisoning is to immediately contact a veterinarian. However, this possibility is not always available. If the owner understands that the animal has been poisoned, he can give him activated charcoal, which is available in the medicine cabinet for everyone without exception.

How to give your cat activated charcoal

Veterinarians assure that activated charcoal will not harm the health of the cat, so you can give it. He does not cause side effects, the main thing is to strictly observe the dosage. It is dangerous to engage in self-medication, however, if signs of poisoning appear, the owner must take urgent measures. First, move your pet outside or at least open a window to provide the necessary oxygen supply. Secondly, it is very important to understand what could have caused the poisoning.

If the poison has got on the pet's coat, it must be thoroughly washed off using cool water and ordinary soap. The next step is to give the cat medicine.

Dosage of activated carbon:

  • adult animals - 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight;
  • kitten - half a tablet.

For better absorption, coal is pre-crushed to a powder state., then diluted with a small amount of boiled water, mixed thoroughly and injected into the cat's mouth with a spoon or syringe (without a needle). If the animal has not lost its appetite, the tablets can be mixed with food.

The drug is very effective in poisoning, even if it is caused by the bite of a blister beetle.

Some cats are very skittish and may refuse to take medication. Here the owner will need some skill. You need to take a blanket or a piece of dense fabric, wrap the pet in it so that it cannot escape or release its claws. First, they wrap the neck under the chin, then the shoulders, after which they “swaddle” the whole body. Thus, only the muzzle of the animal remains unwrapped.

Next, the cat should be put on its knees, so that it looks at the owner, and open its mouth. You can cheat and show the animal something tasty so that his instinct will work, and the pussy has substituted the owner's lower jaw. At this point, you should put the tablet on the root or side of the tongue and close the cat's mouth.

It must be borne in mind that if the pet is unconscious, then it is better to wait for the arrival of the veterinarian and not try to give medicine. Vomiting is absolutely pointless, since most of the toxic substance has already entered the intestines and is absorbed into the blood.

How does activated charcoal affect the body of an animal in case of poisoning. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, the black absorbent neutralizes toxic substances and promotes their removal to the outside along with the feces. Charcoal will need to be given for three to seven days to completely eliminate toxins, depending on the health of the cat. If after a week there is no improvement, you should contact your veterinarian, who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. With severe poisoning, activated charcoal alone is not enough.

During poisoning, the animal needs clean drinking water, as it helps to eliminate harmful substances, reduces the toxic load on the liver and kidneys, and prevents dehydration. With mild poisoning, cats instinctively drink water, but if the stage is severe, then the pet needs to be watered, gradually pouring water into the mouth. The daily rate of water consumption should be 200-250 ml.

What to do if activated charcoal is not at hand. A good alternative is 3% hydrogen peroxide, with which the pet's stomach is washed. The dosage is 1 teaspoon per 2.5 kilograms of animal weight. Peroxide is injected with a spoon or syringe. The cat should be given three times with an interval of 15 minutes.

Some experts believe that activated charcoal should also be given to a pet as a preventative measure to avoid digestive problems, especially if the cat is not a domestic cat. To do this, ¼ of the absorbent is crushed and mixed into the feed. Although many veterinarians do not agree with this point of view, explaining that the animals that the owners let go for a walk on the street, feeling unwell, are treated on their own, looking for creeping wheatgrass - a special plant that has the ability to clean the stomach. After eating grass, they regurgitate it along with the contents of the stomach, thus, a natural self-purification occurs with the help of a natural absorbent.

Before answering the question: “How to give activated charcoal to a cat?”, It is worth considering other questions. For example, is it worth giving this drug to this cat at all? And, if the decision is positive, then in what doses and how to feed the cat a charcoal tablet without any problems, since he himself, most likely, will refuse to chew it, what kind of animal is activated charcoal? And what are the criteria for its use for humans and animals.

Activated charcoal (briefly).

Activated charcoal (lat. Activated charcoal) is obtained mainly from ordinary charcoal after its heat treatment.

Since ancient times, coal and ash have been used in folk medicine for acute poisoning (mainly oral - through the mouth). The greatest effect of the use of coal was noted for the removal of toxic substances, while substances poisoning the body - poisons, have not left the stomach and intestines.

Porous coal absorbs, absorbs into itself, absorbs toxins - absorbs.

Nowadays, starch (for better tablet formation) and grape sugar (dextrose, glucohexose, glucose) are added to the crushed coal powder (“black salt”). Glucose, easily penetrating into the blood, calms and stabilizes the processes of the body, helps to reduce stress, which is inevitable in case of toxic poisoning.

Coal pressed together with glucose is an excellent universal antitoxin, an enterosorbent that activates metabolic processes and stimulates the activity of the liver and kidneys. This is very important for poisoning and infections that have entered the body!

Enriched with glucose, the drug was called "Activated Charcoal".

Available in the form of tablets of 0.25 g, as well as in the form of granules, capsules, pastes, suspensions (water suspension) and powder. Paste, suspension, and powder are the most convenient forms to give activated charcoal to felines, especially if the animal is debilitated or is still a small kitten.

Application in veterinary medicine

After a brief excursion into the pharmacology of activated charcoal, it becomes clear that giving activated charcoal to cats is not only possible, but also needed as a drug for conditions such as:

  • The processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines - dyspepsia.
  • Flatulence always accompanying dyspepsia.
  • Hypersecretion of gastric juice (increased acidity).
  • Diarrhea.
  • Poisoning with drugs and other chemicals, especially in their acute stage.
  • Toxoinfections (dysentery, salmonellosis).
  • Renal and liver failure.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Metabolic disorders, for example, hypovitaminosis (especially lack of group B and vitamin C).
  • Food poisoning, including the juice of domestic flowers and plants.
  • Diarrhea after expulsion of worms.

All of the above are direct indicators of the use of this drug in veterinary medicine, so the question is: “Is it possible to give activated charcoal to cats and cats?” - not even worth it.

It remains to consider in what doses it is possible to take, what are the consequences of the application and decide how to give activated charcoal to a cat, kitten, cat.

Consequences of improper intake of activated charcoal for cats.

Since activated charcoal is still a drug, and not a harmless dietary supplement, that is, it has both contraindications and restrictions. Moreover, contraindications and side effects are the same, both for humans and for any other animal, in particular, cats.


  • ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • internal bleeding;
  • taking other medicinal substances, the quality of treatment of which is reduced due to the action of activated charcoal;
  • chronic kidney damage (possible embolism);
  • diabetes;
  • intolerance to glucose or starch.

Side effects of the drug:

  • qualitatively reduces the absorption of nutrients through the intestinal tract (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, hormones, vitamins, etc.);
  • leads to prolonged constipation, provoking hemorrhoids and breakthrough diarrhea;
  • reduces the activity of gastric juice and other substances necessary for the breakdown of food (ipecac, etc.);
  • the most harmless is the coloring of cat feces black.

Give your pet charcoal for diarrhea! But refrain from this action if your cat or cat suffers from chronic diseases, and the doctor did not advise taking activated charcoal without his advice. And remember: the use of any medicine, this also applies to the black absorbent, must be dosed not only in grams, but also in time.

Since about 20% of all visits by cat owners to the veterinarian with the subsequent appointment of activated charcoal are poisoning, it makes sense to learn to distinguish between types of poisoning and know in what doses and along with what drugs to take it.

Types of poisoning and doses of activated charcoal for cats

Cats are poisoned not because they are stupid creatures, but because they are very curious and sneaky. The proverb "Curiosity kills the cat!" - proof of that.

The second reason is cleanliness. Cats are so meticulous about their hair that if there is a toxic substance on the wool, then it will definitely get into your pet's stomach.

Symptoms of poisoning:

  • Sudden nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Profuse salivation.
  • Increased diuresis (increased urination).
  • Weakness (up to loss of consciousness).
  • Fever.
  • Dilated pupils.
  • Disorder of orientation in space.
  • Convulsive twitching of the head and limbs.
  • Heavy, labored breathing.
  • Cough turning into vomiting.

A combination of 2-3 of these symptoms is enough for you to suspect poisoning in your cat or cat and immediately call the veterinarian for an initial oral consultation. Delay is like death! - in the literal sense, especially if the cause of the poisoning is not established, and there is no time to go to the doctor.

By offering your pet various foods as a home remedy (milk, egg, butter, soda, salt), you can aggravate the situation, and then his death will fall on your conscience.

An effective way to stop the development of poisoning in a cat is the use of activated charcoal.

Dosage of activated charcoal per cat's head

Symptoms of poisoning appear, as a rule, after the poison (poison is NOT acid, alkali or oil products!) From the stomach has already entered the intestines and began to be absorbed into the blood. It takes him about 2 hours to do this. To induce vomiting, if it is not there, in this case it is already useless - only torturing the animal.

Another thing is a cleansing enema with the introduction of a suspension of activated carbon into the rectum.

Solution-suspension for cleansing the intestines: 10-20 g of powder, crushed tablets or granules per 100 ml of warm water (baby syringe).

Such a suspension is suitable for cleansing the cat's body in all forms of poisoning and intoxication.

After carrying out the saving "execution", it will be necessary to give the cat (cat) activated charcoal orally. You will need 1 g of dry powder per 1 kg of animal weight.

Or 3-6 g of activated charcoal per adult cat's head, if the cat weighs within these limits.

For a kitten whose age does not exceed 6 months, 1 tablet will be enough.

Dilute the powder, crushed tablets or paste in warm water to make a mass that resembles liquid sour cream or heavy cream in consistency.

Type this mass into a syringe (without a needle, of course!) And enter the cat (cat) into the mouth.

So we got to the main question: “How to give activated charcoal to a cat?”

Is it easy to do?

No. Like all normal animals, the cat will do its best to prevent this from happening to you.

You have an advantage over a cat - you know that after 3 upper premolars and 2 lower premolars, cats have no further teeth. So, pulling the lips of the cats back, you will find a hollow hole, exactly at the root of the cat's tongue. The pin of the syringe fits perfectly into this hole. The algorithm of your actions will be as follows:

  • Sit the cat on your lap so that he rests his back against your stomach.
  • With your left hand, lift his head up, placing your fingers in such a way that you can easily pull the skin of the lip towards the back of the head. It is most convenient if the hand will support the cat's head from below.
  • With your right hand, gently insert the tip of the syringe into the hole between the jaws and press the plunger.
  • Do not remove your left hand and do not lower the cat's head until he makes a swallowing movement! Stroke the cat along the neck, this will stimulate him to take a sip.

You will have to repeat a similar procedure with activated charcoal and a sitting cat 4 times with breaks of 2-3 hours. Pour no more than 2 ml of suspension at a time.

After the cat stops vomiting, diluting the powder or tablets with water is no longer worth it - this reduces its ability to adsorb. Try to give the cat a charcoal tablet in whole or in parts, placing it on the root of the tongue.

If necessary, you will pour water in the same way. The daily norm is 1 glass per day.

The doctor will prescribe the rest of the treatment, but the fact that your pet will have to consume activated charcoal for another 5-7 days is for sure! Everything will depend on the diagnosis and the drugs that the doctor will prescribe.

Can I give activated charcoal to a pregnant or lactating cat?

Quite. Activated charcoal itself is not absorbed into the intestines, it is completely excreted from the body, which means that it is safe for the cat itself, and for fetuses, and for suckling kittens. It is not uncommon for cats to have diarrhea after childbirth or vomiting during pregnancy (toxicosis). In both cases, it is not forbidden to give activated charcoal to cats.

Is it possible to cure diarrhea in a cat (cat, kitten) with activated charcoal?

And can it be used as a prophylactic?

Activated carbon tablets are used to neutralize various negative effects on the animal body. Therefore, they can be given to cats, cats and kittens per kilogram of body weight. The drug is completely natural. After all, it contains only one carbon.

Porous tablets are easily and quickly absorbed in the body of the animal. But when giving the drug to your pet, you need to have an idea not only about the benefits of taking it, but also about the possible negative reactions associated with taking the pills. It's just not worth stuffing a cat, cat or kitten with these pills.

The benefits and harms of activated charcoal for cats

Let's highlight everything that speaks in favor of the intake of activated charcoal by animals:

  • The great benefit of taking coal is in its preventive intake. By mixing one tablet of charcoal per day with food, you can prevent all kinds of food poisoning in your pets.
  • Also, activated charcoal will always serve as a first aid for diarrhea in an animal or signs of poisoning. This tool has the ability to quickly absorb all kinds of poisons and toxins in the body.
  • Promotes the excretion of salts of heavy metals from the body.
  • Helps the animal get rid of bloating after eating.
  • It is easily excreted from the cat's body with feces, turning it black.

A few words about the dangers of taking activated charcoal tablets by animals:

  1. Prolonged use of the drug causes problems with the stool. Animals may experience constipation or diarrhea.
  2. Also, prolonged use of the drug can contribute to the leaching of vitamins, minerals and all other useful substances from the animal's body.
  3. In individual cases, the carbohydrate from which activated charcoal tablets are composed is very difficult to remove from the body of animals.

A veterinarian prescribing activated charcoal to an animal will always consider the degree of benefit and degree of harm of taking pills. In any case, it is always best to have the animal seen by a veterinarian.

How to give activated charcoal to felines (cats, cats, kittens)?

When contacting a veterinarian, along with the appointment of an activated charcoal preparation, cat owners also receive an explanation of how to properly give the drug to animals. It is advisable to give an activated charcoal tablet to a cat, cat or kitten as a whole, although this is problematic. If the animal cannot swallow a whole tablet, then it should be crush and mix with water. And pour the resulting mixture into the animal's mouth with a syringe. The needle is naturally removed from the syringe. Instead of a syringe, you can use a small enema. And if there is neither one nor the other, then diluted coal can be poured in with a tablespoon. An adult feline can be safely given a whole tablet, or even two or three.

The dose for the animal is calculated based on its weight. She is 0.1-2 g per 1 kg. individual mass. Charcoal tablets should be given no more than four times a day. Everything is prescribed by a veterinarian. It is better not to calculate dosages on your own, remembering not only the benefits of taking coal, but also its negative effects in some cases on the body.

You need to understand that just for any reason, you should not give coal tablets to your pets. This is still a drug and its use should be monitored by a veterinarian. In case of any ailments in cats, it is better to immediately contact the veterinarians. Typically, activated charcoal is prescribed by a veterinarian for diarrhea, increased stomach acid, and any other digestive system disorders. Indications for taking activated charcoal in cats, cats, cats are various liver diseases, allergic reactions, salmonellosis, as well as all household and food poisoning. The animal is diagnosed by a veterinarian. He also prescribes treatment.

Self-medication in cases with animals is harmful in the same way as in cases with people. Therefore, in case of oddities in the behavior of the animal, as well as if you suspect any diseases, you need to contact a specialist, in this case, a veterinarian. This will be the right decision. After all, there are contraindications for taking the drug, which can not be taken into account when self-medicating. Such contraindications are peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, various gastric bleeding.

Contraindications will also be in cases where animals have intolerance to the drug. The decision on the appointment in any case remains with the veterinarian. Activated charcoal is still a drug that, like any other medical drug, should be prescribed by a specialist. In the case of animals, this specialist is a veterinarian.

Adsorbents are preparations that can absorb various harmful substances, such as toxins, poisonous gases, salts of heavy metals, as well as normalize the intestinal microflora and improve lipid metabolism. The most famous sorbent is activated charcoal, used for poisoning of various etiologies, both people and their four-legged friends. The agent covers the gastric mucosa and prevents the penetration of toxic substances into the blood. Let's consider in what cases and what dosage activated charcoal is prescribed for cats.

Signs of animal poisoning

The owner of any pet must understand that in addition to a full cup of food and a clean tray, he is obliged to ensure the full safety of his pet. Following hunting instincts or succumbing to ordinary curiosity, the animal can often find itself in dangerous situations. For example, tasting spoiled food, an adult cat can easily get poisoned.

Regular licking of the coat, or rather, the remnants of shampoo, anti-flea medicines, etc. that are on it. can also contribute to the pet's poor health.

In case of intoxication of the organism of animals, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Frequent loose stools, as well as urination;
  • Vomiting or vomiting;
  • Rapid breathing;
  • Complete lack of appetite;
  • dark urine;
  • Dry surface of the nose;
  • bad breath;
  • dilated pupils;
  • Habitual activity is replaced by drowsiness and apathy;
  • Salivation;
  • swelling of the tongue;
  • Disorder of spatial orientation;
  • Decrease or increase in temperature;
  • Muscle cramps, general paralysis;
  • Loss of consciousness.

In the event that it is not possible to contact the veterinarian immediately, it is necessary to give the cat activated charcoal for diarrhea or vomiting. There are no contraindications to the use of the drug, and you need to act as soon as possible.

The action of the drug

The sorbent, once in the stomach, begins to act immediately. Coal particles, like a sponge, absorb various slags, allergens, and toxic substances.

It is necessary to take the drug no later than two hours after the first signs of poisoning appear. Since at this time a large amount of mucus is produced on the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, various bacteria that live on the intestinal surface begin to multiply intensively, which, in turn, also threatens with various complications. The body quickly dehydrates and loses strength, so activated charcoal should be given to a cat with diarrhea as soon as possible.

It is worth noting that if the pet continues to feed as usual, the walls of the gastrointestinal tract are damaged, because this organ system simply cannot work normally during this period. As a result, food is not only not digested, but loose stools also increase.

If you give activated charcoal to a cat with diarrhea, the harmful components will be immediately absorbed along with bacteria, and then excreted along with feces in a natural way, helping the sick body to cope with the malaise faster.

The medicine may not work only if the drug was taken too late and the toxins have already entered the bloodstream.

Required Host Actions

  1. Call the vet.
  2. Stop feeding a sick animal.
  3. Give your cat activated charcoal.
  4. Drink plenty of water.
  5. In no way affect diarrhea and vomiting, which are natural processes of releasing the body from toxins. However, if the frequency of these processes exceeds five or six times a day, this directly indicates severe dehydration. Contact your veterinarian for help immediately.

Indications for use in cats

  • Increased gas formation;
  • Increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • Diarrhea;
  • urge to vomit;
  • Particles of blood in feces;
  • Allergy;
  • Dysentery;
  • Liver disease;
  • Poisoning by chemical and medicinal substances.

The introduction of the drug

How to give a cat activated charcoal correctly, given that felines always physically resist when trying to give them a pill:

  1. It is necessary to seat the animal on its knees so that the hind legs rest against the human stomach;
  2. With your left hand, holding the cat's head, pull the lower lip at the root of the pet's tongue from the side so that a hollow hole without teeth appears;
  3. Put the pill into the mouth, stroke along the neck and wait until the animal swallows, and only after that you can lower the cat's head;
  4. If there is no one to help hold the animal when it resists quite aggressively, you can wrap your pet tightly in a blanket.


adult cat

A single dosage of activated charcoal for cats is one tablet. At the same time, it is necessary to provide the pet with a full-fledged plentiful drink - at least one glass of water per day.

In a situation where it is not possible to give a whole tablet to a quadruped, crushed coal, which can be mixed with water, is suitable for this purpose. The mixture must be given either with a teaspoon or with a syringe without a needle.

Cats can be given activated charcoal every four hours, up to four times a day.

This remedy is not contraindicated for pregnant and lactating cats, it is completely safe. However, in the case of an animal's pregnancy, treatment without consulting a veterinarian is highly undesirable.


For a two-month-old kitten, activated charcoal for diarrhea should be given half a tablet, it is better to dilute it a little with water, so it will be easier for the baby to swallow it.

For a kitten between two and six months old, the dose of activated charcoal for diarrhea may be as little as one tablet. It depends on the severity of painful symptoms, if diarrhea occurs more than three times a day, it is recommended to use a whole tablet, with minor manifestations, you can limit yourself to half.

It should be noted that activated charcoal for diarrhea should be given to a kitten immediately when the first symptoms of poisoning appear in order to have time to stop the process of toxic toxins entering the bloodstream through the walls of the stomach and intestines.


Activated charcoal for cats is contraindicated in the following episodes:

  • Bleeding in the stomach area;
  • starch intolerance;
  • Ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Diabetes;
  • Individual intolerance to the drug.

If you give activated charcoal to a cat for a long period, it provokes the following negative phenomena:

  • Leads to constipation and temporary intestinal obstruction. Four-legged pets should go to the tray at least once a day;
  • Washes out a large number of useful trace elements from the body;
  • Reduces the effectiveness of gastric juice.

Analogues of this medication are Polyphepan, Enterosgel, Smecta and Polysorb.

Is it possible to give activated charcoal to cats, of course, yes, especially in case of poisoning, which is indicated, for example, by the onset of diarrhea. However, in order to be sure of the correctness of your actions, in particular, the dosage volume, you need a mandatory consultation with a veterinarian who will correctly identify the cause of the pet’s ailment and prescribe the necessary treatment. Also, do not forget that it is forbidden to give coal to an animal for preventive purposes, as this can lead to unwanted malfunctions in the body.

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