How long does a viral infection last, which affects the duration of the incubation period and the duration of the disease. How long can an orvi last, depending on various factors? Orvi in ​​adults how many days

How long SARS lasts - usually no more than a week. It is believed that the virus can be defeated in 3-5 days, which means that we do not fall out of the usual rhythm for a long time.

What is SARS

Acute respiratory viral infection is the general name for all respiratory diseases caused by viruses. This is the most common group of diseases in the world. Medicine knows about 300 viruses that cause SARS. There are more than a hundred rhinoviruses alone, plus influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus, enterovirus, etc.

It only takes one to get sick, but they don't wait in line and can attack in groups. If the virus reaches its target and causes illness, the duration of SARS depends on many factors; it is possible to recover in an average of 4-5 days, but only if there are no "aggravating circumstances". When immunity is weakened or a person decides to be treated "on the job", the disease will drag on and can even lead to serious complications, such as pneumonia.

When is infection season?

Usually SARS begins to host in central Russia with the advent of this autumn, with rain and a drop in temperature. After a warm summer, this is stressful for our body, especially during a period when the heating has not yet been turned on and there is nowhere to warm up, freezing and getting wet feet. And when the heating is turned on, a new problem begins - the air in the houses quickly becomes too dry, which means it dries out our mucous membranes - the main protector from external enemies. The first surge of SARS occurs in mid-October - early December, the second - at the end of winter, when our immunity is already tired of the long struggle with the cold.

How long do viruses live

ARVI viruses are usually transmitted by airborne droplets, through household items (cups, towels, etc.) or through hands if you touch the surface on which the infection has settled, and then touch your face.

Pathogens can exist in the air for up to 21 days; indoors on various surfaces - from several hours to two days, on hands - about 15 minutes.

That is why during the infection season it is so important to ventilate the premises more often, carry out disinfectant cleaning, not forgetting about the objects that everyone grabs at - switches, door handles, TV remotes, wash hands with soap as often as possible. This is especially true if there is already a patient in the house, so that the duration of treatment for ARVI - 4-5 days for an adult - in your family does not have to be multiplied by the number of household members.

It is important to remember: wearing medical masks as a preventive measure makes sense for the sick, not for the healthy.

If the virus still made its way into your body, the incubation period of the disease is from 1 to 5-7 days. At this time, ARVI does not yet manifest itself, you do not even know that you are sick, but you are already becoming a spreader of the infection.

SARS symptoms

Initially, respiratory viruses begin to settle in the nose, throat, nasopharynx, and the first symptoms of the disease appear there: sore throat, dry cough, runny nose, sneezing.

When the virus enters the bloodstream, the temperature rises, there is pain in the eyes, weakness, aches in the back and joints, and a headache.

What to do at the first symptoms

If you have symptoms of SARS, do not try to endure the disease on your feet, do not justify yourself with a “production need”. There is no heroism in this, but there is frivolity and selfishness. You need to think not about how long SARS lasts, but about how to be treated yourself and not harm others. First, viral infections only seem mild, they are fraught with serious complications, especially the flu. And secondly, you are contagious to others and in most cases will be so until you fully recover. In order not to complicate life (and not only for yourself), at the first symptoms, stay at home and call a doctor.

Medicines for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections - antiviral, antipyretic (if the temperature has exceeded 39), antihistamines, vasoconstrictors - you should be prescribed by a specialist, prescribing the duration of the course of treatment and the regimen.

Any doctor, when asked how much ARVI is treated, will answer you - depending on how to treat: you can cope in 3-4 days. The most important thing is to stay in bed and drink plenty of fluids to remove toxins from the body, thin sputum, etc.

You need to follow a diet. At the beginning of the illness, when it is usually not before eating, do not eat through force. And when the infection subsides, your diet should be light food rich in vitamins.

Remember: to reduce the time of illness with a simultaneous shock dose of drugs will not work - the infection will “work out” for the prescribed period until your immunity copes with it. Stock up on patience. Do not take (especially without prescription) antibiotics. They do not treat viruses, they have a different nature.

How long does the disease last

It is possible to determine in advance the duration of SARS only approximately. Most doctors believe that on average in adults it is 4-5 days. If the disease does not go away for more than one and a half to two weeks, this is already fraught with complications.

It depends on how strong the immune system is, whether there are any chronic diseases, what “breed” of the virus attacked you, how well you were treated, and whether complications occurred.

But often the question arises not about the disease in general, but about its individual symptoms. For example, how long does a runny nose last with SARS or how long does a cough last. Usually, a cough caused by SARS, with proper treatment, disappears in 4-5 days, and a runny nose - in 7-10.

A person who has a cold or a respiratory infection wants to know how long ARVI lasts. The question of the incubation period, the ability to infect others and how many days ARVI passes is relevant.

The threat of respiratory diseases lies in the mutation of viruses, their change and adaptation to drugs. Even vaccination does not give a 100% guarantee of non-infection. How many days ARVI lasts in adults, as well as how long it takes, depends on the type of virus, the severity of the ailment, the appropriate treatment, and bed rest. The infection is transmitted very quickly - by airborne droplets, so it easily infects the population.

Places of large concentrations of people, risk groups by profession are the focus of infection or infection. At the first sign of malaise, you need to be seriously treated in order to avoid complications in the future. The risk group includes the elderly, children, doctors, teachers.

The incubation period of ARI is the first three days of illness. The virus hit the body, launched the course of the disease. There is an invisible destruction of body cells. It is impossible to diagnose this phenomenon, and the period of the latent form depends on the specific type of virus. It is important to carry out preventive measures in advance: get vaccinated, harden, swim in the pool, ventilate the room, walk more often in the fresh air, eat right and eliminate bad habits.

There is no specific answer to the question of how many days ARVI is sick. On average, the disease ends in 1-1.5 weeks. It depends on the human immune system, activity, correctness of treatment, compliance with all the rules of therapy.

Duration of SARS in children

After infection, you can not do without medicines and proper treatment. Especially when it comes to children. The duration of SARS in a child may be longer than in an adult due to a weak immune system, complications due to improper treatment.

Children under one year old are included in the risk group for ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza. Microorganisms attack the nasopharynx, moving down through the respiratory organs. These complications depend on the type of virus, as well as the stratified bacterial infection.

During the period of the epidemic or the autumn-winter period, it is important to know how long ARVI lasts in infants who cannot complain of malaise, chills or deterioration in general well-being. A mild degree of respiratory infections disappears in 2-10 days, but with a complication, the disease is delayed.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

Signs of the disease are expressed in symptoms - the main signs of infection or morbidity. A person feels unpleasant sore throat, fever, headaches, aches, muscle weakness. The temperature rise sometimes reaches 39 degrees, which proves the addition of a bacterial pathogen. A course of antibiotic therapy is needed to avoid complications.

Signs of SARS:

  • Fever.
  • Intoxication (lethargy, weakness, weakness, drowsiness, fear of light).
  • Asthenia (sweating, fatigue).
  • catarrhal syndrome. Along with coughing and nasal congestion, sneezing, mucus discharge from the nasal passages are manifested.
  • Lachrymation or conjunctivitis may occur.
  • Respiratory failure. A person feels shortness of breath, pain in the chest area, an increase in the frequency of breathing.
  • Dyspeptic state. It is manifested by pain in the epigastric region, nausea, impaired stool or vomiting.

The variety of viruses characterizes the symptoms of the disease. A doctor recognizes SARS by general clinical signs, an increase in temperature up to 38 degrees. Influenza can be recognized with a sharp deterioration in well-being, high temperature up to 40 degrees, acute intoxication. There is a syndrome of respiratory failure when viral pneumonia has joined.

Adenovirus infection is characterized by an acute onset, low temperature - 37-37.5 degrees, runny nose and cough.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

The therapist or pediatrician should be called to the house immediately at the first sign, especially if the body temperature has risen and does not decrease after taking antipyretics.

The specialist conducted an external examination, listened to the breath, and prescribed comprehensive measures to influence the virus or bacterium. The duration of ARVI depends on the treatment, the speed of prescribing effective drugs.

Transferring a cold "on the legs" is dangerous with complications, up to death. The virus stays in the body for a long time and worsens the condition of the internal organs. The cardiovascular system suffers.

Pain during swallowing indicates inflammation, and with the development of angina, the pain intensifies to such a state that a person cannot eat. If the cough does not stop for 2-3 weeks, this indicates obstructive bronchitis and antibiotics are required.

Prolonged nasal congestion, runny nose and copious discharge along with headaches can be a sign of sinusitis or allergies. Especially dangerous is the condition when part of the face hurts (the area under the eyes, forehead, sinuses).

A critical condition when hospitalization is required and an ambulance is accompanied by signs: increased pain in the chest, shortness of breath, dizziness, impaired consciousness, vomiting, cyanosis of the face, lips, shortness of breath, irritability, drowsiness and skin rashes.

Viruses are involved in infection on their own, but sometimes other microorganisms join. The duration of the disease depends on the severity of the condition, the presence of concomitant pathologies, and the effectiveness of therapy.

Infectious diseases are an urgent problem in medical practice, which is faced by specialists of all levels. Newborns, schoolchildren, adolescents and adults quite often fall ill with infectious diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and other microbes. Viruses are among the most common infectious agents. Pathogens enter the body in various ways and destroy living cells. How long a viral infection lasts depends to a large extent on the agent that caused the infection.

The disease includes several phases (stages):

  • Contact with an infected person, product, air. You can get infected by airborne droplets, through infected food, air. Contact with an infectious agent is called adsorption of the virus with penetration into the cell.
  • Incubation period (latent, latent phase). The pathogenic agent affects the body, reducing the general adaptive mechanisms of resistance to the disease. There are no pronounced symptoms, but with colds in the incubation period, the patient develops a sore throat.
  • Prodroma - the first harbingers of the disease. The prodromal stage includes the time interval from the first manifestations of infection to the pronounced signs of the clinical picture. It is characterized by common signs of malaise - runny nose, dry or wet cough, weakness of the body.
  • The onset or development of a disease. At this stage, symptoms characteristic of a specific viral disease appear, with an inflammatory process, the basic body temperature rises. With a complicated course, dangerous signs can join - crisis, collapse, coma.
  • The stage of the outcome of the disease - depending on the severity of the disease, timely access to a doctor and the effectiveness of the chosen treatment regimen for the patient, there is a complete recovery, incomplete recovery, relapse, remission, complication or death.

A person can become infected with a viral disease in different ways.

Most viral infections are easy to treat and resolve quickly. For example, ARVI or acute respiratory infections, which are treated in a timely manner with effective antiviral drugs, last from several hours to three to five days. The duration of a viral infection is considered from contact with the source of infection until complete recovery. It should be borne in mind that some patients stop infecting others, continuing to get sick, or, on the contrary, having completely recovered from the infection, they can infect someone.

Length of incubation period

The incubation period of a viral infection is understood as the period of time from the moment of infection with an infectious agent to the manifestation of clinical signs / symptoms of the disease - prodromes. Since the virus spreads in the body at different rates of cell damage, the incubation period for colds localized in the respiratory tract is three hours. Complex generalized infections are characterized by a long incubation period - it takes a long time for the virus to reach the target organ after entering the body and cause clinical manifestations of the disease.

How long a viral infection lasts at the stage of the incubation period depends on the causative agent of the disease. Table 1 shows the incubation periods, how long a viral infection lasts before the onset of symptoms characteristic of a particular disease.

Table 1. Incubation period of viral infectious diseases

Infection Incubation period, days Infectiousness of the patient during the illness, in days Infectiousness of the patient after recovery
Chicken pox 10-23 Eruption period plus five days From 28 days
Hepatitis A 7-45 30 Months
Hepatitis E 14-60 30 Months
Dysentery 1-7 throughout the illness Months
Diphtheria 1-10 14 28 days - six months
Rubella 11-24 Rash period plus four days From 28 days
Measles 9-21 Rash period plus four days From 28 days
Intestinal infection 1-12 5-14 20-30 days
ARI, SARS, including influenza, parainfluenza, rhinoviruses 1-15 10 21 day
Polio 3-35 21-52 20-30 days
Scarlet fever 1-12 Not contagious 28 days
salmonellosis 1-3 throughout the illness 21 day
Tuberculosis 21-84 Always in varying degrees 21 day

In case of a viral infection, symptoms may appear within a few hours - influenza, rhinovirus disease, intestinal damage. A short incubation period allows you to quickly identify the causative agent of the infection and start treatment at an early stage. At the same time, such serious diseases as tuberculosis do not manifest themselves for a long time, the virus is in the body in a latent state, and replication begins with a strong decrease in immune defense.

The contagiousness of the patient depends on the type of virus, so it is important to limit the contact of the patient with other people. If the duration of the incubation period is more than 5 days, we can talk about any viral infection. Since the latent phase is hidden, an accurate diagnosis can be made when characteristic symptoms appear and the area of ​​​​localization of viruses in the patient's body is determined - the respiratory tract, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract.

Duration of illness: how long does the temperature last and how many people are contagious

An increase in body temperature is considered one of the main signs of various diseases. Fever indicates the onset of an inflammatory process in the patient's body, which reacts to foreign cells with an increase in temperature. Depending on the disease, it can stay in the body for several hours or days during a viral infection with periodic drops and an increase in the value on the thermometer. Temperature in the most common diseases of viral origin:

  • SARS - three to five days in children, two to three days - an increased value in adults, after which the temperature returns to normal. Colds are characterized by a gradual increase in temperature.
  • Infection with adenovirus infection is accompanied by a slight (subfebrile) temperature in the range of 37-37.5 ° C. In children, a duration of 7-10 days is observed, in adults 39 ° C and above - several days, a decline.
  • Influenza is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature, which is poorly controlled by antipyretics, can exceed 39-39.5 ° C, the fever lasts up to seven days in children and adult patients.

Influenza is difficult to tolerate due to a strong increase in temperature

The greatest danger is a long-term high temperature - from five days. In this case, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotic, which is completely useless for any viral infection, but is necessary to eliminate the attached bacterial infection. Therefore, it is very important to timely and accurately diagnose the patient - viral diseases are treated with antiviral drugs, not antibiotics.

The danger is a drop in temperature for several days with a repeated increase to high levels. The reason is a complication after an illness, ineffective treatment, incomplete recovery of the patient. On this occasion, it should be noted that patients with a viral infection can become carriers of the disease for others. How many people are contagious with a viral infection depends on the pathogen and the disease - the data are shown in table 1.

It should be noted that with almost all common viral diseases, the patient is contagious from five days until he recovers himself, and remains a carrier of the infection after his own recovery. An exception is epidemic parotitis (mumps), in which the patient cannot infect anyone after recovery.

Important: the data in Table 1 on the duration of infection of the patient are indicated by the minimum value. In some diseases, the carriage of the pathogen in the body of a recovered patient persists for months. Infectiousness is counted from the beginning of the incubation period, that is, in the absence of pronounced clinical symptoms in the latent phase, the patient can already infect other people.

SARS, colds, acute respiratory infections

An acute respiratory viral infection accompanies a person from childhood, actively manifesting itself with the onset of cold weather. The disease does not pose a particular threat to health if it is treated in a timely manner. In advanced cases, the duration of SARS exceeds ten days and can develop into pneumonia with difficulty breathing and oxygen starvation. Localization of SARS - respiratory tract, nose, trachea.

Since ARVI is transmitted by airborne droplets, no one is safe from infection, especially for children with weak immunity. What you need to know about respiratory viral disease:

  • There are about 250 pathogens that cause viral infections, so the list of SARS includes influenza, parainfluenza, rhinovirus, adenovirus and many other diseases that are commonly called colds.
  • Each of the viruses can participate in the infection on its own, but sometimes other pathogens join the agents. Against the background of a weakened immune system, a bacterial infection can develop, which significantly increases the duration and complexity of SARS.
  • How long a viral infection with ARVI lasts depends on the severity of the disease, the presence of concomitant diseases, and the effectiveness of treatment. Influenza as a viral infection in children and adult patients in a mild form lasts 7-10 days, in a moderate and severe form - at least a month.
  • Acute respiratory disease parainfluenza lasts 7-10 days, but cough lingers for two weeks, adenovirus infection with a mild course of the disease lasts no more than 10 days, metapneumovirus - 4-12 days, enterovirus - 7-10 days, coronavirus - 3-4 days, reoviral - 5-7 days.

It should be noted that viral diseases in young children and adult patients are approximately the same in duration, but the child can get sick for two to three days longer due to the insufficiently formed immune defense function. Clinical signs in children are more acute, the febrile state is rapidly changing. If the child's temperature reaches 39 ° C, persists, does not go astray with antipyretics, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Rhinovirus infection

A lesion of the nasal mucosa is a manifestation of a rhinovirus infection or, simply, “contagious rhinitis”. Viral agents enter the patient's body through the nose, a local inflammatory reaction of the mucosa occurs with possible vasodilation, swelling, swelling of the lymph nodes; in children, the disease can attack the respiratory tract, larynx, and bronchi. In medical practice, it most often occurs in children under the age of five. Features of the course of a cold:

  • The duration of the incubation period of a viral infection in adults does not exceed seven days, but averages 1-3 days.
  • The main syndrome is a pronounced runny nose, the accompanying symptoms of the prodromal period are slight malaise, nasal congestion.
  • The duration of the fever - the temperature is subfebrile, low, lasts 2-3 days, the patient's condition is satisfactory.
  • How many days does a viral infection last when infected with rhinovirus? As a rule, 7 days of clinical manifestations, the duration of the disease is up to 14 days.

Complications with rhinovirus infection usually do not occur, the patient is prescribed symptomatic treatment. Very rarely, sinusitis, bronchitis, otitis media join the infection. The disease does not lead to a sharp deterioration in well-being, does not cause serious concern due to the rapid recovery of the patient.

adenovirus infection

If the pathogen enters the upper respiratory tract, affects the tonsils, the disease is accompanied by conjunctivitis, it is likely that the patient has an adenovirus infection. This is a ubiquitous disease that is characteristic of the cold season, often found in children who attend preschool educational institutions, but adults are not immune from the disease either. Key points in the course of the disease and how long this viral infection lasts:

  • Duration - from several days to a week, with a relapse, it is possible up to two to three weeks.
  • The pathogen enters the patient's body through the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, penetrating into the bronchi and small intestine, where it multiplies.
  • The incubation period lasts 1 day - 2 weeks, on average - from five to eight days, accompanied by signs of intoxication.
  • Subfebrile temperature is observed for 5-7 days, rarely the indicator reaches 38-39 degrees.
  • On the second or third day after the disease, the patient experiences pain in the eyes and severe lacrimation.

In some cases, the disease is manifested by complications in the ear, throat and nose, the development of adenovirus pneumonia is possible. The likely consequences of the disease are purulent sinusitis, typical otitis media, kidney damage and secondary bacterial pneumonia.


Acute respiratory viral infection parainfluenza occurs as a result of infection with four groups of viruses with damage to the upper or lower respiratory tract of the patient. Parainfluenza is easily confused with the common cold. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, through touching infected surfaces, and then to the mucous membranes. Parainfluenza virus infection can be contracted through contact with a sick person. How many days do the phases of the disease last:

  • The patient becomes contagious on the last day of the incubation period.
  • The infectiousness of the patient persists for 5-9 days from the onset of the disease.
  • The duration of the incubation period for infection is 3-4 days.
  • A subfebrile temperature of up to 38 degrees persists for several days.
  • The total duration of the disease usually does not exceed 7 days.

Infection with parainfluenza viruses is difficult to diagnose, in most cases, adult patients with strong immunity tolerate the disease quickly and without medical treatment. For some time after the illness, the recovered patient remains susceptible to microbial pathogenic flora.


Influenza of three types is considered a dangerous and common viral disease - A, B and C. The duration and complexity of the disease is determined by the causative agent. How many days a viral infection lasts also depends on the source of the disease - the infection is transmitted from a person with obvious or erased signs of the disease by airborne droplets. Time duration:

  • The incubation period is short - from 12 hours to 3 days. The more viruses that have entered the body and the lower the immunity, the shorter the incubation period.
  • The prodromal stage is characterized by fever, malaise, and joint pain.
  • The acute development of the disease lasts 2-4 days, accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature above 39 degrees.
  • The total duration of the flu is about 10 days, they are sick with a viral infection, the residual effects last up to several weeks - cough, sore throat.

Influenza is considered a dangerous disease; outbreaks of a viral infection occur every two to three years, worsening epidemiological indicators. Complications of viral influenza occur in the absence of proper timely treatment - lung abscess, pneumonia, myocarditis, otitis media, sinusitis, meningitis, encephalitis, toxic-allergic shock. Such consequences can lead to death. It is important to accurately know the duration of the incubation period in order to start treatment with antiviral drugs in a timely manner.

intestinal flu

The combination of an acute onset of the disease with severe catarrhal symptoms is the hallmark of intestinal influenza caused by viral agents. How many days a viral infection lasts depends on the severity of the disease - mild, moderate or severe. In order to take timely action, you need to determine the main time frame for the development of the disease:

  • Mild form - the total duration of the disease is up to one week, with an average form, the duration of the disease is 7-14 days, with a severe form, the patient is placed in a hospital, the duration of the disease is from two weeks.
  • The incubation period depends on the immune defense. With strong immunity, the latent phase rarely exceeds 5-6 hours; with a weakened immune response, the incubation period lasts up to five days.
  • Intestinal flu (rotavirus) at the initial stage is accompanied by a runny nose, sneezing, sore throat. A day later, a cough appears, diarrhea lasts 3-5 days, vomiting occurs up to five times a day.
  • The feverish condition in children with rotavirus lasts three to five days, and the temperature can reach a dangerous level of 39 degrees. After a week, patients are on the mend if the intestinal flu is correctly diagnosed and an effective drug treatment is chosen.

It is extremely important: as soon as a viral intestinal flu is established on the basis of the disease, the patient must be isolated from the team for at least ten days, since the virus is quite dangerous, contagious and tenacious. For rotavirus to pass quickly, the viral infection should last no more than three to five days with effective treatment of the patient.

Table 2 shows data on the duration of common viral infections.

Table 2. Time frame of phases and duration of different types of SARS

Viral infection Incubation period, days Fever, days Total duration of illness, days
ARI/ARVI 3-5 3-5 7-10
Rhinovirus 1-3 2-3 7-14
adenovirus 1-14 5-7 1-14
parainfluenza 3-4 3-5 3-7
Flu 0,5-3 2-4 7-10
intestinal flu 0,5-5 3-5 7-14

Any viral infection should be considered as a serious disease with dangerous consequences. In a child after SARS, complications can turn into pneumonia, which is much more difficult to treat than a cold. Complex forms of the disease in adult patients also occur with certain complications. It is categorically not recommended to carry the flu "on your feet", to refuse to take antiviral drugs and antipyretics, since flu complications every year lead to the death of thousands of patients around the world.

It is necessary to treat ARVI in adults as quickly and effectively as in young children. In view of the current rhythm of life, weakening of the immune system leads to a weak resistance of the body to viral attacks. Preventive measures (proper nutrition, personal hygiene, exercise, vaccination) help to improve health and protect the body from various diseases. But if a viral infection still attacks, you need to follow the regimen prescribed by the doctor, take prescribed medications and protect the patient from communicating with others in order to prevent the spread of the infection.

I work as a veterinarian. I am fond of ballroom dancing, sports and yoga. I prioritize personal development and the development of spiritual practices. Favorite topics: veterinary medicine, biology, construction, repair, travel. Taboo: jurisprudence, politics, IT-technologies and computer games.

The news is bad: on average, ARVI gets sick Prevention and treatment of the common cold: making sense of the evidence about a week, and before this period you will not completely recover. There are no medicines that can defeat a cold, all hope is only on your body.

The news is good: all this time, while the immune system will identify, catch and destroy the infection, it is not at all necessary to suffer. There are effective ways to alleviate the symptoms. Up to the point that you even feel like a cucumber on the second day of the disease. Of course, despite the good state of health, inside you will still be sick. But with a good mood and a sore, it is easier to fight.

What is SARS and how is it different from the flu?

Both SARS and influenza are respiratory viral diseases, so their symptoms are almost the same. But SARS is a relatively harmless disease. But the flu is more contagious, tenacious and fraught with serious, sometimes deadly complications such as bronchitis, meningitis, encephalitis ... Therefore, the approach to treating influenza should be more thorough.

The American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed Cold Versus Flu- a simple checklist that allows you not to make a mistake. Analyze your condition according to the following parameters.

1. The onset of the disease

With SARS, you get worse gradually. First, a runny nose may appear, then a slight sore throat, a little later, a slight fever ...

The flu cuts down instantly. 10 minutes ago everything was fine, and now the temperature jumps up, and you suddenly become ill.

2. Temperature

With ARVI, it is relatively low - 37–38 ° С. With the flu, he is seriously feverish: the temperature on the move reaches 38.5 ° C and above.

3. Runny nose

With SARS, it starts immediately. And often before you even realize that you are getting sick.

3. Flush your nose with saline

The goal is the same: to keep the mucosa moisturized. Salt helps retain moisture, and the effect of such washing lasts longer.

Salt nasal sprays are worth taking with you if you have to go out into public places where the concentration of the virus in the air can be high. Use them at least once every hour and a half.

4. Ventilate the room

Viruses feel great in dry, warm, still air: they actively multiply, gain strength ... Don't give them this chance. In cool and moving air, viral particles become less comfortable, the concentration of infection decreases sharply. Therefore, regular cross-ventilation is a sure way to make it easier for the body to fight SARS and speed up recovery.

5. Get outside

Naturally, if health permits. The goal is the same: to be in the moving cool air and not swallow new viruses.

6. Relieve pain and discomfort

Painkillers will not affect the speed of recovery, but they will help improve the condition.

If your throat hurts, gargling with salt water will help reduce discomfort. Dissolve about half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and rinse. You can also try pharmacy sprays or lozenges for sore throats.

If we are talking about general malaise - simultaneous discomfort in the nose and throat, headache - take a medicine based on ibuprofen or paracetamol. But do not abuse it: these drugs also reduce the temperature.

And the temperature during SARS is a blessing, because it helps the body to fight the virus more effectively.

With congestion of the nasal passages, vasoconstrictor drops for the nose will help - they relieve swelling and allow you to breathe freely again. Use the medicine in strict accordance with the instructions, so as not to turn a runny nose and congestion into a chronic category.

7. Relax

Lying in bed or on the couch is the best way to help the body defeat SARS as quickly as possible. While you are resting, the body does not have to spend energy on anything other than fighting infection.

Yes, in today's world, many "can't afford to get sick." But judge for yourself what is better: spend a day or two at home and return to work healthy and energetic, or survive a cold on your feet, stretching it for up to three weeks and at the same time infecting at least a dozen others?

What treatment of SARS will not help, but only harm

Sometimes people think that they are being treated, but in fact they only undermine the body's defenses. As a result, the disease lasts longer. Here's what to do with SARS is absolutely impossible.

1. Taking antibiotics

They are antibiotics because they act on living (bio-) organisms - bacteria. But not for viruses.

By prescribing antibiotics for ARVI, a person loads the liver, which could be engaged in cleaning the blood of the virus. Because of this, the term for saying goodbye to the infection may increase, that is, you will get sick with SARS longer.

In some cases, a viral infection can cause bacterial complications, and then antibiotics are justified and necessary. But! Only a therapist can prescribe the drug. And only after tests that confirm the presence of a bacterial infection.

2. Taking antiviral

There are no drugs whose effectiveness against SARS has been proven. Taking these drugs at least will not bring results, and at the maximum - their side effects can be detrimental to health.

3. Young children taking over-the-counter cold medicines

Such drugs have a number of side effects, sometimes quite serious. If an adult body can possibly tolerate them without consequences, then small children are more vulnerable. Therefore, before buying cough syrup or something else for your baby, be sure to consult a pediatrician.

What treatment for SARS is doubtful, but may work

These funds are quite popular. But scientists are still not sure about them. Although some advantages have already been found.

Vitamin C

Its intake does not help prevent the disease. But in some cases, it speeds up recovery. To do this, it is important to take vitamin C before the onset of a cold: then it will reduce the duration and severity of symptoms. Therefore, vitamins are recommended for those who have an increased risk of getting ARVI due to constant contact with other people - for example, teachers, preschoolers and schoolchildren who attend crowded classes, public transport conductors, and so on.


Here, too, there are mixed results. Some studies do not show Cold remedies: What works, what doesn't, what can't hurt no benefit from taking this herbal remedy.

But others demonstrate that echinacea-based preparations can reduce the duration and severity of unpleasant symptoms in SARS.

To achieve the maximum effect, doctors recommend starting to take echinacea at the first sign of the disease and continue for 7-10 days.


Some studies show that zinc tablets or syrups can reduce 5 Tips: Natural Products for the Flu and Colds: What Does the Science Say? the duration of a cold by one day and reduce the severity of symptoms.

In any case, you should not prescribe these supplements yourself - be sure to consult with. Especially if you have any chronic diseases or are taking other medications: under such conditions, side effects may increase.

As soon as a person notices the first signs of a cold, he is immediately interested in the question of how long he will recover. In the modern world, there is no time to luxuriate in bed. Of course, I want to get rid of this disease as soon as possible and return to my usual way of life. What can we say about cases when children get sick. Every time, parents look at the thermometer with the hope of seeing the cherished numbers 36.6 there.

There is a constant question in the doctor's office about how long a cold lasts and how soon the patient will feel energized again. The answer to this question depends on many factors.

What is a cold?

In the medical directory you will not find such a disease - "cold". Usually, when they say this word, they mean either ARI (acute respiratory disease).

About 50 percent of human diseases are these two diseases.

SARS is a more specific diagnosis. An experienced specialist in a number of ways can understand whether bacteria or viruses have caused the disease. A complete blood count can confirm a doctor's diagnosis. It is viral infections that cause epidemics, because they are very easily transmitted by airborne droplets. By the way, the answer to the question of how many days a cold lasts will also depend on the pathogen.

Causes of the disease

At the moment, more than 200 types of various viruses are known that can attack the human immune system. Depending on where the disease has taken root, a name will be given. If it is the upper respiratory tract, then the disease is called rhinitis, laryngitis, and so on. If the cold has reached the lower respiratory tract, then the name will be bronchitis, pneumonia or tracheitis.

In addition to viruses, fungi and bacteria that can easily spread from person to person can also cause colds. It is enough to be in the same room with the patient, especially if he sneezes or coughs, to get sick. So the question of how many days an adult has a cold should be more specific. The timing depends on the area of ​​​​infection, as well as on the cause of the disease.

Most often, a cold occurs if:

  • the body is supercooled or overheated;
  • immunity was reduced;
  • a person has been stressed for a long time;
  • the diet was violated;
  • the patient has chronic diseases of other systems;
  • there was a lot of fatigue.

cold symptoms in adults

Before answering the question of how long a cold lasts in an adult, you need to determine whether your illness is a cold.

You can independently understand that you have a cold by the following signs:

  1. Body temperature rises above 37 degrees. This is a normal reaction of the body to pathogens. As a rule, a change in body temperature includes several stages. Initially, the body is rebuilt to retain heat. The skin may become slightly pale, sweating decreases. The person may feel chills or shiver. In the second period, the temperature reaches its maximum and does not fluctuate. A person feels heat in the whole body, the feeling of chills disappears. At the last stage, the body begins to give off heat, there is a decrease (smooth or sharp) in temperature. The patient may notice increased sweating. Remember that an increase in body temperature over 40 degrees is a reason to call an ambulance. It is also worth consulting a doctor if antipyretic drugs do not help.
  2. Intoxication. The patient may feel pain in the body, weakness, nausea. You can also notice sleep disturbance and frequent dizziness.
  3. Nasal congestion. Quite often, a cold begins with this symptom. Often, swelling of the mucosa can be accompanied by sneezing.
  4. Sore throat. As a rule, this symptom comes immediately after a runny nose or simultaneously with it. The pain may be barely noticeable, then the patient may feel a slight tickle. In some cases, a person experiences severe pain, the voice disappears and it becomes difficult to swallow.
  5. Cough. This symptom can be caused by the flow of mucus from the sinuses - such a cough does not pose any danger. But if the cough does not go away for a long time, this is an occasion to consult a doctor. Only he can determine the affected area and understand which organs were affected by the disease.
  6. Eruptions on the body. A rather rare symptom, but in some cases, patients have small pinpoint hemorrhages on the skin and mucous membranes.

How long does a cold last in an adult?

If at the first signs of the disease all measures were taken to eliminate it, then significant improvements will come after 4 days. It should be understood that at this time the patient can infect others. Therefore, during this period it is better to sit at home. After another three days, it is advisable to wear a mask so as not to infect other people.

It is quite difficult to answer the question of how long a cold lasts in an adult without a temperature.

For example, a runny nose usually goes away after 7-10 days. But quite often a person has to walk with a stuffy nose for a month. All these are variants of the norm, and you should not worry if nasal congestion lingers a little.

The cough may also remain for up to 3 weeks. True, it is this symptom that is best controlled by a doctor, since various complications after an illness can be the cause of coughing.

The main thing is not to stop treatment after the temperature drops. After all, elevated body temperature is only one of the symptoms of the disease, and its disappearance does not mean at all that you have recovered.

On average, a person can catch a cold 2-3 times a year. Most often, the disease affects the body in winter and spring, when immunity is weakened and the weather is unpredictable.

Symptoms of a cold in a child

An illness in a child is always a difficult period in the life of parents. Of course, it is difficult to watch when a normally cheerful child becomes lethargic and moody. The main thing in this situation is not to panic and to distinguish the first symptoms of the disease in time.

Signs of a cold in children include:

  1. Capriciousness and apathy. The very first signs of a disease in a child are a change in his behavior. Parents may notice how their child sleeps more, but wakes up still lethargic and broken. From the very morning the child has a bad mood, he can also refuse to eat. Usually this condition persists for as many days as a cold lasts in children.
  2. Nasal congestion. If treatment is not started on time, then a prolonged runny nose will not keep you waiting. With abundant discharge from the nose, a cough may begin. At this point, it is important to create a humid atmosphere in the child's room so that it is easier for him to breathe.
  3. A fairly common symptom of a cold is pain or a sore throat.
  4. Temperature. In children, it grows much faster than in adults. Parents need to measure it as often as possible. The child's body can easily cope with a small temperature, so with the normal behavior of the child, you should not immediately take medication. But, if you see a temperature above 38 degrees on the thermometer, be sure to bring it down with antipyretics. Try not to let the baby cry for a long period of time: as a rule, this will increase the temperature even faster.
  5. Lymph nodes in the armpits and on the neck are enlarged.
  6. Herpetic eruptions may pop up on the lips and face.

How long does a child's cold last?

On average, the illness in babies lasts 5-7 days. And some symptoms of a cold go away faster than others.

The temperature lasts for the first 3 days, not counting the incubation period, when, apart from lethargy and drowsiness, the child does not complain about anything. The cough may continue for a week, provided that no complications are found. Severe nasal congestion usually disappears by day 4, but a slight runny nose may continue for another 3 weeks.

How long can it take If we are talking about the full recovery of the body and the disappearance of all symptoms, then the process can drag on for 2-3 weeks.

How to tell the flu from a cold

Before specifying how long a cold lasts without or with a fever, make sure that the illness is not the flu. This is very important, since the flu is more difficult to tolerate than the usual SARS.

As a rule, the disease begins suddenly with a sharp rise in temperature to 38-39 degrees. There is a headache, fatigue, body aches. Diarrhea may begin, as well as nausea. The person feels pain in the limbs and loss of appetite.

After a common illness, which a person often endures on his feet, the body quickly recovers. Influenza, on the other hand, consumes a lot of body resources, so that the patient may feel tired and lethargic for another month.

Symptoms indicating complications

It happens that the body is not able to overcome the infection itself, and it penetrates further, thereby complicating the course of the disease.

Main symptoms:

  • long, persistent dry cough;
  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • severe pain in the ears;
  • aches in the joints;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • a cold does not go away within 2 weeks.

Even without the occurrence of the above symptoms, it is better if the disease proceeds under the supervision of a doctor.


Of course, everyone gets sick sooner or later. But you can protect your body as much as possible and suffer from this disease much less often. It is enough just to follow simple rules.

  1. Wash your hands well after being outside.
  2. When sneezing and coughing, cover your face with a handkerchief or handkerchief.
  3. Touch your mouth, nose, or eyes as little as possible with your hands (especially unwashed ones).
  4. Take vitamins that strengthen the immune system.
  5. To refuse from bad habits.
  6. Watch your diet, avoid junk food and fast food restaurants.
  7. Don't overwork.
  8. Choose clothing that suits the weather outside.
  9. Take outdoor walks as often as possible.

Follow these rules, and the question of how long a cold lasts will stop worrying you.

Summing up, it can be noted that the common cold passes without complications within a week. Some symptoms may linger, such as a slight nasal congestion or cough.

Of course, people have different immunity. Someone is able to endure a cold on their feet, and someone needs bed rest. There is nothing to worry about if the disease is a little delayed. But do not neglect your health: it is better to seek help from a doctor who will help you get rid of all the symptoms and regain your usual rhythm of life!

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