Basal temperature during early pregnancy. Graph of basal temperature during pregnancy. How to measure basal temperature. Symptoms of an urgent visit to the doctor. Norm after conception

Some women experience the peak of sexual excitability on the days of ovulation, and this is physiologically justified. But then the use of a physiological method of contraception from pregnancy, based on sexual abstinence during ovulation, is especially difficult for partners whose frequency of sexual intercourse reaches a fairly high level.

In addition, with strong love unrest and nervous stress additional ovulation may occur (especially with episodic, irregular intercourse) and then not one, but two eggs mature in one menstrual cycle. This should be remembered when choosing one or another method of contraception. And since it is impossible to accurately assess when ovulation will occur at home, physiological method is the most unreliable after the withdrawal method.

Description of the basal temperature method.

Immediately after ovulation (most auspicious time for conception) in the body of a woman, the hormone progesterone is released. This hormone contributes to a rise in body temperature by 0.4 - 0.6 degrees and occurs within two days after ovulation. Ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle and thus divides the cycle into two phases - the first and second. In the first phase, before ovulation, your body temperature is usually lower than in the second phase, when ovulation has already occurred. With sufficient production of the hormone progesterone, starting from the middle of the cycle, there is an increase in body temperature, which is a fairly reliable sign of ovulation. The second phase of the cycle normally lasts 13-14 days, and before the onset of menstruation, the temperature usually drops again by 0.3 degrees. If the basal temperature remains at the same level throughout the cycle, there are no ups and downs on the graph, then we can talk about the absence of ovulation, and as a result, female infertility.

What is the method of measuring basal temperature based on?

Method basal body temperature body is based on determining the time of rise in temperature in the rectum, by measuring it daily and abstaining from sexual intercourse in the first phase menstrual cycle, including the first three days of temperature rise after ovulation. It is known that at the time of ovulation, the basal (rectal temperature) decreases, and the next day it rises. And if for several (at least three) months a woman measures the temperature in the rectum daily, she will be able to determine when she ovulates.

The principle of its operation is to determine the approximate date of ovulation according to the temperature curve. For this, it is necessary to measure every day rectal temperature(it is more convenient to use a thermometer specially created for this area) and mark it by drawing a kind of graph. You should start from the first day of the cycle, which corresponds to the first day of menstruation. It is best to carry out this procedure in the morning, without getting out of bed, for 5-6 minutes.

It has been noticed that, as a rule, ovulation occurs on the day when the temperature is the lowest: one day you will find that the line of the temperature curve, which was flat before, suddenly drops sharply - this is the day of ovulation. Then, the next day, the temperature rises just as sharply, and this corresponds to the beginning of the second, luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. At the same time, it must be remembered that the egg lives from 24 to 48 hours after leaving the follicle, therefore, even at an increasing temperature, you should refrain from sexual intercourse for several days. In general, the first phase of the menstrual cycle is considered relatively safe, when the segment of the temperature graph is approximately a straight line. The menstrual cycle without ovulation, or with two ovulations is also reflected in the graph of the temperature curve.

The method of measuring basal temperature is quite rigid in terms of leaving a not too long period in which pregnancy is impossible. For example, with a cycle of 28 days, only 10 of them are safe. In the case of a lack of progesterone, which can be detected with special survey, safe period even shorter. The method is also inconvenient in that the temperature must be measured daily, especially at the beginning of its use. Later, when several menstrual cycles have successfully passed, it is possible to stop changes during menstruation and after a significant increase in temperature is recorded in the second phase of the cycle. It should be noted, however, that any viral or respiratory disease makes the results unreliable. The same applies to heavy physical exertion, to active sports.

The method of measuring basal temperature is most suitable only for those women who have established a regular menstrual cycle lasting at least 26 and no more than 30 days, leading a fairly calm lifestyle, not subject to stress, colds and others. negative reactions environment. Presumably, less than one percent of women would classify themselves in this category.

Thus, if you do fitness, occasionally dig beds in the country, catch a cold or periodically worry, including about an unwanted pregnancy for you, you are at risk - the temperature curve graph indicators become less reliable.

The method of measuring basal temperature and plotting a temperature curve can be recommended as a means of planning pregnancy for those couples who do not want to use other methods of contraception for religious reasons, but in principle are ready for the birth of a child. (Recall that not all religions allow the use of devices such as condoms, oral contraceptives, intrauterine device etc.)

To calculate "dangerous days" with protection according to the calendar, it is necessary to measure BT for at least 3-4 cycles. " Dangerous days"are calculated as follows: from the day on which the temperature crossed the 37.0 line, 6 days are counted back and forward. When normal cycle at 28 days this will be: the maturation of the egg occurred on the 14th day.

14–6=8 (on the 8th day from the beginning of menstruation, "dangerous days" began).

14 + 6 = 20 (on the 20th day from the beginning of menstruation, the "dangerous days" ended).

Thus, from 1 to 7 days of the cycle and from 21 to the end, you can live without protection.

"Dangerous days" are made up of 2 factors: for about 6 days, spermatozoa can live in the uterus, waiting for the maturation of the egg; about 6 days the egg lives, waiting for fertilization.

ATTENTION! If in different cycles day of crossing the level of 37.0 "walks" (for example, the egg matures on the 12th, 18th, 13th day), then to determine the "dangerous days" subtract 6 from the LESS indicator (in this case- 12 day) and add 6 to the BIG (in this case - 18 day). Thus, in the given example, "dangerous days" are from 6 to 24 days. Of course, in this state of affairs, the physiological (calendar) method of protection is of little use.

The same applies to short cycles. For example, if the cycle lasts 21 days, then the maturation of the egg occurs already on the 7th day. "Dangerous days", respectively, from 2 to 13, if the day of ripening does not "walk".

Symptothermal method of contraception

This is the most sensitive and safe (as far as possible) method. natural contraception, it includes the rules for the method cervical mucus and basal body temperature.

By measuring your basal body temperature (BT) every morning during your menstrual cycle, you can find out the fertile and non-fertile phases.
Measure BT in the rectum every morning at the same time before getting out of bed, write down, build a graph.

Using records for the first half of the menstrual cycle, the highest of the "normal low" temperatures should be determined. An abnormally high temperature due to fever or other conditions should not be taken into account.

Draw a line at the highest of these temperatures. This line is called the covering or temperature line.

The non-fertile phase begins in the evening of the 3rd day of the rise in temperature above the covering line.
If within 3 days the temperature has dropped to the cover line or below it, this may mean that ovulation has not yet occurred. To avoid pregnancy, wait 3 consecutive days for the temperature to rise above the cover line before resuming sexual intercourse.

After the start of the non-fertile phase, there is no need to continue recording the temperature. Temperature measurement can be stopped until the start of the next menstrual cycle. You can have sexual intercourse until the 1st day of the next menstruation.

For the purpose of contraception, one should refrain from sexual intercourse from the beginning of menstruation until the evening of the 3rd day of the rise in temperature above the covering line.

After graduation menstrual bleeding You can have intercourse on the evening of every second "dry day" during the non-fertile period before ovulation (this is the "dry day" rule used in the cervical mucus method);
the fertile phase begins with any mucus or wet feeling in the vagina (this is the "early mucus" rule used in the cervical mucus method); in this phase, you should refrain from sexual intercourse;
should refrain from sexual intercourse until the rules of the "rush day" and changes in temperature are applied;
in cases where these rules define the end of the fertile phase in different ways, the most conservative rule should always be followed, i.e. the one that determines the longest fertile phase;

Following the temperature change rule, a woman is infertile after the 16th day. At the same time, if you follow the "rush day" rule, she is fertile until the 18th day. Therefore, she should follow the more conservative "peak day" rule and not have sexual intercourse until the 18th day.

Basal body temperature is the most low temperature inside the body, measured after a long rest. Fluctuations in this temperature reflect the processes that occur in the female body. Measurement of BBT indicators and its fluctuation graph helps to find out the day of ovulation in women and use this information to plan or prevent conception.

The accuracy of determining ovulation will depend on the correct measurement. Consider how to measure the temperature.

BBT should be measured without getting out of bed, immediately after sleep. The main condition is not to make any movements, not to lift vertical position torso, do not stand up. Any movement activates blood flow and increases the temperature inside the body. It is for this reason that the temperature is higher in the evening.

It is required to determine the minimum temperature that is formed only due to the work internal organs. Therefore, it is necessary to measure BT immediately after waking up, before washing and going to the toilet.

The following conditions must be met:

It should be borne in mind that the following factors can affect the temperature indicator:

  • lack of sleep;
  • disease digestive organs(inflammation of the liver and pancreas, intestinal disorders);
  • stress, nervous experiences, mental overload;
  • alcohol taken in the evening.

The above factors reduce the effectiveness of the graph, as they violate the rules of measurement.

BBT indicators and measurement technique

The thermometer should be inserted into any open body cavity ( anus, vagina, mouth). According to the technique that was developed by Professor Marshal, basal temperature is measured through the anus. This is often done if the temperature needs to be measured in a newborn baby. It is not possible to keep the thermometer under the arm, because it is inserted into the anus.

For women, determining the temperature in the vagina or anus allows you to find out fluctuations in tenths of a degree. It is fractions of degrees that show significant jump in ovulation basal score.

Meaning of measured indicators

The BBT measurement method is designed to determine ovulation. Ovulation is the exit from the shell of the follicle of the egg, which occurs after its maturation. The egg begins to exit the fallopian tube and travel to the uterus. These changes accompany an increase in temperature by tenths of a degree. BBT before ovulation initially decreases slightly, and then increases sharply. Since the release of the egg, conception is possible.

Daily temperature measurement makes it possible to know the day of ovulation. This, in turn, allows you to take appropriate measures to prevent pregnancy or, conversely, to try to get pregnant on these days.

BT chart

The measured indicators are entered into a table and begin to keep a graph. In addition, the table should include additional factors, affecting measurement accuracy(presence of headache, infection, cold).

The graph looks like a broken line. At the beginning of the monthly indicator is approximately at around 36.9-37.1C (fluctuations of 0.1-0.4C are possible).

After menstruation, the degrees decrease to the lowest levels - 36.6-36.9C. This temperature is required for the maturation of the egg. The ripening period can take up to 2 weeks, so in the next decade the graph will begin to fluctuate around one indicator - from 36.7C, down or up by 0.1-0.3C.

The day before ovulation, the degree decreases (by 0.3-0.5), then sharply increases by 0.4-0.7C and reaches 37C.

temperature during ovulation

BBT during ovulation is a slight decrease before increasing to 37C. By the way, nai Great chance conception on this day - 35%. Therefore, if you are not planning a pregnancy, then you need to limit sexual intercourse or use protection (a condom or other contraception).

After ovulation, basal body temperature is e rise to upper level ( with slight fluctuations at the top of the graph).

The subsequent schedule will depend on whether the body is preparing for menstruation or pregnancy has occurred. If pregnancy has taken place, then basal rate will be at a high level. In the female body, progesterone is produced, which maintains a high temperature.

If conception did not occur, then the hormonal background normalizes, the indicator decreases. This is noted a week before menstruation (BT decreases by 0.4-0.7C).

This ovulation BBT schedule is usually found in healthy women. With some violations, the normal broken graphics get lost, the jump becomes not so pronounced. Then the biological method of contraception is ineffective. Pregnancy can occur despite the pronounced absence of a temperature jump.

Diagnosis of diseases by BT

The whole cycle of changes during the month makes it possible to identify the causes of infertility and other disorders. most common cause Infertility in women is considered to be the absence of ovulation. Temperature measurement makes it possible to determine which days of the cycle are easiest to get pregnant and whether the release of the egg begins.

In addition, BT indicates the presence inflammatory process in other organs and systems. This affordable way It helps completely free of charge, independently and simply to examine oneself to identify hidden diseases.

Days of desired conception and safe sex

Monthly measurements of BBT make it possible to determine a typical graph of temperature changes in the body. Scheduled from highly likely it is possible to predict the days when pregnancy is possible and the days when conception is impossible under any circumstances. This data can be used as a warning of pregnancy, or to conceive a child. Consider when conception is possible and how to use this method as a contraceptive.

days possible conception- this is two days immediately after the release of the egg from the follicle. And also 2-3 days before the start of ovulation.

These days, the egg cannot yet be fertilized. However, spermatozoa remain viable for several days. Therefore, getting into the uterus through the vagina, they stay in it for 2-3 days and fertilize the egg immediately when it leaves the follicle. That is, a few days before ovulation can be added to the days of probable conception.

The time of ovulation, as well as the days before it (about 4-6 days) are called fetal. If you are not planning a pregnancy, then it is better to refrain from sex. If you have planned a child, then you need to have sex the day before ovulation. How to find out about the release of the egg, which BT should be measured in the vagina during ovulation?

The day of ovulation according to the schedule is a slight decrease in temperature, and after a few days - a sharp jump up. These two days must be considered fertile (who wants to get pregnant) or "dangerous" (for opponents of conception).

The time after ovulation is called absolute infertility. The life span of an egg after release is one day. and. unfertilized egg after this is destroyed, the possibility of becoming pregnant after ovulation after two days is minimal.

The above division of days into periods of impossible and possible conception is not fair for all women. The protection system will only work if the menstruation is stable. For others, this method is ineffective.

Deviations and the norm

Any changes in the BBT indicator are the result of hormonal disorder. Everything in a woman's body is vital important processes determined hormonal changes. Therefore, pregnancy occurs due to changes in BBT.

During pregnancy, BT is at a high level (more than 37.3C). The presence of increased BBT creates the hormone progesterone, which is intensively formed in the first 4 months of gestation. Therefore, the BT indicator is high at this time. After the amount of progesterone decreases, at the same time B.T. decreases. Therefore, after three weeks of pregnancy, it is pointless to measure its value.

In the first term of pregnancy, BT is the main sign, by which conception is judged even before the delay of menstruation. But this is an ambiguous sign. Maintaining a high temperature level may accompany the use of some medicines, physical exercise, inflammatory diseases. Therefore, a test can definitely tell you about pregnancy. And high BT - indirectly.

Pregnancy definitions with BT

Attention should be focused on two main conditions:

  1. BBT is measured at the same time in the morning (a difference of no more than 20 minutes is acceptable).
  2. BT is measured without getting out of bed. In order to measure the temperature correctly, the thermometer must be left on a table near the bed, where it can be reached by hand, without turning the torso.

You don't need to take your temperature throughout the day. BT will not be able to show during the day important changes in the body. Only daily measurements in the morning will reflect the real level of hormones.

Graph of the basal temperature of a healthy woman during pregnancy

The BBT chart during pregnancy looks like a broken line, fluctuating in the range of + 37.5C. A decrease in the indicator by less than 36.9C indicates that the progesterone content has decreased in the body. This means the likelihood of a miscarriage, a missed pregnancy, or a threat of a breakdown. A doctor's consultation is required.

But this diagnosis is also ambiguous. You have probably heard stories about difficult childbirth or overtired. Any experiences, overloads and stresses reduce the BT indicator and lower hormone levels. Try to just bounce back and leave your nerves for later.

The maximum value of BT during pregnancy can reach up to + 38C. If your BBT level is higher, you should consult your doctor. This indicator is often accompanied by inflammation, internal infections.

What should be BT before menstruation? And why is it important this indicator? Temperature measurement before and during menstruation makes it possible to determine the presence of an inflammation process in the body. If the temperature during menstruation jumps above 38C, then this means that there is a hidden source of inflammatory disease inside.

  1. BT before menstruation - high. During menstruation, the amount of progesterone decreases, therefore, a decrease in the basal rate begins. With more high performance(37.8C on the first day of menstruation), it decreases to 37.1C (by the 4th-5th day of menstruation).
  2. BT during menstruation is average between elevated temperature previous period and reduced rate after menses. During menstruation, BBT remains at a level of approximately 37C or slightly lower.
  3. BT after menstruation is the lowest indicator of the cycle (except for the day of ovulation, when the indicator additionally decreases by several degrees).

Why is it necessary to know which BT is before menstruation? Measurements are required for early diagnosing pregnancy. If you have had sexual intercourse without a contraceptive, then you will be able to detect the presence of pregnancy even before the delay in menstruation. Why measure B.T. If the basal rate does not decrease, then it means that there is a pregnancy.

If you follow all the rules for determining the basal temperature, you can discover a lot of new things for yourself. But do not forget that you should not draw certain conclusions yourself, taking into account the obtained graphs. This can only be done by a qualified gynecologist and only after additional examinations.

Attention, only TODAY!

Seeing two long-awaited strips on the test, you begin to carefully monitor any changes that occur in the body.

Basal body temperature during pregnancy early dates reacts to the smallest fluctuations in the hormonal system and allows you to calculate deviations from the norm and promptly seek help from a antenatal clinic.

What is basal body temperature

  • The basal or basic temperature (hereinafter referred to as BT) is the one that is practically not affected by the external environment;
  • You can get its values ​​\u200b\u200bin the morning hours, without getting out of bed, after a full night's sleep;
  • Measurements are taken using a thermometer placed in the mouth, vagina or rectum;
  • BBT values ​​are influenced by hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, the level of which varies according to the days of the menstrual cycle.

Know! Obstetrician-gynecologists consider BT an indicator of the health of the female reproductive system. Comparison of schedules for several cycles can reveal hormonal disorders, the period of ovulation, as well as inflammatory processes.

Even at the stage of planning a child, BT values ​​\u200b\u200bwill help determine favorable period for conception without the use of expensive tests and ultrasound diagnostics. The only caveat is the strict observance of all norms during the measurements.

Why can you trust your basal body temperature?

The menstrual period consists of two phases.

  1. During the transition from one phase to another, ovulation is observed. The whole essence of the method is to build a graph based on daily BT readings;
  2. The first half of the cycle is characterized by low numbers, and the second half is high, due to the influence of progesterone.

Ovulation on the chart looks like sharp drop.

The value of BBT about a day before the onset of ovulation drops rapidly, and the next day it also rises sharply. Testimony imminent offensive menstruation serve reduced values BBT, but during fertilization in the second phase, they will be steadily increased.

You can use the basal temperature measurement method if:

  • trying to get pregnant lasts longer than a year;
  • it is necessary to identify violations in the work of sex hormones;
  • you need to predict a good time for conception;
  • it is necessary to determine the presence of pregnancy before the fact of delayed menstrual bleeding.

How to determine pregnancy by basal temperature?

Whole menstrual period can be tracked on the basal temperature chart. During pregnancy, the picture is significantly different from that which can be seen during a normal cycle.

  1. The very first phase of the female period is follicular (hypothermic). At this time, the formation of the follicle occurs, inside which the egg matures. The first phase is characterized increased output estrogen due to increased ovarian function;

Favorable values ​​of BT are from 36.1 to 36.8 degrees. Values ​​at the upper end of the range are usually accompanied by a lack of estrogen. In such cases, doctors recommend appropriate hormone therapy.

  1. The moment of ovulation. The follicle ruptures under the action of LH (luteinizing hormone) and the egg is released, and a hormonal surge occurs. At this stage, BT values ​​increase sharply to 37.0-37.7 degrees;
  2. The last phase is luteal (hyperthermic). Instead of a bursting follicle, a corpus luteum begins to form, which is a source of progesterone.
  • In the case of fertilization of the egg (during the implantation, the BT decreases) - it enters the uterus. At the same time, the corpus luteum continues to grow, releasing hormones that allow you to maintain pregnancy and prevent uterine contractions;

It is these hormones that make the BBT values ​​stay at the upper limits. The corpus luteum functions until the complete formation of the placenta.

  • Favorable values ​​of BT are above 37 degrees;
  • If conception does not occur, the corpus luteum collapses and hormone levels drop. BBT values ​​also decrease and menstrual bleeding occurs.

Temperature is below ovulation

Usually, the value of basal temperature during early pregnancy is 37.1-37.3 degrees.

It happens a little lower, within 36.9 degrees.

You can find this out by recording your basal body temperatures over several cycles.

The only constant sign possible fact the onset of pregnancy is the absence of a lower basal body temperature after the release of the egg from the ovary.

Features of "pregnant" and "non-pregnant" charts

To understand which basal temperature is characteristic of the body during pregnancy, and which - during various pathologies, you need to pay attention to the main characteristics of the graphs.

"Pregnant" schedule:

  1. low BBT in the follicular phase of the cycle;
  2. ovulation is clearly identified (a sharp jump in BBT up);
  3. increased BT in the luteal phase of the cycle;
  4. somewhere on the 21st day, the values ​​​​of BT decrease noticeably (implantation of the egg occurs) and then the temperature rises again;
  5. there is a third phase of the cycle - gestational - with a BBT value equal to or greater than ovulatory.

Normal "non-pregnant" schedule:

  • in the first phase, BT values ​​​​are below 37 degrees;
  • immediately after the ovulation phase, BBT begins to rise and continues to be at the level of 37 degrees almost until the end of the second phase;
  • a few days before the onset of menstrual bleeding, the value of BT drops sharply.

The anovulatory schedule is characterized by chaotic bursts of BBT throughout the cycle. Such periods occur in women up to three times a year.

How to measure the temperature to determine pregnancy

The most accurate readings will be with the rectal insertion of a thermometer. In this case, the thermometer can be either electronic or mercury, depending on personal preferences. The following are the basic rules for how to measure basal body temperature to determine pregnancy:

  1. Measurement of basal temperature when planning pregnancy should be done daily in the morning at certain time after sleep, lasting more than six hours. Do not leave bed soon after waking up or sit up abruptly;

In addition, frequent walking during the night rest distorts the research data.

  1. In the daytime and evening hours, there are quite strong fluctuations in BBT due to stress, increased activity or plain tiredness. It is not necessary to double-check the morning measurements in the afternoon and evening, as this is not informative;
  2. With a mercury thermometer, the temperature is measured within 6-10 minutes, with an electronic thermometer - from 2 to 3 minutes or until a sound signal;
  3. For clarity, it is best to start taking measurements and build a graph from the day of the onset of menstruation. This will allow you to see the temperature difference during the transition from one phase of the cycle to another and evaluate the hormonal background;
  4. For the convenience of taking measurements, you can use a regular paper sheet, a printed template, or applications that automatically build graphs based on the entered data.

Note. The following factors influence the BT indicators:

  • alcohol;
  • sex a few hours before the measurement procedure;
  • stress;
  • infectious diseases;
  • too warm sleeping place, for example, from a heating pad;
  • hypothermia of the lower extremities.

If any of the above factors took place, it is worth making a note about it.

What indicators allow us to conclude that the pregnancy did not take place?

High basal temperatures that persist long time, at possible pregnancy, until confirmation of the fact of delay, unfortunately, are not always a sign of successful conception.

In some cases, such a change may be associated with inflammatory processes in the appendages, and sometimes indicate complications during the gestational period.

Important! It is worth paying attention that there is no need to start panicking when abnormalities are found, since each organism is unique. In case of any doubt, it is better to consult a specialist for an accurate diagnosis.

BT at risk of miscarriage

The threat of miscarriage is associated with insufficient production of the hormone progesterone, which supports pregnancy. This happens when there are problems with the hormonal background and an incorrectly functioning corpus luteum, which normally appears instead of the follicle.

Know! With this pathology, the values ​​\u200b\u200bdo not exceed 37 degrees.

Thus, if the basal temperature during pregnancy is 36.8 or one tenth of a degree higher, you should pay attention to this and try to understand the reasons for such changes.

BT in missed pregnancy

If the development of the embryo stops, the gland formed at the site of the follicle begins to break down, and the level of progesterone, therefore, falls. This leads to a decrease in BT values ​​\u200b\u200bto 36.4 - 36.9 degrees.

There are times when, when the embryo freezes, the temperature continues to be kept at a fairly high level. Indeed, it happens when low temperature is not at all indicative of fading. You should always listen to yourself and your inner state.

BT in ectopic pregnancy

Important! In this case, the production of progesterone by the corpus luteum does not stop, as in the normal course of pregnancy. It is impossible to draw conclusions on the basis of BT values ​​in this case.

In the second and third trimesters, it does not play a significant role. It is important to remember that accuracy in measurements is necessary, as any deviations affect the interpretation of the results.

Ask questions about the topic of the article!

Basal body temperature (BT) is the lowest temperature human body measured at rest. Determining the level of basal temperature allows you to predict the onset of ovulation and determine pregnancy at its earliest stages. The technique is also included in the scheme of natural regulation of conception and is used to detect various gynecological diseases.

Measurement Rules

When determining the basal temperature, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, otherwise the received data may be misinterpreted:

  1. BT is determined only in the rectum. Measurement of temperature under the armpit or in the mouth does not give reliable results.
  2. Measurements are taken in the morning, without getting out of bed, before the start of any physical activity. For convenience, keep a thermometer handy.
  3. Before starting the study, at least 4 hours of restful uninterrupted sleep should pass.
  4. BBT measurement is carried out electronic thermometer- one and the same. Can be used mercury thermometer but with great care.
  5. The study should take place at approximately the same time of day. Deviations of 30-60 minutes in any direction are allowed.
  6. The study time is at least 5 minutes.
  7. There is no break during menstruation.

The data obtained is entered daily into a table. In the future, on the basis of the results obtained, it will be possible to draw certain conclusions. To evaluate the menstrual cycle and identify gynecological pathology It is recommended that you measure your basal body temperature for at least 3 consecutive months. It is advisable to start the study on the first day of the menstrual cycle (i.e. the first day of menstruation).

Is it possible to measure basal temperature during the day? Yes, after 4 hours of sleep. Unfortunately, such results are often unreliable, so it is not recommended to rely on them. If a woman works on a night shift, she can conduct research during the day, provided that this is her usual, practically unchanged regime of work and rest for many months.

Indications for measuring basal temperature

The study is carried out in such situations:

  • Menstrual disorders (if you suspect an imbalance of hormones).
  • Diagnosis of pregnancy at an early stage.
  • Determination of the time of ovulation.
  • As part of the MCI (method of recognizing fertility as natural way contraception).
  • Grade hormonal background with some gynecological diseases(including infertility).

In most cases, the measurement of basal temperature is prescribed when planning pregnancy and identifying the causes of infertility. This examination will also be useful when looking for factors that lead to menstrual irregularities (delayed menstruation, lengthening or shortening of the cycle, etc.).

Measurement of basal temperature is not carried out in such situations:

  • If a woman is not able to measure the temperature at about the same time (special work schedule, etc.).
  • In the presence of acute inflammatory processes or exacerbation chronic pathology leading to an increase general temperature body.

In the latter case, the study will be non-informative. It is recommended to wait for recovery and only after that return to the measurement of basal temperature.

Important Aspects

There are factors that affect the level of basal temperature:

  • poor sleep (frequent awakenings, the need to get up in bed at night);
  • stress;
  • diseases digestive tract(including diarrhea);
  • ARVI (even without an increase in armpit temperature);
  • alcohol intake;
  • intimacy;
  • long flights;
  • change of time zones, climate;
  • reception medicines(including hormonal, sedative, sleeping pills).

All these factors should be noted in the table and taken into account when interpreting the results.

Basal temperature and menstrual cycle

Determination of basal temperature plays a big role in assessing a woman's menstrual cycle. Consider changing the parameters using the example of a normal 28-day female cycle.

The first (folliculin) phase of the menstrual cycle lasts from days 1 to 14 and is under the influence of estrogen. At this time, the follicles mature and the dominant one is isolated among them. The BT level during this period remains in the range from 36.1 to 36.7 °C.

Ovulation with a 28-day cycle occurs on the 13-14th day. The maturation and release of the egg coincides with the peak level of LH (luteinizing hormone). The day before ovulation, the basal temperature drops by 0.5 °C. Immediately at the time of ovulation, BBT rises again, reaches 37.0 - 37.4 ° C and remains at this level throughout the second phase of the cycle.

The second (luteal) phase takes place under the influence of progesterone. The endometrium grows in preparation for possible implantation fertilized egg. If fertilization does not occur, a corpus luteum forms at the site of the burst follicle. From days 14 to 28 of the cycle, the basal body temperature remains above 37.0 °C. The decrease in indicators occurs only before the menstruation itself, in 24-48 hours. During monthly bleeding, BBT remains low (from 36.1 to 36.7 ° C).

Basal temperature and pregnancy

If a child is conceived, the basal temperature remains high throughout the first trimester. It keeps at around 37.0 - 37.4 ° C, and only after 14 weeks begins to gradually decrease. In II and III trimesters basal temperature is fixed within 36.4-36.7 °C.

An increase in basal temperature during pregnancy indicates the following conditions:

  • inflammatory process in the appendages and uterus, pelvic organs, intestines;
  • general infectious process.

A low level of basal temperature occurs in such situations:

  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • a miscarriage that has begun;
  • regressive pregnancy.

In all these situations, there is a decrease in the level of progesterone, which determines the change in basal temperature. Any deviations from the norm should be reported to the doctor.

Deciphering the results

At correct measurement basal temperature, a woman can find answers to the most important questions for herself:

  • Is the menstrual cycle normal, and are there any deviations.
  • Does the maturation of the follicles occur, is it worth expecting ovulation.
  • Was there ovulation in this cycle, and on what day did it occur.
  • Whether the conception of a child has occurred or the onset of menstruation should be expected (you can determine its arrival 24-48 hours before the onset of bleeding).

Deviations from the normal schedule raise suspicions endocrine pathology, suggest the causes of infertility and timely identify some complications that occur in the early stages of pregnancy.

Normal performance

To assess the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to chart the basal temperature for at least three months in a row. The graph is lined up on a sheet in a box. A coordinate axis is drawn, where the basal temperature indicators will be vertically, and the days of the cycle will be horizontally. Each day of the cycle will have its own mark on the graph - the level of basal temperature. At the bottom, under each day of the menstrual cycle, factors that could affect the temperature (stress, sexual intercourse, illness, etc.) must be indicated.

Normal indicators of the menstrual cycle:

  • The total length of the cycle is 21-35 days (from the first day of one menstruation to the first day of another).
  • The duration of the second phase of the cycle is always 12-14 days.
  • The duration of the first phase of the cycle may vary. Its minimum duration is 7 days.

Normal values ​​​​of basal temperature are presented in the table:

Temperature curve options

There are several varieties of the schedule when measuring BT:

I type


  • There is a stable increase in BBT in the second phase of the cycle by at least 0.4 °C.
  • There is a preovulatory and premenstrual decrease in BBT.

Such a schedule corresponds to a normal two-phase menstrual cycle (it was discussed in detail above).

II type


  • There is a slight increase in BBT in the second phase of the cycle: no more than 0.2-0.3 °C.
  • The duration of the second phase is 12-14 days.
  • There is a slight preovulatory and premenstrual decrease in BBT.

Such a schedule indicates estrogen-progesterone deficiency and requires a mandatory examination by a doctor. It is necessary to assess the level of major hormones in each phase of the cycle and find out the reason for such changes. Similar state often leads to infertility.

III type


  • There is an increase in BBT in the second phase of the cycle shortly before the onset of menstruation by 0.4 °C.
  • The second phase lasts less than 10 days.
  • There is no premenstrual decrease in BBT.

Such a graph indicates insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle (luteal insufficiency) and indicates low level progesterone (absolute or relative with high concentration estrogen).

Possible reasons for the insufficiency of the second phase:

  • Ovarian pathology: resistant or depleted ovary syndrome, ovarian hyperinhibition syndrome, polycystic ovaries, etc.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Pathology of the pituitary gland: hyperprolactinemia, pituitary hypogonadism.
  • Organic diseases of the genital organs: endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, uterine fibroids, polyps, tumors.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages: endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis.
  • Pathology of other organs: hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, etc.
  • Condition after abortion, curettage of the uterine cavity for other reasons.
  • Sudden weight loss ( prolonged fasting, diet, diseases of the digestive tract).
  • Strong stress.
  • A sharp change in climate, time zones.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Taking narcotic drugs.

Insufficiency of the luteal phase threatens infertility or miscarriage. To correct this condition, it is necessary to find out the cause of the failure. Conducted according to indications hormone therapy. During pregnancy, progesterone supplementation is needed.

IV type

A monotonous curve is noted on the graph: BT remains within 36.1 - 36.7 ° C throughout the entire cycle. There is no ovulation. Such a cycle is considered anovulatory.

The anovulatory cycle is a variant of the norm. It is believed that every healthy woman can have 1-2 cycles per year without ovulation. With age, the number of anovulatory cycles increases. During puberty and with the onset of menopause most of cycles pass without ovulation. It is impossible to conceive a child this month.

Frequent anovulatory cycles in a woman in reproductive age is a pathology. The reason may be various endocrine diseases, ovarian pathology, etc. For an accurate diagnosis and development of a treatment regimen, it is necessary full examination at the gynecologist-endocrinologist.

V type

A chaotic temperature curve is observed. The range of indicators does not fit into any of the known options and does not lend itself to any logic. A similar schedule occurs with estrogen deficiency. The onset of pregnancy with estrogen deficiency is a big question.

A single chaotic schedule should not frighten a woman. Such a failure can occur during stress, climate change, exacerbation of various extragenital diseases. If the schedule returns to normal in the future, no treatment is required. A chaotic temperature curve for two or more months requires a mandatory examination by a specialist.

Measuring your basal temperature is simple and available method assessment of the state of the female reproductive sphere. Regular scheduling helps to predict the onset of ovulation and menstruation, detect pregnancy early and detect menstrual irregularities. Determining the level of basal temperature is practiced in the diagnosis of endocrine infertility and other gynecological diseases.

After completed conception female body immediately begins to undergo some changes that occur according to a certain plan. Thanks to clear physiological rules, it is possible to predict possible fertilization even before the delay of menstruation, and also to check whether your pregnancy is proceeding normally. This can be done using the usual measurement of basal temperature (BT). Its level is significantly affected by a sharp surge and a decrease in the concentration of sex hormones. Let's look at the principles of measurement and the rules for deciphering the obtained basal temperature standards from the moment of planning to the end of gestation.

Basal body temperature is called, measured in conditions of complete rest immediately after waking up. Its level changes cyclically during the menstrual cycle under the influence of two main hormones - estradiol and progesterone.

In gynecology, the BT schedule is considered an indicator women's health. The study of several graphs can determine whether a woman has a normal hormonal background, whether inflammatory pathologies whether ovulation is normal and whether it exists at all.

At the planning stage, BT allows you to “catch” ovulation without special expensive tests or passing diagnostic ultrasound. But the effectiveness of the technique is observed with regular measurement of BT with adherence to the prescribed rules for the procedure.

The principle of determining BT is based on temperature fluctuations, based on the phases of the female cycle. As you know, the cycle consists of two phases, and ovulation serves as the equator between them. The essence of observations is reduced to the daily introduction temperature indicators into a simple chart. In the first half, the temperature is low rates, and in the second under the influence of progesterone, higher.

Ovulation is characterized by a sharp drop in temperature - the temperature drops, and on the second day it rises rapidly. And with the approach of menstruation, it begins to decrease again. If fertilization has occurred, the graph will display a consistently elevated basal temperature during pregnancy, before the delay it will exceed 37⁰С. In the absence of fertilization, BBT before menstruation will drop to 36.7⁰С or even lower.

In obstetric practice, BT scheduling is used if:

  • Absence of pregnancy for more than 12 months without obvious reasons.
  • It is necessary to establish the correspondence of hormone production with respect to the phases of the menstrual cycle.
  • Clarification of the present pathology of the hormonal background of a woman is required.
  • It is necessary to calculate favorable days for conception, when it is not possible to constantly live a sexual life.
  • There is a suspicion about hidden current endometritis.
  • It is necessary to establish the fact of fertilization before the delay due to the possible threat of interruption against the background anxiety symptoms (brown discharge, lower abdominal pain).

Important! If there is no temperature jump in the ovulatory period, and the difference between the average BT of the two phases is less than 0.4⁰С, then the woman has hormonal pathologies and ovulation does not occur.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

Accurate BBT is obtained using rectal administration thermometer in the anal lumen. Manipulation should be carried out daily at the same time. Which thermometer to use is your personal decision, the main thing is to do it according to the rules.

How to measure basal temperature during pregnancy:

  • BBT should be monitored in the morning. At the same time, it is forbidden to sit down abruptly, leave the bed. The sleep preceding the measurement should be more than 6 hours. Frequent awakening at night will make the morning temperature uninformative.
  • AT daytime BT is changing a lot. This is influenced by activity, feelings, fatigue. Therefore, BBT is measured in the morning, while the body is still “sleeping”. And it is pointless to check the basal temperature during pregnancy in the evening, since the result will be unreliable.
  • The duration of the procedure is 5-6 minutes. In case of use electronic thermometer you need to keep it for another 3-4 minutes after the beep.
  • It is better to start recording the temperature from the first cyclical day, otherwise it will be impossible to assess the ratio of indicators between the phases. If the measurement is carried out in order to diagnose the hormonal background, it will take at least three months to draw competent conclusions.
  • All received figures should be noted on a special chart.

Important! The basal temperature chart during pregnancy will be uninformative if it was compiled during the period acute illness, or against the background of stress, alcohol abuse, taking hormonal pills, frequent flights and trips. Also, BBT indicators will be false if they are obtained less than 6 hours after intercourse.

Norms of basal temperature during pregnancy

The whole cycle is based on a certain BT dynamics. To understand whether pregnancy has occurred, you need to navigate in the usual indicators before conception and after it:

  • The follicular phase lasts approximately 11-14 days, but this is only a guide, because every woman has a different cycle. To orient in the phases, count from last day cycle for two weeks and get the approximate date of ovulation. On condition normal state health, BT in the first half ranges from 36.1 to 36.8⁰ C.
  • The moment of ovulation is the climax: the egg is released from the proovulated follicle, which is accompanied by a sharp production of hormones. The graph shows a jump in BT to 37.0 -37.7⁰С.
  • Then comes the luteal phase, which lasts until the onset of menstruation. At this stage, the temperature remains high, and only a few days before menstruation begins to decrease by 0.3-0.5⁰С. If such a decrease does not occur, there is a high probability that fertilization has occurred.

Advice! The level of BBT during gestation is very individual and in some women pregnancy proceeds well even at 36.9⁰С. For this reason, there are no clear indicators of what the basal temperature should be during pregnancy. Therefore, the only diagnostic criterion is the absence of a decrease in BBT after ovulation.

In order for a fertilized egg to be able to fully implant into the endometrium and develop further, the body creates for this special conditions. To do this, he begins to produce progesterone in large quantities. This hormone provokes a persistently high BBT, which remains elevated until a certain period.

Depending on the features hormonal system at different women basal temperature during early pregnancy is 37.0-37.4⁰С. Such values ​​indicate that the pregnancy is developing well and there is no threat of miscarriage. AT individual cases BT can rise even up to 38⁰С, which is also considered the norm.

Pathological basal temperature after conception: causes of deviations

The basal temperature during gestation does not always correspond to the prescribed norms. There are exceptions, because the female body is different for everyone. In some cases, there is no reason to worry, and minor deviations are considered a variant of the norm. Unfortunately, the predominant number of cases of pathological fluctuations in BT is caused by various complications during pregnancy.

Basal temperature with a threat of miscarriage

Instead of an ovulating follicle, a corpus luteum appears. It produces great amount progesterone, which ensures the safety of the fetus. If a woman had hormonal problems even before conception, the resulting corpus luteum may not function correctly. As a result, progesterone deficiency develops, which causes the risk of termination of pregnancy.

On the BBT chart, such a pathology is very difficult to miss: the temperature is kept at a too low level below the 37⁰С line. Therefore, if the basal temperature is 36.9 during pregnancy, it is necessary to determine and eliminate the cause of this condition.

Point at possible interruption pregnancy can be very high level BT. Thus, a temperature of 38⁰С is often caused by an inflammatory process in the uterine cavity, which can provoke egg rejection. A one-time rise is rarely a threat to the fetus, but if such an indicator holds positions for more than three days, you need to see a gynecologist.

Basal temperature during a frozen pregnancy

When the embryo stops developing, the corpus luteum begins to regress and progesterone production stops. As a result, BT gradually drops to the level of 36.4-36.9⁰С. By the way, low temperature does not necessarily indicate the fading of the fetus. There is a high probability of measurement errors or the aforementioned condition of progesterone deficiency. Therefore, do not rush to self-diagnose yourself before visiting the doctor.

Advice! It happens that anembryony (embryo freezing) has occurred, and the temperature is consistently high, so it is not necessary to focus only on BT indicators. For uncharacteristic pain pathological secretions, feeling unwell you need to visit a gynecologist immediately.

Basal temperature during ectopic pregnancy

Implanted in fallopian tube fertilized egg does not block work corpus luteum. For this reason, progesterone is fully produced and the BT schedule looks quite normal. That is why judging ectopic pregnancy only by the numbers of basal temperature is simply impossible.

However, as the embryo grows, an inflammatory process develops in the fallopian tube, which provokes an increase in BT. On the graph, the temperature can rise even above 38⁰С. But at this stage, other symptoms also indicate the presence of ectopic implantation - sharp pain in the abdomen, fever, vomiting, loss of consciousness, sometimes internal bleeding.

How to correctly compose and decipher a BT schedule: a detailed guide

A chart for maintaining basal temperature is easy to draw on a piece of paper or can be printed ready template.

The graph shows several values ​​at once:

  • Menstrual cycle by day (from 1 to 35 days, depending on the length of your cycle).
  • Daily temperature readings.
  • Special notes (poisoning, stress, insomnia, SARS, etc.)

For the BT record, the table is marked up as follows:

  • A checkered sheet is divided into two axes: the X axis is the day of the cycle, the Y axis is the BT indicator.
  • An indicator is indicated daily, all points are connected by a line.
  • A solid line is drawn through the six upper indicators in the first phase, with the exception of the days of menstruation, then the line continues until the end of the second cycle.
  • On the day of the expected ovulation, a vertical line is drawn.

To understand what it might look like temperature graph, see how the basal temperature fluctuates during pregnancy in the photo:

The figure clearly shows ovulation, an increase in BBT in the second phase. On the 21st day of the cycle, a jump in temperature is noticeable as a result of the implantation of a fertilized egg, and from the 28th-29th day the third phase begins - the gestational one. Pregnancy can also occur at a low basal temperature. Even if the BBT does not rise above 36.8⁰С, and the delay has been present for several days, you need to go to the doctor.

This photo shows a graph with full-fledged cycle phases inherent in healthy woman outside of pregnancy. In the first phase, BT confidently stays below 37⁰С, after ovulation it begins to grow and remains at this level for 11-14 days, and three days before menstruation, it begins to return to its original values.

The next type of BBT schedule is anovulatory. The follicle does not grow, does not ovulate, and the egg, accordingly, has nowhere to come from. Throughout the cycle, it can be seen that BT randomly “jumps” without a regular change in values ​​​​and an ovulatory jump. In appearance, the graph resembles a monotonous straight line, the points of which range from 36.4⁰С to 36.9⁰С. Such a schedule is quite possible once or twice a year and is considered the norm. But if such a picture appears regularly, the woman definitely has gynecological or endocrine problems.

It is possible to determine the deficiency of estrogen according to the schedule. For this reason, in the first phase, there is a pathological increase in BBT up to 37.4⁰С. AT follicular phase should be developed a large number of estrogens that suppress BT to a level below 36.5⁰С. Lack of estrogen also causes high temperature and in the second cycle (above 37.5⁰С), which has nothing to do with ovulation and conception.

It is not entirely correct to judge the state of women's health or the onset of pregnancy according to the BT schedule, because there is a risk of false indicators if the rules for measuring temperature are not followed. Yes, and the influence of all external factors also cannot be completely ruled out. Therefore, plotting serves as an additional diagnostic tool.

Now you know how to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy, so you definitely won’t have any difficulties. Accurately measure BBT, keep a schedule and then you will definitely guess about your pregnancy even before the delay.

Video "Top 5 Rules for Accurate Basal Temperature Measurement"

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