Treatment of viral diseases. Orz: how to distinguish a viral infection (orvi) from a bacterial one? General approach to the treatment of bacterial infections

Doctors warn: there is no panacea that can heal the ailment in a few days. If a person has caught an infection, it will take some time to develop special cells, which will stop its reproduction in the body and destroy it. The task of the patient is to help the body speed up the process.

How to prevent the development of SARS at an early stage?

It is believed that for disease prevention must be taken loading dose ascorbic acid. In the first three days, you need to take 1000 mg several times a day. Then reduce the dose by 2 times.

Some physicians consider such a measure useless, others quite justified. In any case, there will be no harm from taking vitamin C!

For a speedy recovery, doctors recommend taking hot foot baths. They are made simply: in a container with hot water you need to add 30 gr. mustard powder. Scientists have noticed a connection between biologically active points feet and mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract because the foot is a powerful reflexogenic area human body. That is why a person instantly falls ill when his feet get wet. To help the patient, it is necessary to ventilate the room where he is. Clean and cool air contributes to a speedy recovery. In the room where the patient is located, it is worth maintaining high humidity. Dry air contributes to the drying of sputum, while it is necessary, on the contrary, to ensure its natural outflow.

Buy a humidifier if possible. Otherwise, replace it with hanging damp sheets or place a basin of water next to the bed. You can alleviate your condition with the help of tools that are likely to be found in your home. Can be instilled into the nose salt water, after dissolving half a teaspoon of salt in 1 tablespoon of heated boiled water. This will allow the mucus to move away, and the mucous membrane to remain moist.

Instillation of vasoconstrictor drops helps prevent sinusitis and get rid of edema.

Uncontrolled intake of vasoconstrictor drops can lead to chronic rhinitis and permanent congestion nose.

Especially from a runny nose and sore throat.

Important! Inhalations should be done only with a break of 1-1.5 hours.

Gargling with infusions will help get rid of a sore throat medicinal herbs such as sage or chamomile. It is also good to gargle with soda. The main thing is to do it often. It is useful to massage the chest, back and neck (the area above the shoulder blades). It is also recommended to do inhalations with the addition of a few drops. fir oil per manipulation.

Remember! Small children should not do such inhalations!

What will the doctor prescribe?

He will probably prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen or paracetamol. They will help to relieve pain and reduce body temperature.

No need to try to reduce the temperature at the very beginning of the disease. The body with its help fights the development and reproduction of viruses. But this does not apply to young children and patients with convulsive syndrome!

When the doctor can also prescribe antiallergic drugs that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. They will help to cope with swelling of the mucous membranes and nasal congestion. Antihistamines new generation do not cause drowsiness. If you are tormented, the doctor will prescribe you the appropriate means to help you cope with it. the main task Cough treatment is to make the sputum thin enough for the patient to cough up.

If expectoration is difficult, you can use special drugs - such as mukaltin, ACC and broncholithin.

Remember! Drinking warm liquids thins out phlegm, so your cough will be easier to deal with by drinking plenty of water!

No need to self-medicate and self-prescribe medications that reduce cough reflex because it can lead to dangerous consequences.

Do not prescribe antibiotics!

Antibacterial drugs are prescribed only in case of complications caused by bacteria. Antibiotics are useless against viruses. In addition, they can harm the body. Uncontrolled intake can lead to the emergence of resistant bacterial species.

Antivirals - benefits and harms

Medical treatment of acute viral infection without complications, it usually consists in symptomatic therapy, that is, in the removal of symptoms (as mentioned above). practically unproven. Arbidol - used in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections only in the post-Soviet space.

full-fledged clinical trials this tool was not carried out. Judging by the advertisement, it will be possible to quickly get rid of SARS by applying rectal suppositories Viferon. In fact, the substance only acts when administered parenterally (by injection or inhalation), moreover, it has numerous side effects. Others like him - Cycloferon or Timogen also have few clinical trials, so it is advisable not to use them in the treatment of children. Efficiency has been proven in Remantadine and Tamiflu, but they are used only to fight the flu.

What types of viral infections are there? What diseases can they cause? How to deal with the virus?

The cause of our diseases is not necessarily viruses. It can be bacteria (as, for example, with angina), fungi (thrush), or even protozoa (Giardia).

  • And yet, the vast majority of diseases that we “catch” are viral infections. The peculiarity of a virus is that it is not even a cell, but just a piece of information.
  • It enters our DNA, inserts itself there and makes our own body reproduce the same viruses. This cunning mechanism forces our body to multiply its own enemies.
  • Fortunately, most of the time it ends quickly. The body comes to its senses, throws antibodies to fight the virus and the disease goes away in 5-7 days. The difficulty is that there are a lot of such "pests" in nature.
  • And there are new ones all the time. Each time, our body must develop unique antibodies that can overcome this particular virus. This is what takes so much time.
  • Not every case is so simple. There is, for example, such a virus as HIV, which the body is not able to cope with at all. But most seasonal sores work that way.

What modern viral infections exist: types of viral infections

  • It is difficult to talk about viruses because there are so many of them. AT different bodies they call various diseases. Their most typical manifestation is the seasonal flu.
  • Every year this virus mutates, and last year's medicine stops working. Therefore, an epidemic is inevitable.
  • But the most common cause conjunctivitis is also a virus. It also causes most otitis media. And gepres, or a cold on the lip. It can cause such various diseases like rabies and warts.
  • AIDS and rubella, rotavirus and chicken pox, tetanus and intestinal disorders- Viruses can become the cause of all these dissimilar conditions.

Methods for diagnosing viral infections

  • Because SARS is the most common symptom people present to hospitals, most doctors can recognize it without testing.
  • If you have a fever for a couple of days, you suffer from a runny nose, sneezing and coughing, then this is most likely a viral infection.
  • The doctor judges not only by your condition, but also by the epidemiological situation in general. If every second patient comes to him with a complaint of severe cough and slight temperature then the doctor does not need additional tests to diagnose SARS.

You can accurately determine the presence of the virus in the body using a complete blood count. Some viruses can be found in the urine, so this analysis is sometimes also taken.

What should be the blood test for a viral infection?

  • Most main question, which the doctor wants to answer, sending you for a blood test for a cold, is a question about the nature of your disease. Is it viral or bacterial.
  • It turns out that this can be done by counting the ratio of different blood cells. How can you general analysis to recognize the nature of the disease, says the famous pediatrician Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky.
  • “Imagine that they took a blood test from you and put it on a piece of glass - they made a smear. After that, the laboratory assistant takes a microscope, puts a glass in it and looks. Here he saw a leukocyte there.
  • By appearance it determines what kind of leukocyte it is: neutrophil, monocyte, again neutrophil, eosinophil. All this is recorded. He does this until he counts one hundred of these white blood cells. Now the laboratory assistant will write down all this as a percentage.
  • This result is called leukocyte formula. If there are a lot of lymphocytes in it, then this is one hundred percent a viral infection. If there are a lot of neutrophils - bacterial.

Video: how to determine a viral or bacterial infection in a child by a blood test?

How are viral infections transmitted?

Different viruses are transmitted in different ways. But almost all of them are highly contagious. Most often, we have to protect ourselves from seasonal flu.

What does not work:

  1. Disposable medical mask. If a person who is ill is talking to you respiratory virus, then the infection, together with his breath, can penetrate through any mucous membrane. Including through the shell of the eyes, which remains unprotected when using a medical mask. The mask can stop the virus if it is worn by the sick person, but not by his interlocutor.
  2. Oxolinic ointment. Although it is a widely used remedy, its effectiveness has not been proven. It is not widespread practically anywhere in the world, except for the post-Soviet space.
  3. Immunostimulating drugs. In most other countries, they are also banned. The ones we sell best case, ineffective, at worst - harmful. Biologist and physiologist, scientist Maxim Skulachev tells about this: “I would be very careful with immunomodulators. Maybe you should use them, because the immune system is so important. But now it's terra incognita. Scientists don't understand how it works at all. Climbing into the immune system with unwashed hands is to stimulate what works in a way that you don’t understand. We do not know how this affects oncology, cardiovascular system. In our country, immunomodulators are loved and often prescribed. But authoritative international organizations didn't encourage any of them."

How can you really protect yourself?

  • Get vaccinated. Of course, there are so many viruses that you can't protect yourself from all of them. But you can protect yourself from the most common ones. Give your children all the vaccinations that our calendar prescribes. Check if you have any. If you are in poor health, planning a pregnancy, have asthma, or have another risky condition, be sure to get your seasonal flu shot.

  • Limit contact with people. If you can walk rather than ride in a crowded bus, take a walk. If you can buy food in a small shop, then do not go to a crowded supermarket.
  • Plentiful drink. There must be enough fluid in our body so that our mucous membranes do not dry out. Then they naturally will fight the virus that got on them. If the infection still can penetrate inside, it will be excreted in the urine.
  • Stimulation of immunity. But not with pharmaceutical preparations. There are many ways to keep your immune system strong. This is hardening and moderate physical exercise, and healthy eating, and correct mode sleep.

What complications can occur after viral infections?

Complications after viruses depend on what kind of disease you caught. But if we are talking about seasonal flu, it is important to be treated properly. If you do not cope with the disease, then you may experience the following problems:

  • bronchitis
  • pneumonia
  • sinusitis and sinusitis
  • ear inflammation

These are the most frequent complications that doctors fix.

What to do with a viral infection?

  • If you are still unlucky, and you have picked up SARS, then you need to prepare for the fact that from 3 to 7 days you will not feel well.
  • It is advisable to consult a doctor. He will prescribe treatment for you. But there are some things you can do yourself at home.
  • First of all, you need a moderate diet (according to appetite) and plentiful drink. It is best to use dried fruit compote for these purposes. It contains precisely those microelements that are washed out with profuse sweating.

Don't force yourself with bed rest. Your body will tell you whether you need to lie in bed or go for a walk. Walking is not recommended only during the period of exacerbation.

Pay attention to the atmosphere in your room. The patient does not need heat at all. The optimal air, which will not dry out your mucous membranes and help fight the virus, should be cool and humid.

Prevention and treatment of viral infections

  • In the treatment of viral infections, there is one most important rule: you can not be treated with antibiotics. They do not help with SARS. The only thing effective medicine- it's a vaccine.
  • There is good drugs for some infections. For example, so you can cure herpes. But in most cases, it remains to rely only on one's own strength.
  • Treatment of SARS is symptomatic. All we can do is relieve the symptoms, not treat the cause. For example, you can bring down the temperature with an antipyretic. Or restore nasal breathing using vasoconstrictor drops.

How to recognize and protect yourself from a viral infection: tips and feedback

“What, you can’t get a cold. This is a weakening of the immune system, the body itself cannot fight the infection, which is always present in it. Only a mask, onion and garlic helps against the virus.”

“I'm pregnant and I'm afraid of getting sick. I even reheat watermelon in the microwave. Nothing cold, and from medicines - only tea with lemon and cranberries with sugar. But there are no edema.”

“My husband got sick. Now he wears a mask. I'm afraid the kids will get sick too. So that no one gets infected, I wipe my hands with alcohol for everyone in the house. The virus is also transmitted through the hands.”

Video: Elena Malysheva. Symptoms and treatment of SARS

The human body at any age is capable of being exposed to various infectious diseases. The most common among them is either a viral infection. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, so any virus is easy to pick up and get infected. A person feels lethargic, his temperature rises. Without timely intervention, the virus can lead to complications, the disease can become chronic.

Causes of the disease

in spring and autumn period time, viruses spread twice as fast. Prolonged stay in rooms where there are many people is main reason infections. This can happen at work public transport, in supermarkets, shops, schools and kindergartens. The respiratory tract is the first to suffer, so if nasal congestion begins and appears, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor.

The causative agents of the disease are bacteria and viral infections. Antibiotics on initial stage infections are not usually applied, so microorganisms and bacteria are not killed immediately. It is for this reason that the treatment is delayed and difficult to medicate. Antibiotics are already prescribed if the pathology worsens and leads to other health problems.

The most common causative viruses are adenoviruses. As for the bacterial infection, it is caused by category A streptococci and pneumococci.

It is also easy to get infected if you do not follow the rules of hygiene, eat unwashed foods, do not wash your hands with soap after the street or the bathroom.

Symptoms of a viral infection

To distinguish the common cold from a viral infection, you need to pay attention to the characteristic signs.

Here are some typical symptoms characteristic for this state:

  • runny nose
  • inflammation of the larynx (sometimes there may be a discharge in the form of mucus)
  • the temperature rises, no more than 38 degrees
  • lethargy, weakness and soreness in the muscles
  • drowsiness
  • poor appetite

When the condition is neglected, the symptoms worsen. In this case, the signs are:

  • temperature above 38 degrees
  • nasal discharge acquires a mucous consistency, when blown out, purulent accumulations come out
  • inflammation of the tonsils, pus accumulates in the back of the larynx
  • wet cough
  • dyspnea
  • severe prolonged headaches
  • soreness in the abdomen

You should not wait for viruses to cause complications. The sooner treatment is started, the sooner recovery will come.

Varieties of viruses

There are different viral infections. Before Appointment medicines the doctor must make sure that the diagnosis is correct, because not all viruses are treated equally.

The next type is rhinovirus infection. Characteristic for this disease symptoms are: liquid discharge from the nasopharynx, sneezing, lacrimation. The bronchi, lungs and trachea will be clean. Maximum temperature- 37.4 degrees Celsius. At timely treatment visible improvements will come in 5 days.

The third type is adenovirus infection. This disease already has a more complex degree of development, pathogens affect not only respiratory system, and also extend to the entire lymphoid part. The disease is manifested by abundant mucous nasal secretions, may develop, tonsillitis and increase The lymph nodes. Coughing and fever from temperature can last up to twelve days. Intoxication, even at very high temperatures, will not be expressed. To prevent complications, it is important to take antiviral drugs in a timely manner.

The fourth type is respiratory syncytial infection. The infection often affects lower section respiratory tract. Concomitant diseases are, and if a child is infected, then bronchiolitis. In a neglected state, pneumonia can begin. Pneumonia can even be fatal.

Coronavirus infection - infection occurs upper organs breathing. This type of viral infection is more common in young children, adults in very rare cases.

Any type requires specialist advice and proper diagnosis.


Diagnosis primarily includes the delivery of all tests:

  • finger blood test
  • blood test from a vein

You may be asked to take a sputum sample for examination. laboratory conditions or get a x-ray. This is carried out if the doctor detects intoxication and murmurs in the lungs.

Urine and blood will help to establish the antigen viruses that caused this ailment.

Read also:

Toxoplasmosis: symptoms in humans, causes, possible treatment

First aid rules

There are certain steps by which you can independently provide first aid in the fight against the virus.

First you need to sit at home, no trips to work. Visiting crowded places will bring complications, and there is also the possibility that you yourself will infect someone.

Bed rest. The more the patient sleeps and rests, the more the body will have the strength to produce antibodies and immunity against this infection.

Also get well soon encourages drinking plenty of water. Very good to drink not only clean water, but also Polyana Kvasova and Borjomi, where there is more alkali. Required amount liquids will quickly remove the harmful toxins that the viral infection has created. If the patient cannot drink a lot of plain water, you can drink rosehip broth, lemon tea and drink fruit drinks from various fruits and berries.

If severe intoxication occurs, the patient suffers from high temperature, he is feverish and shivering, then in this case ordinary raspberries will help. Raspberries can be used to make tea. Given folk remedy healthy and tasty at the same time, ideal for treating young children. You can prepare a drink from fresh, dried and frozen berries. can be used raspberry jam. Sugar should not be added, as it is still a medicine.

Treatment Methods

It is not difficult to treat viral infections, especially if you start treatment on time. Primarily used symptomatic therapy, this includes the reception:

During the cold season in our climatic conditions are often colds. Almost everyone is familiar with this pathology. After hypothermia, or even seemingly for no reason, there is a sore throat, runny nose, headache, symptoms of intoxication. Soon the temperature rises, often there is a cough. Like and not especially serious illness, but you have to change your plans and be treated at home for several days. Just about the features of the treatment of such a pathology will be discussed in this article.

Trying to get rid of the disease as quickly as possible, many begin to take various drugs- antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antibiotics. Despite this intensive treatment, improvement does not occur, the disease is delayed. Why is this happening?

The thing is that, as a rule, they are caused by a viral infection. Viruses - special form organisms, they are unable to reproduce by fission. To reproduce, viruses must invade the cells of the body, and only after that sharp increase their quantity, which is manifested clinical picture diseases. It must also be remembered that a viral infection, the treatment of which is insufficient, is insidious in that it is often complicated by the development bacterial inflammation. Accession leads to a prolongation of the disease, requires the appointment of other medications.

Treatment of a viral infection has its own characteristics. Many are accustomed to using antibiotics for colds, but these drugs have absolutely no effect on viruses. Moreover, the use of such potent means does not give any effect, and even, on the contrary, delays the course of the disease, leads to the development of complications in the form of allergies.

A natural question arises: what should be the treatment of a viral infection? At the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to start taking such drugs now in pharmacies enough. These are means such as Arbidol, Amizon, Remantadin and others. It is even better during epidemics of various SARS and influenza to start taking this group of drugs prophylactically.

It should be remembered that it should be taken only if the temperature exceeds 38 C. At a temperature of 37-38 C, the body actively produces the substances necessary to fight viruses - antibodies and interferon. Therefore, the treatment of a viral infection should not be started with the use of antipyretic drugs, as this will lead to inhibition of activity. defensive forces organism. To enhance activity immune system mild immunostimulants and immunomodulators can be used.

Many viruses affect vascular walls, causing an increase in bleeding, appearing on the skin. In this regard, it is necessary to include vitamin C and rutin in the complex treatment of a viral infection.

In addition to receiving pharmaceuticals, great importance have non-drug methods treatment. A patient with a viral infection should be on bed rest within a few days. Meals should be frequent, small portions, easily digestible and high in calories. It is recommended to increase the amount of fluid you drink. It is good to take various vitamin teas: with lemon, blackcurrant, raspberry, ginger. Positive effect give simple physiotherapy thermal treatments- mustard plasters, inhalations, foot baths.

Treatment in children should be started as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear. The onset of SARS in a child is manifested primarily by a change in behavior, which every mother will easily notice. The child becomes lethargic, capricious, drowsy. The use of antiviral therapy, started in a timely manner, will shorten the duration of the disease and prevent the development of complications.

In total, more than 30 infectious diseases are known, affecting primarily gastrointestinal tract(GIT). There is a group of almost conquered infectious diseases: cholera, typhoid fever and paratyphoid. Remains on high level number of poisonings food products that contain bacterial toxins.

Common intestinal infections:

  • Viral: rotavirus, adenovirus and other viral enteritis.
  • Bacterial: salmonellosis, dysentery, escherichiosis, yersiniosis, campylobacteriosis.
  • Protozoan: amoebic dysentery and appendicitis, giardiasis.

Viruses and bacteria enter the external environment from the patient with feces and vomit. In addition, healthy carriers that secrete pathogenic microbes are the source of infection. Infectious agents are transmitted through dirty hands, food, water, carried by insects and rodents. Acute intestinal infections are more common in the warm season, when there are more temptations to drink unboiled water or unpasteurized milk, or try unwashed berries and fruits.

Important! Staphylococci, Escherichia coli, amoeba and other opportunistic intestinal inhabitants can become more aggressive, for example, with uncontrolled antibiotic intake.

Microbes cause diseases that occur as acute gastritis - with pain in the stomach, vomiting. There are symptoms of gastroenteritis (vomiting, diarrhea), enteritis (frequent defecation), colitis (stool disorders and blood in the feces), enterocolitis, which is characterized by damage to all parts of the intestine.

Not all strains of Escherichia coli are causative agents of the disease, only enteropathogenic, releasing toxins. Infection occurs through food that has been contaminated by bacteria isolated by sick people. The body, as a result of poisoning with toxins, loses a large number of liquids. Death can occur with severe dehydration or as a result of complications. Treatment of complicated forms is carried out in a hospital, where the patient is prescribed injections and droppers.

Bacterium Helicobacter pylori strikes different departments stomach. People who eat contaminated food can get sick acute gastritis. Almost 2/3 of the population carries H. pylori, but not everyone has symptoms of the disease. needed as soon as possible. According to one of the scientific theories, bacteria cause peptic ulcer stomach. If a person takes antibiotics frequently, this increases the risk of aggressive strains of H. pylori.

How to act at the first symptoms of an intestinal infection?

The incubation time of the pathogen is 6-12 hours, in some cases it takes up to 2 days. Toxins released by pathogens cause inflammation in the intestines with fever. Some infections are characterized by a predominance of nausea and repeated vomiting, while others are characterized by persistent diarrhea and abdominal cramps. In the stool there may be impurities of mucus, greenery, streaks of blood.

Caused by a bacterial infection or intestinal amoeba, the same as for other reasons acute inflammation appendix rectum. There are pains in the abdomen above or below the navel, nausea, vomiting. The disease is dangerous by perforation of the walls, after which the contents of the intestine enter the abdominal cavity. This can lead to peritonitis, bleeding, sepsis.

You need to call a doctor at home. Before the arrival of a specialist, you need to do the following:

  1. Put a sick child to bed, preferably in a separate room.
  2. It is desirable that the patient drank 1 liter of water and vomited for gastric lavage.
  3. If the patient is shivering, then cover him with a blanket or blanket.
  4. Offer warm tea, give Regidron solution to drink to restore fluid loss.

No-shpa tablets help with spasms and pain. Immediately before the arrival of the doctor, they do not give antispasmodic and painkillers. They affect the manifestations of the disease, which are very important for correct setting diagnosis and therapy.

With vomiting and diarrhea, a lot of fluid is lost, which leads to dehydration. This condition is especially dangerous for children. If nothing is done, the patient is not treated, then the functions of the intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract are disturbed. It should be noted that in pregnant women, intestinal infections, dehydration negatively affect work. of cardio-vascular system and kidneys.

It is relatively easy to cope with gastrointestinal diseases caused by staphylococcus aureus, coli, viruses. Present great danger cholera vibrio, typhoid bacilli, salmonella. If the patient is not provided with timely health care, then death is possible.

Drugs for the treatment of intestinal infections

Therapy should be comprehensive, including the fight against pathogens and excreted toxins, replenishment of fluid losses. Specialists when it comes to how much to treat infection, are guided by the nature of the pathogen and the properties of the medications used.

Antibacterial agents

For destruction harmful bacteria antibiotics are used: penicillins, azalides, cephalosporins. If the drug Azithromycin is prescribed, then the course of therapy cannot be shorter than 3 days. Levomycetin should be drunk for at least 8 days, Ampicillin - from 5 to 14 days. Take drugs of this group only as prescribed by a doctor.

Antidiarrheal medicines

Metabolic products, toxins of bacteria and viruses, along with vomit and stool, are excreted from the body. Antidiarrheals such as Loperamide artificially inhibit this process. Therefore, in some cases, the fight against diarrhea is harmful. On the contrary, you should wash the intestines, remove toxins with an enema. Only in the composition complex treatment acute diarrhea infectious origin apply chewable tablets Diara based on Loperamide.

Rehydrating saline solutions

Dehydration or dehydration is accompanied by inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Oral rehydration products can help replenish lost water and electrolytes. Patients need to follow a diet, drink medicines that restore normal microflora intestines.

How to take the salt remedy Regidron for diarrhea:

  • Dissolve the contents of 1 sachet of powder in 1 liter of freshly boiled and chilled water.
  • Drink 50-100 ml of this liquid every 5 minutes.
  • Daily dose: with mild diarrhea - 50 ml, with moderate- up to 100 ml per 1 kg of the patient's body weight.

Regidron analogues in composition - rehydrating drugs for children and adults Hydrovit and Hydrovit forte (for oral intake). These fluids quickly replace the water lost by the body and minerals, can be used at home early stages illness. Solutions for infusions, intravenous injections containing electrolytes and dextrose are produced much more.

Intestinal sorbents

Drugs of this group bind and excrete from the gastrointestinal tract pathogenic bacteria and various toxic substances. Means Enterosgel, Polysorb MP, Smecta, in addition to the sorption effect, create on the surface inner wall intestinal film that prevents microbes from attaching. The form of release, methods of administration and dosage of drugs are different. The dose is usually calculated taking into account the body weight and age of the patient.

Intestinal antiseptics

The drug Sangviritrin is taken for salmonellosis, dysentery, food poisoning. This remedy plant origin has a wide range antimicrobial activity. Available in the form of tablets, soluble in the intestine. Treatment bacterial diarrhea drug Enterofuril lasts no more than 7 days. There are two forms of release: capsules and oral suspension.


Preparations of this group restore the normal microflora, disturbed as a result of the inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract. They cause almost all intestinal infections. Take dietary supplements that contain cultures beneficial bacteria: Narine, Vitabs Bio, Normoflorin. Preparations Sporobacterin, Probifor have an antidiarrheal effect, normalize intestinal microflora are immunomodulators.


Salmonella secrete endotoxin, which causes a condition called " food poisoning. Clinical manifestations are very diverse, as are the complications of the disease. may differ between children and adults. Hospitalized with salmonellosis usually infants and the elderly.

The target of bacteria is mucous small intestine. The disease is accompanied by fever, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, liquid stool. If you start treatment on time, then salmonellosis disappears after 10 days.

  • antibiotics;
  • solutions for rehydration;
  • intestinal sorbents for removing toxins;
  • probiotics to restore the balance of intestinal microflora;
  • diet and vitamin therapy.

Possible complications of salmonellosis: infectious shock, acute kidney failure. Most often, against the background of inadequate therapy, dysbacteriosis occurs.

Viral enteritis

Viruses are no less likely than bacteria to cause intestinal inflammation. Many enteritis viral origin more familiar called " intestinal flu". The mode of transmission of the pathogen is fecal-oral. One of the main features of a viral infection is its high contagiousness (contagiousness). Therefore, epidemic outbreaks of infectious enteritis often occur.

The most common causative agents of the disease:

  • rotavirus (almost half of all cases of viral enteritis);
  • intestinal adenovirus;
  • coronavirus;
  • enterovirus;
  • astrovirus;
  • norovirus.

Infection with rotavirus in adults may be asymptomatic or accompanied by vomiting, flatulence, and watery diarrhea. The incubation period of the pathogen is short - from 1 to 3 days. Uncomplicated rotavirus intestinal infection passes within 5-8 days.

The disease in children can be recognized by the classic triad of signs: fever, vomiting, and watery diarrhea. Cough is more common in infants. Symptoms get worse over the course of a week, then gradually disappear. The danger for babies is prolonged diarrhea, the development of dehydration and malabsorption syndrome.

On a note:

  • To prevent the disease, infants are given the Rototec vaccine orally.
  • Children in case of complications are treated in a hospital for intoxication and dehydration.
  • specific treatment viral enteritis does not exist.
  • The risk of transmission of infection persists from 8 to 10 days.

It is necessary from the very beginning to give the patient a sufficient amount of liquid in small portions, saline solutions Hydrovit or Regidron. For infants, rehydrators are added to expressed breast milk or mix for artificial feeding. A solution of ½ tsp can serve as a replacement for Regidron and Hydrovit. table salt, ½ tsp baking soda, 4 tbsp. l. sugar in 1 liter of boiled water (chilled).

Symptomatic treatment of rotavirus infection:

  • drugs Smecta, Polysorb MP, activated carbon to reduce intoxication;
  • antipyretic syrups / tablets Ibuprofen or Paracetamol;
  • No-shpa tablets for abdominal cramps;
  • antiemetic drugs.

Important! Viral diseases are not treated with antibiotics. Antimicrobial Enterofuril is prescribed to prevent bacterial superinfection.

Intestinal sorbents are taken in order to accelerate excretion from the body toxic substances. Polysorb powder MP must be mixed with water and only in this form is taken orally. This intestinal sorbent can be taken by pregnant women and young children. The dosage is determined depending on the body weight of the patient. Accurate adherence to the recommendations helps to quickly cope with inflammatory process in the intestines and speed up recovery.

In addition to taking medications, it is imperative to replenish fluid losses during dehydration, restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Anton Palaznikov

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience more than 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.

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