Hit the kidney hurts. Symptoms and treatment of kidney injury. Therapeutic methods of treatment

The kidneys are organs that are located retroperitoneally. They are in pairs. Nature provides for their protection through ribs, muscle corset back and perirenal tissue. But even such a "shield" does not save the kidney from injury. Kidney injury is a fairly common occurrence.

The rupture does not occur, but the function of the kidney may well be impaired. Often occurs together with kidney injury and involvement in pathological process and the adrenal gland, since the latter is located at the upper poles of the kidneys.

What are the reasons?

Damage this body happens in the most mundane situations. Most often, a bruise is caused by a kidney injury during a fall. Also, the cause can be an injury in everyday life, squeezing an organ, a blow to the lumbar region. Doctors also say that traffic accidents play a big role in this. Especially in recent times Increasing incidence of injury from motorcycle falls.

The bruise of the left kidney occurs much more often than the right one due to the fact that the first one is located a little lower. According to statistics in childhood injuries occur much more often, this is due to the high mobility of the child, as well as the large size of these organs compared to adults. In addition, children's kidneys are much more mobile.

It is worth noting that great danger those people who have congenital or acquired pathologies of the genitourinary system are also exposed.

Types of bruises

All kidney injuries can be divided into two types:

  • closed;
  • open.

The closed version, this mainly happens with a strong blow, wounds of the fatty tissue of this organ, detachment of the kidney in case of injuries of the legs of the vessels, ruptures of the capsule or muscles. But the open version happens with shrapnel wounds penetrating bullet wounds, inflicting injury with cold weapons. Kidney injuries can be single or combined with damage to other organs. On the this moment more common closed injuries kidney tissue.


The symptoms of a kidney injury depend on the extent of the injury. Signs make it possible to quickly determine a kidney injury.

The main ones will be:

  • swelling in the lumbar region;
  • pain on palpation at the location of the organs;
  • blood in the urine.

Localization of pain sensations - lumbar region

In this case, the patient may not feel pain immediately, but delayed. By its nature, it is very sharp, unbearable, as if "colitis", it can radiate to the groin area.

On the side of the injury, swelling occurs, it can also appear under the ribs. This is explained by the accumulation of blood and / or urine in the perirenal tissue and retroperitoneal space. This usually occurs with massive trauma. The muscles of the lower back are in hypertonicity. In some patients, there is a failure in normal urination.

The doctor, based on how much blood is excreted in the urine, can conclude what the degree of damage is. But there are cases in which there is no blood at all, but the bruise of the organ is serious. This happens when, as a result of a blow, the ureter, vessels, and pelvis are torn off. With massive blood loss, anemia can occur.

There is a so-called secondary hematuria, it appears a few days after the bruise.

Important symptoms are vomiting, a person may feel sick, he is weak, his skin is pale. Could be a raise blood pressure, body temperature.

There is flatulence. Sometimes an "acute abdomen" develops. And this bad sign, it indicates peritonitis.

If the blow was strong, then in the clinical picture there may be a manifestation of dysfunction of the respiratory apparatus, ribs, liver. Then there are characteristic manifestations malfunction of the above organs.

As for the difference in the clinical picture of the closed and open variant of the damage, in general, the symptoms are similar. The fundamental point, thanks to which it is possible to distinguish between these two options, is the presence of a wound in an open injury.

Also at open form in most cases, urine flows from the wound, to identify it, the Nessler reaction is used.

How to recognize?

Diagnosis is based on anamnestic data (whether there was a fall, impact, etc.), the patient's complaint. Laboratory and instrumental examinations are also important. The doctor prescribes general blood and urine tests, some urine samples.

Timely diagnosis - milestone patient recovery

Instrumental techniques are a survey radiograph, ultrasound, angiography, renography with isotopes, cystoscopy, chromocystoscopy. X-rays are the gold standard for diagnosis.

It makes it possible to recognize the location of the pathology. They can be determined by a hematoma, a fracture and injuries to other organs. Based on all of the above methods, it can be concluded how much the work of the kidneys is impaired, whether normal renal blood flow is preserved. Ultrasound is perhaps the safest of the techniques.

If the patient's condition progressively worsens, then the full scope of studies is not carried out, he is operated on urgently.


It is very important to know that if a kidney injury is suspected in a person, then he should not make many movements, because this can lead to the appearance of a hematoma under the capsule of the organ. It can provoke rupture of capsules, and this significantly worsens the prognosis.

As mentioned above, the symptoms and treatment for kidney injury depends on the severity of the injury, the degree of malfunction of the organ, and the presence of damage to other structures. If there is a mild degree of damage, then medications are not needed. Such patients can be examined without hospitalization. Treatment for severe trauma is only stationary.

First of all, the victim must be immobilized, followed by bed rest. Physical activity is excluded. Next, cooling should be carried out in the area of ​​​​impact (a heating pad filled with cold water). As anesthesia, blockade with novocaine is performed. Various analgesics are also used.

Cooling the damaged area will stop internal bleeding, reduce swelling

After 48 hours, you can apply thermal sessions, magnet therapy, electrophoresis. Physiotherapy techniques help to treat more efficiently and quickly get rid of the hematoma. If the pain is unbearable, then anesthetize with an injection into a muscle or vein.

If the kidney injury is open, then in the vast majority of cases they resort to surgical treatment. Depending on the severity of the injury, suturing the wound opening, removing part of the kidney or complete extraction of the organ is used. Sometimes embolization of the injured vessel is used through catheterization of the femoral vessel. Healing process controlled by tests, ultrasound and x-rays.

How can you help yourself at home?

Treatment of a kidney injury at home cannot occur. However, a person can relieve their well-being by applying ice to the site of impact. If there is an assistant, then he can grind cabbage leaves and apply to the affected area.


It should be understood that if at least traces of blood are observed in the urine after a blow, then you should immediately apply for medical care. But even in the absence of signs of pathology, it is better to undergo examinations in order to exclude problems in the future. After all, a delayed manifestation of kidney injury is possible, which can have disastrous consequences.

A blow to the kidneys can cause the slightest damage to them - this is a bruise, which manifests itself in a situation where the blow was inflicted in lumbar region, there was a fall of a person on his feet or on his back, when, upon landing, there is a short-term increase in intraperitoneal pressure due to overstrain of the abdominal muscles.

After receiving a bruise, the patient, as a rule, complains of pain in the lumbar region, and the general state of health does not worsen in any way. An admixture of blood in the urine may be detected.

It is important!

In order to determine the severity of the injury, the patient is examined by a doctor. Such pathologies most often do not require surgical intervention.

Damage mechanism

The mechanism of injury to the kidney may be different. It depends on the direction of the blow and on its strength, on anatomical localization organ, from its topographic relationship with the 11th and 12th ribs, with the spine. The severity of injury is also affected physical characteristics kidneys, human musculature, the presence of subcutaneous fat, the degree of intestinal filling, indicators of intra-abdominal pressure.

With direct injury to the kidney, namely with a bruise in the lumbar region, a fall on hard surface, strong squeezing, or with an indirect lesion - a fall from high altitude, body bruises or jumping, kidney rupture may occur. The simultaneous influence of several traumatic factors at once can provoke squeezing of the organ between the ribs or transverse processes of the vertebrae in the lumbar region, and an increase in fluid pressure in the kidney.

If the kidney had already been diagnosed before the injury pathological changes, then the organ can be injured even with mild blows. In this case, a spontaneous rupture of the kidney occurs, due to trauma to the lumbar region or abdomen.

What happens after a kidney injury

When severely injured urinary organs The effects of a kidney injury can be quite severe. The most common symptoms are severe pain, bleeding, frequent urges to urination, excretion of urine into nearby organs, disruption of the work of nearby organs. These symptoms can cause early or late complications.

It is important!

Clinical signs of kidney injury are varied and correlate with the type and severity of the bruise. First of all, after injury, a triad of symptoms is manifested - this is swelling in the lumbar region, pain in this area and the release of blood along with urine.

The kidney hurts after a blow in 95% of cases with isolated damage, and patients always complain of pain with combined injury. Pain develops due to damage to organs and tissues near the kidney, due to stretching of the fibrous capsule, ischemia of the renal parenchyma, strong pressure on the peritoneal area with an increasing hematoma, due to the urinary canals with blood clots.

By nature, the pain can be acute, dull, give to the groin area. Often accompanied by kidney injury, nausea with vomiting, irritation abdominal wall, bloating, an increase in body temperature become the main causes of errors in the diagnosis.

Swelling in the lumbar region or in the area under the ribs occurs due to the formation of a hematoma or accumulation of blood and urine near the kidney or in the tissue behind the peritoneum. Swelling is detected in 10% of cases. At the same time, some experts note the presence of a tumor in the lumbar region in 43%. Large hematomas or extensive areas of accumulation of blood and urine can be located from the diaphragm to the pelvic region, and after two to three weeks they can even appear on the scrotum or on the thighs.

The most significant and indicative symptom of kidney injury is the detection of blood in the urine.

In addition to the listed signs, when the kidney is injured, there may be atypical symptoms who play important role at the time of diagnosis is:

  • dysuria, which can reach complete urinary retention due to blockage Bladder blood clots;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • signs of irritation of the abdominal wall;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • symptoms of internal hemorrhage;
  • fever due to the occurrence of pyelonephritis or suppuration caused by trauma.

severity clinical symptoms with a closed kidney lesion, it makes it possible to classify a contusion into three degrees of severity - this is important for developing an appropriate treatment.

How is kidney injury diagnosed and treated?

The doctor establishes the fact of damage to the kidney, based on the patient's complaints, the study of the anamnesis, the presence of clinical symptoms. But identifying the type and nature of the lesion can often cause some difficulties and a detailed urological examination will be required for its implementation. For each specific case, diagnostic methods are selected individually, depending on the indications.

Most experts believe that the treatment of stroke to the kidneys in 87% of all cases should be carried out by conservative methods.

With isolated closed lung or moderate kidney injury with stable hemodynamic parameters and in the absence of indications for surgical intervention, the doctor decides to limit conservative treatment and dynamic observation of the victim.

It is important!

At minor injury organ treatment can only consist in constant monitoring of the patient.

Conservative therapy isolated injuries carried out under the condition that the general condition of the patient is satisfactory, there is no profuse hematuria, there are no signs of internal bleeding, signs of an increase in hematoma and signs of urinary infiltration.

Conservative treatment involves adherence to strict bed rest for ten to fifteen days, monitoring of hematocrit and hemodynamics, prophylactic use antibiotic drugs, painkillers, hemostatic and preventing the formation of rough scars medicines.

The described treatment is carried out until the moment of cessation of blood excretion along with urine, and when proper conduct it ends with success in 98% of cases of kidney damage.

Constant monitoring of the patient by a doctor makes it possible to keep the treatment process under control and, if necessary, urgently organize an open surgical intervention, because there may be a risk of biphasic rupture of the kidney.

Absolute indications for implementation surgical operation become: pulsating and increasing in size hematoma and unstable hemodynamic parameters.

Kidney injury is special kind injuries that can be attributed to mechanical. It occurs as a result of a traumatic effect on the lumbar region, but, as a rule, the integrity of the organ itself is not violated, since the kidney is protected by the muscles of the back. A damaged kidney needs qualified examination and treatment. Self-medication or lack of treatment often leads to irreversible negative consequences for good health.

Shulepin Ivan Vladimirovich, traumatologist-orthopedist, highest qualification category

The total work experience is more than 25 years. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitology, in 1997 he completed residency in the specialty "Traumatology and Orthopedics" at the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after I.I. N.N. Prifova.

As already mentioned, the cause of a kidney injury is a mechanical effect on the lumbar region and occurs as a result of:

  • hit;
  • falling on a hard surface or object;
  • household injuries;
  • prolonged pressure.

In some cases, the likelihood of getting such kidney damage increases. Children who are very active by nature, people with diseases of the urinary system (prolapse of the kidney, urolithiasis) can get a severe bruise.

Injury severity

The degree of kidney injury depends on the strength and direction of the blow to the lumbar region. Except physical condition the kidney itself (the presence of pathologies), importance is developed muscular frame(how strong is it) abdominal pressure, the amount of fat in the lumbar region. There are 3 degrees of injury:

  1. The first degree of kidney injury slightly worsens a person's condition: he feels tired, fatigue. After the injury, the pain is weak. There is no blood in the urine or it is very a small amount, which is often determined only after analysis. Small kidney hematoma.
  2. Second (middle) degree characterized by significant pain. The pain becomes undulating, manifests itself in attacks, gives to the legs, abdominal cavity, smell. Urine excretion is disturbed up to temporary anuria, blood in the urine is clearly visible.
  3. Third (severe) degree manifested by severe, acute pain. General well-being worsens: nausea with vomiting, fever, pressure surges and heart palpitations. Urine color changes due to a large number blood. There is a lack of urine (anuria). The subcapsular hematoma of the kidney is significant, it can provoke a rupture of the parenchyma. Often the integrity of the kidney is broken. This condition is life-threatening and requires emergency medical attention.

Kidney injury symptoms

It is easy to determine bruised kidney damage after traumatic exposure. Specific symptoms This injury has three: hematuria (blood in the urine), pronounced pain syndrome , lumbar edema . Let's analyze them in more detail.

is the appearance of blood in the urine, main feature kidney injury. By the amount of blood, the duration of blood excretion along with urine, one can judge the degree of kidney injury. If the duration of hematuria is significant, the victim may experience anemia. concept "secondary hematuria" refers to the late appearance of blood in the urine: not immediately after an injury, but after a few days or weeks. Perhaps the absence of blood in the urine with a severe bruise. Arises similar situation when there is a separation of the ureter, pelvis. Blood is released into the tissue near the kidney, and blood clots clog the ureter.


Lower back pain appears immediately after a bruise in the kidney area, as it intensifies, it can radiate to the stomach, groin, and legs. The victim describes it as sharp, stabbing. It is localized around the affected area, on the side where the injured kidney is located. The pain grows in intensity and begins to decrease only on the 10th day.

Occurrence of edema

The appearance of edema in the lumbar region is another specific feature kidney injury. Puffiness from the side of the bruised place is pronounced. Sometimes the edema rises to the hypochondrium. The appearance of puffiness is due to the accumulation of blood or blood with urine in the perirenal or retroperitoneal tissue.

Urine ingress is a consequence of a severe degree of injury when a kidney ruptures.

Other signs of injury

Other, non-specific symptoms Kidney injuries appear gradually and depend on the degree of damage. These include: weakness, pallor of the skin, deterioration of well-being up to a state of shock. The victim may have a fever, change in blood pressure upward or downward, nausea and an urge to vomit.

Syndrome " acute abdomen"occurs when urine and blood enter the abdominal cavity itself, is characterized by sharp and severe pain in the abdomen and pathological tension of the abdominal wall.

If the injury was received during a fall or an accident, then damage to the lungs, abdominal organs and fractures of the ribs is likely.

Injury diagnosis

Diagnosis includes research on the subject of diagnosis and identification of the degree of damage. A conversation is held with the victim, an anamnesis is collected. Laboratory and instrumental methods are used:

  • urinalysis to detect hematuria;
  • general analysis blood and blood tests for anemia;
  • cystoscopy and chromocystoscopy;
  • survey and isotope radiography;
  • excretory urography;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • Angiography.

Ultrasound of the kidneys shows the location and extent of the hematoma of the kidney. This is the easiest instrumental method from those listed.

AT emergency cases, if a full diagnosis is not possible, an operation is performed due to a life-threatening condition of the patient.

Although mild and moderate degrees do not provide for a specialized course of treatment, self-treatment at home is undesirable. Consultation with a doctor is necessary to exclude complications and choose the right treatment. With the permission of the attending physician, warm compresses can be done at home.

The patient is given rest bed rest, cold compresses on the lumbar region (the first few days). The first 2 weeks of physical activity are completely excluded. Nutrition during treatment should be salt-free and low-calorie, drinking is limited. After the first acute period(approximately 3 days), it is desirable to undergo a course of physiotherapy. Electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, UHF, laser therapy are well suited.

The drug course of treatment includes pain relief with tablets or intravenous injections (drugs based on ibuprofen and paracetamol, Novocaine and Lidocaine), when the pain syndrome is pronounced. Antibiotic therapy is prescribed to prevent possible infections. More often than not, these drugs penicillin group. If hematuria is severe or urine stops flowing, the patient is catheterized for the period of recovery of the excretory function of the kidneys.

The recovery period directly depends on the degree of damage to the kidney. Light bruise The kidneys are completely gone in about 14 days. At medium degree injury treatment lasts about a month. Severe injuries treated for several months. The entire period of treatment is carried out by regular monitoring of the state of urine.

Providing first aid

The most basic thing to do with a kidney injury is to deliver the victim to the hospital as quickly as possible. Especially if there is severe hematuria, severe pain, state of shock. Such symptoms carry a mortal danger, because there are suspicions of a kidney rupture. The victim must be laid on a horizontal surface, for example, a shield, a board, a roller should be placed under the knees and taken to the hospital in this form. In the absence of a state of shock and bright hematuria, the victim can be transported while sitting. A cold compress is applied to the lower back.

When the pain is not severe, there is no blood in the urine, you can not call ambulance and come to the doctor's office at the clinic. In any case, you need to see a specialist and conduct all the necessary examinations.

Possible consequences of injury

Kidney injury is often accompanied by damage to other organs: the lung, intestines. At serious injury ah, separation of the pelvis, ureter is possible, which leads to filling the abdominal cavity with blood and urine. If ruptures are not diagnosed in time and measures are not taken, inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis) is possible, which is a deadly condition. Without competent and timely measures taken, a person can die. There may be other complications of kidney injury:

  • sepsis;
  • pyelonephritis (and others inflammatory diseases kidneys);
  • anemia, due to blood loss;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • kidney atrophy;
  • nephrectomy;
  • nephrogenic arterial hypertension;
  • pseudoaneurysm;
  • stenosis of the renal arteries.

There are many consequences of injury. Therefore, it is necessary to observe a doctor under any treatment conditions: at home or in a hospital.

There is no specific prophylaxis for kidney injury. The main rule is to be careful and avoid back injuries. In addition, treat diseases of the urinary system, strengthen weak muscles back and lead healthy lifestyle life.

How to help the kidneys recover faster

Kidney contusion can happen due to a fall or a blow to the lower back with a blunt object. As a rule, this happens during a traffic accident or as a result of a fight. Distinctive feature This injury is the fact that, as a rule, neither bleeding nor damage to internal tissues is observed. This is due to the peculiarities of the location of the kidneys: this paired organ located outside the peritoneum, which makes them vulnerable, however, the body provides protection in the form of dorsal muscles, so kidney injury often occurs with a point and rather strong blow. In addition, getting a bruised kidney by falling is also quite realistic.

Kidney injury - extensive hematoma

The main signs of kidney injury

  • Blood in the urine
  • lethargy
  • Bad feeling
  • Pain in the lower back
  • Perirenal hematoma

Their brightness may depend on the severity of the injury.

Important! Kidney bruising is not something that can "go away on its own". It doesn’t matter if you have a mild degree or a severe kidney injury, it is important to get timely treatment.

Sometimes even a minor blow can be enough to cause injury, so you should not delay going to the doctor if you experience similar symptoms.

Blood in the urine is one of the symptoms


  1. Easy degree
  2. Average degree
  3. Severe degree

Depending on the degree, some points may vary.

For example, mild degree implies the absence of hemorrhage in the abdominal cavity; with an average, a significant hemorrhage appears, the level of blood pressure drops; finally, a severe degree, in which nausea and vomiting appear, a state of shock develops.

Attention! The last degree requires immediate medical intervention, as it is the most life-threatening.

In addition, damage is also isolated different kidneys; this is called isolated trauma.

The degree of damage to the kidneys with bruises

Left kidney injury

The statistics say that left kidney more likely to be injured. This is due to the fact that it is located below the right and is almost not protected by ribs.

Left kidney injury

Occurs less frequently. Considered more difficult to treat.

First aid

First, it is necessary to examine the patient for the presence of fractures and do not forget to give the patient complete rest. It is not recommended to move a person strongly, as movement (including walking) can cause complications. Ice should be placed in the kidney area in a heating pad or wrapped in a cloth.

Attention! Do not apply ice directly to the skin.

Ice should be kept for no more than twenty minutes, and then they wait for about two hours if an ambulance does not arrive by this time (which should have been called!).

Important! Do not give the victim painkillers.


Diagnostic methods always depend on what conclusions the doctor makes after examining the patient and asking him about his well-being, therefore, in no case should you hide or underestimate the symptoms, since we are talking about your life. After evaluating the patient's condition, the specialist will decide what types of examinations should be done.

Diagnosis by ultrasound

So, how does the doctor analyze the situation? First, he, as mentioned above, questions the patient, and then conducts an examination and feels the affected area. Regardless of the preliminary results, a urine test is always prescribed, and if it is absent (a condition of hematuria), then the sampling is carried out using a catheter. A general blood test is also prescribed. Then the patient is given an ultrasound of the affected area, then an MRI and CT scan are performed. The first is necessary to assess the condition of the tissues and check the fact of the presence or absence; the second and third are used to assess the blood supply, and also search for hemorrhages. Further diagnosis depends on the results of the above methods.

kidney injury on ultrasound

Potential Complications

This injury is very often supplemented by damage to nearby organs; less often, but still often there is a detachment of the pedicle of the ureter or vessel, so do not rush to rejoice if you do not find blood in the urine, but immediately go to the doctor.

Severe damage is high risk hemorrhage, which, in turn, leads to the development of peritonitis. Deadly dangerous.

In addition, sometimes damage to surrounding organs may not be observed if the impact was strong and directed. The fact is that this kind of traumatic effect often causes a rupture of the kidney. Also, a renal rupture may be the result of an organ being clamped between the ribs and one of the vertebrae; such squeezing will cause an increase in pressure inside the kidney, and this is fraught, in fact, with a rupture. Perhaps the most dangerous view damage to this organ.

If the treatment is carried out poorly or too late, then the consequences will even light form bruising can be catastrophic: inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, inflammation of the peritoneum, anemia, development urolithiasis, accumulations of pus, as well as sepsis.

Surgery after an injury

A small digression: if we talk about the role of the kidneys in general, then it is very often considered not as significant as it really is. If you also think so, then it makes no sense to talk about their real role, but it is better to get acquainted with the symptoms of impaired kidney function:

  • Edema (often perceived as being overweight)
  • Pressure drops
  • Headache
  • Dry mouth and constant thirst
  • Fatigue (not to be confused with a similar problem from lack of sleep)

Risk factors

Some diseases can increase the chances of bruising, making even the smallest blow sufficient to cause it. Among these diseases, various nephroses, anomalies in the development of structures, neoplasms (tumor, including cancer), and kidney failure will also increase the risk.

Kidney injury treatment and prevention

So, possible treatment most likely will consist of physiotherapy, cold for the first two days, and warm compresses afterwards. For pain, analgesics may be prescribed, and for severe injuries, antibiotics.

In addition to the main treatment, compliance with the regimen and some restrictions will also be prescribed.

Most likely, bed rest will be prescribed for two or more weeks, it will be prescribed to reduce the amount of fluid consumed (especially caffeinated drinks), and the calorie intake will also be prescribed to be reduced.

Let's talk about bed rest. Getting up is allowed, as a rule, when the urine becomes light and without the presence of blood in it.

If the treatment is applied in a timely manner, then in the vast majority of cases it will turn out, however, if the growth or blood flow in the kidneys is too strong, which cannot be corrected, they can perform an operation or continue the current treatment, depending on the severity and nature of the damage.

The patient is discharged when there is no blood in the blood.

If we talk about our own precautions, then there are simply no methods of prevention.

If you want to avoid bruising or other kidney problems, then, firstly, no matter how trite it may sound, avoid injury, and secondly, give up junk food, start exercising (not to be confused with sports of high achievements), start tempering (but very gradually, since the cold, to which the body is not used to, can cause a number of problems, including with the kidneys), and also do not forget to get rid of bad habits. If you follow these indications, then the whole body will thank you, not just the kidneys.

People experience kidney bruises much less frequently than organ inflammation or salt deposits, however, this problem also does not bypass both men and women of various age category. Injury can be received after a fall, hard hit in the lumbar region, as well as as a result of getting into a traffic accident. At the same time, if the damage is very strong, then there is even a possibility lethal outcome. Let's try to figure out how dangerous the situation is when a person's kidneys were beaten off, what to do in this case, and also what symptoms accompany the damage. internal organs.

general information

AT human body two kidneys, which are located on the sides, despite the fact that they are reliably protected by a special capsule, and are also covered by ribs and dorsal muscles, however, in medical practice there are many cases when a person was beaten off by the kidneys (symptoms, treatment and consequences of the incident will be discussed later).

It is worth noting that these organs are among the most important in the human body.

They perform the following functions:

  • filtration and excretion of urine;
  • secretion of the hormone renin and erythropoietin;
  • transformation of many useful substances into an easier to understand form;
  • normalization of acid-base balance.

It is important to understand that a broken kidney begins to function much worse and cope with its tasks, which negatively affects the functioning of the body as a whole and all its systems. Therefore, if you are faced with a similar problem, it is very important to go to the hospital in time and start timely treatment.

What can affect kidney function?

If you have started any health problems, then it is not at all necessary that you have a broken kidney. The work of these internal organs can be negatively affected by ordinary drafts and hypothermia, which is very common in the cold season. In addition, drinking large amounts of coffee, soda, beer and other alcoholic beverages, as well as salt impairs kidney function.

As a result, internal organs can be damaged?

Let's dwell on this in more detail. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, a broken kidney is a problem that does not separate people by age and gender.

It may result from the following reasons:

  • falling during ice or at work;
  • severe injury;
  • a blow to the lower back;
  • injuries received during a car collision or a plane crash, as well as during extreme sports;
  • household injuries.

All these factors can lead not only to disruption of the functioning of organs, but also to their complete failure. In the latter case, the person simply dies, and it is not possible to save him.

Who is at increased risk?

This issue deserves special attention.

Most often, a broken kidney is diagnosed by doctors in the following categories of citizens:

  1. Children. Babies often play various games and lead active image life, resulting in frequent falls and injuries.
  2. Professional athletes. Football players, hockey players, boxers and racers very often get severe bruises, which can be fraught with various serious consequences.
  3. People suffering from urolithiasis, nephroptosis, hydronephrosis, dystopia and organ deformity can lead to kidney injury and soft tissue damage.

Representatives of the mature generation are not included in elevated group risk, but many of them also apply to medical institutions with problems related to the functioning of the kidneys.

Symptoms and clinical manifestations

So what are they? The question of how to understand that they beat off a kidney is of interest to many people.

Put accurate diagnosis only a specialized specialist can, but weighty reasons for going to the hospital are the following symptoms:

  • severe pain in the lumbar region;
  • shootings in the legs and groin;
  • severe swelling in the area of hip joint;
  • hemorrhages and hematomas at the location of the internal organs.

It is important to understand that signs of broken kidneys can appear in various people not the same. If in some people blood can be seen in the urine with the naked eye, then in others it can only be determined by analysis.

In addition to the main signs, there may also be side clinical manifestations, which include:

  • pain when feeling the damaged areas;
  • increased body temperature;
  • bouts of nausea and vomiting;
  • intestinal paresis;
  • pain when pressing on the ribs;
  • chills;
  • unstable urination;
  • increased;
  • change normal color epidermis and mucous membrane;
  • chronic weakness;
  • bad feeling.

It is worth noting that the very first symptom of kidney damage is the admixture of blood in the urine, which appears already on the second day after the injury. Therefore, if you notice that your discharge is of an uncharacteristic color, it is best to immediately go to the hospital. If treatment is not started on time, then the patient is likely to develop anemia, with also strong decline hemoglobin in the blood, which is fraught with very serious consequences.

Lesion classification

What is she like? Kidney injuries are divided into the following forms:

  1. Light. Impurities of blood in the urine are mild and almost invisible to the naked eye. Pain weak, and the patient's condition is satisfactory, so the treatment can be carried out at home.
  2. Average. The victim has a rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure and pain attacks medium intensity. Urine acquires a bright red hue due to the presence of a large amount of blood in it. In the lumbar region, hematomas and severe swelling are observed, which can also spread to outpatient settings.
  3. Heavy. If you have severely beaten off the kidneys, the symptoms will be clearly visible. This creates a great threat of rupture of the internal organ and death. Pain syndrome simply unbearable, the patient cannot bear it without painkillers. In most cases, a severe form is obtained as a result of an accident or severe injuries received during a beating. This arrangement requires urgent hospitalization, because very often bruises are accompanied by internal bleeding.

Define exact condition a person whose internal organs have been beaten off can only qualified specialist as the bruise is often accompanied by other life-threatening injuries.

What could be the consequences?

This issue should be dealt with first. Each person is interested in what are the consequences of broken kidneys. And this is not surprising, because not a single serious injury goes away just like that.

As for the damage urinary organs, then the following is observed in the victims:

  • blockage urethra;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • irritation of the abdominal wall;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


How does it happen and what does it include? If you have any problems, then you need to contact a urologist.

A qualified doctor will perform a complete examination and send you to the following types of examinations:

  • analysis of urine and blood;
  • urography;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • CT scan;
  • cystoscopy;
  • angiography.

It is very difficult to say what specific tests and research methods will be prescribed, since everything here depends on each specific case, clinical manifestations and their intensity, as well as the severity of damage to internal organs.

The main methods of therapy

If you beat off the kidneys, the treatment should be comprehensive. This takes into account the following factors:

  • severity of organ injury;
  • the presence of deviations in functioning and any complications;
  • associated damage to other organs.

Only on the basis clinical picture physicians can select the appropriate therapy program for the patient. If, in addition to the bruise, there was a rupture of the internal organs or internal bleeding, then surgical intervention may be required. For mild to moderate severity, patients are prescribed ambulatory treatment.

Also, patients must adhere to the following instructions:

As for the treatment program, it can take place both inpatient and outpatient. However, it all depends on the severity of the injuries and general condition sick.


A kidney injury is one of the most serious injuries that poses a great threat to human health and life. Fortunately, development modern medicine is located high level, so when timely handling to the hospital and start timely treatment risk of death or serious complications almost completely absent. Therefore, do not self-medicate and contact the hospital in a timely manner with any problems.

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