Bitch udder consequences. Diagnosis, complications, impact on pregnancy and prevention of hidradenitis. Causes of hydradenitis

Furuncle under the arm should be distinguished from hydradenitis. Furuncle is purulent inflammation hair follicle of the skin, and hydradenitis - inflammation of the sweat glands. But the causes and symptoms are the same, so the methods of treatment are similar. And folk remedies treatment of hidradenitis is often much more efficient than means official media. Below are many examples of how we managed to cure the "bitch udder" and avoid surgery. Recipes taken from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle"

Hydradenitis(popularly a disease of a bough udder) is an acute purulent inflammation of the sweat glands. The cause of the disease is staphylococcus bacteria. Most often, the disease manifests itself in the form of a furuncle under the arm, less often localized around the nipples, navel, in the perineum

Causes of hydradenitis:
1) synthetic tight clothing is an excellent breeding ground for staphylococcus aureus;
2) increased sweating, overheating, or vice versa, hypothermia;
3) decreased immunity;
4) injury armpit while shaving, an allergic skin reaction to deodorants - against the background reduced immunity wounds and allergic inflammation skin is an open gateway for staphylococcus aureus
5) heredity
6) violation hormonal balance

Treatment of a furuncle under the arm with medications
As soon as you feel pain and inflammation under the armpit, you should start wiping the skin with antiseptics - salicylic or boric alcohol, chlorhexidine, alcohol tincture calendula.
After that, apply ointment to the skin: ichthyol, Vishnevsky or levomekol. Apply the ointment generously on a napkin and apply to the boil under the arm. Secure the napkin with ointment.
If the disease of the bough udder has gone far, then change the bandage 3-4 times a day, walk constantly with this bandage. If the disease has just begun, then apply the ointment at night, wipe it with a dry cloth during the day and lubricate the boil under the arm with iodine or brilliant green. Inflamed areas of the skin should not be wetted.
If you follow these recommendations, you can cure hydradenitis in 3-5 days.

If these are not available pharmaceutical products and there is no way to get to the pharmacy in the near future, folk remedies come to the rescue: attach plantain, aloe, kalanchoe, cabbage leaves to the boil under the arm, after stretching or cutting them, so that the juice comes out.
In the treatment of boils, including under the arm, good effect gives a baked onion or a compress with grated potatoes.
It is very useful to drink tea from calendula flowers - it kills staphylococcus bacteria in the body. (HLS 2013, No. 13, pp. 12-13)

Treatment of hidradenitis with curd compress
The woman developed a furuncle under her arm, she was diagnosed with hydradenitis and an operation was suggested. But before the operation, the patient talked to a neighbor, and she offered to try a folk remedy with which she managed to cure her daughter's bitch udder a few years ago.
Mix 1 tbsp. l. fresh sour cream, butter and cottage cheese. Put this mixture on a napkin and fix it tightly on the boil under the arm for the night. Prepare the mixture fresh every evening.
The woman took advantage of this advice and began to make compresses. The boils under my arm were getting smaller every day. Treatment of hidradenitis with compresses continued until all seals disappeared. The operation was avoided. (2001, No. 3, pp. 18-19).

Helps to cure the disease "bitch's udder" and simple cottage cheese, it must be poured hot water, so that the cottage cheese warms up and gives off excess acid, stir and squeeze. Put the cottage cheese on a napkin, attach to the boil under the arm. (HLS 2007, No. 4, p. 33).

How to treat a bitch udder honey cake
The woman had a furuncle under her arm, severe pains began, it was even impossible to move her arm. The patient went to the hospital. The furuncle was opened, she lost consciousness from the pain. A few months later, the disease returned again, but she was afraid to go to the hospital. In addition, a friend suggested to her a recipe for how to treat a bitch udder with folk remedies.
1 st. l. mix liquid honey with flour, make a cake, and apply it to the boil under the arm at night, covering it with polyethylene. Make fresh bread every night. Hidradenitis was cured at home in a few days. (HLS 2003, No. 3, p. 19)

Treatment of hydradenitis with onion-based ointment
50 g of laundry soap, 50 g of onion - grate on a fine grater. 150 g baked interior pork fat heat it up and throw onion and soap into it. Heat, rubbing, until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Cool down. Store in the cold for no more than 2 weeks.
Apply a thick layer of ointment on a napkin, apply to the boil under the arm, fix. Change the compress in the morning and evening, but if the discharge of pus is intense, then change it every 2-3 hours. The furuncle under the arm quickly passes, there is no trace of inflammation. (2004, No. 2, pp. 25-26)

Bough udder disease - treatment with herbal ointment
The woman had boils under her armpit. The disease progressed rapidly, the number of abscesses increased. The surgeon was far away, so she decided to treat the bough udder at home and prepared an ointment from herbs that can treat abscesses.
Ointment preparation. fresh flowers calendula 2 parts, yarrow - 2 parts, sweet clover - 1 part, dandelion roots - 2 parts, roots horse sorrel- 1 part, tansy inflorescences - 1 part. Wash all these herbs and pass through a meat grinder. Add to the herbal slurry 1 part of Vishnevsky's ointment and ichthyol ointment. Dilute this whole mixture with calendula oil to get a homogeneous elastic mass.
You can buy calendula oil at the pharmacy, but you can prepare it yourself in advance. 1.5 cups of marigold flowers pour a glass vegetable oil temperature 80-100 degrees, mix. Infuse in the dark for 40 days, strain
In the treatment of hidradenitis, the patient wiped alcohol solution affected skin, made a compress with this ointment in the morning, and changed the bandage in the evening. A day later, the furuncles under the arm increased, white heads appeared. On the third day, the boils burst and the pus came out. (2006, No. 18, p. 31)

Treatment bitch udder compress
The girl had hydradenitis. Neighbors advised to treat the bough udder with such a folk remedy:
Take rosin in equal proportions, beeswax and butter. Melt everything over low heat and stir well, do not bring to a boil. You should get a homogeneous mass. Apply the resulting ointment to the napkin and apply to the boils under the arm, secure with adhesive plaster and bandage. Change compresses 2-3 times a day, when pus begins to come out intensively, change compresses more often. (HLS 2006, No. 24, p. 33)

Treatment of hydradenitis with nettle
To cure the disease "bitch's udder", it is necessary to clean the blood with nettles - 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs pour 1 cup boiling water, insist and drink throughout the day. Do this for 2-3 weeks. (HLS 2006, No. 24, p. 4)

How to treat the disease "bitch's udder" with a bulb
Baked onion is the simplest and most effective folk remedy for "bitch's udder" and any abscesses. Bake the onion, cut in half, and apply warm to the abscess under the arm. (HLS 2006, No. 2, p. 11)

Golden mustache
The girl had a furuncle under her arm. For two nights in a row, she applied the leaves of the golden mustache plant to the abscess. On the third day, the abscess burst, and after a week everything healed, the skin cleared (2006, No. 4, p. 31).

Tibetan black plaster from a furuncle under the arm
This remedy quickly heals any abscesses, boils, "bitch's udder". Here is the prescription:
Mix 50 g grated laundry soap, 50 g rye flour, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. l. honey. Dilute all this with 150 g of boiling water, cook for 2-3 minutes, add 1 church candle without a wick. Stir. Apply this mass to the fabric and attach to the abscess, secure with adhesive tape. Change the bandage with ointment daily. not excluded at first pain. Complete recovery occurs after 2 weeks. (HLS 2007, No. 7, p. 30, 2013, No. 1, p. 27)

Treatment of hidradenitis in succession
An 8-year-old girl developed inflammation under her armpit, an abscess formed, the size of a walnut and somewhat smaller. The surgeon scheduled the operation, but a friend gave me the following recipe: make a strong infusion of string, moisten a cloth in hot infusion and apply to the boil. Apply a warm wet compress 6-8 times a day. For 2 days, the child's bough udder was cured. (HLS 2010, No. 7, p. 3,)

Treatment of bough udder, or hydradenitis, on early stages development proceeds without complications. Most often, this disease is experienced by people aged 30 to 40 years. It is a purulent inflammation in the armpits.

How is the disease treated?

Bough udder treatment can be carried out in the following ways:

  • conservative;
  • surgical.

Drug therapy includes taking antibiotics, hormones and restorative drugs.

Antibacterial therapy helps fight infection. With hydradenitis, antibiotics of the tetracycline and macrolide group are prescribed. The course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease. The tetracycline group includes the antibiotics Vibramycin and Tetracycline. They prevent the growth of bacteria and thus stop the spread of infection. Erythromycin belongs to the category of macrolides. Not only does it kill bacteria, it also protects healthy cells from infection.

Self-medication with antibiotics can be hazardous to health. Only the attending physician is able to determine the type of pathogen and develop a treatment regimen.

In addition, the patient is prescribed Tavegil or Tsetrin. These drugs reduce swelling and relieve itching. Doctors prescribe corticosteroids, such as prednisone, to reduce inflammation.

If a causal factor the development of the female udder is caused by the active production of the secret sweat glands, then the patient is prescribed Isotretinoin. Antifagin or Anatoxin are prescribed as immuno-strengthening therapy. Folk remedies, such as tincture of ginseng or echinacea, are also effective.

On the late stages hidradenitis doctors resort to radical way treatment. In this case, without surgical intervention not enough. The doctor makes a deep incision and removes all the pus. To avoid reinfection the patient is assigned antibiotic therapy. If a complete excision of the tissue was performed, then a small piece of skin is transplanted to the site of the operated area.

Application of physiotherapy

Physiotherapy procedures are prescribed in combination with drug therapy or in postoperative period. Physiotherapy allows you to speed up the healing process and remove the focus of inflammation. Procedures are not carried out at the stage of formation of a cavity with pus or at the time of its release.

With hydradenitis, electrophoresis with antibiotics is used. This manipulation allows you to enter medications to the site of inflammation. Thanks to high concentration medications, the healing process is faster. At severe pain doctors conduct infrared therapy. It has a tonic effect and improves blood circulation. In the fight against infections, photochemotherapy has proven itself well. Laser or magnetic therapy helps to remove pain and reduce inflammation. In addition, it has analgesic, bactericidal, sedative and vasodilating effect. Such healing procedures contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, blood disease and malignant tumors.

Local darsonvalization improves microcirculation and tissue regeneration, as well as strengthens immune system.

Ointments against hydradenitis

In combination with traditional treatment you can use products for external use. Today there is a large selection pharmaceuticals. What ointment for the treatment of hidradenitis is better to choose?

It is possible to treat hidradenitis with ointments only on initial stage. The most effective is Ichthyol ointment. It can be applied to the inflamed area of ​​the skin thin layer 2 times a day. On the basis of the ointment, compresses can be made. Apply the ointment to a gauze or bandage and apply to the inflamed node overnight. This method is especially effective for sluggish hydradenitis.

Treatment with Ichthyol ointment is contraindicated in children under 11 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, people with allergic reaction on the active ingredients drug.

No less effective in the treatment of a bough udder is Vishnevsky's ointment. The composition of the drug includes camphor oil, tar and xeroform, it is they who accelerate the process of pus formation.

The armpit area should also be treated with antiseptics. As an antiseptic, you can use a solution of brilliant green, iodine, salicylic acid or alcohol. Processing should be done in the morning and evening.

Except antiseptics, hidradenitis can be treated with compresses based on antibiotic ointments. In this case, you can use Levomekol, Clindamycin, as well as Erythromycin and Tetracycline ointment. Lotions should be done 2 times a day.

The rules of clinical nutrition

When the first signs of hidradenitis appear, it is necessary Special attention devote to food. Therapeutic diet uncomplicated. It excludes the intake of spicy, smoked, canned, spicy and salty foods. With hydradenitis, it is forbidden to consume sweets, alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

Nutrition should be balanced and rich in vitamins A, B and C. The menu must include products of plant and animal origin. The following products are considered useful:

  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • liver;
  • lean meats and fish;
  • flour products from wholemeal flour.

In the diet menu should be fresh vegetables and fruit:

  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • tomatoes;
  • apples;
  • citrus.

From drinks, preference should be given to green tea, rosehip broth and mineral water without gas.

Such a diet strengthens the immune system and increases the overall resistance of the body. pathogenic microorganisms. Observe medical nutrition required within 3-4 months.

Proven folk remedies

Bough udder can be treated at home. Folk remedies are effective only at the initial stage of the disease. However, in order not to aggravate the situation, you should consult with your doctor before treatment.

With the formation of an abscess under the armpit, you can make an onion compress. To prepare it, you need to bake 1 onion in the oven. Attach a few slices of onion to the site of inflammation and cover with cling film on top. Keep the compress should be about 10-15 minutes. This procedure must be carried out before a breakthrough occurs.

Mix 1 tbsp. l. fat sour cream, butter and cottage cheese. Thoroughly mix the resulting mass. Apply the mixture as a compress to sore spot. Leave it like that overnight. Painful bumps every day will become less and less.

With sluggish hydradenitis, you can cook healing ointment from herbs. Connect in equal parts calendula, yarrow, sweet clover, dandelion and tansy. Mix thoroughly and grind the herbal mixture. Mix 1 part herbal collection with 1 part of Vishnevsky ointment and Ichthyol ointment. Lubricate the inflamed places with the resulting mixture in the morning and evening.

Hydradenitis at home can be treated with a wax compress.

To prepare it, you will need to take beeswax, rosin and butter in equal proportions. Place all ingredients in a bowl and set aside water bath. When a homogeneous mass has formed, the container should be removed from the stove. After the mixture has cooled, apply it to gauze or a bandage. Apply a compress to the inflamed area. Secure with adhesive tape on top. This procedure should be carried out until the complete disappearance of the purulent nodule.

Pain will help relieve the infusion of the series. Pour 2 tbsp. l. succession 1 cup boiling water. Soak a small piece of gauze in the infusion and apply to the site of the abscess. This lotion should be done 4-5 times a day.

You can treat purulent nodules with a decoction medicinal herbs. Mix in equal proportions sweet clover, plantain, eucalyptus and calendula. Pour 2 tbsp. l. herbal mixture 250 ml of water. Put the container on the stove and bring the broth to a boil. This decoction is a good antiseptic. They can be wiped under the armpits twice a day or taken orally. Before use, add 1 tsp. honey.

After surgical opening of the abscess, a clean sheet of plantain or cabbage can be applied to the wound. This will help relieve swelling and pain.

If folk remedies do not bring the desired result or the disease begins to progress, then you should consult a doctor.

Apocrine sweat glands are located on the eyelids, in the anogenital region, on the wings of the nose, in armpits Oh. This type of gland human body performs important features. There are many of these tubular sweat glands in the armpit. Under the influence nerve impulse they secrete a secret that comes to the surface. Small droplets of sweat appear here. Such natural process happens every second to every person with varying degrees intensity. This is a natural defense mechanism.

But sometimes by various reasons it breaks:

  1. Decreased local immunity, obesity, constant scratching on the skin, general weakening of the body, frequent cold infections, high alkaline reaction sweat, excessive sweating are common causes of acute hidradenitis. A round painful formation appears in the armpit area.
  2. Endocrine disease. Most often diabetes is a causative factor.
  3. Scratches, abrasions, other damage to the skin resulting from an injury. Usually, acute hydradenitis develops as a result of microtraumas received during shaving. hairline in the axillary fossa.
  4. Using the usual roll-on deodorant - dangerous factor risk of developing hydradenitis. In most cases, antiperspirants clog excretory ducts sweat glands. These glands cease to secrete a biological secret. Dryness occurs skin. Then there is suppuration in the axillary zone, since infection is always present in this area. The pathological process develops in the sweat gland. There are a lot of small active pustules here.
  5. In case of non-compliance with personal hygiene, the functions of the apocrine sweat glands are disrupted: drainage, outflow of sweat and sebaceous secretion, which accumulate in the tissues. The infection penetrates into the affected cells of the axillary regions.
  6. The most common infectious agent is Streptococcus or Staphylococcus aureus. They constantly live on the skin or are introduced into the tissues from the outside lymphatic vessels through the excretory ducts of the glands. Pathogenic bacteria actively multiply.
  7. Only with the onset of puberty do they begin to function. Their number decreases with age. Therefore, in the senile and childhood hydradenitis does not develop. This is a disease of middle age. Sweat gland disease can be either acute or chronic.

2 Symptoms of the disease

It is very difficult not to notice the signs of acute inflammation that develops in the dermis:

  1. A dense rounded formation occurs on the skin in the axillary zone. The axillary fossa is the most common localization of the pathology. On the early stage disease patients most often complain of a feeling of irritation, soreness in the axillary fossa.
  2. At first, the size of small nodules is 2-3 cm in diameter. Nodules that are hard to the touch are soldered to the skin. There is no purulent core in this disease.
  3. Over time, the disease passes into the next stage of development. Painful formations soon increase and become large. Inflamed ulcers in the thickness of the dermis become purple. These nodes are connected, an extensive affected area is formed.
  4. Intoxication develops. Severe swelling occurs in the affected area. The disease is often accompanied by headache, fever up to 39.0°C. Very often there are chills, trembling and weakness. Because the pain syndrome very pronounced, often there is a loss of consciousness.
  5. AT lymph nodes there is an accumulation of inflammatory elements, therefore, an increase in such formations in connective tissue. Purulent discharge become a vivid manifestation of the disease if the patient with hydradenitis does nothing.
  6. In the stage of suppuration, the swelling softens. In the axillary region, a symptom of fluctuation occurs. Pus accumulates under the skin. During palpation of the affected area, the doctor feels the fluctuation of the purulent fluid under the elastic walls of the closed cavity.

Chronic hydradenitis:

  1. Inflammatory phenomena are exacerbated after each shave in the armpit area.
  2. An extensive and very painful infiltrate is formed when the infection spreads to neighboring sweat glands. The skin becomes bumpy. Purulent elements merge into one large focus.
  3. Then the abscess is opened. A creamy purulent content with streaks of blood is released from its center. The healing process can take a long time.

3 Complications of hidradenitis

AT advanced cases as a result of the development of pathology, rough ones remain. This leads not only to cosmetic defects, but also to functional disorders in the armpit. The axillary region is very intensively supplied with blood. Therefore, infection of the whole organism as a whole is possible if the infection enters the bloodstream.

If adequate is not carried out, a new manifestation of the bitch's udder develops. Kidneys and liver suffer. The infection often spreads throughout the body. There are sepsis, phlegmon, abscess, lymphadenitis. Sometimes these serious ailments lead to death.

4 Treatment activities

It is carried out strictly individually:

  1. Treat hydradenitis in the armpit and inguinal areas very difficult because external manifestations diseases disappear quickly enough, and patients, subjectively feeling completely healthy, often stop treatment. But the infection continues to exist. As a result of the mechanical action of linen, the influence of temperature factors, the infection spreads again and goes deeper and deeper. As a result, phlegmon of the lower or upper extremities develops.
  2. Diagnosis is established after visual inspection, palpation, laboratory research the contents of pustular rashes, a blood test for sugar. Consultations of the endocrinologist, the surgeon are necessary.
  3. It is possible to treat the bough udder without punctures and incisions conservative methods. Based on the results of the diagnosis, the dermatologist decides how to treat the inflammation of the gland. The tactics of treatment depends on the stage of development of hidradenitis in the patient.

5 Conservative topical therapy

The spread of infection at this stage of the development of the disease is often facilitated by the erroneous actions of patients who dilate the vessels in the axillary region, applying heat to painful formations. How to treat hydradenitis at the initial stage?

If the infiltrate has just begun to form, the dermatologist usually recommends:

  1. Ointments with antibiotics. Stay under the sun. Carrying out physiotherapy. The death of bacteria causes ultraviolet radiation.
  2. You can not squeeze out the abscess. Regular processing in progress special antiseptic the affected surface. 10% solution is used camphor alcohol, brilliant green. Alcoholic applications are effective.
  3. A large infiltrate is chipped with a solution of novocaine, an antibiotic.

6 Systemic antibacterial method

Such therapy is prescribed if the compaction has already spread to subcutaneous tissue, but the process did not pass into the purulent stage.

The doctor can prescribe a full therapeutic treatment:

  1. Inside, antibiotics are prescribed that affect anaerobes and gram-positive bacteria: staphylococcus aureus or streptococcus. The area of ​​​​inflammation is forbidden to wet during the active stage of the pathological process.
  2. Patients with hidradenitis should adhere to a special diet, which is aimed at increasing the immunogenicity of the body. Berries, nuts, multivitamins are needed. Abstinence from alcohol is important. Spicy, sweet foods should be excluded from the diet.
  3. All provoking factors must be eliminated after the illness.

7 Surgical care for illness

If a therapeutic methods healing of hidradenitis did not stop pathological process, a ripe abscess appeared, one has to resort to surgical intervention. The symptom of fluctuation is a direct indication for the removal of purulent hydradenitis. If a bough udder develops, treatment by a surgeon should begin immediately. Sometimes it is necessary to perform up to 10 openings in one axillary region.

The specialist does anesthesia. AT outpatient settings performed wide surgical incision. The doctor, using a traditional scalpel, opens the abscess, excising the inflamed tissue, since the focus of infection must be drained. The affected tissue is completely removed. There is an outflow purulent exudate. Excruciating pain instantly disappears, body temperature drops. Then, in order to protect the wound from contamination, a aseptic dressing. important proper care behind the operated area. As a rule, the condition of such a patient does not require hospitalization. He is being treated on an outpatient basis.

Innovative laser technologies:

  1. This is the maximum safe technique effective painless surgical treatment bitch udder. The modern laser device has many serious advantages. He's on various indicators far superior to a surgical knife.
  2. Laser surgery is more aesthetic. After it, almost imperceptible scars remain.
  3. The procedure is almost painless. Special training laser technology does not require.
  4. A modern surgical laser device cuts tissue bloodlessly much more accurately than a scalpel. coagulation is very valuable property laser, because it allows you to solder small vessels stop bleeding instantly. The penetration into the wound of the infection is excluded.
  5. Recovery times are significantly reduced. After 2 days, the patient can return to the usual rhythm of life.

Prevention of hidradenitis and its complications:

  1. It is advisable to take a shower regularly, use shaving cream and hair removal.
  2. Do not wear clothing that constricts the chest, armpits, buttocks, inguinal folds as it injures the skin.
  3. Hydradenitis often occurs after the use of deodorants. a certain kind. Such cosmetics need to replace.
  4. If inflammation of the apocrine sweat gland develops in a woman taking contraceptives, the pills should be discontinued.

Hydradenitis is serious illness. However, many patients misunderstand their health. They mistakenly believe that over time, small purulent skin formations disappear on their own, so the bitch udder under the arm does not need special treatment. To avoid serious complications, the prevention of a serious illness is necessary.

In no case should you delay the treatment of the disease.

If symptoms of hydradenitis appear, you do not need to use folk remedies. You should immediately contact a specialist. Dangerous chronic deep purulent foci on the skin in the axillary region, which are accompanied by soreness, swelling, itching. However, before surgical operation the process comes very rarely if the patient consults a dermatologist in a timely manner. Complete healing from a bitch udder - this is really possible.

Bitch's udder, scientifically - hydradenitis, unpleasant, but not fatal acute inflammation sweat glands.

Outwardly, hydradenitis really slightly resembles a bough udder, which is why it received such a dissonant name. Inflammation in the sweat glands appears not only in the armpits, but also in the groin, around the nipples and navel, it can also affect other parts of the body. Especially often this unpleasant disease found in ladies of Balzac age. Doctors attribute it to hormonal changes in female body that occur after age 40.

Inflammation of the sweat gland can be caused by skin damage, diaper rash, immunosuppressive conditions, personal hygiene, improperly performed depilation, problems with the endocrine system, excessive sweating, allergies, hormonal imbalance, obesity, bacterial infections.

If you also use rusty razors, low-quality deodorants, or wear tight clothing that rubs your skin, then the risk of hydradenitis increases markedly.

How to pacify bacteria?

The cause of hidradenitis are staphylococci and streptococci. Through the excretory ducts, these bacteria penetrate into the sweat glands, and then into fat cell. Therefore, hydradenitis therapy is aimed at eliminating a bacterial infection.

The disease itself develops over 15 days. Gradually, scars form in place of the cones, and the bough udder begins to spread further along the sweat glands. So to treat such an unpleasant disease should begin as early as possible.

If the disease is not started, surgical intervention may not be needed.

Helps diagnose hydradenitis clinical analysis blood: the presence of inflammation is evidenced by an accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate and an increased number of leukocytes. Sometimes during the diagnosis, bakposev is prescribed: if the causative agent of the disease is correctly identified, then it is much easier to treat it. Some doctors recommend such patients to make an immunogram. A complete study of the causes of the appearance of the bough udder will allow you to select and proper treatment. The patient is prescribed antibiotics that kill the bacteria that caused the inflammation.

So that the infection under the arm does not spread further, several times a day the skin around the sore spot is wiped with salicylic, camphor or boric alcohol, chlorhexidine or alcohol tincture of calendula.

After wiping, a bandage with ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment or levomikol is applied to the site of inflammation. So acute purulent inflammation of the sweat glands can be cured in a few days. If the disease recurs, then immunostimulating drugs are selected.

During treatment, it is necessary to observe special diet. Avoid alcohol, hot spices and a large number sweets. The diet must include apples, citrus fruits, walnuts, carrots, cabbage. A course of pharmacy vitamin therapy will not hurt either.

Underarm hair should be carefully removed throughout the treatment. To prevent the infection from spreading, it is better not to take a bath, but to wash in the shower. So that water does not fall on abscesses, they can be covered with a bactericidal plaster.

Folk recipes

  • Folk remedies also help get rid of the bitch udder.
  • Staphylococcus bacteria are killed by calendula flower tea. Eleutherococcus and ginseng tinctures strengthen the immune system and help fight inflammation. You can clean the blood with nettle tincture by brewing 1 tablespoon in a glass of boiling water. This portion should be drunk throughout the day in small sips. Course of treatment 2 - 3 weeks
  • At the very beginning of the disease, you can remove the bough udder by applying previously mashed sheets of plantain, aloe, Kalanchoe or cabbage to the inflamed sweat gland.
  • Some are helped by hot compresses of a strong infusion of a string, which must be done 6-8 times a day.
  • A baked onion, cut in half, draws out pus well. Compresses with grated fresh potatoes also help.
  • Another effective folk medicine done like this: mix a tablespoon of fresh cottage cheese, sour cream and butter and lubricate the udder with this ointment several times a day.
  • Quite simply - apply fresh bazaar cottage cheese or cakes of honey and flour to the inflamed bump.
  • Our grandmothers got rid of the bitch udder in such a simple way: you need to mix beeswax, rosin and butter in equal proportions, melt everything in an enamel bowl, but do not boil. When the ointment prepared in this way has cooled down, apply it to the abscess on a napkin. Change compresses as needed until all the pus has drained.

Bough udder is a dangerous purulent inflammation of the sweat glands, which in most cases appears in people in the armpits. Sometimes in some cases, the disease is localized in the navel, in the perineum, near the labia, scrotum and anus. These are the places that sweat the most.

Possible reasons the occurrence of the disease is a general weakening of the body, hypothermia, as well as minor skin injuries. Also, the disease can occur due to excessive sweating, wearing synthetic clothing, sharp decline immunity and increasing the resistance of some pathogens to modern pharmacological preparations.

In addition to the modern treatment of the bitch udder surgically, incredibly effective and various folk ways. And in order to prevent the primary occurrence of the disease or avoid relapse, hardening and personal hygiene are considered the main measures. People who are prone to bough udders are advised to shower at least twice a day. The underarm area should be thoroughly washed with soap and any antimicrobial solutions should be applied after drying.

It happens that this disease occurs due to or streptococcal bacilli. AT rare cases it appears on the background of hormonal failure or serious violations in work endocrine system. After the correct diagnosis and identification of the causes of the development of the bough udder, you can begin the necessary treatment.

It can be noted that the bough udder develops rather slowly, but at the same time the bacteria manage to cause enormous harm to the human body. As a rule, just before the onset of a formation in the affected area, the skin is slightly thickened, and pain is felt when pressed. Shallowly under the skin, you can always feel for a small nodule, which is a focus of inflammation. Usually its diameter does not exceed 4 cm. Any treatment can be started when the disease passes into the second stage, just when it is detected.

Usually, after the discovery of a bough udder, the painful area begins to swell, redden and fester. In the third stage, such a formation breaks through, and pus flows out. At untimely treatment the disease inevitably begins to progress. It never heals on its own. At the same time, it is shown modern treatment tablets and various antimicrobials. We offer several methods and ways of treating the bitch udder with folk remedies.

Treatment of the bitch udder with cakes

These unique methods are among the most effective.

Recipe number 1. Mix some flour with three egg yolks, then add some lard and honey. As a result, the dough should not turn out very cool. We apply such a cake to the affected area and change it every 9-12 hours.

Recipe number 2. To prepare a popular Tibetan patch, you will need 50 grams of laundry soap, the same amount of rye flour, 1 tbsp each of sugar and ordinary vegetable oil, and one glass warm water. Mix all the ingredients and put on a slow fire. During the cooking process, add a little wax from church candle. When the mixture has cooled slightly, such a cake can be applied to a painful abscess all night.

Recipe number 3. We take 2-3 tablespoons of fat sour cream and required amount rye flour. Mix until a thick cake is formed and apply it on the affected area. You can do this compress once a day before going to bed.

Treatment of a bitch udder with herbs and vegetables

Recipe number 1. Leaves and simple lilacs are also effective in the treatment of bough udders. They must be applied to painful skin. inside to the boil. Be sure to clean and rinse thoroughly before use.

Recipe number 2. Wonderful compresses from you need to do several times throughout the day, until the abscess itself breaks through and the pus comes out. Plantain leaves are recommended to be applied alternately with the bulb to enhance the breakthrough process, after which the healing process will be much faster. After the pus flows out, the wound must be treated with an ointment or a conventional streptocide solution. after the start of healing, you should not stop applying psyllium leaves.

Recipe number 3. An ordinary solution of calendula can easily cure a bough udder. To prepare such a miraculous solution, you need to mix a simple pharmacy tincture this plant is equal to water. Calendula tincture can be replaced with yarrow solution or another ten percent solution.

Recipe number 4. Incredibly effective folk methods are healing compresses from ordinary onion. It is necessary to bake a medium-sized onion in the oven, after which it should be carefully divided into small plates, which are then applied to the sore spot. You can put a little cotton wool on top of the bow, and then fix this compress with polyethylene.

Recipe number 5. It involves mixing onions with simple laundry soap. To prepare such a compress, you need to rub laundry soap in the amount of 50 grams and mix with finely chopped onion. Then add a little pork fat and put on low heat for 10 minutes. Then let the product cool slightly. mass can be stored in the refrigerator for 10 days. Apply a compress to the site of an abscess before going to bed.

Rabbit skin treatment

This method treatments were often used in the villages by our grandmothers, it is necessary to take a dressed rabbit skin, lather it on the smooth side. We apply it in the form of a compress to the affected area for the whole day. several times a day, it is recommended to wash the skin a little.

Treatment of a bitch udder with herbal decoction

So excellent herbal decoction used inside. To prepare it, you need to take simple leaves plantain and leaves, flowers of calendula, elder and sweet clover. Grind all the components well and pour boiling water over it, after which the mixture must be brought to a boil, and then kept on fire for about 5-7 minutes. Next, the resulting broth insist in a warm place for about two hours. The dosage is no more than a quarter cup three times a day. You can add a little honey to taste.

This herbal decoction can also be used externally, as it boasts an excellent antiseptic effect.


During treatment and in order to avoid relapses, it is necessary to carry out the usual sanitation of possible infectious foci. If detected, it is recommended to cure, carious teeth, cystitis, inflammation of the appendages, paraproctitis and others. Since any pyogenic microbes easily penetrate not only into various organs of the body, but also into the glands of the armpits, they are extremely dangerous.

If the inflammation process arose a second time, if an abscess has already begun to form, then for quick release it is recommended to use or ichthyol ointment. In rare cases folk methods do not help, then surgical intervention cannot be avoided. Do not delay the operation, otherwise the pus can spread throughout the body and the patient will no longer be able to avoid serious complications.

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